SAMPLE�BALLOT�AND�INFORMATION�PAMPHLET COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS CONSOLIDATED�UNIFORM DISTRICT�ELECTION�LAW�(UDEL)�ELECTION TUESDAY,�NOVEMBER�3,�2009 IT'S�QUICK�—�IT'S�EASY IT'S�CONVENIENT GET�OUT�OF�LINE�ON�ELECTION�DAY! VOTE-BY-MAIL OCTOBER�5��—��OCTOBER�27 APPLICATION�ON�BACK POLLING�PLACE�LOCATION�ON BACK�COVER POLLS�OPEN NOVEMBER�3,�2009 7:00�A.M.�TO�8:00�P.M. LAST�DAY�TO�REGISTER�TO�VOTE OCTOBER�19,�2009 REMINDER If�You�Have�Not�Mailed�Your�Voted�Ballot�Before�Election�Day�It May�Be�Dropped�Off�At�Any�Polling�Place�In�The�County�Or�At�The Registrar�Of�Voters�Office�By�8�P.M.�On�Election�Day�To�Count. POSTMARK�NOT�ACCEPTED AVISO�IMPORTANTE Una traducción en Español de esta Balota Ejemplar y Folleto de información al Votante puede obtenerse en la oficina del Registro de Votantes Llame al (951) 486-7200 o 1(800) 773-VOTE (8683) 2724�Gateway�Drive,�Riverside,�CA�92507 951-486-7200�°�800-773-VOTE�(8683)�°�TTY:�951-697-8966�°� VOTE EARLY IT’S QUICK IT’S EASY IT’S CONVENIENT GET OUT OF LINE ON ELECTION DAY! VOTE-BY-MAIL Did You Know… • Any voter can vote-by-mail • You can opt to vote-by-mail once or chose to receive all future ballots by mail • Vote-by-mail ballots are mailed to voters up to 29 days before Election Day • A vote-by-mail voter can check online to see if the Registrar has received their ballot • Vote-by-mail ballots can be returned by mail or at any polling place in the County • The back of this pamphlet includes a vote-by-mail application IMPORTANT NOTICES TO VOTERS PUBLIC SERVICE HOURS The Registrar of Voters office is CLOSED EVERY FRIDAY. New hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ********************************************** EARLY VOTING Early voting will be available at the Registrar of Voters office, October 5 – November 2, Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; and Election Day, November 3, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 33-IFC (11-03-09) ________________________________ ___________ _______________________________ BARBARA DUNMORE Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 (951) 486-7200 FAX (951) 486-7272 web site COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Dear Riverside County Voter: Your Consolidated Uniform District Election Law (UDEL) Election ballot may contain contests for school districts, community college districts, special districts, city offices and/or measures. Information in this Sample Ballot and Voter Information Pamphlet will assist you in making informed choices when marking your ballot. You may mark your selections on your sample ballot and take it with you to the polls for reference to easily and quickly complete your official ballot. Whether you go to the polls or use a vote-by-mail ballot, the paper ballot is the same. Additionally, one electronic accessible voting unit will be available at each polling location for any voter’s use. The additional information below is to ensure your ballot is counted promptly and accurately. Polling Place Your polling place is listed on the back cover of this pamphlet. Polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day, November 3rd. Marking Your Ballot Voter selections are indicated by connecting the arrow to the right of the candidate’s name for whom you wish to vote or connecting the arrow to the right of YES or NO for a measure. Illustrated marking instructions are contained in this pamphlet and a demonstration is available on our website at Can’t make it to the polls? Vote at the Registrar of Voters Office You may obtain and cast your ballot at the Registrar of Voters Office at 2724 Gateway Drive in Riverside, Monday through Thursday beginning October 5th from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Election Day, November 3rd from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Vote-by-Mail An application for a vote-by-mail ballot is located on the back cover of this pamphlet. Vote-by-mail ballots may be voted and returned at your convenience but must reach the Registrar of Voters Office no later than the close of polls on Election Day (Postmark not accepted). For voter convenience, completed ballots can be dropped off inside the Registrar of Voters Office daily during business hours or 24 hours a day in the locked drop box outside our main entrance. Ballots received after 8 p.m. on Election Day cannot be counted. Should you have any questions concerning this UDEL Election please use the contact information at the top of this letter to reach our office. We look forward to counting your vote with your participation on November 3 rd. Sincerely, ___________________________ Barbara Dunmore Registrar of Voters BD RV 023-001 RV 023-002 SAMPLE BALLOT / BALOTA EJEMPLAR CONSOLIDATED UDEL ELECTION / ELECCIÓN CONSOLIDADA DE UDEL November 3, 2009 / 3 de noviembre de 2009 Mark your choices on your sample ballot, then refer to it when you vote / Marque sus opciones en su balota ejemplar y folleto de infomación, luego, refiérase a el cuando esté votando SCHOOL / ESCOLAR CITY / CIUDAD PALO VERDE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE PALO VERDE CITY OF BLYTHE CIUDAD DE BLYTHE Governing Board Member Miembro Junta Gobernante City Council Member Miembro del Concejo Municipal Vote for no more than Two Vote por no más de Dos Vote for no more than Three Vote por no más de Tres ALFONSO "SONNY" HERNANDEZ QUENTON E. HANSON NORMAN C. GUITH ROBERT A. CRAIN ROBERT E. JENSEN OSCAR G. GALVAN JOHN M. ULMER SAM PATEL PATRICIA "PAT" BOLTON JOSEPH "JOEY" DE CONINCK JIM SMALLWOOD WILLIAM "WILLIE" J. SMITH General Building Contractor Contratista general de construcción Educator Educador Retired School Administrator Administrador escolar jubilado Farmer Agricultor Retired District Employee Empleada distrital jubilada Retired Instructor Instructor jubilado Small Business Developer Urbanizador de pequeña empresa Incumbent Titular Retired Driver Conductor jubilado Small Business Owner Propietario de pequeña empresa Businessman / Farmer Empresario / Agricultor Businessman / College Administrator Empresario / Administrador universitario MIKE MC ANDREW Real Estate Broker Corredor de bienes raíces BEVERLY A. MAYS Incumbent Titular City Clerk Secretario Municipal Vote for One Vote por Uno BEVERLY LANG Deputy City Clerk Secretaria municipal adjunta MALLORY SUTTERFIELD City Manager's Assistant Asistente de Administrador municipal CA33-1-023 (2C) RV 023-003 SAMPLE BALLOT / BALOTA EJEMPLAR CONSOLIDATED UDEL ELECTION / ELECCIÓN CONSOLIDADA DE UDEL November 3, 2009 / 3 de noviembre de 2009 Mark your choices on your sample ballot, then refer to it when you vote / Marque sus opciones en su balota ejemplar y folleto de infomación, luego, refiérase a el cuando esté votando CITY / CIUDAD CITY OF BLYTHE CIUDAD DE BLYTHE Treasurer Tesorero Vote for One Vote por Uno LEANN KAY MARTIN Incumbent Titular MEASURE(S) SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS MEDIDA(S) SOMETIDAS A LOS VOTANTES In order to make up lost funding and provide adequate funding for public safety, street and park maintenance, tourist promotion and other services/projects for the residents of the City of Blythe, shall the City's tax on transient occupancies ("Hotel Bed Tax" and "TOT"), collected by hotels from tourists, visitors to the City and all hotel guests, be increased by 3% from 10% to 13% of the daily room charge. A fin de recuperar la pérdida de financiamiento y contar con fondos adecuados para la salud pública, el mantenimiento de las calles y los parques, la promoción del turismo y otros servicios y proyectos para los residentes de la Ciudad de Blythe, ¿deberá aumentarse el impuesto municipal sobre la ocupación transitoria (“Impuesto a las Camas de Hotel” y “TOT”), que los hoteles cobran a los turistas, a los que visitan la Ciudad y a todos los huéspedes de hoteles en un 3%, del 10% al 13% del cargo diario de la habitación? H Yes / Sí No / No CA33-2-C1 RV 023-004 VOTER’S�PAMPHLET�INFORMATION�SECTION The following pages contain voter information applicable to your ballot which may include any/all of the following items: � � � � � CANDIDATE STATEMENTS BALLOT MEASURES ANALYSES ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT & IN OPPOSITION TEXT OF MEASURE(S) This pamphlet section may not contain a complete list of candidates. A complete list of candidates appears on the Sample Ballot section of this pamphlet. Each candidate’s statement in this pamphlet is volunteered by the candidate and is printed at the expense of the candidate unless otherwise determined by the governing body. Deposit amounts required for publication of candidate statements are listed in the candidate handbook at Candidate statements represent the views of candidates and are not endorsed by the County of Riverside. Internet web site addresses included in candidate statements and arguments are provided by the authors. The�County�of�Riverside�assumes�no�liability�for�the�accuracy�or�content�of�web�sites�listed�therein. Arguments in support of or in opposition to the proposed laws are opinions of the authors and are not endorsed by the County of Riverside. The text, grammar, and spelling are as submitted by the authors. POLLING�PLACE�REMINDER NO�ELECTIONEERING! All�electioneering,�voter�solicitation,�etc.�is�prohibited�within�100�feet�in�any direction�of�the�room�where�voters�are�casting�ballots. Avoid wearing or displaying campaign buttons, hats, t-shirts, and other political items. CALIFORNIA�ELECTIONS�CODE�§§18370,�18371 CONSTANT-33-VP8ELEC (REVISED 11-03-09) RV 023-005 CANDIDATE STATEMENT FOR GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER, PALO VERDE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT NORMAN C. GUITH OCCUPATION: Educator EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS: CANDIDATE STATEMENT FOR GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER, PALO VERDE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AGE: 69 With 47 years of experience and dedicated service at all levels of public education, I offer a proven track record of advocacy for the students and the families of the Palo Verde Unified School District. I’ve been a volunteer fire fighter in Riverside County for 17 years, a Rotary Club member and I am active in my church. I earned a doctorate in Education from the University of Southern California, and I know first-hand the importance and impact a good education can have on the future of a child. Providing a quality education for our students is my #1 goal for our 3600 students. We have outstanding teachers, and a quality support staff, and with their help our students have made dramatic strides in academic achievement in the past several years. However, there is still need for improvement. With experience and passion, I will work to see our schools through these difficult budget times, so that our students can be prepared for all the opportunities available to them. I hope to continue my work to bring more openness, accountability, and fiscal discipline to the Palo Verde Unified School District. I would be honored to have your support and vote. JOHN M. ULMER OCCUPATION: Farmer EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS: AGE: 49 My family came to the Palo Verde Valley in 1937 and we have been farming the same land successfully since then. I am a product of our local schools, and my five children have all attended public school here in Blythe. I attended PVUSD’s schools and studied Agriculture Economics at Brigham Young University. For over 70 years, my family has advanced through the opportunities provided by our community’s educational system. For 22 years my wife, Terri and I have been involved in all aspects of our children’s educations, from kindergarten through college, and in those 22 years. I have recently observed a marked decline in the educational opportunities available to the students of PVUSD. As a businessman, I understand the importance of utilizing limited resources, maintaining satisfied employees and employing quality management practices in every aspect of a business. I believe the students of Palo Verde Unified are deserving of a quality education, and the community deserves an open, transparent, and efficient PVUSD administration. I declare my candidacy out of obligation to the children that are continuing to strive for excellence without the necessary support or resources currently being provided at PVUSD. Please support my efforts with your vote. Thank you. 33-2600-4 RV 023-006 CANDIDATE�STATEMENT�FOR CITY�COUNCIL�MEMBER, CITY�OF�BLYTHE QUENTON�E.�HANSON OCCUPATION: Executive�Director,�Small�Business Economic�Development�Center EDUCATION�AND�QUALIFICATIONS: CANDIDATE�STATEMENT�FOR CITY�COUNCIL�MEMBER, CITY�OF�BLYTHE AGE: 63 I am very concerned with the current situation of our nation, this state, and the City of Blythe, and thus have decided to run for City Council. Something is seriously wrong when a City the size of Blythe has deficits for the last nine out of ten years, and accumulates over a $3 million deficit. The members of the City Council, have for far too long, been saying “Yes” when they should have said “No”, spending every dime of revenue which came in, and failing to establish any type of “Rainy Day” fund. Thus, when the economy faltered, drastic action to cut expenditures was required. Furthermore, the knee jerk reaction to attempt to raise revenue through higher taxes on local businesses during a�recession�is�foolhardy. What�do�I�support? • A�balanced�budget�each�and�every�year�without�any�new�taxes. • Establishment of a business friendly City with a “Can do” rather than “Can’t�Do”�attitude. • Establishment�of�a�“Rainy�Day”�fund. • Term�limits�for�City�Council�members. • I�will�strive�to�serve�you�in�accordance�with�Proverbs�19:20. OSCAR�G.�GALVAN OCCUPATION: Retired�UPS�Driver EDUCATION�AND�QUALIFICATIONS: I am a lifelong resident of this community. I married my wife 43 years ago and we raised our family here. I have been involved with coaching Little League, boys’ basketball, girls softball and other sports. I continue my active role volunteering to maintain the grounds at Palo Verde Cemetery and�Blythe�Municipal�Golf�Course. I worked for UPS for 30 years as a service provider. Through this work experience I learned discipline, problem solving, responsibility and to take pride in the service I provided my customers while being a positive representative of my employer. On a personal level, those who know me know I am honest, truthful and sincere in my intentions. I believe these qualities will serve me well as a City Council member. The city needs representatives who will represent them well, look for sound solutions to complex problems, have a positive attitude toward growth and economic stability and have a sincere concern for the citizens - the youth, elderly, students, laborers, professionals, commerce/business or service providers. We all want our community to prosper, and if elected, I will represent you with�honesty,�integrity�and�in�the�best�interest�for�all. I�humbly�request�and�seek�your�support�and�vote�on�November�3rd. CANDIDATE�STATEMENT�FOR CITY�COUNCIL�MEMBER, CITY�OF�BLYTHE CANDIDATE�STATEMENT�FOR CITY�COUNCIL�MEMBER, CITY�OF�BLYTHE SAM�PATEL OCCUPATION: Small�Business�Owner EDUCATION�AND�QUALIFICATIONS: AGE: 69 JOSEPH�“JOEY”�A.�DE-CONINCK OCCUPATION: Businessman�/�Farmer EDUCATION�AND�QUALIFICATIONS: AGE: 55 Thirty one years ago I bought my first business in Blythe, and in the last 20 years I have been doing business at my present location. As a small business owner and operator of a small motel I know how to work with�people�and�cooperate�with�other�businesses�for�mutual�benefit. My name is Joseph “Joey” DeConinck. I am running for a second term on the Blythe City Council. I don’t think four years ago anyone could have possibly envisioned the financial mess our country, state and our city are currently�experiencing. I am an active member of the Blythe Chamber of Commerce. Last year I had the privilege to serve as President of Chamber. That experience has taught me teamwork, as well as the leadership know how to carry out tough decisions. As a council person I can provide that leadership our city currently needs. In my experience of business finance and running the same business for 20 years, one thing I have learned is how�to�balance�the�books. For the last four years I have faithfully served our community and I find myself even more committed and passionate about finding the safest and surest way to navigate through these troubled times. The four years of experience and education I have gained will be put to good use during my second term. I am committed to continue building upon the relationships that I have fostered with other governing bodies ie. the Hospital District, School District and Cemetery Board. Together we will find�the�best�way�through I am pro-business. By providing the leadership and supporting our small businesses we can improve the life of our citizens by providing jobs. Our city needs growth and we can achieve that growth through small�business�development.�We�can�do�that�one�business�at�a�time. As your council person I will work hard for you. My motto is “Smaller government,�responsible�government.” By�Sam�Patel (760)�922-5145 I have made Blythe my home since 1972. My wife and I own two local businesses located in the downtown redevelopment area. I farm approximately 3,000 acres of land in the Palo Verde Valley. Both my farming and business ventures create employment for 14 year-round employees�and�100�seasonal�employees. For me to enjoy my success my community must also succeed. I am committed�to�that�end. 33-3100-8 RV 023-007 CANDIDATE STATEMENT FOR CITY CLERK, CITY OF BLYTHE BEVERLY K. LANG OCCUPATION: City Employee EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS: CANDIDATE STATEMENT FOR CITY CLERK, CITY OF BLYTHE AGE: 56 I have been a Departmental Assistant for the City of Blythe for 4 years, one of those years as Deputy City Clerk. Before coming to work for the City I worked 10 years in banking. My husband and I moved to Blythe 12 years ago and enjoy the feel of small town life. I enjoy working for the City of Blythe and hope you will vote for me as your City Clerk. MALLORY SUTTERFIELD OCCUPATION: Administrative Assistant EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS: AGE: 25 I was born and raised in Blythe and am a 2001 graduate of Palo Verde High School. After high school I attended California Baptist University in Riverside, California where I earned a Bachelors of Science Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and a Masters of Business Administration with a concentration in Management. I began my career at the City of Blythe four years ago and am currently the Assistant to the City Manager among other job duties. Working in the Administration Department I have learned a lot about local government and believe that I have the knowledge needed to perform the duties of City Clerk. A vote for me is a vote for a dedicated and hardworking individual who looks forward to serving this community as City Clerk. Thank you for your support! 33-3120-9 RV 023-008 IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS OF MEASURE “H” Shall the ordinance increasing the Transient Occupancy Tax from ten (10) percent to thirteen (13) percent be adopted? The City of Blythe currently imposes a tax in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the rent charged to persons who stay at a hotel within the Blythe City limits. This tax is called the transient occupancy tax (“TOT”). The tax is paid by the hotel room occupant directly to the hotel operator at the time the occupant pays his or her hotel bill. Hotel operators hold the collected taxes in trust for the benefit of the City and remit the taxes monthly or quarterly to the City tax administrator. If this measure is approved by the electorate, the TOT shall increase by three percent (3%) from the present ten percent (10%) to thirteen (13%). Therefore, if this measure is approved, a person who stays in a hotel within the City of Blythe will pay thirteen percent (13%) of the rent charged by the hotel operator as a TOT. All of the TOT revenues collected by the City shall continue to be used for City of Blythe general fund purposes. The ordinance proposed by this ballot measure will be adopted if this measure is approved by a simple majority of those electors voting on the measure at the November 3, 2009 election. A “yes” vote would approve an increase in the City’s TOT by three percent (3%). A “no” vote would reject the proposed three percent (3%) increase in the City’s TOT. Dated August 5, 2009 BLYTHE CITY ATTORNEY BY: J. Scott Zundel The above statement is an impartial analysis of Measure “H”. If you desire a copy of the measure, please call the elections official’s office at (760) 922-6161 x 221 and a copy will be mailed at no cost to you. 33-9006-M7 RV 023-009 ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE “H” REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE “H” The Transient Occupancy Tax, often referred to as the “bed tax”, is paid by anyone renting a hotel or motel room and virtually all cities in California charge the tax. The argument “FOR” Measure “H” is a clear reflection of the deception and myopic view government has relative to taxes — They imply that you will not have to pay them and this increase will do no harm. It is important to note that this tax is not usually paid by local residents and is never paid by the hotel/motel owners so this cannot be considered a tax on local businesses. Since rooms are typically rented by visitors and travelers, it is safe to say that residents won’t be taxed in any manner unless they rent a room. The argument is deceptive in that it tells you about an additional $3 per night in the scenario presented, yet they do not tell you the full truth — that this ballot measure is seeking a 30% increase from 10% to 13%, and thus, the $100 hotel room will actually have a total of $13 in taxes added to the bill. To put the proposed increase into perspective, let’s say that the room rental rate is $100 per night. The increase will result in an additional $3 per night charged to the person renting the room. The only responsibility of the innkeeper is to collect the tax, as he/she is already required to do, and mail it to City Hall on a monthly basis. As such, this tax increase will not cause any more work for the innkeepers. They assume that you will not have family or friends in town who will need to rent a hotel room. It fails to account for the fact that the additional 30% in taxes paid for a hotel room means that this visitor does not have that tax money to spend at a local restaurant, store, or other small business. It will directly impact, negativity, the profitability of our small business sector Of the additional money to be received by the City, one-third of it will be earmarked for tourist promotion. Our community relies heavily on the money spent by tourists and visitors so it makes sense that additional promotion of the city will translate into more outside dollars coming to it. The City refused to commit in the actual ballot measure the purposes for this tax increase so we are supposed to believe them now? The remaining amount of the increase will be used for essential City services such as police and fire protection, parks, and street maintenance, to name a few. By: Support responsible government, vote NO on Measure “H”. Shanker (Sam) Patel In summary, this increase will be paid mostly by those living outside the city, it will be a very small increase, the monies will be used to help keep Blythe residents and visitors safe, and it will promote the city. Vote YES on Measure “H”, there is no reason not to! By: Jeff Wade, President-Blythe Police Officers’ Assoc. Richard Crabb, Vice President Blythe Police Officers Assoc. Debbie White-Hoel, President Blythe Chamber of Commerce 33-9006-M8 RV 023-010 ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE “H” REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE “H” The question which each citizen, voter, and taxpayer must ask is “When is enough, enough?” The City of Blythe in this ballot measure is seeking a 30% increase (from 10% to 13%) in the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) currently assessed on each hotel/motel room rented in Blythe. The additional taxes raised forever more, will go into the general fund to be spent wherever and whenever, as desired by the City Council. The opponents of this popular tax on visitors would have you believe that this is a tax on small businesses. This is NOT the case; only those renting a room are responsible for paying the tax, THERE IS NO TAX BURDEN WHATSOEVER on any business! The City of Blythe has run a deficit balance in nine out of the last ten years, amassing a deficit of over $3 million. These were good economic years for the nation’s expanding economy and yet our City Council managed to spend every dime they took in plus some. Now as the economy faces sever challenges, the City decides that it has a “fiscal emergency,” needs additional tax revenue. When is enough, enough? The City of Blythe has made some cuts, but more could and should be made. Taxpayers simply cannot afford to support the level and size of government which is now in place. Trying to raise taxes upon our small businesses within our community during a recession is foolish. While the TOT tax is higher in some communities, the majority of those communities have large convention centers and tourist operations directly supported by those taxes. Blythe does not. The City has ignored ALL suggestions of moderation in the drafting of this tax increase measure — outright rejecting a “sunset” clause for its termination, and was not even willing to specifically earmark and direct a portion of the funds raised for future growth of tourism and economic development for our local community. Enough is enough! Furthermore, the opponents would have you believe that the additional monies will not be used to promote tourism but that is clearly incorrect. Once again, fully one-third of the new income will be dedicated to tourist promotion. Wouldn’t it be great to have someone else besides Blythe residents help to fund the police and fire departments and to contribute to the cost of maintaining parks and repairing streets? That’s exactly what will happen if you vote Yes on Measure “H”. Visitors and others stopping overnight will be contributing their money, NOT YOURS, to these costs. We here in Blythe are taxed enough so why not let visitors share in the expense of the services they also use? They will if you vote Yes on Measure “H”! Have you ever wondered what your tax money goes for when you stay at a motel in another city? Your money, and not that of the residents, goes towards the same costs in those cities so why should Blythe be any different? The best taxes are those imposed upon other people, not Blythe residents! If you want strangers to pour money into the local community, while you pay nothing, vote Yes on Measure “H”! There’s no reason not to! Be a responsible citizen and vote NO on this ill-conceived tax increase. By: Shanker (Sam) Patel By: Jeff Wade, President-Blythe Police Officers’ Assoc. Richard Crabb, Vice-Pres. Blythe Police Officers’ Assoc. Debbie White-Hoel, President Blythe Chamber of Commerce 33-9006-M9 RV 023-011 In 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau will issue the call for every resident of our nation to “Be Counted.” Here are some reasons why the 2010 Census is important to you! x x x x Over $300 billion are distributed to states, counties and cities based on the results of the census. That equals about $1,000 per person per year until the next Census in 2020. Census data affects your voice in Congress by determining how many seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives. Census data is used to determine how many California Assembly and Senate seats will be in Riverside County. Census data is used to draw the district boundaries for the County Board of Supervisors, some City Council districts, Board of Education Districts, and other special districts. Do your part to ensure Riverside County is accurately counted. If you have any questions visit Constant-33-CENSUS RV 023-012 FROM — REMITE FIRST CLASS POSTAGE ________________________________ ________________________________ PLACE STAMP HERE PONGA ESTAMPILLA AQUI ________________________________ DID YOU SIGN YOUR APPLICATION? ¿FIRMO USTED SU SOLICITUD? REGISTRAR OF VOTERS 2724 GATEWAY DRIVE RIVERSIDE CA 92507-0923 NOTICE TO THE VOTER WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: A “YES” or “NO” printed under the disabled symbol/arrow on the back cover of this pamphlet indicates whether or not your assigned polling place is accessible to physically disabled voters. Please be advised of the following alternate ways you may cast your ballot. ! ! ! By mail. You may request a vote-by-mail ballot. Simply complete the application on the back cover of this pamphlet. The application must be mailed to reach the Registrar of Voters Office by the deadline given. Early Voting. You may vote at the Registrar of Voters office located at 2724 Gateway Drive, Riverside, October 5 - November 2, Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; and Election Day, November 3, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Curbside Voting on Election Day. If you are unable to enter the polling place due to a physical disability, you may request Curbside Voting at your assigned polling place. Upon arrival at the polling place, you will be allowed to vote in a location as near as possible to the entrance that is accessible to the physically disabled. If you require Curbside Voting, please call 1-877-663-9906 before going to your assigned polling place and/or when you arrive at the facility. An Election Officer will be contacted prior to your arrival to meet you at the curb. 33-AV-4 (REVISED 11-03-09) REGISTRAR OF VOTERS 2724 GATEWAY DRIVE RIVERSIDE, CA 92507-0918 NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID Registrar of Voters Riverside VOTE-BY-MAIL BALLOT APPLICATION SOLICITUD PARA UNA BALOTA PARA VOTAR-POR-CORREO APPLICATION MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 27, 2009 ê APLICACIÓN TIENE QUE SER RECIBIDA NO MAS TARDE DEL 27 DE OCTUBRE DE 2009 I hereby request a ballot for the Consolidated UDEL Election, November 3, 2009. ê Por la presente solicito una balota para la Elección Consolidada del UDEL, 3 de noviembre de 2009. PLEASE PRINT: MAIL BALLOT TO: Imprima el nombre como está registrado NAME AS REGISTERED ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) Dirección postal (si es diferente) RESIDENCE ADDRESS AS REGISTERED/Imprima la dirección de su residencia como registrado CITY CITY Ciudad STATE Estado ZIP Ciudad STATE Estado ZIP Zona Postal Zona Postal I declare, under penalty of perjury that the information provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Declaro bajo pena del perjurio que la información proporcionada es verdad y correcta al mejor de mi conocimiento. SIGNATURE REQUIRED FIRMA REQUERIDA Ä SIGNATURE OF VOTER Firma del votante DATE Fecha ¤ POSTMASTER DELIVER TO ¤ ¨üCheck this box to request PERMANENT VOTE-BY-MAIL status. Marque esta caja para solicitar y ser un votante permanente de votar-por-correo. üYou May Cast Your Vote Early BALLOT TYPE 023 At THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE 2724 Gateway Drive, Riverside, CA VOTE EARLY October 5 through November 2 IT’S QUICK IT’S EASY IT’S CONVENIENT Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Election Day November 3 GET OUT OF LINE ON ELECTION DAY! 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. VOTE-BY-MAIL ************************** IMPORTANT NOTICE!!! Accessible Voting Unit available at all polling locations. TO MARK YOUR VOTE DRAW A LINE LOCATION OF YOUR POLLING PLACE ê UBICACION DE SU URNA DE VOTACION ê ACCESS? à ¿ACCESO? VOTE!!! For a demonstration on marking your ballot visit
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