EXHIBITOR MANUAL Dear Exhibitor, This Exhibitor Manual will help you plan every aspect of your attendance at this exciting launch event in London, 31 – 2 November 2014. You will find an easy to follow checklist of compulsory forms on Page 9 to ensure you don’t forget anything. Some of the forms are compulsory in order to meet the health and safety regulations of the venue, so please help us by signing and returning these forms urgently. Please pay particular attention to the compulsory notification of all activities and demonstrations taking place on your stand (Form 1) along with completion of the Food Hygiene checklist (Form 4) if you are planning to offer any form of food and drink from your stand. We have designed this manual to ensure you can find the key information you need quickly, but as always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if we can be of further assistance to you. Nikolaos Linakis Event Director Greek Agora Expo 1 The Organising Team Event Directors Nikolaos Linakis Emmanouil Kotsias Email : [email protected] Phone : + 302130291884 Event Manager Konstantinos Papadakos Email : [email protected] Phone : +44 (0) 7474359542 Sales Director Greek Agora Expo LTD Email: [email protected] Phone: +302130291884 Marketing Manager DNA Dynamic New Advertising Email: [email protected] Phone: +302108827541, 2108253603 Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any queries regarding your stand or the Exhibition. 2 CONTENTS (Alphabetical) PAGE Activities and Demonstrations Address of Venue Alteration to Exhibition Layout Animals Audio Visual Badges and Passes Balloons Banking Build Up Business Centre Breakdown Car Parking Carpet / Floor Covering Catering Checklist of all Forms Cooking on Stands Cleaning Cloakroom Courier Shipments Deliveries Dilapidations Disabled Persons Distribution of Literature Electrical Regulations Emergency Procedures Exhibition Timetable Fascia Nameboards Fire Regulations First Aid Food Hygiene Forklift Services Furniture Hire Gangways Gas Health and Safety Height Limits Hotel Accommodation Insurance Internet Connections Map of Olympia Music on Stands Official Contractors Public Announcements Regulations Risk Assessment Security Stand Description Stand Visual Smoking Storage Travel Waste Management 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 9 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 29 4 18 19 19 19 22 22 22 22 23 24 24 24 25 5 25 6 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 29 3 EXHIBITION TIMETABLE BUILD UP Wednesday 29-30/10 Friday 31/10/2014 08:00-18:00/08:00-20:00 Access for official contractors only 16:00 – 20.00 / 30/10/2014 Access for all exhibitors for stand dressing 09.00 – 10.00 Access for all exhibitors for stand dressing Please note that from 16.00 hrs on Thursday 30 October you are only allowed to work within your stand space in order to complete your stand dressing. All gangways must be clear by this time to allow gangway cleaning and carpet laying to commence. SHOW OPEN HOURS Friday 31 October 10:00 - 21:00 Exhibition hall will open Saturday 01 November 10:00 - 21:00 at 08.00 every morning for Sunday 02 November 10:00 - 21:00 exhibitor restocking. Exhibitor badges must be worn to gain access. Attention: Last day (3rd of November 2014) the breaking up day all exhibitors must arrive at the venue at 08:00am. All exhibitor items must be removed from the hall by 10:00am. Exhibitors may hand carry items out of the exhibition hall at the close of the show. This includes exhibitors own products and displays. Please do not start removing exhibits or dismantling your stand until all visitors have left the hall. Items being shipped via the official show freight company must be repackaged and clearly labeled before leaving site. The hall will close at 22.00 hrs on Sunday 02 November. Exhibitors can return on Monday 03 November to complete removal of larger items. BREAKDOWN Sunday 02 Nov 21.00 – 22.00 Exhibitors can hand carry items out of the hall. Monday 03 Nov 08.00 – 10.00 All exhibitor items must be removed from the hall by this time. 10.00 – 18.00 Official stand contractor will commence dismantling of all stands. 4 Exhibitors must remove all their own waste materials. Any items left on stands after 10.00 on Monday 03 November will be deemed as waste and disposal charges will be passed to the exhibitor. 5 Map of Olympia, London 6 OFFICIAL CONTRACTORS Please note that these Contractors are the only ones officially recommended by the organisers. AUDIO VISUAL Konstantinos Papadakos Email : [email protected] Phone : +44 (0) 7474359542 CAR PARK EC&O Car Parks Olympia Exhibition Centre Hammersmith Road London W14 8UX Phone : +44 (0) 207598 2515 www.eco.co.uk/p/parking/173 CARPET / FLOORING Konstantinos Papadakos Email : [email protected] Phone : +44 (0) 7474359542 CATERING Levy Restaurants Online Stand Delivery Service Phone : +44 (0)20 7370 8156 or 8158 http://www.levyrestaurants.standdelivery.co.uk COMPUTER HIRE Konstantinos Papadakos Email : [email protected] Phone : +44 (0) 7474359542 ELECTRICS Jayne Crawford Email : [email protected] Phone : +44 (0) 1264365550 EXHIBITOR BADGES Konstantinos Papadakos Email : [email protected] Phone : +44 (0) 7474359542 FURNITURE Konstantinos Papadakos Email : [email protected] Phone : +44 (0) 7474359542 GRAPHICS Konstantinos Papadakos Email: [email protected] Phone : +44 (0)7474359542 7 HOTEL BOOKINGS Χρύσα Iraklia Iatropoulos Travel Merarchias 15, Serres Contact details, booking line: Χαραλαμπίδου Charalabidou Chrysa Tel: 23210 55190, 58559 Κιν 6936910611 Fax: 23210 55191 e-mail: [email protected] Site: www.fly4u.gr INTERNET ORDERS Konstantinos Papadakos Email : [email protected] Phone : +44 (0) 7474359542 FORKLIFT SERVICES Chris Keeling-Jones Mechanical Movements & Enabling Services Ltd Whiteoaks The Parrock Gravesend Kent DA12 1NU Phone : +44 (0) 1474 324266 Fax: +44 (0) 1474 364492 FREIGHT & STORAGE ON SITE OVEN HIRE PR COMPANY & PHOTOGRAPHY INTERDROMON SA THRASIVOULOU STREET THESI ANO FOUSA 193 00 ASPROPIRGOS Tel : 0030 210 4225 873-5 ext.163 Fax: 0030 210 4115 526 Email : [email protected] Url : www.interdromon.gr Konstantinos Papadakos Email : [email protected] Phone : +44 (0) 7474359542 DNA Dynamic New Advertising Email: [email protected] Phone: +302108827541 8 REFRIGERATOR HIRE Konstantinos Papadakos Email : [email protected] Phone : +44 (0) 7474359542 STAFFING Personnel Moore People Event Staffing Hostess/Stand Brogan Taverner Email : [email protected] Phone: +44 (0) 20 8508 0555 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8508 0666 www.moorepeople.co.uk VISITOR DATA CAPTURE Konstantinos Papadakos Email : [email protected] Phone : +44 (0) 7474359542 WATER, GAS, AIR (MAINS SUPPLY) OVS Olympia Exhibition Centre Hammersmith Road London W14 8UX Phone: +44 (0) 207 370 8389 Fax : +44 (0) 207 370 8181 Email : [email protected] 10 CHECKLIST OF COMPULSORY FORMS All forms can be found at the back of this manual DUE DATE RETURN TO Form 1 Activities and Demonstrations Immediately [email protected], [email protected] Form 2 Exhibitor Badges Immediately [email protected] Form 3 Fascia Nameboard Immediately [email protected] Form 4 (Sections 1, 2 and 4) Food Hygiene HACCP Immediately [email protected], [email protected] Form 5 Health & Safety Declaration Immediately [email protected], [email protected] Form 6 (2 pages) Risk Assessment Immediately [email protected], [email protected] FORM 10 COMPLETED CHECKLIST OF OPTIONAL FORMS All forms can be found at the back of this manual DUE DATE RETURN TO Audio Visual Equipment Immediately [email protected] Visitor Badge Scanner Immediately [email protected] Electrics – additional items Immediately [email protected] Internet Immediately [email protected] Oven Hire Immediately [email protected] Refrigerator Hire Immediately [email protected] FORM 10 COMPLETED GENERAL INFORMATION A - Z ‘This Manual forms part of the Rules & Regulations as detailed on your contract’. By virtue of the agreement between the Exhibitor and the Organisers all Exhibitors commit themselves to strict compliance with the Regulations contained within this Exhibitor Services Manual. ACTIVITIES & DEMONSTRATIONS Compulsory Form 1 You must notify the Organisers of any activities or demonstrations taking place on your stand during the open hours of the show and submit a Risk Assessment and all of the relevant documents. If you are unable to provide documents for the activities on the stand, you may asked to cease demonstrations until the requested information has been provided. In case of dispute the decision of the Organisers and its appointed representatives is always final. Please be aware that spot checks will take place throughout the open period. Any exhibitor wishing to operate machinery or carry out mechanical demonstrations on their stand must ensure that these practices constitute no fire or safety hazard, nor interfere with the activities of visitors and exhibitors. All moving parts must be effectively guarded and controls sited beyond public reach. Exhibitors running films/video back projectors with commentary or any form of presentation are reminded that sound must be kept to a level below 80 decibels. This level will be monitored within the exhibition area. All audio speakers must be facing inwards on the stand and not facing into the gangways. Exhibitors must advise the Organisers if they intend to offer any massage, therapy or similar services on the stand, as special licences may be required from the Local Authority. Each therapist is required to have set guidance to ensure patient safety, usually through consultation, questionnaire and written consent Certain illnesses and medical conditions such as open wounds and high blood pressure mean treatment cannot be carried Any therapist must be qualified by a reputable organisation and covered by personal liability insurance. The Organisers reserve the right to curtail any practice or demonstration, which they consider dangerous or detrimental to the show. Accidents and Near Misses, if you are involved in, or witness an accident or near miss while on site, please report it to the Organiser’s Office immediately. 11 ADDRESS OF VENUE (see also Deliveries) Contact Name Contact Mobile Number Company Name Stand Number Greece Welcomes You In London 2014 Olympia Central Hammersmith Road London W14 8UX Alcohol and Drugs Policy The consumption of alcohol is not permitted during build-up and breakdown. The venue has a strict drugs and alcohol policy which allows them to other to test or eject from site any contractor suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. ALTERATION TO EXHIBITION LAYOUT Unforeseen circumstances may occur which necessitate an alteration in the layout of the Exhibition floor plan. The Organisers cannot be held liable for any detriment that this may cause the Exhibitor. ANIMALS Assistance dogs are permitted entry to the show. However, if you plan to have any other animal(s) on your stand, you must apply for permission via the organizers, as there are licensing implications and the City Vet’s approval will be required. For reasons of health and safety animals are not allowed in the exhibition halls for the duration of the tenancy with the exception of registered assistance dogs. AUDIO VISUAL Konstantinos Papadakos can arrange to supply a variety of equipment for hire during the Exhibition. Please note that volume must be kept to a level that does not disturb other Exhibitors. The Organisers reserve the right to restrict the frequency and/ or cancel demonstrations if they are felt to be a nuisance to other Exhibitors. BADGES AND PASSES Build Up / Breakdown Passes – will be handed out upon arrival by our security teams. Access to the venue can only be granted to exhibitors who have signed and returned the health & safety declaration. The Health & Safety declaration (Form 5) can be found at the back of this manual. 12 Exhibitor Badges - for security reasons all Exhibitors will be required to wear these badges during the Open Days of the Exhibition. Please complete the Exhibitor Badge Order (Form 2) at the back of this manual. Vehicle passes are required to be displayed in the windscreen for access to the loading areas during build-up and breakdown. Once ordered, your Exhibitor Badges can be collected from the Registration Desk on site. Vehicle passes are required to be displayed in the windscreen for access to the loading areas during build-up and breakdown. 13 BALLOONS The distribution or display of gas-filled balloons at Olympia London requires written permission from the Organisers and the venue. Exhibitors will be responsible for any costs incurred for removal of balloons from the ceiling and any damage they may cause. BANKING There is an ATM cash point located in the foyer of Olympia Central. Also close by : Lloyds Bank, 112 Kensington High Street BUILD UP Wednesday 29-30/10 08:00 – 18:00 & 08:00 – 20:00 Official Contractors Only All 14:00 – 20.00 / 30/10/14 Friday 31/10 exhibitors 09.00 – 10:00 All exhibitors All exhibitors and contractors bringing vehicles to the venue for build-up and breakdown, who want to unload or load a vehicle on site, must book a time slot on the following on-line booking system: carbonvoyage.com/olympia Details of the event, stand name and number, unloading/loading zone colour please see venue plan) and type of vehicle must be inputted, and the system will allocate the best available time slot; this can be amended if not convenient. Time slots for build-up and breakdown can be booked at the same time and a vehicle pass printed from the system. You can make bookings for your stand contractors, or email them the booking link. They will need to know your stand name and number and your unloading/loading zone colour. All vehicles used to deliver and collect goods to/from your stand must display a vehicle pass in the windscreen. Please follow the advice of the traffic marshals, who are there to ensure that everyone can load and unload as quickly as possible. Once you have loaded/unloaded your vehicle, it must be removed from the loading areas, in order to make room for others. There is a time limit of 30 minutes for cars, 1 hour for vans and 2 hours for lorries. The booking system can also provide a quote and be used to book a porter service to help with un-loading and loading. Please approach Olympia via Olympia Way, off Hammersmith Road. Marshals will direct you to the appropriate gate. 13 Please note that from 16.00hrs on Thursday 30 October, you are only allowed to work within your stand space as gangway cleaning for carpet laying will commence. All empty boxes, crates, stand materials must be removed from the gangways by this time. Access will not be permitted before 16:00 noon on Thursday 30 October to allow for stand build, electrical installation, furniture delivery etc. All exhibition stands must be completed by 10:00 on Friday 31October. No extension to these working hours will be permitted. The Organisers may dispose of an Exhibitors stand space without further notification or formal notice of default if they have failed to meet their obligations to pay the Organisers on time. Children Children under the age of 16 are not allowed in the venue during build-up and breakdown in order to comply with health and safety legislation. Children under the age of 16 may not work on stands during the open period of the event without a licence. The Children and Young Persons Act applies. An individual risk assessment must be carried out for any young person (under 18) working on a stand and the organiser must be informed. The Children and Young Persons Act and the Children (Performances) Regulations apply to children performing at events. The organiser must be informed if any children are to perform on your stand. 14 BUSINESS CENTRE The business centre is located on level 3 of Olympia Center. Facilities include photocopying, faxing, internet access and IT facilities. These are all chargeable services. 15 BREAKDOWN Removal of goods/ graphics/ displays and dismantling of stands may only begin once all visitors have left the hall and the breakdown is announced over the hall PA. Please do not a t t e m p t t o remove your Exhibits or dismantle your stand before 21.00 hrs on Sunday 02 November. Please however remove personal effects and small or valuable items from your stand as soon as the Exhibition closes at 21.00 hrs to prevent any losses or damage during the Breakdown period. Take particular care of handbags, laptop computers, mobile phones and other personal items. All Exhibits, Graphics, Literature and Displays must be removed from stands by 10:00 hrs on Monday 03 November as stands will be dismantled after this time. Any items left on your stand after 10:00 hrs on Monday 03 November will be considered as waste and disposed of accordingly. Exhibitors will be charged for this waste removal. Exhibitors who have arranged return freight must ensure all items are properly packaged and labeled and handed to your nominated freight company before leaving site. The organiser cannot be held responsible for items left unattended. If you are unclear of any aspect of the Breakdown procedure please do not hesitate to contact the Organisers in advance or during the show. Please note: due to Health and Safety regulations children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the Exhibition Hall during breakdown. CAR PARKING All parking in the Olympia car parks is chargeable. Discounted rates are available for bookings made in advance. Please contact Booking Services on 020 7598 2515 or visit www.eco.co.uk / www.olympia.co.uk for further details and pre-booking. The car parks are open from 0700hrs until one hour after the building closes (or one hour after the event closes on open days). 16 For all enquiries regarding parking local to the venue, please contact : EC&O Car Parks Olympia Exhibition Centre Hammersmith Road London W14 8UX Phone : +44 (0) 207598 2515 www.eco.co.uk/p/parking/173 CARPET/ FLOOR COVERING All stands are provided with blue carpet. This carpet cannot be removed and any damage caused by the Exhibitor will be their responsibility and charged accordingly. You may order an alternative colour of carpet by email to [email protected] CATERING All of your catering requirements for your stand must be ordered from Levy Restaurants, the venue’s appointed hospitality catering company. To order stand catering delivered to your stand, please contact: Levy Restaurants Online Stand Delivery Service Phone : +44 (0)20 7370 8156 or 8158 http://www.levyrestaurants.standdelivery.co.uk COOKING ON STANDS If you are planning to offer cooked food on your stand during the Exhibition then please notify us using Forms 1 and 4 found at the back of this manual. Failure to notify us and submit all relevant paperwork pre show will result in your activity being suspended. Exhibitors are not permitted to bring their own food and beverages into the Exhibition Hall for free hospitality or distribution on their stands without prior agreement with the organisers. CLEANING Carpet cleaning will be undertaken by the Organisers ready for the show open on each day. This includes hoovering and emptying of waste bins not the cleaning of exhibits, furniture and displays. Any items left in the gangways will be considered waste 17 and disposed of accordingly. Please note that a charge will be levied to those Exhibitors who leave bulky items, stand building materials or an excess of rubbish, including brochures and publications. If you expect to create a large amount of waste through stand construction etc. and require a waste container please contact the Organisers for a quote. CLOAKROOM The Cloakroom is situated to the left of the entrance lefts on Level One of Olympia Central. There will be a nominal charge levied for this service. Please note that Olympia cloakrooms cannot accept laptops, phones or other electrical goods. The cloakroom will open half an hour before the event opens and half an hour after the event closes. When the cloakroom has closed, all left luggage and coats are taken to the Security Control Room. 18 COURIER SHIPMENTS Shipping exhibit material to international trade shows via courier is not recommended. Experience over many years’ shows that courier companies struggle with the customs requirements and delivery demands at Exhibitions. If you do use a courier please ensure your onsite personnel have the following information with them to enable them to track your shipment: Name and local contact number of courier company Tracking number / airbill number of shipment The organisers recommend that all freight forwarding is ordered via their nominated agent. Please order all freight services directly: INTERDROMON SA Tel: 00302104225873-5 ext.163 Fax: 00302104115526 Email: [email protected] DELIVERIES Please ensure you have a member of staff on your stand to sign for your deliveries as the organizer or the venue will not take responsibility for any exhibitor deliveries. Deliveries must not be made to the venue under any circumstances outside of the tenancy hours which are detailed in the Event Timatable above. Any deliveries attempted earlier or later than these times will be refused by the venue and returned to sender. The venue staff is not permitted to sign for deliveries. All items being sent directly to the venue must clearly be labelled with the following: Contact Name Contact Mobile Number Company Name Stand Number Greece Welcomes You In London 2014 Olympia, National Hall Hammersmith Road London W14 8UX 19 DILAPIDATIONS Exhibitors are liable for any damage they may cause to buildings, floors, walls, and columns or to any shell scheme equipment or any other Exhibitor's property. Exhibitors are also responsible for any damage caused by their agents or Contractors. No Exhibitor may apply paint, lacquer, adhesives or coating to the venue building or shell scheme panels or drill holes into the floor, columns or walls. The Organisers will inspect every site before erection and after b r e a k d o w n of the stands and any damage caused will be charged to the Exhibitor. If you expect to create a large amount of waste through stand construction etc. and require a waste container please contact the Organisers for a quote. DISABLED PERSONS Disabled persons must be afforded the same opportunities as able-bodied persons - this includes the ability to attend Exhibitions and view exhibits. Please ensure your stand is easily accessible to visitors in wheelchairs e.g. by providing ramps in platform floors. Parking bays are reserved for disabled drivers in the Olympia multi-storey car park. Car parking can be prebooked by credit card on +44 (0) 207 598 2515. DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE The distribution of literature is only permitted from your own stand. Do not ask your staff to distribute literature in the Exhibition gangways, catering areas and foyers unless you have prior permission from the organisers. ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS All on-site electrical work must be carried out by the appointed electrical contractor and will be inspected and tested prior to energising. A temporary supply must be ordered for use during build-up and breakdown, if required. Use of the venue’s electrical sockets is not permitted and cables must not cross gangways. Once power has been energised during build-up, it will be switched off each night, including the pre-open night. If you need power overnight, you will need to order a 24 hour supply. Power to your stand will be switched off 30 minutes after the show closes each day and will not be switched back on until the following morning. If you require 24 hour power, please arrange this with the electrical contractor. On the last open day, power will not be switched back on under any circumstances, due to the hazards presented during the breakdown of stands. If you need a supply beyond this time, please arrange this with the electrical contractor. 20 All electrical installations must comply fully with the eGuide, which can be accessed at www.aeo.org.uk/eguide. The following is a brief summary of key points: General Electrical fittings should be ordered from the appointed contractor on the official order form in this manual. All electrical equipment and exhibits must be guarded to prevent accidental contact with live terminals. Items intended for use on stands must be PAT tested and labelled accordingly. Electrical cables must not be run under carpet or up stand fitting support posts. Cables on the floor which may be walked on must be protected by conduit or with protective ramping (tape is not acceptable). All other wiring below 2.4 metres must be protected in PVC or metal tubing. In the event of electrical failure, please report this to the organisers’ office. Lighting Light fittings must be secured using clips or heavy-duty electrical ties and earth bonded appropriately. Light fitting flex must not be draped across the ceiling grid (if applicable), or left hanging in coils or wrapped around any part of a metal structure. Cable ties must be used to secure flex to the structure. Spotlights/floodlights/halogen lamps, etc must be guarded and mechanically fixed, so as to prevent risk of injury to persons. All lighting must be kept at least 300mm away from muslin/fabric ceilings and other combustibles. Lighting circuits must not exceed 1,000 watts. They must not be looped or connected to power circuits. Heavy fittings (over 1 kg) require a secondary means of support. Socket Outlets Only one 4-way extension lead may be connected to each socket outlet and the maximum length of lead permitted is 2 metres. Extension leads must not be plugged into other extension leads (commonly known as ‘daisy-chaining’). Block adaptors and drum reel extension cables must not be used. Please ensure you order a sufficient number of sockets to prevent overloading. Electricity at Olympia is not provided 24 hours as standard, we would request that you switch of any lights at the end of each day and if the products on your stand require constant electricity you will need to order this from [email protected] Electrical connections must be kept accessible at all times. Where necessary, openings must be made in the stand ceilings and/ or floors to provide access to these facilities. Under no circumstances will we allow ‘daisy chaining’. The use of multi-way plugin adaptors (4-way extensions) has proved to be a danger and potential source of fire. Trailing block type units are frequently joined together to form ‘daisy chains’ thus overloading circuits. Any ‘daisy chained’ units will be disconnected and 21 removed and electrical power to your stand will not be connected or re-connected until the electrical contractor is satisfied that the installation is safe. The use of a multi-way plug-in adaptor is restricted to one unit per fixed socket outlet. FASCIA NAMEBOARDS Compulsory Form 3 Included in your stand is the provision of one name board to each open stand side. The company name will be in English. Please complete your fascia nameboard form and return this immediately to Showlite via email at [email protected]. The form can be found at the back of this manual. If this is not returned to Showlite by 6th of October 2014 then the company name that appears on your contract will be used on the fascia name board. Any changes due to late receipt or on site changes will be charged to the Exhibitor. FIRE REGULATIONS The following regulations are included in the eGuide (www.aeo.org.uk/eguide) and must be complied with by all contractors and exhibitors. They do not apply to exhibits: All materials used in the construction of stands, features and displays, including signs and fascias, shall be: of a suitable nature and quality for the purposes and conditions of their intended use adequately prepared and fixed in order adequately to perform the functions for which they are designed non-combustible, inherently non-flammable or durably flameproof in accordance with BS476-Part 7 water-based, where applicable, e.g. adhesives and paint British Standards are the minimum acceptable standards for construction materials. Suitable samples of materials may be submitted to the venue for approval. Materials may be tested on site to ensure that they comply. Decorative materials Decorative materials used for stand dressing must be flame proofed or purchased already treated by use of the appropriate chemical. Untreated wallpaper and similar thin surface finishes, not exceeding 1mm in thickness, may be accepted, provided they are firmly fixed. Artificial plants and flowers are combustible and give off toxic fumes. Therefore they must not be used for stand dressing. Silk-type flowers are acceptable, providing they are fireproof or have been treated and marked as such. Fabrics, drapes, curtains and hangings Drapes, curtains, hangings, etc, must be inherently or durably flame-proofed. Otherwise they may be treated with a proprietary flame retardant. Test certificates must be available for inspection for any materials intended to be used. 22 Fabrics used for interior stand decoration must be fixed taut and/or in tight pleats (not loosely draped) to a solid backing, secured above floor level and not touching light fittings. Curtains on exit routes should hang 75mm clear of the floor, be parted in the centre and not conceal any exit signs. Floor covering All floor coverings must be secured and maintained so that they do not cause a hazard. Fixing of floor coverings to the hall floor in uncarpeted halls (all except Olympia Central, Levels 2 and 3) may only be carried out using approved tape. Other forms of fixing to the hall floor, such as cable clips, nails and bolts are prohibited. The organiser will incur a charge for any tape not removed by the end of the tenancy period, or any damage caused to the hall floor. Glazing All glazing used in the construction of stands must consist of safety glass (laminated or tempered) a minimum of 6mm thick. Areas of glazing within 800mm of floor level and over 0.5m2, where the smaller dimension of the pane is greater than 250mm, must conform to the thicknesses shown below (in order to comply with the ‘Code of practice for safety related to human impact’): Nominal thickness 8mm 10mm 12mm 15mm or thicker Maximum pane size dimensions 1100mm x 1100mm 2250mm x 2250mm 4500mm x 4500mm no limits Any uninterrupted, large areas of clear glazing shall be indicated with warning stripes, dots, logos, etc. Overhead glazing shall be of wired or laminated glass, or be otherwise adequately protected from shattering. Night sheets Night sheets must be made of inherently non-flammable material or of material satisfactorily treated to render it non-flammable. They shall be stored rolled-up and firmly secured and not cause any obstruction while not in use. Paint Only water-based paint may be used on site. If paint-spraying equipment is to be used, the method must be approved by the venue and not cause a nuisance to others. Protective measures shall be taken to ensure that no paint is spilt or sprayed on to the fabric of the building. Plastic All plastic, including plastic plants and materials used for vision panels, etc, must conform to BS476-Part 7, Class 1. Polycarbonate materials are acceptable. Timber Timber under 25mm thick must be impregnated to Class 1 standard. Treated materials should have ‘BS476-Part 7, Class 1’ marked on them. 23 Boards, plywood, chipboard, etc, must be treated if under 18mm thick. The exception to this is MDF, which is acceptable for use due to its density. MDF may not be machined on site, as its dust is hazardous to health. Upholstery Upholstered seating must be non-combustible and marked with the appropriate standard. FIRST AID There will be a Medical Team present at the Exhibition. The First Aid Centre is situated on the Gallery Level. This is on the far side of the exhibition floor (on the opposite side to the lifts). The venue has a medical centre staffed by qualified nurses located on Level 1 on the opposite side from the passenger lifts. If you believe an ambulance needs to be called, please ensure that this request is directed to the venue’s control room on 020 7598 2666 (Olympia). The staff’s knowledge of the venue and where to direct the ambulance could save vital time. FOOD AND DRINK SAMPLING AND HYGIENE REGULATIONS Food and Drink Sampling If you wish to carry out food and drink sampling on your stand, please advise the organiser, in order to ensure that all relevant regulations are adhered to. If permission to offer samples is granted, only bite sized portions, individually wrapped items or 85 ml of drink (25 ml for neat spirits) may be offered. Food hygiene regulations must be adhered to and are available at www.aeo.org/eguide. It is important that you notify t he org anizer s o f all pr oposed act ivit ies f or f ood sam pling and demonstrations taking place on your stand via Form 1 found at the back of this manual. All food/drink sampling activity must be free of charge, otherwise it is treated as a retail activity. The standard acceptable sizes are : Unwrapped Food must be bite size portions Individually wrapped items Drink – 3fl oz / 85ml container In all cases the HACCP Form must be completed and returned. Food sampling must be carried out in such a way that customers do not touch the food that other people will eat in order to minimize the risk of cross-contamination. Non-Perishable open foods : For stands that offer non-perishable foods for consumption such as drinks, crisps, nuts, biscuits, and food used in display purposes only that will be thrown away, the requirements are that sanitized hand-wipes must be used on the stand. For all other food groups, the following minimum requirements must be met: 24 Food Group A – High Risk All cooked foods; meats; sauces; prepared salads; high risk cold items such as sausages, pies, hot sauces, dips. Dairy products; cooked pasta rice and noodles; cream cakes; stir fry; dim sum. Minimum Requirements: All walls must be wipe clean A refrigerator capable of holding food at or below 8 degrees C must be provided. A wash hand basin or portable unit hot and cold water supply, soap and hand towels. An area for the storage of external clothing away from any food storage. A permanent 24 hour electrical supply. A separate sink with plumbed hot and cold water supply for the washing of equipment and utensils must be provided unless all equipment and utensils are disposable and are disposed of after each individual use. A probe thermometer must be provided and temperature records kept by the exhibitor. Food Group B – Medium Risk Non-alcoholic drinks; low sugar/salt snacks; raw vegetables; non long-life packaged foods; sealed non-cooked goods for example raw sausages. Minimum Requirements: All walls must be wipe clean A refrigerator capable of holding food at or below 8 degrees C must be provided. A wash hand basin or portable unit hot and cold water supply, soap and hand towels. An area for the storage of external clothing away from any food storage. A permanent 24 hour electrical supply, unless overnight refrigeration storage facilities can be demonstrated. Food Group C – Low Risk High sugar or high salt content foods; olive oil; bread products; sealed low risk products for example pasta, rice, noodles, chutneys, sealed sauces, jams. Fruit, sealed curry sauce, long life packaged foods, fudge, open confectionary. Minimum Requirements : All walls must be wipe clean. Sanitized hand wipes Licenses Every stand selling or sampling alcohol for on or off-site consumption will be required to have at least one personal licensee who will be responsible for all activities. This named licensee must be present on site at all times, or nominate a specific responsible person who is on site. 25 Food Handling Certification Every stand selling or sampling food and/or drink must have at least one member of staff holding a Basic Food Handlers certificate or equivalent approved qualification. Copies of certificates must be made available on site upon request by the venue or the organisers. Further information and guidance on completing your own risk assessment and identifying the hazards of each stage of food preparation can be found at : www.food.gov.uk/foodindustry/regulations/hyglegresources/sfbb/sfbbcaterers/ Kitchens & Stands Processing & Serving Food Where stand constructions have walls that exceed 6m in length, the stands must be provided with two separate exits, sited remotely from each other. Stands and kitchen areas must be in good order and repair to enable them to be cleaned easily and properly. Any equipment including food containers likely to come into contact with food must be kept clean and be constructed of materials that are not absorbent. Cookers must operate on electricity. LPG is not permitted. Deep fat fryers must not be located close to the gangway and must be provided with thermostatic controls which will cut out at 200 degrees C. First Aid – Food Hygiene All stands where open food is handled must have a supply of blue, waterproof plasters and bandages. All stands where cooking or heating food is taking place must ensure that they have a fire blanket and suitable fire extinguisher on their stand. Waste & Ventilation Designated disposal facilities must be made available for food and other waste substances. Waste water must not be deposited down any hand-washing facility in any of the sanitary accommodation throughout the venue or floor ducts. Each exhibitor is responsible for removing their own waste oils and fats from the venue. Cleaning charges will be incurred if any such products are abandoned on site. Where cooking is likely to create a high concentration of smoke, it may be necessary to ventilate the stand to outside air. Food Storage Temperatures Cooked foods which are to be kept hot must be kept above 63 degrees C. Reheating of cooked food must be carried out at a temperature of at least 75 degrees C. Frozen food must be kept at -18 degrees C or below. Refrigerators must be maintained at a temperature of 8 degrees C or below. 26 Temperatures must be measured with a suitable thermometer and recorded daily by the exhibitor. Blank templates to record temperatures are available from the organisers office. FORK LIFT SERVICES Please contact our appointed company offering fork lift services at this event : Chris Keeling-Jones Mechanical Movements & Enabling Services Limited Whiteoaks The Parrock Gravesend Kent DA12 1NU Tel: 01474 324266 Fax: 01474 364492 Footwear Suitable footwear must be worn on site during the build-up and breakdaown periods of the event. Open-toed sandals or shoes, flip-flops and flimsy footwear are not permitted. FURNITURE Included in your stand will be one meeting table and two upholstered chairs. Additional furniture items can be requested via email to [email protected] GANGWAYS In order to help us ensure that we comply with the licensing authority and venue regulations, all gangways at the show must be kept clear at all times, including during build-up, the open period and breakdown. Exhibits, furniture and other items belonging to your stand must not encroach beyond the boundary of your stand space. This is to ensure that escape routes are unobstructed in case of emergency evacuation. If you have any displays or activities which are likely to attract an audience, please ensure that you plan your stand layout to allow people to gather within the stand area and not in the gangways. The exhibition gangways will be laid with red carpet.Exhibits must be displayed in such a way as not to obstruct the view of the exhibition area of adjacent stands and must remain within the confines of contracted stand areas. It is not permitted to place exhibits, graphics or displays in the gangways. 27 GAS The use of compressed/ pressurized gases is forbidden in the venue. HEALTH AND SAFETY Compulsory Form 5 The organisers maintain high standards of health and safety and require Exhibitors and Contractors to undertake their work in a safe way that does not put themselves or others at risk. The organisers reserve the right to require the removal from the premises of any persons who do not comply with Company requirements, or who put themselves or others at risk. The organisers similarly reserve the right to require the removal of any plant, equipment or material that, in their opinion, is dangerous when used in the way intended. All Personnel and Contractors employed by you must be provided with the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision in health and safety matters before coming on site. Main areas which you must give due thought and consideration to before and during your time on site. Understanding of Fire and Emergency Procedures and location of First Aid Centre. All staff must be notified of these procedures. It is necessary to keep specific gangways clear during Build Up/ Breakdown and throughout the Show Open Days for emergency evacuation purposes. These will be identified to you during Build Up and Breakdown of the show. Working at height must always be done in a safe manner using suitable equipment in the approved way e.g. scaffold towers, hard hats etc. All mechanical lifting equipment, i.e. forklift trucks, cranes etc. must be operated by the official contractor only - no one else will be permitted to drive or operate machinery of any description in the loading bays. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be used if other protective measures are unrealistic and employees must be trained in its use and limitations. Portable power equipment should only be used for the purpose for which it is designed, with safety guards and devices fitted and used. Power leads must be kept to a minimum and not cross gangways. Power requirements must not overload the systems order. Such equipment must never be left unattended with power supplied to it. Please do not create a floor hazard at any time. All staff must be trained to ensure that safe working practices and good housekeeping is maintained in all work areas, minimising hazards. All exhibitors are required to sign and submit the HEALTH AND SAFETY DECLARATION (Form 5) at the back of this manual before entrance to the venue. 28 HEIGHT LIMITS Please note it is not possible to erect anything higher than 2.4m within a shell scheme stand without prior arrangement with the Organisers due to the position of the ceiling grid and fascia. HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Please contact our appointed travel consultants for assistance with all your travel requirements : Iraklia Iatropoulos Travel Merarchias 15, Serres Contact details, booking line: Charalabidou Chrysa Tel: 23210 55190, 58559 Mob: 6936910611 Fax: 23210 55191 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.fly4u.gr INSURANCE In accordance with the rules and regulations of this event, exhibitors are reminded that they must have their own insurance policy and adequate insurance cover for property and public liability. Greek Agora Expo shall not be liable to the Client for any loss or damage suffered or incurred by the Client in connection with the provision of (or failure wholly or partly of) any services or goods provided by third parties in connection with the Exhibition, including, without limitation, in relation to the provision of utilities, freight shipment, the transport and delivery of sponsorship and or exhibition materials to the Venue, work undertaken by third party contractors and services provided by the Venue owners. The Client acknowledges that services provided by the organisers to the Client are the subject of a separate agreement between the Client and the contractor. Although the organisers shall use reasonable care in selecting official or recommended contractors, the organisers shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered or incurred by the Client in connection with the provision of services to the Client by such contractors. 29 Greek Agora Expo shall not be liable for any actual or alleged indirect loss or consequential loss howsoever arising suffered by the Client including but not limited to loss of profits, anticipated profits, savings, loss of business revenue, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, or any other type of economic loss; The organiser shall have no responsibility or liability for any loss (or theft) of or damage to the person, property and effects of the Client or its employees or representatives. INTERNET CONNECTIONS Exhibitors who wish to order dedicated internet access to their stand are requested to contact the organisers for more information on options available. Please email [email protected] MUSIC ON STANDS If you intend to play pre-recorded music on your stand please notify the organisers via Form 1 found at the back of this manual. A license is required by law so it is important that all activity is covered. Failure to notify the organisers may result in this activity being suspended during the show. Phonographic Performance Ltd (PPL) PPL administers licensing of sound recording for most recorded music played in the UK. It issues a licence and levies a tariff on the broadcasting and public performance (which includes exhibition stands) More information: http://www.ppluk.com/ Performing Rights Society (PRS) PRS licenses the performance of almost all musical works commonly played in the UK. Music by any means including CD, tape, TV, radio, DVD, video and live performers are to be licensed by PRS. More information: http://www.prsformusic.com/Pages/default.aspx PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS The public address system is reserved for Organisers and Emergency messages only. It cannot be used for messages from Exhibitors or Visitors during the show. REGULATIONS By virtue of the agreement between the Exhibitor and the Organisers, Exhibitors commit themselves to strict compliance with all Regulations of the Organisers and Olympia. 30 RISK ASSESSMENT Compulsory Form 6 All exhibitors must undertake a risk assessment prior to the exhibition identifying the hazards present on site and ways in which you will minimise and control these risks. A blank template is provided at the back of this manual. SECURITY The Organisers will take every reasonable precaution throughout the Exhibition however Organisers security is designed to secure the Exhibition Hall not the contents of individual stands. Exhibitors should take care to ensure that their goods are safeguarded and should not leave their stands unattended during the Build Up, Breakdown or Open Hours of the show. The Organisers cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or accident that may occur to any Exhibitors property or personnel therefore Exhibitors must arrange full insurance cover. STAND DESCRIPTION All shell scheme stands will consist of the following: Walling: W h i t e textured single panel. Each panel measures 950mm x 2340mm framed in 40mm poles and 70mm beams making a total height of 2500mm Ceiling: Fascia: Cross beams are provided at certain points for stand stability. Fascia panels (300mm high, visible area 260mm high) are provided on each open side supported by aluminium posts and at mid points where necessary. The largest single span between support posts is 4 metres. Nameboard: Company Name and Stand number in English. Height: Floor to top of wall 2500mm. Floor to underside of cross beams 2340mm. Carpet: Electrics: Lighting: Furniture: Carpet colour is blue. 1 x 500w socket 2 x 50w spot lights 1 x round meeting table plus 2 x upholstered chairs Exhibitors are liable for any damage caused to venue buildings, floors, walls and columns or to the shell scheme panels. Exhibitors may not apply paint, lacquer, adhesives or coating to venue buildings, floors, columns or shell scheme panels. No bills, signs, floor coverings or other articles should be pasted, nailed, taped or otherwise attached to the venue walls, floors, ceilings, columns, partitions, or trim. Damaged shell scheme wall panels will be charged for at the full replacement value - not the hire value. Panels cannot be painted. 31 Lightweight graphic displays can be attached to shell scheme panels with Velcro. Heavy displays or exhibits (e.g. plasma screens) can not be fixed to the walls and should be on floor stands. All interior stand fittings must be contained within the shell stand structure. Please do not nail, screw or staple anything to the shell scheme walls. STAND VISUAL SMOKING Smoking is prohibited inside Olympia London. Smoking breaks should be taken outside the Hall at the Main Entrance and not at Emergency Exits which need to remain closed for security reasons. STORAGE Storage will be available for exhibitors within the exhibition hall. This is provided by the organisers and there is no charge. Please discuss your requirements with the organiser on site via the organisers office. 32 It is forbidden to store exhibits or materials between or behind stands due to the risk of fire. TRAVEL It is quicker and easier to travel to Olympia via public transport than by car. To help you plan your journey to Olympia, please visit Olympia website; http://www.olympia.co.uk/visiting/getting-here/train-tube Enquiries and route planner – www.tfl.gov.uk - +44 (0) 845 748 4950 Driving: For those using satellite navigation to find the venue the postcode is W14 8UX Olympia is not situated within the congestion zone. Please see map below: Walking distances from Olympia: West Kensington 0.4 miles Barons Court 0.5 miles Earls Court 0.8 miles High St Kensington 0.8 miles Shepherds Bush 0.8 miles Alternatively to plan your best possible journey please visit: http://www.tfl.gov.uk/ 33 Taxis Taxis may pick up and set down on the Hammersmith Road; this road is also well served by passing black cabs. Computer Cab Dial-a-Cab Radio Taxis +44 (0) 20 7286 0286 +44 (0) 20 7255000 +44 (0) 20 7272 0272 Airports: London Heathrow: London Gatwick: London Stansted: London City: London Luton: +44 (0) 844 335 1801 +44 (0) 871 472 5125 +44 (0) 844 335 1803 +44 (0) 20 7646 0088 +44 (0) 1582 405100 www.heathrowairport.com www.gatwickairport.com www.stanstedairport.com www.londoncityairport.com www.london-luton.co.uk WASTE MANAGEMENT & REMOVAL In order to reduce the volume of overall waste we urge all Exhibitors/ Contractors to maximize their efforts to re-use and recycle materials where possible. All effort should be made to minimize waste. Exhibits, publications, printed matter, promotional items etc. must be cleared from the Exhibition Hall by the exhibitor. A charge will be levied to any Exhibitor who leaves bulky items or an excess of waste, including publications or printed matter. Containers for the removal of heavy building waste can be hired from Olympia. OLYMPIA EXHIBITORS EMERGENCY PROCEDURES : This is intended as a quick guide to your action in the event of a fire or bomb threat. Please fully brief your staff and keep this information readily available but not on public display. Fire If you discover a fire, or a fire is reported to you, operate the nearest fire alarm call point FIRST, then inform Olympia Control on 020 7598 2666 (internal 2666). Bomb Threat In the event of a bomb threat, you will hear the announcement (or receive the telephone call) as follows: “ATTENTION PLEASE. STAFF CALL 100” ATTENTION 34 PLEASE” Do not leave the building. Inform your colleagues, and then assist in searching for suspicious objects in your work area. If you find a suspicious object, do NOT touch or move it. Clear the area of people calmly. Report to Control on + 44 (0) 20 7598 2666 (internal 2666) giving the exact location of the object. Please do not cause undue concern to visitors at this stage. If you receive a bomb threat directly on the stand, please obtain as many details as possible, and then inform Control on 020 7598 2666 (internal 2666). When appropriate, a cancellation message will be given as follows; “ATTENTION PLEASE. ATTENTION PLEASE. STAFF CALL 100 CANCELLED” N.B. Please ensure that your stand is thoroughly checked both morning and evening for suspicious objects and ensure that briefcases and bags belonging to your personnel are kept safe locked away at all times to prevent causing unnecessary alerts. Emergency Evacuation If evacuation is necessary, you will hear the following announcement: “ATTENTION PLEASE. ATTENTION PLEASE. HERE IS AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. IT IS NECESSARY TO ASK EVERYONE TO LEAVE THE BUILDING. PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY CALMLY TO THE NEAREST EXIT. EVERYONE WILL BE RE-ADMITTED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.” Please leave the building by the nearest exit and assemble at your assembly point (Olympia Way), or in the event of a wider cordon, at Warwick Road forecourt, Earls Court. Exhibitors and contractors should account for all their staff and report to Control on +44 (0) 20 7598 2666 (internal 2666). 30 COMPULSORY FORM 1 ACTIVITIES AND DEMONSTRATIONS Please return signed form by email to : [email protected], [email protected] YOUR DETAILS Company Name Stand No Contact E-mail Tel No Fax No Signed Date I am planning the following activities on my stand : please circle: 1) Food or Drink sampling or selling If yes, please also complete Form 4 Yes / No 2) Cooking If yes, please also complete Form 4 Yes / No 3) Non-invasive treatments (e.g. massage, manicures) Yes / No 4) Invasive treatments (e.g. skin piercing, acupuncture) If yes, please submit the personal public liability certificate and qualification certificate of person conducting treatment Yes / No 5) Live animals Yes / No 6) Live or pre-recorded music If yes, please bring written confirmation of your PRS and PPL licenses. Yes / No 7) Pressurised gases If yes, for what purpose : Yes / No 8) Balloons Yes / No 9) None of the above Yes 48 10) Other activities not described here : 48 COMPULSORY FORM 2 EXHIBITOR BADGES Please return signed form by email to : [email protected] YOUR DETAILS Company Name Stand No Contact E-mail Tel No Fax No Signed Date Exhibitor Badge 1: Name: Exhibitor Badge 2: …………………………………….. Name: ………………………………………… Job Title: …………………………………….. Job Title: ……………………………………… Company: …………………………………….. Company: ……………………………………. Exhibitor Badge 3: Name: Exhibitor Badge 4: …………………………………….. Name: ………………………………………… Job Title: …………………………………….. Job Title: ……………………………………… Company: …………………………………….. Company: ……………………………………. Exhibitor Badge 5: Name: Exhibitor Badge 6: …………………………………….. Name: ………………………………………… Job Title: …………………………………….. Job Title: ……………………………………… Company: …………………………………….. Company: ……………………………………. 48 Exhibitor badges will be ready for collection on site after 14.00 hrs on Friday 31 November. 48 COMPULSORY FORM 3 NAMEBOARD ORDER FORM Stand No. Deadline Date – due immediately Your Company name ONLY will be produced in Arial Bold CAPITAL lettering Any other styles must be paid for and will only be allowed if approved by the organiser Please print in CAPITALS the exact wording you require on your nameboard. Maximum 30 characters - 1 line only N.B. Abbreviations will be used in all cases i.e. Limited—Ltd. Nameboard included in stand package If we do not receive this form completed then your nameboard will be produced using the name taken from your stand booking form supplied to us by the organiser. Nameboards cannot be altered on site. For your convenience nameboards can be submitted online at www.indexgroup.org/order/order_nameboard.asp Or you can email or fax this form to: Email: [email protected] Fax: +44 (0) 1264 365626 48 COMPULSORY FORM 4 HACCP FORM: FOOD EXHIBITORS Please complete & return to: [email protected], [email protected] You and your Company must comply with HASAWA74 (Health & Safety at Work, etc., Act 1974) and The Food Hygiene Regs (amended 2012). Please read and complete this form affirming your commitment to Health and Safety and your co-operation with the Organisers and Venue. Any damage or losses caused by or to you must be covered by your own Company’s Insurance. SECTION 1: COMPANY DETAILS & RESPONSIBLE PERSON -For all Exhibitors undertaking any form of food and drink preparation, sales or sampling on their stand. Stand Number: Exhibiting Company Name: Address: Postcode: Telephone: Fax: Contact Name: Responsible person on stand: Email: Website: Mobile: OFFICE USE ONLY: HSE Number: Date submitted: Exhibitor ID: Reference Number: Please submit sections 1, 2, 4 by email. 48 SECTION 2: COMPULSORY LICENSE CHECK F OR ALL FOOD EXHIBITORS -Every exhibitor must answer the following questions in full, and use the forms provided (please see attached) TICK BOXES: 1. Is your Company licensed as a Food Operator/Food Producer/Food Retailer with your Local Borough Council? Yes No n/a If YES please submit a copy of your license along with this form. If NO or N/A please see following questions: 2. Is your Company registered with NCASS (National Caterers Association)? Yes No n/a If YES then please submit a copy of your NCASS Registration Certificate along with this form. If NO or N/A then please see the following questions. NB: The NCASS is the official body who deal with mobile caterers who cannot be registered with their Local Borough Council because they don’t have a permanent building as such. 3. Do one or more of your members of staff have a valid Food Hygiene Certificate? Yes No This is a legal requirement. If YES submit a copy with this form. If NO then you will not be able to exhibit food or drink. 4. We have undertaken a suitable and sufficient Food Risk Assessment specifically for this show: 5. We have at least £2m Public Liability Insurance in place for the duration of the show: 6. We have read and understood the Food Guidance in the Exhibitor Manual: PLEASE NOTE: You must submit a copy of your Risk Assessment along with this form and copies of the above documentation. Please note that you will need to bring all your original food safety documents with you (NOT copies) along to the show, as well as a valid form of Photo ID (eg: Driving License) with you. Please help us to help you maintain good food hygiene standards. Now please answer the following questions and helpful advice to enable you to fill in your HACCP Form regarding your intended FOOD AND DRINK SAMPLING/SALES operations at the show. 48 DO NOT SUBMIT THIS SECTION – DO NOT COPY. SECTION 3: EXAMPLE QUESTIONS ON THE HACCP FORM -These are just some example questions and how to answer them on your own HACCP Form. This section (Section 3) is just for your help and information only FOOD & DRINK SALES & SAMPLING: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Will you be offering food or drink SAMPLES on your stand? If so, please describe: Will you be offering ALCOHOL samples on your stand? If YES please state name of licensee: How are you presenting the food and drink samples? Are the samples hot or cold? No. Do you intend to be cooking on your stand? No. Type of cooker / oven to be used; state gas or electric Not applicable. Food / drink purchase details: 13 14 15 Serve cold: 16 17 18 19 20 21 Cooling: 22 Are you the Food Provider? On small plastic trays and plates No. We will be giving away free samples of our new pre-pared blueberry doughnuts on the stand, free of charge. Will you be selling alcohol on your stand? Receipt: No. Cold Will you be selling food or drink on your stand? 10 11 12 Yes. We will be giving away samples of our new pre-prepared blueberry doughnuts and confectionary on the stand, free of charge. All out products have been purchased from reputable suppliers (named on our HACCP Form) who have been established for several years. Invoices filled. How and where is the food / drink stored? All our products are stored in a fridge (2°- 5°C) in sealed containers or suitable bags. Monitor if temp rises to 6°C. At risk above 8°C. Prepared onsite using stainless steel tables, cleaned with food grade products. Avoiding cross-contamination. All staff have Food Hygiene Certificates. Colour coded utensils for use in raw meat area. Our confectionary products are safe to be served/sold/samples ar room temperature. Preparation: Cooking: Not applicable. Hot-hold food: Hot-hold in covered trays to avoid cross-contamination from raw products. Product used in strict rotation. Temp probe checks. Min 63°C. Not applicable. Re-heating: Not applicable. Serve hot: Served hot, in rolls with napkins. Temp probe check. Use of Over Production: Cooked to order so no excess food is produced. Washing up: Good facilities on stand, with hot and cold handwash provided. Staff trained on importance of hygiene and cross-contamination. Booked and undertaken with Venue services. Bins with lids on stand, emptied as needed or at least twice a day. Bins stored away from food. Waste Removal: No. 48 23 If no, please state Company Name and contact details of your Food Provider(s): 48 The Doughnut Factory, Swindon, PX3 4DR Contact – Mr D Rodgers, Mob – 09876 543210 Email – [email protected] SECTION 4: HACCP GENERAL QUESTIONS FOR EXHIBITORS – RETURN THIS PAGE NOW This forms part of your LEGAL REQUIREMENTS and therefore must be fully and correctly filled out and returned by every single Exhibitor undertaking any form of food, drink or alcohol sales and sampling at the show. Exhibiting Company: Stand Number: Date: Person Responsible: Mobile onsite: No: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CRITICAL CONTROL POINT: Will you be offering food or drink SAMPLES on your stand? If so, please describe: Will you be offering ALCOHOL samples on your stand? If YES please state name of licensee: How are you presenting the food and drink samples? Office: WRITE YOUR METHOD OF CONTROL HERE: Food/Drink Sampling: Samples must not be sold under any circumstances. Please note the following maximum measures: Beer, lager, cider: 50ml Alcopops & Soft drinks: 50ml Wine & Champagne: 25ml Spirits: 5ml Food items: Small bitesize portions Are the samples hot or cold? Will you be selling food or drink on your stand? Will you be selling alcohol on your stand? Do you intend to be cooking on your stand? Type of cooker / oven to be used; state gas or electric Food / drink purchase details: Receipt: How and where is the food / drink stored? 48 12 Preparation: 48 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Serve cold: Cooking: Hot-hold food: Cooling: Re-heating: Serve hot: Use of Over Production: Utensil Washing up: Hand washing Waste Removal: Are you the Food Provider? If no, please state Company Name and contact details of your Food Provider(s): 48 COMPULSORY FORM 5 HEALTH & SAFETY DECLARATION All exhibitors must complete and return this form along with the signed risk assessment. YOUR DETAILS Company Name Stand No Contact E-mail Tel No Fax No Signed Date We have read and understood our responsibilities as laid out in the Health & Safety at Work Act etc. 1974, and taken note of the most common areas of risk. We accept our responsibilities as laid out in this Act and all relevant health & safety covering London Olympia. OUR PRINCIPAL HEALTH & SAFETY REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE STAND IS Name* Position Contact No As principal Health & Safety representative for my stand, I understand that we may need to produce a copy of our Health & Safety Policy upon request by the organiser whilst on-site at the exhibition. I am in possession of my company’s Health & Safety Policy (only companies with 5 or more employees must possess this) 48 COMPULSORY FORM 6 RISK ASSESSMENT Please return signed form by email to : [email protected], [email protected] YOUR DETAILS Company Name Stand No Contact E-mail Tel No Fax No Signed Date TASKS : Describe risks associated with build up, activities undertaken at the stand, and during breakdown. For example, installing graphics, installing equipment. HAZARDS: Identify all hazards associated with these tasks. tools; noise. WHO IS AT RISK: (Exhibitor, Contractor, Visitor, Employee) 48 For example, lifting and carrying; use of OPTIONAL FORM COMPULSORY FORM 6 RISK ASSESSMENT Continued Please return signed form by email to : [email protected], [email protected] YOUR DETAILS Company Name Stand No RISK LEVEL: (Describe the likelyhood and probable severity of risks) PRECAUTIONS AND MEASURES REQUIRED: (Existing control measures in place) It is important that you identify that the risk is low. For example, are your staff trained in lifting techniques; do your staff have experience in setting up and working at exhibitions. 48 OPTIONAL FORM Transfers (Μεταφορές από το Αεροδρόμιο στο ξενοδοχείο και από το Ξενοδοχείο στο Αεροδρόμιο) Αγαπητέ συνεργάτη, θα ήθελα να σας ευχαριστήσω για την συμμετοχή σας στην έκθεση Greece welcomes you in London που θα πραγματοποιηθεί μεταξύ 31 – 2 Νοεμβρίου 2014 στο Λονδίνο. Θα ήθελα να σας ενημερώσω ότι εάν σας ενδιαφέρει να πραγματοποιηθούν οι μεταφορές σας από το αεροδρόμιο στα ξενοδοχεία σας και από τα ξενοδοχεία στο αεροδρόμιο θα πρέπει να συμπληρώσετε την παρακάτω φόρμα και να την αποστείλετε μέχρι της 03/10/2014 στο email: [email protected]. Προς ενημέρωσή σας, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τα μέσα μαζικής μεταφοράς για χαμηλότερο κόστος. Πρώτος πίνακας Άφιξη – Δεύτερος πίνακας Αναχώρηση Αεροδρόμιο Αριθμός Εταιρία Ώρα Αριθμός και πτήσης Αεροπορική ατόμων terminal 48 Βαλίτσες Ξενοδοχείο / Οδός παράδοσης OPTIONAL FORM Ξενοδοχείο / Οδός Παραλαβής Βαλίτσες Αριθμός ατόμων Ώρα Εταιρία Αεροπορικ ή 48 Αριθμός πτήσης Αεροδρόμιο και Terminal OPTIONAL FORM Equipment (Εξοπλισμός) Αγαπητέ συνεργάτη, θα ήθελα να σας ευχαριστήσω για την συμμετοχή σας στην έκθεση Greece welcomes you in London που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στης 31 – 2 Νοεμβρίου 2014 στο Λονδίνο. Θα ήθελα παρακαλώ πολύ να συμπληρώσετε την παρακάτω λίστα με προϊόντα που θα χρειαστείτε για εξοπλισμό των περιπτέρων σας με σκοπό να ολοκληρωθούν οι παραγγελίες. Προϊόν Εταιρία Ποσότητα Χρώμα Μέγεθος Η παραπάνω φόρμα θα πρέπει να συμπληρωθεί και να αποσταλεί στο [email protected], [email protected] μέχρι της 07/10/2014. Για διευκρινήσεις και απορίες καλέστε στο: Τηλέφωνο: 2130291884 Επιπρόσθετα θα χρειαστεί να αναγράψετε τα στοιχεία τιμολόγησης για να προχωρήσουμε σε παραγγελίες. 48 OPTIONAL FORM Αγαπητέ συνεργάτη, Ελπίζω να είστε καλά και οι προετοιμασίες για την έκθεση να βαίνουν καλώς. Θα ήθελα παρακαλώ να σας ενημερώσω ότι είναι απαραίτητο να μου αναφέρετε τις ηλεκτρικές συσκευές που θα χρησιμοποιήσετε κατά την διάρκεια της έκθεσης. Ο εκθεσιακός χώρος δεν παρέχει ηλεκτρικές εγκαταστάσεις και επειδή η βασική δομή του περιπτέρου παρέχει 500w ρεύμα θα πρέπει να γίνουν παραγγελίες έξτρα ηλεκτρικών εγκαταστάσεων για να μπορέσουν να λειτουργήσουν ο εξοπλισμός αλλά και οι συσκευές. Εξοπλισμός από την Ελλάδα: Εξοπλισμός από την Αγγλία: Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ για την συνεργασία σας και περιμένω την ανταπόκρισή σας. Ημερομηνία ολοκλήρωσης του εγγράφου (06/10/2014). 48 OPTIONAL FORM Εταιρίες εξοπλισμού: Αγαπητέ συνεργάτη, παρακάτω μπορείς να βρεις τις εταιρίες όπου μπορείς να προμηθευτείς τα αντικείμενα και εξοπλισμό για το περίπτερό σου. Allen’s Hire: http://www.allenshire.co.uk/home/ Fridge Hire: http://www.fridgehire.co.uk/ Showlite: http://www.showlite.co.uk/ Οι παραγγελίες κατατίθενται μετά από την συμπλήρωση της φόρμας Equipment που βρίσκεται στην σελίδα 48 (Εξοπλισμός, equipment). Παρακαλώ να αποσταλεί το έγγραφο αφού συμπληρωθεί στην διεύθυνση: [email protected] Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ. 48 Contact: Jenni Green T: 01264 365550 F: 01264 365626 E: [email protected] W: www.showlite.co.uk Stand Electrics Form Please return to Showlite Ltd Stand Number: Company Name: Address: Contact Name: Post Code: Tel No: Fax No: Email: Date: Please supply and install the following items on hire: Electrics Cost Single Socket Outlet 2amp (500w) £95.00 Single Socket Outlet 5amp (1000w) £144.00 Single Socket Outlet 10amp (2000w) £251.00 Single Socket Outlet 13amp (3000w) £315.00 Lighting Fluorescent Fitting - 5ft £54.00 Fluorescent Fitting - 6ft £58.00 Spotlight - 120w £56.00 Spotlight - 50w on 300mm Arm £65.00 Floodlight – 300w £64.00 Metal Halide – 150w £64.00 Track Lighting 1.2 Metre Track section including 3 x Spotlights £138.00 Test and Inspection per stand (BS7671) MANDATORY £15.00 The Mandatory order form testing charge is for above order form items only Quantity Total Cost 1 £15.00 SPACE ONLY STANDS Space Only stand builders are responsible for their own testing. If Showlite are required to complete the electrical installation a charge of £15.00 per circuit will be made to the Stand Builder with a maximum charge of £150.00 per stand. All direct mains ordered will need to provide relevant information at the time of quotation, full details can be given upon request. If a direct main Test and Inspect is required then this will be by quotation also. th Please return no later than 10 October 2014 A 20% surcharge will apply if not received by this date. Sub Total VAT @ 20% Total: Your VAT No: Goods/Services will not be provided unless fully paid for in advance. If you wish to pay by Credit/Debit Card please tick here and we will contact you for details (payments made via Credit Card will incur a 2.5% charge – Amex 3%) Cheques made payable to Showlite Ltd. BACS details will be available on your invoice, alternatively please contact us for details. By completing this order form you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. For a copy please contact us on 01264 365550. 2014 Furniture Hire Price List TO VIEW OUR BROCHURE PLEASE USE THIS LINK: http://www.showlite.co.uk/pdf/furniturebrochure.pdf Hire Cost Hire Cost Hire Cost Hire Cost Item Code Item Code Hire Cost Item Code Item Code Item Code BS-Barstools DC-Display Cabinets BT- Bar Tables MS-Accessories SC - Chairs BS01 BS02 BS03 BS04 BS06 BS07 BS08 BS09 BS10 BS11 BS12 BS13 BS14 BS15 BS16 BS17 BS18 BS19 BS20 BS21 BS26 BS27 BS28 BS29 BS30 BS31 BS32 BS33 BS35 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 23.00 33.00 23.00 32.00 28.00 37.00 38.00 29.00 34.00 27.00 39.00 32.00 35.00 56.00 49.00 37.00 43.00 48.00 39.00 44.00 39.00 43.00 40.00 43.00 38.00 42.00 58.00 48.00 49.00 CB-Cupboards CB01 CB06 CB07 CB08 CB11 CB12 CB13 CB14 CB15 CB16 CB17 CB18 CB19 CB20 CB21 CB22 CB23 CB24 CB25 CB26 CB27 CB28 CB29 CB30 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 65.00 91.00 83.00 149.00 81.00 70.00 76.00 76.00 95.00 105.00 104.00 88.00 94.00 93.00 154.00 163.00 163.00 85.00 92.00 91.00 100.00 108.00 115.00 114.00 CT-Coffee Tables CT01 CT02 CT04 CT05 CT09 CT10 CT11 CT12 CT13-GL CT13-SS CT14-GL CT14-SS CT15 CT16 CT17 CT18 CT19 CT20 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 32.00 35.00 29.00 26.00 38.00 45.00 40.00 48.00 55.00 41.00 59.00 44.00 87.00 74.00 72.00 45.00 73.00 86.00 DC01 DC01S DC02 DC03 DC04 DC05 DC06 DC07 DC07L DC08 DC09 DC10 DC13 DC14 DC17 DC18 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 142.00 136.00 102.00 239.00 94.00 99.00 76.00 148.00 158.00 199.00 89.00 129.00 63.00 69.00 194.00 122.00 DT-Desks DT01 DT02 DT03 DT04 DT05 DT14 DT15 DT16 DT17 DT18 DT19 DT20 DT21 DT22 DT23 DT24 DT25 DT26 DT27 DT28 DD02 DD07 DD08 DD09 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 61.00 70.00 55.00 53.00 124.00 65.00 75.00 61.00 58.00 133.00 77.00 90.00 72.00 70.00 148.00 77.00 92.00 71.00 70.00 149.00 52.00 55.00 60.00 60.00 BT02 BT03 BT04 BT07-GL BT07-SS BT08 BT09 BT10 BT18 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 67.00 63.00 63.00 83.00 67.00 67.00 125.00 67.00 72.00 NT-Standard Hgt Tables NT03 NT05 NT07 NT09 NT10 NT11 NT12 NT13 NT14 NT15 NT16 NT17 NT18 NT20 NT21 NT22 NT23-GL NT23-SS NT24 NT25-GL NT25-SS NT26 NT27 NT30 NT31 NT32 NT33 NT34 NT35 NT36 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 39.00 39.00 55.00 61.00 48.00 45.00 36.00 56.00 52.00 46.00 55.00 46.00 56.00 53.00 48.00 52.00 65.00 49.00 49.00 77.00 52.00 98.00 84.00 95.00 54.00 87.00 15.00 49.00 45.00 39.00 LC - Lounge Chairs EF- Boardroom & Exec EF01 EF02 EF03 EF04 EF05 EF07 EF08 EF09 EF10 EF11 EF14 EF15 EF16 EF17 EF19 EF20 EF21 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 145.00 199.00 153.00 153.00 127.00 209.00 158.00 88.00 135.00 197.00 74.00 84.00 49.00 60.00 204.00 279.00 350.00 LD - Literature Units LD04 LD05 LD06 LD07 LD08 LD09 LD10 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 93.00 109.00 72.00 73.00 75.00 77.00 83.00 LC01 LC07 LC08 LC11 LC12 LC13 LC14 LC15 LC16 LC17 LC18 LC20 LC21 LC22 LC23 LC24 LC25 LC33 LC34 LC35 LC36 LC38 LC39 LC40 LC41 LC42 LC44 LC45 LC53 LC53 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 42.00 43.00 36.00 25.00 43.00 45.00 36.00 25.00 46.00 70.00 59.00 84.00 26.00 32.00 76.00 29.00 52.00 109.00 28.00 49.00 44.00 109.00 49.00 129.00 69.00 85.00 25.00 25.00 65.00 65.00 MS01 MS02 R or L MS03 MS04 MS06 MS07 MS08 MS09 MS11 MS12 MS13 MS14 MS16 MS16A MS18 MS19 MS20 MS21 MS22 MS23 MS26 MS27 MS28 MS29 MS30 MS31 MS32 MS33 MS34 MS35 MS36 MS37 MS38 MS42 L or R MS43 MS49 MS50 MS51 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 23.00 75.00 24.00 6.00 90.00 17.00 5.00 22.00 16.00 51.00 51.00 73.00 13.00 13.00 36.00 45.00 17.00 27.00 80.00 5.00 29.00 96.00 185.00 36.00 30.00 40.00 38.00 18.00 28.00 58.00 14.00 94.00 88.00 128.00 149.00 45.00 32.00 25.00 GF - Outdoor & Bistro GF18 GF19 GF19A GF20 GF21 GF22 GF23 GF24 GF25 GF26 GF27 GF28 GF29 GF30 GF31 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 20.00 36.00 38.00 59.00 59.00 36.00 36.00 19.00 39.00 22.00 34.00 9.50 19.00 39.00 49.00 Bar & Reception BC01 RC01 BC02 BC03 DC11 DC12 £ £ £ £ £ £ 268.00 283.00 189.00 189.00 97.00 158.00 SU - Stands & Shelving SU01 SU02 SU03 SU04 SU10 SU20 SU21 SU22 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 82.00 67.00 57.00 85.00 69.00 68.00 62.00 39.00 SC01 SC02 SC03 SC05 SC08 SC09 SC10 SC10X SC11 SC12 SC13 SC14 SC15 SC16 SC17 SC19 SC20 SC21 SC22 SC23 SC24 SC25 SC27 SC28 SC30 SC31 SC32 SC34 SC38 SC39 SC42 SC43 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 22.00 22.00 18.00 24.00 25.00 28.00 22.00 3.00 32.00 30.00 25.00 26.00 20.00 30.00 28.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 46.00 38.00 32.00 22.00 34.00 34.00 40.00 58.00 32.00 35.00 22.00 24.00 21.00 39.00 OC - Exec & Office Chairs OC01 OC06 OC07 OC08 OC09 OC10 OC11 OC12 OC13 OC14 OC15 OC16 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 31.00 38.00 56.00 32.00 49.00 52.00 36.00 31.00 36.00 38.00 103.00 88.00 £ £ £ £ 94.00 159.00 69.00 12.00 BE - Benches BE01 BE02 BE03 BE33 UT - Catering/ Utility UT01 UT02 UT03 UT04 UT05 UT05D UT06 UT06D UT07 UT07D UT08 UT08D UT10 UT11 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 25.00 31.00 38.00 22.00 29.00 54.50 38.00 65.00 30.00 57.00 25.00 50.00 28.00 30.00 Contact: Jo Richards T: 01264 365550 F: 01264 365626 E: [email protected] W: www.showlite.co.uk Shell Scheme Extras and Flooring Order Form Stand Number: Company Name: Address: Contact Name: Post Code: Tel No: Fax No: Email: Date: Please supply and install the following items on hire: Cost Quantity Additional Wall Panel - 2.5m x 1m £85.00 Lockable Door with Keys - 2.5m x 1m £110.00 Curtained Entrance (Grey) - 2.5m x 1m, with header above £68.00 For the following Shelves and Rails – Please specify positions and height on the following page: Flat / Sloping Shelf – 1m long, 300mm deep £35.00 Hanging Rail – 1m straight rail set 280mm from wall £38.00 Hat and Coat Rack £30.00 Night Sheet with padlocks - Per linear metre £18.00 White Muslin Ceiling - per sqm £13.00 2m x 1m x 18mm Chipboard Display Panel looped nylon £89.70 Pegboard 2m x 1m £45.00 18mm Plywood Flooring to change Carpet colour per sqm £12.08 Aluminium Edging for 18mm Flooring per metre £10.24 100mm Platform Floor per sqm £20.07 Ramp for 100mm Platform Floor £115.00 Cord Carpet with Poly covering in a variety of colours per sqm £8.50 Vinyl Effect Floor covering in a range of finishes POA Please email [email protected] for a copy of the Carpet or Vinyl swatch board th Please return no later than 17 October 2014 A 20% surcharge will apply if not received by this date. Total Cost Sub Total VAT @ 20% Total Your VAT No Goods/Services will not be provided unless fully paid for in advance. If you wish to pay by Credit/Debit Card please tick here and we will contact you for details (payments made via Credit Card will incur a 2.5% charge – Amex 3%) Cheques made payable to Showlite Ltd. BACS details will be available on your invoice, alternatively please contact us for details. By completing this order form you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. For a copy please contact us on 01264 365550. ADDITIONAL SHELL SCHEME INSTRUCTIONS Please indicate on the grid below the positions of any items ordered and any height measurements of shelves or rails ordered. Front of Stand Stand number: …………………………………………. Company name: ……………………………………………………………. Unless supplied with drawing the installation will be fitted at the stand builder’s discretion. Any complaints or faults regarding the installations must be reported in writing before the close of the exhibition. Showlite 2014 Furniture Hire Order Form Contact: Jo Richards T: 01264 365550 F: 01264 365626 E: [email protected] QTY ITEM CODE COLOUR DESCRIPTION Please return no later than 17th October 2014 A 20% surcharge will apply if not received by this date UNIT PRICE TOTAL Sub total VAT @ 20% TOTAL Stand Number Company details Company name: Company billing address: Post /Zip code: Company telephone no: Email address: VAT no: Payment details BACS / Cheque / Debit card / Credit card - (please circle) PLEASE NOTE CREDIT CARDS ARE SUBJECT TO 2.5% SURCHARGE (AMEX 3%) If you are paying by debit or credit card we will contact you for details. Cheques are to be made payable to Showlite Ltd. BACS details will be on your invoice. Goods/Services will not be provided unless full payment is received in advance. By completing this order form you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. For a copy please contact us on +44 (0) 1264 365550. Any complaints or faults regarding the installations must be reported in writing before the close of the exhibition. SHOWLITE LTD, SUITE 1 FOSSE HOUSE, EAST ANTON COURT, ANDOVER, HANTS, SP10 5RG. ADDITIONAL ELECTRICS INSTRUCTIONS NOTES: IMPORTANT PLEASE READ • • • Only one four way trailing outlet (500w maximum) per socket can be used. Flexible cord (Round cable) cannot be longer than 2 metres. Examples of Power Requirements 2amp (500w) Socket Laptops, Computers, TV’s, Spotlight up to 500w, Fridges 5amp (1000w) Socket Domestic Coffee machine, Lighting up to 1000w 10amp (2000w) Socket Kettles, Machinery up to 2000w 13amp (3000w) Socket Hired Coffee machines, Machinery 2000w – 3000w Note: Lighting circuits may not exceed 1000w Please indicate the position of the electrical installations you have ordered Example of a 3m x 5m Stand 5m Back Wall Side Wall 3m Fascia Fascia Socket Light Track Fluorescent Front of Stand Stand number: …………………………………………. Company name: ……………………………………………………………. Unless supplied with drawing the installation will be fitted at the electrician’s discretion. Any complaints or faults regarding the electrical installations must be reported in writing before the close of the exhibition.
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