Sample Workers Compensation Submission All information provided in this report and any documents ancillary thereto ("Report") are provided for information purposes only. Although the information found in this Report is believed to be reliable, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability, or suitability of any information, either isolated or in the aggregate. te. All information is provided "as is." Changes may be periodically made to the information contained in this Report. No notice is required with respect to any changes. If you find any errors or omissions, we encourage you to report them by ee mail to: adm [email protected]. Under no circumstances will Dragon Services, Inc., or its directors, officers, agents, contractors, employees or assigns be liable for any direct, consequential, indirect, special or punitive damages whatsoever arising out of your access to or use of this Report. (858) 674-5997 Copyright 2011, Dragon Services. This report may not be copied or reproduced in any me medium dium without the express written consent of Dragon Services, Inc. Additional Information Premium Reduction Tips Contents Application Company Narrative Named Insured List Location List Payrolls Loss Summary Large Loss Descriptions Loss Runs Experience Modification Worksh heet Other Item to Include (858) 674-5997 3 5 14 15 16 17 18 20 29 30 Copyright 2011, Dragon Services. This report may not be copied or reproduced in any medium without the express written consent conse of Dragon Services, Inc. 2 ACORD ™ Phone AGENCY Date (MM/DD/YYYY) WORKERS COMPENSATION APPLICATION Company Underwriter EMAIL Applicant Name Internet Address ADDRESS: ABC Manufacturing (A/C, No, Ext): FAX (A/C, No): --- See Named Insureds Section for All Applicable MAILING ADDRESS 123 S Main St, #101 San Diego CA 92101 (including ZIP code) CODE: SIC INDIVIDUAL 1962 3089 PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION LLC SUBCHAPTER "S" CORP OTHER CREDIT SUB CODE: ID NUMBER: BUREAU NAME: AGENCY CUSTOMER ID STATUS OF SUBMISSION X QUOTE X YRS IN BUS FEDERAL EMPLOYER ID NUMBER NCCI ID NUMBER 95-1234567 N/A OTHER RATING BUREAU ID OR STATE EMPLOYER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1234567 (WCIRB) BILLING/AUDIT INFORMATION ISSUE POLICY BILLING PLAN AUDIT PAYMENT PLAN AT EXPIRATION MONTHLY SEMI-ANNUAL OTHER: X OFFER SEMI-ANNUAL OTHER: QUARTERLY % DOWN: QUARTERLY BOUND (Give date and/or attach copy) AGENCY BILL ANNUAL ASSIGNED RISK (Attach ACORD 133) DIRECT BILL LOCATIONS STREET, CITY, COUNTY, STATE, ZIP CODE # 1 123 S Main St # 101 San Diego CA 92101 2 3 POLICY INFORMATION PROPOSED EFF DATE PROPOSED EXP DATE NORMAL ANNIVERSARY RATING DATE 2/3/2007 2/3/2008 2/3/2007 PART 1 - WORKERS COMPENSATION (States) CA 0 PART 2 - EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY $ EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 DISEASE - EACH EMPLOYEE DIVIDEND PLAN/SAFETY GROUP NON-PARTICIPATING PART 3 - OTHER STATES INS 1,000,000 RETRO PLAN PARTICIPATING DEDUCTIBLES All Other States WC Coverage Endorsement AMOUNT/% OTHER COVERAGES MANAGED CARE OPTION MEDICAL U.S.L. & H. INDEMNITY VOLUNTARY COMP ENTIRE CLAIM FOREIGN COV ADDITIONAL COMPANY INFORMATION RATING INFORMATION STATE LOC # EMPLOYEES DESCR CODE CLASS CODE CATEGORIES, DUTIES, CLASSIFICATIONS FULL TIME PART TIME ESTIMATED ANNUAL ESTIMATED RATE ANNUAL PREMIUM REMUNERATION ***See Attached Payrolls Spreadsheet*** SPECIFY ADDITIONAL COVERAGES/ENDORSEMENTS FACTOR All States WC Coverage Endorsement FACTORED PREMIUM TOTAL $ INCREASED LIMITS $ DEDUCTIBLE $ $ EXPERIENCE MODIFICATION LOSS CONSTANT Extended Notice of Cancellation: 90 Days 1.27 $ N/A $ ASSIGNED RISK SURCHARGE $ ARAP $ $ PREMIUM DISCOUNT $ EXPENSE CONSTANT N/A $ TOTAL EST ANNUAL PREMIUM N/A $ $ MINIMUM PREMIUM ACORD 130 (2003/10) $ DEPOSIT PREMIUM $ PLEASE COMPLETE REVERSE SIDE © ACORD CORPORATION 1980 3 INDIVIDUALS INCLUDED/EXCLUDED PARTNERS, OFFICERS, RELATIVES TO BE INCLUDED OR EXCLUDED (Remuneration to be included must be part of rating information section.) NAME # DATE OF BIRTH TITLE/ RELATIONSHIP OWNER SHIP % DUTIES INC/EXC CLASS CODE 1 John Doe Pres/CEO 50 Excl 8810 2 Jane Doe CFO 50 Excl 8810 REMUNERATION PRIOR CARRIER INFORMATION/LOSS HISTORY PROVIDE INFORMATION FOR THE PAST 5 YEARS AND USE THE REMARKS SECTION FOR LOSS DETAILS YEAR CARRIER & POLICY NUMBER CO: POL #: X ANNUAL PREMIUM MOD # CLAIMS LOSS RUN ATTACHED AMOUNT PAID RESERVE ***See Attached Loss Summary*** CO: POL #: CO: POL #: CO: POL #: CO: POL #: NATURE OF BUSINESS/DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS GIVE COMMENTS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF BUSINESS, OPERATIONS AND PRODUCTS: MANUFACTURING - RAW MATERIALS, PROCESSES, PRODUCT, EQUIPMENT. CONTRACTOR - TYPE OF WORK, SUB-CONTRACTS. MERCANTILE - MERCHANDISE, CUSTOMERS, DELIVERIES. SERVICE - TYPE, LOCATION. FARM - ACREAGE, ANIMALS, MACHINERY, SUB-CONTRACTS. Injection Molded Plastics --- See Narrative of Operations for more details GENERAL INFORMATION EXPLAIN ALL "YES" RESPONSES YES NO 1 DOES APPLICANT OWN, OPERATE OR LEASE AIRCRAFT/WATERCRAFT? X EXPLAIN ALL "YES" RESPONSES YES NO 16 ARE PHYSICALS REQUIRED AFTER OFFERS OF EMPLOYMENT ARE MADE? X DO/HAVE PAST, PRESENT OR DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS INVOLVE(D) STORING, 2 TREATING, DISCHARGING, APPLYING, DISPOSING, OR TRANSPORTING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL? (e.g. landfills, wastes, fuel tanks, etc) X 3 ANY WORK PERFORMED UNDERGROUND OR ABOVE 15 FEET? X 19 ARE EMPLOYEE HEALTH PLANS PROVIDED? 4 ANY WORK PERFORMED ON BARGES, VESSELS, DOCKS, BRIDGE OVER WATER? X 20 IS THERE A LABOR INTERCHANGE WITH ANY OTHER BUSINESS/SUBSIDIARY? X 5 IS APPLICANT ENGAGED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF BUSINESS? X 21 DO YOU LEASE EMPLOYEES TO OR FROM OTHER EMPLOYERS? X 17 ANY OTHER INSURANCE WITH THIS INSURER? 18 ANY PRIOR COVERAGE DECLINED/ CANCELLED/NON-RENEWED (Last 3 years)? NOT APPLICABLE IN MO X X 6 ARE SUB-CONTRACTORS USED? (IF YES, GIVE % OF WORK SUBCONTRACTED) X 22 DO ANY EMPLOYEES PREDOMINANTLY WORK AT HOME? X 7 ANY WORK SUBLET WITHOUT CERTIFICATES OF INS.? X 23 ANY TAX LIENS OR BANKRUPTCY WITHIN THE LAST 5 YEARS? X 8 IS A WRITTEN SAFETY PROGRAM IN OPERATION? X 9 ANY GROUP TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED? 24 X 10 ANY EMPLOYEES UNDER 16 OR OVER 60 YEARS OF AGE? X 11 ANY SEASONAL EMPLOYEES? X 12 IS THERE ANY VOLUNTEER OR DONATED LABOR? X 13 ANY EMPLOYEES WITH PHYSICAL HANDICAPS? X 14 DO EMPLOYEES TRAVEL OUT OF STATE? X 15 ARE ATHLETIC TEAMS SPONSORED? X ANY UNDISPUTED AND UNPAID WORKERS COMPENSATION PREMIUM DUE FROM YOU OR ANY COMMONLY MANAGED OR OWNED ENTERPRISES? IF YES, EXPLAIN INCLUDING ENTITY NAME(S) AND POLICY NUMBER(S) INSPECTION PHONE: (619) 555-1234 NAME: John Doe ACCTNG RECORD PHONE: (619) 555-1234 NAME: Jane Doe CLAIMS INFO PHONE: (619) 555-1234 NAME: Janie Doe X APPLICABLE IN TENNESSEE: IT IS A CRIME TO KNOWINGLY PROVIDE FALSE, INCOMPLETE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION TO ANY PARTY TO A WORKERS COMPENSATION TRANSACTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMMITTING FRAUD. PENALTIES INCLUDE IMPRISONMENT, FINES AND DENIAL OF INSURANCE BENEFITS. ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY AND WITH INTENT TO DEFRAUD ANY INSURANCE COMPANY OR ANOTHER PERSON FILES AN APPLICATION FOR INSURANCE OR STATEMENT OF CLAIM CONTAINING ANY MATERIALLY FALSE INFORMATION, OR CONCEALS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MISLEADING INFORMATION CONCERNING ANY FACT MATERIAL THERETO, COMMITS A FRAUDULENT ACT, WHICH IS A CRIME AND SUBJECTS THE PERSON TO CRIMINAL AND [NY: SUBSTANTIAL] CIVIL PENALTIES. (Not applicable in CO, HI, NE, OH, OK, OR, TN, or VT; in DC, LA, ME, and VA, insurance benefits may also be denied) REMARKS 1: See attached Aircraft or Watercraft details 6: 10%: Regular operations - if don’t have capacity 10: 4 employees over 60 APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE PRODUCER'S SIGNATURE NATIONAL PRODUCER NUMBER ACORD 130 (2003/10) 4 ABC Manufacturing Narrative of Operations ABC Manufacturing is a successful Injection Molding Plastics business founded in 1962. They are based out of San Diego CA, and are looking for quotes on their Workers' Compensation effective 2/3/07. This Narrative will give a lot of details of their operations, especially in relation to their insurance programs. More information about the company in general can be found on their website: Operations ABC runs its operations 18 hours a day, 6 days a week. Their primary products are pool supplies and collapsible produce crates. All products can be customized to any customer’s needs. Until a couple years ago, 100% of their work was custom molding. More than 40% of operations are now completely automated, and require no more than the push of a button by employees. They use enormous machines for this automated process, and the expense of these machines is actually one of their competitive advantages. Access to the machines is prevented by cages, which are accessible for authorized employees to make adjustments to the machines. Ownership Involvement The owners of ABC Manufacturing are still active in the management of the company. They manage the company on a daily basis, and are still the voice and face of their company. The owners understand that Workers' Comp is a major part of their budget and are willing to take whatever steps are necessary to improve their already good programs and practices. The owners even participate in the Workers Comp program in the following areas: Attend Safety Meetings. Employee Counts Approximate employee counts by job type: Total # of Description of job Employees 21 (4 shifts) Automated Machines Operations (broken up further below) 1 (of 21) Finish products by taking away from machine, scanning for errors, and shrink wrapping. Uses a forklift for lifting 16 (of 21) Techs: simply watch machines and controls to make sure it is 5 4 (of 21) 105 (3 shifts) (broken up further below) 6 (of 105) 6 (of 105) 2 (of 105) 93 (of 105) 9 15 5 8 8 operating properly Material transport people: use forklifts to supply stations Custom Plastic Machine Operations Flamers: employees will use open flames from small 5-gallon propane tanks to melt sharp edges, these ee’s receive extensive training, and open flame work is less than 15% of their time worked. Assemblers: install parts. Example: install on metal frame Sewing: operate manual sewing machines. Put fabric over a plastic shell or pull fabric over a part and sew end shut Basic machine operators: Use trim knives during work. Lift up to 40 pounds (turn down customers that want heavier items). Non-Operations Employees Maintenance department: basically machine mechanics. Some lifting as required. Minor exposure to heat, hydraulic pressure, limited welding, grinding, drill presses. 7 have been at ABC for more than 10 years. Office Employees Tool Shop: machine tools with a lathe and drills. Move molds with forklifts. Primarily “wrench work” Shipping: forklifts loading and unloading of trucks QA: no real physical hazards, use precision measuring tools to make sure product meets specs. Comparison With Industry Peers ABC Manufacturing knows that insurance companies will base their premiums on both the company's own specific loss history, as well as expected losses for their industry type (by class codes). Because of this, they would like to emphasize that they strongly consider themselves to be a much better risk than their industry peers, and should therefore have lower expected losses. Reasons that they are better include: Better Safety Programs, Experienced Supervisors, Experienced Ownership, More Ownership Involvement, Longer-Term Employees, Lower Turnover, Employees' Work is Safer than industry standard, Less Driving Exposure than industry standard, Better or Newer Equipment/Machinery, Size Advantage (economies of scale), Culture of respect and trust within the company gets the job done right, among others. Hiring Procedures ABC Manufacturing has the following percentages on how they find new employees: 30% referrals by employees, 70% newspaper ads. 6 ABC Manufacturing is a company that is aware of the importance of its hiring practices and procedures, and how those can directly affect Workers' Compensation claims experience and premiums. Because of this, they have instituted the following hiring procedures for all new employees: Written Application; Formal Interview with Jeanette Garcia, HR Manager; Written Job Descriptions; Written Personnel Procedures; Reference Checks for those prospects they feel they need them on; Documenting all personnel records for pre-existing injuries; New Employee Training/Orientation; among others. More details will be given on the following aspects of the company's Hiring Procedures: New Employee Training/Orientation, New Employee Training/Orientation Every new hire at ABC Manufacturing will go through their employee training and orientation program. ABC Manufacturing wants to make sure all employees are fully prepared to safely do their jobs before letting them work without oversight. Employee Benefits In order to improve both employee morale and employee retention, ABC Manufacturing has given its workers the following benefits: Group Medical Benefits (more details later), a 401(k) or similar Retirement Plan, Dental, Production (Meeting Quota) Bonuses, Life Insurance Policy for employees, Disability Insurance Policy for employees, Paid Holidays: 6 per year, Paid Sick Days: up to 5 (after 1 year) per year, Paid Vacations, and other benefits as well. Group Medical Plan The employees of ABC Manufacturing are eligible to join the company's Group Medical Plan after 90 days of service. Currently, all employees, regardless of employee level, are eligible for the plan. 80% of premiums are paid by the company. About 60% of eligible employees are on the company Group Medical Plan. Of the employees not on the company Group Medical Plan, ABC Manufacturing thinks some may have medical coverage on an outside policy, approximately: 10% Spouse's plan, 20% All Other. ABC Manufacturing is aware that employees who have medical coverage are much less likely to file fraudulent claims, especially claims that are not work-related but are said to be so the employee has medical coverage somewhere. For this reason, the company is always striving to strengthen its Group Medical Plan and any savings on Workers' Comp would greatly help. Employee Morale Because of the excellent working environment and conditions at ABC Manufacturing, company employees have excellent employee morale. Reasons 7 for the higher morale include: Responsive Supervisors, Responsive Ownership, Long-Term Employees, Family Atmosphere, Christmas Bonus, Job Security, Biweekly "Continual Improvement Process" meetings, , and other reasons as noted elsewhere in this Narrative. Studies have shown that happy workers are much less likely to file Workers' Comp claims, and when they do they are usually smaller in dollar amounts and much less likely to be fraudulent. Employee Turnover ABC Manufacturing has approximately the following Turnover percentages: 1% for the current year, 1% for the first prior year, and 1% for the second prior year. It also is very important to note that the company is successful in retaining employees once they get past the first couple months. Approximately 99% of employees have been with the company over one year, 95% over two years, 90% over three years, 75% over five years, 50% over ten years. Studies have shown that employees in their first six months on the job are much more likely to be injured than seasoned employees. ABC Manufacturing is aware that hiring, training, and keeping good workers is one of the best ways to keep Workers' Comp costs low. Workers' Comp Claims Procedure ABC Manufacturing has the following set of standard procedures for reporting Workers' Comp claims: Injured workers are immediately sent to Concentra, the company's Designated Medical Provider (more details on them later). All injured employees will immediately have a drug test done. The person in charge of claims at ABC Manufacturing fills out a formal, written claim/accident report for each incident. There is an immediate internal Accident Investigation (more details on this later). All claims are then submitted to the insurance carrier on the applicable forms. 90 percent of claims are reported within 24 hours, and 100 percent within 48 hours. ABC Manufacturing is aware of the importance of timeliness in reporting claims, especially in regards to keeping total claims costs in control. ABC Manufacturing has all injured employees entered into their Medical Provider Network (MPN), which they first entered in Feb. 2005. There are no employees that have pre-designated their own physician outside of the MPN network. Designated Medical Provider As stated before, ABC Manufacturing has chosen to work closely with Concentra as their Designated Medical Provider. Concentra is a specific clinic that ABC Manufacturing has built a strong, mutually beneficial relationship with. Concentra is aware of the operations, safety program, and overall needs of ABC Manufacturing. They work with the company to determine the best course of action for each injured employee, and will help point out any possible fraud. 8 Accident Investigation Procedures Every Workers' Comp claim at ABC Manufacturing will have an immediate Accident Investigation done. This will be done by the injured employee's supervisor(s). Standard investigation procedures include the following: Interview of the injured employee; Witness interviews; and any other applicable/needed investigations. Claims Follow-up The claims personnel of ABC Manufacturing will work closely with both the Workers' Compensation carrier and the clinic/physician in care of the injured employee to determine the best course of action at all times. All injured employees who are out on indemnity leave will be followed up with at least every other week. This follow-up is done by the HR department of the company. All follow-ups are positive and letting the employee know they are wanted back as soon as they are healthy. This is important because studies have shown that follow-up by the injured employee's co-workers can drastically reduce claims values on an indemnity claim. Return to Work Program ABC Manufacturing knows the importance of getting injured workers back to work as soon as possible. They know that offering 'restricted duty' positions through a Return To Work (RTW) program can drastically reduce the total claim values of indemnity claims. To this end, the company has instituted a formal RTW program intended to offer a position to any injured employee. They try to place these people in 'boring' positions that will make them want to return to normal duties as soon as possible. Vehicle/Driving Exposures ABC Manufacturing does not have any company vehicles, and therefore does not have any vehicle or driving exposures for its employees under normal operations of the business. Condition of Equipment/Premises The overall condition of premises at ABC Manufacturing is excellent. The housekeeping/cleanliness of ABC Manufacturing is excellent. All equipment/machinery at ABC Manufacturing is new. All equipment used is standard for the industry. All machinery has full and proper guards in place at all times. All machine operators use proper Lock Out/Tag Out procedures. There is a full inspection and maintenance program in place for all machinery. Inspections are done monthly. 9 Lifting Exposures The maximum amount of weight that any employee will lift by themselves is 40 pounds, which is the amount usually considered the most an average person can easily carry without risk of injury. About 100 employees are exposed to lifting this amount. The average employee will lift at most per industry standard. The company has a formal, written safe lifting program that lets employees know required safe lifting procedures. Any large, awkward, heavy, or unusually shaped objects are required to be lifted by teams of at least two people. ABC Manufacturing has 14 forklifts that greatly assist in keeping the maximum lift by any one person very low. All forklift operators are certified on their machines. Employees use pallet jacks or hand carts when possible. Employee workspaces are designed to minimize the lifting/moving of objects as much as possible. Employees are provided with and encouraged to take adequate rest time between lifts. Back belts are recommended while lifting. The company has Mechanical Lifting Devices to further aid in lowering the max amount employees lift: Cranes and Hoists. Slip/Fall Exposures ABC Manufacturing has formal Slip/Fall training and/or programs. Slip/Fall Safety Procedures include: Cleaning all spills immediately; Requiring basic housekeeping such as closing all drawers and hiding of all wiring; Marking walking areas in warehouse/storage room/etc.; Barricading/covering all changes in floor level; Keeping all areas of the premises well-lit. Employee Age ABC Manufacturing currently has only about 4 (2 office, 2 floor) employees over 60 years old, and they do not have any employees under 16 years old. This is significant because these age groups typically have higher claims frequency and severity, usually attributed to either less work-related or 'real world' experience (for those under 16), or diminished capabilities (for those over 60). The company is aware of the problems with hiring older workers and does everything it can to mitigate or lessen their exposure to injury. Because the company does not have any of the younger employees, they are a better Workers' Comp risk. Safety Program There are many parts to the Safety Program of ABC Manufacturing. The program is under the stewardship of Pat Brady, HR. Because the company is dedicated to creating a safe work environment, they have all of the following procedures currently in place: ABC Manufacturing has their safety program formalized and written for all employees to access. They have an active Injury and Illness Protection Program 10 (IIPP). The company pays for Hazard Identification training for all Floor Employees. They have a Hazardous Materials Communication Program in place. Company Supervisors are trained Safety Education monthly. The company conducts periodic Fire and Emergency evacuation drills. The company has progressive discipline for safety violations. The company has Violence Intervention Program in place More details will be given on the following aspects of the company's Safety Program: Safety Meetings, Safety Committee, Safety Director/Risk Manager, Safety Inspections, Safety Incentive Program, Accountability for Safety, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Safety Director/Risk Manager ABC Manufacturing has a Safety Director. Their Safety Director's name is John Doe and this person has 25 years of experience in Safety. The position is Part Time, with John Doe devoting approximately 20% of work hours to Safety issues. Safety Meetings ABC Manufacturing holds monthly Safety Meetings as a way to keep employees, supervisors, and managers continuously talking and thinking about Safety. Team members present in these meetings will discuss how best to keep all employees safe, and may draw on both outside sources and internal thoughts for discussion topics. All Safety issues are communicated to employees by the following method: email photos of hazards and remedies. Safety Committee ABC Manufacturing holds regular meetings with its Safety Committee. This committee is a small group of representatives who determine the Safety goals, rules, and regulations of the company. The Committee meets monthly. Safety Inspections There are regular inspections of all company premises. These thorough inspections are done quarterly and are an integral part in ensuring all employees and supervisors are both understanding and following all safety regulations. Safety Incentive (Bonus) Program ABC Manufacturing also has a Safety Incentive Program that they feel is an important tool in keeping employees constantly aware of being safe by giving them monetary or other rewards for staying safe. Many studies have shown that Safety Incentive Programs can lower both claims frequency and claims severity 11 drastically. Here is how ABC Manufacturing operates their program: Safety Bingo - Gross $300-$500 per paycheck available Accountability for Safety Supervisors/Foremen are held accountable for the Safety and Claims records of the employees they oversee. The primary ways they are held accountable are Peer pressure. The company believes that holding their supervisors accountable is a crucial tool in having the Safety Program followed by all employees. Employees who are doing the actual labor are held accountable for their own Safety and Claims records. The primary ways they are held accountable are discipline only. The company believes that holding both supervisors and employees accountable is a crucial tool in having the Safety Program followed by all employees. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) The company strongly recommends or requires the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at all appropriate times while working. Types of PPE used include: Gloves (required), Goggles (required), Hearing Protection (required), All employees are aware of the availability of PPE and the company rules regarding its use, and the possible consequences of not using PPE. Recap ABC Manufacturing is a successful Injection Molding Plastics business based out of San Diego, CA. The company is devoted to continuing its excellence in all areas of their business, with a recent emphasis on lowering Workers' Compensation costs. To this end, they have strengthened their Safety/Loss Control, Claims Procedures, Hiring Procedures, and many other areas. They are excited about finding ways to continue this important trend and welcome any recommendations from carriers or brokers that will make their program even better still. Overall, ABC Manufacturing is an excellent company that deserves an excellent insurance program. 12 Insert photos on the following pages, including photos of: 1. Operations, preferably in order of manufacture, starting with receiving of raw materials, through each stage of manufacturing, on through to shipping. 2. Employees, as they actually perform their duties, in order to give underwriters a good sense of the actual work and any hazards, and how the hazards are controlled. Show equipment guards, safety equipment, etc. 3. Key Personnel. Pictures of key staff members give underwriters a sense of the company. 13 ABC Manufacturing Named Insureds Named Insured ABC Manufacturing, Inc. ABC Mfg, Inc. ABC Property Managers ABC Plastics (DBA) Primary Operations or each Named Insured Injection Molded Plastics Injection Molded Plastics Owns the Building N/A FEIN 95-1234567 95-1234568 N/A N/A Type of Entity Corporation Corporation Partnership 14 ABC Manufacturing Loc # List of Locations Street Address 1 123 S Main St Apt/ Suite # 101 City San Diego State CA ZIP 92101 Construction Year Built Type 1978 Concrete Tilt-Up Occupancy Office/Operations Hours of Operation Start To End 5am To 11pm # of # of Days/ Shifts Week 2 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 15 ABC Manufacturing Payrolls Sheet Class State Code CA 4498 CA 8742 CA 8810 # of employees Description FT / PT Plastics Injected Molded Products Mfg - N174 OC / Salespersons - Outside 5 / Clerical Office Employees - N O C 10 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Next Year's Estimates Current Year Payrolls 1st Prior 2nd Prior Year Year 3rd Prior Year 4th Prior Year 4,000,000 4,000,000 3,924,665 3,622,149 3,645,123 3,501,288 425,000 425,000 400,000 380,000 302,654 303,899 350,000 350,000 301,589 366,000 215,644 280,000 16 ABC Manufacturing Workers' Compensation Loss Summary Policy Period / 2/3/2006 2/3/2007 / 2/3/2005 2/3/2006 / 2/3/2004 2/3/2005 / 2/3/2003 2/3/2004 / 2/3/2002 2/3/2003 / 2/3/2001 2/3/2002 / 1/0/1900 Insurance Carrier Policy Number Valuation Date Claim Count Reserves Paid Incurred Republic Indemnity 1234567 12/1/2006 2 21,999 941 22,931 Republic Indemnity 1234567 12/1/2006 7 0 5,198 5,198 Republic Indemnity 1234567 12/1/2006 14 179,126 173,261 352,387 Republic Indemnity 1234567 12/1/2006 11 0 439,119 439,119 Republic Indemnity 1234567 12/1/2006 9 27,784 63,781 91,565 Republic Indemnity 1234567 12/1/2006 2 0 2,606 2,606 0 0 0 Please see Large Loss Descriptions document for details on large losses 17 ABC MANUFACTURING Workers Compensation Large Loss Descriptions (Over $25,000) February 3, 2006-2007 NO CLAIMS OVER $25,000 February 3, 2005-2006 NO CLAIMS OVER $25,000 February 3, 2004-2005 December 5, 2004 Name Withdrawn $51,360 (Open) Mr. Withdrawn is a QA inspector. He injured himself while trying to repair a hot stamp machine, asking an employee to try the button to see if it worked while he had his thumb in the machine. This was an extremely stupid claim, from an employee who is never authorized to work on the machines or even operate the machines. He was given modified duty while he recovered, reprimanded, and is now back to work. November 10, 2004 Name Withdrawn $75,217 (Open) Mr. Withdrawn was helping another worker unload a hopper and strained his shoulder. The circumstances of this claim are unusual because ABC has people who are specifically trained as materials handlers, and Mr. Withdrawn should not have been at this station. He was hurt due to inexperience. This claim was litigated. November 8, 2004 Name Withdrawn $26,746 (Open) Mr. Withdrawn claimed unspecific injuries to several body parts due to lifting. The claim was highly suspicious and ABC fought it hard. There were no witnesses to the claim, and he had access to a forklift at all times while at work. He has hired a lawyer. April 19, 2004 Name Withdrawn $32,169 (Closed) Ms. Withdrawn claimed repetitive motion injuries to several body parts. This claim was extremely suspicious, and ABC believes she tried to claim a fraudulent similar injury shortly after the other two repetitive motion claims above. She actually claimed injury on a day she was not even working, then changed her statement. She immediately hired a lawyer in this claim. April 15, 2004 Name Withdrawn $88,645 (Open) Ms. Withdrawn was a machine operator. She also claimed repetitive motion injuries to her wrists and hands. This, however, appears to be a completely legitimate injury. She hired a lawyer who bumped up the cost of the claim, but returned to work for ABC for a while. She has since left the company but left on good terms. 18 April 5, 2004 Name Withdrawn $68,404 (Open) Ms. Withdrawn was a machine operator. She claimed elbow and forearm pain from repetitive motion despite ABC’s practice of constantly having employees rotate jobs to avoid repetitive motion injuries. She reported the injury several weeks after it occurred, and said it was no big deal. She eventually quit for unknown reasons and then hired a lawyer to make this claim more substantial. February 3, 2003-2004 November 14, 2003 Name Withdrawn $40,233 (Closed) Ms. Withdrawn fractured her fingers in a slip and fall after stepping on a wooden pallet. The claim was legitimate, but she immediately hired a lawyer and got her own doctor. Both of these would be much less likely to occur in ABC’s current MPN. She left the company after the accident and refused any RTW. November 14, 2003 Name Withdrawn $49,775 (Closed) Mr. Withdrawn is a process tech. He was working on an elevated platform on an injection molding machine. After he was finished, instead of taking the stairs down he jumped down the three feet and injured his back. It was an extremely stupid injury and against all regulations. ABC brought this up in safety meetings afterwards. There has been no surgery but the claim is litigated. October 14, 2003 Name Withdrawn $24,692 (Closed) Mr. Withdrawn was a shift supervisor. While walking in the production department he slipped and fell, fracturing his left ankle. There was no hazard on the floor, he just slipped. He never hired a lawyer and was helpful during the claim. He is now retired and no longer works for ABC. September 20, 2003 Name Withdrawn $317,669 (Closed) Mr. Withdrawn was a machine operator. He fractured his knee by slipping while stepping on a box to crush it in the trash bin. This was a very unusual claim, but appears to be completely legitimate. He had to have two surgeries on the knee, but never hired a lawyer. Most of the claim is for medical expenses. February 3, 2002-2003 May 5, 2002 Name Withdrawn $60,684 (Open) Mr. Withdrawn claimed injuries to his shoulder when he was stretch wrapping. It was an extremely suspicious claim, and ABC’s accident investigation thinks the claim could never have happened the way he described. They believe he got hurt at another job he had, and filed claims at both places. He no longer works for ABC. February 3, 2001-2002 NO CLAIMS OVER $25,000 19 Loss Runs 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Other Items to Include in Application/Submission Package (in electronic format if possible) 1. 5 Years of Policy Information for each Coverage. (or Name of Insurer, Policy Number, & Policy Dates) 2. 3. 4. 5. Copy of Safety Manual. Copy of Employee Manual. Copies of Brochures on the company. List of Awards won by Company. (Community Awards, Industry Awards, Charity) 6. Brief bios on top management. 7. Written Training Information. 8. Number of Employees by class code. 9. FEIN Number. 10. List of Named Insureds (& description of each). 11. Details on any Claims over $10,000. In value. 12. Procedures on Claims. 13. Historical Turnover, especially compared to your industry. 14. Health Insurance offered (& percentage of employees participating in benefit plan). 15. Safety Procedures (meetings, topics, frequency). 16. Hiring Practices (screening, training, orientation, etc.). 17. Medical Provider (for W. C. claims). 18. Safety Incentive Plan Details (if any). 30
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