Winter guide åre 2010 Skiing | Events | Activities | Sights | Services | Piste map Estate agent, banking and insurance at the same address. The best ski rental shop in Åre Jörgen Stockhaus Store manager fifteen years down the road, still the natural rendezvous for experts and beginners. our experienced and service minded staff knows the mountain inside-out and will help you get the most out of your skiing. Årevägen 127, Åre., Estate agent +46 647-511 00, Banking and insurance +46 63-19 33 00. • oa k l ey • r oSS ign o l • S coTT • Sa lo m o n • Spy • k 2 • ST ö ck l i • h ea d • r ep l ay • h u n ky d o ry • S coTch & S o da • o d d mo lly • arc ’T e ryx • rip R E N TA L R E S E RVAT I O N S + 46 (0 )6 47 52 000 • WWW. H A N S ON S P ORT. S Vinterguiden 2009 | Welcome Välkommen... Content …to our winterland! PAGE 6 ALPINE SKIING & EVENTS PAGE 35 CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING & SKI TOURING PAGE 39 ACTIVITIES PAGE 47 SIGHTS PAGE 52 SERVICES Photo: Jonas Kullman With the wilderness on your doorstep, a visit to the Åre area will invite a relaxing holiday with numerous adventures and experiences. We hope that this pocket-size guide will be your given companion during your winter holiday in Årefjällen. NB, the country prefix for Sweden is +46, and unless otherwise indicated the area code is (0)647 5 Alpine skiing in Åre '89(' 'XYHGLVDWUDGLWLRQDOUHVRUW WKDWPRYHVDWDUDWKHUOHLVXUHO\ WHPSR%XWHYHQLIWKHSDFHLV VORZHUWKHVNLLQJLVVRJRRG WKDWWKHSURVKHDGIRU'XYHG LQWKHLUIUHHWLPH,WVYDULDWLRQ DQGH[WHQWYHUWLFDOGURSDQG QDWXUDOVXUURXQGLQJVDWWUDFWIDQV RIHYHU\W\SHRIVNLLQJDQGLW·V JUHDWIRUWKHZKROHIDPLO\ c5( cUH7RZQLVDYLEUDQWUHVRUW RIIHULQJZRUOGFODVVVNLLQJDQG DQXSEHDWQLJKWOLIH$ZLGH UDQJHRIUXQVYDULHGWHUUDLQ DQGSDQRUDPLFYLHZVIURP 0RXQWcUHVNXWDQHQVXUHD VNLLQJH[SHULHQFHWKDW·VRXWRI WKHRUGLQDU\ c5()7+( 2 ( 21 7 6 ( % 16 7,2 ,1$ 5/' 7 6 2 p '( 6., 7+(: R&RQG ,1 GLQJW HUFRP U OO DFFRVW7UDYH 1D c5(%-g51(1 cUH%M|UQHQLVWKHVNLDUHDDQG YLOODJHIRUDOOIDPLOLHVHVSHFLDOO\ WKRVHZLWKVPDOOFKLOGUHQ (YHU\WKLQJVORSHVOLIWVDQG UHVWDXUDQWVLVFRQYHQLHQWO\ VLWXDWHGRQWKHGRRUVWHS 8 Winter guide 2010 | | Winter guide 2010 7KHVNLDUHDFROGIDFWV cUH·VVNLDUHDVWUHWFKHVIURP'XYHGLQWKHZHVWWR%M|UQHQLQWKHHDVW:H IROORZWKHKRXUVRIGD\OLJKWDQGLQFUHDVHWKHRSHQLQJKRXUVWKHIXUWKHU ZHFRPHLQWRWKHVHDVRQ%HVLGHVVNLLQJLQGD\OLJKWWKHUHLVQLJKWVNLLQJRQ ÁRRGOLWVORSHV 6($62123(1,1* &/26 ,1*2)7+(/,)76 $6($5/<$63266,%/( 2QHOLIWZLOORSHQDVVRRQDVWKHVQRZVLWXDWLRQVRSHUPLWV '(&(0%(5 $OOWKHORZHU]RQHOLIWVDWRXUUHVRUWV'XYHGcUH%M|UQHQ 7KH90*RQGROHQLQWKHXSSHU]RQHZLOODOVRRSHQ )(%58$5< 7KHFDEOHFDU6WHQGDOVOLIWHQgYUH1HGUH7YlUnYDOYHW 7XVHQPHWHUVOLIWHQZLOORSHQ $35,/ 7KHÀQDOGD\RIWKHVHDVRQLQ'XYHG%M|UQHQLQFO7RWWOLIWHQ $35,/ 7KHIROORZLQJSDUWVRIWKHVNLDUHDUHPDLQRSHQ8SSHU]RQH RQcUHVNXWDQWKH90DUHD&HQWUDOcUH5|GNXOOHQ 0$< 7KHÀQDOGD\RIRSHQVNLOLIWVWKLVVHDVRQ /,)723(1,1*+2856 6WDUWRIWKHVHDVRQXQWLO)HE ² )HE²0D\ ² 'XYHG7HJHDQG%M|UQHQFORVLQJIRUWKH VHDVRQRQ$SULO 90+DPUHOLIWHQ%M|UQOLIWHQDQG 9DUJOLIWHQDUHRSHQ²XQWLO )HE)|UEHUJVOLIWHQDQG&RSSHUKLOO ([SUHVVUHPDLQRSHQIRUWUDQVSRUW DQRWKHUPLQXWHV2Q&KULVWPDV(YH DOOOLIWVFORVHDW 1 , * + 7 6 . , , 1 * ² 8 17, /: ( ( . 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'XULQJWKHVXPPHUVHDVRQZH VZDSRXUVNLVDQGVQRZERDUGVIRU ELF\FOHV 6LQFHDIHZ\HDUVWKHUHLVDFULVV FURVVRIELNLQJURXWHVRQ0RXQW cUHVNXWDQc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cUHDQGDFRXSOHRIELNH VFKRROVZRUNLQJWRZDUGVDWWUDF WLQJPRUHSHRSOHWRGLVFRYHUDQG HQMR\DOSLQHELNLQJLQcUH )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQYLVLW ZZZDUHELNHSDUNFRP 31 32 Winter guide 2010 | | Winter guide 2010 ..more alpine skiing Huså 1000 m long ski lift, 6 pistes at an altitude of 665-420 m on the northern slopes of Åreskutan. Restaurant, ski hire, cross-country tracks and touring trails. Ski pass prices, opening hours, ski school etc: tel. 0647-420 62 or 420 95. Specialty: 8 km long off-piste run with a vertical drop of 1 000 m from the summit of Åreskutan 1420-420 m; the last km on a steep and wide groomed piste. Return to Åre, ski-joring from Husåliften to Stendalsliften at 925 m on the westernmost section of Åreskutan (from w 6, i.e. mid-Feb). Price: 150 SEK p.p. from the age of 15, children 70 SEK p.p. First ride at 09.30, last at 16.00. Distance by road: 25 km Huså-Fröå Gruva-Åre Björnen-Åre. Kall Edhsliften: About 500 m long piste, with a vertical of 100 m. Views of Lake Kallsjön and Mount Åreskutan. Info tel. 0730-796 349.Distance by road via Järpen from Åre: ca 48 km Edsåsdalen Lower zone: four lifts, two children’s slopes and slalom pistes. Vertical drop 650-520 m. Upper zone: ski-joring to 1 lift, 2 pistes at 900-790 m on Mount Renfjället. Heated shelter and café. Info: ski lifts tel. 331 66; ski school 332 00; ski hire 331 18. Photo: Jonas Kullman 33 Distance by road from Åre: 21 km. Trillevallen 10 ski lifts, 20 pistes at 1025-725 m on Mount Vällistefjället. Jumps, pipe and boarder cross, safe children’s slopes. Distance by road from Åre: 22 km. Ski pass prices and opening hours etc info tel. 070-328 58 65. Ski school, prices etc. tel.360 66 and 360 90. Vålådalen 1 ski lift, 700 m long. 2 pistes with vertical drop of 750-625 m on the southern slopes of Mount Ottfjället. Ski hire and lift info: tel. 353 00. Distance by road from Åre: 40 km Off-piste skiing /heli-skiing …with heli lift With guides on Mount Åreskutan and Snasahögarna. Price example: Snasahögarna, 4 skiers/1 guide and helicopter 2500 SEK p.p. JoPe Fors & Fjäll, tel. 314 65 Åre Skidguidning, tel. 070-342 35 00 SkiStar Skiguides, tel. 0771-84 00 00 Åre Äventyrsbutik, tel. 512 20 Äventyrligt i Åre, tel. 508 85 Cross-country skiing | Winter guide 2010 Foto: Jonas Kullman 34 …with dog sledding ATI Mountain Experience tel. 352 53. … and kiteboard, -wing, snowfer etc Kiteboarding – snowboarding with a kite Kitewing – skiing or boarding with a sail Snowfering – windsurfing on snow Season: December- Easter Price example: 2-tim trial course 550 SEK ½-day course 850 SEK 1-day course 1495 SEK 2-day course 2500 SEK Organisers: Skysport, tel. 511 86 STF Storulvåns Fjällstation, (eco-tour) tel. 722 00 Åre Kiteskola, tel. 070 748 50 55, Åre Äventyrsbutik, tel. 512 20 Äventyrligt i Åre, (eco-tour) tel. 508 85 Snow cat ski-joring tours Parts of the season to reach higher terrain. - From the top station of the cable car at 1 274 to the summit of Mount Åreskutan at 1 420 m: 303 92 - From Huså to Stendalen on Mount Åreskutan at 850 m 420 62 - From Edsåsdalen to Mount Renfjället at 780 m 331 66 Foto: Ola Rockberg 36 Winter guide 2010 | | Winter guide 2010 Mullfjället.Pass is required. varying terrain above Kall. Ullådalen Konäs Information: tel. 353 00, Touring trails, incl. Vålådalens Nature Reserve, information Naturum Vålådalen tel. 352 32. Track and trail centre. Marked trails between Åreskutan and Mullfjället. Exercise tracks 2.5/5 km, west of Lake Ullsjön. Pass is required. Marked trail leading to the legendary Suljätten peak. Maps: Fjällkartan Z7 and Z53 respectively. In total some 400 km of prepared cross-country tracks and 1,200 km of marked trails in varying types of terrain, through the forests, up into the bare mountain region, across bogs and arctic eroded massifs. In the vast south-western mountain region, STF offers cabins and lodges for overnight stays, usually situated at distances of 10-20 km. The many villages make good starting points for one-day excursions from mid-February, when the hours of daylight increase, allowing for longer excursion in the sunshine. Many villages also have floodlit exercise tracks. In Åre, Duved, Björnen, Huså, Storlien, Storulvån, Undersåker, Vålådalen, Trillevallen, and Edsåsdalen there are sports shops for equipment hire and ski waxing/service, including hire of the baby-transporting or provisions sled. Some of the groomed tracks carry a fee: in Duved, Ullådalen, Åre, ÅreBjörnen and Vålådalen. The season pass for the groomed tracks costs 200 SEK but the fee for shorter periods is reduced; sold at petrol stations, in ski shops, Åre Turistbyrå, and Vålådalens Turiststation. Fjällkarta Z51 Åre, scale 1:50 000 cm Fjällkartan Z7, scale 1:100 000 cm. Duved Kall Track centre. Cross-country track, 2.5/5 km floodlit (also for freestyle) and 5 and 10 km unlit tracks on the forest slopes west of Mount Mullfjället. X-marked trails with shelters on Årebjörnen Now an official Vasaloppet center; track and trail centre for 3 and 5 km floodlit tracks until 22.00, freestyle permitted. Also 10 and 15 km tracks in the forest. Dogs are welcome on the tracks. Track information and service: Skidcenter Åre Björnen, tel. 134 70. Marked trails to Åre, Fröå Gruva, Huså, Ullådalen, Duved. Åre Längdcenter, cross-country ski lessons, bookings tel. 134 70. Track fee/pass required. Huså Exercise tracks: in total 5.5 km. Information tel. 420 62. Marked trails on the northern slopes of Mount Åreskutan. Maps for excursions on and around Mount Åreskutan: Kalls Längdcenter. Tracks 2.5 km, 5 km and 7.5. Several tracks 1.5 - 20 km long north from Lake Bergsjön. Track information: tel. 070-311 84 56. In addition many km of marked trails in Map: Fjällkartan Z5 Åkersjön-Kall. Edsåsdalen Track centre where the road ends. Exercise tracks: 3.5 km floodlit. 6.5 km and 10 km unlit tracks. Info tel. 332 00. Marked trails also on Mount Renfjället. Trillevallen Track and trail centre by the ski lifts. Exercise tracks: 2.5 km, 6.5 km and 7.5 km, also for freestyle. Track info: 360 66. Touring trails (often groomed) on Mount Vällistefjället. Ottsjö Exercise tracks: 4 km, 7 km. Track info tel. 340 68. Touring trails on mounts Hållfjället, Välliste and towards Edsåsdalen, Vålådalen etc. Vallbo Exercise tracks: 3 km floodlit; also 10 km. Track info tel. 352 00. Marked trails in Vålådalen Nature Reserve. Vålådalen In total 50 km of exercise tracks; of which groomed for freestyle and graded by degree of difficulty, 7.5 km floodlit tracks. Also unlit tracks: 2 km, 3 km, 6.5 km, 10 km and 17 km. Track fee/ pass required. 37 Storulvån Trail centre at the lodge STF Fjällstation for excursions in Vålådalen Nature Reserve and the border region. Maps: Fjällkartan Z52 and Z54; Fjällkartan Z 6. Information tel. 722 00. Ånn Exercise track 2.5 km, floodlit. Info: tel. 712 65 or 710 06. Marked trails to Vallrun and other highland areas above Ånn. Map: Fjällkartan Z52. Handöl Exercise track 2.5 km, floodlit. Track info tel. 723 60. Pathfinders and tour guides ATI Mountain Experience, (eco-tours) tel. 352 53. Kolåsens Fjällhotell, tel. 810 17, Naturum Vålådalen, (eco-tours), tel. 352 32. STF Storulvåns Fjällstation (eco-tours), tel. 722 00 STF Sylarna Fjällstation (eco-tours), tel. 722 00 38 Vinterguiden 2009 | | Winter guide 2010 Vita Renen at Renfjället. tel. 331 25. Vålåbild, wilderness guides, tel. 070-359 22 97 Biathlon Floodlit shooting range centrally in Edsåsdalen with 16 Kurvinen targets and multiple choices of tracks, incl. 3.5 km floodlit. Info and bookings: Edsåsdalens Hantverk & Turistservice, tel. 332 33, 070-216 35 32. WAFFLES CAFÉS ALONG THE TRAILS Hållfjällets Turiststation, 780 masl. Tel. 340 49, Vita Renen on Renfjället, 780 masl. Tel. 331 25. Vålågården, Östra Vålådalen, 540 masl. Tel. 351 73, Ytterstvallen, 670 masl reached via ski trails from Ottsjö and Trillevallen. Tel. 341 39. Bergstugan, Fröå Gruva, 560 masl. Tel. 321 88. About the weather • On the other hand, don’t let the thermometer discourage you. Even if it shows -25oC in the valley in the morning, further up on the mountain the temperature is quite likely to be 10 to 15 degrees warmer and the sun may shine on the mountain while the valley is covered in mist. • Also, beware of the wind and the wind-chill factor. It only takes a few degrees below zero, coupled with the speed wind that you generate while skiing to expose your skin to serious hazard. You can protect yourself with a good windbreaker jacket, hat and gloves. 39 Activities Forecasts • tel. 0771-231 123 • Storm simulator Test your resilience. Info and booking: ATI Mountain Experience tel. 352 53. Avalanche safety courses ATI Mountain Experience, (eco-tours) tel. 352 53. Åre Äventyrsbutik, tel. 512 20, Äventyrligt i Åre, (eco-tours), tel. 508 85 The weather in the mountains is liable to abrupt changes. Always check the local forecast before setting off. Because of the variations in the landscape, the weather may differ from one valley to the other. Bring equipment for the worst kind of weather imaginable and never neglect a storm warning. Foto: Björn Alvtegen 40 Winter guide 2010 | | Winter guide 2010 You can book activities with each respective organiser – see the directory – or you can book any activity through the following agencies: Camp Åre tel. 525 25, Expedition Åre tel. 502 03, STF Storulvåns Fjällstation, tel. 722 00, JoPe Fors&Fjäll (eco-tours) tel. 314 65, Åre Äventyrsbutik, tel. 512 20, Åreguiderna, tel. 507 00, Äventyrligt i Åre, (eco-tours.), tel. 508 85, SPA Spas and therapeutic treatments. Holiday Club, tel.120 90, Golds Gym, tel. 0771-38 00 38, Åre Continental Inn, Hotell, tel. 171 70, Copperhill Mountain Lodge, tel.143 00, SWIMMING Swimming pools Holiday Club, with a twisting waterslide, jets and jacuzzis, Sauna World etc, tel. 120 90, Järpens Simhall, tel. 162 14, 070-345 44 64, Kallbadet, tel. 411 62, Köja Fjällgård, tel. 332 00, Åre Continental Inn, Hotell, tel. 171 70, Outdoor tubs/saunas (wood)= wood-heated water. Anariset, (wood), ice-dips, near Anarismassiven, tel. 351 56, Bergstedts Stugor, (wood), ice-dips, near Trillevallen. tel. 303 45, Buustamons Fjällgård, Åre (wood), tel. 531 75, Duveds Semesterby, tel. 260 90, Edhsgården, Kall, tel. 410 16, Hållandsgården (wood), Undersåker, tel. 310 10, Kall Auto Lodge, Kall, tel. 411 00, Köja Fjällgård, Edsåsdalen (wood), tel. 332 00, Ottsjö Wärdshus (wood), tel. 342 00, Skysport/Å (wood), tel. 511 86, Västgård m. Sågvallen, Kall (wood) tel. 410 81, Vildmarksbad (wood) with ice-dips, Fröåtjärn (in ÅreBjörnen) tel. 321 29 Åre Continental Inn (wood), tel. 171 70, Åre Fjällsätra (wood), tel. 305 05, Åreguiderna (wood), tel. 507 00, PLAYGROUNDS Outdoor playgrounds with or without skis, toboggans etc Björnlandet – Årebjörnen The park in central Åre Rödkullen, by the lifts Vildmarksstigen – Duved/Tegefjäll Åre Continental Inn. Also indoor playroom, cinema for kids’ films, billiards, fotball game LAB at Holiday Club, indoor play area - toys, arts and crafts, games, virtual world, Sony World, Play Station, show etc GYM Holiday Club, tel. 0771-38 00 38, Golds Gym, tel. 0771-38 00 38, Åre Continental Inn, Hotell, tel. 171 70, See also below, Sport halls SPORT HALLs For ball sports, weights etc. Duveds Sporthall. Also climbing wall. tel. 262 02. Vålådalen Fjällstation, tel. 353 00, climbing Indoor climbing Duvedshallen, tel. 262 02 Lundhags, Järpen, tel. 665 620, STF Edsåsdalen, (boulder room) tel. 332 00, Röjsmohallen, Järpen, 41 42 Winter guide 2010 | | Winter guide 2010 tel. 162 19, STF Storulvåns Fjällstation, (eco-tours.) tel. 722 00, Climbing on rocks and ice Price examples: full day 700 SEK per person Organisers: ATI Mountain Experience (eco-tours), tel. 352 53, JoPe Fors&Fjäll (eco-tours), tel. 314 65, Sylarnas Fjällstation STF (eco-tours), tel. 722 40, STF Edsåsdalen, tel. 332 00, Åre Äventyrsbutik, tel. 512 20, Äventyrligt i Åre (eco-tours), tel. 508 85, potholing Ice-climbing and potholing, price example: 700 SEK per person JoPe Fors&Fjäll (eco-tours), tel. 314 65, Äventyrligt i Åre, (eco-tours), tel. 508 85, snow-shoe hiking Guided tours 2 hours from 150 SEK per person 3 hours from 295 SEK per person Hire snow shoes 100 SEK per day ATI Mountain Experience (eco-tours), tel. 352 53, Camp Åre, tel. 525 25, STF Edsåsdalen, tel. 332 00, 43 STF Storulvåns Fjällstation (eco-tours), tel. 722 00, Åreguiderna, tel. 507 00, Äventyrligt i Åre, (eco-tours), tel. 508 85, Snow-shoe hiking with potholing In limestone caves, price example: 800 SEK per person JoPe Fors&Fjäll (ecotours), tel. 314 65. BOWLING Holiday Club, tel. 120 90, CURLING Röjsmohallen, Järpen, tel. 070-345 44 64, GOLF Golf simulator and 9-hole miniature golf, indoors. Holiday Club, tel. 120 90, ZIPLINE In a harness, hanging from a steel wire for a whizzing ride across ravines, from one precipice to the next. Price example: upper course (advanced) 600 SEK per person, lower course (easy) 500 SEK per person. Info and bookings: Camp Åre, tel. 525 25, 44 Winter guide 2010 | | Winter guide 2010 Hunting on private land Fäviken Egendom. Elk, ptarmigan etc. Also shooting ranges for trap, skeet, clay pigeon, pistol etc. Bookings, tel. 0647-400 37, Kallrörs Gästhem, elk hunting etc, tel. 430 57, Västgård, Kall, elk, small game etc, tel. 410 81, Foto: Buustamon dog sledding ice-skating Röjsmohallen, Järpen, tel. 162 19, paragliding Fly with the eagles! Over the deep valleys, the high peaks with support of excellent thermals. Price examples: Tandem paragliding, from 1200 SEK per person. Paragliding course, one week from 6 500 SEK per person. Info/bokning: Skysport, tel. 511 86 fishing Jigging for char in many of the waters in the area. Fishing permits 30-60 SEK per day. Also combined tours on skis, snowmobile or dog sleds as the means of transport to the fishing grounds. Info: hunting Hunting on state-owned land Fees, general conditions – info: Rennäringsenheten, Länsstyrelsen i Jämtlands län tel 063-146 053, Organisers: Anariset (eco-tours), elk, ptarmigan, capercailzie, tel. 351 56, 070 - 676 93 90, Tännforsen - Tännforsen Igloo Norge Norge Tännforsen 20 km Åre 0647-230 23 • 070-224 79 89 • Price examples per person from the age of 12 (children younger than 12, 50% off): 2-hour ride 700 SEK; Lunch tour 900 SEK; Full day tour with refreshments 1 100 SEK; with lunch 1 250 SEK; 2- day tour with overnight stay 3 300 SEK; 7-day tour incl 6 overnight stays in cabins with full board 13 500 SEK. Also fishing tours, jigging for char. Organisers: Hundspann i Ottsjö (eco-tours), tel. 342 67, Åre Sled-dog Adventure (eco-tours), tel. 303 81, Årebjörnen Hundspann, tel. 201 64, tel. 0737-66 90 13 el. 0647-220 07 Huså-Åreskutans Fjällridning (Icelandic horses), tel. 422 09, Tur med Haflinger (Haflingers), tel. 450 36, Udda Äventyr, Åre (western-saddled horses), tel. 322 45, Åre Ridcenter (Icelandics), tel. 340 12, Snowmobile SAFARIs 1 130 km of snowmobile trails. Fees and passes, trail maps sold at Åre Turistbyrå and petrol stations. Experienced drivers can hire a snowmobile or join a guided safari, also combined with fishing for char in remote lakes and tarns. Price examples, guided snowmobile drive: 2-hour drive from 530 SEK per person; driver + 1 passenger per snowmobile 3-hour drive from 670 SEK per person driver + 1 passenger 4-hour drive, 1 snowmobile per person, from 1400 SEK per person Full day drive incl. lunch, 1 snowmobile Horseback riding per person, from 1800 SEK + fuel. KÖR DITT EGET HUNDSPANN Price examples: ½-day ride ca 500-600 Lunch/middag i CARINS STUGA Organisers: SEK; full day ca 800-900 SEK. 0647-201 64 • [email protected] Anariset, tel. 351 56, 070 - 676 93 90 Organisers: 070-343 31 64. Visa, Mastercard, AmEx Angeyja Islandshästar, (eco-tours) DRIvE yoUR owN DoG SlED Ö-sund 45 Lunch/dinner in CARINS STUGA 0647-201 64 • [email protected] 070-343 31 64. Visa, Mastercard, AmEx 46 | Winter guide 2010 Anjans Snöskotersafari, tel. 820 17, Camp Åre, tel. 525 25 Gruvbackens Skotersafari, Huså, tel. 420 62, 010-250 10 41, Ottsjö Mountain, tel. 340 77, 070-620 81 87, Ottsjö Skoter & Fritid, tel 070-215 13 64 Skotercamp Duved, tel. 0730-299 805, Västgård Skotersafari, Kall, tel. 410 81, Vita Renen på Renfjället, tel. 331 25, Åreguiderna, tel. 507 00, Årekläppen Skoter&Äventyr, tel. 537 40, Snowmobile taxi Åre Maskinservice (also family snowmobiles), tel. 070-630 89 87, Sights and attractions winter driving Courses on snow and ice for ATVs, ice-cart on Lakeside Åre Strand next to Holiday Club. 100 SEK per 7 minutes. Info/booking: Camp Åre, tel. 525 25, Ice Driving Xperience - driving courses, advanced training with fast cars such as Porsche and Audi. Saturdays at 13.00 from 2 January. Price example: 3 745 SEK per pers. Info/booking: Kall Auto Lodge, tel. 411 00, And fuelling station. Gruvbacken, Huså, tel. 420 62, Snowmobile rental Price examples: ½-day, 4 hours, 850 SEK incl. 50 km, thereafter 5 SEK per km Full day, 8 hours 1200 SEK incl. 100 km, thereafter 5 SEK per km Camp Åre, tel. 525 25, JF Skoteruthyrning, tel. 070-339 65 75, Skotercamp Duved, tel. 0730-299 805, Foto: Millestgården Winter guide 2010 | | Winter guide 2010 Åre A small town with ancient history; charming 12th century stone church with wooden interior and a staple from 1760. The town centre displays interesting Art Nouveau architecture. Inspiration from Alpine resorts, such as Davos triggered the development of Åre as a tourist destination some 100 years ago. The funicular ‘Bergbanan’ from 1910 is still in service connecting Hotell Fjällgården with Åre Square. Fröå Gruva Restored copper mines and other buildings from the mining era 174261918, north of Åre Björnen. Café in Bergstugan. Distance: Åre 11 km. See the weekly programme in Åre Idag. HUSÅ Mining museum and the manor Huså Bruks herrgård from the 1800s depict Huså’s history as a copper mine town 1742-1886, with guided viewings and restaurant. Tel. 420 40 Distance by road from Åre 25 km. Duved A village situated between the flyfishing streams and ski slopes, with two of the oldest hotels in the valley, Duvedsgården and Mullfjället (from the 1870s). The glassworks Åre Glashytta is located in the railway station.Karoliner monument commemorating the Swedish attempt at invading Norway in Vallbo A reindeer farming village near Vålådalen Nature Reserve with a track centre, inn and a chapel dated in the 1860s, originally built for Sami services and today popular for wedding ceremonies. Distance from Åre 35 km. Njarka Sameläger A Sami settlement welcoming groups to visit (advance bookings). Guided tours of tipis and other typical buildings, with arts, crafts, and refreshments. Meals and overnight tipi stays. Booking via tel. 250 42. Distance: Åre ca 30 km, Duved 22 km. Tännforsen The largest lake waterfall in the country, 38 m high, floodlit at night, with guided visits to the igloos, café/restaurant, handicraft/gift shop. Distance: Åre 22 km. Info: tel. 230 23. Handöl Handölsforsarna, The Handöl rapids with a vertical drop of 127 m. Karoliner monument commemorating the thousands of soldiers who perished in the area around New Year 1718-19. Chapel from 1804 for Sami services including a late medieval triptych. Hanriis Café, with exhibitions about the history of the Karoliner war and the soapstone mines. Guided visits to the soapstone factory. Distance: Åre 50 km. Tel. 723 60 49 otherwise found on north-Atlantic faces of rocks. Trøndelag 1718 –19. Also here is Millest Moose Farm with tame elks. Duved’s church from 1894, built in wood, with inspiration from the Gothic theme of divine light and heavenly space. Distance from Åre: 8 km. Vålådalens Naturreservat Dedicated to the preservation and furthering of habitats for the arctic fox, wolverine, lynx, bear, wolf, golden eagle, gerfalcon, and snowy owl in an area with Alpine massifs, huge and obvious traces of the Ice Age, ancient forests, reindeer pastures and Sami culture. Foto: Åre glashytta 48 Vålådalens Naturum Undersåker Remains of a medieval church; Pilgrim trail to St Olav’s grave in Nidaros (today Trondheim) with guides from Hållandsgården with a replica of a stave church and a soapstone model made to scale of old Jerusalem. Info: Undersåkers Församling, tel. 101 34 and Hållandsgården tel. 310 10 Ristafallet In Undersåker the River Indalsälven drops 14 m over a precipice for climbing and with caves. The rainforest climate over the rocks is formed by the constant mist, bringing a flora of lichen A nature centre specialised on information on Vålådalen Nature Reserve, with exhibitions, multimedia presentations, reference library and guides. For opening hours, see Åre Idag. Naturum info: tel. 352 32, Kall Kall Auto Lodge provides testing of dream cars and driver development. Lanthandelsmuseum (grocery store museum) and auctioneers. Book visits on tel. 410 86. Kall’s church from 1867 has a Madonna Vinterguiden 2009 | | Winter guide 2010 Foto: Ola Rockberg 50 sculpture from the previous medieval church. Distance from Åre 45 km via E14/Järpen and road 336; 30 km via Fröåvägen/ Husåvägen. Info about ice-road, tel. 410 81. Info about Kall: Kallbygdens Intresseförening tel. 410 00, Skäckerfjällens Nature reserve Vast alpine landscape and wilderness, with the lodges Anjans Fjällstation in the south-west; with Kolåsens Fjällhotell and Juvuln Camping in the east. Distance: Åre 65 km and 90 km respectively via the Fröå & Huså roads. Mörsil Bixogårdens Viltfarm with deer and wild boar, 0647-66 05 54. Kretsloppshuset – ‘the natural cycle house’, ecologically planned and executed with a café and restaurant, winter gardens, hen house and shop selling organic produce. Tel. 66 52 12 Charming spa hotel buildings from the 19th century. 51 services ÅREIDAG is the free newspaper presenting most of the services and programmes. here follow some of the services. TV Åre sKISTAR Daily information via cable-TV At 08.00, 09.00 and 18.00 Morning broadcasts with weather and lift information, event guide and coverage. Night broadcasts with the latest Ski, Park and Snowboard films. Tel 139 00 [email protected] RADIO Rix FM Östersund/Åre Frequency 96.9 MHz Music/news around the clock. Åre info and weather. Tel to the studio tel. 063-104 104. Radio Åredalen Turistradio. Frequencies 103.3 and 88.4 and 92.2 mHz with music and features. CINEMA Programme in Årebladet. Also published at Åre Turistbyrå. Järpenbion and Bio Kontrast, Järpen Art galleries Exhibitions, ateliers etc, see ÅREIDAG SHOPPING Skiwear, fashion, shoes and boots, outdoor clothing, skis, snowboards, some Foto: Susanne Kvarnlöf designed, tested and even manufactured locally. Sami handicraft, art, dried reindeer meat. Souvenirs and gifts such as knives, gold and silver, hand-made glass, art. Fine chocolates, cheeses, dried reindeer meat and other organic produce from Smakriket Jämtland. Cooking stones, wine coolers made of soapstone from Handöl. wines & spirits Shops in Åre and Järpen, also order/ pick-up service in various supermarkets in the other villages. bANKS Handelsbanken, Åre, (cash dispenser/ ATM) tel. 500 17 also in Järpen Swedbank, Åre, (cash dispenser/ATM), tel. 511 20 also in Järpen Nordea agents: ICA Åre, tel. 145 40 ICA Duved, tel. 205 41 ICA Björnänge, tel. 320 06 ICA Undersåker, tel. 66 45 66 ICA Ottsjö, tel. 340 30 Cash withdrawals in Coop and ICA supermarkets. Cash dispenser in Station Åre. Credit cards are accepted in most shops and restaurants. Foreign exchange in banks. Western Union service and Direkten cash service, at Åre Tobak Tel. 500 92 54 Winter guide 2010 | | Winter guide 2010 55 POLIce, customs VETERINary surgeons Air Airport transfer Emergencies tel. 112. Other issues, tel.114 14 Tullverket, Storlien customs clearing station, daily 08.00-21.00 public holidays excepted. Tel. 063-15 25 00, Åreveterinärerna, Såå Handelshus, tel. 0647-321 55 Vet on call, 063-13 40 00 refuse, recycling ETC Information at Airlines servicing Åre Östersund Airport, City Airline from Göteborg Landvetter tel. 0200-250 500 Next Jet from Umeå and Luleå tel. 08-639 85 38 SAS from Stockholm Arlanda tel. 0770-727 727 Östersundsflyg from Stockholm Bromma, tel 063-51 01 00 Trondheim Vaernes International Airport, direct flights from many European airports including London Stansted, Amsterdam, Riga, Copenhagen. Åretransfern, Åre Östersund Airport Åre and other stops in Årefjällen tel. 020-97 97 97 skY-bus, transfer Åre-Östersund Airport and Trondheim Vaernes Airpor Local taxi companies in Åre, see the telephone directory. RESCUE SERVICES Emergencies, tel 112. public telephones Åre Cable car, Station Åre and others Health care Emergencies, tel. 112 Open surgery - Hälsocentral in Åre, tel. 166 00, Järpen, tel. 165 50. Medical information, tel. 1177. Dentists – Folktandvården tel. 166 30. Also private clinics Pharmacies Apoteket – in Åre och Järpen. Tel. 0771-450 450 Poison information tel. 08-33 12 31 Opticians – Årefjällens Optik • in Åre tel. 66 53 33 • in Järpen tel. 500 77 Naprapaths/Physiotherapists: Akutnaprapaten & Sjukgymnasten 0707-91 90 80 ÅreNaprapaterna 070-749 19 19 travel, TRANSPORTs Tour operators Midscan Travel, tel. 66 59 08 Åre Eventbyrå, tel. 076-891 07 07 Bus Länstrafiken. Prices and timetables: or tel. 0771-100 110 Y-Buss, Stockholm-Åre-Trondheim, 0771-33 44 44, Årebussen, regular coach StockholmÅre, price example: 420 SEK, 11 Dec-3 May. Info and booking at Tel. 08-580 369 00 Regular taxi service Enafors – Handöl – Storulvån, booking tel. 704 77 Undersåker-Vålådalen, booking tel. 302 01 Train • SJ tel. 0771-75 75 75. • Veolia tel. 0771-26 00 00 • SJ ticket machine in Station Åre • Train ticket sales at Åre Turistbyrå in Station Åre, tel. 177 23 • MittNabotåget. tel. 0771-26 00 00 Dinner in the slope Reward yourself with a truly delightful dinner and fabulous view over Åre. Reserve a table on +46 (0)647-145 00 and ride up here on Bergbanan. 100 Y Celebrate 2010 with us — ears of authentiC Åre Mountain experienCes 56 | Winter guide 2010 Winter guide 2010 | 57 Restaurants and Accommodation Inns, bars, restaurants, pubs, clubs, discos and dinners shows; ballroom dancing are published on individual web sites and in the free newspaper Åre Idag. Age limits apply, 18, 20, or 23 years. Duved and further west Hamrestugan Mountain munchie with skiers’ lunch and café up the Hamre lift in Duved. Tel. 261 35 Hanriis Café In Handöl, near the Handölsforsarna rapids. With the County Museum’s exhibitions of the soapstone factory and the history of the Karoliner disaster. Tel 723 60 Foto: Buustamon Linbanecaféet Café and light dishes next to the chairlift at the foot of the slopes in Duved. Tel. 140 93 Millestgården Near the Karolin monument and the elk farm Millest Moose Farm. Tel 200 35, 070-945 46 48 Pigo Restaurang Pizza and meny a la carte. bar, afterski pub i Duveds centrum. Tel 264 00 STF Storulvån Fjällstation At the end of the road, at an altitude of 730 masl. Café and restaurant. Foto: Göran Assner Winter guide 2010 | | Winter guide 2010 Tegetornet Country Club Octagonal centre in Tegefjäll, with a café and skier’s lunches near the ski lifts. Tel 129 02 Diplomat Åregården’s nightclub at Åre Square. Tel 179 34 Tännforsen Årevägen 138. Patisserie and bakery. Tel 503 10 Café and restaurant serving à la carte menu. Tel 230 23 ÅRE Bahnhof Café In the old railway station. Café and lunches. Tel 528 83 Black Sheep Lunckrog, pub afterski, meny a la carte, tillagning på vulkanlavasten Tel 530 80 Broken En Liten Smula Executive Home Bistro & Café The hotel in Art Nouveau style near Åre Square. Café with home-made pastries, buffet lunches and à la carte. Tel 322 10 Fjällgården At the top of Åre Bergbana. Café and après-ski. In the evenings à la carte dinners. Tel 145 00 Granen At Åre Square. American Bar & Grill. Tel 506 33 200 m above Åre Square. A la carte menus, often based on local produce. Tel 515 60 Buustamons Fjällgård Grappa The furthest to the west on Mount Åreskutan, at 730 masl. From Ullådalen pick-up service for a 500 metre sled ride up to the restaurant. A la carte menu. Distillery in the cellar. Tel 531 75 Café Olympia On the wide ledge where the pistes Gästrappet, Lundsrappet and Störtloppet merge and Olympiagondolen takes the skiers further uphill from VM8:an. Café, skiers’ lunches and mountain-view après-ski. Tel 530 14 61 Ristorante Italiano with à la carte menus in the well-known Torvtaket 100 m East of Åre Square. Tel 500 56 Grädda Åre Årevägen Brunkulla. Café and patisserie. Breakfast buffet. Tel 515 15 Holiday Club Diners à la carte, Coffee Corner. Italian coffees, sandwiches and pastries Easy Kitchen. Lunch of the day, pizzas, pasta, salads etc Sportsbar, finger food, snacks etc. Tel. 120 00 Foto: Jonas Kullman 60 Winter guide 2010 | | Winter guide 2010 Hummelstugan With a characteristic triple pointed roof on the top of Hummeln - café and skiers’ lunches. Groups are welcome to pre-book evening meals. Tel 532 84 Hyddan Bobbo Nordenskiöld’s log café and inn between the pistes and toboggan course, 300 m above Åre Square. Skiers’ lunches, waffles café, après-ski and pre-booked evening meals for groups. Tel 66 59 77 Liten Krog Åre Square. A la carte and pizzas. Tel 522 00 Madonna Di Campiglio Årevägen 148. A la carte and Italian bar. Pastas, pizzas, gelateria. Live music. Tel 511 51 MAX Hamburgers from Swedish meats. Tel 526 50 Phil & Steve The eastern entrance to Dippan to a bar with American finger food menu. Tel 515 55 Pizza Lab Kebab and pizza. Also deliveries. Tel 512 34. Rautjoxa Rustic café and restaurant with a sun terrace in Rödkullen. Tel 530 06 63 Raw Åre Fjällby. Specialty sushi and other Asian dishes. Tel 123 45 Recept +Åre Årekompaniet. Lunches on weekdays. Tel 61 80 10 Runt Knuten Årevägen 24. Hotel and restaurant school training facility. Tel 168 06 Stormköket Café and lunch restaurant in the top station of the cable car. Tel 539 10 Supper S. of Åre Square. A la carte menu with South American themes. Tel 501 05 Wallmans Dippan TT’s Bar o Kök Werséns At Åre Square. A la carte and dish of the day. Tel 139 50 Twins E of Åre Square. Coffee shop and à la carte restaurant. Tel 504 50 Ullådalstugan With a sun terrace at the end of the road and the start of the ski trails. Café and restaurant, light meals and skiers’ lunches. Tel 531 71 VM-Grillen Fast food kiosk at the bottom of the VM8 racing slopes. Dinner show and nightclub in Åre. Tel 515 55 At Åre Square. The bar upstairs; lunches, à la carte and pizzeria on street level. Soap stone meals in the cellar. Tel 505 05 Villa Tottebo In the park. A la carte with local influences. Tel 506 20 Åre Bageri About 600 m East of Åre Square. Organic stone oven bakery, bread Comeback for Trillevallen’s historic hotel! 10 ski lifts .120 km cross-country tracks 0647-360 90 garden, sampling, café and breakfast buffet Tel 523 20 Åregården Bar & Bistro At Åre Square. On the hotel entrance level. Tel 179 34 Åregården Skafferi & Vinbar. In the street leading down from Åre Square. A la carte. Tel 179 34 Björnänge Bergstugan Fröå Gruva. Café, lunches. Also prebooked events. Tel 321 88 Foto: ola rockberg 62 64 Winter guide 2010 | | Winter guide 2010 Café Idet Café in Årebjörnen skidcenter. Tel 508 80 Copperhill Mountain Lodge At the summit of Mount Förberget, at 730 masl. Niesti with à la carte. Tel 143 00 Carins Krog In Årebjörnen Skidcenter, with skiers’ lunches, après-ski and à la carte. Tel 104 50 Undersåker, Edsåsdalen, Trillevallen, Ottsjö, Vallbo, Vålådalen Anariset Sami Camp at Anarisfjällen. Reached on skis, in dog sleds or by snowmobile. Reindeer, venison and game fish. Advance bookings. Tel 351 56 Hållandsgården Ristafallets Camping & Lunch Room At the parking area by the waterfall. Café and lunches. Tel 302 00 Vallbogården Vallbo, in Vålådalens Naturreservat. Meals and café Tel 351 23 65 Fäviken Egendom Magasinet Near Lake Kallsjön. Venison and fish from the area, advance bookings. Tel. 401 77 Huså Herrgård Meals, events. Advance bookings. Tel 070-571 11 66 Kallgården Guesthouse meals and local specialties when booked in advance. Tel 310 10 Vålådalen Fjällstation Café and restaurant for breakfast, lunch and dinner.Tel 353 00 Everything from traditional meals to festive dinners. Tel 412 00 By the top station of Förbergsliften. Lunches; dinner menus with char, hare and à la carte. Tel 324 25 Köjagården Bar & Café Vålågården Kall Auto Lodge 76+ kvadrat Milano E Vålådalen. Café, waffles, à la carte. Spec. fish and venison dishes when booked in advance. Tel 351 73 Bygården, Undersåker. Pizzas and à la carte Tel 301 30 Åre Fjällsätra Lilla Tyrolen Brattland. Interior décor shop, café with home-made pastries. Tel 302 76 Viking Restaurante By the E 14. Pizza & bar. A la carte. Tel 323 33 Åre Continental Inn The large white hotel above the E14. Grizzly Bar, light meals. Tel 171 70 Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner; café. Tel 332 00 Per-Olsgården Vallbo, in Vålådalens Nature Reserve. Menu based on organic produce. Tel 352 00 Platåkåtan Log cabin with a café and sun terrace on the ski trail above Ottsjö. Tel 070-627 12 49 Undersåker. Buffet lunches, traditional fare, Sami specialties when booked in advance.Tel 305 05 Huså-Kallbygden Anjans Fjällstation Near Skäckerfjällens Nature Reserve. Café and meals based on meat and fish from the area.Tel. 820 17 Café and restaurant. Local fish and venison Tel 411 00 Kolåsens Fjällhotell Restaurant with views of Skäckerfjällens Nature Reserve. Tel. 810 17 Mörsil Kretsloppshuset Café and restaurant serving organic meals. Tel 66 52 12 Strandgården Buffet lunches, guesthouse meals. Tel 61 15 44 We help you to a successful property deal 0647-139 60 • Devotion to every detail 66 Winter guide 2010 | | Winter guide 2010 Accommodation Central booking Boka Åre SkiStar Åre Konferens 106 90 0771-84 00 00 509 90 Björnänge Hotels pensions hostels Brattlandsgården/STF Vandrarhem 301 38 Copperhill Mountain Lodge 143 00 Karolinen, Hotell 320 90 Åre Continental Inn 171 70 Cabins chalet apartments Karolinen, Hotell Jemtgården 320 90 66 53 54 Duved Camping Camp Duved 0730-299 806 Hotels pensions hostels Camp Duved Fjällporten, Pensionat Duvedsgården, Hotell Millestgården Mullfjället, Hotell Renen, SkiStar Storulvån STF Fjällstation 0730-299 806 200 10 262 60 200 35 200 04 0771-84 00 00 722 00 Cabins chalet apartments Backs Semesterby Duveds Semesterby Njarka/Häggsjönäs Semesterby Pålles Stugby 200 08 260 90 250 42 203 66 Södra Årefjällen Camping Kallsjöbygden Camping Konäs Fiskecamping Juvuln Camping Hotell pensionat vandrarhem Anjans Fjällstation Hyttgården, Huså Kall Auto Lodge Kallgården, Hotell Kolåsens Fjällhotell 440 36 801 73 820 17 420 89 411 00 412 00 810 17 Cabins chalet apartments Björkede Fjällgård 010-250 12 96 Camp Sovvene, Åkroken 0640-920 20 Digernäset Stugor 800 27 Edbjörk, Överäng 840 12 Huså Getgård 420 03 Huså Herrgård 420 40 Huså Byalag, stuguthyrning 420 40 Hyttgården, Huså 420 89 Juvuln Camping 801 73 Konäs Fiskecamping 440 36 Kolåsens Fjällhotell 810 17 Linds Stugor 420 09 Sunnerheim, Bonäshamn 401 25 Utgården, Bratteggen 450 14 Västgård, Kall 410 81 Wiklunds Stugor, Överäng 840 40 Ytteräng Stugor 840 21 Yvonne Jonsson, Bonäshamn 402 11, 070-438 20 75 We take you home! Edsåsdalens Camping 331 01 Fångåmons Fiske ckrens Fiskecamp66 20 20 Ristafallets Camping 302 00 Vålågården/Ö Vålådalen 351 73 Vällistegården Camping/Undersåker 303 07 Hotels pensions hostels Björnvallens Fjällgård/Trillevallen 360 12 Danielsgården/ Edsåsdalen 331 32 Edlers Fjällpensionat/ Edsåsen 300 65 Edsåsdalen STF Vandrarhem 332 00 Edsåsgården 332 00 Hållands Folkhögskola, vandrarhem 66 55 00 Hållandsgården/Undersåker 310 10 Hållfjällets Turiststation 340 49 Köjagården/ Edsåsdalen 332 00 Ottsjö Fjällgård 341 60 Ottsjö Wärdshus 145 30 Per-Olsgården/Vallbo 352 00 Stadighgården/Edsåsen 070-171 23 61 Strandgården/mell. Mörsil o Järpen 61 15 44 Sundmans Fjällgård/Undersåker 313 60 Södergården, RMA/Undersåker 304 49 Trillevallen Högfjällshotell 360 90 Vallbo Fjällgård 351 23 Vålådalen Fjällstation 353 00 Åre Fjällsätra/Undersåker 305 05 Cabins chalet apartments Anariset Vildmarkscamp 351 56 Bergstedts Fjällstugor/Trillevallen 303 45, 300 95 Fångåmon Fiskecamp 351 30 Hedmans Fjällby/Undersåker 126 00 Hedungs Stugby/Edsåsdalen 332 00 Håckrens Fiskecamp 66 20 20 Lilla Lunda, Mörsil 66 52 12 Ottsjö Fjällstugor 340 30 Ottsjö Mountain Ottsjö Wärdshus Undersåkers Semesterby Vallbo Fjällgård Vålågården/ö Vålådalen 67 340 77 145 30 301 98 351 23 351 73 Åre Hotels pensions hostels Granen, Hotel & Residence Fjällgården, Hotell Holiday Club Parkvillan Sporthotellet/Executive Home Thomassons Gård Åre Bed&Breakfast Åre Ski Lodge Åre Torg, Hotell Åregården, Hotel Diplomat Årevägen 3 515 60 145 00 120 00 177 33 322 10 500 02 511 40 510 29 515 90 178 00 511 86 apartments Bubblans lägenheter Bysshuset Gästhuset Executive Skiing Holiday Club Mitt i Åre Skistar bokning Thomassons Gård 070-317 63 08 518 80 66 54 50 322 10 120 00 515 00 0771 84 00 00 500 02 Cabins chalet apartments Belwobyn Engmans Stuga Executive Skiing Gula Villan Årevägen 3 0771-84 00 00 66 54 50 322 10 522 30 511 86 0647-14300
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