13:13 08-29-06 Frorn-SAHTU UYB + 1-OTT P01/02 Maant a VaNe Land & Water bard *FO. SAHTU Land & Water Board P.O. Box I Fort Good Hope, NT XOE OHO AUG 292006 Telephone: 867 598-2413 Fax: 867 598-2325 E-mail: [email protected] AppM.’IcatIoi Copied To File: MVOSP-O01 8 Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Bob Wooley Executive Director, MVLWB Fax Number: 867 873-6610 From: George Govier Number of Pages mcI. cover 2 Date: August 29, 2006 Comments: Enbridge Pipelines NW Inc. Land Use Permit MVOSP- 0018 Application for Renewal Reference: F-389 a Fax letter from Tulita District Land Corp. dated Aug. 29/06 1. Information presented at Reference a is attached, and should be made known to Adrian Paradis. 2. Your thoughts and comments always welcome. Regards George Govier Executive Director ae-n-oe Uu13 Vax en& b3J Prom-SAHTU LI + T-QT7 9’Zg/% tsji–adisctrict %759$2997 TulitalDistrietLaIxI Corponfl PIQUOZ iaig rax: 67$fl-3997 Entail; aistflct'aUstreaTzLntt copy August29. 2006 Mn Male Tout Manager PC box 280 Nornan Wells. NT XOE QVC Dear Ms. Tout Re: Public Consdtafixi MenQ This is In reference to Enbæd9e appilcation for Transboundary Land Use Permit Application, It Is veiy Important that you meet wiu-i the management commfttee of Tulita Dlstht Land Corporation. We are disappointed that no one has contacted the Distitt The District is responsible for actMties on Sabtu Sethement Lands for the membership. Please ensure you contact Louisa Pndeer at tha above address to set a scheduled meeting. Sincerely. a- ap C1arenoe Campbell President cc; Sabtu Land & water Board Fort Good Hope UB-Z2"-06 11 :20 FrwraaYilaSSST To-SAIITU Pg 1/1. Oc. TaNTXQEOKQ Pboz2: SG7-S$&-934 RQCQiYQd P-IN LWD Page 01 r 08-21-06 13:52 From-SAHTU LW8 + 1-085 P01 SAHTIJ Land & Water Board P.O. Box I Fort Good Hope, NT XOE ONO Telephone; 867 598-2413 Fax: 867 598-2325 E-mail: sahtuexd@allstreamsiet File: MVOSP-0018 Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Bob Wooley Executive Director, MVLWB Fax Number: 667 873-6610 From: George Govier Number of Pages incL cover 15 Date: August 21, 2006 Comments: Enbridge Pipelines NW Inc. Land Use Permit MVO6P- 0018 Aunlicatlon for Renewal Reference; a e-mail from Adrian Paradis dated Aug. 21/08 1. Annotated comments on information presented at Reference a is attached, and should be made known to Adrian Paradis. 2. Your thoughts and comments always welcome. Regards Macken z* Van Lgod & Water Scard Pb AUG 21 2O6 AppiicMIoa Copied To George Govier Executive Director F-340 01-21-01 15:12 + !rom-SAHTU LWI T-0II P02/li P-140 CONDITIONS ANNEXED TO AND FORMING PART OF LAND USE PERMIT NUM5R MV2OO6POO Part A: Scooe of Permit 1. This permit entitles Enbridge Pipelines NW Inc. to conduct the following activities: 1 ii. iii iv. v. Off Right-of-Way Activities for the Operation and Maintenance of the Pipeline from Norman Wells to Alberta/Northwest Territories Border, including Quarrying, Camp, Clearing of vegetation to access to Right-of-Way Fuel, and Hazardous Materials Storage 2. The Permit is issued subject to the conditions contained herein with respect to the use of land for the activities and area identified in Part A, Item 1 of this permit. ‘1#tiae# ft 3. Compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit does not absolve the Permittee from responsibility fbr compliance with the requirements of all applicable Federal, Territorial and Municipal legislation. Part B: Definitions "Act" means the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act "Board" means the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board established under Part 4 of the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act "Dogleg" means clearing a line, trail or right-of-way that is curved sufficiently so that no part of the clearing beyond the curve is visible when approached from either direction; "Inspector means an Inspector designated by the Minister under the Mackenzie Valley Resoume Management Act "Permeability" means the capacity to transmit water through a medium; "Sewage" means all toilet wastes and grey water "Sewage Disposal Facilities" means sumps and/or sewage collection tanks designed to hold sewage; "Sump" means a man-made pit, trench hollow or cavity in the earth’s surface used for the purpose of depositing waste material therein; Enbrdige Pipelines NW Inc. Norman Wells to AB/NWT Border, MV200GPOO1 S Page 1 of 7 05-21-06 13:52 FroM-$AHTU LYlE + 1055 P.03/15 F340 Part C: Conditions Applying to All Activities the headings correspond to Subsection 26 of the Mackenzie Valley Land Use ReciulationsI 261a LOCATION AND AREA LI. The Permittee shall not conduct this land use operation on any lands not designated in the accepted application. 4., % The Permittee shall useyrØxisting campsfte PLANS LOCATION The Permittee shall only excavate and stockpile in areas designated by the Land Use Inspector. DESIGNATED AREAS 261b} TIME DEHCI-IO CONTACT The Permittee’s Field Supervisor shall first contact an Inspector at 867 695-2626 and at least forty-eight 46 hours prior to the commencement of this land use operation within the Dehcho Region. INSPECTOR 5. The Permittee’s Field Supervisor shall first contact an Inspector at 867 587-2011 and at least forty-eight 48 hours prior to the commencement of this land use operation within the Sahtu Settlement Area. CONTACT INS C at- The Permittee shall advise an Inspector at least ten 10 days prior to the completion of the land use operation of a the plan for removal or storage of equipment and materials, and b when final clean-up and restoration of the land used will be completed. REPORTS BEFORE REMO L The Permittee shall not conduct any overland movement of equipment and vehicles between April 15 and September 15, unless otherwise authorized in writing by an Inspector. SHUT-DOWN PERIOD z The Board, for the purpose of this operation, designates as spring break-up. SAHTLJ SPRING March BREAK-UP The Permittee shall remove all snow fills from stream crossings prior to spring break-up or completion of the land use operation unless otherwise approved in writing by an Inspector. 10. The Permiflee shall remove all ice bridges prior to spring break-up or completion of the land use operation unless otherwise approved in writing by an Inspector. 1% The Perrnittee shall restore all sumps prior to spring break-up, unless otherwise authorized in writing by an Inspector Enbrdige Pipelines NW Inc. Norman Wells to ABINWT Border, MV2006POOIB REMOVE SNOW FILLS REMOVE ICE BRIDGE $ 3 SISPRIN EAKUP Page 2 of 7 06-21-06 13:52 2 IZ Prorn-SANTU LWS 1-065 + P.04/iS F-340 The Board and/or Inspector reserves the right to impose closure of any area to the Perrnittee in periods when dangers to natural resources are severe. CLOSURE 281c TYPE AND SIZE OF EQUIPMENT $ The Permittee shall not use any equipment except of the type, size, and number that is listed in the accepted application, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the inspector. ONLY PROE QUIRM N IAP-4 ‘4 261}d METhODS AND TECHNIQUES i--2s 441 <sCs4c The Permittee shall construct and maintain winter roads with a SNOW ROADS/ ICE ROADS minimum of ten 10 centimetres packed snow at all times during - this land use operation. If this cannot be done, then the Permittee shall construct Ice Roads in a manner authorized by an Inspector. 261e TYPE, LOCATION, CAPACITY AND OPERATION OF ALL FACILITIES S.. ft it The Permittee shall not locate any sump within one hundred 100 metres of the ordinary high water mark of any water body. SUMPS PROM 5.7 jfr The Permittee shall ensure that the land use area is kept clean at all CLEAN WORK WATER times- AREA 26lflt CONTROL OR PREVENTION OF PONDING OF WATER, FLOODING, EROSION, SLIDES AND SUBSIDENCE OF LAND J h2ai& i.t j>.28 The Permittee shall slope the sides of excavations and EXCAVATIONS embankments except in solid rock to a horizontal/vertical ratio of two EMBAN KM ENT& 2 horizontal to one 1 vertical. The land use operation shall not cause obstruction to any natural drainage NATURAL DRAINAGE The Perrnittee shall not use any material other than water in the construction of ice bridges. ICE BRIDGE The Permittee shall not allow any ice bridge to hinder the flow of water. iCE BRIDGE The Permittee shall not use the bed of streams for access routes except for the purpose of crossing the streams, unless otherwise authorized by the Inspector. STREAM BEDS . MATERIAL - ACCESS . Enbrdige Pipelines NW Inc. Norman Wells to ASINWT Border, MV2006POOIS Page 3 of 7 08-21-06 13:52 From-SAHTLI LYIB + 1-085 P.05/IS The Permittee shall prepare the site in such a manner as to prevent rutting of the ground surface. 25. The Permittee shall suspend overland travel of equipment or vehicles at the first sign of rutting. 46 The Permittee shall not move any equipment or vehicles unless the ground surface is in a state capable of fully supporting the equipment or vehicles without rutting or gouging. F-340 PREVENTION OF RUTTING SUSPEND OVERLAND TRAVEL VEHICLE MOVEMENT FREEZE-UP -. 261g USE, STORAGE, HANDLING AND ULTIMATE DISPOSAL OF ANY CHEMICAL OR TOXIC MATERIAL 27. The Permittee shall dispose of all combustible waste petroleum products by incineration or removal. WASTE PETROLEUM 4EJ4sc4t The Permittee shall report all spills immediately to the 24 hour Spill Report Line 867 920-8130, which is in accordance with instructions contained in Spill Report form N.W,T 1752/0593. REPORT CHEMICAL AND PETROLEUM SPILLS 261h WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES HABITAT 11 j _at ‘pr t 4 hJ tktM HABITAT The Permittee shall minimize damage to wildlife and fish habitat in conducting this land use operation. DAMAGE The Permittee shall not obstruct the movement of fish while conducting this land use operation. FREE FISH MOVEMENT The Permittee shall use food handling and garbage disposal procedures that do not attract bears. BEAR/MAN CONFLICT 261i STORAGE, HANDLING AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE OR SEWAGE r ‘$.r .34c The Permittee shall dispose of all sewage and grey water into a sump, or as directed by the Inspector. Enbrdige Pipelines NW Inc. Norman Welts to AB/NWT Border, MV200BPOOIB SEWAGE IN SUMP Page 4 of 7 08-21-06 13:53 From-SAHTU LWB + T-05 P06/15 F-340 The Permittee shall burn all combustible garbage and debris, except INCINERATION plastics, daily, in a container acceptable to an Inspector. f’7 sr 94 ,3& GARBAGE CONTAINER The Perrnittee shall keep all garbage and debris in a covered metal container on site until disposed of, This container shalt be marked with the Permittee’s name. The Permittee shalt remove alt noncombustible garbage and debris from the Land Use area to a disposal site approved in writing by the Land Use Inspector. The Permittee shall remove all scrap metal, discarded machinery, parts, barrels and kegs, buildings and building material to an approved waste disposal facility. REMOVE RBAGE REMOVE MATA E L 261}Q PROTECTION OF HISTORICAL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND BURIAL SITES %O. 39. The Permittee shall immediately cease any activity which disturbs an archaeological, historical, and/or burial site and contact the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board at 867 669-0506 should an archaeological site or specimen be encountered or disturbed by any land use activity. CONTACTS 40. The Permittee shall ensure that all persons working under authority of the permit are aware of these conditions concerning archaeological land use activity. NOTIFICATION TO EMPLOYEES tpt’ The Permittee shall not operate any machinery or equipment within one hundred and fifty 150 metres of any known Historical or Archaeological Site and Burial Ground. NO ACTIVITY The Permittee shall make every effort to ensure that no Historical or Archaeological Site or Burial Ground will be affected by this operation. SITES PROTECTION 261k OBJECTS AND PLACES OF RECREATIONAL SCENIC AND ECOLOGICAL VALUE NO FEEDING WILDLIFE 4.r98 The Permittee shall not feed wildlife. LJa+o 4akia 4+ s1aS t3L - 261l SECURITY DEPOSIT f > I ft4 I cas.tr$c ska wtL 4L-kWLvJ ac’4Y The Permrttee shall report in writing to an Inspector the location and quantity of all fuel caches within ten 10 days after their establishment. Enbrdige Pipelines NW Inc. Norman Wells to AB/NWT Border, hN2006P0018 seAaatr REPORT FUEL LOCATION Page 5 of 7 09-21-06 13:53 -2.A& From-$ARTU LWB + 1-085 The Permittee shall not place any fuel storage containers within one hundred 100 metres of the normal high water mark of any water body. P.07715 F-3U FUEL BY STREAM FUEL The Permittee shall not allow petroleum products to spread to CONTAINMENT bodies. surrounding lands or into water 47. The Perrnittee shall ensure that adequate contingency plans and spill kits are in place, prior to commencement of operations, to respond to any potential spills. tt ic.i, ;Lw, t1 ‘3-’& ‘‘-‘1 SPILL RESPONSE ‘ I 261n METHODS AND ThCHNVQUES FOR DEBRIS AND BRUSH DISPOSAL c4-i’f.4 ,> AC The Permittee shall complete total disposal of all debris and brush cleared prior to the expiry date of the Land Use Permit. BRUSH DISPOSAL! 261 o RESTORATION OF THE LANDS The Permittee shall apply grass seed and fertilizer to areas as authorized in writing by an Inspector. .5< 52. REPLANT DESIGNTE SAVE AND The Permittee shall save the organic soil stripped from the PLACE the organic soil over the disturbed area excavation area and place ORGANIC SOIL prior to the expiry date of this Land Use Permit. Stripping of overburden must be approved in writing by an Inspector STRIPPING OF OVER8UPE prior to commencement of the quarrying operation. see 54. The Perrnittee shall dispose of all overburden as instructed by the Inspector. DISPOSAL OF OVERBURDEN 55. The Permittee shall backfill and restore all sumps prior to the ecpiry date of this Permit BACKFILL SUMPS 261p DISPLAY OF PERMITS AND PERMIT NUMBERS The Perniittee shall keep on hand, at all times during this land use operation, a copy of the Land Use Permit. 261q MATTERS REGULATIONS NOT INCONSISTENT WITH COPY OF PERMIT THE The Permittee shall provide in writing to the Board and Inspector, at Enbrdige Pipelines NW Inc. Norman Wells to AB/NWT Border, MV200SPOO18 IDNTlFY Page 6 of 7 09-21-06 13:53 Pron’-SAHTU LViB + 1-065 P08/15 least forty-eight 48 hours prior to commencement of this land use operation, the following information: a person, or persons, in charge of the field operation to whom notices, orders, and reports may be served; b alternates; and c all methods for contacting the above persons. q ,$&‘ F-340 AGENT TRAPS The Permittee shall, while preparing the access road, make every PROTECTION effort to avoid covering or destroying traps or snares that may be found along these routes. TRAILS The Permittee shall restore any trails used by trappers or hunters RESTORATION along access routes by slashing any and all trees that may fall across these paths or trails and by removing any other obstructions such as snow piles or debris that may be pushed across the trails. 60. The Permittee shall submit to the Board an update of the contingency plan for chemical and petroleum P111, if there are any changes in the operation during the life of the permit. CONTJJ4C&ENC 61. The Permittee shall dispose of all combustible waste petroleum products by incineration or removal. WASTE PETFOLEJM Enbrdige Pipelines NW Inc. Norman Wells to AB/NWT Border, MV2006POO1 B Page 7 of 7 08-21-06 13:54 From-SAHTIJ LYIB 1-065 + P.09/15 F-340 CONDITIONS ANNEXED TO AND FORMING PART a OF LAND USE PERMIT NUMBER 599P-009 261 a - Op LOCATION AND AREA 1.1 The Permittee shall not conduct this land use operation on any lands not designated in the accepted application, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the S.L.W.B. PLANS 1.2 The Permittee shall not conduct any part at the land use operation within three hundred 300 metres of any privately owned land or structure, without prior consultation with the landowner and the S.L.W.B. PRIVATh PROPERTY 1.5 The Permittee shall use existing campsites. CAMP LOCATION 1.6 The Permittee shalt only excavate and stockpile in areas designated by the Land Use Inspector. DESIGNATED AREAS 26 1 b - TIME 2.1 The Permittee’s Field Supervisor shall contact or meet with the Land Use Inspector at the Norman Wells office of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, telephone number 867 587-2911, at least forty-eight 48 hours prior to the commencement of this land use operation. CONTACT INSPECTOR 2.2 The Permittee shall advise the Land Use Inspector at least ten 10 days prior to the completion of the land use operation of a his plan for removal or storage of equipment and materials, and b when final dean-up and restoration of the land used will be completed. REPORTS BEFORE REMOVAL 2.7 The Permittee shall not conduct any overland movement of equipment and vehicles between April 15 and November 15, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Land Use Inspector. , SHUT-DOWN PERIOD 2.9 The S.L.W.B., for the purpose of This operation, designates April 15 as spring break-up. SPRING BREAK-UP 2.11 The Permittee shall remove all snow fills from stream crossings prior to spring break-up or completion of the land use operation unless otherwise approved in writing by the Land Use Inspector. REMOVE SNOW FILLS 2.12 The Permittee shall restore all sumps prior to spring break-up unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Land Use Inspector. SUMPS SPRING BREAK-UP 1 OB-2l-U6 IS54 From-SANTU LYB + T-O6 P.10/IS F-340 2.13 The S.LWB. reserves the right to impose closure of any area to the Permittee in periods when dangers to natural resources are severe. CLOSURE 2.14 The Permittee shall complete all clean-up and restoration of the lands used prior to the expiry date of this Permit. CLEAN-UP 261 c - EQUIPMENT 3.1 The Permittee shall not use any equipment except of the type, size, and number that is listed in the accepted application, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Land Use Inspector. ONLY APPROVED EQUIPMENT 3,2 The Permittee shall equip bulldozer blades used in this operation with "mushroom" type shoes or a similar type of device which shall be extended fifteen 15 centimetres below the cutting edge of the blade. BULLDOZER BLADES AND SHOES 3.4 The Permittee shall bum all combustible garbage and debris in a container acceptable to the Land Use Inspector. INCINERATION 261 d - METHODS AND TECHNIQUES 4.1 The Permittee shall scout proposed lines and routes to select the best location for crossing streams and avoiding terrain obstacles prior to the movement of any vehicle that exerts pressure on the ground in excess of 35 kPa. DETOURS AND CROSSINGS 4.2 The Permittee shall construct and maintain winter roads with a minimum of ten 10 centimetres packed snow at all times during this land use operation. If this cannot be done, then the Permittee shall construct Ice Roads in a manner approved by the Land Use Inspector. SNOW ROADS! ICE ROADS 4.7 The Perrnittee shall replace all excavated material from the test pits prior to the expiry of this Permit TEST PITS 4.8 The Permittee shall dispose of all overburden as instructed in writing by the Land Use Inspector. DISPOSAL OF OVERBURDEN 4.9 The Permittee shall slope the sides of excavations and embankments except in solid rock to two 2 horizontal to one 1 vertical, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Land Use Inspector. EXCAVATIONS AND EMBANKMENTS 4.10 The Permittee shall slope the sides of waste material piles to a gradient specified in writing by the Land Use Inspector. WASTE MATERIAL PILES 4.15 Stripping of overburden must be approved by the Land Use Inspector prior to commencement of the quarrying operation. STRIPPING OF QVRUURDEN 2 08-27-06 73:54 FrorrSAHTU LIVE + 1-065 P.11/iS P’340 26. 1 e -TYPE, LOCATION, CAPACITY AND OPERATION OF FACILITIES 5.1 The Permittee shall not locate any sump within one hundred 100 metres of the normal high water mark of any stream. SUMPS FROM WATER 5.3 The Permittee shall backfill and restore all sumps prior to the expiry date of this Permit, BACKFILL SUMPS 5.7 The Permittee shall ensure that the land use area is kept dean and tidy at all times CLEAN WORK AREA CONTROL OR PREVENTION OF FLOODING. EROSION AND SUBSIDENCE OF LAND 6.2 The Permittee shall remove any obstruction to natural drainage caused by any part of this land use operation NATURAL DRAINAGE 8.3 The Permittee shall not cut any stream bank, unless authorized in writing by the Land Use Inspector. STREAM BANKS 8.4 The Pemiittee shall not use any material other than water in the construction of ice bridges. ICE BRIDGE MATERIAL 8,5 The Pennittee shall not allow any ice bridge to hinder the flow of water in any stream. ICE BRIDGE 6.7 The Permittee shall not use the bed of streams for access routes except for the purpose of crossing the streams, unless otherwise authorized by the Land Use Inspector. STREAM BEDS ACCESS 6.8 The Permittee shall locate all tines, trails and rights-of-way to be constructed parallel to streams a minimum of thirty 30 metres from any stream except at crossings, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Land Use Inspector. PARALLELING STREAMS 8.10 The Permittee shall not ford wet streams, unless authorized in writing by the Land Use Inspector. NO FORDING OF STREAMS 6.17 The Permittee shall prepare the site in such a manner as to prevent nitting of the ground surface. PREVENTiON OF RUTTING 6.20 The Permittee shall not move any equipment or vehicles unless the ground surface is in a state capable of fully supporting the equipment or vehicles without rutting or gouging VEH1CLE MOVEMENT FREEZE-UP 6.22 The Pern,ittee shall not conduct any overland movement of vehicles, except on e>dsting access routes without approval of the Land Use Inspector. TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS 3 08-21-06 26. 1 g 13:54 - Frpm-SAHTU L*B + T-065 Pit/IS F-340 USE, STORAGE, HANDLING AND DISPOSAL OF CHEMICAL OR TOXIC MATERIAL 7.7 The Permittee shall dispose of all toxic or persistent substances in a manner as prescribed in the Enbridge PipelinesNV Inc. ‘Waste Management Plan". WASTE CHEMICAL DISPOSAL 7.9 The Permittee shall report all spills immediately in accordance with instructions contained in ‘Spill Reporr form N. W. T. 1088 10179. 24 hour Spill Report Line 867 920-8130. REPORT CHEMICAL AND PETROLEUM SPILLS NEW The Perrnittee shall respond to all chemical and petroleum spills in accordance with the "Enbridge Emergency Response Plan Northern Region? CHEMICAL AND PETROLEUM SPILLS 261 h -WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES HABITAT 8.1 The Permittee shall not unnecessarily damage wildlife habitat in conducting this land use operation. HABITAT DAMAGE 8.3 The Permittee shall not obstruct the movement of fish while conducting this land use operation. FREE FISH MOVEMENT 8.9 Your operation is in an area where bears may be encountered. Proper food handflng and garbage disposal procedures will lessen the likelihood of bears being attracted to your operation. lnforrnaUon about the latest bear detection and deterrent techniques can be obtained from the Department of Renewable Resources at 867 5872130. BEARJMAN CONFLICT 8.11 The Permittee shall not remove earth to a depth below that of the water table. Do not quariy below wdsting pit floor. QUARRY DEPTH 261 I THE STORAGE, HANDLING.. AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE OR SEWAGE 9.1 The Perrnittee shall deposit all sewage into a sump, or as directed by the Land Use Inspector. SEWAGE DISPOSAL 9,4 The Permittee shall keep all garbage and debris in a covered metal container until disposed of. This container shall be marked with the Permitte&s name. GARBAGE CONTAINERS 9.5 The Permittee shall bum all garbage and debris at least daily. GARBAGE DISPOSAL 9.7 The Permittee shall remove all rioncombustible garbage and debris from the Land use area to a disposal site approved in writing by the Land Use Inspector. REMOVE GARBAGE 4 08-21-00 13:54 From-$AHTIJ LIYS + 1-005 P.13/15 F-340 9.11 The Pemiittee shall remove from the Permit Area, all scrap metal, discarded mathinery and parts, barrels and kegs, buildings and building material. REMOVE WASTE MATERIAL 9.12 The Permittee shall dispose of all combustible waste petroleum products by incineration or removal. WASTE PETROLEUM DISPOSAL 26 1 Ci HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AND BURIAL GROUNDS - 10_i The Permittee shall not operate any machinery or equipment within 150 metres of any known Historical or Archaeological Site and Burial Ground. NO ACTIVITY 10.2 The permittee shall make every effort to ensure that no Historical or Archaeological Site or Burial Ground will be affected by this operation, SITES PRQTECTION 261 m - PETROLEUM FUEL STORAGE 13.1 The Permittee shall report in writing to the Land Use Inspector the location and quantity of all petroleum fuel caches within ten 10 days after the establishment. REPORT FUEL LOCATION 13.2 The Perrnittee shall not place any petroleum fuel storage containers within one hundred 100 metres of the normal high water mark of any stream without written approval from the Land Use Inspector. FUEL BY STREAM 13.4 The Permittee shall not allow petroleum products to spread to surrounding lands or into water bodies. FUEL CONTAINMENT 13.6 The Permittee shall construct a dyke around each stationary fuel container or group of stationary fuel containers where any one container has a capacity exceeding 4000 litres. DYKE FUEL CONTAINERS 13.7 The Permittee shall line the dyke and area enclosed by the dyke with a type of plastic film Itner approved by the S.L.W.B. LINE DYKE 13.8 The volume of the dyked area shall be ten per cent 10% greater than the capacity of the largest fuel container placed therein. CAPACITY i3. The Permittee shall ensure that the dyke and the area enclosed by the dyke shall be impermeable to petroleum products at all times. IMPERMEABLE DYKE 13.16 The Permittee shall seal all container outlets except the outlet currently in use. SEAL OUTLET 13.17 The Pemiittee shall mark all fuel containers with the Permittee’s name. This includes 45 gallon drums. MARK CONTAINERS 5 08-21-08 261 n 13:55 - FroirSAHTU LYlE + 1-085 P14/15 F-340 DEBRIS AND BRUSH DISPOSAL 14,3 The Permittee shall ensure that windrows are separated from standing timber. WINDROWS! LOCATION 14.4 The Permittee shall dispose of all debris and brush by running heavy machinery over the frees and brush until they are crushed to lie flat on the ground. BRUSH DISPOSAL 14.9 The Permittee shall complete total disposal of all debris and brush cleared prior to the expiry date of the Permit. BRUSH DiSPOSAL! TIMING 14.10 The Pemiittee shall progressively complete disposal of all debris and brush. PROGRESSIVE DISPOSAL 14.13 The Perrnittee shall spread all cut debris and brush over the areas cleared, prior to completion of the operation or expiry of the Land Use Permit. SPREAD BRUSH 14.14 The Permittee shall salvage all portions of trees cleared that are larger than thirteen 13 centimetres in diameter. SALVAGE TIMBER 14.15 The Permittee shall neatly pits all salvaged wood at locations specified in writing by the Land Use Inspector. PILE WOOD 261 o _RESTORAT1ON OF THE LANDS 15.1 The Permittee shall establish vegetation on all areas stripped of vegetation during this land use operation to a minimum of seventy per cent 70% ground cover, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the S.L.W.B.. REVEGETATE STRIPPED AREA 15.2 The Permittee shall apply grass seed and fertilizer to areas designated in writing by the Land Use Inspector. REPLANT DESIGNATED AREAS 15.5 The Permittee shall save the organic soil st,ipped from the excavation area. SAVE ORGANIC SOIL 15.6 The Permittee shall place the organic soil over the disturbed area prior to the expiry date of this Permit PLACE ORGANIC SOIL 261 p 16.1 - DISPLAY OF PERMITS AND PERMIT NUMBERS The Permittee shall display a copy of this Permit in a conspicuous place in each campsite established to carry out this land use operation. 6 DISPLAY PERMIT 08-21-DC 261 q 13:55 - Frpm-SAHTU LIVE + 1-065 P.15/15 F-340 MATTERS NOT iNCONSISTENT WITH ThE REGULATIONS 17.3. The Permittee shalt flat remove any material from below the ordinary high water mark of any stream without first obtaining written permission from the Land Use Inspector. APPROVAL NEEDED 17.5 The Permittee shall provide in writing to the S.L.W.B., at least forty-eight 48 hours prior to commencement of this land use operation, the following information; iDENTiFY AGENT a person, or persons, in charge of the field operation to whom notices, orders, and reports may be served; b alternates; c all the indirect methods for contacting the above persons. ¶78 The Permittee shall, while conducting the operation, make every effort to avoid covering or destroying traps or snares that may by found in the area. TRAPS PROTECTION 17,7 The PenThttee shall restore any traits used by trappers or hunters by slashing any and all trees that may fall across these paths or trails and by removing any other obstructions such as snow piles or debris that may be pushed across the trails. TRAILS RESTORATION 17.8 The Perrnittee shall not feed wildlife. NO FEEDING WILDLIFE NEW The Permittee shall ensure that the mitigation measures stated in their application table 1 are implemented to minimize potential environmental impact. IMPLEMENT MITIGATION MEASURES 7 Pearl Liske From: Laura Van Ham [[email protected]] Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 9:43 AM To: [email protected] Cc: Chris Finley; Bharat Dixit Subject: Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. - Off Right-of-Way Maintenance Spam: 1.67138547608192E-05 Adrian, Please confirm by a reply to this email that you received the attached letter. A copy of the letter will be faxed to Enbridge. Sincerely, Laura Laura Van Ham, M.E.Des. Environmental Specialist Exploration and Production telephone 403-299-1996 facsimile 403-292-5876 email [email protected] National Energy Board 444 Seventh Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 0X8 Government of Canada 8/21/2006 Pearl Liske From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Christopher Beveridge [[email protected]] Tuesday, August 15, 2006 12:59 PM [email protected] Tyree Mullaney; Duane Fleming; Jack Mackinnon Request for Comments on the Applicability of the Exemption List Regulations for Off Right-ofWay Maintenance for the Enbridge Pipeline: MV2006P0018 Importance: High Camp Sanitation Eating or Drinking General Sanitation Regulations.do... Places Regu... Regulations... Public Health Act.doc (64 KB) Public Sewerage Public Water Supply Systems Regula... Regulation... RE: Request for Comments on the Applicability of the Exemption List Regulations for Off Right-of-Way Maintenance for the Enbridge Pipeline: Sahtu Region MV2006P0018 Adrian: The above noted request was received by the Inuvik Environmental Health Office on 14 Aug 06. Stanton Territorial Health Authority - Environmental Health Services, Inuvik Region has reviewed the above noted request and does not object to the exemption suggested for activities planned in the Sahtu Region. Please note that the comments below do not include activities planned in the Deh Cho. For comments regarding the Deh Cho, please contact Duane Fleming,, Chief Environmental Health Officer, by email: [email protected] or by phone: 867-669-8979. To ensure public health is protected, please ensure that wastes (solid and water) generated by maintenance and work camps are disposed of in a manner that will not constitute a health hazard. If municipal waste disposal sites are included in future waste disposal plans, ensure municipal systems have been approved to receive such waste. In addition, please ensure that the Sahtu Land and Water Board is contacted regarding the proposed exemptions. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this request. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Copies of applicable NWT Public Health legislation are attached. 1 Sincerely, Chris Beveridge -----------------------------------Christopher Beveridge Senior Environmental Health Officer Inuvik Region Stanton Territorial Health Authority Semmler Building, Mackenzie Road Bag Service #2 Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0 E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: 867-777-7250 Fax: 867-777-3255 DISCLAIMER: The information in this message is confidential and may be legally pledged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this message by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, or distribution of the message, or any action or omission taken by you in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Please immediately contact the sender if you have received this message in error. Thank you. 2 PUBLIC HEALTH ACT CONSOLIDATION OF CAMP SANITATION REGULATIONS R.R.N.W.T. 1990, c.P-12 AS AMENDED BY This consolidation is not an official statement of the law. It is an office consolidation prepared by Legislation Division, Department of Justice, for convenience of reference only. The authoritative text of regulations can be ascertained from the Revised Regulations of the Northwest Territories, 1990 and the monthly publication of Part II of the Northwest Territories Gazette. Copies of this consolidation and other Government of the Northwest Territories publications can be obtained at the following address : Canarctic Graphics 5102 - 50th Street P.O. Box 2758 Yellowknife, N.T. X1A 2R1 Telephone : (867) 873-5924 Fax : (867) 920-4371 PUBLIC HEALTH ACT CAMP SANITATION REGULATIONS Interpretation 1. In these regulations : "adequate" means adequate in the opinion of a Health Officer; "building" includes tent or other suitable enclosure; "camp" means a camp as defined in section 14 of the Act and includes the sleeping, kitchen, dining and recreation quarters and facilities of the camp and the areas between and adjoining those quarters and facilities, but does not include a camp of less than 10 occupants; "medical quarters" means any building or enclosure used as a first aid station or hospital; "operate", used in relation to a camp, means to own, establish, operate, or maintain or cause to be established, operated or maintained, a camp, or to manage or to be in charge of a camp; "waste disposal ground" means a waste disposal ground that complies with the requirements of the General Sanitation Regulations. 2. Every person who operates a camp shall furnish the Commissioner during the operation of the camp with whatever information the Commissioner may require in respect of it. 3. (1) No person shall operate a camp unless it is maintained in a sanitary condition and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, unless : (a) it is located on a sanitary site; (b) the drainage of the camp is arranged so as to prevent pollution of any water supply, lake, stream or other water course; (c) it is situated, except with the approval of a Health Officer, at a distance of not less than 30 m from any water supply, lake, stream or other water course; (d) it is clear of weeds, underbrush and tall grass; (e) it is sufficiently spacious to prevent overcrowding and is constructed so as to permit adequate cleansing and disinfecting; 1 (f) it is kept in a good state of repair and cleanliness, and the floors of the sleeping, kitchen, dining, medical and recreation quarters are swept once a day and scrubbed once a week or where there is no floor, the ground surface is swept daily; (g) it is provided with : (i) an adequate water supply, including a safe drinking water supply protected from contamination; (ii) a heating system that shall, in cold weather, maintain in occupied sleeping, kitchen, dining, medical and recreation quarters, a temperature of at least 18ΕC during the night; (iii) ablution and latrine facilities that comply with subsection (2); and (iv) adequate refuse and garbage receptacles which have tight-fitting covers; and (h) it otherwise complies with or meets in all respects the requirements of these regulations. (2) Ablution and latrine facilities for camps shall be furnished as follows : (a) flush toilets in the following ratio : • one toilet for 1 to 5 persons; • two toilets for 6 to 10 persons; • three toilets for 11 to 15 persons; • with the addition of one toilet for each 15 persons after 15 persons; (b) urinals in the ratio of one for each 25 persons; (c) a wash basin of stainless steel, porcelain or its equivalent in the ratio of one for each five persons with one mirror over each basin; (d) individual shower units with non-slip flooring together with adjacent dressing cubicles in the ratio of one to 11 persons. (3) The ablution and latrine facilities shall be cleaned daily by members of the camp staff. Washrooms and toilets shall be part of the same building that houses the sleeping quarters of the persons for which the ablution and latrine facilities are 2 supplied. Adequate supplies of paper towels, toilet tissue and individual drinking cups shall be supplied in washrooms. Sleeping and Medical Quarters 4. Subject to section 5, no person shall operate a camp unless the sleeping and medical quarters of the camp, including sleeping and medical quarters provided in tents, have : (a) a minimum of 4.6 m² of floor space for each occupant; (b) a minimum of 11 m³ of air space for each occupant; (c) a separate bed or bunk with a clean palliasse or mattress for each occupant; (d) windows or ventilation flaps that can be opened; (e) means of roof ventilation that can permit continuous circulation of air; (f) every exterior opening designed or situated so as to protect the occupants against draughts, and covered with adequate pest, insect or vermin-proof screen or netting; and g) a floor that is elevated at least 380 mm from the ground and that is double boarded or built so as to allow no cracks, and is made of smooth finish to permit easy cleaning and scrubbing. 5. Where tents are used as sleeping or medical quarters in a camp, the person who operates the camp shall locate the tents on dry, well-drained ground, and in winter he or she shall provide the tents with a floor that complies with paragraph 4(g) and protect the walls of the tents with impervious material extending 900 mm above the floor. 6. No person who operates a camp shall permit the use of double tier bunks for sleeping in the camp unless the interior walls extend at least 2.4 m above the floor level. General Washing Facilities 7. No person shall operate a camp unless it is provided with ample washing facilities that include : (a) an adequate supply of hot water and an adequate number of wash-basins and showers for the personal use of the occupants; (b) an adequate number of wash-basins in the kitchen for the use of the personnel employed in the kitchen and dining quarters; 3 (c) an adequate number of receptacles in the kitchen for dishwashing; and (d) adequate facilities for the washing of clothes. 8. Every person employed in a camp shall provide his or her own towel and other toilet articles unless such articles are provided by the operator. 9. No person shall make available or use common or roller towels in a camp. Kitchen and Dining Quarters 10. No person shall operate a camp unless : (a) a building or other enclosure is provided for use as kitchen and dining quarters either combined together or not, and subject to paragraph (b), the building or enclosure is separate and apart from any other building or enclosure used as sleeping quarters; (b) the sleeping quarters of the personnel employed in the kitchen and dining quarters are separated from the kitchen and dining quarters, where it is more practicable that the sleeping quarters be located in the same building or enclosure; (c) the kitchen and dining quarters are provided with windows or ventilation flaps sufficient to give adequate light and ventilation; (d) every exterior opening of the kitchen and dining quarters is protected with adequate pest, insect or vermin-proof screen or netting; (e) the non-perishable food supplies are stored in adequate containers kept in an orderly manner and under sanitary conditions in a screened and vermin-proof room or enclosure separate from the kitchen or dining quarters; and (f) perishable food supplies are stored in a cool place properly protected against flies and in such a way as to prevent possible spoilage or contamination. 11. No person shall sleep or permit any other person to sleep in the kitchen or dining quarters of a camp except in sleeping quarters provided for sleeping under paragraph 10(b). Dishwashing 12. No person shall operate a camp unless all dishes, glasses, cutlery and other containers or utensils used in the camp for the storage, preparation or serving of food or drink are, before being used again, cleaned thoroughly, in the following order : 4 (a) by washing in a warm detergent solution that is capable of removing grease and food particles (maintained at a temperature of at least 44ΕC and not more than 60ΕC); (b) by rinsing in clear water; (c) by immersion in boiling water; (d) by allowing them to drain. 13. No person employed in the kitchen or dining quarters of a camp shall dry with a towel any dishes, glasses, cutlery or other containers or utensils used at any time in the preparation or serving of food or drink. Food Handlers 14. (1) No person who operates a camp shall employ or permit to be employed in the camp as a cook, server or dishwasher, or in any other capacity in the preparation or serving of food or drink, any person whom he or she knows or suspects to be suffering from a communicable disease. (2) No person shall work in a camp as a cook, server or dishwasher, or in any other capacity in the preparation or serving of food or drink, where the person knows or suspects himself or herself to be suffering from a communicable disease. 15. Every person who is employed in a camp as a cook, server or dishwasher or in any other capacity in the preparation or serving of food or drink, shall, in the performance of his or her work : (a) present a clean and tidy appearance; (b) wear washable outer garments; (c) use all reasonable means to avoid direct contact with food or drink; (d) keep his or her hands and arms clean at all times while engaged in handling food or drink or drinking utensils or equipment; and (e) submit himself or herself to such medical examination as a Health Officer may require. Latrines 16. Subject to subparagraph 3(1)(g)(iii), every person who operates a camp shall, in addition : 5 (a) remove daily from the latrines or urinals waste paper, litter or other refuse; (b) make available at all times in the latrines an adequate supply of toilet paper; (c) provide adequate urinals which comply with the General Sanitation Regulations, located conveniently near sleeping quarters in the camp; (d) at regular intervals, cover the excreta with an adequate layer of sand or earth, or empty the latrine pits or trenches and remove the excreta to a waste disposal ground; and (e) maintain latrines and urinals in a sanitary condition at all times. Refuse and Garbage Disposal 17. Every person who operates a camp shall place all refuse and garbage from kitchen, dining, sleeping and recreation quarters and storage space, in tightly covered receptacles, and : (a) remove daily the refuse and garbage to appropriate trenches and cover it with earth or sand; (b) remove the refuse or garbage to a waste disposal ground; or (c) otherwise dispose of it in an adequate manner. Communicable Disease 18. Where a person in a camp is suffering or is suspected of suffering from a communicable disease, the person who operates the camp shall : (a) when possible, cause that person to be isolated immediately in a suitable building or enclosure and treated until removed to a hospital; (b) cause that person to be removed to a hospital as soon as possible; (c) immediately cause to be taken every precautionary measure to prevent the spread of the disease in the camp; and (d) notify a Health Officer of the occurrence and of the precautionary measures taken. 19. Where a person dies in any camp, the person who operates the camp shall immediately notify a Health Officer of the death and of the cause of death, if known, and shall immediately cause to be taken such precautionary measures as may be necessary to protect the health of the other occupants of the camp. 6 General 20. Every person who operates a camp shall : (a) take adequate measures to prevent the infestation of clothing, bedding, bunks and other parts of the camp with lice, bedbugs, cockroaches or diseasecarrying insects; and (b) keep available in the camp an adequate supply of disinfectants. 21. Where in his or her opinion any camp is unfit for human habitation, the Commissioner may, on the recommendation of a Health Officer, order the camp to be vacated, and on the expiration of such time as may be fixed by the Commissioner, no person shall occupy the camp or cause or permit the camp to be occupied until it is made fit for human habitation. 22. No person shall : (a) expectorate, urinate, defecate, bathe, wash or cleanse any portion of his or her person, or wash or cleanse any clothing or material, in or near any water supply, lake, stream or other water course from which water is drawn or used for human consumption or ablution purposes in a camp, or do any other act which may pollute the water or otherwise render it unfit for human use; or (b) cause or permit in the vicinity of any camp the deposit or accumulation of any garbage, manure, filth, boxes, paper or other refuse, or anything that constitutes or may constitute an insanitary condition, or that may facilitate the propagation of vermin or create any fire hazard, or that may otherwise be dangerous to the public health. 23. (1) Every person who finds the carcass of a dead animal in or near a camp shall notify the owner of the animal and the owner shall, within 12 hours, cause the carcass to be disposed of in an adequate manner. (2) Where there is no owner or the owner is unknown, the person who finds the carcass shall notify the person in charge of the camp and that person shall cause the carcass to be disposed of in accordance with subsection (1). 24. (1) A Health Officer may, in the carrying out of his or her duties, direct that any measures relevant to the enforcement of these regulations be taken where, in his or her opinion, the measures are necessary for the preservation of health and the mitigation of disease in any camp. (2) Every person who operates a camp shall : 7 (a) exercise the necessary supervision to ensure that the camp complies with these regulations; and (b) where no provision is made in these regulations with respect to any insanitary condition that may occur in the camp, take whatever action the Health Officer may direct for the preservation of health and the mitigation of disease. 25. Every person who operates a camp shall, on the closing of the camp, cause : (a) all garbage and rubbish to be collected and buried; (b) privy pits and latrine trenches to be covered with earth to a depth of at least 300 mm; and (c) the grounds and buildings or enclosures of the camp to be left in a clean and sanitary condition. 26. The sanitary requirements prescribed for a camp in these regulations shall, to the extent that compliance with the requirements is feasible, also be applicable to the work, construction or enterprise for which the camp is operated. 27. Every person who operates a camp shall post in a conspicuous place in the camp a copy of sections 14 to 18 of the Act and a copy of these regulations. 28. The person who operates a camp shall be deemed to have contravened these regulations where the camp does not comply in any respect with the requirements of these regulations. Printed by Territorial Printer, Northwest Territories Yellowknife, N.W.T./1997© 8 PUBLIC HEALTH ACT CONSOLIDATION OF EATING OR DRINKING PLACES REGULATIONS R.R.N.W.T. 1990, c.P-14 AS AMENDED BY R-094-95 This consolidation is not an official statement of the law. It is an office consolidation prepared by Legislation Division, Department of Justice, for convenience of reference only. The authoritative text of regulations can be ascertained from the Revised Regulations of the Northwest Territories, 1990 and the monthly publication of Part II of the Northwest Territories Gazette. Copies of this consolidation and other Government of the Northwest Territories publications can be obtained at the following address : Canarctic Graphics 5102 - 50th Street P.O. Box 2758 Yellowknife, N.T. X1A 2R1 Telephone : (867) 873-5924 Fax : (867) 920-4371 PUBLIC HEALTH ACT EATING OR DRINKING PLACES REGULATIONS Interpretation 1. In these regulations : "approved" means approved in writing by a Health Officer; "common use" means the use of an article or thing by more than one person without it being thoroughly cleansed and sterilized after each use; "eating or drinking place" means any place, boat or vehicle where food or drink is prepared, cooked, stored, or served, with or without charge, except a private home; "employee" means a person who : (a) is employed in an eating or drinking place; and (b) handles or comes in contact with any utensil or with food during its preparation, service or storage; "operator" means a person who by himself or herself or an agent owns or operates an eating or drinking place; "single service container" means a container or utensil that is to be used once only and then discarded; "vermin" means rats, mice, cockroaches, flies, bedbugs and any other similar animals or insects. Application 2. These regulations apply to all eating or drinking places except an eating or drinking place : (a) that operates for a period of two weeks or less in any 12-month period in connection with any fair, carnival, circus, sports day, public exhibition or similar gathering, and : (i) serves food or drink prepared and served in a manner satisfactory to a Health Officer; 1 (ii) serves beverages in original sealed containers or, except in the case of milk, in single service containers filled from covered containers equipped with a faucet or pouring device satisfactory to a Health Officer; (iii) serves food in single service containers; and (b) that operates for a period in excess of two weeks in any 12-month period, if all food or drink is served in original sealed containers. 3. No person shall operate an eating or drinking place except an eating or drinking place referred to in section 2, unless the eating or drinking place meets with the requirements of these regulations. Inspection 4. (1) A Health Officer may, at any reasonable time, enter any eating or drinking place and examine the premises and anything contained on the premises that is used in connection with the operation of the eating or drinking place. (2) Where in the opinion of a Health Officer any provision of these regulations is not being observed, he or she may make such recommendations or issue such directions as are necessary in that connection. (3) Where an operator at the request of a Health Officer fails to bring the operation of his or her place within the provisions of these regulations or otherwise fails to observe any of the requirements of these regulations, a Health Officer shall make or cause to be made a report to the Commissioner and shall in such case furnish to the operator a copy of the report. (4) A report by a Health Officer shall specify the manner by which the regulations have been violated together with a recommendation. (5) In any eating or drinking place a Health Officer may, for a laboratory examination, as often as he or she considers necessary : (a) take a sample of any food or drink; (b) swab dishes, glasses, cutlery or utensils; or (c) take samples of wash water. 5. At the request of an operator, a Health Officer shall examine an eating or drinking place and everything contained in the place, and if the Health Officer is satisfied that these regulations have been complied with, he or she shall issue to the operator a certificate to that effect. 2 Closing 6. (1) Notwithstanding section 4, where a local board or a Health Officer finds that any condition exists in any eating or drinking place that is or may become dangerous to health or may hinder in any manner the prevention, mitigation or suppression of disease, the local Board or a Health Officer may order the eating or drinking place to be closed from the date of the order until the condition has been rectified, and the eating or drinking place shall be closed without delay. (2) As soon as practicable after issuing the order, the local board or a Health Officer shall give written notice of the order to the operator, together with the reasons for the closing. (3) Where the owner or operator of the eating or drinking place considers the order of closure to be unjustified he or she may, within seven days of receipt of notice of the order, appeal in writing to the Commissioner. (4) The Commissioner, on receipt of the appeal, shall consider it and may make such inspections and hear such representations as he or she considers advisable. (5) The Commissioner may, in his or her discretion, affirm, amend or rescind the order of closure and the decision of the Commissioner is final. Construction 7. Every eating or drinking place shall be so constructed and operated that (a) it is free from every condition that may : (i) be dangerous to health; (ii) injuriously affect the sanitary operation of the place; (iii) injuriously affect the whole-someness of the food or drink prepared, served or stored in it; or (iv) cause disgust; (b) the floors and floor-coverings are tight, smooth and non-absorbent in rooms where : (i) food is prepared, served or stored; 3 (ii) utensils are washed; or (iii) washing and toilet fixtures are located; (c) the walls and ceilings of the rooms and passageways may be readily cleaned and maintained in good condition; (d) all rooms and passageways are well-lighted and ventilated; (e) no toilet-room opens directly into any room used for the preparation or storage of food, and the toilet-rooms are fitted with full-length self-closing doors; (f) all openings to the outside are screened or fitted with devices to repel or prevent the entrance of vermin; and (g) any room where food is cooked is provided with adequate means for the escape to the exterior of the building of smoke, gases and odours. Sanitary Facilities 8. Every eating or drinking place shall, to the satisfaction of a Health Officer, be provided with : (a) an adequate supply of water; (b) an adequate number of toilets and urinals, or where no pressure water system is available, an adequate number of sanitary privies, chemical closets or other means for the disposal of human excreta for the use of the public, the operator and employees; (c) separate hand-washing facilities for the public and the employees; (d) notices, posted in each room in which there is a toilet, directing employees to clean their hands thoroughly after using the toilet and before commencing or resuming their work; and (e) a sufficient number of garbage or refuse containers of watertight construction made of non-absorbent material and provided with close-fitting covers. 9. Every toilet-room and every place where hand-washing facilities are provided for the operator, employees or the public in any eating or drinking place, shall be : (a) conveniently located and easily accessible; (b) without direct access to any room in which food is prepared or stored; 4 (c) equipped with full-length self-closing doors; (d) free from any condition which may cause disgust; (e) equipped with adequate lighting, either natural or artificial (of a rating of not less than 100 lx); and (f) equipped with adequate ventilation and facilities for the removal of odour, to the satisfaction of a Health Officer. 10. Hand-washing facilities provided in any eating or drinking place shall consist of : (a) a basin; (b) an adequate supply of water; (c) a constant supply of soap in a suitable container or dispenser; and (d) an adequate supply of clean towels for the use of each person using the hand-washing facilities and a suitable receptacle for used towels and waste material. 11. No person shall provide a single or roller towel for common use. 12. Notwithstanding paragraph 10(d), any apparatus for drying the hands may be substituted for an adequate supply of clean towels, where the apparatus is approved by a Health Officer. Equipment 13. Every eating or drinking place shall be provided with : (a) equipment and facilities for the cleansing and sterilizing of utensils, including an ample supply of hot and cold water, as follows : (i) mechanical equipment so designated and operated that all utensils are adequately cleaned and sterilized; or (ii) manual equipment consisting of at least three sinks or containers of noncorroding metal or porcelain of sufficient size to ensure thorough cleansing and sterilizing, and draining racks of non-corrodible materials; (b) suitable racks, cabinets, shelves or drawers for the safe storage of food, placed not less than 250 mm above the floor, for protection against contamination; 5 (c) adequate refrigerated space for the safe storage of perishable food or drink, provided with removable racks or trays and maintained at a temperature not higher than 10ΕC; (d) unless electric refrigeration is used, a means to discharge waste water from refrigerated equipment into a properly trapped and sewer connected open sink or drain, except that where sewer connections are not available a clean and adequate watertight drip pan may be used; and (e) suitable enclosed racks and shelves or drawers for the storage of crockery, cutlery and other containers or utensils used for the preparation, cooking, serving or storage of food or drink, or used in eating or drinking, and placed not less than 250 mm above the floor for protection against contamination. 14. Every item of furniture and equipment, and every utensil and apparatus used in the preparation, cooking, storage, serving or consumption of food or drink, shall be : (a) so designed and constructed as to be easily cleaned; (b) of sound and tight construction and in good repair; and (c) free of breaks, corrosion, open seams, cracks and chipped places. 15. Where drinking fountains are used in any eating or drinking place they shall be of an approved angle jet type. 16. No cask, water cooler or other receptacle shall be used for storing or supplying drinking water to the public or to the operator or to employees unless : (a) it is covered and protected so as to prevent persons from dipping the water from it or contaminating the water; or (b) it is equipped with a faucet or other suitable device for drawing water. Maintenance 17. All furniture, equipment and appliances in any room in which food is prepared, served or stored shall be : (a) so constructed, arranged and maintained as to permit thorough cleansing; and (b) maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. 6 18. All wash basins and toilet facilities shall be washed and treated with a suitable disinfecting solution at least once in every 24 hours and more often if necessary and shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. 19. Every room where food is prepared, cooked, served or stored shall be kept free from materials and equipment not regularly used in that room. 20. No person shall : (a) use any room where food is prepared, cooked, served or stored for sleeping purposes; or (b) permit any live animal, live bird or live fowl in any room in which food is prepared. 21. In every eating or drinking place : (a) all food and drink brought into the premises shall be clean, wholesome and free from spoilage; (b) no prepared food shall be stored in direct contact with shelves or walls; (c) food or drink which is readily susceptible to spoiling and the action of toxinproducing organisms shall be kept under refrigeration; (d) all food and drink shall be so prepared as to be safe for human consumption; (e) all food or drink served to any person and not consumed by him or her shall not afterwards be served in any form as human food but shall be discarded; (f) fresh milk shall be served in or from : (i) the original sealed container; or (ii) the original sealed container equipped with an automatic dispensing device; (g) only ice from a source approved by a Health Officer shall be used for any use in an eating or drinking place and the ice shall be handled at all times in a sanitary manner; (h) single service containers and utensils, cones and straws shall be covered or kept in such manner and place as to prevent contamination; (i) single service containers shall be used only once; 7 (j) no drinking glass, cup or other utensil shall be provided for common use by the public; (k) table-cloths, napkins and serviettes used shall be clean and in good condition; (l) no napkin or serviette shall be used at any time unless it has been laundered before each use; (m)cloths and towels used for washing, drying or polishing utensils shall be : (i) of suitable material; (ii) in good condition; (iii) clean; and (iv) used for no other purpose; (n) garbage or waste shall be placed without delay in suitable containers which shall be removed from the premises as often as may be necessary to maintain a sanitary condition; (o) garbage containers shall be kept in such a place and manner as to preclude odours; and (p) garbage containers shall be washed at intervals frequently enough to prevent any insanitary condition. Cleansing and Storage of Containers and Utensils 22. Subject to sections 24 and 25, except in the case of a single service container or utensil, every dish, glass or utensil which is used by any person in consuming food or drink, shall after each use be washed, rinsed and sterilized as provided in these regulations and stored in such a manner as will prevent its contamination. 23. Where manual equipment is used for the cleansing and sterilizing of dishes, glasses or utensils, they shall be (a) washed in the first sink, containing detergent solution which is : (i) capable of removing grease and food particles; and (ii) maintained at a warm temperature (at least 44ΕC and not more than 60ΕC); 8 (b) rinsed in the second sink in warm clean water; and (c) sterilized in the third sink by immersion : (i) in boiling water; (ii) for at least two minutes in a warm chlorine solution of not less than 100 mg/Ρ available chlorine; or (iii) for at least two minutes in a warm solution containing a quaternary ammonium compound having a strength of at least 200 mg/Ρ. 24. (1) Where mechanical equipment is used for the cleansing and sterilizing of dishes, glasses or utensils, they shall be : (a) washed in a detergent solution which is : (i) capable of removing grease and food particles; and (ii) maintained at a warm temperature (at least 44ΕC and not more than 60ΕC); and (b) rinsed in clean water at a temperature of at least 77ΕC for at least two minutes, but where the temperature exceeds 77ΕC the time may be reduces, providing bacterial results comply with the standards referred to in section 25. (2) Mechanical equipment shall be equipped with thermostatic control of the temperature of the rinse water and thermometers in both the wash and rinse water lines and in such locations as are readily visible. 25. The cleansing and sterilizing of utensils shall meet recognized public health standards, and the plate count shall not exceed 100 bacteria for each utensil when tested in accordance with the standard plate test, utilizing the swab technique. 26. Where any chemical is used in the sterilization of utensils : (a) the operator shall use suitable testing equipment and shall make tests often enough to ensure that the correct amount of chemical is in the solution used; and (b) the sterilizing solution shall be completely changed often enough to prevent soiling of the utensils. 9 Health of Employees 27. No operator shall permit an employee to enter his or her eating or drinking place or engage in the preparation, cooking, storage or serving of food or drink during such time as he or she has cause to believe or suspect that such employee has a communicable disease or that such disease exists in the employee's place of residence. 28. Every employee who believes or suspects that he or she has a communicable disease or that such disease exists in his or her place of residence shall notify a Health Officer of his or her belief or suspicion without delay and shall refrain afterwards from handling or preparing food or drink until a Health Officer is satisfied that the employee is free from any communicable disease. 29. Every operator and every employee of every eating or drinking place shall : (a) be clean; (b) use all reasonable means to avoid contact directly with food or drink; (c) wear clean, washable garments and keep his or her hands clean at all times while engaged in handling food, drink, utensils or equipment; and (d) submit to such medical examination and tests as a Health Officer may require. 30. No carrier, contact or person infected with a communicable disease or having a disgusting condition shall prepare, serve or handle any food or drink intended for sale. Printed by Territorial Printer, Northwest Territories Yellowknife, N.W.T./1997© 10 PUBLIC HEALTH ACT CONSOLIDATION OF GENERAL SANITATION REGULATIONS R.R.N.W.T. 1990, c.P-16 AS AMENDED BY This consolidation is not an official statement of the law. It is an office consolidation prepared by Legislation Division, Department of Justice, for convenience of reference only. The authoritative text of regulations can be ascertained from the Revised Regulations of the Northwest Territories, 1990 and the monthly publication of Part II of the Northwest Territories Gazette. Copies of this consolidation and other Government of the Northwest Territories publications can be obtained at the following address : Canarctic Graphics 5102 - 50th Street P.O. Box 2758 Yellowknife, N.T. X1A 2R1 Telephone : (867) 873-5924 Fax : (867) 920-4371 PUBLIC HEALTH ACT GENERAL SANITATION REGULATIONS Interpretation 1. In these regulations, "waste disposal ground" means any place used for the disposal of garbage, refuse, excreta or other waste material. Application 2. (1) These regulations apply : (a) to every person; (b) to every installation, building, place or thing constructed, made, set up or established after September 1, 1957; (c) to every installation, building, place or thing that was constructed, made, set up or established on or before September 1, 1957, and that is used for business, commercial or industrial purposes or where the public has access as of right or by invitation, expressed or implied, except that when compliance with any of the requirements of sections 14, 15, 20 and paragraphs 22(a) and (b) is not practicable with respect to any such installation, building, place or thing, a Medical Health Officer may, where having regard to local circumstances he or she is of the opinion that this can be done without endangering public health, suspend the application of the requirement with respect to the installation, building, place or thing for a reasonable period of time and may, in his or her discretion, extend the period from time to time as appears to him or her to be justified; and (d) to every installation, building, place or thing that was constructed, made, set up or established on or before September 1, 1957, and that is not included among those mentioned in paragraph (c), except however that the requirements of sections 14, 15, 20 and paragraphs 22(a) and (b) shall not apply unless a Medical Health Officer, having regard to local circumstances, is of the opinion that in the interest of public health, any such installation, building, place or thing should be subject to those sections and so directs by way of a written directive addressed to the person who owns, operates or maintains it as the case may be. (2) Where a Medical Health Officer exercises his or her discretion under paragraphs (1)(c) and (d), he or she shall report all the facts of the case to the Chief Medical Health Officer. 1 General Sanitation 3. No person shall create, establish or maintain any insanitary condition. 4. (1) Without limiting the generality of section 3, no person shall create, establish or maintain a condition likely to become injurious to public health in or on any : (a) premises or part of any premises; (b) highway, lane, path, pool, ditch, gutter, water course, well, sink, water or earth closet, toilet, privy, urinal, septic tank, cesspool, drain, dung pit or soakage pit; (c) stable or other building where birds or animals are kept; (d) building or land used for any work, manufactory, trade or business; or (e) schoolhouse, theatre, factory, church, shop or other public building. (2) No person shall create, establish or maintain any chimney or smoke stack emitting smoke, fumes or noxious gases in such quantity or of such a nature as to be injurious to public health. 5. No person shall accumulate or deposit any refuse, garbage, excreta, manure, offal or other offensive matter, in a manner likely to become injurious to health. 6. A Health Officer may enter any premises at any reasonable hour to inspect the sanitary conditions of the premises and may give such orders and directions as he or she may consider necessary to carry out the purposes of these regulations. 7. No person shall : (a) spit in any conveyance, premises or place used by the public, except into receptacles provided for the purpose; (b) discharge into any public place, sewer, drain, ditch, water course, stream, river or channel any chemicals, chemical substances or their residues, fuel oil or other inflammable substances which might cause damage from explosion or might in any other way prove dangerous to health; or (c) except as provided in these regulations, deposit any dead animal, manure, excreta, refuse, garbage, offal, liquid waste or other offensive matter in any conveyance, premises or place used by the public. 2 Housing 8. No building used for human habitation shall be : (a) nearer than 450 m to a waste disposal ground; or (b) on any site, the soil of which has been made up of any refuse, unless the refuse has been removed from the site or has been consolidated or the site has been disinfected in every case and the site has been approved by a Health Officer. 9. (1) Where in the opinion of a Health Officer a building or part of a building is in such an insanitary condition as to make it dangerous to the health of the occupants, he or she may give the owner reasonable notice to make such alterations or take such action as may be necessary to remedy the condition, and where the owner refuses or neglects to do so, the Health Officer may declare the building to be unfit for human habitation and in that event he or she shall placard it accordingly, and it shall be vacated within 24 hours of the placarding. (2) Where a building or part of a building has been placarded under subsection (1), no person shall : (a) remove the placard; or (b) occupy the building or part of the building after the expiration of 24 hours from the time it was placarded. 10. No person shall carry on in a building or part of a building used for human habitation any trade or business involving the storing, sorting, processing or packing of rags, bones or other refuse. 11. (1) A building used for human habitation shall be deemed to be insanitary if there is not in all sleeping rooms an air space of 11 m³ for each occupant 10 years of age or over and 5.5 m³ for each occupant under 10 years of age and over one year of age. (2) Where in his or her opinion it is necessary to do so due to special circumstances, a Health Officer may exempt any class of habitation from the requirements of subsection (1). 3 Water Supplies 12. Every incorporated municipality shall provide one or more wells or other sources of water supply for the use of the inhabitants and shall be responsible for the safety of the supply. 13. Every well or other source of water supply and every source of ice cut for use as water, that is provided : (a) for the inhabitants of an incorporated municipality, under section 12; (b) in connection with the manufacture for sale of food or drink; or (c) for the occupants of any factory, school, church, theatre, community hall, hospital or nursing station, or of any building where the public has access or in which a trade or business is conducted employing more than two persons; shall be subject to inspection by a Health Officer, who may issue such directions as he or she sees fit to ensure the safety of the water obtained from it. 14. Every well shall be : (a) located at least 30 m distant from any source of pollution and where possible on higher ground; (b) protected from contamination by surface water and from ground water infiltration to a depth of 3 m; and (c) provided with a suitable cover to keep out foreign matter, animals or vermin. 15. The inlet of any pipe to withdraw water for human consumption or ablution from any stream, river or channel shall be located at least 30 m upstream from any sewage outfall or form any other source of pollution, unless a Health Officer shall otherwise direct. 16. Ice cut for use as water for human consumption or ablution shall be : (a) obtained from a source located at least 150 m upstream from any sewage outfall or from any other source of pollution, unless a Health Officer directs otherwise; and (b) stored in such a manner as to be protected from contamination. 4 Disposal of Excreta 17. Every incorporated municipality shall provide for the use of the inhabitants a system for the collection and disposal of human excreta and shall operate the system in such a manner as will prevent the spread of disease. 18. Every owner of a building used for human habitation shall provide on the premises adequate toilet facilities to the satisfaction of a Health Officer. 19. Every owner of a factory, school, church, theatre, community hall, hospital or nursing station, or of any building where the public has access or in which a trade or business is conducted employing more than two persons, shall provide on the premises adequate toilet facilities to the satisfaction of a Health Officer. 20. No sewerage system, septic tank or cesspool shall be so constructed, operated or maintained that the effluent from it discharges : (a) in a location or in a manner likely to be injurious to health; (b) into any stream, river, channel, water course or lake, unless the written permission of a Medical Health Officer has been obtained; or (c) less than 30 m downstream from the inlet of any pipe withdrawing water for human consumption or ablution. 21. Every indoor toilet shall be : (a) screened or otherwise protected against insects or animals; (b) well ventilated; and (c) maintained in a sanitary condition. 22. Every outdoor toilet shall be : (a) located at least 30 m downstream from any well or the inlet of any water pipe drawing water for human consumption or ablution; (b) located at least 6 m from any building used for human habitation or for the storage, preparation, manufacture or consumption of food; (c) screened or otherwise protected against insects or animals; (d) well ventilated; and (e) maintained in a sanitary condition. 5 23. Notwithstanding sections 18, 19 and 22, a Health Officer may prohibit the establishment, operation or maintenance of any outside toilet at a place where, in the opinion of the Health Officer, the toilet is likely to endanger public health. Disposal of Garbage and Other Wastes 24. Every incorporated municipality shall provide for the use of the inhabitants a scavenging system for the collection and disposal of garbage and refuse and the system shall be operated and maintained to the satisfaction of a Medical Health Officer. 25. The occupant of every factory, school, church, theatre, community hall, hospital and nursing station, and of every building used for human habitation or in which any trade or business is conducted or where the public has access, shall provide an adequate number of containers for the reception of garbage and refuse. 26. Every garbage and refuse container shall be : (a) constructed of impervious material; (b) so designed as to be easily cleaned; (c) provided with a close-fitting cover capable of keeping out insects or animals; (d) located in such a position in the premises as not to give rise to offensive odours; and (e) emptied at regular intervals and the contents conveyed to a waste disposal ground. 27. Every incorporated municipality shall provide adequate waste disposal grounds for the disposal of all garbage, refuse, excreta and other waste matter and shall cause such waste materials to be burned, buried or covered with a layer of earth or other innocuous material as necessary to deodorize the matter or thing deposited on the grounds and prevent the breeding of flies. 28. Every waste disposal ground shall be : (a) located at least 90 m from any public road allowance, railway, right-of-way, cemetery, highway or thoroughfare; (b) located at least 450 m from any building used for human occupancy or for the storage of food; and (c) situated at such a distance from any source of water or ice for human consumption or ablution that no pollution shall take place. 6 29. Every person who owns, constructs, operates or maintains, as the case may be, an installation, building, place or thing that is subject to these regulations and that does not comply with any of the requirements of these regulations, shall be deemed to create, establish or maintain an insanitary condition in respect to the installation, building, place or thing. Printed by Territorial Printer, Northwest Territories Yellowknife, N.W.T./1997© 7 CONSOLIDATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ACT R.S.N.W.T. 1988, c.P-12 AS AMENDED BY S.N.W.T. 1998, c.5 This consolidation is not an official statement of the law. It is an office consolidation prepared by Legislation Division, Department of Justice, for convenience only. The authoritative text of statutes can be ascertained from the Revised Statutes of the Northwest Territories, 1988 and the Annual Volumes of the Statutes of the Northwest Territories. Any certified Bills not yet included in the Annual Volumes can be obtained through the Office of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Copies of this consolidation and other Government of the Northwest Territories publications can be obtained at the following address : Canarctic Graphics 5102 - 50th Street P.O. Box 2758 Yellowknife, N.T. X1A 2R1 Telephone : (867) 873-5924 Fax : (867) 920-4371 Table of Contents Interpretation Definitions ....................................................................................................1 Chief Medical Health Officer Chief Medical Health Officer.........................................................................2 Powers and Duties ....................................................................................... (1) (2) Health Districts and Officers Health Districts .............................................................................................3 Appointment of Medical Health Officer and Health Officers ......................... Powers and Duties ....................................................................................... Powers of Medical Health Officer, Sanitary Inspector ..................................4 Authority for Other Designations and Appointments ....................................5 (1) (2) (3) Local Health Officers Appointment of Medical Health Officer .........................................................6 Saving Provision .......................................................................................... Duties Imposed by Council of Municipality ................................................... Removal from Office..................................................................................... Appointment by Commissioner .................................................................... Deeming Provision ....................................................................................... Approval Where Contract to Provide Public Health Services .......................7 Dismissal of Officer ...................................................................................... Sanitary Inspectors and Public Health Nurses .............................................8 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (2) Boards of Health and Advisory Health Committees Board of Health ............................................................................................9 Appointment of Members ............................................................................. Composition of Board................................................................................... Chairperson and Secretary .......................................................................... Term............................................................................................................. Reappointment............................................................................................. Meetings of Board ........................................................................................10 Filing Minutes ............................................................................................... Rules ............................................................................................................ Annual Report .............................................................................................. Duties of Board ............................................................................................11 Agreement for Public Health Services..........................................................12 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (2) (3) (4) Quarantine Districts Quarantine Districts......................................................................................13 Powers of Officer.......................................................................................... (1) (2) Medical Care of Camp Employees Definition of "Camp" .....................................................................................14 Medical and Surgical Care Where Less Than 50 Employees ......................15 Medical and Surgical Care Where 50 or More Employees...........................16 Limitation of Liability .....................................................................................17 Hospital Care Where More Than 10 and Less Than 50 Employees ............18 Hospital Care Where 50 or More Employees ............................................... Accommodation ........................................................................................... (1) (2) (3) Enforcement, Offences and Punishment Right to Enter and Examine .........................................................................19 Direction Given by Health Officer .................................................................20 Approval of Council ...................................................................................... Recovering Expenses .................................................................................. Seizure and Detention..................................................................................21 Release of Article or Thing ........................................................................... Powers of Health Officer ..............................................................................22 Assistance.................................................................................................... Offences and Punishment ............................................................................23 (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (1) (2) Regulations and Orders Exemption from Act ......................................................................................24 Regulations ..................................................................................................25 Adoption of Code of Rules or Standards ...................................................... 2 (1) (2) PUBLIC HEALTH ACT Interpretation Definitions 1. In this Act : "Board means a Board of Health established under subsection 9(1); "Chief Medical Health Officer" means the Chief Medical Health Officer appointed under subsection 2(1); "communicable disease" means a disease prescribed as a communicable disease; "Health Officer" means a Health Officer appointed under subsection 3(2) or 6(2); "licensed medical practitioner" means a person who is entitled to practice medicine in the Territories under the Medical Profession Act; "Medical Health Officer" means a Medical Health Officer appointed under subsection 3(2) or 6(1); "regulation" means any rule, regulation or order made by the Commissioner under this Act; "sanitary inspector" means a sanitary inspector appointed by the Commissioner or under section 8. Chief Medical Health Officer Chief Medical Health Officer 2. (1) The Commissioner may appoint a licensed or duly qualified medical practitioner as Chief Medical Health Officer for the Territories. Powers and Duties (2) The Chief Medical Health Officer : (a) may exercise the powers and shall perform the duties and functions of the Chief Medical Health Officer conferred or imposed by this Act and the regulations; and (b) may exercise and shall perform any of the powers, duties and functions of a Medical Health Officer or a Health Officer. 3 Health Districts and Officers Health Districts 3. (1) The Commissioner may by order establish within the Territories one or more Health Districts. Appointment of Medical Health Officer and Health Officers (2) Subject to section 6, the Commissioner may for each Health District appoint a licensed or duly qualified medical practitioner as Medical Health Officer and other suitable persons as Health Officers. Powers and Duties (3) Every Medical Health Officer or Health Officer appointed under subsection (2) may exercise the powers conferred and shall perform the duties and functions imposed by this Act and the regulations. Powers of Medical Health Officer, Sanitary Inspector 4. For the purposes of this Act, a Medical Health Officer or sanitary inspector has all the powers of a Health Officer. Authority for Other Designations and Appointments 5. The designation or appointment of the Chief Medical Health Officer, a Medical Health Officer or Health Officer by the Commissioner before June 29, 1984, other than in accordance with section 3 or 6 as they read immediately before June 29, 1984, shall be deemed to have been authorized by this Act. Municipal Health Officers Appointment of Medical Health Officer 6. (1) The council of every municipality shall appoint a licensed or duly qualified medical practitioner satisfactory to the Commissioner as Medical Health Officer for the municipality, and shall fix and pay the remuneration of the Medical Health Officer. Saving Provision (2) Where there is no licensed or duly qualified medical practitioner satisfactory to the Commissioner in private practice residing within a municipality, the council of the municipality may, with the consent of the Commissioner, appoint some other suitable person satisfactory to the Commissioner as Health Officer for the municipality. 4 Duties Imposed by Council of Municipality (3) In addition to the duties imposed by this Act and the regulations, a Medical Health Officer or Health Officer appointed under subsection (1) or (2) shall, within the municipality, perform any other duties that may be imposed by the council of the municipality. Removal from office (4) A Medical Health Officer or Health Officer appointed under subsection (1) or (2) shall not be removed from office except on a 2/3 vote of the council of the municipality and, in the case of a Medical Health Officer, the council shall report the removal without delay to the Commissioner. Appointment by Commissioner (5) Where the council of a municipality fails to appoint a Medical Health Officer or a Health Officer, the Commissioner may : (a) appoint a Medical Health Officer or a Health Officer; and (b) fix the salary and term of office of the Medical Health Officer and Health Officer. Deeming Provision (6) A Medical Health Officer or a Health Officer appointed under subsection (5) shall for all purposes be deemed to be a Medical Health Officer or Health Officer, as the case may be, appointed by the council of the municipality, and the salary as fixed together with all expenses necessarily incurred by the Medical Health Officer or Health Officer in performing the duties of his or her office shall be paid by the municipality. S.N.W.T. 1998, c.5, s.27(2), (3). Approval Where Contract to Provide Public Health Services 7. (1) Notwithstanding section 6, where an agreement referred to in section 12 is in force, the council of the municipality or the Commissioner shall not appoint a person as a Medical Health Officer or Health Officer unless that person is satisfactory to the party who has agreed to provide public health services pursuant to the agreement. Dismissal of Officer (2) Notwithstanding section 6, where an agreement referred to in section 12 comes into force and the person holding the office of Medical Health Officer or Health Officer is not satisfactory to the party agreeing to provide public health services pursuant to the agreement, the council of the municipality shall dismiss the Medical 5 Health Officer or Health Officer and appoint a person satisfactory to the party providing the public health services. Sanitary Inspectors and Public Health Nurses 8. Where no agreement referred to in section 12 is in force, the council of a municipality may appoint sanitary inspectors and public health nurses and define their duties and fix their remuneration. Boards of Health and Advisory Health Committees Board of Health 9. (1) The council of a municipality may establish a Board of Health for the municipality. Appointment of Members (2) The council of a municipality may appoint the members of the Board. Composition of Board (3) The Board shall be composed of : (a) the Medical Health Officer or Health Officer of the municipality; and (b) four ratepayers, one, but not more than two, of whom shall be members of the council of the municipality. Chairperson and Secretary (4) The council of the municipality shall designate : (a) one of the members of the Board who is also a member of the council of the municipality as chairperson; and (b) one member of the Board who is not a member of the council of the municipality and who is not the Medical Health Officer or Health Officer as secretary. Term (5) Subject to subsection (6), the term of office of : (a) a member of the Board who is also a member of the council of the municipality shall be for a term fixed by the council at the time of the 6 appointment or, if he or she ceases to be a member of the council before the expiration of that term, until he or she ceases to be a member of the council; (b) the member of the Board who is the Medical Health Officer or Health Officer shall be for the period during which he or she holds the office of Medical Health Officer or Health Officer; and (c) the other members of the Board shall be for a term of three years. Reappointment (6) A member of the Board may be reappointed for a term to be determined by the council of the municipality except that no member other than the Medical Health Officer or Health Officer shall be reappointed if : (a) on the expiration of his or her term, he or she has been a member for nine consecutive years; or (b) the term for which it is intended to reappoint the member would result in the member being a member for more than nine consecutive years. Meetings of Board 10. (1) Meetings of the Board shall be held at least once a month at the call of the chairperson or at any time on the demand of any three members. Filing Minutes (2) A copy of the minutes of each meeting of the Board shall be filed with the clerk of the council of the municipality. Rules (3) The Board may make rules governing : (a) its proceedings; (b) the conduct of its members; (c) the appointment of committees; and (d) generally for the transaction of its business. 7 Annual Report (4) The chairperson shall submit to the council within three months after the end of each year a report on public health services and conditions in the municipality for the previous year. Duties of Board 11. A Board shall : (a) advise the council of the municipality on all matters pertaining to public health in the municipality; and (b) if there is no agreement of the type referred to in section 12 in force : (i) administer the municipal by-laws pertaining to public health; (ii) supervise the Medical Health Officer or Health Officer in the carrying out of his or her duties; and (iii) provide public health services to the residents of the municipality. Agreement for Public Health Services 12. A municipality may enter into an agreement with the Government of the Northwest Territories, the Government of Canada or the government of a province or the Yukon Territory or a person approved by the Commissioner, on the terms that may be approved by the Commissioner, for the provision of public health services in the municipality. Quarantine Districts Quarantine Districts 13. (1) The Commissioner may by order declare any area or district in the Territories to be a quarantine district where the Commissioner has reason to believe that an epidemic of communicable disease exists in the area or district. Powers of Officer (2) Where any area or district is declared to be a quarantine district, a Health Officer may : (a) prevent the entry or departure of persons, vehicles, vessels or other conveyances, including aircraft, into or from the quarantine district; 8 (b) detain for observation and surveillance persons who have been exposed to a communicable disease; and (c) order the cleansing, purifying, disinfection or disinfestation of persons who have been exposed to a communicable disease, or of articles or things used by persons suffering from a communicable disease at the expense of the owner, occupier, custodian or person in charge or possession of the article or thing. Medical Care of Camp Employees Definition of "Camp" 14. In sections 15 to 18, "camp" includes a mining, prospecting, fishing, lumber, dredging or construction or other camp in which any skilled or unskilled labour is employed. Medical and Surgical Care Where Less Than 50 Employees 15. The following provisions respecting medical and surgical care apply in respect of camps having less than 50 employees, namely : (a) the employer shall provide reasonably adequate first aid equipment, medicines and supplies; (b) in camps having 10 or more employees, the employer shall appoint a fully qualified first aid person possessing a St. John Ambulance First Aid Certificate, or a British Columbia Industrial First Aid Certificate, or possessing qualifications and experience satisfactory to a Medical Health Officer, whose duties in part, but not necessarily in whole, shall relate to matters of first aid, sickness and sanitation; and (c) in camps having more than 15 but less than 50 employees, the employer is responsible for all necessary medical and surgical care including necessary medicines and hospitalization for his or her employees, and shall, in respect of each employee, pay all expenses incurred in providing such care for a period not exceeding 90 days together with the cost of transportation to the nearest hospital where illness or injury may be treated. Medical and Surgical Care Where 50 or More Employees 16. The following provisions respecting medical and surgical care apply in respect of camps having 50 or more employees, namely : (a) the employer : 9 (i) shall contract with one or more licensed medical practitioners for the medical and surgical care of his or her employees; and (ii) may deduct from the pay of each employee for the payment of the service referred to in subparagraph (i) an amount not exceeding six cents for each day that the employee is in camp, except that the total deduction for the service from the pay of any one employee must not exceed $1.50 per month; (b) the employer shall pay all amounts deducted under paragraph (a) without rebate or deduction to the licensed medical practitioner or practitioners with whom the employer has entered into a contract under paragraph (a), who shall render medical and surgical services and give professional advice and prescribe all necessary medicines, which medicines shall be provided by the employer without cost to the employee; (c) the obligation of a licensed medical practitioner under this section to perform operations is confined to operations that the medical practitioner is able to perform in the hospital provided, having regard to its facilities; (d) a licensed medical practitioner who has entered into a contract under paragraph (a) shall locate his or her residence so that under normal travel conditions the licensed medical practitioner is within two hours travelling time from the camp where his or her services are employed; (e) where : (i) a licensed medical practitioner advises an employee who is suffering from an illness to obtain the advice or service of a specialist, or services or treatment that the medical practitioner is unable to give in existing circumstances at the local hospital; or (ii) an employee is discharged or sent from camp as a result of an illness or injury that cannot be treated satisfactorily at the local hospital; the employer shall provide without cost to the employee transportation for the employee to the nearest hospital where the special services and treatment may be obtained and is liable for medical, surgical or hospital expenses incurred in respect of the services or treatment for a period not exceeding 90 days; (f) where a licensed medical practitioner has undertaken the care of more than 1,000 employees, he or she shall secure the services of another licensed or duly qualified medical practitioner as his or her assistant; and 10 (g) every licensed medical practitioner who has a contract with an employer under paragraph (a) shall supervise the sanitation of the camp or camps where his or her services are employed. Limitation of Liability 17. No liability exists under section 15 or 16 in respect of medical, surgical or hospital expenses incurred in connection with venereal disease, insanity, cancer or tuberculosis, or in connection with any disease or injury resulting from the use of intoxicants or drugs, or in connection with industrial diseases or injuries for which provision is made in the Workers’ Compensation Act. Hospital Care Where More Than 10 and Less Than 50 Employees 18. (1) The following provisions respecting hospital care apply in respect of camps having more than 10 and less than 50 employees, namely : (a) in camps having 11 to 25 employees, the employer shall provide reasonable accommodation for accident or sickness cases; and (b) in camps having more than 25 employees, the employer shall provide a separate first aid or emergency hospital quarters containing not less than two beds and shall provide, in addition to a first aid person, such extra nursing staff as the circumstances require. Hospital Care Where 50 or More Employees (2) The following provisions respecting hospital care apply in respect of camps having 50 or more employees, namely : (a) subject to paragraphs (b) and (c), the employer shall provide a suitable hospital with the accommodation, equipment and staff that is specified in this Act or the regulations; (b) where : (i) there is a hospital established and in operation within 250 km by air from the camp; and (ii) in the opinion of the Commissioner, suitable accommodation, equipment, staff and transportation facilities are available; the employer may make arrangements with that hospital for the care of his or her employees and provide the necessary transportation for employees to the hospital and return instead of providing a hospital at the camp; 11 (c) where : (i) within a radius of 250 km, more than one camp exists; and (ii) suitable transportation facilities are available; the employers may jointly provide a hospital as described in paragraph (a), but in no case shall the hospital be more than 250 km from any one of the participating camps; (d) the employer may deduct from the pay of each of his or her employees an amount not exceeding $2 per month, and in return shall : (i) adequately staff the hospital referred to in paragraph (a) or (c) with fully qualified nurses; (ii) equip and maintain the hospital with drugs, dressings and medical and surgical supplies for all normal and reasonable requirements, having regard to hospitals of a similar size; and (iii) without further charge, receive and treat in the hospital all sick employees according to their needs, or, in any case where an arrangement has been made with any hospital referred to in paragraph (b), provide for the payment of all amounts payable by the employer by virtue of having entered into that arrangement. Accommodation (3) There shall be provided in any hospital referred to in paragraph (2)(a) or (c), one hospital bed for every 100 employees but in no case shall the hospital have less than four beds. Enforcement, Offences and Punishment Right to Enter and Examine 19. A Health Officer may, at any reasonable time, enter any place and examine the place for any purpose relating to the enforcement of this Act or the regulations. Direction Given by Health Officer 20. (1) Where : (a) a Health Officer is authorized to direct that any matter or thing relating to the enforcement of this Act or the regulations be done by a person; and (b) the person fails to comply with a direction under paragraph (a); 12 the Health Officer may, with the approval of the Commissioner, direct and arrange that the matter or thing be done at the expense of the person. Approval of Council (2) Where a Health Officer is the Health Officer for a municipality, any direction or arrangement relating to the doing of any matter or thing at the expense of a person who has failed to comply with a direction given to the person may be made with the approval of the council of the municipality. Recovering Expenses (3) All expenses incurred under subsection (1) or (2) are recoverable by the Commissioner or the municipality, as the case may be, as an ordinary debt. Seizure and Detention 21. (1) A Health Officer may, when the safety of persons appears to make it necessary, seize, detain and carry away any article or thing by means of which or in relation to which the Health Officer has reasonable grounds for believing that this Act or the regulations has been contravened. Release of Article or Thing (2) An article or thing seized under subsection (1) may, with the approval of the Commissioner, be destroyed or otherwise disposed of at the direction of the Health Officer, except that the Health Officer shall, where the Health Officer is satisfied that the provisions of this Act and the regulations with respect to the seizure have been complied with, release the article or thing seized by the Health Officer under subsection (1) to the person from whom it was seized. Powers of Health Officer 22. (1) A Health Officer has, for any purpose relating to the enforcement of this Act or the regulations, all the powers of a peace officer while acting in his or her capacity as Health Officer and in the performance of his or her duties under this Act or the regulations. Assistance (2) Where a Health Officer is obstructed in the performance of a duty referred to in subsection (1), the Health Officer may call to his or her assistance a peace officer or other person that the Health Officer thinks fit, who shall give the Health Officer all reasonable assistance in his or her power. 13 Offences and Punishment 23. Every person who : (a) contravenes this Act or the regulations, (b) obstructs a Medical Health Officer or a Health Officer in the exercise of his or her powers or in the performance of his or her duties under this Act or the regulations, (c) neglects, fails or refuses to comply with an order or direction given to him or her by a Medical Health Officer or a Health Officer in the exercise of his or her powers or the performance of his or her duties under this Act or the regulations, (d) without the authority of a Medical Health Officer or a Health Officer, removes, alters or interferes in any way with anything seized or detained under this Act, or (e) owns, constructs, operates or maintains any installation, building, place or thing mentioned in this Act or the regulations that does not comply with the requirements of this Act or the regulations, is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $500 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both. Regulations and Orders Exemption from Act 24. The Commissioner may, by order, exempt any person or thing from all or any of the provisions of this Act or the regulations on the terms and conditions that may be specified by the Commissioner. Regulations 25. (1) On the recommendation of the Minister, the Commissioner may make regulations that the Commissioner considers necessary for the prevention and mitigation of disease and the promotion and preservation of health in the Territories, and, in particular, but not so as to restrict the generality of this power to make regulations, may for this purpose make regulations : (a) respecting the control and prevention of communicable diseases, including : (i) the reporting by every medical practitioner of persons under his or her treatment suffering from a communicable disease; 14 (ii) the isolation or placing in a hospital or building provided for quarantine or isolation purposes, or in any other proper place, of any person suffering from a communicable disease; (iii) the detention for observation and surveillance of persons who have been exposed to a communicable disease; (iv) the cleansing, purification, disinfection or disinfestation of articles or things used by persons suffering from a communicable disease; (v) the supply of medical aid, accommodation and medicine and any other articles or things that the Commissioner considers necessary for the mitigation of an epidemic or communicable disease; (vi) the entry into and departure from the Territories of vehicles, vessels and other conveyances, including aircraft, and the receiving and discharging of passengers or cargoes in, on board or from them; and (vii) the vaccination or inoculation against communicable diseases of persons or animals in the Territories and the supply and distribution of vaccine matter and serum used in performing the vaccinations or inoculations; (b) respecting the location of cemeteries, the burial and disinterment of the dead including the burial of unclaimed bodies and the bodies of indigents, the conduct of funerals and the transportation of dead bodies; (c) respecting the location, construction, ventilation, lighting, heating, equipment, water supply, drainage, toilet and ablution facilities, excreta and garbage disposal, protection against rodents and vermin, cleansing, disinfection and disinfestation of, and the sanitary inspection and control of : (i) buildings and premises used as residences; (ii) child day care facilities, schools, churches, theatres, places of amusement, community halls and other public buildings; (iii) hospitals, nursing homes, nursing stations, health centres, maternity homes, convalescent homes, orphanages, homes for the aged and infirm and homes for physically and mentally disabled persons; (iv) jails, lock-ups and reformatories; (v) shops, stores, markets, laundries, dry cleaning establishments, garages, workshops, factories and other buildings to which the public has access; 15 (vi) barber shops and hairdressing, manicuring and beauty parlours; (vii) hotels, cabin courts, motels, hostels and rooming-houses; (viii) premises, buildings, structures, places, containers, community freezers, vending machines, mobile food premises, boats, aircraft, vehicles and other such premises or equipment where or in which food is stored, cooked, prepared, manufactured, processed, smoked, canned, bottled, packaged, wrapped, dispensed, served, sold, consumed, transported or otherwise handled; (ix) premises of any kind where food is sold or consumed; (x) pasteurizing plants, creameries, dairies, cowsheds, barns and stables operated or maintained in connection with the production of milk for human consumption; (xi) slaughter houses, abattoirs and other places in which animals are killed or their meat prepared for sale for human consumption; (xii) passenger and other terminals, piers, wharves, warehouses, aircraft, ships and other vessels and other public conveyances of any kind; (xiii) public pools, including their definition, and requiring the installation and maintenance of safety equipment, attendance and qualifications of lifeguards and other staff, safety procedures and other matters or things to protect or safeguard bathers in public pools; (xiv) resort camps, tourist camps, lumber, construction, industrial, mining, fishing, threshing and other camps where persons are employed, including camps to which sections 14 to 18 apply; and (xv) mortuaries and funeral parlours; (d) respecting the prevention and removal of unsanitary conditions on public or private property; (e) respecting the prevention of overcrowding of premises used for human occupation and places of public assembly, and the fixing of the amount of air space to be allowed for each individual in those premises and places; (f) respecting the cleansing of public and private streets, lanes, yards, lots and other open spaces; 16 (g) respecting the location, construction, ventilation, inspection, cleansing and sanitary control of sewers, sewage systems, water closets, indoor and outdoor toilets, lavatories, cesspools, soakage pits, septic tanks and pumps; (h) respecting the location, construction, maintenance and inspection of plumbing and plumbing systems or installations in or on any building, structure, property or place; (i) respecting the control of waste disposal grounds for the disposal of excreta and garbage; (j) respecting the location, construction, maintenance, purification and treatment of water supplies and systems, the testing and analysis of water from water supplies and systems, the inspection and approval of sources of water supply, and the addition of chemicals to the sources of water supply that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, are considered to be in the interests of public health; (k) respecting the cutting, storage, distribution and sale of ice; (l) respecting the sanitary inspection and control of food supplies, including milk and milk products of any kind, for human consumption, and of domesticated or range animals, stables, pens or lines, and testing of animals for tuberculosis, infectious bovine abortion or any disease communicable to human beings; (m)respecting the medical and sanitary inspection and control of food handlers; (n) respecting the use of noxious materials including fertilizers, sprays or preservatives dangerous to the public health; (o) respecting the protection of the health of persons exposed to conditions, substances or processes occurring in any industry or occupation that may be injurious to health; (p) respecting the method of carrying on noxious or offensive trades or businesses and the summary abatement of unsanitary conditions or conditions dangerous to the public health arising from those trades or businesses; (q) respecting the prevention of the pollution, defilement, discoloration or fouling of lakes, streams, rivers, ponds, pools, springs and watercourses, so as to ensure their sanitary condition; (r) respecting the prevention, control and abatement of air pollution due to any cause; 17 (s) respecting the confinement and disposition of diseased or injured animals and the disposal of dead animals; (t) respecting the medical and dental inspection of school children and of the occupants of any public institutions including hostels, jails and lock-ups; (u) respecting the use of hydrocyanic acid and other lethal gas or substance as an insecticide or rodenticide, and the licensing and regulation of persons engaged in the business of vermin or rodent extermination; (v) respecting the appointment of a Chief Medical Health Officer, Medical Health Officers, Health Officers and sanitary inspectors and the definition of their duties, powers and functions; (w) prescribing communicable diseases; (x) providing for the issuing of permits to persons engaging in activities related to matters that are subject to this Act or the regulations and prohibiting the carrying on or operation of any such activity without a permit; (y) respecting the amendment, cancellation, suspension and revocation of permits; (z) respecting inspections and applications for permits and the fees to be paid for inspections and permits; and (za) respecting the issuing of closure orders for premises or equipment that are subject to this Act and regulations made under this Act. Adoption of Code of Rules or Standards (2) Where a code of rules or standards concerning the subject-matter of this Act has been established by an association, person or body of persons and is available in printed form, the Commissioner, on the recommendation of the Minister, may adopt the code, or the code as amended from time to time, by regulation and upon adoption the code is in force in the Territories either in whole or in part or with such variations as may be specified in the regulation. S.N.W.T. 1998, c.5, s.27(4). Printed by Territorial Printer, Northwest Territories Yellowknife, N.W.T./1998© 18 PUBLIC HEALTH ACT CONSOLIDATION OF PUBLIC SEWERAGE SYSTEMS REGULATIONS R.R.N.W.T. 1990, c.P-22 AS AMENDED BY This consolidation is not an official statement of the law. It is an office consolidation prepared by Legislation Division, Department of Justice, for convenience of reference only. The authoritative text of regulations can be ascertained from the Revised Regulations of the Northwest Territories, 1990 and the monthly publication of Part II of the Northwest Territories Gazette. Copies of this consolidation and other Government of the Northwest Territories publications can be obtained at the following address : Canarctic Graphics 5102 - 50th Street P.O. Box 2758 Yellowknife, N.T. X1A 2R1 Telephone : (867) 873-5924 Fax : (867) 920-4371 PUBLIC HEALTH ACT PUBLIC SEWERAGE SYSTEMS REGULATIONS Interpretation 1. In these regulations : "approval" or "approved" means approval or approved in writing by the Chief Medical Health Officer; "Chief Medical Health Officer" means the person who is appointed under the Act to be Chief Medical Health Officer for the Territories and the authorized representative of that person; "Health Officer" means a person who is appointed under the Act to act as a Health Officer; "Medical Health Officer" means the Medical Health Officer appointed under the Act for the area in which the sewerage system is located; "operator" means the owner or operator of any public sewerage system; "public sewerage system" means any sewerage system that serves more than five households or that serves an institution with more than 50 occupants; "sewage" includes industrial waste; "sewage pumping station" means a construction that contains sewage pumps and their appurtenances; "sewer" means a pipe or conduit that conducts sewage and other liquid wastes; "sewerage system" means a complete system including all units for the collection, transportation, pumping, treatment and final disposition of sewage; "utilidor" means a boxing that contains any water, hot water or steam heating pipe or sewer. PART I APPLICATION, APPROVAL, INSPECTION, CLOSURE AND APPEAL Application 2. (1) Subject to subsection (2), these regulations apply to every public sewerage system. 1 (2) These regulations do not apply to a public sewerage system constructed before the coming into force of these regulations, but these regulations shall apply where : (a) in the opinion of a Medical Health Officer a public sewerage system becomes a health hazard; or (b) changes or repairs are required to a public sewerage system. (3) Nothing in these regulations shall be deemed to revoke anything contained in any applicable building code or regulation, but where there is a conflict between these regulations and the building code or regulation, these regulations shall apply. Approval 3. (1) No person shall construct, alter or add to a public sewerage system unless the construction, alteration or addition has been approved. (2) No person shall operate a public sewerage system except in accordance with these regulations. Inspection 4. (1) A Medical Health Officer or a Health Officer may, at any reasonable time, enter any premises of a public sewerage system and examine the premises and anything in the premises that is used in connection with the operation of the public sewerage system. (2) Where in the opinion of a Medical Health Officer or a Health Officer any provision of these regulations is not being complied with, he or she may make such recommendations or issue such directions to the operator as he or she considers necessary to secure compliance. (3) Where a Medical Health Officer or a Health Officer is satisfied that the operation of a public sewerage system does not comply with these regulations, he or she shall make a report to the Chief Medical Health Officer of the details of the non-compliance together with recommendations for correction and shall furnish a copy of the report to the operator. Closure and Appeal 5. (1) Where the Chief Medical Health Officer is satisfied that the disposal of sewage or effluent creates a health hazard, he or she may order closure of the public sewerage system. 2 (2) An operator may appeal in writing to the Commissioner within 48 hours after receiving a closure order under subsection (1) and the Commissioner shall either revoke or confirm the order. PART II SEWERAGE AND SEWAGE PUMPING STATIONS General Principles 6. (1) No final disposal of effluent from a sewerage system shall be carried out in a manner that creates : (a) a health hazard with respect to water supplies, swimming beaches or any body of water in the area; or (b) aesthetically unacceptable conditions with respect to temperature, turbidity, colour, taste or odour of any stream or body of flowing water in the area. (2) The buildings and grounds of a sewage treatment system shall be kept neat, tidy and attractive in appearance and no offensive odour shall be allowed to emanate from the building and grounds that is noticeable to persons residing in or occupying buildings situated nearby. (3) Industrial wastes that are, in the opinion of a Medical Health Officer or a Health Officer, of a nature that will adversely affect the sewers, sewage treatment system or final effluent shall be either pretreated to render them harmless or excluded from the sewerage system. Design 7. (1) The design of sewers and sewage pumping stations shall be adequate to ensure that the gathering, treatment and final disposal of sewage does not create a health hazard. (2) No sewage shall be allowed to bypass the sewage treatment system unless it is disposed of in a manner that will not create a health hazard. (3) A sewer that runs below the surface of a stream or other surface water body shall be constructed with : (a) flexible water-tight joints; (b) accessible valves at both ends of the water crossing to permit isolation of the section for test or repair; and 3 (c) taps for testing and locating leaks. (4) A sewer that crosses under a railway shall conform to the standards and requirements of those regulations established by the National Transportation Agency cited as Pipe Crossings under Railways Regulations. (5) All electrical equipment in any enclosed place where gas could accumulate shall comply with the National Board of Fire Underwriters' specifications for hazardous conditions. (6) As-built construction plans shall be maintained, and shall be amended to include additions, extensions and renovations. PART III PROTECTION OF WATER SUPPLIES 8. (1) There shall be no physical connection between any potable water supply system and a sewer or appurtenance to a sewer, which would permit the passage of any sewage or polluted water into the potable water supply. (2) No sewer shall be so located as to be a contamination hazard to water wells or other water supply sources. (3) Subject to subsection (4), no water main shall be laid within 3 m of a sewer. (4) Where a water main must cross a sewer or it is clearly impracticable to comply with subsection (3), then, at any point within 3 m of the sewer : (a) the bottom of the water main shall be not less than 450 mm above the top of the sewer; and (b) the water main shall not rest on undisturbed soil. (5) Where a sewer is laid closer than 3 m to a water main, the sewer shall be of an approved type of water-tight construction and shall be constructed as follows : (a) there shall be a 150 mm bed of well-tamped granular soil below the pipes, and any over-excavation shall be replaced by granular fill which shall be tamped in layers no less than 150 mm thick to 90% by the standard Proctor test; (b) where the pipes are laid parallel, there shall be a minimum horizontal distance of 230 mm space between the outsides of the pipe barrels and 150 mm space between the walls of the trench and the outside of the pipe barrels; 4 (c) where the pipes are laid parallel, water mains shall be routed around sewage manholes so that there is a 150 mm minimum space between the outside of the pipe barrel and the outside of the manhole; (d) where pipes cross there shall be adequate support on each side of the crossing for both pipes so that there will be no stresses in either pipe caused by one pipe settling on the other. Pipe sections shall be centred at the crossing so that there is a maximum distance from the crossing to all joints. Both pipes shall be pressure tested to assure that there are no leaks; (e) bright coloured plastic ribbons of no less than 150 mm width shall be laid in strips 150 mm above the pipes and parallel to them to serve as a warning to the operator of a digging machine to avoid damage to the pipes. (6) Where water and sewer pipes are contained in a utilidor, there shall be adequate provision for drainage in order to prevent contamination of the water supply during repairs and breakdowns. PART IV SEWAGE TREATMENT Design 9. Sewage treatment systems shall be designed to provide for adequate protection of the receiving water considering the possible uses of the receiving water. Safety 10. Adequate provision shall be made to protect the operator and visitors from hazards and the following shall be provided according to the particular needs of each plant : (a) enclosure of the plant site with a fence designed to discourage the entrance of unauthorized persons and animals; (b) installation of hand-rails and guards where necessary; (c) provision of first-aid equipment; (d) posting of "No Smoking" signs in hazardous areas; (e) provisions of protective clothing and equipment including gas masks, goggles and gloves; (f) provision of portable blower and sufficient hose for emergency ventilation. 5 Chlorination 11. (1) Where the Chief Medical Health Officer considers that a public health hazard may be created by sewage treatment system effluent, the effluent shall be disinfected by the use of chlorine or other chemicals. (2) The use of equipment designed to feed chlorine gas in solution shall be used for larger installations but hypochlorinators may be used for treatment at smaller facilities instead of chlorine gas feeding equipment. (3) Where gas chlorine is used, a canister-type respirator equipped with a full face mask and specifically designed to protect against chlorine shall be in a location handy to the operator, and a new canister shall be obtained each time the mask is used. (4) Safety chains shall be used to retain 68 kg cylinders of chlorine gas, either in storage or on weigh scales, in a safe upright position. (5) The chlorinator building or room shall have ample forced air ventilation. (6) Where gas chlorination equipment and chlorine containers are placed in an area of a building used for other purposes, a tight partition shall separate this area from any other portion of the building, and there shall be a door leading directly from this partitioned area directly to the exterior. (7) Areas containing chlorine or chlorinator equipment shall be clearly marked "DANGER! CHLORINE STORAGE" or "DANGER! CHLORINE FEED EQUIPMENT" as applicable. (8) For disinfection, the chlorinator capacity should be adequate to produce a residual of 1 mg/Ρ in the final effluent. (9) After thorough mixing, a minimum contact period of 15 minutes at peak hourly flow or maximum rate of pumpage shall be provided for disinfection, and the chlorine contact tank shall be so constructed as to reduce to a practical minimum the short-circuiting of flow. Printed by Territorial Printer, Northwest Territories Yellowknife, N.W.T./1997© 6 PUBLIC HEALTH ACT CONSOLIDATION OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY REGULATIONS R.R.N.W.T. 1990, c.P-23 AS AMENDED BY This consolidation is not an official statement of the law. It is an office consolidation prepared by Legislation Division, Department of Justice, for convenience of reference only. The authoritative text of regulations can be ascertained from the Revised Regulations of the Northwest Territories, 1990 and the monthly publication of Part II of the Northwest Territories Gazette. Copies of this consolidation and other Government of the Northwest Territories publications can be obtained at the following address : Canarctic Graphics 5102 - 50th Street P.O. Box 2758 Yellowknife, N.T. X1A 2R1 Telephone : (867) 873-5924 Fax : (867) 920-4371 PUBLIC HEALTH ACT PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY REGULATIONS Interpretation 1. In these regulations : "Act" means the Public Health Act; "approval" or "approved" means approval or approved in writing by the Chief Medical Health Officer or his or her authorized representative; "finished water" means water that in the opinion of the Chief Medical Health Officer is treated and ready for human consumption; "Health Officer" means a person who is appointed under the Act to act as a Health Officer; "Medical Health Officer" means the Medical Health Officer for the area in which the water supply is located; "operator" means the operator or owner of any public water supply; "public water supply" means any water supply system which serves or supplies water, by any means whatsoever, either exclusively or partly for human consumption to more than five customers and includes the plant for the treatment of water; "raw water" means untreated water; "surface water source" includes all tributary streams, drainage basins, lakes and reservoirs above a water supply intake which may affect a public water supply; "utilidor" means a boxing which contains more than one of the following: water pipes, sewers and hot water or steam heating pipes; "water haulage tank" means a tank that is mounted on a vehicle for haulage and delivery of water for domestic purposes. 1 PART I APPLICATION, APPROVAL AND INSPECTION Application 2. (1) Subject to subsection (2), these regulations apply to every public water supply. (2) These regulations do not apply to a water supply system that was constructed before the establishment of these regulations, but these regulations apply where : (a) in the opinion of a Medical Health Officer such a system becomes a health hazard; or (b) changes or repairs are required to such public water supply. (3) Nothing in these regulations shall be deemed to revoke anything contained in a building code or regulation applicable to a public water supply in any area of the Territories, but where there is a conflict between these regulations and a building code or regulation, these regulations shall apply. Approval 3. No person shall construct, make a structural alteration or add to a public water supply system unless approval has first been obtained in accordance with these regulations. Inspection 4. (1) The Medical Health Officer or a Health Officer may, at any reasonable time, enter any premises of a public water supply and examine the premises and anything in the premises that is used in connection with the operation of the public water supply. (2) Where, in the opinion of the Medical Health Officer or a Health Officer, any provision of these regulations is not being observed, he or she may make such recommendations or issue such directives to the operator as he or she deems to be necessary in that connection. (3) Where the operation of a public water supply does not comply with these regulations, the Medical Health Officer or Health Officer shall make a report to the Chief Medical Health Officer and shall furnish a copy of the report to the operator, specifying the violation or violations of these regulations together with recommendations for their correction. 2 Closure and Appeal 5. (1) Where, in the opinion of the Chief Medical Health Officer, the water is dangerous to the health of the consumers, he or she may order closure of the public water supply. (2) The operator may appeal in writing to the Commissioner within 48 hours after receiving a closure order under subsection (1) and the Commissioner shall either revoke or confirm the order. PART II WATER SOURCES, WATER TREATMENT, CHLORINATION AND FLUORIDATION Surface Water Sources 6. No surface water source shall be approved for use in a public water supply unless: (a) the quantity of water is sufficient to permit reasonable quality control of the water having regard to the estimated demand that the source is required to fill; (b) it is practicable to convert the water from the source into finished water having regard to natural and man-made conditions affecting the quality of water. 7. (1) The quantity of water available in a surface water source shall be adequate to supply the water demand, including the fire demand, of the community using the surface water source, including a reasonable surplus for anticipated growth. (2) Where a surface water source is impounded and when it is necessary to estimate the quantity of water to meet the demand of a community, required allowance shall be made for all losses including water released, losses due to evaporation and seepage, loss of capacity due to siltation and ice and unavailable water stored below the bottom intake opening. 8. Where a surface water source is approved for use in a public water supply nothing which may adversely affect the quality of the raw water may be done on the watershed without approval by the Chief Medical Health Officer. Water Quality Bacteriological Characteristics 9. Samples of water shall be submitted to a laboratory for bacteriological analysis as directed by the Medical Health Officer. Where practical, it is desirable that there should 3 be a minimum number of samples of treated water a month submitted for bacteriological examination according to the following table : Population up to 500 501 to 2500 2501 to 3500 3501 to 4000 4001 to 4800 4801 to 5500 5501 to 6500 Number of samples a month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10. (1) Where the multitube fermentation technique is used, the arithmetical mean of the most probable numbers of coliforms for all standard samples examined a month shall not exceed 1 for each 100 ml. When the membrane filter technique is used, the arithmetical mean coliform density of all standard samples shall not exceed 1 for each 100 ml. (2) If the most probable number of coliforms when the multitube fermentation technique is used, or the coliform density when the membrane filter technique is used, is nine or greater, then additional samples shall be taken. These should be submitted one after another as soon as reasonably possible in view of the logistics of transportation and the laboratory facilities until the results obtained from at least two consecutive samples show the water to be of satisfactory quality. Physical Characteristics 11. (1) The frequency and manner of sampling shall be determined by the Chief Medical Health Officer. Under normal circumstances, samples should be collected daily by the operator who should record the results. (2) Drinking water should contain no impurity which would cause offence to the sense of sight, taste or smell. The following limits should not be exceeded : Turbidity Colour Threshold odour number 5 units 15 units 3 Chemical Characteristics 12. (1) The frequency and manner of sampling shall be determined by the Chief Medical Health Officer. Under normal circumstances, analyses for substances listed below need be made no more often than once in two years. 4 (2) Drinking water shall not contain impurities in concentrations which may be hazardous to the public health. It should not be excessively corrosive to the water supply system. Substances used in its treatment shall not remain in the water in concentrations greater than required by good practice. (3) Substances which may have deleterious physiological effect, or for which physiological effects are not known, shall not be introduced onto the system in a manner which would permit them to reach the consumer. The following chemical substances should not be present in a water supply in excess of the listed concentrations where, in the judgment of the Chief Medical Health Officer, other more suitable supplies are or can be made available : Substances Alkyl benzene sulfonate (ABS) Arsenic (As) Chloride (Cl) Copper (Cu) Carbon chloroform extract (CCE) Cyanide (CN) Fluoride (F) Iron (Fe) Manganese (Mn) Nitrate (NO3) Phenols Sulfate (SO4) Total dissolved solids Zinc (Zn) Barium (Ba) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (hexovalent) (Cr6) Lead (Pb) Selenium (Se) Silver (Ag) Maximum concentration - mg/l 0.5 0.05 250 1 0.2 0.01 1.7 0.3 0.05 45 0.001 250 500 5 1 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.05 Radioactive Characteristics 13. (1) The frequency of sampling and analysis for radioactivity shall be determined by the Chief Medical Health Officer in consultation with the Radiation Protection Bureau of the Department of National Health and Welfare, or its successors, after consideration of the likelihood of significant amounts being present. (2) The effects of human radiation exposure are viewed as harmful and any unnecessary exposure to ionizing radiation should be avoided. Approval of water supplies containing radioactive materials shall be based upon the judgement that the radioactivity intake from such water supplies when added to that from all other sources is not likely to result in an intake greater than the radiation protection 5 guidance recommended by the Radiation Protection Division of the Department of National Health and Welfare, or its successors. Water Treatment Plants 14. (1) The design of water treatment plants shall be adequate to provide the treatment of the raw water which is required to produce finished water. (2) Filters shall be of the gravity type unless otherwise approved by the Chief Medical Health Officer. (3) Heating facilities of a safe type should be provided in buildings which will be occupied by personnel, and should be adequate for comfort, as well as for protection of the equipment. (4) The buildings shall be well-ventilated by means of windows and doors, roof ventilators or other means. All rooms, compartments, pits and other enclosures below the grade floor, which must be entered and in which an unsafe atmosphere may develop, or where excessive heat may be built up by equipment, shall have adequate forced ventilation. The equipment should be capable of producing at least six complete turnovers of air an hour. Rooms containing equipment or piping should be adequately heated, ventilated and, if necessary, dehumidified to prevent injurious condensation. Where practicable, ventilation should be supplemented by insulation of the building, equipment and piping. Switches which control the forced ventilation shall be located in order to be conveniently manipulated from outside such compartments. (5) Buildings shall be adequately lighted throughout by means of natural light or by artificial lighting facilities, or both. Control switches, where needed, shall be conveniently placed at the entrance to each room or compartment. All electric wiring and equipment shall be of a type listed by the Canadian Standards Association Testing Laboratories and installed in accordance with the CSA Standard C22.1 - 1986 Canadian Electrical Code - Part I - Safety Standard for Electrical Installation and those of the Government of the Northwest Territories and local government authorities. (6) Where lavatory and toilet facilities are provided at the water treatment plant, wastes shall be safely disposed of, without danger of contaminating the water and preferably they shall be discharged directly into an approved sewer. Chlorination 15. (1) Drinking water shall be chlorinated or receive other bactericidal treatment as approved by the Chief Medical Health Officer in all cases when the supply is obtained from a surface source, and in the case of a groundwater source if the water may be subject to contamination in the well or in storage reservoirs or mains. 6 Additional chlorination may be required if there is reasonable possibility for contamination subsequent to the original disinfection. (2) Chlorination equipment shall have a maximum feed capacity at least 50% greater than the highest dosage required to provide a free chlorine residual. (3) Dependable feed equipment, either of the gas feed or positive displacement solution feed type, shall be used for adding chlorine. Automatic proportioning of the chlorine dosage to the rate of flow of the water treated shall be provided at all treatment plants where the rate of flow varies without manual adjustment of pumping rates. In the selection and design of equipment, care should be taken to ensure that there is sufficient dilution of chlorine in the water whenever there is contact with piping, valves or fittings which are corrodible. (4) All chlorination equipment should be installed in duplicate, in order to provide standby units for ensuring uninterrupted operation. In addition, spare parts consisting of at least the commonly expendable parts such as glassware, rubber fittings, hose clamps, and gaskets should be provided for effecting emergency repairs. In some cases, satisfactory emergency chlorinators may consist of discontinued equipment if it is operable and adequately sized. (5) Where gas feed chlorinators are employed, a scale shall be provided for weighing the chlorine cylinders serving each operating chlorinator. Preferably, weigh scales for 68 kg cylinders should be recessed in the floor, and the recess provided with a drain. (6) Where a powdered hypochlorite is used, solutions should be prepared in a separate tank. The clear liquid should be siphoned to the solution storage tank from which it is drawn by the hypochlorinator. A second tank is not required when chlorine is supplied as a solution. (7) Where gas chlorine is used, there shall be a canister-type respirator with a full face mask in a location handy to the operator. The canister shall be specifically designed to protect against chlorine and a new one should be obtained each time one is used. (8) Safety chains should be used to retain 68 kg cylinders of chlorine gas, either in storage or on weigh scales, in a safe upright position. (9) Gas chlorine equipment, including chlorinators, weigh scales and chlorine cylinders, shall be located in an isolated building, room or rooms. In larger installations, the storage and scale facilities should be in a room separated from the chlorinators. The construction of the room or rooms should be of fire resistant material and have concrete floors. 7 (10) Areas containing chlorine or chlorinator equipment shall be clearly marked "DANGER! CHLORINE STORAGE" or "DANGER! CHLORINE FEED EQUIPMENT" as applicable. (11) There should be two or more exits if the distance of travel to the nearest exit exceeds 4.5 m. (12) There should be continuous mechanical ventilation at the rate of three air changes an hour. Alternatively there should be screened openings to the outdoors with a size of 0.02% of the floor area : (a) within 150 mm of the floor; and (b) near the ceiling. (13) In addition, there should be emergency mechanical ventilation sufficient to produce 30 air changes an hour taking suction at floor level. The switch for the emergency fan should be located outside the chlorinator room. It should be posted with a sign warning that 10 minutes should elapse after starting the fan before entering the room. (14) The temperature in the storage and scale room should never be higher and preferably slightly lower than that in the chlorinator room. The gas lines between the scales, chlorinators and injectors should not be located on an outside wall or in a location where low temperatures may be encountered. 16. (1) The application of chlorine shall be sufficient to provide 0.2 mg/l of residual free chlorine after a thorough mixing of the chlorine and water and 20 minutes of contact time after the mixing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Chief Medical Health Officer may decide on another chlorine residual for particular local circumstances. (2) The chlorine residual test is performed on a sample of the plant or pipeline effluent, after it has been held for 20 minutes, unless it is certain that there has already been a chlorine contact time of 20 minutes. (3) Where bacterial counts in the distribution system are high, the minimum requirements for chlorine residual should be increased. (4) Where possible, a chlorine residual should be maintained in all active parts of the distribution system. (5) There shall be a minimum total chlorine contact period of 20 minutes in the pipeline and reservoirs, before the first consumption by any person of the treated water. 8 (6) There shall be a permanent standard chlorine residual comparator test kit at each water plant where chlorination is undertaken. (7) Whenever it is necessary to pump unchlorinated water which might not be potable into the distribution system the Chief Medical Health Officer or in his or her absence a responsible Health Officer, shall be notified immediately. After the emergency, the water mains and service lines shall be disinfected as stated in section 22. Fluoridation 17. (1) Fluoridation is recommended for community water supplies. Before the equipment is ordered, the fluorides concentration in the raw water shall be checked to be sure of the need for fluorides. (2) The fluorides feed rate shall be proportioned to the water flow rate. Where a pump supplies water at approximately a constant rate, a suitable fluoridator is a type which operates simultaneously with the pump. The pumping variation should be less than 10% from the mean. (3) The sampling point should be a tap located on a line before the point where interfering substances (alum, chlorine, polyphosphates and other such substances) are added. The application point for the fluorides should be far enough ahead of this to ensure thorough mixing. Usually a distance equivalent to 10 pipe diameters would be sufficient for this purpose. (4) If such an arrangement is not practical in view of the existing plant layout, then accurate tests may be made following neutralization in the case of chlorine and removal by distillation in the case of aluminum (from alum) and phosphates. The operator should make appropriate adjustments in the readings of his or her tests. (5) The concentration of fluorides in the finished water shall be within the range of 1.2 and 1.6 mg/l. The optimum proportion is 1.4 mg/l. (6) The following control procedures are required and all results should be recorded : (a) the operator should make daily tests to determine the fluorides concentration in the treated water. In some installations there will be instantaneous variations in the fluorides concentration at the sampling tap due to the briefly intermittent discharge characteristics of some fluorides feeders. To compensate for these variations a large bottle of water should be drawn as the source of samples for testing; (b) on a weekly basis duplicate samples of the water to be tested should be submitted to a laboratory designated by the Chief Medical Health Officer. The 9 laboratory analyses will establish the accuracy of the plant operator's field tests and his or her ability to properly control the treatment. When this criteria has been attained, duplicate samples should be submitted on a monthly basis only; (c) as a daily routine, the chemical dosage should be calculated based on the consumption of fluorides and volume of water treated. (7) Protection to the skin and lungs of the operator handling the fluoride chemical shall be maintained as follows : (a) if the equipment is not of a type which prevents the dust entering the air when the fluorides chemical is being replaced, then the equipment should be in a separate room with suitable exhaust venting from the floor level to the outside atmosphere. A vacuum cleaner in which disposable bags are used would be a suitable alternative, and it could also be used in cleaning the room. The bags should be either buried at the nuisance grounds or washed out in the sewer; (b) respirator, cloth cap, rubber gloves, rubber apron and goggles should be used at all times when handling the dry chemical, and these should be stored outside the fluoridation room; (c) the operator should not smoke while handling the dry powder; (d) instructions should be posted instructing the staff to observe the points contained in this section. PART III PUMPING STATIONS, RESERVOIRS AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Pumping Stations 18. (1) The design of pumping stations shall be based on the provision to ensure maintenance of the sanitary quality of the water pumped through it, and to facilitate cleanliness, continuity and ease of operation. Subsurface pits, subterranean piping and connections and inaccessible installations should be avoided. (2) The location should be chosen so that there will be adequate control over every external factor (such as usage of surrounding areas) which might contribute to the impairment of the sanitary quality of the water. (3) The wet wells and pump reservoirs which are part of pumping stations shall conform with section 19. 10 Equalizing Reservoirs, Elevated Tanks, Standpipes and Pressure Tanks for Finished Water 19. (1) The most up-to-date standards should be followed where applicable in the design of reservoirs and other tanks. (2) The locations, size and type of reservoir, tank or standpipe should be integrated with the distribution system, ground elevations and effective pressures, type and capacity of supply, economics of pumping and construction, consumer use and terrain. The design to be desired should give uniform pressures during the day with no pressure drop below 140 kPa. (3) Reservoirs shall have watertight covers or roofs which exclude birds, animals, insects and excessive dust. (4) There shall be locks on access manholes, fencing and other precautions in order to prevent trespassing, vandalism or sabotage. (5) Steps should be taken to prevent an excessive build-up of ice which would damage the reservoir. (6) There shall be consideration of public health safety in the location of ground level reservoirs. The bottom should be above the groundwater table and preferably above any possible flooding. (7) Where the bottom of a reservoir is below the normal ground surface, separation from possible sources of contamination shall be provided as follows : (a) 46 m from any septic tank, sewage lift station, sewage disposal point, sewage disposal field or other similar source of contamination; (b) 8 m from any sewer pipe and preferably 30 m; (c) for all other sources of contamination as far as appears to be reasonable in view of local conditions and the type of construction. (8) Tops of ground level reservoirs shall be not less than 600 mm above the normal ground surface, and shall be a minimum of 1.2 m above any possible flood level. (9) The area surrounding ground level reservoirs shall be graded to prevent surface water from standing against the structure. (10) There shall be footing drains around the reservoir, which should be drained by gravity if possible. There should be a means of observing the volume of flow from the footing drains. 11 (11) The maximum variation of working levels in storage reservoirs which float on a distribution system should not exceed 9 m. (12) Water level controls or telemetering equipment should be provided in reservoirs on the distribution system where there is an appreciable variation in level. (13) Water level control switches or telemetering equipment should be provided, with warning or alarms in appropriate places about the community, so that high and low water levels may be immediately reported. (14) Overflows on structures shall have free fall discharges that are in plain view, and should be designed so that they will not freeze. (15) A manhole on a reservoir or tank shall be framed so that there is a raised lip around the edge. The lip shall be at least 100 mm high, and preferably 150 mm, and the join between the lip and the roof shall be watertight. It shall be fitted with a watertight cover which overlaps the lip of the manhole and extends down around the frame at least 50 mm. The cover shall be hinged at one side and shall be provided with a locking device. (16) The roof of the structure should be well drained. The downspout pipes of the roof drain shall not enter the reservoir or connect to the overflow from the reservoir. There shall be no parapets or construction which will tend to pool the water or snow on the roof. (17) Valve stems or similar projections through the roof shall be designed with a wall sleeve, elevated at least 100 mm above the roof top, set in a curbed opening, or welded to the cover plate. The opening must be covered by an overlapping, turned-down hood, welded to the valve stem. (18) Vents, overflows, finial decorations and warning lights shall be so constructed as to exclude dust, birds, animals and insects. There shall be no direct connection between an overflow and any drain or sewer. A ground level vent must terminate in an inverted U construction, the opening of which is at least 600 mm above the ground surface. (19) Unsafe water shall not be stored adjacent to a finished water compartment when only a single wall separates the two. (20) Reservoirs should be drainable to the ground surface in such a manner as to preclude contamination by surface water and access by animals. There shall be no direct connection to a sewer or storm. Alternatively, a reservoir should be drained by pumping from a sump at a lower level than the bottom. A manhole 12 should be located directly above the sump, to permit servicing of the pump intake and to allow dewatering with a portable pump. (21) Interior surfaces of all steel reservoirs shall be protected by paints or other protective coatings or cathodic protection according to practices recommended by the American Water Works Association or the Canadian Standards Association. (22) There should be periodical disinfection in order to ensure a continued source of finished water. Water Mains 20. (1) Pipes and pipe packing and jointing materials shall have been manufactured in conformity with the latest standard specifications issued by the American Water Works Association or the Canadian Standards Association. Plastic pipe shall be approved by and bear the seal of the Canadian Standards Association. Selection of the pipe material and design shall be made after giving consideration to the possible deleterious action of the soils and water which will be surrounding the pipe, the water to be distributed and possible electrolytic action on the metal parts. (2) Steps should be taken to prevent freezing, which could damage the mains. (3) The minimum working pressure during the flow in outlying parts of the distribution system should be 140 kPa. (4) If water hydrants are installed, the supply of water shall be adequate to provide water for the fire pumps and regular use, and at the same time maintain adequate positive pressure in all parts of the system. (5) The dead-end of a main should have a fire hydrant or blow-off connected for flushing purposes. No flushing device shall be connected directly to any sewer. (6) Water mains shall be laid a minimum of 3 m from sewers which run in the same direction. Where it is clearly very difficult to comply with this regulation, then : (a) the bottom of the water main shall be at least 450 mm higher than the top of the sewer; and (b) the water main shall rest on undisturbed soil. (7) When a water main must cross a sewer, the bottom of the water main shall be laid at least 450 mm above the top of the sewer. The vertical separation shall be maintained for that portion of the water main located within 3 m of the sewer, the 3 m to be measured as the normal distance from the water main to the sewer. 13 (8) When it is impossible to achieve the condition as stated in subsections (6) and (7) then both the water main and the sewer shall be constructed of Class 150 pressure-type pipes. There shall be adequate support on each side of the crossing for both pipes so that there will be no stresses in either pipe caused by one pipe settling on the other. Pipe sections shall be centred at the crossing so that there is a maximum distance from the crossing to all joints. Both pipes shall be pressure tested to assure that there are no leaks. (9) Where water and sewer pipes are contained in a utilidor, there shall be adequate provision for drainage in order to prevent contamination of the water supply during repairs and breakdowns. (10) Water mains which run below the surface of a stream or other surface water body shall be of special construction with flexible watertight joints. Valves shall be provided at both ends of the water crossing so that the section can be isolated for test or repair. The valves shall be easily accessible and not subject to flooding. Taps shall be made for testing and locating leaks. (11) Water mains which cross under railways shall conform to the standards and requirements of those regulations established by the National Transportation Agency cited as Pipe Crossings Under Railways Regulations. (12) Drains from hydrant barrels shall not be connected to sanitary sewers or storm drains. Where practicable hydrant barrels should be drained to the ground surface, or to dry wells provided exclusively for that purpose and a means provided for pumping out. (13) There shall be no physical connections between the distribution system and any pipes, pumps or tanks which are connected to a sewer system or storm drain or are supplied from any source that is not approved. Water Haulage Tanks 21. (1) Water haulage tanks should be constructed so as to exclude birds, animals, insects and dust. (2) There shall be a manhole cover on a tank, conveniently located for entering for purposes of cleaning the interior. The opening shall be made so that there is a water-tight raised lip around the edge, a minimum of 50 mm high. It shall be fitted with a water-tight cover. (3) There shall be a drain opening in the bottom of a tank so that the tank may be drained completely and flushed easily. (4) Each tank shall be provided with convenient clean storage space for the hoses, and the ends of the hoses shall be protected from contamination. 14 Disinfection of New or Repaired Works 22. (1) Before disinfection is attempted, all surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned. Pipelines should be flushed with potable water until turbidity-free water is obtained at all ends. Reservoirs should be flushed with water and brushed if necessary to obtain clean surfaces. (2) New, repaired or altered waterworks and pipelines shall be disinfected according to the American Water Works Association Standards, or as follows : (a) all surfaces should be in contact with chlorine solution with a final strength of 10 or 50 mg/l of available chlorine after a contact period of 24 or two hours respectively. The higher value may be tested using chlorine testing papers; (b) if it is necessary to conserve water and chemical, reservoirs may be disinfected by spraying all surfaces with a chlorine solution having a starting strength of 250 mg/l available chlorine. Special protective clothing and self contained or air-supplied type respirators should be used by personnel performing the spray procedure; or (c) when surface conditions are not ideal, such as may be encountered in used works, special disinfection procedures will be required. This could include the maintenance of a chlorine residual for an extended period of time. Records 23. (1) Accurate records shall be maintained of raw water quality, finished water quality and amounts of chemicals used. (2) As-built construction plans shall be maintained and shall be amended to include additions, extensions and renovations. Printed by Territorial Printer, Northwest Territories Yellowknife, N.W.T./1997© 15 66-18-06 16;02 From-SANTU LWB + SAl-flU Land & Water Board P.O. Box 1 Fort Good Hope, NT XOE 01-10 Telephone: 867 598-2413 Fax: 867 598-2325 E-mail: [email protected] T-664 P61/04 N SiMnn. v,m Land & Water icard AUG 182006 Apticadott Copied To File: MVQ6P-QO1 8 Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Bob Wootey Executive Director, MVLWB Fax Number: 867 873-8610 From: George Govier Number of Pages mc. cover 4 Date: August 18. 2006 Comments: Enbridge Pipelines NW Inc. Land Use Permit MVO6P- 0018 Application for Renewal Reference; 1. a Fax totter from 8Sf dated Aug. 18 /06 Information requested at Reference a is attached, and should be made known to Adrian Parariis. 2. P-338 Your thoughts and comments always welcome. Regards George Govier Executive Director 08-1905 From-SAHTU L?$ 15:02 T-0$4 + CS;33:54 p.m. Sahtu Secratariat C St THE SAHTU L : B SECRETARIAT P.02/Ui OS-I 8-2006 INCORPORATED L.5. .<* ?. .?d.1 WJ 4 I I . .1,/, Our File: 4.4.1 -Your File: MV2006P0018 August 18, 2006 FROM: Coilin Bayha Sahtu Lands & Resources Manager Phone: 6fl == 5894908 TQ Clarence Campbell Tulita Land Corporation P.O. Box 63, NT, XOE 0KG Tel: 867 588-3734; Fax: 867 588-4025 Dear Mr. Campbell, Subject: Suggested Comments for the Enbs-idge Norman Welts to Alberta BaSer Pipeline ROW Application This letter is in response to a copy or a project proposed in your District, After reading this letter, if you or Council have any questions, please give me a call. The application in your District is for a renewal of two Land Use Permit Applications that have been combined Into one by Enbrldge. This was done at the request of the Sahtu Land & Water Board and the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board. During the lire of the new application, Enbridge will use several borrow pits for gravel that were used before during the construction of the pipeline. We believe this is a summary of potential concerns that we have found for your consideration; 1. Notification On page 6. of Public Consultation Enbrldge proposes to notify trappers through local communities at least five days prior to commencement of any scheduled maintenance work. - Under 11ConsultaUon" , a letter dated March 20, 2006 to Chief Hardisty of Pehdzeh Xi First Nation, offers to provide a minimum of three weeks notice so that residents’ trap lines and access trails can be identified and flagged. 1 Received 08-18-US 5:3Z Frun-5894908 F-338 Ta-SAHTU LWB Page 01 1/3 08-18-06 18:02 1-064 + Fron-SAHTU LYlE 0SS4;18p.rn. 580490e P.03/04 38-18-2008 we suggest that Enbridge notify all trappers potentially affected by scheduled maintenance thirty days In advance through their Renewable registered letter. Resource Councils It takes time for mail to arrive in most communities and trappers on the land will need a couple of weeks to go back out if they have just arrived. Under the Sahtu Dene and MØtis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement, 22.1.3 g, a process for future consultations is assured the Sabtu Dene and MØtis people for any site within their Settlement Area. 2. Consultation - This pipeline was issued in 1982 for 24 years, with an option to renew, and amended in 1988, without consultation with the Sahtu Dene and MØtis. This authorization and amendment predate the Land Claim Agreement, but the Land Claim Agreement Is believed to supersede most legislation. Possibly an Impact Benefit Agreement should be requested based on 22.1.3 g of the SbMCLCA? 3. Spill Response - On page 5 of "Public Consultation, under Surface Water, reference is made to 57 rivers or creeks being crossed. Previous to this reference, under the Section tItled "Additional Information’ on page 3 and page 4 there is mention of "13 emergency response equipment depots" and the company’s Emergency Response manual. As this application Is for a renewal, it would be good to have a brief history of things that have gone wrong in the previous lease terms: o How many spills have occurred since the pipeline was constructed? * Were the control points used for any spills in-effective? * Are there any sections of pipeline that should be considered for re routing? If’ there have been not major spills, then the right of way should remain undisturbed. * Are local Sahtu Dene MØtis community members trained to be spill response team-members? * Would Enbridge consider contracting to your Land Corporation for spill response on a 24/7 basis? 2 Received 08-18-08 15:32 Froffl-5894900 In-SARTU LYIB Page 02 F-338 21S 08-16-06 1602 Frorn-SANTU LWB 0334:18 p.m. 3gtuSccrOtarS 5894908 1-004 + P.04/04 08-1S-200E5 From reviewing the application these are the two item of interest that we found that your District may wish to request the applicant to address from your District Office to protect our land and our people. Overall, the company appears to have been very conscientious In its application and its attempts to consult. If you have any questions regarding my comments please do not hesitate to call me at 867 589-4719. The Sahtu Lands & Resources Office acknowledges your right to authorize all land use activity, and Is available to assist you. Coffin Bayha Lands & Resources Manager cc. Freda Taniton, Executive Director, SSI cc. Sahtu Land & Water Board, Fort Good Hope 3 Received 08-18-OS 15:32 Fror5B94908 To-SAFITU LYiB Page 03 F-fla 33 ___ 08-18-08 09:59 Prom-$AHTU LWS + SAIITU Land & Water Board P.O. Box I Fort Good Hope, NT XOE 0140 1082 _____ P01/02 N332 Mack*n# Vty LaS & Watei Board ‘II. AUG 182006 Telephone: 867 598-2413 Fax: 867 598-2325 E-mail: [email protected] App*catloa #jjg Copied To File: MVO6P-001 8 Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Bob Wooley Executive Director. MVLWB Fax Number: 867 873-6610 From: George Govier Number of Pages mcI. cover 2 Date: August 18, 2006 Comments: Enbridge Pipelines NW Inc. Land Use Permit MVO6P- 0018 Application for Renewal Reference; a Fax letter from SRRB dated Aug. 18/06 1. Information requested at Reference a is attached, and should be made known to Adrian Paradis. 2. Your thoughts and comments always welcome. Regards George Govier Executive Director 08-18-06 us-is-ZaUS + 0959 Frcrn-SAHTU LWB og20am prcm-$AHTU RENEVA5LE RS0URCS BOARD 1-062 P02/02 1-008 P.001/001 N332 F-SU -4- tA4vL3tt SANTU RENEWABLE RESOURCES BOARD "8 P.O.aox 134 Tuli, NT, XOE fln TEL; 867 5884040 PAX: 867 588-3324 Websitt: www.srtb.ntca August 18. 2006 Via Facsimile S4ztu Land & WaterBoard P.O. B0K 1 Fort Good Hope, NT 867 598-2325 XOE ORG Fax 867 598-2325 Re; Land Use Permit Application Renewal MW0O&P6018 Enbridge Pipelines NW Activities Mackenzie Valley - - OUROW - Upon review of the Laud Use Permit Application Renewal for Enbridge’s 20 meter off ROW activities in the Mnckenzic Va2ley the Sahtu Renewable Resoisrccs Board is satisfied that all requirements bavc bcca met. The Board requests that the following recommendations be provided to Eabridge Pipclincs NW: a To reduce stress, where possible, all airerafta used will avoid flying low over wildlife and * * * * * * * maintain a minimum aldtude afSOO in except fbr landing and take off. Land use operations will be suspended tempomrily if caribou, moose and/or bear are spotted Within SOOm of any work/camp site. Operations may resume once the animal has left the area. Stockpiles ofcleared vegeiadon and debris alonE the pipeline off ROW and iraditional ttalis will be prohibited. AU equipment will be cleaned prior to initial use it, prevent the spread of invasive vegetarian species. fl’re-seeding is required, cvcty ein Wilt be blade to use a native seed source or, if not possible, to ensure that an uncontaminated seed source is used. Trained e iongzegtaj monitors frtiiliar with the pror area will be utilized and hired through the Norman Wells or Tulits Renewable Resources Council RC. Traditional usets, conununity residents and organizations in Norman Wells and Tulita WI U be notified via written notices posted annually. * An annual summaly will be provided to the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board and the Neiman Wells and Tuifta RRCs. This report should include a map include OPS locations if available and outline any wfldlif encounters include raptor sightings, envirenmental acoidcuts, batbyntewic survey data, hydrological survey analysis from Great Bear River end Mackenzie River crossings, and location of any access routes created in the previous year. Report any wildlife mortalities immediately to the Board If you require any other intbnnatian, please contact us nr,867 588-4040 or Mszrb.ntca. Environmental Assessment Specialist Cc ReceiV$ Jody Snordand, Executive Director Wafter Bayha, Chair 08-18-08 0818 Frcm-+26T5853324 To-SAHTU LW2 Page 01 Aug-18-06 12:50pm Froin-DIAND WATER RESOURCES Indian and Northern Affairs Canada www.inac.gc.ca I 18675692715 T-121 FY54 Affaires indiennes at dii Nord Canada www.ainc.gc.ca Water Resources Division Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Floor Bellanca Building Your file- Volta rdtyonce Our Ills - Not’s nM*onoo Yellowknits, NT X1A2R3 Matenna V$Ny Land 1 Water Board August18, 2006 Adrian Parad Regulatory Officer Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board 7thFlA49w5oth Avenue Yellowknife, NT XIA2P6 Re: P.002/002 AUI’ 13 Appacatkrn #2ajQ? Coiled To ftP I Land Use Permit Application MV200GPOOI8 Off Right-of-Way Maintenance for Enbridge Pipelines NW Inc. Normal Wells to ABINWT Border The Water Resources Division, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada INAC, has reviewed the Enbridge Pipelines NW Inc. application and submits the following comments addressing waterrelated concerns with this application. The application was clear and concise, and addressed most of the water-related issues that might arise during operation and maintenance activities. However, while erosion control measures are presented in Table 1, it is noted that there are no mitigation measures presented to address possible sedimentation of watercourses. In the course of maintenance activities, and during site or slope stabilization after the conclusion of maintenance actIvities, it is possible that sedimentloading of nearby watercourses may occur. Enbridge should be prepared to install silt-fencing or other sediment-control measures as necessary, under the direction of an Inspector, if sedimentation anti erosion occurs. Further, although the application refers to the Emergency Response Plan on several occasions, no copy of this plan Is provided for review. Without this information, it is not possible to determine whether the spill contingency plan is up to date and or adequate for the proposed activities. Water Resources has requested a copy of the Emergency Response Plan and will review It once it has been received. Comments particularly pertaining to the plan will be provided at that time. It is noted that relevant sections of the plan could be included in the hard copy of the application. If you have any questions or require clarification, please contact Nathan Richea at 669-2657 or æcheantinao-aincacca, or myself at 669-2749. Yours truly, V Dr. Kathleen Rather tManager Water Resources Division indian and Northern Affairs Canada 111.1 uanaaa P4nrea on racyolod paper- lmprnn sw poptcr rsoyclØ ___________________ 12:50pm Aug-18-06 From-DIAND WATER RESOURCES Indian and Northern Affairs Canada I I . 18676692716 1-121 Number of pages including this page Nombre de pages incluant cette page 2 - Date 2006/8/18 FROM DE - Name Nom Position title litre du paste Nathen M Riches Directorate Direction ft ft & E. NHead Policy and Assessment Branch Direction nenerale Water Resources DMsion - - - - - F-TM Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL TRANSMISSION PAR TELECOPIEUR Room PiCG P.001/002 Facsimile no, N de tØlecopieur 867 669-2716 Telephone no. N de tØlØphone Facsimile no. No de tØlØcopisur 867 873-6610 Telephone no. N do tØlØphone 867 669-0506 - - 867 669-2657 io-A Name Norn - Adrian Paradise Regulatory Officer MVLWB - - Adrian. Attached is out letter of comment for the Enbridge Pipeline Land Use Permit Application. Please contact me if you have any questions or need anything further. As noted in our letter, once we have a chance to review the Emergency Response Plan we may submit another letter of comment pertaining to spills and or spill response at that time. Thanks, Nathen PEfC 10-084 2ojO.Oi -- Can.adii s1I Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada Indian and Northern Affairs Canada www.inac.gc.ca WWW.ainc.gc.Ca #16 Yellowknife Airport Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2 Telephone: 867 669-2762 Facsimile: 867 669-2720 August 16, 2006 Your file Our file - Vane reference Noire reference MV2006POO1 8 Land and Water Board Mackenzie Valley50th 7th Avenue Floor, 4910 Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P6 - Fdackenze VaMy Land & Waer Board Attention: Lynn Carter PIP’ Dear Ms. Carter: AUG 172006 Appilcatica #flfI Re: LUPA MV2006P0018 Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Off Right of Way Maintenance for Pipeline Norman Wells to NWTJAB Border - Copied To _E1aii5___ On behalf of DIAND, the land use permit application for off Right of Way maintenance for the Enbridge Pipeline has been reviewed and attached are the recommended land use operating conditions from our Inspectors. Comments received from Land Administration are also attached for your information. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Charlene Coe at 669-2762. Yours truly, ard R. Hornby District Manager South Mackenzie District cc: RMO - Yellowknife Sub-District Attachments Ice S:C harinlesLetee200eALYIiMV2006FOOI a. Eeerklcje.]e! to MVLWe.doc Canada Printed on recycled pa per - Imprime cur papier recycle 1. 261 a LOCATION AND AREA 1. The Permittee shall not conduct this land use operation on any lands not designated in the accepted application. 2. The Permittee shall use an existing campsite. PLANS CAMP LOCATION 261b TIME 3. The Permittee ‘s Field Supervisor shall contact an Inspector at 867 6952626 at least forty-eight 48 hours prior to the commencement of this land use operation. CONTACT INSPECTOR! BOARD 4. The Permittee shall advise an Inspector at least ten 10 days prior to the completion of the land use operation of a the plan for removal or storage of equipment and materials, and b when final clean-up and restoration of the land used will be completet REPORTS BEFORE REMOVAL 5. The Board, for the purpose of this operation, designates March 31st, as spring break-up. SPRING BREAK- 6. The Permittee shall remove all ice bridges prior to spring break-up or completion of the land use operation unless otherwise approved in writing by an Inspector. REMOVE ICE BRIDGE 7. The Permittee shall remove all snow fills from stream crossings prior to spring break-up or completion of the land use operation unless otherwise approved in writing by an Inspector. REMOVE SNOW FILLS 8. The Permittee shall restore all sumps prior to spring break-up, unless otherwise authorized in writing by an Inspector. SUMPS/SPRING UT’ BREAK-UP 261c TYPE AND SIZE OF EQUIPMENT 261d METHODS AND TECHNIQUES 261e TYPE, LOCATION, CAPACITY AND OPERATION OF ALL FACILITIES 9. The Permittee shall ensure that the land use area is kept clean at all times. 261l CONTROL OR PREVENTION OF PONDING OF WATER, FLOODING, EROSION, SLIDES AND SUBSIDENCE OF LAND CLEAN WORK AREA EXCAVATIONS AND EMBANKMENTS 10. The Permittee shall slope the sides of excavations and embankments except in solid rock to a horizontal/vertical ratio of two 2 horizontal to one 1 vertical. 11. The land use operation shall not cause obstruction to any natural drainage. 12. The Permittee shall not use any material other than water in the construction of ice bridges. ICE BRIDGE MATERIALS 13. The Permittee shall not use any material other than snow in the construction of snow fills. SNOW FILLS 14. The Permittee shall install erosion control structures as the land use operation progresses. PROGRESSIVE EROS!ON CONTROL 15. The Permittee shall prepare the site in such a manner as to prevent rutting of the ground surface. PREVENTION OF RUTTING 16. The Permittee shall not move any equipment or vehicles unless the ground surface is in a state capable of fully supporting the equipment or vehicles without rutting or gouging. VEHICLE MOVEMENT FREEZ&UP NATURAL DRAINAGE 261g USE, STORAGE, HANDLING AND ULTIMATE DISPOSAL OF ANY CHEMICAL OR TOXIC MATERIAL The Permittee shall not use chemicals in connection with the land use operation that were not identified in the accepted application. APPROVAL OF 1 8. The Permittee shall dispose of all combustible waste petroleum products by incineration or removal. DRILL WASTE CONTAINMENT 19. The Permittee shall report all spills immediately to the 24 hour Spill Report Line 867 920-8130, which is in accordance with instructions contained in "Spill Report "form N. W. T. 1752/0593. REPORT CHEMICAL AND PETROLEUM 17. CHEMICALS 261h WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES HABITAT 20. The Peimittee shall use food handling and garbage disposal procedures that do not attract bears. BEAR/MAN CONFLICT 261i STORAGE, HANDLING AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE OR SEWAGE 21. The Permittee shall dispose of all sewage and grey water as proposed in the accepted application. SEWAGE DISPOSAL 22. The Permittee shall remove all garbage and debris, including plastics from the land use area to a disposal site as specified in the accepted application. REMOVE GARBAGE 23. The Permittee shall keep all garbage and debris in a covered metal container on site until disposed of. GARB AGE CONTAtNER 24. The Permittee shall remove all scrap metal, discarded machinery, parts, barrels and kegs, buildings and building material to an approved waste disposal facility. REMOVE WASTE MATERIAL 2610 PROTECTION OF HISTORICAL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND BURIAL SITES 261k OBJECTS AND PLACES OF RECREATIONAL, SCENIC AN] ECOLOGICAL VALUE 261I SECURITY DEPOSIT 261m FUEL STORAGE 25. The Permittee shall not allow petroleum products to spread to surrounding lands or into water bodies. FUEL CONTA1NIvIENT 26. The Fermittee shall ensure that adequate contingency plans and spill kits are in place, prior to commencement of operations, to respond to any potential spills. SPILL 261n METHODS AND TECHNIQUES FOR DEBRIS AND BRUSH DISPOSAL 27. The Permittee shall progressively complete disposal of all debris and brush as specified in the accepted application. 261o RESTORATION OF THE LANDS 28. The Permittee shall save the organic soil stripped from any excavation area and place the organic soil over the disturbed area prior to the expiry date of this Land Use Permit. SAVE AND PLACE ORGANIC SOIL 29. Stripping of overburden must be approved in writing by an Inspector prior to conmiencement of the quarrying operation. STRIPPING OF OVERBURDERN 30. The Permittee shall complete all clean-up and restoration of the lands used prior to the expiry date of this Permit. CLEAN-UP 261p DISPLAY OF PERMITS AND PERMIT NUMBERS PROGRESSIVE DISPOSAL 31. The Permittee shall keep on hand, at all times during this land use operation, a copy ofthe Land Use Permit MATTERS 261q REGULATIONS NOT INCONSISTENT WITH COPY OF PERMIT THE 32. The Permittee shall, while preparing the access road, make every effort to avoid covering or destroying traps or snares that may be found along these routes. TRAPS PROTECTION 33. The Permittee shall restore any trails used by trappers or hunters along access routes by slashing any and all trees that may fall across these paths or trails and by removing any other obstructions such as snow piles or debris that may be pushed across the trails. TRAILS RESTORATION 34. The Permittee shall submit to the Board an update of the contingency plan, for chemical and petroleum spills, if there are any changes in the operation during the life of the permit. CONTINGENCY PLAN "Select Qappropriate Site Specific conditions and add to Permit" Wo Mawr -LUPfiMV2bO6i8 EnbideFIpetneeNW Inc. Of? ROW maintenance Pae Denise Mazur From: To: Date: Subject: Charlene Coe 8/9/2006 4:36:17 PM LUPAMV2006POO18 Enbridge Pipeines NW mc, Off ROW maintenance Hi Charlene I’ve looked at the entire pipeline route on our maps and have the following comments: there is no activity in the area. there is no activity in the area. there is no activity in the area, pipeline route travels through the Deh Cho withdrawal area. there is no activity in the area, pipeline route travels through the Deh Cho withdrawal area. 95A115, there is no activity in the area, pipeline route travels in between the Deh Cho withdrawal areas. 95A1 16, there is no activity in the area. 95H/2, there is no activity in the area, pipeline route travels in between the Deh Cho withdrawal areas. 95H/6, there are three leases along the pipeline route, they are: U6-9RHydro NCPC AU6-4RSCI Env Canada U6-lLiCOM CNT 95H/7, there are 2 leases along the pipeline route, they are: S7-2CCOMCNR U7-8COTCOMNWTEL and pipeline route travels in between the Deh Cho withdrawal areas. 95H/1 1 E, there are two lease along the pipeline route, they are: Ui 1-3RNAVDFO-CCG UI 1-1OICDCZGNWT and the Mackenzie Highway is nearby] and pipeline route travels in between the Deh Cho withdrawal areas. 95H/13E, there are 2 leases in the area, they are: U13-2LCOMCNT U13-5RNAVDFO-CCG and pipeline route travels along side the Deh Cho withdrawal area. 1NDL,NA ?tiORTErEhJN 95H/14, there are 4 leases in the immediate area, they are: ArFAIrv CAi$rijA U14-3L1COMCNT U14-5RSCIDOE AUG 11 2OO6 U14-2RSCDDOE U14-3LiR/WCNT and pipeline route travels in between the Deh Cho withdrawal areas. eLrrp, MAtt!WZE DT3TRCT 951/4, there are 4 leases in the immediate area, they are: YELLQ’MNiFEN,w,T. U4-2RNAVDFO-CCG U4-3RNAVDFO-CCG U4-6RNAVDFO-CCG U4-lLiCOMCNR 95J/1, there is 1 lease in the immediate area, it is U1-6RNAVDFO-CCG 95J/2, there is no activity in the immediate area but the pipeline runs parallel with the highway. 95J/6, there is no activity in the immediate area. 95J/7, there is 1 lease nearby, U7-l LiCOMCNT and the pipeline runs parallel with the highway. 95J/l 1, there are 3 leases in the immediate area, they are: U11-lLiCOMCNT Ui 1-2RRESIAB 85D14, 85D15, 95A18, 95A19, - - - - - - - - - UI1-13WPASCWS and the pipeline runs parallel with the highway. 95J/14, there are 4 lease in the immediate area, they are: S14-2CCOMCNR U14-5RNAVDFO-CCG - - II U14-lLiCOMCNT U14-4RNAVDFO-CCG and the pipeline runs parallel with the highway. 960/1, there is no activity in the area but the pipeline runs parallel with the Mackenzie Winter Road. 96017, there is 1 lease in the immediate area, it is 57-15LCAMPIPL and the pipeline runs parallel with the Mackenzie Winter Road. 96C18, there is 1 lease in the immediate area, it is U8-2LiCOMCNT and the pipeline runs parallel with the Mackenzie Winter Road. 960/10, there are 3 leases in the immediate area, they are: U10-13RDOEWS U10-2RDOEWS U10-lLiCOMCNT and the pipeline runs parallel with the Mackenzie Winter Road. 960/1 3, there are 7 leases in the immediate area, they are: U13-4RR/WNCPC Ui 3-46RWASTEDIAND AEC U13-3RCOMGNWT S13-4RCOMCNR U13-48LYALLEE U13-lLiCOMCNT A-ui 3-2401CDCZGNWT and the pipeline runs parallel with the Mackenzie Winter Road. 960/14, there is 1 lease in the immediate area, it is Ui4-iLiCOMCNT and the pipeline runs parallel with the Mackenzie Winter Road. 960/1 5, there is 1 lease in the immediate area which the pipeline runs parallel with, it is U151 LiCOMCNT and the Mackenzie Winter Road is nearby. 96E/1, there are 4 leases mt he immediate area, they are: Si-4RNAVPWC-CCG S1-3RNAVPWC-CCG U1-8RSCIEC ui-i LiCOMCNT and the pipeline runs parallel with the Mackenzie Winter Road. 96E/2, there are 2 leases in the immediate area, they are: U2-8RSCQEO U2-iLiCOMCNT and the pipeline runs parallel with the Mackenzie Winter Road. 96E/7, there are many leases in the immediate area because this is the beginning of the pipeline, they are: 87-6OlCSTORMOT S7-8RFORDIAND S7-34OlCLA000NGNWT u7-sOLWELLIOL u7-27LDOCKlOL U7-i6LPETlOL U7-2iLPETIOL u7-i3LPETlOL u7-20LPETIOL U7-12LPETlOL U7-i i LPETIOL u7-ioLPETlOL AIJ7-5iLWELLlOL u7-2gLRAODlOL U7-i7LPETlOL U7-15LPETlOL U7-i8PETlOL U7-i4LPETlOL u7-i9LpETlOL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ Off ROW mntenance AU7-52LWELLIOL AU7-53LBARGEIOL U7-49LPETIOL U7-26LRIWIOL AU7-56LPIPEIOL AU7-55LBARGEIOL U7-54LBARGEIOL -AU 7-33 LPETIOL Also note there is the Norman Wells Airfield near the pipeline. 96F14, there is no activity in the immediate area. - - - - - will send you copies of all the maps related to my findings This e-mail will be saved to CIDM. Denise Mazur Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Land Specialist Land Administration P.O. Box 1500, Yellowknife, NT X1A2R3 867 669-2697 mazurdinac.gc.ca
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