WEEKEND PREPARATION MANUAL HEAD PALANCA CHA Table Of Content Key Areas For Section Heads ................. Section I Team Member Commitment................... Section II The Role of a Team Member .................. Section III Palanca Time ............................................ Section IV Palanca Cha.............................................. Section V Palanca Cha Forms ................................. Section VI Notes.......................................................... Section VII Key Areas For Section Heads SECTION I Key Areas For Section Heads Key Areas for Section Heads Minister to section: Prayer request Share what Christ is doing in your life Team meeting Attendance & Reminders Pray with sections: Start and end all meetings with prayer Take and pray over section prayer requests Provide prayer request to Prayer Chas during weekend Model Christ-like behavior Encourage / Schedule Chapel Attendance Be accountable to ensure that your section duties are completed Help the kitchen (Sat. Palanca—all. Serving meals—dorm, Prayer) Assistant Head Cha Minister to Section Heads Ensure that all Section Heads are aware of their responsibilities and understand the importance of their sections to the success of the weekend. Point of contact for all Section Heads during weekend Be proactive to ensure team & rollistas are ready for candidates Primary Point of Contact for situations as they arise on the weekend. Keep weekend on time with schedule 5 Key Areas For Section Heads Head Chapel Maintain Spirit of Reverence Set up and arrange Chapel for services Assist with Communication Cha for mikes and music in chapel Check with Spiritual Directors for any special needs Head Dorm Maintain spirit of hospitality First to start the bond with the candidates Coordinate sleeping arrangements, color-coding for rooms, candidates, luggage Clean and organize dorms & restrooms throughout campground including rollo & kitchen Listen to candidates. You are their main contact during down time at night. Meet needs. Go above and beyond. Head Gopher Maintain spirit of prayer and service for Rollistas Coordinate prayer palanca for rollistas Attend to Rollistas and their needs/ request Ensure that speakers are ready when appropriate Help Assistant Head stay on time. Once rollista is in auxiliary chapel, stay very close. BE THE HOST. 6 Key Areas For Section Heads Head Kitchen Maintain spirit of hospitality Provide good, hot food. Coordinate distribution of labor for prayer, preparation, serving, clean up, and breaks. Encourage assistant heads and chas for fun environment Try to arrange breaks and rest time whenever possible Encourage first time team members to listen to talks when on breaks Head Music Maintain spirit of Praise and Worship Select with Rector appropriate songs for each day Teach praise choruses and De Colores Provide music for Chapel and Rollo Room Head Palanca Maintain spirit of Giving Collect, coordinate and distribute Palanca Collect, coordinate and verify Palanca letters for candidates Be ready to “lift the mood” as requested by Rector Have fun. 7 Key Areas For Section Heads Head Prayer Maintain spirit of Prayer Your team is the continual link to GOD for the weekend Prayer tent? Coordinate schedule of Prayer Warriors Receive and handle prayer request Head Rover Maintain spirit of attentiveness Be eyes, arms and legs for Assistant Head Cha Be proactive for things needed. If we do not have them, get them. Store runs for additional supplies. Assist in other areas as needed. Update Asst. Head on 3 areas of campground. Head Supply Maintain spirit of service Team Member Commitment SECTION II Team Member Commitment Team Member Commitment As a team member, you are making the following commitment: ! Attend each meeting on the schedule, including the victory secuela. Contact the Head or Assistant Head Cha if an emergency prevents attendance at a team meeting. ! Function as a reunion group within your section throughout the team meetings. On the weekend, pray together daily as a section. Seek prayer requests from one another and encourage each other in the areas of Piety, Study and Action. ! Pray daily for the weekend, your area and the candidates. ! Study the weekend schedule and your section responsibilities in advance of the weekend so you will be prepared to serve well in your role. ! Fulfill the responsibilities of your assigned section under the direction of the section leader. Should an issue emerge that your section head is unable to resolve see the assistant head cha ! Pay the team and weekend fees by the final team meeting. ! Write a general palanca letter. ! Write each candidate a palanca letter. ! Arrive at the campground before 3 P.M. on Thursday afternoon. (If possible, arrive on Wednesday to help set up, clean up and prepare.) The following pages review the role of a team member in more detail. The Role of a Team Member SECTION III The Role of a Team Member THE ROLE OF A TEAM MEMBER After prayerful consideration, you have been invited by the Rector to serve on a Tres Dias team. You have examined your responsibilities to God, family, church, work and reunion group. Your commitment will probably cover a period of about three months from the first team meeting until the post-weekend team reunion. Congratulations! The Rector has asked you to fulfill one of the following specific assignments on this team: Assistant Head Cha Head Cha Kitchen Cha Gopher Cha Palanca Cha Table Cha Supply Cha Spiritual Director Chapel Cha Rover Cha Rollo Room/ Communications Cha Table Leader/Professor Prayer Cha/Night Watch Cha Dorm Cha Music Cha Each is an important part of Christ’s body, with a specific task to do: “If one part of the body suffers, all the other parts suffer with it; If one part is praised, all the other parts share its happiness.” (1 Cor 12:26) When each task is done under the leadership of the Rector and to the glory of God, then the weekend will be an effective instrument for His grace. Although a team member receives the blessings of the Lord’s grace during this time of service, the weekend and its activities are to be channeled for the candidates. While each team member has a unique role to fulfill, there are some tasks, which are shared. These can be divided into three categories: Pre-Weekend Activities, Participating in the Weekend, and Post Weekend Activities. 12 The Role of a Team Member . . . Continued The Role of a Team Member Pre-Weekend Activities Each team member is responsible for helping to build a cohesive team before the weekend begins. This process takes place during the formative pre-weekend team meetings and final preparation for the weekend. It is enriched when you: 1. Pray without ceasing for the team, candidates, their families and the TBTD community. 2. Attend all team meetings. 3. Know and prepare for your own team duties. 4. Contribute to the sharing times. 5. Make an effort to know all team members participate with love in all team meetings and the weekend. 6. Become familiar with the outline for each Rollo. 7. Enter into the Rollo critique process with love and caring for your teammates and the candidates. 8. Believe that the Rector is the human leader for the weekend, but that the Rector is working for God and has been given special graces from Him. 9. Respect and follow the authority that God has given to the Rector for this weekend. But, most importantly, apply to this team the same mind you had on your original Tres Dias weekend. At that time, your Rector asked you to: 1. Believe that great things are possible. 2. Have a spirit of openness to God and what He is asking of you. 3. Have a loving concern for one another and total trust in God. 13 The Role of a Team Member If possible please be arrive early at the campground to help setup for the weekend Wednesday Afternoon and Evening Many team members are needed in the cleaning and preparation of the campground, so plan to arrive on the campground as early as Wednesday morning. (If you wish to spend Wednesday night at the campground, contact the head cha on most weekends there is limited availability for spending the night.) Thursday Afternoon and Evening Clean up will continue during the day, and all team members should arrive as early as possible to help. Please arrive at the campground NO LATER THAN 3 PM. The team chapel and communion will be sometime around 4 PM. We will then prepare to receive the candidates for Send-over at 6:00 PM and assist them with registration and their luggage. The Head Cha is in charge of logistics until Send-over. Then the Assistant Head Cha takes over for the remainder of the weekend. Participating in the Weekend The second area of common responsibility takes place during the Tres Dias weekend. You are important in the process of making the weekend effective! The Role of a Team Member 14 Helpful Hints for Success at the Campground 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Maintain an attitude of prayer and worship. Bring a spirit of cooperation and flexibility. Be prompt to all scheduled events. Wear your name tag at all times. Observe the silent retreat time during the first evening. When appropriate during meals and breaks fellowship with candidates. 7. Keep telephone use to emergencies only. 8. Inform your Head of your whereabouts. 9. Keep your service area covered at all times. 10.Honor confidentiality of Rollos. (Members of the Tres Dias Community should not listen to or hear about details of the Rollos) 11. Share in the financial support of the weekend if possible. 12.Follow the rules of the campground. (I.e.: Smoking is prohibited) 13.No cameras or tape recorders of any kind are allowed. (With the exception of scheduled candidate photographs) 14.Refrain from all gossip and criticism. 15.Trust the Rector as God’s chosen leader for the weekend. 16.Remember, you will be blessed the most when you are serving with love! After the last candidate arrives, the team will then go to the kitchen to receive them into their weekend. At the reception, the Kitchen Chas will take care of serving while the other team members mingle with the candidates. Now is the time to start making new friends! All Chas will be introduced, except for Kitchen who will be introduced on Friday. After making their beds, the candidates go to the Rollo Room and introduce themselves. THURSDAY EVENING CALLS FOR SILENCE -THIS PERTAINS TO TEAM MEMBERS AS WELL (At Rectors Discretion.) After the candidates retire to their dorm for the evening, there will be a brief mandatory team meeting for all team members. You will receive a final copy of the candidate list during this meeting. Although it is best that palanca be completed BEFORE the weekend, the Rollo Room area will be available to write last minute notes for last minute candidates. Please use this area for last minute palanca, and not your dorm room so that other team members can sleep. Please clean up after you are finished in the area so that it is ready for the candidates in the morning. 15 Friday The Role of a Team Member Begin the morning by lining the walks from the candidate dorms to the chapel. Until Candidates are out of chapel in the morning REMEMBER TO MAINTAIN SILENCE! The weekend picture will be taken just before breakfast. The candidates are to stand in front and team members stand in back. Team Chapel following the candidates’ chapel service each morning, a chapel service will be held for all Chas who could not attend the candidate chapel. All team members are required to attend a chapel worship service each morning. Everyone needs to be feed spiritually in order to serve physically. Candidates should be loved and treated hospitably at all times. We will go out of our way to meet their every need. Pay close attention to the schedule. Tres Dias crosses may be worn following the Holy Spirit/Divine Aid Rollo. (Note: after this Rollo palanca may be given and the entire meditation is read. Also, the theme song may be sung following this Rollo.) Saturday Professors, please be first in the chapel each morning. Table Chapel Visits may be done sometime on Saturday. Table Chas lead and pray first with a short 2-3 sentence prayer, i.e. “We the table of...” Sunday An optional candidate serenade may be done in the candidate dorm first thing in the morning. Everyone is strongly encouraged to be a part of this blessing to the candidates. Due to the early hour, pajamas and robes are fine to wear. All team members should pack their belongings in the morning when the candidates do. It is vitally important that the team BE INCONSPICUOUS while packing up and loading cars, but do not “pack up” mentally! Keep the pace up. We will all have a tendency to slow down, so let us encourage each other to keep moving. Each Cha is to clean up his/her service areas as much as possible before the closing. 16 The Role of a Team Member At Closing Kitchen sits on back rows Chas sit on middle rows Professors and Table Chas sit on front two rows. During Each Day All team members should attend at least one chapel each day. Professors, Table Chas, Supply Chas, and other Rollo Room team should attend chapel with the candidates. In addition to chapel, each section should pray together regularly on the weekend as a reunion group. Everyone is invited to the Rollo Room when your tasks are completed. However, no one is to enter or exit the Rollo Room while a Rollo is being given. Please check with your Head before leaving your service area. Please clean up after yourself as you go along including: keeping your bunk area clean, cleaning up in the bathroom areas and maintaining a general attitude of thoughtfulness and kindness that would not require our brothers/sisters in Christ to clean up after us. Team Meetings -There will be a brief team meeting in the Rollo Room 15 minutes after candidates return to the dorm each night. Heads, Professors and all Rollo Room Chas must be present; everyone else is welcome, but attendance is optional (Dorm Chas can’t attend so that they can stay with the candidates). Please be discreet so that no candidate sees you. Lights go out in dorm room after team meetings -A WELL RESTED TEAM IS A HAPPY TEAM! Post-Weekend The final area of mutual team responsibility is during the post weekend activities of the weekend including “Take Down”, Victory Secuela and critique of the weekend. 17 The Role of a Team Member Take Down Following the weekend involves packing inventory boxes, loading them into a truck, tearing down curtains, walls, tables, etc. It also involves final clean up of some areas on the campground. This tremendous task requires the help of many people. If your schedule permits, please try to assist us with task. This usually takes place for several hours the Monday following each weekend. Contact the Head cha or weekend couple if you are available to help. Victory Secuela The first activity, which draws new Pescadores into the fourth day community activities, will be scheduled following the weekend. Try to join us in this or other fourth day activities. Critique of the Weekend Takes place soon after the weekend in conjunction with the Tampa Bay Tres Dias Secretariat. The purpose of the critique is to review weekend experiences so that we may encourage those actions that were supportive of the Essentials of Tres Dias, and learn from those which were not. If you have feedback about the weekend that might be helpful during this critique time, please contact the head or assistant head cha the Rector will use this data as the basis for a written report to the Secretariat. It is most helpful when team members review the weekend in realistic, objective terms. It is a temptation to believe that the Lord is present most powerfully only when we feel an emotional involvement in an event. However, in truth, these moments are apt to be the times when we are more aware of ourselves than we are of God. 18 Critique of the Weekend . . . Continued The Role of a Team Member The team should use the Tres Dias Essentials as a guide for measuring the value of the pre-weekend and weekend activities. In conclusion, a Tres Dias team member is one who ! Knows Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. ! Can witness to the life-changing companionship of Jesus. ! Lives a life in grace through regular spiritual direction of a Reunion Group. ! Is in pilgrimage toward Christian maturity and perfection. ! Can fulfill the assigned role on the team. The weekend is a team effort. Each team member has a role to fulfill. It is the team working and praying together with Jesus that produces the Tres Dias weekend. Palanca Time SECTION IV Palanca Time What is Palanca? This Spanish word actually means “lever”. It is introduced in the Holy Spirit/Divine Aid Rollo on Friday afternoon to illustrate how the Holy Spirit moves in our lives to show us God’s love, often through using “levers” to open the doors of our hearts. In Tres Dias, these levers come in the form of prayers and “gifts of love”. It greatly enhances the weekend and richly blesses those involved in the preparation of these gifts. The following are different forms of palanca and the examples given are meant only as suggestions; feel free to come up with ideas of your own. Please remember that there must be enough palanca for every person in the area that you are giving palanca or it cannot be given out. Prayer Palanca As a Tres Dias team member, one of our greatest commitments and blessings is prayer palanca. Prayer palanca opportunities are as follows: ! Prayer for your individual candidate. Use a prayer reminder and put it in a place where you will see it daily to remind you to pray diligently for your candidate number. You can use the wooden prayer token that you are given at the first team meeting. ! Prayer palanca during team meetings and on the weekend. You may be asked to meet with another team member in an auxiliary chapel to intercede during a Rollo. A Gopher Cha will escort you to the auxiliary chapel. Please check the schedule in the team book and in your section on the weekend so that you will be ready when the Gopher Cha arrives. ! Prayer watch for the weekend. Every hour of the weekend someone in the community is praying for the candidates and the team. A sign up sheet will be passed around at team meetings and secuelas to reserve one of the hour-long time slots. Names will be listed on the “Prayer Banner” which will then be shown to the candidates on the weekend. 21 Palanca Time Oven Palanca If you like to bake, this palanca could be for you. Brownies, cookies, mini cupcakes or muffins make excellent palanca. Nothing says lovin’ like something from the oven! Table Palanca Table palanca is used in the Rollo Room, and comes in many different forms such as crafts, candy, books, bookmarks, baked goods, written palanca (poems, short stories, or notes printed on pretty paper), cassette tapes, etc. “Shared” table palanca would be a container of palanca placed in the center of each table and shared among the candidates and Professors at the table. One extra container can be done for the Rector and Spiritual Directors, if desired. Bed Palanca This is similar to table palanca, but it is placed on candidate’s and/or team beds. Kitchen Palanca These items are usually small crafts, place mats, or little candies with notes attached which are placed at each table setting in the dining hall. Please note that kitchen palanca must have enough for the entire team and candidates. Candidate letters written by the team Begin your individual palanca letters soon after the first team meeting. You will bring them to the weekend. Thursday night you will receive a final list of candidate names for addressing your letters and envelopes. Please alphabetize your letters, secure them with a rubber band and deliver them to the Palanca Chas before noon on Friday. The Holy Spirit uses your letters to speak powerfully to the candidate’s hearts! 22 What is Palanca? . . . Continued Palanca Time Gift Palanca All candidates receive the same items. You can have different colors, shapes, styles, etc. of your palanca, but they must be the same for everyone. For example, you’re giving a small key chain to each candidate. The key chains can be different colors or shapes, but they do all need to be key chains and of the same quality. Sacrificial Palanca This type of palanca involves fasting entertainment, food, sleep, etc. and spending that time in prayer for the candidates on the weekend. 23 What is Palanca? . . . Continued Palanca Time General Palanca Letter This letter is read during the Spiritual Director’s Holy Spirit/Divine Aid Rollo on Friday afternoon after palanca is introduced. This is called a general palanca letter because it is one single letter that you write to all of the candidates as a whole. The Spiritual Director chooses a few of these letters to read aloud during his Rollo. Then, throughout the weekend, all of the letters are posted on walls throughout the campground for the candidates to read. This letter will be an expression of your heart and prayers for the weekend. Allow the Lord to compose the letter through you, making it appealing to the eyes and hearts of the candidates. SAMPLE PALANCA LETTER (offered as a suggestion only to help you with your letter) My Precious Brothers/Sisters, What a joy and a blessing it is to be serving you on your Tres Dias Weekend. There have been lots of prayers going up to the Father just for you on this special weekend that you are experiencing here. My prayer for you during this weekend is that you will see the body of Christ function together as one, just as the Lord ordained I pray that in your heart of hearts that you will hear and receive from your heavenly Father all that He has for you during these days that we spend together in His presence. I pray that you will see and experience the love of Christ in your life as never before. You are very special to our Father and to each of us who are serving you on this weekend. May you experience the depths of Christ and the freedom that is ours in Christ because of His unconditional love and grace that He has blessed us with! Receive Him this weekend as you focus all your attention on Him and all that He has made available to you through His death and resurrection. You are beautiful to Him and to us, too. Grace and peace to you from God; our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Your Brother/Sister in C’hrist, Your Name Your Team Position 24 What is Palanca? . . . Continued Palanca Time How much palanca do I Make? Type of Palanca 6 Tables 7 Tables Bed Palanca (For team and candidates) 128 134 Kitchen Palanca (For team and candidates 128 134 54 60 Table Palanca (Individual pieces to be used in Rollo Room – Candidates and Professors) Bed Palanca (For candidates only! 4 extra for dorm chas) 38 or 40 44 or 48 Oven Palanca (Shared containers one per table in rollo room/one extra if you wish for Rector’s table) 6 or 7 7 or 8 ** Always add a few extras in case of breakage, and please understand that if we come up even one short the palanca cannot be used. “When do I make it?” Begin to prepare palanca now so that you are not crunched for time at the end. As the weekend draws closer, other preparations will need your attention. Palanca parties with your reunion groups or Tres Dias friends are an excellent way to have fun and share the blessings of making palanca! “Once it is done, how do I deliver it?” Palanca needs to be dropped off at the campground during Send-over. There will be a designated place made available. Clearly label where and when you would like your palanca to be given on the weekend, for example “Friday night, bed” or “Rollo Room, after Reunion Group Rollo”. Clearly write a short note for the Palanca Cha’s or Rector to read to the candidates along with your palanca. This note is important to let the candidates know that there are people and love Behind each piece of palanca and it is not just something included in their weekend fee. Whatever your gift of love happens to be, God will bless your heart as well as those on the weekend who receive it! 25 What is Palanca? . . . Continued Palanca Time Special Palanca for Rollistas Encourage each Rollista, both at team meetings and on the weekend, with notes before his/her talk. Label the envelopes with his/her name (example “before Jane’s Rollo”) Sending cards and letters through the mail is an excellent way to affirm fellow team members. This is also a lovely way to begin new friendships and build team unity. “What about ‘Sponsor Palanca’?” If you sponsor a candidate, be sure their letters are labeled with the candidate’s first and last names. Indicate in the top left hand comer who it is from: “sponsor”, “wife”, “husband”, “friend”, “family-son (-father, -sister, -etc)”, or “church”. This is to be a letter of blessing, love and affirmation. Be sure to tell this to each person that you ask to write a letter to your candidate. If you’d like to give your candidate your own personal palanca, please give it to them after closing, instead of on the weekend. This way the other candidates are protected from feeling left out. Palanca Cha Guidelines SECTION V Palanca Cha Guidelines 27 PALANCA CHA The most important role of a team member is to be growing in your relationship with Christ through Piety, Study and Action. Share with other members of your section how the Lord is working in your life in these areas. Make prayer together a priority. Pray for the candidates, the team and your section. As a Palanca Cha you will be responsible for organizing, sorting, labeling and delivering Palanca for the Tres Dias weekend. BEFORE THE WEEKEND 1. Team Meetings – - Assist in providing small, inexpensive Palanca for the entire team. - Read Palanca notes. (review before reading aloud) - Assist in providing a basket/bag for Rollista Palanca collection. 2. Assist in gathering supplies and preparing materials (see Head Palanca for direction) 3. Assist in planning for skits if appropriate 4. At the campground – plan to arrive early to assist in preparing the Palanca area. Check in with your head to see what you have been assigned to do. DURING THE WEEKEND 1. Introduction of Palanca: Palanca is introduced during the Holy Spirit/ Divine Aid Rollo on Friday afternoon. At the end of the Holy Spirit/ Divine Aid Rollo, candidates are taken to the chapel. At this time, you will assist in putting up all the general Palanca letters. 2. Table / Rollo Room Palanca – Check the schedule to determine how many times you will put out table Palanca each day. Table Palanca is usually given out each time the candidates leave the Rollo Room. Divide the table Palanca for each day into the number of times it will be given out. Try to give a variety of types of Palanca each time (sweet, craft, salty, etc.) Some Palanca will be labeled as to the time it is to be given out. Give out most of the food Palanca by the afternoon on Saturday. IMPORTANT – To distribute any Palanca in the Rollo Room, there must be enough for Silent Table Leaders and Professors as well as candidates. Count before you begin! If there are a couple of extras, give to the Rector, Head Cha, Spiritual Directors, etc. 28 During The Weekend . . . Continued Palanca Cha Guidelines 3. Bed Palanca: You will distribute bed Palanca for both the team and the candidates. Bed Palanca can be delivered in the afternoons after the point at which candidates will not be returning to the dorms. You may partner with the dorm chas to distribute bed Palanca. 4. Kitchen, Banner or Special (Mug, T-shirt, Bag) Weekend Palanca- See Head Palanca for direction on assisting with these forms of Palanca. 5. Palanca Notes: Assist in labeling each note with a description or example of the palanca. Retain these notes during the weekend and give to the Rector. 6. Assist in picking up Palanca from the team dorms each day. 7. Assist in sorting Letter Mailbags. 8. Assist in packing Weekend Envelopes. 9. Assist in lining the walks. PALANCA GUIDELINES 1. Please do not put out Palanca unless there is enough for every candidate. Be sure to set out bed Palanca systematically so that nobody is missed. There is to be no Palanca of any kind given to any individual candidate except what will go in her Palanca bag. This is so that all candidates are treated with an equal amount of love. If anyone brings an individual gift for a candidate, please suggest that the gift be given to the candidate on the way home or after the weekend. 2. Wear comfortable shoes with a lot of arch support! This is a busy job. 3. Make sure your head knows where you are at all times. 4. Bring a servant’s heart to the weekend. Deal with one another with an attitude of idealism, cooperation and love. Head Palanca Cha Guidelines 29 HEAD PALANCA CHA First and foremost your role as Head is to model “group reunion” with your section. You should begin and end each break out session and each day of the weekend with group prayer. Share with the section members how the Lord is leading you in the areas of Piety, Study and Action. Encourage other members to share as well. Reunion groups are the lifeblood of the 4th day experience. Please encourage “grouping” activities. Head Palanca Cha is in charge of both pre-weekend and weekend Palanca for the Tres Dias weekend. This includes organizing, giving directions, delegating responsibility, studying the schedule, checking on progress, and answering questions regarding Palanca. If the rector chooses, you may also be responsible for planning, creating and organizing multiple skits for the weekend. BEFORE THE WEEKEND 1. Team Meetings – Pray together as a section during each section meeting. At each team meeting give out small, inexpensive Palanca to the entire team with a note of encouragement to go with it. (Each member of the Palanca team should take turns providing this Palanca.) - You will be expected to read Palanca notes that will come in from team members. It’s a good idea to read these notes ahead of time to make sure you can read the handwriting. - Notes will be given to the Rollistas before they give their practice Rollos. Please coordinate with the Assistant Head Cha to bring a basket, bag, or other container in which team members can place their notes to the Rollistas. - Lead Section Meetings: - Review details about the responsibilities of the section. (many details appear in the Heads description that team members do not see- it is helpful to review these in advance) - Make sure each team member has access to their position description - Plan for how these responsibilities will be carried out - If a team member in your section misses a meeting- contact them to review details about both the team meeting and section meeting. 2. Collect General Palanca Letters for the Weekend 3. Gathering Supplies and Preparing Materials - Palanca Bags for team and candidates (Check with the Weekend Couple to make sure there are plenty of Palanca bags in the weekend inventory. Do this early in case the bags need to be ordered.) Head Palanca Cha Guidelines 30 Before The Weekend . . . Continued - Decorations for the Palanca bags- decorate large bags for candidates, small bags for team. Wait until the weekend to put names on the bags. - Labels for mailboxes (also check with the weekend couple for the mailboxes) Option: you may want to sort team letters right into their bags rather than using mailboxes. - Signs for organizing Palanca - A sign for each Rollista, Spiritual Director, Rector and Rector’s husband’s name and the time their “before Rollo” Palanca should be given out (you will find Rollo times on both the short and long weekend schedule.) - Signs to be placed on beds or tables to sort Palanca that read: Friday Bed Palanca – candidates and/or team Saturday Bed Palanca – candidates and/or team Friday Table Palanca – list times to be given out Saturday Table Palanca – list times to be given out Sunday Table Palanca – list times to be given out - Boxes or Bags for Palanca Collection. (It may be helpful to label these: Team Letters, Candidate Letters, Table Palanca, Kitchen Palanca, Bed Palanca, etc.) - Optional: Costumes / Props for Weekend Skits. (Before purchasing or making new costumes, ask the weekend couple to let you see what is already in the collection of items stored for the palanca section). - Optional - a children’s wagon or cart is very helpful in delivering palanca. One would be good — two would be fabulous. See if they can be borrowed from someone on the team for the weekend. 4. Planning for Skits: It is the Rector’s responsibility to choose whether or not skits will be used during the weekend. If skits will be used, consult with the Rector in advance to determine the number and type of skits requested for the weekend. It is your responsibility to plan, create/script and direct the skits. 5. At the Campground (Please make sure to arrive early) - Check in with the Head Cha upon arrival to see if/what you have been assigned to do. - Clean and prepare the Palanca area - Tape pages of the weekend schedule on the wall for easy reference. - Arrange the Palanca room to facilitate the sorting of Palanca. You will need to have places set up to sort the following kinds of Palanca: Head Palanca Cha Guidelines 31 Before The Weekend . . . Continued - Letters for candidates and team. The Set-up Crew will set up the mailboxes. - Bed Palanca for candidates and team on Friday and Saturday nights. - Spiritual Directors’ bed Palanca - Table Palanca (Fri., Sat., Sun.) – you’ll probably need three separate tables/ beds to hold table Palanca. - Paper grocery bags or boxes to hold each Rollistas, Rector’s, Rector’s spouse’s, and each Spiritual Director’s “before Rollo” Palanca. (letters can be sorted in the mailboxes with the candidate letters; palanca for the tray is usually provided by the gopher Chas) - Place Palanca collection boxes in each of the team dorm rooms. - Once you get the final candidate list, put their names on mailbox labels and attach to the mailboxes. Write H, F, and S (Husband, Family, and Sponsor) in one corner of each candidate’s label. Go ahead and mark off H for all singles so you won’t be looking for a letter that doesn’t exist. The candidate list should indicate their marital status. - Check with the Head Cha to see if/what you have been assigned to do. 6. At Send-over, at least two Palanca Chas should be stationed in the area to collect and sort Palanca. DURING THE WEEKEND 1. Introduction of Palanca: Palanca is introduced during the Holy Spirit/Divine Aid Rollo on Friday afternoon. The Spiritual Director will usually begin by introducing letter Palanca. The Head Palanca Cha should select a variety of the general Palanca letters and give them to him on Thursday night so that he can select some to read during his Rollo. (They will usually want to have some from foreign countries and from other communities such as Kiros, Cursillo, etc) The Asst. Head Cha will bring the general team palanca letters to the weekend and the Palanca Couple from the Secretariat will bring palanca letters received from other communities. The Palanca Couple will also bring the 24-hour prayer list that has been enlarged for hanging in the chapel. Make sure this is given to the Head Chapel Cha early on Friday so that it is ready for when the Spiritual Director asks for it. 2. The Spiritual Director will also introduce other types of Palanca. Be prepared with a banner and table Palanca (check with the Rector/Head Cha before the weekend on which to use). Be ready to carry them into the Rollo Room when the Spiritual Director asks for them. At the end of the Holy Spirit/Divine Aid Rollo, candidates are taken to the chapel. At this time, you will put up all the general Palanca letters – some on the Rollo Room wall, some on the walls of the bathrooms by the Rollo Room, and some at the dorms (give to Dorm Chas to put up at a specific time). Table Chas, Supply Chas, and others in the Rollo Room will help put up the letters in the Rollo Room. This is a very brief chapel visit, so work fast! 32 During The Weekend . . . Continued Head Palanca Cha Guidelines 3. Table Palanca – check to see how many times you will put out table Palanca each day. Divide the table Palanca for each day into the number of times it will be given out. Try to give a variety of types of Palanca each time (sweet, craft, salty, etc.) Some Palanca will be labeled as to the time it is to be given out. Give out most of the food Palanca by the afternoon on Saturday. In the past much of the food given out on Sunday was not eaten. Not only does this help avoid leftovers, but also facilitates clean up. 4. Rollo Room Palanca: IMPORTANT – To distribute any Palanca in the Rollo Room, there must be enough for Silent Table Leaders and Professors as well as candidates. Count before you begin! If there are a couple of extras give to the Rector, Head Cha, Spiritual Directors, etc. 5. Bed Palanca: You will distribute bed Palanca for both the team and the candidates. Bed Palanca can be delivered in the afternoons after the point at which candidates will not be returning to the dorms. A van or wagon may be helpful in distributing Palanca in the dorms. You may partner with the dorm Chas to distribute bed Palanca. For women’s weekend: Work with the Head Spiritual director to determine where they would like palanca to be discreetly delivered. Palanca is placed on the tables after the candidates are in the dorms each night. Items that would spoil or get stale should be covered adequately. 6. Kitchen Palanca- Partner with Head Kitchen to determine which Palanca should be used in the dining room. Use anything of which there are enough for both the candidates and team. This can be determined on Thursday and delivered to the kitchen’s area where they stage palanca. 7. Banners: Select banners in good condition to be hung in the Rollo Room. Add more each day. If there are extra banners they can be hung in the kitchen or dorms. 8. If mugs, t-shirts, bags, etc. are a part of Palanca, they should be given out at a time the Rector’s chooses. Ask before the weekend when to distribute. (If breakables, such as mugs, are given, wrapping materials should be provided to the table Chas in order to assist the candidates in packing them). 9. Check the schedule frequently to know when you must be ready for action! Usually table Palanca is delivered each time the candidates leave the Rollo Room (after it has been introduced on Friday during the Holy Spirit/Divine Aid Rollo), or according to directions from the Rector and Head Cha. 10. Reading Palanca Notes: The Rector may want to read the notes or she may have the Palanca Chas do so. Make sure each note is labeled with a description or example of the palanca. (If the professors are not revealed, please make sure a professor’s name is not read.) 33 During The Weekend . . . Continued Head Palanca Cha Guidelines 11. Pick up Palanca from the team dorms each day. 12. Mailbags: It’s a good idea to begin putting sorted mail into the mailbags about 3 hours prior to the time they are to be delivered. Encourage team members to get their mail in by Thursday night or, at the latest, on the day before it is to be delivered. You’ll need a copy of the Rollo Room seating chart in order to sort bags by tables. You will probably get a copy of this on Friday morning – if not be sure to get one from the Head Cha and ask them to let you know if there are any seating changes. Team members’ bags should be placed along the back wall of the Rollo Room for them to pick up at closing. Place them in alphabetical order. 13. Before distributing candidate letter bags read the ‘letter to the candidates’. Coordinate with Head Cha to make sure you have copy (found in Rector’s Guide). 14. Envelopes: Pictures, 4th day booklets, candidate applications, sponsoring information, applications to serve, weekend directories, and anything else given to you should be placed in envelopes. This may be partially done by the 4th Day Couple when they deliver the weekend directories. These envelopes will be given to the candidates on Sunday at their tables (make sure there are enough for both candidates and professors.) It is not necessary to put their names on them. Give out team members’ envelopes at this time, also. Give a weekend book to the person designated to make corrections for the Secretariat. These envelopes should be delivered to the location where the commissioning will be done (usually the kitchen) prior to the candidates arriving. The envelopes are usually ready on Sunday morning so they could be moved over there after lunch so that they are ready to distribute. Additional ones should be included so that any team members that are in the room can follow along. 15. Keep all of the notes that come in with Palanca for the Rector to keep after the weekend. They should be placed on the Rector’s bed. 16. Line the walks when the candidates move from one place to another. Assistant Head Cha will tell you when. Head Palanca Cha Guidelines 34 PALANCA GUIDELINES 1. Please do not put out Palanca unless there is enough for every candidate. Be sure to set out bed Palanca systematically so that nobody is missed. There is to be no Palanca of any kind given to any individual candidate except what will go in his/her Palanca bag. This is so that all candidates are treated with an equal amount of love. If anyone brings an individual gift for a candidate, please suggest that the gift be given to the candidate on the way home or after the weekend. 2. All team letters should be sorted after the candidate’s letters since the team doesn’t get their bags until after closing on Sunday. 3. Wear comfortable shoes with a lot of arch support! This is a busy job. 4. Bring an alarm to assist in your team wake up. 5. You will receive a prayer palanca schedule before the weekend begins. If a team member from your section is scheduled for prayer palanca at a time that conflicts with the preparations in your section, it is your responsibility to find a replacement (possibly from another section – check with their head) and communicate that change to the Head Gopher. Palanca Cha Forms SECTION VI 36 Palanca Cha Forms sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample SAMPLE INVENTORY SHEETS Inventory Item Bags - Brown Lunch size Balloons Banners, Misc. Binder Clips, Big Bug Spray for Ants & Roaches Envelopes - Legal Envelopes - Regular Extension Cords Fabric Paint Finger Paint Finger Paint Paper Glue (Elmers) Glue Gun Glue Sticks Glue Sticks for gun Index Cards (3" X 5") Insect Repellent Labels - Address (1" X 3") Markers - Washable Paint Brushes Palanca Bags, for Team & Candidate letters Paper Clips Pens Post-it tags, pads Raffia - Blue Raffia - Green Ribbon - Curling Ribbon - Curling Rubber Bands Scissors Signs, Palanca signs to organize Palanca by day) Skit - Angel Wings & Halo Skit - Angel Gown Skit - Aprons (Matches Cumberbuns) Stock Stock Trunk # Needed Level 1 1 Separate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 25 0 3 0 1 50 50 1 6 4 25 sheets 1 bottle 1 12 10 25 1 120 10 4 125 100 10 0 1 bag 1 bag 0 0 50 1 10 0 0 0 150 50 5 2 1 87 100 1 6 6 1 roll 3 btls 1 3 49 100 2 1800 10 2 125 100 14 18 pads 5 bags 3 bags 5 rolls 6 spools 50 2 10 2 1 4 End Invtry Area PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL 37 Palanca Cha Forms SAMPLE INVENTORY SHEETS Inventory Item Skit - Black Ladies Evening Bag Skit - Boa - Purple Skit - Costume Jewelry (Necklace) Skit - Cumber buns Skit - Dress - Silver “GoGo” Skit - Dresses - Various women's dresses & suits Skit - Elf Ears, rubber Skit - Face Makeup kit Skit - Fan - White feather Skit - Gloves - white Skit - Hat - Tam Skit - Hat - women’s flowered visor Skit - Hose - Fish net (1 pink pr, 2 black prs) Skit - Lighthouse dresses Skit - Light hats (Touch Lights) Skit - Music makers (3 drum/whistle, 15 plastic whistle) Skit - Pom Pom’s, red Skit - Pom Pom’s, white Skit - Shoes - Silver “GoGo” Skit - Sunglasses Skit - Water Pistol Skit - Whistle - Referees Skit - Wig - Black, blonde, silver, brown Skit - Wig - Red clown wig , black braids, Brown taupee Skit - words to High Caloric, Camo-Floozies Stapler Staples String Tape - Scotch Tape - Masking Thumbtacks Tissue pack for letter Palanca Bags NOTE: Trunk #2 is all Palanca Skit Items sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample Stock Stock Trunk # Needed Level 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 box 1 roll 2 rolls 1 roll 50 78 1 1 1 4 1 11 3 pair 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 4 4 7 6 1 3 pair 8 1 4 3 2 2 1 box 1 roll 4 4 78 52 End Invtry Area PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL Table Cha Rollo room Set-UP Palanca Cha Notes SECTION VII 39 Palanca Cha Notes 40 Palanca Cha Notes
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