February 2014 TailorMix miRNA Sample Preparation Kit Catalog Numbers: TM100-A and TM100-B Introduction The TailorMix miRNA Sample Preparation Kit from SeqMatic is a comprehensive solution for generating miRNA libraries for the Illumina sequencing platform. Our kits enable the discovery and profiling of miRNAs from various organisms and tissues. The unique TailorMix reagents and workflow have been developed for simplicity and reproducibility without sacrificing quality or yield. Figure 1 TailorMix MiRNA Sample Preparation Overview Features User friendly workflow – libraries can be prepared in a single day with less than one hour of hands on time. Comprehensive sample prep kit – most components are supplied as ready-to-use mixtures which improves consistency and reproducibility. Wide dynamic range – requires as little as 10 ng of Total RNA input. 29528 Union City Blvd. Union City, CA 94587 Tel: 510.870.0965 www.seqmatic.com [email protected] TailorMix miRNA Sample Preparation Kit v7 February 2014 Components Each TailorMix miRNA Sample Preparation Kit contains one set of core reagents (12 samples), one set of 12 unique barcodes, and a gel purification kit. The core reagents and PCR barcode primers should be stored at -15 °C to -25 °C. The kit is designed to be stable for up to one year after the shipping date. Set 1: Core Reagents 1. 2. 3. 4. Mix A Mix B Mix C Mix D 5. 6. 7. 8. Mix E Mix F Mix G Mix H Set 2: PCR Barcode Primers Barcode Sequence Catalog # TM100-A PCR Primer Custom Ladder Barcode 1 Barcode 2 Barcode 3 Barcode 4 Barcode 5 Barcode 6 Barcode 7 Barcode 8 Barcode 9 Barcode 10 Barcode 11 Barcode 12 ATCACG CGATGT TTAGGC TGACCA ACAGTG GCCAAT CAGATC ACTTGA GATCAG TAGCTT GGCTAC CTTGTA Catalog # TM100-B PCR Primer Custom Ladder Barcode 13 Barcode 14 Barcode 15 Barcode 16 Barcode 17 Barcode 18 Barcode 19 Barcode 20 Barcode 21 Barcode 22 Barcode 23 Barcode 24 Barcode Sequence AGTCAA AGTTCC ATGTCA CCGTCC GTAGAG GTCCGC GTGAAA GTGGCC GTTTCG CGTACG GAGTGG GGTAGC Set 3: Gel Purification Kit 1. Gel Cutter Tool 2. Gel Breaker Tool Enabling Accurate NGS www.SeqMatic.com 2 TailorMix miRNA Sample Preparation Kit v7 February 2014 Consumables Preparation The kit contains all necessary reagents to perform the experiment with the exception of common consumables and instruments. Please make sure all equipment is available before starting this experiment (Table 1). Table 1 List of Consumables and Equipment Consumables and Equipment 1.5 ml nuclease-free microcentrifuge tubes 200 μl, clean, nuclease-free PCR tubes Nuclease-free water Supplier General lab supplier General lab supplier General lab supplier TE buffer General lab supplier Tween-20 General lab supplier Cooler block IST Engineering, 6388-001 Thermal cycler General lab supplier 5X TBE buffer General lab supplier 8% TBE Gels 1.0 mm, 10 Well LIFE Technologies, EC6215BOX Hi-Density TBE Sample Buffer (5X) LIFE Technologies, LC6678 20bp DNA Ladder (Optional) General lab supplier SYBR® Gold Nucleic Acid Gel Stain LIFE Technologies, S-11494 XCell SureLock® Mini-Cell LIFE Technologies, EI0001 Electrophoresis power supply General lab supplier Dark reader transilluminator Bench top microcentrifuge Tube shaker or thermal mixer NanoDrop 2100 Bioanalyzer High Sensitivity DNA chip General lab supplier General lab supplier General lab supplier Thermo Scientific Agilent Technologies Agilent Technologies, 5067‐4626 Best Practices Always wear gloves and use sterile technique. Set up reactions using sterile non-stick nuclease-free tubes. Place samples and reagents on ice at all times and avoid extended pauses. Reagents should be prepared using RNAse-free components Prepare an extra 10% mixture when running multiple samples. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles. RNA Input This protocol has been optimized using purified 100 ng of high quality human brain total RNA as input. Because miRNA populations vary among different tissue types and species, the use of total RNA from other tissue or species may require optimization. You may also use isolated miRNA as the starting material. Enabling Accurate NGS www.SeqMatic.com 3 TailorMix miRNA Sample Preparation Kit v7 February 2014 MiRNA Library Sample Preparation Protocol 3’ Adapter Ligation Pre-heat the thermal cycler to 70°C and pre-heat another thermal cycler to 25°C if available. 1. Denature the RNA by assembling the following components in a sterile 200 μl PCR tube: Reagent Total RNA Mix A Total Volume (μl) 4 2 6 2. Gently pipette mix thoroughly and incubate at 70°C for 1 minute and then place the tube on ice. 3. Set up the following 3’ Adapter Ligation reaction: Reagent Denatured RNA and Mix A from step 2 Mix B Total Volume (μl) 6 2 8 4. Gently pipette mix thoroughly and incubate at 25°C for 1 hour. 5. With the tube remaining on the thermal cycler, add 1 μl of Mix C directly into each sample tube. 6. Gently pipette mix thoroughly and continue to incubate at 25°C for an additional 30 minutes and then place the tube on ice. 5’ Adapter Ligation 7. Set up the following 5’ Adapter Ligation reaction: Reagent 3’ Ligated RNA from step 6 Mix D Mix E Total 8. Volume (μl) 9 2 1 12 Gently pipette mix thoroughly and incubate at 25°C for 1 hour and then place the tube on ice. Enabling Accurate NGS www.SeqMatic.com 4 TailorMix miRNA Sample Preparation Kit v7 February 2014 cDNA Synthesis Pre-heat the thermal cycler to 50°C. 9. Set up the following cDNA Synthesis reaction on ice. Reagent 3’ and 5’ Ligated RNA from step 8 Mix F Mix G Total 10. Volume (μl) 12 2 1 15 Gently pipette mix thoroughly and incubate at 50°C for 1 hour and then place the tube on ice. PCR Amplification 11. Set up the following PCR reaction in a new sterile 200µl PCR tube on ice: Reagent cDNA from step 10 Mix H PCR Primer Barcode Primer* Total Volume (μl) 5 18 1 1 25 *Only one of the barcode primers is used for each sample. 12. Gently pipette mix thoroughly and amplify the samples in the thermal cycler using the following PCR cycling conditions: - 98°C for 30 seconds - 12 cycles of: - 98°C for 15 seconds - 60°C for 15 seconds - 72°C for 1 minute - 72°C for 5 minutes - Hold at 4°C If the amount of PCR product is insufficient, the number of PCR cycles can be adjusted up to 15 cycles. See the appendix for details. Enabling Accurate NGS www.SeqMatic.com 5 TailorMix miRNA Sample Preparation Kit v7 February 2014 Library Purification 13. Determine the volume of TBE buffer needed and dilute 5X TBE Buffer to 1X for use in gel electrophoresis. 14. Assemble the gel electrophoresis apparatus. 15. Mix 2 μl of custom ladder with 2 μl of Hi-Density TBE Sample Buffer. 16. (Optional) Mix 1 μl of 20bp DNA ladder with 1 μl of Hi-Density TBE Sample Buffer. 17. Add 2.5 μl of Hi-Density TBE Sample Buffer to 25 μl of PCR product and pipet mix thoroughly. 18. Load 25 μl of the PCR product into one well in the middle of the gel. Refer to Figure 3 for an example. 19. Load 2 μl of the mixed custom ladder into two wells of the 8% PAGE gel separated by 1-2wells for the PCR products. Bracketing each PCR product lane with two custom ladder lanes enables a more precise excision of the miRNA band. 20. (Optional) Load 2 μl of the 20bp DNA ladder and dye mix into a separate well. 21. Run the gel for 65 minutes at 145V and immediately remove the gel from the apparatus. Recover Purified Library 22. Prepare TE buffer with 0.1% Tween-20. Reagent TE buffer Tween-20 Total Volume (μl) 9,990 10 10,000 23. Open the gel cassette and stain with Sybr Gold according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 24. Place the gel on a Dark Reader Transilluminator and observe the banding pattern (Figure 3). 25. Place the gel breaker tube into a sterile 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube or 2.0ml collection tube. 26. Gel cutter tool could be used directly or with a P1000 pipette. Figure 2 Image of gel cutter tool attached to P1000 pipette. Enabling Accurate NGS www.SeqMatic.com 6 TailorMix miRNA Sample Preparation Kit v7 27. February 2014 Align the lower edge of the gel cutter tool with the 140 bp band of the custom ladder on the sample lane. Press down firmly into the gel and excise the gel fragment. Figure 3 miRNA Library on TBE gel 20bp Ladder Custom Ladder MiRNA Library Custom Ladder 20bp Ladder 500bp 160bp 140bp Small RNA Band 28. Insert the gel cutter tool containing the gel slice into the gel breaker tube. 29. Briefly spin the gel cutter and gel breaker assembly. Make sure the gel slice is collected in the gel breaker. Discard gel cutter. 30. Add 30 μl of TE buffer with 0.1% Tween-20 to the gel breaker tube containing the gel slice. 31. Centrifuge the gel breaker assembly in a bench top centrifuge at maximum speed (approximately 13,000 xg) for two minutes at room temperature. Ensure that all of the gel has moved through the holes into the collection tube. 32. Elute the DNA by shaking the tube at 1000 rpm at room temperature for at least one hour. The tube can be shaken overnight if desired. 33. To collect the micro RNA library, spin the gel mix at maximum speed (approximately 13,000 xg) for 2 minutes. 34. With a P10 pipette, gently remove 20-25 µl eluate from gel mix. Enabling Accurate NGS www.SeqMatic.com 7 TailorMix miRNA Sample Preparation Kit v7 February 2014 Library Validation 35. Use of an Agilent Technologies 2100 Bioanalyzer is recommended as a quality control analysis of your sample library. Use 1 μl of resuspended construct from step 34 on a High Sensitivity DNA chip to check the size, purity and concentration of the sample. Figure 4 BioAnalyzer High Sensitivity DNA assayof Gel Purified Library from a Human Placenta Tissue Total RNA Sample Small RNA Library Sample Pooling The TailorMix MiRNA Sample Preparation kit is capable of multiplexing up to 24 samples into a single lane of an Illumina flow cell. While processing multiple samples in parallel, use a unique barcode primer for each sample at the PCR step. Samples can be pooled before or after the library purification step. Enabling Accurate NGS www.SeqMatic.com 8 TailorMix miRNA Sample Preparation Kit v7 February 2014 Appendix: Monitoring PCR Product Yield PCR yield can be monitored by running an Agilent High Sensitivity DNA or DNA 1000 assay using a dilution of 1 μl of PCR product and 4 μl of nuclease-free water. A typical result shows a distinct peak at approximately 140bp. If the amount of PCR product is insufficient, the number of PCR cycles can be adjusted up to 15 cycles. Figure 5 BioAnalyzer High Sensitivity DNA assay of PCR Product from a Human Placenta Tissue Total RNA Sample Small RNA Library Enabling Accurate NGS www.SeqMatic.com 9
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