Procedures for commercial catch sampling of finfish and shrimp in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Gulf Region) D. Daigle and H.P. Benoît Fisheries and Oceans Canada Gulf Region Oceans and Science Branch 343 avenue Université, P.O. Box 5030 Moncton, NB E1C 9B6 2007 Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2833 iii © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2007. Cat. No. Fs 97-4/2833 ISSN 0706-6473 Correct citation for this publication: Daigle, D. and H. Benoît. 2007. Procedures for commercial catch sampling of finfish and shrimp in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Gulf Region). Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. no. 2833: iv + 63p Table of contents: Abstract / Résumé iv 1. Introduction 1 2. Background 1 3. Sampling procedures 3 3.1 Obtaining a Sample 3 3.2 Sample Processing 4 3.3 Completing the Sampling Forms – General 11 3.4 Completing the Sampling Forms – Length Frequenc 11 3.5 Completing the Sampling Forms – Ageing Material Record 16 4. Acknowledgments 18 5. Relevant References 19 6. Appendices: Appendix I: Contacts for obtaining information on landings and activity 20 Appendix II: Species specific sampling protocols 22 Appendix III: Sampling forms 38 Appendix IV: Sampling form information 40 Appendix V: 43 Sampling form – Ageing Material Record Appendix VI: Species codes, names and assessment mandate 44 Appendix VII: Community codes and names by province 45 Appendix VIII: Charts of community districts and fishing zones 56 Appendix IX: Abbreviations and codes for fishing gears 58 Appendix X: 60 Total length conversion factors iii . ABSTRACT This report is intended to provide a comprehensive description of protocols as well as technical guidance related to DFO’s Gulf region commercial finfish and shrimp fisheries sampling program. In particular, it aims to provide all the necessary information required by both novice and experienced samplers to obtain high quality data. These data are used, among other things, to assess the stock status and exploitation potential of marine fish and shrimp in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. RÉSUMÉ Ce rapport à pour but de fournir une description complète des protocoles employés dans le cadre du programme d’échantillonnage de prises commerciales de poissons marins et de crevettes de la Région du Golfe du MPO. Des conseils techniques y sont aussi présentés. Plus précisément, ce rapport vise à fournir toutes les informations nécessaires aux nouveaux échantillonneurs ainsi que ceux d’expérience, afin de recueillir des donnés de la plus grande qualité possible. Ces donnés sont entre autre utilisée dans les évaluations de stocks de poissons marins et de crevettes dans le sud du Golfe du St. Laurent. iv 1.0 INTRODUCTION The sampling of catches from commercial fisheries is crucial to understanding the demographic structure of the exploited component of fish populations. Among other things, information on the length, age and gender composition of catches is the cornerstone of quantitative stock assessments (e.g., Virtual Population Analysis, statistical catch-at-age). Standardized sampling protocols are therefore required to ensure the quality of these data. This report is intended to provide a comprehensive description of protocols as well as technical guidance related to DFO’s Gulf region commercial finfish and shrimp fisheries sampling program. In particular, it aims to provide all the necessary information required by both novice and experienced samplers to obtain high quality data. We begin by providing some background for DFO’s Gulf Region port sampling program as well as general descriptions of the data collected. This is followed by general instructions on sampling individual fish, as well as detailed instructions for completing the data collection forms. We then provide the specific sampling requirements for each species covered by the Gulf Region port sampling program. The protocols and other information provided in this report are current to the date of publication. Interested readers should contact the Sampling Biologist, DFO Gulf Region, for any updates or modifications. 2.0 BACKGROUND Large-scale sampling of commercial catches in the Northwest Atlantic was first implemented during the 1950s. In 1974, uniform protocols for commercial sampling were established by the International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF) to ensured consistency among member countries. In order to optimize sampling efforts in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, a dedicated section was created in 1983 by what was then the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (now Fisheries and Oceans Canada - DFO) in Moncton, N.B. The following year, this mandate was split between two DFO regions, Gulf Fisheries Management (now called the Gulf region) and Quebec. Responsibility for sampling on the west-coast of Newfoundland was further 1 delegated from the Gulf Fisheries Management region to the Newfoundland region in 1994. Since then, the mandate for commercial sampling in the Gulf of St. Lawrence has remained split among the three regions: west-coast of Newfoundland (Newfoundland and Labrador region, coordinated out of St. John’s, NL); Gulf-Maritime provinces (Gulf region, coordinated out of Moncton, NB); Quebec, including the Magdalen Islands (Quebec Region, coordinated out of Mont-Joli, QC). Presently, the Gulf Region port sampling program covers all marine finfish fisheries, except tuna, as well as landings from the Gulf shrimp fishery made in the region. The most frequently sampled marine fish species are cod (Gadus morhua), herring (Clupea harengus), mackerel (Scomber scombrus), American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides), white hake (Urophycis tenuis), Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus), winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus), witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) and yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea), although haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), capelin (Mallotus villosus), spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) and redfish (Sebastes sp.) are occasionally also sampled. The anadomous gaspereau (Alosa pseudoharengus) was also sampled until 2005, at which time annual sampling was discontinued due to constraints on resources to process those samples. For finfish, samples consist of length frequencies and, additionally for most species, collections of either whole fish or just their otoliths for ageing. No collections of biological material are made for yellowtail or redfish and collection of winter flounder otoliths was discontinued in 2005. For the various flatfish species, spiny dogfish and white hake, the length frequencies are sampled by gender. Shrimp samples consist of an approximately 2 kg random sample of whole organisms that is processed in the laboratory by DFO’s Quebec region. Sampling intensity is generally established at the beginning of the fishing season by the port sampling coordinator in consultation with the various stock assessment biologists and is provided to the port sampling technicians. In general, approximately two or three samples are obtained for each 500 tonnes of fish landed of a given species. For Atlantic herring, one of these samples consists of a length frequency and sub-sample of whole fish, with the other two samples consisting of length-frequencies only. 2 3.0 SAMPLING PROCEDURES 3.1 Obtaining a Sample Fish harvesters, fish buyers and fish plant managers allow samplers to sample their catches on a voluntary basis only (i.e., they are not required by regulation to allow the sampling to occur). Maintaining a good working relationship with these fishery workers is therefore crucial to the success of the port sampling program. It is important that those concerned be made aware that the data collected are used only for scientific purposes and are kept strictly confidential. Because only a small fraction of fishing trips are sampled with the intention of making inference to entire fisheries for each commercially exploited species, it is important that those trips be sampled at random. When planning the selection of vessels to sample, samplers should obtain information on the (anticipated) distribution of fishing effort across the various fishing ports. This information can come from several sources including lists of known historically active ports (provided in this report), DFO Fisheries Management both at regional headquarters and in sector offices, dockside monitoring companies, at-sea observer companies and fish buyers (see Appendix I for more details and for a list of contacts). Once a fishing trip (vessel) has been selected, the sampler aims to obtain a random selection of 200-250 fish from that trip. If species sampling requirements have not been met because of scarcity of potential samples, catches consisting of fewer than 200 fish should be sampled. Fish can be obtained directly from the fish harvesters or the fish plants, as long as the catch of a given vessel has not been combined with catches from other vessels. In the case of samples obtained directly from fish harvesters, the sampler will make arrangements with the captain to obtain a pan of fish. If the catch is unsorted by size, the sampler may request that a crewman scoop up fish from the total catch, ensuring that they do not select fish by size. If the catch has been sorted at sea, a random sample, ideally of 200-250 fish, must be obtained from each size category (occasionally called culls). In the case of fish obtained from fish plants, the sampler generally will 3 make arrangements with the plant manager or fish buyer. In many fish plants, the fish is unloaded and transported by conveyor belt to the plant sorters, which in turn will be weighed and dumped into tubs. A sampler can select randomly various tubs. Again, when catches have been sorted into size categories, a sample is taken from each one. Regardless of its source, catch information must be obtained in order to complete the sample. This includes the Canadian Fishing Vessel Number (CFVN) of the vessel that made the catch, the date, position and NAFO (North Atlantic Fisheries Organization) division fished, the total catch weight for the given species and the weight of each of the different catch size categories if sorting has occurred. Collecting these data may be time consuming. At times, the captain may be too busy with buyers or may have left the wharf before the sampler has completed the trip information. In those cases, the required information must be obtained at a later date.. Important additional anecdotal information may also be obtained and recorded by the sampler, such as prices paid to fishers and information related to factors influencing catch rates and fishing effort. This information is often useful to stock assessment biologists in interpreting catch statistics or in understanding causes of variations in fishing effort. Generally, such anecdotal information is summarized in short by-weekly activity reports produced by each sampler and made available to all concerned stock assessment biologists. 3.2 Sample Processing Port samples of finfish generally consist of a length frequency and a sample of either ageing material (generally otoliths, but could also be scales or vertebrae) or whole fish. The former applies to all groundfish, whereas the latter applies to pelagic and anadromous fishes. In the case of shrimp, only a random sample of whole individuals is obtained. Sampling requirements vary among species and the species-specific details can be found in Appendix II. In the present section we provide only a general overview of the sampling procedure. Most fish are measured in centimetres to either fork or total length (see Appendix II for details 4 appropriate to each species). Herring is one exception, where the lobes of the tail are pinched together and a total length, in 0.5-cm intervals, is measured. All groundfish are measured on a measuring board in which the ruler has been positively offset by 0.5 cm (Fig. 1). Because of this offset, samplers need only record the first number that appears on the ruler beyond the fish’s tail in order to obtain a measurement rounded to the nearest cm (integer). A smaller, non-offset, measuring board is used to measure species for which 0.5 cm (herring and mackerel) or 1 mm (gaspereau, capelin) increments are used. In this case, the sampler will round off the measurement; rounding either down or up, depending on the species sampled (see Appendix II). A Figure 1. Photographs of offset (A) and non-offset (B) measuring boards used to measure marine fish. 5 The extraction of otoliths is generally achieved by cutting into the top of the fish’s head, although some fish buyers will insist that otoliths be removed via the fish’s throat. For roundfish, the former is achieved by gripping the head firmly, generally holding the eye sockets, and cutting the top of the skull from just behind the eyes at about 45 degrees, to about the back of the operculum (gill cover). Once the cut is made, the head is pried open to expose the otoliths, which are then removed using forceps (Fig. 2). The removal of otoliths via the throat is generally done on gutted cod or halibut and consists of locating and cutting the two orbits of the inner ear. (Figs. 3 & 4). For flatfish, a cut perpendicular to the length of the fish is made between the eyes and the edge operculum. Then by bending the snout, one otolith is made visible, with the other located just underneath (Fig. 5). These otoliths are also removed using forceps. 6 Figure 2. Photographs of the otolith removal procedure for roundfish, from top left to bottom right. 2. 1. 3. 4. Figure 3. Photographs of otolith removal via the throat for roundfish, from top left to bottom right. 7 2. 1. 3. Figure 4. Photographs of otolith removal via the throat for halibut, from top left to bottom left. 8 Figure 5. Photographs of the otolith removal procedure for flatfish The otoliths of most species are either stored immediately in labelled envelopes as they are removed or temporarily placed in an otolith board (Fig 6). The only exception is American plaice, for which the otoliths are stored in small consecutively numbered glass vials containing a mixture of glycerine and thymol (for a 10L solution - 7.5 L glycerin added to 2.5 L of warm distilled water, with 9 g of thymol). When an otolith board or glass vials are used, the sampler must keep track of the length and sex of the fish from which the otolith were removed. When using a board, this can be achieved by both writing the length and sex directly on the board by the appropriate hole as otoliths are collected or by using a board with consecutively numbered depressions and recording these numbers on the length frequency sheet. Only the latter option is viable when glass vials are used. Figure 6. Otolith board used for flatfish otoliths 9 3.3 Completing the Sampling Forms - General There are two forms completed by the sampler for each size category of fish from a given sample: a length frequency and an otolith form (see Appendices III, IV and V for examples). All forms are on waterproof paper and are formatted to facilitate later electronic data capture. There are certain protocols to follow when completing forms: i) Legibility is clearly very important. ii) When filling out the boxes, a single box is used for each number or letter and is always right justified with the exception of the fields for latitude (Lat.) and longitude (Long.) fished, which are left justified. correct: 5 incorrect: 5 iii) Decimal points NEVER occupy a block. correct: 2. 2 5 . 2 5 incorrect: 2 10 3.4 Completing the Sampling Forms – Length Frequency See Appendix III for an example length-frequency form. 1- Samplers name in the space marked "Sampled by". 2- Both the common name and the corresponding numeric code (VI) of the species sampled is recorded, e.g. Species: Atlantic cod 0 0 1 0 Species: Winter flounder 0 0 4 3 3- Sample numbers are created sequentially each year, for each fish species and by province. The code for province occurs in the third position (1- Nova Scotia; 2- New Brunswick; 3Prince Edward Island), followed by the sequential sample number obtained that year for that species in the first two positions. For example, the 6th cod sample obtained on Prince Edward Island would be assigned number. PEI=3 and sample=06: 0 3 0 6 4- District code for the landing port. This information is determined by the Canadian Fisheries Statistical District Boundaries (Appendices VII and VIII). NS = 101-147 NB = 248-280 PEI = 382-392 QUE = 401-427 NFL = 501-553 5- The date when the sample was taken (Day, Month, and Year) 11 6- The NAFO unit area (Appendix VIII). If more than one unit area was fished, the one from which the majority of the catch was taken is recorded. 7- The geographical co-ordinates where the catch was made. Latitude and longitude are currently recorded in degrees, integer minutes & and hundredths of minutes (no decimal is written but implied). These numbers are always left justified and rounded off to the nearest integer (ie., the last two boxes are filled with zeros if hundredths of minutes are not available). Previously, positions were recorded in Loran C (LC) readings. If more than one location was fished, the one from which the majority of the catch was taken is recorded. i.e.,: Lat. 45° 25’ is coded 4 5 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 9 8 0 9 8 5 Long 62° 30’ is coded 6 2 3 LC (X) 14498.0 is coded 1 4 4 LC (Y) 29998.5 is coded 2 9 9 8- The experiment type describing where the sample was processed: Port Sampling: 9 9 9 8 Sea Sampling: 9- The name of the vessel sampled and it’s Commercial Fishery Vessel Number 12 (**Remember right justification). Vessel name: Miss GEM CFVN No.: 159999 1 5 9 9 9 9 10- The gear name and its appropriate abbreviation (Appendix IX). Scottish Seine: S S C 11- Mesh size in inches, with fractions expressed in decimals: Mesh = 2¼ is coded 2.25: 2. 2 5 2 1 4 not 12- Gear depth, recorded in fathoms (1 ftm = 6 feet = 1.83 m). If not recorded by the fisher, enter the average depth of the fishing area. 13- The code for “landed form” is determined by the state of the fish landed (i.e., whole, eviscerated or “dressed”, heads off, etc; see Appendix IV for list of codes). 14- Weights are recorded in pounds (1 kg = 2.205 lbs.). The weight registered here is the total weight of the landing for the species sampled. If an accurate weight is not available from the weigh master, an approximate weight is obtained from the vessel captain. Any doubts about the accuracy are indicated in the remark section. 15- The total sample weight in pounds. If the sample weight is unavailable, it is estimated 13 (and duly noted in the remarks section). For example a pan of herring is estimated to weigh about 125 lbs, while a pan of cod would be 150 lbs. 16- The category code indicates the size range of the sample taken: EXTRA SMALL 0 LARGE 3 SMALL 1 EXTRA LARGE 4 MEDIUM 2 UNSIZED (i.e., unsorted) 9 17- The total number of categories in the landing e.g., if there are two size categories in the catch the format is as followed: 0 2 18- The total weight of the category sampled. This weight equals the total species catch weight (item 15, above) when the catch is not sorted by size. 19- If the sample taken is by gender (i.e., “sexed”), the length frequency will be divided in two sections, males on one side and females on the other. If the species are not sexed, the sample is completed in a single column. The appropriate names and corresponding codes are entered in this field (which are letters not numerical codes): Male =M (**not = 1) Females =F (**not = 2) Not sexed =I 20- The field entitled "Group" is usually pre-coded and represent the stratification scheme for otolith or specimens collected. For example, at interval 1.0 cm, the code used is "1", indicating that one otolith or fish per cm grouping is to be collected. At the interval 0.5 cm, the code "2" is used indicating two otoliths or fish per cm grouping are to be collected. All 14 fish (except mackerel & herring) are measured to the nearest centimeter. Herring and mackerel are measured in half centimeter intervals. 21- The type of length measurement taken. This varies by species as described in the previous section. This code is extremely important to the rest of the sampling form. 22- The initial length range (in 1.0 cm or 0.5 cm intervals) will vary depending upon the species. For species such as herring, the sampler may expect a length range from 20-40 cm; therefore the tally should begin at 20 cm and end at 44.5cm. Species such as cod or white hake may have vast length ranges that may require two length frequency sheets (4 columns) or more. In this case, it is important that the same information be entered in the header of all sheets used for a sample. The numbers of fish measured in each length grouping are recorded in the total column. e.g., Tally sheet: Sex NO 1 Group 1 Init. Type of Measurement 2 Lt. Tot. 40 || 2 1 ||| 3 2 |||| |||| 3 |||| 10 4 23- Bellow the tally section, supplemental information on the sample taken is registered such as the total number of fish measured, the number of otoliths collected and number of fish preserved. Any other information of potential value is also recorded in the "Remark section" (temperature, different areas fished, estimated weights, etc.). 15 3.5 Completing the Sampling Forms – Ageing Material Record This form (Appendix V) is completed for all samples where ageing material (generally otoliths, but could also be scales or vertebrae) are collected. The sampler completes the header part of the form, which contains the same information as the length frequency form (species, sample number, port, date...etc). The sampler is only required to complete four fields of the form, denoted by an asterisk (*) (see below). The rest of the form is completed in the laboratory by the technicians responsible for ageing the fish and for keypunching the data into electronic format. Each field contains information regarding the otolith collected and are described as followed: *1- This field (generally called the card type) is coded 2 for Gulf region age material. *2- Each otolith is assigned a consecutive number for the sample, beginning with 001. *3- The sex (M, F or I) is recorded, followed by the length in centimetres of the fish from which the otoliths were taken. *4- Type of material specifies the "type of ageing material" collected, such as: 1 – otoliths 2 - scales 5- The number of annuli indicates the count of rings found while examining the ageing material (whole or a cross section). 6- The edge-type field is used to record a code describing the outer edge of the otolith: Narrow hyaline (NH) 1 Wide opaque (WO) 4 Wide hyaline (WH) 2 Crystallized 5 Narrow opaque (NO) 3 16 7- The check mark is a noticeable feature sometimes found on ageing material, either indicating certain important life history events (e.g., metamorphosis, maturity) or an effect of the storage chemical used. In both cases, the check marks are recorded to indicate difficulty in reading the age material. The field indicates positions of up to three annuli that contain check marks, or it serves as an indicator that the age material is "checky" i.e.: has more than 3 annuli observed having check marks. If a "checky" sample of age material is encountered, a value of "000" is assigned to the field “check mark positions". If no check marks are found, that field is left blank. The check mark position is composed of the following 3 subfields: First Check Mark Position: This subfield contains the number of annuli counted from the centre of the otolith or scale to where the first check marks lie. Second Check Mark Position: This subfield contains the number of annuli counted from the First Mark Position to where the second check marks lie. If there are no second check marks observed then this field is left blank. Third Check Mark Position: This subfield contains the number of annuli counted from the Second Check Mark Position to where the third check marks lie. If there are no third check marks observed then this field is left blank. 8- The otolith inventory number is assigned sequentially for each year and species by the technician responsible for ageing. 9- The field "Age Group" contains the number of years the specimen lived as determined by the ager using the number of annuli, the collection date and an arbitrary birthday of January 1. If no observation has been made this field is coded with 99. 10- The year-class field determines the year in which the fish was born, calculated by 17 subtracting "Age" from "Year of sampling date". If no observation has been made this field is coded with 99. 11- The ager field indicates the person responsible for ageing the specimens. All ager are assigned specific codes. Heather Clay 1 Yves Richard 2 Ted Currie 3 Isabelle Forest/D.Clay 4 Linda Currie 5 Kim Skeffington 6 Tom Hurlbut 7 Ross Tallman/D.Daigle 8 Jim Murphy/Luc Savoie 9 12- The last column entitled “Tag number” or “other comments” is used for any additional information on the age material. 4.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Janice Fennell and Yves Richard for their input to this report & Claude Nozères for providing the species pictures in Appendix II. 18 5. RELEVANT REFERENCES The following are references that may prove useful to samplers: Colette, B.B., and Klein-MacPhee, G. 2002. Bigelow and Schroeder’s Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. 3rd ed. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington. Lambert, J.-D. et B. Ménager, 1998. Protocoles d`échantillonnage des captures commerciales de poissons et d`invertébrés marins du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques 2208 : 245 Nielson, L.A. and D.L. Johnson,1983. Fisheries Techniques, American Fisheries Society:468 Nozères, C., and M. Bérubé. 2003. Marine species identification guide for the St. Lawrence. Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. (available at: Scott, W.B., and Scott, M.G. 1988. Atlantic Fishes of Canada. Can. Bull. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 219: 731 19 Appendix I: Contacts for obtaining information on landings and activity (current in 2007) Resource Management Division: Moncton Eastern New Brunswick Area Gulf Nova Scotia Area Prince Edward Island Area At sea observers: (506) 851-7790 or 7749 (506) 395-7718 (902) 863-5670 Ext. 2231 (902) 566-7815 Biorex (Caraquet) 506-727-2977 506-727-7635 toll free 1-877-298-0077 Dockside Monitoring Companies: New-Brunswick: Pèse-Pêche Gulf Nova Scotia: 506-336-1400 506-336-1402 Chéticamp Monitoring Atlantic Catch Data Ltd. Prince Edward Island: Island Weigh 95 Inc. West: East: Hogan`s Monitoring: 902-224-1100 902-485-4683 902-853-7497 902-882-3186 902-969-7494 902-687-1257 902-882-2625 Common fish buyers (note that these can change on a yearly basis): New Brunswick: Baie Ste Anne Co-op Lte Blue Cove Group Ltd (Anse Bleu) Canadian Oceans Products Ltd (Anse Bleu) Carapro (Caraquet) D.J. Bait (Pointe Sapin) Fruits de mer & Poisson Gilbert Godin (Ste-Marie-sur-Mer) Produits Belle Baie (Caraquet) 20 Appendix I: cont’d Gulf Nova-Scotia: Victoria Co-op (Bay St. Lawrence) Barrie Group (Cheticamp) Pleasant Bay Fish (Cheticamp) Cheticamp Packers (Cheticamp) Poirier Fish Haven (Cheticamp) Prince Edward Island: Acadian Fishermen’s Co-op (Abram-Village) Alberton Fisheries Ltd. (Alberton) Arsenault Fish Mart Inc. (Cape Egmont) Bergayle Fisheries (Souris) Mariner Seafoods (Montague) Milligan’s fisheries Ltd (Alberton) North Lake Fisherman’s Co-op Ltd (North Lake) Ocean Choice PEI Inc. (Souris) Royal Star Foods Ltd. (Tignish) Useful Internet sites: Dfo-Mpo Internet site Fishing Area Maps: Quota Monitoring Gulf: Tide Tables: Weather forecast: 21 APPENDIX II: Species specific sampling protocols: Species: Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) Species code: 0010 Fishing location: 4TVn Landed form: Round, Dressed, Dressed head off, Other: Round & Bled Sex: Not sexed (I) Type of measure: Fork length Length interval: 1.0 cm Number to measure: 200-250 Number of otoliths: 1 otolith per 1cm grouping for 4TVn Notes: When the length-frequency is done with heads off, the sampler should convert all measurements to total lengths (See Appendix X for conversion factors). Recent Fishing Season: Mobile gear: Summer and fall Fixed gear, Group A (fishers having their home ports in 4T3a, 4T3b, 4T4 a portion of 4T5 including the home ports of Tracadie and Tabusintac (N.B), 4T4 and 4T6.): mid-summer Fixed gear, Groups B (fishers having their homeports in 4T2(b), remaining ports in 4T5 and 4T7.) and C (homeports in 4T1, 4T2(a), 4T8, 4T9(a), 4T9(b) and 4Vn): early autumn. Otolith incision Head off measurement Fork length 22 Species: Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) Species code: 0011 Fishing location: 4RST Landed form: Round, Dressed, Dressed head off Sex: Not sexed (I) Type of Measure: Fork length Length interval: 1.0 cm Number to measure: 200-250 Number of otoliths: 1 otolith per 1cm grouping for 4T and 2 otoliths per 2cm grouping for 4RS Notes: When the length-frequency is done with heads off, the sampler should convert all measurements to total lengths (See Appendix X for conversion factors). Fishing Season: No directed fishery in the Gulf, by-catch fishery with other groundfish species (cod, witch). Fork length 23 Species: White Hake (Urophycis tenuis) Species code: 0012 Fishing location: 4TVn Landed form: Round, Dressed, Dressed head off Sex: Sexed (M & F) Type of Measure: Total length Length interval: 1.0 cm Number to measure: 200-250 Number of otoliths: 1 otolith per 1cm grouping for each sex Notes: When the length-frequency is done with heads off, the sampler should convert all measurements to total lengths (See Appendix X for conversion factors). Fishing Season: Currently under moratorium. Caught only as by–catch fishery with other groundfish Head off measurement Total length 24 Species: Redfish (Sebaste sp.) Species code: 0023 Fishing location: 4RST Landed form: Round Sex: Sexed (M & F) Type of Measure: Fork length Length interval: 1.0 cm / Sex Number to measure: 200-250 Number of otoliths: prior to 1994, 1 otolith per 1cm grouping; no requirement to collect otoliths since then Fishing Season: June to October Fork length 25 Species: Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) Species code: 0030 Fishing location: 4RST Landed form: Round, Dressed, Dressed head off, Other Sex: Sexed (M & F) whenever possible or Not sexed (I) Type of measure: Fork length Length interval: 1.0 cm Number to measure: 200-250 Number of otoliths: 1 otolith per 1cm grouping (per sex, when not dressed) Notes: When the fish is too large or longer than the measuring board a flank measurement is taken with a tape measure. Fishing Season: Fixed gear: May - July Mobile gear: by–catch fishery with other groundfish species Fork length 26 Species: Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) Species code: 0031 Fishing location: 4RST Landed form: Round Sex: Sexed (M & F) Type of Measure: Fork length Length interval: 1.0 cm Number to measure: 200-250 Number of otoliths: 1 otolith per 1cm grouping per sex. Otoliths are preserved dry in envelopes. Fishing Season: By–catch fishery with other groundfish species Fork length 27 Species: American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) Species code: 0040 Fishing location: 4RST Landed form: Round, Bobtail Sex: Sexed (M & F) Type of Measure: Total length, Bobtail length Length interval: 1.0 cm Number to measure: 200-250 Number of otoliths: 1 otolith per 1cm grouping per sex. Otoliths are preserved in glycerine/thymol solution. Notes: When the length-frequency is done with bobtail plaice, the sampler should convert all measurements to total lengths (See Appendix X for plaice conversion factors). Fishing Season: From July to October Otolith incision Bobtail length Total length 28 Species: Witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) Species code: 0041 Fishing location: 4RST Landed form: Round Sex: Sexed (M & F) Type of Measure: Total length Length interval: 1.0 cm Number to measure: 200-250 Number of otoliths: 1 otolith per 1cm grouping per sex. Otoliths are preserved dry in envelopes. Fishing Season: Some fishing in late spring (limited) but mostly in late fall (October) Total length 29 Species: Yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) Species code: 0042 Fishing location: 4T Landed form: Round Sex: Sexed (M & F) Type of Measure: Total length Length interval: 1.0 cm Number to measure: 200-250 Number of otoliths: 1 otolith per 1cm grouping per sex. Otoliths are preserved dry in envelopes. Fishing Season: Active fishing in the Magdalen Island in the spring-summer but also as a by catch with other groundfish Total length 30 Species: Winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) Species code: 0043 Fishing location: 4RST Landed form: Round Sex: Sexed (M & F) Type of Measure: Total length Length interval: 1.0 cm Number to measure: 200-250 Number of otoliths: 1 otolith per 1cm grouping per sex. Otoliths are preserved dry in envelopes (Otoliths not collected after year 2001). Fishing Season: Spring fishery (usually after herring season) Total length 31 Species: Herring (Clupea harengus) Species code: 0060 Fishing location: 4T & 4RS3Pn Landed form: Round Sex: Not sexed (I) Type of Measure: 4T fish: Total length with caudal fin lobes pinched - rounding down lengths. i.e., Round down 30.4 = 30.0 4RS fish: Total length no pinching of caudal lobes - rounding off lengths. i.e., Round off 30.4 = 30.5 Length interval: 0.5 cm Number to measure: 200-250 Number to preserve: 2 whole fish per 0.5cm grouping. Measurement procedures: Herring are measured on a non-offset measuring board, with the snout abutting the headboard. Measurements are made by pinching the two lobes of the caudal fin and rounding down the length reading to the nearest 0.5 cm interval. Fishing Season: Gillnets: Spring (April-June) and fall fishery (August-October) Seiners: September-November Pinch lobes 32 Species: Gaspereau (Alosa pseudoharengus) Species code: 0062 Fishing location: 4T Landed form: Round Sex: Not Sexed Type of Measure: Fork length Length interval: 5 mm Number to measure: 200-250 (Prior to 2006). Presently no requirement to sample. Number to preserve: Currently not sampled. Previously, collected 3 whole fish per 5mm grouping and 5 fish per 5mm grouping for lengths ≥ 280mm. Measurement procedures: Gaspereau are measured on a non-offset measuring board, with the snout abutting the headboard, and taking the fork length reading, rounding off to the nearest 5mm grouping. Fishing Season: Fishing activities in late spring (May-June) Fork length 33 Species: Capelin (Mallotus villosus) Species code: 0064 Fishing location: 4RST Landed form: Round Sex: Sexed (M and F) Type of Measure: Total length Length interval: 1.0 mm Number to measure: 200-250 Number to preserve: 2 whole fish per 5mm grouping per sex Fishing Season: Early summer (June-July) Total length 34 Species: Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) Species code: 0070 Fishing location: 4RST Landed form: Round Sex: Not sexed (I) Type of Measure: Fork length Length interval: 0.5 cm Number to measure: 200-250 Number to preserve: 2 whole fish per 0.5cm grouping Measurement procedures: Mackerel are measured on a non-offset measuring board, with the snout abutting the headboard. Measurements are made by reading the fork length and rounding it off to the nearest 0.5 cm. Fishing Season: June-July and some activity in late fall (Cape-Breton) Fork length 35 Species: Spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias) Species code: 0220 Fishing location: 4RST Landed form: Round Sex: Sexed (M & F) Type of Measure: Total length Length interval: 1.0 cm Number to measure: 200-250 Number to preserve: None Measurement procedures: Length frequency only, no age material collected. Fishing Season: Once a directed summer and fall fishery on Prince Edouard Island. Commonly found as a by-catch in Cape Breton groundfish fishery. Total length 36 Species: Shrimp - Northern (Pandalus borealis) Species code: 2211 Fishing location: North Anticosti, South Anticosti and Esquiman. Landed form: Round Sex: Not sexed (I) Type of Measure: None Length interval: None Number to measure: None Number to preserve: One pail (approximately 6 lbs. or 2-3 kg) is collected from the last set and frozen. Measurement procedures: None in the field. Specimens are measured in the laboratory. Fishing Season: April -October 37 Appendix III: Sampling forms – (1.0 cm length interval and 0.5 cm length interval form) 38 Appendix III: cont’d 39 Appendix IV: Sampling form information Sampled by/ Échantillonné par : Sampler’s name : Nom de l’échantillonneur Species/ Espèce : This field indicated the species name & code. : Cette case indique le nom et le code de l’espèce mesurée. COD / MORUE HADDOCK / AIGLEFIN W. HAKE / MERLUCHE BLANCHE REDFISH / SEBASTE AM. PLAICE / PLIE CANADIENNE WITCH FL. / PLIE GRISE YELLOWTAIL / LIMANDE A QUEUE JAUNE WINTER FL. / PLIE ROUGE HERRING / HARENG GAPEREAU / ALEWIFE CAPELIN / CAPELAN MACKEREL / MAQUEREAU SHRIMP / CREVETTE Sample No./ No. de l’échantillon : Each sampler assigns a unique number by species for each sample taken ,starting with his sampler ID by province. : L’échantillonneur donne un numéro unique par espèce pour chaque échantillon, débutant avec son code d’échantillonneur (assigné par province) . New Brunswick / Nouveau Brunswick Nova Scotia / Nouvelle Ecosse Prince Edouard Island / Ile du Prince Edouard District/ Districte 0010 0011 0012 0023 0040 0041 0042 0043 0060 0062 0064 0070 2211 0 1 3 : This field indicates the landing port (see appendix VII **) : Cette case indique le port de débarquement (voir appendice VII**) Date : Indicates the date when the sample was taken (Day, Month, Year). : Cette case indique la date d’échantillonnage (Jour, Mois, Année). Fishing Loc./ : This field is the NAFO division codes (see appendix VIII **) : Indique le code des divisions de l’OPANO (voir see appendice VIII **) Lieu de pêche Lat./Loran C Long/Loran C Exp. Type/ Type d’exp. : Positions in latitude/longitude or LoranC reading of location of fishing site. : Ces données indiquent la position du site de pêche. : Describes where or how the sample was executed. : Le type d’expérience décrit où et comment l’échantillon fut échantillonné. SEINERS / SEINEURS OBSERVERS / OBSERVATEURS SEA SAMPLING / ECHANT. EN MER PORT SAMPLING / ECHANT. AU PORT Vessel name/ Nom du bateau 96 97 98 99 : The name of the boat from which the sample is being collected. : Nom du bateau de pêche utilisé lors de la capture de l’espèce échantillonnée. 40 Appendix IV cont’d: CFVN/ No. BPC : Commercial Fishery Vessel Number : Numéro du bateau de pêche commercial Gear/ Engin : Type of gear used to fish (see appendix VII) : Code de l’engin de pêche utilisé (see appendice VII) Mesh/ Maillage : The size in inches of the gear’s mesh. : La longueur en pouce de la maille de l’engin. Gear depth/ : Depth in fathoms of where the fishing gear was set (1 ftm=6 feet=1.83 m). Profondeur de l’engin : Profondeur, en brasse du site de pêche où l’engin a été mouillé (1 brasse=6 pieds=1.83 m). Landed form/ État du débarquement : Determines the state of the fish landed. : Indique l’état de l’espèce débarquée. ROUND / ROND DRESSED / EVISCERÉE DRESSED HEAD OFF / EVISC. ÉTÊTÉ BOBTAIL / SANS QUEUE OTHER (specify in remark) / AUTRES (spécifier dans remarque) Species weight/ Poids de l’espèce 01 02 03 04 09 : Total weight in pounds (lbs) of the landing for the species samples. : Poids total en livres du débarquement de l’espèce échantillonnée. Sample weight/ : Total weight in pounds (lbs.) of all individuals measured and marked on the form. Poids de l’échantillon : Poids total en livres (lbs.) des individus mesurés et notés sur le formulaire. Cat. code/ Code cat. : Gives the size range of the individuals in the sample. : La catégorie détermine dans quel intervalle de taille se trouve les individus de l’échantillon. EXTRA SMALL / TRÈS PETIT SMALL / PETIT MEDIUM / MOYEN 0 1 2 LARGE / GROS EXTRA LARGE / TRÈS GROS UNSIZED / NON TRILLÉ 3 4 9 No. of cat./ No. de cat. : Total number of categories in the landing : Nombre totale des catégories dans le débarquement. Cat. weight / Pds de cat. : Total weight in pounds (lbs) of the category for the species sampled. : Poids en livres (lbs.) de la catégorie dans laquelle ont été prélevés les individus de l’espèce échantillonnée. Sex / Sexe : Sex for the species measured. : Sexe de l’espèce mesurée. MALE FEMALE / FEMELLE NOT SEXED / NON SEXÉ M F I 41 Appendix IV: cont’d Group/ Groupe : Precoded and represents the stratification scheme. : Precodée et détermine à quel intervalle les spécimens sont mesurés. INTERVAL/ CODE INTERVALLE ========== ======== 1.0 1 = 1 otolith or fish/cm group/1 otolithe ou poisson par cm 0.5 2 = 2 otoliths or fish/cm group/2 otolithes ou poissons par cm Type de measure/ Type de mesure : Describes the type of length taken. : Décrit le type de longueur utilisée. TOTAL LENGTH / LONGUEUR TOTALE FORK LENGTH / LONGUEUR A LA FOURCHE STANDARD LENGTH / LONGUEUR STANDARD OTHER / AUTRE 1 2 3 9 Init. length / Long. Initial : Represents the length range for the species measured. : Indique les longueurs des poissons mesurés. Total/ Totale : Indicates the total number of individual measured for each length interval. : Le nombre total d’individu mesuré pour chaque intervalle de longueur, par sexe (s’il y a lieu). Number measured / Nombre total meas. : Total number of fish measured noted on the form. : Nombre total d’individus mesurés et notés sur le formulaire. Number of otoliths/ : Total number of otolith collected from the fish on the form. : Nombre total d’otolithes prélevés de l’échantillon saisi. Nombre d’otolithes No. fish preserved / : Total number of fish collected to be frozen in the sample. No. poissons congelés : Nombre total d’individus congelés dans l’échantillon. Remarks/ Remarques : All remarks that you judge important to the fishery. : Commentaires reliés aux activités de la pêche. 42 Appendix V: Sampling form – Ageing Material Record 43 Appendix VI: Species codes Code 10 11 12 16 23 30 31 40 41 42 43 60 62 63 64 70 220 2211 2526 2550 4321 Species Name Atlantic cod Haddock White hake Pollock Redfish Atlantic halibut Greenland halibut American plaice Witch flounder Yellowtail flounder Winter flounder Herring Alewife Smelt Capelin Atlantic mackerel Spiny dogfish Northern shrimp Snow crab American lobster Sea scallop Nom Morue Aiglefin Merluche blanche Goberge Sébastes Flétan atlantique Flétan du Groënland Plie canadienne Plie grise Limande à queue jaune Plie rouge Hareng atlantique Gaspareau Éperlan d'amérique Capelan Maquereau bleu Aiguillat commun Crevette nordique Crabe des neiges Homard américain Pétoncle géant Scientific Name Gadus morhua Melanogrammus aeglefinus Urophycis tenuis Pollachius virens Sebastes sp Hippoglossus hippoglossus Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Hippoglossoides platessoides Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Limanda ferrugina Pseudopleuronectes americanus Clupea harengus Alosa pseudoharengus Osmerus mordax Mallotus villosus Scomber scombrus Squalus acanthias Pandalus borealis Chionoecetes opilio Homarus americanus Placopecten magellanicus Research mandate by species/regions: Species - Zones: Atlantic cod-4T Atlantic cod-3Pn4RS Haddock-4RST White hake-4RST Pollock-4RST Redfish-4RSTvn/3PN Atlantic halibut-4RST Greenland halibut-4RST American plaice-4RST Witch flounder-4RST Yellowtail flounder-4T Winter flounder-4RST Atlantic herring 4T Atlantic herring 4RS Alewife-4T Smelt-4T Capelin-4RST Atlantic mackerel-4RST Spiny dogfish-4RST Northern shrimp-4RST Snow crab(S-Gulf) American lobster-4T Sampled by: (Region) Gulf/Maritimes/Quebec Quebec/ Newfoundland Maritimes/Gulf Gulf/Maritimes/Quebec Maritimes/Gulf Quebec/Maritimes/Newfoundland/Gulf Quebec/Maritimes/Newfoundland/Gulf Quebec/Maritimes/Newfoundland/Gulf Gulf/Quebec/Maritimes Gulf/Maritimes/Quebec/Newfoundland Gulf/Quebec Gulf/Quebec Gulf/Maritimes/Quebec Quebec/Maritimes/Newfoundland Gulf/Maritimes Gulf/Maritimes Quebec/Newfoundland/Gulf/Maritimes Quebec/Newfoundland/Gulf/Maritimes Maritimes /Quebec/Newfoundland/Gulf Quebec/Newfoundland/Gulf Gulf/Quebec/Maritimes Gulf/Quebec/Maritimes 44 Research Mandate: Gulf Quebec Maritimes Gulf Maritimes Quebec Quebec Quebec Gulf Gulf Gulf Gulf Gulf Quebec Gulf Gulf Quebec Quebec Maritimes Quebec Gulf Gulf Sea scallop- 4T Gulf/Quebec/Maritimes 45 Gulf Appendix VII: Community codes and names by province. NOVA SCOTIA 10101 10102 10103 10104 10105 10106 10107 10108 10109 10110 10111 10112 10113 10114 10115 10116 10117 10118 10119 10120 10121 10123 10124 10125 10126 10127 10128 10129 10130 10131 10201 10202 10203 10204 10205 10206 10207 10208 10209 10210 10211 10212 10213 10214 10215 SPY BAY BAY ST. LAWRENCE BEAR COVE BLACK HEAD CAPE EGMONT CAPE NORTH CAPSTICK DINGWALL INGONISH INGONISH BEACH INGONISH FERRY MEAT COVE MIDDLE HEAD NEIL'S HARBOUR NEW HAVEN NORTH BAY NORTH INGONISH ROCKY BAY SMELT BROOK SMOKY CAPE SOUTH INGONISH WHITE POINT BLACK POINT INGONISH CENTRE SOUTH HARBOUR SUGAR LOAF NORTH HARBOUR INGONISH HARBOUR ST. MARGARET'S VILLAGE KINGS POINT CHETICAMP BROAD COVE MARSH CAP LE MOINE CAPE ROUGE CHIMNEY CORNER DUNVEGAN FRIAR'S HEAD GRAND ETANG LA POINTE MARGAREE BEACH MARGAREE FORKS MARGAREE HARBOUR MARGAREE ISLAND PLEASANT BAY POINT CROSS 10216 10217 10218 10219 10220 10221 10222 10223 10224 10225 10226 10227 10228 10229 10230 10231 10301 10302 10303 10304 10305 10306 10307 10308 10309 10310 10311 10312 10313 10314 10315 10316 10317 10318 10319 10320 10321 10322 10323 10324 10325 10326 10327 10328 10329 46 ST. JOSEPH DU MOINE ST.ROSE TERRE NOIRE WHALE COVE SOUTH WEST MARGAREE BELLE MARCHE GILLISDALE PLATEAU PETIT ETANG SCOTSVILLE UPPER MARGAREE BELLE COTE MARGAREE VALLEY CHETICAMP ISLAND MARGAREE CHETICAMP POINT BROAD COVE MARSH COLINDALE CRAIGMORE CREIGNISH FIDDLE HEAD FINLAY POINT HARBOUR VIEW INVERNESS INVERSIDE JUDIQUE JUDIQUE NORTH JUDIQUE SOUTH LITTLE JUDIQUE HARBOUR LITTLE JUDIQUE PONDS LIVINGSTONE'S POND LONG POINT LOW POINT MABOU MABOU HARBOUR MABOU MINES MALAGAWATCH MARBLE MOUNTAIN MARYVILLE MURPHY'S POND NORTH EAST MABOU ORANGEDALE PORT BAN PORT HASTINGS PORT HAWKESBURY 10330 10331 PORT HOOD PORT HOOD ISLAND 10427 10428 10429 ST. ANDREW'S CHANNEL ST. ANN'S ST. ANN'S BAY 10430 10431 10432 10433 10434 10435 10436 10437 10438 10439 10440 10441 10442 10443 10444 10445 10446 10447 10448 11001 11002 11003 11004 11005 11006 11007 11101 11102 11103 11104 11105 11106 11107 11108 11109 11110 11111 11112 11113 11114 11115 11116 11117 11118 11119 WASHABUCK WRECK COVE BUCKLAW NORTH GUT NEW CAMPBELLTON KEMPT HEAD LOWER WASHABUCK ESTMERE MORRISON COVE IONA NYANZA RED POINT BOULARDERIE BIG HARBOUR OTTAWA BROOK TARBOT SEAL ISLAND GROVES POINT MCKINNONS HARBOUR BARRACHOIS BAY HEAD BRULE BRULE POINT TATAMAGOUCHE WALDEGROVE SAND POINT BAYVIEW CARIBOU/FERRY WHARF LOUISDALE MIDDLE RIVER PICTOU PICTOU ISLAND EAST RIVER JOHN SAND POINT THREE BROOKS SYLVESTER CAPE JOHN MACDONALD'S COVE TONEY RIVER CARRIBOU ISLAND SKINNER'S COVE LOGAN'S POINT BARKHOUSE MEADOWVILLE LYONS BROOK NOVA-SCOTIA cont’d : 10332 10333 10334 10335 10336 10337 10338 10339 10340 10341 10342 10343 10344 10345 10346 10347 10348 10349 10350 10351 10401 10402 10403 10404 10405 10406 10407 10408 10409 10410 10411 10412 10413 10414 10415 10416 10417 10418 10419 10420 10421 10422 10423 10424 10425 10426 RIVER DENYS SIGHT POINT TROY WHYCOCOMAGH WEST MABOU HARBOUR VALLEY MILLS BIG HARBOUR JUDIQUE POND BIG HARBOUR ISLAND BAXTER'S COVE ALBA BANKS ROAD IRON MINES WEST BAY BROAD COVE BANKS ABERDEEN MCKAY'S POINT DEEPDALE LITTLE HARBOUR ROSS COVE BADDECK BIG BRAS D'OR BIRCH PLAINS BRITON COVE CAPE DAUPHIN ENGLISHTOWN FRENCH RIVER GREAT BRAS D'OR INDIAN BROOK JERSEY COVE LITTLE NARROWS LITTLE RIVER MUNROE BEACH MUNROE POINT NEW HARRIS NEW HARRIS FORKS NORTH RIVER CENTRE NORTH SHORE PATH END PLASTER RIVER BENNETT ROSS FERRY SCHOOL BAY SKIR DHU SOUTH COVE SOUTH HAVEN 47 11120 11121 11122 11123 SCOTSBURN CARIBOU RIVER WATERSIDE MARSHVILLE 11311 11312 11313 11314 11315 LIVINGSTONE'S COVE LONG POINT MALIGANT COVE MONK'S HEAD MORRISTOWN 11316 11317 11318 11319 11320 11321 11322 11323 11324 11325 11326 11327 11328 11329 11330 11331 11332 11333 11334 11335 11336 11337 11338 11339 11340 11341 11342 11343 11344 11345 11346 14501 14502 14503 14504 14505 14506 14507 14508 14509 14510 14511 14512 POMQUET SOUTHSIDE HARBOUR TRACADIE WEST TRACADIE BARRIOS BEACH CRIBBINS POINT OGDEN'S POND GEORGEVILLE CAPE GEORGE AFTON CAPE GEORGE PT. EAST HAVRE BOUCHER FRANKVILLE JAMES RIVER MORAR PINEVALE PLEASANT VALLEY SOUTH RIVER SUMMERSIDE WEST HAVRE BOUCHER WILLIAMS POINT DOCTORS BROOK HEATHERTON MONASTERY LANARK MARYVALE WEST PLEASANT VALLEY BRIERLY BROOK GREENWOLD WEST ARM TRACADIE OHIO LINDEN NORTHPORT PORT HOWE PORT PHILLIP PUGWASH PUGWASH POINT PUGHWASH RIVER RIVER PHILIP TIDNISH SHINIMICAS RIVER AMHERST SHORE AMHERST NOVA-SCOTIA cont’d : 11124 11125 11126 11227 11128 11129 11201 11202 11203 11204 11205 11206 11207 11208 11209 11210 11211 11212 11213 11214 11215 11216 11217 11218 11219 11220 11221 11222 11223 11224 11225 11226 11227 11228 11301 11302 11303 11304 11305 11306 11307 11308 11309 11310 NARROW ENTRANCE PICTOU ISLAND WEST PICTOU HARBOUR SUNNY BRAE CARIBOU HARBOUR CARIBOU LITTLE ENTRANCE BIG ISLAND LISMORE LITTLE HARBOUR MERIGOMISH NEW GLASGOW PICTOU HARBOUR PICTOU LANDING TRENTON BAILEY'S BROOK GRANTON CHANCE HARBOUR BLACK POINT ARDNESS AVONDALE STATION FRASER'S MOUNTAIN KIRKMOUNT COALBURN STELLARTON WESTVILLE WOODBURN THORBURN AVONDALE ABERCROMBIE BARNEY'S RIVER EGERTON KINGS HEAD SUNNY BRAE SINCLAIR ISLAND ANTIGONISH ANTIGONISH HARBOUR ARISAIG BALLANTYNE'S COVE BAYFIELD CAPE JOHN EAST TRACADIE HAVRE BOUCHER LAKEVALE LINWOOD 48 14513 14514 14515 14516 14517 14518 CALLINGWOOD CARRINGTON LORNEVILLE OXFORD SPRINGHILL WEST PUGWASH NOVA-SCOTIA cont’d : 14520 14521 14522 14523 14524 14525 14601 14602 14603 14604 14605 14606 14607 14608 14609 14610 14611 14612 14613 PUGWASH JUNCTION ROCKLEY TIDNISH BRIDGE RIVERVIEW EAST LINDEN "FENWICK," N.S. EAST WALLACE FOX HARBOUR GULF SHORE MALAGASH MALAGASH POINT NORTH SHORE WALLACE WALLACE RIVER WALLACE BAY WALLACE BRIDGE MALAGASH STATION NORTH WALLACE WALLACE STATION NEW-BRUNSWICK 6302 26303 26304 26305 26306 26307 26308 26309 26310 26311 26312 26313 26314 26315 26316 26317 26318 26319 26320 BLACK POINT CAMPBELTON CHARLO CHARLO RIVER CULLIGAN DALHOUSIE DALHOUSIE JUNCTION DURHAM CENTRE JACQUET RIVER MCLEOD SIDING NASH CREEK NEW MILLS POINT LA NIM BLACK LAND UPPER CHARLO DARLINGTON SEASIDE EEL RIVER CROSSING MAPLE GREEN 49 26321 26322 26323 26324 26325 26326 EEL RIVER HERON ISLAND ATHOLVILLE ARMSTRONG BROOK BALMORAL EEL RIVER BAR 26327 26328 26402 26403 26404 26405 26406 26407 26408 26409 26410 26411 26412 RESTIGOUCHE RIVER KEDGWICK BASS RIVER BATHURST BELLEDUNE BELLEDUNE RIVER BERESFORD EAST BATHURST POINTE-VERTE NIGADOO PETIT-ROCHER TURGEON RIVER CARRON POINT 26413 26414 26501 26502 26503 26504 26505 26506 26507 26508 26509 26510 PETIT ROCHER NORD ALLARDVILLE CARAQUET BLUE COVE CARAQUET BAY CLIFTON GRANDE-ANSE JANEVILLE LEBOUTHILLIER BAS CARAQUET MAISONNETTE MIDDLE CARAQUET 26616 26617 26618 26619 26620 26621 26622 26623 26624 26625 26626 26627 26701 PIGEON HILL POINT ALEXANDER POINT CANOT ST.CECILE ST.MARIE ST.RAPHAEL SUR MER SAVOY LANDING UPPER LAMEQUE WILSON'S POINT BEAUDIN ROAD MISCOU PLAIN SHIPPEGAN ISLAND SHIPPEGAN 26702 26703 26704 26705 26706 26707 26708 26709 26710 26711 26712 26713 26715 26716 26717 26718 26719 26720 26721 26801 26802 26803 26804 26805 26806 26807 26808 26809 26810 26811 26812 26813 26814 26815 26816 EVANGELINE INKERMAN INKERMAN FERRY LANDRY LITTLE POKEMOUCHE POKEMOUCHE POKEMOUCHE JUNCTION POKEMOUCHE RIVER SHIPPEGAN GULLY ST.SIMON UPPER ST.SIMON WAUGH UPPER SHIPPEGAN UPPER POKEMOUCHE BLANCHARD SETTLEMENT CENTRE ST. SIMON POINTE BRULE BAIE DE PETIT POKEMOUCHE CHIASSON OFFICE BIG TRACADIE RIVER CREEK RIVER FOUR ROADS LEECH LITTLE TRACADIE LOSIER SETTLEMENT PONT LAFRANCE SHEILA SOCILE SOUTH RIVER TRACADIE TRACADIE BAY TRACADIE BEACH TRACADIE RIVER TROUT STREAM UPPER RIVER NEW-BRUNSWICK cont’d: 26511 26512 26513 26514 26515 26516 26517 26518 26519 26520 26521 26522 26523 26524 26525 26526 26527 26528 26529 26530 26531 26601 26602 26603 26604 26605 26606 26607 26608 26609 26610 26611 26612 26613 26614 26615 MORAIS MORAIS OFFICE NEW BANDON POKESHAW POKESUDIE POKESUDIE ISLAND RIORDEN SALMON BEACH STONEHAVEN UPPER CARAQUET CAIN POINT POINT ROCHEUSE DUGAS ST. LEOLIN STE.ANNE DU BOCAGE CANOBIE BERTRAND BOIS BLANC PAQUETVILLE COTE POIRIER BATHURST LAMEQUE CAMPBELL RIVER CAP BATEAU CHAISSON COTEAU ROAD GRAND RUISSEAU PETITE-RIVIERE-DE-L'ILE PETIT SHIPPEGAN MISCOU MISCOU CENTRE MISCOU MISCOU ISLAND MISCOU LIGHT MISCOU POINT LITTLE LAMEQUE 50 26817 26818 26819 26820 26821 26822 26823 27001 27002 27003 27004 27005 27006 27007 VAL COMEAU UPPER SHEILA ALDERWOOD SIX ROADS SAUMAREZ POINT LANDRY ST. ISIDORE BARRYVILLE BRANTVILLE BURNT CHURCH GRAND DUNE BAS NEGUAC MALPEQUE MALPEQUE BAY 27220 27221 27222 27223 27224 27225 27226 27301 27302 27303 27304 27305 27306 27307 27308 DOYLES BROOK KIRKWOOD MCKINLEYVILLE SUNNY CORNER WHITNEYVILLE BLACKVILLE DOAKTOWN BAIE STE.ANNE BAY DU VIN RIVER BLACK RIVER BLACK RIVER BRIDGE ESCUMINAC ESCUMINAC POINT HARDWICKE MANUELS 27309 27310 27311 27312 27313 27314 27315 27316 27317 27318 27319 27320 27321 27501 27502 27503 27504 27505 27506 27507 27508 27509 27510 27512 27513 27514 27515 27516 27517 27601 27602 27603 27606 POINT GARDINER MIRAMICHI EEL RIVER BRIDGE HEXHAM BRANSFIELD LOWER ESCUMINAC EGG ISLAND FOX ISLAND ROBICHAUD SPLIT ROGERSVILLE BULGARIA VICTORIA BRIDGE CAMEROUN BRIDGE EEL RIVER FONTAINE KOUCHIBOUGUAC LOGIECROFT POINT SAPIN ST. LOUIS CAP ST.LOUIS ST.LOUIS GULLY ST.OLIVIER PORTAGE RIVER CALLANDAR'S BEACH GUIMOND VILLAGE LOWER POINT SAPIN CLAIRE FONTAINE ST.IGNACE LOWER ST.LOUIS ALDOUANE BABINEAU CAP LUMIERE LITTLE ALDOUANE NEW-BRUNSWICK cont’d: 27008 27009 27010 27110 27111 27112 27113 27114 27115 27116 27117 27118 27119 27120 27121 27122 27201 27202 27203 27204 27205 27206 27207 27208 27210 27211 27212 27213 27214 27215 27216 27217 27218 27219 NEGUAC PONT GRAVE PORTAGE RIVER NAPAN RIVER NEWCASTLE OAK POINT POINT AU CARR NORDIN BUSHVILLE MIRAMICHI RIVER SOUTH NELSON FERRY ROAD EAST POINT CENTRE NAPAN OYSTER RIVER MILL BANK BOOM ROAD CASSILIS DERBY LOWER DERBY MILLERTON NELSON NORTH ESK BOOM NORTHWEST BRIDGE QUARRYVILLE RED BANK SOUTH ESK STRATHADAM WHITNEY DERBY JUNCTION FREDERICTON ROAD UPPER DERBY BRYENTON CHELMSFORD 51 27607 27608 27609 27610 27611 27612 27613 27614 27615 27616 27617 27618 27619 27620 27621 27622 MAIN RIVER REXTON REXTON CAPE RICHIBUCTO RICHIBUCTO CAPE STE.ANNE DE KENT ST.NICHOLAS DE KENT BELLS MILLS PETER'S MILLS MUNDLEVILLE BIG COVE NICHOLAS RIVER CAISSIE VILLAGE STE.ANNE SHORE BASS RIVER RICHIBUCTO VILLAGE NEW-BRUNSWICK cont’d: 27623 27624 27625 27626 27627 27628 27629 27630 27631 27632 27701 27702 27703 27705 27706 27707 27708 27709 27710 27711 27712 27713 27714 27715 27716 27717 27718 27719 27720 27722 27723 27724 ST. CHARLES BEERSVILLE INDIAN ISLAND TARGETVILLE BULGARIA BROWNS YARD GRANDE ALDOUANE RIVIERE RICHIBUCTOU BEDEC EAST GALLOWAY BOUCTOUCHE BOUCTOUCHE BAY CAISSIE'S CAPE COCAGNE COCAGNE CAPE CORMIERVILLE GRAND DIGUE ST. EDOUARD ST. FRANCOIS STE. MARIE ST. THOMAS COCAGNE BAR BOUCTOUCHE RIVER COCAGNE RIVER BREAU VILLAGE COTE STE.ANNE/CHOCKPISH DIXON POINT ST. GREGOIRE COMEAU POINT NOTRE DAME ST.ANTOINE COCAGNE BRIDGE 52 27801 27803 27804 27805 27806 27807 27808 27809 27810 27811 27812 27813 27815 27818 27819 27820 27821 BARACHOIS CAPE BIMET CAP PELE CAPE BALD DUPUIS CORNER LOWER CAPE ALD POINTE DU CHENE ROBICHAUD SHEDIAC SHEDIAC BRIDGE ABOUJAGANE BOURGEOIS MILLS CORMIER VILLAGE ST.ANDRE PETITCODIAC DIEPPE ABOITEAU 27822 27901 27902 27903 27904 27905 27906 27907 27908 27909 27910 27911 27912 27913 28001 KOUCHIBOUGUAC RIVER ALMA HARVEY BANK NEW HORTON WATERSIDE HOPEWELL CAPE BRIDGEDALE CAPE ENRAGE EDGETT LANDING HILLSBOROUGH RIVERSIDE RIVERVIEW TWO RIVERS PETITCODIAC RIVER BAIE VERTE 28002 28003 28004 28005 28006 28007 28008 28009 28010 28011 28012 28013 28014 28015 28016 28017 28018 28015 28016 28017 28018 BAYFIELD CAPE TORMENTINE FOX CREEK FOX RIVER LEGER BROOK PETIT CAP LITTLE SHEMOGUE MELROSE MURRAY CORNER PEACOCK COVE PORT ELGIN SHEMOGUE UPPER CAPE BOTSFORD DUGUAYS POINT BAYSIDE AMOS POINT BOTSFORD DUGUAYS POINT BAYSIDE AMOS POINT 53 PRINCE EDOUARD ISLAND 38201 38202 38203 38204 38205 38206 38207 38208 38209 38210 38211 38212 38213 38214 38215 38216 38217 38218 38219 38220 38221 38222 38223 38224 38225 38226 38227 38228 38229 38230 38231 38232 38233 38234 38235 38236 38237 38238 38239 38240 38241 38242 38243 38244 38245 38246 38247 38248 38301 38302 38303 38304 38305 38306 38307 38308 38309 38310 38311 38312 38313 38314 38315 38316 38317 38318 38319 38320 38321 38322 38323 38324 38325 38326 38327 38328 38328 38329 38330 38331 38332 38333 38334 38335 38501 38502 38503 38504 38505 38506 38507 38508 38509 38510 38511 38512 BAPTIST POINT BRAE HARBOUR BRAE SHORE CAMPBELLTON CAPE WOLFE EBBSFLEET HOWARD'S COVE MIMINEGASH MIMINEGASH HARBOUR MIMINEGASH RUN O’LEARY PHEE SHORE PLEASANT VIEW ROSEVILLE SKINNER'S POND ST. LOUIS WATERFORD WEST POINT WEST CAPE LOT 7 NAIL POND HOWLAN BLOOMFIELD BIRCH HILL BROCKTON BURTON CARTIER COLEMAN DE BLOIS DUNBLANE DUVAR FOREST VIEW GLENGARRY GLENWOOD HARPER ROAD HEBRON LEOVILLE MILBURN MILO NORWAY PALMER ROAD PETERVILLE PIUSVILLE ST.EDWARDS SPRINGFIELD WEST WHITES COVE WOODSTOCK BRAE 54 ABRAMS VILLAGE BORDEN CAPE EGMONT CAPE TRAVERSE EGMONT BAY HIGGINS WHARF HIGGINS SHORE MONT CARMEL PERCIVAL RIVER SUMMERSIDE FISHING COVE ST. NICHOLAS VICTORIA WEST ST. CHRYSOSTOME BEDEQUE BAY TRAVELLER'S REST CHELTON INVERNESS MAXIMVILLE NORTH ENMORE ST.RAPHAEL WELLINGTON WILMOT MOUNT PLEASANT RICHMOND ALBANY CENTRAL BEDEQUE FREETOWN FREETOWN NORTH BEDEQUE WILMOT RIVER LOWER FREETOWN TRYON WILMOT VALLEY ENMORE RIVER DUNK RIVER ARYGLE SHORE CANOE COVE HAMPTON LONG CREEK NINE MILE CREEK RICE POINT VICTORIA WEST RIVER HILLSBOROUGH BAY NORTH RIVER ROCKY POINT FAIRVIEW 38715 PANMURE ISLAND 38717 38718 38719 38720 38721 38722 38723 38724 38725 38726 38727 38728 38729 38730 38731 38732 38733 38734 38735 38736 38737 38738 38739 38740 38741 38801 38802 38803 38804 38805 38806 38807 38808 38809 38810 38811 38812 38813 38814 38815 38816 38817 38818 38819 38820 38821 38822 MILL TOWN CROSS WHITE SANDS LLOYD'S CREEK GRAHAM'S POND ALBION ALLISTON BRIDGETOWN HIGH BANK PETERS ROAD ST. MARY'S ROAD ABNEY GREEK RIVER CAMBRIDGE OAK VALLEY KILMUIR WHIM ROAD CAPE BEAR POINT PLEASANT MACHON POINT GUERNSEY COVE ST. GEORGES MINK RIVER BOTTLE POINT ST.MARY'S BAY STURGEON BRIDGE SOURIS ANNANDALE BASIN HEAD BAYFIELD BIG POND BOUGHTON BAY CABLE HEAD CLEARSPRING EAST LAKE EAST POINT FORTUNE FORTUNE BRIDGE FORTUNE GOOSE RIVER HERMANVILLE HOWE BAY LITTLE POND MORELL NAUFRAGE NORTH LAKE RED HEAD ROCKBARRA PRINCE EDOUARD ISLAND cont’d: 38514 38515 38516 38517 38518 38519 38601 38602 38603 38604 38605 38606 38607 38608 38609 38610 38611 38612 38613 38614 38615 38616 38617 38618 38619 38620 38621 38622 38623 38624 38625 38626 38627 38628 38701 38702 38703 38704 38705 38706 38707 38708 38709 38710 38711 38712 38713 38714 CORNWALL ST.CATHERINES CRAPAUD BLACK POINT NEW DOMINION MEADOWBROOK ALEXANDRA BELLE RIVER CHARLOTTETOWN CHERRY VALLEY EAST AST RIVER FLAT RIVER ORWELL BAY PINETTE POINT PRIM POWNAL BAY SOUTHPORT VERNON VERNON RIVER WOOD ISLAND MACAULAYS WHARF GLENFINNAN BELFAST ELDON IONA VERNON BRIDGE ROWNAL MOUNT BUCHANAN SOUTH PINETTE BUNBURY JOHNSONS RIVER FORT AUGUSTUS (NEW CODE) MERMAID FORT AUGUSTUS (NEW CODE) BEACH POINT BRUDENELL RIVER CARDIGAN BAY DE GRAS MARCH GASPERAUX GEORGETOWN LAUNCHING LITTLE SANDS LOWER MONTAGUE MONTAGUE MURRAYHARBOUR MURRAYHARBOUR NORTH MURRAYRIVER NEWPORT 55 38823 38824 ROLLO BAY SAVAGE HARBOUR 38873 39201 39202 EGLINGTON BAY ALBERTON SOUTH BLACK BANK 39204 39206 39207 39208 39209 39210 39211 39212 39213 39214 39215 39217 39218 39219 39220 39221 39222 39223 39224 39225 39226 39227 39228 39229 39301 39302 39303 39304 39305 39306 39307 39308 39309 39310 39311 39312 39313 39314 39315 39316 39317 39318 39319 39320 39321 CASCUMPEC BAY CASCUMPEC POINT ELMSDALE FOXLEY RIVER MILL RIVER NORTH POINT PORTAGE SEACOW POND TIGNISH TIGNISH RUN WEST DEVON KILDARE TIGNISH RIVER JUDE'S POINT ALMA ANGLO ASCENSION FORTUNE COVE GREENMOUNT ROXBURY ST.FELIX TIGNISH SHORE GOFFS BRIDGE TIGNISH HARBOUR NORTH BELMONT BIDEFORD BOYLES POINT BROOKS SHORE CONWAY DARNLEY ELLERSLIE FREELAND GRAND RIVER KENSINGTON LOT 16 MALPEQUE MALPEQUE BAY MILL'S POINT MISCOUCHE PORT HILL THE NARROWS TROUT RIVER BACK SHORE MCNEILL'S MILLS HARDY'S CHANNEL PRINCE EDOUARD ISLAND cont’d: 38826 38827 38828 38829 38830 38831 38832 38833 38834 38835 38836 38837 38838 38839 38840 38841 38842 38843 38844 38845 38846 38847 38849 38850 38851 38852 38853 38854 38855 38856 38857 38858 38859 38860 38861 38862 38863 38864 38865 38866 38867 38868 38869 38870 38871 38872 ST.PETERS ELMIRA EAST BALTIC DINGWELL'S MILLS NORTH RIVER LITTLE HARBOUR PRIEST POND SOUTH LAKE ALBION ROSS ARMADALE ASHTON CHURCH ROAD BEAR RIVER BLACK POND BOTHWELL BRISTOL CABLE HEAD EAST CABLE HEAD WEST CAMPBELLS COVE CANAVOY CHEPSTON CHERRY HILL DUNDAS DUNDEE RED POINT FORTUNE RIVER GREENWICH GOWAN BRAE KINGSBORO LAKEVILLE LOWER ROLLO BAY MIDGELL MONTICELLO MOUNT HOPE ST.CHARLES ST.PETERS BAY ST.PETERS HARBOUR ST.PETERS LAKE SOURIS EAST SOURIS RIVER SOURIS WEST WEST ST.PETERS MORELL REAR GREEN MEADOWS SOURIS LINE ROAD DILIGENT POND BOUGHTON RIVER 56 39322 39323 39324 39325 TYNE VALLEY BALTIC CLERMONT EAST BIDEFORD 39607 39608 39609 39610 39611 MOUNT STEWART GRAND TRACADIE DALVEY BEACH URBAN BAND HARRINGTON 39613 39614 39615 39616 39617 39618 39619 39620 39621 PLEASANT GROVE ST.ANDREWS YORK SHERWOOD WEST COVE HEAD TEN MILE HOUSE WINSLOE PARKDALE MARSHFIELD PRINCE EDOUARD ISLAND cont’d: 39326 39327 39328 39329 39330 39331 39332 39333 39334 39335 39336 39337 39338 39339 39340 39341 39501 39502 39503 39504 39505 39506 39507 39508 39509 39510 39511 39512 39513 39514 39515 39516 39517 39518 39519 39520 39521 39522 39601 39602 39603 39604 39605 39606 HAMILTON INDIAN RIVER LENNOX ISLAND LENNOX ISLAND NEW ANNAN POPLAR GROVE ST.ELEANORS SPRING VALLEY BENTICK COVE SEAVIEW NOW STAVERTS SHORE ELLIS RIVER BROOKS WHARF NORTHAM MILLIGAN'S WHARF CONWAY NARROWS ANGLO RUSTICO BAY VIEW FRENCH RIVER NORTH RUSTICO PARKCORNER SEAVIEW STANLEY BRIDGE BRACKLEY BEACH RUSTICO BAY NEW LONDON SOUTH RUSTICO RUSTICO MURPHY'S SHORE OYSTER BED BRIDGE RUSTICOVILLE HUNTER RIVER BREADALBANE MARGATE SPRING BROOK CAVENDISH NEW LONDON BAY FRENCH RIVER NORTH BEDFORD COVEHEAD AUGUSTUS MILL COVE STANHOPE TRACADIE 57 Appendix VIII: Charts of community districts and fishing zones. i. ii. Statistical districts: Herring fishing area map: 58 Appendix VIII cont’d: iii. Groundfish fishing subareas: 59 Appendix IX: Standard abbreviations and codes for fishing gears Gear categories Abbreviations Gear codes Trawls: Bottom beam trawl “ otter trawl (side or stern not specified) “ otter trawl (side) “ otter trawl (stem) “ pair trawl (2 vessels) Midwater otter trawl (side or stern not specified) “ otter trawl (side) “ otter trawl (stern) “ pair trawl (2 vessels) TBB OTB OTB1 OTB2 PTB OTM OTM1 OT M2 PTM 18 10 11 12 16 13 14 15 17 ST 73 BS SDN SSC SPR SN 24 21 22 23 20 PS PS1 PS2 31 32 33 LA 34 Gillnets and Entangling Nets: Gillnets (not specified) Set gillnets (anchored) Drift gillnets Fixed gillnets Trammel nets GN GNS GND GNF GTR 40 41 42 43 44 Hooks and lines: Longlines (not specified) Set longlines Drift longlines Handlines and polelines (hand operated) Handlines and polelines (mechanized) Trolling lines Hooks and lines (not specified) LL LLS LLD LHP LHM LTL LX 50 51 52 53 55 54 59 Traps: Traps (not specified) Stationary uncovered poundnets Covered pots Fyke nets Barriers, fences, weirs, etc FIX FPN FPO FYK FWR 60 61 62 62 63 Shrimp trawl Seine Nets : Beach seine Danish seine Scottish seine Pair seine (2 vessels) Unspecified Surrounding Nets: With Purse lines (purse seine) - operated by one vessel - operated by two vessels Without purse lines (lampara) 60 Appendix IX cont’d: Gear categories Cast nets Falling gear (unspecified) Dredges: Boat operated Hand operated Grappling and Wounding: Harpoon Miscellaneous gear Falling gear: Gear not known 61 Abbreviations Gear codes FCN FG 66 67 DRB 71 DRH 72 HAR MIS 81 90 NK 99 Appendix X: Conversion of dorsal fin (DL1) to total length (TL) for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) DL1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 TL 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 38 39 41 42 43 45 46 48 49 50 52 53 55 56 DL1 41 42 63 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 62 TL 57 59 60 61 63 64 66 67 68 70 71 73 74 75 77 78 80 81 82 84 Appendix X (cont’d): Conversion of 1st dorsal length (DL1) to total length (TL) for White Hake. (20/02/89 from T. Hurlbut) TL = -0.24 + 1.3 x DL1 (n=225, r2 =0.91) DL1 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 TL 39 40 41 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 69 70 71 73 74 75 76 78 DL1 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 63 TL 79 80 82 83 84 86 87 88 89 91 92 93 95 96 97 99 100 101 102 104 105 106 108 109 110 112 113 114 115 117 Appendix X (cont’d): Conversion of bobtail length (B1) to total length (TL) for Plaice.(Measure from head to end of anal fin) B1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 TL 28 29 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 63 64 65 64
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