General Certificate of Education (AS and A Level) General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) Functional Skills Level 1 and Level 2 Certificates in Latin Entry Level INTERNAL ASSESSMENT MANUAL JUNE 2014 SERIES This booklet contains information on the moderation of internally-assessed work and the submission of marks. It should be read in conjunction with the JCQ booklets ‘Instructions for conducting Coursework’ and ‘Instructions for conducting Controlled Assessments’. These instructions relate only to those subjects in which the work is sent to the moderator. Separate instructions will be issued in subjects in which the work is assessed by a visiting moderator. SECTION 1: GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS PAGE 6 SECTION 2: SUBMISSION OF MARKS AND SAMPLES PAGE 12 SECTION 3: NOTES FOR INDIVIDUAL SUBJECTS SECTION 4: - GCSE PAGE 18 - AS/ADVANCED LEVEL PAGE 22 - FUNCTIONAL SKILLS PAGE 23 - LEVEL 1 AND LEVEL 2 CERTIFICATES IN LATIN PAGE 23 - ENTRY LEVEL PAGE 23 GUIDANCE FOR CONSORTIUM ARRANGEMENTS PAGE 24 Please note that all internal assessment marks will be collected via an online system on the secure website. The key elements of the system are: subject teachers/dept heads require secure website log-ins (secondary accounts) marks uploaded via a webpage, pre-populated with candidate names/numbers sample candidates identified automatically by the system (except for consortiums) 1 Internally–assessed work covered by this booklet GCSE Specifications CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT Additional Applied Science Additional Science Applied Business Applied Business Biology Business Studies Chemistry Computer Science Drama Electronics English (not available in Wales) English Language (not available in Wales) English Language (not available in England or NI) English Literature Film Studies French Geography Spec A Geography Spec B Geology German Health & Social Care Health & Social Care History Route A & B Home Economics: Child Development Home Economics: Child Development Home Economics: Food & Nutrition Home Economics: Textiles Hospitality & Catering Hospitality & Catering Humanities Information & Communication Technology Information & Communication Technology Leisure & Tourism Leisure & Tourism Media Studies Music Performing Arts Performing Arts Unit 2: Science Skills at Work Unit 4: Investigation Unit 1: The Business and its Environment Unit 3: People In Business Unit 4: Investigation Business Investigation Unit 4: Investigation Unit 3 Unit 1: Devised Practical Performance Unit 3: System Design & Realisation Unit 3 English in the world of the imagination Unit 3 Literary reading and creative writing 4792/01 4474/01 4701/01 4703/01 4484/01 4080/02 4494/01 4343/01 4151/01 4163/01 4193/01 4173/01 Unit 3 Reading and Writing 4943/01 Unit 3 Poetry and Drama (literary heritage) Internal Assessment – Exploring and Creating Unit 2: Speaking Unit 3: Geographical Enquiry Unit 3: Geographical Enquiry Directed Investigation – Option 1 Directed Investigation – Option 2 Unit 2: Speaking Unit 1: Health, Social Care and Children’s Services Unit 4: Promoting Health and Well-being Unit 4: An Investigation Into An Issue Of Historical Debate Or Controversy Unit 2: Child Study Unit 3: Child Focused Task Unit 2: Food and Nutrition Practical Tasks Unit 2: Textiles & Fashion Practical Tasks Unit 1: Catering Skills Unit 3: Hospitality Skills Unit 4: Contemporary Themes & Issues Unit 2: Solving Problems with ICT 4203/01 0155/03 4222/01 4233/01 4243/01 4250/02 Unit 4: Developing Multimedia ICT Solutions 4334/01 Unit 1: Leisure & Tourism Provision in a Chosen Area Unit 3: Leisure & Tourism Organisations Unit 2: Creating for the Media: Investigating and Producing Unit 2: Composing Music Unit 1: Exploring Performing Arts & The Performing Arts Industry Unit 3: Developing Knowledge & Understanding of Performing Arts & The Performing Arts Industry 4761/01 4763/01 4392/01 4412/01 4771/01 4773/01 2 4262/01 4721/01 4724/01 4286/01 4292/01 4293/01 4302/01 4312/01 4731/01 4741/01 4324/01 4332/01 GCSE Specifications (continued) CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT Personal & Social Education (short course) Physics Preparation for Working Life (short course) Science A Science B Spanish Welsh Welsh Welsh Literature Welsh Literature Welsh Second Language Welsh Second Language Welsh Second Language Applied Welsh Second Language Applied Unit 2: Board Prescribed Study 4932/01 Unit 4: Investigation Unit 2: Work Experience and Enterprise 4504/01 4922/01 Unit 4: Research Skills, Hypothesis Testing and Safety Unit 3: Developing Skills in Science Unit 2: Speaking Unit 2: Oral Tasks Unit 3: Reading and Writing Tasks Unit 2: Oral Examination Unit 3: Writing Tasks Unit 2: Oral & Writing Unit 3: Oral & Reading Unit 2: Oral, Writing and Reading Unit 3: Reading and Writing, Oral and Writing 4464/01 4783/01 4522/01 4532/W1 4533/W1 4542/W1 4543/W1 4552/01 4553/01 4562/01 4563/01 Functional Skills (Controlled Assessments) English English English English English English English English English ICT ICT ICT Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Entry 1 Reading Entry 2 Reading Entry 3 Reading Entry 1 Writing Entry 2 Writing Entry 3 Writing Entry 1 Speaking, Listening and Communication Entry 2 Speaking, Listening and Communication Entry 3 Speaking, Listening and Communication Entry 1 Controlled Assessments Entry 2 Controlled Assessments Entry 3 Controlled Assessments Entry 1 Controlled Assessments Entry 2 Controlled Assessments Entry 3 Controlled Assessments 0871/E1 0871/E2 0871/E3 0872/E1 0872/E2 0872/E3 0873/E1 0873/E2 0873/E3 0850/E1 0850/E2 0850/E3 0860/E1 0860/E2 0860/E3 Level 1 and Level 2 Certificates in Latin Roman Civilisation Study: Level 1 Roman Civilisation Study: Level 2 Latin Literature Study 1: Level 1 Latin Literature Study 2: Level 1 Latin Literature Study 1: Level 2 Latin Literature Study 2: Level 2 Controlled Assessments Controlled Assessments Controlled Assessments Controlled Assessments Controlled Assessments Controlled Assessments 9513/01 9523/01 9533/01 9534/01 9543/01 9544/01 Coursework Coursework Coursework Coursework 0700/02 0730/10 0736/02 0740/02 Entry Level English Religious Studies Mathematics Science (Single Award) 3 General Certificate of Education AS – Subject and Option Codes Applied Business ABUS2 1602/01 Applied Business ABUS3 1603/01 Applied Business ABUS4 1604/01 Applied ICT AICT2 1642/01 Applied ICT AICT4 1644/01 Applied Science ASC2 1662/01 Applied Science ASC3 1663/01 Computing CG2 1102/01 Drama DA1 1121/01 Electronics ET3 1143/01 English Language LG2 1152/01 English Language and Literature LL2 1162/01 English Literature LT2 1172/01 Film Studies FM1 1181/01 Geology GL2a 1212/01 Geology GL2b 1212/02 ICT IT2 1242/01 Health & Social Care HSC2 1622/01 Health & Social Care HSC3 1623/01 Health & Social Care HSC4 1624/01 Media Studies MS2 1292/01 Music Composition MU2 1302/01 Physical Education PE1 1311/01 Travel & Tourism T&T2 1682/01 Travel & Tourism T&T4 1684/01 Welsh: First Language CY2 1372/W1 Welsh: Second Language CA2 1382/01 World Development WD2 1392/01 N.B. Separate instructions are issued for Biology BY3 (1073/01), Chemistry CH3a (1093/01) and Physics PH3 (1323/01) as these are marked externally. Separate instructions for Art and Design should be obtained from WJEC. 4 General Certificate of Education A2 – Subject and Option Codes Applied Business ABUS6 1606/01 Applied Business ABUS7 1607/01 Applied Business ABUS8 1608/01 Applied ICT AICT6 1646/01 Applied ICT AICT7 1647/01 Applied ICT AICT8 1648/01 Applied Science ASC5-9 1665-9/01 Computing CG4 1104/01 Electronics ET6 1146/01 English Language LG3 1153/01 English Language and Literature LL3 1163/01 English Literature LT3 1173/01 Film Studies FM3 1183/01 Geology GL6 1216/01 Health & Social Care HSC9-12 1629-32/01 History HY3 1233/01-09 ICT IT4 1244/01 Media Studies MS3 1293/01 Physical Education PE3 1313/01 Travel & Tourism TT6 1686/01 Travel & Tourism TT8 1688/01 World Development WD4 1394/01 N.B Separate instructions are issued for Biology BY6 (1076/01), Chemistry CH6a (1096/01), Physics PH6 (1326/01), Applied Science Unit ASC4 (1664/01), and Music MU5a/MU5b (1305/01-02) as these are marked externally. Separate instructions for Art and Design should be obtained from WJEC. 5 SECTION 1 - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The key elements of the online system used for the submission of internally assessed marks are: subject teachers/dept heads require secure website log-ins (secondary accounts) marks uploaded via a webpage, pre-populated with candidate names/numbers sample candidates identified automatically by the system Detailed guidance on these procedures is provided in section 2. 1.1 PRESENTATION OF FOLDERS Specific instructions for the presentation of work may be given in the guidelines for individual subjects. Unless otherwise stated, the following points should be noted: 1.2 (i) Each candidate's work should be submitted in an A4 folder/ file, which itself is clearly marked with specification title, centre name and number, candidate name and examination number. (ii) Ring binders (bulky to post) and plastic wallets (difficult to gain access to work) should not be used. (iii) Where work consists of a number of assignments these should be placed in the folder in the same order as on the cover sheet. (iv) The use of word processors in the production of the work is permitted, unless restrictions are imposed by specification requirements. STANDARDISING MARKING WITHIN CENTRES Centres should use reference and archive materials (such as exemplar material provided by WJEC or, where available, work in the centre from the previous year) to help set the standard of marking within the centre. Prior to marking, it is useful to undertake a trial marking exercise. Teachers mark the same relatively small sample of work to allow for the comparison of marking standards. The exercise can take place at appropriate stages during the course and has three beneficial effects: it helps to bring about greater comparability in the marking standards; it may identify at an early stage any teachers whose standards are out of line with that of their colleagues; it alleviates a heavy marking load at the end of the course. Where the work for a component has been marked by more than one teacher in a centre, standardisation of marking should normally be carried out according to one of the following procedures: Either, a sample of work which has been marked by each teacher is re-marked by the teacher who is in charge of internal standardisation, Or, all the teachers responsible for marking a component exchange some marked work (preferably at a meeting led by the teacher in charge of internal standardisation) and compare their marking standards. 6 Where standards are found to be inconsistent, the discrepant teacher(s) should make adjustments to their marks or re-consider the marks of all candidates for whom they were responsible. The new marks should be checked by the teacher in charge of internal standardisation. If centres encounter any difficulties either in the application of mark schemes or in the process of internal standardisation, advice should be sought from WJEC. 1.3 QUALITY OF WRITTEN COMMUNICATION In most subjects the marking of 'Quality of Written Communication' is incorporated within the overall assessment of components. It is vitally important that instructions are adhered to and mark sheets are completed correctly so that candidates' marks are awarded out of the correct total for all subjects/components. 1.4 ANNOTATION OF WORK The following general principles for the annotation of work should be related to any subject-specific requirements. (a) (b) (c) One of the following three approaches should be adopted: (i) summative comments either on the work, usually at the end, or on a 'cover sheet'; (ii) key pieces of evidence flagged throughout the work by annotation either in the margin or in the text; (iii) a combination of (i) and (ii). Indications as to how marks have been awarded should: (i) be clear and unambiguous; (ii) be appropriate to the nature and form of the work; (iii) facilitate the standardisation of marking within a centre; (iv) enable the moderator to check easily the application of the assessment criteria to the marking. Annotation, where deemed appropriate, should: (i) indicate where the assessment criteria have been met, e.g. by writing key phrases from the criteria (such as ‘awareness of values’, ‘selects information’, ‘uses a variety of techniques’) at the appropriate point in the work; (ii) indicate any planning and processing not undertaken individually and provide details of any assistance or prompting given to the candidate. 7 1.5 MODERATION AND FEEDBACK The moderator will re-assess the sample work using the published marking criteria in the specification. The moderator marks are compared with the centre marks for the sample work. If any of the differences between the moderator marks and the centre marks exceeds a specified tolerance, adjustments are normally applied to the centre’s marks. If further evidence of the centre’s marking is required, the moderator may request some or all of the remaining work. If there is a significant disagreement between the centre’s rank order and the moderator’s rank order, the moderator’s marks may be implemented for all candidates at the centre. The final, moderated marks are sent to centres with the results (expressed as either raw marks or UMS marks). Moderators’ reports will provide feedback on: (i) the efficiency of the centre’s administration; (ii) the appropriateness of the tasks (where set by the centre rather than the awarding body) and the coverage of the assessment objectives; (iii) the accuracy of the centre’s assessments against the criteria and in relation to the agreed standard for the component; (iv) whether the centre’s marks have been adjusted. Comments on the accuracy of a centre’s assessments may be made even if no adjustment is applied. For example, if the difference between the moderator marks and the centre marks is only just within the specified tolerance, the moderator will normally provide advice on the standard of marking. Moderators’ reports will be available for inspection by centres on the same electronic page used for submitting the internally assessed marks. They will become available from the publication of results date. 1.6 RETURN OF WORK TO CENTRES Moderators will return work direct to centres as soon as possible after moderation. WJEC will handle with care material submitted for moderation, but cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage. Samples may be retained by WJEC for use as exemplar or archive material (centres should receive notification if this is the case). Centres are required to retain candidates' marked work under secure conditions, so far as is practicable, until all possibility of queries on results has been exhausted. Where retention is a problem, because of the nature of the work, some form of evidence (e.g. photographic, audio-taped or video-taped) must be available. Centres are requested to keep a record of the examination numbers and names of those candidates whose work is included in the sample sent to or seen by moderators. This information may be required if there are enquiries upon the results at a later date. N.B. Candidates should be advised not to include any items of real or sentimental value e.g. photographs, certificates etc. 8 1.7 RE-SITTING UNITS IN GCSE SPECIFICATIONS New JCQ Rules for GCSE Specifications available in England from June 2014 – terminal requirements, re-sits and cashing in: Notes for teachers and examination officers ( This document provides a comprehensive guide to the application of the rules for GCSE specifications (available in England) from June 2014, terminal requirements, re-sits, and cashing-in. 1.8 “CARRY-FORWARD” OF UNIT MARKS FOR LINEAR GCSE SUBJECTS (not available to centres in Wales) For centres in England where students must be entered for 100% of the assessment then all units must be entered. For any controlled assessment units that candidates wish to re-use (“carry-forward”) towards a new overall qualification please indicate this by inputting C on the internal assessment mark input system. Do not under any circumstances enter the mark to be carried forward. 1.9 “CARRY-FORWARD” OF MARKS FOR UNITISED GCSE SUBJECTS (not available to centres in England ) Provided the rules for re-sitting units are adhered to (terminal requirements etc.) as outlined in the Unit Directory ( then centres do not need to enter candidates for any controlled assessment units that candidates wish to re-use (“carry-forward”) towards a new overall qualification. 1.10 CARRY-FORWARD OF MARKS FOR SUBJECTS FOR WHICH UNIFORM MARKS ARE NOT REPORTED (available to all centres) Uniform marks are not reported for the following subjects: GCSE Art & Design – paper 01 GCSE Art & Design: Applied – paper 01 GCSE Art & Design: Fine Art – paper 01 GCSE Art & Design: Critical and Contextual Studies – paper 01 GCSE Art & Design: Textile Design – paper 01 GCSE Art & Design: Graphic Communication – paper 01 GCSE Art & Design: Three Dimensional Design – paper 01 GCSE Art & Design: Photography, Lens and Light-Based Media – paper 01 GCSE Business Studies – paper 02 GCSE Film Studies – paper 03 GCSE Geology – paper 02 Level 1/ Level 2 Certificate in English Language – paper 03 For candidates wishing to carry-forward marks for these listed subjects and papers please indicate this by inputting C on the internal assessment mark input system. Do not under any circumstances enter the mark to be carried forward. Carry-forward of internally assessed marks is normally available within the life of a specification. Unchanged work should not be resubmitted for assessment. 9 1.11 AUTHENTICATION Paragraph 5.14 of the May 2011 Code of Practice states that: “The awarding organisation must require centres to obtain from each candidate a signed declaration that authenticates the work they produce for internal assessment as their own. A mark of zero or absent must be recorded if a candidate cannot provide confirmation of the authenticity of the work produced for internal assessment." Candidates must be made aware that they are responsible for ensuring that the work submitted for assessment is their own. The JCQ documents Information for Candidates – Controlled Assessments 2013 – 2014 and Information for Candidates – Coursework 2013 – 2014, available on the JCQ website (, provide instructions and guidance. For all WJEC subjects with a written internal assessment component, an authentication statement is included as part of the mark/cover sheet for individual candidates’ folders. These are available for downloading from the relevant subject page on the WJEC website - On the WJEC home page, under the heading “Find Qualifications and Resources,” click on the relevant subject and select the level of examination, and click “search”. In most cases, there is a quick link to the marksheets on the subject page. Open the document and save/print as required. All candidates (not merely those included in the moderation sample) are required to sign the authentication statement that all internally-assessed work (with any exceptions stated) is their own work, countersigned by teachers that to the best of their knowledge this is the case. 1.12 MALPRACTICE Where any malpractice is discovered prior to the signing of the authentication statement, this need not be reported to WJEC, but should be dealt with in accordance with the centre’s internal procedures. Centres are required to have a policy in place to deal with appeals by candidates against internal assessment decisions; the JCQ website contains guidance on recommended procedures for this Arrangements for Internal appeals about Internal Decisions and Enquiries About Results (2006). In cases where, following the signing of the authentication statement, a centre confirms unfair practice on the part of candidates, the formal procedures for dealing with malpractice in internally-assessed work must be followed, and a full report made to WJEC. These procedures (and the penalties for offences) are included in the JCQ document Suspected Malpractice in Examinations and Assessments 2013 – 2014 available on the JCQ website. There are a number of clues that point to the possibility of plagiarism, and teachers should remain alert to these. Further guidance on the detection of plagiarism may be found in the JCQ document Plagiarism in Examinations available on the JCQ website. 1.13 UNSATISFACTORY PRACTICE BY CENTRES Further guidance will be provided to the Head of Centre where individual teachers or centres fail to meet WJEC requirements for internally-assessed work. Where significant problems are identified, WJEC may require approval of subsequent tasks/mark schemes and monitoring of the centre's arrangements for marking and standardisation. The following guidelines will be used as a means of determining whether there are matters which need to be taken up with centres. 10 (a) Are tasks set within the requirements of the specification? (b) Are the marking schemes/assessment criteria devised by centres clear, unambiguous and capable of consistent application? Have they been applied appropriately? (c) Have WJEC's administrative and procedural instructions been followed? (d) Has the internally-assessed work been properly annotated? (e) Has the internally-assessed work been properly authenticated, especially in those cases where some activities may have taken place outside school? (f) If details are given of any assistance given to particular candidates which is beyond that given to the group as a whole; is the nature of such assistance within the parameters laid down by the specification? (g) Is standardisation within the centre effective and within WJEC requirements? 11 SECTION 2: SUBMISSION OF MARKS AND IDENTIFICATION OF SAMPLES The key elements of the online system are: subject teachers/dept. heads require secure website log-ins (secondary accounts) marks uploaded via a webpage, pre-populated with candidate names/numbers sample candidates identified automatically by the system NB: A manual moderation sample mark sheet will be required for GCE History, GCSE PE (Full and Short). 2.1 ALLOCATING SUBJECTS TO SECURE WEBSITE SECONDARY ACCOUNT HOLDERS For the internal assessment mark input system, primary account holders (usually the exams officer) can now allocate specific subjects to those secondary account holders (e.g. heads of department) who will be entering internal assessment marks and processing samples. To do this, primary account holders should log onto the secure website, click the “Account Admin” button and amend settings using the drop down menus shown. 2.2 INPUT SCREENS The mark input screens will be available to the designated account holders from 10 March (GCSE, Level 1/ Level 2 Certificates in Latin), 17 March (Entry Level) and 7 April (GCE, Functional Skills) once the entries have been received and processed by WJEC. 2.3 ENTERING AND SUBMITTING INTERNAL ASSESSMENT MARKS Once entries have been submitted and processed by WJEC, subject teachers will need to log on to the WJEC secure website and click the ‘Internal assessment mark input’ button. A web page will be available for each internal assessment unit/component for which the centre has entries, and this will be pre-populated with candidate names and numbers. Subject teachers will need to insert the marks for all candidates in the spaces provided. For certain GCSE subjects, teachers will also need to input details (i.e. initials) of each candidate’s teaching group. Once all candidates’ marks have been input teachers should submit the marks. Once marks have been submitted teachers will be able to identify the candidates whose work has been automatically selected for moderation. Once marks have been submitted they cannot be changed online (see 2.10). 2.4 SUBMITTING INTERNAL ASSESSMENT MARKS (VIA EDI) Centres may submit internal assessment marks via EDI (electronic data interchange) Further information about EDI entries is available via the EDI helpline on 029 20 265169. 12 Where internal assessment marks are submitted by EDI time must be allowed for the EDI files to be processed (up to 72 hours). Once files have been processed the web page will be pre-populated with the marks which have been submitted. Teachers will then need to log on to the WJEC secure website and click the ‘internal assessment mark input’ button in order to input details (i.e. initials) of each candidate’s teaching group (for certain GCSE subjects) and to submit the marks. Once marks have been submitted teachers will be able to identify the candidates whose work has been automatically selected for moderation. 2.5 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SAMPLE CANDIDATES The system will automatically identify the sample candidates whose work is to be despatched to the moderator. This sample selection will be based upon the published formula below (see 2.12). For most subjects the automatic sample will be based on the overall rank order for the total entry. Work completed with the aid of a scribe must also be sent to the moderator in addition to the sample requested. A cover sheet signed by the scribe and countersigned by the head of centre or the examinations officer must also be attached to any such work. WJEC may request further samples of work to be sent to the moderators if this is considered necessary. WJEC also reserves the right to call in all work for re-marking where moderation identifies significant problems in the initial marking. NB: For a limited number of subjects (below) the online facility will be used only to upload marks and will not identify the sample: GCE: Drama DA1, Physical Education PE3. For DA1, moderators must view all candidates’ work on DVD. GCSE: English Language Unit 4a, English Unit 4, Music Unit 1, PE (Full) Unit 2, PE (Short) Unit 2, Performing Arts Unit 4. Functional Skills Levels 1 and 2 Speaking, Listening & Communication and Functional Skills Entry Level English Speaking, Listening & Communication. 2.6 AMENDMENTS TO THE CHOSEN SAMPLE The system will not allow subject teachers to “remove” candidates from the chosen sample. However, the system will allow centres to add “additional” candidates. If the sample contains a candidate whose work is incomplete then subject teachers should indicate on the system the nearest candidate (either higher or lower) with complete work. The incomplete work should not be sent to the moderator. An explanatory note to the moderator must accompany the folders in such cases where the sample sent by the centre differs from the sample chosen by the system. 2.7 MARK SHEETS Individual candidate mark sheets (cover sheets), which should accompany each candidate’s folder/project submitted for moderation, normally include a candidate declaration of authentication. Cover sheets must be downloaded from the relevant subject page on WJEC website - . 13 2.8 DESPATCH OF WORK The name and address of the moderator will be shown on screen from approximately 10 March (GCSE English, Geography, Humanities, Drama), 17 March (Entry Level), 7 April (GCE & Functional Skills), and 16 April (all remaining GCSE subjects and Level 1/ Level 2 Certificates in Latin). The moderator details can be printed onto blank labels which were issued to centres (together with the large plastic sacks) on the February despatch. The internally-assessed work and cover sheets for the sample candidates should then be despatched to the moderator. NB: For GCE History, the HY3A and HY3B mark sheets must be completed and sent to the moderator at the same time as the sample work (see circular 64 issued in January 2014). 2.9 LATE ENTRY CANDIDATES Teachers can input marks for late entry candidates on the web page, provided the candidate entry has already been submitted to and processed by WJEC. If teachers wish to input a mark for any candidate who is not listed on the web page, the exams officer should be asked to submit the required entry as soon as possible. Once this information has been sent to WJEC, by the exams officer, teachers should allow 72 hours before trying to input the mark. 2.10 AMENDING MARKS AFTER SUBMISSION Once marks have been submitted via the web page they cannot be amended. If teachers notice that an incorrect mark has been submitted the Head of Department must send a written request for the mark to be amended, clearly outlining the reason for the error. This request can be made by letter, fax or email to the relevant contact below. AMENDING MARKS AFTER ISSUING OF RESULTS If a teacher notices that an incorrect mark has been submitted after the issuing of results, the Head of Centre must send a written request to the contact below for the mark to be amended, clearly outlining the circumstances. The written request will be referred to the subject officer, who may request further evidence of the authenticity of the work e.g. a completed, signed, dated internal mark sheet and a copy of the work. After consideration of the evidence, the mark may be altered or the request may be refused. All requests to alter centre submitted marks for internally assessed units must be received by 20 September GCSE Sandra Hutchings GCSE 245 Western Avenue Cardiff CF5 2YX Fax: 029 20575994 [email protected] GCE Amada O’Byrne A Level 245 Western Avenue Cardiff CF5 2YX Fax: 029 20265025 [email protected] 14 Functional Skills/Entry Level/Latin Pathways Qualifications 245 Western Avenue Cardiff CF5 2YX Fax: 029 20265444 [email protected] 2.11 DATES GCSE - Submission of work samples to moderator for controlled assessments: 5 May – for all subjects except Drama, English, English Language, English Literature, Geography and Humanities which should be submitted by 28 March. GCE – Submission of work samples to moderator: 15 May – except History HY3 which should be submitted by 2 May. Functional Skills – Submission of work samples to moderator for controlled assessments: 24 May. Entry Level – Submission of work samples to moderator for coursework: 4 May Level 1/ Level 2 Certificates in Latin – Submission of work samples to moderator for controlled assessments: 5 May. Centres are reminded that the date set internally for completion of work by candidates, though flexible from WJEC’s perspective, must precede the published submission date for moderation by a sufficient margin to facilitate authentication, accurate marking, internal moderation and submission of marks online. NB: For GCE History, as centres have been requested to send work to the moderator by 2 May, teachers are requested to upload their marks by Thursday, 1 May at the latest (see circular 64 issued in January 2014). 15 2.12 CONSORTIUM ARRANGEMENTS (only required if two or more member centres will be entering candidates for work that is centre-assessed) Centres should follow the instructions outlined in section 4. The consortium coordinator is responsible for ensuring that internal standardisation of teacher marking is carried out for all the centres within the consortium i.e. all candidates in the consortium are treated as a single group for internal assessment purposes & sample selection. The coordinator should ensure that the marks are forwarded to each candidate’s entering centre for upload to the WJEC’s online system. The electronic online system will not be able to treat all candidates in the consortium as a single group. Therefore, all consortium entering centres will need to insert their candidates internally assessed marks and then click the “consortium” button located at the top of the electronic input mark sheet before clicking the submit button. This will ensure that marks are submitted to WJEC but prevent the sampling formula from being automatically applied. The coordinator should manually select the sample candidates in rank order by applying the following formula, subject to the additional considerations listed below. Marks for the sample must be recorded in rank order (beginning with the highest) on the Consortium Sample Marksheet. Total number of candidates Work to be submitted (Numbers relate to rank order) 1 – 10 All 11 - 19 1 and every second (1, 3, 5, 7 etc.) plus the lowest scoring folder and additional folders as necessary (reflecting the spread of marks) to make a total sample of 10 20 - 45 1st and every fifth (1, 6, 11, 16 etc.) plus the lowest scoring folder and additional folders as necessary (reflecting a spread of marks) to make a total sample of 10 46 - 99 1st and every eleventh (1, 12, 23, 34 etc.) plus the lowest scoring folder and additional folders as necessary (reflecting a spread of marks) to make a total sample of 10 100 - 199 1 and every fourteenth (1, 15, 29, 43 etc.) plus the lowest scoring folder and additional folders as necessary (reflecting a spread of marks) to make a total sample of 15 200 – 299 1st and every fifteenth (1, 16, 31, 46 etc.) plus the lowest scoring folder and additional folders as necessary (reflecting spread of marks) to make a total sample of 25 Over 300 1st and every twentieth (1, 21, 41, 61 etc.) plus the lowest scoring folder and additional folders as necessary (reflecting spread of marks) to make a total sample of 25 st st Clearly indicate on the Consortium Sample Marksheet (where applicable) the total number of candidates entered. N.B. In addition, the following points should be considered in selecting the sample: (i) Each teaching group should be represented. (ii) The sample should include at least one candidate from each of the centres involved in the consortium arrangement. 16 (iii) Where there are several candidates on a particular mark these will count towards the total number in calculating the rank order, but normally only one candidate's work on a particular mark will be submitted. (iv) Work submitted should where possible meet the full requirements of the specification; i.e. incomplete work should not be included, but be replaced by that of the nearest candidate (either higher or lower) with complete work. (v) Where appropriate, work in both English and Welsh should be submitted from bilingual centres. WJEC may request further samples of work to be sent to the moderators if this is considered necessary. WJEC also reserves the right to call in all work for remarking where moderation identifies significant problems in the initial marking. Once the sample has been selected, the marks for all candidates who comprise the sample should be inserted on the “Consortium Sample Mark Sheet” provided by WJEC. Individual candidate cover mark sheets together with the consortium sample mark sheet and actual work must be despatched to the allocated moderator by the published submission date. Compliance to these arrangements will ensure that any mark adjustments arising from moderation will be applied consistently across the schools in the consortium. NB - These sampling arrangements for consortiums assume that all candidates entered at each centre within the consortium are receiving tuition at the same teaching centre. Occasionally, however, a centre may be involved in more complex arrangements whereby different groups of candidates for the same specification are attending separate teaching centres. In these circumstances, the appropriate subject officer at WJEC should be contacted to discuss how precise details of the candidates attending each centre should be submitted as part of consortium arrangements. 17 SECTION 3: NOTES FOR INDIVIDUAL SUBJECTS GCSE For details of requirements for the content and presentation of work, please refer to subject specifications. If a subject is not mentioned below, it can be assumed that the general instructions apply. ADDITIONAL SCIENCE For each candidate selected in the moderation sample one single investigation needs to be submitted. The following should be included with the sample, to arrive with the moderator by 5 May: (i) Cover sheet with each candidate’s work. (ii) Candidate record card with each candidate’s work. ADDITIONAL APPLIED SCIENCE Coversheets with each candidate’s work clearly showing authentication should be submitted with the controlled assessment sample, to arrive with the moderator by 5 May. BIOLOGY For each candidate selected in the moderation sample one single investigation needs to be submitted. The following should be included with the sample, to arrive with the moderator by 5 May: (i) Cover sheet with each candidate’s work. (ii) Candidate record card with each candidate’s work. BUSINESS STUDIES The following should be submitted with the controlled task sample, to arrive with the moderator by 5 May: (i) (ii) (iii) a copy of the assignment tasks; the cover sheet BS2 which accompanies each candidate's work; the BS3 sheet – guidance to individual candidates. CHEMISTRY For each candidate selected in the moderation sample one single investigation needs to be submitted. The following should be included with the sample, to arrive with the moderator by 5 May: (i) Cover sheet with each candidate’s work. (ii) Candidate record card with each candidate’s work. DRAMA (UNIT 1) A DVD (including track list or index) showing the practical work of all candidates should be submitted to the moderator. The reports of a sample of candidates should be sent along with the individual marksheets. These materials should be sent to the moderator by 28 March. 18 ENGLISH/ENGLISH LANGUAGE/ENGLISH LITERATURE Submitting Marks Controlled assessment marks must be entered on the secure website so that folders can be despatched to the moderator by 28 March. The mark input screens will be available to the designated account holders from 10 March. As soon as all the marks have been entered and submitted, the system will automatically identify the sample candidates whose work is to be despatched to the moderator. For candidates in PRUs, Special Schools and F.E. centres only, controlled assessment marks must be entered on the secure website so that folders can be despatched to the moderator by 5 May. Speaking and Listening marks must be entered on the secure website by 5 May. The mark input screens will be available to the designated account holders from 10 March. Selection of Sample The system will select a sample based on the normal WJEC rank order formula and ensuring coverage of work from all teachers. For this reason it is important that centres ensure that, where teachers teach more than one group, the identical teacher initial is used for all the groups taught. The sample will normally comprise a minimum of 3 folders per teacher per subject. This selection may only be altered in the following circumstances: Incomplete folders should not be sent to the moderator. In this case, a folder on the same or adjacent mark should be selected and sent instead. N.B. Where the selection is altered for any reason it is essential that an explanatory note is sent to the moderator. Sending Work to the Moderator Candidates’ work should be presented in separate folders for English/English Language/English Literature and cover sheets placed in front of the corresponding Unit of work. These controlled assessment forms can be downloaded from our English web pages (under ‘Show all documents’). For students who are entered for English Language and English Literature, the system will select one sample for English Language and one sample for English Literature. Please note that these may not be the same students. It is advisable therefore to keep work for English Literature and English Language in separate folders. FILM STUDIES The following should be submitted with the internal assessment sample, to arrive with the moderator by 5 May: (i) (ii) Candidate coversheet FL/1 which accompanies each candidate’s work; Film exploration coversheet FL/2. 19 FRENCH, GERMAN AND SPANISH For the controlled assessment (Speaking) the following should be included, to arrive with the moderator by 5 May: (i) (ii) A CD containing one speaking task from each candidate in the sample. Centres must ensure that the sample contains examples of both the Structured Conversation and the Presentation; The Structured Conversation or Presentation pro forma (downloaded from website). GEOGRAPHY SPECIFICATION A The following should be submitted with the controlled assessment sample, to arrive with the moderator by 28 March: (i) (ii) Coversheets with each candidate’s work clearly showing authentication; One copy of the generic guidance resource sheets supplied to each candidate at the beginning of the research phase for each of the two tasks. GEOGRAPHY SPECIFICATION B The following should be submitted with the controlled assessment sample, to arrive with the moderator by 28 March: (i) (ii) Coversheets with each candidate’s work clearly showing authentication; One copy of the generic guidance resource sheets supplied to each candidate at the beginning of the research phase for the fieldwork enquiry. HISTORY The following should be submitted with the controlled assessment sample, to arrive with the moderator by 5 May: (i) Coversheets (H1 and H2) with each candidate’s work. HOME ECONOMICS: CHILD DEVELOPMENT; FOOD AND NUTRITION; TEXTILES Samples of work must be accompanied by the coversheets and sent to the moderator by 5 May. In the case of Textiles, the samples must be despatched to: Gemma Edwards, GCSE (TX), 245 Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YX. Additional information may be obtained from the booklet "Instructions for the Administration and Conduct of Examinations in Home Economics/Hospitality & Catering 2014" available on the website. HUMANITIES The following should be submitted with the internal assessment sample, to arrive with the moderator by 28 March: (i) (ii) Coversheet with each candidate's work clearly showing authentication; Assignment tasks and marking scheme. PHYSICS For each candidate selected in the moderation sample one single investigation needs to be submitted. The following should be included with the sample, to arrive with the moderator by 5 May: (i) Cover sheet with each candidate’s work. (ii) Candidate record card with each candidate’s work. 20 SCIENCE A For each candidate selected in the moderation sample either all of Pack A or all of Pack B will need to be submitted. For the purposes of moderation each of the three exercises needs to have a cover sheet completed. A record card also needs to be completed for each candidate. The sample should arrive with the moderator by 5 May. SCIENCE B Coversheets with each candidate’s work clearly showing authentication should be submitted with the controlled assessment sample, to arrive with the moderator by 5 May. WELSH UNIT 2 (ORAL – CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT) and WELSH LITERATURE UNIT 2 (ORAL - EXAMINATION) Samples to arrive with the moderator by 5 May. The following should be included with the sample: Welsh (i) Moderation sample mark sheets – CY/MB and CY/CG; (ii) Teacher’s notes: Tasg Mynegi Barn – Taflen Nodiadau; Tasg Cyflwyno Gwybodaeth – Taflen Nodiadau. Welsh Literature (i) Moderation sample mark sheets - LLÊN/2S and LLÊN/2U. All mark sheets and sheets for teacher’s notes are available in the Welsh Oral Assessment Handbook 2014 or on the relevant subject pages on WJEC website WELSH SECOND LANGUAGE (UNIT 2) The following should be submitted with the controlled assessment sample, to arrive with the moderator by 5 May: (i) (ii) (iii) A CD containing the Individual Presentation and the Situation Conversation from each candidate in the sample; Copy of the brief notes used (no more than 30 words for each of the oral tasks and 40 words for the written task); Coversheet with each candidate’s work clearly showing authentication. WELSH SECOND LANGUAGE APPLIED (UNIT 2 and UNIT 3) The following should be submitted with the controlled assessment sample, to arrive with the moderator by 5 May: (i) (ii) (iii) A CD containing the Individual Presentation (Unit 2)/ Situation Conversation (Unit 3) from each candidate in the sample ; Copy of the brief notes used (no more than 30 words for each of the oral tasks and 40 words for the written task); Coversheet with each candidate’s work clearly showing authentication. 21 AS/ADVANCED LEVEL For details of requirements for the content and presentation of work, please refer to subject specifications. If a subject is not mentioned below, it can be assumed that these general instructions apply. DRAMA DA1 All candidates marks should be entered on the online system. A DVD (with track list or index) showing the practical work of all candidates should be submitted to the moderator along with the individual candidate marksheets. These materials should be sent to the moderator by 15 May. PHYSICAL EDUCATION PE3 Additional procedures apply to Physical Education Unit PE3 - please see circular 65 (January 2014) for details. 22 FUNCTIONAL SKILLS Once all the marks have been submitted, the system will then identify the sample candidates. Work for these candidates will need to be sent to the moderator. The following should be sent to the moderator (whose details will appear at the top of the screen) by 25 May: FUNCTIONAL SKILLS ENTRY LEVEL ENGLISH (READING AND WRITING), MATHEMATICS AND ICT A sample of candidates’ work which has been internally assessed. All candidates’ declarations. ENGLISH (SPEAKING, LISTENING AND COMMUNICATION) Entry 1, 2 and 3 The sample will be chosen manually by the centre, will cover the range of marks awarded, and will be selected to cover the marking of all teachers involved. Recorded evidence for the Speaking, Listening and Communication elements should contain representative evidence from up to six candidates, two at the lower, two at the middle and two at the upper end of the ability range. The task for recording at each level is clearly indicated on the Speaking, Listening and Communication task booklet which is released for each series and can be found on the secure website. Centres have the option of submitting witness statements instead of an audio recording. Levels 1 and 2 Marks for Speaking, Listening and Communication must be entered online by 25 May. Please note that you are not required to send Speaking, Listening and Communication records to the moderator. LEVEL 1 AND LEVEL 2 CERTIFICATES IN LATIN Once all the marks have been submitted, the system will then identify the sample candidates. The Controlled Assessments for these candidates will need to be sent to the moderator by 5 May. ENTRY LEVEL Once all the marks have been submitted, the system will then identify the sample candidates. The Coursework for these candidates will need to be sent to the moderator by 4 May. 23 SECTION 4: GUIDANCE FOR CONSORTIUM ARRANGEMENTS Some centres may be involved in consortium arrangements for one or more specifications. This usually arises where a group of centres establish joint teaching arrangements in a subject, and the candidates attend a single centre for tuition. The candidates can therefore be regarded as a single group for the purposes of internal assessment moderation. In some consortium arrangements, the practice is for candidates to be entered for the internally-assessed units by the teaching centre. Where this occurs, all administration will be handled by the teaching centre and no special procedures are required. In many consortium arrangements, however, the centre at which the candidates are enrolled (“the home centre”) will make all the required entries. In this case, the additional procedures outlined below must be followed so that the candidates can be treated as a single group for the purposes of internal assessment moderation. Centres involved in consortium arrangements must: • Appoint a coordinator to liaise with the awarding body on behalf of all centres in the consortium • Complete Form JCQ/CCA & submit to WJEC as soon as possible in the academic year. • Ensure that all candidates in the consortium are treated as a single group for internal assessment purposes & sample selection • Arrange for all marks for all candidates to be submitted to WJEC On receipt of form JCQ/CCA, WJEC will: • Ensure that the same moderator is appointed to all centres in the consortium & liaise with the consortium coordinator concerning moderation arrangements • Advise moderators that a single moderation sample will be selected & sent for the consortium as a whole • Ensure that any mark adjustments arising from moderation will be applied consistently across the consortium. NB/MLJ/W08 (E)(13) 8 March 2014 24
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