Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 FIRE SAFETY PLAN SAMPLE This entire fire safety plan copy and its content is an information source developed for convenience of reference only and for the sole purpose of marketing as a promotional document intended as a sample fire safety plan only, and does not refer to any real building or property. Firepoint Stamp: Fire Department Stamp: ACCEPTED FOR IMPLEMENTATION THIS FIRE SAFETY PLAN WAS ISSUED TO THE BUILDING MANAGEMENT / OWNER / OPERATOR, ON JANUARY 2, 2009 BY FB12345 FIREPOINT IT IS THE BUILDING OWNER’S AND / OR THEIR AGENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO IMPLEMENT THIS PLAN AS PER SECTION AND TO POST THE EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AS PER SECTION, OF THE ONTARIO REGULATION 213/07, AS AMENDED (ONTARIO FIRE CODE). TRAINING OF SUPERVISORY STAFF DATE _________________ CONDUCTED OCCUPANT FIRE DRILL DATE _________________ SETUP PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE DATE _________________ POSTED EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FIRE PLAN SECURITY BOX INSTALLED DATE _________________ DATE _________________ IMPLEMENTED BY _____________________________________________ ONTARIO FIRE CODE - THE FIRE SAFETY PLAN SHALL BE REVIEWED AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY, BUT AT INTERVALS NOT GREATER THAN 12 MONTHS, TO ENSURE THAT IT TAKES ACCOUNT OF CHANGES IN THE USE AND OTHER CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BUILDING. _______________________________________________ The Fire Department approval identification markings have been placed on the front of this Fire Safety Plan to acknowledge that it is an “ACCEPTED” copy which requires to be fully “IMPLEMENTED”. FIRE CODE REGULATION 213/07, SECTION 2.8 This Fire Safety Plan shall be reviewed as often as necessary, but at intervals not greater than 12 months, to ensure that it takes account of changes in the use and other characteristics of the building. For all fire safety plan revisions please call Firepoint Inc. at 905-874-9400 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 1 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 Baumgartner & Associates 77324 Pearl Street, Toronto Ontario M9W 2X7 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Approved By: Fire Department: 9-1-1 Police / Ambulance: 9-1-1 Facility Address: 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario, M3C 3G8 Prepared by: Address: City: Postal Code: Firepoint Inc. 27-180 Wilkinson Rd., Brampton, ON, L6T 4W8 Phone: Fax: 905-874-9400 905-874-9479 Email: Web: [email protected] Alarm Monitoring Station: 416-123-3456 Facility Phone: 416-123-4567 Owner: Fred Summerdalee Property Manager: Ray Fallstonee General Manager: Patrick Winterdalee FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER, TED SPRINGVILLEE This fire safety plan shall be posted for review and reference by staff and occupants of Baumgartner & Associates at 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario, M3G 3C8 On “Acceptance” of this fire safety plan full “Implementation” must be followed in accordance with the Ontario Fire Code Section (1) 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 2 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 5 - Provides an overview of the legality of having a current Fire Safety Plan for your building PART 2: DISTRIBUTION & HUMAN RESOURCES ...................................................................................... 6 - Listed individuals who are to be contacted in the event of a fire emergency and their titles. It also lists the persons who require assistance during a fire. PART 3: AUDIT OF BUILDING RESOURCES............................................................................................... 6 - Details the major occupancy class of the building, provides a description of the layout and location of the main utility shutoffs for each building and identifies all fire and life safety equipment, including operating sequences. PART 4: OCCUPANTS FIRE PROCEDURES ............................................................................................... 7 - Defines the emergency evacuation procedures for all visitors, tenants and occupants for singlestage, two-stage or modified two-stage fire alarm systems. It also describes the procedures to follow upon discovery of a fire or smoke, or when hearing the fire alarm. PART 5: OCCUPANT FIRE PROCEDURE SIGNAGE………………………………….………………………….8 - Examples of the emergency procedure signs that are to be posted by each manual pull station elevator lobbies and all floor areas. PART 6: CONTROL OF FIRE HAZARDS ...................................................................................................... 9 - Outlines fire safety and prevention measures, procedures and practices for occupants. It includes means to minimize potential fire hazards, disposal of combustible or flammable materials, etc. PART 7: RESPONSIBILITIES OF SUPERVISORY STAFF ........................................................................... 9 - Outlines the responsibilities of the owner and staff members before and during an emergency. It describes emergency procedures for staff upon the discovery of smoke, fire or sounding of the fire alarm, as well as training of supervisory staff. PART 8: PERSONS REQUIRING ASSISTANCE......................................................................................... 10 - Contains the form for the owner or supervisor to list occupants who require assistance during a fire emergency. PART 9: FIRE DRILLS ................................................................................................................................. 10 - Nature and frequency of fire drills in accordance with the building classification, as well as steps to be taken before and after the fire drill. 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 3 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 PART 10: MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS OF BUILDING FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS ........ .11 - Fire Code requirements for the checking, testing and inspecting the fire and life safety systems in the building, outlining the daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annual and annual requirements for various equipment. PART 11: FIRE WATCH……………………………………………………………………………………….……12 - In the event of any fire alarm systems or sprinkler systems are off-line, a fire watch through the use of fire watch personnel is to be implemented immediately PART 12: ALTERNATIVE MEASURES………………………………………………………………………..…13 - Describes the procedures to follow upon shutdown of any fire or life safety equipment in the building. PART 13: FIRE ALARM OPERATIONAL FUNCTIONS………………………………………..………………..13 - The general functions of the fire alarm control panel APPENDIX…………….……………………………………………………………….………………….……….14-16 - contains out-of-service signage and documents to be posted during shutdowns of building systems. These are to be used to notify occupants of interim alternate procedures that have been implemented. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS............................................................................................................................. 17 - Provided are floor plan layouts of your building and a site plan drawing 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 4 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 PART 1: INTRODUCTION This Fire Safety Plan is required by the Ontario Fire Code, Section 2.8. This Fire Safety Plan is designed to provide occupant safety in the event of a fire, to provide effective utilization of the fire safety features of the building and to minimize the possibility of fires. The plan discusses what occupants are to do in the event of a fire, fire safety, supervisory staff and related duties, and other related issues. The Fire Safety Plan will also assist firefighters in the performance of their duties by providing floor plans and building and tenant information if an emergency ever occurs. In order for this plan to be effective, management must know the Fire Safety Plan and be able to implement it in the event of a fire. The Fire Code requires the owner to be responsible for carrying out the provisions for fire safety, and defines “owner” as any “person, firm or corporation controlling the property under consideration”. Consequently, the owner may be any one of, or a combination of parties, including building management, maintenance staff and tenant groups. The Fire Safety Plan has been accepted by the Fire Department, but this does not in any way relieve the owner, the lessee, or the management of their responsibilities as set out under the Ontario Fire Code. The Fire Protection and Prevention Act states that “every person who contravenes any provision of the Fire Code and every director or officer of a corporation who knowingly concurs in such contravention is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine of not more than $50,000 for an individual or $100,000 for a corporation or to imprisonment for a term of not more than one year or both”. The Fire Department may require this plan, or parts thereof, once approved, to be resubmitted if there are any changes to occupancy use, if there are any changes in standards, if the Fire Safety Plan has not been kept current or up to date, or because the Chief Fire Official judges the current Fire Safety Plan as no longer being acceptable. The Chief Fire Official is to be notified regarding any subsequent changes in the approved Fire Safety Plan. The fire safety plan shall be reviewed as often as necessary, but at intervals not greater than 12 months, to ensure that it takes account of changes in the use and other characteristics of the building. 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 5 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 PART 2: DISTRIBUTION & HUMAN RESOURCES This section lists persons that are required to have copies of the Fire Safety Plan. Full copies of the plan are in most cases required for the owner/manager, superintendent, building operator and the Fire Department. Partial copies of the plan are distributed to tenants, cooking staff, fire wardens, etc. Listed in this section are the persons that are to be contacted in the event of a fire emergency. Work, pagers, cell phones and even home phone numbers are listed along with the contact name and title. There is also a table in this section that enables the owner/manager to retain a list of the persons that require assistance during a fire emergency. This information is vital for the Fire Department when they arrive. PART 3: AUDIT OF BUILDING RESOURCES This section gives a detailed description of the layout and location of your building, the main gas, domestic water and electrical shutoffs and it will list the major occupancy class of your building, including any secondary occupancies within. As well, there is a detailed audit of all fire and life safety equipment within the building including operating sequences. The fire and life safety equipment that is outlined includes: fire department access routes, standpipe and hose systems, sprinkler systems, fire hydrants, fixed extinguishing systems, fire pumps, fire alarm control panels and annunciator panels, emergency voice communication systems, smoke control and fire dampers, emergency lighting, emergency power systems, pressurization of stairwells and elevators, portable fire extinguishers, exits, electromagnetic locking devices and crossover floors. 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 6 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 PART 4: OCCUPANT FIRE PROCEDURES This section includes emergency evacuation procedures for all visitors, tenants and occupants. Listed are detailed evacuation procedures for a single stage, two stage or modified two stage fire alarm system and even buildings that have no fire alarm system. Procedures include what to do when discovering a fire or smoke, hearing the fire alarm and situations that one may encounter when evacuating the building (i.e. what to do if you encounter smoke, procedures for use of elevators). As well, the role that the Fire Department plays during a fire emergency is outlined. Occupants are advised to only attempt to extinguish a fire if they are experienced with fire extinguisher use and if the fire is still very small. The basic instructions (P.A.S.S.) for use of a fire extinguisher are described. 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 7 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 PART 5: OCCUPANT FIRE PROCEDURE SIGNAGE This is one of the many examples of the emergency procedures that are to be posted by each manual pull station and within elevator lobbies (if applicable). The procedures will be designed for the specifics of your building. IN CASE OF FIRE UPON DISCOVERY OF FIRE LEAVE FIRE AREA IMMEDIATELY. CLOSE ALL DOORS BEHIND YOU. ACTIVATE THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM, USE MANUAL STATION CALL FIRE DEPARTMENT 911 (FROM A SAFE LOCATION) LEAVE BUILDING VIA NEAREST EXIT DO NOT USE ELEVATORS UPON HEARING FIRE ALARM LEAVE BUILDING VIA NEAREST EXIT CLOSE DOOR BEHIND YOU CAUTION IF SMOKE IS HEAVY IN THE CORRIDOR IT MAY BE SAFER TO STAY IN YOUR AREA. CLOSE DOOR AND PLACE WET TOWEL AT BASE OF DOOR. IF YOU ENCOUNTER SMOKE IN STAIRWAY USE ALTERNATE EXIT OR FIND REFUGE IN NEAREST SUITE. REMAIN CALM 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 8 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 PART 6: CONTROL OF FIRE HAZARDS Within this section, an outline for safe fire prevention practices. The list of items are intended for occupants to practice basic measures to avoid any potential fire hazards as well as the general knowledge that the occupants should possess. Some of the hazards may include: disposal of combustible or flammable materials within garbage chutes, unsafe electrical wiring and careless smoking. PART 7: RESPONSIBILITIES OF SUPERVISORY STAFF Included in this section are the responsibilities of the owner and other staff members (i.e. supervisory staff). Outlined are the emergency procedures for staff in the discovery of smoke or fire and upon hearing the fire alarm. As well, general practices such as keeping road access clear and training of staff are also detailed. 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 9 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 PART 8: PERSONS REQUIRING ASSISTANCE This section contains a form that must be distributed to each employee and/or occupant. It must be filled out and returned to the owner or supervisor if the person will require assistance during a fire emergency. This information is readily available to the Fire Department upon their arrival. PART 9: FIRE DRILLS The frequency of the fire drills is outlined in accordance with your building classification. Listed are the steps to be taken before and after the fire drill occurs. Included in the section is a form to keep a record of each drill that takes place. 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 10 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 PART 10: MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS OF BUILDING FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS This section includes The Ontario Fire Code requirements for checking, testing and inspecting the fire and life safety systems within your building. Outlined are the daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annual and annual requirements for various equipment: general life safety systems, exits and exit signs, fire separations, emergency lighting system, portable fire extinguishers, commercial cooking equipment, cooking equipment exhaust system, fixed extinguishing systems, standpipe systems, wet and dry sprinkler systems, emergency power systems, fire alarm systems, integrated and non-integrated voice communication systems, electromagnetic locking devices, elevators, smoke shafts and venting equipment, smoke control measures, fire pumps, hydrants and water tanks. 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 11 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 PART 11: FIRE WATCH The Fire Code requires that buildings equipped with fire alarm systems and sprinkler systems be fully operational at all times. Therefore in the event any of these systems are off-line for any reason whatsoever, a fire watch through the use of fire watch personnel is implemented immediately. During a fire watch, a responsible occupant, employee or contracted security guard actively looks for evidence of smoke and fire, listens for in-room smoke detectors sounding and, if smoke or fire is found, they are to contact the Fire Department of the emergency within the building. The fire watch is only intended as a short-term alternative that permits continued occupancy of the building. The Fire Department DOES require the immediate action of the building owner, business operator or management firm to arrange for corrective measures to be taken on the particular system, which is temporarily out of service. Alternate measures for the temporary shutdown of the buildings fire protection and life safety equipment are to be listed within the Fire Department approved fire safety plan. 1. The elected Fire Watch Personnel are to contact the Fire Department at the start and end of the each fire watch interval, or shift change. 2. Fire Watch Personnel performing the patrol shall be equipped with a working cellular telephone in case they need to call 911 for emergency, a flashlight and list of special needs persons. 3. Fire watch personnel are to post signage throughout the common areas of the building indicating that the fire protection system is temporarily out of order, and display the emergency evacuation procedure as outlined within the approved fire safety plan. 4. The fire watch must be continuous until the fire protection system is repaired and online. 5. Fire Watch Personnel must tour the building premise each hour starting on the hour and report that the building inspection was completed. 6. Fire Watch Personnel must be continuously alert at all times during their watch duration. 7. The Fire Watch Personnel must maintain a written log of the fire watch, indicating the date, time and status of alarm, in addition to undersigning their daily log report. 8. Fire Watch Personnel must immediately notify the Fire Department at the first evidence of any fire or smoke within the building and meet the first responder at entrance of the building. 9. Fire watch personnel must call the monitoring station and advise them to put the fire protection systems back on line. 10. Cancelling the fire watch is based on an assessment that the fire protection system is fully operational, at which time the Fire Department must then be notified to this effect. 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 12 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 PART 12: ALTERNATIVE MEASURES Detailed in this section are the procedures to be followed upon the shutdown of any fire or life safety equipment within the building. Measures for the following are outlined: portable extinguishers, commercial cooking equipment, cooking equipment exhaust system, standpipe systems, sprinkler systems, fire pumps, fire alarm systems, fire hydrants, exits or exit signs and fire separations. PART 13 FIRE ALARM CONTROL OPERATIONAL FUNCTIONS Building fire alarm systems usually consist of a common control (mounted in a metal box), manual pull stations at every exit door, smoke detectors in the hallways, and some means of audibly and/or visually notifying the occupants of the building that an alarm has occurred. The audible signals can consist of bells or buzzers, but in some systems, an alarm tone is generated through a series of speakers located on each floor of the premise. Most fire alarm systems employ "zoned" annunciators so that fire fighting personnel can be dispatched to the proper area of the building. The common control employs several features to enable the occupants to identify problems within the system. There are several different manufactures of building fire and evacuation type systems. It is therefore critical for the fire safety plan to content the following general functions of the fire alarm control panel to assist the building operator its usage. FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL Lists the make and model of the fire alarm control panel, remote annunicator’s or trouble indicators. ALARM SEQUENCE Lists the fire alarm system operational sequence on first and second stage alarms. AUTO EVACUATION Lists the sounding rate of audibles when the automatic evacuation timer expires, including the 1 minute inhibit reset features. CONTROL FEATURES This lists the functions of the various switches such as total evacuation, floor evacuation, area evacuation, auto evac cancel, general bypass, signal bypass and common auxiliary bypass. SUPERVISORY AND TROUBLE CONDITIONS This describes the activation of any supervisory devices located within the building or any open wiring circuits. 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 13 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 APPENDIX This section contains sheets that are to be copied and posted during shutdowns of building systems. It is intended to alert the occupants of the alternate procedures that have been implemented. Out of service signage for Emergency Power Systems, Fire Alarm System, Emergency Lighting System, Fire Fighter's Elevator are included. A Fire Watch Log, Fire Drill Notice and an Acknowledgement Table for persons with responsibilities designated within the plan must sign to verify / acknowledge that they have read the Fire Safety Plan in this section. FIRE ALARM DRILL NOTICE The supervisory staff of this building will be performing a fire alarm drill in accordance with the fire safety plan and the Ontario Fire Code on: ________________________ (Date) ________________________ (Exact Time) The fire alarm audibles will sound continuously until the fire alarm drill is completed. Please do not call the Fire Department when you hear the fire alarm audibles at the time specified above. Please notify the Fire Warden in your area or the Property Management if you have difficulty hearing the fire alarm in your area. Should you hear the fire alarm audibles at any other time during the day, please treat it as an emergency and follow the emergency procedures outlined in this fire safety plan. Baumgartner & Associates 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 14 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 MARK APPLICABLE OUT OF SERVICE EQUIPMENT, MAKE COPIES AND POST SIGNAGE AT MAIN ENTRANCE AND ON ALL FLOOR AREAS _______________________ (List Equipment) OUT OF SERVICE A FIRE WATCH IS PATROLLING THE AFFECTED FLOOR AREAS IN CASE OF FIRE CALL 9-1-1 FOLLOW EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 15 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 FIRE WATCH LOG DATE:_____________________ ADDRESS: 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario, M3C 3G8 REASON FOR FIRE WATCH FIRE ALARM INOPERATIVE SPRINKLER SYSTEM INOPERATIVE FIRE PUMP INOPERATIVE EMERGENCY POWER SYSTEM INOPERATIVE OTHER NAME OF PERSONS CONDUCTING FIRE WATCH (print) 1.___________________________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________________________________________ DATE: TIME: AREAS PATROLLED INITIALS_______ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 16 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected] Fire Safety Plan January 2, 2009 Baumgartner & Associates 7234 Pearl Street, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8 FLOOR PLAN SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS Computer Aided Drafting schematics are created for the floor layouts and the site plan of your building. Highlighted on the colour drawings are all the egress locations and locations of fire protection equipment such as fire extinguishers, manual pull stations, emergency lighting, fire alarm control and annunciator panels, sprinkler risers and shutoffs, fixed extinguishing systems, gas, domestic water and electrical shutoffs and all mechanical and service rooms. Depending on the size and complexity of your building there may be anywhere from 2 to 20 drawings. SITE PLAN SCHEMATIC DRAWINGS In addition to the general floor plan drawings, color schematic site plan diagrams are also contained with the fire safety plan. These diagrams indicate the fire department truck access routes, fire department connections, fire hydrants, parking areas and the city street entrances to the building. Locations of the fire safety box and identification of the outside safe haven area where the occupants will gather in the event of an evacuation are also indicated in these drawings. 27-180 Wilkinson Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4W8 Page - 17 - Phone: 905-874-9400 Fax: 905-874-9479 [email protected]
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