The President, Officers and Members of WOOLSTON & DISTRICT Bowling Club Congratulate Les Smith on becoming President of the Southampton & District Bowling Association In 2014 We wish him and the Association every success on his year of office Please support Les in his chosen charity for his year in office 'Hampshire & IOW Air Ambulance' -1- Photo (film) President: Les Smith (Woolston Bowling Club) 2014 -2- President's Foreword Dear Fellow Bowlers, I thought to be asked to take the vacant position of the President of the Southampton and District Bowling Association for 2014 was indeed a great honour, and also to have as my Vice-President, Dave Hughdie, both of us having been former presidents of the very distinguished Woolston Bowling Club. Already I am overwhelmed with the offers of help from officers and members of the association and hope I can live up to the standards set by former presidents. I would also ask all clubs affiliated to the District for names of players interested in our District games. Also to bring to your attention our forthcoming tour of Hereford; please have a look at the itinerary of the trip and remember your wife or partner will be welcome to bowl. Having been asked to organise a tour this year, can we please make it a good one and have your support. I would also like to congratulate on behalf of Southampton and District Bowling Association, Tom Bishop, on becoming the World Champion of Champions Singles Champion. I happened to be in New Zealand at the time and to be lucky enough to watch him win his semi-final and then of course the FINAL, and to share with his proud parents, his triumph. It only remains for me to wish you all good health, good bowling and a successful and enjoyable year. Your President for 2014 Les Smith 2014 Affiliated Clubs A BP Bi BTC B CC C ER Fo FP - Atherley Banister Park Bitterne B.T.C. Brockenhurst Colden Common County Eastleigh Rail Folland Fleming Park F HP HE HA L LW MP MV P PP - Friary Hampshire Police Hedge End Hyde Abbey Littleton Lockswood Mayfield Park Meon Valley Parkside Pirrie Park R - Romsey SOG - Southampton Old Green SC - Sports Centre T - Twyford TE - Totton & Eling Wa - Waterside WC - Winchester City W - Woolston & District Please use correct Club codes for Southampton & District Competitions -3- Rota for Association President 2014 Woolston & District 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 (substitute for Parkside) 2015 2016 Woolston & District Brockenhurst (substitute for Folland) Bitterne (a substitute is required) Twyford (a substitute is required) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Hedge End Lockswood County Esso (Waterside) Banister Park Atherley Southampton (Old) Green Romsey Hyde Abbey Totton & Eling Brockenhurst Colden Common Sports Centre Pirrie Park Fleming Park Friary B.T.C. Mayfield Park Hampshire Police Eastleigh Rail Littleton Winchester City Meon Valley Parkside Woolston & District Folland Bitterne Surviving Association Past Presidents 1987 1988 1989 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2002 P.A. Kemp - Brockenhurst E.L. Rowe - Woolston & Dist. J.F. Cusworth - British Gas K. Neville - Esso B. Ledwidge - Moorgreen H. Riley - Banister Park J. Barlow - SOBG B. Kirton - County D. Teale - Hyde Abbey F. Rolfe - Woolston & Dist. H.W.S. Ree - Pirrie Park 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 B. Webb - Fleming Park E. Edmonds - County A. Rowe - Atherley M. Barrett - Eastleigh Rail E. Edmonds - Atherley B. Hopper - Civil Service K. Marsh - Hants Police M. Barrett - Eastleigh Rail R. Parsons - Littleton B. Bartlett - Hedge End M. Marum - SOBG Surviving Association Hon. General Secretaries 1980 - 1985 1998 - 2012 Ron Wallingford Eddie Rowe Southern Gas Woolston & District Surviving Association Administrator 2013 - Eddie Rowe Woolston & District -4- OFFICERS 2014 Presidential Officers President: Les Smith (Woolston & District B.C.) 3 Riverside, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh Mob: 077381 77178 email: [email protected] Deputy President: David Hughdie (Woolston & District B.C.) 87 Bridge Road, Woolston, Southampton SO19 7GS Tel: 02380 392771 Mob: 07747 310584 email: [email protected] Vice President: Derrick Fulker 54 Hammonds Way, Totton, Southampton SO40 3HF Tel: 02380 668177 email: [email protected] [email protected] (Brockenhurst B.C.) Executive Officers Administrator: Eddie Rowe (Woolston & District B.C.) 51 Brownlow Avenue, Bitterne, Southampton SO19 7BX Tel/Fax: Home 02380 448236 M: 07799 537009 Email: [email protected] Meetings Secretary: Derek Place (Brockenhurst B.C.) 69 Spittlefields, Ringwood BH24 1QH Tel: 01425 473855 email: [email protected] Treasurer: Roger Parsons 53 Jacklyns Lane, Alresford SO24 9LF Tel: 01962 734561 email: [email protected] -5- (Littleton B.C.) Executive Officers (continued . . .) Match Secretary: Vacant As Administrator League Secretary: Derrick Fulker As Vice-President Competition Secretary: Jim Heard (Fleming Park) 15 Bodycoats Rd, Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh SO53 2GY Tel: 02380 252204 Mob: 07773 624325 email: [email protected] (Brockenhurst B.C.) Retiring Presidential Officers Immediate Martin Marum (Southampton Old Green) Past President: 4 Laurel Close, Locksheath, Southampton SO31 6QJ Tel: 01489 581590 email: [email protected] Honorary Brian Bartlett Past President: 18 Nordik Gardens, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 0LQ Tel: 01489 809481 Email: [email protected] (Hedge End B.C.) Non Executive Officers Tournament Secretary: Brian Hopper 13 Sunningdale, Spring Lane, Colden Common SO21 1SE Tel: 01962 711393 Email: [email protected] Accounts Examiner: Harry Ree (Pirrie Park B.C.) Thornfalcon, Field Close, Compton Down, Winchester SO21 2AE Tel: 01962-712942 -6- (Hyde Abbey B.C.) Co-ordinating Officers Membership Secretary: Roger Honey (Hampshire Police B.C.) 'Tamarisk', Main Road, Marchwood, Southampton SO40 4UA Tel: 02380 871698 Mob: 07901 557252 Email: [email protected] Trophy & Awards Keith Vine (Woolston & District B.C.) Secretary: 33 Abbeyfields Close, Netley Abbey, Southampton SO31 5GR Tel: 02380 454528 Mob: 07850 833950 Email: [email protected] Annual Manual Secretary: David Lawson (Southampton Old Green) 41 Trafalgar Road, Freemantle, Southampton SO15 3EA Tel: 02380 787321 Mob: 07861 842421 Email: [email protected] Events Secretary: Brian Hopper As Tournament Secretary (Hyde Abbey B.C.) Child & Vulnerable Adult Protection Officer Administrator: Eddie Rowe As District Administrator R eproprint * Business Letter Headings * Invoices * Leaflets * Booklets etc. (01425) 657670 [email protected] Telephone & Fax: email: -7- Association Life Vice Presidents Ron Wallingford, Colin Fleming, Peter Kemp, Brian Hopper, Eddie Rowe, Robert Kirton, Derrick Fulker. Management Committee The Presidential Officers and the Executive Officers, non Executive Officers, Life Vice-Presidents, and Past Presidents not currently holding office, together with the following Club Delegates and Co-ordinators: Atherley B.C. ... ... ... Lloyd Beaumont Banister Park B.C. ... ... ... Mike Stubbington Bitterne B.C. ... ... ... Tony Welch B.T.C. B.C. ... ... ... Henry Calais Brockenhurst B.C. ... ... ... Derek Place Colden Common B.C. ... ... ... Graham Darlison County B.C. ... ... ... Malcolm James Eastleigh Railway B.C. ... ... ... Michael Barrett Fleming Park B.C. ... ... ... Vacant Folland ... ... ... Terry Brook Friary B.C. ... ... ... Alan Gordon Hampshire Police B.C. ... ... ... Roger Honey Hedge End B.C. ... ... ... Brian Bartlett Hyde Abbey B.C. ... ... ... Keith Gilmour Littleton B.C. ... ... ... Roger Falkingham Lockswood B.C. ... ... ... Dave Burden Mayfield Park B.C. ... ... ... Peter Duckenfield Meon Valley B.C. ... ... ... Peter Fry Parkside B.C. ... ... ... Roy Webb Pirrie Park B.C. ... ... ... Bernard Dowley Romsey B.C. ... ... ... A. Harris (Tony) Southampton [Old] Bowling Green ... ... Graham Hart Southampton Sports Centre ... ... ... Richard Shelley Totton & Eling B.C. ... ... ... Christopher Fripp Twyford B.C. ... ... ... Roy Smith Waterside B.C. ... ... ... Brian Mainwaring Winchester City B.C. ... ... ... John Colthart Woolston & District B.C. ... ... ... Ron Ford Plus co-ordinator: B. Hopper (League) -8- Committees Finance President, Deputy President, Vice President, Treasurer, Administrator, Meetings Secretary, K. Marsh and Brian Bartlett Emergency & (Rules / Byelaw Working Party) President, Deputy President, Vice President, Administrator, Treasurer, Meetings Secretary, League Secretary, Competition Secretary, Match Secretary, plus two club delegates Selection and Match President, Deputy President, Vice President, Immediate Past President Treasurer, Administrator, Match Secretary, Meetings Secretary, J. Barlow, K. Marsh Presentation Dinner Brian Hopper (Events Secretary) President, Deputy President, Immediate Past President, Treasurer, Administrator, League Secretary, Competition Secretary, Meetings Secretary, E. Edmonds, K. Marsh, Trophy & Awards Secretary - Keith Vine Presidents Day Brian Hopper (Events Secretary), President, Treasurer, Admnistrator Benevolent Fund Trustees Brian Hopper, Peter Kemp, Ken Marsh & Alan Rowe & President, Administrator, Treasurer as Admin. Officers Life Vice Presidents All Life Vice Presidents of the Association Tournament President: Les Smith (Woolston & District B.C.) Deputy President: David Hughdie (Woolston & District B.C.) Vice President: Derrick Fulker (Brockenhurst B.C.) Immediate Past President: Brian Bartlett (Hedge End B.C.) Hon. Life Member: Peter Kemp (Fleming Park B.C.) Accounts Examiner: Roger Parsons (Littleton B.C.) Hon. Secretary: Brian Hopper (Hyde Abbey B.C.) Asst. Hon. Secretary: Kerry Clements (Atherley B.C.) Advisory Members R. Kemp, R. Kirton, E. Edmonds, K. Mason. Hon. Treasurer: Mrs Fay Buckingham (Atherley B.C.) Club Delegates Norman Woodford (C); Derek Attrill (B.T.C.); Michael Barrett (E.R.); Lloyd Beaumont (A); Ron Ford (W); Keith Andrews (P.P.) -9- Kestrel Guards Ad. (film) - 10 - SOUTHAMPTON & DISTRICT BOWLING ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION AND RULES 1. Title The Association shall be called the ‘Southampton and District Bowling Association’. It shall be an associate member of the English Bowling Association and shall adopt and enforce the laws and rules of the game of level green bowls as defined and recognised by the English Bowling Association or any successor body. 2. Objects The objects of the Association shall be to promote, foster and safeguard the game of outdoor level green bowls for males in the City of Southampton and adjoining area, to provide an organisation through which affiliated clubs can pursue matters of common interest and to organise an annual series of competitions and representative Association fixtures. 3. Membership (a) Membership of the Association shall be open to any bowling club in the City of Southampton and adjoining area whose application is approved by a general meeting of the Association after due enquiries by the Management Committee of the Association as to the suitability of the club and its green and other facilities. Clubs admitted to membership are hereinafter referred to as “affiliated clubs”. (b) It shall be competent for the Emergency Committee of the Association or a Panel of five of its members to suspend or determine the membership of an affiliated Club, or Team or Club Individual or an Individual of the Association and its Management Committee, if, after due investigation by its Appointed Officer, such Club or Team or Club Individual or an Individual of the Association & its Management Committee, is found guilty of any breach of this Constitution or other Rules or Byelaws of the Association or should the activities of such Club or Team or Individual be likely to bring the Association or the game of bowls into disrepute. (c) Misconduct/breach of the Constitution/Rules & Byelaws of this Association. In the event of a proven case, the Membership of any Club, Team or Individual may be suspended or withdrawn following an Enquiry by the appointed Officer of this Association, into any case or alleged case of misconduct/breach of Rules & or Byelaws, presented for a hearing by the Emergency Committee of this Association or a Panel of five of its members. Such misconduct is as outlined in section 9 of the Rules & Regulations of Bowls England, 1-49 Issue B, dated April 2009 inclusive of its 83 Sub-Sections or subsequent amendments there to. All clubs are reminded that they will be held to be responsible for the conduct of their individual members & teams & supporters. 4. Subscriptions (a) All affiliated clubs are required to pay an annual subscription to be determined at the Annual General Meeting for the playing season immediately following such Annual General meeting. Such subscriptions shall be paid by the 1st April in each year. (b) The Association may fix fees in respect of leagues and competitions and such fees shall be paid before the first league matches or the initial round of competitions (as the case may be) are played. (c) Any affiliated club which fails to pay the annual subscription or other fees by the due date shall be subject to such penalties as the general meeting of the Association shall from time to time decide. - 11 - 5. Presidency (a) The Association shall at each Annual General Meeting, elect a President, a Deputy President and a Vice-President (hereinafter called “the Presidential Officers”). (b) The Deputy President shall normally become the President for the year following his year as Deputy President and the Vice-President shall normally become the Deputy President for the year following his year as Vice-President. The retiring President will be expected to serve a further two years after his Presidential year of office. (c) Each affiliated club shall in rotation have the right to nominate a member of an affiliated club for the Vice-Presidency. In the event of a Club being unable to nominate a candidate, a minimum of one year’s notice must be given by that Club to the Administrator of the Association and the Club in question placed at the bottom of the rota. The Association shall then invite or nominate a member of an affiliated club to fill such office. (d) The President of the Association shall preside at general meetings of the Association and at meetings of all committees and sub-committees. In the event of the President not being present, the Deputy President, or failing him, the Vice-President, shall preside. If all three are absent, a chairman for that meeting shall be elected from and by the members present. The Chair of any meeting shall have a second or casting vote. (e) Those serving as Life Vice-Presidents of the Association shall meet annually (three to form a quorum) and have the power to elect as an additional Life Vice-President any member of an affiliated club who shall, in the opinion of the Life Vice-Presidents, have rendered valuable service to the Association and the games of bowls in general. Any such appointment shall be reported to the next Annual Genera! Meeting of the Association. 6. Officers (a) The Association shall at the Annual General Meeting, appoint the following Executive Officers: (i) an Administrator (ii) a Treasurer; (iii) a Competition Secretary; (iv) a League Secretary; (v) a Match Secretary. (vi) a Meetings Secretary (b) The duties of the Executive Officers shall be as set out in the Association’s Byelaws. (c) The Association shall at the Annual Meetings, also appoint the following NonExecutive Officers:(i) a Tournament Secretary who shall organise and control an annual Open Tournament as agreed by the Association and to this end may be assisted by a Tournament sub-committee appointed in accordance with their separate tournament Constitution; (ii) an Accounts Examiner to examine the Association’s accounts and financial records; (d) The Association shall at the Annual General Meeting also appoint the following coordinating officers: - 12 - (i) Membership Secretary (ii) Events Secretary (iii) Annual Manual Secretary (iv) Trophy & Awards Secretary (v) Child & Vulnerable Adult Protection Officer (e) The Association may at the Annual General Meeting appoint such other officers as may be required.: 7. General Meetings (a) The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in January in each year. (b) All affiliated clubs shall be represented at general meetings of the Association by their duly-appointed delegate and one other affiliated club representative, together with the Presidential Officers, Past Presidents, Life Vice-Presidents, the Executive Officers and Non-Executive Officers and any other members of the Management Committee not represented in any other capacity, all of whom shall have a vote. (c) The Meetings Secretary shall give 14 dear day’s written notice to affiliated clubs of all general meetings of the Association with details of the business to be transacted thereat. Likewise, such notice shall be given to the Association Officers & Past Presidents & Life Vice Presidents & Management Committee. (d) The annual report of the Meeting Secretary, the Administrator and the examined accounts and balance sheet of the Association shall be sent out with the notice of the Annual General Meeting. (e) Notices of motion to be dealt with at any general meeting must be lodged with the Meetings Secretary at least 28 days before the date of the meeting. (f) The Meetings Secretary shall summon a special general meeting to be held within 28 days of the receipt by him of a written request from the President (or in his unavoidable absence from either of the other two Presidential Officers) or from the appointed delegates of any three affiliated clubs, such request to state the nature of the business to be discussed. (g) The quorum at any general meeting of the Association shall be 25. 8. Management Committee (a) The business of the Association and the supervision of the Officers shall be managed between general meetings of the Association by a Management Committee consisting of the Presidential Officers, the Executive and Non-Executive Officers, the two immediate Past Presidents, any other Past Presidents or Life Vice-Presidents of the Association who indicate their wish to attend meetings of the Management Committee, and each affiliated club’s duly appointed delegate. (b) The appointed delegate may be represented by a substitute delegate from the same club. (c) The Management Committee shall also have power:(i) to co-opt on to the committee or any sub-committee not more than three persons whose experience and expertise is such as to be considered by the committee to be of value to the Association; (ii) to make Byelaws for the better regulation of the Association’s affairs and may modify and amend the same as necessary from time to time. - 13 - (d) Meetings of the Management Committee shall be called on dates set by the Committee or at the discretion of the President and Meetings Secretary. (e) The quorum of the Management Committee shall be fifteen. 9. Emergency Committee (a) Any urgent business arising between meetings of the Management Committee shall be dealt with by an Emergency Committee consisting of the Presidential Officers, the two immediate Past Presidents and the Executive Officers, together with any two affiliated clubs’ delegates taken by the Administrator from a panel of five such delegates appointed at the Annual General Meeting. (b) The Emergency Committee or a Panel of five of its members shall also have power:(i) to deal with any disputes or appeals involving affiliated Clubs or individuals or Team described in Rule 3 (b) in matters affecting the Association and the decision of the Committee on any such dispute or appeal shall be final, SUBJECT TO THE FINAL RIGHT OF APPEAL to the Management Committee of this Association if lodged with the Administrator within 14 days of the date of issue of the original decision or at any approved later date due to exceptional circumstances. The said Management Committee shall have the right to uphold or vary or dismiss the decision of the Emergency Committee or its Panel of five of its members. (ii) to fill any casual vacancies arising among the elected officers between Annual General Meetings. (c) The quorum of the emergency Committee shall be five. 10. Sub-committees (a) The Management Committee may appoint such sub-committees as shall from time to time be deemed necessary and shall specify in each case their terms of reference. (b) The Administrator and Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of all subcommittees. 11. Alteration of Constitution No alterations or amendments to this Constitution shall be made except at a general meeting of the Association of which due notice has been given in accordance with paragraph 7 hereof. Any resolution to amend this Constitution shall be voted upon without amendment and must be carried by at least two-thirds of the persons present and voting. 12. Dissolution (a) Affiliated clubs may vote to wind up and dissolve the Association at a general meeting of the Association of which due notice has been given in accordance with paragraph 7 hereof. To be carried, any such proposal must have the support of at least two-thirds of affiliated clubs. (b) The Management Committee will then be responsible for the orderly winding up of the Club’s affairs. (c) After settling all liabilities of the Association, the Management Committee shall dispose of the net assets remaining in one or more of the following ways as decided by a genera! meeting of the Association:(i) to any successor body to this Association or other local body whose objects are similar to those of the Association; (ii) to the affiliated clubs in proportions to be determined by the Management Committee; - 14 - (iii) to the Hampshire County Bowling Association or any successor body responsible for organising and administering level green bowling in Hampshire; or (iv) to the English Bowling Association or any successor body responsible for organising and administering level green bowling in England. SOUTHAMPTON & DISTRICT BOWLING ASSOCIATION BYELAWS General: The Management Committee of the Southampton & District Bowling Association is empowered to make byelaws in accordance with Association Rule 8 (c) (ii) and these are listed in the following three sub-sections; 1. Administration 2. Cup Competitions 3. League 1. ADMINISTRATION 1.1. Financial Year The financial year of the Association shall run from the 1st January to the 31st December. 1.2. Duties of Executive Officers 1.2.1 The Meetings Secretary shall carry out all the secretarial and administrative work of the Association which is not allocated to any other officer, including the keeping of records of business transacted at meetings of the Association & its committees except the Financial Records which is allocated to the Treasurer. 1.2.2 The Administrator shall oversee and carry out any required supervision & coordination of the Administrative duties undertaken by all the appointed officers of the Association. His further duties shall include all required consultations & administrative undertakings with Bowls England, Bowls Hampshire & other allied affiliated Associations, Clubs / Councils & Youth organisations in pursuit of the promotion & fostering the objects of the Association (see Rule 2) 1.2.3 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances and the financial records of the Association & the carrying out of the financial Administration for the better regulation of the Association affairs and shall present to the Annual General Meeting of the Association an examined balance sheet and accounts for the financial year ending on the preceding 31st December. 1.2.4 The Competition Secretary shall organise and control the competitions referred to in the Competition Byelaws 2.1.2. to 2.1.9. & shall also ensure that Byelaws 2.2. to 2.13. inclusive are fully observed. In addition he shall be responsible for receiving all entry fees to comply with the entry forms, & to ensure that these payments, made payable to the S. & D. B. A., are deposited, by him, with the Associated Bank within two weeks of receiving same. He shall also ensure that all Annual Trophies awarded to the Finalists for the previous season competitions, are returned to the Trophy & Awards Secretary in accordance with Byelaw 1.6.1. Details of the payment received in relation to the Entry Forms, are to be submitted to the Association Treasurer from time to time together with copies of the Bank Paying-in Sheets relating thereto, & at the close of the Finals he shall prepare a statement of expenditure & income for the undertaken competitions & submit such to the Association Treasurer within two weeks of the completed competitions. 1.2.5 The League Secretary shall organise and control the operation of the leagues referred to in the Competition Byelaws 3.1.1 to 3.6. Inclusive. All Fees & Capitation charges due from the Association Clubs for the current season are to be submitted by the Clubs, to the Association Treasurer prior to the commencement of the first League Matches, & the Association Treasurer shall consult with the League Secretary before such matches are played, to ensure the said payments have been received to validate the - 15 - respective entries. The League Secretary shall also ensure that all Annual Trophies awarded to the Champions of the respective Leagues for the previous season, are returned to the Trophy & Awards Secretary to conform with Byelaw 1.6.1.) 1.2.6 The Match Secretary shall organise and control all matches of the Association, with the exception of any competition matches or matches which fall within the purview of a Tour Secretary. He shall ensure that a record is kept of all income received from Players Match Fees & or Donations, & that such income he is to deposit with the Association Bank within two weeks of the event. & that he submits to the Association Treasurer within this period, a copy of the match sheet record inclusive of inventory items used & presented at each event & a copy of the Bank Paying-in sheet. All expenditure shall be met by cheque payment, issued by the Treasurer, from the Association Funds. The Match Secretary shall also send a copy of the match sheet records to the Administrator, together with Badge Match Details for stock recording. 1.2.7 The Presidential officers will appoint their own Tour Secretary to organise any tours required by the Presidents. Whilst detailed Accounts are to be prepared & kept, such will not form part of the Association’s accounts as all tours will be self financing. Reports of the tours are to be issued to the Association records. 1.2.8 The Tournament Secretary, appointed at the Association A.G.M. as per RULE 6 (c) (i) shall invite entries to the tournament from the Association Club Members as well as from other kindred Associations & Clubs, in accordance with the approved Constitution of the Tournament, which shall be self financing & with Self Insured Protection, including its own provision of Annual Trophies & Individual Awards, with all matches taking place on Greens selected at Clubs within our Association. The said Secretary, being a Non Executive Officer of our Association & entitled to attend & vote at our A.G.M. & S.G. Meetings & all Management Committee Meetings, shall Annually submit to our Association, for records, a copy of the Annual Report and the Income & Expenditure Account of the Tournament. The Finances will not form part of the Association accounting system, but the Association will assist the Tournament by way of reporting & advertising to encourage its growth & participation from within our Club Membership. 1.2.9 The Competition Secretary, the League Secretary and the Match Secretary may each seek the assistance of such other members of affiliated clubs in the performance of their duties as they may deem necessary thereby forming a liaison group. 1.2.10 The Executive Officers, together with the President and up to two club representatives appointed by the Management Committee, shall annually constitute the working party engaged to undertake any required review of the Association byelaws or the Association Constitution and make recommendations to the Management Committee. 1.2.11 Finance Committee; To consider all Financial matters affecting the Association, including the receipt & payment of monies & the setting & implementation of budgetary procedures & to make recommendations to the Association & the Management Committee as appropriate on all levels of subscriptions, fees & Officers expenses. To enable the Presidential Officers together with such Executive Officers as are appropriate for the subject matter, to make decisions on any urgent financial matters between meetings of the Management Committee which canot wait for or are not of sufficient significance for consideration by the Emergency Committee of the Association. Any such decisions will be subject to report to & as far as is possible, ratification by the Management Committee. - 16 - 1.2.12 Officers Duties. Any appointed Officer or Official of the Association, involved in duties involving the collection of income, shall deposit all monies with the Association Treasurer within 14 days of the event, complete with a schedule of costs & income for such event. 1.3 Standing Orders The following “rules of debate shall apply at general meetings of the Association and at meetings of the Management Committee: 1.3.1. All motions or amendments must be proposed and seconded. 1.3.2. A member when proposing or seconding a motion or amendment may do so formally and reserve his right to speak until later in the discussion. 1.3.3. A member shall stand when speaking and shall address the Chairman of the meeting. 1.3.4. The mover of a motion (but not the mover of an amendment) shall have the right to reply immediately before the motion is put to the vote. If an amendment is moved, he shall also be entitled to reply at the close of the discussion of the amendment. A member exercising a right of reply shall not introduce new matter. 1.3.5. No other person shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same motion or amendment except on a point of order or by way of personal explanation. 1.3.6. Amendments must be relevant to the motion and not be a direct negative to the motion. 1.3.7. If an amendment is moved, another amendment to the motion may be moved, but only one amendment shall be considered by the meeting at any one time. 1.3.8. Any person present who has not spoken may move “That the question be now put” and on being seconded by another person who has not previously spoken, the Chairman must take a vote on this procedural motion and, if carried, discussion on the original motion or amendment shall cease. Then, provided the mover of the original motion has had the opportunity to exercise his right of reply, the vote on the original question must be taken. 1.3.9. Voting shall normally be by show of hands unless the Chairman considers that the issue requires voting by ballot. 1.4. Dress Code 1.4.1. Registered coloured shirts will be permitted in League and Cup competitions, with white or grey trousers (subject to uniformity throughout the team in question) and with white, grey or brown shoes. In the Association Cup Semi-Finals & Finals, white trousers will be worn. The wearing of Club ties is the prerogative of Clubs. 1.4.2. When representing the District in Association and President’s Team matches, players shall wear white shirts and white trousers (unless grey trousers are specified for evening games) with white, grey or brown shoes and Association ties. 1.5. Prizes and Awards 1.5.1. Prizes and awards shall be at the discretion of the Management Committee. 1.5.2. Where substitution takes place and a prize or award is won, this will be made to the player(s) taking part in the Final game and shall be recorded in the Association records in the order in which the names appear on the score cards, except where mutually agreed by all players in the Finals. - 17 - 1.6. Trophies 1.6.1. Annual trophies presented to League champions and winners and runners-up of Cup competitions organised by the Association are required to be returned by the recipients to the Association’s Trophy & Awards Secretary by 12th August each year fully cleaned and in sound condition. 1.6.2. Failure to comply with 1.6.1. In this event, the Management Committee reserve the right to seek from the defaulter, reimbursement of any cost incurred by the Association for any resulting cleaning, repair or transportation. 1.7. Association Badges and Awards 1.7.1. Blazer Badges will be awarded at no charge to all players who have played in four designated Association Badge matches since 1st April 1998. 1.7.2. A Star Award tie will be awarded at no charge to all players representing affiliated clubs who win any Hampshire County or Southampton and District Bowling Association singles, pairs, triples or rinks championships other than age related and Benevolent Fund related competitions. The Star Award tie shall also be awarded to players who have played in six designated Competition matches and may also be granted at the discretion of the Management Committee to recognize some outstanding achievement in the sport of bowls, including national championship winners and international honours. Star award ties shall only be awarded once to an individual. 1.8. Eligibility for Competitions & Leagues 1.8.1. Players shall be full members of a club affiliated to this Association. 1.8.2. Players, who are members of more than one club, may only play in the S & D.B.A. Leagues from one and the same club during any one season. 1.8.3. Players who are members of more than one club in S & D.B.A. may only enter knock-out competitions (other than champion of champions) from one and the same club during any one season. 1.9 Green Fees Where a Club has an obligation to make a charge on visiting players, these charges will be borne by the host Club for all Southampton & District Bowling Association League Games, Competition Matches and Friendly Inter-Association Games excluding Matches against a Tour Team. 2. COMPETITION Byelaws (see also Clause 1.8) 2.1. Introduction The Association shall organise and run, under current EBA Rules and S & D B A Rules/ Regulations/Byelaws, competitions in singles, pairs, triples and fours as set out below, or as agreed at a General meeting or by the Management Committee from time to time. 2.1.2. Single Handed Championship - Knock-out competition, Singles 4 bowis each player, 21 shots up. 2.1.3. Pairs Championship - Knock-out competition, 4 bowls each player, 21 ends. 2.1.4. Triples Championship - Knock-out competition, 3 bowls each player, 18 ends. 2.1.5. Fours Championship - Knock-out competition, 2 bowls each player, 21 ends. 2.1.6. Veteran Singles Championship - Knock-out competition. 4 bowls each player, 21 shots up. Open to any player aged 65 or over on 1st May in the current season. 2.1.7. U/25 Singles Championship - Knock-out competition, 4 bowls each player, Singles, ’21 Shots up’. Open to a player under 25 years of age on 30th September in the current season. - 18 - 2.1.8. Benevolent Pairs Competition (Handicap) In aid of the Association members Benevolent fund) Knock-out competition, 4 bowls each player, 21 ends. Entries will be handicapped by the Competitions Liaison Group before the publication of the first (or preliminary) round. The handicap will be between 0 and 7 and clubs will be asked to give their assessment of their players on the entry form. Any handicap received will be retained throughout the competition, except in the event of substitution of a player when the team will revert to scratch until the original entry resumes. 2.1.9. Champion of Champions Competition Knock-out competition, 4 bowls each player. Singles, ’21 Shots up’. Open to one representative, the club singles champion of the previous season, from each affiliated club. Rounds up to and including the quarter final will be played on neutral greens nominated by the challenger, before a published date. 2.2. Entry Fees Entry fees for all competitions shall be as agreed at a previous General Meeting and will be indicated on the entry forms. 2.3. Trophies In addition to any trophies, prizes in vouchers, cash or kind shall be given to; 2.3.1. All winners 2.3.2. Losing finalists 2.3.3. Losing semi-finalists in the Single Handed Championship 2.4. Entries 2.4.1. Mixed club entries are not permitted. 2.4.2. Entry forms, with all players being individually named thereon, must be received by the Competition Secretary on or before the published closing date for each competition. All entry fees must accompany the entry. The players taking part in the first game shall constitute the team and should normally play together throughout the competition. 2.4.3. Should none of the original entry be available then the entry is void. 2.4.4. No player may withdraw from an original entry to join another team after the draw has been made. 2.5. Times, Dates and Venues 2.5.1. All fixed date competitions, except the semi-finals and finals should normally start by 6.00pm unless mutually agreed otherwise by the competitors. 2.5.2. The failure of players to arrive not later than 15 minutes of the agreed or stipulated starting time and their failure to notify their opponents of the reason for their nonappearance within this time, shall result in their elimination. 2.5.3. All competitions shall be played on or before the date stipulated, except the semifinals and finals which will be played on the second full weekend in September each year. In exceptional circumstances any requests for alterations to playing dates will be considered and determined by the Competition Secretary. The Competition Secretary shall have the power to alter any times, dates or venues as published. 2.6 Challenges 2.6.1. The first named in the draws, are the challengers and shall have the choice of greens and be responsible for booking the rink and in singles providing a marker. Challengers shall, by the challenge date, offer their opponents two dates observing the following exceptions which may be waived if mutually agreed; - 19 - (a) S&DBA League fixtures (b) S&DBA Fixed date competitions (c) HCBA Fixed date competitions (d) Sundays or Bank Holidays 2.6.2. If a challenge has not been received by the stipulated date, the non-challenger shall become the challenger and must act immediately, assuming the responsibilities and privileges of the challenger. Failure to agree shall result in the game being awarded to the then challenger provided the facts are reported to the Competitions Secretary. 2.6.3. No singles games shall be played without a marker. 2.7. Incomplete Teams If one player of a pair or triple, or two or more in a four are absent, the incomplete team shall forfeit the game. In the event of a four being one player short, the game shall be played as arranged, the incomplete team forfeiting 25% of the total shots scored (except in the case of illness or injury to a player after the game has started, when no replacement is available, the defaulting four shall lose one quarter of the shots from that period only until the completion of the match). Fractions shall be taken into account. Once such a game has commenced it must be completed with the same players unless only the trial ends have been played prior to the arrival of the missing player. 2.8. Substitutes 2.8.1. No substitute is allowed in singles 2.8.2. One additional and the same player may be used as a substitute in pairs, triples and fours, provided he has not already entered or played in that competition. 2.8.3. In the event of death, long term disability, or departure from the District area on a semi-permanent or permanent basis of a player after the draw has been made, and where substitution has already taken place, the Competitions Secretary may permit one additional substitute, upon receipt of full written details. 2.9. Trial Ends Before the start of play in any game, or on the resumption of an unfinished game on another day, not more than one trial end each way may be played by each player. 2.10. Green Closures (fixed date competitions) When a green is officially closed the teams shall arrange to play the game within six days and the home skip must notify the Competition Secretary immediately of the re-arranged date. Failure to agree will result in the Competition Secretary making the necessary arrangements which shall be binding on both sides. The winners must advise the Competition Secretary as soon as the result is known. 2.11. Game Stoppages If a game is stopped for any reason it shall be resumed (within six days) as laid down in “Laws of the Sport of Bowls” with the scores as they were when the game stopped. Failure to agree a date will result in the Competition Secretary making the necessary arrangements. These arrangements will be binding on both sides. If in a resumed game any one of the original team is not available one substitute shall be permitted as laid down in byelaw 2.8. above. 2.12. Results and Score Cards 2.12.1. If the winner of a game fails to advise the Competition Secretary of the result by telephone, text message or email by the time published on the competition draw-sheet both teams may be eliminated. All results must be confirmed by the delivery of the - 20 - completed scorecard as published on the draw-sheet. Where a handicap applies those players receiving shots shall add them to the first score on their card with the handicap clearly indicated. 2.12.2. When a game is being claimed a completed card shall be submitted by the player making the claim together with written details and advising if his opponent has been notified of his action. 2.12.3. Scorecards must show clearly the competition round, date, substitutes and any handicap where applicable. The cards must be signed by both skips or both singles opponents. 2.13. Appeal Any urgent business concerning the running of competitions during the season, shall in the first instance be dealt with by the Competitions Liaison Group set up in accordance with byelaw 1.2.6. Appeals will conform to the Association Constitution. 3. LEAGUES Byelaws 3.1. League Competition 3.1.1. The Association will organize and control two separate Leagues as follows; (a) Championship League comprising teams of four rinks normally played on a Thursday evening. All Affiliated Clubs shall have the right to enter one team only. (b) Combination League, comprising teams of three rinks, normally played on a Tuesday evening. Affiliated Cubs may enter more than one team. (c) Both Leagues shall comprise a number of divisions, each normally consisting of not more than eight and not less than six teams. (d) Promotion and Relegation between divisions within each League shall take place on the basis of two up and two down. Where there is a need to reorganize the League due to a change in the total number of teams, then such reorganization will take place after effecting such relegation and promotion. 3.1.2. Any urgent business concerning the running of the League during the League season, shall in the first instance be dealt with by any League Liaison Group set up in accordance with the Association Byelaws. 3.1.3. Application by clubs to enter new teams in the League for the ensuing season, must be submitted to the League Secretary not later than 31st December each year. Notice of intended withdrawal must also be submitted by the same date. Any new team will be admitted to the lowest division. 3.1.4. If a team withdraws before the start of the season and after the issue of the League Program, the League Liaison Group may decide how the vacancy shall be filled. If the withdrawal is during the season, all games played against that team shall be considered void. 3.2. League Rules (See also Clause 1.8) 3.2.1. Each team shall play home and away with each other team in accordance with the program drawn up by the League Secretary, and approved by the Management Committee. 3.2.2. Where one club has more than one team in the same division, then the fixtures shall be arranged that these teams play each other as early as possible in each half of the season. 3.2.3. Where both clubs are in agreement, any League match may, with the approval of the League Secretary, be played before the stated date. - 21 - 3.2.4. All League matches shall normally commence at 1800hrs in May, August and September and 1830hrs in June and July, unless mutually agreed between the two respective Teams. 3.2.5. It is expected that visiting teams will turn up prepared to play unless warned by an official of the home club, that weather or ground conditions preclude play. 3.2.6. Twenty-one ends (21) shall normally be played by each rink, the rinks being allocated by draw. No pre-selection of rinks is permissible.” There will normally be 2 trial ends and the visitors will have the choice of casting the first jack. 3.2.7. Should any rink be short of a player at the due time of commencement of play (fifteen (15) minutes grace being allowed) the incomplete rink shall play 3.3.2 bowls respectively and forfeit 25% of their score. Should a rink be more than one player short after the period of grace, the point for the rink plus (10) shots will be awarded to the complete team. 3.2.8. If during the course of the game, a player has to leave the green, owing to illness or other reasonable cause; his place may be taken by a substitute who shall be a member of the same Club. If no substitution is made, the defaulting rink shall lose 25% of their score from that period only until the completion of the match. 3.2.9. When it is impractical in the opinion of the captains of the teams (or in the event of disagreement by them, in the opinions of the majority of skips) either to start or finish a match on account of weather/green conditions, the remaining ends of the match shall be resumed, with the teams to oppose one-another with, as near as possible the same fours, within fourteen (14) days on a date agreed by the two captains. The result of the agreement shall be notified to the League Secretary within two days (2) of the original date by the home Club. In the event of eighteen (18) or more ends being completed by each rink, the total will be considered the final score. Should any match fail to be completed for whatever reason, the competing clubs are each required to submit their reasons for the non-completion within two days of the event, to the League Secretary, The outcome of awarding or deletion of points or any other action shall be determined by the League Liaison Group, based on the facts submitted by the Clubs in written or oral form. 3.2.10. The Points for League Matches shall be; Championship League; 1 point for each winning rink or 1/2 point for tie;4 points to the team with the highest aggregate score or two points to each team for a tie. Combination League; 1 point for each winning rink or 1/2 point for tie;3 points to the team with the highest aggregate score or 1 1/2 points to each team for a tie; 3.3. Champions The Team which, on completion of the league program, scores the highest number of points shall be declared the Champion Team in that division for the Year. In the event of a tie in the number of points held by two or more teams in that division, shot difference shall be taken into consideration and the winner shall be the team with the best difference. In the event of equality on points and shot differences, and number of winning ends, the championship will be declared shared. (Clubs are required to retain all score cards for each match until the end of season and will produce said cards to the League Secretary if called upon to do so. 3.4. Match Results The result of league matches shall be detailed on a card on which the names of all participating players shall be entered together with individual rink and aggregate scores. - 22 - This result card shall be signed by both team captains and sent direct by the home team to the League Secretary immediately following each completed match. The League Secretary shall compile and issue league tables to each competing club, at two weekly intervals for the first eight weeks of the season and weekly thereafter. Individual rink score cards signed by the skips of each rink shall be retained by each club and produced at the request of the League Secretary. Each rink score card must contain the names of the competing players before the commencement of the game, and amended only when a substitute is used as per clause 3.2.7 and 3.2.8 above. 3.5. Restriction of Players (See also Clause 1.8) 3.5.1. Any player, who has played during the current season as a skip in the Championship League, shall not be permitted to play as a skip in a Combination League match in that season. Any Club found in breach of this restriction shall have three (3) points deducted for each defaulting rink in any Combination League match in that season. 3.5.2. Any player who has played in a Combination League match in any week of the current season, may not play in a different Combination team of the same Club in the same week (Monday to Sunday). Any team violating this byelaw shall be penalised as below for the rink in which that player played in his second game in the same week. This Rule shall not apply to a player who started in a game which is stopped because of bad weather, and where the game is resumed in a different week. 3.5.3. Defaulting Combination League Player For one defaulting player, the rink will lose their shots score in this game together with any rink point gained, the latter which in lieu, will be awarded to their opponents. The said opponents will retain their own actual shots scored in that rink game. For two or more defaulting players in the same team, in the same game ail six (6) points will be automatically awarded to the opponents’ team in that match, and said opponents will retain their own actual scored shots. Any points and/or shots removed from the defaulting team in the manner described above will be deleted from the league records. 3.6. Appeals a. ) Any urgent business concerning the running of the leagues during the season, shall in the first instance be dealt with by the League Liaison Group set up in accordance with byelaw 1.2.6. b. ) Any club wishing to complain about any violations within these league byelaws, should do so within seven days of the match, sent in written form to the League Secretary. c. ) Any appeal from the decisions of the League Secretary or League Liaison Group shall be made to the Emergency Committee in accordance with the Constitution. 4. BENEVOLENT FUND 4.1. Title The Fund shall be known as “The Southampton and District Bowling Association Benevolent Fund” (the Fund). 4.2 Objects The fund shall be used to relieve, either generally or individually, persons who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress and who are members or past members of any club affiliated to the Association or the dependants of such members. 4.3 Operating Procedure (a) The Fund will be managed by a committee of four Trustees and the Association’s President. The four Trustees will be appointed at the Association’s AGMs. Each Trustee can serve for 4 years but will be eligible for re-election. - 23 - (b) The Association’s Hon. Treasurer and Administrator will handle the accounts and general administration of the Fund as instructed by the trustees (c) Applications for support grants shall be made in writing to the Association’s Administrator who will forward the application to the Chairman of the Trustees. The Chairman will meet and consult with his committee to determine what level of support is appropriate. All discussions and grants will remain strictly confidential to the Committee. (d) The Trustees will make a written request to the treasurer for a cheque for any grant they award. The treasurer will sign the cheque and normally pass it back to the trustees for the second signature. Normally one of the trustees will be a cheque signatory of the Association. (e) The treasurer will keep all Benevolent Fund money as a Restricted Fund in the Association’s accounts, ‘the status of which will be shown in the Association’s Annual Accounts. (f) On request, the treasurer will provide the Trustees with a list of movements on the fund. The list should show the source of any in-coming donations and a list of all outgoing cheques (not showing payees). The net balance on the fund should also be shown. (g) The financial year will be the same as the Association’s. At the end of the financial year the Trustees will give a brief written report to the Association’s Annual General Meeting giving the essential details of the year’s activity. (h) The Fund will continue to receive donations. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Southampton & District Bowling Association’ with ‘Benevolent Fund’ written on the reverse of the cheque. The treasurer will acknowledge receipt of all donations. (i) The Association will organise an annual Benevolent Pairs Competition, with the entry fees being transferred to the Benevolent Fund. (j) In the event of the dissolution of the Fund, the competition trophies will be given to the Association and all other assets of the Fund shall be presented to other ‘Charitable Organisations’ with similar Objects to the Fund. _________________________________________ PERSONALISED GIFTS Pens - Key Fobs - Note Pads - Bookmarks - Coasters etc. All printed with your Club's name Ideal for Captains or Presidents gifts Brochure, samples on request BOSTON PROMOTION GIFTS (Adrian Perkins) 28 Station Road, Draycott, Derbyshire DE72 3QB Tel: 01332 875350 - 24 - 62nd ANNUAL SOUTHAMPTON OPEN BOWLS TOURNAMENT Generously Sponsored by the SOUTHAMPTON DISTRICT OF Monday 28th July to Saturday 2nd August 2014 MEN'S SINGLES, PAIRS, & TRIPLES LADIES SINGLES, PAIRS, & TRIPLES OPEN CONSOLATION SINGLES & PAIRS OVER £3,000 IN PRIZE MONIES & AWARDS Entries close at -12 noon on Saturday 31st May 2014 Entry forms available from your S&DBA Club, to download via the Southampton Open Bowls Tournament Website, or from: Mr Brian Hopper-Tournament Secretary 13 Sunningdale, Spring Lane, Colden Common, SO21 1SE Tel: 01962 711393 Enter early to avoid disappointment! - 25 - CLUB DIRECTORY 2014 Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: ATHERLEY (1906) 86 members Hill Lane, Southampton, SO15 5DB Tel: 02380 630261 email: [email protected] Jeffrey R. Jeffrey, Sunning, Mopley Rd, Mopley, Southampton SO45 1YJ Tel: 02380 898112 Elizabeth Bartlett, C/O Atherley B.C. Tel: 02380 630261 email: [email protected] Lloyd Beaumont, C/O Atherley B.C. Tel: 02380 2213941 email: [email protected] As Match Secretary BANISTER PARK (1906) 90 members Stoneham Lane, Eastleigh, Hants, SO50 9HT Tel: 02380 643406 email: [email protected] Rod Hicks, 25 Balmoral Way, Rownhams, Southampton SO16 8LL Tel: 02380 738788 email: [email protected] Vacant Mike Stubbington, 60 Peveralls Wood Ave, Chandlers Ford SO53 2BW Tel: 02380 253674 email: [email protected] As Match Secretary BITTERNE (1925) 27 members Whites Road, Bitterne, Southampton, SO19 7NS Syd Green, 55 Chessel Avenue, Bitterne, SO19 4DY Tel: 02380 399410 email: [email protected] Mrs Sonia Underhill, Windrush Cottage, 1 Waverley Avenue, Netley Abbey SO31 5AR Tel: 02380 456754 Mob: 07875 856802 email: [email protected] Paul Coffin, 39 Poplar Drive, Marchwood, SO40 4XH Tel: 02380 861672 email: [email protected] Tony Welch, 31 Meon Close, Harefield, Southampton SO18 5JG Tel: 02380 321216 email: [email protected] B.T.C. (1950) 20 members B.T.C. Club, Stoneham Lane, Eastleigh, SO16 2PA Henry Calais, Dovecot, Fritham, Southampton SO43 7HJ Tel: (H) 02380 812827 (W) 02380 772211 email: [email protected] As President As President As President - 26 - Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: BROCKENHURST (1936) 60 members Brookley Road Car Park, Brockenhurst, SO42 7RB Tel: 01590 622949 Ron Pearson, Woodcote, Balmer Lawn Rd, Brockenhurst SO42 7TT Tel: 01590 624432 Derek Place, 69 Spittlefields, Ringwood, BH24 1QH Tel: 01425 473855 email: [email protected] As Secretary As Secretary COLDEN COMMON (2000) 52 members Boyes Lane, Colden Common, SO21 1TE Tel: 01962 714557 Barry Pitman, 49a New Rd, Colden Common, SO21 1RU Tel: 01962 714557 Mob: 07739 535344 emai: [email protected] As President Graham Darlison, 14 Porchester Rise, Eastleigh SO50 4QS Tel: 02380 641138 email: [email protected] As Match Secretary COUNTY (1889) 69 members Northlands Road, Southampton, SO15 2LN Tel: 02380 233477 Alice Green, 38a Manor Rd, Bittern Park, Southampton SO18 1NQ Tel: 02380 326231 Mob: 07799411214 Malcolm James, 100 Franklyn Avenue, Sholing, Southampton S019 8AP Tel: 02380 360534 email: [email protected] As Secretary As Secretary EASTLEIGH RAIL (1912) 51 members 2 Romsey Road, Eastleigh, Hants, SO20 9AL Tel: 02380 612585 Lilian Moore, 7 Doreen Wellfare House, Eastleigh SO509SQ Tel: 02380 615095 Derek Walker, 12 Burnetts Gardens, Horton Heath, Eastleigh SO50 7BY Tel: 02380 693210 Mob: 07902 471929 email: [email protected] Michael Barrett, 118 Underwood Rd, Bishopstoke SO50 6%S Tel: 02380 614586 Mob: 07810 076588 email: [email protected] As Match Secretary - 27 - CHALLENGER TROPHIES & AWARDS TROPHIES TANKARDS MEDALLIONS CUPS SHIELDS ENGRAVING etc. Suppliers to Southampton & District Bowling Association Terry Hatch 195 Salisbury Road Totton Southampton Hampshire SO40 3LL Telephone: 02380 868119 FAX: 02380 863244 - 28 - Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Secretary: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: FLEMING PARK (1937) 47 members Kornwestheim Way, Eastleigh, SO50 9NL Tel: 02380 613666 email: [email protected] Vacant Sue Herring, 30 Thornbury Wood, Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh, SO53 5DQ Tel: 02380 262782 email: [email protected] Barry Honour, 15 St. Catherine's View, Hedge End SO30 4SW Tel: 01489 808243 Mob: 07729 484557 Email: [email protected] Vacant FOLLAND (1947) (re-named 2011) 48 members Kings Avenue, Hamble-Le-Rice, Southampton, SO31 4NF Tel: 02380 452173 Dawn Brook, 129, Satchell Lane, Hamble-Le-Rice, Southampton SO31 4HP Tel: 02381 782060 Helen Springett, 1, Waverley Court, Netley Abbey, Southampton SO31 5AS Tel: 02380 452554 email: [email protected] Terry Brook, 129, Satchell Lane, Hamble-Le-Rice, Southampton SO31 4HP Tel: 02381 782060 Mob: 07411 165273 email: [email protected] As Match Secretary FRIARY (1820) 21 members St. Michaels Road, Winchester SO23 9JE Vacant Pat Dawson, 11 Lakeside Close, Charlton, Andover SP10 4AY Tel: 01264 350226 email: [email protected] Dorothy Stanning, 1 Primstead Close, Bar End, Winchester SO22 9NS Tel: 01962 860465 Alan Gordon, 41 Wentworth Grange, Winchester SO22 4HZ Tel: 01962 868616 email: [email protected] HAMPSHIRE POLICE (1963) 20 members C/O Banister Park B.C., Stoneham Lane, Stoneham SO50 9HT Tel: 02380 643406 Bill Tickner, 76 Heatherstone Avenue, Dibden Purlieu SO45 4LF Tel: 02380 849267 email: [email protected] Roger Honey, Tamarisk, Main Rd, Marchwood, Southampton SO40 4UA Tel: 02380 871698 Mob: 07901 557252 email: [email protected] As Secretary As Secretary - 29 - Your Local Fareham Caterer Regal Regal Catering Established 28 years All Functions Catered For Corporate Events Weddings Birthdays Christenings Funerals Hog Roasts 01329 310385 Mobile: 07889 469370 110 Miller Drive, Fareham PO16 7LN - 30 - Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: HEDGE END (1991) 96 members Pavilion Road, Woodhouse Lane, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 2EZ Tel: 07584 818763 Frank Barnett, 58a Freegrounds Rd, Hedge End SO30 0HW Tel: 01489 690639 Brian Bartlett, 18, Nordik Gardens, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 0LQ Tel: 01489 809481 email: [email protected] Donald McLellan, 10 Stanier Way, Grange Park, Hedge End SO30 2XF Tel: 01489 798898 email: [email protected] As Secretary HYDE ABBEY (1812) 33 members North Walls Recreation Ground, Riverside Park, Gordon Rd, Winchester, SO23 7DD email: Colin Elliott, 20 Parkway Gardens, Chandlers Ford SO53 2EN Tel: 02380 255216 email: Keith Gilmour, 24 St. Stephens Rd, Winchester SO22 6DE Tel: 01962 869793 email: [email protected] Steve Wiseman, 4 The Atrium, Staple Gardens, Winchester SO23 8SR Tel: 01962 850757 email: [email protected] As Secretary LITTLETON (1972) 45 members The Recreation Ground, The Hall Way, Littleton SO22 6QL Roger Falkingham, 31 Teg Down Meads, Winchester SO22 5NF Tel: 01962 867360 email: [email protected] Brian Baxendale, Sunbeams, South Drive, Littleton SO22 6PY Tel: 01962 886778 Mob: 07979 955099 email: [email protected] Colin Martin, 12 Fyfield Way, Littleton, Winchester SO22 6PF Tel: 01962 883525 email: [email protected] As President LOCKSWOOD (1989) 117 members Lockswood B.C., Coltsfoot Drive, Priory Park, Locksheath SO31 6PY Mike Young, 5 Hazel Grove, Locksheath, Southampton SO31 6SH Tel: 01489 572459 email: [email protected] Frank Hadlow, 80, Abshot Rd, Titchfield, Fareham PO14 4ND Tel: 01489 572445 email: [email protected] Doug Scott, 47 Painswick Close, Sarisbury Green SO31 7EQ Tel: 01489 574387 email: [email protected] Dave Burden, 10 St. Johns Rd, Locksheath SO31 6NF Tel: 01489 576616 email: [email protected] - 31 - - 32 - Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: MAYFIELD PARK (1959) 62 members Mayfield Park, Weston Lane, Woolston, Southampton SO19 9HL Jane Gould, 14 Firtree Way, Sholing SO19 8AY Tel: 02380 441501 Peter Ford, 35, Butts Rd, Sholing SO19 1BE Tel: 02380 396596 email: [email protected] Neil Hopkinson, 21a Furze Close, Sholing SO19 8PF Tel: 02380 437884 Peter Duckenfield, 26 Squires Walk, Weston SO19 7RA Tel: 02380 445320 email: [email protected] MEON VALLEY (1984) 54 members Priory Park, Elizabeth Way, Bishops Waltham SO32 1SQ Tel: 01489 891871 John Gray, 13 Rowan Close, Swanmore SO32 2RS Tel: 01489 896194 email: [email protected] Mrs Marilyn Masters, 23 Richlands Rd, Hedge End SO30 0HU Tel: 01489 785941 email: [email protected] Peter Fry, 46 Monarch Way, West End SO30 3JQ Tel: 02380 466489 Mob: 07956 119120 email: [email protected] As Match Secretary PARKSIDE (2003) 55 members Kornwestheim Way, off Passfield Avenue, Eastleigh SO50 9NL Tel: 02380 613666 Roger Charlesworth, 79 Midlands Estate, West End, Southampton SO30 3AD Robert Fawcett, 213 Passfield Ave, Eastleigh SO50 9NE Tel: 02380 325870 email: [email protected] Martin Brown, 7 Lansdown Rd, Regents Park, Southampton SO15 4HD Tel: 02380 774251 Roy Webb, 29 Cornwall Road, Chandlers Ford SO53 3GF Tel: 02380 261876 PIRRIE PARK (1938) 53 members 78a Wilton Crescent, Southampton SO15 7QE Tel: 02380 774733 email: [email protected] Mike Shilley, 173 Wilton Rd, Shirley, Southampton SO15 5HY Tel: 02380 783163 email: [email protected] Andy Gurd, 10 Luccombe Rd, Southampton SO15 7RH Tel: 02380 773642 email: [email protected] Keith Andrews, 98 Dale Valley Rd, Shirley, Southampton SO16 6QU Tel: 02380 901889 Mob: 07948 837072 email: [email protected] Bernard Dowley, 221 Oakley Rd, Shirley, Southampton SO16 4NN Tel: 02380 781629 email: [email protected] - 33 - Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: Master: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: ROMSEY (1973) 88 members The Memorial Park, The Meads, Romsey Andrew Hurst, 'Maranatha', Danes Rd, Awbridge SO51 0HL Tel: 01794 342399 email: [email protected] Mrs Eileen Scovell, 'Montage', Halterworth Lane, Romsey SO51 9AH Tel: 01794 513594 email: [email protected] Tony Harris, 23 Hamtun Gardens, Totton, Southampton SO40 3PD Tel: 02380 865221 email: [email protected] A. Harris (Tony), Hamtun Gardens, Totton, Southampton SO40 3PD Tel: 02380 865221 email: [email protected] SOUTHAMPTON (OLD) BOWLING GREEN (1299) 54 members 2 Lower Canal Walk, Southampton SO14 3AX Tel: 07765 584294 Mike Body, 262 Oceana Boulevard, Lower Canal Walk, Southampton SO14 3JP Tel: 02380 633907 Mob: 07580 279794 email: [email protected] Jeni Winney, 1, Albany Rd, Freemantle, Southampton SO15 3EF Tel: 02380 320629 Mob: 07936 397254 email: [email protected] Anita Hart, 4 Tamorisk Drive, West Totton, SO40 8UD Tel: 02380 866632 Mob: 07845 982913 email: [email protected] (please note: Caps. needed) Graham Hart, 4 Tamorisk Drive, West Totton, Southampton SO40 8UD Tel: 02380 866632 Mob: 07845 982913 SOUTHAMPTON SPORTS CENTRE (1938) 29 members Upper Hill Lane, Southampton SO16 7AY Alan Bristow, 6 Foxhills Close, Ashurst SO40 7ER Richard Shelley, 74 Parkview, 5 Handel Rd, Southampton SO15 2NZ Mob: 07990 847400 email: [email protected] As Secretary As Secretary TOTTON & ELING (1998) 42 members Crabbs Way, Totton SO40 8FA Tel: 02380 868846 email: [email protected] Christopher Fripp, Furs, Pooks Green, Marchwood SO40 4WQ Tel: 02380 666572 email: [email protected] Jane Puttock, Old Vicarage, Ringwood Road, Woodlands SO40 7GX Tel: 02380 869444 email: [email protected] Vacant As President - 34 - Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: Club: President: Secretary: Match Sec: Delegate: TWYFORD (1901) 8 members Roman Road, Twyford SO21 1QJ Tony Tunstall, 12 Truro Rise, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh SO50 6GN Tel: 02380 614610 Mob: 07766 662189 email: [email protected] Eileen Tunstall, 12 Truro Rise, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh SO50 6GN Tel: 02380 614610 Mob: 07766 662188 email: [email protected] As Secretary Roy Smith, 13 Mitre Copse, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh SO50 8QE Tel: 02380 600627 email: [email protected] WATERSIDE (1950) 67 members 179-181 Long Lane, Holbury, Southampton SO45 2PA Tel: 02380 893750 Mrs Lesley Mitchell, Rose Cottage, Main Rd, Marchwood SO40 4WU Tel: 02380 842470 Brian Mainwaring, 36 Walkers Lane South, Blackfield SO45 1YN Tel: 02380 892252 Mob: 07762 563262 email: [email protected] Tony Madden, 66 Larkspur Gardens, Holbury, Southampton SO45 2QH Tel: 02380 893694 As Secretary WINCHESTER CITY B.C. (1923) 26 members Highfield Lodge, Worthy Rd, Winchester SO23 7AB Tel: 01962 853496 Steve Butt, 62 Imber Rd, Winchester SO23 0NH Tel: 01962 866198 Mob: 07817 476982 email: [email protected] Colin Day, 19 Chaundler Rd, Abbotts Barton, Winchester SO23 7HW Tel: 01962 869051 Mob: 07890 097655 As Secretary John Colthart, 158 Buriton Rd, Harestock, Winchester SO22 6JQ Tel: 01962 880884 WOOLSTON & DISTRICT B.C. (1913) 97 members Temple Road, Woolston, Southampton SO19 9FE Tel: 02380 448665 email: [email protected] Howard Owen, 6 Orchard Heights, Sholing, Southampton SO19 9AR Tel: 02380 431469 Mob: 07802 916952 email: [email protected] Chris Moore, 9 Royal Albert, 123 Albert Rd South, Southampton SO14 3FA Mob: 07803 061305 email: [email protected] As President Ron Ford, 77 Knighton Rd, Southampton SO19 2FP Mob: 07887 906159 email: [email protected] - 35 - L. J. SMITH Family Butchers Ltd. 3 Riverside, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh, SO50 6LP T: 023 8064 4040 - F: 023 8065 3768 Master Butchers & Champion Sausage Makers (90 Varieties & over 150 awards) --- 000 --- Hampshire Black Pudding Champion 2010 19 Gold Awards in 2011 (14 for Sausages & 2 for Pies) 12 Gold Awards in 2012 (10 for Sausages & 2 for Pies) Supreme Speciality Sausage Champion 2011 Young Sausage Maker of the Year 2012 2 Gold Awards for Home-cured Smoked & Un-smoked Bacon 2013 --- 000 --- Come and see our selection of award winning sausages, pies, dry cured bacon and black pudding, together with our locally sourced Pork, Lamb and Somerset Beef. We are pleased to take orders on all products NEW Hog Roast available - Let us quote you!!! Please contact us for more details - 36 - COTSWOLD BOWLS CENTRE 32 Victoria Road,Mortimer, Reading, RG7 3SE Tel: 01189-332916 & 01189-331942 Carol & Robert Newman OPENING TIMES Mon-Fri: 9.30 - 4.30, Sat: 9.00-1.00pm LATE NIGHT - FRIDAY - APRIL TO JUNE 4.30-6.30pm www. email: [email protected] POLO SHIRT SUPPLIERS 24 different base colours with the same 24 colours as a contrast Prices : Single Colours from £10.50 Twin Colour - Standard Design £14.45 In-house design facility available - just forward your colour requirements to us and we will send you four different designs in the colours of your choice. Club embroidery disc set up free of charge for 10 or more garments Over 200 sets of Bowls always in stock. Full range of Henselite Drakes Pride & Thomas Taylor. SHOES: Drakespride, Welkin, Lazer - over 200 pairs stocked. BOWLS BAGS: Drakespride, Emsmorn, Henselite. LADIES CLOTHING: Skirts - Grey & White Blazers - Cream, Navy, Green, Royal. Blouses, Zip Jackets, Cardigans, Waistcoats, Hats, Bodywarmers, Thermo Jackets, etc.etc MENS CLOTHING: Blazers, Navy & Green - Grey & White Trousers. Snowball Jackets, Zip Jackets, Sweaters, Slipovers, Hats, Caps, Shirts. Full range of Waterproof Clothing Measures, polishing and cleaning materials. Handwarmers, Books and Diaries. CLUB SUPPLIES Mats, Jacks, Scorecard Holders, Marker Labels, Lapel Badges, Blazer Badges, Scoreboards, Green Protectors, Umpire Kits, etc. HAMPSHIRE COUNTY B.A. AND HAMPSHIRE I.B.A. EMBROIDERY AVAILABLE ON ALL GARMENTS Full price list on application COTSWOLD - QUALITY, COTSWOLD - SERVICE COTSWOLD - COMPETITIVE PRICES - 37 - ASSOCIATION FIXTURES FOR 2014 Date May Sun 18th June Wed 4th Versus Inter Association (Badge Matches) Venue Match No. Bournemouth B.A. (H) Hedge End B.C. City & County (H) Woolston B.C. of Bristol B.A. Sat 8th Portsmouth & Dist. B.A. (A) Rowner B.C. PO13 9UR Mon 30th London Parks B.A. (A) Old Coulsdon B.C. CR5 2LD July (A) Mychett B.C. GU16 9JD Sun 6th West Surrey B.A. August Wed 27th New Forest B.A. (A) Totton & Eling B.C. September Sun 7th Bowls Dorset (A) West Moors B.C. BH22 0HZ 1 (6 Rinks) 2.30pm 2 (6 Rinks) 2.00pm 3 (6 Rinks) 4 (6 Rinks) 2.30pm 2.30pm 5 (6 Rinks) 2.30pm 6 (6 Rinks) 2.30pm 7 (6 Rinks) 2.00pm Association (Non-Badge Matches Date Versus Venue Match No. June Sat 7th Royal Household (A) Royal Household B.C. by coach 8 (6 Rinks) September Mon 8th Southampton & District Womens B.A. (A) County B.C. 9 (6 Rinks) Date May Sun 4th Sun 11th June Wed 11th July Sat 12th August 14th-19th Sun 10th Sat 23rd December Sun 7th Versus County B.C. Hyde Abbey B.C. President's Team Matches Venue (A) County B.C (A) Hyde Abbey B.C PRESIDENT'S INVITATION DAY Meon Valley B.C. Woolston B.C. (A) Meon Valley Time Time 2.30pm 2.30pm Match No. Time 10 (6 Rinks) 11 (6 Rinks) 2.00pm 2.00pm 12 (6 Rinks) 13 (6 Rinks) 2.30pm PRESIDENT'S TOUR Hereford Lockswood B.C. (A) Lockswood B.C. Woolston & Dist. B.C. (A) Woolston & Dist. B.C 14 (6 Rinks) 15 (6 Rinks) 2.30pm 2.30pm WINTER WARMER (A) Lockswood B.C 16 (6 Rinks) 12noon - 38 - Other Dates for 2014 & 2015 14th - 18th July 28th July - 2nd August 13th - 14th September 6th October - Bowls Hants - Last eights - Southampton Open Tournament - Southampton & District B.A. Finals at Atherley B.C. - S. & D.B.A. Annual Dinner and Presentation Night 6.45pm at Pirrie Park B.C. Other Information:Disc Colour Codes All Association Events: .. .. Maroon and Gold Halves Leagues and Competitions (except Semi-Finals and Finals): .. Club Semi Finals and Finals: .. .. Provided by the Association Association Management Committee meetings and AGM for year 2014/15 Mon 14th April 2014 7pm Atherley Bowling Club Mon 24th November 2014 7pm Atherley Bowling Club Mon 26th January 2015 7pm AGM at Atherley Bowling Club and Management meeting immediately following the AGM Mon 12th April 2015 7pm Atherley Bowling Club Mon 22nd November 2015 7pm Atherley Bowling Club ________________________________________ C C CURNOW CARPENTRY Sub-Contract Carpenters & Joiners 93 St. Monica Road - Sholing - Southampton - SO19 8ES Mobile: 07714 294803 Tel: 023 8049 0921 Fax: 023 8032 5101 - 39 - - 40 - 3 2 1 4 4A 3A 2A 1A 5 FOLLANDS 6 WOOLSTON 7 FLEMING PARK 8 HEDGE END 7 1 2 8 4A 7 3A 8A 6A 1A 2A 3 5 5A 6 7 1 8 3A 6 5 2A 4A 8A 5A 7A 1A 2A 3 4 5 8A 5 3 4 8A 1 2 3 4 6A 5A 7A 6A 1A 7A 2 3 4 8A 4 5 4A 7A 1A 8 2A 1 3A 2 3 6 7A 1A 3 6A 5A 8 7 1 2 2 4 5 6A 7A 1A 3A 8A 4A 10 17 24 JULY 8 3A 2A 5 6 5A 7 6A 12 19 26 JUNE 5A 3A 4A 8 6 7 1 2A 7 AUGUST 'A' denotes AWAY. All dates are to be strictly adhered to and should not be re-arranged without consultation with the League Secretary. Results by first post SATURDAY (1st Class). Without the co-operation of all Clubs the Leagues cannot be finalised over the weekend. PLEASE READ THE LEAGUE RULES in this Manual. 8A 5 5A 4A 6 3 EASTLEIGH RAIL 4 BANISTER PARK 6A 7 2 ATHERLEY 6 7A 8 1 SPORTS CENTRE 15 22 29 MAY 8 24 APR 1 DIVISION ONE CHAMPIONSHIP LEAGUE FIXTURES 2014 - 41 - 3 2 1 4 4A 3A 2A 1A 5 WATERSIDE 6 OLD GREEN 7 COUNTY 8 LOCKSWOOD 7 4 7 1 2 8 3A 6 7 1A 8 3 6 5 2A 6A 7A 4 8A 5 1 2 3 4 6A 5A 7 1 2A 8A 3 4 4A 7A 1A 8 2A 1 3A 2 3 3 6 7A 1A 6A 5A 8 7 1 2 7 AUGUST 2 4 5 6A 7A 1 5A 3 4A 8 6 7A 8A 1A 4A 3A 8A 2A 4 5 10 17 24 JULY 8 3A 2A 5 6 5A 7 6A 12 19 26 4A 3A 8A 5A 7A 1A 2 4A 3A 8A 6A 1A 2A 3 5 5A 5 JUNE 'A' denotes AWAY. All dates are to be strictly adhered to and should not be re-arranged without consultation with the League Secretary. Results by first post SATURDAY (1st Class). Without the co-operation of all Clubs the Leagues cannot be finalised over the weekend. PLEASE READ THE LEAGUE RULES in this Manual. 8A 5 5A 4A 6 3 BROCKENHURST 4 PARKSIDE 6A 7 2 LITTLETON 6 7A 8 1 PIRRIE PARK 15 22 29 MAY 8 24 APR 1 DIVISION TWO CHAMPIONSHIP LEAGUE FIXTURES 2014 - 42 - MAYFIELD PARK 5 6 3 2 1 4 3A 4A 3A 2A 4A 1A 5 B.T.C. 6 ROMSEY 7 HANTS POLICE 8 MEON VALLEY 7 1 2 7 3A 8A 6A 1A 2A 3 8 4A 5A 6 7 1 8 3A 6 5 2A 4A 8A 5A 7A 1A 2A 3 4 5 8A 5 3 4 8A 1 2 3 4 6A 5A 7A 6A 1A 7A 2 3 4 8A 4 5 2 R 7A 1A 8 2A 1 R 3 6 7A 1A 3 6A 5A 8 7 1 2 2 4 5 6A 7A 1A 3A 8A 4A 10 17 24 JULY R 3A 2A R 6 5A 7 6A 12 19 26 JUNE 5A 3A 4A 8 6 7 1 2A 7 AUGUST 'A' denotes AWAY. All dates are to be strictly adhered to and should not be re-arranged without consultation with the League Secretary. Results by first post SATURDAY (1st Class). Without the co-operation of all Clubs the Leagues cannot be finalised over the weekend. PLEASE READ THE LEAGUE RULES in this Manual. 8A 5A 4A 5 6 6A 7 8 5 7A 8 15 22 29 8 24 1 MAY APR 4 COLDEN COMMON 3 WINCHESTER 2 HYDE ABBEY 1 DIVISION THREE CHAMPIONSHIP LEAGUE FIXTURES 2014 Hotel Advert (film) - 43 - - 44 - 3 2 1 4 4A 2A 3A 2A 1A 5 WOOLSTON 6 FLEMING PARK 7 MAYFIELD PARK 8 ATHERLEY "B" 7 1 2 7 3A 8A 6A 1A 2A 3 8 4A 5A 6 7 1 8 3A 6 5 2A 4A 8A 5A 7A 1A 2A 3 4 3 8A 5 3 4 8A 1 2 3 4 6A 5A 7A 6A 1A 7A 2 1 4 8A 4 5 8 1 4A 7A 1A 8 R 3A 2 3 6 7A 1A 3 6A 5A 8 7 1 2 2 4 5 6A 7A 1A 3A 8A 4A 15 22 JULY 8 3A 2A 5 R 5A 7 6A 10 17 24 JUNE 5A 3A 4A 8 6 7 1 2A 5 AUGUST 'A' denotes AWAY. All dates are to be strictly adhered to and should not be re-arranged without consultation with the League Secretary. Results by first post SATURDAY (1st Class). Without the co-operation of all Clubs the Leagues cannot be finalised over the weekend. PLEASE READ THE LEAGUE RULES in this Manual. 8A 5A 4A 6 5 6 6A 7A 8 13 20 27 MAY 7 6 29 5 6 22 APR 4 BANISTER PARK 3 ATHERLEY "A" 2 MEON VALLEY 1 SPORTS CENTRE DIVISION ONE COMBINATION LEAGUE FIXTURES 2014 - 45 - 3 2 1 4 4A 3A 2A 1A 5 ATHERLEY 6 WOOLSTON 7 PIRRIE PARK 8 EASTLEIGH RAIL 7 1 2 8 4A 7 3A 8A 6A 1A 2A 3 5 5A 6 7 1 8 3A 6 5 2A 4A 8A 5A 7A 1A 2A 3 4 3 8A 5 3 4 8A 1 2 3 4 6A 5A 7A 6A 1A 7A 2 1 4 8A 4 5 8 4A 7A 1A 8 2A 1 3A 2 3 6 7A 1A 3 6A 5A 8 7 1 2 2 4 5 6A 7A 1A 3A 8A 4A 15 22 JULY 8 3A 2A 5 6 5A 7 6A 10 17 24 JUNE 5A 3A 4A 8 6 7 1 2A 5 AUGUST 'A' denotes AWAY. All dates are to be strictly adhered to and should not be re-arranged without consultation with the League Secretary. Results by first post SATURDAY (1st Class). Without the co-operation of all Clubs the Leagues cannot be finalised over the weekend. PLEASE READ THE LEAGUE RULES in this Manual. 8A 5 5A 4A 6 3 LOCKSWOOD 4 HEDGE END 6A 7 2 WATERSIDE 6 7A 8 1 BROCKENHURST 13 20 27 MAY 6 22 APR 29 DIVISION TWO COMBINATION LEAGUE FIXTURES 2014 - 46 - 5A 4A 6 3 PARKSIDE 3 2 1 4 6A 4A 3A 2A 1A 5 5 BITTERNE 6 B.T.C. 7 BANISTER PARK 8 TOTTON & ELING 7 1 2 8 4A 7 3A 8A 6A 1A 2A 3 5 5A 6 7 1 8 3A 6 5 2A 4A 8A 5A 7A 1A 2A 3 4 3 8A 5 3 4 8A 1 2 3 4 6A 5A 7A 6A 1A 7A 2 1 4 8A 4 5 8 4A 7A 1A 8 2A 1 3A 2 3 6 7A 1A 3 6A 5A 8 7 1 2 2 4 R R 7A 1A 3A 8A 4A 15 22 JULY 8 3A 2A 5 6 5A 7 6A 10 17 24 JUNE 5A 3A 4A 8 6 7 1 2A 5 AUGUST 'A' denotes AWAY. All dates are to be strictly adhered to and should not be re-arranged without consultation with the League Secretary. Results by first post SATURDAY (1st Class). Without the co-operation of all Clubs the Leagues cannot be finalised over the weekend. PLEASE READ THE LEAGUE RULES in this Manual. 8A 5 4 PIRRIE PARK 6A 7 2 FLEMING PARK 6 7A 8 1 FOLLANDS 13 20 27 MAY 6 22 APR 29 DIVISION THREE COMBINATION LEAGUE FIXTURES 2014 - 47 - 5A 4A 6 3 2 1 4 4A 2A 3A 1A 2A 1A 5 COUNTY 6 MEON VALLEY 7 WINCHESTER 7 1 2 8 4A 7 3A 8A 6A 1A 2A 3 5 5A 6 7 1 8 3A 6 5 2A 4A 8A 5A 7A 1A 2A 3 4 3 8A 5 3 4 8A 1 2 3 4 6A 5A 7A 6A 1A 7A 2 1 4 8A 4 5 8 8 1 4A 7A R R 3A 2 3 6 7A 1A 3 6A 5A 8 7 1 2 2 4 5 6A 7A 1A 3A 8A 4A 15 22 JULY 8 3A 2A 5 R 5A R 6A 10 17 24 JUNE 5A 3A 4A 8 6 7 1 2A 5 AUGUST 'A' denotes AWAY. All dates are to be strictly adhered to and should not be re-arranged without consultation with the League Secretary. Results by first post SATURDAY (1st Class). Without the co-operation of all Clubs the Leagues cannot be finalised over the weekend. PLEASE READ THE LEAGUE RULES in this Manual. 8 OLD GREEN 8A 5 4 HYDE ABBEY 3 COLDEN COMMON 6A 7 6 6 2 HEDGE END 7A 8 7 13 20 27 1 ROMSEY 6 MAY 29 APR 22 DIVISION FOUR COMBINATION LEAGUE FIXTURES 2014 - 48 - 3 2 1 4 4A 3A 2A 1A 5 FOLLANDS 6 BANISTER PARK 7 HEDGE END 8 FRIARY 7 1 2 8 4A 7 3A 8A 6A 1A 2A 3 5 5A 6 7 1 8 3A 6 5 2A 4A 8A 5A 7A 1A 2A 3 4 3 8A 5 3 4 8A 1 2 3 4 6A 5A 7A 6A 1A 7A 2 1 4 8A 4 5 8 4A 7A 1A 8 2A 1 3A 2 3 6 7A 1A 3 6A 5A 8 7 1 2 2 4 5 6A 7A 1A 3A 8A 4A 15 22 JULY 8 3A 2A 5 6 5A 7 6A 10 17 24 JUNE 5A 3A 4A 8 6 7 1 2A 5 AUGUST 'A' denotes AWAY. All dates are to be strictly adhered to and should not be re-arranged without consultation with the League Secretary. Results by first post SATURDAY (1st Class). Without the co-operation of all Clubs the Leagues cannot be finalised over the weekend. PLEASE READ THE LEAGUE RULES in this Manual. 8A 5 5A 4A 6 3 OLD GREEN 4 MAYFIELD PARK 6A 7 2 WOOLSTON 6 7A 8 1 COUNTY 13 20 27 MAY 6 22 APR 29 DIVISION FIVE COMBINATION LEAGUE FIXTURES 2014 COMPETITION RECORDS (Records prior to 2007 are held in writing by the Association Administrator) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLES M. Slade Soton Sports Centre R. Kemp Fleming Park A. Anderson Fleming Park D. Place Brockenhurst R. Long Fleming Park B.J. Barrett Eastleigh Rail VETERAN SINGLES P. Sexton Brockenhurst J. Rolph Romsey P. Sexton Brockenhurst T. Whitear Southampton Old Green 2012 T. Whitear Southampton Old Green 2013 P.D. Ward Southampton Sports Centre 2008 2009 2010 2011 CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS D. Place Brockenhurst N. Durman Eastleigh Rail T. Whitear So'ton Old Green T. Bishop Atherley M. Aldren Soton Sports Centre I. Stubbington Folland PAIRS 2008 J. Wilkinson & Atherley G. Carter 2009 A. Anderson & Fleming S. Doig Park 2010 J. Laidlaw & Banister Park S. Whitehead 2011 R. Wheavil & Fleming Park A.C. Forrest 2012 P. May & Banister Park S. Rice 2013 R. Wheavil Fleming Park & A.C. Forrest TRIPLES 2008 T. Cousens, R. Garrett & J. Cousens Eastleigh Rail 2009 T. Spridgeon, P. Williams & I. Stubbington Aerostructures 2010 M. Comley, M. Comley & B. Dibdin Banister Park 2011 G. Squires, S. Whitehead & S. Rice Banister Park 2012 D. Deighton, K. Dow & T. Whitear Southampton Old Green 2013 K. Pearce, S. Rowney & N. Durman Eastleigh Rail 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Div. 1 So'ton Sports Centre So'ton Sports Centre So'ton Sports Centre So'ton Sports Centre So'ton Sports Centre So'ton Sports Centre 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Div.1 Sports Centre So'ton Sports Centre Atherley Atherley Meon Valley Banister Park 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Div.5 B.T.C. Friary Meon Valley B.T.C. Hedge End Old Green 'A' UNDER 25's SINGLES T. Bishop Atherley T. Bishop Atherley L. Allen Atherley T. Bishop Atherley A.B. Forrest Fleming Park A.B. Forrest Fleming Park BENEVOLENT PAIRS K. Locke & G. Miller Hedge End T. Spridgeon & I. Stubbington Aerostructures T. Spridgeon & I. Stubbington Aerostructures D. Read & B. Squires Banister Park T. Spridgeon & I. Stubbington G.E. Hamble S. Rowney & M. Barrett Eastleigh Rail FOURS B. Ricketts, R. Willis, D. Morris, F. Hooper S. Nash, P. Kemp, A. Anderson & S. Doig C. Puttock, PJ. Heard, D. Graydon & R. Long C. Higgins, K. Locke, R. Sherwood & D. Miller R. Barber, B. Bendall, B. Barber & P. May B.J. Barrett, J. Maclean, J. Wood & M. Barrett CHAMPIONSHIP LEAGUES Div. 2 Aerostructures So'ton (Old) Green Aerostructures Brockenhurst Woolston & District Atherley COMBINATION LEAGUES Div. 2 Div. 3 Lockswood Meon Valley Meon Valley Eastleigh Rail Eastleigh Rail Fleming Park So'ton Sports Centre Mayfield Park Mayfield Park Hedge End Woolston Lockswood Woolston Fleming Park Fleming Park Hedge End Banister Park Eastleigh Rail Div. 3 Hyde Abbey Waterside County Littleton Waterside County Div. 4 Bitterne Pirrie Park Colden Common Parkside Friary BTC NOTES: 1. Combination - Divisions 6 & 7 disbanded 2006 2. Combination Division 5 increased to 10 teams 2006. - 49 - JOHN'S D.I.Y. INCLUDING D.I.Y. Goods, Materials & Tools Gardening Equipment Pet Food Florist and Seasonal Plants inclusive of Special Events Orders & Deliveries ******** 19-21 Botany Bay Road Sholing, Southampton SO19 8LT Telephone 02380 448725 Fax 02380 449989 Opening Hours: Mon - Sat 9.00am - 6.00pm Sundays: 10.00am - 4.00pm - 50 - CONTENTS page President's Foreword .. .. .. Officers 2014 .. .. .. Management Committee .. .. .. Committees .. .. .. Constitution and Rules .. .. .. Southampton Open Bowls Tournament .. Club Directory .. .. .. Association Fixtures .. .. .. Championship/Combination League Fixtures.. Competition Records .. .. .. 3 5-7 8 9 11 - 24 25 26 - 35 38 40 - 48 49 ADVERTISEMENTS Elliotts .. Reproprint .. Kestrel Guards .. Personalised Gifts .. Challenger Trophies & Awards Regal Catering .. Ink World .. L J Smith Family Butchers .. Cotswold Bowls Centre .. Curnow Carpentry .. Brend Hotels .. John's D.I.Y. .. Wellington Signs & Designs .. Trophy Man .. Trophyman Sports .. - 51 - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. IFC 7 10 24 28 30 32 36 37 39 43 50 52 IBC OBC - 52 -
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