INSTALLATION MANUAL 2014 Premis 80 Technical Help Line Tel 08700 434512 Sales Line: 08700 434512 Fax Number: 08700 434524 Email: [email protected] Website: : Design with Quality in mind a NAVARRA Puertas Automatic Doors Technical details Premis 80 9a+] 0.5 A 120 W 25 Nm 24 V (to protect with external fuse) 3A 120 W 25 Nm Class 2 PLQVr PD[Vr PLQVr PD[Vr 5 - VERY INTENSE 6 Motor opening Motor closing / PLQVr PD[Vr PLQVr PD[Vr 5 - VERY INTENSE 6 Motor opening Motor closing Class 2 PLQVr PD[Vr PLQVr PD[Vr 5 - VERY INTENSE 6 Motor opening Motor closing 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg NJ NJ NJ PLQr&PD[r& PLQr&PD[r& IP30 (/ AL05 F1A 24 V 3,5 A 24 V 0,3 A PLQr&PD[r& PLQr&PD[r& IP30 (/ / / 24 V 3,5 A 24 V 0,3 A PLQr&PD[r& PLQr&PD[r& IP30 (/ AL05J F2A 24 V 3,5 A 24 V 0,3 A Power supply 9a+] Absorption Power consumption Torque Insulation class Opening time Closing time Service class Intermittence Operation type Maximum load (1 m wing) Maximum load (1.2 m wing) Temperature Temperature with batteries Degree of protection Control panel Feeder F1 fuse Motor power supply Accessories power supply Operating instructions Limit speed Motor speed adjustment VM Limit dimensions Door wing weight [kg] 150 Recommended dimensions 4 3 2 1 100 50 0 0.5 1 Door wing width [m] 1.5 1A 120 W 25 Nm 5 6 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Wing weight [kg] Operating instructions Service class: 5 (minimum 5 years of working life with 600 cycles per day). Applications: VERY INTENSE (for shared entrances with very intense pedestrian use). 3HUIRUPDQFHFKDUDFWHULVWLFVDUHWREHXQGHUVWRRGDVUHIHUULQJWRWKHUHFRPPHQGHGZHLJKWDSSUR[RIPD[LPXPSHUmissible weight). When used with the maximum permissible weight a reduction in the above mentioned performance can be expected. 6HUYLFHFODVVDQGWKHQXPEHURIFRQVHFXWLYHF\FOHVDUHWREHWDNHQDVPHUHO\LQGLFDWLYH+DYLQJEHHQVWDWLVWLFDOO\GHWHUPLQHG under average operating conditions, and are therefore not necessarily applicable to specifi c conditions of use. (DFKDXWRPDWLFHQWUDQFHKDVYDULDEOHHOHPHQWVVXFKDVIULFWLRQEDODQFLQJDQGHQYLURQPHQWDOIDFWRUVDOORIZKLFKPD\VXEstantially alter the performance characteristics of the automatic entrance or curtail its working life or parts thereof (including the automatic devices themselves). The installer should adopt suitable safety conditions for each particular installation. a NAVARRA Puertas Automatic Doors Premis Swing Operators Dimensions Premis 80 450 91 450 79 79 93 111 149 168 8,5 NAVARRA a 7,5 60 75 445 Puertas Automatic Doors Premis Swing Operators 5 1 2 Standard installation 6 A 6 7 Premis 80 4 3 3 4 5 6 7 A Code Premis 80 Description Drive Unit Push Arm Pull Slide Arm Deep Recess Pull Arm Door Stop COM H COM K BAT BACK-UP To prevent door opening beyond 90 degree's Selector Battery Kit HR50 UNI Activation Sensors BEA 4SAFE On Door Safety Sensors Connect the power supply to an approved omnipolar switch with an opening distance of the contacts of at least 3mm (not supplied). The connection to the mains must be made via an independent channel, separated from the connections to command and safety devices. NAVARRA a Ref. 1 2 Puertas Automatic Doors Premis Swing Operators Main components Premis 80 4 1 3 2 7 8 6 Code Description 24 V motor with encoder Control panel Battery kit Base plate Switching on and off switch Function selector switch Arms support Aluminium casing NAVARRA a Ref. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Puertas Automatic Doors Premis Swing Operators Mechanical installation Removing the cover 1 2 a NAVARRA Puertas Automatic Doors Premis Swing Operators ,QVWDOODWLRQZLWK3XOOVOLGLQJDUP 34 D P x8 500 29 D 150 max 45 min 650 OPENING F G B A E C F Use the sliding arm for doors which open inward (view from automation side). 5HPRYHWKHFDVLQJDQGIDVWHQWKHDXWRPDWLRQRQWKHZDOOZKHUHLQGLFDWHV3VHFXUHO\DQGPDNHVXUHLWLVOHYHO, respecting the measurements indicated in the figure: refer to the hinge axis. %RUHWKHJXLGH>$@DQGIDVWHQLWWRWKHGRRU ,QVHUWWKHVOLGLQJEORFN>%@RIWKHVOLGLQJDUPLQWKHJXLGH>$@)DVWHQWKHDUP>&@WRWKHDXWRPDWLRQHQVXULQJLWLVLQVHUWHGLQ the housing of the arm support [D]. ,QVHUWWKHOLG>(@DQGWKHWZRKHDGV>)@ $GMXVWWKHLQQHUVWRS>*@WRWKHPRVWVXLWDEOHSRVLWLRQ a NAVARRA Puertas Automatic Doors Premis Swing Operators ,QVWDOODWLRQZLWK3XVKDUP B 44 max 30 D P x8 C 320 46 max 300 min 550 OPENING C A A 90-100° min 10° Use the push arm for doors that open outward (view from automation side). 5HPRYHWKHFDVLQJDQGIDVWHQWKHDXWRPDWLRQRQWKHZDOOZKHUHLQGLFDWHV3VHFXUHO\DQGPDNHVXUHLWLVOHYHO, respecting the measurements indicated in the figure: refer to the hinge axis. $VVHPEOHWKHDUPZLWKRXWWLJKWHQLQJWKHVOLGLQJVFUHZV>$@DQGIDVWHQLWWRWKHDXWRPDWLRQHQVXULQJLWLVLQVHUWHG in the housing of the arm support [B]. )DVWHQWKHEUDFNHW>&@WRWKHGRRU :LWKWKHGRRUFORVHGDGMXVWWKHDUPDQGWLJKWHQWKHVOLGLQJVFUHZV>$@ a NAVARRA Puertas Automatic Doors ,QVWDOODWLRQZLWKGHHSUHFHVVOHYHUDUWLFXODWHGDUP P x8 1 C 74 34 D D 225 A max 185 340 min 650 A B OPENING D C 2 D 34 E A B max 45 A OPENING 1 2 80-90° 80-90° min 395 min 220 Use the deep recess 3-lever articulated arm for doors which open inward (view from automation side). 5HPRYHWKHFDVLQJDQGIDVWHQWKHDXWRPDWLRQRQWKHZDOOZKHUHLQGLFDWHV3VHFXUHO\DQGPDNHVXUHLWLVOHYHO, respecting the measurements indicated in the figure: refer to the hinge axis. $GMXVWWKHOHQJWKRIWKHEUDFNHW>$@DQGDUP>%@VRDVWRIRUPDQDQJOHRI¹rLQUHODWLRQWRWKHDUP>&@ZLWKWKHGRRUFORVHG NOTE: the deep recess articulated arm is assembled for door wings with left-hand opening; in case of door wings with righthand opening, separate the arm [D] from the arm [C] by removing the plug [E] and reassemble the two arms by rotating them E\r )RUGLVWDQFHVEHWZHHQPPDQGPPUHPRYHWKHDUP>%@DQGIDVWHQWKHDUP>'@GLUHFWO\WRWKHEUDFNHW>$@ZLWKWKH VSDFHUDQGWKHVFUHZVXSSOLHGVRDVWRIRUPDQDQJOHRI¹rLQUHODWLRQWRWKHDUP>&@ a NAVARRA Puertas Automatic Doors Premis Swing Operators Electrical connections Electrical connections for 230 V~ - 120 V~ power supply AL05 (230 V~) AL05J (120 V~) N L F1 + - +R Motor Power supply 24V - + +R -LK+ X COM +M- ON VM TC OFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 IN SA POWER ALARM OPEN G1 0 1 1 2 3 8 9 SWITCH ENC + Electric lock output - 12 V max 1.2 A ON-OFF switch Stop Closing safety contact Opening Automatic closing + Output 24 V max 0.3 A General purpose X indicates where to install supplied ferrites as shown in figure 7KHȌJXUHVKRZVWKHPDLQFRQQHFWLRQVRIWKHFRQWUROSDQHO a NAVARRA Puertas Automatic Doors Premis Swing Operators Electrical connections for 24 power supply (to protect with external fuse) Motor 24V - + +R -LK+ X COM +M- ON VM TC OFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 IN SA POWER ALARM OPEN G1 0 1 1 2 3 8 9 SWITCH ENC + Electric lock output - 12 V max 1.2 A Power supply ON-OFF switch Stop Closing safety contact Opening Automatic closing + Output 24 V max 0.3 A General purpose X indicates where to install supplied ferrites as shown in figure Connection of power supply Before connecting the power supply, make sure the plate data correspond to that of the mains power supply. An omnipolar disconnection switch with minimum contact gaps of 3 mm must be included in the mains supply. Check that upstream of the electrical installation there is an adequate residual current circuit breaker and a suitable overcurrent cutout. 8VHDHOHFWULFFDEOHDQGFRQQHFWWRWKHWHUPLQDOV/EURZQ1EOXHLQWKHDXWRPDWLRQ Secure the cable using the special cable clamp and remove the outer sheath near the terminal only. Connection to the mains power supply, in the section outside the automation, is made with independent channels and separated from the connections to the control and safety devices. Make sure there are no sharp edges that may damage the power supply cable. Make sure that the mains power supply (230 V) conductors and the accessory power supply (24 V) conductors are separate. a NAVARRA Puertas Automatic Doors Premis Swing Operators Commands 1 1 3 N.O. N.C. 1 N.C. Function CLOSING AUTOMATIC CLOSING OPENING CLOSING SAFETY CONTACT STOP N.O. OPENING 1 Command 2 N.O. OPEN Description The closing of the contact activates the closing operation. A permanent contact enables automatic closing. The closing of the contact activates the opening operation. The opening of the contact reverses movement (re-opening) during the closing operation. The opening of the contact stop all movements and excludes all normal or emergency operations. The opening operation is activated with a brief press. Outputs and accessories Output Value - Accessories 0 1 2 3 4 9 24 V 0.3 A -+ -LK+ G1 0 2 3 4 9 12 V 1.2 A 24 V 30 mA +- Description Accessories power supply. Power supply output for external accessories. NOTE: the maximum absorption of 0.3 A corresponds to the sum of all terminals 1. Electric lock. Output for electric lock or electric block. The electric lock power supply has an advance of 0.1 seconds and a duration of 1 second. General Purpose Output. The output provides a positive of 30 mA whose function can be determined using the COM customisation module. ON-OFF switch. Switch for activating/deactivating the power supply. When activating (ON), the first operation is carried out with the acquisition of the stop positions. When deactivating (OFF), the line power supply and the batteries (if present) are disconnected from the control panel. WARNING: make a jumper if not in use. It allows the functioning configurations to be saved or the control panel application type to be defined. WARNING: the module must be inserted and removed with the power supply disconnected. Motor-encoder connection. Connect the motor and encoder to the control panel by means of the supplied cables. SWITCH COM + MOT - ENC NAVARRA a BAT 1 x 12 V 1,2 Ah Anti-panic battery kit. With the mains power supply off, the automation will carry out an opening operation at low speed. When the door is open, the power supply is disconnected from the control panel. To charge the batteries, connect the mains power and the battery kit at least 30 minutes before starting the system. WARNING: the batteries must always be connected to the control panel for charging. Periodically check the efficiency of the batteries. Continuous mode battery kit. With the mains power supply off, the battery kit will guarantee continuous operating. To charge the batteries, connect the mains power and the battery kit at least 30 minutes before starting the system. WARNING: the batteries must always be connected to the control panel for charging. Periodically check the efficiency of the batteries. Puertas Automatic Doors Premis Swing Operators LEFT SIDE Radar B Radar A 24 V + - 24 V + - RIGHT SIDE G1 0 1 1 2 3 8 9 CONTROL PANEL Function Selector Switch Rif. Description Door open. 1-3 permanent opening command. Door closed. Radar controls (A-3) are excluded. The door can be opened by control 1-3A or by pushing if the Push&Go function is enabled. Automatic door closing (1-2 contact). Bi-directional operating mode. 15. Electromagnetic emissions Pass the cable through the ferrite, make 1 turn and protect it from knocks by using heat-shrink sheathing or similar. The ferrite must be secured to the cable near the terminal boards (approximately 50 mm). a NAVARRA Puertas Automatic Doors Adjustments Description Doors with no electric lock and subject to strong winds. If the wind blows the door open, a closing force is triggered by the motor. Doors with electric lock. When the door is closed a closing force is maintained by the motor. Push&Go doors without electric lock. Manual pushing of the door activates automatic opening. When the door is closed a closing force is maintained by the motor. Push&Go doors with electric lock. Manual pushing of the door activates automatic opening. When the door is closed a closing force is maintained by the motor. DIP3 DIP4 Description LowEnergy function. Refer to chapter Doors requirements for disabled DIP6 FUTURE USE OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON ON SEE FIGURE Pull Slide Arm Deep Recess Pull Arm SEE FIGURE - - ON OFF ON SEE FIGURE DIP5 OFF Enabled. DIP5 DIP4 DIP2 OFF Disabled. Opening direction selection. SEE FIGURE The opening direction is intended by viewing the automation from the side being examined. Arm type selection. Push Arm Push Arm DIP1 DIP4 DIP5 OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON Pull Slide Arm Trimmer enabling procedure The VM and TC trimmers affect the force limiting safety function. They must be set as instructed. If not, the modifications will not be accepted and the IN LED will flash. SUHVVWKH23(1NH\IRUV,1/('ȍDVKHV VHWWKH9$9&DQG5WULPPHUVZLWKLQDPD[LPXPWLPHRIPLQ WRFRPSOHWHWKHSURFHGXUHSUHVVWKH23(1NH\IRUVRUZDLWIRUWKHPD[LPXPWLPHWRH[SLUH Trimmer min VM 0s TC max 30 s Description Operation speed adjustment. Adjusts the automation operation speed. The closing speed equal to 2/3 of the opening speed. WARNING: set the correct operation speed and check that the operating force and contact force between the door wing and the obstacle is lower than that indicated in the EN 16005 standard. Setting automatic closing time. Adjust the time that passes between the end of the opening operation and the start of the automatic closing operation. Signals Description IN On Receipt of a command 1-3. SA At least one of the safety contacts is open. POWER ALARM Power supply on. Flashing Change in status of a dip switch or command 1-2. Trimmer enabling procedure in progress. Encoder not working or automation fault. NAVARRA a LED Puertas Automatic Doors 'RRUVUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUGLVDEOHG If used on doors for the passage of disabled, adjust the VM trimmer so that the opening and clos ing times (excluding deceleration) are the same as, or greater than, those indicated in the table. - 50 60 70 80 90 750 3,0 s 3,0 s 3,0 s 3,0 s 3,5 s 850 3,0 s 3,0 s 3,5 s 3,5 s 4,0 s 1000 3,5 s 3,5 s 4,0 s 4,0 s 4,5 s 1200 Door wing length [mm] Door wing weight [kg] 4,0 s 4,5 s 4,5 s 5,0 s 5,5 s Make the adjustments indicated in the figure: t≥3s t≥4s ~80° t≥3s min 10° OPENING ≥5 s TC t ≥ 1,5 s CLOSING 6WDUWXS WARNING: Before performing any type of operation, make sure that the automation is turned off and the batteries are disconnected. The operations in point 4 are performed without safety devices. The trimmer can only be adjusted with the automation idle. 1- Select the operating force with DIP3 e select the correct opening direction with DIP4. Set DIP1 and DIP2 according to the type of installation. 2- Set TC trimmer to the minimum and VM trimmer halfway. 0DNHDMXPSHURQWKHVDIHW\GHYLFHVDQGWKHVWRS 4- Turn on the power (mains and batteries). WARNING: the control panel performs an automatic POWER RESET on each start and the first opening or closing manoeuvre is performed at low speed allowing the automatic self-learning of the stop positions (acquisition). Check that the automation is operating correctly with further opening and closing commands and set the desired speed using the VM trimmer. WARNING: to set the VM and TC trimmers, the trimmers must be enabled as described on page 20. 5HPRYHWKHMXPSHUVDQGFRQQHFWWKHVDIHW\GHYLFHVDQGWKHVWRS 6- Adjust the automatic closing with the TC trimmer (enabled by command 1-2). 6HWWKH3XVK*RRSHQLQJXVLQJ',3LIUHTXLUHG &RQQHFWDQ\DFFHVVRULHVDQGFKHFNWKH\RSHUDWHFRUUHFWO\ ,IWKHDXWRPDWLRQHQFRXQWHUVDQREVWDFOHGXULQJDFORVLQJRSHUDWLRQWKHPRYHPHQWLVUHYHUVHG If the automation encounters an obstacle during an opening operation, movement is stopped. If the obstacle is detected twice consecutively, it is considered as the new stop until it is removed. WARNING: check the operating force and that the contact force between the door and the obstacle is lower than that indicated by the EN 16005 standard. NOTE: in the event of servicing or if the control panel is to be replaced, repeat the start-up procedure. a NAVARRA Puertas Automatic Doors WC System: Installation Instructions Auto Door system: Overview: Swing Door: the system is designed to leave the Door unlocked enabling Manual or Assisted entry, when entering the facility the Door should be shut before the “Touch to Lock” sensor will work therefore inhibiting pranksters. This is achieved by a Normally closed Door status Micro-switch. When incorporating a Sliding Door the additional Activate timer PCB can be adjusted to keep the door open on entry until the “Touch to Lock” sensor is activated to ensure the user engages the Lock. NB: A link on the PCB enables Flashing or Solid status LEDs. An Access control system may fitted to give a Secure Door scenario. Touch Sensor installation: Architrave & Round units. (AWC - RWC) Ascertain fixing height. (Centre 900 to 1000 F. F. L) Use back Plate to mark cable hole & Screw fixing points. Round unit may be angled towards approaching users. Fix top retaining screw (No 8 or 10) leave 4 mm of screw shaft protruding. Fit Back seal to rear of plate. Place cable through Back-plate & seal. Make connections. (see “Circuit”) Fit Back-plate to unit. Hook unit onto top Screw & fit bottom retaining screw. Single Gang units: (SGWC) “Internal Quality” Fits any UK Metal or Plastic back-box. Surface or Flush (If using a metal back box the vertical lugs may require removal) App 5 mm Circuit: Auto Swing Door / Sliding Door NB: 12v or 24v DC Power supply, Lock voltage as PSU. Door Switch Contact Closed Circuit when Door is shut ! If not FIT LINK or Internal switch will not function Optional. “Advised” Sounder to denote operation. Mag / Fail Safe Lock Contact Lock C Nc Ov +V Door Switch Lock C No Ov +V C Nc Door Operator “Activate” Nc B Nc Sounder Nc B Break No C CC Glass Lock Fuse Activate Relay +V Ov Link Timer Lock LED Jumper Flashing / Solid Door J1 No External +V Ov DC. PSU 12 - 24v Regulator Turn Clockwise C = 0v. Removed when Locked Optional To Open Door on operation C A A No B-Glass K-Switch No C + Ov A B C Key Switch Nc C C +V Ov L+ R BL Power C No Internal Fit Link Re Ov C Nc No +V Re Ov C Nc No +V Lock / Open Touch Assisted Entry Touch Sensor RD + B R G R + B R G Emergency Entry Key Switch Note: LED’s - Pre 2012 configuration. + G B R LED Status: Blue: Vacant Red: Engaged / Locked Doc No: CPWCINSM12-001CC Premis Swing Operators Trouble Shooting Problem Possible causes The automation does not No power. open or close. (POWER ALARM led off). Short circuited accessories. (POWER ALARM led off). Remedy Check that the control panel is powered correctly. Disconnect all accessories from terminals 0-1 (voltage must be 24 V Routine maintenance plan Perform the following operations and checks every 6 months according to intensity of use of the automation. Disconnect the 230 V~ power supply and batteries (if present) and turn the ON-OFF switch OFF: &OHDQDQGOXEULFDWHWKHPRYLQJFRPSRQHQWV &KHFNWKDWDOOVHFXULQJVFUHZVDUHZHOOWLJKWHQHG &KHFNDOOWKHHOHFWULFDOFRQQHFWLRQV &KHFNEDWWHU\HIȌFLHQF\ Reconnect the 230 V~ power supply and batteries (if present) and turn the ON-OFF switch ON: &KHFNWKHVWDELOLW\RIWKHGRRUDQGWKDWWKHPRYHPHQWLVUHJXODUDQGZLWKRXWIULFWLRQ &KHFNWKHFRQGLWLRQRIWKHSLQWOHVRUKLQJHV &KHFNWKDWDOOFRQWURODQGVDIHW\IXQFWLRQVDUHZRUNLQJFRUUHFWO\ a NAVARRA Puertas Automatic Doors
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