Prequalification of EPC Contractors Proposals are invited for Pre-Qualification of EPC Contractors regarding Design, Supply, Procurement, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and Post Installation O&M Services during the warranty period of two years for the project “SOLAR SOLUTION FOR P&D DEPARTMENT SECRETARIAT BUILDING LAHORE” Government of the Punjab has decided to provide 50KWp Solar PV Solution for its Planning and Development Department Secretariat Building Lahore on EPC basis. Under this project, the segregated optimized load shall normally run on solar through sunshine for 6 hours then on storage battery (2 hours back up) and if sunshine is not available and battery/storage is exhausted then through existing utility supply. The proposed 50 KWp Solar Hybrid System would have the following salient features:i) Poly Crystalline Solar PV modules ii) Fixed Support Structure for the solar modules iii) Hybrid Inverters iv) Deep Cycle Gel Batteries v) Battery Charge Controllers (Optional) vi) Net Metering Arrangement vii) SCADA System viii) Lightning & Surge Protection System ix) Cables, DB/Enclosures, Battery Bank etc. Interested Companies/JVs/Consortium Partners fulfilling the terms & conditions and evaluation criteria as mentioned in the Pre-Qualification Documents (PQD) can submit their EOIs on prescribed formats for Pre-qualification for the above said task at the address given below. The interested Companies can download the PQD from the Energy Department Website with address ( or can be had from the office of Director Projects, Directorate of Power Projects, Energy Department, 206-Shadman-1, Lahore free of cost. Last date for submission of EOIs is 18-08-2014 up to 2.00 PM. The written queries received minimum 05 days before the closing date would be responded. The EOIs will be opened publically by the notified Committee on 18-08-2014 at 2:30 P.M. at the address given below. The interested bidders can participate in the EOI opening meeting. The prequalified firms will only be requested to participate in the bidding of the project. (1) The Procuring Agency reserves the right to reject any or all EOIs without assigning any reason. For further details, if any, the Director Projects, Directorate of Power Projects, Energy Department, 206-Shadman-1, Lahore may be approached / contacted on the address and telephone numbers given below during the office working hours. (Arif Mansoor Qaisarani) Director Projects, Directorate of Power Projects, Power Wing, Energy Department, Punjab Lahore, House #. 206, Opposite Rehmania Masjid, Shadman-1, Lahore. (Ph: 042-99203518-23, Fax: 042-99203519) (e.mail: [email protected]) (2) PRE-QUALIFICATION DOCUMENT (PQD) FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION OF EPC CONTRACTORS FOR THE PROJECT “SOLAR SOLUTION FOR P&D DEPARTMENT SECRETARIAT BUILDING LAHORE” Dated: 24-07-2014 SECTION – A APPLICATION FORMAT A.1 GUIDELINES FOR APPLICATIONS This Expression of Interest (EOI) serves the purpose of establishing a list of Pre-qualified EPC Contractors that are capable of survey, size, design, procure, supply and install solar power solution on EPC basis and also having the capacity to provide post installation services viz-a-viz operation and maintenance of the solar system, training of the professionals/ staff/operators etc. The applicants would be required to submit itemized list of equipment, their specifications as per information provided in Appendix-A. It will be the choice of the Government to select a system from one of the pre-qualified EPC Contractors for installation of 50 KWp Hybrid Solar System at P&D Department Secretariat building Lahore on EPC basis. The selected EPC Contractor shall establish its office at Lahore. All applications received by the deadline will be reviewed for responsiveness to the specifications outlined in these guidelines and on the application format. Section B addresses the evaluation procedures for the applications. Applications received after due date 18-08-2014 at 2.00 PM or incomplete will not be entertained. The application should be prepared according to the structural format set forth below. Applications must be submitted at address/location indicated on the prequalification notice. The applications should demonstrate the applicant's capabilities and expertise with respect to achieving the goals of this project. The applications should take into account the evaluation criteria found in Section B. The suggested format for the application is as follows: 1.Cover page Include project title, name of organization(s) submitting application, contact person, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail, and postal address. (3) 2.Executive Summary (maximum 3 pages) Briefly describe how the Applicant proposes to meet the design requirements, carry out the activity functions, and achieve the anticipated results. Indicate the technical and managerial resources of the Applicant’s organization and describe how the overall project will be managed. 3. Technical Application This section represents the technical portion of the EOI. Applicants should retain for their records one copy of the application and all enclosures that accompany their application. The person signing the application must initial erasures or other changes. The Technical Application format should have the following sections: i) Technical Approach: Applicants should describe how they propose to achieve the overall goal of this assignment. Applicants should offer indicators that will be used to track progress toward achieving results. The technical approach will be evaluated on the overall merit (creativity, clarity, analytical depth, state-of-the-art technical knowledge, and responsiveness), feasibility and strategies proposed to achieve the program’s strategic objective and results. ii) Management plan: The Applicants should fully describe the management structure, role and responsibilities of their staff. They should also identify those sub-cooperating agency(ies) to which they will partner under the Cooperative Agreement, describe how those agency(ies) were selected, and note what portion(s) of the Cooperative Agreement will be implemented by those agency(ies). Qualifications of this agency (ies) should be articulated to provide the assistance required, including technical and managerial resources and expertise. Applicants should state whether or not they have pre-existing relationships with these other agency(ies), where the relationship exists, and the nature of the relationship. The application should present: a. Management and administrative arrangements for overall implementation of the project including organizational structure, logistic support, personnel management, procurement arrangements for goods and services, and functions and responsibilities of key personnel. b. The degree to which management authority will devolve to the project office from the home office of the Applicant. c. How the project will manage a comprehensive set of activities? (4) d. How each sub-cooperating agency will contribute to the overall strategy and implementation and how the technical pieces of the program will be integrated and coordinated? e. How the project will work with local partners and other implementing organizations to achieve results? iii) Key personnel and staffing: Key personnel are those considered essential to the work being performed under this Agreement intimated to Director Projects, Directorate of Power Projects, Energy Department, Lahore at the time of award of contract. The Applicant should provide: a. A full staffing plan including support staff, with underlying rationale, and an organizational chart demonstrating lines of authority and staff responsibility accompanied by position descriptions for each position proposed. Applicants are invited to propose and justify the configuration of key staff positions in addition to or in substitution to those described herein. b. The key staff should have complementary skills to ensure a balance of technical and management expertise. c. Résumés for all proposed key personnel should be included. iv) Equipment: The Applicant should provide configuration which should include optimum design, procurement, transport, installation, checking training and post installation service for two years as per variables / information given in the Appendix-A. v) Past performance: The Applicant should describe and provide evidence of similar projects executed by him. The application should include documentation of current or recent agreements / contracts (or sub-agreements and sub-contracts) that are similar in matter, size, scope, and complexity to the technical description of this project. The information should include the procuring agency, dollar value, period of performance, brief description of the work performed, location of the activity, and references including points of contact with up-to-date telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Director Projects, Directorate of Power Projects, Energy Department, Lahore reserves the right to obtain past performance information from other sources including those not named in the Application. vi) Financial status: Applicants should submit evidence of their capacity deemed necessary for Director Projects, Directorate of Power Projects, Energy Department, Lahore (5) to make determination of responsibility. The information submitted should substantiate that the Applicant has: a. Adequate financial resources or has ability to obtain such resources required for completion of the assignment. b. The ability to comply with the award conditions, taking into account all existing and currently prospective commitments. Copies of the Applicant's financial reports for the previous three years, which have been audited by a certified public accountant, should be attached. A.2 SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS In addition to the aforementioned guidelines, the applicant is requested to take note of the following: 1. The Applicant is required to complete and return his submission as per requirements at Appendix-A. The requisite Performa for submission of applications must be filled in properly are also provided at Appendix B. 2. Un-necessarily Elaborate Applications– Un-necessarily elaborate brochures or other presentations beyond those sufficient to present a complete and effective application in response to this EOI are not desired. Elaborate art work, expensive paper and bindings, and expensive visual and other presentation aids are neither necessary nor wanted. 3. Acknowledgement of Amendments to the PQD - Applicants shall acknowledge receipt of any amendment to this PQD by signing and returning the amendment. Director Projects, Directorate of Power Projects, Energy Department, Lahore must receive the acknowledgement by the time specified for receipt of applications. 4. Applications and modifications thereof shall be submitted in sealed envelope or packages: (1) addressed to the office specified in the Cover Letter of this EOI, and (2) showing the time specified for receipt, the EOI number, and the name and address of the applicant. 5. Receipt of Applications - Applications must be received at the place designated and by the date and time specified in the cover letter of this EOI. 6. Faxed applications will not be considered; however, applications may be modified by written or faxed notice, if that notice is received by the time specified for receipt of applications. 7. The Companies shall prepare one original of EOI clearly marked “ORIGINAL.” In addition, the Companies shall submit two (02) copies of EOI, clearly marked as “COPIES.” In the event of discrepancy between them, the original shall prevail. (6) SECTION-B EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION B.1 OVERVIEW The criteria for pre-qualification presented below have been tailored to the specific requirements of the project. Applicants should note that these criteria serve to: (a) identify the significant matters which applicants should address in their applications and (b) set the standard against which all applications will be evaluated. To facilitate the review of applications, applicants should organize the narrative sections of their applications in the same order as the evaluation criteria. The EOIs will be evaluated in accordance with the Evaluation Criteria set at B-3. This will result in pre-qualification of EPC Contractor eligible to undertake the project on EPC basis. B. 2 ACCEPTABILITY OF PROPOSED TERMS AND CONDITIONS An application is acceptable when it manifests the Applicant’s agreement, without exception, to the terms and conditions of the EOI, including attachments and provides a complete and responsive proposal without taking exception to the terms and conditions of the EOI. If an Applicant takes exception to any of the terms and conditions of the EOI, then Director Projects will consider its offer to be unacceptable. B.3 EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION OF EPC CONTRACTORS The EOIs will be evaluated on the basis of following criteria and production of relevant record by notified Committee. The Companies obtaining 75 marks in Evaluation of EOIs will be declared as Pre-qualified. S. # 1 Salient Feature Maximum Marks General Experience (Total Marks 35) a) Projects of similar nature completed over last ten years b) Projects of similar nature in hand c) Experience of works related to project but not basic part. d) Status of enlistment with Government Organizations and other agencies. Explanation for Marks Distribution See Appendix-C 15 10 5 5 (7) Marks Obtained 2 3 25 Technical Approach for the project See Appendix-C Personnel Capabilities (Total Marks 10) i) Qualified Graduate engineers/ scientists a) Number of engineers/scientists b) Experience of engineers/scientists in number of years ii) Number of diploma engineers/ technicians in employment of the firm a) Number of diploma engineers/technicians b) Experience of diploma engineers/ technicians in number of years. 4 Equipment Capability (Total Marks 10) 5 Professional/ Technical/ Training Material (Total Marks 05) a) Comprehensive catalogs of lead firm covering all system components either locally manufactured or Imported (attach catalogues) b) Operators manual in urdu or english (attach copy of manual) c) Training material in urdu or english (attach copy) d) Training infrastructure available with the company (please attach details) 6 3 2 3 2 10 See Appendix-C 2 1 1 1 See Appendix-C Financial Position (Total Marks 15) a) Available Bank Credit Line (Attach copy of bank statement) b) Working Capital in last 3 years c) Registration with Income Tax Department. d) Litigation History where decision went against the Firm. e) Undertaking regarding no Blacklisting from any Agency 5 5 2 2 1 Total 100 (8) APPENDIX-C EXPLANATION FOR MARKS DISTRIBUTION 1. General Experience (Total Marks 35) Sr. No. a) b) Description Projects of similar nature completed during last ten years. Projects of similar nature and In-hand. Marks Assigned 15 10 Explanation for Marks distribution 10 Marks will be given if the Applicant has completed at least 3 projects of almost similar nature in last ten years. For less than 3 projects completed, following weightage will be applied. 10 x (A/3) For more than 3 projects but less than 6 projects completed, following weightage will be applied. 10+ (A/6) x 3 A = No. of projects of almost similar nature completed in last ten years Full marks will be given in case of 6 projects or more. 7 Marks will be given if the Applicant has 3 projects of almost similar nature in-hand. For less than 3 projects in-hand, following weightage will be applied. 7 x (A/3) For more than 3 projects but less than 6 projects in-hand, following weightage will be applied. 7+ (A/6) x 2 No. of projects of almost similar nature in-hand during last ten years Full marks will be given in case of 6 projects or more. 4 marks will be given if the Applicant has completed at least 3 projects of almost similar nature but not basic part in last five years. For less than 3 projects, following weightage will be applied. 4 x (A/3) For more than 3 projects but less than 6 projects completed, following weightage will be applied. 4+(A/6) x1 No. of projects of similar nature Completed in last five years Full marks will be given in case of 6 projects or more. A= c) Experience of Works) related to project but not basic part. 5 A= (9) Sr. No. Description Marks Assigned d) Enlistment record with Government Organizations & other agencies 5 Explanation for Marks distribution Total Marks Allocated 1 mark for each enlistment up to maximum of five enlistments. 35 2. TECHNICAL APPROACH (Total marks 25) Sr. No. Description Marks Assigned (a) Designing of the proposed system 10 (b) Procurement Plan 5 (c) Proposal to achieve the goal 5 (d) Management Plan 5 Total Marks allocated 25 3. PERSONNEL CAPABILITIES (Total Marks 10) Sr. No. Description i) Qualified Graduate Engineers/ Scientists a. Number of Engineers/ Scientists b. Experience of Engineers/ Scientists in number of years ii) Number of Diploma Engineers/ Technicians in Employment of the Firm a. Number of diploma Engineers / Technicians (B.Sc) b. Experience of diploma Engineers / Technicians (B.Sc) in number of Years. Marks Assigned 5 5 (10) Explanation for Marks Obtained a. Strength of Engineers (3 Marks) 3 marks will be given if the total No. of Engineers/ Scientists are 5 Nos. or above. For less than 5 no of Engineers/ Scientists, marks will be given as per following formulas: = (A/5) * 3 A= No. of Engineers/ Scientists b. Experience (2-Marks) : 2 marks will be given if the Applicant has at least four (4) Engineers graduates/ M.Sc Physics (professional) having individual experience of at least 8 years or above. For less than 4 No. of B.Sc Engineers/ M.Sc Physics having individual experience of 8 years, marks will be given as per following formulas: = (A/4) * 2 A= No. of Engineers having individual experience of 8 years or above. a. Strength of Associate Engineer (3 Marks) 3 marks will be given if the total No. of Associate Engineers (DAE)/ Technicians (B.Sc.) are 8 nos. or above. For less than 8 No. of Associate Engineers/Technicians (B.Sc),marks will be given as per following formulas: = (A/8) * 3 A= No. of Associate Engineers b. Experience (2-Marks) : 2 marks will be given if the individual experience of at least 4 No. of Associates Engineers (DAE)/ Technicians (B.Sc.)is equal to 8 years or above. For less than 4No. of Associates Engineers(DAE)/Technicians (B.Sc)having individual experience of 8 years, marks will be given as per following formula: = (A/4) * 2 A= No. of DAE Engineers/Technicians. 10 Total Marks Allocated 4. EQUIPMENT CAPABILITY (Total Marks 10) Sr. No. 1 2 3 Description Firm / JV having Manufacturing facility of PV Panels Firm / JV having Manufacturing facility of Inverters Firm / JV having Manufacturing facility of Battery Total Marks Allocated Marks Assigned 4 4 Explanation for Marks Obtained 4 marks for PV panels. 4 marks for Inverters. 2 marks for battery. 2 10 5. Professional / Technical / Training Material (Total Marks 5) Sr. No. (a) Description Marks Assigned 2 (b) Comprehensive catalogs of lead firm covering all system components either locally manufactured or Imported (attach catalogues) Operators manual in Urdu or English (attach copy of manual) (c) Training material in Urdu or English (attach copy) 1 (d) Training infrastructure available with the company (please attach details) 1 Total Marks allocated 1 05 6. FINANCIAL POSITION (Total Marks 15) Sr. No. a) Description Available Bank Credit Line Marks Assigned 5 Criteria for Marks Obtained (11) 3 marks will be given if the available bank credit line limit is equal to 50 Million. For limit less than 50 Million, following weightage will be applied A= b) Working Capital in last 3 years 5 A= c) Registration with Income Tax Department 2 d) Litigation History in which Decision has been given against the firm(s) 2 e) Blacklisting from any agency 1 Total Marks Allocated 3 x (A/50) For the limit more than 50 million but less than 80 million following weightage will be applied 3 + (A/80) x 2 Available Bank Credit Line Limit Full marks will be given in case of limit is 80 million or more. 3 marks are given if the available average working capital for last three years is equal to 50 Million. For the capital less than 50 million following weightage will be applied 3 x (A/50) For the capital more than 50 million but less than 80 million following weightage will be applied 3+ (50/A) x 2 Average working capital in last three years. Full marks will be given in case of limit is 80 million or more. No point will be given if income tax certificate is not attached and 2 points will be added in case of valid certificate. In case the firm is involved in any litigation, no marks will be given and 2 points will be added in case affidavit of no litigation is attached. In case the firm is blacklisted, no Marks will be given and 2 points will be added in case affidavit by the company that it has not been blacklisted is attached. 15 (12) APPENDIX-A INPUT DATA FOR SUBMISSION OF EOI The Suppliers / Contracting firms are required to provide single configuration for installation of Hybrid Solar Power System supply on EPC basis using following variables/ information. Separate technical specifications for proposed solar system per watt may be indicated in the EOI. 1) Type of Solar System Hybrid System with 6 hours continuous working through sunshine and 2 hours backup period and when sunshine is not available and battery is exhausted then on the existing utility supply. 2) Type of Solar PV Modules Poly Crystalline 3) Batteries Deep Cycle Gel Stackable 4) Hybrid Inverters To be proposed by the Company 5) SCADA System 6) Lightning & Surge protection System To be proposed by the Company 7) Net Metering Arrangement As per RE Policy of Government of Pakistan 8) System Efficiency/Performance As per IEC 61215 standard OR Equivalent international standard 9) Certificate A-Grade Components accredited by recognized International Independent laboratories 10) List of Accessories/ Components To be provided by the Company 11) Warranty Components of Parts / System As per International Standards for each part of the system 12) Period of Post Installation (O & M) 2 years Services (13) APPENDIX-B Form 1 General Information All individual firms and each partner of a joint venture applying for prequalification are requested to complete the information in this form. Nationality information is also to be provided for foreign owners or applicants who are forming part of the Joint Ventures as required under the PEC Bye-Laws as a Partnership/Joint Venture. 1. Name of Firm 2. Head Office Address 3. Telephone Contact Person: Name: Title: 4. Fax Telex e.mail 5. Place of Incorporation/Registration Year of incorporation/registration NATIONALITY OF OWNERS NAME NATIONALITY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (14) Form 2 General Experience Record Name of Applicant or partner of a joint venture All individual firms and all partners of a joint venture are requested to complete the information in this form. The information supplied should be the annual turnover of the Applicant (or each member of a joint venture), in terms of the amounts billed to clients for each year for work in progress or completed over the past ten years. Use a separate sheet for each partner of a joint venture. Annual Turnover Year Turnover (in actual currency) 1. 2. 3. (15) Equivalent Rupees in Millions. Form 3 Joint Venture Summary Names of all Partners of a Joint Venture 1. Lead Partner 2. Partner 3. Partner 4. Partner 5. Partner 6. Partner Total value of annual turnover, in terms of work billed to clients, Annual Turnover Data (Equivalent in Pak Rupees, Millions) Partner Form A-2 Page No. Year 1 Year 2 1. Lead Partner 2. Partner 3. Partner 4. Partner 5. Partner 6. Partner Total: (16) Year 3 Form 4 Particular Experience Record Name of Applicant or partner of a joint venture To prequalify, the Applicant shall be required to pass the specified requirements applicable to this form, as set out in the : Instructions to Applicants”. On a separate page, using the format of Application Form A-5, each applicant or partner of a Joint Venture is required to list all contracts of a value equivalent to Pak Rs.-(User/Employer to provide the amount) million, of almost similar nature and complexity to the contract for which the Applicant wishes to qualify, undertaken during the last ten years1. The information is to be summarized, using Application Form A-5, for each contract completed or under execution by the Applicant or by each partner of a Joint Venture. (17) Form 5 Details of Contracts of Similar Nature Name of Applicant or partner of a joint venture Use a separate sheet for each contract. 1. Name of Contract Country 2. Name of Employer 3. Employer Address .................................................................................................................... 4. Nature of works and special features relevant to the contract for which the Applicant wishes to prequalify .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... 5. Contract Role (Tick One) (a) Sole EPC Contractor 6. (b) Sub- Contractor (c) Partner in a Joint Venture Value of the total contract (in specified currencies) at completion, or at date of award for current contract Currency…………. Currency…………… 7. Equivalent in Pak/Rs. 8. Date of Award 9. Date of Completion 10. Contract Duration (Years and Months) _____Years Currency……………………. _______Months Specified Requirements1 11. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. 1 Insert any specific criteria required for particular operations, such as annual volume of earthmoving, underground excavation, or placing concrete etc. (18) Form 6 Summary Sheet: Current Contract Commitments / Works in Progress Name of Applicant or partner of a joint venture Applicants and each partner to an application should provide information on their current commitments on all contracts that have been awarded, or for which a letter of intent or acceptance has been received, or for contracts approaching completion, but for which substantial Completion Certificate has yet to be issued. Name of Contract Value of Outstanding work (Equivalent Pak Rs. Millions) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (19) Estimated Completion Date Form 7 Personnel Capabilities Name of Applicant For specific positions essential to contract implementation, Applicants should provide the names of at least two candidates qualified to meet the specified requirements stated for each position. The data on their experience should be supplied on separate sheets using one Form for each candidate (Application Form A8). 1. Title of Position Name of Person Relevant Experience 2. Title of Position Name of Person Relevant Experience 3. Title of Position Name of Person Relevant Experience 4. Title of Position Name of Person Relevant Experience (20) Form 8 Summary of Personal Name of Applicant Position Candidate information 1. Name of Candidate 2. Date of Birth 3. Professional Qualification Present employment 4. Name of employer Address of employer Telephone Contact (manager/personnel officer) Fax Telex Job title of candidate Years with present employer Summarize professional experience over the last 08 years, in reverse chronological order. Indicate particular technical and managerial experience relevant to the Project. Month/ Dates/Years From Company / Project / Position / Relevant technical and management experience To (21) Form 9 Equipment Capabilities Name of Applicant The Applicant shall provide adequate information to demonstrate clearly that he has the capability to meet the requirements for each and all items of equipment. Item of Equipment Equipment information Current status 1. Name of manufacturer 2. Model and power rating 3. Capacity 4. Year of manufacture 5. Current location 6. Details of current commitments Source 7. Indicate source of the equipment Owned Rented Leased Omit the following information if it is owned by the Applicant or partner. Owner 8. Name of owner 9. Address of owner Agreement Telephone Contact name and title Fax Telex Details of rental/lease specific to the Project. (22) Form 10 Financial Capability Name of Applicant or Partner of a Joint Venture Applicants, including each partner of a joint venture, should provide financial information to demonstrate that they meet the requirements . Each applicant or partner of a joint venture must fill-in this form. If necessary, use separate sheets to provide complete banker information. A copy of the audited balance sheets should be attached. Banker Name of banker Address of banker Telephone Contact name and title Fax Telex Summarize actual assets and liabilities in Pak Rupees (Equivalent at the current rate of exchange at the end of each year) for the previous three years. Financial information in Pak Rs. or equivalent Actual: previous three year 1 2 3 1. Total assets 2. Current assets 3. Total liabilities 4. Current liabilities 5. Profits before taxes 6. Profits after taxes Source of financing Amount (Pak Rs. or equivalent) 1. 2. 3. Attach audited financial statements for the last three years (for individual applicant or each partner of joint venture). Firms owned by individuals, and partnerships, may submit their balance sheets certified by a registered accountant, and supported by copies of tax returns, if audits are not required by the laws of their countries of origin in case of foreign firms. (23) (24)
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