Municipal Secondary Market Disclosure Information Cover Sheet This cover sheet should be sent with all submissions made to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, Nationally Recognized Municipal Securities Information Repositories, and any applicable State Information Depository, whether the filing is voluntary or made pursuant to Securities and Exchange rule 15c2-12 or any analogous state statute. See for the list of current NRMSIRs and SIDs. If this filing relates to a Single Bond Issue: Provide name of bond issue exactly as it appears on the cover of the Official Statement (please include name of state where the Issuer is located). ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Provide 9-digit CUSIP* numbers to which the information relates: ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ If this filing relates to all securities issued by the Issuer or all securities of a specific credit or issued under a single indenture: Issuer’s Name (please include name of state where issuer is located): Abilene Health Facilities Development Corporation Other Obligated Person’s Name (if any): Sears Methodist Retirement System Obligated Group Project (exactly as it appears on the Official Statement Cover) Provide six-digit CUSIP* number(s) of Issuer: See Attached *(Contact CUSIP’s Municipal Disclosure Assistance Line at 212.438.6518 for assistance with obtaining the proper CUSIP numbers). Type of Filing: (X) Electronic (number of pages attached) 1 ( ) Paper (number of pages attached) _____ If information is also available on the Internet, give URL: ______________________ What type of information are you providing? (Check all that apply) A. ( ) Annual Financial Information and Operating Data pursuant to Rule 15c2-12 (Financial information and operating data should not be filed with the MSRB) Fiscal Year Covered: _ _________________ B. ( ) Audited Financial Statements of CAFR pursuant to Rule 15c2-12 Fiscal Year Covered: ________________________ C. ( ) Notice of Material Event pursuant to Rule 15c2-12 (Check as appropriate) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ( ) Principal and interest payment delinquencies ( ) Non-payment related defaults ( ) Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties ( ) Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties ( ) Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform ( ) Adverse tax opinions or events affecting the tax-exempt status of the security ( ) Modifications to the rights of security holders ( ) Bond calls ( ) Defeasances ( ) Release, substitution, or sale of property securing repayment of the securities ( ) Rating changes D. ( ) Notice of Failure to Provide Annual Financial Information as Required E. (x ) Other Secondary Market Information (specify): Obligated Group Annual Audited Financial Statements for SMRS and Obligated Group for year ended December 31, 2009 I hereby represent that I am authorized by the issuer of obligor or its agent to distribute this information publicly: Issuer Contact: Name _________________________________ Title _______________________________ Employer __________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ State _______ Zip Code ___________ Telephone _____________________________ Fax _______________________________ Email Address ________________________ Issuer Web Site _____________________ Dissemination Agent Contact, if any: Name _________________________________ Title _______________________________ Employer __________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ State _______ Zip Code ___________ Telephone _____________________________ Fax _______________________________ Email Address ________________________ Relationship to Issuer ________________ Obligor Contact, if any: Name Terry Myers Title CFO Employer Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. City Austin, TX State TX Zip Code 78746 Telephone 512.329.6716 Fax 512.329.0933 Email Address [email protected] Obligor Web Site Investor Relations Contact, if any: Name _________________________________ Title _______________________________ Telephone _____________________________ Email Address ______________________ CUSIPS Series 1998A 003453AJ6 003453AK3 003453AL1 003453AM9 003453AN7 003453AP2 Series 1998B 003453AA5 003453AU1 Series 1999 003453AW7 003453AX5 003453AY3 Series 2003 003453BB2 003453BC0 003453BD8 003453BE6 003453BF3 003453BG1 003453BH9 003453BJ5 003453BK2 003453BL0 003453BM8 003453BP1 003453BN6 Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. A J'lot For Profit Corporation AUSTIN EXECUTIVE OFFICE ABILENE CORPORATE OFFICE May 18, 2010 SERVICE LOCATIONS: ABILENE Mesa Springs Retirement Village Sears Methodist Community Services Michael K. Herberger Vice President The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. 2001 Bryan Street - 11th Floor Dallas, TX 75201 SEars HomE Health Southwest 'lherapy Associares Sears Specialty Services Sears Methodist Hospice Wesley Court Methodist Retirement Communiry Re: Abilene Health Development Corporation Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds (Sears Methodist Retirement System Obligated Group) Series 1998, 1999 and 2003 Windcrest Alzheimer's Care Center AMARlLW . Th~ C?-11Yons Community ~etirement The J. Paul & Polly Craig Methodist Retirement Community LUBBOCK Mildred & Shirley L. Garrison Geriatric Education and Care Center ODESSA Dear Michael: .In accordance with Section 4.08(a) and (b) ofthe Master Trust Indenture and Section 6.02(b) of the Supplemental Indenture, the audited financial statements of the Sears Methodist Retirement System for the year ended December 31, 2009, are enclosed along with this letter. The Combining Balance Sheet and Combining Statement of Activities and Change in Net Assets are provided for the Obligated Group in the supplementary information ofthe audited financial statements. The financial statements for Sears Methodist Retirement Systems were audited by Larson Allen for the period ending December 31, 2009. . Parks Methodist Retirement Village Desert Haven TYLER Meadow Lake, A Senior Living Community (under development) Sincerely, ---rg-Terry~rs Senior Vice President, CFO WACO Wesley Woods Alzheimer's Care Center Austin Executive Office 1114 Lost Creek Blvd, Suite 220 • Austin, Texas 78746 512.329.6716 • 512.329.0933 Fax • W\.V\ Abilene Corporate Office One Village Drive, Suite 400 • Abilene, Texas 79606-2231 325.691.5519 • 325.437.1191 Fax· \ SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT 1 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS 2 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF UNRESTRICTED ACTIVITIES 4 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS 5 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS 6 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 8 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 44 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION CONSOLIDATING BALANCE SHEET 45 CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF UNRESTRICTED ACTIVITIES 49 CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS 51 CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 53 COMBINING BALANCE SHEET – OBLIGATED GROUP 55 COMBINING STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS – OBLIGATED GROUP 57 COMBINING BALANCE SHEET – SEARS METHODIST CENTERS, INC. 59 COMBINING STATEMENT OF UNRESTRICTED ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS – SEARS METHODIST CENTERS, INC. 61 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT Board of Directors Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. Austin, Texas We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. (the “System”) as of December 31, 2009 and 2008, and the related consolidated statements of unrestricted activities, changes in net assets, and cash flows for the years then ended. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the System’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with U. S. generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. as of December 31, 2009 and 2008, and the results of its consolidated operations, its changes in consolidated net assets, and its cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with U. S. generally accepted accounting principles. LarsonAllen LLP Richardson, Texas April 19, 2010 (1) LarsonAllen LLP is a member of Nexia International, a worldwide network of independent accounting and consulting firms. SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 2009 2008 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Accounts Receivable Due from Related Party Other Current Assets Current Portion of Assets Limited as to Use Total Current Assets ASSETS LIMITED AS TO USE Investments Less: Current Portion Shown Above Total Assets Limited as to Use (Net of Current Portion Shown Above) PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT (at Cost) Land and Land Improvements Building and Improvements Equipment Leasehold Improvements Construction in Progress Total Less: Accumulated Depreciation Total Property and Equipment (at Depreciated Cost) OTHER ASSETS Deferred Financing Costs Other Assets Total Other Assets Total Assets See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. (2) $ 6,150,490 9,076,109 1,608,148 5,093,721 21,928,468 $ 4,598,674 9,839,422 286,985 1,612,707 3,128,881 19,466,669 60,910,807 5,093,721 25,994,197 3,128,881 55,817,086 22,865,316 10,697,067 114,302,721 14,185,425 150,882 10,915,661 150,251,756 35,959,091 114,292,665 12,344,041 125,250,368 14,366,210 145,268 8,355,225 160,461,112 39,265,370 121,195,742 5,558,474 1,773,967 7,332,441 3,907,654 739,937 4,647,591 $ 199,370,660 $ 168,175,318 2009 2008 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) CURRENT LIABILITIES Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt Accounts Payable Construction Payable Accrued Interest Payable Accrued Payroll and Related Taxes Deferred Income Resident Security Deposits Other Accrued Liabilities Total Current Liabilities $ LONG-TERM DEBT (Net of Current Maturities Shown Above) OTHER LIABILITIES Deferred Compensation Charitable Gift Annuities Payable Entrance Fee Deposits Deferred Revenue from Residency Fees Total Other Liabilities Total Liabilities 6,290,979 3,355,344 463,632 1,515,459 2,057,068 925,202 328,319 1,057,893 15,993,896 $ 8,586,639 3,966,758 2,014,849 1,981,593 2,067,857 994,341 349,478 1,832,827 21,794,342 163,455,521 128,217,839 814,599 288,948 1,601,740 16,647,446 19,352,733 602,803 296,955 1,634,617 17,407,307 19,941,682 198,802,150 169,953,863 CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS NONCONTROLLING INTEREST (326,115) (127,732) NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets (Deficit) (4,788,934) 3,395,738 2,287,821 894,625 (7,669,848) 3,731,214 2,287,821 (1,650,813) Total Liabilities and Net Assets (Deficit) $ 199,370,660 (3) $ 168,175,318 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF UNRESTRICTED ACTIVITIES YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 2009 OPERATING REVENUE Resident Service Amortization of Residency Fees Net Assets Released from Restriction Other Total Operating Revenue $ OPERATING EXPENSE Nursing Specialty Services Dietary Pharmacy Services Activity Services Social Services Environmental Services and Utilities Consultant Services General and Administrative Risk Management and Training Marketing and Admissions Employee Benefits Interest Expense Depreciation and Amortization Total Operating Expense 2008 81,702,907 476,636 372,759 557,540 83,109,842 $ 31,445,413 1,248,757 6,930,749 902,106 515,458 8,685,305 703,005 11,787,554 813,609 974,914 7,975,711 7,557,467 4,550,722 84,090,770 OPERATING LOSS 76,128,535 597,636 152,311 743,552 77,622,034 29,452,226 1,105,358 6,562,371 1,410,821 922,024 446,390 8,673,078 501,010 11,029,527 815,550 1,038,833 8,169,035 7,951,252 4,446,978 82,524,453 (980,928) (4,902,419) OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments Loss on Financing Loss in Equity of Affiliate Investment Income Contributions Grant Revenue-Net of Expenses Gain on Sale of Assets Development Expenses Other Revenue (Expense) Total Other Income (Expense) 553,096 46,871 (150,387) 777,954 1,367,878 50,000 (376) (266,691) (110,626) 2,267,719 (1,387,671) (43,535) (694,180) 1,234,467 628,176 50,000 (1,517,951) 60,203 (1,670,491) EXCESS (DEFICIT) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSE 1,286,791 (6,572,910) NON-CONTROLLING INTEREST (198,383) TRANSFER TO REMOVE BOARD DESIGNATED ENDOWMENT FUNDS FEDERAL INCOME TAX BENEFIT INCREASE (DECREASE) IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. (4) - 251,254 614,305 9,477 2,099,479 GAIN FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS INCREASE (DECREASE) IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS (127,732) (6,184,447) 781,435 $ 2,880,914 272,346 $ (5,912,101) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) - DECEMBER 31, 2007 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) Deficit of Net Revenue Over Expense Contributions Net Assets Released from Restriction Transfer to Remove Board Designated Endowment Funds Change in Net Assets (Deficit) from Continuing Operations Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total $ (1,757,747) $ 4,021,996 $ 2,268,700 $ 4,532,949 (6,184,447) - (6,184,447) GAIN FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 272,346 Change in Net Asset (Deficit) (5,912,101) NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) - DECEMBER 31, 2008 (7,669,848) 109,475 (152,311) 22,429 - (247,946) (3,308) (290,782) 19,121 (290,782) 3,731,214 (6,184,447) 131,904 (152,311) (251,254) (6,456,108) - 272,346 19,121 (6,183,762) 2,287,821 (1,650,813) CHANGE IN NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) Excess of Net Revenue Over Expense Contributions Net Assets Released from Restriction 2,099,479 - 57,912 (393,388) - 2,099,479 57,912 (393,388) Change in Net Assets (Deficit) from Continuing Operations 2,099,479 (335,476) - 1,764,003 - 781,435 - 2,545,438 GAIN FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS Change in Net Asset (Deficit) NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) - DECEMBER 31, 2009 781,435 2,880,914 $ (4,788,934) See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. (5) (335,476) $ 3,395,738 $ 2,287,821 $ 894,625 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 2009 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Change in Net Assets (Deficit) Change in Net Assets (Deficit) from Discontinued Operations Adjustments to Reconcile Change in Net Assets to Net Cash Provided (Used) by Operating Activities: Depreciation and Amortization Amortization of Deferred Income Unrealized (Gain) Loss on Investments Realized Gain on Investments Gain on Sale of Property Loss in Equity of Affiliate Loss on Financing Decrease in Noncontrolling Interest (Increase) Decrease in Current Assets: Accounts Receivable Due from Related Party Other Assets Increase (Decrease) in Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable Construction Payable Accrued Interest Payable Resident Security Deposits Other Accrued Liabilities Net Cash Provided (Used) by Operating Activities $ CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment, Net Proceeds from Sale of Property Change in Assets Limited as to Use Net Cash Provided (Used) by Investing Activities CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Repayments of Long-Term Debt Proceeds from Notes Payable Increase in Deferred Financing Costs Cottage Deposit Proceeds Refunds to Residents for Cottage Deposits Net Cash Provided (Used) by Financing Activities NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. (6) $ 1,763,973 781,435 2008 $ (6,456,108) 272,346 4,794,646 (500,723) (553,096) (50,977) (714,436) 150,387 (198,383) 4,861,592 (637,660) 1,387,671 694,180 (127,732) 1,114,152 (1,442,702) (2,529,054) 120,555 458,134 (598,605) 179,254 (21,159) (1,175,809) 3,527,957 (889,712) 2,014,849 651,554 384,198 (1,013,363) (808,550) (1,233,704) 5,719,644 (1,003,387) 3,482,553 (3,194,264) 1,062,698 (2,131,566) (8,134,310) 1,745,162 3,095,700 (2,165,246) (5,458,694) (5,998,517) 5,835,066 (177,912) 2,126,064 (324,326) 1,460,375 1,551,816 (1,479,741) 4,598,674 6,150,490 $ 6,078,415 4,598,674 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (CONTINUED) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 2009 2008 SUPPLEMENTAL CASH FLOW INFORMATION Assets Purchased through Capital Leases $ - $ 239,132 Property Purchased through Notes Payable $ - $ 800,000 $ - $ 345,000 505,420 6,877,016 88,614 78,950 7,895,000 Series 2008 Bonds: Issuance Debt Service Reserve and Project Funds Acquisition Funding Credit Enhancement Fees Underwriter's Discount $ Series 2009 Bonds: Construction and Reserve Fund Deposits Issuance Repayment of 2007 Bond Anticipation Notes Credit Enhancement Fees Repayment of Related Party Notes Payment of Construction Payable Bond Discount See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. (7) $ 33,284,853 983,068 4,716,226 813,688 2,436,179 1,715,986 (921,201) $ 43,028,799 $ $ - $ - - SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION Nature of Organization Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. (the “System”) operates as the parent corporation and is exempt from income tax under 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The System is organized and operates through the following entities: Sears Methodist Centers, Inc. Sears Methodist Centers, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation, which is organized and operates through the following divisions: Sears Methodist Center Sears Methodist Center is located on 14 acres in Abilene, Texas. The community has 20 independent cottages, 75 assisted living units and a 117 bed licensed nursing care center. This division was sold during 2009 (see Note 3). Windcrest Alzheimer’s Care Center Windcrest Alzheimer’s Care Center is located in Abilene, Texas and offers the necessary surroundings to accommodate the needs of up to 120 residents with Alzheimer's or other debilitating dementia. The facility offers activity focused programming, support for caregivers and has a resource center. Sears Home Health Sears Methodist Home Health employs professionals to provide a variety of medical services to patients in their homes in Abilene and Wichita Falls, Texas. Sears Methodist Hospice Sears Methodist Hospice employs professionals to provide in-home hospice services to seniors in the Abilene, Texas area regardless of ability to pay, religious preference or nationality. Sears Specialty Services Sears Specialty Services offers private duty services ranging from meal preparation to personal care to individuals living independently or in assisted living or nursing home communities in Abilene and Amarillo, Texas. Southwest Therapy Associates Southwest Therapy Associates provides rehabilitation services to Sears Methodist Center, Craig Methodist Retirement Community, Parks Retirement Community, Garrison Geriatric Education and Care Center, Mesa Springs Retirement Village and Health Center, Windcrest Alzheimer’s Care Center, Wesley Woods Alzheimer’s Care Center, Wesley Court Methodist Retirement Community and Sears Home Health in Abilene and Wichita Falls as well as other health care communities and agencies within the state of Texas. (8) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION (CONTINUED) Sears Methodist Centers, Inc. (Continued) Wesley Court Methodist Retirement Community Wesley Court Methodist Retirement Community is a continuum of care retirement community located on 70 landscaped acres in Abilene, Texas. This senior living community provides a full continuum of living options, consisting of 35 executive homes, 78 apartment homes, 19 assisted living apartments and 30 private nursing care rooms. Rehabilitative services are also available as needed. Sears/Craig Methodist Pharmacy Sears Methodist Pharmacy provided medication to the System’s Abilene residents and employees. Craig Methodist Pharmacy provided medication to the System’s Amarillo residents and employees. The two pharmacies ceased operations in July of 2008. Sears Methodist Foundation Sears Methodist Foundation (“Foundation”), a non-profit 501 (c) (3) Corporation, solicits donor support for the charitable needs of the residents of the System. The Foundation contains donor restricted and board designated investments for benevolent care and capital needs of the System. Sears Panhandle Retirement Corporation Sears Panhandle Retirement Corporation, a non-profit 501 (c) (3) Corporation, is the parent company of Canyons Retirement Community and Craig Methodist Retirement Community. In March 2008, Canyons Retirement Community was sold to Canyons Senior Living, LP, a related party. Craig Methodist Retirement Community is a continuum of care campus, comprised of 173 independent living cottages and apartments, 40 assisted living units and a 120 bed long term care skilled nursing and Alzheimer’s specialty care community. Sears Permian Retirement Corporation dba: Parks Methodist Retirement Village Sears Permian Retirement Corporation, a non-profit 501 (c) (3) Corporation, owns and operates Parks Methodist Retirement Village in Odessa, Texas. Parks Methodist Retirement Village has 55 independent living apartments and cottages, 23 assisted living units and operates a 90 bed nursing center. Sears Brazos Retirement Corporation dba: Wesley Woods Alzheimer’s Care Center Sears Brazos Retirement Corporation, a non-profit 501 (c) (3) Corporation, owns and operates Wesley Woods Alzheimer’s Care Center in Waco, Texas. Wesley Woods is a 120 bed nursing facility. Odessa Methodist Housing, Inc. dba: Desert Haven Odessa Methodist Housing, Inc., a non-profit 501 (c) (3) Corporation, is a subsidiary of Sears Permian Retirement Corporation, owns and operates Desert Haven a 40 unit one bedroom HUD subsidized apartment complex in Odessa, Texas. (9) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION (CONTINUED) Senior Dimensions, Inc. Senior Dimensions, Inc., a for-profit corporation, aides the development of various projects and operates three Texas Veteran Homes throughout Texas on behalf of the State Land Board. The homes are located in Big Spring, El Paso and McAllen, Texas. Sears Plains Retirement Corporation dba: Garrison Geriatric Education and Care Center Sears Plains Retirement Corporation, a non-profit 501 (c) (3) Corporation, owns and operates Garrison Geriatric Education and Care Center (“Garrison”). Garrison is a Geriatric learning center and nursing facility in Lubbock, Texas. The facility has 120 nursing care beds and is used for a training ground for Texas Tech University students. Sears Tyler Methodist Retirement Corporation dba: Meadow Lake Sears Tyler Methodist Retirement Corporation, a non-profit 501 (c) (3) Corporation, was set up to own and operate Meadow Lake, the System’s first continuing care retirement community in Tyler, Texas. Construction began in 2006 and permanent financing was obtained through the issuance of the Series 2009 tax exempt bonds and a corresponding line of credit on November 10, 2009. Meadow Lake will consist of 80 independent living apartments, 56 independent living executive homes, 20 assisted living units, 34 memory support units and 30 skilled nursing beds and is scheduled to be completed in February 2011. Sears Caprock Retirement Corporation dba: Mesa Springs Retirement Village In April 2008, the System purchased Mesa Springs Retirement Village and Health Care Center, a non-profit 501 (c)(3) which consists of 16 independent living executive homes, 34 independent living garden homes, and 10 independent living apartments and a 76 bed skilled nursing facility in Abilene, Texas (see Note 2). Sears Methodist Senior Housing, LLC Sears Methodist Senior Housing, LLC, was established as a limited liability corporation with Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. being the sole member. Sears Methodist Senior Housing, LLC acts as the general partner for Canyons Senior Living, L.P. and owns .01%. An independent third party acts as the limited liability partner and owns the remaining 99.99%. This ownership is shown as a non-controlling interest in the financial statements (see Note 6). Tax Status Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. and all subsidiaries, with the exception of Senior Dimensions, Inc. and Sears Methodist Senior Housing LLC, are incorporated as nonprofit corporations under the laws of the State of Texas and are exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 (c)(3). The System adopted the income tax standard for uncertain tax positions. This standard clarifies the accounting for uncertainty in income taxes recognized in an organization’s financial statements in accordance with the income tax standard. This standard prescribes recognition and measurement of tax positions taken or expected to be taken on a tax return that are not certain to be realized. (10) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION (CONTINUED) Tax Status (Continued) The System’s income tax returns are subject to review and examination by federal, state, and local authorities. The System is not aware of any activities that would jeopardize its tax-exempt status. The System is not aware of any activities that are subject to tax on unrelated business income or excise or other taxes. The tax returns for the years 2006 to 2009 are open to examination by federal, local, and state authorities. Senior Dimensions, Inc., accounts for income taxes under an asset and liability approach that requires recognition of deferred tax assets and liabilities for the expected future tax consequences. All expected future events other than enactments of changes in the tax law or rates are considered. Income taxes are provided for the tax effects of transactions reported in the consolidated financial statements and consist of taxes currently due and deferred taxes. Deferred taxes are recognized for differences between the basis of assets and liabilities for financial statement and income tax purposes. The differences relate primarily to vacation accrual and a net operating loss carry-forward. The net operating loss carry-forward in the amount of approximately $1,600,000 will begin to expire in 2020. The deferred tax assets and liabilities represent the future tax consequences of those differences, which will either be taxable or deductible when assets or liabilities are recovered or settled. Valuation allowances are established when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized. Income tax expense (benefit) is the income tax payable (receivable) for the year and the change during the year in deferred tax assets and liabilities. Standards of Accounting and Financial Reporting The System follows the accounting guidance in the audit and accounting guide, Health Care Organizations, which is in conformity with the recommendations of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Principles of Consolidation The accompanying consolidated financial statements include all accounts of Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc., the Foundation, and wholly owned subsidiaries, Sears Methodist Centers, Inc., Sears Panhandle Retirement Corporation, Sears Permian Retirement Corporation, Senior Dimensions, Inc., Sears Brazos Retirement Corporation, Sears Tyler Methodist Retirement Corporation, Sears Caprock Retirement Corporation, Sears Methodist Senior Housing, LLC and Sears Plains Retirement Corporation that are under common control. Inter-company transactions and balances have been eliminated in the consolidation. Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. generates revenue through management fees charged to the above entities to cover expenses of operating the entire system. For all bonds payable which are the debt of the Obligated Group, the other facilities pay a debt service fee to cover their portion of the principal and interest. (11) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION (CONTINUED) Financial Statement Presentation Contributions received are recorded as an increase in unrestricted, temporarily restricted or permanently restricted support, depending on the existence or nature of any donor restrictions. Accordingly, net assets of the System and changes therein are classified and reported as follows: Unrestricted –Those resources over which the board of directors has discretionary control. Designated amounts represent those assets which the board has set aside for a particular purpose. Temporarily Restricted –Those resources subject to donor imposed restrictions which will be satisfied by actions of the System or passage of time. Permanently Restricted –Those resources subject to a donor imposed restriction that they be maintained permanently by the System. The donors of these resources permit the System to use all or part of the income earned, including capital appreciation of related investments for unrestricted or temporarily restricted purposes. Unconditional promises to give cash and other assets are accrued at estimated fair value at the date each promise is received. The gifts are reported as either temporarily or permanently restricted support if they are received with donor stipulations that limit the use of the donated assets. When a donor restriction is satisfied, net assets are released and reported as an increase in unrestricted net assets. Donor-restricted contributions whose restrictions are met within the same reporting period as received are recorded as unrestricted contributions. Use of Estimates The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial statements. Estimates also affect the reported amounts of revenue and expense during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Resident Services Revenue The System provides care to residents covered by various third-party payors such as Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance companies. Medicare and Medicaid agreements provide for rate payments which are updated annually by the federal and applicable state governments, respectively. Many of the residents served by the System are elderly and many have limited resources to pay for care without assistance from the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Provisions for estimated third-party payor settlements are provided in the period the related services are rendered. Differences between the amounts accrued and subsequent settlements are recorded in revenue in the year of settlement. (12) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION (CONTINUED) Third Party Reimbursement Agreements Medicaid The System participates in the Texas Medicaid program administered by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Effective September 1, 2008, the Texas nursing facility Medicaid payments transitioned from the TILE system, to the Resource Utilization Group III (RUG-III) system. This transition does include a hold harmless provision for the period ended August 31, 2009. The facilities are required to file annual Medicaid cost reports which are subject to audit by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Adjustments to these reports may retroactively affect payment rates. Medicare The System also owns facilities that participate in the Medicare program. Licensed nursing facilities that participated in the Medicare program for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 were reimbursed based on a Prospective Payment System (PPS). This program is administered by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Veterans’ Land Board The System has multiple contracts with the Veterans Land Board of the State of Texas (the “Board”). The System, in the name of and on behalf of the Board, bills Medicare, Medicaid and other third-party payor plans for collection of fees for services rendered to residents. The Veterans Land Board then provides per-diem reimbursement to the System once payment is received by the Board from third party payors. In addition to the per diem fees, the Board also pays the System an annual management fee. The System currently manages three homes for the Board with three- year contracts that automatically renew. Occupancy Percentages During the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, the occupancy percentages and the percentage of resident days covered under the Medicaid and Medicare program for all of Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc.’s skilled nursing facilities were as follows: 2009 Campuses Sears Methodist Center Windcrest Alzheimer's Care Center Craig Methodist Retirement Community Parks Methodist Retirement Village Garrison Geriatric Education and Care Center Wesley Woods Retirement Community Mesa Springs Wesley Court Retirement Center Location Abilene, TX Abilene, TX Amarillo, TX Odessa, TX Lubbock, TX Waco, TX Abilene, TX Abilene, TX (13) Licensed Beds 117 120 120 90 120 120 76 30 793 Occupancy Medicaid Medicare 77% 95% 96% 88% 82% 83% 83% 97% 54% 35% 32% 47% 33% 43% 51% 13% 10% 14% 29% 1% 21% 31% - SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION (CONTINUED) Occupancy Percentages (Continued) 2008 Campuses Sears Methodist Center Windcrest Alzheimer's Care Center Craig Methodist Retirement Community Parks Methodist Retirement Village Garrison Geriatric Education and Care Center Wesley Woods Retirement Community Mesa Springs Wesley Court Retirement Center Location Abilene, TX Abilene, TX Amarillo, TX Odessa, TX Lubbock, TX Waco, TX Abilene, TX Abilene, TX Licensed Beds 117 120 120 90 120 120 89 30 806 Occupancy Medicaid Medicare 86% 95% 94% 90% 87% 86% 63% 91% 55% 34% 35% 45% 29% 45% 50% 12% 10% 15% 22% 20% 31% - During the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, the occupancy percentages for the senior living units were as follows: Assisted Living 2009 Occupancy Units Sears Methodist Center Wesley Court Retirement Center Craig Methodist Retirement Community Parks Methodist Retirement Village 75 19 40 23 157 Independent Living 2009 Occupancy Units Sears Methodist Center Wesley Court Retirement Center Desert Haven Mesa Springs Craig Methodist Retirement Community Parks Methodist Retirement Village Canyons Senior Living Community 68% 96% 93% 95% 20 113 40 60 173 55 109 570 98% 96% 97% 97% 88% 88% 88% 2008 Occupancy 77% 96% 90% 98% 2008 Occupancy 95% 95% 100% 96% 93% 90% 84% Sears Methodist Center occupancy percentages are through the date of sale, July 31, 2009. Cash and Cash Equivalents The System considers all highly liquid debt instruments and certificates of deposit with a maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents. The System places their temporary cash investments with financial institutions. The System also has cash held at an unrelated Foundation. At times such investments may be in excess of the FDIC insurance limit. As of December 31, 2009 and 2008, cash held by the Foundation was $4,656,697 and $2,600,757, respectively. (14) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION (CONTINUED) Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable are primarily from Medicaid, Medicare, private pay residents and the Veterans Land Board of the State of Texas (“VLB”). The System accounts for uncollectible accounts by using management’s judgment. Resident services are provided on an unsecured basis and payment is required upon receipt of the invoice. Accounts past due more than 90 days are individually analyzed for collectibility. In addition, an allowance is estimated for other accounts based on historical experience of the System. The allowance for uncollectible accounts was approximately $1,100,000 and $695,000 at December 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively. Accounts receivable is uncollaterized. Assets Limited as to Use Assets limited as to use include assets set aside by the board of directors for benevolent care needs, the retirement of debt, deferred compensation, future capital improvements and other purposes, over which the Board retains control and may, at its discretion, subsequently use for other purposes; assets held by trustees under the bond agreements and required HUD reserves and assets limited as to use by donors. Also, under the two HUD regulatory agreements, Odessa Methodist Housing Inc., and Sears Plains Retirement Corporation make required deposits into restricted escrow accounts. These HUD projects are required to deposit any surplus cash from operations into a residual receipts account. There is also a requirement to deposit monthly amounts into a reserve for replacement account. All disbursements from these accounts require the prior written approval of HUD. These HUD projects also hold in trust security deposit amounts received by the tenants of the projects upon move-in. Assets limited as to use are invested in cash and cash equivalents, guaranteed investment contracts and land for future use, which are measured at cost. Other investments such as fixed income securities and corporate and government obligations with readily determinable fair values are measured at fair value on the balance sheet. The System also participates in the Texas Methodist Foundation’s pooled investment funds. Each participant is allocated their pro-rata share of investment earnings (losses) and expenses in the program. The assets in the pooled investment funds are invested in cash and cash equivalents and equity funds and measured at fair value in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet. Investment income or loss from assets limited as to use (including realized gains and losses on investments, interest and dividends) are included in net revenue over expense unless the income or losses is restricted by donor or law. Property and Equipment Property and equipment are recorded at cost for purchased assets or fair market value at the date of receipt for donated assets. Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the asset. Leasehold improvements are amortized over the shorter of the lease term or estimated useful life of the asset. (15) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION (CONTINUED) Interest Capitalization Interest costs incurred on borrowed funds during the period of construction of capital assets are capitalized as a component of the cost of acquiring those assets, and depreciated over their estimated useful lives by the straight-line method of depreciation. Construction in Progress Construction in progress costs have been deferred until the projects have been completed. When the planned projects are completed, the construction in progress costs are capitalized and depreciated over the estimated life of the project including interest costs from borrowed funds. Construction in progress is reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. In the event that facts and circumstances indicate that the cost of construction in progress may be impaired, an evaluation of recoverability is performed. Deferred Financing Costs Costs incurred of $6,882,124 in connection with the issuance of debt are capitalized and amortized over the term of the related indebtedness on the Series 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2008A, 2008B, 2009A and 2009B Series bonds. During 2009, $1,994,179 of costs which are included in the total shown above were incurred in relation to the Series 2009 Bonds. Amortization expense for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 was $202,349 and $211,631, respectively. Deferred Marketing Costs Advertising and marketing costs incurred in connection with acquiring initial continuing-care contracts are capitalized during the start up phase of the retirement community. One year following the completion of construction or when occupancy is stabilized, whichever occurs first, these capitalized marketing cost will be amortized to expense on a straight-line basis over the average expected remaining lives of the residents under contract at Meadow Lake. Total marketing costs capitalized as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 totaled $889,869 and $-0-, respectively. Refundable Residency Fees and Deferred Revenue from Residency Fees The cottages, apartments and executive homes (“residences”) located at Craig Methodist Retirement Community, Wesley Court Methodist Retirement Community, Parks Methodist Retirement Village, Mesa Springs Retirement Community and Garrison Geriatric Education and Care Center are for persons who are sixty years of age and older. Residents of these senior housing facilities enter into a personal and non-assignable agreement. When entrance fees are received, 90% is amortized over the life of the applicable residence and 10% is amortized monthly over the life expectancy of the resident. The contract states that the 10% nonrefundable portion is contributed to Sears Methodist Foundation and used for future benevolent care; therefore all amortization revenue calculated on the non-refundable portion is reflected in the statement of activities of the Foundation. Certain facilities adjust the standard average life expectancy to account for time spent in assisted living and the nursing center. (16) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION (CONTINUED) Refundable Residency Fees and Deferred Revenue from Residency Fees (Continued) Upon termination of such agreement, either by resident, by the System or by reason of death and under the terms of these agreements, the respective organization is required to refund 90% of the residency fee to residents upon resale of the residence. All refunds are paid without interest. Residents pay a monthly fee while living in these residences. These fees cover operating expenses and capital costs, and do not include any health care benefits. The future apartments and executive homes (“Independent Living Residences”) located at Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. (“Meadow Lake”) are for persons who are fifty-five years of age and older (“ILU Residents”). Residency fees for Independent Living Units consist of a lump-sum one-time payment, the amount of which is based on the type of independent living unit to be reserved and subsequently occupied by the ILU Resident (the “Entrance Fee”). In addition, to reserve a residence, an ILU resident must execute a Residency Agreement and make an initial payment equal to 10% of the Entrance Fee (the “Entrance Fee Deposit”) prior to or upon execution of the residency agreement. The resident must pay the remaining 90% of the Entrance Fee on or before the date of occupancy. The Organization will offer a 90% Refundable Entrance Fee Plan for the independent living units. When the resident occupies their unit, 90% of their entrance fee is amortized over the life of the applicable residence and 10% is amortized monthly over the life expectancy of the resident. ILU residents will pay a monthly service fee for services provide by the Organization. As a marketing incentive, Meadow Lake offered a 100% Refundable Entrance Fee Plan for apartments to the first 30 residents to submit a $1,000 deposit on a future independent living residence. The 100% Refundable Entrance Fee Plan consists of lower Entrance Fees and higher monthly service fees than those offered under the 90% Refundable Entrance Fee Plan. Prior to occupancy, prospective ILU residents who have paid an initial entrance fee may terminate the residency agreement and receive a refund plus interest and less an administrative fee of $2,500, by providing 10 days written notice of termination to the Organization. After occupancy, the residency agreement may be terminated at any time by providing 90 days notice to the Organization. Upon termination, the Organization will refund 90% (less financial assistance provided by the Organization) of the entrance fee paid by the departing ILU resident (or 100% in the case of the ILU residents who elected the 100% refundable entrance plan fee) within 30 days after the residence is reoccupied and the Organization receives an entrance fee from the new resident occupying the unit. Resident Deposits Guaranty deposits of amounts ranging from $500 to $5,000 are required for each resident entering an independent or assisted living facility within the System. The deposits in the case of non-rental units are credited to the residents' accounts upon execution of the occupancy agreement. In the case of rental units, the deposits are treated as security deposits and refunded at the time the premises are vacated. These deposits are shown in resident security deposits on the balance sheet. (17) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION (CONTINUED) Deferred Revenue In addition to the resident contracts for cottages and executive homes, the System received $500,000 from the Development Corporation of Abilene in 2005 for future development costs in exchange for maintaining the corporate offices in Abilene, Texas. The term of the agreement is ten years, and the associated deferred revenue is being amortized over 10 years. The balance of the deferred revenue from this contract as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 was $291,667 and $341,667, respectively. Increase (Decrease) in Unrestricted Net Assets from Continuing Operations The consolidated statement of unrestricted activities includes a line entitled the “increase (decrease) in unrestricted net assets from continuing operations” which is the performance indicator for the System. Changes in unrestricted net assets which are excluded from increase (decrease) in unrestricted net assets from continuing operations, consistent with industry practice, include permanent transfers of assets to and from affiliates for other than goods and services, discontinued operations, and contributions of long-lived assets (including assets acquired using contributions which by donor restriction were to be used for the purposes of acquiring such assets). Charitable Gift Annuities Payable The System has established a gift annuity program whereby donors may contribute assets to the System in exchange for the right to receive a fixed dollar annual return during their lifetime. A portion of the transfer is considered to be a charitable contribution. The difference between the amount provided for the gift annuity and the present value of the liability for future payments is recognized as a temporarily restricted contribution at the date of the gift as specified by the donor. The System uses published mortality rate tables adopted by the United States Internal Revenue Service. The annuity liability is revalued annually based upon computed present values and discounted at rates between 3.0% and 10.0%. Total charitable gift annuities payable as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 was $369,959 and $373,351, respectively. The current portion of gift annuities payable as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 was $81,011 and $76,396, respectively, and are included in other accrued liabilities. The corresponding assets associated with these liabilities are in assets limited as to use. Accounting Standard for Endowments of Not-for-Profit Organizations In August 2008, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued the accounting standard for endowments of not-for-profit organization, Endowments of Not-for-Profit Organizations: Net Asset Classification of Funds Subject to an Enacted Version of the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act, and Enhanced Disclosures for All Endowment Funds. This standard, which the System has adopted, provides guidance on the net asset classification of donor-restricted endowment funds for a not-for-profit organization that is subject to an enacted version of the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act of 2006 (UPMIFA). The standard also improves disclosures about an organization’s endowment funds (both donor restricted endowment funds and board designated endowment funds). (18) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION (CONTINUED) Charity Care Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. provided care to residents who meet criteria under its charitable care policy without charge or at amounts less than its established charge rates. In addition, the System also provides care under the Medicaid program for which the costs to provide such care exceeds reimbursement. The total charitable care provided under these programs was $4,648,439 and $4,426,317 for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively. The System also provides a number of other services to its residents and on behalf of the community where costs exceed revenues. Fair Value of Financial Instruments Fair value measurement applies to reported balances that are required or permitted to be measured at fair value under an existing accounting standard. The system emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement, not an entity specific measurement. Therefore, a fair value measurement should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability and establishes a fair value hierarchy. The fair value hierarchy consists of three levels of inputs that may be used to measure fair value as follows: Level 1 – Inputs that utilize quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the System has the ability to access. Level 2 – Inputs that include quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets and inputs that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly, for substantially the full term of the financial instrument. Fair values for these instruments are estimated using pricing models, quoted prices of securities with similar characteristics, or discounted cash flows. Level 3 – Inputs that are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability, which are typically based on an entity’s own assumptions, as there is little, if any, related market activity. In instances where the determination of the fair value measurement is based on inputs from different levels of the fair value hierarchy, the level in the fair value hierarchy within which the entire fair value measurement falls is based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. The System also adopted the policy of valuing certain financial instruments at fair value. This accounting policy allows entities the irrevocable option to elect fair value for the initial and subsequent measurement for certain financial assets and liabilities on an instrument-byinstrument basis. The System has elected to measure investments at fair value at January 1, 2008, with the exception of investments in the captive insurance companies and land held for investment, and guaranteed investment contracts which are recorded at cost. The Company may elect to measure newly acquired financial instruments at fair value in the future. The System has elected the fair value option for investments to simplify record keeping. This election effectively moves the classification of investments from available for sale to trading which has no impact on the balance sheet presentation. The impact on the statement of operations pertaining to this election is that unrealized gains and losses on investments will be shown within the performance indicator effective January 1, 2008. (19) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION (CONTINUED) Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Continued) Securities Available for Sale Securities available for sale are recorded at fair value on a recurring basis. Fair value measurement is based upon quoted prices, if available. If quoted prices are not available, fair values are measured using independent pricing models or other model-based valuation techniques such as the present value of future cash flows, adjusted for the security’s credit rating, prepayment assumptions, and other factors such as credit loss assumptions. Securities valued using Level 1 inputs include those traded on an active exchange, such as the New York Stock Exchange. Level 2 inputs include fixed income securities, corporate obligations and US. Government backed securities that are traded by dealers or brokers in active over-the-counter markets. Level 3 inputs include investments in pooled funds. Investments in equity and fixed income securities and government and corporate obligations with readily determinable fair values are measured at fair value on the balance sheet. Investment income or loss (including realized gains and losses on investments, interest and dividends) is included in net revenue over expense unless the income or loss is restricted by donor or law. Other Operating Revenue Other operating revenue consists primarily of non-resident rental income, laundry, barber and beauty, cafeteria sales and other miscellaneous revenue. Contributed Services The System receives a substantial amount of services donated by volunteers. No amounts have been reflected in the financial statements for these services. Risks and Uncertainties The System has investments in a variety of investment holdings. In general, investments are exposed to various risks, such as interest rate, credit and overall market volatility risk. Due to the level of risk associated with certain investments, it is reasonably possible that changes in the values of the investments will occur in the near term and that such changes could materially affect account balances reported on the balance sheet of the System. Advertising Advertising costs are charged to operations when incurred. Advertising expense was $690,746 and $485,844 for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively. (20) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ORGANIZATION (CONTINUED) Other Investments The System had an investment in an unconsolidated entity (SeniorSafe@Home) which was being recognized as a long-term investment under the equity method. During 2008, SeniorSafe@Home discontinued operations and the System’s investment in SeniorSafe@Home was impaired to $0. As of December 31, 2008, the System had an outstanding receivable from SeniorSafe@Home of $286,985 which is shown in due from related party on the balance sheet. The balance of this receivable has been collected. Reclassifications Amounts in the consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2008 and the related consolidated statements of unrestricted activities, changes in net assets and cash flows for the year then ended have been reclassified to conform to the 2009 classification. Subsequent Events In preparing these financial statements, the System has considered events and transactions for potential recognition or disclosure through April 19, 2010, the date the financial statements were available to be issued. NOTE 2 ACQUISITION OF MESA SPRINGS RETIREMENT VILLAGE, INC. Effective April 10, 2008 (the “Closing Date”), Sears Caprock Retirement Corporation (“Caprock”) acquired the assets of Mesa Springs Retirement Village, Inc. (“Mesa Springs”). In consideration for the assets of Mesa Springs, the System paid the seller $5,600,000 which was financed through the issuance of Series 2008A Revenue Bonds. Mesa Springs has 16 executive homes. Prior to the purchase of Mesa Springs by Caprock, Mesa Springs had been gifted twelve of these residential executive independent living homes (the “Gifted Homes”). As part of the asset purchase agreement, Caprock agreed to pay the seller fifty percent of the proceeds of any initial sale or transaction where a deposit is generated or received involving any of the twelve gifted homes and fifty percent of the increase in the amount of the refundable portion of any new deposits collected over the amount of the refundable portion of the previous deposit (the “Appreciated Value”) in any sale or other transaction (a “Resale”) where a deposit is generated or received involving the remaining four non-gifted executive homes at any time within seven years after the closing date of the sale of Mesa Springs to Caprock up to a maximum of one million three hundred thousand dollars ($1,300,000) or a minimum of eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000) (“Deferred Purchase Price Payment”). (21) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 2 ACQUISITION OF MESA SPRINGS RETIREMENT VILLAGE, INC. (CONTINUED) This Deferred Purchase Price Payment is payable in installments equal to fifty percent of the sales proceeds of the initial sale of a Gifted Home or if applicable, fifty percent of the appreciated value resulting from a resale of a non-gifted home payable promptly upon closing of such sale or other transaction at any time within the seven year period after the Closing Date. If the aggregate amount of $800,000 has not been paid within the seven-year period, then on the seventh anniversary of the Closing Date, a final installment shall be payable equal to the $800,000 less the amount of all such prior installments of the Deferred Purchase Price Payment that have been paid prior to the seventh year anniversary date. As of December 31, 2008, $800,000 was recorded as a note payable on the balance sheet and the timing of payment is contingent upon the future sale and resale of the gifted and non-gifted executive homes. The remaining amount potentially due to a maximum of $1,300,000 is contingent upon the same factors and currently has not been recorded as a liability. Management will evaluate annually over the seven years their liability based on annual occurrences surrounding the homes and adjust the balance due to seller accordingly, as well as adjust the purchase price of the buildings on the balance sheet. During 2009, Caprock sold one of the gifted homes and paid the seller $122,500. Subsequent to December 31, 2009, Caprock sold an additional gifted home and paid the seller $75,000. The balance of the contingent liability as of December 31, 2009 was $677,500, of which $75,000 is included in the current portion of long-term debt. NOTE 3 DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS On July 1, 2009, the System sold the assets of Sears Methodist Center (“SMC”) for $6,250,000; accordingly, the operations of SMC for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 are accounted for as a discontinued operation. In addition to the purchase price, the buyer also assumed $1,030,000 of the liability to residents of the cottages located at SMC. A portion of the proceeds were used to retire Series 1998 Bonds in the amount of $3,725,000. In addition, SMC agreed to retain up to $500,000 of resident deposit liabilities to be applicable solely to the residents residing in the cottages as of the sale date. This $500,000 shall be repaid to the residents of the cottages as of the sale date in future periods when they move out. As of December 31, 2009, $26,229 is included in the current portion of long-term debt and the remaining $473,771 is included in the long-term debt on the consolidated balance sheet. In accordance with the accounting standard Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of LongLived Assets, the operating activity for SMC is presented as discontinued operations in the consolidated statement of unrestricted activities for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008. The amounts included in discontinued operations include: Total Operating Revenues Gain on Sale of Discontinued Operations Total Operating Expenses Gain from Discontinued Operations $ $ (22) December 31, 2009 2008 4,495,713 $ 7,863,227 714,436 4,428,714 7,590,881 781,435 $ 272,346 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 4 ASSETS LIMITED AS TO USE The balances of assets limited as to use and the respective composition of related investments at December 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows: 2009 BOARD DESIGNATED Benevolent Care Deferred Compensation Accelerated Debt Retirement Expansion Projects Other Board Designated Subtotal $ PERMANENTLY AND TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED By Donors or Grantors for Specific Purposes HELD BY BOND TRUSTEE Under Indenture Agreement RESTRICTED DEPOSITS AND FUNDED RESERVES Replacement Reserves Resident Trust Funds Residual Receipts Subtotal Total Assets Limited as to Use 2008 580,840 722,317 1,060,254 4,987,000 3,951,650 11,302,061 $ 836,375 510,521 823,741 4,175,000 3,382,952 9,728,589 2,947,013 3,254,619 43,062,240 10,313,163 1,092,927 2,493,714 12,852 3,599,493 1,062,141 1,635,581 104 2,697,826 $ 60,910,807 $ 25,994,197 Assets limited as to use that are required for obligations classified as current liabilities and other required uses within one year are reported as current assets. The estimated fair value and cost of assets limited as to use at December 31, 2009 and 2008 were as follows: Cash and Cash Equivalents Guaranteed Investment Contracts Corporate Obligations Government Obligations Equities Fixed Income Securities Land Funds Held by Texas Methodist Foundation Other Totals $ $ (23) 2009 Cost Fair Value 29,606,806 $ 29,606,806 9,880,672 9,880,672 1,324,383 555,184 4,383,559 4,343,039 4,100,000 4,100,000 11,136,077 11,797,566 627,540 627,540 61,059,037 $ 60,910,807 $ $ 2008 Cost Fair Value 3,703,902 $ 3,703,902 5,431,061 5,431,061 102,967 102,605 103,861 109,469 3,482,293 3,572,437 4,100,000 4,100,000 9,094,649 8,727,185 247,538 247,538 26,266,271 $ 25,994,197 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 5 PLEDGES RECEIVABLE Pledges receivable are as follows at December 31: 2009 Unconditional Promises Expected to be Collected in: Less Than One Year One to Five Years Total Pledges Receivable $ $ 559,832 201,742 761,574 2008 $ $ 500,000 94,154 594,154 Pledges receivable are included in other assets and assets limited as to use in the consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2009 and 2008, in the amounts of $149,161 and $500,000, and $612,413 and $94,154, respectively. At December 31, 2009 and 2008, the pledges receivable were reported net of an allowance of $200,000 and $-0-, respectively. NOTE 6 INVESTMENT IN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP On August 7, 2007, Sears Methodist Senior Housing, LLC, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc., entered into an agreement with an independent development company to own and operate Canyons Senior Living LP (“Partnership”). Sears Methodist Senior Housing, LLC is the general partner (the “General Partner”) of Canyons Senior Living LP. Profits and losses of the Partnership are allocated based on percentages of ownership. As the General Partner maintains controlling interest in the Partnership, the Partnership totals have been included in the consolidated financial statements. The equity attributable to the limited partner of the Partnership has been reflected on the consolidated balance sheets as “noncontrolling interest.” Under the partnership agreement, the Partnership shall dissolve upon the earliest to occur of any of the following events;(i) December 31, 2046 (ii) Bankruptcy, incompetency, or withdrawal of the General Partner unless the Limited Partners select a successor General Partner within 30 days of the General Partners, incompetency, or withdrawal and elect to continue the partnership; (iii) the passage of 6 months after the sale or other disposition of the property and all other assets of the Partnership; (iv) unanimous vote of the General Partner and the Limited Partner. (24) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 7 LONG-TERM DEBT Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc.’s long-term debt at December 31, 2009 and 2008 is summarized below: Description 2009 2008 HFDC of Central Texas, Inc. Series 2009A and 2009B Revenue Bonds, Due from November 15, 2019 to November 15, 2044. Secured by the Underlying Mortgage on the Property. See (1) HFDC of Central Texas, Inc. Series 2008 Variable Rate Demand Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds, Due November 1, 2037. Secured by Letter of Credit. See (2) HFDC of Central Texas, Inc. Series 2007 Bond Anticipation Notes, no periodic interest payment, accrues interest at 13% per annum, compounded semiannually until the Accreted Value is paid or duly provided for, with a final maturity of January 13, 2012, secured by deed of trust. See (3) - 3,320,000 Abilene Health Facilities Development Corporation Retirement Facility Series 2003 Revenue Bonds, Due April 15, 2033, with maximum annual debt service requirements of $8,646,950, which occurs in 2030 after Series 1998 and 1999 bonds are fully paid. Secured by deed of trust and gross revenues (Sears Methodist Obligated Group). See (4) 47,070,000 47,310,000 Lubbock Health Facilities Development Corporation Series 2001 Revenue Bonds (GNMA Collateralized), Due January 20, 2041. Secured by HUD Mortgage. See (5) 8,360,000 8,455,000 Abilene Health Facilities Development Corporation Retirement Facility Series 1999 Revenue Bonds Payable, Due November 15, 2029, with maximum annual debt service requirements of $959,300. Secured by deed of trust and gross revenues (Sears Methodist Obligated Group). See (6) 11,000,000 11,285,000 Abilene Health Facilities Development Corporation Series 1998 Bonds, Maturing through November 15, 2028, with maximum annual debt service requirements of $4,267,713. Secured by deed of trust and gross revenues (Sears Methodist Obligated Group). See (7) 44,525,000 49,620,000 (25) $ 43,950,000 7,895,000 $ - 7,895,000 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 7 LONG-TERM DEBT (CONTINUED) Description 2009 Notes Payable to Texas Methodist Foundation, monthly interest only payments at MLF plus( .50% and 3.15% at December 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively) beginning March 7, 2009. One final payment of Interest due on January 31, 2010, unsecured (Sears Methodist Obligated Group). $ 2008 - $ 2,482,276 Note Payable to Texas Methodist Foundation, Interest only payments at MLF plus .50% (3.15% at December 31, 2008) beginning June 7, 2008. One Final Payment of Principal and Interest on May 31, 2009, unsecured (Sears Methodist Obligated Group). - 169,943 Note Payable to the Ziegler Companies, due on demand, Interest accrued at 5.6% per annum, unsecured (Sears Methodist Obligated Group). - 251,969 Note Payable to First Financial Bank-Abilene, due April 27, 2010, with monthly payments of $1,701, including interest at 7.25%, secured by transportation equipment, unsecured (Sears Methodist Obligated Group). 4,375 6,592 Note Payable to First Financial Bank, 11 consecutive payments of $7,000 beginning August 7, 2008 includes interest at prime plus 1.0%. One final payment of principal and interest on July 7, 2009. - 215,215 Note Payable to First Financial Bank-Abilene, due March 4, 2011, with monthly payments of $304, including interest at 5.95%, secured by transportation equipment (Sears Methodist Obligated Group). - 7,661 Note Payable to Texas Methodist Foundation, Interest only payments at MLF plus 1.00% (3.65% at December 31, 2008) beginning April 7, 2009. One Final Payment of Interest due on January 31, 2010, secured by investments (Sears Methodist Obligated Group). - 450,000 Note Payable to Texas Methodist Foundation, Interest only payments at Prime plus 1.25% (4.75% at December 31, 2008) beginning March 7, 2009, One Final Payment of Interest due on January 31, 2010, secured by deed of trust (Sears Methodist Obligated Group). - 1,500,000 (26) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 7 LONG-TERM DEBT (CONTINUED) Description 2009 Note Payable to Texas Methodist Foundation, Interest only payments at prime plus .50% (3.75% at December 31, 2009). until payments of $63,000 to begin February 7, 2010. The monthly payment will be adjusted January 7, 2011 and annually thereafter to correspond with the interest rate. One final payment of principal and unpaid interest on January 7, 2015, unsecured (Sears Methodist Obligated Group). $ 3,427,971 2008 $ - Promissory Note with Texas Methodist Foundation. Interest only Payments at Prime plus .50% beginning February 10, 2010. Principal and Interest Payments amortized over a sixty month period beginning February 7, 2015. One final payment of principal and interest on January 7, 2020. Secured by Deed of Trust. 2,369,658 2,409,978 Pre-Development Loan with Bank, due July 30, 2009, Interest payments due monthly beginning, February 1, 2009 at 5.25%. Secured by Property. 1,654,000 1,654,000 Asset Purchase Agreement Payable, due April 2013, see Note 2. 677,500 800,000 Asset Purchase Agreement Payable for Sears Methodist Center Resident Refunds, see Note 3. 500,000 - Notes Payable, Insurance, matures April 1, 2010. Unsecured. 172,210 - 195,455 171,801,169 213,080 138,045,714 Capital Leases Payable require monthly payments of $6,044 and expire in 2013. As of December 31, 2008, the equipment associated with the leases had cost and accumulated depreciation of $239,132 and $21,100, respectively (Sears Methodist Obligated Group). Unsecured. Less: Current Maturities Less: Unamortized Discount on Bonds Total Long-Term Debt (6,290,979) (2,054,669) $ 163,455,521 (27) (8,586,639) (1,241,236) $ 128,217,839 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 7 LONG-TERM DEBT (CONTINUED) The obligated group for the Series 1998, 1999, and 2003, Revenue Bonds consists of consolidated Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc., excluding Desert Haven, which is a HUD 202 project, Senior Dimensions, Inc., which operates as a for-profit entity, Sears Plains Retirement Corporation, which is a HUD 232 project, Sears Tyler Methodist Retirement Corporation, which is still in the development stages and has its own permanent financing arrangement, Sears Caprock Retirement Corporation which was acquired in April 2008 and Sears Methodist Senior Housing, LLC (the “Obligated Group”). The unamortized discount and premium on revenue bonds relates to the Series 1998, 1999, 2003, 2008 and 2009 Series Revenue Bonds and are being amortized over the term of the bonds using straight line amortization. Bonds Payable (1) On November 1, 2009, Sears Tyler Methodist Retirement Corporation (“Tyler”) through HFDC of Central Texas, Inc. issued $8,545,000 Series 2009A Term Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds, $27,555,000 Series 2009A Term Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds and $7,850,000 Series 2009B Term Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds. The proceeds of the Series 2009A and 2009B bonds were used to finance the construction and equipping of, and the start up costs in connection with the construction of, a senior living community to be known as Meadow Lake, A Senior Living Community consisting of executive homes, independent living apartments, assisted living units, a health center, and a memory support area together with common areas near Tyler, Texas (the “Tyler Project”). On November 9, 2009, the System entered into a $4,000,000 revolving line of credit agreement with Texas Methodist Foundation bearing interest at prime plus one-half percent with a floor of 4.75%. Monthly payments of accrued interest only began on December 7, 2009 and continue through October 7, 2012. One final payment of all principal and accrued interest is due in full on November 7, 2012. The line is secured by assets of the System. Tyler, in turn, signed a revolving promissory note with the System dated November 10, 2009 for which they can draw up to $4,000,000, however, any amounts borrowed and repaid may be re-borrowed up to a cumulative total of $15,000,000. The intent of the revolving note is to fund construction of 56 executive homes as part of the Meadow Lake campus. Proceeds from the entrance fees of these executive homes will be used to pay on the revolving promissory note with the System. Interest is paid monthly based on outstanding advances at prime plus 1.5% but in no event will be less than 4.75% per annum or more than 7.75% per annum. The revolving note with the System matures on January 1, 2015 with five annual extension options through January 1, 2020. As of December 31, 2009, the System had no draws on the revolving note. (28) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 7 LONG-TERM DEBT (CONTINUED) Bonds Payable (Continued) Operating Support Agreement In conjunction with the issuance of the Series 2009 Bonds, Tyler entered into an operating support agreement (the “Support Agreement”) on November 1, 2009 with Senior Dimensions, Inc. (“SDI”). Under this agreement, SDI agrees to deposit all of its excess cash flow from its Veterans Land Board Contracts (“VLB Contracts”) into a trustee held fund called the Operating Support Fund. The Support Agreement further calls for SDI to grant the System a continuing security interest in and to all, right, title and interest of SDI in its right to receive payments of money under their VLB Contracts. Repayments of funded amounts from SDI to the System are defined in the Master Trust Indenture and shall not be released and repaid until after the Series 2009B Bonds have been redeemed and Tyler is in compliance with the required covenants of the Master Trust Indenture. Any funds deposited by SDI and not repaid pursuant to the above criteria shall be added to the outstanding note payable between SDI and the System under the same repayment terms. If the note has been repaid or no longer exist at the termination of the Support Agreement, then a new note bearing the same terms shall be executed. No amounts were received by the System under the Support Agreement during 2009. Professional Services Agreement Effective July 1, 2009, Tyler entered into professional services agreement (the “Services Agreement”) with the System. The Services Agreement calls for the System to provide centralized management services in the areas of accounting, budgeting, cash management, payroll, purchasing, long range planning and fund raising as well as negotiate with vendors and suppliers on Tyler’s behalf. The term of the Service Agreement is five years and will renew annually unless directed otherwise by the board of directors. The System will not begin charging Tyler a management fee for these services until after December 31, 2013, at which time the fee will be based upon census level, net revenue and other operational factors. Completion Guaranty On September 30, 2009, Tyler entered into a construction completion agreement (the “Completion Guaranty”) with the System. In the unlikely event that the Tyler fails to meet substantial completion of the Tyler Project, the System shall cause the substantial completion of the Tyler Project in accordance with the plans and specifications of the construction contracts, subject to the System’s receipt of the funds necessary to complete the Tyler Project from the proceeds of the Series 2009 Bonds concerning all of the Tyler Project, except the Executive Home portion of the Tyler Project. (2) On April 10, 2008, Sears Caprock Retirement Corporation, issued $3,275,000 Series 2008A Variable Rate Demand Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds and $4,620,000 Series 2008B Issuer’s Variable Rate Demand Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds. The proceeds of the Series 2008A and 2008B were used to finance the acquisition, remodeling and equipping of, a senior living community currently known as Mesa Springs Retirement Village in Abilene, Texas (the “Mesa Springs Project”). The bonds were also used to fund additional startup costs and miscellaneous capital expenditures of the Mesa Springs Project. (29) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 7 LONG-TERM DEBT (CONTINUED) Bonds Payable (Continued) (2) (Continued) By, definition, a Variable Rate Demand Bond is a long-term tax-exempt bond the interest rate of which is indexed to a current short-term market rate. The interest rate of the Series 2008A and 2008B bonds for the periods ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 were .23% and .43%, and 1.10% and .67%, respectively. A demand feature allows the bonds to be remarketed upon 7 days notice at par value plus accrued interest. The System holds an irrevocable letter of credit with the bond trustee for the face amount of the bonds. The letter of credit has an initial five year term, expiring in March 2013. In the event remarketing is not successful; the letter of credit will be drawn upon to pay the bond trustee. The System has a liability to the bond trustee immediately upon a draw on the letter of credit. Any draws on the letter of credit are subject to a 60 month payment term and other provisions applicable. The maturities of these related bonds are based on these 60 month repayment terms in accordance with the letter of credit agreement. (3) On January 1, 2007, Sears Tyler Methodist Retirement Corporation Project, borrowed $3,320,000 of Bond Anticipation Notes through HFDC of Central Texas, Inc. The proceeds of the Series 2007 Notes were applied, together with other moneys, to pay a portion of the pre-construction development costs of the Tyler Project. The notes were repaid during 2009 with the financing of the 2009 Series Bonds. (4) On April 10, 2003, Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. issued $43,060,000 Series 2003A Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds $2,500,000 Series 2003B-1 Extended Rate Adjustable Securities and $2,500,000 Series 2003B Extendable Rate Adjustable Securities under the Abilene Health Facilities Development Corporation. The proceeds of the bonds were used (i) to construct, furnish and equip certain facilities of the Obligated Group located in Waco and Abilene, Texas, (ii) refinance certain indebtedness of SMRS, (iii) reimburse SMRS for certain other capital expenditures relating to project costs of the Garrison facility; (iv) to fund capitalized interest on bond proceeds allocated to Wesley Woods and Wesley Court; (vi) to purchase new equipment; (v) to fund start up and marketing expenses for Wesley Woods and Wesley Court; (vi) to fund a deposit to the debt service reserve fund with respect to the Series 2003 Bonds and (vii) to pay a portion of the costs of issuance of the Series 2003 Bonds. Interest on the 2003A Bonds is payable semi-annually at rates from 5.15% to 7.00%. The interest rates at December 31, 2009 for the Series 2003B-1 and 2003B-2 Bonds were 5.10% and 5.15%, respectively. The 2003A Bonds required annual principal payments and are due in full November 15, 2033. The 2003B-1 and 2003B-2 Bonds are due in full on November 15, 2034. The bonds are secured by the gross receipts of the Obligated Group. (30) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 7 LONG-TERM DEBT (CONTINUED) Bonds Payable (Continued) (5) On February 1, 2001, the Lubbock Health Facilities Development Corporation authorized the issuance of $8,910,000 of Series 2001 Revenue Bonds, bearing interest between 5.00% and 5.70%. The bond proceeds were used to acquire, construct, improve, equip and furnish the Garrison Geriatric Education and Care Center in Lubbock, Texas, a 120unit chronic and Alzheimer’s nursing care facility and pay cost of issuance of the Series 2001 Bonds. The Series 2001 Bonds are secured by GNMA securities in the amount of $8,418,404 as of December 31, 2009. The Series 2001 Bonds are secured by GNMA securities in the amount of $8,327,222 and $8,418,404 as of December 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively. The GNMA security is secured by a 5.92% HUD insured mortgage in the original amount of $8,906,200, which is further secured by a security agreement placed on all the buildings, fixtures and equipment. The outstanding balance of the HUD Insured Mortgage as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 is $8,327,222 and $8,418,404, respectively. The mortgage and security agreement have been assigned to The Bank of New York as trustee. All payments of principal and interest on the bonds are made from the monthly pay down of principal and interest from the GNMA securities to the bond funds in accordance with the terms of an indenture of trust with the trustee. (6) On January 15, 1999, the System issued $13,085,000 Series 1999 Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds under the Abilene Health Facilities Development Corporation. The Series 1999 Bonds are secured equally and ratably by the Series 1999 Note, which is secured by a security interest in the gross revenues of the Obligated Group as supplemented by the Supplemental Indenture date January 1, 1999 between the Obligated Group and the master trustee. Bond proceeds were used to construct improvements and expand certain facilities of the Obligated Group located in Odessa and Abilene, Texas; refinance an existing mortgage; pay capitalized interest on bond proceeds allocated to Windcrest Retirement Community and Parks Methodist Retirement Community and purchase new equipment. Interest and principal on the 1999 Series Bonds are paid semi-annually at rates from 5.35% to 6.00%. (7) On August 1, 1998, the System issued $46,530,000 Series 1998A Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds, $8,095,000 Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds Series 1998B-1 Extended Rate Adjustable Securities, $4,055,000 Taxable Series 1998B-2 Extended Rate Adjustable Securities Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds and $1,435,000 Taxable Series 1998C Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds, under the Abilene Health Facilities Development Corporation. Proceeds of the bonds were used to construct improvements and expansions to certain facilities of the Obligated Group located in Abilene and Amarillo, Texas and to pay the cost of issuance of the bonds and the refinancing and defeasance of the 1996 Bonds. Interest and principal on the 1998 Series Bonds are paid semi-annually at rates from 4.10% to 5.90%. During 2009, $3,725,000 of the 1998 Series Bonds were repaid with a portion of the proceeds obtained from the sale of Sears Methodist Center. (31) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 7 LONG-TERM DEBT (CONTINUED) Bonds Payable (Continued) (7) (Continued) Under terms of the bond indentures the System is required to maintain certain deposits with the respective trustees that are recorded as assets limited as to use on the consolidated balance sheets of the System. The Series 1998, 1999 and 2003 Bonds are governed by the Supplemental Master Trust Indenture dated April 1, 2003. Substantially all of the System’s property, equipment and assets are pledged as collateral for the above the bonds. Scheduled principal payments on long-term debt are as follows: Year Ending December 31, 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Thereafter Current Maturities on Long-Term Debt Unamortized Discount on Revenue Bonds Total Long-Term Debt Amount $ 6,290,979 5,817,051 8,243,688 3,599,012 3,784,952 144,065,487 171,801,169 (6,290,979) (2,054,669) $ 163,455,521 Restricted Covenants-Obligated Group The provisions of the debt agreements of the Bonds Payable described above contain various restrictive covenants that limit the occurrence of additional debt, place restrictions on the disposition of property and require that certain measures of financial performance be satisfied as long as the bonds are outstanding. Restricted Covenants-Series 2009 Bonds The provisions of the trust indenture for the Series 2009 Bonds require that certain financial covenants are required at the earlier of stable occupancy or the year ended December 31, 2013. As of December 31, 2009, the Master Trust Indenture has marketing covenant based on a number of reserved independent living apartments. Management has determined that all covenants have been satisfied. As of December 31, 2009, the System did not meet its covenant as required by the Master Trust Indenture relating to days cash on hand. This violation is not considered an event of default and management is currently taking the appropriate actions to restore an appropriate cash position in future reporting periods. (32) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 8 HUD CAPITAL ADVANCE Desert Haven received a capital advance note from HUD in the amount of $1,942,600. The note bears no interest and payment is not required as long as the housing remains available for low-income elderly persons. The note will be forgiven at its maturity date of September 1, 2037 if the housing facility remains available for occupancy by eligible families until that date. Otherwise, the entire amount, plus interest at 7% since October 9, 1996, will be declared due and payable to HUD. The note is secured by all property owned by Desert Haven and all related receipts attributed to its operations. The capital advance has been accounted for as contribution revenue and is carried in temporarily restricted net assets. NOTE 9 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS The System uses fair value measurements to record fair value adjustments to certain assets and liabilities and to determine fair value disclosures. For additional information on how the System measures fair value refer to Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles. The following table presents the fair value hierarchy for the balances of the assets and liabilities of the Company measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of December 31, 2009 and 2008: 2009 Level 2 Level 1 Corporate Obligations Funds Held by Texas Methodist Foundation Equities Fixed Income Securities Total Assets Measured at Fair Value Corporate Obligations Government Obligations Funds Held by Texas Methodist Foundation Fixed Income Securities Total Assets Measured at Fair Value (33) Level 3 $ 555,184 4,343,039 $ - $ 2,765,805 - $ 4,898,223 $ - $ 2,765,805 $ - $ 2,104,316 - $ - $ 2,104,316 Level 1 $ 102,605 109,469 3,572,437 $ 3,784,511 2008 Level 2 Level 3 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 9 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS (CONTINUED) The following table provides a summary of changes to fair value of the System’s Level 3 financial assets for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008. Balance at January 1, 2008 $ Investment Earnings 2,189,088 (84,772) Balance at January 1, 2009 2,104,316 Investment Earnings 661,489 Balance at December 31, 2009 $ 2,765,805 The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value of each class of financial instruments for which it is practicable to estimate that value: HUD Capital Advances The fair value of the HUD capital advance is estimated based upon the remaining term of the advance and current rates for similar instruments. Funds Held by Texas Methodist Foundation Funds held by Texas Methodist Foundation are pooled equity investment funds which are recorded at fair value on a recurring basis. Fair value measurement is based on quoted prices, if available. Unrealized gain (loss) and other investment earnings are allocated among the members of the pool on a monthly basis based on percentage of ownership. The System values the pooled investment funds using Level 3 inputs as there is no active market for the System to sell their interest in the pooled investment funds. Long-Term Debt The fair value of long-term debt is estimated for each individual issue based upon current reasonable interest rates taking type of debt and maturities into account. All Other The carrying value is a reasonable estimate of the fair value for all other financial instruments due to the short-term nature of those financial instruments. The following disclosures represent financial instruments in which the ending balances at December 31, 2009 and 2008 are not carried at fair value in their entirety on the consolidated balance sheets. HUD Capital Advances Long-Term Debt Fixed Long-Term Debt Variable Notes Payable and Capital Lease Obligations 2009 Cost Fair Value $ 1,942,600 $ 2,351,991 $ 141,480,000 $ 126,164,988 $ 21,320,000 $ 21,320,000 2008 Cost Fair Value $ 1,942,600 $ 2,358,421 $ 119,990,000 $ 85,389,738 $ 7,895,000 $ 7,895,000 $ $ (34) 9,001,169 $ 9,001,169 8,218,114 $ 8,218,114 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 10 RETIREMENT PLANS Non-Qualified Retirement Plans The System has entered into a deferred compensation contract with a certain officer to provide benefits after retirement or the attainment of age sixty-five. The present value of these benefits is recognized in accrued liabilities over the service life of the officer. The deferred compensation liability related to this contract as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 was approximately $92,000. Employee benefit expense related to this agreement was $5,361 in both 2009 and 2008. The System provides a 457(f) plan for the benefit of selected executives. The assets of the 457(f) plan totaled $722,317 and $510,521 at December 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively. The System contributed $160,394 and $172,655 for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively. The plan assets are included in assets limited as to use with a corresponding liability in other liabilities in the consolidated balance sheets. Qualified Retirement Plans The System also sponsors a defined contribution 403(b) plan available to substantially all employees with the exception of those employed by Senior Dimensions, Inc., a for profit corporation. The System currently does not match employee contributions. The System sponsors a defined contribution 401(k) plan for the employees of Senior Dimensions, Inc., a for-profit corporation. All employees of Senior Dimensions, Inc. are eligible to enter the plan upon employment. An employee may participate by contributing, at their election, a percentage of their salary within IRS regulations. The System currently does not match employee contributions. NOTE 11 CONCENTRATION OF CREDIT RISK The System’s financial instruments that are exposed to concentrations of credit risk consist primarily of cash and cash equivalents and temporary cash investments. The System believes it places its cash and cash equivalents and temporary cash investments with high quality credit institutions. At times such investments may be in excess of the FDIC insurance limit. The System grants credit without collateral to its various facility residents or their families, most of whom are local individuals and are insured under third-party payor agreements. The mix of receivables from residents and third-party payors was as follows at December 31, 2009 and 2008: 2009 10.3% 30.7% 21.0% 38.0% 100.0% Medicaid Medicare Private and Insurance Veterans Land Board of Texas Total (35) 2008 10.5% 19.4% 28.5% 41.6% 100.0% SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 12 NET ASSET CLASSIFICATIONS Temporarily Restricted Net Assets Temporarily Restricted Net Assets consist of amounts restricted for benevolent care, Alzheimer’s care, HUD capital advance and miscellaneous operational purposes. Net assets released from restriction for operations of $398,388 and $152,311 consists of proceeds from contributions that were used for the donor imposed restricted purpose during the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively. Permanently Restricted Net Assets Permanently restricted net assets at December 31, 2009 and 2008 consist of investments providing a permanent source of income for capital, equipment, patient care and other operating purposes as follows: Wally German Endowment Irwin Endowment Cook Education Endowment Garrison Permanent Endowment Holbert Endowment Fund Benevolent Endowment Parks Endowment Young Endowment Total $ $ 2009 327,540 91,600 96,376 500,000 100,000 1,024,774 142,661 4,870 2,287,821 $ $ 2008 327,540 91,600 96,376 500,000 100,000 1,024,774 142,661 4,870 2,287,821 Changes in endowment net assets during the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 were as follows: Endowment Net Assets December 31, 2007 Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total $ $ - $ 1,969,236 $ 1,969,236 - Contributions - - 22,429 22,429 Net Asset Reclassification Based on Change in Law - - 296,156 296,156 - - 2,287,821 2,287,821 (5,121) 52,559 - - 52,559 (5,121) (5,121) 52,559 - 47,438 (52,559) - (52,559) Endowment Net Assets December 31, 2008 Interest Income Net Depreciation Total Investment Return Appropriation of Endowment Assets for Expenditure Endowment Net Assets, December 31, 2009 $ (5,121) (36) $ - $ 2,287,821 $ 2,282,700 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 12 NET ASSET CLASSIFICATIONS (CONTINUED) Permanently Restricted Net Assets (Continued) As required by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), net assets associated with endowment funds, including those designated by the board of directors as to function as endowments, are classified and reported based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. Interpretation of Relevant Law The State of Texas adopted State Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (the Act) effective July 1, 2007. The Board of Directors of the System has interpreted the Act as requiring the preservation of the fair value of the original gift as of the gift date of the donorrestricted endowment funds absent explicit donor stipulations to the contrary. As a result of this interpretation, the System classifies as permanently restricted net assets (1) the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment, (2) the original value of subsequent gifts to the permanent endowment, and (3) accumulations to the permanent endowment made in accordance with the direction of the applicable donor gift instrument at the time the accumulation is added to the fund. The remaining portion of the donor-restricted endowment fund that is not classified in permanently restricted net assets is classified as temporarily restricted net assets until those amounts are appropriated for expenditure by the System in a manner consistent with the standard of prudence prescribed in the Act. In accordance with the Act, the System considers the following factors in making a determination to appropriate or accumulate donor restricted endowment funds: • • • • • • • The duration and preservation of the fund The purposes of the organization and the donor-restricted endowment fund General economic conditions The possible effect of inflation and deflation The expected total return from income and the appreciation of investments Other resources of the organization The investment policies of the organization Return Objectives and Risk Parameters The System has adopted investment and spending policies for endowment assets that attempt to provide a predictable stream of funding to programs supported by its endowment. Endowment assets include those assets of donor-restricted funds that the System must hold in perpetuity or for a donor-specified period. Under this policy, as approved by the Board of Directors, the endowment assets are invested in a manner that is intended to preserve and grow capital, strive for consistent absolute returns, preserve purchasing power by striving for long-term returns which either match or exceed the set payout, fees and inflation without putting the principal value at imprudent risk, and diversify investments consistent with commonly accepted industry standard to minimize the risk of large losses. (37) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 12 NET ASSET CLASSIFICATIONS (CONTINUED) Strategies Employed for Achieving Objectives To satisfy its long-term rate-of-return objectives, the System relies on a total return strategy in which investment returns are achieved through both capital appreciation (realized and unrealized) and current yield (interest and dividends). The System targets a diversified asset allocation that meets the System’s long-term rate-of-return objectives while avoiding undue risk from imprudent concentration in any single asset class or investment vehicle. Spending Policy The System’s spending policy is consistent with its objective of preservation of the fair value of the original gift of the endowment assets held in perpetuity as well as to provide additional real growth through new gifts and investment return. NOTE 13 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS Construction in progress consisted of numerous ongoing projects as follows: Meadow Lake Construction Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. is developing a new continuing care retirement community. As of December 31, 2009 and 2008, approximately $9,000,000 and $6,700,000, respectively, was recorded as construction in progress for costs of architectural, engineering, construction and development fees related to the Tyler Project. The project was financed with the Series 2009 Bonds and the related line of credit. Completion of the project is expected to occur in February 2011 at a total project cost of approximately $40,550,000. As of December 31, 2009, there was approximately $34,500,000 in commitments related to this project. Phase II Garrison The System began a project in 2005 to construct Phase II of the Garrison Center in Lubbock, TX. The construction was put on hold in 2007, and is awaiting further approval of a business expansion plan. As of December 31, 2009 and 2008, approximately $437,000, was recorded in construction in progress. Wesley Woods In 2005, the System purchased and was partially contributed land in Waco, Texas on which to build independent living units around a newly developed golf course. The land related to this project is included in assets limited as to use on the consolidated balance sheets. As of December 31, 2009 and 2008, approximately $400,000 was recorded in construction in progress. Canyons Senior Living In 2008, the System became a General Partner in a limited partnership with an independent party to complete a renovation of the existing Canyons Retirement Community. As of December 31, 2009 and 2008, approximately $775,000 and $745,000, respectively, was recorded as construction in progress for cost associated with the architectural, engineering, construction and development fees related to the project. (38) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 14 CAPTIVE INSURANCE Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. has a claims made policy for their general and professional liability insurance through Caring Communities Insurance Company (CCIC). The System was required to make a capital contribution of $336,445 at inception of the insurance policy. The System made subsequent capital contributions of $345,492 from 2003 through 2008. The capital contributions are recorded as an investment at December 31, 2009 and 2008 using the cost basis, which is included in other long-term assets as of December 31, 2009 and 2008. The System also pays annual amounts to CCIC for their professional liability insurance coverage. The policy includes professional, commercial, and employee benefits liability and calls for a $75,000 deductible per occurrence and liability limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 in the aggregate. Insurance expense under the Communities program amounted to $1,095,000 and $1,050,000 for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively. As an additional benefit to members, monies are distributed into CCIC maintained savings accounts. The System’s cumulative member savings account balance as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 was $206,959 and $104,932, respectively. NOTE 15 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Government Regulations - Medicaid The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) reserves the right to perform field audit examinations of the System's records. Any adjustments resulting from such examinations could retroactively adjust Medicaid revenue. Government Regulations - Medicare The Medicare intermediary has the authority to audit the skilled nursing facility's records any time within a three-year period after the date the skilled nursing facility receives a final notice of program reimbursement for each cost reporting period. Any adjustments resulting from these audits could retroactively adjust Medicare revenue. Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Health Insurance The System is a non-subscriber to workers’ compensation. Claims paid for workers’ compensation approximated $275,000 and $138,000 for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively. No liabilities have been accrued for potential claims at December 31, 2009 and 2008. Health insurance claims paid during the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 approximated $3,668,000 and $3,798,000, respectively, and a liability of $378,000 and $1,227,000 has been recorded for outstanding unpaid claims at December 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively. The first $150,000 of covered health insurance claims for each individual participant is the responsibility of the System. If total claims for an individual exceed $150,000, the System will be reimbursed by the insurance provider up to a maximum of $850,000 per individual participant. (39) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 15 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (CONTINUED) Litigation The System is subject to asserted and unasserted claims encountered in the normal course of business. The System's Management and legal counsel assess such contingent liabilities and such assessment inherently involves an exercise of judgment. In assessing loss contingencies related to legal proceedings that are pending against the System or unasserted claims that may result in such proceedings, the System's legal counsel evaluates the perceived merits of any legal proceedings or unasserted claims as well as the perceived merits of the amount of relief sought or expected to be sought therein. In the opinion of management, disposition of these matters will not have a material effect on the System's financial condition or results of operations. Health Care The health care industry is subject to numerous laws and regulations of federal, state, and local governments. These laws and regulations include, but are not necessarily limited to, matters such as licensure, accreditation, government health care program participation requirements, reimbursement for resident services, and Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse. Recently, government activity has increased with respect to investigations and allegations concerning possible violations of fraud and abuse statutes and regulations by health care providers. Violations of these laws and regulations could result in expulsion from government health care programs together with the imposition of significant fines and penalties, as well as significant repayments for patient services previously billed. NOTE 16 COMMITMENTS The System has entered into operating lease commitments for the lease of corporate office facilities and various equipment. The following minimum rental payments are to be incurred under operating leases for the years ending December 31: Year Ending December 31, 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Thereafter Total (40) $ $ Amount 441,616 425,585 393,219 295,457 233,019 120,312 1,909,208 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 17 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS The System and its subsidiaries share office facilities and perform services for one another. All intercompany revenue and expense is eliminated upon consolidation; however, there are various other related party transactions which occurred during the year ended December 31, 2009 as follows: NOTE 18 • The Chief Executive Officer of Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. currently serves on the executive committee of CCIC, a federal risk retention company of which SMRS is a part owner along with various other non-profit organizations. • Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. leases office space in a building that is partially owned by a board member. Rental payments for this office space totaled approximately $194,000 for the year ended December 31, 2009. • During 2008, the System had an investment in a start up company called SeniorSafe@Home. The company was impaired and the investment was written off the System’s books as of December 31, 2008. As of December 31, 2008, the System had a balance due from SeniorSafe@Home of $286,978 which has since been collected. INCOME TAXES Senior Dimensions, Inc. files a Federal income tax return on a calendar year basis. The provision for income taxes consisted of the following for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008: 2009 Deferred Benefit $ (614,305) 2008 $ (9,477) The income tax provision differs from the amount of income tax determined by applying the U.S. Federal income tax rate to pretax income for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008: Computed "Expected" Tax Benefit Increase (Decrease) in Income Taxes Resulting from: Decrease in Deferred Tax Asset Allowance Permanent Differences Net Tax Benefit (41) $ 2009 (572,450) $ (44,991) 3,136 (614,305) $ 2008 (184,268) $ 150,168 24,623 (9,477) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 18 INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED) The components of the net deferred tax asset included in the consolidated balance sheets were as follows at December 31, 2009 and 2008: Deferred Tax Asset Allowance for Deferred Tax Asset Net Deferred Tax Asset $ $ 2009 666,965 666,965 $ $ 2008 988,772 (936,112) 52,660 The tax effects of each type of significant item that gave rise to deferred taxes are as follows at December 31, 2009 and 2008: Vacation Accrual Net Operating Loss Carryforward Provision for Bad Debt Prepaid Expenses AMT Credit Carryover Allowance for Deferred Tax Asset $ $ 2009 53,580 554,890 92,505 (48,434) 14,424 666,965 $ $ 2008 52,660 936,112 (936,112) 52,660 As of December 31, 2009, management determined that an allowance for the deferred tax asset was no longer deemed necessary. The Company’s income tax returns are subject to review and examination by federal, state and local authorities. The tax returns for the years 2006 to 2009 are open to examination by federal, local and state authorities. NOTE 19 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENSES Functional classification of expenses for the year ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 consisted of the following: Program Management and General Support Total Operating Expenses 2009 2008 70,583,935 13,506,835 $ 84,090,770 $ 70,835,764 11,688,689 $ 82,524,453 $ (42) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 NOTE 19 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENSES (CONTINUED) Salaries and related expenses are allocated based on job descriptions and the best estimates of Management. Expenses, other than salaries and related expenses, which are not directly identifiable by program or supporting services, are allocated based on the best estimates of Management. NOTE 20 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS On March 24, 2010, the System sold the last remaining building that had been occupied by Sears Methodist Center and its related companies. The contract sales price was $375,000. A gain of $3,132 was recorded on such sale. (43) INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Board of Directors Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. Austin, Texas Our report on our audits of the consolidated financial statements of Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. for 2009 and 2008 appears on page 1. We conducted our audits for the purpose of forming an opinion on the consolidated financial statements taken as a whole. The consolidating and combining information presented on pages 45 through 62 is presented for purposes of additional analysis of the consolidated financial statements rather than to present the financial position and results of operations of the individual entities. The consolidating and combining information has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audits of the basic consolidated financial statements and, accordingly, we express no opinion on it. LarsonAllen LLP Richardson, Texas April 19, 2010 (44) LarsonAllen LLP is a member of Nexia International, a worldwide network of independent accounting and consulting firms. SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. CONSOLIDATING BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 2009 (SEE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION) Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc. Sears Methodist Foundation Sears Methodist Centers, Inc. Sears Panhandle Retirement Corporation Parks Methodist Retirement Village ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Accounts Receivable Due from Related Party Other Current Assets Notes Receivable - Related Party Current Portion of Assets Limited as to Use Total Current Assets ASSETS LIMITED AS TO USE Investments Less: Current Portion Shown Above Total Assets Limited as to Use (Net of Current Portion Shown Above) PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT (at Cost) Land and Land Improvements Building and Improvements Equipment Leasehold Improvements Construction in Progress Total Less: Accumulated Depreciation Total Property and Equipment (at Depreciated Cost) OTHER ASSETS Deferred Financing Costs Investment in Sears Methodist Foundation Note Receivable - Related Party Other Assets Total Other Assets Total Assets $ 547,771 38,950 12,939,760 444,080 2,759,136 16,729,697 $ 736,641 736,641 $ 3,750,643 2,428,340 6,297,691 117,054 557,828 13,151,556 344,423 466,055 1,523,722 103,639 500,000 7,336 2,945,175 7,336 (7,336) $ 239,927 874,655 96,996 24,199 16,538 1,252,315 10,799,169 (2,759,136) 17,950,328 - 8,040,033 17,950,328 - - - 830,150 1,652,674 131,055 460,308 3,074,187 1,397,286 - 2,553,073 35,413,801 3,064,048 19,827 136,129 41,186,878 9,344,164 2,005,888 35,016,185 3,719,102 5,094 40,746,269 13,322,672 981,225 12,510,495 1,509,862 46,692 15,048,274 4,913,328 1,676,901 - 31,842,714 27,423,597 10,134,946 2,530,452 9,330,696 4,031,494 681,937 16,574,579 - 1,172,029 1,172,029 1,439,226 1,439,226 1,019,026 50,000 1,069,026 $ 43,021,210 $ 18,686,969 $ 46,166,299 $ 31,807,998 $ 12,456,287 (45) 557,828 (557,828) $ 16,538 (16,538) Sears Brazos Corporation $ Senior Dimensions Inc. Desert Haven 70,080 260,296 7,455 15,418 7,356 360,605 7,356 (7,356) $ 1,112 168 2,004 9,661 12,945 39,085 (9,661) $ Sears Plains Retirement Corporation 600 3,657,727 828,625 314,550 4,801,502 314,550 (314,550) $ 166,998 877,179 22,478 269,400 1,336,055 Sears Tyler Methodist Retirement Corporation $ 1,827 249,623 921,714 1,173,164 Mesa Springs Retirement Village Canyons Senior Living L.P. $ $ 196,705 466,843 258,014 83,812 230,202 1,235,576 93,763 5,896 284 5,339 105,282 Eliminating Entries $ (21,373,545) (38,500) (500,000) (21,912,045) Total $ 6,150,490 9,076,109 1,608,148 5,093,721 21,928,468 1,345,755 (269,400) 35,064,695 (921,714) 320,277 (230,202) - (5,512,110) - 60,910,807 (5,093,721) - 29,424 - 1,076,355 34,142,981 90,075 - (5,512,110) 55,817,086 580,354 9,985,614 1,001,427 395,570 11,962,965 1,996,143 269,730 1,683,664 114,202 2,067,596 776,004 326,059 326,059 275,095 1,068,399 10,477,317 1,587,474 13,133,190 3,207,880 1,297,813 356,549 11,000 9,001,473 10,666,835 25,819 891,590 7,099,165 1,175,151 94,860 9,260,766 602,559 218,845 2,159,931 24,426 775,535 3,178,737 98,141 (400,000) (400,000) - 10,697,067 114,302,721 14,185,425 150,882 10,915,661 150,251,756 35,959,091 9,966,822 1,291,592 50,964 9,925,310 10,641,016 8,658,207 3,080,596 (400,000) 114,292,665 94,566 94,566 - 200 1,101,751 1,101,951 679,469 1,619,353 2,298,822 1,986,726 23,898 1,039,030 3,049,654 361,827 1,050 362,877 3,000 3,000 (14,700,044) (5,133,245) (19,833,289) 5,558,474 1,773,967 7,332,441 $ 10,421,993 $ 1,333,961 $ 5,954,417 $ 14,636,542 $ 49,006,815 $ 10,346,735 $ 3,188,878 $ (47,657,444) $ 199,370,660 (46) SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. CONSOLIDATING BALANCE SHEET (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 2009 (SEE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION) Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc Sears Methodist Foundation Sears Methodist Centers, Inc. Sears Panhandle Retirement Corporation Parks Methodist Retirement Village LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) CURRENT LIABILITIES Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt Accounts Payable Construction Payable Due to Related Party Accrued Interest Payable Accrued Payroll and Related Taxes Deferred Income Resident Security Deposits Other Accrued Liabilities Total Current Liabilities LONG-TERM DEBT (Net of Current Maturities Shown Above) OTHER LIABILITIES Due to Related Party Deferred Compensation Charitable Gift Annuities Payable Entrance Fee Deposits Deferred Revenue from Residency Fees Total Other Liabilities Total Liabilities $ 5,081,537 680,925 4,568,571 1,022,599 301,637 291,667 326,468 12,273,404 $ 606,257 31,795 154,482 81,011 873,545 $ 57,736 524,920 339,384 436,539 633,535 96,301 71,859 2,160,274 $ 217,118 450,308 188,352 107,675 30,705 994,158 $ 256,069 2,304,684 131,295 28,300 60,487 2,780,835 99,571,277 2,821,714 556,261 - - 814,599 814,599 288,948 288,948 384,686 5,731,163 6,115,849 454,539 5,900,678 6,355,217 256,569 2,661,430 2,917,999 112,659,280 3,984,207 8,832,384 7,349,375 5,698,834 - - - - - 11,755,749 659,192 2,287,821 14,702,762 37,333,915 37,333,915 24,458,623 24,458,623 6,757,453 6,757,453 $ 18,686,969 $ 46,166,299 $ 31,807,998 $ 12,456,287 CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS NONCONTROLLING INTEREST NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Retained Earnings (Deficit) Total Net Assets (Deficit) Total Liabilities and Net Assets (Deficit) (69,638,070) (69,638,070) $ 43,021,210 (47) Sears Brazos Corporation $ Senior Dimensions Inc. Desert Haven 144,567 4,496,770 126,888 13,692 4,781,917 $ 4,773 82,856 9,660 878 98,167 $ Sears Plains Retirement Corporation 83,135 882,518 3,030,322 17,876 668,536 429,878 5,112,265 $ 100,000 251,648 228,950 143,051 10,000 733,649 Sears Tyler Methodist Retirement Corporation $ 106,291 463,632 458,082 1,028,005 Mesa Springs Retirement Village Canyons Senior Living L.P. Eliminating Entries Total $ 1,654,000 208,063 34,491 3,089 51,190 42,750 37,345 2,030,928 $ 2,154,000 46,657 1,212,449 38,500 9,580 43,633 10,194 3,515,013 $ (3,445,686) (16,674,317) (253,637) (14,624) (20,388,264) $ 6,290,979 3,355,344 463,632 1,515,459 2,057,068 925,202 328,319 1,057,893 15,993,896 - - 2,369,658 8,260,000 49,089,217 6,844,156 - (6,056,762) 163,455,521 - - - 4,935,123 287,550 5,222,673 1,601,740 1,601,740 81,480 2,066,625 2,148,105 - (6,112,397) (6,112,397) 814,599 288,948 1,601,740 16,647,446 19,352,733 4,781,917 98,167 7,481,923 14,216,322 51,718,962 11,023,189 3,515,013 (32,557,423) 198,802,150 - - - - - - 5,640,076 5,640,076 $ 10,421,993 (706,806) 1,942,600 1,235,794 $ 1,333,961 (1,527,506) (1,527,506) $ 5,954,417 (1,217,861) 1,138,081 500,000 420,220 $ 14,636,542 (2,861,308) 149,161 (2,712,147) $ 49,006,815 (48) (676,454) (676,454) $ 10,346,735 (326,115) (20) (20) $ 3,188,878 - (14,106,725) (493,296) (500,000) (15,100,021) $ (47,657,444) (326,115) (3,261,408) 3,395,738 2,287,821 (1,527,526) 894,625 $199,370,660 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF UNRESTRICTED ACTIVITIES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (SEE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION) Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc OPERATING REVENUE Resident Service Amortization of Residency Fees Fees Net Assets Released From Restriction Other Total Operating Revenue $ Sears Methodist Foundation 5,037,801 23 5,037,824 $ Sears Panhandle Retirement Corporation Sears Methodist Centers, Inc. 8,455 2,000 10,455 $ 22,012,962 154,287 63,393 22,230,642 $ Parks Methodist Retirement Village 12,651,280 188,685 10,991 292,502 13,143,458 $ 6,725,833 81,058 19,102 6,825,993 OPERATING EXPENSE Nursing Specialty Services Dietary Pharmacy Services Activity Services Social Services Environmental Services and Utilities Consultant Services General and Administrative Risk Management and Training Marketing and Admissions Employee Benefits Interest Expense Depreciation and Amortization Total Operating Expenses 55,925 178,500 4,731,073 13,150 571,305 6,797,113 292,056 12,639,122 382,763 90,965 473,728 8,274,272 1,248,757 1,264,000 138,678 122,447 1,608,891 156,697 3,940,079 174,011 227,176 1,818,634 13,414 1,257,062 20,244,118 3,510,685 1,250,848 131,028 61,756 1,437,553 86,724 1,164,512 124,374 191,743 997,832 10,539 1,158,433 10,126,027 2,458,186 742,166 58,261 44,883 809,373 37,500 791,915 37,289 98,092 596,651 1,407 441,251 6,116,974 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (7,601,298) (463,273) 1,986,524 3,017,431 709,019 (97,470) 50,977 612,649 50,000 17,577 658,534 (4,106) 218,041 1,345,837 1,576 66,347 16,421 (376) 33,206 28,126 40 6,909 195 5,580 8,980 90 232,362 (3,235,210) (2,887,160) OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments Realized Loss on Investments Loss on Financing Investment Income Contributions Grant Revenue-Net of Expenses Gain on Sale of Assets Other Revenue (Expenses) Change in Investment in Sears Methodist Foundation Transfers from Sears Methodist Foundation Debt Service Payments Development Expenses Total Other Income (Expense) 812,178 5,321 8,251,491 9,702,723 (329,047) 1,890,835 EXCESS (DEFICIT) OF NET REVENUE OVER EXPENSE 2,101,425 1,427,562 NONCONTROLLING INTEREST - - FEDERAL INCOME TAX BENEFIT - - INCREASE (DECREASE) IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 2,101,425 1,427,562 GAIN (LOSS) FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS - - INCREASE (DECREASE) IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS AFTER TAXES AND DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS $ 2,101,425 (49) $ 1,427,562 18,491 25,730 (2,981,188) (2,901,892) (900,636) 115,539 229,717 - - - - - - 115,539 229,717 - - (900,636) 781,435 $ 573,512 9,945 (1,077,514) (479,302) (119,201) $ 115,539 $ 229,717 Sears Brazos Corporation $ $ 2,339,272 460,044 78,825 28,035 494,049 29,432 491,554 82,353 134,902 578,996 1,396 335,307 5,054,165 23,063 6,639 128 23,538 1,619 (957,579) (925,655) (902,592) Canyons Senior Living L.P. $ $ $ 105,470 96,020 201,490 $ 24,424,072 24,424,072 $ 8,363,571 10,929 10,243 8,384,743 137,185 68,131 15,105 5 68,840 289,266 11,881,728 2,097,422 284,698 221,187 2,590,000 112,221 3,285,335 202,132 96,121 2,129,006 58,313 45,065 23,003,228 4,255,192 467,222 136,998 523,418 59,000 952,001 103,944 128,175 722,670 497,383 431,642 8,277,645 200,000 70,847 270,847 (87,776) 1,420,844 107,098 79,992 350,839 350,839 5,320,215 44,151 14,750 5,379,116 2,326,609 515,096 52,000 37,150 722,736 42,931 688,045 26,225 97,301 441,248 204,959 393,766 5,548,066 53,558 43,456 121,318 23,898 (266,691) (393,144) 50 4,649 15,038 1,245,878 228,416 (313,152) (153,912) 5,965 (174,966) - - - - - - - 614,305 - - - 1,860,183 228,416 - - (902,592) - $ (87,766) $ (3,600,531) (5,037,801) (194,569) (8,832,901) (7,968) 15,689 2,618 24,710 (406) - - 133,951 21,618 306,175 129,947 50,131 1,404 104,264 76,542 56,453 880,485 (150,387) 36 - 10 (87,766) $ (3,600,531) (5,037,801) (8,638,332) (198,171) (180,931) 1,860,183 $ 228,416 (313,152) - $ (313,152) (50) $ (153,912) 81,702,907 476,636 372,759 557,540 83,109,842 31,445,413 1,248,757 6,930,749 902,106 515,458 8,685,305 703,005 11,787,554 813,609 974,914 7,975,711 7,557,467 4,550,722 84,090,770 51 (283) (194,539) - 553,096 46,871 (150,387) 777,954 1,367,878 50,000 (376) (110,626) (232) (1,505,315) (1,699,854) (266,691) 2,267,719 (198,403) (1,505,285) 1,286,791 (396,786) - $ $ (980,928) - - Total 194,569 (198,383) (153,912) Eliminating Entries 633,448 48,866 682,314 (168,950) 10 - (87,766) (902,592) $ Mesa Springs Retirement Village Sears Plains Retirement Corporation Desert Haven 5,066,587 10,641 5,077,228 Sears Tyler Methodist Retirement Corporation Senior Dimensions Inc. (396,786) - (198,383) - 614,305 (1,505,285) 2,099,479 - $ (1,505,285) 781,435 $ 2,880,914 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (SEE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION) Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc Sears Methodist Foundation Sears Panhandle Retirement Corporation Sears Methodist Centers, Inc. Parks Methodist Retirement Village UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS Net Assets - December 31, 2008 $ (71,638,547) Change in Net Assets: Excess (Deficit) of Net Revenue Over Expense Elimination of Retained Earnings Transfer from (to) Affiliate 2,101,425 (100,948) 1,427,562 54,179 (119,201) (22,777) 115,539 (15,432) 229,717 (8,730) 2,000,477 1,481,741 (141,978) 100,107 220,987 - - CHANGE IN NET ASSETS BEFORE NONCONTROLLING INTEREST Noncontrolling Interest Net Assets - December 31, 2009 $ 10,274,008 $ 37,475,893 $ - 24,358,516 $ - 6,536,466 - $ (69,638,070) $ 11,755,749 $ 37,333,915 $ 24,458,623 $ 6,757,453 $ - $ 632,900 $ - $ - $ - Change in Net Assets: Contributions - 57,912 - - - Net Assets Released from Restriction Change in Net Assets Net Assets - December 31, 2009 $ - $ (31,620) 26,292 659,192 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,287,821 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,287,821 $ - $ - $ - TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS Net Assets - December 31, 2008 PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS Net Assets - December 31, 2008 Change in Net Assets Contributions Change in Net Assets Net Assets - December 31, 2009 STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Net Deficit - December 31, 2008 Net Income Federal Income Tax Benefit Change in Net Assets Net Deficit - December 31, 2009 $ - $ (51) $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - Sears Brazos Corporation $ Senior Dimensions Inc. Desert Haven 6,418,123 $ (619,040) $ Sears Tyler Methodist Retirement Corporation Sears Plains Retirement Corporation - $ (1,438,537) $ (499,445) $ Eliminating Entries Total (13) $ (15,989,116) (1,505,285) 1,860,183 - (87,766) - - 228,416 (7,740) (313,152) - (153,912) (23,097) (198,403) - (778,047) (87,766) - 220,676 (313,152) (177,009) (198,403) 354,898 - - (198,383) - - $ 5,640,076 $ $ - $ (706,806) 1,942,600 - $ (1,217,861) $ $ - $ 1,149,010 $ 500,000 $ (350,839) (350,839) 149,161 $ - $ - - - $ - $ 1,942,600 $ - $ (10,929) (10,929) 1,138,081 $ - $ - $ - $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 500,000 - $ $ - - $ - $ (2,548,156) Canyons Senior Living L.P. (902,592) 124,545 - $ $ Mesa Springs Retirement Village $ $ (3,387,689) 1,245,878 614,305 1,860,183 (1,527,506) (2,861,308) - $ $ - $ - $ (52) $ $ 3,731,214 $ (393,388) (335,476) 3,395,738 $ 2,287,821 $ 2,287,821 $ $ - $ (493,296) $ - $ - $ (500,000) $ - $ - $ (500,000) $ $ (198,383) $ - - 2,682,531 (4,788,934) - $ 822,348 1,860,183 - $ - - - (7,669,848) $ (15,634,218) - $ $ (20) $ - $ (676,454) $ (493,296) - $ $ 3,387,689 (1,245,878) (614,305) (1,860,183) 1,527,506 57,912 $ $ - SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (SEE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION) Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Change in Net Assets from Continuing Operations Change in Net Assets from Discontinued Operations Adjustments to Reconcile Change in Net Assets to Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities: Depreciation and Amortization Amortization of Deferred Income Unrealized (Gain) Loss on Investments Realized (Gain) on Investments Gain on Sale of Equipment Change in Investment in Sears Methodist Foundation Loss on Financing Decrease in Noncontrolling Interest (Increases) Decreases in Current Assets: Accounts Receivable Due from Related Party Other Assets Increases (Decreases) in Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable Construction Payable Due to Related Party Interest Payable Resident Security Deposits Other Accrued Liabilities Net Cash Used by Operating Activities $ 2,000,477 - Sears Methodist Foundation $ 292,056 97,470 (50,977) (812,178) - 1,508,033 - $ (8,455) (658,534) - 17,596 3,201,738 68,268 Sears Panhandle Retirement Corporation Sears Methodist Centers, Inc. - (923,413) 781,435 $ 100,107 - Parks Methodist Retirement Village $ 220,987 - 1,500,986 (178,374) (714,436) (90) - 1,158,433 (188,685) (18,491) - 441,251 (81,058) (573,512) - 399,646 (3,123,557) (45,831) 55,219 (594,274) 35,909 (66,600) (47,916) (5,522) (36,722) 4,567,368 140,748 (906,408) 8,579,436 21,581 150,839 (3,392) 1,010,072 (108,281) 129,256 6,100 (401,510) (2,678,069) (66,811) (151,091) (43,500) (22,188) 264,628 10,127 (30,010) 3,700 22,490 (106,063) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Issuance of Notes Receivable Purchase of Property, Plant, and Equipment, Net Proceeds from Sale of Property Change in Assets Limited as to Use Net Cash Provided by Investing Activities (4,031,494) (80,858) (339,337) (4,451,689) (923,517) 1,162,078 238,561 (448,407) 5,719,644 (557,829) 4,713,408 (262,186) (7,336) (269,522) (89,218) (16,538) (105,756) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Repayment of Long-Term Debt Proceeds from Notes Payable Proceeds from Related Party Notes Increase in Deferred Financing Costs Cottage Deposit Proceeds Refunds to Residents for Cottage Deposits Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities (6,840,923) 1,006,771 (5,834,152) (526,296) (526,296) 571,724 1,106,022 (997,904) 679,842 (210,524) 741,465 (448,350) 82,591 650,792 (490,115) 160,677 NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (1,706,405) 722,337 2,715,181 77,697 (51,142) 2,254,176 14,304 1,035,462 266,726 291,069 Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR $ 547,771 (53) $ 736,641 $ 3,750,643 $ 344,423 $ 239,927 Sears Brazos Corporation $ Desert Haven (778,047) - $ (87,766) - $ 1,860,183 - Sears Tyler Methodist Retirement Corporation Sears Plains Retirement Corporation $ 209,747 - $ (663,991) - Mesa Springs Retirement Village $ (177,009) - Canyons Senior Living L.P. $ Eliminating Entries (20) - $ Total (1,505,315) - $ 1,763,973 781,435 335,307 (23,538) - 68,840 - 45,065 - 431,642 (53,558) - 70,847 (23,898) 150,387 - 393,766 (44,151) 7,968 (50) - 56,453 (198,383) 1,505,315 - 4,794,646 (500,723) (553,096) (50,977) (714,436) 150,387 (198,383) (78,406) 21,499 3,140 (98) (1,602) 44,044 (591,648) 157,013 1,349 350,839 (249,623) (913,762) 235,685 (239,515) 6,870 (786) 127 1,031,648 - (4,574) 463,835 (3,591) (64,375) 3,104 21,402 192 4,072 (105,335) (98,639) 15,443 174,185 1,343,298 (125,478) (359,085) 1,063 (1,228) 261,465 118,207 (1,160,994) (312,249) (32,609) 1,800 (18,777) (178,271) 7,826 208,953 22,000 10,549 (15,390) 91,329 (4,870,219) (3,838,571) 1,114,152 (1,442,702) (598,605) 179,254 (21,159) (1,175,809) 3,527,957 (22,684) (7,356) (30,040) (17,524) (10,586) (28,110) (1,101,751) (314,550) (1,416,301) (84,018) (30,573) (114,591) (171,560) 142,333 (29,227) (57,249) (57,249) 6,056,762 (1,103,935) 4,952,827 (1,233,704) 5,719,644 (1,003,387) 3,482,553 (339,067) 166,667 (172,400) (95,000) (95,000) (1,114,256) (1,114,256) (8,134,310) 1,745,162 3,095,700 (2,165,246) (5,458,694) - $ Senior Dimensions Inc. - 80,242 80,242 1,114,256 (32,877) 1,081,379 (122,500) 597,421 (196,000) 278,921 - (94,415) (24,038) (245,403) 51,874 627 71,423 34,080 - 1,551,816 164,495 25,150 246,003 115,124 1,200 125,282 59,683 - 4,598,674 70,080 $ 1,112 $ 600 $ 166,998 $ 1,827 (54) $ 196,705 $ 93,763 $ - $ 6,150,490 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. COMBINING BALANCE SHEET - OBLIGATED GROUP DECEMBER 31, 2009 (SEE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION) Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc Sears Methodist Foundation Sears Panhandle Retirement Corporation Sears Methodist Centers, Inc. Parks Methodist Retirement Village Sears Brazos Corporation Total Obligated Group Eliminating Entries ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Accounts Receivable Due from Related Party Other Current Assets Note Receivable - Related Party Current Portion of Assets Limited as to Use Total Current Assets $ ASSETS LIMITED AS TO USE Investments Less: Current Portion Shown Above Total Assets Limited as to Use (Net of Current Portion Shown Above) $ 10,799,169 (2,759,136) 8,040,033 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT (at Cost) Land and Land Improvements Building and Improvements Equipment Leasehold Improvements Construction in Progress Total Less: Accumulated Depreciation Total Property and Equipment (at Depreciated Cost) OTHER ASSETS Deferred Financing Costs Other Investments Investment in Sears Methodist Foundation Note Receivable - Related Party Other Assets Total Other Assets Total Assets 547,771 38,950 12,939,760 444,080 2,759,136 16,729,697 $ 736,641 736,641 $ 17,950,328 - $ 557,828 (557,828) 344,423 466,055 1,523,722 103,639 500,000 7,336 2,945,175 $ 7,336 (7,336) 239,927 874,655 96,996 24,199 16,538 1,252,315 $ 16,538 (16,538) 70,080 260,296 7,455 15,418 7,356 360,605 7,356 (7,356) $ (11,533,610) (11,533,610) $ 5,689,485 4,068,296 9,332,014 704,390 500,000 3,348,194 23,642,379 (4,475,164) - 24,863,391 (3,348,194) (4,475,164) 21,515,197 17,950,328 - - - - 830,150 1,652,674 131,055 460,308 3,074,187 1,397,286 - 2,553,073 35,413,801 3,064,048 19,827 136,129 41,186,878 9,344,164 2,005,888 35,016,185 3,719,102 5,094 40,746,269 13,322,672 981,225 12,510,495 1,509,862 46,692 15,048,274 4,913,328 580,354 9,985,614 1,001,427 395,570 11,962,965 1,996,143 - 6,950,690 92,926,095 10,947,113 150,882 1,043,793 112,018,573 30,973,593 1,676,901 - 31,842,714 27,423,597 10,134,946 9,966,822 - 81,044,980 2,530,452 681,937 9,330,696 4,031,494 16,574,579 - 1,172,029 1,172,029 1,439,226 1,439,226 1,019,026 50,000 1,069,026 94,566 94,566 (13,055,543) (13,055,543) 2,530,452 681,937 4,031,494 50,000 7,293,883 10,421,993 $ (29,064,317) $ 133,496,439 43,021,210 - 3,750,643 2,428,340 6,297,691 117,054 557,828 13,151,556 $ 18,686,969 $ 46,166,299 (55) $ 31,807,998 $ 12,456,287 $ - SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. COMBINING BALANCE SHEET - OBLIGATED GROUP (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 2009 (SEE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION) Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc Sears Methodist Foundation Sears Panhandle Retirement Corporation Sears Methodist Centers, Inc. Parks Methodist Retirement Village Sears Brazos Corporation Total Obligated Group Eliminating Entries LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) CURRENT LIABILITIES Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt Accounts Payable Due to Related Party Accrued Interest Payable Accrued Payroll and Related Taxes Deferred Revenue Resident Security Deposits Other Accrued Liabilities Total Current Liabilities $ LONG-TERM DEBT (Net of Current Maturities Shown Above) OTHER LIABILITIES Due to Related Party Deferred Compensation Charitable Gift Annuities Payable, Net of Current Portion Deferred Revenue from Residency Fees Total Other Liabilities Total Liabilities 5,081,537 680,925 4,568,571 1,022,599 301,637 291,667 326,468 12,273,404 $ 606,257 31,795 154,482 81,011 873,545 $ 57,736 524,920 339,384 436,539 633,535 96,301 71,859 2,160,274 $ 217,118 450,308 188,352 107,675 30,705 994,158 $ 256,069 2,304,684 131,295 28,300 60,487 2,780,835 $ 144,567 4,496,770 126,888 13,692 4,781,917 $ (2,945,686) (11,752,157) (215,137) (14,912,980) - $ 2,799,844 1,855,394 562,042 807,462 1,184,711 925,202 232,276 584,222 8,951,153 99,571,277 2,821,714 556,261 - - - 102,949,252 814,599 814,599 288,948 288,948 384,686 5,731,163 6,115,849 454,539 5,900,678 6,355,217 256,569 2,661,430 2,917,999 - (1,095,794) (1,095,794) 814,599 288,948 14,293,271 15,396,818 112,659,280 3,984,207 8,832,384 7,349,375 5,698,834 4,781,917 (16,008,774) 127,297,223 (69,638,070) (69,638,070) 11,755,749 659,192 2,287,821 14,702,762 37,333,915 37,333,915 24,458,623 24,458,623 6,757,453 6,757,453 5,640,076 5,640,076 (13,055,543) (13,055,543) 3,252,203 659,192 2,287,821 6,199,216 10,421,993 $ (29,064,317) $ 133,496,439 CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets (Deficit) Total Liabilities and Net Assets (Deficit) $ 43,021,210 $ 18,686,969 $ 46,166,299 (56) $ 31,807,998 $ 12,456,287 $ SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. COMBINING STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS – OBLIGATED GROUP YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (SEE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION) Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc OPERATING REVENUE Resident Service Amortization of Residency Fees Fees Net Assets Released from Restriction Other Total Operating Revenue $ 5,037,801 23 5,037,824 Sears Methodist Foundation $ 8,455 2,000 10,455 Sears Panhandle Retirement Corporation Sears Methodist Centers, Inc. $ 22,012,962 154,287 63,393 22,230,642 $ 12,651,280 188,685 10,991 292,502 13,143,458 Parks Methodist Retirement Village $ 6,725,833 81,058 19,102 6,825,993 Sears Brazos Corporation $ 5,066,587 10,641 5,077,228 OPERATING EXPENSE Nursing Specialty Services Dietary Pharmacy Services Activity Services Social Services Environmental Services and Utilities Consultant Services General and Administrative Risk Management and Training Marketing and Admissions Employee Benefits Interest Expense Depreciation and Amortization Total Operating Expenses 55,925 178,500 4,731,073 13,150 571,305 6,797,113 292,056 12,639,122 382,763 90,965 473,728 8,274,272 1,248,757 1,264,000 138,678 122,447 1,608,891 156,697 3,940,079 174,011 227,176 1,818,634 13,414 1,257,062 20,244,118 3,510,685 1,250,848 131,028 61,756 1,437,553 86,724 1,164,512 124,374 191,743 997,832 10,539 1,158,433 10,126,027 2,458,186 742,166 58,261 44,883 809,373 37,500 791,915 37,289 98,092 596,651 1,407 441,251 6,116,974 2,339,272 460,044 78,825 28,035 494,049 29,432 491,554 82,353 134,902 578,996 1,396 335,307 5,054,165 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (7,601,298) (463,273) 1,986,524 3,017,431 709,019 23,063 (97,470) 50,977 612,649 50,000 17,577 812,178 5,321 8,251,491 9,702,723 658,534 (4,106) 218,041 1,345,837 1,576 (329,047) 1,890,835 66,347 16,421 (376) 33,206 90 232,362 (3,235,210) (2,887,160) 28,126 40 6,909 18,491 25,730 (2,981,188) (2,901,892) OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments Realized Loss on Investments Investment Income Contributions Grant Revenue-Net of Expenses Gain on Sale of Assets Other Revenue (Expenses) Change in the Investment in Sears Methodist Foundation Transfers from Sears Methodist Foundation Debt Service Payments Total Other Income (Expense) (57) 195 5,580.00 8,980 573,512 9,945 (1,077,514) (479,302) 6,639 128 23,538 1,619 (957,579) (925,655) Total Obligated Group Eliminating Entries $ (1,981,996) (2,605,358) (64,013) (4,651,367) (1,981,996) (2,605,358) (172,569) (4,759,923) 108,556 (172,569) (1,427,809) 54,070 (1,546,308) $ 44,474,666 432,485 2,432,443 10,991 323,648 47,674,233 14,600,419 1,248,757 3,717,058 406,792 257,121 4,405,791 488,853 8,896,538 431,177 651,913 4,563,418 6,742,265 3,484,109 49,894,211 (2,219,978) 561,064 46,871 759,428 1,367,878 50,000 (376) 68,376 2,853,241 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. COMBINING STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS – OBLIGATED GROUP (CONTINUED) YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (SEE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION) Sears Methodist Retirement System, Inc CHANGE IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS Sears Methodist Foundation 2,101,425 Sears Panhandle Retirement Corporation Sears Methodist Centers, Inc. 1,427,562 (900,636) Parks Methodist Retirement Village Sears Brazos Corporation 115,539 229,717 Total Obligated Group Eliminating Entries (902,592) (1,437,752) 633,263 TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS: Contributions Net Assets Released from Restriction - 57,912 (31,620) - - - - - 57,912 (31,620) CHANGE IN TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS - 26,292 - - - - - 26,292 PERMANATELY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS: Contributions - - - - - - - CHANGE IN PERMANATELY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS - - - - - - - - 2,101,425 1,453,854 (900,636) 115,539 229,717 54,179 (22,777) (15,432) 2,000,477 1,508,033 (923,413) 100,107 220,987 - - - - 2,000,477 1,508,033 100,107 220,987 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS TRANSFERS INCREASE (DECREASE) IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS Gain from Discontinued Operations INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS Net Assets (Deficit) - December 31, 2008 NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) AT END OF YEAR (100,948) (71,638,547) $ (69,638,070) 781,435 (141,978) 13,194,729 $ 14,702,762 37,475,893 $ (58) 37,333,915 (8,730) 24,358,516 $ 24,458,623 (902,592) 124,545 (778,047) (778,047) 6,536,466 $ 6,757,453 $ (1,437,752) 659,555 - 30,837 (1,437,752) 690,392 - 781,435 (1,437,752) 6,418,123 (11,617,791) 5,640,076 $ (13,055,543) 1,471,827 4,727,389 $ 6,199,216 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. COMBINING BALANCE SHEET – SEARS METHODIST CENTERS, INC. DECEMBER 31, 2009 (SEE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION) Sears Methodist Center Windcrest Alzheimer's Care Center Sears Home Health Sears Methodist Hospice Sears Specialty Services Sears/Craig Methodist Pharmacies Wesley Court Methodist Retirement Center Southwest Therapy Associates Total ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Accounts Receivable Due from Related Party Other Current Assets Current Portion of Assets Limited as to Use Total Current Assets ASSETS LIMITED AS TO USE Investments Less: Current Portion Shown Above Total Assets Limited as to Use (Net of Current Portion Shown Above) PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT (at Cost) Land and Land Improvements Building and Improvements Equipment Leasehold Improvements Construction in Progress Total Less: Accumulated Depreciation Total Property and Equipment (at Depreciated Cost) OTHER ASSETS Investment in Sears Methodist Foundation Total Assets $ 2,923,438 186,241 6,268,969 9,378,648 - $ 1,169,085 251,278 7,067 58,977 2,183 1,488,590 $ 2,183 (2,183) 2,147,952 671,344 14,956 2,834,252 $ 559,912 410,485 5,502 975,899 $ (584,184) 177,827 9,670 (396,687) $ - $ 179,755 554,488 459 734,702 - - - - - $ (2,645,315) 176,677 21,196 27,949 555,645 (1,863,848) $ 555,645 (555,645) 3,750,643 2,428,340 6,297,691 117,054 557,828 13,151,556 557,828 (557,828) - - - - - - - - - 559,121 559,121 210,597 734,600 7,356,287 1,120,409 33,792 9,245,088 4,109,798 285,552 8,054 293,606 181,823 45,803 2,115 47,918 10,689 84,308 7,543 91,851 30,098 - 109,940 2,115 112,055 65,311 1,818,473 27,498,393 1,418,036 102,337 30,837,239 4,735,848 2,553,073 35,413,801 3,064,048 19,827 136,129 41,186,878 9,344,164 348,524 5,135,290 111,783 37,229 61,753 - 46,744 26,101,391 31,842,714 582,167 497,987 6,280 33,367 33,396 - 3,181 15,651 1,172,029 $ 10,309,339 $ 7,121,867 2,952,315 $ 1,046,495 784,627 $ 24,253,194 $ (59) $ (301,538) $ - $ $ 46,166,299 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. COMBINING BALANCE SHEET – SEARS METHODIST CENTERS, INC. (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 2009 (SEE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION) Sears Methodist Center Windcrest Alzheimer's Care Center Sears Home Health Sears Methodist Hospice Sears Specialty Services Sears/Craig Methodist Pharmacies Wesley Court Methodist Retirement Center Southwest Therapy Associates Total LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Current Maturities of Notes Payable Accounts Payable Due to Related Party Accrued Payroll and Related Taxes Deferred Income Resident Security Deposits Other Current Liabilities Other Accrued Liabilities Total Current Liabilities LONG-TERM DEBT (Net of Current Maturities Shown Above) OTHER LIABILITIES Due to Related Party Deferred Revenue from Residency Fees Total Other Liabilities Total Liabilities $ 26,229 10,770 452 84,127 2,687 124,265 $ 184,654 39 68,201 1,347 254,241 $ 28,020 56,094 37,953 77,890 199,957 $ 30,824 24,602 55,339 110,765 $ 3,919 146,889 29,486 $ 180,294 - $ 14,216 191,955 135,501 1,269 342,941 $ 3,487 224,443 49 56,669 555,645 96,301 11,217 947,811 $ 57,736 524,920 339,384 436,539 633,535 96,301 1,269 70,590 2,160,274 473,771 - 81,602 - - - - 888 556,261 - - - - - - - 384,686 5,731,163 6,115,849 384,686 5,731,163 6,115,849 598,036 254,241 281,559 110,765 180,294 - 342,941 7,064,548 8,832,384 9,711,303 6,867,626 2,670,756 935,730 (481,832) - 441,686 17,188,646 37,333,915 784,627 $ 24,253,194 $ 46,166,299 CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS NET ASSETS Unrestricted Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 10,309,339 $ 7,121,867 $ 2,952,315 (60) $ 1,046,495 $ (301,538) $ - $ SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. COMBINING STATEMENT OF UNRESTRICTED ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS – SEARS METHODIST CENTERS, INC. YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (SEE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION) Sears Methodist Center OPERATING REVENUE Resident Service Amortization of Residency Fees Net Assets Released from Restriction Other Total Operating Revenue $ Windcrest Alzheimer's Care Center - $ 5,763,592 15,472 5,779,064 Sears Home Health $ Sears Methodist Hospice 2,428,101 38,251 2,466,352 $ 1,732,813 1,732,813 Sears Specialty Services $ 1,610,348 1,610,348 Sears/Craig Methodist Pharmacies $ Southwest Therapy Associates (31) (31) $ 4,468,938 (60,596) 4,408,342 Wesley Court Methodist Retirement Center $ 6,009,201 154,287 70,266 6,233,754 Total $ 22,012,962 154,287 63,393 22,230,642 OPERATING EXPENSE Nursing Specialty Services Dietary Pharmacy Services Activity Services Social Services Environmental Services and Utilities Consultant Services General and Administrative Risk Management and Training Marketing and Admissions Employee Benefits Interest Expense Depreciation and Amortization Total Operating Expenses - 2,118,931 485,400 78,505 40,552 528,623 36,737 709,172 51,573 19,068 573,845 1,046 274,412 4,917,864 1,288,535 320 12,691 16,827 580,758 10,745 36,683 144,524 4,892 38,140 2,134,115 745,257 44,632 5,436 77,889 436,939 7,721 4,537 79,617 2,766 9,484 1,414,278 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) - 861,200 332,237 318,535 10,686 3,112 58,832 1,118 623 237 (1,187) (691) (376) (1,901) 73 - (193) (508) 55,117 13,309 (22,653) 66,347 16,421 (376) 33,206 101,530 26,386 (700,893) (500,347) 1,741 20,039 1,645 20,734 2,200 (768) 73 50 200 (451) 1,613 18,170 (2,226,609) (2,161,053) 90 232,362 (3,235,210) (2,887,160) OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) Investment Income Contributions Gain on Sale of Assets Other Revenue (Expense) Change in Investment in Sears Methodist Foundation Transfers from Sears Methodist Foundation Debt Service Payments Total Other Income (Expense) (123,142) 183,761 (307,708) (247,089) (61) 32,554 1,248,757 13,145 370,430 21,102 7,792 137,838 2,848 19,817 1,854,283 (243,935) (31) 2,916,937 1,030 8,905 1,251,015 51,304 69,973 341,153 250 15,182 4,655,749 (247,407) 1,172,058 778,600 60,173 35,913 1,040,091 25,244 591,765 31,566 89,123 541,657 1,612 900,027 5,267,829 8,274,272 1,248,757 1,264,000 138,678 122,447 1,608,891 156,697 3,940,079 174,011 227,176 1,818,634 13,414 1,257,062 20,244,118 965,925 1,986,524 SEARS METHODIST RETIREMENT SYSTEM, INC. COMBINING STATEMENT OF UNRESTRICTED ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS – SEARS METHODIST CENTERS, INC. (CONTINUED) YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (SEE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION) Sears Methodist Center EXCESS (DEFICIT) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSE Windcrest Alzheimer's Care Center (247,089) TRANSFERS 2,227,521 INCREASE (DECREASE) IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS Sears Home Health 360,853 (7,740) Sears Methodist Hospice Sears Specialty Services 333,978 339,269 1,705 - Sears/Craig Methodist Pharmacies (244,703) 42 - (247,858) (2,232,036) - (1,207,355) (923,413) 353,113 335,683 339,269 - - - INCREASE (DECREASE) IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS 2,761,867 353,113 335,683 339,269 (244,703) (2,231,994) (247,858) (1,207,355) 6,949,436 6,514,513 2,335,073 596,461 (237,129) 2,231,994 689,544 18,396,001 9,711,303 $ 6,867,626 $ 2,670,756 (62) $ 935,730 $ (481,832) (247,858) (22,777) 781,435 $ (2,231,994) (900,636) (12,227) 1,980,432 - - $ - - $ 441,686 Total (1,195,128) Gain from Discontinued Operations Unrestricted Net Assets at Beginning of Year UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR (244,703) Wesley Court Methodist Retirement Center Southwest Therapy Associates - $ 17,188,646 781,435 (141,978) 37,475,893 $ 37,333,915
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