JCM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 12 October 2011 J. Clin. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/JCM.01254-11 Copyright © 2011, American Society for Microbiology and/or the Listed Authors/Institutions. All Rights Reserved. Comparative performance of human papillomavirus DNA testing using novel sample collection methods Running title: Novel Sampling Methods for HPV DNA Testing Julia C. Gagea, Edward E. Partridgeb, Alfio Rausac, Patti E. Gravittd, Sholom Wacholdera, Mark Schiffmana, Isabel Scarincib, Philip E. Castlee a Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, DHHS, Bethesda, MD, USA b University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA c Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson, MS, USA d Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA e American Society for Clinical Pathology, Washington, DC, USA Corresponding author: Julia C. Gage, PhD, MPH Clinical Genetics Branch Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) National Cancer Institute 6120 Executive Blvd, MSC 7231 Rockville, MD 20852 Email: [email protected] Tel: (301) 594-7296 Fax: (301) 496-1854 1 Abstract 2 Objectives: To explore alternative cervical cancer screening approaches in an underserved 3 population, we compared the performance of HPV DNA assays in combination with different 4 sample collection methods for primary cervical screening in the Mississippi Delta region. 5 Methods: Three specimens were collected from women aged 26-65 who were either routinely 6 undergoing screening (n=252) or not (n=191): clinician-collected cervical, clinician-collected 7 cervicovaginal, and self-collected cervicovaginal taken at home. A novel collection device and 8 medium were used for cervicovaginal sampling. Specimens were tested by three HPV DNA 9 assays: hybrid capture 2 (HC2; Qiagen Corporation, Gaithersburg, MD), Linear Array (LA; 10 Roche Diagnostics, Alameda, CA) and Amplicor (Roche, Alameda, CA). Liquid-based cytology 11 was performed on cervical specimens. We compared overall positivity (a proxy for clinical 12 specificity) for any carcinogenic HPV genotype and calculated agreement across assay and 13 specimen type using McNemar’s test for differences in test positivity. 14 Results: Across all three assays there were no significant differences between clinician-collected 15 and self-collected cervicovaginal specimens (p>.01 for all comparisons). For both cervicovaginal 16 specimens (clinician-collected and self-collected), fewer women tested positive by HC2 than by 17 LA or Amplicor (p<.01 for all comparisons). HC2 had the best agreement between specimens for 18 all assays. 19 Conclusions: HC2 had high agreement between specimens and fewer women tested HPV 20 positive in cervicovaginal specimens compared to LA and Amplicor. HC2 is likely more 21 clinically specific, although possibly less sensitive, than either PCR test. Thus, use of HC2 on 22 cervicovaginal specimens for screening could result in fewer referrals compared to LA and 23 Amplicor. 2 Key words: papillomavirus infections, prevention and control, self-collection 3 1 2 Background In the United States, annual cervical cancer incidence and related mortality have fallen to 3 ~10,000 and ~4,000 per year, respectively (18). However, these reductions have not been 4 uniformly achieved as more than half of all cervical cancer occurs in medically underserved 5 populations (http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/cervical/), of which the Mississippi Delta region ranks 6 highest (13). The Mississippi Delta region is one of the poorest areas in the United States, and it 7 has been referred to as a “Third world country in the heart of America” (23). Overall, the rates of 8 cervical cancer incidence and mortality in this region are some of the highest in the country and 9 comparable to rates in some low and middle income countries (13). 10 Cervical cancers in the U.S. arise from both lack of screening and lack of appropriate 11 follow-up of abnormal results (10). Unfortunately, even in the United States formidable barriers 12 remain for cytology programs to successfully prevent cancer in underserved populations. Women 13 must repeat screening through clinic visits throughout their adult life because cervical cytology is 14 insensitive (21) and women who screen positive are often lost to follow-up (2, 4, 12). In order to 15 reduce the excessive burden of cervical cancer in these medically underserved populations, novel 16 approaches to overcome these barriers might be useful to reducing cancer health disparities. 17 There is now convincing evidence that carcinogenic HPV DNA testing is cost-effective 18 and sensitive for detection of precancerous lesions (5, 28) albeit less specific than cytology for 19 primary cervical cancer screening (20, 22). In the U.S., carcinogenic HPV DNA testing in 20 conjunction with cervical cytology has been accepted for cervical cancer screening in women 30 21 and older, with those who test negative for both not recommended for screening again for three 22 years (33). 4 23 One possible method to expand cervical cancer screening in underserved populations is 24 through HPV testing of self-collected cervicovaginal specimens among older women (age 30+), 25 after the initial peak of HPV prevalence observed at younger ages. Several studies have now 26 evaluated self-collection in combination with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved 27 HPV DNA test, Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2; Qiagen, Gaithersburg, MD) as a potential alternative to 28 cytology (24, 32). In the absence of participation in cytology-based programs, HPV DNA testing 29 in self-collected samples might broaden population coverage of cervical cancer screening (6, 16). 30 Women can self-sample in their home and attend the clinic only if their HPV result is positive 31 (approximately 5-15% of women over age 30) (6, 9). 32 The optimal method to self-sample, particularly outside of the clinic setting, has not been 33 identified. It is possible that observed differences in test performance of self-sampled vs. the 34 traditional clinician-collected method (3, 16, 24, 32) might simply result from the location of 35 sampling (cervicovaginal being less optimal than cervical) or the self-collection method itself (as 36 opposed to a clinician-collected cervicovaginal sample). 37 Also, HC2 is known to cross react with non-carcinogenic HPV genotypes that are 38 phylogenetically related to carcinogenic HPV genotypes, whereas PCR HPV DNA tests have 39 greater fidelity for genotyping (8). Therefore, it is possible that HC2 might have higher test 40 positivity, and therefore lower clinical specificity than other tests. Yet, studies among women 41 with cytological abnormalities have shown HC2 to have lower HPV positivity (sometimes 42 translating into lower clinical sensitivity and greater clinical specificity) when compared to PCR 43 assays such as Linear Array (17, 30) (LA; Roche Molecular Systems, Pleasanton, CA) and 44 Amplicor (29-31) (Roche Molecular Systems, Pleasanton, CA). 5 45 In this study of women attending screening in the Mississippi Delta, we sought to 46 compare HC2 analytic performance with two PCR assays in three types of collections: clinician- 47 collected cervical specimens, clinician-collected cervicovaginal specimens and self-collected 48 cervicovaginal specimens. Because colposcopically-guided biopsy diagnosis was not possible 49 among women who screened HPV-negative and cytology normal, we are considering as a proxy 50 for clinical specificity, test positivity. Previous studies suggest that HPV test positivity is a 51 reasonable proxy for clinical specificity (17, 30-31). While higher specificity can result in 52 corresponding lower sensitivity, this study presents data from a general screening population and 53 is not sufficiently powered to examine clinical sensitivity. We therefore only present HPV 54 positivity (clinical specificity) results, as opposed to sensitivity. 55 56 Methods 57 Study Population. We recruited non-pregnant, non-hysterectomized women aged 26-65 without 58 history of treatment and attending a Mississippi State Department of Health screening clinic in 59 Tallahatchie, Leflore, Sunflower, or Washington Counties. Our goal was to reach 250 women 60 attending a standard screening visit and 250 women who had not been screened within the past 61 three years in accordance with screening guidelines (“underscreened”). Additional exclusion 62 criteria included inability to speak English, perceived mental incompetence, and visualization of 63 an overt cancerous lesion at the clinical exam. 64 65 Clinical Visit and Specimen Collection. After study staff described the study and showed a video 66 explaining proper use of the self-collection device (Fournier Self-sampler; Arthur Fournier, 67 University of Miami) (19), women provided written consent. Before undergoing a pelvic exam, 6 68 clinicians (physicians and nurse practitioners) collected a cervicovaginal specimen using a 69 Fournier sampling device from seated participants, to serve as a reference standard (“mock self- 70 sample”) compared to self-collected specimens. The mock self-sample was then placed in a vial 71 of safe collection medium (Scope mouthwash; Proctor & Gamble (7). Clinicians then collected a 72 cervical specimen using direct sampling with a Dacron swab into PreservCyt liquid-based 73 cytology medium for standard of care screening. 74 Finally, women were asked to take a “kit” home to collect a second cervicovaginal 75 specimen 7-14 days after the clinic visit. The “kit” was composed of a Fournier self-sampler, a 76 vial of Scope transport medium, an instruction pamphlet, a brochure on HPV and cervical 77 cancer, and return packaging. Participants received a phone call from the study staff to remind 78 them to perform the self-collection. Women were asked to mail specimens back to the clinic 79 using a postage-paid, pre-addressed package or return the kit directly to the clinic where they 80 were enrolled on a pre-specified day and time. As compensation for return of the cervical 81 specimen US$20 was provided upon return of the specimens. 82 83 Testing. Liquid-based cytology (LBC) specimens were processed and read by local 84 cytopathologists at the reference laboratory at the University of Mississippi in Jackson, MS. 85 Residual PreservCyt and two study cervicovaginal specimens were sent to Johns Hopkins School 86 of Public Health for HPV DNA testing using HC2 (25), Amplicor (using a 1.0 RLU cutoff)(26), 87 and Linear Array (LA; Roche Molecular Systems) (27). HC2 is a clinical pooled-probe, signal 88 amplification DNA test for detection of 13 carcinogenic HPV types. LA is a type-specific 89 PGMY09/11 L1 primer PCR assay for 37 HPV types and Amplicor is a pooled-probe, DNA 90 amplification (PCR) test that targets the same HPV types as HC2. Specimens testing positive for 7 91 any of 13 carcinogenic HPV genotypes (HPV16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, and 92 68) or HPV66 (because HC2 strongly cross-reacts with this HPV genotype (8) by LA were 93 considered carcinogenic HPV positive. 94 95 Statistical Analysis. We first calculated the age-specific carcinogenic HPV prevalence, with 95% 96 confidence intervals (95% CI), to permit comparison with other U.S. populations. We then 97 calculated overall test positivity. Kappa statistics and paired McNemar’s tests were used to test 98 agreement between HPV assays and sampling methods. 99 All aspects of this study were reviewed and approved by National Cancer Institute, 100 Mississippi State Board of Health and University of Alabama institutional review boards for 101 human subject research. 102 103 104 Results Between 2007-9, we recruited 252 women for routine screening and 191 women who had 105 not been screened in the previous 3 years achieving 100.8% and 76.4% of recruitment goals, 106 respectively. Overall, 92.6% of participants provided self-samples, a proportion that did not 107 differ between groups (Chi-square p=.42). 108 Mean and median age differed significantly by screening group: 34.7 and 33 in the 109 screened group and 40.3 and 40 in the underscreened group (p≤.01). Using HC2 test results as 110 the reference for carcinogenic HPV detection, the age-group specific prevalence in this 111 population is shown in Figure 1a. Among women age 40 and older, HC2 positivity was higher 112 in underscreened compared to previously screened women (23.0% vs. 13.2%, respectively, Chi- 113 square p=.02). A similar association was observed among women with normal cytology, 8 114 although it did not reach statistical significance (16.2% vs. 11.8%, respectively, Chi-square 115 p=.26) (Figure 1b). 116 The percentages of abnormal cytology and carcinogenic HPV positivity for all three tests 117 are shown in Table 1 for both screened and underscreened groups combined, as the measures did 118 not differ between groups. Overall 10.3% of women had an abnormal cytology result (atypical 119 squamous cells of undetermined significance or worse [ASCUS+]). By comparison, the percent 120 HC2 positive was 19.2% for the cervical specimen, 20.2% for the clinician-collected 121 cervicovaginal specimen, and 18.4% for the self-collected specimen. The percent LA positive for 122 carcinogenic HPV genotypes was 20.7% for the cervical specimen, 28.5% for the clinician- 123 collected cervicovaginal specimen, and 29.0% for the self-collected specimen. The percent 124 Amplicor positive was 20.4% for the cervical specimen, 27.5% for the clinician-collected 125 cervicovaginal specimen, and 27.0% for the self-collected specimen. 126 In the subset of specimens that had paired test results by the same assay (Table 2), there 127 were 1) there were no significant differences between clinician-collected and self-collected 128 cervicovaginal specimens across all three assays (p>.01 for all comparisons) and 2) no 129 significant differences between percent HC2 positive by specimen type. In addition, both 130 cervicovaginal specimens were more likely to test positive by LA than the cervical specimen 131 (p<.01 for both comparisons) and both cervicovaginal specimens were more likely to test 132 positive by Amplicor than the cervical specimen (p<.01 for both comparisons). For all three 133 assays the agreement between specimen types was best for the cervical and clinician-collected 134 cervicovaginal specimen (~90% agreement and Kappas ~ 0.70) compared to the other pairwise 135 comparisons. 9 136 Comparisons of assays within specimens showed some significant differences as 137 concordance between HPV DNA assays differed by specimen type (Table 3). The best test 138 agreement was for LA and Amplicor on any specimen type whereas there was poorer agreement 139 between each of these assays and HC2. In both clinician- and participant-collected 140 cervicovaginal specimens, LA and Amplicor tended to call more women positive for 141 carcinogenic HPV than HC2 (p<.01 for all comparisons), explaining the poorer agreement 142 between HC2 and LA or Amplicor than between these two assays for cervicovaginal specimens. 143 144 Conclusions 145 We examined the performance of different tests and specimens on detection of 146 carcinogenic HPV, as a proxy for clinical specificity. Both PCR assays, LA and Amplicor had 147 higher positivity (and probably lower clinical specificity) in clinician-collected and participant 148 self-collected cervicovaginal specimens compared with 1) cervical specimens using the same test 149 and 2) HC2 from the same cervicovaginal specimen. We believe a likely explanation is that the 150 PCR assays such as LA and Amplicor detected lower viral load of carcinogenic HPV types in 151 cervicovaginal swabs resulting in higher HPV positivity. Yet, it is also possible that the 152 difference between PCR positivity in cervicovaginal vs. cervical specimens was not due to the 153 sampling location, but the possibility that the novel Fournier device used for cervicovaginal 154 sampling did not effectively shield against irrelevant vaginal infections in the context of 155 analytically sensitive HPV tests. 156 With the exception of clinician-collected cervical samples, HC2 positivity was lower than 157 LA and Amplicor in both clinician- and participant-collected cervicovaginal specimens. Since 158 similar positivity was observed across both transport mediums (clinician-collected in PreservCyt 10 159 and participant self-collected in Scope), it is unlikely that the lower positivity was due to 160 utilizing the novel transport medium, Scope mouthwash. It is possible that HC2 is less clinically 161 sensitive than LA and Amplicor in cervicovaginal specimens, as previously reported (3). Yet, 162 among clinician-collected and participant-collected cervicovaginal specimens that tested 163 negative by HC2 but positive by LA and/or Amplicor, only 51.4% and 54.3%, respectively were 164 positive by both LA and Amplicor, not more than to be expected by chance alone (p=.99). 165 Anecdotally, among the 3 cases of CIN3 and 1 case of CIN2 detected at follow-up colposcopy 166 for 149 women (61.1% of 244 women referred because of an abnormal HPV or cytology result 167 had colposcopy), all HPV assays in all specimens tested HPV positive, with the exception of 168 three clinician-collected cervicovaginal HC2 tests that tested HPV negative (one CIN2 and two 169 CIN3). All but one CIN3 were detected in the underscreened group. 170 HC2 is known to cross-react with non-carcinogenic HPV genotypes that are 171 phylogenetically related to carcinogenic HPV genotypes (8). We investigated whether PCR tests’ 172 greater fidelity for carcinogenic HPV genotypes would translate to lower positivity, and 173 therefore better clinical specificity. In this study HC2 was likely more clinically specific than the 174 PCR tests. Often greater specificity corresponds to reduced sensitivity. Unfortunately, our study 175 was not adequately powered to measure clinical sensitivity of HPV assays but it is possible that 176 lower HC2 positivity in cervicovaginal specimens might translate to low sensitivity if HC2 does 177 not detect all precancers. 178 The overall burden of HPV was elevated in this high-risk Mississippi Delta population as 179 indicated by greater age-specific prevalence of HPV (as measured by HC2) than observed in 180 other populations (9). In particular, women over 40 who were underscreened were at higher risk 181 of prevalent HPV infection compared to women over 40 who were recently screened. Self- 11 182 sampling with HPV testing is now being utilized in many settings to reach women who typically 183 do not participate in traditional cervical cancer screening programs (1, 11, 14-16). 184 In our study, we found good correlation between cervicovaginal specimens collected by 185 participants in their homes and cervicovaginal specimens collected by clinicians. It is possible 186 that women in our study had an easier time self-sampling after already having a vaginal exam in 187 the office and resulting in higher correlation. In addition, participants of this study reported self- 188 sampling to be an acceptable screening method as 91.9% of women chose to self-sample at 189 home, suggesting that self-sampling could improve overall coverage. The vast majority (95.7%) 190 of women said they found the collector very easy or somewhat easy to use, despite its relative 191 complexity of having a sheath to shield against vaginal infections, moving parts, and tip that 192 needs to be ejected at the completion of collection. An ancillary study found that self-sampling 193 was preferred to clinic-based Pap testing among women who had chosen not to participate in 194 recommended, routine Pap testing (6). 195 In this screening population we found HPV DNA testing with self-collected 196 cerivcovaginal samples to be acceptable to participants and comparable to clinician-collected 197 cervicovaginal samples across all assays. Our findings suggest self-collection with HPV testing 198 could be used to complement current screening programs to reach underscreened women in this 199 high-risk population. 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Overall positivity of HPV DNA tests and liquid-based cytology Total N (# invalid) Percent testing abnormal or HPV positive 95% CI Liquid-based cytologya 436 (7) 10.3b 7.5-13.2 HC2 Clinician-collected cervical Clinician-collected cervicovaginal Participant self-collected cervicovaginal 410 (30) 441 (0) 407 (2) 19.8 20.2 18.4 15.9-23.6 16.4-23.9 14.6-22.2 Clinician-collected cervical Clinician-collected cervicovaginal Participant self-collected cervicovaginal 420 (20) 439 (2) 407 (2) 20.7 28.5 29.0 16.8-24.6 24.2-32.7 24.6-33.4 Amplicor 1.0 Clinician-collected cervical Clinician-collected cervicovaginal Participant self-collected cervicovaginal 422 (18) 437 (4) 407 (2) 20.4 27.5 27.5 16.5-24.2 23.3-31.7 23.2-31.9 LA a b Positive threshold ASCUS or worse LBC had significantly lower positivity than all HPV DNA assays from clinician-collected cervical specimens, (p<.01 for all comparisons). Table 2. Inter-specimen agreement by HPV DNA assay Total number tested Neg/Neg N % Pos/Neg N % Neg/Pos N % N Pos/Pos % p-valueb Percent agreement Kappa 95% confidence interval HC2 Clinician-collected cervical vs. clinician-collected cervicovaginal Clinician-collected cervical vs. participant self-collected cervicovaginal Clinician-collected cervicovaginal vs. participant self-collected cervicovaginal 408 306 75.0 19 4.7 22 5.4 61 15.0 .76 90.0 .686 .596-.775 376 285 75.8 19 5.1 22 5.9 50 13.3 .76 89.1 .642 .542-.743 405 305 75.3 25 6.2 23 5.7 52 12.8 .89 88.2 .611 .512-.711 416 290 69.7 6 1.4 41 9.9 79 18.0 <.01 88.7 .699 .620-.777 386 258 66.8 16 4.2 53 13.7 59 15.3 <.01 82.1 .519 .423-.616 403 257 63.8 29 7.2 36 8.9 81 20.1 .46 83.9 .602 .515-.689 416 295 70.9 10 2.4 37 8.9 74 17.8 <.01 88.7 .687 .605-.769 388 263 67.8 19 4.9 49 12.6 57 14.7 <.01 82.5 .516 .417-.615 401 263 65.6 29 7.2 32 8.0 77 19.2 .71 84.8 .612 .525-.700 LA Clinician-collected cervical vs. clinician-collected cervicovaginal Clinician-collected cervical vs. participant self-collected cervicovaginal Clinician-collected cervicovaginal vs. participant self-collected cervicovaginal Amplicor 1.0 Clinician-collected cervical vs. clinician-collected cervicovaginal Clinician-collected cervical vs. participant self-collected cervicovaginal Clinician-collected cervicovaginal vs. participant self-collected cervicovaginal a b HPV genotypes 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, as well as HPV66 Exact McNemar’s test for differences in test positivity. Table 3. Inter-assay agreement by specimen type Total Neg/Neg number N % tested Pos/Neg N % Neg/Pos N % Pos/Pos N % pvalueb Percent agreement Kappa 95% confidence interval Clinician-collected cervical HC2 vs. LA HC2 vs. Amplicor 1.0 LA vs. Amplicor 1.0 392 394 419 283 289 314 72.2 73.4 74.9 25 25 19 6.4 6.4 4.5 30 26 19 7.7 6.6 4.5 54 54 67 13.8 13.7 16.0 .59 1.0 1.0 86.0 87.1 90.9 .574 .598 .722 .474-.675 .499-.698 .639-.805 437 439 437 293 295 293 67.1 67.2 67.1 24 19 24 5.5 4.3 5.5 56 56 19 12.8 12.8 4.4 64 69 10 1 14.7 15.7 23.1 <.01 <.01 .54 81.7 82.9 90.2 .499 .540 .756 .405-.593 .450-.629 .687-.825 405 405 406 275 275 272 67.9 68.2 67.0 18 11 22 4.4 2.7 5.4 55 54 17 13.6 13.3 4.2 57 64 95 14.1 15.8 23.4 <.01 <.01 .522 82.0 84.0 90.4 .498 .565 .763 .401-.596 .473-.656 .693-.833 Clinician-collected cervicovaginal HC2 vs. LA HC2 vs. Amplicor 1.0 LA vs. Amplicor 1.0 Participant self-collected cervicovaginal HC2 vs. LA HC2 vs. Amplicor 1.0 LA vs. Amplicor 1.0 a b HPV genotypes 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, as well as HPV66 Exact McNemar’s test Figure 1a. Percent of all women testing hybrid capture 2 (HC2) positive by screening history and age group (years) 26-29 30-39 40-49 50-63 Age Among all women age 40+, HC2 positivity was higher in underscreened vs. screened women (23.0% vs. 13.2%, respectively, Chi-square p=.02 ). Figure 1b. Percent of women with a concurrently normal cytology who testing hybrid capture 2 (HC2) positive by screening history and age group (years) 26-29 30-39 40-49 50-63 Age Among women with normal cytology and over age 40, women underscreened had higher HC2 positivity compared to those screened women, although it did not reach statistical significance (16.2% vs. 11.8%, respectively, Chi-square p=.26).
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