Oak Lawn Community High School District 229 “Serving Spartans” Service Learning Manual Kelly Kenny, Service Learning Coordinator Oak Lawn Community High School 9400 Southwest Highway Oak Lawn, IL 60453 708-741-5853 [email protected] District 229 Oak Lawn Community High School Mission Statement Oak Lawn Community High School exists to… inspire, challenge, and empower students and staff in a safe, supportive environment. maximize individual potential through academic and personal growth. graduate student who attain the highest standards set forth by our community. Vision Statement We envision a school that provides each student with challenging opportunities in a culture where creativity, respect, and an authentic enthusiasm for learning exist, one where all strive to be responsible, motivated citizens of strong character, one that embraces a strong relationship with our diverse communities, and one that promotes a passionate commitment to Spartan Pride. Statement of Values Uphold high expectations. Demand a safe, supportive, respectful environment for self and others. Expect honesty, integrity, pride, responsibility, and compassion. Foster positive student, staff, family and community relationships. Appreciate, respect, and celebrate diversity. Instill critical thinking, problem solving, and effective communication skills. Nurture appreciation for creativity and the arts. Support extracurricular activities. Emphasize the connection between education and future success. Commit all available resources to achieve the mission. 2 Purpose of the Service Learning Requirement The purpose of the service learning graduation requirement is to prepare our students to play a vital role by actively participating in our community. Students must complete 24 hours of service learning for District 229 Oak Lawn Community High School as a graduation requirement. Standards for School-Based and Community-Based Service Learning1 1. 2. Effective service learning efforts strengthen service and academic learning. Model service learning provides concrete opportunities for youth to learn new skills, to think critically, and to test new roles in an environment that encourages risktaking and rewards competence. Preparation and reflection are essential elements in service learning. Youths’ efforts are recognized by those served, including their peers, the school, and the community. Youth are involved in the planning. The service students perform makes a meaningful contribution to the community. Effective service learning integrates systemic formative and summative evaluation. Service learning connects the school or sponsoring organization and its community in new and positive ways. Service learning is understood and supported as an integral element in the life of the school or sponsoring organization and its community. Skilled adult guidance and supervision are essential to the success of service learning. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What is Service Learning? Service learning is a method by which young people learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfully organized experiences that… Meet actual community needs Coordinate in collaboration with the school and community Integrate into each young person’s academic curriculum Provide structured time for a young person to think, talk, and write about what he/she did and saw during the actual service activity Provide young people with opportunities to use newly acquired skills and knowledge in real life situations in their own communities Are a practical application of what is taught in school Help to foster the development of a sense of caring for others. Definition: Service learning is service without pay to a non-profit organization or an individual or group in need of assistance; the service must be for the benefit of others either outside the school community or for a school-based parent group; academic based service learning enhances learning by connecting a service learning project to a specific objective of the curriculum. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Alliance for Service Learning in Education Reform 1 http://www.closeup.org/servlern.htm 3 What is the Value of Service Learning? Service Learning helps students: Acquire life skills SEL Standards Addressed2 II Understand their responsibilities as citizens in the community VI Improve their self-esteem IV Take and accept new challenges II Apply classroom learning to “real life” learning experiences I, II Service learning provides students with: Opportunities for higher level thinking SEL Standards Addressed2 II Opportunities to assume responsibilities I, II, III, V The positive experience of helping others IV A chance to explore new roles II An experience to enrich their learning I, II Opportunities for career exploration II __________________________________________________________________________________________ ISBE Social Emotional Learning Standards http://www.isbe.net/ils/social_emotional/standards.htm These standards have been developed in accordance with Section 15(a) of Public Act 93-0495. This Act calls upon the Illinois State Board of Education to "develop and implement a plan to incorporate social and emotional development standards as part of the Illinois Learning Standards." 2 4 Program Overview Twenty-four (24) hours of service learning is a graduation requirement for all Oak Lawn Community High School students beginning with the class of 2011. Students are eligible to receive credit for service performed on or after the completion of a class as an OLCHS student. (Cross Reference: p.7-8, Procedure for Completing the Service Learning Requirement) Students transferring to OLCHS will be eligible for a reduced amount of hours if the previous school did not also have a Service Learning requirement. Freshman In-Service All students will be provided information and training during their freshman year regarding the 24-hour service learning graduation requirement, specifically during Freshmen Seminar. Parent Communication Information pertaining to the service learning requirement will be shared with parents of all freshmen during Freshmen Parent Night and through the sharing of handbook, forms and written procedures. Parents will also be given updates via the OLCHS website and the Oak Leaflet. Parents needing additional information or with questions /concerns should contact the Service Learning Coordinator to schedule an appointment. Transfer Students Upon transfer to OLCHS from another school, the Service Learning Coordinator will determine how many hours the transfer student is responsible for completing based on the following criteria: If a student transferred from a school that required service learning for graduation: 1. The student shall be held responsible for completing all 24 hours of the OLCHS service learning requirement. 2. The student shall receive credit for any approved service learning from previous school(s). If a student transferred from a school that did not require service learning for graduation: 1. The Service Learning Coordinator will meet and advise the transfer student on the OLCHS Service Learning requirement. 2. The student shall be responsible for completing hours on a prorated system: a. Transfer as a sophomore – 18 hours b. Transfer as a junior – 12 hours c. Transfer as a senior – 6 hours Students needing additional information or with questions /concerns should contact the Service Learning Coordinator to schedule an appointment. 5 Exempt Students Some students with severe developmental handicaps may be exempt from this requirement. These cases will be discussed individually with the Special Education Department Chairperson and the Service Learning Coordinator. The opportunity for these students to participate in classroom-based School Activity Projects will be allowed during the school day. Students going to out of district special education schools will be exempt from the requirement. However, if the student returns OLCHS, the 24-hour service learning requirement will be reviewed for that student. Summer Hours Students wishing to complete their Service Learning hours over the summer will be eligible to do so only after the completion of their first class at OLCHS and before graduation. Sites must be approved before service is performed, and summer hours must be turned in within two weeks of the start of the fall semester. Option I – Service Projects 1. Community Based: Community based service learning projects shall be performed outside the school day, shall not benefit the high school or their ancillary organizations, and shall not earn the student any academic credit or extracurricular remuneration or credit in any other organization. Students will arrange for own service learning hours OR may participate in OLCHS sponsored field trips for community-based activities. Opportunities for community-based projects will be regularly advertised through student announcements and on the Service Learning bulletin board outside of the Student Services Office. 2. School Based: A. Academic Projects: Students may also earn service learning hours through academic based service learning projects. Students may earn all 24 hours through academic based service learning projects, which supplement and enhance learning by connecting academic concepts to practical application. Academic based service learning projects must be facilitated through a classroom teacher. An example of a project that would count for this area would be a class creating care baskets for military personnel, organizing a drive to collect materials, etc. Students cannot earn both class credit and service learning for the same project/work. (Appendix A: Academic Project Proposal) B. School Activity Projects: Students may earn a portion of hours (maximum of 1/3 of required hours) through pre-approved school activity service learning projects. To qualify, projects must be pre-approved by the Service Learning Coordinator. Students may meet the requirement through a group project sponsored by a team, club, or class with Coordinator’s approval. These hours may not count for other school activity requirements, such as club membership, National Honor Society, etc. Examples of projects that would count in this area are tutoring before and after 6 school, environmental projects, special projects for the school, projects sponsored by Parent/Booster organizations and possible projects with special need students. Except for the last activity, these hours cannot be completed within the school day and cannot earn credit for a class nor fulfill a club or activity responsibility. (Cross Reference: p.6, Exempt Students) Approved Service Projects To qualify for approval, a service project must meet the following criteria: 1. It must contribute to the completion of a task, which will benefit the community, needy individuals, groups in the community and/or school based parent groups. It may not be for a for-profit business. 2. It must provide students with a worthwhile learning experience. 3. It must not involve direct solicitation of funds for non-profit agencies nor generate profits for any private company. Furthermore, students may not handle monetary transactions nor collect pledges. 4. It must not cause a reduction in the number of employees at a site. 5. It must not place students in any situation which would pose a risk to their health or safety. 6. It must not place students in a situation that would be inappropriate for their age, background or level of maturity. 7. It must not be for any political party, lobbying or special interest group, or family member. 8. Any neighbor-in-need community based service learning project must be channeled through an approved service learning site. 9. Although service learning through religiously affiliated organizations is permitted, the service rendered shall not be religious in nature. Participation in forms of worship or religious instruction shall not be counted toward the fulfillment of the service learning requirement. 10. Students must turn in their paperwork within 2 weeks of their last date of service at an approved site for hours to be credited. A list of pre-approved sites for Service Learning is available in the Student Services office. If a student wishes to perform service hours at a site not listed, the student should seek approval from the Service Learning Coordinator before service is performed. 7 Procedure for Completing a Service Project 1. Each student will receive service learning information at the freshmen orientation program. Students are eligible to receive credit for service performed on or after the completion of a class as an OLCHS student. (Cross Reference: p.5, Program Overview) 2. If a student has arranged his or her own project, he or she will meet with the Service Learning Coordinator for approval of both project and site, assuming that site is not on the provided list of pre-approved sites. (Cross Reference: p.7, Approved Projects) Once projects and sites are approved, students will receive the appropriate paperwork for project verification. Projects must meet guidelines as set forth in this handbook and be preapproved by the Service Learning Coordinator or no credit will be given toward completion. -ORIf a student needs help selecting a project or a site, the student should meet with the Service Learning Coordinator to see what projects are available. A list of pre-approved sites for Service Learning is available in the Student Services office. (Appendix A: List of PreApproved Service Learning Sites) 3. The student must present the verification paperwork to the event or site coordinator, who will sign the paperwork and return it to the student. The student is responsible for completion of all paperwork, as well as returning the paperwork to the Service Learning Coordinator. (Appendix B: Service Learning Student Agreement) Effective with the start of the 2011-12 school year, all documentation must be turned in to the Service Learning Coordinator within 2 weeks of project completion in order to receive credit. Paperwork older than 2 weeks will not be accepted. 4. The number of service learning hours the student has earned toward the 24- hour requirement will be reported periodically to the student and parent/guardian. 5. The deadline for completion of the 24-hour service learning requirement is as follows: a. For students graduating early (January Grads): i. the deadline to turn in service hours will be the start of Semester 1 exams. For example, if a student is in the Class of 2014, they have until December 17, 2013 to document completed service hours in order to be cleared for early graduation with the Registrar. ii. January Grads who do not meet this deadline will not receive a letter of graduation from the Registrar. b. For students graduating in May (May Grads) the deadline to turn in service hours will be one week prior to the date of graduation. c. For any student not meeting the appropriate deadline: i. The student will not be eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony. ii. The diploma for the student will be held until service hours paperwork is turned in and approved by the Service Learning Coordinator. 8 Option II – Research Project An alternative option for completing the service-learning requirement is the alternate written research project. In keeping with the service learning mission statement, the research option to fulfill the graduation requirement allows the student to: 1. Select an issue relevant to his/her community; 2. Gather information on the issue through interviews and background research; 3. Reach a conclusion; and 4. Write up the findings in a report that could be presented to an official involved with the issue. As each step must be approved by the Service Learning Coordinator, students should allow adequate time to complete this project. Procedure 1. The student must select a community-related problem that he/she has an interest in or select an issue from the list of suggestions that are available. The proposed topic must be approved by the Service Learning Coordinator. When the topic (thesis statement) is approved, the student will receive an interviewing technique guideline sheet and scoring rubric. 2. The student must do background reading on the topic. The student will develop his/her expertise through extensive background reading of 7-10 sources which may include books, research materials, local and metropolitan newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, etc. 3. The student will then identify the experts he/she will want to interview and create a list of probing interview questions in preparation for the actual interviews. These questions must be approved by the Service Learning Coordinator prior to the interviews. ** An expert is not a friend or relative who has an opinion on something, but a person with in-depth knowledge on the topic resulting from direct experience. 4. The student will schedule and conduct a minimum of four interviews about the pros and cons of the topic. 5. The student will process all the information he gathered and present it to the Service Learning Coordinator in a well-written research report. Content and Form 1. The student will prepare a report, which identifies and explains the issue, the current and/or recommended policies/actions on that issue, the student’s own position on what ought to be done and why he/she is taking that position. 9 2. The paper must be typed and double-spaced. All correct forms for a research paper, as outlined by OLCHS English curriculum, must be followed. A bibliography and endnotes must be included. The minimum length to fully explore the topic must be ten typed pages produced using Times New Roman font, size 12 and one-inch margins throughout. 3. Revisions may be necessary, therefore it is suggested that the paper be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the end of the third quarter senior year. Final acceptance of the research project will be given by the Service Learning Coordinator. 4. When the written research project is accepted, the student’s transcript will reflect completion of the service learning requirement. 5. Students electing to complete their service learning requirement through the alternate written research project must complete this project by the last day of the third quarter of their senior year. Student Integrity Students are expected to approach service learning with the same integrity as they do their other academic endeavors. Students shall not receive remuneration or credit in any other organization, including court ordered service learning hours, for those projects, which are approved and then completed for the service learning graduation requirement. 10 Student Completion Incentives and Recognition National Honor Society The Spartan chapter of the National Honor Society is a student organization that “serves to honor those students who demonstrate excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character” (www.nhs.us, 2008). As one requirement for recognition and participation in NHS is service hours, it is the policy of OLCHS District 229 and the Spartan chapter of NHS that: “to be eligible to apply for membership to the Spartan chapter of National Honor Society, a student must have completed the 24-hour Service Learning graduation requirement by September 1 immediately following the end of their sophomore year.” Outstanding Service Award Students earning 100 or more hours by the end of the third quarter of their senior year will be recognized during Senior Awards Night for exceptional service to their community. The students will be honored at the Senior Awards Night with a certificate in recognition of this honor. Distinguished Service Graduate The student from each graduating class with the most hours of service documented with the Service Learning Coordinator will be recognized during Senior Awards Night as the Distinguished Service Graduate for their class. The students will be honored at the Senior Awards Night with a certificate in recognition of exceptional service to their community above and beyond their peers. Other Involvement in community service/volunteer work is often a criteria for scholarship eligibility for many of the scholarships posted in the OLCHS Scholarship Bulletin. The Service Learning Coordinator will provide a letter of documentation for service hours on record for any student requesting one for application purposes. Students may also use service learning hours during the employment application process. A student who has no previous work experience can list their volunteer work under “previous experience” and should list “volunteer” as title or position. 11 Student Supervision and Safety Student safety and supervision are of the utmost importance. The following guidelines have been established to provide students with a safe and proper environment for their service learning experience. 1. It is required that the site provides adult supervision and guidance for the student at all times. 2. Students should be clear as to their responsibilities, and to whom at the site they are to report. 3. Students may not handle monetary transactions nor collect pledges. 4. Students may not participate in any activity involving the use of dangerous or potentially dangerous tools and/or equipment. Hazardous areas are dangerous and unsuitable for student learners. Under no circumstances will students perform their service learning in an area that involves dangerous activities. 5. Each student will be assigned responsibilities and activities consistent with his/her age, experience and maturity level. 6. Students may not operate a motor vehicle while performing service learning. The site will not assign and/or allow students to drive while engaged in the service learning experience. Students may not transport individuals in a motor vehicle as part of their service learning experience. ** This does not include transportation to and from the service learning site. 7. Students will not be expected to participate in service learning activities at either unreasonably early or late hours of the day or evening. 8. Students engaged in clinical, medical, hospital or related settings will not attend to any duties resulting in exposure to fluids, excretions, or contaminations known to be harmful, contagious, or injurious. 9. The site may not allow students to participate in service without the expressed written consent of both the parent/guardian and the school Service Learning Coordinator. 10. In case of injury or illness, the site will notify, as per the medical release information on the Service Learning Agreement. (Cross Reference: p. 12, Medical Release Information) Liability If a student is injured at a service site, the service site shall be responsible. In reviewing the service site prior to approving it for any student in the service learning program, District 229 shall determine whether the service site has appropriate liability insurance (or an appropriated self-insurance program) at the time of the review. The service site shall be responsible for maintaining such insurance or a self-insurance program (or its equivalent). District 229 shall 12 not be liable for any injuries unless directly caused by the District and unless the District would otherwise be liable under applicable law. Medical Release Information Each parent must complete the Emergency Medical Release Information on the bottom of the Service Learning Agreement. In case of emergency, the parent or their designee must be contacted. If the parent or designee cannot be reached, the Medical Release information allows for the transportation and treatment of the student. (Cross Reference: p.11, Student Supervision and Safety #9) Transportation Transportation to and from a service site will be the responsibility of the student. Some schoolbased group projects may allow for the district bus transportation with the approval of the Service Learning Coordinator and principal. Discipline Students are to maintain the high level of behavior that is expected of all Oak Lawn Community High School students. Students come under the jurisdiction of all OLCHS discipline policies. Service Learning is a school sponsored program, and all school rules apply. A student who fails to meet his obligations, including absences and tardiness, or who fails to perform in an acceptable manner may be removed from the service learning experience. Dismissal from a service learning site for inappropriate behavior may warrant a referral to the Dean’s Office. In the event of dismissal, the service learning site and/or Service Learning Coordinator may elect to withhold hours. Students with continual behavior difficulties at service learning sites may be required to meet the requirement through the alternate written research project. Falsifying Documents Falsifying service learning documents will result in a Dean’s referral and appropriate discipline as per OLCHS policy. 13 Service Learning Due Process Students have the right to express concerns regarding their fair treatment while participating in the service learning experience. The following procedure should be followed to appeal a community service decision: 1. The student shall express the concerns initially to the Service Learning Coordinator in an informal manner. 2. If the student and the Coordinator cannot reach consensus on the matter, the Coordinator will then schedule a parent conference. The student must attend the parent conference. 3. If the student and parent are not satisfied, after this initial review, they may then appeal in writing to the Student Services Director. The written complaint must specify: a. The nature of the complaint; b. The facts on which it is based; c. The solution requested. 4. If the student and parent are still not satisfied with the results of the meeting, they then may appeal in writing to the principal. Service Learning Questions All questions related to fulfillment of the service learning graduation requirement shall be directed to the Service Learning Coordinator: Kelly Kenny Career & College Counselor Service Learning Coordinator Oak Lawn Community High School 9400 Southwest Highway Oak Lawn, IL 60453 708-741-5853 [email protected] 14 Oak Lawn Community High School District 229 Service Learning Fulfillment Options Option #2 Research Project Option #1 Service Projects Students must complete the following: Community-Based Community-based service learning projects shall: Be performed outside of the school day School-Based Select an issue relevant to the community Gather information on the issue through interviews and background research Academic Projects Students: Not benefit the high school or their ancillary organizations May earn all 24 hours through academic based service learning projects Not earn the student any academic credit, cocurricular credit or credit in any other organization. May not earn both class credit and service learning for the same project School Activity Projects Students may: Earn a portion of hours (up to 1/3 of requirement) through pre-approved school activities. To qualify: Projects MUST be preapproved by the Career & Service Learning Facilitator Hours may NOT count for other school activity requirements Reach a conclusion and write up the findings in a report that could be presented to an official involved with the issue. Each step must be approved by the service learning coordinator, and students should allow adequate time to complete this project. The minimum length to fully explore the topic must be ten typed pages, using Times New Roman font, size 12 and one-inch margins throughout. 15 List of Appendices Appendix A: Academic Project Proposal Pg. 17 Appendix B: List of Pre-Approved Service Learning Sites Pg. 19 Appendix C: Service Learning Student Agreement Pg. 24 Appendix D: Policy on Relay for Life, Cross Countries, Operation Santa Claus, Operation Snowball, Dancing with the Spartans Pg. 26 Appendix E: Explanation of Service Hours & NHS application Process Pg. 28 16 Appendix A: Academic Project Proposal Oak Lawn Community High School District 229 Service Learning Program 9400 Southwest Highway Oak Lawn, IL 60453 PLEASE ALLOW TIME FOR APPROVAL Academic Project Proposal Approved Denied (please see attachment) _______________________________________ Division Chairperson _______________________________________ Service Learning Coordinator The purpose of any service learning activity done through the classroom should be to help students master subject matter while providing a service to the school and/or surrounding community. Teacher ___________________________________________________ Department __________________________________ Class __________________________________ What is the curricular unit or lesson in which the service learning will be taught? Project Description What is your project? Imagine the individual reading this proposal knows nothing about your project. Include what is most important. When would you like to do this project? Hours Please estimate the number of hours that you believe students should receive service learning credit for. Please remember that if students are receiving class credit, then they cannot also receive service learning credit. Estimated hours of in-class preparation (if any) _______ Estimated hours of supervised out-of-class preparation (if any) _______ Total estimated hours for this service learning project _______ 17 Curricular Link Please explain how this service learning project will support/enhance the curricular unit that you are teaching. Need What will students learn/gain by participating in this project? Why is this project needed? For whom will it be valuable? Evaluation/Student Reflection Explain how students will process their experience (both positive and negative) in this service learning endeavor. Final Results What will be the results of all your hard work? What changes will take place in the community as a result of this project? 18 Appendix B: List of Pre-Approved Service Learning Sites Agency Name Address Phone Contact Name Special Notes Advocate Hope Children's Hospital Reach out and Read Program 4440 West 95th Street , Oak Lawn 708-684-5415 All-Star Kids Child Care 8837 S. Ridgeland Ave., Hickory Hills 708-599-8374 American Cancer Society 17060 Oak Park Ave., Tinley Park 708-633-7770 American Diabetes Association 30 North Michigan Ave., Suite 2015, Chicago 312-346-1805 American Legion 11001 S. Depot St., Worth 708-448-7006 American Red Cross of Greater Chicago 2200 West Harrison , Chicago 312-729-6100 American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) various 708-217-7530 Bob Collins Animal Welfare League 10305 Southwest Highway, Chicago Ridge 708-636-8586 Joe Sparks AQSA School 7361 West 92nd St., Bridgeview 708-598-2700 Arab-American Family Services 5440 W. 87th St., Burbank 708-229-2314 Arden Court Assisted Living 7880 College Drive, Palos Heights 708-361-8070 Kim Johnson Bridgeview HealthCare Center 8100 South Harlem, Bridgeview 708-594-5440 Diana Witta Catholic Charities 7000 W. 111th St., Worth 708-430-0428 The Center Children's Farm 12700 Southwest Highway, Palos Park 708-361-3650 The Chicago Autism Academy 12130 S. Harlem Ave., Palos Heights 708-361-8520 Chicago Ridge Nursing & Rehab 10602 Southwest Highway, Chicago Ridge 708-448-1540 Eva Cousland Children's Museum of Oak Lawn 9600 E. Shore Dr., Oak Lawn 708-423-6709 Barb McMillan Application required - See Mrs. Kenny in 117 Christ Advocate Medical Center 4440 West 95th St., Oak Lawn 708-684-8000 Volunteer Services Application required - See Mrs. Kenny in 117 Janice Thompson David Ramirez Application required - See Mrs. Kenny in 117 Kay Ardizzone 19 Agency Name Address Phone Contact Name Community Nutrition Network & Senior Services Association Hometown Community Café 8925 S. Kostner Ave., Hometown 708-422-5180 Concord Extended Care Facility 9401 Ridgeland, Hickory Hills 708-599-6700 Cook County Forest Preserve various 773-631-1790 x17 Evergreen Health Care Center 10124 S. Kedzie Ave., Evergreen Park 708-636-9200 Faith Evangelical Church Food Pantry 9701 S. Melvina Ave., Oak Lawn 708-424-1059 Rev. Mark Birkholz Garden Center Services 8333 S. Austin Ave., Burbank 708-398-6574 Jaclyn Vanderwarren Global Relief Foundation 9935 S. 76th Ave., Bridgeview 708-430-4734 Hickory Nursing Pavilion 9246 S. Roberts Rd., Hickory Hills 708-598-4040 Darlene Pirelli 773-383-5481 Rich Lumen Johnson-Phelps VFS Post 5220 Special Notes Jennifer Owen, Café Manager Hours Monday - Friday, 7:00 am - 2:00 pm Cassie Hatzfeld Check for opportunities online: http://www.fpdcc.org/index.html Waiver Required - See Mrs. Kenny in 117 Kid Safe City Bridgeview, IL 708-458-6343 Lake Katherine Nature Preserve 7402 Lake Katherine Drive, Palos Heights 708-361-1873 Marian Sinkus Lexington Health Care 10300 Southwest Highway, Chicago Ridge 708-425-1100 Misoud Kahnamoui Lifesource - Chicagoland Blood Centers various 847-260-2775 Caitlin Coleman Little Company of Mary Hospital 2800 W. 95th St., Evergreen Park 708-422-6200 Volunteer Services Little Footsteps Academy 11840 S. LaPorte Ave., Alsip 708-385-3812 Little Learners Academy 11111 S. Harlem Ave., Worth 708-448-0758 Little Red School House 9800 South 104th Ave., Willow Springs 708-839-6897 Little Shepard Preschool Center 9222 S. Kedzie Ave., Evergreen Park 708-636-3640 www.lifesource.org to fill out a volunteer application (don’t forget to mention OLCHS Service Learning!) Deborah Ripper 20 Agency Name Address Phone Contact Name Make-A-Wish Foundation of Illinois 640 N. LaSalle St., Chicago McCord Gallery & Cultural Center 129th & LaGrange Rd., Palos Park 708-671-0648 Mosque Foundation 7360 West 93rd St., Bridgeview 708-430-5666 Muscular Dystrophy Association 7250 W. College Dr., Palos Heights 708-671-9632 Muslim Civil Rights Center 7667 West 95th St., Hickory Hills 708-598-6640 Neat Repeats 7026 West 111th, Worth 708-361-6860 Neighbor in Need various - Worth 708-448-7412 Oak Lawn Baseball various - Oak Lawn 708-903-1472 Gary Renken Oak Lawn Elks Club 10720 Central Ave., Oak Lawn 708-423-2254 Marie Joyce Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School 5345 W. 99th St., Oak Lawn 708-499-6400 Oak Lawn Lions Club various - Oak Lawn 708-278-6328 Joseph Palazzolo Oak Lawn Park District 9400 S. Kenton Ave., Oak Lawn 708-857-2225 Chris Tiesch Junior Friends of the Library Program 708-422-4990, ext. 168 Tom Kochinski, Youth Services Librarian General Teen Volunteer 708-422-4990 Izabel Gronski Oak Lawn Special Recreation Association 4625 West 110th Street, Oak Lawn 708-857-2200 Todd Mallo Palos Hills Extended Care 10426 South Roberts Rd., Palos Hills 708-598-3460 Treva Stacy Palos Hospital 12251 South 80th Ave., Palos Heights 708-923-4041 Volunteer Services Park Lawn School & Activity Center 10833 S. LaPorte Ave., Oak Lawn 708-425-3344 Nancy Schmitz Oak Lawn Public Library 9427 Raymond Ave., Oak Lawn Special Notes Joni Rusco **It is helpful if you have a teacher, coach, or activity in mind when calling to ask about service hours Various programs available, Application needed See Mrs. Kenny in 117 Application Required 21 Agency Name Address Phone Contact Name Pass It On Thrift Center 5435 West 127th St., Crestwood 708-824-0433 Peace Memorial Childcare 10300 W. 131st St., Palos Park 708-448-1216 Peace Village 10300 Village Circle Drive, Palos Park 708-671-2422 Penny Lane Schools 10255 S. Ridgeland Ave., Chicago Ridge 708-425-4233 Penny Lane Schools 9411 S. 51st St., Oak Lawn 708-424-1335 Pilgrim Faith Nursery School 9411 S. 51st Ave., Oak Lawn 708-422-4200 Pillars 8020 W. 87th St., Hickory Hills 708-741-4500 PLOWS Council 4700 West 95th St., Oak Lawn 708-361-0219 Regal Health and Rehab Center 9525 S. Mayfield, Oak Lawn 708-636-7000 Rest Haven Central 13259 South Central Ave., Palos Heights 708-597-1000 Ridge Central Elementary School 10800 Lyman Ave., Chicago Ridge 708-636-2001 Ridgeland Nursing & Rehabilitation 12550 South Ridgeland Ave., Palos Heights 708-597-9300 Banika Erving Ronald McDonald House 4410 West 93rd St., Oak Lawn 708-423-5285 Katie Allabough or Kelly Evans Salem United Church of Christ 9717 S. Kostner, Oak Lawn 708-423-9717 George Murray The Salvation Army 9000 S. Harlem Ave., Bridgeview 708-598-2376 Sandbox Preschool 12832 S. Ridgeland Ave., Palos Heights 708-371-5443 Sertoma Center 4343 W. 123rd St., Alsip 708-371-9700 Share Your Soles 900 E. 103rd Street, Chicago 708-448-4469 Eileen O'Neill 773-802-8276 Sharon Lake Southwest Suburban Cook County (IL) Chapter of the Autism Society of America Special Notes Bonnie Leffring Joy Burkland Diana Sampolin Diane Gigilio 22 Agency Name Address Phone Contact Name Special Notes South Suburban PADS - Calvin Christian Reform Church 10056 S.Central Ave., Oak Lawn 708-422-0790 Nancy Zylstra October - April only South Suburban PADS - Oak Lawn Community Church 9000 S. Ridgeland Ave., Oak Lawn 708-754-4357 Dawn Thrasher October - April only South Suburban PADS - Pilgrim Faith United Church of Christ 9411 S. 51st Ave., Oak Lawn 708-422-4200 Rev. Peggy McClanahan October - April only South Suburban PADS - Trinity Lutheran Church 9701 S. Brandt Ave., Oak Lawn 708-422-0193 Linda October - April only Southwest Chicago Christian School Child Care 10110 S. Central Ave., Oak Lawn 708-636-6448 Special Olympics Illinois 427 Ashland Ave., Chicago Heights 708-756-4201 St. Alexander Church 12600 S. 71st Ct., Palos Heights 708-448-0408 St. Catherine of Alexandria 10621 Kedvale Ave., Oak Lawn 708-425-5547 St. Gerald Church 9320 S. 55th Ave., Oak Lawn 708-422-0121 St. Germaine Church 4240 W. 98th St., Oak Lawn 708-425-6063 St. Linus Church 10400 Lawler Ave., Oak Lawn 708-425-1656 St. Louis de Montefort 8840 S. Ridgeland Ave., Oak Lawn 708-599-5781 St. Paul Lutheran Church 4660 W. 94th St., Oak Lawn 708-423-1058 Sunrise Assisted Living 12828 S. LaGrange Rd., Oak Lawn 708-361-3577 United Way South-Southwest Suburban 4711 Midlothian Turnpike, Suite 17, Crestwood 708-371-1328 Uniting America/IL Commission for Immigrant and Refugee Rights 708-373-5421 Sara Hamdan Mike Bronzell Westside Baseball various - Oak Lawn 708-259-9956 Worth Township Youth Service Bureau 11601 S. Pulaski Rd., Alsip 708-388-2101 Zakat Foundation Dee Klucznyk 708-233-0555 Faten Salameh [email protected] [email protected] 23 Appendix C: Service Learning Student Agreement Oak Lawn Community High School District 229 Service Learning Program 9400 Southwest Highway Oak Lawn, IL 60453 These hours ARE for an approved site – see Mrs. Kenny in Office 117 if unsure! These hours are NOT for a business nor are they for a friend, family member, neighbor etc. not part of an established organization I am NOT handling money in ANY way This form is due within 2 weeks of project completion Service Learning Student Agreement Return the COMPLETED agreement to the Student Services Office (Rm. 117) following the service project Please type or print neatly: Student ID # _____________________________ Last Name ______________________________ First Name_______________________________ Home Telephone _________________________ Alternate Telephone _______________________ Site/Organization Name ______________________________________________________________ Site/Organization Address ____________________________________________________________ Name of contact person_______________________________________________________________ Telephone Number ________________________ Date of Service ___________________________ Responsibilities/Duties _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Student Agreement I, the above student, have elected to participate in service learning at the above site. I agree to abide by the regulations and policies of this site and Oak Lawn Community High School District 229. I agree to perform to the best of my ability the tasks specified in the agreement. I agree to call the site in advance if I am detained for any reason or am unable to attend. ____________________________________________________ Student Signature __________________ Date Parent Agreement I, the parent or legal guardian of the above student, approve his or her participation at this site, and agree to lend support and encouragement to my student in the service he or she will provide for the chosen site. I accept responsibility for my student’s transportation to and from the site. The student has my permission to be transported and treated by any doctor assigned by the service site in the case of an emergency or accident. ____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature __________________ Date If the parent/guardian is unavailable, please notify the emergency contact person below: ___________________________________________________ Name ________________________ Telephone Number 24 Service Learning Project Verification We verify that we do not have students participating in activities that would be considered unsafe for the age and/or experience of the student. The above student has completed _________ hours of volunteer service towards his/her service learning requirement at the above site. __________________________________________ Site Contact Signature ________________________ Date Service Learning Time Sheet Date Time In Time Out Total Hours Staff Signature ***Note – a letter provided from the organization may be stapled to this form in lieu of above signatures*** Reflection As a part of the service learning requirement, students are expected to reflect on their experience in approved projects. In the space below, provide a summary of your experience and reflect on the value of this project for yourself and the site or organization. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Project Approved by _______________________________________ OLCHS Service Learning Coordinator __________________ Date 25 Appendix D: Policy on Relay for Life, Cross Countries, Operation Santa Claus, Dancing with the Spartans and Operation Snowball Relay for Life Students may not receive service learning credit for participating in and/or raising money for the OLCHS Relay for Life All-Youth Relay. In accordance with the OLCHS District 229 Service Learning policy: To qualify for approval, a service project must meet the following criteria… … It must not involve direct solicitation of funds for non-profit agencies nor generate profits for any private company. Furthermore, students may not handle monetary transactions nor collect pledges.” (Cross Reference: p.7, Approved Service Projects) If, however, a student serves on the committee that plans the OLCHS Relay for Life All-Youth Relay, that student shall be eligible to receive up to 5 hours of service learning credit. If a student serves as a committee co-chair, that student shall be eligible to receive up to 10 hours of service learning credit. Approval of the Relay for Life All-Youth Relay club moderator is required. (Effective 5.19.2010) Cross Countries Students may not receive service learning credit for participating in and/or raising money for the Cross Countries experience. In accordance with the OLCHS District 229 Service Learning policy: To qualify for approval, a service project must meet the following criteria… … It must not involve direct solicitation of funds for non-profit agencies nor generate profits for any private company. Furthermore, students may not handle monetary transactions nor collect pledges.” (Cross Reference: p.7, Approved Service Projects) If, however, a student serves on the committee that plans the Cross Countries service trip, that student shall be eligible to receive up to 10 hours of service learning credit. Approval of the Cross Countries club moderator is required (Effective 5.19.2010) Operation Santa Claus Students may not receive service learning credit for raising money or purchasing gifts for the OLCHS Operation Santa Claus. In accordance with the OLCHS District 229 Service Learning policy: To qualify for approval, a service project must meet the following criteria… … It must not involve direct solicitation of funds for non-profit agencies nor generate profits for any private company. Furthermore, students may not handle monetary transactions nor collect pledges.” (Cross Reference: p.7, Approved Service Projects) If, however, a student serves on the committee that coordinates the OLCHS Operation Santa Claus, that student shall be eligible to receive up to 10 hours of service learning credit. Approval of the Operation Santa Claus club moderator is required. (Effective 5.19.2010) Students may receive service learning credit for participating in the Operation Santa Claus Wrap Party. 26 Dancing with the Spartans Students may not receive service learning credit for participating in and/or raising money for Dancing with the Spartans. In accordance with the OLCHS District 229 Service Learning policy: To qualify for approval, a service project must meet the following criteria… … It must not involve direct solicitation of funds for non-profit agencies nor generate profits for any private company. Furthermore, students may not handle monetary transactions nor collect pledges.” (Cross Reference: p.7, Approved Service Projects) If, however, a student serves on the committee that plans the Dancing with the Spartans event, that student shall be eligible to receive up to 10 hours of service learning credit. Note that students who are serving on Senior Class Advisory Board are not eligible for this credit. Approval of the DWTS moderator is required. (Effective 5.19.2010) OLCHS Haiti Relief Effort Students may not receive service learning credit for participating in and/or raising money for OLCHS Haiti Relief Effort. In accordance with the OLCHS District 229 Service Learning policy: To qualify for approval, a service project must meet the following criteria… … It must not involve direct solicitation of funds for non-profit agencies nor generate profits for any private company. Furthermore, students may not handle monetary transactions nor collect pledges.” (Cross Reference: p.7, Approved Service Projects) If, however, a student serves on the committee that plans OLCHS Haiti Relief Effort events, that student shall be eligible to receive up to 10 hours of service learning credit. Approval of the OLCHS Haiti Relief Effort moderator is required. (Effective 5.19.2010) Operation Snowflake If a student serves on the committee that plans or acts as a student leader for the OLCHS Operation Snowball, that student shall be eligible to receive up to 10 hours of service learning credit. Approval of the Operation Snowball moderator is required. (Effective 5.19.2010) 27 Appendix E: Explanation of Service Hours & NHS Application Process National Honor Society The Spartan chapter of the National Honor Society is a student organization that “serves to honor those students who demonstrate excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character” (www.nhs.us, 2008). As one requirement for recognition and participation in NHS is service hours, it is the policy of OLCHS District 229 and the Spartan chapter of NHS that: “to be eligible to apply for membership to the Spartan chapter of National Honor Society, a student must have completed the 24-hour Service Learning graduation requirement by September 1 of the year of intended application.” Process for NHS Application: 1. The following are criteria for eligibility to apply for induction into National Honor Society: a. Student must be classified Grade 11 or Grade 12 b. Student must have a minimum 3.3000 cumulative GPA c. Student must have active involvement in at least two different and unrelated extracurricular activities d. Student must not have any serious disciplinary infractions e. Student must have completed the 24-hour Service Learning graduation requirement by September 1 of the year of intended application. 2. The Service Learning Coordinator will send a letter to all students who qualify based on GPA to notify them of the requirement to complete the 24-hour Service Learning requirement in order to apply for NHS. 3. After the September 1 deadline: a. The Service Learning Coordinator will notify students of completion of the 24-hour Services Learning graduation requirement b. The Service Learning Coordinator will compile a list of students who have met the 24-hour Service Learning requirement and submit to the National Honor Society sponsor. NOTE – students may continue to volunteer if they choose, but know that hours accumulated will not count for NHS membership unless performed after induction. 4. The National Honor Society sponsor will send an invitation to apply to National Honor Society to all students who meet the GPA and Service Learning criteria. 5. Students will complete application and turn in to National Honor Society sponsor by set deadline. 6. Selection for membership is made by a five-member Faculty Council appointed by the Principal. Selection is based on the above criteria. 7. Students will be notified of acceptance and induction from the National Honor Society sponsor by set date. 8. Once inducted, students will be informed of procedures for maintaining membership. 28 Students and parents with questions about NHS application and induction process should contact the NHS sponsor. Contact information for all activity sponsors can be found on the district website. 29
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