ROSEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL DANCE TEAM 2013-2014 ♦ Audion Schedule ♦ Audion Consideraons ♦ Important Dates For Next Season ♦ Performance Schedule ♦ Football and Basketall Games ♦ Conflict Management ♦ Financial Informaon ♦ Team Guidelines/ Contract ♦ Volunteer Obligaons Thank you for your interest in auditioning for the Roseville High School Dance Team! We’re looking forward to the new adventures of the 2013-2014 dance season. Being a part of a high school dance team can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. As a member of this team, you will be expected to represent yourself as positive role models and leaders at Roseville High School. You will leave this team with a heightened sense of pride, humility, grace, confidence, discipline and optimism. Not to mention an increased love for dance and wonderful memories and friendships! The purpose of the RHS Dance Team is to support the athletic programs, provide entertainment at school, sporting events, and dance competitions, and develop strong studentathletes through hard work and a passion for dance. As a member of this team, you are not only representing yourself, but the dance team and Roseville High School. Please thoroughly read the following information to answer any of your questions about team expectations, time commitments, game/competition dates, financial information and the audition process. Feel free to contact us if you would like more information. Good luck and have fun! Coach Jynece Avery GO DANCING TIGERS! 2013-2014 Audition Schedule DANCE TEAM Monday April 22 & Tuesday, April 23 COACHING STAFF 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. RHS dance room (on Berry Street under Mechanical Arts sign) Final RHS 2013– 14 Dance Team List Posted Back door of RHS dance room by 5 pm on Friday, April 25 HEAD COACH ————————————————————————————- JYNECE AVERY [email protected] Day 1 — Learning Day!! — Get audition numbers/check in, warm-up, learn across the floor combos and dance combo. 916-284-3001 TEAM CONSULTANT Day 2 — (wear number again please)... Judging Day!! Warm-up, across the floor combos are reviewed once then judged, practice opportunity on combo then performed for judges. No observations by outside individuals at try-outs. Dancers only. SALLY COFIELD scofi[email protected] ________________________ Audition Considerations The serious time commitment, long season and cooperative nature of the team makes it imperative that dancers selected are positive, respectful, responsible, and hardworking. These personal characteristics are very important similar to strong dance technique and account for a percentage of the audition. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS , WORK ETHIC AND RESPONSIBILITY Eligibility Requirements A dance candidate must be registered and enrolled at RHS for the upcoming year before tryouts begin. To be eligible for try out, a candidate must have a 2.0 GPA, and a 2.3 cumulative GPA. It is understood that this is a higher standard than as outlined in the Athletic Handbook. Confidence, strong work ethic, dedication to the good of the team, integrity, well rounded personal characteristics, being on time, working hard, potential for improvement, respectful behavior, positive attitude, dressed appropriately, following directions, contributing to the positive atmosphere, being kind to others, learning fast, physical ability. DANCE TECHNIQUE, PERFOMANCE SKILLS, ABILITY TO PERFORM CHOREOGRAPHY ♦ Dance Technique: straight legs, clean arms, strong upper body, confidence, facial expressions ♦ Jazz Technique: strong jumps, crisp turns, strong arms, personality, style, performance skills ♦ Hip Hop Technique: energy, style, isolations, coordination, entertainment Important Info! ⇒ Make sure your appearance is as neat as possible. Wear a black fitted shirt or leotard, black bike-length shorts or jazz pants, tan tights, jazz shoes, hair in a ponytail. ⇒ Bring a water bottle and a positive attitude. ⇒ Arrive early to stretch, dance full out at all times, demonstrate a strong work ethic, ask questions, practice audition dance, pay close attention to critiques and enjoy dancing. Regular Practice Days and Times August – March ⇒ Mondays 2:00—4:30 ⇒ Wednesdays 2:45—4:45 ⇒ Plus as needed Summer Team and Practice Obligations First Team Meeting w/ Parents (Mandatory) Monday, May 6 6:00—7:00 p.m. End of Year Practices Monday, May 20 2:45—4:30 Summer Fundraiser (Kids Camp) June 17—21 9:00—1:00 Dance Team Bootcamp July 16, 17, 18 1:00—4:00 (tbd) Dance Team Summer Camp/Practice August 5—9 9:00—2:00 (tbd) Performance Schedule Football season All Home JV and Varsity Games—On field until after halftime Usually Friday’s from September to November Basketball season All Home JV and Varsity Games (Total of 6 to 7 nights) Game days vary School Rallies 5pm for JV/7pm for Varsity Varies Kids’ Summer dance camp (half fundraiser, half team learning) Jamz Dance/Cheer Competition — Saturday, November 3 at Six Flags *Potential outside/other performances/competitions/parades CONTRIBUTION INFORMATION Dance Camp Jazz & street shoes Team uniform Second uniform Personalized team jacket Team T-Shirt Competition/Travel Fees $50 $40 (may provide own) $80 $80 $40 $15 Varies (not due now) Must provide your OWN black socks, basic black jazz pants, tights and large rhinestone stud earrings. Other clothing items may be utilized for certain choreography and are usually found in your closet. Fees are due by the last day of school. Prices are an estimation & final numbers will be available at the first team/parent meeting. *Returning dancers may deduct items that they do not need to purchase, unless the uniform changes PRACTICE ∗ ARRIVE 5 MINUTES EARLY, with hair up, practice clothes & dance shoes. NO gum or jewelry & ready to dance. ∗ STAY FOCUSED and always give 110% (leave all other stresses at the door). ∗ Show RESPECT, be respectful & supportive. Team leaders & coaches are the only ones giving corrections. ∗ No talking back to coaches, team captains or team members. BAD ATTITUDES will not be tolerated. ∗ ALL PRACTICES ARE MANDATORY. No leaving early unless cleared to do so (see attendance guidelines). ∗ Dancer must be dressed in the appropriate practice attire. Tank top or spaghetti strap shirts are not allowed. ∗ Dancers must have hair pulled back off their face in a controlled fashion. ∗ A doctor’s note must be submitted before practice, in order to be excused from physical activity. Attendance is still required. ∗ Any dancer who misses a practice during week of game may forfeit performing at the specified event. This is at the discretion of the coach. ∗ Cell phones must be put away during practice. ∗ Arriving late to practice for 3 or more times will count as one unexcused absence and may result in a benched performance at the coach’s discretion. SCHOOL ∗ Maintain a 2.0 or above GPA and be an excellent role model in your classes. ∗ Never bad mouth or discuss team issues at school. ∗ Remember to ALWAYS act appropriate with boyfriends, friends, teachers, etc. ∗ Always be polite to other students and staff as you are representing not only yourself, but your coaches, RHS and the entire dance team. ∗ Always set a good example at all dance team events and at school. APPEARANCE ∗ COME PREPARED to games with all uniform pieces, hair and make-up ready to go. Dancers are to understand that their appearance in school uniform is a direct reflection of their coaching staff, squad, and school. ∗ Uniforms must be KEPT CLEAN, and neatly pressed. If the uniform is not kept in proper shape, the dancer will not be allowed to dance. No variance in the uniform or hairstyle is permitted without the approval of the coaches. ∗ No jewelry is permitted other than rhinestone stud earrings. This includes all body piercing except for the belly button. The only time jewelry may be worn with the uniform is during school. If plugs are necessary, they are required to be flesh colored and not easily seen. ∗ Hairstyles must be neat, up and out of face, not needing attention. Hair must be worn up in a ponytail while dancing unless otherwise approved by the coaching staff. Any unnatural hair coloring must be approved by the coach. Highlights and lowlights are the only exception to this rule. ∗ Make-up should be natural, and not excessive. No heavy, bright or dark colored make-up is allowed. Nails must be at a workable length. GAMES ∗ Be ON TIME to games with HAIR & MAKE-UP done. You may be asked to sit out the performance if you are late. ∗ STAY TOGETHER with your team, remain in the bleachers or on the track and plan ahead to use the bathroom and get water before the game. ∗ COMPLETE ATTENTION during the National Anthem. ∗ SPIRIT -- this team exists in support of the athletic participants & spectators. There should be constant energy, kicks, turns, and spirit towards the athletic event. NO CHATTING on sidelines. ∗ Constant SHOWMANSHIP -- no blank stares. ALWAYS SMILE because someone is always watching! ∗ ALL GAMES ARE MANDATORY. You must attend school on GAME DAYS in order to dance that night. ∗ NO public displays of affection, such as holding hands. Dancers must ALWAYS behave appropriately with no profanity or gestures. ∗ Dancers must know routines. Failure to do so, will receive a warning, then sit out performances until proven that choreography is mastered. ∗ No chewing gum. ∗ Dancer will be required to always show respect to other teams and cheer squad, by remaining to watch and support their performances. Dancers must check in with coach to be released, following a performance. ATTENDANCE ∗ EXCUSED absences need to be verified with a parent phone call, text or email to coach 24 hours in advance. Excused absences are illnesses or accident, religious holidays and funerals. ∗ UNEXCUSED absence include non-emergency or routine Dr. appointment, homework/study, work, parental discipline, etc. These and last minute absences will incur a strike. ∗ Dancers will be allowed one FREE ABSENCE a year. Coach must be given one week notice to allow for appropriate blocking in choreography. ∗ Dancers MUST attend school the day of any event (game, rally, etc) in order to participate that evening. Appointments should not be scheduled on game or practice days. ONE class only is excused with a note from physician AND prior notification to the athletic office. ∗ Dancers MUST stay until the end of each practice. If you need to leave early, verify with the coaches prior to practice — not during. ∗ Dancers are required to attend all practices, games, events, and fundraising activities as arranged by the coaching staff. If a dancer cannot attend required events (unexcused), they may forfeit their position on the squad. ∗ A dancer may not have more than three unexcused absences from attendance responsibilities during the year. Any absence with less than 24 hour notice, is considered unexcusedJ except in case of emergency. SQUAD LEADERSHIP ∗ The captain must have a 3.0 GPA or above and possess leadership abilities. ∗ The coaching staff shall determine whether captains will be selected for any squad. ∗ The captain must demonstrate a positive attitude and willingness to work well with coaching staff and team. ∗ The captain must agree to follow the rules and directions listed in the Dance Captain Rules & Guidelines form. ∗ The captain must agree to follow the rules & direction listed in the CAPTAIN’S RULES AND GUIDELINES form. Conflict Management The coaching staff is always open to discuss any issues that arise, however there is an appropriate ;me and place. Please approach your coach before or a>er prac;ce to arrange a ;me (outside of prac;ce or games) to discuss any concern that might arise. In order to be successful, everyone must work as a team and no one wants that more than your coaches. ATTITUDE ∗ The main purpose of a RHS dance team member is to promote school spirit and increase crowd involvement. A dancer’s demeanor and attitude must constantly reflect the principles and values in building this program. ∗ A RHS dancer is required to maintain a positive attitude at all RHS events, including practices, games, rallies, camps, and clinics. One strike will be given, for rude disrespectful behavior at coaches discretion. ∗ A RHS dancer is not allowed to back-talk the coaching staff, question a coach’s decision or be disrespectful. ∗ A RHS dancer will not talk negative about anyone on her team, as we are all ONE TEAM. Do not speak ill of any other RHS team members. (ie..cheer, band, color guard, sports players) We support each other always! FORMS ∗ All forms, contracts, and permission slips distributed at the mandatory parent meeting, must be signed and returned by the designated date including a written certification from a doctor stating the dancer has passed a physical examination. ∗ Each candidate must purchase school accident insurance or submit a signed waiver by the parents which shows adequate medical insurance. ∗ Athletic eligibility clearance card must be on file with the athletic director. ∗ Dancers must comply with all rules, policies, expectations as outlined in this handbook, and athletic handbook. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE Immediate removal from squad: ∗ Any school suspension. ∗ Any involvement with alcohol, drugs or weapons ON or OFF campus. ∗ A dancer who voluntarily quits. ∗ Disruptive or uncooperative behavior at any event or practice. No obscenities or inappropriate behavior while in uniform. No boyfriend body contact while in uniform. ∗ A dancer lying to the coaching staff. ∗ A dancer who is academically ineligible for more than one grading period. Academic ineligibility due to a dancer’s GPA falling below a 2.0. A dancer who becomes academically ineligible to participate in dance team may not participate in uniform in any dance team related event, until the next grading period, providing the grades have been restored to eligibility status. While academically ineligible, the dancer will continue to attend practice and games, but does not use this time to do homework. ∗ Dancers are expected to comply with all rules and regulations as outlined in the district and site discipline policies, the Dance Team Handbook and the Athletic Handbook. Volunteer Obligations The RHS Dance Team and coach’s ARE NOT funded by the district/school. Therefore, all dancers and parents must commit to several volunteer/fundraising activities throughout the year. Keeping the team sustained and performing is a group effort, therefore, all dancers/families must participate. A schedule of volunteer opportunities will be made available at the commencement of the season so you have plenty of time to coordinate your schedule. The following are some of the available volunteer opportunities: ⇒ Providing snacks/water and selling for seasonal dance shows (parents) ⇒ Summer Car Wash (dancers and/or parents) ⇒ E-waste Recycling (dancers and parents) ⇒ Athletic Snack Bar Shifts (dancers and parents) ⇒ Kids’ Camp (dancers)/ Must recruit 3 attendees ⇒ Sell flowers at graduation (dancers) ⇒ Crab Feed (donations) ⇒ Other fundraisers as determined by team EVERYONE IS IMPORTANT AND NEEDED AT EVERY EVENT. WE ARE A TEAM — KEY WORD IS TEAM! THEREFOREE. DANCERS WILL BE HELD TO A 3 STRIKES POLICY. 3 INFRACTIONS OF THE RULES WILL BE CAUSE TO TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT REMOVAL FROM THE TEAM or SUSPENSION FROM A PERFORMANCE. I BELIEVE THAT THIS WILL BE ONE OF THE MOST REWARDING EXPERIENCES OF YOUR HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE! IT WAS FOR ME. BEING A MEMBER OF THE RHS DANCE TEAM IS FUN AND CHALLENGING AND YOU WILL HAVE MEMORIES THAT LAST A LIFETIME. I LOOK FORWARD TO A FABULOUS 2013-2014 YEAR. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OF JOINING THE TEAM. I LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING WITH YOU! SINCERELY, JYNECE AVERY RHS DANCE TEAM QUESTIONAIRE AND CONSENT FORM NAME _________________________________________________________________ Grade in 2013/14 __________________ 1. Why would you like to be a member of the RHS Dance Team? 2. Describe your personality. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 3. List any specific dance skills that you feel might set you apart from other applicants? 4. Tell me about your dance experience so far (lack of experience does NOT disqualify you from being a dance team member) 5. Do you take dance outside of school? We, the parents and the dancer, have read the RHS Dance Team Handbook and fully understand the audi;on process, guidelines of the program including prac;ce schedule, financial obliga;ons, required GPA & team expecta;ons. If selected, I (the dancer) will follow all rules and regula;ons required to be a member of the Roseville High School Dance Team. We understand that all decisions made by the coaches are final. Dancer ___________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________ Parent/Guardian ____________________________________________________________Date _______________________ RHS Dance Team Eligibility Requirements To be eligible to dance on the RHS dance team, a student must have a 2.0 GPA and be passing 3 of 4 classes. Please have 2 of your teachers fill in these quesons and have them return the form to Mrs. Cofield’s room or to the staff box. If you are at a middle school, return these forms in a sealed enveloped along with your signed RHS Dance Team Ques;onnaire and Consent form. Answers will remain confidenal ATTENTION TEACHERS…. PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS AND RETURN TO COFIELD’s BOX ASAP. THANK YOU! Is this student reliable and responsible? Give your impression of their overall character in this regard. Do you think this student will be a good representave for the RHS dance team — explain why or why not? In two words, describe this student:______________________ and ________________________. STUDENT NAME ____________________________________ TEACHER NAME ____________________________________ E-MAIL _______________________________________ COURSE ___________________________________________ Email scofi[email protected] for more info OR call 782-3753 ext 3801 for Sally Cofield THANK YOU!
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