Information & Training Manual Eye Health Get involved with LEHP-Australia

LEHP - Australia
Lions Eye Health Program
Information &
Training Manual
Get involved with LEHP-Australia
Last updated April 2014
Last updated January 2014
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Contact Details
LEHP-Australia Resources
How to Utilise the Resources
LEHP-Australia Presentations
Sample Presentation Script
District Convention
District Newsletters
Share your Stories
Resource Order Form
We take sight for granted – until WE are directly
affected by eye disease.
PO Box 433 Wahroonga, NSW 2076, 1800 010 234; [email protected];
Through LEHP-Australia Lions are working with their communities to reduce the impact
and incidence of vision loss.
Did you know that…….
• Nearly 575,000 Australians are vision impaired in both eyes.
• This could increase to 800,000 by 2024.
• Three quarters of vision impairment is either avoidable or treatable.
There are many Lions who believe strongly in the LEHP-Australia program and who are
willing to help spread our important eye health message. Some just don’t know where
to start, what resources are available and how to go about it.
This ‘Information and Training Manual’ has been developed to guide LEHP District
Chairpersons, Zone Chairmen and Ambassadors on how to become involved in LEHPAustralia and join the fight against preventable vision loss and blindness.
Every person we reach who is a candidate for preventable eye disease is another
person who will be able to enjoy a better quality of life…because Lions cared.
Thank you for getting involved and making a difference for individuals in your club,
district and community.
PO Box 433 Wahroonga, NSW 2076, 1800 010 234; [email protected];
Contact Details
LEHP-Australia National Office
Address: PO Box 433 Wahroonga NSW 2076
Phone: 1800 010 234
Email: [email protected]
National Program Manager: Ms Leah Evans
LEHP-Australia Management Committee
National Chairman & Q Districts
Coordinator - PDG Roley McAtee
Phone: 07 3353 2410
Mobile: 0419 878 499
Email: [email protected]
Deputy Chairman & V Districts
Coordinator – PDG Shirley Higman
Phone: 03 5629 9532
Email: [email protected]
National Treasurer & Appointee V2
District – PDG Bill Duncanson
Phone: 03 5593 2788
Email: [email protected]
C Districts Coordinator – PDG Mick Millar
Phone: (08) 8386 3635
Email: [email protected]
N Districts Coordinator - PDG Ken Bowden
Phone: 02 4655 1578
Email: [email protected]
W Districts Coordinator - Kevin Barratt
Phone: 08 9390 6408
Email: [email protected]
Co-opted Member - PDG Beryl Payne
Phone: 02 4588 5323
Email: [email protected]
Co-opted Member - Carol Smith
Phone: 03 5799 1970
Email: [email protected]
Appointee V2 Cabinet - John Emerson
Phone: 03 5259 1859
Email: [email protected]
Appointee V3 Cabinet - position vacant
Appointee V3 Cabinet - Rod Jackson
Phone: 03 5662 4151
Email: [email protected]
T Districts Coordinator – John Medwin
Phone: 03 6433 0659
Email: [email protected]
PO Box 433 Wahroonga, NSW 2076, 1800 010 234; [email protected];
LEHP-Australia Resources
LEHP-Australia has developed a variety of resources which are aimed at educating
communities about avoidable vision loss and the importance of regular eye
LEHP-Australia resources are free of charge to all participating clubs For further
information on becoming a participating club please refer to page 13 of this document.
Resource Order Forms can be found:• At the back of this manual
• LEHP-Australia website:;
• National Program Manager: Ph: 1800 010 234; Email: [email protected]
Brochures are available on the topics of Glaucoma, Diabetic
Retinopathy and Age-related Macular Degeneration.
Available in 8 different languages; English, Arabic, Chinese, Vietnamese,
Greek, Spanish, Italian and Turkish.
Lions Care about Eye Care
10 things you need to know
Over the age of 40? You are at risk of vision loss
Do you have Diabetes? You are at risk of vision loss
Family history of Glaucoma? You are at risk of vision loss
You may be unaware the irreversible damage is currently happening at the
back of your eyes.
5. The only way to find out is by having an eye examination by an optometrist.
6. Eye examinations need to be conducted every 2 years and are funded by Medicare.
7. Getting a stronger pair of glasses from the chemist is not the answer!
8. Thinking it won’t happen to you is not the answer!
9. Vision loss is not an inevitable part of ageing! 75% of vision loss is avoidable!
10. In many cases, once vision is lost it cannot be restored.
10 things you need to
know about Eye Care
Stop Making Excuses. Save Your Sight!
T: 1800 010 234
Get Tested!
Three sticker designs
Eye Active
Have an eye examination today and every 2 years
LEHP - Australia
Lions Eye Health Program
LEHP - Australia
Lions Eye Health Program
Be Wise
Save Your Eyes
Phone: 1800 010 234
Professional voice-over.
10 minutes in duration
Six step checklist for clubs
on how to get involved
Play the LEHP video at your next club meeting
New content, professional voice-over, 10 minutes, USB or DVD
Share LEHP brochures with family
Distribute LEHP brochure amongst your own family and friends
Put up LEHP posters
Place LEHP posters in prominent community areas
LEHP brochures in waiting rooms
Plus 2 dramatised videos
Visit local medical centres and optometrists and stock LEHP
brochures in their waiting rooms
Distribute LEHP brochures to the community
Hand out LEHP brochure to your community when next conducting
sausage sizzle, driver reviver or raffle
Send LEHP manager photos and stories
As you are ticking off your checklist. Take photos and send to LEHP
Program Manager
LEHP resources are free of charge! Order for your Club today!
Send completed resource forms to:
PO Box 433 Wahroonga NSW 2076
T: 1800 010 234 E: [email protected]
A3 posters on Glaucoma, Diabetic Retinopathy,
AMD and Be Wise Save Your Eyes.
Available in 8 languages
Simulation glasses
Available in Glaucoma,
Diabetic Retinopathy and
TV and Radio Commercial
LEHP-Australia has developed a 30sec TV
and 30 sec radio advertisement.
PO Box 433 Wahroonga, NSW 2076, 1800 010 234; [email protected];
How to use the Resources
At Clubs
Present eye active checklist to clubs and challenge them to get involved.
Hand out LEHP-Australia brochures when conducting other Lions
Have a stock of brochures available for distribution when conducting - sausage sizzles,
raffles, spinning wheels, manning a gate, driver reviver stations, fund raising and social
Stock Piles at Local Medical Practices
Ensure waiting rooms and information racks are stocked with LEHP-Australia brochures:
Doctors, Dentists, Optometrists, Local Governments / Shires Offices and Libraries,
Pharmacies and other Local Health Care Providers.
Shop windows and Community notice boards
Place LEHP posters up in prominent community shop windows and community notice
Local Activities and Events
Utilise local events such as Fetes, Fairs, Race Days, Expos, Information Nights, Field
Days, Agricultural / Pastoral Shows and various other Health Awareness Events.
Contact the local organisers and seek permission to set up a stall, display posters or
simply distribute information at the local event.
Set up an Information Stand
Set up a table in front of your local supermarket, within a shopping centre or any other
busy community area and hand out LEHP-Australia brochures to passers by.
Local Media
All TV and radio stations are required to run a certain quota of community service
notices free of charge. Contact your local TV networks and radio stations and request
the LEHP advertisements be added to their community service play list.
These are just a few examples. Be as creative as possible. Call upon your fellow
Lions for assistance and support in their local communities.
PO Box 433 Wahroonga, NSW 2076, 1800 010 234; [email protected];
LEHP-Australia Presentations
LEHP-Australia has available a 10 minute voice over presentation and 2 dramatised
videos. They are available in a DVD or USB format. The LEHP presentations enable
you to conduct an ‘Eye Health Information Night’ at the push of a button.
Where to conduct a presentation
At your own Club
Play the LEHP-Australia DVD at your own club first. Many clubs have found that at least
one of their members will have Diabetes or Macular Degeneration and one or more
will have Glaucoma.
Other Lions Clubs
Contact fellow Lions from surrounding clubs and ask if they would like someone to
conduct a presentation. Alternatively provide them with resources in order to facilitate
their own information night.
Local Community Groups
Contact, and seek invitations from other Service Clubs, Sporting Clubs, Church Groups,
Civic and Cultural Groups. For example:
• Service Clubs: Rotary, Apex, Quota, Zonta, Kiwanis.
• Social Clubs: Probus, Senior Citizens, Retired Professional Associations.
• Church Groups: Mens and Ladies Fellowships, Choral and Drama groups,
Congregational Dinners.
• Community Organisations: RSL, U3A, Historical and Musical Societies, Country
Women’s Association.
• Associations: Sporting Clubs, Legacy Groups, Stroke, Cancer, Cardiac and other
debilitating illness support groups.
LEHP-Australia presentations can be found:
• Website -;
• National Program Manager - Ph: 1800 010 234 or Email: [email protected]
LEHP Ambassadors have been trained specifically to conduct information sessions. If you
require assistance with coordinating or running an information night, get in contact with a
LEHP Ambassador near you. Contact details of LEHP Ambassadors can be found at our
website or by contacting our National Program Manager.
PO Box 433 Wahroonga, NSW 2076, 1800 010 234; [email protected];
Sample Presentation Script
The resources LEHP-Australia has developed enable you to conduct a presentation with
the greatest of ease.
Our presentations and videos tell the story. You can conduct an entire Information Night
using a push of a button.
However, a presentation can be enhanced when visual and audio information is
interspersed with a human face, an individual relating and speaking directly to an
The following information provides you with a general script to add some personality
to your presentation and reinforce pertinent eye health messages.
The script is basic in its form, we encourage you to use it as a guide only, utilise your
own style, stories and experiences.
Opening remarks
Thank you for the kind invitation. I hope that after tonight’s presentation you are
well informed about preventable eye disease and the important role regular eye
examinations play in preserving sight.
People often take sight for granted, and don’t act until vision is already impaired.
Did you know that nearly 575,000 Australians are vision impaired in both eyes and
that three quarters of vision impairment is either avoidable or treatable.
LEHP-Australia aims to reduce the number of individuals affected by eye disease. We
do this through a community education program which encourages individuals with
certain risk factors or individuals over a certain age to seek regular, comprehensive
eye examinations.
The eye diseases which are covered in the program are those which are most prevalent
in people over the age of 50 years, Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma and Age-related
Macular Degeneration (AMD). The program also includes Low Vision and its effects on
individuals and the community.
PO Box 433 Wahroonga, NSW 2076, 1800 010 234; [email protected];
I now want to share with you a narrated powerpoint presentation which highlights the
prevalence of eye disease within Australia, the associated risk factors, preventative
measures and how you can fight against vision loss and blindness.
• Play the ‘LEHP in Action’ powerpoint presentation
Note: There are two versions of the presentation dependant on whether you are
speaking to Lions or the general community
Following on from the first presentation
Ask for participants thoughts’ and feedback regarding the information which has been
Time permitting, now show the 2 (dramatised) video presentations on
diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.
In order to give you a more personalized view on the specific conditions of diabetic
retinopathy and glaucoma I would like to show two short videos, each 6 minutes in
• Play the ‘don’t let glaucoma narrow your vision’ video
• Play the ‘save your eyes - diabetic retinopathy’ video
Again, ask for participants thoughts and feedback regarding the information which has
been presented. Encourage individuals to share their stories and experiences.
Approach to questions raised
In fielding any questions, keep it simple. Avoid getting into deep discussion on technical
issues. Remind your audience that Lions’ primary objective is to enhance public
awareness so that people at risk can take the next step and have eye examinations.
Their optometrist or ophthalmologist are the best avenue for individual and technical
questions. Their GP can also be a good source for further information.
PO Box 433 Wahroonga, NSW 2076, 1800 010 234; [email protected];
Concluding remarks
Thank you again for the kind invitation to be able to speak with you this today/this
evening. This is a topic I am passionate about. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and
enthusiasm on preventable vision loss and blindness.
I hope the presentations have been insightful and that you have been able to take
away some valuable information.
For Lions Clubs only
Encourage Lions Club members to get involved in the program. Explain that the LEHPAustralia National Office is available to assist them with resources and information
to help spread the message within their communities.
The LEHP-Australia program is low cost and can be easily implemented within
existing Lions activities. A small amount of effort on their behalf can have a life
altering affect for someone else.
For other organizations and the general community
Encourage those in attendance to share the information which they have learned
with their family members and friends.
Most importantly stress the importance of regular eye examinations.
Extend your wishes to the group.
Distribute copies of the LEHP brochures to all in attendance.
PO Box 433 Wahroonga, NSW 2076, 1800 010 234; [email protected];
District Conventions
Information Booth
District Conventions are a great opportunity for promoting the LEHP-Australia program
amongst the Lions family.
Work with your LEHP-Australia District Chair and conduct an Information Booth at your
District Convention.
Materials Required
• LEHP pull up banner
LEHP Posters
• Power Supply
10 Things to know flyers
• Laptop Computer or TV and DVD
(to run the LEHP information DVD)
Simulation glasses
Presentation DVD/USB
Resource Order Forms
Get involved with LEHP-Australia Handout
LEHP-Australia Speakers
Members of the LEHP-Australia Committee are available to come and speak during
conventions. Speak with your District Convention organizers. If you are able to secure a
speaking position contact the National Program Manager, who will help to coordinate
an appropriate guest speaker.
PO Box 433 Wahroonga, NSW 2076, 1800 010 234; [email protected];
District Newsletters
District Newsletters are a great means of educating your fellow Lions about LEHPAustralia.
Submit articles, stories, photographs about LEHP-Australia into your District newsletter
as frequently as possible.
Ideas for articles:
Upcoming activities
Photographs and summaries of recent activities
Individual success stories
Eye health messages / latest research and information
The LEHP-Australia National Program Manager can help you with
ideas and information.
Three examples of articles which have been submitted in past newsletters are shown
Example 2
Example 1
Successful LEHP information night
How LEHP-Australia helped the
local school bus driver.
LEHPAustralia Challenge
participation in the visual acuity
test, Doug recorded a 6/15 reading.
A visual acuity of 6/12 is what is
considered a desirable and safe
level of vision for driving a motor
vehicle. Lion Doug is employed as
a local school bus driver.
His participation in the LEHP
program, promoted an immediate
and comprehensive eye examination
with his local Optometrist which
subsequently revealed that Doug
had cataracts in both eyes. After
undergoing surgery to remove the
cataracts he now regularly uses low
prescription strength spectacles.
Over 100 people attended the V5 Zone II Lions Eye Health Program
Information Night held at Brighton Town Hall staged in association
with Bayside City Council and participating Lions Clubs (Bayside
Business, Beaumaris, Brighton, Chelsea, Moorabbin, MordiallocMentone and Sandringham).
With guest speakers from the Centre for Eye Research Australia,
Vision Australia and the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute the
evening provided a wealth of valuable eye-health information.
The key message from all speakers was the reiteration that regular
eye examinations are the key to preserving our sight.
Example 3
Did you know that…….
Nearly 575,000 Australians are vision impaired in both eyes.
This could increase to 800,000 by 2024.
Three quarters of vision impairment is either preventable or
When did you last have your eye checked?
PO Box 433 Wahroonga, NSW 2076, 1800 010 234; [email protected];
Share your Stories
The National Program Manager is available to support your needs in spreading the
LEHP-Australia message within your district and local community.
It is important to keep regular and open lines of communication.
Please send stories, photographs, summaries or any other relevant information
regarding your LEHP-Australia activity. No Information is too trivial.
With the sharing of ideas, stories and information, the National Program Manager can
play a pivotal role in helping you deliver the program.
Participating Clubs
LEHP-Australia is a ‘category B’ project funded by the Lions, Lioness and Leo Clubs
of Australia. To continue the funding of the program, voluntary club participation is
calculated at only $4 per member per annum, which entitles you to an extensive range
of resource materials (refer to page 5). For a participating club registration form
please log onto our website or contact the National Program Manager.
Spread the LEHP-Australia message and join the fight
against avoidable vision loss & blindness.
PO Box 433 Wahroonga, NSW 2076, 1800 010 234; [email protected];
Resource Order Form
LEHP resources are free to all
participating clubs
Town………………………………………………………State…………….………………..Post Code………..……………..
Daytime phone number…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Hard Copy Resources
Please circle the languages you require
DL Brochure
(in packs of 100)
A4 Flyers
A3 Posters
Diabetic Retinopathy
Age-Related Macular
Low Vision
Owl Promotion
Other resources
LEHP Videos
4 presentations
Please nominate DVD
or USB format
2 video presentations
Set of 3
Dr Bob Coulthard
Striped Tie
Scattered Logo Tie
Ladies Scarf
LEHP Badge
LEHP Stickers
Be wise save your eyes
Over 40? Get tested
Your Eyes Your Focus
Signed: ………………………………………...…………..……….. Date: …………………………………….
Please send completed form to:
Lions Eye Health Program – Australia
PO Box 433 Wahroonga NSW 2076
Ph: 1800 010 234
Email: [email protected]
Locked Bag 8, East Melbourne, VIC 8002, 1800 010 234; [email protected];