CAST IRON WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT 2014 CITY OF MOOSE JAW, SASKATCHEWAN TENDER DOCUMENT AUGUST 2014 Engineering Department City of Moose Jaw August 2014 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 City of Moose Jaw, SK Page ii TENDER NOTICE Sealed Tenders will be received at City of Moose Jaw addressed to “Director of Engineering Services, rd Engineering Department, City of Moose Jaw, 3 Floor, 228 Main Street North, Moose Jaw, SK, S6H 3J8” until 2:00 p.m. CST, Thursday , August 28, 2014. The work consists of the supply and installation of approximately 1725meter of PVC water main, including fittings, valves, hydrants, service connection etc. in the City of Moose Jaw, SK. on Manitoba Street, High Street, and Fairford Street. A pre-tender meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. CST, Tuesday, August 19, 2014 at the City of Moose Jaw City Hall. Plans and Specifications will be available from the Engineering Department of the City of Moose Jaw upon payment of a $200.00 deposit which will be refunded if the documents are returned in good condition within seven (7) days of the Tender Closing Date. Tenders must be accompanied by a Bid Bond payable to the City of Moose Jaw in the amount of not less than 10% of the Tender Price, and a Consent of Surety. City of Moose Jaw reserves the right to reject any or all Tenders. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. City of Moose Jaw 228 Main Street North Moose Jaw, SK S6H 3J8 Phone: (306) 694-4448 Fax: (306) 691-0292 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Terms and Conditions of Invitation to Tender A.01 The City reserves the right to amend or reverse the Contract Documents prior to the date set for the closing of the Invitation to Tender. Prospective bidders will be informed of all changes. A.02 The submission of a bid shall be conclusive evidence that the bidder has carefully examined the Invitation to Tender documents and any amendments and/or revisions pursuant to Section A.01 above. A.03 Should a bidder find discrepancies in or omissions from the Invitation to tender, or should they be in doubt as to their meaning, they should at once notify the City. The City may then amend or revise the Invitation to tender, pursuant to Section A.01. A.04 There are no other agreements, undertakings, representations, or understandings relating to the supply of the products other than the Invitation to Tender. This means the Tender, the Terms and Conditions of the Tender, Specifications/Supplementary Conditions, Bid Form and any revisions or amendments, pursuant to Section A.01 of the Terms and Conditions of the Tender. No amendment of this agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and executed by both parties. A.05 The signature on the Invitation to Tender of a duly authorized representative of the company bidding is a condition of acceptance. A.06 Any contrary terms and conditions added to the Invitation to Tender or on the bidder's own documents will deem that submission to be a counter proposal. Such submissions may be subject to outright rejection and bidders are cautioned to weigh carefully the consequences of contrary terms or conditions. A.07 The City reserves the right to accept any tender submitted in whole or in part or to reject any or all Tenders or to award the work in one or more contracts and to waive any irregularities. A.08 The obligations and rights of Tenderers shall be those expressed herein. No terms either implied or verbally expressed, shall affect, restrict, or in any way vary the written terms of this Invitation to Tender. Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, no terms may be implied by virtue of custom or usage. A.09 The City shall have the right to evaluate competing tenders in accordance with its own criteria for evaluation applied to the specific materials being tendered, whether or not such criteria has been expressly related t bidders. Page 3 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 A,10 The City of Moose Jaw reserves the right to issue addendums if required. All addendums will be posted on the City of Moose Jaw website. The City of Moose Jaw will endeavour to not release any addendums within 48 hours of the close of the tender. It is the responsibility of the bidder to monitor and obtain any and all addendums from the City of Moose Jaw website pertaining to the tender. B.01 Preparation of Tenders Each bidder shall specify, on the forms supplied by the City, the price at which the bidder is offering to supply the items/service indicated. B.02 Prices listed for the products & services shown should be net of tax and should not include Goods and Services Tax. The contractor is responsible for the Provincial Sales Tax on materials used in the construction process and these costs should be included as part of the fixed contract price. Only GST will be levied on the contract price. B.03 All products and services must meet all current Provincial, Federal, Municipal, OH&S, etc. standards and if any defects are found all costs involved to correct the problem will be borne by the quoting firm. Submission of Tender C.01 Each tender must be marked “Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014” and submitted on or before 2:00 p.m., C.S.T. Thursday, August 28 , 2014 to: City of Moose Jaw Engineering Department 3rd Floor, 228 Main Street North Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, S6H 3J8 Phone 306-694-4448 Attention: Mahabub Zaman, P.Eng. C.02 Telecommunication bids (faxed or emailed) will be accepted if received by closing of tender. Bidder must immediately confirm the bids in writing. The City of Moose Jaw assumes no risk or responsibility whatsoever that any fax or email will be received and shall not be liable to any bidder if for any reason a fax or email is not properly received. Faxed bids will be received at (306)691-0292. Emailed bids will be received at [email protected]. C.03 A bidder may withdraw their tender provided a written withdrawal, signed by a person authorized to sign tenders, is delivered to the address stated in C.01 before closing of the tender. C.04 All tenders will be opened and read publicly in the office or place of address stated in C.01 shortly after the closing of the tender. Bidders are invited to be present. Page 4 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Shipping and Delivery Instructions D.01 Shipments to be made only on an order being placed by an authorized staff member of a City Department. A local Purchase Order Number or standing Purchase Order Number will indicate the list of products or service required, and will indicate the name and location of the City Department to which the delivery is to be made. D.02 Supplier to mail invoices in duplicate only to the address identified on the Purchase Order. A packing slip outlining quantity and name of products must be provided at the point and time of delivery. D.03 The Goods and Services Tax and Provincial Sales Tax are to be shown separately on all invoices. The contractor is responsible for the Provincial Sales Tax on materials used in the construction process as required by the Province of Saskatchewan. Formation of Contract E.01 By submitting a bid the bidder agrees that the price shall be open for acceptance by the City for a period of 60 days after the date on which the tenders are to be opened. E.02 The City may accept a tender by issuing a general standing offer to the successful bidder and thereby establish a contract for the supply and delivery of the product/service on the terms and conditions set forth in the documents as specified in the Invitation to Tender Form. E.03 Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the tender will result in the successful bidder being notified of a breach of contract. The successful bidder will be allowed ten (10) days to rectify this breach of contract. E.04 Failure to rectify the breach of contract within the time specified in E.03 may result in the termination of the contract. Page 5 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 SPECIFICATIONS/SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS 1.0 SCOPE OF WORK - Water Main Replacement Work under this contract consists of, but is not limited to; the major general items as per following: • Installation of PVC water main, service connections and appurtenances. • Demolition of Existing Concrete and Asphalt Works • Re-paving of asphalt pavement works, replacement of concrete sidewalks, curb & gutter, driveways, median etc. upon completion of the installation. • Traffic control during construction • Pipeline testing, quality control, and commissioning. • Decommissioning of existing cast iron water main • Site grading to return affected areas to the pre-construction condition. Project locations are as per following: o o o Manitoba Street – 3rd Ave. E to 1st Ave. W High Street – Main St. to 3rd Ave W Fairford Street – 1st Ave. E to 1st Ave. W 1.1 To supply all the necessary materials, equipment, transportation and manpower to install PVC water main with fittings and appurtenances as per design drawings and make all required service connections from the City Mains to existing individual private water service connection at the property line. The operators must be skilled and competent to fulfil required operational tasks including excavation, pipe installation, backfill and hard surface compaction to City specifications. Contractor also responsible for asphalt re-paving and concrete Sidewalks and Curbs & Gutters replacement and repairs within the project. 1.2 The contractor will be responsible to provide temporary water supply during construction to residents and businesses. 1.3 All tie-in’s to the City Mains will be supervised by City personnel. All installations must meet City requirements and the approval of City supervisory staff. 1.4 All work to be completed by December 30, 2014. 1.5 Successful bidder will be responsible for public safety and all traffic management barricading as required by the City of Moose Jaw Barricading Standards. 1.6 Contractor will be responsible for communicating with private Page 6 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 property owners for the purpose of project scheduling and complaint mediation. 1.7 Contractor should have working knowledge of Saskatchewan Environments Water and Wastewater and American Water and Wastewater Association regulations. 1.8 Contractor will be responsible for correcting any damages incurred to private property as a result of negligence or carelessness. 1.9 Contractor will be responsible for following all City of Moose Jaw Safety policies. 1.10 Alternatives And Equivalents – Where the drawings and specifications stipulate a particular product, material or Construction method, alternatives will only be considered by the Engineer after Tender Closing Date. The Schedule of Quantities and Prices submitted by the Tenderer shall be based on the products, materials and construction methods specified. Alternative proposals may be submitted as an appendix to the Tender with a full description of each alternative with a statement of the increase or decrease in cost if the Owner accepts the alternative. For every items for which an alternative proposal is submitted, the Tenderer shall also tender a price for that item as originally specified. The change in price tendered in the alternative proposal shall be added to or subtracted from the price bid for the item as originally specified. In submission of alternatives or use of equivalents to products specified, Tenderer shall include in their Tenders for any changes required in the Work to accommodate such alternatives or equivalents. The owner reserves the right to reject any or all alternatives. 1.11 The Tender Documents shall consist of the following documents (herein referred to as the “Tender documents”): - Instruction to Bidders -Tender Form -Schedule of Quantities & Prices (Article A-4 of the CCDC-4) -Bid Bond -Consent of Surety -Performance Bond Form -Labour and Material Payment Bond Form -Certificate of Insurance or Letter of Insurability -CCDC 4 – 2011 -Specifications/Supplementary General Conditions - List of Drawings and Plans -Addenda (if any) Page 7 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 2.0 INSTALLATION RESPONSIBILITIES: • It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to locate all public and private utilities prior to the commencement of work. All barricading that is required for these projects will be the responsibility of the Contractor. The City shall provide free access to water hydrants for temporary water supply to individuals, chlorination and other work items requiring water. 3.0 • Hydrostatic pressure testing of the main shall occur prior to placing the main into service. The Engineer or designate shall be contacted at least 24hour in advance of all tests. Tests shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer or his designate. • Disinfection and flushing of new pipe shall be according to AWWA C651 by calcium hypochlorite tablets having 70% available chlorine by weight or sodium hypochlorite having 5 to 15 percent available chlorine by volume as per AWWA B300. • As stipulated by Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, a minimum of two (2) sets of three (3) bacteriological samples must be taken from the watermain and submitted to the Provincial Water Laboratory. Each set of three (3) samples must be taken and submitted minimum of 24 hours apart. Watermain may not be placed into service until two consecutive sets of three samples have been analyzed and all found to be acceptable. • The Contractor shall be responsible for confirming the location of all service connections and the reinstallation of these connections to the new pipeline. • The excavation is to be backfilled and compacted to City specifications and road surface brought to a state of preparation for asphalt pavement. • The successful contractor would be responsible for site survey and layout. Contractor will provide as built information to Engineer for record purpose • Contractor is responsible for all types of quality control and testing TEMPORARY WATER SUPPLY PIPING: All piping used for temporary water service must meet FDA standards for food and water with no transfer of odor or taste to water. The piping must be of heavy construction capable of withstanding pressures of not less than 110psi and temperature ranges of -25°C (-13°F) to 65°C (150°F). The piping must have the ability to flush and clean after use and prior to re-use. The piping must be protected from damage by vehicle traffic during use. Page 8 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 4.0 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: (a) Written notice to be delivered to each home or business a minimum of one week prior to the beginning of work being conducted, and a local telephone number of the Contractor they can call to discuss the project or any problems which could arise. (b) Personal contact with any home or business that requires a temporary water supply hook-up within the time stated in the written notice. 5.0 CLEAN –UP: Upon Acceptance of the installation work and testing, the Contractor shall restore the project area affected by the operations to a condition at least equal to that existing prior to the work. 6.0 TRAFFIC CONTROL The Contractor shall provide all necessary signs, barricades and cones to block off all alleyways or streets during the construction. This shall include the cost of setup and takedown. 7.0 BID BOND AND SURETIES: No tender will be considered unless accompanied by the required bid bond of 10 per cent (10%) of the total of the extended unit prices payable to the City of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan; and an Agreement of Surety for the amount of fifty per cent (50%) of the total extended unit prices for performance labour, and materials. The bonds of successful Tenderers will be returned as soon as the Contract Documents have been executed. The bonds of unsuccessful Tenderers will be returned as soon as the Contracts have been awarded. If after 60 days from the date of opening of tenders, no award has been made, then the bid bonds will be returned on demand. The Tenderer agrees that the bid bond may be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event that the Tenderer fails to comply with the provisions of the tender. 8.0 PERFORMANCE BONDS: The Contractor shall furnish the City at the time of the execution of this Contract by the Contractor and before the commencement of the Works, with a Bond from a guarantee company and in a form and in terms satisfactory to the City. The said guarantee company shall be authorized to carry on business in Saskatchewan and the bond shall be placed through the Moose Jaw agents or attorneys of the company. The Bond shall be in the amount of fifty per cent (50%) of the total of the extended unit prices for covering faithful performance and execution of the Works and the satisfactory fulfilment of all the covenants, conditions and requirements of this contract for the Contractor. The said Bond is to remain in full force and effect until the expiration of the period of maintenance as provided in the Specifications or until payment of the completion Page 9 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 certificate has been made in the case of work where no period of maintenance has been specified. 9.0 LABOUR and MATERIALS PAYMENT BOND The Contractor shall furnish the City at the time of the execution of this Contract by the Contractor and before the commencement of the Works, with a Labour and Material Payment Bond from a guarantee company and in a form and in terms satisfactory to the City. The said guarantee company shall be authorized to carry on business in Saskatchewan and the bond shall be placed through the Moose Jaw agents or attorneys of the company. The Bond shall be in the amount of fifty per cent (50%) of the total of the extended unit prices. Under this bond anyone who has a direct contract with the principal for the provision of labour or material is entitled to put forward a claim with valid document. The said Bond is to remain in full force and effect until the expiration of the period of maintenance as provided in the Specifications or until payment of the completion certificate has been made in the case of work where no period of maintenance has been specified. For the purpose of this bond, a Claimant is defined as one having a direct contract with the Principal or any Sub-Contractor of the Principal for labour, material or both, used or reasonably required for use in the performance of the Contract, labour and material being construed to include that part of water, gas, power, light, heat, oil, gasoline, telephone services or rental of equipment (but excluding rental of equipment where the rent pursuant to an agreement is to be applied towards the purchase price thereof) directly applicable to the Contract. 10.0 CONTRACTOR’S INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE: The Contractor for the purpose of underwriting his obligation to indemnify and save harmless the City according to the terms of the Contract shall at his cost and expense pending full performance of the Contract and final payment by the City, maintain in an insurance company, insurance of the kind designated and with limits not less than required by the Contract and with insurance deductibles acceptable to the City. (a) Commercial public liability and property damage insurance covering all operations hereunder with inclusive limits for bodily injury, including death and property damage. (b) Automobile public liability and property damage insurance covering both Contractor and Non-Contractor owned vehicles engaged in all operations hereunder. (c) Builders' risk insurance on all-risk basis against all risk of direct physical loss or damage from any cause whatsoever, which insurance shall be in the names of the Contractor and the City payable as their respective interests may appear, Page 10 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 which insurance shall be in an amount equal to the total value of the materials to be supplied and the work to be provided. Before execution of the Contract and in any case before commencement of Work, the Contractor shall submit to the City copies of the insurance policies duly signed by the Insurance Companies or their authorized agents, as required by the Contract. If, for any reason, any insurance carried under the terms of the Contract is to be cancelled, the Insurance Company shall notify the City and the Contractor by registered mail not less than thirty days prior to the date of such cancellation. The specific requirements of Insurance called for are as follows: (i) commercial public liability and property damage...........$2,000,000. each occurrence (ii) automobile public liability and property damage.............….$2,000,000. each occurrence The City of Moose Jaw is to be included as additional insured on all insurance requested and receive 30 days notification of change or collection of insurance coverage. All insurance must remain in effect for the entire length of the project. 11.0 SASKATCHEWAN WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BOARD: The Contractor shall perform all work in accordance with the rules and regulations of the current Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations, of the Province of Saskatchewan and any amendments that may be made to these documents during the time period of the Contract. The contractor will continue to make all contributions to the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board as therein required. The Contractor shall accept all responsibility for all such contributions required to be made by a sub-contractor. In the event of the City being held responsible for contributions to the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board which should properly be made by the Contractor or subcontractors, the City may deduct the amount of any such contributions from monies payable hereunder by the City to the Contractor, or the City shall have the right to recover such monies from the surety under bond provided in accordance with this Contract. Prior to the commencement of work the successful Contractor shall provided the City with a copy of the successful bidders Saskatchewan WCB clearance for the total amount of the extended unit price of the tender. Before the Contractor shall be entitled to receive payment under the final certificate, he shall produce to the City a certificate from the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board in proof of payment of all contributions required to be made by the Contractor and the sub-contractor. Page 11 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 12.0 PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL TAXES: Provincial and Federal Taxes including the Goods and Services Tax and Provincial Sales Tax is to be remitted by Contractor where applicable. In accordance with "The Education and Health Tax Act", any Contractor who has not maintained a permanent place of business in Saskatchewan during the last twelve months shall place with the Province of Saskatchewan Treasury Department, Taxation Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan, before commencement of the work a bond or cash deposit equivalent to five per cent of the total amount of the extended unit prices of the contract for payment of Provincial Sales Tax. Confirmation of receipt and acceptance of this bond or cash deposit by the Treasury Department must be received by the City before any progress payments will be released. 13.0 The successful bidder will be required to obtain a Business License from the City of Moose Jaw prior to commencing said work. Business taxes must be current. 14.0 SCHEDULE Completion Date: All awarded projects must be completed by November 30, 2014 15.0 TRENCHING, BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION 15.1 – General Scope - This specification refers to trench excavation and backfill. Codes and Standards - Carry out all operations relating to excavation, shoring and backfill in strict conformance with all applicable Legislation, Codes, Standards and Ordinances of authorities having competent jurisdiction. Definitions: 1. Trench excavation is an excavation open from ground surface to the full depth of the pipe zone. A trench excavation may have vertical sidewalls for its full depth, maintained by bracing and sheeting or sloped sidewalls from a maximum of 1200 mm above the bottom of the trench excavation to the ground surface. 2. The pipe zone is the portion of the trench excavation between the bottom level of the trench excavation to a height of 150 mm above the top of the pipe. For more detail refer to Standard Drawing W-04 of the City of Moose Jaw Development Standard. 3. Foundation is over excavation in the pipe zone that is required to provide a stable foundation for the bedding. 4. Pipe bedding is that portion of the pipe zone that supports the pipe and other appurtenances. 5. Haunching is that portion of the pipe zone from the bottom of the pipe to the springline of the pipe. 6. Initial backfill occupies the area between the springline of the pipe and a maximum 300 mm above the top of the pipe. Page 12 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Page 13 7. Unstable trench bottom is an inadequate bedding condition caused by organic material, "quick" sand or other similar material being present in the bottom of the trench. 8. Drainage ditch excavation is excavation required for routing of surface or pumped water to a drainage course. 9. Standard Proctor Density (SPD) is the soil density achieved by application of compactive mechanical effort to a soil mass. 15.2 - Product In situ Backfill Material - In situ Backfill Material is original trench material that does not contain boulders or rocks larger than 100 mm diameter, organic soils, frozen lumps of earth, rubble or debris from trench excavation. Low Shrink Material: 1. Do not supply or place low shrink backfill until a mix design has been submitted to and approved by the Engineer/Owner. 2. Maximum aggregate size shall be 6 mm using sand. The proportions of materials shall be such as to produce a concrete mixture that will meet the following standards: Strength at 28 days 0.5 MPa ± 0.25 (measured in accordance with CAN3-A23.2-9C Slump 175 ± 25 mm (measured in accordance with CAN3-A23.2-5C) Note: Type 30 Portland cement may be used for winter construction. Bedding Material - Do not supply or place bedding material until a sieve analysis has been submitted to and approved by the Engineer/Owner. Provide bedding material having the following gradation limits: SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING 10 mm 100 5 mm 95 – 100 630 µm 25 – 60 80 µm 0-5 Granular Material - Provide granular material having the following gradation limits. SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING 28 mm 20 mm 12.5 mm 5 mm 2 mm 800 µm 400 µm 160 µm 80 µm Maximum Permeability 1 x 10-4 cm/sec. 100 90 – 100 70 – 100 45 – 85 30 – 65 15 – 40 12 – 30 9 – 20 7 - 15 Do not supply or place imported material until a sieve analysis has been submitted to and approved by the Engineer/Owner.. TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Page 14 Coarse Gravel 1. Do not supply or place coarse gravel until a sieve analysis has been submitted to and approved by the Engineer/Owner.. 2. Provide clean angular rock material for stabilization of trench bottom with the following gradation limits: SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING 80 mm 100 50 mm 25 mm 20 mm 10 mm 5 mm 95 – 100 20 – 100 0 – 80 0 – 10 2 15.3 - Execution Site Preparation - Cut pavement or sidewalk neatly along limits of proposed excavation in order that surface may break evenly and cleanly. Excavation 1. Location of Excavation - The Contractor will provide stakes offset from the centerline of the trench to indicate trench alignment. Excavate trenches only as far in advance as safety, traffic and weather conditions permit. Protect structures, piping and other manmade objects existing within the working area. Do not excavate more than 120 m in advance of the pipe laying operation. Allow no more than 15 meters of trench to remain open at the end of each day. 2. Depth Excavate trench to dimensions shown on Standard Drawing W04 of the City of Moose Jaw Development Standard. as required to provide sufficient space for pipe bedding and to permit erection of forms, shoring, waterproofing and inspection of foundations. Excavate to clean lines to minimize the quantity of fill required. 3. Excavated Trench Material • Pile material alongside the trench provided working space is adequate and by doing so it does not spill onto private properties disturbing fences, buildings, shrubs, lawns, crops or other items of value. • Locate spoil pile to minimize blockage of traffic and drainage facilities. • Where excavated material cannot be piled along the trench, stockpile at locations approved by the Engineer/Owner. and return for backfilling as required. TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 4. Trench Alignment • Prior to excavation of the trench, establish the pipe installation alignment by setting stakes at 20 m intervals along a offset from the centerline of the proposed alignment. • Excavate the trench so that the pipe can be laid to the established alignment and depth with allowance made for specified trench wall clearance and bedding. • Install the pipe to a predetermined grade according to a grade sheet showing the depth of cut to the invert or top of pipe relative to the grade stake elevation at the respective locations along the pipeline. 5. Trench Width • Excavate to produce clearance of not less than 150 mm between the outside of the pipe at its largest section and the trench sheeting or earth wall and not more than 300 mm clearance between the pipe and earth wall regardless of trench support works. Refer to Standard Drawing W-04. • The above condition governs from the trench bottom to 300 mm above the top of the pipe. • Excavate widths above this point in conformance with the requirements of the latest edition of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. • Remove ledge rock, boulders and large stones to provide a minimum clearance of 150 mm below the pipe. • Where the maximum trench width is exceeded provide special bedding or other precautions as directed by the Engineer/Owner.. 6. Bracing and Sheeting • Shore the trench in a manner that conforms with the latest edition of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and as necessary to protect life, property and structures adjacent to the Work, the Work itself, or to maintain trench widths within specified limits. • Install shoring so that is does not extend below the springline of the pipe. Do not locate shoring closer than 150 mm to the widest section of the installed pipe. When it is necessary to place the shoring below the pipe springline, raise the shoring in 600 mm lifts and compact each lift to fill the void left by the raised sheeting. • Cut off shoring left in place no higher than 900 mm below the ground surface. • Remove shoring in a manner which permits backfill compaction. 7. Dewatering • Control entry of ground and surface water to the extent that excavation and pipe installation can proceed and the trench bottom condition is not compromised to the detriment of the pipe installation. • Continuously pump or bailout water from the trench. Do not use the pipe being installed as a drain for such water. • Ensure that dewatering operations do not compromise or damage the foundation of any structure in the vicinity. • Locate and direct dewatering discharge such that loss, damage, nuisance or injury to the public does not occur. Direct discharge into natural drainage channels, drains or storm sewers. Page 15 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 8. Safety • Excavate trench in conformance with the requirements of the latest edition of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and as is necessary to protect life, property and work. • Sheet and brace open cut trenches in strict conformance with the latest edition of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Municipal Ordinances and as necessary to protect life, property and Work. 9. Trench Bottom Conditions • Maintain trench conditions to facilitate pipe installation without water, muck, silt, gravel or other foreign material entering the pipe. • Provide a firm trench bottom capable of supporting the pipe to be installed. Stabilize trench bottom by means of over excavation or special foundation designed to support the pipe. • Remove all deleterious material from the trench bottom prior to pipe installation. 10. Over Excavation and Backfill • Excavate the trench in a manner that provides a uniform and continuous support for the pipe and fittings on solid, undisturbed ground. Over excavate unstable trench bottom to a level at which stable material is encountered. • Backfill over excavation with coarse gravel material to the level of normal bedding. • Compact coarse gravel material in lifts having a maximum compacted depth of 300 mm to provide a thoroughly consolidated pipe zone using approved mechanical compactors. 11. . Unstable/Non-Uniform Ground Conditions • Excavate loose or deleterious material to the width, depth and length as required and backfill with coarse gravel in 300 mm compacted layers or with in situ backfill material in 150 mm compacted layers. Compaction to 95% Standard Proctor Density. • Provide and maintain minimum clearance between the pipe and trench walls of not less than 150 mm for pipes up to and including 600 mm O.D.and not less than 200 mm for pipe larger 600 mm O.D. • Finish subgrade with hand tools to provide a uniform and continuous support for the pipe bedding. 15.4 Trench Backfill and Compaction Backfill within the Pipe Zone • Backfill with granular material placed in uniform layers and compacted by mechanical means for the full width of the trench. Backfill in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness and compact to completely fill spaces under and adjacent to the pipe. • Place bedding material to lines and depths required. Provide bell and coupling holes along the trench bottom so that the pipe barrel is evenly supported throughout the entire length. Page 16 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 • • Mechanically compact the pipe bedding, haunching and initial backfill material to 95% Standard Proctor Density. Mechanically compact pipe haunching while exercising care not to contact or damage the pipe. For compaction of haunching on pipe 300 mm and larger, employ pneumatically powered, single leg 'pogostik' tamper or as approved by the Engineer/Owner.. Backfill above the Pipe Zone 1. In situ Material • Backfill in uniform layers not exceeding the thickness required to obtain the specified density. The maximum allowable compacted layer thickness shall be 150 mm unless otherwise approved by the Engineer/Owner.. Compact backfill to a minimum 95% Standard Proctor Density. • Control the moisture content of the in situ backfill material to within ± 3% of the in situ material in the adjacent trench walls. Supply and add water or dry the in situ backfill material as required to meet the moisture specification. • Areas to be backfilled shall be free from debris, snow, ice, water or frozen ground. Backfill material shall not be frozen or contain ice, snow or debris. • Haul and dispose of all material that is unsuitable for use as backfill. Import and place acceptable material. • Import and place acceptable material to make up any shortage of material caused by the construction operation or removal and disposal of rock, boulders or other material. • Bear all costs for locating, providing and placing acceptable replacement backfill material. 2. Granular Material • . Provide granular material having sufficient moisture content to prevent dust generation during handling. • Backfill in uniform layers not to exceed the thickness required to obtain the specified density. The maximum allowable compacted layer thickness shall be 150 mm for granular materials unless otherwise approved by the Engineer/Owner.. • Compact backfill to 95% Standard Proctor Density. • Repair and pay for damage resulting from any subsidence or heaving of the backfill occurring within the maintenance period. 3. Responsibility for Materials Testing - In all instances materials testing is the responsibility of the Contractor. • Retain and pay for a materials testing laboratory, satisfactory to the Engineer/Owner., to test materials compacted in place. Pay all costs for retesting required as a result of initial or subsequent test results not conforming to the requirements of this specification. 4. Materials Testing Standards: 1. Standard for laboratory determination of SPD: - ASTM D698 and ASTM D2216 – standard test methods for laboratory determination of density and of water (moisture) content of soil, rock and soil-aggregate mixtures. Page 17 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 2. Standards for field determination of density and moisture. • ASTM D2167 - standard test by the rubber balloon method for density and unit weight of material compacted in place. • ASTM D1556 - standard test by the sand cone method for density and unit weight of material compacted in place. • ASTM D2922 and/or D3017 - Nuclear methods testing for density and moisture content of material compacted in place. 5. Materials Testing Requirements - Materials testing requirements are as follow: • Determination of Standard Proctor Density of each of the primary materials, such as clay, silty clay, silt, silty sand and sand. • Perform density using method(s) appropriate for the conditions. • Perform a minimum of one test per 1000 sqm/150 mm compacted lift. Deep Trench Excavation and Backfill - Deep trench installations are defined as those with depth equal to or greater than 5.0 m finished grade to pipe invert. Deep Trench Excavation as per following: • Unless otherwise noted, excavate trench in accordance with the requirements elsewhere in this section. • Separate the excavated in situ material, by stock piling in a convenient location adjacent to the trench excavation, to the satisfaction of the Engineer/Owner.. • Separate excavated in situ materials by primary classifications, such as clay, silty clay, silt, silty sand and sand. Deep Trench Backfill • Unless otherwise noted, backfill trench in accordance with the requirements elsewhere in this section. • Compacted thickness of trench backfill not to exceed 150 mm per lift unless the Engineer/Owner. specifically advises otherwise. • Moisture condition backfill as required to achieve the density requirements. 16.0 HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING 16.1 General Description - The work specified in this section consists of furnishing and installing underground utilities using the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) method of installation, also commonly referred to as directional boring or guided horizontal boring. This work shall include all services, equipment, materials, and labor for the complete and proper installation, testing, restoration of underground utilities and environmental protection and restoration. Quality Assurance The requirements set forth in this document specify a wide range of procedural precautions necessary to insure that the very basic, essential aspects of a proper directional bore installation are adequately controlled. Contractor shall fully responsible for the satisfactory completion of the work. Page 18 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Work Plan Prior to beginning work, the Contractor must submit to the Engineer/Owner. a general work plan outlining the procedure and schedule to be used to execute the project. Plan should document the thoughtful planning required to successfully complete the project. Equipment The Contractor will submit specifications on directional drilling equipment to be used to ensure that the equipment will be adequate to complete the project. 16.2 Products Equipment The directional drilling equipment shall consist of a directional drilling rig of sufficient capacity to perform the bore and pullback the pipe, a drilling fluid mixing & delivery system of sufficient capacity to successfully complete the crossing, a guidance system to accurately guide boring operations and trained and competent personnel to operate the system. All equipment shall be in good, safe operating condition with sufficient supplies, materials and spare parts on hand to maintain the system in good working order for the duration of this project. Drilling System • Drilling Rig The directional drilling machine shall consist of a hydraulically powered system to rotate, push and pull hollow drill pipe into the ground at a variable angle while delivering a pressurized fluid mixture to a guidable drill (bore) head. The machine shall be anchored to the ground to withstand the pulling, pushing and rotating pressure required to complete the crossing. The hydraulic power system shall be self-contained with sufficient pressure and volume to power drilling operations. Hydraulic system shall be free of leaks. Rig shall have a system to monitor and record maximum pull-back pressure during pull-back operations. • Drill Pipe - Shall be constructed of high quality 4130 seamless tubing, grade D or better, with threaded box and pins. Tool joints should be hardened to 32-36 RC. .4 Guidance System • Drilling Fluids- Drilling fluid shall be composed of clean water and an appropriate additive. Water shall be from a clean source with a pH of 8.5 – 10 and/or as per mixing requirements of the Manufacturer. Water of a lower pH or with excessive calcium shall be treated with the appropriate amount of sodium carbonate or equal. The water and additives shall be mixed thoroughly and be absent of any clumps or clods. No hazardous additives may be used. Drilling fluid shall be maintained at a viscosity sufficient to suspend cuttings and maintain the integrity of bore wall. Pipe Rollers Pipe rollers, if required, shall be of sufficient size to fully support the weight of the pipe while being hydro-tested and during pull-back operations. Sufficient number of rollers shall used to prevent excess sagging of pipe. Pipe Rammers Hydraulic or pneumatic pipe rammers may only be used if necessary and with the authorization of the Engineer/Owner. Page 19 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 16.3 Execution Drilling Procedure • Site Preparation - Prior to any alterations to work-site, the Contractor shall photograph or video tape entire work area, including entry and exit points. One copy of which shall be given to the Engineer/Owner. and one copy to remain with the Contractor for a period of one year following the completion of the project. Work site as indicated on drawings, within right-of-way, shall be graded or filled to provide a level working area. No alterations beyond what is required for operations are to be made. The Contractor shall confine all activities to designated work areas. • Drill Path Survey - Entire drill path shall be accurately surveyed with entry and exit stakes placed in the appropriate locations within the areas indicated on drawings. If the Contractor is using a magnetic guidance system, drill path will be surveyed for any surface geomagnetic variations or anomalies. Environmental Protection - The Contractor shall place silt fence between all drilling operations and other area designated for such protection by contract documents, federal, provincial and local regulations. The Contractor shall adhere to all applicable environmental regulations. Fuel or oil may not be stored in bulk containers within 200' of any water-body or wetland. • Safety - The Contractor shall adhere to all applicable federal, provincial and local safety regulations and all operations shall be conducted in a safe manner. • Pilot Hole - Pilot hole shall be drilled on bore path with no deviations greater than 5% of depth over a length of 100'. In the event that pilot does deviate from bore path more than 5% of depth in 100', contractor will notify the Engineer/Owner.. • Reaming - Upon successful completion of pilot hole, contractor will ream bore hole to a minimum of 25% greater than the outside diameter of the pipe using the appropriate tools. • Pull-Back - After successfully reaming bore hole to the required diameter, the Contractor will pull the pipe through the bore hole. In front of the pipe will be a swivel. Once pullback operations have commenced, operations must continue without interruption until the pipe is completely pulled into the bore hole. • Site Restoration - Following drilling operations, contractor will de-mobilize equipment and restore the work-site to original condition. All excavations will be backfilled and compacted to 95% of original density. 17.0 WATER MAIN 17.1 General Work Included - This section refers to the supply and installation of watermain piping, fittings and appurtenances. Submittals • Submit shop drawings • For watermain valves, fittings, couplings, adaptors provide complete descriptions including, specific model numbers, materials, end connection types and adaptive outside diameters. For pipes include specific material, class or dimension ratio, manufacturer identification code as it appears stamped on the pipe or supplier's invoice. Page 20 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Testing of Materials - Provide necessary samples and bear all costs for testing of materials or provide certified test results for materials to be employed. Handling and Storage of Materials • Provide all handling and storage facilities for materials as recommended by the manufacturer. • Seal both ends of each pipe length to prevent contamination during pipe transportation and storage. Use an ultra violet stable material having a minimum thickness of 0.15 mm (6 mils). Install covers immediately following the pressure testing of the pipe at the manufacturing plant • Do not use PVC pipe that is more than 24 months old. 17.2 Products PIPE Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) • Sizes 300 mm and smaller - pipe certified to CSA B137.3 and NSF 61 and conforming toPVC C-900, DR-18 pipe in all respects to AWWA C900 latest edition Class 150 pipe. • Sizes 350 mm and larger - pipe certified to CSA B137.3 and NSF 61 and conforming to PVC C-900, DR-18 pipe. • Gaskets shall be standard gaskets recommended for typical watermain applications. Nitrile gaskets shall be used for watermains buried in soil with hydrocarbon contamination. • Push-On joint gasket lubricant acceptable to the pipe manufacturer shall be nontoxic, water soluble and approved for use in contact with potable water by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) • Pipe certified by the manufacturer as having been produced from raw resin which meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM D-1248 for Type III, Class C, Category 5, Grade P34 Polyethylene Material and which qualifies as a PE3408 material by the method of determining and validating the Long Term Hydrostatic Stress (LTHS) of the Plastic Pipe Institute. Without compromising the foregoing, provide pipe of iron pipe sizing configuration (IPS) in conformance with ASTM F714 and to AWWA C906 latest edition. • 75 mm and smaller - Dimension Ratio (DR) 11. • Greater than 75 mm -refer to special provisions. HDPE Pipe Fittings • Molded HDPE, sizes as available, manufactured in accordance with ASTM D2683 for socket type or ASTM D3261 for butt fusion type and all in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C906 Latest Edition. Fitting pressure rating must be at least equivalent to the pipe to which it is being attached. • Backing flanges to be ductile iron epoxy coated or minimum grade 304 passivated stainless steel. • Fabricated HDPE fittings are not acceptable. Page 21 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Couplings and Adaptors 1. Coupling 200 diameter or less PVC to PVC or PVC to asbestos-cement pipe use molded PVC couplings originally produced under the certification of CSA B137.2. For PVC to asbestos-cement use these couplings as modified by the manufacturer to adapt to the asbestos cement pipe OD while still retaining full test pressure capability. Couplings to be manufactured by IPEX Inc., HARCO or approved equal. 2. For pipe sizes larger than 200 mm use a compression sleeve coupling to join asbestos cement pipe to steel pipe, PVC pipe to steel pipe, steel pipe to steel pipe or PVC to PVC. Couplings to have a rigid steel or ductile iron center sleeve sized to suit the pipe types and to provide a water tight compressive gasket seal on each pipe. Coupling design and construction methods and materials must or exceed all requirements of the latest edition of AWWA C219 and all additional requirements specified in these documents. Unless otherwise specified, coupling design working pressure to be at least 1050 kPa (150 psi) with a minimum safety factor of 2.0 using the minimum yield stress of the material used. For exposed locations: • Interior lining -minimum 300 microns (12 mils) epoxy NSF approved for direct contact with potable water. Preferred colour, white or off white. • Exterior coating - lead free, rust inhibitive prime coat compatible with final paint system specified. • Nuts and bolts - stainless steel or alloy steel, zinc plated to ASTM B633, Type I (not galvanized), material per AWWA C219. For direct buried submerged locations: • Interior lining -as above • Exterior Coating - minimum 300 microns (12 mils) epoxy as recommended by the coating manufacturer for the service. Coating must be NSF potable approved if submerged in potable water. • Nuts and bolts - stainless steel material either per AWWA C219 or as specified elsewhere in this section. Valves 1. Gate Valves - 75 to 300 mm inclusive to be iron body, resilient seated with materials, manufacturing and performance in full compliance with the latest edition of AWWA 509. 350 mm to 600 mm must be iron body resilient seated and comply with AWWA C515 with 250 psi working pressure. 2. Butterfly Valves - Must comply fully with AWWA C504 latest edition. a) For sizes 75 mm to 500 mm - resilient seated wafer body constructed as follows: • Body - cast or ductile iron (thickness controlled by AWWA C504). • Disc – 30455-18-8 Grade or 316 stainless steel welded cast iron minimum. • Stem – 30455-18-8 Grade Stainless Steel shall be a minimum of 300mm below ground elevation to prevent heavy loads being transmitted to the curb stop. Curb stops shall be left closed. • Stem Fasteners - 316 or S5304-18-8 stainless or 17-4 pH stainless. Page 22 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 • • • Seat–Rubber seat shall be in the body and not on the disc.It shall be EPDM or BUNA-N. Shaft seal -Chevron 'V' packing or double 'O' ring seals to AWWA C504 specifications. Hydrostatic test capability which meets or exceeds ANSI 150 and a certified bubble tight differential working pressure rating of at least 1050 kPa (150 psi) Flange Gaskets 1. Flange gaskets to be cloth inserted red rubber or other material conforming to the latest edition of AWWA C207 and approved for use with potable water. 2. Ring type gaskets for raised face flanges 3. Full face gaskets for flat-faced surfaces 4. Gasket thicknesses as follow: • 100 mm to 600 mm - 1.6 mm thick. • 750 mm to 1800 mm - 3.2 mm thick 5. Where petrolatum primer may be in contact with gasketed fittings, gaskets shall be BUNA-N, NEOPRENE or as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Valve Boxes and Covers • 127 I.D. x 6 W.T. Schedule 40 PVC lower section as manufactured by IPEX Inc. or approved equal. • 1200 or 760 long x 150 I.D. x 11 W.T. "Type A" cast iron upper valve box section and appurtenances as detailed on Standard Drawing W-01. Hydrants – refer to the City of Moose Jaw standard 1. Dry-barrel, compression type hydrants which are designed, manufactured and tested in full compliance with the latest edition of AWWA C502. 2. Pentagonal operating nut and nozzle cap nuts which open counter clockwise. Cap chains are not required. 3. Hydrants to have the following: • Minimum 114 mm diameter opening lower valve. • Two (2) - 65 mm x 6 threads per 25 mm hose nozzle. • One (1) - replaceable bronze pumper nozzle threaded to mate with and securely connect to City of Moose Jaw Fire Department pumper hose connection which is threaded. • 150 mm tyton inlet compatible with C900 Class 150 PVC pipes. • Drain outlet – (6 NPT) shall be on the hydrant. • Barrel length as required but to provide a minimum of 2.3 m bury to top of inlet. • Breakaway style flange and mainstem. • Permanently lubricated housing or non-toxic grease or oil to be used. Region is mandatory. External means of self-lubrication is necessary instead of dismantling the hydrant. 4. • • Hydrant Finishes Finish on all exterior surfaces below the hydrant flange to be asphaltic coated as recommended by the coating manufacturer. Exterior finish colour - yellow to match City of Moose Jaw requirements. Page 23 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Concrete for Thrust Blocks • Provide a Concrete Mix Design prior to the placement of any concrete. • Cement to conform to CSA A5, Type 50. • Air entraining admixtures to conform to CSA A266.1 and ASTM C494. • Water reducing admixtures to conform to CSA A222.2 and ASTM C494. • Retarding admixtures, which require approval for use, to conform to ASTM494. • Minimum concrete design strength to be 20 at 28 days. Higher design strength concrete may be substituted to obtain shorter curing time. Connection to Existing Watermains • Adhere to the scheduling stipulations for service interruptions contained in these specifications. • Provide notice to all customers whose water service will be interrupted by the connection. Standard notices may be obtained from the City of Moose Jaw, Engineering Department. • Make good at no expense to the Owner all damages resulting from an unsuccessful tie-in or failure of materials installed to complete tie-in or damage to existing structures or works caused during performance of the tie-in. Hydrant Installation • Install hydrants in accordance with Standard Drawing W-02 of the City of Moose Jaw Development Standard. • Install hydrants and leads straight and plumb. • Install pumper nozzle facing the street. • Install hydrants such that the hydrant flange is 50 mm above top of curb, walk or finished grade of lot as directed by the Engineer/Owner.. • Install gate valve on all hydrant leads as shown on Drawing W-02 of the City of Moose Jaw Development Standard. Valve Installation • Install valves in accordance with Standard Drawing W-01 of the City of Moose Jaw Development Standard. • Provide a valve box on each valve that is direct buried. Valve box to be installed straight and plumb. • Install PVC bottom section to within a maximum of 150 mm of finished grade. • Minimum overlap between the top and bottom sections of the valve boxes shall be 150 mm. • Install thrust blocks or mechanical thrust restraints at all valves. Corrosion Protection - Provide corrosion protection on all buried metallic objects. With the exception of hydrants, provide protection using a physical encapsulation system as per the standard. Use this method unless the air temperature at the time of installation is less than 5 °C or, in the opinion of the Engineer/Owner, other conditions make its use impractical. In those instances only, use a sacrificial anode system to provide corrosion protection. Equip all hydrants with sacrificial anodes. Page 24 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Anode Installation • Install anode(s) as per the Standard Securely crimp anode lead(s) to eyelet connectors when used. • Re-torque hydrant bolts after eyelet connection is made. • Prior to cadwelding, clean the metal surface to bare shiny metal by filing or grinding, Remove any dust and dry thoroughly. • Remove slag from cadweld by tapping with a chipping hammer. • After the weld has completely cooled apply a mastic protection system to the cadweld and adjacent areas affected by the procedure. • Remove any plastic bags from zinc anodes. Cut slits in cardboard tubes. • Install anodes as shown on Standard Drawings and pour water over anodes prior to backfilling. • Ensure slack is left in anode leads so that they are not pulled out or damaged during backfilling. 18.0 WATERMAIN TESTS 18.1 General Scope - This section refers to the hydrostatic testing of all new and modified watermains. Definitions • Leakage is defined as the amount of water required to maintain the test pressure in the mains over the duration of the test period. • Pressure test is the process to locate defects in material or workmanship, thereby permitting proper repair. Leakage test is to establish that the section of line tested, including all joints, fittings and other appurtenances will not leak or that leakage is within the limits of the applicable allowance. 18.2 Products • Supply all necessary labour, materials and equipment for the tests. • Provide evidence that pressure gauges used for watermain tests have been calibrated within current calendar year prior to undertaking the tests. 18.3 Execution 1. Water used for disinfection of watermains may be used for leakage test. 2. Complete watermain leakage test prior to the installation of service connections. 3. Notify the Engineer/Owner.r at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of all proposed tests. Perform tests in the presence of the Engineer/Owner.or designate. 4. When testing is done during freezing weather, protect hydrants, valves, joints and fittings from freezing. 5. Control rate of filling of pipes to a velocity of less than 0.45 m/sec (1.5 ft/sec). 6. Prior to pressure testing ensure that thrust blocks attain a minimum 15 MPa compressivestrength. Page 25 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 7. Ensure that all air is purged from the watermain before performing leakage or pressuretests on the system. 8. For pipe materials other than PVC or HDPE, calculate leakage from formulas in the appropriate sections of AWWA Standards for that type of pipe. 9. If the leakage exceeds the allowable, locate and repair leaks and defects. Repeat the testafter repairs until the leakage does not exceed the allowable. Visible leaks must be repaired even when the leakage is below the allowable limits. 10. Testing I. Leakage Test -PVC Pipe • After backfilling is completed, carry out leakage test on all PVC watermains at an initial test pressure of 692 kPa (100 psi). • Maintain test pressure for at least two hours. At the end of one hour, repressurize the main to 692 kPa with water pumped from a tank. Measure the amount of water used to repressurize the main to the initial test pressure to determine the leakage in the test section. The test will not be accepted if the leakage exceeds the quantity determined by the following formula from the latest edition of AWWA C605. For PVC PipeL= NDP½/130,400 L = the allowable leakage (litres per hour) N= number of joints in the pipeline tested D = nominal diameter of the pipe (mm) P = the average test pressure during leakage tests in Kilopascals (kPa) II. Pressure Testing - High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe a) Pressure test all HDPE pipes, couplings, joints and other appurtenances under a hydrostatic pressure in compliance with ANSI/AWWA C906 latest edition. • Test pressure shall be 692 kPa (100 psi). • Testing with compressed air is strictly forbidden. • Begin test after completion of backfilling and at least 7 days after the last concrete bearing pad has been cast. • Expose all mechanical joints for visual inspection during testing. b) The test shall consist of two parts: 1. Initial Expansion Phase - After the initial pressurization of the pipe add sufficient make-up water at hourly intervals to return the pipe to the original test pressure.Repeat pressurization a maximum of three times after the original pressurization of the pipe. 2. Test Period • After completion of the expansion phase (3 hours after initial pressurization) begin the pressure test. • Test period shall not exceed three hours. Page 26 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 • The total time under test shall not exceed 8 hours at 692 kPa. If the test is not completed within this time frame, the test section shall be permitted to "relax" for an additional 8-hour period prior to starting the next test sequence. 19.0 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 19.1 General Description - This section specifies requirements for the installation of cast-in-place concrete. Reference Standards • Do cast-in-place concrete work in accordance with CAN/CSA-A23.1 and 2, and CAN/CSA-A23.3, except where specified otherwise. • Provide certification that plant, equipment, and materials to be used in concrete comply with requirements of CAN/CSA-A23.1 and specific CSA material specifications. • Provide certification and test results showing that mix proportions selected will produce concrete of specified quality, durability, volume stability and yield and that strength will comply with CAN/CSA-A23.2 prior to placing concrete. Aggregate tests and mix designs shall be included in the tender price. 19.2 Materials Materials • Portland cement conforming to CAN/CSA-A5 type 50 - sulphate resistant for all concrete. Submit to the Engineer/Owner. a copy of cement test results from the cement supplier as requested. • Aggregates: to CAN/CSA-A23.1; coarse aggregate to contain no more than 1.0% ironstone by mass; fine aggregate to contain no more that 1.5% ironstone by mass as determined by ASTM C295, Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for Concrete. Supply proof to Engineer/Owner. that aggregate from the proposed source complies with these requirements at least 10 days prior to intended use. Do not use aggregate without approval. • Water: clear and free from injurious amount of oil, acid, alkali, organic matter, sediment, or other deleterious substance to CAN3-A23.1. • Air Entraining Admixture: to CAN3 A266.1. • Chemical Admixtures: to CAN3 A266.2M. • Non-shrink Grout: premixed compound consisting of non-metallic aggregate, Portland cement, water reducing and plasticizing agents. Plastic consistency and a compressive strength of 50 MPa at 28 days. • Grout for reinforcing steel dowels or anchor bolts to be Set 45 as supplied by Master Builders or approved equal. • Bonding Agent: 100% solids polysulphide epoxy compound. • Curing Compound: resin based impervious membrane forming compound to ASTM C309, Type 2-0, Class B. Page 27 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Page 28 • Air Entraining: comply with CAN3-A23.1 Table 8 for use of air entrainment. Classes of Concrete - Class B - Structural Concrete Elsewhere Class Minimum Class Compressive Slump Strength at (mm) 28 days (MPa) Entrained Air Limits (% by Vol) Maximum Aggregate Size (mm) Maximum Water/Cement Ratio (By Mass) Minimum Cement Contents kg/m3) A B C D 35 30 20 0.3 – 0.6 6-8 5-7 4-6 4-6 28 20 25 - 0.45 0.45 0.50 - 335 335 270 30 60 ± 10 75 ± 13 60 ± 10 100 ± 25 19.3 Execution Workmanship • Place concrete in accordance with CAN/CSA-A23.1. • Ensure reinforcement, inserts, and accessories are not disturbed during concrete placement. • Maintain accurate records of poured concrete items to indicate date, location of pour, quantity, air temperatures, and test sample taken. • Ensure that reinforcement and formwork are thoroughly clean before placing. • All concrete shall be watertight. Production of Concrete - Batch, mix and deliver all concrete in accordance with the requirements of CAN/CSA-A23.1-M90. Placing Concrete • Prepare previously placed concrete in accordance with CAN/CSA-A23.1 Clause 19.5. • Make suitable arrangement to prevent damage to fresh concrete, under adverse weather conditions. Do not allow rain, sleet or snow to increase the mixing water or damage the surface finish. • Place all concrete in dry weather. • Compact the concrete during and immediately after depositing thoroughly and uniformly by means of tamping, hand tools, finishing machines and vibrators in order to secure, dense, watertight, homogeneous concrete well bonded with the reinforcing and with smooth formed surfaces. Concrete Mix Design - Proportion normal density concrete to CAN/CSA23.1 to give the mix for class B of concrete specified above. Curing • Cure all concrete to CAN/CSA-A23.1-M90. TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 • Moist Curing - Where specified or directed by the Engineer/Owner. carry out moist curing; after the concrete set sufficiently, keep exposed surfaces continuously moist using wet burlap or polyethylene film in contact with the concrete for at least 7 consecutive days after placing when normal or sulphate resistant cement is used, and for at least 3 consecutive days when high early strength cement is used. Joints - Construction Joints: are used between concrete pours or for butting new to old construction. • Form joint with a keyway, dowels, or tie-bars as specified or as directed by the Engineer/Owner.. • Finish edges to a 6 mm radius. • Where required by the Engineer/Owner., trim old concrete vertical by sawing at least 50 mm then breaking. Leave joint form in place until the concrete has set sufficiently to hold the shape and remove without damaging the concrete. Frost Protection - After curing process is completed, provide continuous protection for slabs on grade to prevent subgrade below from freezing during cold weather. Provide heated enclosures, insulation, etc., as required. Inspection and Testing • Slump and Air-Content Tests - Make test at the time of concrete placement where strength specimens are made, as often are required by the Engineer/Owner., but not less frequently than one test each of slump and air content for every truckload of concrete placed. • Strength Tests • Frequency: one strength, slump and air-content test for each 100 m3 of each class of concrete or at least one set of tests each day when concrete is poured. • Cylinders: take not less than 3 cylinders for each test. One cylinder to be tested at 7 days, two cylinders to be tested at 28 days. Prepare cylinders in accordance with CSA A23.2. • Compressive Strength: use the average of the compressive strength of two standard cylinders tested at the age specified. If either of the two cylinder shows definite evidence, other than low strength, of improper sampling, moulding, handing, curing or testing, discard cylinder and use the strength of the remaining cylinder for test result. • Strength Requirements: strength requirements for each class of concrete are met it the averages of all sets of three consecutive strength tests equal or exceed the specified strength and no single test falls more than 3.5 MPa below specified compressive strength. Page 29 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Page 30 20.0 ROAD PAVEMENT 20.1 General Measure for Payment - Road pavement structures will be measured in square metres in place. Testing • All testing shall be done in accordance with current ASTM Standards. • The Contractor shall arrange for all required testing and shall include costs of same in the tender. • Provide one test of base course material for compliance with specification. • Provide one test of surface course material for compliance with specification. • Provide one density test for each 100 linear metres of compacted subgrade or as directed by the Engineer/Owner.. • Provide one density test for each 100 linear metres of base course or as directed by the Engineer/Owner.. Clean Up • On completion of the work, remove all excess material, debris, equipment. • Make good all damage to other work resulting from work of this Section. 20.2 Materials Base Course a) When testing according to ASTM Designation C135, Method of Test for Sieve Analysis, the material shall meet one of the following gradation requirements as specified by the Engineer/Owner.. SIEVE DESIGNATION Size 25 mm 20 mm 12.5 mm 5 mm 2 mm 800 mm 400 mm 160 mm 80 mm Plasticity Index PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT Type 32 100 93 – 100 72 – 93 45 – 77 29 – 56 17 – 38 13 – 26 7 – 16 6 – 11 0-6 Type 33 Type 34 100 81 – 100 50 – 80 32 – 52 18 – 33 15 – 25 11 – 21 8 – 13 0-6 100 91 – 100 70 – 85 45 – 65 27 – 42 20 – 30 11 – 18 8 – 12 0-6 The percentage passing the designated sieve sizes for any representative sample, when plotted on a semi-log grading chart, shall show a free flowing curve without sharp TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Page 31 breaks, within the limits specified above. The material passing through the 400 um sieve shall have a liquid limit not greater than 25 and a plasticity index not greater than 6. b) The aggregate shall consist of hard, durable particles free from injurious quantities of soft or flaky particles, loam organic matter, or other deleterious material. The gravel shall be crushed gravel passing a 25 mm sieve. c) Granular material retained on the 5 mm sieve shall have a minimum average of 45% of the aggregate with at least one fractured face. Average will be defined as the average all tests for each working shift. d) Clay binder shall consist essentially of fine particles of sand, silt and clay containing no particles larger than will pass a 25 mm square opening screen, and shall be free from injurious amounts of organic matter or other deleterious material. It shall have a plasticity index of not more than 15. The clay shall be broken down by a shredder or pulverizer before being added to the mixture if required by the Engineer/Owner.. e) Filler material shall be a fine sand (minimum 100% passing 630 mm sieve) and free from rocks or any deleterious material. f) Water shall be reasonably clean and free from substances which might render it unfit for use. Asphaltic Surface Course a) Aggregate shall consist of hard, durable, uniformly graded, 20 mm crushed gravel or steel slag and shall not contain organic or soft materials nor materials that break up when alternately frozen and thawed or wetted and dried, nor other deleterious materials. The total thickness of asphalt should be 125 mm, and asphalt surface shall be placed in one 75 mm bottom lift and one 50 mm top lift. b) When tested according to ASTM Designation C136, Method of Test for Sieve A nalysis, the material shall meet the following gradation requirements. SIEVE DESIGNATION PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT Size 16 mm Max. Aggregate 20 mm 6mm 1 4 mm 12. 5 mm 10 mm 5 mm 2m m 8 00 um 400 um 1 60 um 8 0 um 100 94 – 100 9 0 – 100 79 – 92 50 – 72 3 2 – 51 2 0 - 35 15 – 27 7 – 15 4 - 11 20 mm Max Aggregate 100 85 – 100 80 – 95 7 5 – 93 65 – 90 40 – 65 2 5 – 46 1 5 – 32 13 – 25 7 – 15 4 - 11 c) If aggregate has insufficient material passing the 80 um sieve, the Contractor shall supply mineral filler, approved by the Engineer/Owner. in the proportions required. d) From a sieve analysis of the aggregate, including adding mineral filler if required, TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Page 32 the percentage passing the designated sieves, when plotted on a semi-log grading chart, shall give a smooth flowing curve, without sharp breaks, within the limits given above. e) The coarse aggregate must conform to the requirements for gravel ASTM Designation D692. f) The fine aggregate must conform to the requirements of the Standard Specifications for fine aggregate for Bituminous Concrete Pavements, ASTM Designation D1073. g) The asphaltic binder shall be uniform in character, free of water and shall not foam when heated to 175°C. It shall meet the following specifications: PECIFICATIONS A.S.T.M. CHARACTERISTICS TEST 150 – 200 (A) 300 – 400 (A) METHOD Min Max Min Max Penetration, @ 25°C, 100 g, 5 sec D5 See See See See Table Table Table Table below below below below Viscosity @ 60°C, m Pa.s D2171 do do do do Flash Point (Cleveland Open D92 205 175 Cup)°C Thin Film Oven Test Weight Loss, D1754 1.0 2.0 max. % Penetration @25°C of residue, % of D5 50 orig. Ductility: @25°C D113 100 Solubility in Trichloroethylene, min D2042 99.5 99.5 % The limits of the viscosity and penetration shall be as follows: 150 - 200 (A) Viscosity Penetration 300 - 400 (A) Viscosity Penetration LIMITS 155 150 78 150 50 200 92 200 45 300 26.5 300 17 400 27 400 h) The Contractor shall be responsible for the asphaltic concrete mix design and for the production of a final product meeting the requirements of these specifications. Prior to the commencement of any work, he shall employ a testing laboratory to produce a mix design and recommendations concerning blending of aggregates. Throughout the project he shall obtain such other laboratory tests as are required to assure compliance with the specifications. All copies of such design mix and test results shall be forwarded to the Engineer/Owner. as soon as possible. Such tests shall include field density tests, asphalt contents, aggregate sieve analysis, air voids, stability, retained stability, V.M.A. and flow. The above mentioned tests and mix design shall be at the expense of the Contractor. TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 i) The Contractor shall arrange laboratory tests on materials and the finished product. Such tests shall be for the purpose of assuring compliance with the specifications. If any test results indicate non-compliance, all work shall cease until corrective action can be taken. j) The Marshall Method of mix design shall be used and the mix shall conform to the following criteria: • Minimum 50 Blow Marshall Stability: 5700N • Minimum Retained Stability: 70% of Initial Stability • % Voids of Total Mix: 3.5 • Minimum V.M.A.: 15% (for 16mm) 14% (for 20/mm) • Maximum Flow in mm: 5 • Minimum Flow in mm: 2 k) The mineral aggregate gradation shall be within the limits as set out above, and the maximum permissible variation from the job mix formula gradation shall be as follows; 5 mm sieve ±5% 2 mm sieve ±4% 800 um sieve ±3% 160 um sieve ±2% 80 um sieve ±1.5% 20.3 Execution Subgrade Preparation • The top 150 mm of subgrade shall be scarified and recompacted to obtain 98% of Standard Proctor Density of the material for the full depth. • Water shall be added to the compacted material to achieve optimum moisture content for maximum density. • The completed, compacted, subgrade surface shall not vary more than 15 mm from the design grades. • Subgrade shall be prepared to a width of 300 mm beyond the outside extremities of the completed asphalt surface. Granular Base Course • The base course shall consist of an intimate mixture of coarse aggregate, sand, clay and water. These materials shall be properly combined, compacted and finished on the previously prepared subgrade to a compacted thickness of 300mm. The aggregate thickness of compaction shall not more than 150mm per layer. • The rolling and compacting shall begin at the outer edges of the asphalt roadway and progress toward the centre parallel to the centre line with such overlapping of successive passes as may be required to produce the required density. A blade grader shall be used in conjunction with the compaction equipment to maintain an even and uniform compacted surface shaped to the required lines. Any irregularities or depressions in the final surface that develop under rolling, shall be corrected by loosening the material at these places and adding or Page 33 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 • • Page 34 removing material until the surface is smooth and uniform. The final surface of the granular base course shall be compacted in such a manner as to ensure the top 15 mm is stable and tightly knit throughout. The base course shall be compacted to at least 100% of the maximum Standard Proctor dry density for the material comprising the layer. While spreading or rolling, water shall be applied to the base course if required. Traffic over base course will not be permitted except by permission of the Engineer/Owner. If hauling is permitted over base course, the Contractor will at this own expense, maintain and repair the base course as to cross-section and compaction. The Contractor shall provide at his own expense, all necessary protection for the works and the safety of the public. Asphaltic Surface • The asphaltic paving plant shall be capable of turning out a uniform mix of previously designed proportions and to maintain this mix. The machine shall be equipped with screens and bins. Proportioning may be done by weight or volume and must be accurate. The asphalt storage tanks shall be protected from open flame and be equipped with an easily read thermometer. Penetration Asphalt Max. Temp of Dry Aggregate Asphalt Storage Temp. Bituminous Mix at the Pugmill 150 - 200 (A) 160°C 120 - 150°C 135 - 135°C • The bituminous aggregate, immediately before entering the pugmill, shall not contain more than 0.5% moisture by weight. In the case of recycled mix, the maximum temperature of the aggregate mix just prior to adding binder, shall be 160°C. • The amount of asphaltic binder in the mix shall not vary by more than one-half of one percent (0.5%) from the mix design and the average asphaltic binder shall not be consistently high or low. • The mixture shall be transported from the mixing plant to the work in vehicles with tight metal bottoms previously cleaned of all foreign materials. When directed by the Engineer/Owner, the vehicle shall be suitably insulated and each load shall be covered with canvas or other suitable material of sufficient size to protect it from weather conditions. The inside surface of all vehicles may be lightly lubricated with a thin oil or soap solution prior to loading, but excess lubricating will not be permitted. • The mixture shall be laid with a mechanical self-powered spreader capable of spreading the mixture true to line, grade and crown as required. The paver shall be equipped with hopper and distributing screw of the reversing type to place the mixture evenly in front of adjustable screeds. The paver shall be equipped with an adjustable strike off screed of such design that drag marks will be eliminated and with built-in tamping bars for compaction during spreading. • The Bituminous Mixture shall not be spread when the air temperature is less than 2°C. The mixture shall be delivered at a minimum temperature of 110°C. • The mixture shall be laid and rolled to the widths as shown on the drawings and to the thickness of 50 mm or as directed by the Engineer/Owner. The finished surface shall have no longitudinal joints. • Areas which are inaccessible to the spreading machine may be paved by other TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 • • • • • • • • • methods, as directed by the Engineer/Owner. When authorized by the Engineer, motor graders or approved types of truck attached spreaders shall be used to pave inaccessible or irregularly shaped areas. Hand raking shall be kept to a minimum. A continuous well-sealed bond is required between old and new surfaces. The contact surface of all joints shall be painted with a thin and uniform coat of hot asphalt primer before placing the new mix. When the work is resumed after a lapse of several hours, one end shall be cut back approximately 150 mm to a new and clean vertical surface before paving is started and heat shall be used as necessary to ensure a proper bond. The rollers shall be kept in continuous motion while on the hot mat in such a manner that all parts of the pavement receive equal compression. Rollers shall be operated by competent and experienced personnel. The motion of the rollers shall be slow enough at all times to avoid displacement of the hot mixture. Any displacement occurring as a result of reversing the direction of the roller, or from any other cause, shall be corrected immediately by the use of lutes and fresh mixture when repaired. Areas inaccessible to the roller shall be compacted by tamping with mechanical or hand tampers. If used, pneumatic tire rolling will be made with the tire pressure at 600 kPa. Pneumatic rolling is to be completed before the temperatures of the placed mix falls below 95°C. Steel tire rolling for final rolling, a steel roller shall be used. Final rolling shall be carried on until all roller marks are eliminated and no further compaction is possible. Sufficient rollers must be maintained on job site to insure full compaction of asphalt mix before temperature of mix falls below 65°C. The finished surface shall be true to the required profile and cross-section, with a tolerance of ±5 mm from the required elevations and thickness. The surface shall show no depressions or bumps exceeding 10 mm under a straight edge 3m long, placed parallel to the roadways centre line. The finished grade and thickness shall neither be consistently high or low from the design grade or thickness. The completed payment shall not have a density of less than 95% of the laboratory compacted density as determined by ASTM Density D1559 using a compaction of fifty blows for each face. No traffic shall be allowed on the finished surface until it has cooled to 60°C or until permitted by the Engineer/Owner. Page 35 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS SGC-1 Supplementary General Conditions 1. These Supplementary General Conditions modify, delete or add to the CCDC 4 2011. 2. In the event of a conflict between the CCDC 4 -2011 and the Supplementary General Conditions, the Supplementary General Conditions take precedence. 3. Clauses of the CCDC 4 – 2011 which have not been specifically modified shall remain in effect. 4. It is the contractor’s responsibility to provide a finished product acceptable to the Engineer and the City of Moose Jaw on the job. SGC–2 Definitions – CCDC 4 Page 10-11 1. The term Engineer or Consultant wherever used in these documents shall be the City of Moose Jaw. 2. The term Owner wherever used in these documents shall mean the City of Moose Jaw, the Engineer of City of Moose Jaw, or the authorized representative of City of Moose Jaw. SGC–3 Payments -CCDC 4 PART 5 1. At the end of each month or agreed upon date during the performance of the work, Contractor shall prepare a Progress Payment Certificate for that portion of the work done during that period based on quantities approved by the Engineer. 2. The Progress Payment Certificate shall be submitted to the Owner within ten (10) working days after the end of the month during which the work covered by the Progress Payment Certificate was performed. 3. After receipt of the Progress Payment Certificate, the Owner shall make payment within 30 days to the Contractor in the amount certified on the Progress Payment Certificate, provided there are not valid reasons for withholding payment. SGC–5 Construction Completion Certificate Upon completion of construction, the Contractor must submit to the City representative, 4 copies of Construction Completion Certificate with all test reports, and as built drawings. After acknowledge receipt the C.C.C applications, the City shall make an inspection within 45 days of receipt the application if weather and other conditions permit a proper inspection. If the inspection shows to the satisfaction of the City, the Engineer shall sign the Construction Completion Certificate, and the Warranty Period will start from the date of the sign. If, however, defects or deficiencies are apparent to the construction of utilities, City Manager may elect to either: Page 36 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 • • Return the certificates to the Contractor unsigned with a report of the defects or deficiencies listed, and the Contractor must correct all defects or deficiencies, and subsequently resubmit the Construction Completion Certificate Or signed the Certificate with a report of defects or deficiencies listed indicating that the repair or correction of such deficiencies may be deferred to the end of the Warranty Period. SCG-6 Final Completion Certificate Upon the expiration of 2 (two) years maintenance period the Contractor must submit to the City representative, 4 copies of Final Acceptance Certificate with all test reports, and as built drawings. After acknowledge receipt the F.A.C applications, the City shall make an inspection within 30 days of receipt the application if weather and other conditions permit a proper inspection. If the inspection shows to the satisfaction of the City, the Engineer shall sign the Final Acceptance Certificate, and the Warranty Period will start from the date of the sign. In the event that there are deficiencies to the work, the Contractor shall within ten (10) days repair all deficiencies to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Final Acceptance Certificate will then be issued by the Engineer. SGC-7 Warranty/Maintenance Period – CCDC 4 PART 12 GC 12.3 1. If at any time after the date of the Construction Completion Certificate and before expiration of the Maintenance Period any portion of the Work requires repair by reason of faulty material, or workmanship, or failure of backfill to stand up, or failure to meet specifications, the Owner shall notify the Contractor that such repairs are necessary and shall define the amount and nature of work to be done in order to make repairs. If the Contractor does not make repairs within ten (10) days after such notice, delivered either in person or by mail, the Owner shall have the right to purchase materials and employ men to execute such repairs. In the case where immediate restoration of services are required, then the Owner may arrange for the immediate restoration of services and charge to the Contractor or his Surety the cost of such repair. Should the Contractor fail to make such repairs before the expiry of the Maintenance Period, and should the Owner elect not to undertake the repairs himself, the Maintenance Period shall automatically be extended an additional one (1) year from the original Maintenance Date. 2. The maintenance period for the underground pipe line and distribution system, surface utilities and associated landscaping shall be for two (2) years from completion of the Construction Completion Certificate. Page 37 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 SGC-8 Inspection of the Work – CCDC 4 PART 2 GC 2.3 1. The Contractor covenants and agrees that: a) He shall grant to the Owner or his duly accredited representative and the Engineer, free and uninterrupted access to any or all parts of the Work Area for the purpose of making inspections and taking samples of materials being used in the Municipal improvements being installed or of the soil ground conditions. If any materials, design or installation work do not conform to the plans or specifications, the Owner or his duly accredited representative may stop further work and order the removal of unsatisfactory materials from the area and all work and expense in connection with the same shall be undertaken and performed by the Contractor at his expense; b) The Contractor shall carry out testing of materials and supply test results to the Owner as required herein having regard to the nature of the work being performed, and at no expense to the Owner; c) The Owner or Engineer shall have the right to issue a stop work order in the event that any work by the Contractor contravenes the provision of any Federal, Provincial or Municipal law, statute or regulation or by-law of the City any of which are in effect from time to time, or if the system of work is dangerous or prejudicial to public work in a manner not contemplated by the Contract, and the stop work order may be maintained until the contravention or perceived danger or harm is corrected. Parks Canada and/or PWGSC reserve the right to contact either the Owner or Engineer to issue a stop work order in the event either deems it necessary. The Owner or Engineer will immediately provide such stop work order. SGC-9 Haul Routes All hauling on local roads or municipal streets is to be on designated truck routes only unless special permission is received from the local municipality or road authority. Obtain approval from the Engineer prior to using any road as a haul road. The Contractor shall be responsible for damage and/or spillage on all roads used for hauling materials and equipment to and from site subject to the Engineer being satisfied such damage or spillage was a direct result of the actions of the Contractor or one of the Contractor’s agents in the performance of the Work required under this Contract. SGC-10 Waste Disposal The Contractor shall dispose of all broken concrete, pavement, trees, stumps and debris at the City nuisance grounds or at any other location approved by the City and the Engineer. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to pay all associated fees for waste disposal. Page 38 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 SGC-11 Temporary Utilities It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to contact all utility companies and arrange for any temporary power, telephone, etc. required during his operations. SGC-12 Notice of Accident In the event of accident caused by or related to the work being carried out under this Contract, the Contractor shall, in addition to compliance with the Federal, Provincial or Local Regulations, submit to the Engineer within two (2) days of its occurrence, a full and complete written report of the association, including names or persons involved, nature and character of injury and property damage. SGC-13 Liquidated Damages For any time requirement beyond the specified completion date, there will be deducted from monies due to the Contractor, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages, the direct cost to the Owner including but not limited to Engineering/Consultant fees, and any other costs incurred. SGC-14 Regulatory Requirements The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits, licenses and certificates required for the performance of the works. SGC-15 Retests Where test failures occur, the Contractor will be responsible for all costs associated with the subsequent retests. SGC-16 Emergency Response Plan The Contractor is responsible for any line breaks to the existing infrastructure that occur during construction or as a result of the construction and connection works. An emergency response plan will be required and approved by the City prior to any construction. The emergency response plan to include, but not limited to, known valve locations, and City permission to operate valves in an emergency. Prior to construction, Contractor to verify that known valves operates. SGC-16 Limit Streets/Intersection Disturbance The Contractor is to limit the number of streets and street intersections disturbed during construction. The actual number needs to be approved by the City. Page 39 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Bid Form We __________________________________________________ (Company Name) of __________________________________________________ (Business Address) having examined the documents to this tender; hereby offer to enter into a contract to perform all the work required by the tender documents as per schedule of prices. Please use this form for your submission Page 40 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Page 41 Bid Form ARTICLE A-4 CONTRACT PRICE (As per CCDC 4-2011 Item No. Description of Works Unite of Measure 1 2 Mobilization and demobilization Pipeline supply and installation with Fittings Including Pit and Surface Repair ( Open Cut Construction), Elbows, Reducers, Tie in to existing, testing and commissioning etc. (i) 375 mm PVC pipe (ii) 300 mm PVC pipe Valves and Hydrants (i) New Hydrant (with service connections including Tee, Valve, Lead etc.) (ii) Remove & abandon Fire Hydrant (iii) Installation of Gate Valves with fittings and other accessories - 300mm - 375mm Abandon Existing CI pipe Watermain of different sizes and Decommission Service Connections (i) 75mm pipe (ii) 63mm pipe (iii) 50mm pipe (iv) 25mm pipe (v) 100mm pipe L.S. Estimated Quantity (EQ) 1 m m 750.0 970.0 ea 22 ea 10 ea ea L.S. 12 9 ea ea ea ea ea 30 4 16 4 28 6 Traffic Control Sub-Total L.S. 7 Contingency Allowance @10% of Sub-Total Total 3 4 5 EQ = Estimated Quantity, UP = Unit Price Please use this form for your submission Unit Price (UP) $ Amount (EQ×UP) $ TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Bid Form in Canadian Funds, which price does not include G.S.T. All prices given shall be effective at least sixty (60) days from date of closing of call for tenders, only GST will be levied on the contract price. The Contractor is responsible to include PST in their price. Unit price and total Extended Price is requested, however, should there be any discrepancy or error in calculation of the total Extended Price on the submitted bid, the stated Unit Price will be considered as the proposed bid submitted. The total Extended Price will be recalculated including the stated Unit Price and the Quantity indicated on the bid form to obtain the recalculated total Extended Price. The evaluation and the award of the tender will be based on the Unit Price and Quantity stated on the bid form. Please use this form for your submission Bid Form Page 42 TENDER DOCUMENT Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 Page 43 Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014 DECLARATIONS: We hereby declare that: (a) we agree to perform the work in compliance with the required completion schedule in the tender documents. (b) no person, firm, or corporation other than the undersigned has any interest in this Tender or in the proposed Contract for which this tender is made; (c) this Tender is open the acceptance for a period of sixty (60) days from the tender closing date. SIGNATURES: Signed, sealed, and submitted for and on behalf of: Company: _____________________________________________ (Name) _____________________________________________ (Street Address or Postal Box Number) _____________________________________________ (City, Province, and Postal Code) _____________________________________________ (Phone Number) (Apply SEAL above) Signature: _____________________________________________ Name and Title: _____________________________________________ (Please Print or Type) Witness: _____________________________________________ Date: at__________ this _________ day of ____________ NOTE: Where legal jurisdiction or Owner requirement calls for proof of authority to execute this tender, proof of such authority in the form of a certified copy of a resolution naming the person or persons in question as authorized to sign this Tender for on behalf of the Corporation or Partnership should be attached. Please clearly mark on envelope,“Cast Iron Water Main Replacement 2014”
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