Environment Submitted to: Covanta Hennepin Energy Resource Company Minneapolis, MN Submitted by: AECOM Westford, MA 60144287 December 2010 Human Health Risk Assessment for the Capacity Optimization Project Hennepin Energy Resource Company Minneapolis, Minnesota Environment Submitted to: Covanta Hennepin Energy Resource Company Minneapolis, MN Submitted by: AECOM Westford, MA 60144287 December 2010 Human Health Risk Assessment for the Capacity Optimization Project Hennepin Energy Resource Company Minneapolis, Minnesota _________________________________ Prepared By Matthew Stresing ________________________________ Reviewed By David W. Heinold, CCM AECOM Environment i Contents 1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Project Overview ................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Health Risk Assessment Process Overview ...................................................................... 1-1 1.3 Contents of the Health Risk Assessment ........................................................................... 1-2 2.0 Source Characterization ................................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 Facility Overview ................................................................................................................. 2-1 2.2 Emission Estimates ............................................................................................................. 2-1 3.0 Air Dispersion/Deposition Modeling ............................................................................. 3-1 3.1 Source Parameters ............................................................................................................. 3-1 3.2 Meteorological Data ............................................................................................................ 3-2 3.3 Receptor Data and Processing ........................................................................................... 3-2 3.4 Model Options ..................................................................................................................... 3-3 3.5 Application of AERMOD ...................................................................................................... 3-4 3.6 Modeling Results ................................................................................................................. 3-5 4.0 Health Risk Assessment Methods ................................................................................. 4-1 4.1 Hazard Identification ............................................................................................................ 4-1 4.2 Exposure Assessment ........................................................................................................ 4-1 4.2.1 Resident ................................................................................................................ 4-2 4.2.2 Acute Inhalation Receptor .................................................................................... 4-3 4.2.3 Farmer .................................................................................................................. 4-3 4.2.4 Fisher .................................................................................................................... 4-3 4.2.5 Quantification of Potential Exposure.................................................................... 4-4 4.3 Toxicity Assessment............................................................................................................ 4-4 4.3.1 Chronic Toxicity Values ........................................................................................ 4-5 4.3.2 Acute Toxicity Values ........................................................................................... 4-6 4.4 Risk Characterization .......................................................................................................... 4-6 4.4.1 Carcinogenic Risk Characterization..................................................................... 4-7 4.4.2 Non-carcinogenic Risk Characterization ............................................................. 4-7 4.4.3 Acute Risk Characterization ................................................................................. 4-8 5.0 Risk Characterization ...................................................................................................... 5-1 HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment ii List of Tables Table 2-1 Existing and Proposed Permit Limits ................................................................................ 2-2 Table 2-2 Permitted/Proposed Permitted COPC Emission Rates(4) Supplemented with Estimated Emissions for COPCs That Do Not Permit Limits(1,2,3,6) .................................................... 2-4 Table 2-3 Actual COPC Emission Rates ........................................................................................... 2-5 Table 3-1 Stack Parameters .............................................................................................................. 3-6 Table 3-2 Particle Size Distribution .................................................................................................... 3-6 Table 3-3 Seasonal Categories for Vapor Deposition....................................................................... 3-7 Table 3-4 Land Use Categories for Each 10° Sector ........................................................................ 3-7 Table 3-5 Physical Parameters used in the Vapor Deposition Modeling ......................................... 3-8 Table 3-6 Flagpole Receptors ............................................................................................................ 3-1 Table 4-1 Inhalation Toxicity Values .................................................................................................. 4-9 Table 4-2 Oral Toxicity Values ......................................................................................................... 4-10 Table 4-3 Acute Benchmarks ........................................................................................................... 4-11 Table 5-1 Summary of Long term Risk .............................................................................................. 5-2 Table 5-2 Summary of Acute Inhalation Risk based on Maximum Modeled 1-hour Concentration 5-3 Table 5-3 IEUBK Modeled Incremental Blood Lead Levels ............................................................. 5-3 Table 5-4 Cumulative Inhalation Risk ................................................................................................ 5-4 List of Figures Figure 2-1 Facility Location ................................................................................................................. 2-3 Figure 3-1 50km Polar Receptor Grid ................................................................................................. 3-1 Figure 3-2 Location of Flagpole Receptors......................................................................................... 3-2 Figure 3-3 Watershed Receptors ........................................................................................................ 3-3 Figure 3-4 Buildings Included in Downwash Analysis (near-field view) Showing Building Height (distances in meters).......................................................................................................... 3-4 Figure 3-5 Contours of Annual Average Air Concentrations .............................................................. 3-5 Figure 3-6 Contours Showing Average Annual Total Deposition ...................................................... 3-6 Figure 4-1 Map Showing Key Receptor Locations ........................................................................... 4-12 Figure 4-2 Water Bodies and Watersheds Considered in the HRA................................................. 4-13 Figure 5-1 Isopleth of Residential Lifetime Cancer Risk .................................................................... 5-5 Figure 5-2 Isopleth of residential Lifetime Hazard Index .................................................................... 5-6 Figure 5-3 Isopleth of Residential Acute Hazard Index ...................................................................... 5-7 HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment iii List of Appendices Appendix A Emissions Estimation Spreadsheets Appendix B GEP Analysis HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Project Overview 1-1 The Hennepin Energy Resource Center (HERC) facility is a mass-burn municipal waste combustor with a design combustion capacity of 1,212 tons per day of municipal solid waste in two identical combustion units. Steam produced from combustion is used to turn a 39-megawatt turbine/generator. The facility sells approximately 35 megawatts of electricity (the power usage of approximately 26,000 single family homes) to Xcel Energy. The HERC facility has operated continuously since startup in October 1989. The facility was designed and built by Blount Projects and includes the following major equipment for combustion and air emissions control: two excess-air grate-fired water wall furnaces, two dry scrubbers for acid gas neutralization, a reverse-air fabric filter bag house to capture particulates, and an activated carbon injection system for capture of gaseous mercury. The HERC facility is owned by Hennepin County and operated by Covanta Hennepin Energy Resource Company, LP. (CHERC) CHERC is proposing to remove the state-only annual permit limit on fuel usage of 365,000 tons per year and allow the facility to process MSW at its design capacity of 442,380 tons per year. The purpose of this risk assessment is to examine the incremental risk associated with this proposed change in annually permitted fuel use. 1.2 Health Risk Assessment Process Overview This Health Risk Assessment (HRA), which evaluates the potential for health risk from air emissions associated with continued operation of the HERC under the proposed annual capacity, is part of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) that CHERC is submitting to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in support of the proposed change in annual fuel limit. The procedures and data used for this assessment are provided in the Protocol for the Human Health Risk Assessment for the Covanta Hennepin Energy Resource Company Facility in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which was submitted to the MPCA for review in April, 2010. MPCA protocol comments were received in June 2010 and have been incorporated into the analysis. The HRA was conducted in general accordance with USEPA’s Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities (USEPA, 2005, http://www.epa.gov/osw/hazard/tsd/td/combust/risk.htm) supplemented MPCA’s Air Emissions Risk Analysis guidance (http://www.pca.state.mn.us/air/aera.html) regarding application of the Risk Assessment Screening Spreadsheet (RASS) used to identify chemicals, as well as fish ingestion rates and dioxin/furan doseresponse used in the HRA . Because details of the methodology are included in the protocol, this HRA report will summarize the data used in the assessment and present and discuss HRA findings. The HRA addresses non-criteria air pollutants plus NO2 emitted from the two CHERC combustor stacks. The exposure scenarios include: a) residential exposure; b) farming exposure; and c) fish consumption exposure. These exposure scenarios consider potential exposure of both adults and children through direct and indirect pathways associated with these scenarios. The potential exposure pathways include inhalation of compounds emitted from the stack (a direct exposure pathway) and incidental ingestion of trace compounds that may enter the food chain through deposition from the air to soil, plants or water bodies in the vicinity of the facility (indirect exposure pathways). A cumulative analysis of inhalation risk was also conducted based on the facility’s contribution to ambient airborne concentrations plus background concentrations measured by MPCA in Minneapolis. HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 1.3 1-2 Contents of the Health Risk Assessment The HRA consists of the following sections and appendices: Section 2 - Source Description and Emissions Section 3- Air Dispersion/Deposition Modeling Section 4 - Health Risk Assessment Methods Section 5- Risk Assessment Findings Appendix A Emissions Estimation Spreadsheets Appendix B GEP Analysis HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 2.0 Source Characterization 2.1 Facility Overview 2-1 The HERC facility is a mass-burn municipal waste combustor with a design combustion capacity of 1,212 tons per day of municipal solid waste in two identical combustion units. Steam produced from combustion is used to turn a 39-megawatt turbine/generator. The facility includes the following major equipment for combustion and air emissions control: two excess-air grate-fired water wall furnaces, two dry scrubbers for acid gas neutralization, a reverse-air fabric filter bag house to capture particulates, select non-catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides, and an activated carbon injection system for capture of gaseous mercury. The location of the HERC facility is shown in Figure 2-1. 2.2 Emission Estimates As discussed in the protocol, 15 Compounds of Potential Concern (COPC) were identified for inclusion in the HRA. At the request of MPCA, NO2 was added to the analysis. As noted in the EAW, given that measured actual emission rates are well below currently permitted levels, CHERC has proposed to change the the permitted limit of mercury. The short term limit will be 50 µg/dscm with an annual limit of 0.0314 tons per year. Table 2-1 lists the existing and proposed limits. These limits are reflected in the permitted emissions provided in Table 2-2. As discussed in the protocol, for COPCs for which no permit limits apply, estimates provided in stack testing for other facilities (some provided by MPCA and some from stack tests at other Covanta facilities of similar design) were applied. Potential emissions from the HERC facility were calculated on a short terms and annual basis. The majority of the rates are best expressed as a unit of concentration per unit of flow multiplied by the exhaust gas flow rate (e.g. µg/dscm x dscm) from the combustion units. The exhaust flow rate is directly proportional to the steam flow rate. The original design steam flow rate for the HERC is 171,380 pounds of steam per hour. The exhaust flow rate corresponding to that steam flow rate was calculated using actual stack test data from 2008 and 2009. During those stack tests, both exhaust flow rate and steam flow rate were measured. These stack tests were chosen because they were conducted at a short term fuel use rate of greater than 50.5 tons per hour. Using the stack test data, the design exhaust flow rate was calculated to be 63,735 dry standard cubic feet per minute (dscfm) of exhaust at 7% oxygen content (dscfm @ 7% O2) per combustion unit. The design exhaust flow rate was used to calculate the annual average hourly emission rates. In accordance with the provisions of New Source Performance Standard Subpart Cb, the maximum steam flow rate allowed at HERC is 195,000 pounds of steam per hour. Using the exhaust flow rate to steam flow rate ratio the short term maximum allowable exhaust flow rate was calculated to be 72,519 dscfm @ 7% O2 per unit. The maximum allowable flow rate was used to calculate the short term hourly emission rates. This method provides a high estimate of the maximum hourly emission rate as the HERC facility has never produced 195,000 lb steam /hour. For the pollutants that have a regulatory or permit limit, the maximum allowable emission concentration was multiplied by the short term or long terms exhaust flow rate to calculate a pound per hour emission HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 2-2 rate. This pound per hour emission rate was then converted to a gram per second rate for use in the risk assessment. For the pollutants that did not have a regulatory or permit limit, performance test data from a similar facility, or data provided by the MPCA were multiplied by the short term or long terms exhaust flow rate to calculate a pound per hour emission rate. This pound per hour emission rate was then converted to a gram per second rate for use in the risk assessment. The above calculation methodology provides a conservatively high estimate of emissions, short term and annual. The results of the last three years of source testing for permitted COPCs were used to estimate actual emissions (at full load) provided in Table 2-2. The permit limits are for total dioxin/furan emissions rather than total 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQ emissions which are required for the HHRA. To estimate the permitted total TEQ emissions, the permitted dioxin/furan emission rate was multiplied by the average ratio of total TEQ to total dioxin/furan (0.0102) as determined from the 2007, 2008 and 2009 emission tests. Details of the emission estimate calculations were provided electronically in Appendix A. The emission rates provided in these tables were used to estimate health risks for three cases: 1) COPCs continuously emitted at their present and proposed permitted rates with estimated emissions from source test data for COPCs without permit limits assuming an annual MSW thro, 2) COPCs continuously emitted at their proposed permitted rates with estimated emissions from source test data for COPCs without permit limits, 3) CHERC continuously operated at the proposed permitted load with actual (measured) emission rates of COPCs. Table 2-1 Existing and Proposed Permit Limits COPC Permit Limit (@ 7% O2) Cadmium 35 µg/dscm Lead 400 µg/dscm Short Term 50 µg/dscm (1) Mercury (1) Annual limit 0.0314 tons per year Total Dioxin/Furan 30 ng/dscm Hydrochloric Acid 29 ppm Proposed reduced permit limits for mercury HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Figure 2-1 2-3 Facility Location HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 2-4 Permitted/Proposed Permitted COPC Emission Rates(4) Supplemented with Estimated Emissions for COPCs That Do Not Permit Limits(1,2,3,6) Table 2-2 COPC Acrolein (1,8) (2,7) Arsenic (3,8) Benzo (a) pyrene (4,7) Cadmium (4,7) Chromium Dibenz (a,h) anthracene Dioxins/Furans TEQ H2SO4 (3,8) (4,5,7) (6,8) (4,7) Hydrochloric Acid (4,7) Lead Manganese (3,8) (4,7) Mercury (2,7) Nickel Nitrobenzene (1,8) N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine Nitrogen Dioxide (1,8) Long Term Emission Rate (g/s) Maximum Short Term Emission Rate (g/s) 2.89E-04 3.09E-04 2.78E-04 2.61E-04 3.91E-07 4.45E-07 2.11E-03 2.40E-03 5.71E-04 5.36E-04 3.91E-07 4.45E-07 1.83E-08 2.37E-08 2.35E-02 1.13E-01 2.60E+00 2.96E+00 2.41E-02 2.74E-02 1.91E-03 2.18E-03 9.03E-04 2.74E-02 4.99E-04 4.69E-04 1.28E-05 1.55E-05 1.09E-04 1.33E-04 2.32E+01 2.64E+01 (1) For COPC with no limit, representative emission rate derived from 2004 Olmstead Waste to Energy test data For COPC with no limit, derived from MPCA emission estimate (3) Representative emission rates derived from 2009 Covanta Stanislaus test data (4) Derived from Title V permit limit, with proposed 25 µg/dscm for mercury (5) Total Dioxin/Furan emission rate scaled by average TEQ from stack test data (2007-2009) (6) Representative emission rate derived from 2007-2009 Huntington Resource Recovery Facility test data (2) HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Table 2-3 2-5 Actual COPC Emission Rates COPC Acrolein (1) (2) Arsenic (3) Benzo (a) pyrene (4) Cadmium (2) Chromium Dibenz (a,h) anthracene Dioxins/Furans TEQ H2SO4 (3) (4,5) (6) (4) Hydrochloric Acid (4) Lead Manganese (3) (4) Mercury (2) Nickel Nitrobenzene (1) N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine (1) Nitrogen Dioxide Long Term Emission Rate (g/s) Maximum Short Term Emission Rate (g/s) 2.38E-04 3.09E-04 2.61E-04 2.97E-04 3.91E-07 4.45E-07 2.38E-05 2.85E-05 5.36E-04 6.10E-04 3.91E-07 4.45E-07 9.59E-10 1.31E-09 2.35E-02 1.13E-01 1.64E+00 1.96E+00 9.89E-05 1.19E-04 1.91E-03 2.18E-03 1.09E-04 1.31E-04 4.69E-04 5.34E-04 1.28E-05 1.55E-05 1.09E-04 1.33E-04 1.55E+01 1.86E+01 (1) Representative emission rate derived from 2004 Olmstead Waste to Energy test data (2) Derived from MPCA emission estimate (3) Representative emission rates derived from 2009 Covanta Stanislaus test data (4) Derived from average of 2007, 2008 and 2009 emission test reports (5) Total Dioxin/Furan emission rate scaled by average TEQ from stack test data (2007-2009) (6) Representative emission rate derived from 2007-2009 Huntington Resource Recovery Facility test data HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 3.0 3-1 Air Dispersion/Deposition Modeling Air dispersion and deposition modeling were conducted to estimate air concentrations and deposition rates to support the HHRA. Modeling was conducted with the AERMOD model (Version 09292) in accordance with USEPA Guideline on Air Quality Models (GAQM; as incorporated in Appendix W of 40 CFR Part 51). Stack emissions were modeled using AERMOD with a unit emission rate and then scaled by the appropriate emission rate (in g/sec) for each compound. In addition to requiring ground level air concentrations, the multipathway HRA calculations require dry and wet deposition for both particle and vapor components. AERMOD model output files containing concentration and deposition results were generated for input to software developed by Lakes Environmental, “IRAP-h-view” (Version 3.3), which incorporates USEPA’s health risk models and equations in the HHRAP. 3.1 Source Parameters The stack parameters to be used in the air modeling conducted for the multipathway HRA are presented in Table 3-1. In addition to the physical stack parameters and exhaust stack parameters, particle size data on stack emissions are required to perform deposition modeling. Site-specific particle size data to be used in this analysis is based on the results of compliance testing that was conducted at the Covanta Hempstead Energy from Waste Facility in Hempstead, NY in September 1989. Emission-control systems at the Hempstead facility are deemed to be sufficiently similar to CHERC so that the particle size distribution for Hempstead should be applied in this assessment. These systems apply dry scrubbing with bag house particulate controls. Two size distributions, one according to particle mass and another according to particle surface area were utilized. Table 3-2 provides the mass-weighted (particle) and surface area-weighted (particle-bound) size distributions that were developed from the compliance testing data. This approach accounts for COPCS that are distributed by particle mass and other COPCS that are more likely to be vaporized during combustion and, thereafter, condense on the surface of particles in the exhaust stream. The seasonal categories for each calendar month and the land use category must be defined for modeling vapor deposition. The specification of the seasonal categories is provided in Table 3-3. A single land use category is required to be specified for each of 36 10° sectors about the source. Inspection of the region within 3 km of the Facility indicates the land-use to be predominantly urban and suburban. The land use category for each sector is presented in Table 3-4. AERMOD also requires pollutant-specific physical parameters for vapor deposition modeling, including diffusivity in air (“Da”), diffusivity in water (“Dw”), cuticular resistance to uptake by lipids for leaves (“rcl”), and Henry’s Law constant (H). The User’s Guide addendum (USEPA, 2006) suggests using an Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) report (Wesley, et al, 2002) as a source for these data. For vapor deposition, the HHRAP risk modeling approach, and subsequently the IRAP-h software, was developed based on modeling results provided by ISCST, not AERMOD. Although the HHRAP (finalized prior to promulgation of AERMOD) recognizes that AERMOD would be a potential preferred model, the guidance is tailored for ISCST vapor deposition modeling results. Specifically, IRAP-h will accept only 2 sets of vapor deposition model results: one set of normalized results (based on 1 g/sec) representing all compounds with the exception of mercury, and one set of normalized results specifically for mercury (This limitation was verified through a phone conversation with a technical advisor at LakesEnvironmental). AERMOD vapor deposition can be generated using unitized emission rates; however, pollutant specific data (physical parameters discussed above) are required. Therefore, the mercury HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 3-2 specific vapor deposition results can be input to IRAP, but “generic” vapor deposition modeling results representative of all other compounds is not facilitated by AERMOD. Table 3-5 presents the physical parameters for Hg vapor model runs and the “generic” vapor model runs. The generic physical parameters are based on Benzo(a)pyrene as requested by MPCA. This substance is deemed suitable because it deposits more readily than most other organic compounds. 3.2 Meteorological Data Because at least one year of onsite meteorological data is not available, five years of meteorological data from the nearest representative National Weather Service station are used to conduct the dispersion and deposition modeling. For this application, five years (2004-2008) of AERMOD-ready data surface meteorological data from Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport and concurrent upper air data from Chanhassen, MN was applied. The pre-processed meteorological data was provided by Ms. Melissa Sheffer at MPCA. The AERMET (ver. 06341) files were incorporated yearly averaged moisture conditions for the Bowen ratio and surface characteristics were determined by AERSURFACE (ver. 08009) using default settings. 3.3 Receptor Data and Processing AERMOD requires specification of receptor locations, within a defined study area, at which the model computes air concentrations and deposition rates. The risk assessment study area and modeling domain included the area within 50 kilometers of the HERC facility. This domain was sufficient to resolve the maximum modeled impacts and covered the watersheds associated with the water bodies likely to receive the highest facility impacts. The modeling analysis utilized a comprehensive Polar receptor grid as recommended in the MPCA guidance (October 2004) with the following distances and spacing: • Discrete receptors every 10 m along fence line; • Polar grid with 36 directions and distances of 25m to 250m every 25m; • Polar grid with 36 directions and distances of 300m to 500m every 50m; • Polar grid with 36 directions and distances of 600m to 1000m every 100m; • Polar grid with 36 directions and distances of 1200m to 2000m every 200m; • Polar grid with 36 directions and distances of 1200m to 2000m every 200m; • Polar grid with 36 directions and distances of 2500m to 4500m every 500m; • Polar grid with 36 directions and distances of 5000m to 9000m every 1000m; and • Polar grid with 36 directions and distances of 10000m to 50000m every 10000m. Figure 3-1 shows the 50km Polar Grid. In addition, flagpole receptors were placed at each building listed in Table 3-6. These represent nearby residencies within 1 mile of the HERC facility. According to MPCA modeling guidance, “FLAGPOLE receptors should clearly focus on elevated areas likely to see plume “hits”. Short structures and lower portions of tall structures may use ground-level receptors only – this is reasonable for building downwash area (building cavity and near wake regions) with relatively uniform vertical concentrations. HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 3-3 This means using ground-level receptors instead of multi-level FLAGPOLE receptors if FLAGPOLE receptors are less than key stack heights – a nominal breakpoint height of 20 m may be reasonable for most FLAGPOLE receptors in most areas”. Although a four story building is less than 20 meters tall, to ensure conservatism, residences of four or more stories were included as flagpole receptors. Based on referenced examples in MPCA guidance, each identified building has a flagpole receptor at: • Ground level; • 25% of the building height; • 50% of the building height; • 75% of the building height; and • Rooftop For building with 4-6 stories, the 25%-75% of building height locations are less than 20 meters. Therefore for these building receptors were placed at ground level and rooftop only. Figure 3-2 shows the location of the flagpole receptors. Receptor terrain elevations and receptor information required by AERMOD were developed through application of the receptor/terrain processor AERMAP (Version 09040). AERMAP were applied with the National Elevation Dataset (NED) from USGS 1 . The results of the modeling analysis using the 10 kilometer Polar receptor grid were used to determine the location of key receptors (e.g. the resident and fisher receptors). The selection process is discussed futher in Section 4.2. To estimate the average deposition across a watershed (required in various risk calculations), AERMOD-predicted deposition rates at evenly spaced receptor locations is required. Therefore, a subset of receptors with 500 meter spacing, as recommended in USEPA (2005), was developed from the 50km grid. AERMOD results for this subset of receptors, extending over the watersheds of interest, were used in the exposure assessment described in Section 4.2. Figure 3-3 shows the watershed receptors. 3.4 Model Options AERMOD was applied with the “TOXICS” option to facilitate computation of air concentrations (“CONC”), particle deposition (“WDEP” and DDEP”, wet and dry components), and vapor (gaseous) deposition (wet and dry components). In addition, options for plume depletion (“DRYDPLT” and WETDPLT”), as recommended in the HHRAP were also used. Also, the “URBANOPT” option was specified with a population of 382,618 and the default surface roughness of 1.0 meters. The five years of pre-processed meteorological data was combined into a single meteorological data file for input to AERMOD to compute five-year averages of air concentrations and deposition rates. As such, AERMOD will be applied with the “ANNUAL” averaging time option. The use of this option 1 http://seamless.usgs.gov/ HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 3-4 facilitates obtaining annual average deposition rates and air concentrations when using the multi-year meteorological data files. For particle deposition, “Method 1” specified in the User’s Guide Addendum was used. Method 1 is recommended for particle size distributions where the mass of particles greater than or equal to 10 µm exceeds 10 percent as is the case for the proposed distribution (see Table 3-2). As discussed in Section 3.1, AERMOD requires pollutant-specific physical parameters including diffusivity in air (“Da”), diffusivity in water (“Dw”), cuticular resistance (“rcl”) to uptake by lipids for leaves, and Henry’s Law constant (H). The User’s Guide addendum provides an Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) reference 2 as a source for these data. The physical parameters for Hg and Benzo(a)pyrene are presented in Table 3-5. AERMOD default values will be used for the reactivity factor, fraction of maximum green leaf area index for seasonal categories 2 and 5 with the exception of the model run for mercury gas deposition. For mercury, as recommended in the AERMOD User’s Guide Addendum, the reactivity factor will be set to 1 and a value of 1.0 will be used for seasonal categories 1, 3, and 4. Aerodynamic downwash was simulated following EPA guidance, accounting for the influence of CHERC buildings and structures and the nearby Target Field. A detailed description of the building downwash considerations is provided in the risk assessment conducted for the Twins ballpark (Air Dispersion Modeling and Risk Assessment for the Hennepin Energy Recovery Center, Hennepin County, Minnesota (Revised) AECOM Document, No. 03433-001-600R, June 2007). Figure 3-4 shows the buildings and structures in the near-field included in the analysis. Appendix B provides details of the GEP analysis. 3.5 Application of AERMOD AERMOD was applied to determine maximum short-term (1-hour average) air concentrations for assessing acute health risk and long-term average (based on five years modeled) of air concentrations and wet, dry, and total deposition for vapors, particles, and particle-bound chemicals. As such multiple iterations were conducted with AERMOD to obtain the modeled air concentrations and deposition rates required for input to the IRAP-h software: 2 1) wet and dry deposition of particles, based on mass-weighted particle distribution including plume depletion; 2) wet and dry deposition of particles, based on surface area-weighted particle size distribution including plume depletion; and 3) wet and dry deposition of vaporous gases with plume depletion. Wesely, M.L, P.V. Doskey, and J.D. Shannon, 2002: Deposition Parameterizations for the Industrial Source Complex (ISC3) Model. Draft ANL report ANL/ER/TR–01/003, DOE/xx-nnnn, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439. HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 3-5 Tthe agency’s position on plume depletion expressed during the protocol review is noted. The suggestion that plume depletion should not be applied is based on EPA’s Guideline on Air Quality Models (Appendix W to 40 CFR Part 51), which is applicable to criteria pollutant modeling. However, the Guideline does not address air toxics or health risk assessment. For mult-pathway human health risk assessment EPA’s guidance on plume depletion is contained in the HHRAP (Section 3.6.1, page 41), which specifies that both wet and dry depletion should be simulated. This is specified because not including depletion violates the concept of mass balance in tracing the fate and transport of emissions. It is also noted that MPCA has applied plume depletion in previous health risk assessments conducted by MPCA, such as for the Olmstead County wate-to-energy facility. 3.6 Modeling Results The modeling results are presented as isopleths of unitized air concentrations and total deposition rates in Figures 3-5 and 3-6 respectively. The figures identify the receptor location corresponding to the maximum modeled concentration or deposition rate depending on the figure The key receptor locations evaluated in the health risk calculations are based on these results and are discussed in Section 4.2 Exposure Assessment. All model input and output files were provided to the MPCA on CDROM. HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Table 3-1 3-6 Stack Parameters Source Stack Height (m) Exit Temperature (K) Short Term Exit Velocity (m/s) Annual Exit Velocity (m/s) Stack Diameter (m) Unit 1 65.84 399.82 28.01 24.62 1.92 Unit 2 65.84 399.82 28.01 24.62 1.92 Table 3-2 Particle Size Distribution Mean Particle Diameter (µm)(1) Mass Fraction(1) Surface Area Fraction(2) 0.11 0.237 0.878 0.61 0.0661 0.0442 1.00 0.0577 0.0235 1.70 0.0717 0.0172 2.93 0.0785 0.0109 4.53 0.114 0.0102 6.68 0.174 0.0106 10.23 0.0877 0.00349 25.16 0.114 0.00184 (1) Compliance test at the Covanta Hempstead EfW Facility (Radian, 1989) (2) Calculated based on assumed spherical particle diameter and mass fraction HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Table 3-3 3-7 Seasonal Categories for Vapor Deposition Month AERMOD Seasonal Category January 4 February 4 March 5 April 5 May 5 June 1 July 1 August 1 September 1 October 3 November 3 December 3 Seasonal Categories 1. Midsummer with lush vegetation 2. Autumn with unharvested cropland 3. Late autumn after frost and harvest or winter with no snow 4. Winter with snow on ground 5. Transitional spring with partial green coverage or short annuals Table 3-4 Land Use Categories for Each 10° Sector Sector Land Use Category 1-2 1 3-10 5 11-14 1 15-36 5 Land Use Categories 1. Urban land, no vegetation 2. Agricultural land 3. Rangeland 4. Forest HERC Risk Assessment Report 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Suburban areas, grassy Suburban areas, forested Bodies of water Barren land, mostly desert Non-forested wetlands December 2010 AECOM Environment Table 3-5 3-8 Physical Parameters used in the Vapor Deposition Modeling Pollutant Diffusivity in Air (cm2/s) Diffusivity in Water (cm2/s) Cuticular Resistance (s/cm) Henry’s Law Constant (Pa-m3/mol) Benzo(a)pyrene 5.13E-02 4.44E-06 4.41E-01 4.60E-02 Hg 6.0E-02 5.25E-06 1.0E+05 6.0E-06 HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Table 3-6 Flagpole Receptors ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3-1 Building Name The Carlyle Marquette Place The Churchill One Ten Grant Symphony Place Apartments Hotel Ivy + Residence Hennepin Crossing Apartments Centre Village Loring Green East River Towers B Wilson Park Tower Booth Manor Apartments Nicollet Towers West The Crossings River Towers A2 The Tower of 1200 on the Mall The Metro Apartments Loring Green West Riverwest Rivergate Apartments LaSalle Apartments International Market Square River Towers A1 Atrium Apartments Art Love Manor Parkview Apartments Six Quebec Loring Towers 730 Lofts 1200 on the Mall HERC Risk Assessment Report Address 100-198 3rd Avenue South 1314-1318 Marquette Avenue 109-111 Marquette Avenue 110 West Grant Street 1113-1125 Marquette Avenue 201 11th Street South 1100-1160 Hennepin Avenue 413-433 7th Street South 1201 Yale Place 19-63 1st Street South 1400 Laurel Avenue 1421 Yale Place 1350-1380 Nicollet Avenue 250 2nd Avenue South 17 1st St S 1225 LaSalle Avenue 82-90 9th Street South 75 13th Street South 401 1st Street South 115 2nd Avenue South 32-38 9th Street South 275 Market Street 15 1st Street South 300-324 Hennepin Avenue 800 5th Avenue North 1201 12th Avenue North 601-617 Marquette Avenue 15 East Grant Street 730 4th Street North 1200 Nicollet Mall 41 Height (m) 142.85 UTM X (m) 479264.58 UTM Y (m) 4980750.97 36 33 32 131.67 120.70 117.04 478188.34 479102.46 477887.81 4979448.05 4980840.81 4979517.85 26 25 95.10 91.92 478366.24 478501.44 4979632.96 4979597.52 25 26 23 27 21 21 20 19 22 23 17 17 20 16 13 11 16 16 12 12 9 10 10 9 91.44 84.43 84.12 82.07 76.81 76.81 73.15 69.49 66.87 62.79 62.18 62.18 59.89 58.52 55.84 55.17 53.25 46.09 43.89 43.89 37.06 36.52 34.14 32.92 477911.19 479012.05 478005.65 479045.49 477697.59 477738.66 478022.78 479015.72 479042.78 478060.35 478504.41 477912.70 479443.52 479198.59 478270.49 477219.97 478976.56 478628.96 477155.93 476565.43 478709.51 478152.21 477923.72 478134.94 4980032.55 4979840.77 4979709.29 4980899.54 4979921.53 4979577.02 4979394.30 4980573.48 4980892.33 4979633.23 4979963.43 4979622.74 4980640.75 4980751.96 4980092.41 4980627.18 4980892.21 4980660.30 4980931.34 4981754.97 4980202.69 4979398.85 4981328.67 4979675.52 Stories December 2010 AECOM Environment ID 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 3-2 Building Name Rock Island Lofts Heritage Landing Loring Way Bookmen Stacks 720 Lofts 5th Avenue Lofts Lindsay Lofts Harvester Lofts 401 Apartments Eitel Building City Apartments, North Building The Itasca Exodus Residence 212 Lofts Salvation Army Harbor Light Center SOHO Minneapolis Tower Lofts Lamoreaux Building Ogden Apartments Stage Apartments Riverwalk Security Lofts Gaar Scott Historic Lofts Bassett Creek Lofts Bookmen Lofts (eastern portion) Bookmen Lofts (western portion) Park Plaza Apartments I Park Plaza Apartments II HERC Risk Assessment Report 101-111 4th Avenue North 401-415 1st Street North 210 West Grant Street 345 6th Avenue North 720 4th Street North 401-429 2nd Street North 408 1st Street North 612-618 Washington Avenue North 401-413 1st Avenue North 8 8 8 9 8 7 7 Height (m) 29.26 29.26 29.26 29.03 28.65 26.82 25.60 7 6 25.60 25.60 478225.02 478598.74 4981395.84 4981336.70 1360 Spruce Place 710-722 1st Street North 819 2nd Avenue South 212 1st Street North 1010-1028 Currie Avenue 714-720 Washington Avenue North 622-710 Washington Avenue North 700-708 1st Avenue North 66-68 12th Street South 814-818 Hennepin Avenue 400-406 1st Street North 404-406 Washington Avenue North 610-614 1st Street North 901 3rd Street North 517-519 3rd Street North 523-529 3rd Street North 525-527 Humboldt Avenue North 505-507 Humboldt Avenue North 6 6 8 6 6 25.60 24.38 23.47 21.95 21.95 477812.94 478315.55 478667.85 478764.03 477962.11 4979394.58 4981658.59 4979885.78 4981208.62 4980321.64 6 21.95 478138.60 4981483.90 6 6 6 6 6 21.95 21.95 21.95 21.95 21.95 478186.22 478188.18 478122.08 478183.77 478616.98 4981437.75 4980394.96 4979742.22 4980211.57 4981367.97 6 6 6 6 6 21.95 21.95 21.95 21.95 21.95 478432.01 478412.12 477815.67 478175.99 478158.73 4981199.18 4981565.95 4981522.45 4981166.73 4981190.00 6 21.95 476428.20 4980968.98 6 21.95 476430.43 4980889.32 Address Stories December 2010 UTM X (m) 478606.51 478565.21 477783.65 478113.77 477986.48 478453.32 478580.69 UTM Y (m) 4981279.58 4981330.71 4979497.99 4981138.28 4981263.13 4981252.66 4981408.64 AECOM Environment ID 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 3-3 Building Name Park Plaza Apartments III Herschel Lofts 111 Washington Avenue North Evergreen Residence Lyndale Manor 918 Lofts 710 Lofts Whitney Square Lofts River Station Heritage Commons at Pond's Edge HERC Risk Assessment Report Address 1315 Olson Memorial Highway 748 3rd Street North 109-111 Washington Avenue North 177 Glenwood Avenue 600 18th Avenue North 918 3rd St N 710 4th St N 210 2nd Ave N 645 1st St N 350 Van White Memorial Boulevard Stories Height (m) UTM X (m) UTM Y (m) 6 6 21.95 21.34 476580.49 478003.16 4981024.96 4981435.82 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 18.29 18.29 18.29 18.29 18.29 18.29 14.63 478641.12 477431.16 477455.79 477860.66 478014.80 478684.17 478348.85 4980878.22 4980417.36 4982482.06 4981560.39 4981246.37 4981092.36 4981435.86 4 14.63 476786.69 4980706.83 December 2010 AECOM Environment Figure 3-1 3-1 50km Polar Receptor Grid HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Figure 3-2 3-2 Location of Flagpole Receptors HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Figure 3-3 3-3 Watershed Receptors HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Figure 3-4 3-4 Buildings Included in Downwash Analysis (near-field view) Showing Building Height (distances in meters) HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Figure 3-5 3-5 Contours of Annual Average Air Concentrations HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Figure 3-6 3-6 Contours Showing Average Annual Total Deposition HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 4.0 Health Risk Assessment Methods 4.1 Hazard Identification 4-1 The hazard identification identified COPCs for quantitative evaluation in the HRA. COPCs were selected based on (1) compounds listed in the MPCA Title V Air Emission Permit #05300400002(www.pca.state.mn.us/air/permits/issued/05300400-002-aqpermit.pdf), (2) additional compounds listed by MPCA in a table entitled “Preliminary Emission Estimates for Calendar Year 2005” (MPCA, 2005) and (3) additional HAPs listed in a spreadsheet provided by MPCA (PopeDouglasEmissions.xls). Nitrogen dioxide was added per MPCA protocol comments. MPCAs Risk Assessment Screening Spreadsheet (RASS) was applied to remove COPCs that pose virtually no risk potential. The list of 16 COPCs include: 4.2 • Hydrochloric acid • Lead • Cadmium • Mercury • Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/polychlorinated dibenzo-p-furans (dioxins) • Arsenic • Chromium • Nickel • Acrolein • Benzo(a)pyrene • Dibenz(a,h)anthrecene • Manganese • Nitrobenzene • N-Nitroso-di-n-proplymine • Sulfuric acid • Nitrogen Dioxide Exposure Assessment The goal of the exposure assessment is to predict the magnitude of possible human exposure to airborne emissions from the facility through potential exposure pathways. Exposure and risk calculations were conducted using the IRAP software which implements EPA’s Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol (HHRAP) guidance. IRAP computes Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk (ELCR) and noncarcinogenic Hazard Index (HI) for each of the exposure/receptor scenarios evaluated based on the emissions and AERMOD-modeled impacts of the facility. HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 4-2 The HHRAP analysis is a comprehensive assessment that addresses a wide variety of exposure routes that are pertinent to Hennepin County. Using AERMOD, the analysis applies representative meteorological data to evaluate concentrations of COPCs in the ambient air, at elevated locations such as high rise apartments and roof top gardens (e.g. flag pole receptors) and the deposition to the ground surface. Conservative methods are then applied to estimate the concentration in the soil, surface water and eventually fish, home-grown vegetables as farm-raised animals, cow’s milk and eggs that people consume. For the fish ingestion pathway the non-cancer risk is mostly associated with mercury. At the direction of MPCA, the risk associated with mercury through this pathway was independently evaluated using the Mercury Risk Estimation Method (MMREM) spreadsheet developed by MPCA. The MMREM hazard index for mercury was then added to the HHRAP hazard index (excluding the fish pathway for mercury) to estimate the combined non-cancer hazard index for all COPCs and exposure routes. MMREM requires that the concentration of mercury in fish tissue be specified. The latest available fish tissue database was provided by MPCA and based on data from Lake Calhoun, Crystal Lake, Lake of the Isles, and Wirth Lake. A value of 0.33 ppm was applied. The MMREM spreadsheets are provided in the appendicies. The HRA evaluated four categories of receptors: 1) a resident who lives in a low-rise or high-rise building and eats local produce from his backyard garden and eats eggs from chickens husbanded at his residence; 2) a farmer who lives at the nearest agricultural area and lives off his produce and livestock; 3) a subsidence fisher who lives at a low-rise residential location and for dietary protein relies on fish caught from local water bodies and 4) a recreational fisher who eats occasionally eats locally caught fish (about one fifth of the subsidence fisher.) In addition, an acute receptor location was evaluated for the inhalation pathway alone. Locations of receptors described below are provided in Figure 4-1. 4.2.1 Resident The Resident receptor represents a hypothetical local resident (adult and child) living in a low-rise or high-rise dwelling whose long-term exposure to facility emissions is through the following potential pathways: • Direct inhalation of vapors and particles • Incidental ingestion of soil • Ingestion of homegrown produce (from a backyard garden) • Ingestion of dioxins in breast milk by a nursing infant (assuming that the mother is the resident) • Ingestion of homegrown eggs The only default exposure pathway that was not evaluated for the Resident (as well as for all other receptors) is the ingestion of drinking water from surface water sources. The residents of Minneapolis receive water treated at the Ultrfiltration Plant at Columbia Heights located about 5 miles upstream of Minneapolis about 5 miles north of the city. According to the City of Minneapolis website (http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/water/plant_home.asp), the facility processes up to 70 million gallons of Mississippi River water per day. Large rivers such as the Mississippi typically do not efficiencly concentrate deposited pollutants because of their high flow relative to their local watershed. That is, nearly all of the water flowing down the river at the water treatment plant originates from far upstream. HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 4-3 Since these northern reaches of Mississippi watershed are distant from the modeled impact area of the facility it would not be possible for the facility to materially contribute to concentrations. As importantly the drinking water supply is highly treated such that impurities, whether natural or manmade, are effectively removed. Resident receptor locations were selected based on the dispersion and deposition modeling results and aerial photographs. The locations of the high-rise resident locations were chosen based on visual inspection of aerial photographs and research done at Emporis.com. 4.2.2 Acute Inhalation Receptor The acute inhalation receptor represents a hypothetical local resident (adult and child) whose short-term (1-hour) exposure to facility emissions is through the direct inhalation pathway only. The Acute Inhalation receptor location was selected based dispersion modeling results where the location of the maximum 1-hour air concentration was used for the Acute Inhalation locations. These included both ground-level and flagpole receptors. 4.2.3 Farmer The Farmer receptor is assumed to grow and consume crops, and raise and consume beef cattle, dairy cattle, pork, and poultry at a farm location. The Farmer is assumed to live and consume crops and produce from the farm and whose long-term exposure to facility emissions is through the following potential pathways: • Direct inhalation of vapors and particles • Incidental ingestion of soil • Ingestion of produce from the farm • Ingestion of dioxins in breast milk by a nursing infant (assuming that the mother is the farmer) • Ingestion of homegrown beef • Ingestion of milk from homegrown cows • Ingestion of homegrown chicken and eggs • Ingestion of homegrown pork The Farmer receptor location was selected to be the closest location (about 15 km northwest of the facility) where land-use data and aerial photographs indicated that farmland was present. 4.2.4 Fisher For the fish ingestion pathway the non-cancer risk is mostly associated with mercury. At the direction of MPCA, the risk associated with mercury through this pathway was independently evaluated using the Mercury Risk Estimation Method (MMREM) spreadsheet developed by MPCA. The MMREM hazard index for mercury was then added to the HHRAP hazard index (excluding the fish pathway for mercury) to estimate the combined non-cancer hazard index for all COPCs and exposure routes. Three categories of people living near the facility were evaluated; 1) a resident who lives in a low-rise or high-rise building and eats local produce from his backyard garden and eats eggs from chickens husbanded at his residence; 2) a farmer who lives at the nearest agricultural area and lives off his HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 4-4 produce and livestock; 3) a subsidence fisher who lives at a low-rise residential location and for dietary protein relies on fish caught from local water bodies and 4) a recreational fisher who eats occasionally eats locally caught fish (about one fifth of the subsidence fisher.) The Fisher receptor is assumed to fish in a local water body. The Fisher represents a hypothetical local fisher (adult and child) whose long-term exposure to facility emissions is through the following potential pathways: • Direct inhalation of vapors and particles • Incidental ingestion of soil • Ingestion of homegrown produce (from a backyard garden) • Ingestion of dioxins in breast milk by a nursing infant (assuming that the mother is the fisher) • Ingestion of fish Two ingestion rate scenarios were considered for the adult and child Fisher in the risk assessment: 1. Subsistence fisher ingestion rate of 142 g/day for an adult; 21.5 g/day for a child 2. Recreational fisher ingestion rate of 30 g/day for an adult; 4.5 g/day for a child There are a large number of lakes in the vicinity that could be identified for a risk assessment. The resources required to collect data and evaluate risks required that thew study be limited to four nearby lakes that are 1) likely to experience the highest degree of deposition from the the Facility, 2) be commonly fished, 3) which span a wide range of directions. There are essentially no notable nearby lakes in the north to southeast sector form the Facility, and as noted above the Mississippi is not a sutable water body because of the very high low rate and vast watershed would dilute rather than concentrate nearby deposited pollutants. In the southern sector the closest lake is Lake Calhoun, Lake of the Isles to the south-southwest, Lake Wirth to the west, and Crystal Lake to the northwest. Thus, due to their size and nearby locations relative to the Facility, these four lakes, Lake Calhoun, Lake of the Isles, Crystal Lake, and Wirth Lake, were evaluated for both a recreational and subsidence fisher. The recreational fisher was assumed to fish only at his or her favorite lake, whereas, in accordance to MPCA guidance a subsidence fisher would catch fish from all four lakes. Both types of fisher were assumed to live at the same location as the low-rise Resident and be exposed through the other Resident exposure pathways. 4.2.5 Quantification of Potential Exposure COPC concentrations in soil, water and vegetation were estimated in this cumulative health risk assessment based on the results of the dispersion and deposition modeling. The modeled deposition rates to soil and water were utilized, along with site-specific and COPC-specific information, in fate and transport modeling to estimate concentrations of COPC in other media (such as locally raised agricultural products and fish) to which humans may be exposed in the vicinity of the facility. The fate and transport modeling approach utilized in this cumulative health risk assessment was consistent with the algorithms and assumptions defined in HHRAP. 4.3 Toxicity Assessment The toxicity assessment identifies the relationship between the dose of that compound and the likelihood and magnitude of a health effect (response). Chronic health effects are characterized by USEPA as potentially carcinogenic or non-carcinogenic. Combining the results of the toxicity assessment with HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 4-5 information on the magnitude of potential human exposure provides an estimate, usually conservative, of potential health risk. In addition, acute inhalation of maximum short-term (1-hour) air concentrations was evaluated. For lead, per MPCA guidance, a supplemental analysis was conducted to evaluate the maximum contribution of inhaled lead and lead deposited onto soil to blood lead level in children associated with long-term CHERC emissions using the USEPA Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model (IEUBK). A blood lead level exceeding 10 µg/dL is deemed to be significant. 4.3.1 Chronic Toxicity Values Both potentially carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health effects were evaluated in the HHRA. Published toxicity values used in this HHRA were selected in accordance with recommendations from the MPCA and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), and generally followed the following hierarchy: • Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), • USEPA's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), and • California EPA. Inhalation Toxicity Values The toxicity values used to evaluate potential carcinogenic health effects resulting from long-term inhalation exposure to COPC are called unit risk factors, and are expressed in units of the inverse of micrograms of the compound per cubic meter of air (μg/m3)-1. Unit risk refers to the upper bound excess cancer risk from a continuous lifetime exposure to a compound at one microgram per cubic meter (1 μg/m3) in air. The typical toxicity value used to evaluate potential noncarcinogenic health effects resulting from long-term inhalation exposure to COPC is called a reference concentration (RfC) and is expressed in units of μg/m3. The RfC is defined as an estimate, with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude, of a continuous inhalation exposure to the human population, including sensitive subgroups, which are likely to be without an appreciable risk or deleterious effects during a lifetime. It can be derived from a no observed adverse effects level (NOAEL), lowest observed adverse effects level (LOAEL), or benchmark concentration, with uncertainty factors generally applied to reflect limitations on the scientific data available. MDH has also developed chronic health risk values (HRV); the HRV is defined as the concentration of a compound or defined mixture of compounds in ambient air, at or below which the compound is unlikely to cause an adverse health effect to the general public when exposure occurs daily throughout a person's lifetime (http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/air/rules.htm). Table 4-1 lists inhalation toxicity values for chronic cancer and noncancer effects for the COPC that were evaluated for the inhalation pathway. For dioxins, MPCA uses an inhalation unit risk factor of 400 (μg/m3)-1 for 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxic equivalents based on extrapolation from the oral slope factor, and assuming an inhalation rate of 20 m3/day and body weight of 70 kg (http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/risk/guidance/dioxinmemo2.html). Oral Toxicity Values The toxicity values used to evaluate potential carcinogenic health effects resulting from long-term oral exposure to COPC are called Cancer Slope Factors (CSFs). A CSF is generally defined as an upper bound, approximating a 95 percent confidence limit, on the increased cancer risk from a lifetime exposure to a compound or defined mixture of compounds. This estimate, usually expressed in units of HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 4-6 proportion (of a population) affected per mg/kg/day, is generally reserved for use in the low-dose region of the dose-response relationship, that is, for exposures corresponding to risks less than one in 100. This number is derived from a mathematical extrapolation model that uses toxicological data specific to each carcinogen. The CSF for the ingestion route is expressed in units of the inverse of milligrams of the compound or defined mixture of compounds per kilogram of body weight per day (mg/kg-day)-1 (http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/air/rules.htm). The typical toxicity value used to evaluate potential noncarcinogenic health effects resulting from longterm oral exposure to COPC is called a reference dose (RfD). The RfD is defined as an estimate, with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude, of a daily oral exposure to the human population, including sensitive subgroups, which is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime. It can be derived from a no observed adverse effects level (NOAEL), lowest observed adverse effects level (LOAEL), or benchmark dose, with uncertainty factors generally applied to reflect limitations of the scientific data available. The RfD is expressed in units of milligrams of the compound or defined mixture of compounds per kilogram of body weight per day (mg/kg-day). MDH has also developed multimedia health risk values (MHRV), which are defined as the total daily dose of a compound or defined mixture of compounds that results from an emission to ambient air, at or below which is unlikely to cause an adverse health effect to the general public over a lifetime exposure. Total daily dose is the sum of the exposure doses calculated from applicable inhalation or non-inhalation exposure pathways. The MHRV is expressed in units of mg/kg-day (http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/air/rules.htm). It is noted that the oral CSF for 2,3,7,8-TCDD developed by MDH of 1.4x106/mg/kg-day is 10-fold higher (i.e., 10-fold more conservative) than USEPA’s CSF of 1.5x105/mg/kg-day. If the USEPA CSF were used, then the cancer risk estimate would be 10-fold lower. Table 4-2 lists oral toxicity values for chronic cancer and noncancer effects for the COPC that were evaluated for the oral pathway. 4.3.2 Acute Toxicity Values Potential risks due to short-term inhalation exposure (such as respiratory or irritant health effects), in addition to the more commonly evaluated chronic risks to human health discussed above, were evaluated in the HHRA. Acute benchmarks used in the HHRA are acute health risk values (acute HRVs) developed by MDH and acute Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) developed by CalEPA (2000). The acute HRV is defined as the concentration of a compound, at or below which the compound is unlikely to cause an adverse health effect to the general public when exposure occurs over a prescribed time. Acute HRVs are compared to one-hour averaged concentrations of compounds in air (http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/air/rules.htm). The acute REL values are also generally compared against a 1-hour concentration in air. Table 4-3 lists the acute benchmarks for the COPCs 4.4 Risk Characterization The Risk Characterization combines the results of the Exposure Assessment with the results of the Toxicity Assessment to derive an estimate of potential risk to human health. In this HHRA, the potential for occurrence of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health effects was evaluated for various receptors under the exposure scenarios identified. In addition, acute inhalation risks were also evaluated. HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 4.4.1 4-7 Carcinogenic Risk Characterization The purpose of carcinogenic risk characterization is to estimate the upper-bound likelihood, over and above the background cancer rate, that a receptor will develop cancer in his or her lifetime as a result of exposure to a compound in environmental media at the site. This likelihood is a function of the dose of a compound (described in the Exposure Assessment) and the Cancer Slope Factor (CSF) (described in the Toxicity Assessment) for that compound. The Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk (ELCR) is the likelihood over and above the background cancer rate that an individual will contract cancer in his or her lifetime. The risk value is expressed as a probability (e.g., 10-6, or one in one million). For oral cancer risk estimates, a Lifetime Average Daily Dose (LADD) is calculated that averages a receptor’s exposure dose over a lifetime. The relationship between the ELCR and the estimated LADD of a compound may be expressed as: ELCR = 1-e-(CSF x LADD) When the product of the CSF and the LADD is much greater than 1, the ELCR approaches 1 (i.e., 100 percent probability). When the product is less than 0.01 (one chance in 100), the equation can be closely approximated by: ELCR = LADD (mg/kg-day) x CSF (mg/kg-day)-1 The product of the CSF and the LADD is unitless, and provides an upper-bound estimate of the potential carcinogenic risk associated with a receptor’s exposure to that compound via that pathway. For inhalation cancer risk estimates, an adjusted lifetime air concentration was calculated for each receptor accounting for the specific exposure frequency and duration for that receptor. This concentration is multiplied by the unit risk factor, as shown in the following equation: ELCR = Adjusted lifetime air concentration (μg/m3) x unit risk factor (μg/m3)-1 The ELCR was compared to the cancer risk guideline defined by USEPA (2005) and MPCA of 1x10-5 (1 in 100,000). 4.4.2 Non-carcinogenic Risk Characterization For oral noncancer risk estimates, a Chronic Average Daily Dose (CADD) is calculated that averages a receptor’s exposure dose over the exposure duration. The potential risk of adverse non-carcinogenic health effects is estimated for each receptor by comparing the CADD for each compound with the RfD for that compound. The resulting ratio, which is unitless, is known as the Hazard Quotient (HQ) for that compound. The HQ is calculated using the following equation: HQ = CADD (mg/kg − day) RfD (mg/kg − day For inhalation noncancer risk estimates, an adjusted chronic air concentration is estimated which represents the air concentration that the receptor could inhale averaged over the exposure duration, and accounts for the specific exposure frequency and duration of that receptor. This concentration is divided by the Reference Concentration (RfC), as shown in the following equation: HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 4-8 3 m / g u n o i t a r t n e 3 c m n / o g c u r i C a f c R i n o r h c d e t s u j d A Q H ︵ = ︵ ︶ ) The total Hazard Index (HI) for each receptor was calculated by summing the HQs for each pathway and compound within that pathway. The total HI was compared to the acceptable HI defined by USEPA and MPCA of 1. 4.4.3 Acute Risk Characterization Potential acute (maximum 1-hour) risks to human health were evaluated only for the inhalation exposure pathway, as recommended in USEPA guidance (USEPA, 2005). Acute risks to human health were evaluated for the maximum one hour air concentration for all COPCs. Acute hazard quotients were calculated using the following equation: HQ = 3 AC (ug/m ) 3 acute benchmark (ug/m ) Where: HQ = hazard quotient AC = estimated 1-hour maximum air concentration Acute benchmark = compound-specific acute benchmark or toxicity value. HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Table 4-1 4-9 Inhalation Toxicity Values COPC Acrolein Arsenic Benzo(a)pyrene Cadmium Chromium VI Dibenz (a,h) anthracene H2SO4 HCl Lead Manganese Mercury Cancer Assessment Toxicological Value Unit Risk Source(1) (µg/m3)-1 NA NA 4.30E-03 HRV 1.10E-03 CAL EPA 1.80E-03 HRV 1.20E-02 HRV Chronic Non Cancer Assessment Reference Toxicological Conc. (µg/m3) Value Source 2.00E-02 IRIS 0.015 CAL EPA NA NA 2.00E-02 CAL EPA 1.00E-01 IRIS 1.20E-03 CAL EPA NA NA NA NA 1.2E-05 NA NA NA NA 1.0 2.00E+01 1.5 2.00E-01 3.00E-01 CAL EPA HRV 5.00E-02 CAL EPA 9.00E-06 IRIS Nickel 4.8E-04 Nitrobenzene N-Nitroso-di-npropylamine 4.0E-05 NA NA MDH HRV for nickel sulfide IRIS 2.00E-03 CAL EPA NA NA 4.00E+02 MDH 4.00E-05 CAL EPA 2,3,7,8 TCDD TEQ(2) (1) (2) HRV IRIS Toxicological Value Source • CalEPA - California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment • HRV - Minnesota Department of Health Risk Value (http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/air/rules.htm) • IRIS - EPA Integrated Risk Information System • MDH - Minnesota Department of Health value (http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/risk/guidance/dioxinmemo2.html) Individual dioxin/furan congeners were expressed as toxic equivalents of 2,3,7,8-TCDD using the World Health Organization’s 2005 Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEF's) HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Table 4-2 4-10 Oral Toxicity Values COPC Chronic Non Cancer Assessment Cancer Assessment Oral CSF(mg/kg-d)- Oral CSF Source NA IRIS HHRAP NA NA CAL EPA NA NA RfD (mg/kg-d) RfD Source Acrolein Arsenic Benzo(a)pyrene Cadmium Chromium VI Dibenz (a,h) anthracene H2SO4 HCl Lead Manganese Mercury Nickel Nitrobenzene N-Nitroso-di-npropylamine 5.0E-04 3.00E-04 NA 5.00E-04 3.00E-03 NA NA NA 4.29E-04 0.14 3.00E-04 2.00E-02 5.00E-04 IRIS IRIS NA mHRV IRIS NA NA NA HHRAP IRIS IRIS mHRV HHRAP NA 1.50E+00 7.3 NA NA 4.1 NA NA 0.0085 NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.0 HHRAP 2,3,7,8 TCDD TEQ(2) 1.00E-09 HHRAP 1.40E+06 MDH (1) (2) 1 NA NA NA AN Toxicological Value Source • CalEPA - California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment • HRV - Minnesota Department of Health Risk Value (http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/air/rules.htm) • IRIS - EPA Integrated Risk Information System • MDH - Minnesota Department of Health value (http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/risk/guidance/dioxinmemo2.html) • HHRAP – Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol Default Database Individual dioxin/furan congeners were expressed as toxic equivalents of 2,3,7,8-TCDD using the World Health Organization’s 2005 Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEF's) HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Table 4-3 Acute Benchmarks COPC Acrolein Arsenic Benzo(a)pyrene Cadmium Chromium VI Dibenz (a,h) anthracene H2SO4 HCl Lead Manganese Mercury Nickel Nitrobenzene N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 2,3,7,8 TCDD TEQ(2) (1) (2) 4-11 Acute Air Concentration (mg/m3) 0.002 1.90E-04 0.6 0.03 NA 30 120 2.70 0.15 NA 6.0E-04 1.10E-02 NA NA 0.0015 Toxicological Value Source MDH (HBV) CAL EPA HHRAP HHRAP NA HHRAP CAL EPA HRV HHRAP NA CAL EPA HRV NA NA HHRAP Toxicological Value Source • CalEPA - California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment • HRV - Minnesota Department of Health Risk Value (http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/air/rules.htm) • IRIS - EPA Integrated Risk Information System • HHRAP – HHRAP Default Database Used the HHRAP value for TCDD 2,3,7,8- as a surrogate HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Figure 4-1 4-12 Map Showing Key Receptor Locations HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Figure 4-2 4-13 Water Bodies and Watersheds Considered in the HRA HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 5.0 5-1 Risk Characterization The MPCA significant risk thresholds are 1 x 10-5 for lifetime cancer risk and 1.0 for both the longterm and acute non-cancer hazard indices. The results in these tables indicate that risks associated with proposed future permitted emissions for all model receptor types modeled risks are below MPCA risk thresholds and that for actual emissions the modeled risks are very low in comparison to these thresholds. This analysis confirms that CHERC does not and will not contribute to community health risk. Table 5-1 summarizes the multi-pathway risks for two cases: • • Chronic cancer risks and non-cancer hazard indices from current actual emissions based on 2007-2009 stack testing; Chronic cancer risks and non-cancer hazard indices from the projected total Facility PTE. HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Table 5-1 5-2 Summary of Long term Risk Emissions Case Proposed Permitted Emissions Actual Emissions(3) Cancer Risk Hazard Index Cancer Risk Hazard Index resident adult 1.2E-06 0.20 4.3E-07 0.18 resident child 3.2E-07 0.20 9.4E-08 0.18 farmer adult 4.8E-06 0.02 2.9E-07 0.01 farmer child 1.0E-06 0.02 6.1E-08 0.01 Recreational Fisher at Lake Calhoun fisher adult 1.1E-06 0.19 2.1E-07 0.08 fisher child 2.9E-07 0.20 5.2E-08 0.08 Recreational Fisher at Crystal Lake fisher adult 2.2E-06 0.42 2.7E-07 0.10 fisher child 4.5E-07 0.43 6.1E-08 0.10 Recreational Fisher at Lake of the Isles fisher adult 1.3E-06 0.24 2.2E-07 0.08 fisher child 3.2E-07 0.25 5.4E-08 0.08 Recreational Fisher at Lake Wirth fisher adult 1.8E-06 0.27 2.8E-07 0.09 fisher child 4.0E-07 0.28 6.2E-08 0.09 fisher adult 3.5E-06 0.98 3.1E-07 0.17 fisher child 6.1E-07 0.98 6.6E-08 0.17 Receptor Type(1) Resident Farmer Subsistence Fisher(2) (1) "Resident" receptor type represents the highest risk among residents living in low-rise buildings (ground-level receptors) and high rise buildings (flag pole receptors). The highest residential risk in the table corresponds to a high-rise building. All other types of receptors were assumed to live in low-rise buildings. (2) Per MPCA guidance, the risk for the subsistence fisher based on the average concentration over all watersheds and water bodies (3) Based on average of 2007-2009 stack tests HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 5-3 Table 5-2 summarizes the acute inhalation risk for two cases: • • Table 5-2 Acute non-cancer hazard indices from current actual emissions based on 2007-2009 stack testing; Acute non-cancer hazard indices from the projected total Facility PTE. Summary of Acute Inhalation Risk based on Maximum Modeled 1-hour Concentration Receptor Proposed Permitted Emissions Actual Emissions Resident (High Rise Dwelling) 0.39 0.27 Resident (Low Rise Dwelling) 0.10 0.07 Farmer 0.03 0.02 For lead, per MPCA guidance, a supplemental analysis was conducted to evaluate the maximum contribution of inhaled lead and lead deposited onto soil to blood lead level in children associated with long-term CHERC emissions using the USEPA Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model (IEUBK). A blood lead level exceeding 10 ug/dL is deemed to be significant. The results of this assessment for the resident with the highest modeled concentrations provided in Table 5-3, indicates that the contribution from CHERC to children’s blood lead levels is insignificant. Table 5-3 IEUBK Modeled Incremental Blood Lead Levels Neighborhood Area Modeled Pb Soil Concentration (mg/kg) Modeled LongTerm Pb Air Concentration (ug/m3) Incremental Blood Hg In Children (ug/dL) Comment Proposed Permitted Emissions 1.64E-04 1.64E-04 2.90E-03 Below threshold Actual Emissions 6.74E-07 6.74E-07 1.19E-05 Below Threshold HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 5-4 In addition to the incremental assessments of CHERC emissions, per MPCA guidance, the cumulative hazard index and cancer risk associated with inhalation of urban air pollution in the Minneapolis area was also evaluated. Table 20 shows that according to the upper 95% estimate of 2006 to 2008 ambient measurements of selected toxic air pollutants reported by MPCA, the existing Minneapolis urban-average chronic hazard index is about 1.2, the individual lifetime cancer risk is about 4.4 x 10¬-5 and acute hazard index is about 0.5. If these background inhalation risks are assumed to be representative for locations of maximum modeled inhalation risk from CHERC the total future cumulative risk inhalation risk can be computed by adding the maximum modeled risks to these background levels. This method is conservative because MPCA’s computed background risk estimates already include the actual contribution from CHERC emissions. The maximum modeled inhalation risk corresponds to high rise apartment. The results of this conservative analysis are provided in Table 5-4. Table 5-4 Cumulative Inhalation Risk 95th Percentile Urban Background Risk* Maximum Proposed Permitted Inhalation Risk Cancer Risk x 100,000 4.38 0.10 4.48 Chronic Hazard Index 1.17 0.20 1.37 Acute Hazard Index 0.51 0.35 0.86 Risk Index Cumulative Inhalation Risk *Provided by MPCA: 2006-2008 risk sheetsummary.xls Figures 5-1 through 5-3 provide isopleths of lifetime cancer risk, chronic hazard index and acute hazard index for adult residential receptors, respectively, associated with the future PTE case. As can be seen in these figures the permitted risks associated with HERC are well below MPCA guidleines at all locations and decrease rapidly with distance from the Facility. HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Figure 5-1 5-5 Isopleth of Residential Lifetime Cancer Risk HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Figure 5-2 5-6 Isopleth of residential Lifetime Hazard Index HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment Figure 5-3 5-7 Isopleth of Residential Acute Hazard Index HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 AECOM Environment 1 Appendix A Emissions Estimation Spreadsheets HERC Risk Assessment Report December 2010 Covanta HERC Hennepin County, MN Summary of Future Potential Emission for Use in IRAP COPC Long Term Maximum Short Term Emission Rate (g/s) Emission Rate (g/s) Acrolein (1) Arsenic(2)(7) Benzo (a) pyrene (3) Cadmium(4)(7) Chromium(7) Dibenz (a,h) anthracene (3)(8) Dioxins/Furans TEQ (5)(7) H2SO4 (6)(8) 2.89E‐04 2.78E‐04 3.91E‐07 2.11E‐03 5.71E‐04 3.91E‐07 1.83E‐08 2.35E‐02 3.09E‐04 2.61E‐04 4.45E‐07 2.40E‐03 5.36E‐04 4.45E‐07 2.37E‐08 1.13E‐01 Hydrochloric Acid(4)(7) Lead(4)(7) Manganese (3)(8) Mercury(4)(7) Nickel(2)(7) Nitrobenzene (1)(8) N‐Nitroso‐di‐n‐propylamine (1)(8) Nitrogen oxides (as NO2) 2.60E+00 2.41E‐02 1.91E‐03 9.03E‐04 4.99E‐04 1 28E‐05 1.28E‐05 1.09E‐04 2.32E+01 2.96E+00 2.74E‐02 2.18E‐03 2.74E‐02 4.69E‐04 1.55E‐05 1.33E‐04 2.64E+01 (1) Representative emission rates derived from 2004 Olmstead Waste to Energy test data Derived from MPCA emission estimate (3) Representative emission rates derived from 2009 Covanta Stanislaus test data (4) Derived from Title V permit limit (2) (5) Total Dioxin/Furan emission rate scaled by average TEQ from stack test data (2007‐2009) Annual TEQ Factor: 1.01E‐02 Short Term TEQ Factor: 1.15E‐02 (6) Representative emission rate derived from 2007‐2009 Huntignton Resource Recovery Facility test data Short term emission rate reflects a 14% increase from long term rate (7) (8) Long term permitted emission rates scaled by a factor of 1.212 to account for theincrease in annual fuel use Conversions and Constants tpy‐‐‐‐‐>g/s lb/hr‐‐‐‐>g/s 0.02877 0.125998 Factor 1.212 Covanta HERC Hennepin County, MN Summary of Actual Emissions for Use in IRAP COPC Long Term Maximum Short Term Emission Rate (g/s) Emission Rate (g/s) Acrolein (1) Arsenic(2)(7) Benzo (a) pyrene (3) Cadmium(4)(7) Chromium(7) Dibenz (a,h) anthracene (3)(8) Dioxins/Furans TEQ (5)(7) H2SO4 (6)(8) 2.38E‐04 2.61E‐04 3.91E‐07 2.38E‐05 5.36E‐04 3.91E‐07 9.59E‐10 2.35E‐02 3.09E‐04 2.97E‐04 4.45E‐07 2.85E‐05 6.10E‐04 4.45E‐07 1.31E‐09 1.13E‐01 Hydrochloric Acid(4)(7) Lead(4)(7) Manganese (3)(8) Mercury(4)(7) Nickel(2)(7) Nitrobenzene (1)(8) N‐Nitroso‐di‐n‐propylamine (1)(8) Nitrogen oxides (as NO2) 1.64E+00 9.89E‐05 1.91E‐03 1.09E‐04 4.69E‐04 1 28E‐05 1.28E‐05 1.09E‐04 1.55E+01 1.96E+00 1.19E‐04 2.18E‐03 1.31E‐04 5.34E‐04 1.55E‐05 1.33E‐04 1.86E+01 (1) Representative emission rates derived from 2004 Olmstead Waste to Energy test data Derived from MPCA emission estimate (3) Representative emission rates derived from 2009 Covanta Stanislaus test data (4) Derived from Title V permit limit (2) (5) Total Dioxin/Furan emission rate scaled by average TEQ from stack test data (2007‐2009) (6) Representative emission rate derived from 2007‐2009 Huntignton Resource Recovery Facility test data Short term emission rate reflects a 14% increase from long term rate (7) Conversions and Constants tpy‐‐‐‐‐>g/s lb/hr‐‐‐‐>g/s 0.02877 0.125998 Annual TEQ Factor: 1.01E‐02 Short Term TEQ Factor: 1.15E‐02 AECOM Environment 1 Appendix B GEP Analysis AECOM Environment Building Downwash The analysis used to evaluate the potential for building downwash is referred to as a physical “Good Engineering Practice” (“GEP”) stack height analysis. Stacks with heights below physical GEP are considered to be subject to building downwash. A GEP stack height analysis was performed in accordance with US EPA’s guidelines (US EPA, 1985). Per the guidelines, the physical GEP height (“HGEP”) is determined from the dimensions of all buildings which are within the region of influence using the following equation: HGEP = H + 1.5L where: H = height of the structure within 5L of the stack which maximizes HGEP, and L = lesser dimension (height or projected width) of the structure. For a squat structure, i.e., height less than projected width, the formula reduces to: HGEP = 2.5H In the absence of influencing structures, a “default” GEP stack height is credited up to 65 meters (213 feet). AECOM obtained pertinent source information for the HERC stacks including stack parameters, permitted emission rates of criteria and hazardous air pollutants, and building dimensions for all existing and future structures within a distance of 5 x the lesser of structure height or width from the HERC stacks. Plan view and cross sections were provided for the new ballpark based on present design, including the footprint, height and dimensions of the field and stands. Figure A and Figure B provide far-field and near-field views of the stack locations and all of the buildings and structures that could result in aerodynamic downwash. The direction-specific building dimensions were determined using the latest version of USEPA’s Building Profile Input Program software (BPIP PRIME Dated 04274) using the design values of the stack and building heights. Detailed BPIP PRIME input and output data are provided at the end of this appendix 2 AECOM Environment Figure A Buildings Included in Downwash Analysis (far-field view) Showing Building Height (distances in meters) 3 AECOM Environment Figure B Buildings Included in Downwash Analysis (near-field view) Showing Building Height (distances in meters) 4 AECOM Environment BPIP PRIME Input Data 'J:\AQES\Projects\HennepinCounty\TwinsBallpark\Modeling\Lakes\Bllpk.i' 'P' 'METERS' 1.00000000 'UTMY' 0.0000 34 'COOLTWR' 1 250.546 'Cooling Tower' 4 22.555 477859.393 4980952.812 477887.433 4980922.923 477866.480 4980903.818 477837.462 4980934.651 'BGHSE' 1 250.546 'Baghouse' 4 19.812 477892.980 4980946.342 477911.912 4980962.808 477923.424 4980951.099 477904.689 4980934.016 'SPRYDRY' 1 250.546 'Spray Dryers' 4 38.100 477909.191 4980933.088 477915.896 4980927.222 477928.886 4980939.793 477923.019 4980946.078 'CARBON' 1 250.546 'Carbon Silo' 32 17.374 477931.400 4980951.260 477931.043 4980951.224 477930.700 4980951.120 477930.384 4980950.951 477930.107 4980950.724 477929.879 4980950.447 477929.710 4980950.131 477929.606 4980949.788 477929.571 4980949.431 477929.606 4980949.074 477929.710 4980948.731 477929.879 4980948.415 477930.107 4980948.138 477930.384 4980947.910 477930.700 4980947.741 477931.043 4980947.637 477931.400 4980947.602 477931.757 4980947.637 477932.100 4980947.741 477932.416 4980947.910 477932.693 4980948.138 477932.920 4980948.415 477933.089 4980948.731 477933.193 4980949.074 477933.229 4980949.431 477933.193 4980949.788 477933.089 4980950.131 477932.920 4980950.447 477932.693 4980950.724 477932.416 4980950.951 477932.100 4980951.120 477931.757 4980951.224 'TESISORB' 1 250.546 'Tesisorb Silo' 32 15.545 477926.790 4980955.450 477926.434 4980955.415 477926.091 4980955.311 477925.774 4980955.142 477925.497 4980954.914 477925.270 4980954.637 477925.101 4980954.321 5 AECOM Environment 'LIME' 32 'ASH' 8 1 1 477924.997 477924.962 477924.997 477925.101 477925.270 477925.497 477925.774 477926.091 477926.434 477926.790 477927.147 477927.490 477927.806 477928.084 477928.311 477928.480 477928.584 477928.619 477928.584 477928.480 477928.311 477928.084 477927.806 477927.490 477927.147 250.546 25.298 477928.886 477928.440 477928.011 477927.616 477927.269 477926.985 477926.774 477926.644 477926.600 477926.644 477926.774 477926.985 477927.269 477927.616 477928.011 477928.440 477928.886 477929.332 477929.760 477930.156 477930.502 477930.786 477930.998 477931.128 477931.172 477931.128 477930.998 477930.786 477930.502 477930.156 477929.760 477929.332 250.546 14.021 477897.877 477915.058 477904.163 477910.029 477906.302 477889.077 6 4980953.978 4980953.621 4980953.264 4980952.921 4980952.605 4980952.328 4980952.100 4980951.931 4980951.827 4980951.792 4980951.827 4980951.931 4980952.100 4980952.328 4980952.605 4980952.921 4980953.264 4980953.621 4980953.978 4980954.321 4980954.637 4980954.914 4980955.142 4980955.311 4980955.415 'Lime Silo' 4980934.955 4980934.911 4980934.781 4980934.570 4980934.286 4980933.939 4980933.544 4980933.115 4980932.669 4980932.223 4980931.795 4980931.399 4980931.053 4980930.769 4980930.557 4980930.427 4980930.383 4980930.427 4980930.557 4980930.769 4980931.053 4980931.399 4980931.795 4980932.223 4980932.669 4980933.115 4980933.544 4980933.939 4980934.286 4980934.570 4980934.781 4980934.911 'Ash Storage Building' 4980879.871 4980861.853 4980852.215 4980845.069 4980840.857 4980858.501 AECOM Environment 477892.011 4980861.015 477885.306 4980868.072 'CLASSIF' 1 250.546 'Classification Room' 4 14.935 477913.800 4980886.576 477924.695 4980876.519 477929.305 4980880.709 477918.829 4980891.604 'BIG' 5 250.546 20 3.658 477981.265 4980943.145 478007.664 4980918.841 477998.026 4980908.365 478000.914 4980905.430 477994.964 4980900.049 478026.939 4980868.557 477987.969 4980830.006 477977.074 4980838.387 477954.866 4980830.844 477938.942 4980846.349 477951.787 4980858.526 477936.084 4980874.582 477952.771 4980889.928 477922.253 4980918.698 477945.760 4980939.333 477957.725 4980929.114 477966.009 4980937.219 477979.073 4980925.813 477983.997 4980930.635 477975.909 4980938.004 8 34.442 477974.387 4980914.968 477985.036 4980925.127 477992.274 4980917.951 477990.163 4980915.573 478000.540 4980905.851 477951.932 4980858.501 477936.428 4980874.424 477976.845 4980912.500 4 19.202 477965.872 4980936.813 477982.307 4980922.890 477974.230 4980914.967 477957.675 4980928.866 4 37.490 477945.692 4980938.947 477922.177 4980918.765 477952.798 4980890.199 477976.772 4980912.375 8 19.202 477976.706 4980882.444 478000.657 4980905.593 477994.924 4980899.714 478026.832 4980868.487 477987.976 4980830.081 477977.126 4980838.595 477954.831 4980831.023 477939.078 4980846.327 'OFFICE' 1 250.546 'Existing Office Building' 4 9.754 478053.029 4980903.493 478086.845 4980935.888 478108.555 4980913.810 478075.806 4980880.693 'PARK_1' 3 251.765 'Sections A-C' 38 9.754 478068.352 4980756.446 7 AECOM Environment 39 478107.552 478117.778 478137.717 478151.418 478137.378 478159.109 478159.109 478125.874 478118.857 478092.867 478068.845 478025.119 478011.354 478005.932 478004.073 478003.919 478007.056 478012.984 478021.586 478035.147 478050.641 478069.024 478078.973 478084.826 478108.089 478129.775 478176.291 478174.874 478144.196 478148.883 478129.283 478108.404 478096.900 478081.134 478069.204 478065.369 478065.369 18.898 478129.647 478117.702 478096.716 478082.213 478056.250 478044.452 478039.477 478036.632 478039.179 478047.258 478089.283 478105.956 478125.806 478138.518 478137.346 478158.962 478158.926 478126.165 478119.413 478092.623 478068.596 478025.263 478011.773 478005.835 478004.654 478004.547 478007.504 478013.199 478020.682 8 4980794.795 4980801.612 4980807.981 4980821.485 4980838.682 4980843.369 4980853.169 4980861.265 4980864.503 4980856.745 4980842.684 4980801.440 4980784.773 4980770.749 4980756.762 4980741.533 4980726.540 4980712.707 4980700.116 4980685.431 4980670.092 4980651.424 4980643.349 4980653.905 4980646.099 4980640.126 4980654.506 4980662.706 4980664.411 4980675.489 4980695.515 4980702.759 4980709.576 4980726.620 4980738.551 4980744.942 4980750.055 4980666.332 4980670.308 4980677.487 4980686.895 4980711.919 4980724.661 4980734.676 4980746.478 4980761.401 4980775.364 4980815.270 4980827.277 4980833.461 4980837.134 4980838.848 4980843.584 4980852.878 4980861.001 4980864.437 4980855.937 4980841.880 4980801.089 4980784.922 4980770.919 4980756.440 4980741.070 4980726.821 4980712.803 4980701.545 AECOM Environment 38 'PARK_2' 5 4 'PARK_3' 5 478030.835 4980690.518 478046.739 4980674.851 478065.359 4980654.987 478078.985 4980643.909 478084.554 4980654.152 478105.711 4980646.950 478129.559 4980640.318 478176.212 4980654.526 478174.731 4980662.549 478140.509 4980664.706 42.062 478030.247 4980751.169 478032.693 4980763.804 478041.660 4980778.885 478085.273 4980819.645 478102.800 4980831.873 478125.625 4980839.210 478159.101 4980843.640 478158.694 4980852.687 478126.033 4980860.812 478119.104 4980863.883 478093.425 4980856.572 478069.080 4980842.359 478024.462 4980799.916 478011.964 4980784.618 478006.258 4980770.569 478004.463 4980755.245 478004.437 4980740.735 478007.316 4980726.850 478013.404 4980712.722 478021.635 4980700.738 478030.602 4980691.336 478045.874 4980675.223 478065.576 4980655.468 478079.082 4980643.827 478084.696 4980654.061 478105.866 4980647.084 478129.735 4980640.380 478176.187 4980654.650 478175.590 4980657.829 478153.342 4980659.051 478129.701 4980660.682 478115.435 4980664.758 478093.833 4980672.910 478076.306 4980685.138 478052.258 4980707.148 478039.622 4980720.191 478033.508 4980732.827 478031.063 4980744.239 2 251.765 'Section D' 26.213 478151.271 4980821.696 478172.076 4980842.850 478214.909 4980800.017 478189.734 4980784.457 478186.062 4980791.101 50.902 478205.643 4980801.940 478207.916 4980804.213 478172.950 4980835.857 478169.803 4980832.885 1 251.765 'Section E' 21.641 478198.811 4980790.002 478213.655 4980765.140 478227.671 4980770.821 478219.454 4980785.506 9 AECOM Environment 478211.412 4980797.919 1 251.765 'Section F' 21.641 478203.195 4980761.380 478219.105 4980767.499 478215.433 4980729.211 478199.699 4980733.233 'PARK_5' 2 251.765 'Section G' 5 21.641 478199.699 4980733.407 478179.943 4980698.442 478189.034 4980693.721 478197.426 4980701.239 478214.384 4980729.386 4 45.415 478214.052 4980729.008 478210.459 4980730.260 478193.958 4980702.801 478197.365 4980701.307 'PARK_6' 1 251.765 'Section H' 5 8.534 478182.217 4980702.820 478157.071 4980683.617 478163.929 4980676.530 478183.360 4980696.647 478180.160 4980698.019 'PARK_7' 1 251.765 'Section J' 5 9.754 478148.383 4980675.844 478156.842 4980683.617 478173.987 4980667.614 478174.902 4980662.585 478144.269 4980664.642 'PARK_8' 1 251.765 'Section K' 14 24.384 478078.840 4980643.722 478087.261 4980637.778 478107.817 4980630.596 478126.639 4980626.881 478143.480 4980626.881 478147.690 4980626.881 478157.101 4980628.615 478179.390 4980636.045 478187.563 4980640.502 478193.507 4980645.456 478174.933 4980662.297 478176.171 4980655.610 478129.363 4980640.502 478084.537 4980654.124 'TRGT_CTR' 1 256.337 'Target Center' 8 48.158 478241.384 4980567.326 478284.013 4980567.326 478317.865 4980534.727 478319.119 4980492.098 478262.698 4980436.931 478220.069 4980436.931 478186.217 4980469.530 478184.963 4980509.651 'BLD_20' 1 257.556 11 27.432 478053.315 4980619.985 477988.118 4980577.356 478048.300 4980467.022 478044.538 4980242.593 478054.569 4980218.771 478105.974 4980246.354 'PARK_4' 4 10 AECOM Environment 'BLD_21' 4 'BLD_22' 4 'BLD_23' 4 'BLD_24' 4 'BLD_25' 4 'BLD_26' 4 'BLD_27' 4 'BLD_28' 4 'BLD_29' 4 'BLD_30' 4 'BLD_31' 3 478126.035 4980273.938 478136.065 4980296.506 478143.588 4980326.597 478141.080 4980357.942 478141.080 4980510.905 1 252.984 45.720 478097.198 4980956.002 478129.796 4980991.108 478171.817 4980954.127 478141.093 4980915.880 1 256.032 28.956 478335.418 4980912.119 478369.271 4980950.986 478482.112 4980846.922 478445.752 4980809.308 1 259.080 45.720 478380.555 4980672.644 478416.282 4980708.359 478438.850 4980685.194 478402.515 4980648.189 1 259.080 31.090 478406.885 4980645.061 478445.512 4980681.769 478474.590 4980651.330 478441.991 4980614.970 1 259.080 32.918 478440.097 4980699.552 478471.566 4980732.883 478511.344 4980697.164 478479.111 4980660.634 1 256.946 35.052 478356.291 4980602.996 478390.816 4980633.558 478421.664 4980599.701 478387.951 4980567.277 1 256.946 33.528 478312.454 4980637.903 478385.516 4980565.654 478348.173 4980526.687 478276.735 4980601.373 1 259.080 33.528 478200.832 4980261.433 478216.662 4980279.698 478249.540 4980251.691 478230.057 4980230.990 1 259.080 32.918 478227.621 4980288.222 478244.669 4980302.834 478275.111 4980276.045 478262.934 4980261.433 1 259.690 44.196 478419.349 4980231.611 478443.225 4980270.577 478491.861 4980245.603 478471.184 4980204.177 1 259.690 35.357 11 AECOM Environment 'BLD_32' 4 'BLD_33' 4 'BLD_34' 4 2 'STCK1' 'STCK2' 12 478427.249 4980296.797 478480.902 4980325.970 478479.642 4980265.564 1 259.690 62.179 478471.160 4980345.454 478494.945 4980383.904 478550.986 4980355.923 478528.418 4980315.038 1 259.690 37.490 478545.392 4980381.245 478569.865 4980419.160 478637.984 4980378.331 478614.896 4980338.100 1 259.690 71.933 478643.890 4980314.987 478676.863 4980365.379 478711.701 4980343.604 478678.107 4980295.079 250.546 250.546 65.837 65.837 477892.090 477897.770 4980961.160 4980965.700 AECOM Environment 13 Detailed BPIP PRIME Output Data J:\AQES\Projects\HennepinCounty\TwinsBallpark\Modeling\Lakes\Bllpk.i BPIP (Dated: 04274) DATE : 11/10/2006 TIME : 14:15:49 J:\AQES\Projects\HennepinCounty\TwinsBallpark\Modeling\Lakes\Bllpk.i ============================ BPIP PROCESSING INFORMATION: ============================ The P flag has been set for preparing downwash related data for a model run utilizing the PRIME algorithm. Inputs entered in METERS a conversion factor of will be converted to meters using 1.0000. Output will be in meters. The UTMP variable is set to UTMY. The input is assumed to be in UTM coordinates. BPIP will move the UTM origin to the first pair of UTM coordinates read. The UTM coordinates of the new origin will be subtracted from all the other UTM coordinates entered to form this new local coordinate system. Plant north is set to 0.00 degrees with respect to True North. J:\AQES\Projects\HennepinCounty\TwinsBallpark\Modeling\Lakes\Bllpk.i PRELIMINARY* GEP STACK HEIGHT RESULTS TABLE (Output Units: meters) Stack Name Stack Height Stack-Building Base Elevation Differences 65.84 65.84 -2.44 -2.44 STCK1 STCK2 GEP** EQN1 116.74 116.74 Preliminary* GEP Stack Height Value 116.74 116.74 * Results are based on Determinants 1 & 2 on pages 1 & 2 of the GEP Technical Support Document. Determinant 3 may be investigated for additional stack height credit. Final values result after Determinant 3 has been taken into consideration. ** Results were derived from Equation 1 on page 6 of GEP Technical Support Document. Values have been adjusted for any stack-building base elevation differences. Note: Criteria for determining stack heights for modeling emission limitations for a source can be found in Table 3.1 of the GEP Technical Support Document. BPIP (Dated: 04274) DATE : 11/10/2006 TIME : 14:15:49 J:\AQES\Projects\HennepinCounty\TwinsBallpark\Modeling\Lakes\Bllpk.i AECOM Environment 14 BPIP output is in meters SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO BUILDHGT BUILDHGT BUILDHGT BUILDHGT BUILDHGT BUILDHGT BUILDWID BUILDWID BUILDWID BUILDWID BUILDWID BUILDWID BUILDLEN BUILDLEN BUILDLEN BUILDLEN BUILDLEN BUILDLEN XBADJ XBADJ XBADJ XBADJ XBADJ XBADJ YBADJ YBADJ YBADJ YBADJ YBADJ YBADJ STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 STCK1 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 37.49 37.49 37.49 37.49 37.49 37.49 37.49 37.49 37.49 37.49 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 45.72 45.72 45.72 42.06 42.06 42.06 42.06 42.06 37.49 37.49 37.49 51.25 50.97 49.14 45.82 42.27 45.97 48.46 49.48 55.88 46.77 43.38 38.66 32.78 37.71 44.09 49.12 62.96 67.58 51.25 50.97 49.14 45.82 42.27 45.97 48.46 76.05 75.23 72.12 223.49 220.68 211.17 202.66 195.81 49.12 62.96 67.58 47.02 43.62 38.89 32.98 30.74 37.41 42.95 47.18 67.58 54.88 53.49 50.48 45.93 41.91 45.77 48.24 60.20 55.88 47.02 43.62 38.89 32.98 30.74 37.41 42.95 73.16 74.62 73.81 199.33 207.21 209.60 212.64 216.25 48.24 60.20 55.88 -60.92 -62.64 -62.46 -60.39 -58.89 -60.56 -60.40 -58.40 17.10 36.99 42.77 47.25 50.30 51.47 46.04 39.21 20.22 15.08 13.90 19.03 23.58 27.41 28.15 23.15 17.45 -274.26 -279.73 -276.70 -371.80 -399.29 -414.65 -417.41 -407.49 -87.44 -80.42 -70.96 23.57 16.78 9.48 1.90 -6.33 -13.87 -20.89 -27.28 -43.02 -35.95 -24.23 -11.77 1.05 14.65 26.90 38.33 43.45 50.89 -23.57 -16.78 -9.48 -1.90 6.33 13.87 20.89 49.81 7.67 -34.71 122.49 70.98 17.31 -33.17 -78.75 -38.33 -43.45 -50.89 SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO BUILDHGT BUILDHGT BUILDHGT BUILDHGT BUILDHGT BUILDHGT BUILDWID BUILDWID BUILDWID BUILDWID BUILDWID BUILDWID BUILDLEN BUILDLEN BUILDLEN BUILDLEN BUILDLEN BUILDLEN XBADJ XBADJ XBADJ XBADJ XBADJ XBADJ YBADJ YBADJ YBADJ YBADJ YBADJ YBADJ STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 STCK2 37.49 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 19.81 37.49 37.49 37.49 37.49 37.49 37.49 37.49 37.49 37.49 37.49 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 22.56 45.72 45.72 45.72 42.06 42.06 42.06 42.06 42.06 37.49 37.49 37.49 70.15 50.97 49.14 45.82 42.27 45.97 48.46 49.48 28.79 46.77 43.38 38.66 32.78 37.71 44.09 49.12 52.66 67.58 70.15 50.97 49.14 45.82 42.27 45.97 48.46 76.05 75.23 72.12 223.49 220.68 211.17 202.66 195.81 49.12 52.66 67.58 49.86 43.62 38.89 32.98 30.74 37.41 42.95 47.18 30.44 54.88 53.49 50.48 45.93 41.91 45.77 48.24 49.24 55.88 49.86 43.62 38.89 32.98 30.74 37.41 42.95 73.16 74.62 73.81 199.33 207.21 209.60 212.64 216.25 48.24 49.24 55.88 -64.80 -68.85 -69.24 -67.52 -66.16 -67.75 -67.29 -64.78 -4.79 32.19 38.99 44.60 48.87 51.30 47.13 41.53 34.67 19.62 14.94 25.24 30.35 34.54 35.42 30.34 24.34 -267.87 -274.05 -271.89 -368.01 -396.64 -413.22 -417.24 -408.59 -89.77 -83.91 -75.50 -51.99 20.57 12.13 3.33 -6.16 -14.96 -23.22 -30.77 -17.29 -41.41 -30.44 -18.54 -6.08 7.39 19.71 31.44 42.21 45.21 51.99 -20.57 -12.13 -3.33 6.16 14.96 23.22 53.29 12.21 -29.25 128.70 77.75 24.44 -25.90 -71.56 -31.44 -42.21 -45.21
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