HEAT GENIE USER & INSTALLER MANUAL HEAT GENIE MANUAL INDEX INDEX.....................................................................................................................2 01 | INTRODUCTION FOR USER AND INSTALLER.................................3 02 | MODES OF OPERATION .........................................................................5 03 | MOUNTING OF THE HEAT GENIE ......................................................7 04 | PORT CONNECTIONS .............................................................................8 05 | GENERAL INSTALLATION INFORMATION ...................................16 06 | TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................24 07 | SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS & DIMENSIONS ...................................26 V3.8 This specification relates to the Heat Genie Solid Fuel Link-up family. It specifies operating conditions and installation requirements for the Heat Genie assuring correct and safe operation. The Heat Genie should only be installed by suitably qualified personnel. Systemlink accepts no responsibility for installation and use of Heat Genie equipment unless these requirements are strictly adhered to. Systemlink reserves the right to amend this specification and the Heat Genie product configuration as it sees fit. 2 01 | I NTRODUCTION F O R U SE R AN D I N S T A L L E R Thank‐you for purchasing the SystemLink Heat Genie product. In the box you will find: • • • • • • The Heat Genie with Auto Air Vent Thermal Safety Valve with remote probe (standard 1.3m length) SystemLex Wiring Centre Strainer (to be installed on the return line from heating system into Heat Genie) Installation Manual Mounting Shelf Heat Genie is a fully insulated central heating Link‐up device that joins an open‐vented solid fuel boiler to a new or existing heating system whether that system is open‐vented or sealed. The Heat Genie ensures complete hydraulic separation between the solid fuel appliance and the heating system. Description of operation for the User: When the system has electrical power, in normal operation, when a fire is lit in the solid fuel appliance and it comes up to temperature, the pipe stat causes the pumps to run to dissipate heat from the solid fuel appliance to the hot water cylinder and when the hot water cylinder is up to temperature it sends heat to the heating. In a fault situation, for example, if there is a power cut, the solid fuel appliance then begins to gravity flow to the Heat Genie (hot water rises by natural convection). If the solid fuel o appliance reaches a critical level of temperature of 95 C the thermal safety valve opens and cold water is allowed to flow through the Heat Genie, thereby keeping the solid fuel appliance from overheating. For Thermal Safety Valve Maintenance refer to page 17. Further Information for the Installer: Heat Genie should be installed by a competent person and in accordance with local regulations. With the Heat Genie you can heat any zone or heat sink with either the solid fuel heat source or other linked heat source such as an oil or gas boiler. All heat dissipation and safety elements for the solid fuel heat source are handled by the Heat Genie whereas typically a cylinder coil or heat‐leak radiator would be required. Heat Genie can also provide rapid domestic hot water heating from the solid fuel heat source and gives the ability to provide near instantaneous hot water to baths, showers and taps. When wired as shown Heat Genie gives priority to the solid fuel heat source when it is lit/running, heating hot water (DHW) first and when DHW is up to temperature switching over to heating. The Heat Genie o operation is dependant on a pipe thermostat which is typically set to 60‐65 C. This reduces the dependency on fossil fuels and saves money. 3 There is one input circuit and two output circuits connected to the Heat Genie. The input circuit comes from the solid fuel appliance. The solid fuel appliance will always be open‐vented. The first output circuit goes to the heating system. The decision to use an open or sealed heating system design is entirely at the discretion of the installer as Heat Genie will work equally well with both types of system. The second output circuit is the safety cooling circuit. This can be from a pressurised or open‐vented cold water supply. It must be a reliable cold water supply in the event of a power cut. Note the safety cooling circuit cold water supply must not be taken from the stove feed/vent tank as it contains heating water treated with corrosion inhibitor etc. The choice of system must, however, be fully compliant with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the particular heat sources to be used. The use of plastic pipe is forbidden on all pipework directly connected to the Heat Genie and in general should be avoided on a solid fuel system. Of course an existing system may have plastic pipe already installed in the main heating system and this can be acceptable provided the stove is not oversized as this could lead to very hot water being pumped into the heating system. Special attention must be given to underfloor heating which normally requires lower flow temperature than a stove will typically output. To avoid damage to floors the use of a mixing valve on the underfloor heating input is strongly advised. CAUTION! If the Heat Genie is installed in an area where limescale is present in the water and the Rapid Domestic Hot Water is connected through the safety heat exchanger as shown in the example on page 7 or in Scenario 2 on page 13, then the water must be treated with a water softener. Otherwise there is the possibility that limescale could block the flow of cold water through the capillary safety valve and the heat exchanger on the opposite side of the solid fuel appliance. This will lead to an unsafe situation. Heat Exchangers damaged by scaling are not covered by warranty. If the water exceeds the values below a water softener should be installed: Total Total Chlorides Magnesium pH Dissolved Calcium Sodium Iron Description Hardness Solids (TDS) Maximum Recommended 6.59.0 600 mg/litre 150 mg/litre 300 mg/litre 10 mg/litre 20 mg/litre 150 mg/litre 1 mg/litre Levels hot water is continuously discharged CAUTION! If during normal operation for long periods from the safety cooling circuit, seek advice from a competent heating engineer. Persistent discharge should not be tolerated. 4 02 | M ODES OF O PERATION Using Solid Fuel Boiler to heat zones Heating Header Tank Overflow Double Check Filling Loop Expansion Vessel All Pipework must be insulated to a very high standard to minimise convection heat losses. P P6 SpiroZone5 Heat Genie C Close-coupled feed/vent. No more than 150mm apart. D P5 A E F Hot Domestic Hot Water Cylinder B CWS To Drain Gas/Oil Boiler Safety Cooling Circuit CWS Rads Rads Using Gas/Oil Boiler to heat zones Heating Header Tank Overflow Double Check Filling Loop Expansion Vessel All Pipework must be insulated to a very high standard to minimise convection heat losses. P P6 SpiroZone5 Heat Genie C D A P5 Close-coupled feed/vent. No more than 150mm apart. E F Hot Domestic Hot Water Cylinder B CWS To Drain Gas/Oil Boiler Safety Cooling Circuit CWS Rads Rads 5 Rapid Heating of Cylinder from Solid Fuel Source (if connected) Heating Header Tank Overflow All Pipework must be insulated to a very high standard to minimise convection heat losses. Double Check Filling Loop Expansion Vessel P P6 Heat Genie C Close-coupled feed/vent. No more than 150mm apart. D P5 SpiroZone5 A E B F CWS Hot To Drain Safety Cooling Circuit Gas/Oil Boiler CWS Rads Rads Power Failure - Safety - Capillary Valve Heating Header Tank Overflow Double Check Filling Loop Expansion Vessel All Pipework must be insulated to a very high standard to minimise convection heat losses. P P6 SpiroZone5 Heat Genie C D A P5 Close-coupled feed/vent. No more than 150mm apart. E F Hot Domestic Hot Water Cylinder B CWS To Drain Gas/Oil Boiler Safety Cooling Circuit CWS Rads Rads 6 03 | M OUNTING OF THE H EAT G ENIE General Information When considering where to mount the Heat Genie, allow adequate space for pumps and other connected equipment. Dimensions can be found on page 26. The Heat Genie should be mounted no more than 3 metres horizontally away from the solid fuel appliance with all pipework having a continuous rise to it. The Heat Genie can be mounted using the shelf provided or alternatively due to its light weight can be supported by its bracketed connecting pipe‐work. Noise Considerations Heat Genie should be installed with adequate support for pumps and pipework such that noise and vibration from pump circulation is minimized. Orientation Heat Genie must be installed in a vertical orientation as shown in Figure 1. It must not be installed on the side, or in any orientation other than shown, due to the thermosyphoning principles that Heat Genie can operate under in certain scenarios. There is a sticker on the Heat Genie pipework just below the air vent with an arrow pointing to the top side. It is possible to swap the short loop linking the heat exchangers from the left side (as shown below in Figure 1) to the right side (as shown in Figure 2), if it is more convenient for installation. If this is done, all other connection must also swap sides, i.e. A, B will swap from bottom left to bottom right. 7 04 | P ORT C ONNECTIONS Please see Figure 1 & Figure 2 below to explain the symbols used to identify the various types of port connections. Heat Genie must be installed according to these symbols to prevent any problems or voiding of warranty. Note ports D & E can have a dual function if the ‘rapid hot water from solid fuel’ option is used. Connect the included Auto Air Vent using the 312 compression fitting (also included) to the ½” pipe stub. AAV C D Return from Heating System Safety Circuit Overflow to Drain Mount this way up Only Solid Fuel Return A E Mains Water Flow In Solid Fuel Flow B F Flow to Heating System Figure 1 8 AAV Return from Heating System Safety Circuit Overflow to Drain C D Mount this way up Only Mains Water Flow In E A Solid Fuel Return Flow to Heating System F B Solid Fuel Flow Figure 2 Please note ancillary devices such as expansion vessels/tanks or air vents are not shown in these schematics for Domestic Hot Water as DHW can be open vented or pressurised. These schematics are for illustrative purposes only. Installation Scenarios: There are a number of different installation scenarios for the Heat Genie, which depend on the appliances to be installed or already installed. You will find schematics relating to them on the following pages. Many of them show a fully pumped system zoned using a SystemLink SpiroZone manifold. SpiroZone is a zoning and neutralising manifold with built‐in bypass. It should be noted that it is not necessary to have a SpiroZone to install a Heat Genie however we do recommend it as the most reliable method for link‐up and zoning. If you have a non‐standard installation please contact us for advise. 9 Scenario 1 – Mechanical Schematic ‐ Unvented fully pumped manifold heating system with open‐vented solid fuel appliance with standard hot water heating. Gas/Oil Boiler P Double Check Filling Loop Automatic Air Valve Motorised Valve Circulating Pump Drain Cock DW Pressurisation Pump Strainer Direction Arrow P6 Pressure Guage Hot Temperature Guage Rads P Temperature Sensor LEGEND T Expansion Vessel Temperature Relief Valve Rads By-Pass Valve Motorised Valve Isolating Valve Flow Regulating Valve Pressure Reducing Valve Non Return Valve Safety Valve CWS Domestic Hot Water Cylinder Safety Cooling Circuit To Drain Heat Genie C D F E B A All Pipework must be insulated to a very high standard to minimise convection heat losses. CWS Overflow Heating Header Tank P5 Probe End Rev: 001 Drawing No. Close-coupled feed/vent. No more than 150mm apart. Example: Heating Schematic Sealed System with Open Vented Solid Fuel Stove, Oil/Gas Boiler, 1 Radiator Zone, 1 Underfloor Heating Zone, 1 DHW Zone Heating/Cooling/Safety Heat Exchangers Scale: NTS Notes Information SpiroZone has a valve controlled by−pass for greater efficiency. This ensures complete seperation of the hot flow and cooler return water within the manifold. Because of this, a standard spring loaded Non−return valve is required on each circuit connected to a SpiroZone. This schematic shows the key components in the mechanical system and the list of materials shown is non−exhaustive. All systems should be installed in accordance with building regulations and by a qualified installer. The schematic is a representation of a heating system and Systemlink will not be held responsible for any errors shown. SystemLink C2 South City Business Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Tel: 00-353-(0)1 4031200 Fax: 00-353-(0)1 4137777 e:mail, [email protected] e:mail, [email protected] 10 SpiroZone5 Scenario 1 – Electrical Schematic ‐ Unvented fully pumped manifold heating system with open‐vented solid fuel appliance with standard hot water heating. SystemLex Control Wiring. Isolated Power Supply 'Live' & 'Neutral' Tracks already exist on the SystemLex and need not be installed ' Lex-Links ' already exist on the SystemLex and need not be installed 57 58 5amp Zone 1 Living Area Clock N 1 amp 11 Zone 2 Bedroom Area 21 Lex-link N.C. Com. 12 Lex-link N.C. Com. N.O. Com. Clock 22 14 Neutral 15 N.C. N.O. Com. L 2 N L 3 N 26 L 4 N 36 16 Lex-link Stat 23 N.O. Lex-link Stat 13 N.O. N 1 amp ' Installer-Links ' MUST be fitted by the installing engineer Neutral Track Live Track 24 Neutral 25 N.C. Aux Relay Zone 3 DHW Clock N 1 amp 31 Lex-link N.C. Com. 32 33 Cylinder Stat N.O. Com. N.O. Lex-link 75 74 34 35 N.C. Showing Heat Dissipation 1st to DHW zone until satisfied and then switch over to Living Area heating. If heat dissipation to a 2nd heating zone is required, the 2-pole contactor supplied may be used to achieve this. 73 Heat Exchanger Pump L 6 N Solid Fuel Pipe Stat Solid Fuel PUMP N.O. 3 amp 55 Com. Auxiliary Closed Contacts Boiler 1 81 N.C. Control Boiler 1 F6 3 amp 53 72 71 61 L N 56 Boiler and Pump Oil Boiler Isolation Switch 62 54 L SystemLink C2 South City Business Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Tel: 00-353-(0)1 4031200 Fax: 00-353-(0)1 4137777 e:mail, [email protected] 5 1 N DETAILS Example - Controls Wiring Schematic with SystemLex Ref. Heat Genie - No Rapid DHW Scale: NTS Rev: 001 Drawn: Date: 08-10-12 To aid diagram clarity, EARTH connections are not shown but must be installed in accordance with manufacturers instructions 11 Scenario 2 ‐ Mechanical Schematic – Unvented fully pumped manifold heating system with open‐vented solid fuel appliance including rapid hot water heating of cylinder from solid fuel appliance only. Gas/Oil Boiler Expansion Vessel Temperature Relief Valve Rads By-Pass Valve Motorised Valve Isolating Valve Flow Regulating Valve Pressure Reducing Valve Non Return Valve Safety Valve P Double Check Filling Loop Rads Automatic Air Valve Motorised Valve Circulating Pump Drain Cock DW Pressurisation Pump Strainer Direction Arrow P6 Temperature Guage Pressure Guage Hot P Temperature Sensor LEGEND T CWS P7 Safety Cooling Circuit To Drain F E D Heat Genie C B A All Pipework must be insulated to a very high standard to minimise convection heat losses. CWS Overflow Heating Header Tank P5 Probe End Rev: 001 Drawing No. Close-coupled feed/vent. No more than 150mm apart. Example: Heating Schematic Sealed System with Open Vented Solid Fuel Stove, Oil/Gas Boiler, 1 Radiator Zone, 1 Underfloor Heating Zone, 1 DHW Zone Heating/Cooling/Safety Heat Exchangers Scale: NTS Notes Information SpiroZone has a valve controlled by−pass for greater efficiency. This ensures complete seperation of the hot flow and cooler return water within the manifold. Because of this, a standard spring loaded Non−return valve is required on each circuit connected to a SpiroZone. This schematic shows the key components in the mechanical system and the list of materials shown is non−exhaustive. All systems should be installed in accordance with building regulations and by a qualified installer. The schematic is a representation of a heating system and Systemlink will not be held responsible for any errors shown. SystemLink C2 South City Business Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Tel: 00-353-(0)1 4031200 Fax: 00-353-(0)1 4137777 e:mail, [email protected] e:mail, [email protected] 12 SpiroZone5 Scenario 2 ‐ Electrical Schematic – Unvented fully pumped manifold heating system with open‐vented solid fuel appliance including rapid hot water heating of cylinder from solid fuel appliance only. SystemLex Control Wiring. Isolated Power Supply 'Live' & 'Neutral' Tracks already exist on the SystemLex and need not be installed ' Lex-Links ' already exist on the SystemLex and need not be installed 57 58 5amp Zone 1 Living Area Clock N 1 amp 11 ' Installer-Links ' MUST be fitted by the installing engineer Neutral Track Live Track Lex-link N.C. Com. 12 N.O. Com. N.O. Lex-link Stat 13 14 Neutral 15 N.C. L 2 N L 3 N 16 73 Zone 2 Bedroom Area Clock N 1 amp 21 Zone 3 DHW N.C. Com. 22 31 Lex-link N.C. Com. N.O. Com. Clock 32 33 24 Neutral 25 N.C. Oil Boiler Cylinder Stat N.O. Com. N.O. Lex-link Stat 23 N.O. N 1 amp Lex-link Lex-link 34 26 DHW Pump 35 L N.C. 4 N 36 2-Pole Contactor Note the use of two cylinder stats. These should be positioned in the regular designated positions on the cylinder and are typically at similar heights. Of course if the user wishes the stove to heat only part of the cylinder before switching over to heating, the stove cylinder stat could be located at a higher level to accomodate this. A1 A2 11 12 14 41 42 44 Bronze PUMP L Solid Fuel Cylinder Stat N 52 Heat Ex. Pump 81 Com. 7 L 6 N Solid Fuel Pipe Stat Solid Fuel PUMP N.O. 3 amp 55 Com. Auxiliary Closed Contacts Boiler 1 L N.C. Control Boiler 1 F6 3 amp 53 72 71 61 N 56 Boiler and Pump Oil Boiler Isolation Switch 62 54 L SystemLink C2 South City Business Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Tel: 00-353-(0)1 4031200 Fax: 00-353-(0)1 4137777 e:mail, [email protected] 5 1 N DETAILS Example - Controls Wiring Schematic with SystemLex Ref. Complete System with rapid DHW from Solid Fuel Source Scale: NTS Rev: 001 Drawn: Date: 08-10-12 To aid diagram clarity, EARTH connections are not shown but must be installed in accordance with manufacturers instructions 13 Scenario 3 – Mechanical Schematic – Unvented motorised valve heating system with open‐vented solid fuel appliance with standard hot water heating. Double Check Filling Loop P P1 MV2 MV3 Direction Arrow P6 Strainer Expansion Vessel MV1 Motorised Valve DW Pressurisation Pump Hot Automatic Air Valve Drain Cock Boiler Rads Pressure Guage Circulating Pump Rads Temperature Guage CWS Temperature Relief Valve P Temperature Sensor LEGEND Isolating Valve By-Pass Valve T Motorised Valve Safety Valve Flow Regulating Valve Pressure Reducing Valve Non Return Valve DHW Safety Cooling Circuit To Drain F E D C B A Heat Genie All Pipework must be insulated to a very high standard to minimise convection heat losses. CWS Overflow Heating Header Tank P5 Probe End Stove Rev: 001 Drawing No. Close-coupled feed/vent. No more than 150mm apart. Example: Heating Schematic Sealed Motorised Valve System with Open Vented Solid Fuel Stove, Oil/Gas Boiler, 2 Radiator Zones, 1 DHW Zone Heating/Cooling/Safety Heat Exchangers Scale: NTS Notes Information SystemLink C2 South City Business Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Tel: 00-353-(0)1 4031200 Fax: 00-353-(0)1 4137777 e:mail, [email protected] e e:mail, [email protected] This schematic shows the key components in the mechanical system and the list of materials shown is non−exhaustive. All systems should be installed in accordance with building regulations and by a qualified installer. The schematic is a representation of a heating system and Systemlink will not be held responsible for any errors shown. SpiroZone has a valve controlled by−pass for greater efficiency. This ensures complete seperation of the hot flow and cooler return water within the manifold. Because of this, a standard spring loaded Non−return valve is required on each circuit connected to a SpiroZone. 14 Scenario 3 – Electrical Schematic ‐ Unvented motorised valve heating system with open‐vented solid fuel appliance with standard hot water heating. SystemLex Control Wiring. Isolated Power Supply 'Live' & 'Neutral' Tracks already exist on the SystemLex and need not be installed ' Lex-Links ' already exist on the SystemLex and need not be installed 57 58 11 Com. 12 Thermostat N.O. 13 N.O. Com. Motorised Valve N.C. Blue 1 amp Lex-link N.C. Orange Clock N Gray Zone 1 Living Area ' Installer-Links ' MUST be fitted by the installing engineer Neutral Track Brown 5amp Live Track Lex-link Neutral 15 14 16 Connector Com. 22 Thermostat N.O. 23 N.O. Com. Motorised Valve N.C. Orange Lex-link N.C. Blue 21 Gray Clock N 1 amp Brown Zone 2 Bedroom Area Lex-link Neutral 25 24 26 Connector Aux Relay 31 Com. 32 N.O. 33 Com. N.C. 74 Motorised Valve Orange 1 amp N.C. Thermostat N.O. Blue N Lex-link Gray Clock Brown 75 Zone 3 DHW Neutral Lex-link 34 35 36 Connector 73 Showing Heat Dissipation 1st to DHW zone until satisfied and then switch over to Living Area heating. If heat dissipation to a 2nd heating zone is required, the 2-pole contactor supplied may be used to achieve this. Heat Exchanger Pump L 6 N Solid Fuel Pipe Stat Solid Fuel PUMP N.O. 3 amp 55 Com. N.C. Auxiliary Closed Contacts Boiler 1 81 Control Boiler 1 F6 3 amp 53 72 71 61 L N 56 Boiler and Pump Oil Boiler Isolation Switch 62 54 L SystemLink C2 South City Business Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Tel: 00-353-(0)1 4031200 Fax: 00-353-(0)1 4137777 e:mail, [email protected] 5 1 N DETAILS Example - Controls Wiring Schematic with SystemLex Ref. Heat Genie - No Rapid DHW Zoning with Motorised Valves Scale: NTS Rev: 001 Drawn: Date: 12-07-13 To aid diagram clarity, EARTH connections are not shown but must be installed in accordance with manufacturers instructions 15 05 | G ENERAL I NSTALLATION I NFORMATION Thermal Safety Valve The safety valve is a thermal safety discharge valve and must be installed as per the following instructions and its manufacturer’s instructions which are included in its box. Care must be taken over the capillary tube, sheath and heat sensitive activation element to ensure that there is no damage that would cause the valve to operate incorrectly. The valve should be tested prior to commissioning of the system and periodic maintenance should be performed as outlined below. Both connections on the valve are ¾” BSP female threaded connections. The safety valve probe should be fitted either directly into the solid fuel appliance (if there’s a spare upper connection) or in a tee piece on the flow pipe coming from the solid fuel appliance immediately at the boiler outlet itself so that it may register the opening temperature of 95C. If installing in the stove ensure there is sufficient depth for the pocket before screwing it into position. If the valve is installed on the flow pipe there must be no other shut‐off device or valve between the safety valve and the solid fuel appliance. Safety circuit pipework (cold water supply in and hot out to drain) should be sized accordingly however it is recommended to use a minimum of ¾” pipework for this circuit. If the cold water storage tank is used to supply the safety circuit a minimum head height of 1m is desirable. All pipework from the solid fuel appliance to the Heat Genie and around the probe itself should be very well insulated to minimise losses and ensure the probe gets a correct reading of temperature. Flow to Heat Genie 1” or 28mm 312 Fitting ½” Increaser Flow from Stove Insert Probe Probe Pocket 1” or 28mm Solder Tee Figure 3 Mounting of Safety Valve Probe The cooling water safety supply flow rate should be set at a value sufficient to stop the solid fuel appliance from overheating when running at full load, without using more water than necessary. A 16 flow control valve can be used to set this flow rate and once set the valve adjustment lever should be removed to prevent tampering. The location of the thermal safety valve should be such that: it is accessible for testing, provides visual indication of valve operation and in the event of automatic discharge of water or steam the discharge should not create a hazard to persons or controls or components which affect the operation of the system. The orientation when fitted should prevent the accumulation of materials or water, internally or externally which could interfere with its operation. Where a pipe is fitted to discharge to the exterior of the dwelling, it should be so arranged as to prevent the likelihood of its contents freezing. If during normal operation hot water is continuously discharged for long periods from the safety cooling circuit, seek advice from a competent heating engineer. Persistent discharge should not be tolerated. Note it is good practice to install a standard safety valve on the stove pipework in addition to the heating system side of the Heat Genie. Safety Valve Maintenance To ensure correct operation of the thermal safety drain over the long‐term, periodic drainage of the valve is required (at least once a year); to perform such operation, press the red discharge button located at the top of the valve head. Such operation allows cleaning of the seal seat where foreign particles can build up. Safety Valve Testing Initial testing of the safety valve to ensure correct operation prior to commissioning can be done first of all by pressing on the red button to confirm the valve opens freely and then by immersing the probe at the end of the capillary valve into a boiling kettle. This will open the valve and allow water to discharge through the valve. Further complete testing of the safety valve system should be carried out upon commissioning of the system. Acceptable Media A suitable and approved heating system corrosion inhibitor should be used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. The Heat Genie is compatible with water/propelyne glycol solutions in all concentrations, however, be aware that pump performance can be affected by changes in viscosity. Particulates of greater than 200 microns in size should be excluded. Prior to operation Heat Genie hydronic networks must be thoroughly flushed to remove flux residues, particulates and other extraneous material. Mild caustics (pH between 7 and 10) and/or biocides may be used for flushing purposes but must be thoroughly flushed after use. 17 Operating Temperature and Pressure o Heat Genie media temps must be in the range of 5 to 97 C. The max permissible service pressure is 4 bar gauge. If the heating system side of the Heat Genie is sealed a standard 3 bar safety valve should be fitted. The Heat Genie should not be exposed to water hammer effects or other pressure transients likely to exceed this limit. If danger of freezing is a possibility if left unused for long periods the circuit should be drained to avoid freeze damaging the Heat Genie. A close coupled feed and vent (no more than 150mm apart) is recommended to help prevent pumping over. The solid fuel appliance pump is always installed on the return pipework from the Heat Genie. Fill and expansion circuit equipment should be capable of withstanding temperatures of up to o 110 C. A minimum head height of 1 metre is desirable. Figure 4 Close Coupled Feed & Expansion Using Rapid Hot Water Heating from Solid Fuel Appliance If this option is used as shown in Scenario 2, it is important to note that water may be supplied from the Heat Genie at high temperature. This temperature is dependant on the flow rate of the rapid hot water pump circuit (Pump P7 Scenario 2), the temperature of the water being pumped from the bottom of the cylinder and the temperature of the solid fuel appliance. Therefore anti‐scald thermal 18 mixing valves should be installed on the DHW outlet as appropriate. It is worth noting also that the heating rate of the cylinder is dependent on the flow rate of the rapid hot water pump circuit and that the flow rate to the DHW outlets is dependent on the cold water supply as per usual, i.e. cold water storage tank height, mains supply pressure, booster pump etc. Please note that cold water supply flow rate must be more than rapid hot water pump flow rate. Commissioning of the Heat Genie System A thorough commissioning of the Heat Genie system should take place once all items have been installed correctly. Flow rates should be set. The solid fuel appliance and Heat Genie should be tested to ensure correct transfer of heat to the heating system. In fully zoned systems, some zones are designated to switch on automatically when the solid fuel appliance is running. Ensure these zones are switching on as expected even when the room and cylinder thermostats are switched off. Then the safety cooling circuit should be tested by cutting power to the pumps and ensuring that the thermal safety valve opens and allows cold water to flow through the Heat Genie so that cooling takes place as necessary. Wiring of the Heat Genie with SystemLex All wiring related to the SystemLex printed circuit board MUST be installed by a competent person and be in accordance with current statutory wiring regulations and any local regulations that apply. The power supply must be 230V AC~50Hz, Single Phase. The method of connection to the mains electricity supply MUST facilitate complete electrical isolation of the entire installation. A fused double pole switch, with at least 3mm (1/8”) contact separation in both poles, serving only the SystemLex Controller should be used. The main fuse on the mains input on the SystemLex is rated at 5 Amps. The solid fuel pipe thermostat should be located on the flow pipework between the solid fuel appliance and the Heat Genie. The setting for the pipe stat will vary depending on the size, fuel type o and how the solid fuel appliance is used but is typically in the region of 60‐65 C. When the level of temperature in the stove flow pipework is above the set‐point of the pipe stat power should be sent from the pipe stat to terminal 81 on the SystemLex. This will cause the relevant pumps to run while locking out the other heat source. Note that the scenario wiring diagrams all show connection to a 230V switched‐live boiler. Note Caution! below and see page 23 for examples of voltage free or low‐voltage boiler switching option. 19 Any timeclocks or thermostats which are 230V can be connected to the SystemLex. Included on the following pages are examples of various types of timeclock, thermostats, 230V switch live and voltage free boiler switching connections. CAUTION! Under no circumstances, should high and low voltage circuits be conducted through contacts on the same relay, as this would not comply with minimum clearance requirements specified by international wiring regulations. If a control is required on a circuit of different voltage than the primary circuit, the auxiliary control relay or an external relay should be used. CAUTION! Devices attached to the SystemLex Controller MUST be properly earthed in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. 20 Central Heating Wiring Control Center Technical Data Supply ......................... 230Vac 5A 50Hz 1 Phase Zones ......................................... 4 Main Relay Rating ................................. DPNO 5A Boilers ....................................................... 2 Boiler Supply ............................................. 2 Clock Supply ............................................. 1 4 Auxiliary Inputs ......................................... DPCO 5A Auxiliary Outputs ..................................... 0 - 50°C Operating Temperatures ........................... IP20 Enclosure Rating ...................................... Main Fuse ........................ 230Vac 5A T Anti-surge Boiler/Clock Fusing ........ 230Vac 3A T Anti-surge Zone Fuses ............. 4 of 230Vac 1A T Anti-surge Zone Call Indicators ..................................... 4 Mains Supply Indicators .............................. 1 Boiler Call Indicators ................................... 1 Auxiliary Call Indicators .............................. 1 Transient Suppression .................................. Yes Terminals .................................................. 2.5mm-Sq. Coil/Contact Creepage / Clearance ...... 8mm / 8mm* SystemLex is a pre-configured electronic wiring center that connects the controls (clocks and thermostats), pumps and boilers together in a logical and easy to understand way. SystemLex does all the complex cross wiring for the installer - all that is left is to connect the system elements direct to the board. SystemLex is pre-configured to automatically fire the boiler(s) only when one or more time/temperature zone controls call for heat. Wiring external to the SystemLex printed circuit board MUST be in accordance with the current regulations and any manufacturer's instructions that apply. The power supply must be 230Vac~50Hz. Devices attached to SystemLink MUST be properly earthed. A fused double pole switch, with at least 3mm (1/8") contact separation in both poles, serving only the SystemLex panel should be used. Zones 1-4: 4 sets of terminals, to which external time and temperature controls may be attached, fused at 1 amp. The LED's on the board show which zone elements are operating and help make fault diagnosis easy. The Boiler Control Relay works independently of the Auxiliary Relay. When any zone control call provides mains to it's zone 'Stat' input (14, 24, 34, or 44) the boiler control will operate the double pole relay contacts to switch on the boiler but will not back feed to other zone's controls or pumps. All neutral terminals are cross connected on the board with preinstalled tracks. Power Supply: 1 set of terminals for electrical mains supply connection fused at 5amps, (57, 58); A general control power supply to facilitate use of a multi-zone clock, fused at 3amps (51, 52); 2 sets of terminals for power supply connection to the boilers, fused at 3amps. (53, 54 and 55, 56). Control: 2 sets terminals to provide either Switched or Voltage Free control to boilers (61, 62 and 63, 64). Auxiliary Outputs: 2 sets of auxiliary Output Relay terminals to facilitate auxiliary functions (71, 72, 73 and 74, 75, 76). Auxiliary Input: 4 auxiliary input terminals (81, 82, 83, 84). to receive 230Vac supplies, any one of which will cause the auxiliary double pole relay to switch contacts, without back feeding to any other input. On Board (Lex Link) Tracks 1a Clock Stat Pump 11 12 13 14 15 16 Pump 11 12 11 12 Clock L 13 L 14 13 14 Stat Zone 1 L 15 N 16 L L 21 L 22 21 22 Clock L 23 L 24 23 24 Stat Zone 2 L 25 Clock Stat N N 26 25 26 Pump L L 31 L 32 31 32 Clock CLOCK L 33 L 34 33 34 Stat Zone 3 L 35 Clock Stat N N 36 35 36 Pump L L 41 L 42 41 42 Clock L 43 L 44 43 44 Stat Zone 4 STAT L 45 F5:3A Clock Power N N 46 45 46 Pump 64 NO 62 NO Double Pole Voltage Free Boiler Control Relay Blr 2 63 Com 61 Com 56 N 58 N 57 L 55 L 52 N C1 Pump Blr 1 Mains Control * Note: Under no circumstances should high and low voltage circuits be conducted through contacts on the same relay, as this would not comply with the clearances (minimum distance between switching contacts) specified by IE and international wiring regulations. If a control is required on a circuit of different voltage to the primary circuit, the auxiliary relay or a separate external relay should be used. F6:3A Boiler 1 Power F7:3A Boiler 2 Power 1 2 L L 51 N 52 51 52 Clock L 53 N N 54 L L Relay Contacts 230Vac 5A Max 55 56 53 54 55 56 Blr1 Blr2 Power Supplies 57 N 58 57 58 Mains SYSTEMLEX 4.0 Wiring Centre DANGER! HIGH VOLTAGE! Copyright 1999 Monard research & Development Patented 1 L RLY2 Do not combine mains and low voltages within contacts of same relay F8:5A Mains Input N N C2 Aux On Firing Zone 4 Pump Blr 2 Power Supply Terminal numbering key Supply: 230Vac 1 Phase Zone 3 Pump Blr 1 VDR2 81 Input 4 82 Input 2 Stat N 15 16 Pump MAINS INPUT Clock Clock Two One 54 N 21 22 23 24 25 26 53 L 31 32 33 34 35 36 RLY1 Zone 2 Stat L L 83 Input 3 81 Input 1 76 NC - 2 74 NO - 2 72 Com -1 73 NO - 1 71 NC - 1 75 Com -2 F2:1A Zone 1 L All fuses 230Vac Anti-Surge 5a Zone Four Three VDR1 F1:1A Clock The Auxiliary relay is an optional control opportunity that works independently of the boiler control relay. Applying mains to any auxiliary input (81, 82, 83, or 84) will operate the double pole auxiliary relay contacts but will not back feed to other auxiliary inputs. Use proper Earthing procedures 3a Neutral Connection for all zone control Equipment Pump Control Switch Live. Temperature Control Call Input. Output from Time Control to Zone Stat. Time Control Call Input. Fused (1amp.) Permanent Live to all Zone Controls Inputs Mains OK 3a L L L L L N 41 42 43 44 45 46 Operation of Auxiliary Relay Control 3a Clock Stat Pump 51 L SystemLex Auxiliary Outputs 2 NC 61 62 63 64 61 62 63 64 Blr1 Blr2 Control 71 NO 72 73 NO 74 NC 75 76 71 72 73 74 75 76 Ncl Cm1 No1 No2 Cm2 Nc2 Auxiliary Outputs Aux Inputs L 81 81 L L L 82 83 84 82 83 84 Aux Inputs PUMP CLOCK BOILER BOILER L N Zone Pump Live & Neutral Supplies N L Central Time Clock Live & Neutral N L Boiler Live & Neutral Power Supply Boiler voltage free switch control T L N Mains Power Supply Live & Neutral L L Zone Time Clock Live out & Switch Live in L L Zone Thermostat Live out & Switch Live in Due to product development, certain design elements and specifications may change on an ongoing basis 21 Room Temperature SystemLex External Controls Wiring Terminal 11,21,31 and 41 are Live connections, ( Fused 1 amp. ) Clock Stat Pump Zone Clock Stat Pump There are existing on-board links between the following terminals. L L L L L N 41 42 43 44 45 46 31 32 33 34 35 36 21 22 23 24 25 26 11 12 13 14 15 16 Four Three Two One Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 12 & 13. 22 & 23. 32 & 33. 42 & 43. 14 & 15. 24 & 25. 34 & 35. 44 & 45. Zone ? Clock Stat Pump Clock Stat Pump Zone L L L L L N 41 42 43 44 45 46 31 32 33 34 35 36 21 22 23 24 25 26 11 12 13 14 15 16 Four Three Two One Zone ? Neutral Connection for all zone control Equipment Pump Control Switch Live. Temperature Controls Call Input. N.O. 12:23 OptiStat Output from Time Control to Zone Stat. Com Time Controls Call Input. Fused (1amp.) Permenant Live to all Zone Controls Battery Operated Programmable Room Thermostat Two Channel Time Clock with Zone Thermostats 1amp. 1amp. 1amp Clock Stat Pump Clock Stat Pump Clock Stat Pump Clock Stat Pump Zone Clock Stat Pump Four Three 41 42 43 44 45 46 31 32 33 34 35 36 21 22 23 24 25 26 11 12 13 14 15 16 31 32 33 34 35 36 Two One 11 12 13 14 15 16 Zone Clock Stat Pump L L L L L N L L L L L N Four Three 41 42 43 44 45 46 41 42 43 44 45 46 31 32 33 34 35 36 Two One 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 22 23 24 25 26 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 L L L L L N L L L L L N 41 42 43 44 45 46 21 22 23 24 25 26 Zone ? Zone ? Zone ? Clock Stat Pump 31 32 33 34 35 36 3amp Zone Clock Four Three Two One Zone ? 52 N 1amp. Clock Stat Pump 51 L With Zone Temperature Control No Zone Temperature Control Power Supply Live Neutral Neutral Mechanical or Digital Time Clock Clock Stat Pump Clock Stat Pump L L L L L N L L L L L N L L L L L N 41 42 43 44 45 46 41 42 43 44 45 46 41 42 43 44 45 46 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 32 33 34 35 36 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 22 23 24 25 26 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 Zone ? Zone ? Mechanical or Digital Time Clock 3amp. 3amp. Clock Stat Pump Clock Zone Clock Four Three Two One 52 N Clock Stat Pump 1amp. Clock Stat Pump 51 L 1amp. Clock Stat Pump Note: The clock power supply may also be taken from SystemLex terminals 51 (L) & 52 (N). Terminal 51(L) is fed through a 3amp fuse for greater load covering potential. Zone ? Multi-Channel Time Clock with Zone Thermostats 22 SystemLex Terminal 11,21,31 and 41 are Live connections, ( Fused 1 amp. ) External Controls Wiring Existing On-Board Tracks Double Pole Voltage Free Boiler Control Relay Live 3amp 3amp 3amp 5amp Clock Stat Pump There are existing on-board links between the following terminals. Zone Clock Stat Pump L L L L L N Four Three 41 42 43 44 45 46 31 32 33 34 35 36 Neutral Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Two One 21 22 23 24 25 26 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 & 13. 22 & 23. 32 & 33. 42 & 43. 14 & 15. 24 & 25. 34 & 35. 44 & 45. Zone ? Clock L N 51 52 Boiler 1 L N 53 54 Boiler 2 L N 55 56 Mains Input L N 57 58 Boiler 1 Boiler 2 61 62 63 64 Power Supply Neutral Connection for all zone control Equipment Pump Control Switch Live. Control Temperature Controls Call Input. Output from Time Control to Zone Stat. Fused Double Pole Switch. Live Mains Power Supply. One Switch Live Boiler Existing PCB Tracks L N 51 52 Boiler 1 L N 53 54 Boiler 2 L N 55 56 Mains Input L N 57 58 Power Supply Fused (1amp.) Permenant Live to all Zone Controls Neutral Terminal 51, 53 and 55 are Live connections, ( Fused 3 amp. ) 3amp 3amp 3amp 5amp Clock Time Controls Call Input. Boiler 1 61 62 L N 51 52 63 64 Terminal 51, 53 and 55 are Live connections, ( Fused 3 amp. ) 3amp 3amp 3amp 5amp Clock Boiler 2 Two Switch Live Boilers Existing PCB Tracks Control Boiler 1 L N 53 54 Boiler 2 L N 55 56 Mains Input L N 57 58 Boiler 1 Boiler 2 61 62 63 64 Power Supply Control Boiler 1 Live Link Switch Live Live Link Switch Live Neutral Neutral Boiler 2 Live Link Switch Live Neutral Existing PCB Tracks 3amp 3amp 3amp 5amp Clock L N 51 52 Boiler 1 L N 53 54 Boiler 2 L N 55 56 Power Supply Mains Input L N 57 58 Double Pole Voltage Free Boiler Control Relay One Voltage Free Boiler Boiler 1 Boiler 2 61 62 63 64 3amp 3amp 3amp 5amp Clock L N 51 52 Control Boiler 1 L N 53 54 Boiler 2 L N 55 56 Double Pole Voltage Free Boiler Control Relay Mains Input L N 57 58 Two Voltage Free Boilers Boiler 1 Boiler 2 61 62 63 64 Power Supply Control Boiler 2 Control Controls Output Controls Input Controls Input Boiler 1 Control Controls Input Boiler 1 Control Controls Output Controls Output Neutral Boiler 2 Neutral Boiler 1 Power Supply Live Live Neutral Boiler 1 Live 23 06 | T ROUBLESHOOTING SystemLex Fault Finding Guide Important Electrical Fault Finding on SystemLex wiring control center Procedure: 1. Turn on the main isolation switch 2. Confirm 230Vac power at terminals 57 live, and 58 neutral. Mains LED only should light at the top left hand corner. 3. Select a zone and call for heat. The selected zone's LED should now light. An audible 'click' may be heard from the SystemLex control relay and the boiler should fire. 4. Turn off the first selected zone call and repeat step 3 with the next zone to be tested. 5. Repeat step 3 with final zone. Procedure: On completion of installation or any service or fault finding task which has required the breaking and remaking of electrical connections, the following checks must be completed: If external controls are fitted (e.g. Time clock or Room Thermostat), ensure these are switched 'OFF' and not calling for heat. Then using a multi-meter confirm the following ; 1. Earth Continuity. 2. Polarity. 3. Resistance to Earth If the system does not work correctly then follow the fault finding guide below. If the mains power is present, then the mains power indication LED should light, located at the top left hand corner. Yes No Yes Yes Start Replace SystemLex If power is present at terminals 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 53 and 55 and the Mains LED does not light, then the LED is faulty but the SystemLex should still operate. Replace the 5amp fuse. Is there power is present at terminals 11, 21, 31, 41, 51 53, and 55 ? No No Confirm continuity through the zone's external controls and ensure that they are calling for heat. If this is not possible, then confirm wiring integrity or replace external controls. The boiler control relay contacts should now close. Confirm that there is continuity across terminals 61-62 and also at terminals 63-64. Yes Finish At this point the SystemLex is confirmed to be working correctly. If the boiler(s) is still not operating, consult the boiler manufacturers fault finding data. Confirm that the pump valves are open and that the pump is operating correctly. If not replace the pump. The Auxiliary control relay is provided as an additional support during the electrical installation of SystemLex. It has no effect on the other SystemLex control or boiler firing functions. If 230Vac power is presented to any auxiliary input (81, 82, 83, or 84) then the relay's LED should light and it's contacts should switch. eg.; From 72 -71 to 72-73 and 75-76 to 75-74 Mains OK Use proper Earthing procedures F2:1A Zone 1 Clock Stat L L 12 11 12 Clock L 13 L 14 13 14 Stat Zone 1 L 15 Clock Stat N N 16 15 16 Pump L L 22 21 22 Clock L 23 No Select a zone to operate on time and temperature demand and confirm that there is a 230Vac supply present at the zone's power input terminal (14,24, 34, or 44) Yes Yes No The selected zone's pump should have 230Vac supply present and the pump motor should operate. Yes The Auxiliary relay is operating correctly. No If an auxiliary function is required then replace the SystemLex. C1 Supply: 230Vac 1 Phase Zone 3 Pump L 21 Yes L 24 23 24 Stat Zone 2 L 25 Clock Stat N N 26 25 26 Pump Zone 4 Pump L L 31 L 32 31 32 Clock L 33 L 34 33 34 Stat Zone 3 L 35 Clock Stat N N 36 35 36 Pump Pump L L 41 L 42 41 42 Clock L 43 L 44 43 44 Stat Zone 4 L 45 F5:3A Clock Power N N 46 45 46 Pump F6:3A Boiler 1 Power F7:3A Boiler 2 Power 1 2 L L 51 N 52 51 52 Clock L 53 N N 54 L L 55 Relay Contacts 230Vac 5A Max N 53 54 55 56 Blr1 Blr2 Power Supplies L N 58 57 58 Mains SYSTEMLEX 4.0 Wiring Centre DANGER! HIGH VOLTAGE! Copyright 1999 Monard research & Development Patented 1 57 RLY2 Do not combine mains and low voltages within contacts of same relay F8:5A Mains Input N 56 C2 Aux On Firing RLY1 Zone 2 Pump L 11 All fuses 230Vac Anti-Surge Yes VDR1 F1:1A Confirm that there is a 230Vac supply present at each zone's power output terminal 11,21, 31, or 41 and at the other live outputs 51, 53, and 55 VDR2 Ensure there is a 230Vac supply present between the Mains Power Input Terminals L and N ( 57 and 58 ) Auxiliary Outputs 2 NC 61 62 63 64 61 62 63 64 Blr1 Blr2 Control 71 NO 72 73 NO 74 NC 75 76 71 72 73 74 75 76 Ncl Cm1 No1 No2 Cm2 Nc2 Auxiliary Outputs Aux Inputs L 81 81 L L L 82 83 84 82 83 84 Aux Inputs Due to product development, certain design elements and specifications may change on an ongoing basis 24 Mechanical Fault Finding Problem Solution System is pumping over when pump runs Rather than piping the stove flow straight up to the expansion tank, make sure to tee the expansion pipe off the main flow pipe. This way we are encouraging the pumped flow to push through the Heat Genie rather than pumping over. Maximise height of expansion pipe over tank water level. A close coupled feed and vent (no more than 150mm apart) is recommended to help prevent pumping over. System is pitching before safety valve Be aware of the risk of scalding if this situation occurs. opens This can happen if the thermal safety valve probe is misreading the temperature. Ensure the probe is installed directly into stove (in spare connection or pocket) or in flow pipe directly out of the stove. Maximise height of expansion pipe over tank water level. Insufficient heat transfer from Heat Genie To ensure correct and full heat transfer, flows on into heating system opposite sides of heat exchangers in Heat Genie must be counter‐current. Poor heat transfer will be experienced if connected incorrectly. Check connections with figures 1 & 2. The flow rate into the Heat Genie from the stove should match the flow rate out of the Heat Genie to the heating system and should be appropriate to the number of kilowatts being transferred. 25 07 | S YSTEM SPECIFICATIONS & DIMENSIONS Specifications: A space of 490mm X 330mm X 150mm (Height X Depth X Width) is required to install the Heat Genie. Water Content: Stove Side (ml) Heating Side (ml) Cooling Side (ml) 15kW 693 468 125 20kW 810 585 125 30kW 1005 780 125 Heat Genie link‐up systems are available in a range of sizes to suit different kW output stoves. Insulation: • Type: PU Rigid Foam • Nominal Thickness: 20mm • Thermal Conductivity: 0.0029 W/mK Max Permissible Pressure: 4 bar Source Connection Size and Type: 1” or 28mm Pipe Stubs* Other Connections: ¾” or 22mm Pipe Stubs* *Imperial for R.O.I. and Metric for U.K./N.I. Markets Systemlink Ltd. Unit C2, South City Business Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Rep. of Ireland Tel No. +353 1 4031200; Fax +353 1 4137777; [email protected]; www.systemlink.ie 26
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