Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation & Development (MRRD) Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Program (AREDP) REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REOI) (CONSULTANTING SERVICES – FIRMS SELECTION) COUNTRY: Afghanistan NAME OF PROJECT: Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Program (AREDP) Grant No.: IDA Grant No. H531-AF Assignment Title: “Impact Study of AREDP Literacy Classes on Enterprise Development” Reference No. CS-38 The Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) have received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Program (AREDP), and intend to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) include: Relevancy of the Assignment with the Project Development Objectives (PDO) 7. AREDP has a collaborative program (MoU) with the Ministry of Education for supporting regular writing of sales register, cash book and business related accounts by the SGs and EGs, writing and maintenance of saving books by SGs members, writing of the sale vouchers and invoices, numerical calculation in business accounting, writing and maintenance of stock books and other business related accounts and calculations, which are very important for the AREDP stakeholder for day to day business. AREDP intend to improve this literacy level of the AREDP beneficiaries in day to day business accounting literacy level. Through the proposed impact study, AREDP would like to have a impact study, based on which AREDP will proceed for improving the business literacy level through effective imitative. So, the proposed consultancy services are relevant to the Project Development Objectives of AREDP. Literacy Courses of AREDP 8. One of the main successes of the AREDP program at the field level has been its ability to successfully incorporate women into program activities. This success can be seen at the percentage of active women participation at the saving group and enterprise group‟s level and female owned enterprises supported by AREDP. However, illiteracy in Afghanistan, particularly, at rural communities is severe and almost lowest among all countries. Illiteracy while it has direct affect on the social and development sectors, it has also direct influences on the economic front. Therefore, in order to empower women 1|Page economically the numeric literacy comes first. In this sequence AREDP initiated establishment of literacy classes with technical support of ministry of education for the female SGs of the covered provinces. For more details please refer to Table 1. Table 1: Shows the coverage of literacy classes disaggregated by province and district Sl. No. Provinces 01 02 03 04 05 Bamyan Balkh Nangarhar Parwan Heart Districts Students (literates) Center of Bamyan 1,075 Nahrshahi 925 Behsod 800 Jable Seraj 600 Karokh 1,425 Total 4,825 Courses (Literacy) 43 37 32 24 57 193 9. AREDP‟s regular monitoring of its field activities and researches done show that the program has been very successful in its gender strategy and the literacy is making significant difference in the enterprise development and is increasing women participation in rural economy and market activities. But an external view is required to inclusively study these impacts. Overall Objectives of the Assignment 10. It has been noticed in the regular monitoring visits that female saving groups are highly enthusiastic to participate in the literacy classes. Even some of the female saving group members, where AREDP has still not opened the literacy classes are requesting AREDP for the establishment of literacy classes in their SG. Besides this we believe that the literacy classes are highly important for the sustainability of the SGs. Because, for the time being most of the female SGs members are uneducated, and their savings records are maintained by female village facilitators of AREDP. Once the female SG members are able to read and write, we will be able to pull off village facilitator from the village and the female SGs members will be able to maintain and update their business related record book. Therefore a quick impact assessment of the literacy will be conducted for 259 female to find out the real and documented impacts of these classes on lives of female beneficiaries. Specific Objectives of the Assignment 11. Considering the project development objectives of AREDP that is focused on creating equal income and employment opportunities, and the importance of gender issue as a crosscutting theme in the program activities it is quite important to find out the impact of AREDP different activities on the lives of all beneficiaries, particularly women. In order to find out the impacts of AREDP literacy classes on the lives enterprises of the women SG members we need to evaluate the impacts of those classes through an independent firm, who has all the required technical knowledge and familiarity with the context. The main objectives of the impact studies are: Finding out the support provided to the literacy class beneficiaries, such as pen, notebook, literacy book, and some other tools; Finding out the real impacts and spillover effects of AREDP literacy classes over enterprise development; Conducting quick literacy and numeracy tests from the literacy class beneficiaries, and provide an analytical overview on the results; Finding out the direct impacts of AREDP literacy classes on their beneficiaries; Identify the indirect impacts of the literacy component on the beneficiaries; Recommending some of the most effective ways meeting the literacy needs of the female SG members; Exploring the main challenges encountered; Finding out the social impacts of the literacy classes on the target beneficiaries; Reflecting on the attitude change of the literacy class beneficiaries; Find out main ideas and point view with regards to the literacy classes for their female; Explore the beneficiary‟s point of view with regards to the importance of such classes. General Scope of the Assignment 12. The „Consultant‟ will be responsible to M&E Manager, AREDP. The duration of the consultancy services will be for three (3) months commencing from September 2014 with closing on November 2014. The consulting services will include five (5) Provinces (Herat, Balkh, Bamyan, Parwan and Nangarhar) of AREDP. Specific Scope of the Assignment 13. The sampling frame has been shown in the table1, which clearly shows that this study will be conducted in five provinces, covered by the AREDP. The data will be collected from treatment and control groups using multi-level random stratified sampling. Accordingly the sample frame is divided into these two strata and within each stratum saving groups should be selected following a two stage design. In the first stage total numbers of villages should be separated for control and treatment group in each stratum. Sample size for selection of villages is calculated with following parameters. Population (N) = 259 classes Margin of error = 5% Confidence level 95% For proportions P value assumed = 50% 14. Based on the above parameters following formula was used to determine the sample size for villages: n = [(z2 x p x q) + ME2] / [ME2 + z2 x p x q/N] Sample size (n) = 250 15. Therefore, in the first stage 250 classes has to be selected from each treatment and control strata. This sample is then proportionally divided between each province. 16. In addition to above, following are some of the major scope of the assignment: Develop a comprehensive schedule for activities and all associated logistics required for successful completion of the project within the agreed timeline; Review of all projects and reports; Design tools based on the above research objectives; Pilot the new developed impact evaluation tools and incorporate the field findings within the tools if possible; Develop training materials for the enumerators; Recruit enumerators; Conduct training to the enumerators; Conduct the impact evaluation using the above methodology; Collect, verify, enter the data to the excel database; 3|Page Analyze the data using comparative qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods, and reflect the major findings in charts, graphs, and tables; Present their findings to the AREDP staff; Provide the soft copies of the photo graphs of the field visits, short videos and other materials related to this study; Prepare a draft final report (in English) with the following elements (but not limited to): a. An Executive Summary; b. Demographic and socio-economic information of the target class members c. Methodology d. Results of the analysis according to the terms of reference - General findings - Province wise analysis - Comparative look at the findings e. Problems encountered; f. Lessons learned; g. Conclusion h. Recommendations for AREDP i. Annexes presenting the data gathered during the surveys j. Archive materials: complete surveys, questionnaires, interviews and groups meetings documents including the list of interviewees Prepare and present a comprehensive Final Report in English, after incorporating all the comment and feedback given by the review committee members. Methodology 17. Data Collection Methods: The data from the selected classes will be collected through individual interviews, and focus group discussions using a well-shaped questionnaire, by female enumerators, keeping in view the cultural values of the country. Ensure Accuracy and Validity of the data: Accuracy and validity of the data is still one of the most important issues that will be strictly followed during the whole process of the data collection. In order to ensure the accuracy and validity of the data, following measures will be taken: Triangulation of the data Cross checking of the data with the available data Verification and rechecking of the 10% forms. TIMELINE FOR THE ASSIGNMENT 18. The impact assessment study will have to be delivered in three phases during three months period, which are as follows: Phase One: Secondary data collection and desk review -Review of existing project documents primary data needs to be collected in the next phase. The Consultant can access appropriate documents and data available with AREDP such as M&E and MIS data, project documents such as operational manual, and existing AREDP research information. This activity is expected to start upon the commencement of the assignment and be completed within thirty (30) days. Using the secondary data, the consultant will provide a complete inception report that would include the detailed plan, methodology on overall project implementation, identify knowledge areas that need clarification. This will also include the presentation and discussion of questionnaires with the Client, which will be presented as part of the inception report. The actual data collection can be performed at the end of the secondary data collection after the client approves the inception report. PHASE TWO: FIELD RESEARCH AND PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION-DATA COLLECTION OF SOME OF THE KEY VARIABLES MENTIONED IN THE OBJECTIVES SECTION ALONG WITH SOCIAL EMPOWERMENT OF RURAL WOMEN THROUGH THEIR LITERACY CLASSES REQUIRES THE CONSULTANT TO ADOPT CREATIVE APPROACHES. IN ADDITION, THE CONSULTANT HAS TO GATHER BASIC INFORMATION OF EACH TARGET COMMUNITIES‟ DEFINED AS TARGET COMMUNITIES‟ PROFILE THAT WILL INCLUDE INFORMATION SUCH AS DEMOGRAPHIC, CULTURE, SOCIO-ECONOMIC, POWER SET UP AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND THE RELATION OF THESE VARIABLES ON WOMEN PARTICIPATION TO THE PROGRAM AND ITS IMPACTS. THE FIELD ACTIVITY WILL START AFTER THE CLIENT APPROVES THE INCEPTION REPORT. THE PHASE TWO MAY TAKE A MAXIMUM PERIOD OF THIRTY (30) DAYS. PHASE THREE: DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION- DATA ENTRY AND ANALYSIS WILL START IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE DATA IS COMPILED FROM THE FIELD AND WILL BE COMPLETED WITHIN ONE WEEK. HOWEVER, THE DATABASE FOR THE DATA ENTRY WILL BE DEVELOPED DURING THE SECOND PHASE, BASED ON THE APPROVED QUESTIONNAIRES. ON THE COMPLETION OF PRIMARY DATA ANALYSIS, A PRELIMINARY REPORT WILL BE PREPARED, AND THE CONSULTANT HAS TO DELIVER A PRESENTATION ON THE KEY FINDINGS OF THE STUDY TO AREDP STAFF AND MANAGEMENT. IN ORDER TO GET FEEDBACK AND COMMENTS THAT WILL FEED INTO REPORT WRITE UP. AFTER INCORPORATING AREDP COMMENTS TO THE DRAFT REPORT, A FINAL REPORT WILL BE DEVELOPED AND PRESENTED TO AREDP WITHIN ONE WEEK. IN ADDITION TO THAT, AREDP WILL TAKE A PERIOD OF ONE WEEK TO REVIEW AND COMMENT ON THE FINAL REPORTS AND SHARE THE COMMENTS WITH THE CONSULTANT FOR INCORPORATION TO THE FINAL VERSION OF THE REPORT. AND FINAL PRESENTATION WILL BE DELIVERED TO KEY STAFF OF AREDP WITHIN 3 MONTHS‟ TIME PERIOD INCLUDING SUBMISSION OF FINAL REPORT. Required Qualification and Experiences (Short-listing Criteria) 19. The consulting firm should have following qualifications and experiences: a) Minimum three (5) years of overall experience as consultant (firm) in any program/project conducting M&E activities, impact study or related projects; b) Minimum one (1) year of specific experience in impact study/impact evaluation of literacy groups in Afghanistan. Required Key Professionals/Staff 20. The Consultant will provide a team of experts with the following skill sets who shall be adequately qualified and experienced in both Development projects and M&E related fields. Name of Position Qualification Experience Team Leader (1 Position) Minimum Master in Business Administration, Statistics or other related subject. Minimum Bachelor in Business Administration, Statistics, Computer Science or other related subject. Minimum Bachelor in Business Administration, Statistics, Computer Science or other related subject. Minimum High School Graduation Minimum 3 years of experience in managing M&E related projects Data Analyst (1 Position) Data Enumerator (5 Positions for five provinces) Support staff (1 position) 5|Page Minimum 2 years of experience in data analysis in any project or program Minimum 1 years of experience in data collection in any project or program - Action Plan, Time Schedule and Expected Output of the Assignment 21. The consultant will indicate a SMART work plan indicating key staff mentioned and finalize the action plan with consultation with ARDP M&E unit. The proposed time schedule and expected outcomes mentioned in the inception report should be finalized and approved by AREDP. Reporting Obligations, Deliverables and Confidentialities 22. After the commencement of the assignment the consultant (consulting firm) should have to submit the following reports. It is noted that all the documents, reports and communications are belongs to AREDP and must be confidential. Without permission of AREDP authority any report and document will not be disclosed to other or use by other entity. 23. The Consultant will deliver all reports in MS Word File and PDF file format including all raw data in tabulated form, together with relevant summary tables, in MS Excel Files and database at the time of submission of draft report and revised final report as follows. 1. Inception report (3 hard copies): it will include detailed methodology of the study, plan for analysis of secondary data and desk review, research instruments, detailed time line and work plan for carrying out the assignment within 10 days after signing of the contract. 2. Primary Analysis Report (3 hard copies in English): It will include format of the final report, primary analysis of elements discussed in the scope of work, survey verification and monitoring mechanism, discussion of issues identified during the study and all supporting documents as annex such as list of interview groups within 45 days after the initiation of the assignment. 3. Final Report (3 hard copies in English): This needs to be submitted after accommodating all the comments, and altogether it should not take more than two months from the commencement of the assignment within 80 days after initiation of the assignment. 4. Final Presentation: After submission of the final report, presentation will be organized with selected stakeholders to share the main findings of the study within 90 days after initiation of the assignment. 5. Soft and hard copy of the pictures, videos of the field visits: The consultant will provide the soft and hard copy of the pictures, videos, of the field visits to the cline by the end of the study with the final report. DATA, SERVICES AND FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT 24. The Client will make all available project documents including Project Appraisal Reports, Project Implementation Plan, Community Operations Manual, human resources manual, Financial Management Manual, etc.; Facilitate participation of key PO, PMO and other project staff during the audit where and when require. Facilitate interaction and exchange of information between the consultant and the PO, PMO and the other project supported agencies / staff and the CBOs; The consultant however, will be responsible for all travel, local transport to field and accommodation throughout the period of the contract. The M&E unit head at program office will act as a link between AREDP, the consultant and other relevant stakeholders. REVIEW COMMITTEE TO MONITOR CONSULTANTS WORK 25. The monitoring of the assignment will be done as follows: 1. Coordination mechanism: AREDP will form a committee from its relevant units head to oversee the whole process of this study. Moreover, any report and deliverables submitted to AREDP will have to be reviewed and approved by the committee members. Therefore, the consultant has to closely coordinate all its activities with the committee members and should copy all members in its all correspondence about the study. 2. Regular progress reports: After commencement of the assignment, the consultant has to provide bi-weekly progress update to AREDP M&E team about the progress of the activity on regular basis. 3. Duration of the assignment: It is estimated that the assignment will take three months from the date of signing of the agreement. However, the consultant should also mention about the feasibility of the mentioned timeline for the completion of the assignment while submitting the inception report to AREDP. Method and Procedure of Selection 26. The selection and employment of the “Consultant” will be done following World Bank Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011 (Consultant Guidelines), Section I, Paragraph 1.9, setting forth the World Bank‟s policy on “Conflict of Interest”. 27. Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture (JVCs) or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. In this case clear responsibilities of each firm must be acknowledged and submitted with proposal duly signed by each interested firms as per article No. 1.15 of Consultants Guidelines of World Bank. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the “Selection Based on Consultants’ Qualification (CQS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines, paragraph 3.7. Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours (0800 to 1400 hours). Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) by 23 September 2014 on or before 1400 hours. Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Program (AREDP) Attn: Mohammad Qais Aqaee, Procurement Manager MRRD Compound, Nila Bagh Street, Darul Aman Kabul, Afghanistan Tel: +93 786200625 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] 7|Page
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