The Sample Average Approximation Method Applied to Stochastic Routing Problems: A Computational Study Bram Verweij∗, Shabbir Ahmed†‡, Anton J. Kleywegt∗, George Nemhauser∗‡, and Alexander Shapiro∗ Georgia Institute of Technology School of Industrial and Systems Engineering Atlanta, GA 30332-0205 November 7, 2002 Abstract The sample average approximation (SAA) method is an approach for solving stochastic optimization problems by using Monte Carlo simulation. In this technique the expected objective function of the stochastic problem is approximated by a sample average estimate derived from a random sample. The resulting sample average approximating problem is then solved by deterministic optimization techniques. The process is repeated with different samples to obtain candidate solutions along with statistical estimates of their optimality gaps. We present a detailed computational study of the application of the SAA method to solve three classes of stochastic routing problems. These stochastic problems involve an extremely large number of scenarios and first-stage integer variables. For each of the three problem classes, we use decomposition and branch-and-cut to solve the approximating problem within the SAA scheme. Our computational results indicate that the proposed method is successful in solving problems with up to 21694 scenarios to within an estimated 1.0% of optimality. Furthermore, a surprising observation is that the number of optimality cuts required to solve the approximating problem to optimality does not significantly increase with the size of the sample. Therefore, the observed computation times needed to find optimal solutions to the approximating problems grow only linearly with the sample size. As a result, we are able to find provably near-optimal solutions to these difficult stochastic programs using only a moderate amount of computation time. 1 Introduction This paper addresses two-stage Stochastic Routing Problems (SRPs), where the first stage consists of selecting a route, i.e., a path or a tour, through a graph subject to arc failures or delays, and the second stage involves some recourse, such as a penalty or a re-routing decision. The overall objective is to minimize the sum of the first-stage routing cost and the expected recourse cost. A generic formulation of this class of problems is z ∗ = min cT x + EP [Q(x, ξ(ω))], x∈X ∗ Supported by NSF grant DMI-0085723. Supported by NSF grant DMI-0099726. ‡ Supported by NSF grant DMI-0121495. † 1 (1) where Q(x, ξ(ω)) = min{q(ω)T y | Dy ≥ h(ω) − T (ω)x}, y≥0 (2) x denotes the first-stage routing decision, X denotes the first-stage feasible set involving route defining constraints, i.e., X = R ∩ {0, 1}d for some polyhedron R of dimension d, ω ∈ Ω denotes a scenario that is unknown when the first-stage decision x has to be made, but that is known when the second-stage recourse decision y is made, Ω is the set of all scenarios, and c denotes the routing cost. We assume that the probability distribution P on Ω is known in the first stage. The quantity Q(x, ξ(ω)) represents the optimal value of the second-stage recourse problem corresponding to the first-stage route x and the parameters ξ(ω) = (q(ω), h(ω), T (ω)). Note that the first-stage variables x are binary in this problem. Hence, SRP belongs to the class of two-stage stochastic programs with integer first-stage variables. The difficulty in solving SRP is two-fold. First, the evaluation of E[Q(x, ξ(ω))] for a given value of x requires the solution of numerous second-stage optimization problems. If Ω contains a finite number of scenarios {ω1 , ω2 , . . . , ω|Ω| }, with associated probabilities pk , k = 1, 2, . . . , |Ω|, then the expectation can be evaluated as the finite sum E[Q(x, ξ(ω))] = |Ω| pk Q(x, ξ(ωk )). (3) k=1 However, the number of scenarios grows exponentially fast with the dimension of the data. For example, consider a graph with 100 arcs, each of which has a parameter with three possible values. This leads to |Ω| = 3100 scenarios for the parameter vector of the graph, making a direct application of (3) impractical. Second, E[Q(x, ξ(ω))], regarded as a function defined on Rd (and not just on the discrete points X = R ∩ {0, 1}d ), is a polyhedral function of x. Consequently, SRP involves minimizing a piecewise linear objective over an integer feasible region and can be very difficult, even for problems with a modest number of scenarios. Early solution approaches for stochastic routing problems were based on heuristics [35] or dynamic programming [1, 2]. These methods were tailored to very specific problem structures and are not applicable in general. Exact mathematical programming methods for this class of problems have mostly been restricted to cases with a small number of scenarios, to allow for the exact evaluation of the second-stage expected value function E[Q(x, ξ(ω))]. Exploiting this property, Laporte et al. [18, 19, 20, 21] solved various stochastic routing problems using the integer L-shaped algorithm of Laporte and Louveaux [17]. Wallace [38, 39, 40] has studied the exact evaluation of the second-stage expected value function for problems in which the first stage feasible set is convex and the second stage involves routing decisions. For stochastic programs with a prohibitively large number of scenarios, a number of sampling based approaches have been proposed, for example to estimate function values, gradients, optimality cuts, or bounds for the second-stage expected value function. We classify such sampling based approaches into two main groups: interior sampling and exterior sampling methods. In interior sampling methods, the samples are modified during the optimization procedure. Samples may be modified by adding to previously generated samples, by taking subsets of previously generated samples, or by generating completely new samples. For example, methods that modify samples within the L-shaped algorithm for stochastic linear programming have been suggested by Van Slyke and Wets [36], Higle and Sen [12] (stochastic decomposition) and Infanger [14] (importance sampling). For discrete stochastic problems, an interior sampling branch-and-bound method was developed by Norkin et al. [24, 25]. In exterior sampling methods, a sample ω 1 , ω 2 , . . . , ω N of N sample scenarios 2 is generated from Ω according to probability distribution P (we use the superscript convention for sample values), and then a deterministic optimization problem specified by the generated sample is solved. This procedure may be repeated by generating several samples and solving several related optimization problems. For example, the Sample Average Approximation (SAA) method is an exterior sampling method in which the expected value function E[Q(x, ξ(ω))] is approximated by n the sample average function N n=1 Q(x, ξ(ω ))/N . The Sample Average Approximation problem zN = min cT x + x∈X N 1 Q(x, ξ(ω n )), N (4) n=1 corresponding to the original two-stage stochastic program (1) (also called the “true” problem) is then solved using a deterministic optimization algorithm. The optimal value zN and an optimal solution x ˆ to the SAA problem provide estimates of their true counterparts in the stochastic program (1). Over the years the SAA method has been used in various ways under different names, see e.g. Rubinstein and Shapiro [30], and Geyer and Thompson [8]. SAA methods for stochastic linear programs have been proposed, among others, by Plambeck et al. [28], Shapiro and Homemde-Mello [32, 33], and Mak, Morton, and Wood [22]. Kleywegt, Shapiro, and Homem-de-Mello [16] analyzed the behavior of the SAA method when applied to stochastic discrete optimization problems. However, computational experience with this method is limited. In this paper, we present a detailed computational study of the application of the SAA method combined with a decomposition based branch-and-cut framework to solve three classes of stochastic routing problems (SRPs). The first SRP is a shortest path problem in which arcs have deterministic costs and random travel times, and we have to pay a penalty for exceeding a given arrival deadline. In the second SRP, we are again looking for a shortest path, but now arcs in the graph can fail and the recourse action has to restore the feasibility of the first-stage path at minimum cost. In the third SRP, the recourse is the same as in the first SRP, but now the first-stage solution should be a tour instead of a path. The first and third SRPs have continuous recourse decisions, whereas the second SRP has discrete recourse decisions and a recourse problem with the integrality property, so that for all three SRPs it is sufficient to solve continuous recourse problems. Integrating the branch-and-cut method within the SAA method allows us to solve problems with huge sample spaces Ω. We have been succesful in solving problems with up to 21694 scenarios to within an estimated 1.0% of optimality. Furthermore, a surprising observation is that the number of optimality cuts required to solve the SAA problem to optimality does not significantly increase with the sample size. We suggest an explanation of this phenomenon. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a general description of our solution methodology for two-stage stochastic routing problems. In Section 3 we introduce the specific problem classes and discuss their computational complexity. We proceed in Section 4 by describing how the method of Section 2 applies to the specific problem classes of Section 3. Our computational results along with a discussion of the empirically observed stability of the number of optimality cuts are given in Section 5. Finally, our conclusions are presented in Section 6. 2 Methodology Our solution methodology for problem (1) consists of the integration of the SAA method, to deal with the extremely large sets Ω, and a decomposition based branch-and-cut algorithm, to deal with the integer variables in the SAA problems. We assume that problem (1) has relatively complete recourse (a two-stage stochastic program is said to have relatively complete recourse if for each 3 feasible first-stage solution x ∈ X and each scenario ω ∈ Ω, there exists a second-stage solution y ≥ 0 such that Dy ≥ h(ω) − T (ω)x). 2.1 The Sample Average Approximation Method As mentioned earlier, the SAA method proceeds by solving the SAA problem (4) repeatedly. By generating M independent samples, each of size N , and solving the associated SAA problems, ˆ1 , x ˆ2 , . . . , x ˆM are obtained. Let objective values zN1 , zN2 , . . . , zNM and candidate solutions x z¯N = M 1 m zN M (5) m=1 denote the average of the optimal objective function values of the M SAA problems. It is wellknown that E[¯ zN ] ≤ z ∗ [25, 22]. Therefore, z¯N provides a statistical estimate for a lower bound on the optimal value of the true problem. ˆ + E[Q(ˆ x, ξ(ω))] is an upper bound For any feasible point x ˆ ∈ X, clearly the objective value cT x ∗ for z . This upper bound can be estimated by N 1 x) = c x ˆ+ Q(ˆ x, ξ(ω n )), zˆN (ˆ N T (6) n=1 where {ω 1 , ω 2 , . . . , ω N } is a sample of size N . Typically N is chosen to be quite large, N > N , and the sample of size N is independent of the sample, if any, used to generate x ˆ. Then we have T x) is an unbiased estimator of c x ˆ + E[Q(ˆ x, ξ(ω))], and hence, for any feasible solution x ˆ, that zˆN (ˆ we have that E[ˆ zN (ˆ x)] ≥ z ∗ . The variances of the estimators z¯N and zˆN (ˆ x) can be estimated by M m 2 1 zN − z¯N (M − 1)M (7) N 2 1 T n c = x ˆ + Q(ˆ x , ξ(ω )) − z ˆ (ˆ x ) , N (N − 1)N (8) σ ˆz2¯ = N m=1 and σ ˆz2ˆ (ˆx) N n=1 respectively. Note that the above procedure produces up to M different candidate solutions. It is natural ˆ1 , x ˆ2 , . . . , x ˆM of the M SAA problems which has the to take x ˆ∗ as one of the optimal solutions x smallest estimated objective value, that is, x) : x ˆ ∈ {ˆ x1 , x ˆ2 , . . . , x ˆM } . (9) x ˆ∗ ∈ arg min zˆN (ˆ One can evaluate the quality of the solution x ˆ∗ by computing the optimality gap estimate x∗ ) − z¯N , zˆN (ˆ (10) x∗ ) is recomputed after performing the minimization in (9) with an independent sample where zˆN (ˆ to obtain an unbiased estimate. The estimated variance of this gap estimator is σ ˆz2ˆ N (ˆ x∗ )−¯ zN = σ ˆz2ˆ N (ˆ x∗ ) +σ ˆz2¯ . N The above procedure for statistical evaluation of a candidate solution was suggested in Norkin et al. [25] and developed in Mak et al. [22]. Convergence properties of the SAA method were studied in Kleywegt et al. [16]. 4 2.2 Solving SAA problems using Branch-and-Cut The SAA method requires the solution of the SAA problem (4). This problem can also be written as min cT x + x∈X 1 QN (x), N (11) n where QN (x) = N n=1 Q(x, ξ(ω )), and Q is given by (2). It is well-known that the functions Q(x, ξ(ω n )), and hence QN (x), are piecewise linear and convex in x. Thus, because of relatively complete recourse, QN (x) = max{aTi x − ai0 | i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , p}} for all x ∈ X, for some {(ai0 , ai )}, i = 1, 2, . . . , p, and some positive integer p. Hence problem (11) can be reformulated as a mixed-integer linear program with p constraints representing affine supports of QN , as follows. min cT x + θ/N subject to θ ≥ aTi x (12a) − ai0 for i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , p} x∈X (12b) (12c) For a given first-stage solution x, the optimal value of θ is equal to QN (x). The coefficients ai0 , ai of the optimality cuts (12b) are given by the values and extreme subgradients of QN , which in turn are given by the extreme point optimal dual solutions of the second-stage problems (2). The number p of constraints in (12b) typically is very large. Instead of including all such constraints, we generate only a subset of these constraints within a branch-and-cut framework. For a given firststage solution x, the second-stage problem of each sample scenario can be solved independently of the others, providing a computationally convenient decomposition, and their dual solutions can be used to construct optimality cuts. This is the well-known Benders or L-shaped decomposition method [36]. The standard branch-and-cut procedure is an LP-based branch-and-bound algorithm for mixedinteger linear programs, in which a separation algorithm is used at each node of the branch-andbound tree. The separation algorithm takes as input a solution of an LP relaxation of the integer program, and looks for inequalities that are satisfied by all integer feasible points, but that are violated by the solution of the LP relaxation. These violated valid inequalities (cuts) are then added to the LP relaxation. For more details on branch-and-cut algorithms we refer to Nemhauser and Wolsey [23], Wolsey [43], and Verweij [37]. Our branch-and-cut procedure for (12) starts with some initial relaxation that does not include any of the optimality cuts (12b), and adds violated valid inequalities as the algorithm proceeds. This includes violated valid inequalities for X, and the optimality cuts (12b), which are found by solving the second-stage subproblems. We only generate optimality cuts at solutions that satisfy all first-stage constraints, including integrality. Our approach to generating optimality cuts is similar to the one used in the earlier exact L-shaped methods (see e.g. Wets [42]), except that we use the sample average function instead of (3), and embedding it in a branch-and-cut framework to deal with integer variables in the first stage. 3 Problem Classes Here we introduce the problem classes on which we perform our computational study. Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 deal with the shortest path problem with random travel times, the shortest path problem with arc failures, and the traveling salesman problem with random travel times, 5 respectively. The computational complexity of these problems is discussed in Section 3.4. In Section 3.5 we analyze the mean value problems corresponding to the specific problem classes at hand. This is of interest because it justifies the use of stochastic models. Each of the problems considered next involves a graph G = (V, A) or G = (V, E). For each + − (i) (δG (i)) denotes the set of arcs in G leaving (entering) i, and δG (i) denotes the node i ∈ V , δG set of edges in G incident to i. For any S ⊆ V , γG (S) denotes theset of arcs or edges in G with both endpoints in S. For any x ∈ R|A| and A ⊆ A, x(A ) denotes a∈A xa . 3.1 Shortest Path with Random Travel Times In the Shortest Path problem with Random travel Times (SPRT), the input is a directed graph G = (V, A), a source node s ∈ V and a sink node t ∈ V , arc costs c ∈ R|A| , a probability distribution |A| P of the vector of random travel times ξ(ω) ∈ R+ , and a deadline κ ∈ R. The problem is to find an s − t path that minimizes the cost of the arcs it traverses plus the expected violation of the deadline. The variables x ∈ {0, 1}|A| represent the path, where xa = 1 if arc a is in the path and xa = 0 otherwise. The SPRT can be stated as the following two-stage stochastic integer program: min x∈{0,1}|A| cT x + EP [Q(x, ξ(ω))] (13a) for i = s, 1, + − (i)) − x(δG (i)) = −1, for i = t, subject to x(δG 0, for i ∈ V \ {s, t}, x(γG (S)) ≤ |S| − 1, (13b) for all S ⊂ V with |S| ≥ 2, (13c) where Q(x, ξ(ω)) = max ξ(ω)T x − κ, 0 . The same recourse function was used by Laporte et al. [19] in the context of a vehicle routing problem. Note that, if G does not contain negative-cost cycles, then the cycle elimination constraints (13c) can be omitted. That is, if for all cycles C in G and all ω, a∈C ca ≥ 0 and a∈C ξa (ω) ≥ 0; then there is an optimal solution of (13a)–(13b) that is a path. 3.2 The Shortest Path Problem with Random Arc Failures Given a directed graph G = (V, A), the set of reverse arcs A−1 is defined by A−1 = {a−1 | a ∈ A}, where for (i, j) ∈ A, the arc (i, j)−1 = (j, i) has head i and tail j. Note that although (i, j) and (j, i)−1 have the same head and tail, they are different (parallel) arcs, with (i, j) ∈ A and (j, i)−1 ∈ A−1 . In the Shortest Path problem with random Arc Failures (SPAF), the input is a directed graph G = (V, A), a source node s ∈ V and a sink node t ∈ V , arc costs c1 ∈ R|A| , and a probability distribution P of ξ(ω) = (c2 (ω), u(ω)) ∈ R2|A| × {0, 1}|A| . Here, c2 (ω) is a vector of random arc and reverse arc costs, and u(ω) is a vector of random arc capacities, where ua (ω) = 0 denotes that arc a is not available and ua (ω) = 1 denotes that it is. Let G = (V, A ∪ A−1 ). In the first stage, an s − t path P has to be chosen in G. After a first-stage path has been chosen, the values of the random variables ξ(ω) = (c2 (ω), u(ω)) are observed, and then a secondstage decision is made. If an arc on the first-stage path fails, then the path becomes infeasible, and the first-stage flow on that arc has to be canceled. Flow on other arcs in the first-stage path may be canceled too. First-stage flow on an arc (i, j) ∈ A is canceled in the second stage by flow on its 6 reverse arc (i, j)−1 . Such cancelation of a unit flow incurs a cost of c2(i,j)−1 (ω). (If c2(i,j)−1 (ω) < 0, then a refund is received if the first-stage flow on arc (i, j) ∈ A is canceled.) The second-stage decision consists of choosing flows in G in such a way that the combination of the uncanceled flow in the first-stage path P and the second-stage flow on arcs in A forms an s−t path in G. Specifically, let x ∈ {0, 1}|A| represent the first-stage path, where xa = 1 if arc a is in the path and xa = 0 −1 −1 otherwise, and let y ∈ {0, 1}|A∪A | respresent the second-stage flow. For any y ∈ {0, 1}|A∪A | , let y + , y − ∈ {0, 1}|A| be defined by ya+ = ya and ya− = ya−1 for all a ∈ A. Then let ∆y ∈ {−1, 0, 1}|A| be defined by ∆y = y + − y − , that is, ∆ya = ya − ya−1 for all a ∈ A. For (x, y) to be feasible, it is necessary that both x and x + ∆y be incidence vectors of s − t paths in G. The objective of the SPAF is to minimize the sum of the cost of the first-stage path and the expected cost of the second-stage flow needed to restore feasibility. Before we give a formulation of the SPAF, we characterize the structure of second-stage decisions. Proposition 3.1. The feasible second-stage decisions of the SPAF are circulations in G . Proof. Because x and x + ∆y are both incidence vectors of s − t paths in G, it follows that + − + − (i)) − (x + ∆y)(δG (i)) = x(δG (i)) − x(δG (i)) (x + ∆y)(δG + − ⇒ ∆y(δG (i)) = ∆y(δG (i)) + − (i)) = (y + − y − )(δG (i)) ⇒ (y + − y − )(δG + − ⇒ y(δG = y(δG (i)) (i)) for all nodes i ∈ V . However, all circulations in G do not form paths when combined with a first-stage path P . Proposition 3.2 will establish conditions under which all circulations in G can be allowed in the second stage. The SPAF can be stated as the following two-stage stochastic integer program: min x∈{0,1}|A| (c1 )T x + E[Q(x, ξ(ω))] (14a) for i = s, 1, + − subject to x(δG (i)) − x(δG (i)) = −1, for i = t, 0, for i ∈ V \ {s, t}, x(γG (S)) ≤ |S| − 1, (14b) for all S ⊂ V with |S| ≥ 2, (14c) (14d) where Q(x, ξ(ω)) = min (c2 (ω))T y subject to − (15a) − y(δG (i)) for all i ∈ V (15b) (x + ∆y) (γG (S)) ≤ |S| − 1, for all S ⊂ V with |S| ≥ 2, (15c) ya ∈ {la (x, u(ω)), ra (x, u(ω))} , for all a ∈ A ∪ A−1 , (15d) + y(δG (i)) = 0, and la (x, u(ω)), ra (x, u(ω)) are given by la (x, u(ω)) = 0, and ra (x, u(ω)) = ua (ω)(1 − xa ), 7 for all a ∈ A and la−1 (x, u(ω)) = xa (1 − ua (ω)), and ra−1 (x, u(ω)) = xa , for all a−1 ∈ A−1 . Upper bound ra (x, u(ω)) = ua (ω)(1 − xa ) for an arc a ∈ A means that the second-stage decision y can have ya = 1 only if xa = 0, that is, an arc that was chosen in the first stage cannot be chosen in the second stage as well. If it is acceptable to choose an arc in the first stage, and then cancel the arc in the second stage and choose it again, then the upper bound is ra (x, u(ω)) = ua (ω). This detail does not affect the rest of the development. Proposition 3.2 shows that, under a particular condition, the cycle elimination constraints (15c) can be omitted from the second-stage problem (15). Proposition 3.2. Consider the second-stage problem (15) associated with a feasible first-stage solution x and a scenario ω. Suppose that for all cycles C in G with ua (ω)= 1 for all a ∈ C, and for all partitions C = C0 ∪ C1 , C0 ∩ C1 = ∅, it holds that a∈C1 c2a (ω) − a∈C0 c2a−1 (ω) ≥ 0 (it is cheaper to cancel the flow on the arcs in C0 than it is to incur the costs for the arcs in C1 ). Then, the cycle elimination constraints (15c) can be omitted from the second-stage problem (15) without loss of optimality. Proof. Consider any feasible solution y of the second-stage relaxation obtained by omitting the cycle elimination constraints (15c) from the second-stage problem (15). (Such a y always exists because of the assumption of relatively complete recourse.) Solution y still produces a circulation because of (15b). However, x+∆y may not produce a path, but a path combined with a circulation. It remains to be shown that such a circulation can be removed without loss of optimality. Let C ⊂ A be any cycle in the circulation produced by x + ∆y. It follows from the feasibility of y that ua (ω) = 1 for all a ∈ C. Let C0 = {a ∈ C | ya = 0} and C1 = {a ∈ C | ya = 1}. For each a ∈ A, let ya+ = 0 and ya+−1 = 1 if a ∈ C0 , ya+ = 0 and ya+−1 = ya−1 if a ∈ C1 , and ya+ = ya and ya+−1 = ya−1 if a ∈ C. It is easy to check that y + eliminates C from the circulation, and thus satisfies circulation constraints (15b). Note that ra−1 (x, u(ω)) = xa = 1 (and ya−1 = 0) for all a ∈ C0 , and capacity and integrality constraints (15d). la (x, u(ω)) = 0 for all a ∈ C1 , and thus y + also satisfies + 2 The difference in cost between y and y is a∈C1 ca (ω) − a∈C0 c2a−1 (ω) ≥ 0. Repeating the procedure a finite number of times, all cycles can be eliminated from the circulation, resulting in a second-stage solution y + with no more cost than y, and such that x + ∆y + produces an s − t path. Corollary 3.3 follows from the observation that, if the cycle elimination constraints (15c) are omitted from the second-stage problem (15), then the resulting relaxation is a network flow problem, which has the integrality property. Corollary 3.3. Suppose the conditions of Proposition 3.2 hold. Then the capacity and integrality constraints (15d) can be replaced with la (x, u(ω)) ≤ ya ≤ ra (x, u(ω)) (16) for all a ∈ A ∪ A−1 , without loss of optimality. Also, Q(x, ξ(ω)) is piecewise linear and convex in x ∈ R|A| for all ω. In the computational work, the conditions of Proposition 3.2 were satisfied. Proposition 3.4 shows that, under some conditions, the cycle elimination constraints (14c) can also be omitted from the first-stage problem. 8 Proposition 3.4. Suppose that for all a ∈ A and all ω, (i) c1a + c2a−1 (ω) ≥ 0 (it is not profitable to choose an arc in the first stage and cancel the arc in the second stage), and (ii) c2a (ω) ≤ c1a (it is not profitable to choose an arc in the first stage in anticipation of needing the arc in the second stage). Then, the cycle elimination constraints (14c) can be omitted from the first-stage problem (14) without loss of optimality. Proof. Consider any feasible solution x of the first-stage relaxation obtained by omitting the cycle elimination constraints (14c) from the first-stage problem (14). Solution x may produce a path combined with a circulation, because of (14b). It remains to be shown that such a circulation can be removed without loss of optimality. Let C ⊂ A be any cycle in the circulation produced by x. Let x+ a = 0 for each a ∈ C, and let + xa = xa for each a ∈ C. Note that x+ satisfies (14b). Consider any scenario ω, and any feasible solution y of the resulting second-stage problem (15). Let C + = {a ∈ C | ya−1 = 0} and C − = {a ∈ C | ya−1 = 1}. For each a ∈ A, let ya+ = 1 and + ya−1 = 0 if a ∈ C + , ya+ = ya and ya+−1 = 0 if a ∈ C − , and ya+ = ya and ya+−1 = ya−1 if a ∈ C. It is easy + + to check that (x+ , y + ) satisfies circulation constraints (15b). Also, x+ a + ya − ya−1 ≤ xa + ya − ya−1 for all a ∈ A, and thus (x+ + ∆y + )(γG (S)) ≤ (x + ∆y)(γG (S)) ≤ |S| − 1 for all S ⊂ V with |S| ≥ 2, and hence (x+ , y + ) satisfies the second-stage cycle elimination constraints (15c). Note that ra (x+ , u(ω)) = ua (ω) = 1 for all a ∈ C + , and la−1 (x+ , u(ω)) = 0 for all a ∈ C − , and thus capacity and integrality (15d). The difference in cost between (x+ , y + ) also satisfies constraints 1 + + 1 2 (x, y) and (x , y ) is a∈C + ca − ca (ω) + a∈C − ca + c2a−1 (ω) ≥ 0. Thus for any scenario ω, there is a second-stage solution y + such that (x+ , y + ) satisfies the second-stage constraints and (x+ , y + ) has no more cost than (x, y). Repeating the procedure a finite number of times, all cycles can be eliminated from the circulation, resulting in a first-stage solution x+ with no more cost than x, and such that x produces an s − t path. 3.3 The Traveling Salesman Problem with Random Travel Times In the Traveling Salesman problem with Random travel Times (TSPRT), the input is an undirected graph G = (V, E), edge costs c ∈ R|E| , a probability distribution P of the vector of random travel times ξ(ω) ∈ R|E| , and a deadline κ ∈ R. The problem is to find a Hamiltonian cycle in G that minimizes the cost of the edges in the cycle plus the expected violation of the deadline. We use x ∈ {0, 1}|E| to represent the tour, where xe = 1 if edge e is in the tour and xe = 0 otherwise. The TSPRT can be formulated as the following two-stage stochastic integer program: min cT x + E[Q(x, ξ(ω))] (17a) subject to x(δG (i)) = 2, x(γG (S)) ≤ |S| − 1, x ∈ {0, 1}|E| , where Q(x, ξ(ω)) = max ξ(ω)T x − κ, 0 . for all i ∈ V , (17b) for all S ⊂ V with |S| ≥ 2, (17c) (17d) 9 3.4 Computational Complexity Here we discuss the computational complexity of the models introduced in Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. We start by observing that in the case of the SPRT and the TSPRT, the stochastic part can be made redundant by choosing a sufficiently large κ, in which case both models reduce to their deterministic counterpart. This shows that both the TSPRT and its corresponding SAA problem are N P-hard. In the case of the SPRT, we show N P-hardness by reducing the weight constrained shortest path problem, which is known to be N P-hard [6], to a deterministic version of the SPRT (a deterministic shortest path problem with a deadline). Proposition 3.5. The deterministic shortest path problem with a deadline is N P-hard. Proof. Consider an instance of the weight constrained shortest path problem on a graph G = (V, A), with source and sink nodes s, t ∈ V , arc costs c ∈ R|A| , arc weights w ∈ N|A| , and let κ ∈ N be the maximum allowed total weight of a path. Costs c do not form negative-cost cycles in G. c |V |). Each arc a ∈ A has travel time wa . Then, Define c¯ = maxa∈A |ca |, and let c = c /(¯ (G, s, t, c, w, κ) defines an instance of the shortest path problem with a deadline. Note that costs c do not form negative-cost cycles in G. Any feasible path P for the weight constrained shortest path problem is feasible for the shortest path problem with a deadline. Conversely, any path P with total travel time less than or equal to the deadline is feasible for the weight constrained shortest path problem. Note that for any simple path P we have that |P | < |V |, and thus c(P ) < 1 for all paths P . Consider any path with total travel time greater than the deadline. By integrality of w and κ, such a path incurs a penalty of at least one, so the objective value of such a path for the shortest path problem with a deadline is greater than one. Note that c is proportional to c . Hence, if an optimal solution P ∗ of the shortest path problem with a deadline has objective value strictly less than one, then P ∗ is optimal for the weight constrained shortest path problem. Otherwise, if the optimal value of the shortest path problem with a deadline is greater than one, then the weight constrained shortest path problem is infeasible. By choosing P{ξa (ω) = wa } = 1 for all a ∈ A, it follows that the SPRT is N P-hard. 3.5 Associated Mean Value Problems Given a stochastic optimization problem, its associated mean value problem (MVP) is obtained by replacing all random variables by their means (see e.g. Birge and Louveaux [4]). The mean value problem associated with (1) is given by min cT x + Q(x, EP [ξ(ω)]) x∈X (18) If the means EP [ξ(ω)] of the random variables ξ(ω) are known or are easy to calculate, then the mean value problem is a deterministic problem, which can be solved using deterministic optimization algorithms, and usually this is much easier than solving a stochastic optimization problem. In the case of the SPRT and the TSPRT the MVP will yield (first and second stage) feasible solutions as long as feasible solutions exist. In the case of the SPAF, the MVP does not yield a sensible model due to the integrality constraints. Here we show that in the case of the SPRT, the mean value problem can have an optimal solution that is arbitrarily bad compared with an optimal solution of the stochastic problem. A similar construction can be used to show that the mean value problem can have arbitrarily bad solutions in the case of the TSPRT. 10 Proposition 3.6. There are instances of the SPRT in which the difference and the ratio between the expected cost of an optimal solution of the MVP and the optimal cost of the stochastic problem are arbitrarily large. Proof. Consider the graph G = (V, A), where V = {s, t}, A = {a1 , a2 }, with a1 = a2 = (s, t). Thus there are two distinct s − t paths in G, with x1 using arc a1 and x2 using arc a2 . Choose κ > 0 and b ≥ κ. Let ca1 = 1 and ca2 = 2. Let P[ξa1 (ω) = b] = κ/b, P[ξa1 (ω) = 0] = 1 − κ/b, and P[ξa2 (ω) = κ] = 1. Note that E[ξa1 (ω)] = E[ξa2 (ω)] = κ. (19) Also, ca1 + Q(x1 , E[ξ(ω)]) = 1 ca2 + Q(x2 , E[ξ(ω)]) = 2 Thus x1 is the optimal solution of the MVP. However, z(x1 ) = ca1 + E[Q(x1 , ξ(ω))] = 1 + (b − κ)κ/b z(x2 ) = ca2 + E[Q(x2 , ξ(ω))] = 2. The result follows by choosing κ sufficiently large and b κ2 . We conclude this section by observing that there are instances of the SPRT and the TSPRT for which optimal solutions of the MVP are optimal or almost optimal for the stochastic problem. When the deadline is either very loose or very tight, the recourse function is linear in the random variables near optimal solutions. By linearity of expectation, an optimal solution of the MVP is then an optimal solution of the stochastic problem. 4 Algorithmic Details Here we complete the description of our branch-and-cut algorithm for solving the SAA problems for the three problem classes. Section 4.1 addresses initial relaxations and heuristics. Sections 4.2 and 4.3 discuss the separation of the optimality cuts. 4.1 Initial Relaxations and Heuristics As mentioned before, we initialize our branch-and-cut framework by solving the LP-relaxation of formulation (12), without the optimality cuts (12b). For the SPRT, and for the SPAF, this means that we start with only the flow conservation constraints (13b), and (14b), respectively, and the bounds 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. In the case of the TSPRT, this means we start with only the degree constraints (17b) and the bounds 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, and we add subtour elimination constraints (17c) whenever they are violated. For all three problem classes we generate optimality cuts if and only if the LP relaxation at hand has an integer solution. For the SPRT and the TSPRT, the optimality cuts and their generation are discussed in detail in Section 4.2. Section 4.3 does the same for the SPAF. The generation of subtour elimination constraints for the TSPRT reduces to finding a global minimum cut in a directed graph derived from the support of a fractional solution [26, 27]. For this we use Hao and Orlin’s implementation [10] of the Gomory-Hu algorithm [9]. 11 Solving the MIPs for the TSPRT turned out to be quite a computational challenge. For this reason, we decided to limit the number of nodes in the branch-and-bound tree to 10000. Note m from Section 2.1 are then taken to be the best lower bound obtained that the values of zN and zN upon termination of the branch-and-cut algorithm. We also added a rounding heuristic to the branch-and-cut algorithm, which is called occasionally starting from intermediate LP solutions. The heuristic tries to find a tour that is cheap with respect to the expected recourse in the support of the fractional solution, using edges that are not in the support only if they are needed to get a feasible solution. This is accomplished using the Lin-Kerninghan algorithm (see e.g. Johnson and McGeoch [15]). 4.2 Optimality Cut Generation for the SPRT and the TSPRT Note that for the models with random travel times (the SPRT and the TSPRT), the second-stage recourse problem for sample scenario ω n , with n ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N }, is given by Qn (x) = max ξ(ω n )T x − κ, 0 . It follows that N Qn (x) = max n=1 (ξ(ω ) x − κ) | S ⊆ {1, . . . , N } , n T n∈S where S is a subset of N . Hence, in the case of the SPRT, and the TSPRT, the sample average approximating problem is equivalent to the mixed-integer linear problem min cT x + θ/N (20a) subject to Ax ≤ b θ ≥ (ξ(ω n )T x − κ) (20b) for all S ⊆ {1, 2, . . . , N } (20c) n∈S x binary, (20d) where the inequalities (20c) are the optimality cuts, and the system Ax ≤ b represents the constraints (13b), and (17b)–(17c), respectively. Note that (20c) represents a huge number of constraints. However, for any feasible first-stage solution in the course of our branch-and-cut iterations, we only add the maximally violated optimality cut. The maximally violated optimality cut at a feasible first-stage solution x corresponds to the subset S(x) = {n ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N } | ξ(ω n )T x > κ}. 4.3 Optimality Cut Generation for the SPAF Assume that the conditions of Propositions 3.2 and 3.4 hold. Let Qn (x) = Q(x, ξ(ω n )) be the optimal value of problem (15a), (15b), (16). By associating dual variables π n ∈ R|V | , and γ n , τ n ∈ −1 R|A∪A | , with the flow conservation, lower, and upper bound constraints, respectively, we obtain the following LP dual of the recourse function Qn (x) = max l(x, u(ω n ))T γ n + r(x, u(ω n ))T τ n subject to πin πjn n − − πjn πin + + n n γ(i,j) + τ(i,j) ≤ c(i,j) n n γ(i,j) −1 + τ(i,j)−1 ≤ c(i,j)−1 γ ≥ 0, τ n ≤ 0. (21a) for all (i, j) ∈ A, (21b) for all (i, j)−1 ∈ A−1 , (21c) (21d) 12 The optimal dual multipliers from (21) then provide the optimality cut θ≥ N l(x, u(ω n ))T γ n + r(x, u(ω n ))T τ n . (22) n=1 Recall that l and r are linear functions of x. We can substituting the definitions of l and r, eliminating terms −1 −1 term α : R|A∪A | × R|A∪A | → R|A| defined as, τan−1 − τan , αa (γ n , τ n , ω n ) = τan−1 + γan−1 , simplify the expression for the cut by that evaluate to 0, and introducing the if ua (ω n ) = 1, if ua (ω n ) = 0. (23) The optimality cut (22) can then be expressed as N α(γ , τ ) x ≤ θ − n n T N n=1 a∈An n=1 τan . (24) The resulting SAA problem for the SPAF is min cT x + θ/N subject to (14b), and (24) for all (π n , γ n , τ n ) satisfying (21b)–(21d), with n ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N } x ∈ {0, 1}|A| . The generation of the optimality cuts for the SPAF is implemented by maintaining one linear program of the form (15a), (15b), (16), which we will refer to as the recourse LP in the following discussion. Suppose we are given an integer solution x to the first stage of the SPAF. To generate an optimality cut, we iterate over the scenarios. Focus on any n ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N }. First, we regenerate ω n from a stored seed value. Next, we impose the bounds l(x, u(ω n )) and r(x, u(ω n )) on the recourse LP. Then, we use the dual simplex method to solve it, starting from the optimal dual associated with the previous recourse LP. In this way, we exploit similarities between consecutive recourse LPs. This could be further accelerated by techniques such as sifting [7] or bunching [41] that identify scenarios for which a particular recourse basis is optimal. However, we have not used such strategies in our implementation. We iteratively compute optimality cuts of the form (24) in each iteration by adding the terms that involve the optimal dual solution to the current recourse LP. Because the constraint matrix induced by the constraints (15b), (16) is totally unimodular (see e.g. Schrijver [31]), the recourse LPs yield integer optimal solutions (Corollary 3.3). Note that because of the possibility of regenerating the random part of the constraint matrix, it is not necessary to have the entire constraint matrix in memory at any time during the execution of the algorithm. This aspect is of great practical significance, as it allows us to use large values of N . In this way we can solve SAA problems that have a huge number of non-zeros in the constraint matrix. 5 Computational Results The algorithmic framework of Section 4 has been implemented in C++ using the MIP solver of CPLEX 7.0 [13]. The implementation takes advantage of the callback functionality provided by CPLEX to integrate separation algorithms and heuristics within the branch-and-bound algorithm. 13 This section presents our computational experiments. Section 5.1 discusses the generation of the problem instances, Section 5.2 provides the computational results, and Section 5.3 discusses the empirically observed stability of the number of optimality cuts. We only report on a subset of our experiments; tables with the full output can be found in Appendix A. The CPU times reported in this section were measured on a 350MHz Sun Sparc workstation for the SPRT and the TSPRT and a 450MHz Sun Sparc workstation for the SPAF. 5.1 Generation of Test Instances An instance of the SPRT is defined by a directed graph G = (V, A), a source and sink node, a cost vector c, a probability distribution over the travel times on the arcs in G, and a deadline. Our approach is to generate instances from the TSP library [29] as follows. A TSP library instance defines a set of p cities, {1, 2, . . . , p}, together with an inter-city distance matrix D = [dij | i, j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , p}]. We associate a node vi in V with city i. Next, we iterate over the nodes in G. At iteration i, we connect node vi to the δ closest nodes that it has not already been connected to in an earlier iteration. Connecting node v to node w is done by adding the arcs (v, w) and (w, v) to A. The cost of arc (vi , vj ) is taken to be c(vi ,vj ) = dij . To choose a source and sink node, we first find the set of pairs (u, v) with u, v ∈ V that maximize the minimum number of arcs over all u − v paths. From this set we choose one pair uniformly at random to be the source and sink. In order to generate instances for which the associated MVP is unlikely to yield optimal solutions, we use a probability distribution which discourages the use of short arcs. For a ∈ A we let p, if ca < c¯, 1 − p if ca < c¯, and P{ξa (ω) = ca } = P{ξa (ω) = F ca } = 0, if ca ≥ c¯, 1, if ca ≥ c¯, where c¯ denotes the median of the arc lengths, for some parameters F > 1 and 0 < p < 1. Finally, the deadline κ is determined by computing a shortest path in G with respect to c, and taking the deadline to be the expected travel time on this path. An instance of the SPAF is defined by a directed graph G, a source and sink node, arc costs c1 and c2 (ω), and a probability distribution over ξ(ω) = (u(ω), c2 (ω)). The graph G, the source and sink, and c1 are generated as above from TSP library instances. For all arcs a ∈ A we let P{c2a (ω) = c1a } = 1, and for all arcs a−1 ∈ A−1 we let P{c2a (ω) = 0} = 1. The distribution we use for the upper bounds u(ω) is similar in spirit to the one used for the SPRT, namely, p, if ca < c¯, 1 − p if ca < c¯, and P{ua (ω) = 1} = P{ua (ω) = 0} = 0, if ca ≥ c¯, 1, if ca ≥ c¯, with c¯ and p as above. Note that assumptions of Propositions 3.2 and 3.4 are satisfied. Relatively complete recourse is ensured by inserting an arc (s, t) with very high cost. An instance of the TSPRT is defined by an undirected graph G = (V, E), a cost vector c ∈ R|E| , a distribution over the travel times, and a deadline. The graph G is generated as above, except that connecting nodes v and w is done by inserting an edge {v, w} in E. The cost of edge {vi , vj } is taken to be c{vi ,vj } = dij . The probability distribution of the travel time on edge e ∈ E is defined by p, if ce < c¯, 1 − p if ce < c¯, and P{ξe (ω) = ce } = P{ξe (ω) = F ce } = 0, if ce ≥ c¯, 1, if ce ≥ c¯, 14 name burma14 ulysses16 ulysses22 eil51 berlin52 st70 |V | 14 16 22 51 52 70 |A| 172 212 332 912 932 1292 |E| 86 106 166 456 466 646 name eil76 pr76 gr96 rat99 kroA100 kroB100 |V | 76 76 96 99 100 100 |A| 1412 1412 1812 1872 1892 1892 |E| 706 706 906 936 946 946 name kroC100 kroD100 kroE100 rd100 eil101 |V | 100 100 100 100 101 |A| 1892 1892 1892 1892 1912 |E| 946 946 946 946 956 Table 1: Dimensions of graphs generated from TSP library instances. where c¯ denotes the median of the edge lengths, and F > 1 and 0 < p < 1 are parameters. The deadline is taken to be the expected travel time on a shortest Hamiltonian cycle in G with respect to c. In our experiments, we have used the following parameter settings for the probability distribution: F = 10 for the SPRT, F = 20 for the TSPRT, and p = 0.1 for all problems. We used δ = 10 for generating graphs. We have used the following parameters for solving the SAA problems (see Section 2.1): M = 10, and N = 105 . The dimensions of the graphs underling our experiments are summarized in Table 1. 5.2 Computational Results Figures 2, 5, and 8 give the average number of optimality cuts as a function of the sample size N for the SPRT, the SPAF, and the TSPRT, respectively. Figures 3, 6, and 9 give the average number of nodes in the branch-and-bound tree for the SPRT, the SPAF, and the TSPRT, respectively. Figures 4, 7, and 10 give the average CPU time per SAA problem in seconds for the SPRT, the SPAF, and the TSPRT, respectively. In these figures, each graph shows averages taken over M SAA problems with sample sizes N ∈ {200, 300, . . . , 1000} for the set of problem instances derived from the TSP library. The key is given in Figure 1. The standard deviations of the average number of optimality cuts, the average number of nodes in the branch-and-bound tree, and the average CPU time in seconds, as a function of the sample size N , are given in the appendix for the SPRT, the SPAF, and the TSPRT. The appendix also gives the total CPU times for the execution of the SAA method. Table 2 gives solution values, optimality gaps, and their standard deviations for all of the problems, as observed with N = 1000. Recall from Section 3.5 that the mean value problem (MVP) is the deterministic optimization problem obtained by replacing all random variables by their means. The optimal solution of each MVP is denoted by x ¯. Note, that some of the gaps in Table 2 are negative. As both the lower bound and the upper bound used to compute the gaps are random variables, and no gap is smaller than minus twice its estimated standard deviation, this is not unexpected. Also note from Table 2 that the MVP rarely yields a competitive solution for the generated instances. In Figures 2, 5, and 8 we see that the average number of optimality cuts displays the same behavior for all generated instances of the SPRT, the SPAF, and the TSPRT. For each of the three problems under consideration, the average number of optimality cuts does not depend on the sample size used to formulate the SAA problem. From Figures 3, 6, and to a lesser extent from Figure 9 (for the TSPRT, all runs needed 10000 nodes in the branch-and-bound tree, except for the runs on the three smallest instances), it is clear that the same observation holds for the average number of nodes in the branch-and-bound tree. As a consequence, the running time grows only 15 ’burma14’ ’ulysses16’ ’ulysses22’ ’eil51’ ’berlin52’ ’st70’ ’eil76’ ’pr76’ ’gr96’ ’rat99’ ’kroA100’ ’kroB100’ ’kroC100’ ’kroD100’ ’kroE100’ ’rd100’ ’eil101’ Figure 1: The key to Figures 2–10. 100 90 80 70 No. Cuts 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 200 300 400 500 600 No. Scenarios 700 800 Figure 2: Average number of optimality cuts for the SPRT. 16 900 1000 700 600 No. Nodes 500 400 300 200 100 0 200 300 400 500 600 No. Scenarios 700 800 900 Figure 3: Average number of nodes in branch-and-bound tree for the SPRT. 17 1000 600 500 CPU time (s) 400 300 200 100 0 200 300 400 500 600 No. Scenarios 700 800 Figure 4: Average CPU times for the SPRT. 18 900 1000 50 45 40 35 No. Cuts 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 200 300 400 500 600 No. Scenarios 700 800 Figure 5: Average number of optimality cuts for the SPAF. 19 900 1000 350 300 No. Nodes 250 200 150 100 50 0 200 300 400 500 600 No. Scenarios 700 800 900 Figure 6: Average number of nodes in branch-and-bound tree for the SPAF. 20 1000 1200 1000 CPU time (s) 800 600 400 200 0 200 300 400 500 600 No. Scenarios 700 800 Figure 7: Average CPU times for the SPAF. 21 900 1000 300 250 No. Cuts 200 150 100 50 0 200 300 400 500 600 No. Scenarios 700 800 Figure 8: Average number of optimality cuts for the TSPRT. 22 900 1000 10000 9000 8000 7000 No. Nodes 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 200 300 400 500 600 No. Scenarios 700 800 900 Figure 9: Average number of nodes in branch-and-bound tree for the TSPRT. 23 1000 5000 4500 4000 CPU time (s) 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 200 300 400 500 600 No. Scenarios 700 800 Figure 10: Average CPU times for the TSPRT. 24 900 1000 25 instance burma14 ulysses16 ulysses22 eil51 berlin52 st70 eil76 pr76 gr96 rat99 kroA100 kroB100 kroC100 kroD100 kroE100 rd100 eil101 SAA zˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) Gap 371.0 1.2 2510.0 0.0 1442.4 8.6 61.7 0.6 839.7 -1.9 114.9 0.3 49.2 0.1 18207.0 0.0 7601.0 0.0 205.8 0.4 3405.4 20.7 2468.2 -3.4 2941.0 0.6 2490.0 0.0 3708.3 4.3 1197.0 0.0 52.2 -0.1 σ ˆGap 1.09 0.00 3.83 0.28 1.00 0.51 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.12 10.76 4.82 1.39 0.00 2.45 0.00 0.16 MVP Gap 42.5 132.1 189.2 0.7 399.2 28.7 15.2 7007.3 1118.3 63.9 272.6 -2.3 195.6 108.4 310.2 196.5 7.8 σ ˆGap 0.99 2.82 3.33 0.10 2.87 0.34 0.12 37.90 10.30 0.39 5.07 1.47 4.38 2.44 3.51 1.71 0.12 SPAF SAA zˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) Gap 320.8 -0.6 2382.2 0.6 1307.1 0.8 51.2 0.0 812.5 1.6 102.7 0.2 46.5 0.1 18463.5 -0.5 7422.6 0.9 207.0 0.0 3022.8 -2.0 2366.6 2.4 2649.3 0.5 2382.9 0.6 3532.4 3.7 1166.5 0.4 44.5 0.0 σ ˆGap 0.43 1.09 0.83 0.07 0.73 0.19 0.05 8.60 3.98 0.14 2.10 1.45 3.27 1.70 2.03 0.45 0.05 zˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) 1562.7 9506.2 10000.9 543.9 9481.0 834.5 661.0 124419.0 62837.4 1464.4 25775.1 26411.4 24660.3 25468.7 25775.5 9478.4 763.1 SAA Gap 7.2 34.7 80.0 17.9 308.5 66.9 30.0 9315.0 2328.4 47.4 1233.8 1862.4 950.3 1350.0 1975.1 439.3 41.9 Table 2: Solution values and absolute gaps with lower bound. zˆ105 (¯ x) 412.3 2642.1 1623.0 61.8 1240.7 143.3 64.3 25214.3 8719.3 269.3 3657.3 2469.4 3136.0 2598.4 4014.2 1393.5 60.1 SPRT σ ˆGap 3.18 24.30 28.68 1.80 21.87 2.48 1.55 188.09 56.58 2.50 65.33 50.90 40.60 40.89 40.51 18.04 2.45 zˆ105 (¯ x) 2129.6 11455.6 10577.5 548.3 10202.0 852.8 674.1 135868.0 68136.5 1474.0 26563.3 27773.6 26129.0 26802.9 27799.1 9856.2 758.3 TSPRT MVP Gap 574.0 1984.1 656.6 22.3 1029.6 85.2 43.1 20764.0 7627.5 57.0 2022.0 3224.6 2419.0 2684.2 3998.7 817.1 37.1 σ ˆGap 4.12 17.47 11.47 0.68 12.33 1.01 0.74 139.73 63.70 1.39 26.24 27.54 26.84 27.55 28.59 9.84 0.74 linearly in the sample size. This linear growth is clearly visible in Figures 4 and 7. From Figure 10 we conclude that for the TSPRT the running time is dominated by the branch-and-bound algorithm itself for N ≤ 1000, therefore the average time spent in the generation of the optimality cuts is still a lower-order term in the average CPU time. From Table 2 it is clear that the SAA method produces provably close to optimal solutions. The reported solutions were within an estimated 1.0%, 0.3%, and 8.7% from the lower bounds for the SPRT, the SPAF, and the TSPRT, respectively (for N = 1000). Also, the estimated standard deviations of these estimated gaps are small; they are of the same order of magnitude as the estimated gaps themselves for the SPRT and the SPAF, and for the TSPRT they are significantly smaller. In the case of the TSPRT, a significant part of these estimated gaps can be attributed to the fact that the MIPs are not solved to optimality; the instance that realized the forementioned gap of 8.7% had an average (MIP) gap between the best integer solution and the best lower bound of 8.17% over the M SAA problems. We believe that by taking advantage of sophisticated cuttingplane and branching techniques as applied by Applegate et al. [3], these SAA problems can be solved to optimality for the instances we considered, thereby reducing the gap to that caused by the quality of the stochastic bounds. From the tables in the Appendix, it is clear that as N increases, the estimated values of the reported solutions do not change much. For the SPRT and the TSPRT, the stochastic lower bounds improve, for the SPAF there is not much change in the lower bounds either. In all cases the estimated variance goes down as N increases. 5.3 Stability of the Number of Optimality Cuts It was observed empirically that on average the number of optimality cuts generated when solving a SAA problem is fairly stable and hardly changes with change in the sample size N . In this section we suggest an explanation of this empirical phenomenon. Recall that the set of feasible first stage solutions for the true problem and that of a corresponding SAA instance are identical, and is a finite set of integer vectors. Also note that, in the course of the proposed branch-and-cut algorithm, an optimality cut is added only when a feasible integer solution is found. Consequently, the number of optimality cuts added is equal to the number of feasible integer solutions explored by the algorithm. We conjecture that as N increases, the sequence of integer solutions explored when the proposed algorithm is applied to the generated SAA problem converges to a sequence of integer solutions which would be explored by the algorithm applied to the true (expected value) problem. If there is degeneracy, that is, if at some integer solution the subdifferential is not a singleton, then there may be multiple sequences of integer solutions corresponding to the true problem. Since the set of possible sequences of integer solutions is finite, it follows that for N large enough, a sequence of integer solutions generated for a SAA problem will coincide with one of the sequences for the true problem. Consequently, the number of optimality cuts generated for a SAA instance will stabilize on average with increase of the sample size. We provide a basis of this conjecture in the following. Note that an optimality cut correspond to an extreme point of the subdifferential of the objective function. As N increases, the subdifferential of the SAA objective function at a given solution converges to the subdifferential of the true objective function at that solution (see Shapiro and Homem-de-Mello [34, Proposition 2.2]). As a result, for N large enough, at a given integer feasible solution, an optimality cut for the SAA problem will be close to one of the possible optimality cuts for the true problem. A small difference in the optimality cuts between the SAA and true problems means that the LP relaxations differ only slightly, and the feasible integer solutions do not change. As a result the next integer solution found by the algorithm for the SAA problem will 26 likely be the same as the next integer solution that would be found for the true problem, as long as corresponding extreme points of the subdifferentials for the SAA problem and the true problem are chosen in case of degeneracy. Thus, for N large enough, the sequence of integer solutions explored for the SAA problem corresponds to a sequence of integer solutions for the true problem. 6 Conclusions We have applied the sample average approximation method to three classes of 2-stage stochastic routing problems. Among the instances we considered were ones with a huge number of scenarios and first-stage integer variables. Our experience is that the growth of the computational effort needed to solve SAA problems is linear in the sample size used to estimate the true objective function. The reason for this is that in the cases that we examined, neither the number of optimality cuts, nor the sizes of branch-and-bound trees needed to solve SAA problems to optimality increase when the sample size increases. This allows us to find solutions of provably high quality to the stochastic programming problems under consideration. References [1] G. Andreatta. Shortest path models in stochastic networks. In G. Andreatta, F. 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For each combination of a base instance and a number of sample scenarios N , the Total CPU rows give the total CPU time for solving M = 10 SAA problems, computing the large sample average objective xm ) with sample size N = 105 for each of the M solutions x ˆm produced, and choosing value zˆN (ˆ ∗ m ˆ , as in (6) and (9). the solution x ˆ with the best value of x It can be observed that the total CPU times for the SPAF problems are significantly higher than the times required to solve the corresponding M = 10 SAA problems. This is due to the fact that the more complicated recourse structure in the SPAF problems require considerable effort in estimating the objective values with a large sample size N = 105 for each of the M solutions produced. This effort can be significantly reduced by choosing a smaller N at the expense of a slight increase in the estimated confidence intervals. Furthermore, the I/O bottleneck for loading M × N = 106 small second-stage recourse LPs into the solver can be reduced by bunching several of these LPs into larger LPs, and using warm-start strategies during their solution. 30 burma14 ulysses16 ulysses22 eil51 berlin52 st70 Number of Sample Scenarios N 500 600 700 200 300 400 800 900 1000 363.0 2.60 372.0 0.44 365.0 1.03 372.7 0.45 367.4 2.40 371.2 0.44 368.7 1.55 371.9 0.44 369.5 1.34 371.5 0.44 369.3 1.04 371.3 0.44 371.8 1.67 371.2 0.44 369.6 1.57 371.3 0.44 369.8 1.00 371.0 0.44 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 19.0 1.50 0.7 0.03 10.1 0.38 18s 2508.3 1.66 2510.0 0.00 20.9 1.58 1.1 0.02 10.2 0.13 18s 2508.0 2.01 2510.0 0.00 21.4 1.33 1.5 0.05 10.6 0.22 21s 2510.0 0.00 2510.0 0.00 18.7 0.86 1.8 0.06 10.4 0.31 24s 2510.0 0.00 2510.0 0.00 18.3 1.43 2.1 0.07 10.4 0.22 29s 2510.0 0.00 2510.0 0.00 21.5 1.45 2.3 0.05 10.1 0.10 30s 2510.0 0.00 2510.0 0.00 22.0 1.61 2.9 0.16 10.8 0.36 36s 2510.0 0.00 2510.0 0.00 18.3 0.54 3.2 0.17 10.5 0.22 39s 2510.0 0.00 2510.0 0.00 19.1 1.10 3.4 0.13 10.4 0.27 41s 2510.0 0.00 2510.0 0.00 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 7.3 0.68 0.6 0.02 6.0 0.15 11s 1424.2 5.61 1440.1 1.57 8.8 0.65 0.9 0.02 6.0 0.15 14s 1440.8 4.35 1438.2 1.56 7.9 0.41 1.2 0.01 6.0 0.00 15s 1435.6 4.26 1440.5 1.57 6.7 0.47 1.5 0.03 6.1 0.10 19s 1431.1 9.70 1439.0 1.57 7.7 0.62 1.8 0.03 6.0 0.00 22s 1433.1 5.71 1439.3 1.57 7.7 0.56 2.1 0.03 6.0 0.00 24s 1433.1 6.35 1439.1 1.57 8.1 0.41 2.6 0.08 6.3 0.15 29s 1440.0 4.23 1438.6 1.56 8.0 0.54 2.8 0.04 6.1 0.10 31s 1444.9 4.38 1440.3 1.57 7.6 0.52 3.1 0.09 6.2 0.13 34s 1433.8 3.49 1442.4 1.58 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 14.2 0.76 1.3 0.06 8.8 0.36 22s 61.0 0.46 61.6 0.10 16.5 0.85 1.9 0.05 9.1 0.18 25s 61.1 0.26 61.6 0.10 16.6 1.38 2.5 0.07 9.0 0.21 32s 61.3 0.24 61.8 0.10 14.7 1.16 2.8 0.11 8.4 0.31 36s 61.4 0.36 61.8 0.10 14.0 1.11 3.4 0.09 8.5 0.17 42s 60.9 0.30 61.8 0.10 15.0 1.03 4.3 0.10 9.0 0.15 47s 61.0 0.33 61.7 0.10 14.4 0.78 4.9 0.03 9.0 0.00 53s 61.6 0.26 61.6 0.10 15.2 0.71 5.3 0.12 8.8 0.13 58s 61.4 0.19 61.6 0.10 14.1 0.85 6.0 0.15 8.9 0.18 1m6s 61.1 0.26 61.7 0.10 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 14.4 1.28 4.9 0.33 7.8 0.55 1m3s 836.2 1.42 840.0 0.48 14.6 1.27 7.2 0.34 8.1 0.35 1m23s 836.6 2.08 839.1 0.47 15.1 1.54 10.1 0.65 8.5 0.52 1m52s 836.8 1.78 839.5 0.48 17.1 1.39 13.4 0.56 9.1 0.31 2m27s 836.9 1.16 839.7 0.48 14.8 1.35 14.7 0.88 8.3 0.42 2m40s 839.0 1.98 839.0 0.48 14.2 1.26 17.2 0.86 8.4 0.43 3m3s 842.7 1.20 839.5 0.48 16.3 0.33 19.1 0.86 8.1 0.31 3m21s 837.0 1.52 839.4 0.48 15.3 1.49 21.4 1.27 8.1 0.41 3m47s 839.3 1.02 838.9 0.47 15.2 1.15 23.7 0.86 8.2 0.29 4m8s 841.5 0.88 839.7 0.48 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 106.1 9.22 18.8 0.68 36.3 1.16 3m19s 112.1 0.90 114.8 0.13 112.1 10.46 26.7 1.02 35.5 1.14 4m40s 113.5 0.72 115.0 0.13 119.7 6.26 36.5 2.22 36.7 1.92 6m17s 115.9 0.67 114.9 0.13 125.1 9.75 48.9 1.76 39.5 1.16 8m27s 115.4 0.53 114.7 0.13 123.5 10.06 57.4 2.32 38.7 1.44 9m45s 113.9 0.39 114.8 0.13 156.0 7.35 72.1 1.98 41.4 1.02 12m12s 113.4 0.42 114.7 0.13 112.8 9.69 72.1 2.37 37.0 1.14 12m9s 115.2 0.41 114.8 0.13 114.7 10.03 89.9 1.59 40.3 0.72 15m7s 115.2 0.36 114.8 0.13 128.2 10.77 104.9 2.49 42.2 0.92 17m36s 114.6 0.49 114.9 0.13 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU 175.3 16.18 27.9 2.06 28.2 1.93 5m2s 205.0 16.80 44.3 3.63 30.6 2.53 7m35s 238.2 19.45 74.3 5.14 38.8 2.66 12m36s 235.3 23.19 84.2 5.83 35.8 2.37 14m15s 190.7 21.50 97.8 7.96 35.0 2.79 16m30s 176.6 11.00 100.3 7.02 31.1 2.03 16m54s 204.9 12.92 135.1 8.73 36.3 2.24 22m42s 207.7 21.64 143.5 13.65 34.2 3.22 24m6s 181.8 17.60 150.4 10.62 32.6 2.23 25m15s z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 105 105 105 105 105 105 Table 3: Computational Results with SAA (SPRT). 31 300 400 800 900 1000 49.1 0.38 49.3 0.05 49.0 0.26 49.2 0.05 49.5 0.27 49.2 0.05 49.4 0.14 49.2 0.05 49.0 0.12 49.3 0.05 49.1 0.12 49.3 0.05 49.2 0.23 49.2 0.05 49.4 0.07 49.2 0.05 49.1 0.20 49.2 0.05 eil76 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 64.5 6.09 22.8 2.00 21.6 1.43 4m0s 18207.0 0.00 18207.0 0.00 65.4 4.60 35.6 2.38 23.3 1.41 6m4s 18207.0 0.00 18207.0 0.00 61.4 2.40 44.7 1.43 22.1 0.72 7m35s 18207.0 0.00 18207.0 0.00 57.6 3.01 50.3 2.06 20.1 0.71 8m36s 18207.0 0.00 18207.0 0.00 65.8 4.84 70.9 5.05 23.2 1.46 11m56s 18207.0 0.00 18207.0 0.00 57.1 2.95 75.4 3.77 21.3 0.80 12m42s 18207.0 0.00 18207.0 0.00 53.3 4.12 81.6 4.69 20.4 1.01 13m43s 18207.0 0.00 18207.0 0.00 54.3 2.31 92.6 2.68 20.6 0.50 15m33s 18207.0 0.00 18207.0 0.00 56.6 3.74 115.4 7.18 22.8 1.23 19m22s 18207.0 0.00 18207.0 0.00 pr76 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 190.3 18.19 31.5 2.28 35.3 2.53 5m21s 7601.0 0.00 7601.0 0.00 155.7 19.29 43.3 4.21 34.1 3.07 7m19s 7601.0 0.00 7601.0 0.00 151.2 20.57 57.4 5.46 35.5 3.06 9m40s 7601.0 0.00 7601.0 0.00 151.3 21.97 68.6 4.11 34.0 1.79 11m32s 7601.0 0.00 7601.0 0.00 124.4 13.74 80.4 6.84 33.6 3.01 13m30s 7601.0 0.00 7601.0 0.00 159.5 16.63 100.7 8.18 36.0 2.48 16m53s 7601.0 0.00 7601.0 0.00 140.1 7.91 109.7 4.88 34.2 1.64 18m23s 7601.0 0.00 7601.0 0.00 132.9 12.25 114.9 8.13 32.6 2.34 19m16s 7601.0 0.00 7601.0 0.00 129.1 15.59 129.1 8.14 32.6 2.15 21m37s 7601.0 0.00 7601.0 0.00 gr96 Number of Sample Scenarios N 500 600 700 200 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 85.3 3.49 20.3 0.91 21.4 0.82 3m28s 205.3 0.22 205.8 0.06 82.3 4.33 28.8 1.41 21.8 0.89 4m53s 204.8 0.25 205.8 0.06 88.0 4.70 41.3 4.17 23.7 1.81 6m58s 205.3 0.23 205.7 0.06 85.2 6.54 48.5 2.46 22.3 1.03 8m9s 205.6 0.18 205.8 0.06 86.1 4.28 58.2 2.26 22.8 0.89 9m47s 205.6 0.16 205.7 0.06 86.3 3.51 74.9 2.82 24.7 0.76 12m34s 205.4 0.19 205.6 0.05 82.4 4.59 82.9 4.00 24.1 0.89 13m54s 205.3 0.17 205.9 0.06 77.4 2.43 90.5 4.33 23.4 0.79 15m9s 205.5 0.10 205.9 0.06 77.8 2.62 107.5 4.33 24.6 0.81 17m59s 205.4 0.10 205.8 0.06 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 582.7 38.97 113.1 6.17 86.6 4.34 19m20s 3355.6 17.54 3414.8 3.84 489.5 35.09 146.4 4.31 78.2 2.03 24m52s 3378.9 8.55 3416.2 3.85 594.2 65.74 200.5 10.92 84.8 4.18 33m46s 3374.7 9.74 3419.6 3.86 573.8 59.75 248.8 17.60 86.2 5.53 41m58s 3386.8 7.96 3413.6 3.84 608.5 50.56 323.3 16.02 93.7 4.36 54m24s 3395.3 6.80 3419.6 3.67 576.6 64.41 354.7 29.45 88.3 7.14 59m24s 3389.9 9.19 3418.2 3.86 581.6 47.35 388.2 22.55 84.9 4.37 1h4m 3390.9 7.32 3419.6 3.86 573.8 35.51 440.6 25.43 88.3 4.41 1h13m 3376.6 9.18 3414.9 3.84 631.3 40.55 522.4 15.07 93.0 2.51 1h27m 3384.7 10.07 3405.4 3.80 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 28.4 3.11 13.6 1.21 11.2 0.94 2m34s 2466.4 7.16 2467.9 1.47 28.2 5.58 19.9 1.02 11.5 0.54 3m39s 2466.4 7.34 2470.0 1.48 30.1 4.77 27.0 1.17 12.1 0.55 4m47s 2462.9 6.08 2469.2 1.47 28.2 3.79 34.8 1.04 12.1 0.38 6m6s 2470.1 6.29 2469.7 1.48 31.0 1.82 39.9 1.94 11.6 0.37 6m59s 2466.4 6.81 2470.7 1.48 37.8 3.99 48.9 2.71 12.7 0.54 8m28s 2460.6 5.71 2472.1 1.49 25.8 4.82 49.5 2.92 11.2 0.53 8m37s 2469.1 4.42 2470.8 1.48 26.4 2.89 60.5 3.66 11.9 0.53 10m27s 2475.0 5.38 2468.9 1.47 35.1 5.17 69.5 2.98 12.7 0.45 11m52s 2471.7 4.59 2468.2 1.47 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 3.3 0.60 5.0 0.55 3.8 0.20 55s 2920.0 11.40 2940.5 0.60 2.5 0.50 4.4 0.81 2.9 0.38 50s 2944.5 3.11 2941.1 0.60 2.6 0.40 5.0 0.35 2.8 0.20 56s 2946.7 3.46 2940.6 0.60 2.5 0.52 7.6 1.21 3.1 0.28 1m21s 2939.1 3.45 2940.7 0.60 1.6 0.16 7.3 0.48 2.8 0.20 1m19s 2939.6 2.63 2941.2 0.60 2.3 0.37 8.1 0.49 2.7 0.15 1m27s 2938.9 2.89 2939.8 0.59 2.9 0.43 10.5 0.57 3.1 0.18 1m51s 2938.0 0.98 2940.3 0.60 2.9 0.46 12.3 0.42 3.2 0.13 2m9s 2938.2 0.89 2939.9 0.60 3.3 0.65 18.4 3.02 3.5 0.22 3m9s 2940.4 1.25 2941.0 0.60 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU 32.1 2.30 14.5 1.11 11.5 0.81 2m35s 38.2 3.07 25.7 1.32 13.9 0.71 4m26s 36.7 1.41 31.2 2.06 13.4 0.90 5m21s 34.1 2.79 43.1 1.27 14.9 0.48 7m20s 35.8 2.24 45.2 3.00 12.9 0.82 7m41s 32.9 2.00 57.2 4.04 14.0 0.98 9m41s 30.9 1.79 61.5 5.14 13.0 1.00 10m24s 31.7 2.02 68.9 3.77 13.1 0.74 11m37s 33.1 1.97 75.5 5.89 13.1 0.91 12m44s kroC100 kroB100 kroA100 rat99 z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 Table 3: Computational Results with SAA (SPRT). (Cnt’d) 32 kroD100 kroE100 rd100 eil101 Number of Sample Scenarios N 500 600 700 200 300 400 800 900 1000 z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 2486.6 3.45 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 2490.0 0.00 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 3.0 0.58 2.9 0.14 2.4 0.16 36s 3718.3 9.24 3710.4 1.36 1.8 0.42 4.0 0.18 2.2 0.13 44s 3716.2 7.39 3709.5 1.35 1.6 0.50 5.1 0.18 2.2 0.13 55s 3705.2 6.05 3712.1 1.37 1.6 0.50 6.4 0.33 2.2 0.20 1m8s 3702.2 5.70 3709.8 1.36 2.5 0.78 8.1 0.47 2.4 0.22 1m25s 3714.6 5.64 3710.3 1.36 2.3 0.67 8.9 0.28 2.2 0.13 1m33s 3719.0 5.29 3710.2 1.36 1.8 0.42 10.8 0.59 2.5 0.22 1m52s 3710.8 6.16 3709.7 1.35 1.2 0.20 10.9 0.30 2.1 0.10 1m53s 3716.0 3.15 3710.3 1.35 1.1 0.10 11.9 0.10 2.0 0.00 2m3s 3704.0 2.05 3708.3 1.34 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 39.0 3.31 12.0 1.20 9.6 0.88 2m8s 1195.2 1.64 1197.0 0.00 38.0 4.62 18.1 1.45 9.9 0.78 3m9s 1196.5 0.47 1197.0 0.00 27.8 3.84 23.3 2.54 9.9 1.08 4m0s 1197.0 0.00 1197.0 0.00 27.5 2.85 28.3 3.20 9.4 1.00 4m50s 1196.8 0.23 1197.0 0.00 31.2 2.82 34.7 2.15 9.6 0.52 5m55s 1197.0 0.00 1197.0 0.00 26.1 2.42 38.8 1.71 9.1 0.38 6m36s 1197.0 0.00 1197.0 0.00 25.3 3.65 44.6 4.58 9.4 0.93 7m33s 1197.0 0.00 1197.0 0.00 29.1 2.40 51.2 4.95 9.5 0.83 8m39s 1197.0 0.00 1197.0 0.00 29.6 3.47 49.2 5.16 8.2 0.84 8m19s 1197.0 0.00 1197.0 0.00 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 30.4 3.19 10.6 0.41 10.2 0.36 1m59s 51.7 0.39 52.2 0.05 31.6 2.05 15.5 0.42 10.3 0.21 2m43s 52.1 0.23 52.2 0.05 31.6 2.06 19.8 0.41 10.0 0.21 3m22s 51.9 0.33 52.2 0.05 31.0 1.32 25.1 0.74 10.4 0.22 4m19s 52.6 0.16 52.2 0.05 33.3 1.96 28.7 0.82 10.0 0.26 4m51s 52.3 0.29 52.2 0.05 29.0 1.06 33.0 0.60 9.9 0.18 5m34s 52.1 0.16 52.2 0.06 35.3 1.16 39.7 0.60 10.3 0.15 6m42s 52.2 0.21 52.2 0.05 31.6 1.86 44.2 0.70 10.4 0.16 7m26s 52.1 0.20 52.2 0.05 30.6 1.61 48.9 0.98 10.3 0.15 8m13s 52.3 0.15 52.2 0.05 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU 138.5 14.17 53.3 4.34 33.1 2.61 9m25s 105.0 7.80 73.0 6.31 31.3 2.43 12m24s 112.6 13.74 101.3 8.87 32.9 2.65 17m9s 117.8 8.61 135.3 6.37 35.1 1.64 22m46s 112.8 5.36 153.7 7.75 33.8 1.55 25m51s 107.0 10.03 172.7 14.89 32.2 2.67 29m1s 109.8 8.21 188.8 13.42 30.8 2.07 31m42s 119.6 7.08 246.6 10.28 35.0 1.41 41m20s 100.5 11.16 259.9 17.98 33.9 2.22 43m33s 105 105 105 105 Table 3: Computational Results with SAA (SPRT). (Cnt’d) 33 400 800 900 1000 321.6 0.69 320.9 0.13 322.2 0.64 320.9 0.13 321.0 0.65 320.9 0.13 321.5 0.63 320.8 0.13 320.4 0.85 320.7 0.13 320.4 0.61 320.9 0.13 321.0 0.37 320.8 0.13 320.3 0.41 321.0 0.13 321.4 0.41 320.8 0.13 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 2.9 1.07 2.6 0.32 4.0 0.56 28m25s 2376.8 1.77 2381.8 0.37 3.2 0.62 4.4 0.47 4.4 0.48 28m43s 2379.7 1.30 2382.1 0.37 2.8 0.79 4.9 0.72 3.7 0.37 28m58s 2380.5 1.59 2382.2 0.37 2.6 0.87 6.2 1.05 4.0 0.60 29m14s 2381.4 1.15 2381.3 0.37 2.5 0.71 6.6 0.58 3.5 0.27 29m29s 2383.0 1.45 2382.4 0.37 3.2 1.42 8.2 1.56 3.7 0.60 29m23s 2379.8 0.89 2382.1 0.37 1.1 0.04 7.1 0.54 2.7 0.15 29m43s 2381.7 1.33 2381.8 0.37 1.4 0.14 7.4 0.67 2.5 0.22 29m15s 2380.3 0.94 2381.8 0.37 2.9 0.78 11.0 2.10 3.4 0.54 30m2s 2381.6 1.03 2382.2 0.37 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 1.3 0.17 2.8 0.19 3.8 0.29 36m24s 1302.0 2.14 1306.2 0.29 1.2 0.12 4.3 0.20 3.9 0.18 35m47s 1302.3 1.02 1306.7 0.29 1.4 0.18 5.8 0.27 4.1 0.23 36m29s 1303.9 1.65 1306.6 0.29 1.7 0.37 7.0 0.40 3.6 0.27 36m19s 1302.5 0.81 1307.0 0.29 1.5 0.24 9.4 0.51 4.2 0.33 37m2s 1303.9 0.97 1306.3 0.29 1.0 0.00 10.0 0.34 3.8 0.20 37m7s 1305.9 1.08 1306.9 0.29 1.3 0.17 11.4 0.53 3.8 0.25 37m3s 1306.2 0.52 1306.5 0.29 1.0 0.00 12.2 0.55 3.8 0.33 36m46s 1305.1 0.74 1306.7 0.29 1.2 0.15 14.3 0.81 3.9 0.28 37m42s 1306.3 0.77 1307.1 0.29 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 2.5 0.56 4.7 0.25 4.3 0.21 54m28s 51.2 0.19 51.2 0.02 2.1 0.36 7.4 0.25 4.8 0.20 55m57s 51.1 0.10 51.2 0.02 4.2 0.99 11.7 0.96 5.1 0.38 57m49s 51.3 0.09 51.2 0.02 3.7 0.69 15.0 0.98 5.4 0.31 57m30s 51.2 0.09 51.2 0.02 4.1 0.82 18.4 1.33 5.6 0.45 56m58s 51.4 0.08 51.2 0.02 4.3 0.53 19.4 0.83 4.7 0.15 1h22m 51.2 0.06 51.2 0.02 3.2 0.55 19.8 0.55 4.2 0.20 56m53s 51.2 0.09 51.2 0.02 3.2 0.50 24.8 1.51 5.0 0.26 58m54s 51.3 0.06 51.2 0.02 3.5 0.38 27.6 0.97 5.1 0.10 59m18s 51.2 0.07 51.2 0.02 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 5.7 1.01 18.0 0.98 6.3 0.33 2h39m 810.8 1.00 812.8 0.18 6.5 0.78 26.8 1.06 6.5 0.31 2h39m 812.0 0.94 812.9 0.19 7.6 1.08 35.2 1.20 6.4 0.27 2h41m 811.0 0.80 812.3 0.18 7.5 0.67 45.1 1.02 6.6 0.16 2h43m 810.5 0.51 812.5 0.18 6.9 0.69 54.8 1.62 6.7 0.21 2h44m 811.9 0.59 812.4 0.18 7.7 0.82 64.0 2.35 6.7 0.26 2h47m 812.4 0.45 812.5 0.18 7.4 0.58 74.0 3.27 6.8 0.36 2h47m 811.2 0.54 812.6 0.18 6.4 0.63 79.2 2.69 6.4 0.27 2h47m 812.0 0.26 812.6 0.18 6.3 0.85 88.9 2.94 6.5 0.22 2h50m 811.0 0.70 812.5 0.18 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 4.7 1.01 21.3 1.68 7.1 0.55 2h39m 102.4 0.22 102.8 0.06 5.8 0.96 30.7 2.35 7.4 0.64 2h40m 101.9 0.31 102.6 0.06 4.4 1.07 38.8 2.24 6.6 0.45 2h44m 102.4 0.29 102.8 0.06 4.3 0.89 49.7 2.52 6.6 0.43 2h43m 102.4 0.22 102.6 0.06 5.5 1.04 61.9 4.16 6.9 0.41 2h46m 102.6 0.20 102.8 0.06 4.9 0.78 69.4 4.55 6.8 0.42 2h47m 102.5 0.17 102.8 0.06 5.0 0.63 78.5 3.00 6.7 0.40 2h47m 102.4 0.20 102.8 0.06 6.2 0.69 94.0 2.95 7.1 0.28 2h51m 102.7 0.12 102.7 0.06 4.9 0.65 96.6 6.39 6.6 0.54 2h52m 102.4 0.18 102.7 0.06 st70 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 18.1 3.94 63.8 7.85 13.8 1.55 4h11m 46.1 0.10 46.5 0.02 15.6 4.41 89.3 8.03 13.2 1.52 4h5m 46.4 0.07 46.5 0.02 15.0 1.72 109.3 9.06 12.3 0.94 4h5m 46.4 0.07 46.5 0.02 14.6 2.71 142.3 15.09 12.6 1.38 4h9m 46.4 0.10 46.5 0.02 14.9 1.70 183.5 14.74 14.6 1.23 4h29m 46.4 0.07 46.5 0.02 14.7 2.66 186.1 19.07 12.0 1.32 4h14m 46.4 0.05 46.5 0.02 17.7 1.85 235.6 5.99 13.7 0.50 4h31m 46.4 0.03 46.5 0.02 19.9 3.84 276.4 22.73 14.3 1.19 4h44m 46.4 0.05 46.5 0.02 19.6 3.31 296.1 18.18 13.6 1.06 4h38m 46.4 0.05 46.5 0.02 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU 14.0 2.12 51.7 3.23 11.8 0.94 4h23m 16.0 1.34 84.7 4.97 12.5 0.76 4h26m 14.8 1.61 99.8 6.64 11.3 0.73 4h22m 20.9 2.50 141.4 8.12 12.1 0.74 4h35m 19.0 1.77 151.2 9.86 11.2 0.73 4h25m 16.6 2.44 181.4 11.06 11.3 0.56 4h43m 17.9 1.81 200.3 9.12 10.9 0.57 4h34m 15.9 1.63 233.4 14.10 11.4 0.65 6h46m 17.2 1.71 269.5 13.68 11.7 0.70 4h45m berlin52 eil51 ulysses22 ulysses16 burma14 300 eil76 Number of Sample Scenarios N 500 600 700 200 z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 Table 4: Computational Results with SAA (SPAF). 34 300 400 800 900 1000 18457.6 10.88 18468.4 2.54 18452.6 11.20 18465.7 2.53 18451.5 11.54 18470.1 2.56 18453.3 9.39 18467.2 2.54 18459.6 9.39 18462.8 2.52 18467.4 10.49 18469.4 2.55 18461.4 7.37 18472.5 2.56 18460.2 8.30 18466.1 2.53 18464.0 8.22 18463.5 2.53 pr76 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 52.3 8.06 75.7 9.17 16.6 2.20 4h7m 7400.2 2.24 7420.1 0.90 49.9 8.84 90.5 10.67 13.5 1.57 4h20m 7420.4 4.28 7422.0 0.91 57.1 11.13 140.2 17.07 15.2 2.58 4h17m 7426.7 2.72 7422.4 0.91 45.3 9.07 135.6 12.42 11.5 1.23 4h18m 7420.0 5.32 7421.9 0.90 82.1 15.33 241.0 31.99 18.1 2.79 4h33m 7419.5 2.93 7422.0 0.90 110.4 22.64 263.9 30.70 16.8 2.31 4h39m 7423.9 4.14 7422.0 0.90 19.8 3.38 154.9 18.16 8.8 0.80 4h21m 7422.5 3.41 7421.6 0.90 68.9 15.02 284.8 32.83 14.0 1.41 4h45m 7426.0 3.56 7421.4 0.90 118.4 41.51 403.6 58.34 18.5 2.50 4h59m 7421.6 3.88 7422.6 0.91 gr96 Number of Sample Scenarios N 500 600 700 200 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 11.9 2.01 41.2 3.16 7.2 1.04 5h5m 206.5 0.20 207.1 0.03 13.7 2.67 72.2 5.74 7.8 0.90 5h11m 206.5 0.17 207.1 0.03 12.8 1.91 92.7 6.31 7.5 1.20 5h14m 206.7 0.17 207.1 0.03 17.2 2.12 144.1 8.48 9.8 0.93 5h19m 206.8 0.13 207.2 0.03 17.1 3.13 130.3 8.77 7.6 1.49 5h19m 206.9 0.09 207.1 0.03 19.3 5.96 178.3 22.10 8.6 1.28 5h29m 206.9 0.08 207.2 0.03 11.7 1.71 189.2 12.69 8.0 1.36 5h28m 207.1 0.09 207.1 0.03 19.3 4.49 213.2 20.89 7.9 1.18 5h33m 207.0 0.09 207.1 0.03 17.3 3.59 230.0 20.17 7.6 0.88 5h37m 207.0 0.14 207.0 0.03 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 250.8 48.49 225.9 21.81 41.2 3.78 5h57m 3021.7 4.59 3023.5 0.73 209.9 28.83 300.8 20.13 36.2 2.35 6h6m 3024.5 4.14 3023.3 0.73 256.2 37.39 447.9 39.99 40.6 3.58 6h26m 3030.5 2.23 3023.8 0.73 222.6 27.23 551.7 48.48 39.1 3.44 6h47m 3022.9 2.91 3023.6 0.73 333.2 53.56 777.0 58.86 46.9 3.12 7h20m 3025.8 3.78 3022.4 0.73 320.7 42.22 843.0 52.29 43.4 2.81 7h36m 3021.9 3.16 3023.5 0.73 287.7 32.59 1003.6 69.79 45.6 3.13 8h1m 3024.1 4.11 3023.7 0.73 319.4 49.46 1104.2 114.70 44.1 4.29 8h19m 3027.1 2.30 3023.1 0.73 297.7 53.34 1109.2 98.97 40.5 3.23 8h26m 3024.8 1.97 3022.8 0.73 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 9.1 2.87 35.6 5.37 5.3 0.93 5h19m 2372.3 2.41 2366.4 0.50 18.3 3.79 83.3 10.14 8.1 1.55 5h27m 2364.7 3.29 2366.7 0.50 11.4 2.69 84.2 10.78 6.1 0.89 5h27m 2367.5 1.68 2366.3 0.50 8.3 2.18 89.2 8.74 5.0 1.17 5h27m 2366.4 2.36 2366.6 0.50 14.8 4.75 113.0 21.77 5.8 1.21 5h33m 2365.9 1.50 2366.6 0.50 14.9 4.62 142.7 18.15 5.9 0.85 5h34m 2366.4 1.94 2366.6 0.50 19.2 5.22 165.2 25.81 6.0 1.57 5h36m 2366.1 2.21 2366.8 0.50 13.7 4.70 168.3 32.64 5.4 1.13 5h41m 2368.6 1.53 2366.5 0.50 8.3 2.47 185.7 38.61 5.3 1.29 5h44m 2364.2 1.36 2366.6 0.50 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 2.3 0.24 20.3 0.54 3.1 0.10 5h19m 2650.3 4.78 2647.8 0.87 2.8 0.61 33.4 2.84 3.5 0.34 5h16m 2646.5 3.84 2649.6 0.87 3.8 0.58 44.8 2.42 3.5 0.22 5h17m 2650.2 4.96 2648.3 0.87 2.5 0.18 50.0 1.35 3.1 0.10 5h21m 2645.1 3.18 2649.9 0.87 2.4 0.29 66.2 3.63 3.4 0.22 5h23m 2643.2 2.83 2647.7 0.87 2.5 0.18 70.8 0.63 3.1 0.10 5h22m 2648.5 3.66 2648.3 0.87 2.1 0.11 79.4 2.17 3.1 0.10 5h23m 2650.3 2.26 2649.2 0.87 2.3 0.13 89.9 0.10 3.0 0.00 5h27m 2656.9 3.32 2648.0 0.87 2.7 0.26 109.2 4.20 3.4 0.16 5h30m 2648.9 3.15 2649.3 0.87 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 34.2 5.28 66.5 5.27 11.5 0.78 5h28m 2384.1 2.67 2382.9 0.44 35.6 4.82 97.9 7.73 11.4 0.88 5h34m 2379.8 2.33 2383.0 0.44 34.7 5.37 129.5 7.29 10.5 0.50 5h42m 2387.7 2.02 2382.7 0.44 26.1 1.60 157.1 6.60 10.8 0.39 5h42m 2383.7 1.70 2382.9 0.44 32.5 2.76 190.3 11.21 10.4 0.45 5h48m 2381.8 1.04 2382.8 0.44 30.8 3.14 210.5 14.26 9.8 0.55 5h58m 2381.0 1.51 2383.5 0.44 30.7 3.14 234.7 13.04 9.9 0.50 5h56m 2382.9 1.14 2382.3 0.43 28.4 2.98 277.9 14.31 10.2 0.51 6h1m 2382.4 1.65 2383.5 0.44 36.4 4.38 346.0 26.37 11.7 0.87 6h15m 2382.4 1.64 2382.9 0.43 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU 1.1 0.11 22.7 1.34 3.4 0.22 5h13m 1.0 0.00 30.4 1.15 3.1 0.18 5h13m 1.0 0.00 43.8 1.73 3.4 0.16 5h19m 1.0 0.00 50.8 1.88 3.1 0.18 5h18m 1.0 0.00 58.6 1.77 3.0 0.15 5h24m 1.0 0.00 71.2 1.97 3.1 0.10 5h21m 1.0 0.00 78.1 2.32 3.0 0.15 5h25m 1.0 0.00 94.6 5.39 3.2 0.20 5h29m 1.3 0.13 105.1 5.53 3.1 0.10 5h27m kroD100 kroC100 kroB100 kroA100 rat99 z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 Table 4: Computational Results with SAA (SPAF). (Cnt’d) 35 kroE100 rd100 eil101 Number of Sample Scenarios N 500 600 700 200 300 400 800 900 1000 z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 3531.5 6.32 3533.1 0.69 3532.2 2.74 3533.5 0.69 3536.8 2.71 3532.9 0.69 3537.5 2.94 3532.8 0.69 3532.5 2.70 3532.8 0.69 3532.1 2.97 3532.9 0.69 3535.3 1.85 3533.8 0.69 3532.2 2.21 3532.4 0.69 3528.8 1.91 3532.4 0.69 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 63.9 17.27 73.6 6.85 13.2 1.15 5h29m 1165.5 1.11 1166.3 0.15 57.0 9.13 103.8 9.56 12.6 0.88 5h31m 1166.0 0.73 1166.4 0.15 59.6 6.17 151.1 9.07 13.8 1.25 5h40m 1165.0 0.94 1166.3 0.15 100.2 11.12 229.4 16.34 16.1 1.43 5h55m 1166.6 0.65 1166.5 0.15 52.8 9.94 181.5 10.45 11.1 0.67 5h46m 1167.6 0.61 1166.5 0.15 62.1 7.71 251.2 20.37 13.2 1.05 5h51m 1166.8 0.58 1166.2 0.15 54.6 11.65 259.2 27.09 12.0 1.28 6h1m 1166.8 0.50 1166.4 0.15 49.8 5.28 286.0 15.96 11.7 0.67 6h2m 1166.3 0.74 1166.4 0.15 63.2 5.85 347.3 16.73 13.0 0.68 6h12m 1166.2 0.42 1166.5 0.15 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 10.3 1.76 41.4 3.95 6.2 0.53 5h19m 44.2 0.15 44.5 0.02 16.9 2.82 74.2 6.98 7.5 0.90 5h24m 44.4 0.15 44.5 0.02 12.8 1.64 95.1 9.37 7.0 0.75 5h29m 44.6 0.07 44.5 0.02 14.9 1.75 132.2 12.62 8.0 0.76 5h37m 44.5 0.10 44.5 0.02 15.7 2.13 140.7 6.50 6.7 0.65 5h36m 44.5 0.10 44.5 0.02 21.6 4.78 185.3 17.20 8.0 1.11 5h47m 44.4 0.06 44.6 0.02 18.1 2.32 209.6 12.31 8.1 0.80 5h47m 44.5 0.09 44.5 0.02 18.0 2.85 220.6 10.67 7.5 0.40 5h51m 44.7 0.06 44.5 0.02 17.9 3.46 250.8 15.13 7.7 0.52 5h57m 44.5 0.04 44.5 0.02 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU 35.8 3.94 108.0 9.98 17.0 1.43 6h5m 32.9 3.66 174.4 12.11 19.3 1.27 6h14m 46.7 3.50 237.6 9.76 18.7 0.90 6h24m 40.7 3.74 270.9 17.31 17.1 1.02 6h24m 38.7 3.62 300.8 19.87 16.3 1.01 6h28m 38.5 2.12 379.8 18.08 17.3 0.84 6h44m 40.6 4.88 463.5 32.92 18.3 1.16 6h55m 46.0 1.90 532.0 23.09 19.5 0.92 7h17m 39.2 3.26 517.5 30.66 16.9 0.92 7h5m 105 105 105 Table 4: Computational Results with SAA (SPAF). (Cnt’d) 36 400 800 900 1000 z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 1559.1 8.57 1565.0 1.32 1551.7 6.43 1565.0 1.32 1565.4 3.94 1564.0 1.32 1554.0 5.57 1561.3 1.30 1550.4 5.30 1564.0 1.32 1559.2 4.06 1563.7 1.32 1556.9 3.24 1564.7 1.33 1555.8 2.86 1564.2 1.33 1555.5 2.90 1562.7 1.31 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 206.2 17.26 1.7 0.13 37.3 2.91 1m21s 9290.9 31.10 9488.2 7.50 230.6 10.59 2.0 0.11 35.4 2.06 1m23s 9374.3 36.80 9501.4 7.58 232.0 22.47 2.7 0.22 40.4 3.20 1m3s 9408.1 35.54 9529.2 6.87 211.2 19.52 3.0 0.15 40.6 1.64 57s 9439.8 37.19 9493.6 7.50 183.6 22.42 3.1 0.24 36.1 2.78 1m0s 9457.7 27.46 9498.7 7.58 216.3 20.50 4.0 0.14 40.2 1.48 1m17s 9474.0 30.93 9498.2 7.53 205.9 26.43 4.2 0.23 37.9 1.95 1m15s 9457.3 19.30 9500.6 7.59 250.7 16.65 4.8 0.29 39.0 2.37 1m23s 9466.4 27.78 9497.4 7.55 180.7 13.25 4.9 0.25 37.7 2.04 1m10s 9471.5 23.08 9506.2 7.61 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 629.0 74.11 4.5 0.39 50.9 2.83 2m3s 9804.1 47.97 10023.6 6.50 774.2 122.91 5.9 0.72 52.0 4.60 1m58s 9883.3 24.34 10024.1 6.49 859.4 114.02 7.7 0.99 56.3 5.67 2m16s 9921.6 23.11 9985.6 6.50 610.7 67.21 7.1 0.73 55.8 5.61 2m34s 9934.1 18.98 10000.3 6.56 996.1 210.07 10.1 1.24 59.8 3.57 2m18s 9929.3 18.20 10009.6 6.47 968.1 183.49 10.8 1.46 59.5 5.34 2m45s 9883.8 30.12 9989.3 6.51 791.8 86.17 10.6 0.61 57.3 3.04 2m43s 9894.0 14.86 9986.9 6.46 882.4 131.60 11.0 0.85 52.1 3.09 2m55s 9961.9 21.84 9996.5 6.52 811.6 104.75 11.6 1.06 54.2 4.19 2m48s 9920.9 27.93 10000.9 6.55 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 4190.3 546.66 50.6 9.34 132.0 16.23 10m25s 512.4 3.58 550.2 0.65 6089.5 735.61 88.0 14.47 175.3 21.80 16m21s 519.5 1.90 544.1 0.64 5656.8 794.19 90.5 17.24 180.7 18.33 17m8s 519.1 2.62 547.9 0.64 6818.6 757.74 106.7 15.59 187.0 17.13 19m19s 521.1 2.41 547.0 0.64 6317.7 710.35 112.9 12.44 206.5 9.72 20m28s 522.2 2.27 543.8 0.63 6033.4 975.32 97.1 16.01 155.7 14.08 17m24s 523.5 1.78 547.0 0.64 6496.3 861.96 114.1 17.18 177.9 13.38 20m31s 522.7 1.95 544.7 0.64 7602.9 729.32 143.9 13.59 203.5 14.93 25m40s 523.9 2.26 546.7 0.64 6038.7 919.16 129.3 17.00 192.1 12.15 23m7s 526.0 1.69 543.9 0.64 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 10000.0 0.00 1283.6 63.79 250.8 18.40 3h40m 9036.3 19.36 9496.3 8.57 10000.0 0.00 1117.4 69.31 220.0 15.00 3h12m 9141.6 33.09 9495.3 7.83 10000.0 0.00 1170.1 73.93 240.0 11.35 3h20m 9148.0 24.08 9496.8 8.56 10000.0 0.00 1150.9 61.68 239.9 18.00 3h16m 9186.4 32.23 9476.0 8.48 10000.0 0.00 1230.8 64.08 254.4 14.40 3h31m 9188.0 18.85 9469.4 8.45 10000.0 0.00 1315.0 62.83 268.5 15.88 3h45m 9183.1 33.27 9453.1 8.46 10000.0 0.00 1171.6 58.17 242.4 13.07 3h21m 9221.7 18.23 9482.9 8.51 10000.0 0.00 1256.2 51.38 244.2 10.46 3h35m 9200.2 24.77 9482.0 8.47 10000.0 0.00 1337.7 57.49 264.5 12.68 3h49m 9172.4 20.14 9481.0 8.53 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 10000.0 0.00 1018.8 111.23 207.1 31.90 2h55m 747.1 3.84 860.6 0.97 10000.0 0.00 1317.9 99.57 268.3 20.32 3h45m 760.6 4.52 840.8 0.92 10000.0 0.00 1329.9 96.04 280.4 24.36 3h47m 761.4 1.97 839.8 0.92 10000.0 0.00 1210.4 66.56 264.7 20.10 3h27m 762.4 3.01 837.0 0.92 10000.0 0.00 1210.9 73.85 256.0 19.17 3h27m 759.6 3.31 841.0 0.93 10000.0 0.00 1125.2 77.34 219.7 21.56 3h13m 764.5 2.66 836.7 0.92 10000.0 0.00 1371.7 77.50 285.7 23.96 3h54m 769.3 2.32 842.5 0.93 10000.0 0.00 1290.0 74.58 254.6 20.47 3h40m 768.0 2.37 841.3 0.92 10000.0 0.00 1305.6 105.22 253.4 25.90 3h42m 767.6 2.31 834.5 0.91 st70 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 10000.0 0.00 1630.8 92.53 167.1 16.13 4h40m 619.4 3.45 662.6 0.59 10000.0 0.00 1494.2 75.70 164.3 11.87 4h17m 620.6 1.88 667.9 0.70 10000.0 0.00 1654.8 79.70 197.4 16.12 4h44m 624.2 2.11 661.8 0.59 10000.0 0.00 1578.5 87.62 177.3 12.37 4h31m 627.8 1.42 662.7 0.59 10000.0 0.00 1372.8 48.17 155.7 8.42 3h57m 626.4 1.83 659.9 0.59 10000.0 0.00 1508.9 76.61 162.1 13.32 4h20m 630.5 3.31 660.1 0.59 10000.0 0.00 1535.2 64.74 184.1 10.89 4h24m 629.8 2.03 661.0 0.59 10000.0 0.00 1606.5 75.29 178.6 6.75 4h36m 632.3 1.63 661.1 0.59 10000.0 0.00 1549.0 106.10 168.5 15.81 4h26m 631.0 1.44 661.0 0.59 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU 10000.0 0.00 3448.6 244.44 154.9 19.90 9h44m 10000.0 0.00 3229.6 80.43 155.0 7.40 9h7m 10000.0 0.00 3167.3 114.45 163.5 8.74 8h57m 10000.0 0.00 3181.0 159.97 179.9 8.22 8h59m 10000.0 0.00 3361.5 87.97 195.8 8.13 9h29m 10000.0 0.00 3201.7 75.36 190.9 13.40 9h3m 10000.0 0.00 3421.0 150.31 195.3 15.37 9h39m 10000.0 0.00 3279.7 131.52 194.0 9.87 9h16m 10000.0 0.00 3147.5 94.59 204.3 11.04 8h54m berlin52 eil51 ulysses22 ulysses16 burma14 300 eil76 Number of Sample Scenarios N 500 600 700 200 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 Table 5: Computational Results with SAA (TSPRT). 37 300 400 800 900 1000 114408.0 371.11 125067.0 77.59 114314.0 305.30 124206.0 74.98 114500.0 148.97 124144.0 75.91 114491.0 378.42 124426.0 76.86 114851.0 177.70 123658.0 74.59 114930.0 284.87 123586.0 72.42 114932.0 200.05 123609.0 75.06 114944.0 200.64 123480.0 74.39 115104.0 171.58 124419.0 77.06 pr76 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 10000.0 0.00 1360.8 41.90 76.9 4.47 3h55m 59866.4 141.43 62799.3 37.12 10000.0 0.00 1397.0 76.43 85.4 6.34 4h1m 59975.4 133.45 63090.6 35.65 10000.0 0.00 1319.3 50.24 88.1 6.18 3h48m 60301.5 120.02 62857.1 33.84 10000.0 0.00 1275.6 46.37 88.5 5.68 3h41m 60068.8 79.93 63050.7 35.41 10000.0 0.00 1356.4 35.01 91.3 4.16 3h54m 60387.4 102.25 63092.9 37.52 10000.0 0.00 1311.1 49.67 87.3 4.83 3h47m 60457.5 97.40 63086.8 33.11 10000.0 0.00 1243.0 44.86 84.7 4.94 3h35m 60443.3 98.30 63155.8 34.63 10000.0 0.00 1333.6 41.11 90.7 5.99 3h50m 60409.5 65.73 62844.3 37.34 10000.0 0.00 1312.2 42.52 91.9 5.19 3h47m 60509.0 44.94 62837.4 34.39 gr96 Number of Sample Scenarios N 500 600 700 200 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 10000.0 0.00 2478.5 119.07 165.0 17.38 7h4m 1391.5 13.35 1469.1 1.25 10000.0 0.00 2478.5 129.06 162.7 11.33 7h4m 1388.0 4.45 1465.2 1.28 10000.0 0.00 2363.2 83.16 174.0 10.85 6h44m 1405.2 4.73 1470.3 1.20 10000.0 0.00 2343.8 93.99 162.0 8.69 6h41m 1410.1 6.06 1468.5 1.24 10000.0 0.00 2286.7 91.47 164.7 9.36 6h32m 1414.8 3.51 1466.8 1.35 10000.0 0.00 2187.4 110.78 163.5 10.53 6h15m 1408.2 5.25 1462.4 1.33 10000.0 0.00 2379.4 69.26 166.4 7.28 6h47m 1412.5 4.44 1461.0 1.28 10000.0 0.00 2274.8 51.12 169.2 7.06 6h30m 1413.8 2.99 1462.3 1.29 10000.0 0.00 2278.7 78.01 171.6 9.30 6h30m 1417.0 2.18 1464.4 1.24 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 10000.0 0.00 3153.4 96.82 178.3 13.62 8h57m 24141.1 112.48 25807.5 19.23 10000.0 0.00 2768.7 135.33 174.7 10.05 7h53m 24155.7 87.66 25860.3 21.23 9716.7 283.30 2632.0 238.09 170.6 14.07 7h30m 24381.7 68.61 26004.5 20.57 10000.0 0.00 3099.2 106.67 189.2 9.30 8h48m 24388.7 73.86 25697.8 19.10 10000.0 0.00 2949.8 55.83 173.5 9.41 8h23m 24369.9 58.01 25918.0 19.36 10000.0 0.00 2828.6 99.21 176.8 14.63 8h3m 24335.0 73.18 25810.7 17.95 10000.0 0.00 2688.9 120.97 182.5 11.25 7h40m 24448.1 57.04 25793.2 20.03 10000.0 0.00 3067.2 168.82 200.9 19.92 8h42m 24580.2 42.44 25803.5 20.21 10000.0 0.00 2809.8 172.06 176.4 12.77 8h0m 24541.3 62.13 25775.1 20.19 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 10000.0 0.00 2681.1 119.95 154.6 12.74 7h39m 24043.4 106.38 26319.7 18.57 10000.0 0.00 2581.2 103.15 164.6 6.97 7h22m 24506.2 53.81 26732.1 18.21 10000.0 0.00 2497.5 129.11 159.4 11.39 7h8m 24353.1 63.92 26418.0 19.77 10000.0 0.00 2418.5 113.43 156.5 8.58 6h55m 24475.2 47.58 26466.2 20.53 10000.0 0.00 2311.9 94.54 164.0 11.76 6h37m 24407.7 53.02 26286.0 15.80 10000.0 0.00 2439.4 69.39 166.2 6.11 6h58m 24457.3 40.70 26470.1 17.47 10000.0 0.00 2390.2 76.86 169.1 10.99 6h50m 24453.6 42.31 26551.4 21.37 10000.0 0.00 2401.8 98.14 175.6 10.46 6h52m 24655.2 41.62 26356.6 19.26 10000.0 0.00 2263.0 97.48 165.6 10.44 6h29m 24549.0 47.49 26411.4 18.32 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 10000.0 0.00 3114.9 155.59 178.1 11.58 8h51m 23372.6 97.70 24792.5 19.42 10000.0 0.00 3156.8 108.03 198.8 7.43 8h57m 23556.9 69.81 24902.9 19.71 10000.0 0.00 2828.6 88.09 206.0 7.38 8h3m 23516.8 66.86 24732.4 18.33 10000.0 0.00 3107.4 155.32 234.1 13.69 8h49m 23679.1 83.78 24640.2 17.07 10000.0 0.00 2854.8 119.37 205.4 12.46 8h7m 23656.5 59.53 24655.1 18.21 10000.0 0.00 2796.4 71.70 202.3 5.42 7h58m 23680.3 49.01 24681.6 18.19 10000.0 0.00 2936.4 84.19 207.1 8.53 8h21m 23680.1 80.80 24692.3 18.13 10000.0 0.00 2941.2 96.50 218.7 8.57 8h22m 23649.7 33.33 24628.5 17.18 10000.0 0.00 2754.5 99.13 202.3 11.66 7h51m 23710.0 36.78 24660.3 17.19 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 10000.0 0.00 2503.8 137.82 169.7 20.82 7h9m 23713.4 79.48 25719.1 18.00 10000.0 0.00 2597.9 99.35 201.6 12.95 7h25m 23716.1 81.50 25896.5 19.42 10000.0 0.00 2471.9 137.65 226.0 24.52 7h4m 23930.4 64.31 25774.7 20.04 10000.0 0.00 2426.4 100.09 205.9 16.28 6h56m 23977.2 69.41 25538.6 17.54 10000.0 0.00 2278.0 106.83 207.6 13.19 6h31m 23952.7 45.74 25570.3 18.72 10000.0 0.00 2266.1 88.59 188.2 11.80 6h29m 24043.7 39.65 25500.6 16.52 10000.0 0.00 2120.2 54.51 181.0 11.43 6h5m 24096.5 37.34 25629.6 18.67 10000.0 0.00 2383.2 69.71 200.1 11.00 6h49m 24136.7 32.03 25499.0 18.52 10000.0 0.00 2406.5 86.42 220.4 11.35 6h53m 24118.7 35.72 25468.7 19.91 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU 10000.0 0.00 3338.1 108.45 195.4 14.15 9h28m 10000.0 0.00 3069.2 139.67 186.6 16.23 8h43m 10000.0 0.00 3087.8 114.60 196.7 7.03 8h46m 10000.0 0.00 3069.9 113.59 208.6 11.08 8h43m 10000.0 0.00 2967.9 91.74 199.3 14.25 8h26m 10000.0 0.00 2812.1 152.52 194.7 13.55 8h0m 10000.0 0.00 2985.9 72.02 205.6 6.11 8h29m 10000.0 0.00 2927.2 119.28 189.6 12.65 8h19m 10000.0 0.00 3055.0 109.84 208.0 10.96 8h41m kroD100 kroC100 kroB100 kroA100 rat99 z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 Table 5: Computational Results with SAA (TSPRT). (Cnt’d) 38 kroE100 rd100 eil101 Number of Sample Scenarios N 500 600 700 200 300 400 800 900 1000 z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 23424.6 64.11 26007.8 17.93 23712.8 67.07 26134.5 18.23 23644.5 57.41 25894.7 19.75 23745.5 30.93 25773.3 17.60 23826.0 60.42 25933.4 19.82 23744.6 45.91 25963.4 18.04 23766.0 38.93 25766.3 17.57 23856.1 35.65 25843.9 19.43 23800.4 35.55 25775.5 19.43 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 10000.0 0.00 2790.3 118.09 73.2 5.53 7h57m 8903.9 42.51 9557.9 7.01 10000.0 0.00 2719.1 58.24 77.8 2.30 7h45m 8930.1 20.26 9526.7 7.33 10000.0 0.00 2487.3 39.96 75.9 2.98 7h6m 9002.5 31.60 9502.9 7.68 10000.0 0.00 2624.0 64.77 83.9 2.62 7h29m 8958.3 25.14 9486.1 6.59 10000.0 0.00 2613.7 80.87 88.7 4.92 7h27m 9037.0 29.54 9517.4 6.62 10000.0 0.00 2632.9 57.89 83.3 5.56 7h30m 9000.0 22.30 9486.0 6.59 10000.0 0.00 2542.5 88.79 83.3 4.15 7h15m 9044.6 28.43 9500.6 7.35 10000.0 0.00 2446.4 73.44 84.0 3.52 6h59m 9015.0 19.47 9463.5 7.24 10000.0 0.00 2518.9 65.66 86.7 3.51 7h11m 9039.1 16.50 9478.4 7.31 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU z ¯N σ ˆ z¯N z ˆ105 (ˆ x∗ ) σ ˆ zˆ (ˆ x∗ ) 10000.0 0.00 2573.2 155.82 107.2 5.66 7h20m 701.7 3.37 771.7 0.77 10000.0 0.00 2168.6 92.40 90.0 8.39 6h13m 708.7 0.89 766.5 0.76 10000.0 0.00 2281.4 152.26 122.9 13.21 6h32m 714.7 1.94 768.5 0.76 10000.0 0.00 2165.2 72.75 105.1 11.88 6h12m 712.8 2.58 761.3 0.75 10000.0 0.00 2362.2 126.68 127.3 11.93 6h45m 718.5 3.27 764.4 0.75 10000.0 0.00 2099.5 136.68 122.0 12.74 6h1m 721.0 2.34 761.1 0.75 10000.0 0.00 2057.1 113.71 107.7 10.66 5h54m 720.9 2.61 759.6 0.74 10000.0 0.00 2149.1 114.70 120.7 8.40 6h10m 720.6 1.44 763.8 0.75 10000.0 0.00 2058.1 86.07 117.0 9.46 5h55m 721.2 2.33 763.1 0.75 Nodes σ ˆ Nodes CPU σ ˆ CPU Cuts σ ˆ Cuts Total CPU 10000.0 0.00 4745.7 234.78 72.4 6.64 13h23m 10000.0 0.00 4060.1 151.95 78.2 4.83 11h29m 10000.0 0.00 4354.6 277.75 102.6 8.88 12h18m 10000.0 0.00 3966.6 184.83 94.1 5.59 11h13m 10000.0 0.00 3964.8 157.15 91.1 4.43 11h13m 10000.0 0.00 4261.1 168.96 95.6 6.18 12h3m 10000.0 0.00 4058.6 176.00 107.3 6.37 11h29m 10000.0 0.00 4170.6 138.10 106.7 6.21 11h47m 10000.0 0.00 4051.9 191.90 100.4 8.01 11h28m 105 105 105 Table 5: Computational Results with SAA (TSPRT). (Cnt’d) 39
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