February 1, 2014 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Manual - Volume V Transmittal #14 This transmittal contains changes, clarifications and revisions of guidelines for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Federal regulations were issued in August 2013 that amended procedures for issuing Electronic Benefits Card for SNAP benefits. These regulations require that replacement cards must be available within two business days once a cardholder advises of the need for a replacement card. These regulations also amend the trafficking definition to include attempts to buy or sell EBT cards. The provisions of this transmittal are effective March 1, 2014 for SNAP actions taken on or after that date. The certification manual and this transmittal are available at https://jupiter.dss.state.va.us/FoodStampManual/mainpage.jsp. Changes are noted for the following sections: _____________________________________________________________________ Chapter Significant Changes _____________________________________________________________________ Definitions Pages 3-5 The intentional program violation definition was expanded to include the use of benefits to pay for food bought on credit. The trafficking definition was expanded to include the attempt to buy, sell, or steal SNAP EBT cards, personal identification numbers, (PIN) or obtain benefits with a manual voucher and signature. Part I Pages 1-2 The benefit issuance and use chapter was reformatted to address items that must be reviewed with the household during the 801 East Main Street · Richmond VA · 23219-2901 http://www.dss.virginia.gov · 804-726-7000 · TDD 800-828-1120 -2_____________________________________________________________________ Chapter Significant Changes _____________________________________________________________________ certification interview or other agency contact. Part II Pages 7-8 Appendix II Pages 1-4 Part VII Appendix I Pages 1-2 Part XV Appendix I Page 1 Part XVIII Pages 1-4 Part XX Pages 17-18 The section that requires contact with other states was revised. Local agencies must refer instances of non-response to the regional consultant for follow up with the Food and Nutrition Service. The benefit amounts for participants of the SNAP Combined Application Project (VaCAP) were revised. The amounts show the culmination of cost-of-living adjustments, reduction caused by the ending of extra benefits provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and the project's cost neutrality evaluation. The VaCAP application process was revised to require screening of applicants for prior SNAP disqualifications and to require a denial notice if applicants are disqualified. VaCAP provisions were also revised to allow for a manual application after automated applications have ended. The amount of earnings needed to get a work credit through the Social Security Administration was updated to $1,200 per quarter for 2014. The list of localities that are exempt from the work requirement was revised. Residents in all Virginia localities are subject to the work requirement and time-limited benefits. Provisions for providing replacement EBT cards were revised. Replacement cards must be available for the cardholder to pick up at the local agency or be mailed within two business days of the report by the household that another card is needed. The income limits for determining eligibility for the disaster program were revised. The maximum benefit amounts for the disaster program were also revised to reflect current amounts. VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 3/14 DEFINITIONS VOLUME V, PAGE 3 c. A temporary accommodation in the residence of another. (Temporary is defined here as having been in the home for not more than 90 days as of the date of application); or d. A place not designed for, or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings (e.g., as a park, bus station, hallway, lobby or similar places). Initial or New Application - The first application for SNAP benefits filed in a locality by a household. If the household subsequently moves to another locality, the first application taken in the new locality is also a new application. Intentional Program Violation (IPV) - An intentional program violation consists of any action by an individual of having intentionally: a. Made a false or misleading statement to the local agency, orally or in writing, to obtain benefits to which the household is not entitled. An IPV may exist for an individual even if the agency denies the household's application; b. Concealed information or withheld facts to obtain benefits to which the household is not entitled; or c. Committed any act that constitutes a violation of the Food and Nutrition Act, SNAP regulations, or any State statutes relating to the use, presentation, transfer, acquisition, receipt, or possession of SNAP access devices. An IPV is also any action where an individual knowingly, willfully and with deceitful intent uses SNAP benefits to buy nonfood items, such as alcohol or cigarettes, uses or possesses improperly obtained access devices, trades or sells access devices, or uses benefits to repay food purchased on credit.. Migrant Farm Worker - A farm worker who had to travel for farm work and who was unable to return to the permanent residence within the same day. See also Seasonal Farm Worker. PA Case - A public assistance (PA) SNAP case is any case in which all household members receive or are authorized to receive income from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), General Relief – Unattached Child (GR) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program. Any case that contains at least one member who does not receive TANF, GR - Unattached Child or SSI is a nonassistance (NA) SNAP case. "Authorized to receive" income includes instances when approved benefits are not accessed, are suspended or recouped, or are less than the minimum amount for the agency to issue a payment. Households that receive TANF Diversionary Assistance payments will be considered a PA case for as long as the diversionary assistance is intended to cover. The month after the diversionary assistance period of ineligibility expires will be when the PA status ends. A PA case also includes a case in which any member receives or is authorized to receive a service from a program funded by the TANF block grant. Service programs must derive more than 50 percent of their funding from the TANF block grant or from state funds intended to meet the Maintenance of Effort (MOE) for TANF funding. (The VIEW Transitional Payment is state-funded to meet the MOE obligation.) These programs must be for the purposes of: TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 3/14 DEFINITIONS VOLUME V, PAGE 4 a. assisting needy families; b. promoting job preparation, work and marriage; c. preventing or reducing out-of-wedlock pregnancies, provided the program imposes a 200 percent of poverty income guideline; or d. promoting two-parent families, provided the program imposes a 200 percent of poverty income guideline. A child removed from the TANF grant because of noncompliance with school attendance requirements continues to be a PA recipient, for SNAP purposes, as long as the TANF case status remains active. A case will be a PA unit as long as each household member derives some income from TANF, GR - Unattached Child or SSI or at least one person receives a TANF service, which benefits the entire household. A case will also be a PA case as long as the PA income counts toward SNAP eligibility or benefit amount, such as in the case of the Noncompliance with Other Programs policy of Part XII.D. Reapplication -Processed as an initial or new application. a reapplication is: a. An application that is filed after an adverse or negative action. An adverse or negative action is a denial of an application or termination of an ongoing case. b. An application filed when more than a calendar month has elapsed after the last certification end date. Recertification - The term recertification may refer to an application or the process of renewing eligibility and entitlement to benefits. A recertification application is an application filed before the certification end date or in the calendar month after the certification end date, provided the application does not follow an action to close the case. Seasonal Farm Worker - An individual employed by another in agricultural work of a seasonal or other temporary nature. This includes employment on a farm or ranch performing fieldwork such as planting, cultivating or harvesting, or employment in related activities such as canning, packing, seed conditioning or related research, or processing operations. Trafficking - Trafficking means: a. Directly or indirectly buying, selling, stealing, or otherwise obtaining SNAP benefits by an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card and Personal Identification Number (PIN) or manual voucher and signature for cash or consideration other than eligible food; b. Attempting to buy, sell, steal, or otherwise obtain SNAP benefits by an EBT card and PIN or manual voucher and signature for cash or consideration other than eligible food directly or indirectly; TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 3/14 DEFINITIONS VOLUME V, PAGE 5 c.. The exchange of firearms, ammunition, explosives, or controlled substances for SNAP benefits; or d. Purchasing a product with SNAP benefits and intentionally: discarding the contents in order to return the container for the return deposit amount; reselling the purchased product for cash; or exchanging the purchased product for cash or for consideration other than eligible food. TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT Of SOCIAL SERVICES 3/14 A. INTRODUCTION VOLUME V, PART I, PAGE 1 PURPOSE OF THE SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM A goal of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is to reduce hunger and increase food security. The Program permits low-income households to have a more nutritious diet through normal channels of trade by increasing the food purchasing power for eligible households. The Program also provides food when there is a disaster. This manual provides SNAP certification procedures for Virginia. The Virginia Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Policy and Procedures Guide provides guidance for the issuance of EBT cards to eligible households. B. HISTORY OF THE SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The Food Stamp Program started in four Virginia localities (Lee, Wise, Dickenson and the City of Norton) during the pilot phase of its development before the establishment of the permanent program on a national basis. Through requests to operate the Program from local governing bodies, more than 70 localities in Virginia expanded the Program by June 1974. President Nixon signed the Farm Bill into law in August 1973 that required nationwide implementation of the Food Stamp Program effective July 1, 1974. Nationwide implementation of the Food Stamp Program eliminated the Surplus Commodity Program which was an alternate food program available to localities. The Food Stamp Act of 1964 authorized the Food Stamp Program on a permanent basis. The Food Stamp Act of 1977 and subsequent amendments amended the 1964 Act and is the basis of the current Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Provisions of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 renamed the Food Stamp Act of 1977, as amended, to the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 and renamed the Food Stamp Program as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The U.S. Department of Agriculture administers SNAP nationally through the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). In Virginia, local departments of social services operate the Program at the county/city level under the supervision of the Virginia Department of Social Services. C. BENEFIT ISSUANCE AND USE Eligible households receive SNAP benefits electronically. Households receive a plastic EBT card with a magnetic stripe and must use a personal identification number (PIN) to access the benefits. During the certification interview or other agency contact with eligible households, the agency must advise or discuss with households of the following: How to access benefits using the EBT card; Case Name and authorized representative will each receive a card. Cardholder should sign the EBT card upon receipt. Selecting and protecting the PIN and EBT card; When benefits will be available upon certification and for future months; Use the EBT card at any retail store or other food vendor authorized by USDA to accept SNAP benefits. Note that authorized retailers may display a sign indicating authorization TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES INTRODUCTION 3/14 VOLUME V, PART I, PAGE 2 that reads, "We accept SNAP Benefits" or similar language, or that displays the QUEST logo. Other authorized facilities include: Nonprofit meal delivery services, such as Meals-On-Wheels, or feeding sites for the elderly; Authorized drug addiction and alcoholic treatment and rehabilitation centers; Certain group living arrangements; Shelters for battered women and children; and Authorized nonprofit establishments that feed homeless persons and restaurants authorized to accept SNAP benefits. Proper use of the benefits; Purchase any food or food product for human consumption; or Purchase seeds and plants for use in gardens to produce food for the household's personal consumption. Use of when making purchases: Separate eligible items from ineligible ones at the checkout counter unless the store is electronically programmed to identify eligible and ineligible items. Advise the cashier beforehand of the intent to use SNAP benefits if electronic programming is not available to denote SNAP benefits or when the household will use EBT in conjunction with other payment methods. Improper use of benefits. Households may not use SNAP benefits to purchase or pay for the following: Alcoholic beverages or tobacco; Hot foods ready for immediate consumption or food to eat on the store’s premises; Pet foods, soap products, paper products, or other non-food items usually available in a grocery store; To pay back grocery bills or tabs for food received on credit; Firearms, ammunition, explosives, or controlled substances; Purchasing a product with SNAP benefits and intentionally: discarding the contents in order to return the container for the return deposit amount; reselling a purchased product for cash; or exchanging a purchased product for cash or for consideration other than eligible food. At reapplication or recertification, determine if another EBT card is needed. The agency must assist households who have difficulty in accessing their SNAP benefits, such as households comprised of elderly or disabled members, homeless households or those without a fixed mailing address. For example, the agency might assist an elderly person who is housebound in finding an authorized representative who might access the household’s benefit account and shop for groceries on behalf of the household. To ensure timely participation, the agency should issue a vault card to Address Confidentiality Program participants who elect to use a substitute mailing address. See Part VII.B. Field offices for the USDA are responsible for authorizing retailers to accept SNAP benefits and are responsible for ensuring compliance of SNAP regulations by retailers. The Richmond Field Office (637) is responsible for Virginia localities. Contact information is: Food and Nutrition Service, USDA 1606 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 129 Richmond, Virginia 23229 Telephone: Fax: (804) 287-1710 (804) 287-1726 TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES APPLICATION PROCESSING 7/12 VOLUME V, PART II, APPENDIX II, PAGE 1 THE COMBINED APPLICATION PROJECT The Virginia Combined Application Project (VaCAP) is a demonstration project that is designed to increase SNAP participation among single, elderly Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who live alone and have no earned income. Participation in this group has historically been lower than desired, often attributed to the cumbersome application process and low benefit level. This project will: Identify potentially eligible non-participating SSI recipients; Produce a simplified, pre-filled, system-generated application; Provide simplified processing procedures for local agencies; and Provide a standardized benefit based on high or low shelter costs. A. The Pre-Application Process 1. 2. 3. ADAPT will match against the State Data Exchange (SDX) monthly after cutoff to identify potentially eligible clients who a. Receive SSI; b. Do not currently receive SNAP benefits; c. Live in Virginia; d. Are elderly (age 65 or older); e. Are single, divorced, widowed, or separated; f. Live alone or purchase and prepare alone; and g. Have no earned income. ADAPT will generate an application and will pre-fill the application with the following elements: a. Name b. Date of Birth c. Address d. SSI amount received The Virginia Department of Social Services will mail the application to the household with a postage-paid envelope and the address of the local social services department. TRANSMITTAL #8 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 3/14 B. APPLICATION PROCESSING VOLUME V, PART II, APPENDIX II, PAGE 2 The Application Process 1. 2. 3. Upon receipt of the simplified VaCAP application, the household must: a. Correct the preprinted information, if necessary; b. Specify the shelter amount to reflect rent or mortgage and utility expenses; c. Sign the application; and d. Return the application to the appropriate local agency. If the application is complete, the local agency must: a. Screen the application in ADAPT for prior disqualifications; b. Complete an eDRS inquiry through SPIDeR; c. Process the application; d.. Enter the case into ADAPT; e.. Send the Notice of Action to approve the case; f.. Issue an EBT card to the household, if necessary; and g. Send the Notice of Action to deny the application, if necessary, if the household is ineligible based on a prior disqualification or eDRS screening. For incomplete applications, the local agency must take the following actions: a. No signature - The local agency must return the application to the household for signature. b. Shelter expense information not provided – The local agency must process the application with the lower shelter amount. 4. If the household does not return the application, ADAPT will generate a second application the following month. No additional applications will be mailed if the second application is not returned. Individuals may apply for VaCAP if it is determined they meet the VaCAP criteria but did not receive a systemgenerated application because they had already received two applications or because they were participating in regular SNAP. 5. The interview requirement has been waived. TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 3/14 C. APPLICATION PROCESSING VOLUME V, PART II, APPENDIX II, PAGE 3 ADAPT An application is determined to be VaCAP by fields on ASCASE, AECASE, and AERESI in ADAPT. ASCASE The Interview Held field must be "V" for VaCAP. AECASE The Interim Reporting field must be "00." AERESI The FOR SNAP fields must be completed as follows: Select one of the shelter expense entries; Enter "N" in the Bypass VaCAP field; and Enter "V" in the Interview Held field. D. Benefit Level Benefits for participants in the VaCAP demonstration are not calculated using the process outlined in Part XIII.C. Participants will receive: High benefit - $86 - shelter expenses total $500 or above. Low benefit - $61 - shelter expenses total $499 or less. E. Issuance of Benefits VaCAP benefits will not be prorated. The household will receive a full month’s benefit beginning the first of the month the application is received in the appropriate local agency. F. Certification periods The certification period for all VaCAP applications will be three years. G. Recertification VaCAP participants will receive a combined expiration notice and an application to recertify for VaCAP. The Virginia Department of Social Services will mail the recertification application to participants in the month before the certification period expires. Participants must complete the application and return it to the local social services department for processing. A report of VaCAP recertification applications mailed each month is available through Option 18 in ADAPT. TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 3/14 H. APPLICATION PROCESSING VOLUME V, PART II, APPENDIX II, PAGE 4 Change Reporting a. VaCAP households are not required to report changes to local departments of social services. The Social Security Administration will report changes in SSI eligibility through the monthly SDX file. Changes listed below will cause ADAPT to close the VaCAP case and generate an Advance Notice of Action and an alert to the worker. Death Institutionalization Marriage Receipt of earned income Discontinuation of SSI A move to another state A change in the Federal Living Arrangements Certain SSI changes will only generate an alert for the worker to complete necessary action. These changes are: A move to another Virginia address A change in the mailing address of an Authorized Representative A change in the name of an Authorized Representative/payee b. I. Although project participants are not required to report changes, the worker must promptly act on changes reported by project participants that affect the household’s VaCAP eligibility or the benefit amount Conversion There is no conversion to the VaCAP project. 1. Move from the regular SNAP benefits - The household may request closure of the regular SNAP case. The household may subsequently apply for VaCAP upon receipt of the computer-generated application. 2. Move to regular SNAP benefits - The household may request closure of the VaCAP case in order to re-apply to the regular, ongoing program. The worker should evaluate whether this would be beneficial to the household and provide the household the information. TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 3/14 APPLICATION PROCESSING VOLUME V, PART II, PAGE 7 5 so that the household may receive the EBT card by mail by Saturday, August 13 or authorize the issuance of a vault card that the Case Name or authorized representative could pick up before August 14. Additionally, the SNAP benefits must be posted to the EBT account. 2. Denying the Application (7 CFR 273.2(g)(3)) The agency must send a Notice of Action to deny an application if households are ineligible for benefits. The agency must send the denial notice as soon as possible, but not later than 30 days following the application date. Part XXIV contains a copy of the Notice of Action and instructions. 3. Processing Cases with Prior Participation in another Locality When a household indicates on the application or during the interview that it had been certified in another locality or State, for either the month of application or the prior month, the EW must establish the household's current status with the prior agency. The EW must establish and document the effective date of case closure with the prior agency. The new locality may not issue duplicate benefits for any months covered by the application if the agency can establish that the household or any of its members are still active in the prior locality. Contacts with Other States For applications filed by persons who claim they have received SNAP benefits in another state, the agency must confirm that the individual is no longer receiving benefits in that state. If the agency is not able to verify this by the end of the processing period and all other eligibility factors have been met, the agency must approve the application. The agency must continue to seek verification from the other state to minimize the overpayment period in case the individual continued to receive benefits in that state however. If there is no response from the other state, the agency must contact the regional consultant who will ensure the information is forwarded to FNS to follow up with the other state. If duplicate participation occurs, the Virginia agency must file a claim for any benefits the household received while it also received benefits from the other state. The claim will be household-caused if the household failed to report its connection to another state and the receipt of benefits from the other state. An agency-caused claim will exist if the agency failed to verify termination of benefits from another state. For household members who are subject to the Work Requirement, the agency must also address participation in another state towards the number of countable months if there is an indication from the application or interview that the member may have received SNAP benefits during the current 36-month period. TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES APPLICATION PROCESSING 10/09 VOLUME V, PART II, PAGE 8 F. DELAYS IN PROCESSING If the local agency does not determine a household's eligibility and provide an opportunity to participate within 30 days following the date the application was filed, the local agency must take the following action: 1. Determining Cause (7 CFR 273.2(h)(1)) The local agency must determine who caused the delay using the following criteria: a. A delay must be considered the fault of the household if the household failed to complete the application process even though the local agency took all required action to assist the household. The local agency is required to take the following actions before a delay can be considered the fault of the household: 1) For households that failed to complete the application, the local agency must have offered, or attempted to offer, assistance in its completion. 2) If one or more members of the household failed to register for work, as required in Part VIII.A, the local agency must have informed the household of the need to register and given the household at least 10 days from the date of notification to register these members. 3) In cases where verification is incomplete, the local agency must have provided the household with a statement of required verification and offered to assist the household in obtaining required verification, and allowed the household sufficient time to provide the missing verification. Sufficient time will be at least 10 days from the date of the local agency's initial request for the particular verification that was missing. 4) For households that failed to appear for an interview, the local agency must have scheduled an interview within 30 days following the date the household filed the application. If the household failed to appear for the interview, and the household does not request that the agency reschedule another interview until after the 20th day but before the 30th day following the application filing date, the household must appear for the interview, bring verification and register members for work by the 30th day; otherwise, the delay will be the fault of the household. If the agency must allow the household additional time to provide information or verification, the delay will be the fault of the household. If the household failed to appear for the interview and requests another interview to occur after the 30th day following the date of application, the delay will be the fault of the household. If the household missed the scheduled interview and misses the one it requested, the household must request another interview and any delay will be the fault of the household. TRANSMITTAL #1 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 10/09 NONFINANCIAL ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA VOLUME V, PART VII, APPENDIX I, PAGE 1 SSA Quarters of Coverage Verification Procedures for Legal Immigrants Individuals who are not citizens of the U.S. may be eligible for SNAP benefits depending on their immigration status. (See Part VII.F.1.) One of the eligible classes requires that the immigrant must be credited with 40 quarters of work. This appendix contains the process for determining the number of qualifying quarters with which an individual can be credited. To determine the number of quarters available to an eligible immigrant household member, the EW must obtain answers to the following questions: 1. How long has the applicant, the applicant’s spouse, or the applicant’s parents (before the applicant turned 18) lived in the U.S.? 2. How many years has the applicant, the applicant’s spouse, or the applicant’s parents (before the applicant turned 18) commuted to work in the U.S. from another country before coming to the U.S. to live, or worked abroad for a U.S. company or in self-employment while a legal resident of the U.S.? (If the total number of years to both questions is less than 10 years, the agency does not need to ask question 3 because the 40-quarter standard cannot be met.) 3. In how many of the years reported in answer to question 1, did the applicant, the applicant’s spouse, or the applicant’s parent earn money through work? (To determine whether the applicant’s earnings were sufficient to establish “quarters of coverage” in those years, the agency should refer to the income chart included in this appendix.) If the answer to question 3 is 10 years or more, the EW must verify, from USCIS documents or other documents, the date of entry into the country for the applicant, spouse and/or parent. If the dates are consistent with having 10 or more years of work, an inquiry through SVES must be made. Information received through SVES will not report earnings for the current year and possibly not the last year’s earnings. The household must provide verification of earnings through pay stubs, W-2 forms, tax records, employer records, or other documents, if the quarters of this period are needed to qualify for assistance. If the household believes the information from SSA is inaccurate or incomplete, beyond the current two-year lag period, advise the household to provide verification to the SSA to correct the inaccurate income records. In evaluating the verification received directly from the household or through SVES, the EW must exclude any quarter, beginning January 1997 in which the person who earned the quarter received TANF, SSI, Medicaid or SNAP benefits. This evaluation also includes benefits from the Nutritional Assistance Program from Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, or American Samoa. TRANSMITTAL #1 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES NONFINANCIAL ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 3/14 VOLUME V, PART VII, APPENDIX I, PAGE 2 Establishing Quarters The term “quarter” means the 3-calendar-month period that ends with March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31 of any year. Social Security credits (formerly called “quarters of coverage”) are earned by working at a job or as a self-employed individual. A maximum of 4 credits can be earned each year. Credits are based solely on the total yearly amount of earnings. All types of earnings follow this rule. The amount of earnings needed for each credit and the amount needed for a year in order to receive four credits are listed below. Year 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Quarter Minimum $250 $260 $290 $310 $340 $370 $390 $410 $440 $460 $470 $500 $520 $540 $570 $590 $620 $630 Annual Minimum $1000 $1040 $1160 $1240 $1360 $1480 $1560 $1640 $1760 $1840 $1880 $2000 $2080 $2160 $2280 $2360 $2480 $2520 Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 Quarter Minimum $640 $670 $700 $740 $780 $830 $870 $890 $900 $920 $970 $1000 $1050 $1090 $1120 $1130 $1160 $1200 Annual Minimum $2560 $2680 $2800 $2960 $3120 $3320 $3480 $3560 $3600 $3680 $3880 $4000 $4200 $4360 $4480 $4520 $4640 $4800 If a quarter for the current year is included in the computation, use the current year amount as the divisor to determine the number of quarters available. For quarters earned before 1978: · A credit was earned for each calendar quarter in which an individual was paid $50 or more in wages (including agricultural wages for 1951-1955); · Four credits were earned for each taxable year in which an individual’s net earnings from self-employment were $400 or more; and/or · A credit was earned for each $100 (limited to a total of 4) of agricultural wages paid during the year for years 1955 through 1977. TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES WORK REQUIREMENT 3/14 VOLUME V, PART XV, APPENDIX I, PAGE 1 Localities Whose Residents Are Exempted from the Work Requirement* April 2009September 2013 October 2013September 2014 All Virginia Localities None TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES REPLACEMENT OF EBT CARDS, BENEFITS AND FOOD 3/14 A. VOLUME V, PART XVIII, PAGE 1 Replacement of EBT Cards This chapter covers general guidance for replacing EBT cards, benefits in electronic benefit accounts and food purchased with SNAP benefits destroyed in a household disaster. See Chapter G of the Virginia EBT Policies and Procedures Guide for additional information. Households need an EBT card to access SNAP benefits. The cardholder may call the Customer Service Representative (CSR) for the EBT card vendor to request a replacement card or contact the local agency. The CSR will validate the system address before issuing a replacement card if the cardholder calls Customer Service for a replacement card. If the address is incorrect, the card vendor will not mail a replacement card but will refer the cardholder to the local agency to have the address updated. Cardholders will generally receive a replacement EBT card through the mail. Depending on individual household circumstances however, the local agency may provide a vault card as a replacement card. The cardholder must call the CSR to request a change in the status of a card before the local agency can issue a vault card if the original card is still active. The cardholder does not need to call the CSR if the card already has an inactive status code. The EW must authorize the issuance of a vault card for replacing an EBT card and notify the local agency card issuance unit so that the card is available for pick up within two business days of the report by the household. The EW must complete the Internal Action and Vault EBT Card Authorization form to authorize the vault card and to document crediting the replacement fee to the household's account. See Part XXIV for a copy of the Internal Action and Vault EBT Card Authorization form. A cardholder will need a replacement if the original EBT card is lost, damaged, destroyed in a household disaster, or stolen. A cardholder will also need a replacement card if the original card is undelivered through the mail. In most instances, a request for a replacement card will result in the deduction of a $2.00 card replacement fee from a household's EBT account. The vendor should not apply the card replacement fee for reapplying households or for replacements for returned, undelivered cards. The local agency must credit the fee back to the household's account if the replacement is due to a household disaster, violence against the household or for improperly manufactured cards. See Part XVIII.A.4 for information about assigning and crediting of the fee for replacement cards. 1. Undelivered EBT Card a. Undeliverable, Returned Cards The post office will not deliver EBT cards with inaccurate or incomplete addresses. The post office will not forward EBT cards to a new or changed address if households move but fail to report the change to the local agency. If the card is undeliverable because of an incomplete or inaccurate address for the primary cardholder or the authorized representative, the EW must update the mailing address, as appropriate. TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES REPLACEMENT OF EBT CARDS, BENEFITS AND FOOD 3/14 VOLUME V, PART XVIII, PAGE 2 b. Nonreceipt of the EBT Card In instances when cardholders report the nonreceipt of a mailed EBT card to the local agency, the agency must check the EBT account to determine the mailing date and check if the status of the card has been changed. If more than six mail days has passed and the status of the card is unchanged, the cardholder must call the CSR to request a new card. If the local agency is to issue a vault card as the replacement card, the cardholder must still also call the CSR to change the status of the original card. In some instances, the Department of Social Services may have already received the undelivered card and may have changed the status of the card by the time the cardholder reports the nonreceipt to the local agency or the CSR. In these instances, either the vendor or the local agency may initiate the replacement so that the card is available for pick up in the agency or is mailed within two business days of the cardholder's report. If the cardholder reports the nonreceipt of a mailed EBT card to Customer Service after a sufficient mail period, the CSR will change the status of the card to cancel the card. The vendor will mail another card to the household or, at the cardholder's option, defer mailing another card to allow the cardholder to receive a vault card at the local agency. in either case, the card must be available for pick up in the agency or is mailed within two business days of the cardholder's report. When a cardholder requests a vault card as replacement, the Issuance Worker must determine if there has been a sufficient period for delivery of the mailed card and determine the status of the original card before issuing a vault card. If the EBT account shows that the card has an active or an inactive status, the cardholder must call CSR to request a change in the status of the card. If there is an inactive status when the Issuance Worker inquires or once there is an inactive status, the local agency may issue a vault card to the cardholder. Households will not have the $2.00 card replacement fee assessed against their benefit accounts when they receive replacement of undelivered cards. Households will generally have the card replacement fee automatically deducted from the account except when there is a replacement card for a card in an inactive status such as the initial card lost in the mail or one returned as undeliverable. 2. Lost, Stolen, Damaged Cards When a cardholder reports an inability to access the household’s benefits because the EBT card is unavailable for use, the cardholder must call CSR to request deactivation of the card. Deactivation will prevent the usage of the card should the cardholder or someone else attempt to use the card. The cardholder must request replacement of the card through the CSR or the local agency. The cardholder must note the reason for the replacement to the local agency. A replacement card must be available for pick up or mailed within two business days of the cardholder's report. TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES REPLACEMENT OF EBT CARDS, BENEFITS AND FOOD 3/14 VOLUME V, PART XVIII, PAGE 3 The reason for the destruction or unavailability of the original card will determine whether the local agency credits the replacement fee back to the household’s account. Reasons for replacing an EBT card include: Lost – The cardholder loses or misplaces the card. Stolen – The cardholder loses the card through violence exerted upon a household in an act of robbery or burglary committed by someone outside the household. Household Disaster – The cardholder loses or damages the card through a household fire or natural disaster, such as a flood or tornado. Card Damage (negligence) – The card is unusable because of the cardholder’s neglect. Card Damage (improperly manufactured) – The card is unusable because of a manufacturing error. 3. EBT Card Replacement Fee Each cardholder will receive written and verbal instruction on how to protect the EBT card. When an EBT card is or becomes unusable for any reason, the cardholder must obtain a replacement card to access the household's EBT account. The EBT card vendor will deduct $2.00 from each SNAP case benefit account for replacement EBT cards in nearly every instance when a cardholder receives a replacement card. The automatic fee deduction will not occur when the original card has an inactive status or when a household reapplies for benefits. The chart below summarizes application of the card replacement fee. No Fee Reapplication Inactive card, such as lost in the mail Fee Deducted Lost Stolen/robbery Household disaster Improperly manufactured Cardholder name change Card damaged/destroyed Fee Credited x (if applied) x (if applied) x x (verify if questionable) x x x Agency-caused error, such as misspelled name 4. EBT Card Replacement Fee Credit The EBT vendor will automatically deduct a $2.00 fee from a household's SNAP EBT account in most instances when a cardholder requests a replacement card. There are instances however, when, despite proper care of the card by the cardholder, the household experiences loss or destruction of the EBT card. In these instances, the local agency must credit the $2.00 replacement fee back to the household's account. TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 10/13 REPLACEMENT OF EBT CARDS, BENEFITS AND FOOD VOLUME V, PART XVIII, PAGE 4 An eligibility or administrative unit supervisor must authorize the fee credit on the Internal Action and Vault EBT Card Authorization form. The local agency must credit the card replacement fee when a household experiences an individual household disaster or there is a natural disaster. An EBT card destroyed by fire or a flood, tornado, hurricane or earthquake would allow the agency to credit the replacement fee back to the household. The agency must verify the impact of the disaster upon the household if the report is questionable, otherwise, the household's statement is acceptable. The local agency must also credit the replacement fee when a cardholder loses the card through violence inflicted upon the household or cardholder by someone outside the household. The agency may verify the existence of the police report if the information is questionable, otherwise, the household's statement is acceptable. In addition to crediting the replacement fee for instances of a household disaster or violence against the household, the local agency must credit the replacement fee if the agency discovers an improperly manufactured card after a cardholder receives the card. The agency must also credit the replacement fee if the vendor fails to identify a replacement card at reapplication or a replacement for an inactive card. The local agency may also credit the fee back to the household's account, if requested, when the household identifies another Case Name or authorized representative. The chart above summarizes instances when the local agency must credit the card replacement fee to the household. As indicated above, an eligibility or administrative supervisor must authorize the credit. The Issuance Supervisor must provide the credit. B. BENEFIT REPLACEMENT Households will not receive a replacement for benefits lost due to loss of the EBT card and/or PIN up to the time that the cardholder reports the loss to CSR or the local agency. Households will have benefits replaced if someone accesses the benefits after the household reported to CSR that the card was lost or stolen. Households will also receive replacement for benefits lost due to a system error. C. REPLACEMENT OF FOOD DESTROYED IN A DISASTER Households may request a replacement for food purchased with SNAP benefits and that was subsequently destroyed in a household disaster. This policy may apply to an individual household disaster or a disaster that affects more than one household. The agency must use prudent judgement when households request a food replacement. Eligibility for a replacement must be based on the benefit amount for the month, the amount of the food loss reported, and time of the month when the loss occurred on a case-by-case basis. The agency may deny replacement requests, such as for unsupported explanations or unacceptable collateral contacts. See Part III.A.3 for a discussion of collateral contacts. Households may appeal the denial of a replacement request or the authorized amount. TRANSMITTAL #13 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES D-SNAP 4/13 VOLUME V, PART XX, PAGE 17 HOUSEHOLD SIZE INCOME LIMIT BENEFIT AMOUNT FULL MONTH $189 $347 $497 $632 $750 $900 $995 $1,137 BENEFIT AMOUNT HALF MONTH* $ 95 $174 $249 $316 $375 $450 $498 $569 $2,320 1 $3.028 2 $3,486 3 $4,114 4 $4,539 5 $5,075 6 $5,464 7 $5,854 8 Each additional person $390 +$142 +$71 * The half-month benefit amount is calculated by dividing the full month amount by two and rounding up to the nearest whole dollar amount. d. For eligible households, the worker must complete the Internal Action Form for Disaster Benefits to authorize the issuance of the EBT card. See the Forms Section of this Chapter for a copy of the form. M. DISASTER PROGRAM BENEFIT PERIOD 1. The benefit period for the D-SNAP is not based on a calendar month as it is for the regular program. The benefit period is determined by the disaster benefit period authorized by FNS. The period will be either a half-month (15 days) or a full month (30 days). 2. The full amount of accessible liquid resources must be counted regardless whether the length of the disaster benefit period is a half month or a full month. 3. If the disaster benefit period is a half-month, income over the 15 day period must be counted. If the disaster benefit period is a full month, then income during the 30-day period must be counted. The maximum income limit for the appropriate household size must not exceed the disaster income eligibility limit as shown in the table in Chapter K. N. VAULT CARD ISSUANCE PROCEDURES For the D-SNAP, eligible households must receive a new EBT card and EBT account. There must be a new card and account even if households are already known to the EBT system. Procedures for setting up EBT accounts are in Appendix IV of this chapter. To issue EBT cards in the D-SNAP, the local agency must issue vault cards in the same manner they are issued for regular program operations. The eligibility worker must authorize issuance of a vault card in ADAPT and prepare the Internal Action Form. Refer to the EBT Policy and Procedures Guide. TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES D-SNAP 1/13 VOLUME V, PART XX, PAGE 18 The agency must provide an overview of the issuance process and use of benefits to the applicant. The overview must also advise the applicant of the approximate time when the EBT card will be available for use and when to select the Personal Identification Number (PIN). Households must select or change the PIN to access benefits through the Automated Response Unit. O. FAIR HEARINGS AND CONFERENCES Households denied Disaster Program benefits may request a fair hearing in accordance with Part XIX. If the household decides to withdraw its request for a fair hearing, the request must be in writing. Households may also request a local agency conference in accordance with Part XIX. A requested conference must be provided within three working days because of the short processing time for disaster applications. The conference is not a replacement for the fair hearing process. P. TRANSITION TO THE REGULAR PROGRAM Households that are issued D-SNAP benefits may follow up and file applications for the regular program. In such situations, benefits for the regular program must be prorated from the day following the end of the disaster benefit period, or the day of application for the regular program, whichever is later. Example The D-SNAP benefit period is August 18 through September 17. The household filed for and got disaster benefits on September 1. The household files an application for the regular program on September 15. If eligible, benefits are prorated from September 18, the day following the end of the disaster benefit period. Q. DISASTER REPORTS The VDSS must report daily to FNS the number of households and persons approved for disaster benefits. The report must distinguish between households and persons participating in the normal, ongoing program and new, nonparticipating households and persons. This information will be gathered at the end of each business day from the web-based system or the Master Issuance File or EBT files if a paper application is used. Daily reports will also capture the value of benefits issued and the number of households denied benefits. The VDSS must submit additional reports at the end of the disaster period. These reports include: FNS - 292B Report of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Benefit Issuance for Disaster Relief FNS – 388 Monthly Issuance Report FNS – 209 Status of Claims Against Households Report Appendix VII contains guidance for the completion of these reports. TRANSMITTAL #10 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS 3/14 VOLUME V, PART XXIV, PAGE i PART XXIV FORMS FORM NUMBER NAME PAGES 032-03-0824-29-eng APPLICATION FOR BENEFITS 1-17 032-03-729A-12-eng ELIGIBILITY REVIEW - Part A 20-21 032-03-729B-13-eng ELIGIBILITY REVIEW - Part B 22-26 032-03-0823-11-eng EVALUATION OF ELIGIBILITY 27-31 032-03-823B-03-eng PARTIAL REVIEWS AND CHANGES 32-34 032-03-0819-12-eng SNAP - HOTLINE INFORMATION 35-37 032-03-0821-05-eng KNOW YOUR RIGHTS WHEN APPLYING FOR SNAP BENEFITS 38-39 032-03-0718-07-eng EXPEDITED SERVICES CHECKLIST 40-41 032-03-0814-10-eng CHECKLIST OF NEEDED VERIFICATIONS 42-43 032-03-0117-19-eng NOTICE OF ACTION 44-47 032-03-0018-33-eng ADVANCE NOTICE OF PROPOSED ACTION 48-51 032-12-0157-19-eng NOTICE OF EXPIRATION 52-53 032-03-0051-29-eng CHANGE REPORT 54-56 032-03-0153-14-eng ENTITLEMENT TO RESTORATION OF LOST BENEFITS 57-59 032-03-0148-02-eng REQUEST FOR CONTACT 60-61 032-03-0875-15-eng REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE – ADAPT 62-66 032-03-0649-07-eng INTERIM REPORT FORM – REQUEST FOR ACTION 67-69 032-03-823A-04-eng PERMANENT VERIFICATION LOG 70-72 032-03-0388-05-eng FOOD REPLACEMENT REQUEST 73-74 032-03-0387-06-eng INTERNAL ACTION AND VAULT EBT CARD AUTHORIZATION 75-77 TRANSMITTAL #14 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS 8/13 VOLUME V, PART XXIV, PAGE ii PART XXIV FORMS (continued) FORM NUMBER NAME 032-02-0072-12-eng PAGES EMPLOYMENT SERVICES PROGRAMS COMMUNICATION FORM 78-80 SNAP SANCTION NOTICE FOR NON-COMPLIANCE WITH A WORK REQUIREMENT 81-83 032-03-0721-10-eng NOTICE OF INTENTIONAL PROGRAM VIOLATION 84-86 032-03-0722-04-eng WAIVER OF ADMINISTRATIVE DISQUALIFICATION HEARING 87-89 REFERRAL FOR ADMINISTRATIVE DISQUALIFICATION HEARING 90-91 ADVANCE NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DISQUALIFICATION HEARING 92-94 ADMINISTRATIVE DISQUALIFICATION HEARING DECISION 95-96 NOTICE OF DISQUALIFICATION FOR INTENTIONAL PROGRAM VIOLATION 97-98 032-03-0419-02-eng MISSED INTERVIEW NOTICE 99-100 032-03-0460-04-eng NOTICE OF ACTION AND EXPIRATION 101-103 032-03-0366-05-eng ADAPT VERIFICATION FORM 104-110 032-03-0658-02-eng NOTICE OF TRANSFER 111-113 032-03-0227-10-eng CASE RECORD TRANSFER FORM 114-115 032-03-0440-00-eng RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 116-117 032-03-0572-00-eng COMPROMISING CLAIMS WORKSHEET 118-119 032-03-0174-08-eng 032-03-0725-04-eng 032-03-0724-07-eng 032-03-0723-09-eng 032-03-0052-12-eng TRANSMITTAL #12 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Social Services APPLICATION FOR BENEFITS GENERAL INFORMATION With this application, you may apply for one or more of the following assistance programs. Refer to the fold-out page for instructions. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), (formerly food stamps) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) TANF Emergency Assistance General Relief – Unattached Child Auxiliary Grants Refugee Cash Assistance COMPLETING THE APPLICATION If you need help completing this Application, a friend or relative or your eligibility worker can help you. If you are completing this application for someone else, answer each question as if you were that person. If you need to change an answer or make a correction, write the correct information nearby and put your initials and date next to the change. If there are more than 8 people are living in your home and you need more space to list everyone, tell the agency you need extra pages. SPECIAL INFORMATION FOR SNAP APPLICANTS You may apply for SNAP benefits by leaving a completed Application for Benefits at the agency or by leaving a partially completed Application with at least your name, address, and signature, or by tearing off and leaving this half-sheet with your name, address, and signature. You must complete the rest of this Application before your eligibility can be determined. You must also be interviewed in the office or by telephone. You may turn in your application before you are interviewed. This is important because if you are eligible for the month in which you apply, your SNAP amount will be based on the date you actually turn in your application. EXPEDITED SERVICE FOR SNAP BENEFITS Your household may qualify for Expedited Service and receive SNAP benefits within 7 days if you are eligible and if your gross monthly income is less than $150 and liquid resources are $100 or less; or your monthly shelter bills are higher than your household’s gross monthly income plus your liquid resources; or if someone in your household is a migrant or seasonal farm worker with little or no income and resources. GIVE THE INFORMATION BELOW SO YOUR ELIGIBILITY FOR EXPEDITED SERVICE CAN BE DETERMINED. Total income received/expected this month before deductions $______________ Individuals who have a disability or who have difficulty with English may receive extra help to make sure they get assistance or services they are eligible to receive. COMPLETE AND ACCURATE INFORMATION You must give complete, accurate, and truthful information. If you do not give needed information, we may not be able to determine your eligibility for assistance. Information regarding your race is not required. However, if you decide not to give this information, your worker will complete that section. If you knowingly give false, incorrect or incomplete information, or fail to report changes, you could lose your benefits and be arrested, prosecuted, fined and/or imprisoned. If you knowingly give false, incorrect, or incomplete information in order to help someone else receive benefits, you could be arrested and prosecuted for fraud. FILING THE APPLICATION You may turn in a partially completed Application which contains at least your name, address, and signature (or the signature of your authorized representative), but you must complete the rest of this Application before your eligibility can be determined. For some programs, you must also be interviewed, but you may turn in your Application before your interview. You may turn in your Application any time during office hours the same day as you contact your local agency. You have the right to turn in your Application even if it looks like you may not be eligible for benefits. 032-03-0824-29-eng (09/13) Total cash, money in checking/savings accounts, CDs $______________ Total rent or mortgage for this month $______________ Utility expenses for this month $______________ Which utilities do you pay? (check all that apply) Heat Lights Telephone Electricity for Air Conditioning Water Sewer Garbage Other Is anyone in your household a migrant or seasonal farm worker? NO ( ) NAME DATE OF BIRTH ADDRESS SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER SIGNATURE DATE YES ( ) VERIFICATION AND USE OF INFORMATION AGENCY USE ONLY Information you give on this application, including Social Security numbers (SSN), may be matched against federal, state, and local records. These records include: Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Social Security Administration (SSA) CASE NAME CASE NUMBER LOCALITY SCREENER Any difference between the information you give and these records will be investigated. Information from these records may affect your eligibility and benefit amount. Information may be used to: determine the correctness, accuracy, and truthfulness of the application: verify your identity and citizenship; verify wages and salary, unemployment benefits, and unearned income, such as Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits; verify quarters of coverage under Social Security for an alien, or to verify the status of aliens; prevent receipt of benefits from more than one social service agency at the same time; make required program changes; allow disclosure for official examination and to law enforcement officials to assist in apprehending persons fleeing to avoid the law; or assist in SNAP claims collection actions. DATE EXPEDITED SERVICE DETERMINATION Income < $150 + resources ≤ $100 YES ( ) NO ( ) NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT This institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex and in some cases religion and political beliefs. Income + resources < shelter bills YES ( ) NO ( ) For migrant or seasonal farm workers: Resources ≤ $100 and ≤ $25 is expected in next 10 days from new income; YES ( ) NO ( ) OR Resources ≤ $100 and $0 income is expected from a terminated source for the rest of this month or next month. YES ( ) NO ( ) The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) also prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by Department. Not all prohibited based will apply to all program and/or employment activities. If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination with USDA, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html or at any USDA office, or call (866) 6329992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at [email protected]. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8338, or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). EXPEDITE IF YES TO ANY OF THE ABOVE. For any other information dealing with SNAP issues, persons should either contact the USDA SNAP Hotline Number at (800) 221-5689, which is also in Spanish or call the State Information Hotline Numbers (click the link for a listing of hotline numbers by State); found online at http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/contact_info/hotline.htm. To file a complaint of discrimination regarding a program receiving Federal financial assistance through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), write: HHS Director, Office for Civil Rights, Room 515-F, 200 Independence Avenue, S. W , Washington, D.C. 20201 or call (202) 619-0403 (voice) or (800) 537-7697 (TTY). USDA and HHS are equal opportunity providers and employers. . Page 1 INSTRUCTIONS 1. Do not write in shaded areas. These areas are for agency use only. 2. Read and complete the VOTER REGISTRATION section on this page. 3. Complete SECTION A: GENERAL INFORMATION. Answer the questions in SECTION A for everyone who lives in your home, even if you are not applying for that person. You may leave questions about citizenship, immigration and Social Security Number blank for anyone for whom you are NOT requesting assistance. 4. Answer the questions in SECTION B: INCOME for everyone for whom you are applying. In addition, if applying for TANF, also provide income information for children age 18 or under, even if you are not applying for that child, and the stepparent of the children for whom you are applying. 5. Answer the questions in SECTION C: RESOURCES for everyone for whom you are applying unless you are applying for TANF. 6. After completing Sections A, B, and C, answer the questions in the sections indicated below, depending on the type of assistance you are requesting. SNAP (Food Stamps) Financial Assistance Section D, page 8 Section E, page 9 TANF Emergency Assistance Auxiliary Grants Section F, page 10 Section G, page 10 7. Read CHANGE REPORTING AND PENALTIES on page 13. 8. Read and complete the last page of this application. Be sure to sign and date the application. Commonwealth of Virginia Voter Registration Agency Certification If you are not registered to vote where you live now, would you like to apply to register to vote here today? (Please check only one) I am already registered to vote at my current address, or I am not eligible to register to vote and do not need an application to register to vote. Yes, I would like to apply to register to vote. (please fill out the voter registration application form) No, I do not want to register to vote. If you do not check any box, you will be considered to have decided not to register to vote at this time. Applying to register to vote or declining to register to vote will not affect the assistance or services that you will be provided by this agency. If you decline to register to vote, this fact will remain confidential. If you do register to vote, the office where your application was submitted will be kept confidential, and it will be used only for voter registration purposes. If you would like help filling out the voter registration application form, we will help you. The decision whether to seek or accept help is yours. You may fill out the application form in private if you desire. If you believe that someone has interfered with your right to register or to decline to register to vote, your right to privacy in deciding whether to register or in applying to register to vote, you may file a complaint with: Secretary of the Virginia State Board of Elections, Washington Building, 1100 Bank Street, Richmond, VA 23219-3497, Telephone (804) 864-8901. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________ Applicant Name Voter Registration form completed: Yes No ______________________________________________ Agency Staff Signature Signature Date Voter Registration form given to applicant for later mailing (at applicant’s request) _______________________________________________ Date: Page 1a Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Social Services Case Name APPLICATION FOR BENEFITS Locality AGENCY USE ONLY Program Case Number Worker Date Received Caseload Date of Service Referral Date of Interview In office Applicant’s Name Social Security Number Phone Number Telephone (Home/Messages) (Work/Other) Residence Address (Include City, State and Zip Code) Directions to Home Mailing Address (If Different) E-Mail Address Language: (Enter Code) _______________ 1 - English 2 - Spanish A - Somali 1. 3 - Cambodian B - Kurdish C – Arabic 5 - Farsi F - French 6 - Haitian-Creole G - German 7 - Laotian J - Japanese 8 - Chinese 9 - Korean O - Other YES ( ) NO ( ) Have you or anyone for whom you are applying ever applied for, or received, or are currently receiving any benefits from a social services agency, including SNAP (Food Stamps), AFDC, TANF, Medicaid, General Relief, Auxiliary Grants, Foster Care, Adoption Assistance, or Refugee Cash Assistance? Applicant’s Name Social Security Number When From What County, City, or State 2. 4 - Vietnamese Type of Benefits Received YES ( ) NO ( ) Have you or anyone for whom you are applying ever been convicted of making false or misleading statements about your identity or address to receive TANF, SNAP, or Medicaid in two or more states at the same time? If YES, give date and place of conviction _____________________________________________________________ 3. YES ( ) NO ( ) Are you or anyone for whom you are applying in violation of parole or probation or fleeing capture to avoid prosecution or punishment of a felony? If YES, explain______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ 4. YES ( ) NO ( ) Do you or anyone in your home have a felony conviction for drugs after August 22, 1996 for ( ) Use? ( ) Possession? ( ) Distribution of drugs? (check all that apply) If YES, who?______________________________________ Did the court assign ( ) Periodic Testing? ( ) Drug Treatment? ( ) Other Action? YES ( ) NO ( ) If YES, have you finished the plan or are you cooperating? YES ( ) NO ( ) 032-03-0824-29-eng (09/13) A. GENERAL INFORMATION (ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION) Page 2 __________________________________________ LAST NAME, FIRST, MI, AND MAIDEN (DO NOT make any entry in the ID# space) 1 ID# YES ( ) NO ( ) Date Left____________ Expected Return Date_________ Reason 2 ID# YES ( ) NO ( ) Date Left____________ Expected Return Date_________ Reason 3 ID# YES ( ) NO ( ) Date Left____________ Expected Return Date________ Reason 4 ID# YES ( ) NO ( ) Date Left____________ Expected Return Date_________ Reason 5 ID# YES ( ) NO ( ) Date Left____________ Expected Return Date_________ Reason 6 ID# YES ( ) NO ( ) Date Left____________ Expected Return Date_________ Reaon 7 ID# YES ( ) NO ( ) Date Left____________ Expected Return Date_________ Reason 8 ID# YES ( ) NO ( ) Date Left____________ Expected Return Date_________ Reason NONE __________________________________________ REFUGEE CASH ASSISTANCE If YES, give the date the person left and expected return date If more than 60 days, give the reason for the absence. AUXILIARY GRANTS Check ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) Do you expect any change in who lives in your home, either this month or next month? If YES, explain: __________________________________________ Give the relationship of each person to the person listed on Line #1. TANF EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE Check ( ) YES or NO UNATTACHED CHILD LIST YOURSELF ON LINE #1. GENERAL RELIEF Is this person temporarily away from home? 4. TYPE OF ASSISTANCE REQUESTED (Check ( ) type of assistance requested for each person. If no assistance is requested, check NONE for that person. Note that an application for TANF will also be an application for SNAP. Check TANF - No SNAP if you do not want to apply for SNAP benefits. TANF – NO SNAP LIST EVERYONE LIVING IN YOUR HOME, even if you are not applying for assistance for that person. 3. RELATIONSHIP TO PERSON ON LINE #1 TANF 2. TEMPORARILY AWAY FROM HOME SNAP (FOOD STAMPS) 1. EVERYONE IN YOUR HOME Page 3 COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR EACH PERSON AS LISTED ON PAGE 2 5. U.S. CITIZEN* 6. ANSWER ONLY IF AN ALIEN 7. PLACE OF BIRTH 9a. RACE (not required) 9b. ETHNICITY (not required) 10. SEX Check ( ) YES or NO Give the Alien Number and Date of Entry for anyone for whom you are requesting assistance. Give the State if born in the U.S. or the Country if born outside of the U.S. Select all that apply 1. White 2. Black/African American 3. American Indian/Alaska Native 4. Asian 5. Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander Give the code to show ethnicity. Give the code to show Sex. 1 - Hispanic or Latino 2 - Not Hispanic or Latino M - Male F - Female If YES, do not answer Question 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 You may leave this blank for anyone not in the assistance request You may leave this blank for anyone not in the assistance request. 8. DATE OF BIRTH YES ( ) NO ( ) Alien Number Place of Birth Date of Entry Date of Birth Alien Number Place of Birth Date of Entry Date of Birth Alien Number Place of Birth Date of Entry Date of Birth Alien Number Place of Birth Date of Entry Date of Birth Alien Number Place of Birth Date of Entry Date of Birth Alien Number Place of Birth Date of Entry Date of Birth Alien Number Place of Birth Date of Entry Date of Birth Alien Number Place of Birth Date of Entry Date of Birth YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) 11. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Give the number for anyone for whom you are requesting assistance. 12. MARITAL STATUS Give the code to show Marital status. 1 - Married 2 - Never Married 3 - Divorced 4 - Widowed 5 - Separated Page 4 COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR EACH PERSON AS LISTED ON PAGE 2 14. EDUCATION 13. VETERAN/ DEPENDENT OF A VETERAN A. Check ( ) YES or NO 15. DISABILITY STATUS Give the Last Grade Completed in school. B. Check ( ) YES or NO Is the person a High School (HS) or GED graduate? C. D. Check ( ) YES or NO Is the person Currently Enrolled in school? If YES, give the school name and use one of the codes to show enrollment. FT - Enrolled full time HT - Enrolled half time LT - Enrolled less than half time Give the code to show Disability/Pregnant Status ND - Not disabled DS - Disabled BL - Blind CD - Needed to care for disabled person 16. ANSWER ONLY IF DISABLED A. Check ( ) if the disability reduces or prevents the ability to work or to obtain work. B. Check ( ) if the disability reduces or prevents the ability to care for a child in the home. C. Check ( ) if the disability requires someone to be in the home to provide care. ENROLLMENT SCHOOL NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) CODE A. Last Grade Completed: ___________ A. ( ) Ability to work is reduced B. ( ) YES ( ) NO HS or GED Graduate B. ( ) Ability to care for child is reduced C. ( ) YES ( ) NO Currently Enrolled C. ( ) Someone is needed in the home A. Last Grade Completed: ___________ A. ( ) Ability to work is reduced B. ( ) YES ( ) NO HS or GED Graduate B. ( ) Ability to care for child is reduced C. ( ) YES ( ) NO Currently Enrolled C. ( ) Someone is needed in the home A. Last Grade Completed: ___________ A. ( ) Ability to work is reduced B. ( ) YES ( ) NO HS or GED Graduate B. ( ) Ability to care for child is reduced C. ( ) YES ( ) NO Currently Enrolled C. ( ) Someone is needed in the home A. Last Grade Completed: ___________ A. ( ) Ability to work is reduced B. ( ) YES ( ) NO HS or GED Graduate B. ( ) Ability to care for child is reduced C. ( ) YES ( ) NO Currently Enrolled C. ( ) Someone is needed in the home A. Last Grade Completed: ___________ A. ( ) Ability to work is reduced B. ( ) YES ( ) NO HS or GED Graduate B. ( ) Ability to care for child is reduced C. ( ) YES ( ) NO Currently Enrolled C. ( ) Someone is needed in the home A. Last Grade Completed: ___________ A. ( ) Ability to work is reduced B. ( ) YES ( ) NO HS or GED Graduate B. ( ) Ability to care for child is reduced C. ( ) YES ( ) NO Currently Enrolled C. ( ) Someone is needed in the home A. Last Grade Completed: ___________ A. ( ) Ability to work is reduced B. ( ) YES ( ) NO HS or GED Graduate B. ( ) Ability to care for child is reduced C. ( ) YES ( ) NO Currently Enrolled C. ( ) Someone is needed in the home A. Last Grade Completed: ___________ A. ( ) Ability to work is reduced B. ( ) YES ( ) NO HS or GED Graduate B. ( ) Ability to care for child is reduced C. ( ) YES ( ) NO Currently Enrolled C. ( ) Someone is needed in the home Page 5 B. INCOME (ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION) Answer the income questions for everyone for whom you are applying. If applying for TANF or TANF Emergency Assistance, , also provide income information for the additional persons indicated on the INSTRUCTIONS page and also provide income information for the child’s parent or stepparent living in the home; or any person living with the parent as husband or wife. If the parent is a minor under age 18 (for TANF), also provide income information for the parent of the minor parent. 1. Does anyone receive any of the following types of money from working? Check ( ) YES or NO for each type. If YES, give the information requested. YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) Wages/salary Contract income Commissions, bonuses, tips Person Receiving Money From Working 2. YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) Employer’s Name, Address Phone Number Vacation Pay Earned sick pay Babysitting/day care Employment Begin Date YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) Hours Worked Per Month Rate of Pay Farming/fishing Domestic work Odd jobs How Often Paid YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) Day of The Week Paid Other self- employment Any other money from working Gross Monthly Pay Before Deductions $ PER $ $ PER $ $ PER $ Does anyone receive any other type of money? Check ( ) YES OR NO for each type. If YES, give the information requested. YES ( YES ( YES ( YES ( YES ( YES ( ) ) ) ) ) ) NO ( NO ( NO ( NO ( NO ( NO ( ) ) ) ) ) ) Social Security YES ( SSI YES ( VA benefits YES ( Black Lung benefits YES ( Railroad retirement YES ( Other retirement YES ( Person Receiving Money ) ) ) ) ) ) NO ( NO ( NO ( NO ( NO ( NO ( ) ) ) ) ) ) Child support, alimony Military Allotment Unemployment benefits Worker compensation Strike benefits Interest, dividends YES ( ) Type of Money Received YES ( YES ( YES ( YES ( YES ( NO ( ) ) ) ) ) ) NO ( ) Cash gifts or contributions NO ( ) Public Assistance NO ( ) Room/board income NO ( ) Rental Income NO ( ) Prize winnings Insurance settlement How Often Received YES ( YES ( YES ( YES ( YES ( ) ) ) ) ) NO ( NO ( NO ( NO ( NO ( ) ) ) ) ) Loans Training allowances, including WIA Inheritance All food, clothing, utilities, or rent Any other type of money When Received Gross Monthly Amount Before Deductions $ $ $ $ YES ( ) NO ( ) 3. Does anyone besides the people for whom you are applying pay directly for you, help you pay, or lend you money to pay rent, utilities, medical bills or any other bills? Or, does anyone totally supply food or clothing for you or someone else on a regular basis? Person Receiving Help Person Providing Help Type of Help Received Amount $ Does Money Come Directly to You? Is This a Loan? Is Repayment Expected YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) PER $ PER Page 6 YES ( ) NO ( ) 4. Has anyone been fired, laid off, gone on sick or maternity leave, gone on strike, quit a job or reduced hours worked in the last 60 days? Employer’s Name, Address, Phone Name of Person Employed From/To Hrs./Wk. Worked Rate of Pay How Often Paid Date Last Pay Received Reason For Leaving, Reducing Hours $ PER YES ( ) NO ( ) 5. Does anyone expect any change in the type of money received, employment, or hours worked, either this month or next month? If YES, explain and give date: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ YES ( ) NO ( ) 6. Does anyone have a day care expense for a child, an elderly person, or an adult with a disability? Person Paying For Care YES ( ) NO ( ) Person Receiving Care Check ( ) If Disabled Provider’s Name, Address, Phone Number Amount Paid ( ) Disabled $ PER ( ) Disabled $ PER 7. Does anyone pay legally obligated child support to someone not in the household? If YES, person paying: ___________________________________________________ Person supported: ________________________________________________ Amount paid and how often: _________________________________________________ YES ( ) NO ( ) 8. ANSWER ONLY IF SOMEONE IS APPLYING FOR AUXILIARY GRANTS AND IS BLIND OR DISABLED: Does this person have a work related expense? If YES, give amount and explain: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. RESOURCES Do not complete this section if you are applying only for TANF, TANF Emergency Assistance or General Relief-Unattached Child. For all other programs, answer the resource questions for everyone for whom you are applying. Include any resources jointly owned with someone else, even if that person does not live with you. List the names of all joint owners. After each joint owner’s name, list the percentage (%) of the resource owned by that person. TALK TO YOUR ELIGIBILITY WORKER IF YOU NEED HELP ANSWERING THESE QUESTIONS, INCLUDING THE PERCENTAGE OWNED. YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) 1. Cash on hand and not in a bank? If YES, list owner(s)__________________________________________________________________ Amount_________________________ 2. Checking account, savings or investment account, credit union account, Christmas Club account, CDs or money market account, individual development account, patient funds for people in a nursing facility or Assisted Living Facility, or special welfare fund account? List all accounts, even if there is no money in the account. If Yes to savings or investment account, has the savings account been set up to pay for school expenses, to make a down payment on a house, or to start a business? Check ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) If the savings account is to pay for school expenses, list the person(s) whose expenses will be paid ____________________________. If the savings or investment account is for another purpose, explain _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Owner(s) Type of Account Where Owner(s) Account # Type of Account Where Owner(s) Account # Type of Account Where Account # YES ( ) NO ( ) Is this resource used in your business, trade, or farming? YES ( ) NO ( ) Is this resource used in your business, trade, or farming? YES ( ) NO ( ) Is this resource used in your business, trade, or farming? Amount Date Acquired $ Amount Date Acquired $ Amount Date Acquired $ Page 7 YES ( ) NO ( ) Owner(s) Owner(s) 3. Stocks or bonds, trust funds, pension plans, retirement accounts, promissory notes, deeds of trust, mutual funds, IRAs, or annuities? Type of Account Where Amount $ Account # Type of Account Where Amount $ Account # Date Acquired Date Acquired YES ( ) NO ( ) 4. Has anyone sold, transferred, or given away any resources in the last 3 months if applying for SNAP benefits or he last 3 years, if applying for Auxiliary Grants? Property Transferred Value at Transfer Amount Received Explain Reason for Transfer From Whom? To Whom? $ Date Acquired $ Date Transferred Answer the questions below this point (5-10B) only if this is an application for Auxiliary Grants. YES ( ) NO ( ) Owner(s) 5. Burial plots, burial arrangement or trust funds for burial? Number of Plots, Type of Arrangement Where Value $ Date Acquired Amount Owed $ YES ( ) NO ( ) Owner(s) 6. Personal property, such as campers/trailers, non-motorized boats, utility trailers, tools, equipment, supplies, or livestock? Type YES ( ) NO ( ) Is this property Value $ necessary to your business, trade, or farming? Amount Owed $ YES ( ) NO ( ) Owner(s) 7. Real property, including life estates, land, buildings, or mobile homes? If YES, do you live there? Check ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) Type (Include number of acres) YES ( ) NO ( ) Currently rented Value $ YES ( ) NO ( ) Income producing YES ( ) NO ( ) Currently for sale Amount Owed $ YES ( ) NO ( ) Owner(s) 8. Licensed or unlicensed vehicles, such as cars, trucks, vans, motorboats, motor homes, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, or motorcycles/mopeds? Type of Vehicle: Year--Make--Model Currently Licensed? License # Value $ Explain How Vehicle Is Used Date Acquired Amount Owed $ Vehicle Id# YES ( ) NO ( ) Type Of Vehicle: Year-Make-Model CURRENTLY License # Value Explain How Vehicle Is Used Date Acquired LICENSED? $ Vehicle Id# Amount Owed YES ( ) NO ( ) $ Owner(s) YES ( ) NO ( ) PERSON(S) INSURED COMPANY NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE TYPE OF POLICY POLICY NUMBER OWNER(S) PERSON(S) INSURED COMPANY NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE TYPE OF POLICY POLICY NUMBER EXPLAIN Date Acquired 9. Life insurance policies? OWNER(S) YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) Date Acquired FACE VALUE $ FACE VALUE $ CASH VALUE $ CASH VALUE $ 10A. Does anyone expect to receive any money because of a legal suit involving personal injury or property damage? If YES, explain. 10B. Does anyone expect a change in resources this month or next month? If YES, explain and give date change is expected. DATE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED Page 8 D. SNAP (formerly FOOD STAMPS) 1. List the name of the person who is the head of your household for SNAP purposes ______________________________________________________________. YES ( ) NO ( ) 2. Would you like to name a representative who could apply for SNAP benefits for you, access your SNAP benefit account to buy food for you, or receive SNAP correspondence and notices for you? You may have only one representative who can access your benefits. You may fill in the name of your representative here or you may write a letter to identify a representative. Name, Address, Phone Number of Authorized Representative(s) Check ( ) Each Duty Authorized for the Representative 1 ( ) Apply for SNAP benefits ( ) Receive correspondence ( ) Receive SNAP benefits 2 ( ) Apply for SNAP benefits ( ) Receive correspondence ( ) Receive SNAP benefits YES ( ) NO ( ) 3. Is there anyone else living with you that you have NOT included on your SNAP application? If YES, do you and everyone for whom you are applying usually purchase and prepare meals apart from these people? Or, do you intend to do so if your application for SNAP benefits is approved? Check ( ) YES ( IF YES, list names: __________________________________________________________________________________________ ) NO ( ). YES ( ) NO ( ) 4. Is anyone living in your home a roomer or a boarder? If YES, list names: ______________________________________________________________________ YES ( ) NO ( ) 5. Is anyone age 60 or older, OR approved to receive Medicaid because of a disability, OR receiving any type of disability check? If YES, list all current medical expenses for these people. Include Medicare and other medical insurance premiums, medical and dental bills, psychotherapy, prescription drugs, eye glasses, dentures, hearing aids, transportation for medical services, nursing services, and any other medical bills. . Person with Expense Type of Expense AMOUNT Name, Address, Phone Number of Doctor, Hospital, Pharmacy $ $ YES ( ) NO ( ) 6. Does anyone have any of the shelter expenses listed below? Check () here if these expenses are for a house you do not live in. Reason for not living there__________________________________ Is someone else living there? YES ( ) NO ( ) If someone else lives there, does that person pay rent? YES ( ) NO ( ) Expenses Rent/mortgage Taxes Insurance Electricity Gas/ oil/Kerosene Coal/wood Water/sewer/ garbage Telephone Installation Amount billed $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ How often Who pays bill a. YES ( ) b. YES ( ) c. YES ( ) NO ( ) Do you have a heating or cooling expense for your home? If YES, what is the average amount for heating or cooling your home?______________. NO ( ) Did you receive energy/fuel assistance during this past year? NO ( ) Are you staying temporarily in someone else’s home, an emergency shelter, welfare hotel, other halfway house, or a place not usually used for sleeping? If YES, how much does it cost to stay there during the month?___________________________________ If you are staying temporarily in someone else’s home, tell us the date you moved there:_______________________________ Page 9 E. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE (ASK FOR AN EXTRA PAGE IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE) 2. PARENT’S STATUS (Not needed for Medicaid) 1. CHILD/PARENT INFORMATION List each child for whom you are applying. Then, list the names of both parents. 3. IMMUNIZATION (Not needed for Medicaid) (Answer only if applying for TANF and the child is not in school.) Check if either PARENT is: YOU MUST IDENTIFY BOTH PARENTS IN ORDER TO RECEIVE TANF. IF YOU INTENTIONALLY MISIDENTIFY A PARENT, YOU SHALL BE PROSECUTED Has the child received ALL of the immunizations required according to the child’s age? Check ( ) YES or NO or UNKNOWN UNEMPLOYED DISABLED DEAD ABSENT CHILD’S NAME YES ( ) NO ( ) UNKNOWN ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) UNKNOWN ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) UNKNOWN ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) UNKNOWN ( ) MOTHER FATHER CHILD’S NAME MOTHER FATHER CHILD’S NAME MOTHER FATHER CHILD’S NAME MOTHER FATHER TANF APPLICANTS: The diversionary assistance program was explained to me. The family cap provision was explained to me. YES ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) NO ( ) Page 10 F. TANF EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE YES ( ) NO ( ) 1. Have you or your family experienced a natural disaster or fire in the past 30 days? If YES, give date and explain _____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ YES ( ) NO ( ) 2. Does anyone have any emergency needs, such as clothing, repair or replacement of household equipment and supplies which were destroyed? Description and cause of emergency G. AUXILIARY GRANTS YES ( ) NO ( ) YES ( ) NO ( ) 1. Is the applicant living in an Assisted Living Facility, an Adult Foster Care Home, a Nursing Facility, or other institution? If YES, Date Applicant Entered_______________________ City\County and State Applicant lived before entering ____________________-_ If outside Virginia, was placement made by a government agency? YES ( ) NO ( ) 2. Do you have a spouse who does not live in the home? If YES, enter the Spouse’s Name and address _______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ YES ( ) NO ( ) 3. Have you lived in Virginia for the past 90 days? YES ( ) NO ( ) 4. Do you owe or did you pay any bills you had in the month of entry into an assisted living facility or adult foster care? Description of Bills YES ( ) NO ( ) Dates of Bills Dates Bills Paid 5. Do you own any household goods or personal effects worth more than $500, such as silver, fine china, furs, artwork, jewelry, or other items held for their value or as an investment? Description and Value of Items Page 11 CHANGE REPORTING AND PENALTIES (READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING THIS APPLICATION) REPORTING CHANGES You must report changes that occur. What you need to report and when you need to report it varies by each program as listed below. . SNAP: Report within 10 days, but no later than the 10th day of the month after the change occurs. Report these changes: Your household income goes over 130% of the Federal poverty level. See the Change Report or the Notice of Action for the amount. The number of work hours in a week goes under 20 for anyone who is 18-49 if there are no children in your household. TANF/Refugee Cash Assistance: Report within 10 days, but no later than the 10th day of the month after changes occur. Report these changes:. Your household income goes over 130% of the Federal poverty level. See the Change Report or the Notice of Action for amount. Your address changes. An eligible individual leaves or enters the home. Changes that may affect your participation in VIEW such as, changes in income, employment, education, training, transpotation, and child care. General Relief-Unattached Child: Report the day the change occurs or the first day that the agency is open after the change occurs. Report these changes: Your address changes. The amount of your monthly income changes. There are other changes that may affect eligibility. Auxiliary Grants: Report changes within 10 days. Report these changes: Your address changes. The amount of your monthly income changes. There are changes in your resources, including transferring assets/property or in any motor vehicles owned : PENALTIES FOR SNAP VIOLATIONS You must not give false information or hide information to get SNAP benefits. You must not trade or sell EBT cards. You must not use SNAP benefits to buy non-food items, such as alcohol, tobacco or paper products. You must not use someone else’s, EBT card for your household. If you intentionally break any of these rules you could be barred from getting SNAP benefits for 12 months (1st violation), 24 months (2nd violation), or permanently (3rd violation); subject to $250,000 fine, imprisoned up to 20 years, or both; and suspended for an additional 18 months and further prosecuted under other Federal and State laws. If you intentionally give false information or hide information about identity or residence to get SNAP benefits in more than one locality at the same time, you could be barred for 10 years. PENALTIES FOR TANF AND REFUGEE CASH ASSISTANCE (RCA) VIOLATIONS You must not knowingly give false information, hide information, or fail to report changes on time in order to receive TANF/RCA or to receive supportive or transitional services such as child care or assistance with transportation. If you are found guilty of intentionally breaking these rules, you will be ineligible to receive TANF/RCA for yourself for 6 months (1st violation), 12 months (2nd violation), or permanently (3rd violation). In addition, you may be prosecuted under Federal or State law. Anyone convicted of misrepresenting his or her residence to get TANF, Medicaid, SNAP benefits or SSI in two or more states is ineligible for TANF for 10 years. Anyone convicted of a drug-related felony for actions that occurred after August 22, 1996, could be barred permanently. If you are convicted in court of trading or selling SNAP benefits of $500.00 or more, you could be barred permanently. If you are convicted in court of trading SNAP benefits for a controlled substance, you could be barred for 24 months for the 1st violation, permanently for the 2nd violation. If you are convicted in court of trading SNAP benefits for firearms, ammunition, or explosives, you could be barred permanently for the first violation. INFORMATION ABOUT THE DIVISION OF CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT (DCSE) In order to receive TANF, you are required to assign all of your rights to financial support paid to you and to everyone else for whom you are receiving TANF. After your case is approved, you must give any support payments you receive to DCSE. . Page 12 BY MY SIGNATURE BELOW, I DECLARE: I read the information in the GENERAL INFORMATION and the YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES sections of this application. I understand that if I refuse to cooperate with any review of my eligibility including review by Quality Assurance, my benefits may be denied until I cooperate. I understand that if my application is for SNAP benefits, failure to report or verify any of my expenses will be seen as a statement by my household that I do not want to receive a deduction for these expenses. I have given true and correct information on this application to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that if I give false information, withhold information, or fail to report a change promptly or on purpose, I may be breaking the law and could be prosecuted for perjury, larceny, and/or welfare fraud. I understand that if I help someone complete this form so as to get benefits he or she is not entitled to receive, I may be breaking the law and could be prosecuted. I authorize the Department of Social Services and refugee service contractors to obtain any verification necessary to both determine and review financial assistance eligibility. This authorization is valid for one year from the date of my signature below. I understand that this time limit does not apply as long as my medical assistance case is open or to investigations regarding possible fraud. I understand that different state agencies provide different services and benefits. Each agency must have specific information to determine eligibility services and benefits. I allow I do not allow the Department of Social Services to disclose certain information about me to other state agencies, including information in electronic databases, for the purpose of determining my eligibility for benefits/services provided by that agency. This disclosure will make it easier for agencies to work together efficiently to provide or coordinate services and benefits. Agencies include, but are not limited to, the Department of Health, the Department for the Aging, the Department of Rehabilitative Services and the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. I can withdraw this authorization at any time by notifying my eligibility worker. I filled in this application myself. YES ( ) NO ( ) Applicant’s or Authorized Representative’s Signature or Mark Date Witness To Mark Or Interpreter Date If NO, it was read back to me when completed. YES ( ) Spouse’s or Authorized Representative’s Signature or Mark (Not Needed for Snap)) Complete the box below if this application was completed for the applicant by someone else. Name of Person Completing Application Date Address Phone Number (Home) (Other) NO ( ) Realationship to Applicant Date VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES APPLICATION FOR BENEFITS 3/14 VOLUME V, PART XXIV, PAGE 17 APPLICATION FOR BENEFITS FORM NUMBER - 032-03-0824 PURPOSE OF FORM - To record a household's request for assistance and to provide information about the current situation needed to determine eligibility. NUMBER OF COPIES - One. DISPOSITION OF FORM - The application is to be completed by or on behalf of the applying household. The completed application may be mailed to the agency or completed at the agency prior to or during an interview. The completed application is to be filed in the eligibility case record. The application must be retained for a minimum of three years. The application may be used to apply for benefits of other programs if assistance is requested within three months of the original filing date. The date of the application in this instance is the date of the secondary request. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF FORM - General instructions appear of the form for completion. If changes need to be made after the application is completed, the applicant should write the revised information near the original entry. The applicant must initial and date the changes. Except for agency-use sections, eligibility workers may not add to or write on a completed application. TRANSMITTAL #14 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) KNOW YOUR RIGHTS WHEN APPLYING FOR SNAP Benefits If you are interested in applying for SNAP benefits, here is information you need to know: Persons applying for SNAP benefits must file an application by submitting the application form to the Department of Social Services in the county or city where they live. Submit the application either in person, through an authorized representative, online at https://commonhelp.virginia.gov/access/, by fax, or by mail. You have the right to file an application on the same day you contact the Department of Social Services in your locality. The address and hours of the office are shown at the bottom of this notice. Your application may be submitted any time during office hours. You may come to the office to pick up an application any time during office hours, or the agency can mail you an application on the same day you request it. If your resources and income are very low ($100 in resources and $150 in income), or you are a migrant or seasonal farm worker, or your combines gross monthly income and resources are less than your family’s shelter expenses, you may be eligible for expedited service. This means that if you are eligible, you are entitled to receive benefits within 7 days following the date your application is filed at the local social services department. Your Application will be reviewed on the day it is received for possible eligibility for expedited service. You have the right to file an application even if you appear to be ineligible for the program. You or a designated authorized representative may file an incomplete application as long as it contains a name, address, and signature of a responsible household member or properly designated authorized representative. The agency has 30 days to process your application (7days, if expedited). The 30-day (or 7-day, if expedited) processing time begins the day after the application is received at the office. Additionally, your SNAP benefits for the month of application will be prorated from the date of application if you are found eligible. If your case is approved, you must receive your benefits within 30 days following the date of application (or 7 days, if expedited) As part of the SNAP application process, you must have an interview before you are certified. The interview is not necessary before you file the application. The interview may be held in the office or by telephone. SNAP has separate rules and processes from other programs. You should apply for SNAP benefits even if there are limitations on receiving benefits for other programs. YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY FOR SNAP BENEFITS THE SAME DAY YOU CONTACT THE AGENCY FOR ASSISTANCE. AGENCY NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: OFFICE HOURS: SNAP is administered without regard to age, race, color, sex, disability, religion, national origin, or political beliefs. The Virginia Department of Social Services is an equal opportunity provider. 032-03-0821-05-eng (9/13) VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 10/09 APPLICANT RIGHTS FLYER VOLUME V, PART XXIV, PAGE 39 KNOW YOUR RIGHTS WHEN APPLYING FOR SNAP BENEFITS FORM NUMBER - 032-03-0821 PURPOSE OF FORM - To consolidate information the local agency must share with an applicant for SNAP benefits. The form is optional. USE OF FORM - May be given to applicants requesting SNAP information instead of a verbal explanation of applicants' rights. The agency must advise applicants that the form is a listing of program rights. The agency must also ensure that the applicant is able to read the form in English and comprehend it. NUMBER OF COPIES - One. DISPOSITION OF FORM - The flyer may be given to applicants inquiring about SNAP benefits. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF FORM - Complete the identifying information at the bottom of the form, supplying the local agency's name, address, telephone number, and office hours. TRANSMITTAL #1 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Social Services REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE --- ADAPT --- COMPLETING THE REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE If you need help completing this Request for Assistance, a friend or relative or your eligibility worker may help you. If you are completing this Request for someone else, answer each question as if you were that person. If you need to change an answer or make a correction, write the correct information nearby and put your initials and date next to the change. If more than 6 people are living in your home and you need more space to list everyone, tell the agency you need extra pages. GENERAL INFORMATION EXPEDITED SERVICE FOR SNAP BENEFITS This Request for Assistance is the first part of the application process and protects your application date. You must also complete the second part of the application process by (1) having an interview, or (2) completing an Application for Benefits form, or another appropriate application. Your household may qualify for Expedited Service and receive SNAP benefits within 7 days if you are eligible and your gross monthly income is less than $150 and liquid resources are $100 or less; or your monthly shelter bills are higher than your household’s gross monthly income plus your liquid resources; or your household is a migrant or seasonal farm worker household with little or no income and resources. GIVE THE INFORMATION REQUESTED IN THE BOXES BELOW SO YOUR ELIGIBILITY FOR EXPEDITED SERVICE MAY BE DETERMINED. With this Request for Assistance, you may begin the application process for one or more of the following assistance programs. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) TANF Emergency Assistance Refugee Cash Assistance General Relief – Unattached Child COMPLETE AND ACCURATE INFORMATION You must give complete, accurate, and truthful information. If you refuse to give needed information, we may not be able to determine your eligibility for assistance. Information regarding your race is not required. However, if you decide not to give this information, your worker will complete that section. If you knowingly give false, incorrect or incomplete information, or fail to report changes, you could lose your benefits and be arrested, prosecuted, fined and/or imprisoned. If you knowingly give false, incorrect, or incomplete information in order to help someone else receive benefits, you could be arrested and prosecuted for fraud.. You must also provide required verifications. $_____________ Total cash, money in checking/savings accounts, CDs $_____________ Total rent or mortgage for this month $_____________ Utility expenses for this month Which utilities do you pay? (check all that apply) $_____________ Heat Water Lights Sewer Telephone Garbage Electricity for Air Conditioning Other Is anyone in your household a migrant or seasonal farm worker? YES ( ) NO ( ) FILING A REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE You may turn in a partially completed Request for Assistance which contains at least your name, address, and signature (or the signature of your authorized representative), but you must complete the rest of the application process before your eligibility can be determined. For some programs, you must also be interviewed, but you may turn in your Request for Assistance before your interview. NAME DATE OF BIRTH ADDRESS SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER You may return your Request for Assistance by mail, fax, or in person. If you return the form in person, you may turn it in any time during office hours the same day you contact your local social services agency. You have the right to file your Request for Assistance, even if it looks like you may not be eligible for benefits. 032-03-0875-15-eng (9/13) Total income received/expected this month before deductions SIGNATURE 1 DATE VERIFICATION AND USE OF INFORMATION NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT (continued) Information you give on this application, including Social Security numbers (SSN), may be matched against federal, state, and local records. These records include: Virginia Employment Commission Internal Revenue Service Department of Motor Vehicles U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Social Security Administration Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8338, or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). For any other information dealing with SNAP issues, persons should either contact the USDA SNAP Hotline Number at (800) 221-5689, which is also in Spanish or call the State Information Hotline Numbers (click the link for a listing of hotline numbers by State); found online at http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/ contact_info/hotline.htm. Any difference between the information you give and these records will be investigated. Information from these records may affect your eligibility and benefit amount. Information may be used to: determine the correctness, accuracy, and truthfulness of the application: verify your identity and citizenship; verify wages and salary, unemployment benefits, and unearned income, such as Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits; verify quarters of coverage under Social Security for an alien, or to verify the status of aliens; prevent receipt of benefits from more than one social service agency at the same time; make required program changes; allow disclosure for official examination and to law enforcement officials to assist in apprehending persons fleeing to avoid the law; or assist in SNAP or TANF claims collection actions. To file a complaint of discrimination regarding a program receiving Federal financial assistance through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), write: HHS Director, Office for Civil Rights, Room 515-F, 200 Independence Avenue, S. W , Washington, D.C. 20201 or call (202) 619-0403 (voice) or (800) 537-7697 (TTY). USDA and HHS are equal opportunity providers and employers. AGENCY USE ONLY EXPEDITED SERVICE DETERMINATION NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT This institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex and in some cases religion and political beliefs. Screener: _______________________ The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) also prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by Department. Not all prohibited based will apply to all program and/or employment activities. Date: ____________ Income < $150 + resources ≤ $100 YES ( ) NO ( ) Income + resources < shelter bills YES ( ) NO ( ) For migrants or seasonal farm workers: • If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination with USDA, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at [email protected]. • Resources ≤ $100 and ≤ $25 is expected in next 10 days from new income: YES ( ) NO ( ) OR Resources ≤ $100 and $0 income is expected from a terminated source for the rest of this month or next month YES ( ) NO ( ) EXPEDITE IF YES TO ANY OF THE ABOVE 2 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Social Services REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE --- ADAPT --- Case Name AGENCY USE ONLY Date Received Program(s) Registration Number Application Type Locality Caseload Number Worker Case Number(s) DATE OF INTERVIEW In office Telephone 1. Applicant’s Name Phone Number (Home/Messages) E-mail Address (if you would like to receive electronic messages) (Work/Other) Residence Address (Include City, State and Zip) Mailing Address (If Different) 2. Check () your household’s primary language: 3. LIST EVERYONE LIVING IN YOUR HOME even if you are not requesting assistance for that person. List yourself on the first line. If you are married, list your spouse on the second line. Then list everyone else. Provide the information requested for each person listed. Check () type of assistance requested for each person. If no assistance is requested, check NONE for that person. You do not have to provide the Social Security Number and Alien Registration Number for any individual unless you are applying for assistance for that person. Please note that an application for TANF will also be an application for SNAP (food stamps). Check TANF - No SNAP if you do not want to apply for SNAP benefits. Social Security Number ) Vietnamese ( ) French ( ) Farsi ) German ( ) Chinese ( ) Haitian-Creole ) Other_____________________________________ Alien Registration Number 1 Hispanic/ Latino 2 Not Hispanic/ Latino (Your Name) (Your Spouse’s Name, if married) 3 This Person’s Relationshi p To You None Date of Birth ( ( ( Refugee Cash Assistance 1- White 2- Black/African American 3- American Indian/ Alaska Native 4- Asian 5- Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander Ethnicity (Not required) ) Cambodian ) Japanese ) Laotian TANF Emergency Assistance Race (Not required) Select all that apply ( ( ( General Relief – Unattached Child Sex M/F ) Spanish ) Arabic ) Korean TANF - No SNAP Name Last Suffix (Jr., Sr.) ( ( ( TANF Mi ) English ) Kurdish ) Somali SNAP (food stamps) First ( ( ( Agency Use Only Client Id 4. YES ( ) NO ( ) Have you or anyone for whom you are applying ever applied for or received or are currently receiving any benefits from a social services agency, including SNAP (food stamps), TANF, Medicaid, General Relief, Auxiliary Grants, Foster Care, Adoption Assistance, Refugee Cash or Medical Assistance? Person Who Applied for or Received Benefits Under What Case Name Type of Benefits Received When From What County or City or State 5. YES ( ) NO ( ) Does anyone have any of the following emergencies? If YES, check () the type of emergency and explain the cause. ( ) Food ( ) Shelter ( ) Clothing ( ) Other Emergency_____________________________________________________ Cause: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. YES ( ) NO ( ) Is there anything you would like to talk about with a service worker? This could include concerns about your children, school problems, child care needs, family planning, family violence, referrals to other community organizations, or other problems or concerns. If YES, explain. Explain: BY MY SIGNATURE BELOW I DECLARE, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THAT THE INFORMATION PRESENTED HERE IS CORRECT AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. I understand: All of the information in the GENERAL INFORMATION Section on pages 1 and 2. If I give false, incorrect, or incomplete information, I may be breaking the law and could be prosecuted for perjury, larceny, or welfare fraud. If I helped someone else complete this form so as to get benefits he or she is not entitled to receive, I may be breaking the law and could be prosecuted. I understand that different state agencies provide different services and benefits. Each agency must have specific information to determine eligibility services and benefits. I allow I do not allow the Department of Social Services to disclose certain information about me to other state agencies, including information in electronic databases, for the purpose of determining my eligibility for benefits/services provided by that agency. This disclosure will make it easier for agencies to work together efficiently to provide or coordinate services and benefits. Agencies include, but are not limited to, the Department of Health, the Department for the Aging, the Department of Rehabilitative Services and the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. I can withdraw this authorization at any time by notifying my eligibility worker. I filled in this Request for Assistance myself. YES ( ) NO ( ) Applicant or authorized representative’s signature or mark If NO, it was read back to me when completed. Date Witness to mark or interpreter Complete the box below if this request for assistance was completed for the applicant by someone else: Name of person completing the application Date Address Phone number (Home) (Work) Relationship to applicant YES ( ) NO ( ) Date
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