MAGNETICALLY-ACTUATED VARIABLE OPTICAL ATTENUATORS USING FERROFLUID-DOPED ELASTOMER IMPLEMENTED BY COMBINATION OF SOFT LITHOGRAPHY AND INKJET PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES S. de Pedro1, V. J. Cadarso2, X. Muñoz-Berbel1,J.A. Plaza1, J. Sort3, J. Brugger2, S. Büttgenbach4, and A. Llobera1 1 CNM-IMB-CSIC, Esfera UAB,Campus UAB, Bellaterra, Spain 2 Microsystems Laboratory, EPFL, Switzerland 3 ICREA and Physics Department, UAB, Barcelona, Spain 4 Institut für Mikrotechnik, Germany ABSTRACT This paper reports the implementation of magnetic variable optical attenuators (M-VOA) by soft lithography (SLT) and using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) as constituent material. Two different fabrication protocols are used and compared. In the first case, a two-layer structure containing a clean PDMS layer on a magnetic PDMS (M-PDMS) layer is fabricated by SLT. M-PDMS is obtained by doping clean PDMS with different ferrofluid (FF) amounts. The second protocol consists of selectively dispensing droplets of FF by the inkjet printing technique (IPT) on a clean and non-cured PDMS structure previously defined by SLT. The optical and mechanical properties of structures fabricated using both protocols and containing similar ferrofluid amounts are compared. INTRODUCTION Variable optical attenuators (VOAs), with a dynamic control of the optical power, have been positioned as one of the most relevant microoptoelectromechanical systems (MOEMS) in optical sensor technology and telecommunications. This interest may associate to the notable evolution that VOA systems have been suffered last years. For instance, traditional silicon VOAs (Young modulus = 100-200 GPa) have been often substituted by more polymeric VOAs (Young modulus = 1-4 GPa) with higher sensitivities and dynamic ranges. On the other hand, light attenuation has also evolved from high voltage electrical actuation to magnetic actuation, which, apart from being much simpler and safer, can be actuated remotely reducing the complexity of the VOA structure. Additionally, magnetically-actuated or magnetic VOAs (M-VOAs) can be actuated from large distances (few millimeters) [1] producing large displacements (from tens to hundreds of mm) [2]. The main disadvantage of M-VOAs is that they are limited to magnetic materials, for example magnetic polymers. Magnetic polymers are commonly obtained by mixing conventional polymers with magnetic nanoparticles. Since nanoparticles may tend to aggregate [3], the presence of the surfactant is in most of cases essential to guarantee their homogeneous distribution on the polymer [4]. It is important to note that the presence of aggregates may alter the optical and mechanical properties of the polymer [5]. In this article, two protocols for the fabrication of M-VOA using the elastomeric material polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) [6] as constituent material are presented and compared. The same M-VOA structure is used in both cases. The differences are in the fabrication protocol. In the first approach, a two-layer structure containing a clean PDMS layer on a magnetic PDMS (M-PDMS) layer is fabricated by SLT. M-PDMS is obtained by doping clean PDMS with different amounts of ferrofluid (FF), a colloidal suspension of Fe3O4 superparamagnetic nanoparticles with surfactant. The second protocol consists of selectively dispensing droplets of FF by the inkjet printing technique (IPT) on a clean and non-cured PDMS structure previously defined by SLT. The FF fluid drops are finally trapped in a second clean PDMS layer. In this case, ferrofluid is not homogeneously distributed along the cantilever but concentrated on specific areas. The mechanical properties (vertical displacement under different permanent magnetic fields) and optical losses of structures containing similar FF amounts are compared. MATERIALS AND METHODS Reagents PDMS (Sylgard Silicon Elastomer 184, Dow Coring Corp) prepolymer solution was prepared by mixing the elastomer and the curing agent (Sylgard Curing Agent 184, Dow Coring Corp) in 10:1 ratio (v:v), respectively. FF was purchased from Liquids Research Limited. The FF presents a uniform size distribution and low Fe304 particle agglomeration (< 20 nm) dispersed into isoparafin with 10 nm as the mean particle diameter and a saturation of 400 G. M-PDMS was obtained by adding the FF suspension to previously prepared prepolymer solution. Design The proposed M-VOA is illustrated on Figure 1. It is composed by an input self-alignment system that fixes the input fiber optics in the optimal position to couple the light into the waveguide cantilever (4000 µm length, 250 µm wide, 250 µm high). The waveguide cantilever includes two sets of parallel air mirrors distributed along the cantilever length to guide the light to the cylindrical microlens positioned at the free end cantilever. The cylindrical microlens focuses the guided light to the output self-alignment system, where it is collected. Additionally, the M-VOA design includes two reservoirs connected by a microchannel surrounding the cantilever to trap either the M-PDMS or the FF drops depending on the fabrication 4000 µm protocol. output self-alignment system cylindrical microlens waveguide cantilever air mirrors microchannel input self-alignment system reservoir Figure 1: Design top view of the M-VOAs designed showing all its components in detail: reservoirs, the microchannel, the self-alignment systems, waveguide cantilever, air mirrors and cylindrical microlens. M-VOA’s fabrication M-VOAs are fabricated using either conventional SLT or a combination of SLT and IPT [6]. The same two-level SU-8 master, with reservoirs and microchannel in the first level (50 µm-thick) and the input/output self-alignment system and the waveguide cantilever (including air mirrors and microlens) in the second level (250 µm-thick), is used in both cases. In the M-VOA prepared by conventional SLT (M-VOASLT), M-PDMS is obtained by mixing 0.016, 0.025 or 0.033 µl of FF into PDMS prepolymer solution. The first level of the master is filled with M-PDMS avoiding overflowing. After a short curing step (5 minutes at 80ºC), the second level of the master is filled with clean PDMS and cured for 20 minutes at 80ºC. With this protocol, both PDMS layers become bonded in a single M-VOA structure, Figure 2 a). On the other hand, the M-VOA obtained by a combination of SLT and IPT (M-VOASLT+IPT) is prepared as follows. The first level of the master is filled with clean PDMS and partially cured (5 minutes at 80ºC). Next, FF drops are dispensed by IPT in the microchannel area close to the end of the waveguide cantilever (see Figure 2 b). The final volumes of FF in the microchannel are 0.018, 0.026 or 0.030 µl, depending on the case. Finally, the second level is filled with clean PDMS prepolymer and cured for 20 minutes at 80ºC. Following this protocol, FF drops remain stably trapped on a single M-VOA structure. (a) (b) Figure 2: Lateral section scheme and top view picture of the fabricated (a) M-VOASLT and (b) M-VOASLT+IPT. In (a) scheme, light grey corresponds to clean (non-doped PDMS) and dark grey region to M-PDMS. In (b) scheme, black spots represents IPT dispensed FF microdrops. 4000 µm Setup For the mechanical characterization, the M-VOA is placed on a micropositioning platform on top of a magnet of variable magnetization. The waveguide cantilever deflection at each magnetic field is measured by following the protocol detailed below. Firstly, the 635 nm wavelength laser beam (Laser source, 633 nm, 10 mW, model 1137P, JDS Uniphase) is focused at the free end waveguide cantilever without external magnetization. This value is taken as reference. Next, a known magnetization is applied and the cantilever is deflected. The laser beam is again focused at the free cantilever end and this displacement is used to determine the deflection. In the optical characterization, M-VOAs are placed on a support with a magnet (as before). A 125 µm multimodal fiber optic located at the input self-alignment system couples the light from the 635 nm wavelength laser (Laser source, 635 nm, 2.5 mW, Model S1FC, Thorlabs GMBH) to the waveguide cantilever. The cylindrical microlens at the end of the cantilever focalizes the propagating light to the fiber optics located at the output self-alignment system connected to a power meter (Newport Power Meter, Model 1930F-SL). The relative optical losses are determined as a function of the magnetic field. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Mechanical characterization For the mechanical characterization of the M-VOAs, the deflection of the cantilever is measured by using the setup described in the previous section. Figure 3 shows the variation of the deflection with the applied magnetic field for M-VOASLT and M-VOASLT+IPT containing similar FF amount. In all cases, deflection linearly increases with the applied magnetic field until saturation around 0.29-0.57 kG. However, the deflection magnitude at saturation depends on two factors: (i) the FF amount and (ii) on the fabrication protocol. As expected, larger deflection magnitudes are obtained when increasing the FF volume in both M-VOASLT and M-VOASLT+IPT. When comparing M-VOA with similar FF volumes, larger deflection magnitudes are always obtained by M-VOASLT+IPT (see Table 1). This result may be due to the different distribution of FF in both structures. That is, whereas for M-VOASLT FF is homogeneously distributed along the cantilever waveguide, in the case of M-VOASLT+IPT, FF is more concentrated in the free end of the cantilever waveguide becoming more sensitive to the magnetic field. (a) 0,36 0,32 4000 µm M-VOASLT VFF= 0,016 µl 4000 µm M-VOASLT+IJT VFF= 0,018 µl ∆y/∆y0 (mm) 0,28 0,24 0,20 ∆y = 0,162 mm max 0,16 0,12 ∆y = 0,138 mm max 0,08 0,04 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 B (kG) Optical characterization Optical characterization is performed as indicated in previous section. The variation of the relative optical losses with the applied magnetic field of both M-VOASLT and M-VOASLT+IPT structures containing similar FF volumes are represented in Figure 4. As for the mechanical properties, in all cases the relative optical losses increase with the applied magnetic field until saturation. Again, larger relative optical losses are recorded when increasing the FF volume in the M-VOA structure. Additionally, M-VOASLT+IPT structures also show larger relative optical losses when compared with M-VOASLT of similar FF volume (Table 2). (b) (a) -13 0,32 4000 µm M-VOASLT VFF= 0,025 µl 4000 µm M-VOASLT+IJT VFF= 0,026 µl ∆y/∆y0 (mm) 0,28 ∆y = 0,203 mm max 0,24 0,20 0,16 ∆y = 0,156 mm max 0,12 0,08 0,04 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 ∆ROLmax=1,03 dB -14 0,4 0,5 Relative optical losses (dB) 0,36 0,6 -15 -16 -23 ∆ROLmax=0,67 dB -24 -25 B (kG) 4000 µm M-VOASLT VFF= 0,016 µl 4000 µm M-VOASLT+IJT VFF= 0,018 µl 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 B (kG) (c) (b) 0,32 4000 µm M-VOASLT VFF= 0,033 µl 4000 µm M-VOASLT+IJT VFF= 0,030 µl ∆y/∆y0 (mm) 4000 µm M-VOASLT VFF= 0,025 µl 4000 µm M-VOASLT+IJT VFF= 0,026 µl -13 0,28 0,24 ∆ymax= 0,211 mm 0,20 0,16 ∆ymax=0,168 mm 0,12 0,08 0,04 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 Relative optical losses (dB) 0,36 ∆ROLmax=1,94 dB -14 -15 -19 -20 B (kG) ∆ROLmax=1,03 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 B (kG) Table 1. ∆ymax for M-VOASLT and VOASLT+IPT for different FF volumes. VFF (µl) ∆ymax (mm) M-VOASLT M-VOASLT+IPT M-VOASLT M-VOASLT+IPT 0.016 0.018 0.138 0.162 0.025 0.026 0.156 0.203 (c) -12 4000 µm M-VOASLT VFF= 0,033 µl 4000 µm M-VOASLT+IJT VFF= 0,030 µl -13 Relative optical losses (dB) Figure 3: Variation of the deflection magnitude with the applied magnetic field for similar FF volumes. (a) 0.016µl and 0.018 µl for M-VOASLT and M-VOASLT+IPT, respectively. (b) 0.025 µl and 0.026 µl for M-VOASLT and M-VOASLT+IPT, respectively. (c) 0.033µl and 0.030µl for M-VOASLT and M-VOASLT+IPT. -14 -15 ∆ROLmax=3,46 dB -16 -17 ∆ROLmax=1,39 dB -18 -19 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 B (kG) 0.033 0.030 0.168 0.211 Figure 4: Variation of the relative optical losses with the applied magnetic field for similar FF volumes. (a) 0.016µl and 0.018 µl for M-VOASLT and M-VOASLT+IPT, respectively. (b) 0.025 µl and 0.026 µl for M-VOASLT and M-VOASLT+IPT, respectively. (c) 0.033µl and 0.030µl for M-VOASLT and M-VOASLT+IPT. Table 2. ∆ROL for M-VOASLT and VOASLT+IPT for different FF volumes. ∆ROL (dB) VFF (µl) M-VOASLT M-VOASLT+IPT M-VOASLT M-VOASLT+IPT 0.016 0.018 0.67 1.03 0.025 0.026 1.03 1.94 0.033 0.030 1.39 3.46 CONCLUSIONS Two different fabrication protocols based on either conventional SLT or the combination of SLT and IPT are used for the fabrication of M-VOA using PDMS as constituent material. PDMS doped with FF (M-PDMS) and trapped FF microdrops are respectively responsible of the magnetic properties of M-VOASLT and M-VOASLT+IPT. M-VOASLT+IPT always show larger deflection magnitudes and relative optical losses when compared with M-VOASLT with a similar FF volume. The FF distribution, much more concentrated to the free end of the waveguide cantilever, seems to be the cause of the enhanced sensitivity recorded by M-VOASLT+IPT. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n° 209243. The authors would like to acknowledge the Ramon y Cajal grant, the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes for the student mobility grant and the German Research Foundation (DFG) for supporting this work in the framework of the Collaborative Research Group mikroPART FOR 856 (Microsystems for particulate life-science products). REFERENCES [1] M. Suter, O. Ergeneman et al , “Superparamagnetic photocurable nanocomposite for the fabrication of microcantilevers” J. Micromech. Microeng. Vol. 21, 8 pp, 2011. [2] F. Pirmoradi, L. Cheng and M. Chiao, “A magnetic poly(dimethylsiloxane) composite membrane incorporated with uniformly dispersed, coated iron oxide nanoparticles”, J. Micromech. Microeng. Vol. 2, 7 pp, 2010. [3] K. L. 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