AGENDA Meeting of the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission June 14, 2007 City-County Building, 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Room 309, Madison WI 6:45 p.m. CAPD staff invites Commissioners and Budget and Personnel Panel members to an informal reception with light refreshments from 6:45 to 7:15; no business will be conducted during this time. Members of the pubic are welcome. The regular meeting will begin at 7:15. 1. Roll Call 2. Welcome and convening remarks by CARPC appointing authorities or their representatives 3. Nomination and election of Interim Chairperson 4. Review of agenda 5. Public comment 6. Presentations/discussion a. History and timeline of regional planning in Dane County b. The state of water resources in the region 7. Discussion of CARPC water quality planning a. Discussion of seeking designation of CARPC as the areawide water quality planning agency b. Discussion of contract to provide WDNR with water quality planning services and approach and scheduling of urban service area applications c. Discussion of Village of Waunakee forthcoming request for an amendment to the Dane County Water Quality Plan and the Dane County Land Use and Transportation Plan to be processed administratively (by CAPD staff) without a policy recommendation from the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission 8. Consideration of 2007 meeting days, times and location 9. Overview and discussion of the legal/administrative/budget status of the Dane County Community Analysis and Planning Division and the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission 10. Break 11. Consideration/discussion of 2008 CARPC budget process and schedule 12. Consideration of legal services for the Commission 13. Consideration of selection process for CARPC Executive Director 14. Roundtable discussion of thoughts/questions about the new agency, its role and Commissioners’ roles 15. Consideration of the election of officers/Executive Committee or setting date for their election 16. Future agenda items 17. Reports 18. Adjournment If you need a sign language interpreter, materials in alternate formats, or other accommodations to access this meeting, please contact DCCAPD staff at 266-4137, or TDD 266-4529, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. CARPC AGENDA COVER SHEET June 14, 2007 Item 6a Re: History and timeline of regional planning in Dane County. The attached chronological listing of regional planning highlights will be reviewed by Michael King and put in context. Materials Presented with Item: 1. Dane County Regional Planning Commission and CARPC Highlights Dane County Regional Planning Commission (1968-2004) and CAPD and CARPC Highlights (2005-06) 1968 • Dane County Regional Planning Commission (DCRPC) is created by an executive order of the Governor after petition by three cities, eleven villages and 29 towns in Dane County, as provided by state enabling legislation (§.66.945). Dane County Planning Director Charles Montemayor is chosen as the first Executive Director. County planning functions are transferred to the DCRPC. This structure allows the DCRPC to create plans that have effect within municipal boundaries, something a county planning agency could not do. The structure allows for development of plans for large multi-jurisdictional systems including transportation and sewers. 1969 • DCRPC establishes sewer service areas for all wastewater treatment plants in Dane County, based on sewershed analyses for each treatment plant and reflecting the area that could be reasonably expected to undergo urban development. 1970 • DCRPC conducts a countywide land use inventory to coincide with census. Results are published in 1971. 1971 • DCRPC adopts the Parks and Open Space Plan, the first completed element of the Comprehensive Plan for Dane County. The plan set standards for public acquisition of open space, parks and resource protection areas. 1973 • The Dane County Land Use Plan is adopted following a three-year effort. • DCRPC is designated as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Madison urbanized area. The MPO is responsible for the comprehensive regional transportation planning process for the Madison metropolitan area as required by federal law. 1974 • South Beltline Study Committee is formed by the DCRPC to resolve major points of concern regarding proposed improvements to the South Beltline from Fish Hatchery Road to I-90. This citizen committee produces a report with 14 recommendations. The County Board adopts the 14 recommendations and adds four recommendations of their own in a May, 1975 resolution. 1975 • Dane County is designated by Governor Lucey as a complex water quality planning area and the DCRPC is designated as the water quality planning agency for the county. The DCRPC develops a work program focusing on the impact of urban and rural non-point sources of pollution upon County streams, and in particular, its lakes. 1978 • The Regional Transportation Plan is adopted following a two-year planning process. 1979 • Dane County Rideshare Program responsibilities are transferred from the County to the DCRPC. • The first Water Quality Plan is completed under the Clean Water Act and certified by the EPA as the areawide water quality management plan for the Dane County region. • DCRPC implements an Urban Service Area (USA) process to establish and refine sewer service area boundaries and encourage efficient patterns of urban growth and development. USA boundaries represent the outer limits of planned urban growth over the 20+ year planning period. Limited Service Areas (LSAs), where only a few urban services are intended to be provided, are also included in the Water Quality Plan. 1980 • Dane County Solid Waste Management Plan is adopted providing a comprehensive and long-term solid waste management program relating to the storage, collection, transportation, processing, disposal, and recycling of solid waste materials. • A county-wide land use inventory is conducted concurrent with the 1980 Census. Results are published in 1981. 1983 • In cooperation with communities, the DCRPC delineates environmental corridors for the Central Urban Service Area to protect sensitive environmental resources and open space. Corridors in other service areas in the county are completed and adopted by 1986. 1985 • Land Use Plan update is adopted as Regional Development Guide for Dane County, Wisconsin. 1988 • DCRPC develops the Dane County Recycling Plan, adopted by the DCRPC and the Dane County Board, to update and expand the recycling portion of the 1980 Solid Waste Management Plan. • Regional Transportation Plan is updated as a systems plan with goals, objectives and policies to guide improvements to all modes of transportation. Specific transit and potential roadway capacity improvement needs are outlined. 1989 • Executive Director Montemayor retires; Tom Favour is selected as Executive Director. 1990 • Water Quality Plan Summary is updated based on new data and inventories. • Countywide land use inventory is conducted concurrent with the 1990 Census. Results are published in 1991. 1991 • Bicycle Transportation Plan for Madison and Dane County is prepared by the DCRPC and City of Madison staff, and adopted by the DCRPC and the City of Madison. 1993 • DCRPC initiates and manages the multi-agency Dane County Regional Hydrologic Study, involving the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The four-year study results in the development of a groundwater computer model which analyzes current and future impacts of groundwater withdrawal and diversion. In 2003, DCRPC takes responsibility for running the model which is used to develop alternative development, stormwater management, and well withdrawal strategies to minimize adverse impact on area streams, springs and wetlands. 1994 • Vision 2020 process begins, with the objective of merging the Regional Development Guide and the Regional Transportation Plan. 1995 • Water Quality Plan Summary is updated based on new data and population forecasts. • Dane County establishes the Department of Planning and Development. 1997 • Vision 2020 process is completed as the DCRPC adopts the Dane County Land Use & Transportation Plan. The plan guides development throughout the region through the identification and delineation of urban service areas, open space corridors, farmland preservation areas, and transportation policies. The transportation plan includes recommendations and proposed facility improvements for all modes of transportation. The County Board also adopts the plan as a policy framework, although it does not consider the land use portion to be a binding county master plan. 1998 • The Dane County Towns Association proposes to dissolve the DCRPC, citing inadequate representation of towns on the Commission and concerns about the Vision 2020 planning process. 1999 • Thirty-two local units of government petition for the dissolution of the DCRPC and the legislature sets a DCRPC dissolution date of October 1, 2002. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9 also amends membership of the DCRPC, expanding town representation from 2 of 11 seats (18%) to 3 of 13 seats (23%). The legislation also requires a supermajority of 8 votes for the approval of urban service area amendments. • Tom Favour retires and Bob McDonald is named Interim Executive Director. • Responsibility for county zoning review is transferred from DCRPC to the Dane County Department of Planning and Development. 2000 • The MPO is separated from the DCRPC and transferred to the City of Madison. Some DCRPC employees transfer to the MPO, including Interim Executive Director Bob McDonald. • Bill Lane is appointed Acting Executive Director. • Countywide land use inventory is conducted concurrent with the 2000 Census. For the first time, inventory maps and data are available through internet access. 2001 • 2001 Wisconsin Act 109 pushes back the dissolution date to October 1, 2004. 2002 • Governor McCallum orders the DCRPC dissolved on October 1, 2002. A suit is filed by a number of parties to challenge the order. On September 30, 2002, the court issues a temporary restraining order, keeping the DCRPC in business until the lawsuit is settled. 2003 • Governor Doyle takes office and withdraws from the suit. The court issues a permanent order invalidating Governor McCallum's dissolution order. The dissolution date of October 1, 2004 remains in effect. • Acting Executive Director Bill Lane informs the DCRPC that he plans to retire at the end of 2003. Michael King is selected as Executive Director in October and begins work in November. 2004 • Representatives of Dane County towns, cities and villages, the City of Madison, and Dane County announce agreement on a DCRPC successor agency to be called the Dane County Council of Governments (DCCOG). Legislation creating the DCCOG is introduced in March, late in the legislative session, but is not adopted. • The Water Quality Plan Summary is updated based on new data, population forecasts, and inventories. • Dane County and the Commission agree on a temporary merger of the RPC staff, which becomes the Community Analysis and Planning Division of the Dane County Department of Planning and Development. • On October 1, the Dane County DCRPC is dissolved after 36 years. • The Wisconsin DNR contracts with Dane County to allow the continuation of water quality planning work through the newly created Community Analysis and Planning Division of the Planning and Development Department, staffed by former DCRPC employees. 2005 • CAPD begins to staff the DCCOG working group. In August, the group completes a draft without addressing funding. • In October, following concerns raised from a proposed Verona Urban Service Area amendment, DNR announces it will not process further USA amendments in Dane County “until negotiations are substantially complete to replace the current interim review procedures and reinstitute policy reviews by county government.” • In November, four principle groups – the Dane County Executive, the Mayor of Madison, the Dane County Towns Association and the Dane County Cities and Villages Association – begin discussions to create a DCRPC successor agency. 2006 • In May, the four principle groups announce an agreement on a model resolution which calls for the governor to create the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission, upon approval by local units of government representing a majority of Dane County population and equalized assessed valuation. • Forty-five communities representing over 87% of population and property value in the county submit resolutions to the governor to create the CARPC. In December, the state Department of Administration holds a public hearing on the creation; thirteen testify and five others register in favor of creation, while there are no speakers or registrants in opposition. Additionally, nine statements of support and one e-mail in opposition are submitted for the record. MRK:cg Jan. 2007 CARPC AGENDA COVER SHEET June 14, 2007 Item 6b Re: The State of Water Resources in Dane County Summary: This PowerPoint presentation outlines the current state and trend of water resources in the region, outlining the achievements and challenges of over three decades of water quality planning work in the region. The presentation also outlines some current resource planning issues and opportunities in Dane County. This presentation is intended to provide a context for the Commission’s upcoming policy discussions and decisions. Materials Presented with Item (will be handed out at the meeting): 1. Print of the PowerPoint presentation for future reference. CARPC AGENDA COVER SHEET June 14, 2007 Item 7a & b Re: Discussion of Designation of CARPC as the areawide Water Quality Management Planning agency for the Dane County region. Decision Items: 1. Approval of Letter to Todd Ambs 2. Consideration of Draft 2007-2008 Contract as transition to the designation of CARPC as the areawide water quality management planning agency for the Dane County region. Summary: One of the requirements of the 1972 Clean Water Act is for each state to identify areas that have substantial water quality problems, and for the governor of the state to designate each area as one having complex water quality needs. The Act also requires that the governor designate a single representative organization and to charge it with the task of developing an areawide waste treatment management planning process for the designated area. The designated organization creates an areawide plan and a continual planning process that is certified by the governor, and which adapts to the trends, challenges, characteristics, and requirements of the designated area. The planning process is intended to address point-source (end of pipe) and non-point source (diffuse) pollution problems with the purpose of improving water quality to fishable, drinkable, swimmable standards of the Clean Water Act. In 1975, Governor Patrick Lucey designated the Dane County Regional Planning Commission (DCRPC) as the designated areawide waste treatment planning agency, and Dane County as the planning area. With the dissolution of the DCRPC in 2004, the designation devolved to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, which has been proven unwilling to undertake what it sees as local/regional decision-making. The Capital Area Regional Planning Commission (CARPC) was created by the local units of government to create a regional entity that is capable of performing this task. A letter dated Dec. 11, 2006 (attached) from Todd Ambs, Administrator or the Division of Water, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, outlines some of the requirements of the designation of CARPC as the designated water quality management planning agency for the Dane County region. These requirements involve policies, procedures, and management systems having to do with the following: • • • • • • • collecting and disseminating data and information; forecasting growth; reaching agreements with other resource management agencies; developing plans and plan consistency review processes; coordinating and integrating resource planning and management activities among all relevant units of government; attracting meaningful citizen participation and involvement; and developing cooperative partnerships for the implementation of solutions for rural runoff, surface-water and groundwater quantity, and land use related water quality management issues. The CARPC will need some time to adopt relevant policies, procedures, and management systems pertaining to the issues mentioned in the letter. A letter has been drafted in response for the Commission’s consideration (attached). The draft letter proposes the continuation of work by CAPD staff, under a 2007-2008 contract between CARPC and the WDNR (attached); a similar arrangement to what has been in place since the dissolution of DCRPC (where the contract has been between Dane County and WDNR). This arrangement is timely, since the 2006-2007 contract between Dane County and WDNR ends on June 30, 2007. No amendments to the Dane County Water Quality Plan are scheduled in June. Therefore, this approach will result in a seamless continuation of work and transition of the 2006-2007 contract to the 2007-2008 contract. Materials Presented with Item: 1. Letter dated December 11, 2006, from Todd Ambs, Administrator, Division of Water, WDNR 2. Draft Letter of Response to Todd Ambs 3. Draft 2007-2008 contract between CARPC and WDNR for water quality planning work 4. List of Expected Amendments to the Dane County Water Quality Plan. Staff Recommendation/Rationale: Staff recommends responding to Todd Ambs through a letter and draft contract proposing a contractual agreement between CARPC and WDNR until the Commission has had adequate time to establish the required elements of designation through the adoption and re-affirmation of policies and procedures. CAPITAL AREA REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION City-County Building Room 362 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Madison WI 53703 Tel: 608-266-4137 Fax: 608-266-9117 June 15, 2007 Mr. Todd Ambs, Administrator Division of Water Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 101 S. Webster Street Madison, WI 53707 RE: Designation of Capital Area Regional Planning Commission as the areawide water quality management planning agency for the Dane County region and 2007-2008 contract for services with WDNR Dear Mr. Ambs: This is in response to your letter of December 11, 2006, requesting documentation necessary for the designation of the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission (CARPC) as the areawide water quality management planning agency for the Dane County region. The CARPC will be staffed for the rest of 2007 by some of the former staff of the Dane County Regional Planning Commission (DCRPC) who have been performing water quality planning as Dane County staff and under annual contracts with the WDNR. The newly formed CARPC is expected to discuss the necessary regional policies and procedures early in its tenure, and will either adopt new policies of its own or re-affirm the DCRPC policies currently in effect, which have been used by the Dane County Community Analysis and Planning Division (CAPD) during the transition years between the dissolution of the DCRPC and the creation of the CARPC. The CARPC will hire its own staff effective January 1, 2008. For the purposes of qualifying to be the Designated Planning Agency for Water Quality Management Planning in Dane County, the CARPC will need a few months to adopt or re-establish relevant policies and procedures, and hire qualified staff. During this transition period, we propose to enter into a contract for the purpose of providing water quality management planning assistance to the Department, similar to the arrangement which has worked between the Department and CAPD since the dissolution of the DCRPC in 2004 (albeit with the addition of the CARPC as a policy forum for recommendations on amendments to the Dane County Water Quality Plan). This contract can be amended when the CARPC has been designated as the Water Quality Management Planning Agency for Dane County to reflect this change in status (expected late in 2007 or early in 2008). A draft 2007-2008 water quality planning assistance agreement is attached to this letter. A scope of work for the contract period was sent to Ms. Lisa Helmuth of your staff on May 10, 2007, and it is also attached to this letter for your reference and consideration. We expect that this approach will provide a seamless transition from the 2006-2007 contract with Dane County, because we do not expect amendments to the Dane County Water Quality Plan until August 2007, allowing us to process these under the new 2007-2008 contract with CARPC. Please refer concerns and questions to Kamran Mesbah, Director of Environmental Resources Planning, CAPD, at 266-9283. I will also be available to speak with you if that would be helpful; please call the CAPD office for my contact information. Sincerely, Chair Capital Area Regional Planning Commission cc: Roger Larson, Deputy Bureau Director, Watershed Management, WDNR Lisa Helmuth, Water Resources Management Specialist, WDNR DRAFT AGREEMENT BETWEEN WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND THE CAPITAL AREA REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION THIS GRANT AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (Department) and the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission (CARPC)(Grantee) for the purpose of providing water quality management planning assistance to the Department. FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the terms and conditions contained in this Grant Agreement, the above-named parties agree: 1. PERIOD OF AGREEMENT: This grant agreement shall be for the period of July 1, 2007 until June 30, 2008, during which period all performance as described in this grant agreement shall be fully completed to the satisfaction of the Department. 2. CANCELLATION: The Department reserves the right to cancel this grant agreement in whole or in part, without penalty, due to nonappropriation of funds or for failure of the Grantee to comply with terms, conditions, and specifications of this grant agreement. 3. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; AMENDMENTS: This grant agreement, together with the specifications in the bid request (if any) and referenced parts and attachments, shall constitute the entire grant agreement and previous communications or agreements pertaining to the subject matter of this grant agreement are hereby superseded. Any grant agreement revisions, including cost adjustments and time extensions, may be made only by a written amendment to this grant agreement, signed by both parties prior to the ending date of this grant agreement. 4. ASSIGNMENT SUBCONTRACTS: Neither this grant agreement nor any right or duty in whole or in part by the Grantee under this grant agreement may be assigned, delegated or subcontracted without the written consent of the Department. If upon the written consent of the Department this grant agreement or any right or duty in whole or in part is assigned, the Assignee(s) shall expressly agree to assume and perform all relevant obligations expressed under the terms of this grant agreement and be bound by the terms and conditions of this grant agreement. Assignment in whole or in part of this grant agreement does not absolve the Grantee of any liability or obligation expressed and agreed to hereunder. 5. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The Grantee agrees to perform the following services to the satisfaction of the Department: A. See Attached May 10, 2007 Dane County Community Analysis and Planning Division (CAPD) transmittal letter and Water Quality Planning Work Program B. Reports: 1) Provide quarterly reports to the Department describing all work activities completed or in progress as well as activities anticipated during the next quarter. Quarterly reports should be a one or two page report, providing the following information: 1 DRAFT a) b) c) d) Project Goals Progress this Quarter Activities Planned for Next Quarter Problems/Issues (including any that could affect completing the project on time) 2) Prepare and submit to the Department within 60 days after the end of the agreement a final report describing all work activities. This report shall be subject to review and approval by the Department of Natural Resources. 6. 7. AGENCY CONTACTS: All communications regarding this grant agreement will be made through the designated agency contacts. The designated contacts are: Grantee - Michael King Capital Area Regional Planning Commission City County Building, Room 362 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Madison, WI 53703-3350 Department - Lisa Helmuth Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Watershed Management – WT/2 101 S. Webster Street, P.O. Box 7921 Madison, WI 53707-7921 TERMINATION: A. This grant agreement may be terminated in whole, or in part, in writing by the Department in the event of substantial failure of the Grantee to fulfill its obligation under this grant agreement, provided, that the Department shall give the Grantee not less than thirty (30) days written notice (delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested) of intent to terminate and an opportunity for consultation prior to termination. B. If termination is effected by the Department, an equitable adjustment in the price provided for in this grant agreement shall be made. Any payment due to the Grantee at the time of termination may be adjusted to the extent of any additional costs occasioned to the Department by reason of the Grantee’s default. The equitable adjustment for any termination shall provide for payment to the Grantee for services rendered and expenses incurred prior to the termination, in addition to termination settlement costs reasonably incurred by the Grantee relating to commitments which had become firm prior to the termination. C. Upon receipt of a termination action pursuant to paragraph A above, the Grantee shall (1) promptly discontinue all services affected (unless the notice directs otherwise); (2) terminate all subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of work terminated by the Department, and (3) deliver or otherwise make available to the Department, all data, reports, estimates, summaries, and such other information and materials as may have been accumulated by the Grantee in performing this grant agreement, whether completed or in process. D. Upon termination pursuant to paragraph A above, the Department may take over the 2 DRAFT work and prosecute the same to completion by agreement with another party or otherwise and the Grantee is liable for any excess costs for such similar work or services. E. The rights and remedies of the Department and the Grantee provided in this clause are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this grant agreement. 8. PAYMENT: The Department agrees to reimburse the Grantee $________ in federal 604b funds (CFDA #_____) to be earned by September 30, 2007, and $46,000 in state FY08 general purpose revenue funds (state identification #______) to be earned by June 30, 2008, for a contract total of $________. The Grantee may claim eligible costs for reimbursement for work conducted between July 1, 2007 and the end of the grant agreement. 9. Reports: Grantee shall provide quarterly reports in October, February, May and August to the Department describing all applicable work activities completed or in progress, activities planned for next quarter and any problems/issues that could affect completing this work on time. Billings by the Grantee shall be made on a quarterly itemized basis for the actual net costs incurred for review and acceptance. Invoices should be sent electronically to [email protected] and in paper form to: Greg Searle, Section Chief, Management and Monitoring Section Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Watershed Management - WT/2 P.O. Box 7921 Madison, WI 53707 Copies of billings and all reports must also be sent to: Lisa Helmuth Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Watershed Management – WT/2 P.O. Box 7921 Madison, WI 53707 Final invoices must be submitted within 60 days after the end of the grant agreement. If the final report as identified in 5, B above does not accompany the final billing, the Department may withhold 10% of the total dollars of this grant agreement until the final report is received, reviewed and approved by the Department. 10. RECORDS; ACCESS: The Grantee shall, for a period of three (3) years after completion and acceptance by the Department, maintain books, records, documents, and other evidence directly pertinent to performance on work under this grant agreement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices. The Grantee shall also maintain the financial information and data used in the preparation or support of the cost submission in effect on the date of execution of this grant agreement and a copy of the cost summary submitted to the Department. The Department or any of its duly authorized representatives, shall have access to such books, records, documents, and other evidence for the purpose of inspection, audit, and copying. The Grantee shall provide proper facilities for such access and inspection. In addition, those records which relate to any dispute, appeal or litigation, or the settlement of claims arising 3 DRAFT out of such dispute, performance, or costs or items to which an audit exception has been taken, shall be maintained and made available until three years after the date of resolution of such dispute, appeal, litigation, claim or exception. 11. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: The Grantee is an Independent Contractor for all purposes and is not an employee or agent of the Department. 12. INDEMNIFICATION. The Grantee agrees to save, keep harmless, defend and indemnify the State of Wisconsin, Department of Natural Resources and all its officers, employees and agents, against any and all liability, claims and costs of whatever kind and nature, for injury to or death of any person or persons, and for loss or damage to any property (state or other) occurring in connection with or in any way incident to or arising out of the occupancy, use, service, operation or performance of work in connection with this agreement or omissions of Grantee's employees, agents or representatives. 13. INSURANCE. The Grantee performing services for the State of Wisconsin shall: A. Maintain worker's compensation insurance for all employees engaged in the work. B. Maintain commercial liability and property damage insurance against any claim(s) which might occur in carrying out this agreement/contract. Minimum coverage shall be one million dollars ($1,000,000) liability for bodily injury and property damage including products liability and completed operations. Provide motor vehicle insurance for all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles that are used in carrying out the agreement. Minimum coverage shall be one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence combined single limit for automobile liability and property damage. C. Provide an insurance certificate indicating this coverage, countersigned by an insurer licensed to do business in Wisconsin, covering the period of the agreement/contract. The insurance certificate is required to be presented prior to the issuance of the purchase order or before commencement of the agreement. D. The state reserves the right to require higher or lower limits where warranted. 14. NONDISCRIMINATION: In connection with the performance of work under this grant agreement, the Grantee agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, religion, color, handicap, sex, physical condition, developmental disability as defined in section 51.01(5), Wis. Stats., sexual orientation or national origin. This provision shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Except with respect to sexual orientation, the Grantee further agrees to take affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunities. The Grantee agrees to post in conspicuous places, available for employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the Department setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. Failure to comply with the conditions of this clause may result in the Grantee being declared an "ineligible" Grantee, termination of the grant agreement or withholding of payment. 15. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: If this grant agreement is for an amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) or more the Grantee agrees to submit a written affirmative action plan to the 4 DRAFT Department within 15 business days after the grant agreement commences if an acceptable plan is not already on file with the State of Wisconsin. (Grantees with an annual work force of fewer than 25 employees are exempted from this requirement.) Failure to comply with the conditions of this clause may result in the Grantee being declared an "ineligible" grantee, termination of the grant agreement or withholding of payment. 16. FUNDING SOURCE: This grant agreement is funded in part or wholly by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, CFDA #66.454. This procurement will be subject to regulations contained in 40 CFR Parts 31 and 40 and OMB Circular 133. Neither the United States nor the Environmental Protection Agency is party to this agreement. 17. APPLICABLE LAW: This grant agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Wisconsin. The Grantee shall at all times comply with all federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations in effect during the period of this grant agreement. 18. ANTITRUST ASSIGNMENT. The Grantee and the Department recognize that in actual economic practice, overcharges resulting from antitrust violations are in fact usually borne by the Department. Therefore, the Grantee hereby assigns to the Department any and all claims for such overcharges as to goods, materials or services purchased in connection with this agreement. 19. TAX DELINQUENCY. Grantees who have a delinquent Wisconsin tax liability may have their payments offset by the State of Wisconsin. The undersigned, as representatives of their respective agencies, hereto agree to this grant agreement. STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Date _________________ By _____________________________ Scott Hassett, Secretary CAPITAL AREA REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Date __________________ By _____________________________ Michael King, Division Administrator, Dane County Community Analysis and Planning Division Date __________________ By ______________________________ Secretary 5 Summary of Pending Urban Service Area Amendments Total Acres 6/6/2007 Envir. Net Comments Corridor Developable Northern/T. of Windsor (SCHWA/Bliefernicht) 88.8 16.1 67.9 CUSA/T. of Burke (Gander Mountain) 20.0 1.1 (est.) 18.9 Stoughton/V. of Stoughton (Nordic Ridge) 50.5 0.9 49.6 389.5 (net) 75.6 (net) 285.0 Final application received May 23, 2007. Northern/V. DeForest (Bear Tree) Northern/T. of Windsor (Bear Tree) Waunakee/V. of Waunakee (Hogan Road) Marshall/V. of Marshall 455.3 28.8 391.5 Preliminary comments sent January 24, 2007. 348.6 81.1 218.9 Preliminary comments sent November 17, 2006. Verona/C. of Verona (Livesey) 113.6 USA/applicant Approval Pending: Public hearing 03.08.07 Recommendation to DNR 03.19.07 DNR approval pending Public hearing 05.21.07 Recommendation to DNR 05.24.07 DNR approval pending Public hearing 11.16.06 Waiting for refinements. Final Application Received: Deerfield/V. of Deerfield Draft Application Received: 20.67 Preliminary comments transmitted September, 2006 78.5 Preliminary comments sent April 19, 2007. Village Plan amendment scheduled for July 10. Preliminary received May 25, 2007. 10.6 101 Anticipated: Preliminary submission expected first week of June CUSA/C. of Madison (Cherokee) Waunakee/V. of Waunakee Belleville/V. of Belleville Blue Mounds/V. of Blue Mounds Roxbury/T. of Roxbury Albion/T. of Albion Mazomanie/V. of Mazomanie Stoughton/V. of Stoughton (Mabie) Stoughton/V. of Stoughton (Wal-Mart) Belleville/V. of Belleville Rockdale/V. of Rockdale CUSA/T. of Verona (Grandview Neighborhood) CUSA/T. of Burke (Daentl Rd.) 6/6/2007 4.3 0 Three residential developments. Preliminary submission expected first week of June. Estimated acreages. Include change from USA to LSA Possible phased USA amendments to incorporate approximately 170 acres. 249.6 60 Estimated acreages. Urban Service Area Amendments for Dane County June 2007 Approval Pending Final Application Received Draft Application Received Anticipated 0 13,000 26,000 52,000 Feet CARPC AGENDA COVER SHEET June 14, 2007 Item 7c Re: Discussion of Village of Waunakee forthcoming request for an amendment to the Dane County Water Quality Plan and the Dane County Land Use and Transportation Plan to be processed administratively (by CAPD staff) without a policy recommendation from the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission. Decision Items: 1. Whether to handle the Village of Waunakee USA Amendment request administratively (i.e. without the involvement of the CARPC). Summary: The Village of Waunakee is expected to submit a request for amending the Dane County Water Quality Plan and the Dane County Land Use and Transportation Plan, to add three parcels totaling 423 acres to the Waunakee Urban Service Area. The CAPD staff met with Village staff and the consultant representing the property owners to discuss the issues that would have to be addressed in the submittal. The meeting was held on April 16, 2007, during which CAPD staff noted that the creation of the new Capital Area Regional Planning Commission would change the approach and process of recommending and approving amendments to regional plans. The governor signed Executive Order #197 on May 2, 2007 creating the Commission. An urban service area amendment has yet to be submitted. The Village has submitted a letter (attached) requesting that the forthcoming request be treated under the CAPD procedures which were in place prior to the creation of the CARPC. Background: The following factors are pertinent to the Commission decision: 1. Staff have already received a final submittal from the Village of Deerfield, which will be processed with the benefit of policy recommendations by the CARPC. There are other amendment requests (Verona and Madison) that are similar in timing to the Waunakee amendment, and a number of others that have initiated the amendment process through meetings and contact with CAPD staff, but where a final submittal has not been made. 2. The creation of the CARPC provides an independent policy recommendation board for the consideration of amendments to the Water Quality Plan. This was an important impetus for the creation of the CARPC. 3. The forthcoming amendment request is relatively large (423 acres) and can have potential impacts on an Exceptional Resource Water stream (Sixmile Creek). Materials Presented with Item: 1. Letter dated June 4, 2007, from Kim Wilde, Administrator, Village of Waunakee CARPC AGENDA COVER SHEET Re: June 14, 2007 Item 8 Consideration of 2007 meeting days, times and location The attached worksheet displays the times that Commissioners are NOT available, by listing the initials of Commissioners at the times they are not available. The historical meeting times of the Dane County RPC is shown in gray. Unless there are Commissioners that can adjust their schedules, it looks like the second and fourth Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM are the best (only?) time to meet. The worksheet reflects the fact that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings are the most popular time for local government meetings. Also attached is a calendar showing what the Commission’s 2007 meeting schedule would be based on the second and fourth Thursdays. Staff will make every effort to schedule so as permit the cancellation of a December 20, 2007 meeting. Additionally the Commission’s Executive Committee will need a time to meet. Historically, the Dane County RPC Executive Committee met on the first or third Thursday evenings or in the late afternoon before the Thursday evening Commission meetings. Because the Executive Committee has been a group of five, there may be meeting opportunities which are not yet apparent. Some Commissioners may not have anticipated meeting twice a month. The Commission will be busy for the balance of 2007 getting itself up and running, evaluating current plans and policies and considering urban service area amendments. Unless the Commission wishes to consider some alternative way to hold urban service area amendment hearings in 2008, it would be very difficult to operate with one Commission meeting a month. The Dane County RPC historically has held most of its meetings at the City-County Building. Commissioners and citizens have expressed some concerns about coming downtown and finding parking. Materials presented with item: 1. 2. CARPC Commissioner availability summary 2007 CARPC meeting calendar based on meetings held the 2nd and 4th Thursdays Capital Area RPC Commissioner Availability Key: jm: Jeff Miller tc: Tom Clauder ks: Kurt Sonnentag hk: Harold Krantz kh: Kris Hampton ch: Carlton Hamre mg: Martha Gibson ke: Kristine Euclide sk: Sally Kefer ??: *estimated availability based on current City committee appointments zb: Zach Brandon* lp: Larry Palm* ?: Madison Appointee #3 Madison Appointee #4 Initials indicate member is NOT available; grey area indicates historical DCRPC meeting times 1st week of month 4:00 – 5:00 5:00 – 6:00 6:00 – 7:00 7:00 – 8:00 8:00 – 9:00 9:00 – 10:00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday jm; kh; ks; ke; sk; zb mg; jm; tc; ks; ke; sk; lp; zb jm; sk; lp; zb kh; sk; lp jm; kh; ks; ke; zb mg; ch; jm; tc; ks; lp; zb jm; lp; zb kh; lp jm; kh; ks; ke; zb jm; tc; ks; lp; zb jm; lp; zb kh; lp mg; ch; jm; kh; ks jm; tc; ks; lp; zb Jm; zb kh mg; jm; kh; ks jm; tc; ks; lp; zb jm kh mg; jm; kh; ks jm; tc; ks; lp; zb jm kh 2nd week of month 4:00 – 5:00 5:00 – 6:00 6:00 – 7:00 7:00 – 8:00 8:00 – 9:00 9:00 – 10:00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday ks; ke; sk mg; jm; tc; ks; ke; sk sk tc; ke; sk ks; ke mg; jm; tc; ks; zb sk hk; ke ks; ke jm; tc; ks; zb sk hk; ke hk; ks jm; tc; ks; zb sk hk; ks jm; tc; ks sk hk; ks jm; tc; ks sk 3rd week of month 4:00 – 5:00 5:00 – 6:00 6:00 – 7:00 7:00 – 8:00 8:00 – 9:00 9:00 – 10:00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday jm; kh; ks; ke; sk; zb mg; jm; tc; ks; ke; sk; lp; zb jm; sk; lp jm; kh; sk jm; kh; ks; ke; zb mg; jm; tc; ks; lp; zb jm; lp jm; kh jm; kh; ks; ke; zb jm; tc; ks; lp; zb jm; lp jm; kh ch; jm; kh; ks; ke jm; tc; ks; lp; zb jm jm; kh jm; kh; ks; ke jm; tc; ks; lp; zb jm jm; kh jm; kh; ks; ke jm; tc; ks; lp; zb jm jm; kh Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday kh; ks; ke; sk mg; jm; tc; kh; ks; ke; sk jm; kh; sk jm; tc; sk kh; ks; ke mg; jm; tc; kh; ks hk; jm; kh; sk jm; sk kh; ks; ke jm; tc; kh; ks hk; jm; kh; sk jm kh; ks jm; tc; kh; ks jm; kh; sk ks jm; tc; ks jm; kh; sk ks jm; tc; ks jm; kh; sk 4th week of month 4:00 – 5:00 5:00 – 6:00 6:00 – 7:00 7:00 – 8:00 8:00 – 9:00 9:00 – 10:00 CARPC AGENDA COVER SHEET June 14, 2007 Item 9 Re: Overview and discussion of the legal/administrative/budget status of the Dane County Community Analysis and Planning Division and the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission. Governor Doyle created the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission on May 2, 2007 by signing Executive Order #197. A copy of the Executive Order is attached. The copy is punched so it can be include in your Commission background binders. The Dane County Board approved a 2007 budget for the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission; and the Community Analysis and Planning Division is operating under that budget and within Dane County’s finance, budget and accounting structure. The 2007 Dane County budget provides for transferring Commission funds to the Commission during 2007. The 2007 County budget also provides that the Community Analysis and Planning Division staff will remain county employees thru all of 2007 and the Division’s staff have been assigned to work for the Commission. The Commission will need to hire its own staff effective January 1, 2008. The Commission should consider moving quickly to hire staff. January is six months away; and staff may wish to begin to look for jobs. The Dane County Regional Planning Commission staff and Community Analysis and Planning Division staff have faced a great deal of uncertainty in their employment since 1999. Employees could have lost their jobs on a number of occasions absent some last minute decisions by public bodies. Because of the uncertainty facing Commission employees, and in order to retain experienced employees, the Dane County Regional Planning Commission established some severance and other termination benefits for employees. During the interim period between dissolution of the DCRPC and the creation of the CARPC, Dane County has assumed the liability for payment of these benefits. Six employees are eligible to receive severance and other termination benefits if they do not receive or do not accept offers of employment from the CARPC by December 1, 2007. Those benefits, which vary widely by employee depending on their length of service and other factors, total $84,893. Materials presented with item: 1. Executive Order #197 creating the Capital Area RPC CARPC AGENDA COVER SHEET Re: June 14, 2007 Item 11 Consideration/discussion of 2008 CARPC budget process and schedule. 2008 RPC Budget. The Commission is statutorily required to adopt its budget by October 1, 2007. However, the Commission Chair is also statutorily required to submit the 2008 budget certification charge – which represents most of CARPC operating revenue – to the Dane County Clerk by August 1. Prior to this submission, the Budget and Personnel Panel will need to review the budget charge; it would therefore be desirable for the Commission to act on the budget in June, allowing the Budget and Personnel Panel the month of July for its review. The following is a suggested schedule for 2008 budget adoption. Please note that this does not include meetings of the Executive Committee meetings, which may administer the business of the Commission. June 28 (2nd June meeting): The Commission reviews and adopts the draft 2008 budget, as it may be amended. Staff will provide a draft 2008 budget in Commissioner’s agenda packet mailing on Thursday, June 21, for Commission review on June 28. The draft budget will be similar to the 2007 CARPC/CAPD budget (attached) adopted by Dane County. The adopted draft budget should then be forwarded to the Budget and Personnel Panel for their review. July: Budget and Personnel Panel reviews the budget and approves a budget certification amount. July 26 (2nd July meeting): The Commission reviews comments and/or approval of the Budget and Personnel Panel, and directs the Commission Chair to submit the budget certification charge letter to the County Clerk before August 1. August 9 (1st August meeting): The Commission directs staff to prepare a public hearing notice for hearing at its first meeting in September. September 13 (1st September meeting): Commission holds public hearing on proposed 2008 budget. September 27 (2nd September meeting): Commission adopts 2008 budget, meeting the October 1 deadline. The Commission may wish to amend the draft budget during this process, based on any new information that becomes available. The Commission will want to develop a 2008 work program after budget adoption to associate specific work activities with budgetary allocations. Page 1 of 2 Commissioners should note that the adopted 2007 Dane County budget includes funding for CARPC/CAPD. The 2007 Dane County budget calls for transferring CAPD unexpended funds to the Commission. This transfer of funds will be discussed at a future meeting. Materials Presented with Item: 1. Dane County-adopted 2007 CARPC/CAPD Budget Page 2 of 2 Dane County-adopted CARPC 2007 Budget EXPENDITURES FTE: 8.125 Personal Services Salaries & Wages Workstudy / Interns Retirement Fund Social Security Employee/Retiree Insurance Total Personal Services $ $ Operating Expenses Per Diem for Council Members Employee Travel Training & Conferences Office Supplies (Postage, printing, copies, etc.) Dues / Membership Fees Software / Hardware Maintenance Recruitment Telephone Operating Reserve Legal Services Audit Services Insurance Total All Other $ $ Capital Outlay Office/Computer Equipment & Furniture GIS Equipment (new plotter) Access to County GIS System & 2007 Aerials Total Capital Outlay $ 493,705 14,000 59,210 37,746 157,550 762,211 8,500 3,550 1,450 25,500 2,700 7,500 3,800 2,800 77,200 10,000 6,000 6,000 155,000 $ 7,000 9,000 0 16,000 Contractual Accounting services $ 15,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (less in-kind) $ 948,211 $ $ $ $ 30,000 1,600 86,600 70,811 3,400 755,800 $ 948,211 $ 33,036 10,000 19,875 62,911 REVENUES Fees: sewer extensions Local Planning Assistance MMSD EPA/DNR Water Quality Planning Product Sales Dane County* $ $ TOTAL REVENUES (less most in-kind services) *$16,300 is in-kind (for rental of office space); Dane County GPR = $739,500. In-Kind Services provided by Dane County Office Space (Rent) Legal Services Info Management services Total In-Kind Services $ CARPC AGENDA COVER SHEET June 14, 2007 Item 12 Re: Consideration of legal services for the Commission. The 2007 budget includes $10,000 of in-kind legal services that the County Attorney’s office could provide. During the 2007 budget development process it was suggested that the County Attorney’s office could provide advice to the Commission on non-controversial matters. The 2007 budget also provides $10,000 for legal services from a private attorney. David Gault, Assistant County Attorney would provide legal assistance on the behalf of the County Attorney’s office. Dave has been with the County Attorneys office for 14 years and handles planning, zoning, and general municipal matters for Dane County. Dave has worked on water quality planning issues and issues involving the Dane County Regional Planning Commission for Dane County. His schedule will not permit him to begin work on Commission work until July. Attorney Richard Lehmann, with the Boardman law firm, has offered to provide pro bono legal services to the Commission for a short transition period. Dick served as the Dane County Regional Planning Commissions legal counsel for many years. Dick specializes in planning and municipal law and his clients include the Wisconsin Association of Regional Planning Commissions. Dick is phasing into semi-retirement and reducing his work schedule; he is not interested in personally serving as legal counsel to the Commission, but he has a younger partner who he would recommend be considered for that role. Dick's nearly 40 years of experience with regional planning in Dane County would continue to be available in the background, as needed. The Commission may need legal services including the following: bylaws for the Commission and perhaps bylaws for the Budget and Personnel Panel; a separation understanding or agreement may be necessary to clarify both parties’ new roles and obligations as the new Commission and its funding are "spun off" from Dane County during 2007; hiring an Executive Director; review of the new agency's personnel manual and offers of employment to current staff members (to be effective January 1, 2008), including waiving their rights for severance and other benefits. The bylaws and personnel manual of the previous regional planning commission are available, but will need some updating. At some point the Commission will likely want some advice concerning Federal Water Quality Planning law; NR 121 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code (regulations for how agencies carry out water quality planning in Wisconsin); the CARPC model resolution approved by communities as they petitioned the Governor to create the new agency, the Executive Order creating the Commission, and Wisconsin law concerning regional planning commissions (W.S. 66.0309). Specifically, the Commission will likely want some advice concerning seeking designation from DNR and EPA as the water quality planning agency for Dane County and reviewing a contract with DNR to provide water quality planning services and receive grant funds. It would be appropriate for the Commission to authorize the CAPD Division Administrator to seek legal advice from either or both attorneys, subject to further guidance from the Chair or the Executive Committee. The Division Administrator should also be directed to review the Commission’s legal needs again with the Commission in August or September. CARPC AGENDA COVER SHEET June 14, 2007 Item 13 Re: Consideration of selection process for CARPC Executive Director. The Budget and Personnel Panel met on May 30 and recommended that the Commission begin the process of selecting an Executive Director. According to the resolutions by local governments which petitioned the governor to create the CARPC, the Budget and Personnel Panel will hire and fire the Executive Director. Those resolutions also provided that the Budget and Personnel Panel will hire the Executive Director from a list of three candidates selected by the Commission. The Panel has asked the Commission to determine the scope and timing of the recruitment process. The Panel has recommended that the Commission utilize Dane County personnel and resources to administer the recruitment process (a service which will be billable to the RPC; see attached memo). The Commission will want to consider the skills and qualities which would be desirable in an Executive Director of a new planning body, and provide some guidance to the Dane County Employee Relations staff on the Executive Director job description. Materials presented with item: 1. Memo dated 6/7/07 from Travis Myren, Assistant Director, Dane County Department of Administration 2. Draft minutes of May 30, 2007 Budget and Personnel Panel meeting June 7, 2007 TO: Capital Area Regional Planning Commission Members FROM: Travis Myren Deputy Director of Administration RE: Executive Director Recruitment I understand that the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission would like to initiate a recruitment process for an Executive Director. I also understand that the Commission’s Budget and Personnel Panel has requested that the Dane County Employee Relations Division coordinate the recruitment process. The Division will work with designees from the Commission to coordinate the advertisement, screening, and testing processes and will then certify qualified applicants to the Commission. At that stage, the Commission will become responsible for conducting interviews and making the final selection. The Employee Relations Division will be coordinating the recruitment on behalf of the CARPC, so the advertisement and any correspondence would be placed on CARPC letterhead. Recruitment services were not included as an in-kind contribution in the Commission’s 2007 Budget, so direct staff time associated with the recruitment will be billed to the Commission. Two Employee Relations staff will be assigned to the recruitment. The Human Resources Manager for recruitment would be billed at $34.81 an hour, and a Personnel Technician would be billed at $21.82 per hour. I have outlined the recruitment process in a timeline below. I have included an estimated start date of June 8, 2007 and the hours and costs associated with each task described in the timeline. The costs are for staff time only. They do not include advertising costs, which would be billed directly to the CARPC. Est. Task Hours Rate Cost Work with Commission designee(s) to develop classification specification and position description that describe the primary functions and work activities of the Executive Director position, knowledge, skills, and abilities required for the position, and the minimum qualifications 3 $ 34.81 $ 104.43 8-June-07 that applicants must possess in order to be considered. Construct advertisement consistent with the job duties described in the position description and create a 11-June -07 recruitment and advertisement strategy 1 $ 34.81 $ 34.81 15-June-07 Distribute advertisement based on recruitment strategy 0.5 $ 21.82 $ 10.91 Date Answer applicant questions on the recruitment process 1.5 $ 21.82 $ 32.73 Advertise in Wisconsin State Journal, professional journals, 17-Jun-07 etc. based on advertisement strategy The Division typically uses a two week deadline for applicants to respond to the advertisement, although the 29-June-07 Commission may choose a longer deadline. Screen applications for minimum qualifications as 3-July-07 established by the position description and advertisement. Distribute appeal letters to applicants who were screened out based on minimum qualifications with a response deadline of July 11, 2007 2.5 $ 21.82 $ 54.55 3.5 $ 34.81 $ 121.84 0.5 $ 21.82 $ 10.91 3 $ 21.82 $ 65.46 Grading panel convenes and grades responses. ERD staff 3-Aug-07 instructs/prepares panel and answers questions. 0.5 $ 34.81 $ 17.41 Based on the grades issued by the panel, the Division will certify the top scoring applicants (5 or 10) to CARPC to schedule interviews. ERD staff compiles scores and 6-Aug-07 compiles materials for appointing authority interviews. 1 $ 21.82 $ 21.82 1-July-07 Develop testing material in consultation with the Commission. For a position at this level, the Division recommends using and achievement history questionnaire (AHQ) that requires applicants to respond to a set of questions about their experience, philosophy, management style, and how they might approach different sets of circumstances they may encounter in the position. Set deadline for submitting responses to the achievement history questionnaire (AHQ) 13-July-07 Distribute AHQ to qualified applicants Establish and coordinate grading panel to grade AHQ responses. Create grading sheets, packets, etc. for the panel. The grading panel will be chosen by CARPC and 9-July-07 may include Commission representative(s). 27-Jul-07 Deadline for accepting AHQ responses TOTAL 17.0 $ 474.86 The remaining timeline will depend on the Commission’s interview schedule and process. Please let me know if you would like any additional information. DRAFT MINUTES of the May 30, 2007 Meeting of the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission Budget and Personnel Panel City-County Building Room 421 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Madison, Wisconsin Present: Mayor Dave Cieslewicz; Mayor Tom Clauder, Jerry Derr, County Executive Kathleen Falk Others present: Chris Gjestson, Mark Hazelbaker, Forbes McIntosh, Joel Plant, Topf Wells 1. Public Comment The meeting convened at 9:10. There was no public comment. 2. Review of Agenda Panel members agreed unanimously to the agenda as written. 3. Election of Officers Ms. Falk nominated Mr. Derr to serve as Chair. Seconded by Mr. Cieslewicz; motion carried unanimously. 4. Scheduling / Convening First Commission Meeting Mr. Derr suggested that the full Commission meet soon in order to begin its work, especially considering pending urban service area amendment applications. Panel members reviewed the compiled responses from 9 of 13 Commissioners who had notified Community Analysis and Planning Division staff of their availability, and agreed that June 14 would be a suitable date for their first meeting. 5. Role of Budget and Personnel Panel and How it will Operate Mr. Derr suggested that the Panel adopt its own bylaws. Mr. Hazelbaker suggested the Panel, as a significant independent check on the Commission, could adopt bylaws to set forth the expectations of the Panel’s authority. He suggested that state statutes governing municipal budgets may imply Panel authority to approve budget modifications, and its authority to hire and fire the Executive Director may imply some role in oversight of the Executive Director directly and Commission staff indirectly. Panel members agreed that Mr. Hazelbaker should draft bylaws, which he would then provide to Jim Voss, City of Madison Attorney, Mr. McIntosh, and Mr. Wells for review prior to Panel review at their next meeting. Mr. Hazelbaker stated that the bylaws would be a set of essentially procedural rules. Mr. Cieslewicz asked if the Panel’s authority to hire and fire the Executive Director meant the Panel set the position’s compensation. Ms. Falk stated yes, through its budget authority. Mr. Cieslewicz stated that the Panel would need to have an employment review process, which should be included in the bylaws. Mr. Derr stated that the bylaws should also indicate that the Executive Director should provide quarterly reports on Commission activities and updates on the budget process. 6. Selection Process for the Executive Director of the Commission Motion by Ms. Falk, seconded by Mr. Cieslewicz, to convene in closed session, pursuant to 19.85(1)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes, to discuss the selection process for the Executive Director of the Commission. Motion carried 4-0 by roll call. Panel members convened in closed session. Motion by Ms. Falk, seconded by Mr. Cieslewicz, to re-convene in open session, pursuant to 19.85(1)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Ms. Falk, seconded by Mr. Cieslewicz, to recommend the Commission commencing the formal selection process for recruitment of the RPC Executive Director utilizing Dane County infrastructure for processing the selection. Mr. Derr suggested that the full Commission determine the breadth of the search for the Executive Director at their June 14 meeting; Ms. Falk accepted as friendly amendment. Motion carried unanimously. 7. 2008 Budget Process and Schedule Mr. Derr asked about staffing of the Commission. Ms. Falk noted that the Commission would be staffed by CAPD through 2007, so budget discussions should focus on 2008. Her budget recommendation to the County Board was to be made by October 1; any RPC funds would need to be clear at that time. Mr. Derr suggested that the full Commission meeting of June 14 should address the 2008 budget requirements of the RPC, so that the Panel would have time to review it prior to the August 1 deadline for certification to the County. Mr. Clauder asked if the Commission was sufficiently budgeted for the remainder of 2007. Mr. Wells answered yes. 8. Next Meeting or Meeting Schedule and identification of future agenda items Mr. Cieslewicz suggested that regular meetings of the Panel occur quarterly, which could include internal management reviews of the Executive Director. Panel members agreed, and agreed to meet in late June or early July. 9. Adjournment The Panel adjourned at 9:52 Recorded by Chris Gjestson 2 CARPC AGENDA COVER SHEET June 14, 2007 Item 14 Re: Roundtable discussion of thoughts/questions about the new agency, its role and Commissioners’ roles. Summary: The Commission and staff should have an ongoing dialogue about the new agency’s role, Commissioners’ roles, and staff’s role. In the next few meetings more of the specifics and details about the role and authority of the Commission will be presented. Also the Commission will want to consider concerns expressed about the Dane County Regional Planning Commission by its customers. One outcome of this dialogue could be the development of a vision and mission statement by the Commission. At this first meeting, it might be useful to develop a list of questions that the Commission and staff should address in the future. CARPC AGENDA COVER SHEET June 14, 2007 Item 15 Re: Consideration of the election of officers/Executive Committee or setting date for their election. Summary: The Commission is required (§66.0309(5) Wis. Stats.) to create an Executive Committee, which may carry out Commission responsibilities as determined by the Commission and as consistent with state law. The membership of the Executive Committee should be described in the CARPC Bylaws. The Dane County RPC Bylaws called for a Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and one additional Commissioner appointed by the Chair and approved by the full Commission. Historically, the DCRPC tried to ensure that each of the four appointing bodies were represented on the Executive Committee. DCRPC Commissioners believe that this was a fair approach that worked well. The Executive Committee typically takes the lead on major management issues including such things as preparing an annual budget, consideration of changes to the agency’s bylaws, and selection of an Executive Director. Given the major management matters the Commission needs to address, it would be desirable for the Commission to elect an Executive Committee as soon as it is comfortable doing so. The following excerpt from the DCRPC Bylaws describes the duties of its officers: Section 5. Chairman. The Chairman of the Commission shall preside, with full voting rights, at all meetings of the Commission and the Executive Committee. The Chairman shall be responsible for seeing that the agenda for each meeting of the Commission is prepared. When the Secretary is absent or unavailable for signing or executing documents or resolutions of the Commission, the Chairman is authorized to sign or execute documents on behalf of the Commission. The Chairman shall perform such other duties as are required of him/her by law or these Bylaws and as are assigned to him/her from time to time by the Commission. The Chairman shall present to the Commission such matters as, in his/her judgment, require its attention. Section 6. Vice Chairman. In the absence of the Chairman or in the event of his/her inability to act, or in the event of a vacancy in the position of Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman. The Vice Chairman shall also perform such other duties as are required of him/her by these Bylaws and as are assigned to him/her from time to time by the Commission. Section 7. Secretary. The Secretary of the Commission shall be the custodian of all records of the Commission, including its resolutions, transactions, findings, determinations and any other records required by law, these Bylaws and the Commission. The Secretary shall execute all documents and papers of the Commission required to be countersigned and shall be responsible for seeing that an annual report of the Commission's activities is distributed to the legislative bodies of the local governmental units within the Commission's region and to all other parties as required by law. When the Secretary is absent or unavailable for signing or executing documents or Page 1 of 2 resolutions of the Commission, the Chairman is authorized to sign or executive documents on behalf of the Commission. The Secretary shall also perform such other duties as are required of him/her by these Bylaws and as are assigned to him/her from time to time by the Commission. Section 8. Treasurer. The Treasurer of the Commission shall be responsible for keeping an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements of the Commission or for seeing that such a record is kept. The Treasurer shall also perform such other duties as are required of him/her by these Bylaws and as are assigned to him/her from time to time by the Commission. Page 2 of 2 CARPC AGENDA COVER SHEET June 14, 2007 Item 16 Re: Future agenda items. CAPD staff recommends that the Commission include the items listed on the enclosure for its next meeting and for the Executive Committee meeting. Materials presented with item 1. Possible future agenda items Executive Committee of the Capital Area RPC Possible Agenda Items for potential 1st Executive Committee meeting (June 21 or June 28, 2007?) 1. Roll Call 2. Review of agenda 3. Discussion of approach to accounting, payroll and audit 4. Review of draft 2008 CARPC budget 5. Discussion of 2008 personnel needs and development of CARPC Personnel Manual 6. Further discussion of selection process of CARPC Executive Director (if necessary) 7. Discussion of Dane County RPC Bylaws and draft Capital Area RPC Bylaws 8. Reports 9. Adjournment Capital Area RPC Possible Agenda Items for 2nd meeting (June 28, 2007?) 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of June 14, 2007 3. Review of agenda 4. Public comment 5. Presentations/discussion a. Overview of Dane County Growth Trends 2000 - 2030 b. Overview of the Dane County Water Quality Plan c. Overview of Urban and Limited Service Areas and Environmental Corridors 6. Discussion of approach to accounting, payroll and audit 7. Consideration of draft 2008 CARPC budget and recommendation to the Budget and Personnel Panel 8. Further consideration of selection process for CARPC Executive Director (if necessary) 9. Review and Discussion of Dane County RPC Bylaws and the Model Resolution petitioning for the creation of the Capital Area RPC 10. Consideration of Resolution RPC No. 2007-1 Adopting Interim Bylaws of the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission 11. Consideration of purchase of Directors and Officers Liability Insurance and review of other insurance needs 12. Further roundtable discussion of thoughts/questions about the new agency, its role and Commissioners’ roles (continued from meeting of June 14, 2007) 13. Discussion of 2008 personnel needs and development of CARPC Personnel Manual 14. Future agenda items 15. Reports 16. Adjournment CARPC AGENDA COVER SHEET June 14, 2007 Item 17 Re: Reports. CAPD staff and CARPC member profiles: To better acquaint Commissioners with fellow Commissioners and CAPD staff, their profiles are attached. These items are punched because they will be included in the Commissioners’ Background Materials Binder, which is described below. CAPD staff May Monthly Project Report: CAPD staff prepares project reports each month in order to communicate the description and status of its work activities for board review, interested parties, and internal management. These materials are punched for inclusion in the Binder. Meeting Attendance, Agenda Packets, and Commission/Staff Communications: The attached page outlines some important administrative practices. This page is punched for inclusion in the Binder Commission Background Materials Binder: CAPD staff has prepared a binder of background materials for Commissioners. The table of contents for the binder, which will be given to Commissioners at their first or second meeting, is attached. Materials Presented with Item: 1. Commissioner Profiles and CAPD Staff Profiles 2. CAPD May Monthly Project Report 3. Page 2.2, “Commissioner Background Materials” Binder: Meeting Attendance, Agenda Packets, and Commission/Staff Communications 4. Table of Contents of “Commissioner Background Materials” Binder Commissioner Profiles Capital Area Regional Planning Commission Zach Brandon is the Alder for District 7 in the City of Madison. Mr. Brandon also serves on the following City committees: Board of Estimates; City-County Liaison Committee; Economic Development Commission; Madison Cultural Arts District Board; and TIF Policy Ad Hoc Committee Tom Clauder is in his second term as Mayor of the City of Fitchburg. Mr. Clauder, a retired police officer for Fitchburg, works part-time for the state Public Service Commission, and has served on the following bodies: Chair, Fitchburg Plan Commission; Dane County RPC; 10 years as Dane County Board Supervisor; past president of Westmorland Neighborhood Association (Madison), Wildwood Neighborhood Association (Fitchburg). He is also a member Madison Elks Club, Fitchburg Lions Club, and a volunteer for Special Olympics. Kristine Euclide is Vice President and General Counsel of MG&E. Ms. Euclide had served two years as Executive Assistant to County Executive Falk, specializing in land use and natural resource issues, and worked over twenty years as a senior partner in the Stafford, Rosenbaum, Rieser & Hansen law firm representing businesses and local governments in land use, environmental, utility, and employment matters. She has served on the following bodies: Governor’s Task Force on Global Warming; DNR Green Tier Advisory Group; Dane County Transport 2020 Committee; Board member of 1000 Friends of Wisconsin; Wisconsin Environmental Initiative and TEMPO Madison; and is Secretary and former Board President of the Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation. Ms. Euclide is also past member of the Madison Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (Vice-Chair); Governor’s 2004 Task Force on Energy Efficiency and Renewables; Greater Madison Collaboration Council; Dane County Natural Heritage Foundation; North Mendota Parkway Advisory Committee; and League of Wisconsin Municipalities Attorney’s Institute (President). Martha Gibson is Senior Lecturer and Undergraduate Advisor in the Philosophy Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a Ph.D. in Philosophy from UWMadison, and has been a member of the Town of Primrose Plan Commission since 1999. Kris Hampton has been employed 29 years by Auto Glass Specialists, Inc., of Madison in inventory control and purchasing, and by Auto Glass Connxion LLC (exporter to Norway) for the past 6 years. Mr. Hampton has an Associate’s Degree in Data Processing from MATC, is a past Cottage Grove Town Board Supervisor, and is the current Town of Cottage Grove Chair and Town of Cottage Plan Commission member. He and his wife Faye have 3 children, and has been a Cottage Grove resident since 1978. Carlton Hamre is a retired farmer and letter carrier. Mr. Hamre was the Chair of the Town of Vienna for 12 years, and has served on the following bodies: DeForest School Board; Town of Vienna Board of Supervisors; Dane County Board of Supervisors; Dane County Zoning and Natural Resources Committee; Dane County Board of Adjustments; Dane County RPC; Wauankee Growth Task Force; and DeForest-Vienna ETZ Committee. Sally Kefer has worked 26 years as hydrogeologist for the states of Utah and Wisconsin on mine reclamation, watershed planning, soil and groundwater contamination remediation, and most recently as the Land Use Team Leader for the WI DNR. Ms. Kefer holds a Master’s Degree in Water Resource Management from Southern Illinois University, and is a member of the following bodies: Little Green Lake Rehabilitation District Land Use Planning Committee; Dane County Comprehensive Planning Transportation, Utility and Community Facility Planning Committee; American Planning Association; and Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy. Ms. Kefer has two sons in college, and enjoys sailing (ASA Certified), diving, canoeing, hiking, biking, music and cooking. Harold Krantz has served as the Chair of the Town of Cross Plains since 1995, and has served on the following bodies: Dane County Solid Waste & Recycling Commission; Dane County EMS Commission; Executive Board member, Dane County Towns Association; president, Mt. Horeb Fire & EMS District; and president, Cross Plains Fire District and Cross Plains EMS District. Kurt Sonnentag is in his first term as Mayor of the City of Middleton, and has worked 20 years in sales and marketing. Mr. Sonnentag has been an owner of a Subway Restaurant since 1996, and holds a B.S. in Parks and Recreation Administration from UW-La Crosse. He has served on the City of Middleton Park, Recreation and Forestry Commission, Plan Commission and Community Development Authority, and also served as Alder for City of Middleton District 3 and Chair of the City Finance Committee. He and his wife Kristine live with their 3 children in Middleton, where he has resided since 1994. Jeff Miller is a Groups Benefit/Financial Consultant for Schwarz Insurance Agency, and is the current President of the Village of DeForest. Mr. Miller holds a B.S. from UW-Madison, and has served on the following committees and boards: Dane County Regional Planning Commission; Chair, DeForest Planning and Zoning Commission; Greater Madison Collaboration Council; and DeForest Redevelopment Authority. Larry Palm is the Alder for District 15 in the City of Madison, and serves on the Board of Public Works; Garver Building Re-use Committee; and Madison Public Library Board. Staff Profiles Dane County Community Analysis and Planning Division Chris Gjestson, Administrative Services Manager, is responsible for the day to day operation of the department, including reception/telephone answering, typing, report and communications editing, scheduling meetings, taking minutes, budget preparation and management and purchasing. Before the dissolution of the Dane County RPC, he also administered payroll and personnel operations. After earning a B.A. in Communication Arts from UW-Madison, he held positions in policy processing for an insurance company and in administrative support for an engineering firm, and first joined the Dane County RPC in 2000 as a Program Assistant. Chris lives in Barneveld with his significant other Audrey and their dog and cat, and enjoys movies, playing guitar, camping and canoeing. He is currently enrolled in the Accounting program at MATC. Mike Kakuska, Senior Environmental Planner, has over 17 years professional experience in the environmental sciences, natural resources planning and program management particularly as it relates to land use, ground and surface water quality and quantity. Over his professional career he has provided staff support for Regional Planning Commissions in Southern Maryland and in Northern Virginia as well as here in Dane County. As planning staff and technical support, Mike is closely familiar with governmental coordination, natural resources evaluation, interpretation, and protection programs. Mike’s inter-disciplinary training is especially useful in water resources planning and developing ground and surface water resource protection plans and programs. Projects he has been responsible for include the development of a Water Body Classification System for Dane County, Wetland Resources Management Guide, Black Earth Creek and Door Creek Wetlands Resource Protection Plans, Regional Hydrologic Study and groundwater modeling to evaluate the impact of proposed municipal wells, Dane County Groundwater Protection Plan, and natural resource elements of the Dane County Water Quality Plan. Mike also coordinates the region’s intergovernmental program of stream gaging stations and water quality monitoring. Mike has a BS degree in Limnology (chemical, physical, and biological freshwater sciences) from UW-Stevens Point, and an MS degree in Water Resources Management specializing in regional planning from UW-Madison. In his spare time Mike enjoys spending time and traveling with his wife and eight year old son and, as a pilot, has flown up and down the eastern seaboard and throughout the Midwest, providing a unique bird’s-eye perspective of the region’s natural resources. Michael King, Division Administrator, is responsible for program planning and management, budget and administration. He also provides leadership, direction and quality control for the agency staff. He has worked to build relationships with local governments and will work with the new commission through communication, consultation, and policy development. Michael was selected to serve as Executive Director by the Dane County Regional Planning Commission in October 2003. In the ensuing 11 months leading up to dissolution of the agency he worked with agency staff, DNR, the Commission, and local elected officials and to develop an updated Water Quality Plan, review urban service area amendments, and negotiate a temporary merger with Dane County. In the two and a half years since dissolution he has worked with agency staff, DNR and local officials to review urban service area amendments without benefit of a policy board and provided technical assistance and advice to local elected officials working on proposals for a Dane County RPC successor agency. Michael came to Dane County from the Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities - - which is regarded as one of the premier regional agencies in the country. Michael has worked as a planner and Planning Director on the west coast of Florida. He served the City of Janesville for nine years as Planning Director and six years as Community Development Director. Michael has a Masters Degree in Planning form the University of Virginia, a Masters Degree in Management from the University of South Florida, and a B.A. in Political Science from the American University. He lives on the east side of Madison and enjoys a variety of outdoor sports. Michael has two sons, Christopher is in law school and Patrick is in the Peace Corps. Aaron Krebs, GIS Specialist, works part-time and is responsible for creating and maintaining GIS datasets and maps. He also provides statistical input for planning purposes, and has worked on a number of projects, including the 2005 Land Use Survey, Waterbody Classification Study, Wetland Classification, Water Quality Plan, and Groundwater Infiltration mapping. He also works part-time for Dane County Department of Planning and Development. When Aaron began working for the Dane County Regional Planning Commission in March 2004, his immediate goals were the establishment of a solid foundation of GIS data and maps as well as expanding the GIS data and GIS programs available to staff. Previously he was employed as a work-study student for the Wisconsin Veterans Museum working with donated historical documents, maps and photographs. He served five years in the US Air Force as a weather observer, deploying twice (Kosovo and Southern Italy). Aaron received a Bachelor’s Degree in GIS/Cartography, Human Geography and History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2003. Aaron lives on the southwest side of Madison with his wife, daughter and two cats. He enjoys computer games and home improvement projects. Kamran Mesbah, Deputy Administrator and Director of Environmental Resource Planning, is a civil and environmental Professional Engineer with over 18 years experience with the agency. Kamran is the key environmental professional responsible for environmental and natural resources planning and policy recommendation, wastewater facilities planning, water distribution system planning, and watershed planning. He is the lead staff in water quality issues, urban service area amendment reviews, environmental corridor issues, sewer extension reviews, and stormwater plan reviews. He is the central staff contact for consistency determinations with and amendments to the Dane County Water Quality Plan. His judgment on technical environmental matters is relied upon by the this agency and other agencies and environmental professionals. He also plays a major role in program development and staff management. Kamran holds a BA degree in Urban Studies with a minor in Psychology (urban and environmental planning, urban and environmental design, environmental psychology) from UW-Green Bay; a BS degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering (concentrating on stormwater, water resources, impact assessment and mitigation, and management) from UW-Madison; and a MS degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering (concentrating on environmental sustainability) from UWMadison. Kamran and his wife Carolyn live in Stoughton. They have five adult children, three of whom are in various colleges around the country. Kamran spends his spare time teaching, gardening, hiking, biking, playing tennis, and doing nature and art photography. Mike Rupiper, Environmental Engineer, is a Professional Engineer with over 15 years experience in the management of stormwater, solid waste, and wastewater. He is currently the lead staff person for the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Collection System Evaluation project. Mike has a B.S. in civil and environmental engineering and a M.S. in environmental studies, both from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. He has previously worked for Dane County, the City of Fitchburg, and Foth & Van Dyke, consulting engineers. Mike joined the CAPD staff in April after spending two years in Macedonia working for the U.S. Peace Corps, and traveling the world for six months. Mike and his wife live in Madison. He enjoys traveling, outdoor recreational activities, and Ultimate Frisbee. Steve Wagner, Graphics Specialist, is trained in the graphic arts and web design. Steve joined the RPC in 1996 and manages the production of a wide variety of publications and graphics that support the agencies activities. He also developed and updates our web site and maintains our map and aerial photography files. Steve will be responsible for preparing the Environmental Conditions Report documents required by the new 25-year Future Urban Development Area planning process. He has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and an Associate degree in Commercial Photography from MATC Milwaukee and has over 17 years of experience in the creative fields. Steve and his wife live in Brooklyn where he is active in his community and is developing his talents as a watercolor artist. Barbara Weber, Senior Community Planner, works part-time and is responsible for the population and land area forecasts central to the water quality planning process. She gathers and maintains population and economic information for the county, and prepares the annual Regional Trends Report. She also conducts the general planning reviews associated with urban service area amendments, provides technical planning assistance to communities on a contract basis, and carries out a variety of special projects. She has held positions in the City Manager’s Office and the Economic Development Department of the City of Dallas, Texas; with a planning consulting firm in the Madison area; and with the planning department of Marathon County in northern Wisconsin prior to joining the Dane County Regional Planning Commission in May of 2004. Barbara holds a bachelor’s degree in Rural Sociology from Cornell University, a master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from The London School of Economics and Political Science, and MBA and JD degrees from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Barbara lives with her husband and two children, ages 10 and 12, in Middleton. May 2007 Dane County Community Analysis & Planning Division Monthly Project Report May 2007 Project Description/Background Recent/Planned Activities Next Steps Comments CATEGORY 1000: Community & Regional Development Project: Compilation of Comprehensive Plan Library Work Element: 1110 Project Mgr: Weber Project: 2005 Land Use Dataset Work Element: 1115 Collect, organize, store and inventory paper and electronic copies of Comprehensive Plans prepared and approved by local governments in Dane County and adjacent areas. Acquire most recent master plans of communities without Comprehensive Plans. Make plans easily accessible for all CAPD (CARPC) staff. Received or requested new plans as contact made with communities on other subjects. Continue to request plans. Catalog incoming plans. Collection of land use codes assigned to the parcel database based on 2005 aerial photography. Compiling totals based on land uses for each community. Present these in a comparative table. Publication of totals to communities, planners and other interested parties. Expands on the handbook developed by Bill Preboski to standardize and explain processes and sources for collection of data used in the Regional Trends reports and USA tables. USA Table process documented as tables prepared in 2007. Type up USA processes. Document any undocumented Regional Trends processes as the 2006 Trends is developed. Identify and make contact with other persons responsible for data collection in Dane County and nearby areas to share and compare data available regarding Dane County growth, economy, work force, education and schools, demographics and other information valuable to understanding Dane County development trends.. Began listing of data sources to facilitate sharing of data and meetings with other data providers. Continue to record valuable data sources. Project Mgr: Krebs Project: Data Collection Handbook Work Element: 1120 Project Mgr Weber Project: Inventory of data sources in Dane County Work Element: 1120 Project Mgr Weber CAPD staff have conducted a 2005 Land Use Survey for all communities in the county based on 2005 aerial photographs, aerial photo interpretation, the 2000 Land Use Survey and review by communities. Contact with US Census representatives through the LUCA process. ?? 1 May 2007 Dane County Community Analysis & Planning Division Monthly Project Report May 2007 Project Description/Background Project: Historic Land Use Datasets Work Element: 1130 Project Mgr: Krebs Project: Regional Trends Report Work Element: 1140 Project Mgr Weber Recent/Planned Activities Revision of 1990 land use dataset to include rural areas previously not recorded. Collection of developed or undeveloped land uses assigned to the parcel database based on historic aerial photography. 1980 & 1974. Town of Cross Plains and Town of Middleton currently underway Continue with other townships as time permits Each year a report is prepared containing data reflecting the trends in growth and development in the Dane County region. Most tables completed for RT 06. Data and info from MPO and other sources requested. Completed tables given to Steve for layout. Complete text updates. Follow up with missing table data. Requested environmental update information from participants, updated graphs, and text. Project: Regional Planning Framework Program Development Work Element: 1250 Project Mgr: King / Mesbah Next Steps The current regional plan, the 1997 Dane County Land Use and Transportation Plan, is the plan of the DCRPC. What is the new commission use as a plan to guide its decision making? Some effort to develop a policy framework to guide the new commission’s decision making is necessary. Comments Complete layout issue report?? Review the Plan with new Commission to identify policies for more detailed review and other Commission concerns. 2 May 2007 Dane County Community Analysis & Planning Division Monthly Project Report May 2007 Project Description/Background Project: Future Urban Development Area (FUDA) Community Planning Work Element: 1501 (also see 3191) Project Mgr: King / Mesbah Recent/Planned Activities The resolutions proposing the development of the CARPC called for a new planning process involving CARPC preparing an Environmental Conditions Report for each urban service area. Based on that report and other planning considerations urban service areas/communities are to propose 25 year Future Urban Development Area plans for review by CARPC. Next Steps Comments Recruit / select Community and Environmental Planner who will work exclusively on this project.. Evaluate what assistance communities will need or should have to respond to the Environmental Condition Reports and propose 25-year Future Urban Development Boundaries. Consultation with the Technical Advisory Committee of the CARPC, when it has been appointed by the RPC. Development of a policy framework for FUDA environmental condition reports and their use and application in identifying and protecting sensitive environmental resources. CATEGORY 3000: Environmental and Natural Resources Project: Natural Resources Work Element: 3121 Project Mgr: Kamran Mesbah Project: Cooperative Resources Monitoring Program Work Element: 3122 Project Mgr: Kamran Mesbah Collect, update, and analyze natural resource information as it becomes available and in response to specific inquiries or requests. This is an ongoing, required, and critical element of the WQP. Explored the state’s Ecological Priorities Tool for FUDA planning Pursue license agreement with DNR to access the Natural Heritage Inventory database after the CARPC has been created. Continue to coordinate the intergovernmental Cooperative Water Resources Monitoring Program surface water quality and quantity parameters. Work to expand the network of monitoring stations based on expected or forecast changes to land use within watersheds with inadequate monitoring, and need for additional data. Processed 2006 results, coordinated 2007 contracting, and identified baseflow monitoring sites. Initiate 2008 budgeting/scope of work with program participants 3 May 2007 Dane County Community Analysis & Planning Division Monthly Project Report May 2007 Project: Water Supply Systems Planning Work Element: 3131 Project Mgr: Kamran Mesbah Project Description/Background Recent/Planned Activities Provide planning and technical assistance to local units of government based on forecast water supply needs and information and modeling developed from the Dane County Regional Hydrologic Study. Work includes planning for efficient service provision. Working with the Village of DeForest and Town of Windsor Utility District to coordinate their planned provision of water services to the Bear Tree development. Next Steps Comments The Village and the Town are both planning to expand their water supply and distribution system to serve the Bear Tree development (which is located in both municipalities). This can result in duplication of services and construction of unneeded water infrastructure. Waiting for the results of negotiations between the Village and the Utility District. Project: Water Supply Systems Service Work Element: 3132 Project Mgr: Kamran Mesbah Provide technical assistance and public information on water supply activities and issues. Work includes review of proposals for adequate network design, flow, and pressure. Working with the Village of DeForest and Town of Windsor Utility District to coordinate their planned provision of water services to the Bear Tree development. The Village and the Town are both planning to expand their water supply and distribution system to serve the Bear Tree development (which is located in both municipalities). This can result in duplication of services and construction of unneeded water infrastructure. Waiting for the results of negotiations between the Village and the Utility District. 4 May 2007 Dane County Community Analysis & Planning Division Monthly Project Report May 2007 Project Description/Background Project: Wastewater Planning/MMSD Annexation Work Element: 3141 Project Mgr: Kamran Mesbah Project: Sewer Extension Reviews Review WPDES permit renewals and facility plans for consistency with adopted plans. Recent/Planned Activities Next Steps Work is being performed as needed. Review MMSD annexations for consistency with adopted plans. Work Element: 3142 Review public and private sanitary sewer extensions for consistency with adopted plans. Project Mgr: Kamran Mesbah 120 reviews planned for the year Project: Environmental Corridors changes Revise and update environmental corridor maps, prepare analysis/impact reports, conduct public hearings on major changes to environmental corridors, and provide support data to state and local management agencies. Continue to make environmental corridor maps available on the website. Work is being performed as needed. The Collection System Study is an important first step in the MMSD comprehensive facility planning efforts which follow it in 2008 and 2009. The Collection System Study will evaluate the adequacy of MMSD facilities based on 2030 population forecasts and other socio-economic data. Recruited and hired the project environmental engineer who will be working this project exclusively. Complete data analysis for two sample areas to test the methodology. Have completed the outline of the methodology to be used in the project. The methodology was presented to the MMSD staff working on the project, and well received. ??when? Meet with the MMSD project staff in early July to discuss pilot results. Work Element: 3143 Project Mgr: Mesbah Project: Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Collection System Study Work Element: 3145 Project Mgr: Mesbah, Rupiper Comments Work is being performed as needed. 5 May 2007 Dane County Community Analysis & Planning Division Monthly Project Report May 2007 Project Description/Background Project: Stormwater Reviews Work Element: 3151 Project Mgr: Mesbah Review stormwater management plans for consistency with conditions of approval of amendments to the Dane County Water Quality Plan. 30 to 40 reviews for the year Provide assistance to municipalities on stormwater issues. Provide information on stormwater related issues. Project: Stream and Lake Water Quality Management Work Element: 3153 Recent/Planned Activities Next Steps Comments Work is being performed in review of stormwater management plans as needed. Reviewed state guidance on NR 151 Infiltration standards; participated on an NR 216 Information and Education subcommittee to oversee development of a stormwater management video and radio campaign; provided relative infiltration maps to C. Fitchburg associated with their Northeast Neighborhood development plan. Provide assistance to local management agencies and citizen groups in lake and stream evaluations, studies, and projects. Participated on a Steering Committee to guide development of a Yahara Watershed Rainfall/Runoff model; reviewed and commented on the draft design Provide assistance to local units of government in delineating priority wetlands and floodplains for protection. Continue development, publication, and distribution of the Dane County Wetlands Resource Management Guide. Distributed CAPD’s Wetland Guide for technical peer review and incorporated comments, investigated Minnesota’s state wetland guidance and functional assessment Provide assistance to local management agencies in evaluating land use, siting, and zoning decisions with regard to groundwater impacts and implementing the recommendations contained in the Groundwater Protection Plan (Appendix G of the Dane County Water Quality Plan). Provided groundwater quality information to J. Hausbeck, for the Madison and Dane County Environmental Health Report Card Project Mgr: Mesbah Project: Wetland and Floodplain Protection Work Element: 3154 Project Mgr: Mesbah Project: Groundwater Quality Protection Work Element: 3155 Project Mgr: Kakuska Present the Wetland Guide to the CARPC and get approval for public comment solicitation. Distribute draft guide for general public review/comment. Investigated source of springs and relative impacts associated with proposed Northeast Neighborhood development on Nine Springs Creek Updated relative infiltration maps to account for new depth to bedrock and water table information 6 May 2007 Dane County Community Analysis & Planning Division Monthly Project Report May 2007 Project Description/Background Project: Regional Hydrologic Modeling and Management Program Work Element: 3174 Continue to maintain and update the regional hydrologic groundwater model and hydrogeologic database, perform modeling requested by local units of government. Work is performed as needed. Provide assistance to Dane County, local management agencies, and citizen groups to develop a Phase II Management Program, building from the RPC Phase I Water Body Classification Study. Participated on a staff committee to steer development of the Phase II project; drafted an introduction section outlining the state, regional, and local planning framework for program context Project Mgr: Kakuska Project: Water Body Classification Work Element: 3186 Project Mgr: Kakuska Project: Future Urban Development Area (FUDA) Planning Work Element: 3191 Project Mgr: Mesbah, Kakuska, Community Planner, staff Recent/Planned Activities The resolutions proposing the development of the CARPC called for a new planning process involving CARPC preparing an Environmental Conditions Report for each urban service area. In preparing these reports, CARPC will work with communities to evaluate their water and natural resources, identifying those areas where sensitive natural resources are least likely to be harmed. Based on these reports and other planning considerations, urban service areas/communities are to propose 25year Future Urban Development Area plans for review by CARPC. Next Steps Comments Provided Zones of Contribution (ZOC) delineations to C. Madison for wells #6, 12, 18, and 24 using four different pumping scenarios Provided introductory information, Phase I description, figures, and aerial photographs as part of the draft Phase II management plan Continue to assist in the County’s expanding circles of focus groups and review consisting of municipal officials, stakeholders, and the general public Consultation with the Technical Advisory Committee of the CARPC, when it has been appointed by the RPC. Development of a policy framework for FUDA environmental condition reports and their use and application in identifying and protecting sensitive environmental resources. Generate a draft Report and policy framework outline for peer review first and Commission and public comment afterwards. 7 May 2007 Dane County Community Analysis & Planning Division Monthly Project Report May 2007 Project Description/Background Project: Impact Analysis Reviews Work Element: 3210 Project Mgr: Kamran Mesbah/Mike Kakuska Project: Monitor Legislation & Policy Development Work Element: 3215 Project Mgr: Kamran Mesbah/Mike Kakuska Project: Resource Conservation Public Education and Outreach Work Element: 3410 Project Mgr: Mesbah, Kakuska Project: Natural Resources Library and File Organization Work Element: 3410 Project Mgr: Mesbah, Kakuska Recent/Planned Activities Next Steps Review and evaluate environmental assessments and impact statements relative to projects and proposals in Dane County Working with the Madison Area MPO on adding environmental resources information to the Regional Transportation Plan is support of recent federal guidelines. Review and monitor proposed legislation and participate on committees and discussions related to general environmental issues (if not covered under 3141, 3142, 3143, and 3144). Monitoring is being conducted through continual survey of the Wisconsin Administrative Register and the news media. Resource protection requires wide support for the program conceptually and in its implementation. Develop an education and outreach program to solicit input and support in efforts for addressing natural resource management issues facing the region. Collected general background information and developed an outline for focusing on specific issues, audiences, and tailoring materials to them. Expand outline and provide more detail. Organize the natural resources library for easy retrieval of resource and reference materials. Reorganize the natural resources filing system for easy retrieval of information. Sewer extension files were organized. Organize stormwater files. Comments Attending meetings with federal transportation agency representatives to review the available information. Present the outline to the CARPC and ask for discussion/guidance. As time permits. 8 May 2007 Dane County Community Analysis & Planning Division Monthly Project Report May 2007 Project Description/Background Project: Environmental Resources Technical Advisory Committee Formation Work Element: 3420 Recent/Planned Activities Establish committee representing the scientific and professional community to provide technical advice on natural resources issues, management, policies, and programs. Compiled a list of potential ERTAC members. Seek designation of the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission as the official areawide water quality planning and management agency for Dane County. Designation is recommended by the WDNR to the Governor, and officially approved by the Governor based on US Environmental Protection Agency criteria. Drafted response letter to WDNR’s request for documentation of CARPC qualifications for designation as the area-wide water quality planning agency for the region. Work Element: 3510 Project Mgr: Mesbah Confirm members’ interest in participating. Present draft ERTAC list to Commission for approval and appointment. Project Mgr: Mesbah, Kakuska Project: Areawide Water Quality Planning Certification Next Steps Present the draft response letter to WDNR for CARPC consideration. Work with the RPC on establishing/reestablishing necessary policies for designation. Comments The Environmental Resources Technical Advisory Committee (ERTAC) is a committee of local natural resources experts that is appointed by the CARPC. The ERTAC will discuss and evaluate technical and policy alternatives for addressing current and emerging environmental issues and decisions faced by the CARPC, and providing technical recommendations to the CARPC. The CARPC needs to meet certain qualifications and conditions to be designated by the Governor as the areawide water quality planning agency for region as outlined in the Clean Water Act and state statutes. The draft letter provides an outline of the current status and approach to fulfilling the needed qualifications. 9 May 2007 Dane County Community Analysis & Planning Division Monthly Project Report May 2007 Project Description/Background Recent/Planned Activities Next Steps Comments CATEGORY 3300: USA / LSA Amendments USA amendment Waunakee USA: Meadowbrook 423-acre amendment to the Waunakee USA. USA amendment Mazomanie USA: x.x acre amendment to the Mazomanie USA requested by the Village of Mazomanie. USA amendment Deerfield USA: 389.5 acre amendment to the Deerfield USA requested by the Village of Deerfield. Final amendment request received. Set public hearing. USA amendment Verona USA: 113.6 acre amendment to the Verona USA requested by the City of Verona. Preliminary amendment request received. Review preliminary amendment request and provide comments to applicant. USA amendment Marshall USA: 78.5acre amendment to the Marshall USA requested by the Village of Marshall. Preliminary review completed and comments sent to applicant. Await final submission. USA amendment Town of Burke: Gander Mountain (CUSA) 20.0 acres added to Central Urban Service Area, as requested by the Town of Burke, to serve commercial uses. Public hearing held May 21, and recommendation for expedited approval submitted to DNR on May 24. Await DNR action. Prepare annual report highlighting activities and accomplishments of 2006. Publication assembled and edited Print and distribute Maintain and enhance agency web presence. Ongoing updates Further staff input and testing ????? (USA reviews in general) Awaiting determination of place and date for public hearing. CATEGORY 4000: Public Assistance / Information Project: 2006 Annual Report Work Element: 4110 Project Mgr: Barbara Weber/Steve Wagner Project: Web Site Maintenance Work Element: 4130 Project Mgr: Steve Wagner Developing redesigned website for CARPC Present to New Commission 10 May 2007 Dane County Community Analysis & Planning Division Monthly Project Report May 2007 Project Description/Background Project: Development of Graphic Identity System Recent/Planned Activities Next Steps To provide consistency of publications and presentations. Developed logo and letterhead Presentation to New Commission There is an ongoing turnover in local elected officials and plan commissioners. It is difficult for each community to orient and train new officials. A collaborative approach where local officials from many communities can come together addresses a problem experienced by many communities. Working with Dane County Extension, the lead agency, to get local planner and community input on the program and program format. Await revised proposal from Extension. Planning Forums provide an opportunity for planning, allied professionals and citizen planners from around the county to discuss regional planning issues and hear presentations on topics of general interest. Held forums in April and May. Comments Work Element: 4140 Project Mgr: Wagner Project: Plan Commissioner Training Work Element: 4150 Project Mgr: King Project: Dane Planning Forum Work Element: 4160 Project Mgr: King Held discussions at the Dane Planning Forum meetings in both April and May. Plan Sept. 28th forum. CATEGORY 5000: Administration Project: 2008 Budget proposal Work Element: 5100 Project Mgr: King Project: 2008 Work Program Work Element: 5120 and 5130 Project Mgr: King 11 May 2007 Dane County Community Analysis & Planning Division Monthly Project Report May 2007 Project Description/Background Project: Commission Orientation on Resource Planning Work Element: 5200 Project Mgr: King, Mesbah, Gjestson, staff Project: By-law review Work Element: 5200 Provide orientation materials and presentations including: information on the history, authority, role and responsibilities of the RPC; DCWQP; DCLU&TP. Recent/Planned Activities Info on history and timeline of regional planning in Dane County is complete in draft form. Next Steps Comments Final versions for CARPC meetings Status of natural resources is complete in draft form. Prepare information on the governance and planning issues the Commission will need to address in 2007 Info on role of RPC regarding natural resources/WQP is complete in draft form. The new Commission will need rules and procedures to guide it in accordance w/ WI Regional Plan Statutes. Staff is reviewing DRPC bylaws for reviewed and consideration by new Commission. RPC review and approval. Establish committee representing the scientific and professional community to provide technical advice on natural resources issues, management, policies, and programs. Compiled a list of potential ERTAC members. Confirm members’ interest in participating. It will be incumbent upon the Commission to develop personnel policies and salary structures prior to beginning hiring processes. Staff is preparing an amended DCRPC personnel manual for review and approval by the Commission. Project Mgr: King / Gjestson Project: Environmental Resources Technical Advisory Committee Formation Work Element: 5200 Present draft ERTAC list to Commission for approval and appointment. Project Mgr: Mesbah / Kakuska Project: Recruit / select Staff Work Element: 5400 Project Mgr: Executive Director and Commission The Environmental Resources Technical Advisory Committee (ERTAC) is a committee of local natural resources experts that is appointed by the CARPC. The TAC will discuss and evaluate technical and policy alternatives for addressing current and emerging environmental issues and decisions faced by the CARPC, and providing technical recommendations to the CARPC. ?? 12 May 2007 Dane County Community Analysis & Planning Division Monthly Project Report May 2007 Project: Recruit / select Executive Director Work Element: 5400 Project Mgr: Commission / Executive Committee Project: Personnel Manual update Work Element: 5400 Project Mgr: Gjestson / Weber Project Description/Background Recent/Planned Activities Next Steps The RPC Budget and Personnel Panel has recommended that the RPC begin the ED recruitment process, using Dane County Employee Relations to coordinate the selection. The Commission will provide a list of 3 candidates to the Panel for their selection. An agenda item will be included for the June 14 meeting of the RPC to discuss the selection process. The full Commission will determine the extent and substance of the recruitment. CAPD staff will remain employees of Dane County thru 2007. The Commission will make offers of employment effective 1.1.08. The Commission will need employment rules and will need to spell out compensation and benefit packages before offering staff positions. Staff is preparing an amended DCRPC personnel manual for MRK review and for subsequent review and approval by the Commission. Commission review and adoption. Project: Training of Environmental Resources Staff Comments Completed ArcView GIS training (MK) Completed two of five sessions of the UWEX facilitation training course (KM) Work Element: 5801 Project Mgr: Mesbah Project: Library Organization Work Element: 5900 To provide professional staff and interested parties an organized and accessible library. Organization and documentation update has begun. Project Mgr: Gjestson 13 Meeting Attendance, Agenda Packets, and Commission/Staff Communication 2.2 RPC Meeting Attendance Regional planning commission responsibilities are typically a fourth priority for Commissioners. It is not surprising that family, work, and service on another public body (town or village board or city council) come first. Historically, the Dane County RPC had some difficulty in having enough members present to effectively carry out business. Notably, it takes eight votes to approve an urban service area amendment, regardless of how many Commissioners are present and voting. Thus, while a quorum of the Commission is seven, 10 or 11 Commissioners are usually needed for an effective Commission meeting. Local government officials, public citizens and other stakeholders fully expect that scheduled RPC meetings will be held and Commission business conducted. In the event a Commissioner expects to miss a meeting, it is important that he or she call (266-4138) or e-mail ([email protected]) the CAPD office to notify staff. Should it appear that a quorum of the Commission will not be present, staff will contact the Chair or Vice-Chair, who will have the option of canceling the meeting. RPC Agenda Packet Mailings / Questions Staff will mail meeting materials to the Commission one week prior to regularly scheduled meetings. Assuming that meetings are held on Thursdays, meeting materials will be mailed from the CAPD office on the previous Thursday, so that Commissioners should have materials for review over the weekend. Should a Commissioner wish to distribute materials to the body for review prior to a meeting, he or she should ensure that staff has the materials before noon on the Thursday “mailing day.” If Commissioners have questions about an upcoming agenda item, it is often helpful to call staff in advance of the Commission meeting. Commissioner / Staff Communications Staff welcomes contacts and questions from Commissioners and the public. Typically, contacts and questions should go to the following three staff members. Michael King, Division Administrator: 266-4417 ([email protected]) Kamran Mesbah, Deputy Division Administrator: 266-9283 ([email protected]) Chris Gjestson, Administrative Services Manager: 266-4138 ([email protected]) A series of contacts from Commissioners to a variety of staff members can cause confusion and misunderstandings. The following approach is recommended. Contact Michael King regarding any item, and particularly on policy matters. Contact Kamran Mesbah regarding urban service area amendments or environmental resource questions. Contact Chris Gjestson on any administrative, operational, or scheduling matters. Information requests can be addressed to the appropriate staff member. Staff are asked to report all Commission contacts to the Division Administrator. Table of Contents TAB 1 AGENDAS & MINUTES TAB 2 ORGANIZATION 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 TAB 3 CARPC CREATION 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 TAB 4 USA Amendment Criteria FUTURE URBAN DEVELOPMENT AREAS 9.1 TAB 10 Open Meetings Law Summary Open Records Law Summary Code of Conduct URBAN SERVICE AREAS 8.1 TAB 9 Parliamentary Procedures Wisconsin RPC Profiles State Statutes: Regional Planning Commissions State Statutes: Metropolitan Sewerage Districts State Statutes: Dane County Lakes & Watersheds Smart Growth Clean Water Act Summary Natural Resources Administrative Code (NR 121) GOVERNMENTAL LAW 7.1 7.2 7.3 TAB 8 Regional Planning History / Timeline Annual Reports 2004 – 06 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES & RELEVANT LAW 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 TAB 7 CARPC Work Program CARPC Budget Monthly Project Reports HISTORY 5.1 5.2 TAB 6 Executive Order #197 Model Resolution Local Units of Government voting (map & table) April 11, 2006 memo from Richard Nordeng WORK PROGRAM / BUDGET 4.1 4.2 4.3 TAB 5 Commissioner / Staff Contact Information Meeting Attendance, Agenda Packets and Commission/Staff Communication Meeting Calendar Organizational Chart Commissioner Profiles Staff Profiles FUDA Planning CARPC BYLAWS 10.1 10.2 Model Resolution CARPC Bylaws TAB 11 CARPC PERSONNEL MANUAL TAB 12 Reserved for Future Use Version 1.0
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