MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK MON., DEC. 8 Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary TUES, DEC. 9 WED., DEC. 10 THU., DEC. 11 FRI., DEC. 12 SAT., DEC. 13 SUN., DEC. 14 6:30 9:00 12:05 7:00 6:30 9:00 6:30 9:00 6:30 9:00 6:30 9:00 8:00 5:30 7:00 8:30 10:00 11:30 5:30 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Susan Benzou – John Seidel & Family John Masucci – Masucci & Isakson Families Derry Kenning – Family Kelli Anne Gartland – Family Ann Hulswit – Jed & Cornie Costello Ann Holub-Morelli – Legnard Family Rev. Paul Spodnick (former Adm. – 1976) John Allen III – Brotherhood-in-Action Meri Pillepich – John Pillepich & Family Camille Tortosa – Clothing Bank Blessed Mother’s Intentions Rosalie Robotti – Jed & Cornie Costello Joe Quatraro – Friend F. Sabbas J. Killian – Jerolimo Family Catherine & Joseph Kelly – Family Deborah Quinn – DeLuca Family Rose D’Ambrosio Maturo & Andrew D’Ambrosio Frank Raftery, Sr. – Ron & Bobbie Patzer Kelli Anne Gartland – Family WELCOME TO THOSE WHO WERE NEWLY BAPTIZED Ava Isabella Pasqualone Peyton Summer Snyder III – Michael Nagy & Stephanie Lawlor Next weekend, 12/13-14there will be a second collection for the RETIREMENT FUND for RELIGIOUS. GOAL: $15,000 COLLECTION: $13,836 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PARISH OFFICE (744-5777) Sheila Kurjiaka: Bulletin Editor Kate Fitzgerald: Secretary Paul Orsino: Property Manager Steve DeMarco: Parish Council President Jane Shannon: Cemetery Administrator RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (743-4557) Mary Ferri: Director Peggy Gavin: Secretary Dennis Nauheimer (RCIA): 794-9488 MUSIC MINISTRY Mike Macelletti: Music Director Elizabeth Barnes: Choir Director ST. MARY SCHOOL (744-2922) Sister Anne McCarthy: Principal Linda Curry: Secretary MASS SCHEDULE Monday – Friday: 6:30 & 9:00am Saturday: 8:00am & 5:30pm Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am & 5:30pm CONFESSION SCHEDULE Saturday: 11:30-12:00noon; 4:00-5:00pm. BAPTISMS: Every Sunday at 1:00pm. (Call the Rectory to Schedule.) PRE-BAPTISM CLASSES: Twice a Month. (Call the Rectory to Schedule.) ARRANGEMENT FOR MARRIAGE: Couples must meet with a parish clergyman at least six (6) months before the marriage is to be celebrated. Fr. Corey’s Comments You know it’s the little things in life that really make you happy; conversely, it’s the little things in life that can make you crazy. For years, I have felt that I was holding onto a rope that was slathered with grease and slipping down the rope. Ok, what am I am talking about… the falling apart of Christmas. More and more the word Christmas is becoming the generic word “holiday”. Now, I know we are living in difficult times, and “Merry Christmas” doesn’t seem like such a big deal, but is it? Let’s look at the phrase “Merry Christmas” for a moment. When we wish someone a “Merry Christmas” what are we really saying? Well, to those who believe and have a relationship with Christ we are wishing them a time of grace and love that comes from the Incarnation of Christ, (a celebration of the grace that comes from Christ becoming God/Man and the love and reconciliation His birth means). Now, for those who don’t have a relationship to Jesus, are we wishing them a curse, a malevolent appeal, a cause of unhappiness or harm? Of course not! We wish everyone, no matter what their religious affiliation (or lack of) peace on earth and good will towards all. That is what the term “Merry Christmas” means. It is in no way an insult or a negation of another’s preferences. Let us not water down what we believe. Let us respect those who are different from us. Since the beginning of our country this phrase is synonymous with joy and brotherhood, and the fact that Love became one of us. Please, say “Merry Christmas” this year! It is Christmas, not just a holiday; it is a Christmas Tree, a Christmas Card, Christmas presents, Christmas lights, Christmas parties, Christmas Crafts Bazaars, Christmas Concert... CHRISTMAS!!! If you know someone that celebrates Hanukkah or Kwanza, wish them a Happy Hanukkah or a Happy Kwanza. I am sure they will appreciate us not watering down their religious or cultural celebration. Keep it in mind as we prepare for the upcoming holiday… um, I mean Christmas. ¾ It’s a wonderful thing that near or far, St. Mary Parish is not far from the hearts and minds of our parishioners no matter where they are. Elaine and Pete Bartkus recently made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and while visiting the Holy Sepulcher (the burial place of Jesus), they had a Mass celebrated for our Parish. Thank you so much Bartkus Family. What a beautiful blessing your trip must have been and what a blessing for us to be lifted in prayer at such a holy and sacred place. ¾ Congratulations to our Bethel Veteran Parishioners who received the Veteran’s Wartime Service Medal at the program at Bethel Middle School. About 350 attended. State officials presented the medals to over 185 Veterans. Dear Veterans, we thank you for your dedication and service to our country. You have our prayers and gratitude. We also pray for those who gave their lives so that we may be free. ¾ Becoming a priest is never an easy decision. Men hear God’s call in a variety of ways. Personally, I never actually heard a “call”. Becoming a priest was just something I felt naturally called to all my life. I guess you could say it was a constant feeling I always had. My family are Churchgoers (Mass on Sunday and Holy Days) but not especially overly religious. And, you have to admit; I am not the ‘stereotypical’ candidate. But, with prayer, encouragement and cooperation with the Holy Spirit, I journeyed through the seminary (with a few bumps along the way) until I was ordained in 1986 (December 20th as a matter of fact). Imagine doing all your Christmas shopping and getting ready for ordination.) Obviously, a man must be in tune with God speaking to his heart and soul. But, without a doubt support and prayer by family, community and friends is vital. Next weekend we shall have in the vestibule of the Church the names, addresses and e-mails of the current men studying for the priesthood for the Diocese of Bridgeport. Please take a name of a seminarian and keep them in your daily prayers and drop them a line (either by mail or e-mail). Your prayers and notes will be a tremendous moral and spiritual support to these men who are training to serve God and the Church. More Comments One of the joys of our ministry as clergy is the offering of the Sacraments. One of the most unpredictable Sacraments is Baptism. What is predictable is that through the pouring of water and the use of the Trinitarian formula (I baptize you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit) a child is welcomed into the Church, the family of God, becomes a child of God and all sins are washed away. Unpredictable is the participation of the baby or babies. Most times, the children practice with their voices for future concert performances. Other children may be on safari around the Church and also decide to sing like they were in Carnegie Hall. So, you got to go with the flow. But, I am reminded of a story. After the Baptism of his baby brother in Church, Little Johnny cried all the way home in the back seat of his car. His father asked him what was wrong, and finally, the boy sobbed, “That priest said he wanted us brought up in a Christian home, and I want to stay with you guys!” Like I said, you got to go with the flow. Maybe you didn’t know this, but we have a Lost and Found here at St. Mary Parish. Unfortunately, all the stuff we have is Found, not Lost. The collected treasures can be found in the Usher’s Room at the front of the Church. Please, take a look and see if anything belongs to you. To start the New Year off right, all unclaimed treasures will be sent the weekend of Dec. 14th to organizations that can use them. ¾ Advent Meditation Booklets are available in the vestibule of the Church for each family to use as prayer material to prepare for Christmas. The booklet, called “Day Breaks”, is a wonderful tool to settle down, calm down and relax with the Lord during this Holy Season. Last year we offered a similar booklet for Lent, and many said it was very helpful. CHRISTMAS FLOWER DONATION: If you wish to make a donation toward flowers for the Church in memory of loved ones, please put your donation in the basket or bring it to the Rectory. COFFEE & … will be served after the 8:30 & 10:00 Mass on SUN., DEC. 14th. MON., DEC. 8, Immaculate Conception, is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be at 6:30 & 9:00am, and 12:05 & 7:00pm. LECTOR WORKBOOKS are available in the Vestry. Please sign the sheet provided when you pick one up. Holiday sign-up sheets are in the Vestry. If you wish to serve a Christmas Mass, please sign up by WED., DEC. 17th, or call Sheila (744-5777). MASSES: Christmas Eve – 4:00, 4:15 (school), 6:00pm, & 12 Midnight (12:00 – MC’s only). Christmas Day – 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, & 11:30am. ST. MARY BOOK CLUB – NO Dec. Meeting Jan. Book: “My Life with the Saints”, by James Martin, S.J. Please join Deacon John in the Childrens’ Room at 7:30pm, on TUES., JAN. 27th, for discussion. MIRACLE OF CHRISTMAS SUN., DEC. 14th, 3:00pm, Church Take a break from the hustle and bustle to reflect on the “reason for the season”. Come join the St. Mary’s Choirs for an afternoon of carols and scriptures followed by refreshments. Give the gift of prayer this Christmas. The SENIOR YOUTH GROUP will be selling “Heavenly Stock” after all the Masses this weekend and next, DEC. 13/14. JR. YOUTH GROUP will meet today, SUN. DEC. 7th, at 6:30-8:00, in the Parish Hall to make Christmas Gifts for the residents of the Bishop Curtis Homes. Early Dismissal: MON., DEC. 8th, Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. All are invited to attend our annual St. Mary School Christmas Concert on WED., DEC. 17th, at 7:00pm, in the Gym. Are you planning on shopping online this Christmas season? You can shop hundreds of merchants (like LL Bean, Lands End and Target just few), by logging onto, and St. Mary School will receive a small percentage of what you spend. Please log on, join OneCause, designate Saint Mary School (not St. Mary) and start shopping in this online “mall”. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEXT REGULAR MEETING: MON., DEC. 8th, at 8:15pm, in the Parish Hall. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal society dedicated service. If you are 18 or older and are interested in joining, please visit or call Paul DiMarzio (778-2840) for more info. With Christmas only a few weeks away the K of C FOOD COLLECTION will continue to DEC. 15th. Please consider donating turkeys, hams, and canned goods to provide families with Christmas dinners. Breakfast cereals are also welcome. This year our parish community will once again sponsor a “Giving Tree” program to reach out to Bethel families during this Christmas season. The program for 2008 has a threefold nature with the tree itself located in the vestibule of the Church. 1. Gift Envelopes – Return the pre-labeled envelope with a donation to help families pay fuel or utility bills, household repairs, etc. Cash or a check payable to: St. Mary Church. 2. Gift Certificates – Christmas envelopes suggesting a gift certificate for department stores, supermarkets, record or video stores, hairdressers, drug stores, Staples, Loew’s Theaters, pre-paid phone and gasoline cards. (Please consider using Bethel merchants, if possible.) These certificates will allow parents to choose gifts their children need. Deposit Bethel Community Council envelopes and Gift Certificates in the specifically marked boxes by WED., DEC. 10th. Please label store and amount of certificate on the outside of the envelope. 3. Ornaments – The tree will also be decorated with Christmas tags which will suggest a specific gift (e.g., basketball) or a category (school outfit for an eight year old girl). Please wrap the gift and attach the tag. Place the gift under the tree by WED., DEC. 10th. Any questions, please call Rel. Ed. (743-4557). ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ANNUAL SANTA’S WORKSHOP for Dorothy Day SAT., DEC. 20th, 2008 St. Mary’s past efforts have made Christmas a happy occasion for thousands of less fortunate children in the greater Danbury area. You can make this a really nice time of year for more children by leaving new unwrapped toys, games, and puzzles in the boxes provided in the Church vestibule. Anyone who would like to volunteer to help can email Mike Oles ([email protected]). Anyone who is homebound or unable to attend church who would like to receive the Eucharist, especially for holy days, may call Mary Walsh (7981237) to arrange for a visit. ST. MARY HOLIDAY MASS SCHEDULE CHRISTMAS CONFESSION SCHEDULE BEREAVEMENT: Our Parish community is ready to help you cope with the loss of a loved one. Please call Deacon Oles (203 733-5880) if you need any assistance. 12TH ANNUAL COOKIE EVENT St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, Bethel on SAT., DEC. 13th, from 9:30–12noon. All homemade cookies and fudge will be $8.00 per pound. Thousands of cookies to choose from. SAT., DEC. 20th - 11:30-12noon 4:00- 5:00pm MON., DEC. 22nd - 7:00- 8:00pm TUE., DEC. 23rd - 4:00- 5:00pm WED., DEC. 24th - 9:30-10:00am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEDNESDAY, DEC. 24th – CHRISTMAS EVE MORNING MASS VOTING Voting will be this week and next. 4:00pm (Church), 4:15pm (School), 6:00pm (Children’s Choir), Please place your vote (ONE VOTE ONLY, PLEASE) in the box in the vestibule or drop it at the Rectory. (11:30 Sing-along at Church), Votes will be counted on THURS., DEC. 18th. THURSDAY, DEC. 25th – CHRISTMAS DAY I would attend daily Mass if it were at: _____ 6:30am _____ 6:45am _____ 7:00am _____ 7:15am _____ 7:30am 12:00 Midnight (Adult Choir) 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEW YEAR’S DAY MASS SCHEDULE WED., DEC. 31st: New Year’s Eve – 6:30, 9:00am, and 5:30pm. THURS., JAN. 1st: New Year’s Day – 7:00, 9:00, and 11:00am.
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