Lower School & Middle School Parent & Student Manual 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual Table of Contents Introduction About this Guide 5 About our School 5 Our Mission 5 Our Philosophy of Education 6 Board of Directors: 2014-2015 7 Administration7 Accreditation 8 Parent Involvement Student Records 9 Conferences9 Weekly Communications 9 Adjustment to School 10 Field Trips 11 Birthdays11 Parties11 Volunteer Opportunities 12 Fundraising12 Materials Distribution 13 Admissions Admission and Dismissal Class Placement Change in Registration Tuition Payments 14 14 14 15 Attendance Daily Schedule Morning Schedule Afternoon Pick-Up 2014-2015 16 16 16 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • ii K-7 Parent & Student Manual Tardiness17 Scheduling Appointments 17 Absences17 Extended Absence/Travel 17 Academic Policies Academic Guidelines 18 Homework18 Binders18 Assignment Sheets (Grades 2-3) 19 Agendas (Grades 4-7) 19 Missing Work Alert 19 Study Hall 19 Make-up Work 20 S.H.O.T (Study Hall Organization Time) 20 Grading21 Report Cards 21 Grades Online 21 Standardized Testing 22 Middle School Semester Test 22 Health Illness at School 23 Medicines24 Notification of Injuries 25 Health Screenings 25 Body Awareness 25 Guidance and Counseling 26 Child Nutrition Program 26 Food & Nut Allergies 26 Bringing Treats 26 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • iii K-7 Parent & Student Manual Safety School Entry/Acess 27 Visitors27 Release of Students 27 Access to Student Records 28 Fire/Tornado/Lockdown28 Screening of Employees 28 Abuse Reporting 28 Interviews by DHS and Other Agencies 29 Student Conduct Discipline Policies 30 School Property 31 Lockers31 Proper Attire 31 Personal Hygiene 32 School Phone 32 General Student Council Snow Days Lost & Found Messages & Gifts 33 33 33 33 Acceptable Use of Technology Student Acceptable Use of Technology Policy 2014-2015 37 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • iv Introduction Introduction About this Guide The New School staff is pleased to welcome you to our school. We have provided this guide to give parents a clear understanding of the policies and procedures of our school. It is our request that each parent and student carefully read this booklet and comply with our policies in order to help keep our school running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. If you have any questions, or need clarification on a New School policy, please don’t hesitate to call us at 479-521-7037. Your Signature: After you and your student read through this manual, please sign the form included on the last page of this manual and return it to your child’s teacher. About our School The New School was founded as a non-profit corporation in 1971 by a group of parents, teachers, and other Fayetteville residents who wished to establish a Nursery School and Kindergarten program that would offer the best possible educational advantages for young children. In 1991, the Board of Trustees approved an expansion of our program to include elementary grades, and in 2001, the Board of Trustees approved another expansion of our program to include middle school. The New School is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees consisting of current and former New School parents. The Board takes ultimate responsibility for the fiscal management of our organization and, through their efforts each year, they insure that The New School has sufficient financial resources to support and enhance the quality of our programs and facilities. Our Mission The New School, an independent school, is dedicated to inspiring a love of learning and empowering students to reach their potential for academic achievement, creativity, and citizenship. The New School is committed to: • Building confidence and a positive sense of self in every child • Instilling respect for others, beginning with a respect for oneself • Creating an environment that encourages inquiry and initiative • Partnering teachers and parents in the educational process • Maintaining a low student-teacher ratio • Providing enrichment and discovery beyond the traditional curriculum • Setting academic standards that challenge each student to excel • Supporting and developing the highest quality of professional staff 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 5 Introduction Our Philosophy of Education At The New School, we believe that a school should inspire a love of learning while promoting children’s social growth, emotional growth, intellectual development, and creativity. We believe that children learn best in a positive environment with careful direction and guidance from teachers who demonstrate caring and concern for each child. We believe that a school should encourage exploration and inquiry in an environment enriched with opportunities in the arts and sciences, and we believe that a school’s instructional programs should insure that students reach their full potential for academic achievement. To achieve these goals, The New School is committed to selecting outstanding teachers and supporting them with the highest quality of professional development. We believe that an early childhood education program should provide the best possible care and educational experiences for young children. We strive to maintain an atmosphere in which children can feel safe, accepted, and loved. For our youngest learners, we strive to stimulate intellectual development by providing opportunities for exploration and discovery as well as teacher-directed activities that accommodate different attention spans, interest levels, and learning styles. We work to help children develop positive patterns of interaction with others, an excitement about learning, and a strong sense of self-confidence. In elementary and middle school, we endeavor to ensure that every student experiences academic success. With small classes and even smaller instructional groups, teachers carefully monitor each student’s progress and ensure that students strive for the highest level of achievement appropriate for each child. The New School grading system supports competence in all academic subjects while arts and enrichment activities broaden students’ experience and stimulate enthusiasm for learning. At The New School we believe that efforts should be made to help students develop the firm academic foundation and the organizational skills they will need to be successful in their future academic endeavors. At The New School we strive to promote a sense of community that helps each child and family feel connected and valued. We believe that school programs should promote kindness and cooperation to all members of the school community, including students, parents, faculty, and staff. We believe that a school should help students become good citizens with a sense of responsibility and respect for others within the school community and throughout the world beyond. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 6 Introduction Board of Directors: 2014-2015 • Edward Prewitt (Chair) • Monika Hatfield • Michael Chaney (Vice Chair) • Emily Hinton • John Wright (Treasurer) • Bob Kohler • Mandy Hunt (Secretary) • Suguna Madaiah • Mary Kathryn Brown (Parliamentarian) • Nathaniel Marler • Susan Celentano • Amy Merryman • Scott Hancock • Wynn Saitta Administration & Staff • President & Head of School: Dennis Chapman • Associate Head of School: Angel Petet • Head of Lower & Middle Schools: Amber Moore • Head of Preschool: Karen Beaton • Director of Development: Liz Anderson • Director of Finance and Facilities: Mary Seubert • Director of Network and Infrastructure: Jon Gibson • Academic Program Coordinator: Brynn Wright • Director of Maintenance: Cody Apperson • Special Events Coordinator: Sarah Elder • Office Manager: Ashlee Haywood Accreditation 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 7 Introduction In 2009, The New School received full accreditation by the Independent School Association of Central States (ISACS). This accreditation validates, in a highly visible fashion, that The New School’s internal expectations also meet more public, national accountability standards. The school became a member of ISACS in 2004 and began the accreditation process in 2006. Through the careful evaluation of our program, we identified the school’s strengths, defined our aspirations for improvement, and determined the direction of future development. In the spring of 2008, the ISACS Accreditation Visiting Team evaluated all aspects of our school, including the board, faculty, students, curriculum, and facilities. The process revealed positive findings, especially regarding our positive interactions with students and the students’ enthusiasm towards learning. In conjunction with the ISACS accreditation, our school was also accredited by the Arkansas Nonpublic Schools Accrediting Association (ANSAA). By becoming accredited through ISACS and ANSAA, The New School has made an ongoing commitment to quality education and to continuous efforts toward school improvement. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 8 Parent Involvement Parent Involvement Student Records We must have a complete file on each child updated annually at enrollment time. All required emergency information, addresses, phone numbers, and parent signatures must be completed by parents. Immunization records must also be kept up-to-date and verification must be provided. Each child is also required to have a copy of his/her birth certificate on file. We ask that parents remain diligent about updating their child’s file when addresses, phone numbers, or other contact information changes. Students in Kindergarten should have a well-child physical assessment form on file with the school. Your physician will provide you with this form during your child’s annual physical. Conferences At the beginning of each Fall semester, teachers and parents of students in grades K-7 will meet for a pre-academic conference to discuss the upcoming school year. Parents will also be asked to attend a Fall and Spring conference to review report cards and to discuss their child’s adjustment and performance at school, as well as an exit conference at the end of the year. Parents may request special conferences with their child’s teacher at pre-arranged times. Weekly Communications Friday Folders are one of the main sources of communication between a teacher and parent. Friday Folders will be sent home each Friday with student’s work, Friday Notes, and any other important information. Please check your child’s folder weekly and return them on the following Monday. Kindergarten - 2nd Grade: Check your child’s file (found outside of the classroom) and the class bulletin board regularly for these important announcements. 3rd - 5th Grade: Check your child’s Friday Folder, located in their binder or notebook. Parents should also monitor assignment sheets and books to ensure they are aware of upcoming assignments. 6th - 7th Grade: There are some very important differences between the manner in which Friday folders are handled in the Middle School as compared to the lower grades. First, not all completed work will be sent home. This is because even once an assignment is completed, it may be related to a later assignment or contain foundational information that is necessary to another assignment’s completion. These assignments will be placed in your child’s respective subject section. Work that is no longer needed will be sent home on Fridays, so you should still check it each Friday. Other important notices will also be sent home on Fridays. Because of this difference, you should make sure that you regularly check the online gradebook in order to have a clear notion of your child’s performance. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 9 Parent Involvement Adjustment to School Some elementary students will have difficulty separating from the parent who brings them to school. Usually, this is very short-lived and the child adjusts to the day’s activities once the parents leave. If separation anxiety is prolonged or extreme, we will discuss with the parent the best approach to take. There are many different ways to handle separation anxiety and the approach depends on several variables, unique to each child. The following general hints may be helpful: • Children adjust better to being at school when their arrivals and departures are on a regular, consistent schedule. • Children who usually separate from their parents willingly may show some separation anxiety after a disruption in their attendance. (It sometimes takes a few days to readjust to school after staying home for an illness.) • Children who arrive after activities have begun will miss the special time we have for welcoming each child into the school day. Children who arrive late are often self-conscious and reluctant to separate from parents and enter the group. Please familiarize yourself with your child’s class routine and try to schedule an arrival time which is comfortable for your child. • If a child is having separation problems, the best plan of action is to stick with a consistent routine. Teachers can only help with separation problems when children are at school on a regular basis. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 10 Parent Involvement Field Trips The New School must obtain parent signatures on field trip permission forms for every child on every trip we take. Without a parent’s signature for a specific trip, his/her student may not attend. When students go on field trips, we ask that students do not bring money unless requested by teachers. In most situations, a bus will be used to transport students to and from field trip locations. Parents who attend field trips should drive their own vehicles instead of riding the bus, which will help ensure that all children have a seat on the bus. Due to state regulations, parents may only transport their own children on field trips, and may not transport other children, even if they are on their “Authorized for Release” list. Parents who volunteer for field trips can help in the supervision of all students as directed by the classroom teacher. Volunteers should help walk students to and from venues and guide them through the educational sites. It is important that the volunteer maintain a supervisory role during the field trip. Because of volunteers’ supervisory responsibilities on field trips, we ask volunteering parents to not bring siblings. Discipline of students on field trips will be the responsibility of the classroom teacher. If a parent witnesses a problem during a field trip, the parent should report to the teacher in charge immediately. Birthdays Because of the number of birthdays during our school year, we maintain a policy on birthday activities during school hours. Birthday activities are strictly voluntary, and we do not want anyone to feel obligated to include the school in birthday activities. Parents may bring refreshments and/or party favors to school. A cake, cupcakes, or cookies may be brought to serve on your child’s birthday. Please be sure to observe allergy guidelines. If parties are held outside the school during school’s extended day hours (3:30pm-5:30pm), please invite the whole class. Children’s feelings are hurt when some children leave for a party while others are not invited. Parties For parties to be held away from the school, we ask that you mail invitations to each child’s home. Please do not hand out invitations at school. Address lists are available at any time in the school office. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 11 Parent Involvement Volunteer Opportunities Parents are encouraged to volunteer with school events such as the “Children’s Fun Run” and “The Spring Party” dinner and auction. The success of these fundraisers, which are critical to our program, is due to the tremendous support we receive from parents. Parents interested in volunteering regularly should inquire about joining our Parent Association. Fundraising The New School is a non-profit organization which is committed to aligning our development program with the school’s mission and vision. All fundraising activities should be conducted solely to benefit the school’s mission and long range plans. The New School encourages private support of our fundraising activities as a means of maintaining educational excellence and enhancing the quality of our academic programs. In order to limit the number of fundraisers at The New School, and to ensure that our organization’s priorities are properly represented and successful, all fund raising activities at The New School must be coordinated through the development office. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 12 Parent Involvement Materials Distribution Representatives from numerous worthy organizations frequently make requests of our school to distribute their materials, flyers, and notes to our families. Attempting to honor these requests would drastically increase the volume of written communications our families receive daily. To maximize the effectiveness of our school’s internal communications to staff, students, and parents, The New School will not post, distribute, or promote other organization’s materials in our school. We cannot participate in business promotions even if a portion of the proceeds are dedicated to the school. Exceptions The school will distribute materials for other non-profit organizations that offer additional enhancement, programs or sports activities to our students, as long as the programs or activities are not in direct competition with the programs available through The New School. (Example: Cub Scouts, Brownies, The Boys and Girls Club, Arkansas Athletics Outreach, The Soccer Association.) 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 13 Admissions Admissions Admission and Dismissal The New School admits children of any race, color, or national origin. Children with special educational, emotional, or social needs, and children with special physical handicaps or developmental disabilities will be considered on an individual basis. Previous school records and teacher recommendations are required prior to the admission of new elementary and middle school students. Prior grades, achievement test scores, conduct reports, and attendance records will be taken under consideration for admission. New applicants may be expected to attend a minimum of two “shadow days.” If, after admission, a child proves to be disruptive, injures other children, or has difficulty functioning within the structure of our program, staff will notify parents and a plan of action will be developed and implemented. Thereafter, if the difficulties cannot be resolved, Administration may recommend withdrawal. Alternatives for more appropriate placement or treatment may be explored. If, after a child’s admission, the parent causes undue hardship to the staff or unreasonable distraction from teacher’s regular duties, the staff will ask for resolution of the problem. Thereafter, if parental needs cannot be met, Administration may recommend withdrawal of the child. Class Placement In arranging class placement each year, teachers and administrators create class lists with careful consideration given to students academic and behavioral strengths. Previous years’ teachers make recommendations in regard to students who work well together, and students who may work better when separated. We work to create class lists that are balanced in terms of gender, diversity, new/returning students, and academic and behavioral strengths. Due to all these considerations, it is difficult to accommodate parents’ requests for class placement. It is school policy that the faculty and administration will make all class placement decisions, and that we will not be able to accept parents’ requests for class placement. All class placement decisions will be made with interest, care, and concern. Change in Registration When a parent wishes to change or update the information provided on their child’s registration form (contact info, medical permissions, dietary needs, etc.), he/she may fill out a change of registration form in the front office. If a parent wishes change a child’s enrollment in after-school extracurricular programs, he/she should contact the central office. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 14 Admissions Tuition Payments Tuition must be paid by bank draft, and will be drafted on the first business day of each month. Non-Payment Policy The enrollment of a student with account balances past due may be suspended or terminated. The school’s Finance Committee will review payment histories of accounts more than 30 days past due for determination. Students with accounts more than 60 days past due may not register for subsequent school years or for summer sessions. Students with accounts 60 days past due from the Fall semester will not be allowed to continue attendance for the Spring semester unless arrangements for payment have been made through the Head of School. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 15 Attendance Attendance Daily Schedule 7:15 a.m. – School Opens 8:30 a.m. – Instruction Begins 3:30 p.m. – Extended Day Program Begins 5:30 p.m. – School Closes Students arriving before 8:00 a.m. must be dropped off at the Main (Lower) Building, as we have no staff scheduled to supervise in the Walker Annex until 8:00 a.m. Afternoon Pick-Up All K-7 students are invited to stay at school for our Extended Day Program from 3:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. Parents may pick up their child anytime during the Extended Day Program. Parents should familiarize themselves with their child’s afternoon and extra-curricular schedule to learn which building their child will be in at their pick up time. For safety and staffing reasons, we ask that parents pick up students themselves, and refrain from asking afternoon staff to send a student down or up the hill. Students may not walk between buildings without staff supervision. Walker Annex 3:30 p.m. Pick-Up Schedule 3rd-7th grade parents may choose to pick up their child from the Walker Annex at the end of the academic day (3:30 p.m.) from our Pick-Up Line. Students picked up from the Walker Annex at this time of day will be called out of class by a traffic attendant beginning at 3:30 p.m. Parents may stay in their car. Parents should be aware of the time that their student transitions to the Main (Lower) Building for snacks, and be sure to arrive before this transition if they intend to pick up from the Walker Annex. Parents who arrive late (after their student has transitioned to snack) will be asked to drive down to the Main Building to pick up, or (5th-7th) wait for their student to return to the Upper Building after snacks. 3:30 p.m. - Walker Annex pick-up begins. Students called out of class by traffic attendant. 3:30 p.m. - 3rd - 5th grades transition to the lower building for snacks. 3:40 p.m. - 6th - 7th grades transition to the lower building for snacks. 3:45 p.m. - Extended day program and extracurricular activities begin. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 16 Attendance Tardiness and Early Dismissal Tardies and early pick-up will be recorded on the student report card. Three unexcused tardies or early pick-ups will be recorded as one absence. We hope that every parent will make a conscientious effort to get his/her child to school on time and allow him/her to complete the day. Students should arrive in time to be settled into their classrooms and be ready for instruction to begin at 8:30 a.m. Students who need to eat breakfast at school should arrive in the Lower Building by 8:15 a.m. Parents who need to speak to their child’s teacher should see the teacher before the instructional period begins at 8:30 a.m. Teachers have assigned duties in the morning; if you need to speak at length with your teacher, please schedule an appropriate time. Scheduling Appointments Please realize that almost every period of the school day has a designated purpose. When a student misses class time, the teacher must re-teach the subject or lesson missed, taking valuable time away from other students or other subjects. When possible, parents need to schedule appointments during after-school hours to prevent their child from missing important instruction. If a student must leave early due to an appointment or other circumstance, please let the teacher know in advance so that make-up arrangements can be made. Absences If a student is absent more that 10 days per semester or 20 days for the school year, he/she may not receive credit for that semester, especially if his/her grades do not show the expected degree of progress for that class. The Administration will decide if extenuating circumstances are to be considered. When a student is absent, his/her teacher will complete a “While You Were Out” form. Your child’s teacher will inform you and your child of the process to pick up make-up work.. Extended Absence/Travel The New School recognizes that family travel can often be a stimulating and educational addition to the lives of children. We also recognize that time away from the regular course of studies places a student at a disadvantage. In order to minimize this disadvantage, families planning to take children out of school should inform the Head of Lower and Middle Schools and teachers at least two weeks in advance. It is very important that the student follow through on assigned work during the absence so that he/she will not fall behind. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 17 Academic Policies Academic Policies Academic Guidelines Class periods are designed to give students enough time to complete their assigned work during class time. We prefer for students to do their work at school where teachers can supervise and assist when needed, leaving their evenings for family activities. Some students, however, will not manage to complete all their work during class time. These students will need to go to Study Hall or take work home. Please notify your child’s teacher if your child is bringing home an excessive amount of work. All students will, on occasion, be assigned reading materials, reports, or projects to be done outside of school hours. We ask that parents watch carefully for project due dates and for test dates. We need to work together to impress upon our students the importance of managing time and preparing for tests. Homework It is the philosophy of The New School that students should not have large amounts of homework. However, there may be some instances when a child needs to complete assignments at home. Teachers will use the following guidelines for daily homework assignments: • Grades 3 - 5: A maximum of 1 hour • Grades 6 - 7: A maximum of 11/2 hours Please notify the teacher if your child is bringing home work requiring more than the recommended amount of time. Middle School Homework In Middle School, the amount of daily assignments may increase. This increase is designed to be challenging, not overwhelming. Planning is essential to success and to avoiding excess anxiety at certain times of the year, including Semester Tests and Projects. Students and parents will need to stay aware of upcoming due dates in order to practice good planning. Due dates for large assignments will be communicated from the faculty. Binders Students in grades 3-7 are given individual binders that they are to use for all core classes. We request that students use the provided binders and organize them according to each teacher’s criteria. Students will be graded on the organization of their binders. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 18 Academic Policies Assignment Sheets (Grades 3 & 4) 3rd and 4th grade students will complete assignment sheets each day during class time. The assignment sheet will designate assignments which need to be completed in Study Hall or at home. Parents should check their child’s assignment sheet daily to monitor their child’s progress and make sure that books and materials are taken home if necessary. Agendas (Grades 5-7) Students in grades 5-7 are provided an agenda and all assignments are recorded in this agenda book daily. Students are also required to record upcoming tests and reports. This book is an important form of communication between teachers and parents. The agenda book should be taken home each evening and reviewed by parents. Parents are to initial each day’s agenda. This organizational tool is utilized to prepare students for higher levels of education. If your child’s agenda is maintained electronically, the homeroom teachers will explain the system to be implemented. This portion may change upon implementation of digital agendas. Faculty will notify parents of the new procedure. Missing Work Alert A missing work alert will be attached to the student’s assignment sheet/agenda and e-mailed to parents for all assignments that have not been turned in to the teacher. Students will have the opportunity to complete work, but points may be taken off for late work according to following: • 1st day late - 5 percentage points off • 2nd day late - 10 percentage points off • 3rd day late 0 - no credit given for work; assignment must still be completed Study Hall Study Hall is offered during the Extended Day Program. Each day, teachers will designate which students need to attend Study Hall to complete their daily assignments or to be tutored. A parent may request in writing to his/her homeroom teacher if their child should be excused from Study Hall. Parents may also request that their child attend Study Hall on a regular basis by writing to the homeroom teacher. When a student needs to be excused from an Extended Day activity in order to attend Study Hall, parents should notify the central office. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 19 Academic Policies Make-up Work If your child is absent due to illness, please let us know as early in the day as possible so that the faculty may prepare home assignments, if necessary. Work missed during an absence may be made up under the direction of the teacher. During an absence, parents should check with the teacher to make sure assignments have been completed. Assignments should be completed during the allotted time beginning the day he/she returns. Days Absent Allotted Days for Make-up 1 day absent 2 school days permitted 2 days absent 3 school days permitted 3 days absent 4 school days permitted If the student is unable to make up the work because of continuing illness, the teacher and student may make arrangements for the student to make up the work at a later date. S.H.O.T (Study Hall Organization Time) SHOT is a time, scheduled each day, for students to complete any of their unfinished daily work, ask teachers questions about assignments, or work with group members on group projects. Therefore, parents should only take their child from SHOT if it is absolutely necessary and have made arrangements with the homeroom teacher. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 20 Academic Policies Grading At The New School, we believe that the most important aspect of education is ensuring that students grasp and master the presented material in a positive, supportive environment. We strive to provide our students with sufficient opportunities to learn the material. Therefore, if a teacher feels a student has not mastered an assignment or material, they may be asked to correct or repeat a similar assignment. K-2 Grading: In grades K-2, academic performance and classroom behavior are reported as Excellent, Very good, Satisfactory, Needs to improve, and Unsatisfactory. 3-7 Grading: In 3rd through 7th grades, a combination of letter grades and percentages are used for academic performance. Classroom behavior is still reported as in K-2. Percentage equivalents are as follows: A (Excellent) 90 - 100% B (Very Good) 80 - 89% C (Satisfactory) 70 - 79% D (Needs to Improve) 60 - 69% F (Unsatisfactory) 0 - 59% Report Cards Report cards for students in grades K-7 will be presented every nine weeks. Progress reports are issued mid-way between each nine weeks grading period. Each of these reports are provided to give parents insight into students’ performance. Grades Online The New School uses an online gradebook and grade viewer. Parents will receive instructions on how to access grades during our “Back to School” Event on September 25, 2014. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 21 Academic Policies Standardized Testing Each spring, The New School elementary and middle school teachers administer normreferenced tests to students in grades 1-7. These tests represent a nationally-standardized assessment of academic performance in all subject areas, providing a comprehensive profile of each child’s level of achievement. In addition, the test provides an analysis of each class’s performance for each area tested. Copies of individual test scores will be available to parents. Scores will become a part of each child’s academic record. Middle School Semester Test Middle School students will take semester tests/EOC Exams. Teachers will place test schedules in Friday folders in addition to e-mailing them to parents. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 22 Health Health Illness at School To protect children from the spread of communicable diseases, state regulations require that children with any of the following symptoms not be allowed to attend school: Health Condition Symptoms requiring that the child be sent home. Guidelines for when can a child return to school? 101 or Greater Must be fever free for 24 hours (24 hours from start of being fever free) or a doctor’s note stating the condition is not contagious Diarrhea 3 or more watery stools in a 24 hour period Must be diarrhea free for 24 hours (24 hours from last diarrhea) or a doctor’s note stating the condition is not contagious Vomiting 2 or more occasions within the past 24-hour period Must be free from vomiting for 24 hours (24 hours from last vomit) or a doctor’s note stating that the condition is not contagious Body rashes, not obviously associated with diapering, heat or allergic reactions to medications Rash must be completely gone before returning or a doctor’s note stating that the condition is not contagious If associated with fever or swollen glands in the neck Must be free from symptoms fro 24 hours or a doctor’s note stating that the condition is not contagious Severe Coughing Episodes of coughing which may lead to repeated gagging, vomiting, or difficulty breathing Conditions must be minimized significantly and a doctor’s note stating that the condition is not contagious or completely free of symptoms Pink Eye Pink or red eye(s) which may be swollen with white or yellow discharge Must be on antibiotics for a minimum of 24 hours Head Lice Tiny insects that live on human scalps and nits (eggs) are found on the hair shaft May return after treatment and has been given approval to return to the classroom by an office employee. Mouth Sores Multiple sores in mouth with drooling Health care provider determines the condition is non-infectious Ring Worm A fungal infection of the scalp or skin After treatment by a health care provider has begun Impetigo Skin infection mostly seen on face bumps or large patchy areas May return 24 hours after treatment has been initiated Fever Rash Sore Throat 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 23 Health Picking Up A Sick Child If a child displays any of the previously described symptoms while at school, we are required to contact parents to pick up their child. If a child is without any of these symptoms, but still appears ill and unable to participate in the group’s activities, we will notify parents that their child is not feeling well. Please have contingency plans worked out in advance for such occasions and make sure that your child’s file indicates other friends or relatives who could pick up your child if needed. Medicines On rare occasions The New School may administer medicine to students with the written permission of parents. State Regulations require that medications shall be given to children only with signed, written parental permission. Each student’s registration form contains a list of medications that a student’s parent has granted The New School permission to administer. When medicine is administered to a student, office staff will fill out a Medical Report indicating the medicine type, dosage, and time. An electronic copy of this report will be sent to the parent via email. Note: Dosages greater than specified on the label shall not be given. Administering Prescription Medications Occasionally, the school administers prescription medications during the school day at the request of parents. Medicines can be given to children at 12:00 noon and 4:00 p.m. daily. Parents bringing prescription medication must follow these guidelines: • Turn-in and register the medication with the central office. (Classroom teachers are not authorized to distribute medication brought from home unless special circumstances have been arranged with the Division Head.) All medicines will be stored in the office refrigerator or locked medicine cabinet. State Regulations require that medications shall be given to children only with signed, written parental permission. Permission shall contain: • Date • Drug name • Time • Dosage Note: Dosages greater than specified on the label shall not be given. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 24 Health In addition to the written permission, please follow these guidelines for medication: • Medicine must stay in its original container. • Medicine must have current expiration date. • Medicine labels must have the child’s name. Medical Plan If your child has a medical condition (examples: asthma, nut allergy), you will need to fill out a medical plan form. Your Division Head will give you the appropriate form. If your child uses an inhaler for asthma, you will need to provide an inhaler for use at school to be kept in the front office. If your child has been prescribed an epipen, you will need to provide two epipens for school, one to be kept in the office and one to be kept in the classroom. Notification of Injuries To notify parents of minor injuries at school, a medical report is created which has information regarding when and where an injury occurred as well as how it was treated. Medical reports are entered into our student database and an electronic copy will be e-mailed to parents. After reading the medical report, parents may request a paper copy of the report from the main office and are asked to sign a copy for storage in their child’s file. For any type of head injury, injury to the face, or any injury that staff suspects may be more serious, the parent will be notified immediately. Health Screenings Vision screenings will be conducted for grades K, 1, 2, 4, and 6 during the school year. Scoliosis screening for 7th grade will also be conducted during the school year. Parents will be notified if a follow-up visit to the doctor is necessary. Body Awareness Students in grade 5 will attend a presentation on body awareness conducted by local pediatricians. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 25 Health Guidance and Counseling The New School contracts with Dr. Carrie Rye to maintain support for our faculty, students, and parents. This support is offered through consultation with teachers and parents, and individual meetings with students when appropriate. Dining The New School contracts with Flik Independent School Dining. Specific information on the dining program can be found on The New School website or at www.myschooldining.com. Students in grades K-7 may choose to bring their own lunch. Please do not send lunches that require heating or microwave preparation. Parents may not bring “fast food” or carbonated drinks to school for lunch. If a parent chooses to take his/her child off campus for lunch, please finish all food and drinks before returning to the classroom. Please check with your child’s teacher before arranging an off-campus lunch. Food & Nut Allergies No nut products are served in our food program, and no food items containing nut products should be brought to school as treats for a whole class. We have several students who are severely allergic to peanuts, and any contact with peanuts or peanut products could prove dangerous. In the cafeteria, there are designated as “peanut tables” for lower and middle school students who bring peanut products in their personal lunches from home. Students with peanut allergies can be seated at any of the other tables without risking contact with peanut products. Students who bring peanut products for lunch must keep those foods in their lunch box until meal time. Bringing Treats On special occasions, parents are welcome to bring nut-free treats for the whole class. When parents are bringing treats for the class, we want to encourage them to bring healthy, nutritious snacks rather than high-calorie sweets. Teachers should be notified ahead of time when snacks or food will be brought for the class. We request that treats brought to school for holidays, birthdays, etc. be planned from classroom time. Treats brought by parents may not be eaten in the cafeteria. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 26 Safety Safety School Entry/Access All entrances and exits on campus are secured. Main entrances can be accessed with door codes, entered on a keypad. Each student and parent will be designated an individual door code to access main entrances. To ensure our safety, please do not share your code with anyone else, and use only your individually assigned code at all times. If you forget your code, you may ring the door bell at the main entrance. After entering you may present identification to office staff and request that they look up your door code. Please do not send siblings to pick up children unless they are of driving age and have been authorized through the office. New School students are not allowed to walk between buildings without adult supervision. Visitors All non-parent visitors must enter through the main entrance of the Main Building, whether first-time or recurring, each visitor must sign in at the front desk and wear a visitors badge while on the premises. Upon leaving, visitors must sign out and return their visitor’s badge. Visitors who wish to eat lunch with a student must be on the student’s Authorized for Release list. Release of Students Anyone other than parents must have pre-arranged authorization and identification to pick up a child. Parents may designate continuous authorization for pick-up on their child’s registration form kept on file in the school office; however, even those with prior authorization must check in at the front desk before picking up a child. Parents may authorize release for an individual to pick up their child by notifying the office. To grant authorization to an individual for one day, you must inform the main office so the office manager can enter the temporary authorization into our database. To grant continuous authorization for an individual to pick up your child, you may indicate the authorization in the designated section on your registration form. Non-custodial Parents The school will not be responsible for enforcing divorce decrees or visitation rights in regards to the pick-up of children. Parents who are divorced or living separately must work out their pickup and visitation arrangements without involving school personnel. The school will not deny a non-custodial parent access to the school or his/her child without a specific restraining order signed by an official of the courts and retained on file at The New School. In such cases, school personnel can, if needed, call upon law enforcement officials to 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 27 Safety enforce the order and deny access to a non-custodial parent. If a non-custodial parent comes to the school requesting release of a student, school personnel will require identification to determine if the visitor is the non-custodial parent listed on the student’s Registration Form. If the non-custodial parent is not listed on the Registration Form, the custodial parent will be contacted for confirmation before the student will be released. Access to Student Records In accordance with the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act, student records must be shared with a student’s parent upon request, regardless of the parent’s custody of the child. A custodial parent may will be asked to confirm that the person requesting records is, in fact, the student’s biological parent. If a non-custodial parent appears at the school to request records, identification will be required before the student’s records will be released. Fire/Tornado/Lockdown Each month, to improve our emergency preparedness, we run school-wide drills to practice implementing our emergency plans for fires, tornadoes, and intruders. Screening of Employees The New School conducts criminal background checks through the Arkansas State Police on all employees. Employees who have not lived in the State of Arkansas for the past six years are also screened through the FBI. Background checks are also conducted through the State Child Abuse Registry for all employees. Abuse Reporting Our teachers are required by state law to report suspected child abuse/maltreatment. This includes non-accidental injuries, such as welts, bruises, cuts, burns, scratches, and broken bones. Suspected sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect are also reported. Child neglect is defined as abandonment, lack of food, utilities, shelter, or lack of supervision. Teachers are trained to recognize indicators of possible abuse. If they fail to report suspected abuse/maltreatment, teachers can be charged with a Class C misdemeanor. Reports are confidential and are considered allegations until an investigation is completed. The phone number for the Child Abuse Hotline is posted in the main office and all classrooms. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 28 Safety Interviews by DHS and Other Agencies In accordance with AR state law, any staff member or children in attendance may be interviewed by Child Care Licensing, by the Division of Child and Family Services, and/or by law enforcement officers for the purpose of investigations or to determine compliance with licensing requirements. Child interviews do not require parental notice or consent. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 29 Student Conduct Student Conduct Discipline Policies One of the most important aspects of a child’s education is learning to communicate and work cooperatively with other students and adults. Our staff makes a continuous effort to provide positive guidance to help children develop consideration and respect for others with an emphasis on courtesy and kindness. In order to maintain a pleasant atmosphere and an environment conducive to learning, we also need students to cooperate with school policies and disciplinary rules of conduct. Teachers will present these policies and classroom rules to the students and will welcome students’ input into policies and rules during class meetings. Logical consequences for inappropriate or uncooperative behavior will be used to help students learn to comply with classroom and school rules. After continued breaches of conduct on the part of the student, parents will be notified and a conference will be scheduled. Parents may be asked to intervene if their child expresses aggression, hostility, or derision toward another student. Such behavior is harmful to others and will constitute grounds for disciplinary action. Students who have had repeated promptings on complying with school policies may be asked to sign and comply with a Behavioral Contract in order to continue enrollment. More serious or chronic breaches of conduct may result in suspension (in-school or out of school) or expulsion. Here are some examples of behaviors that may be considered grounds for suspension or expulsion: 1. Fighting or aggressive behavior 2. Demeaning or bullying another student 3. Continuous disruptive behavior 4. Vulgar language 5. Expressions of hostility toward other students or staff 6. Possession of dangerous objects 7. Damage or destruction of school property 8. Academic Dishonesty If a student is suspended from school, he or she will complete missed assignments. We request that all parents support our efforts to maintain an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect. Parents should make clear to their child their expectations for good conduct and compliance with our rules. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 30 Student Conduct School Property New School students are expected to take pride in their school, help others to keep the buildings and campus neat and orderly, and keep all school property free from unnecessary damage. Intentional damage to New School property may be replaced by billing the student’s account, upon notification. Textbooks and technology are provided by the school for student use. If any of those items are lost or damaged, the student’s account may be billed for the replacement. This policy also pertains to lost or damaged library books and any technology item. Lockers Each middle school student in the Walker Annex will be assigned two lockers: one for backpacks and coats, and the other for books. A student accepts use of the locker with the understanding that he/she will maintain it and its contents in an orderly manner. Students should not place a lock on their lockers or decorate the exterior of the lockers. Lockers are New School property. Proper Attire All students are expected to dress neatly and appropriately. These are some examples of inappropriate attire: • Cut-offs, pants with holes in them, and halter-tops are examples of inappropriate dress. • T-shirts with inappropriate phrases, pictures, or alcohol or tobacco advertising are not allowed at school. • Short shorts and short skirts are not appropriate for school. All shorts and skirts must be midthigh in length or longer. • 4th - 7th grade students may not wear spaghetti-strapped or strapless shirts, spaghetti-strapped or strapless dresses, or extra low-cut shirts. • Hats and Sunglasses It is not our intent to embarrass students. Therefore, if any article of clothing becomes a distraction in the classroom, the teacher will notify the student’s parents. Physical Education Attire We request that students wear athletic shoes for physical education classes. Appropriate shoes are necessary for recess and physical education classes. Please wear clothing appropriate for movement and avoid wearing constrictive clothing such as tight jeans. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 31 Student Conduct Field Trip Attire Students may be asked to meet specific dress codes for special field trips. We request that parents purchase one navy blue New School polo shirt to be worn on field trips to aid in supervision, keeping the group together, and improving the safety of our students. Personal Hygiene Please be sure that your child has any personal hygiene items they may need, located in his/her backpack or locker. 3rd and 4th grade students do not have lockers, so they are permitted to keep personal hygiene items in their backpacks. Cell Phones Students may bring cell phones to school, but they must be kept in backpacks and turned to silent. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 32 General General Student Council The Student Council is elected by the middle school student body and is responsible for planning and implementing various student activities throughout the year. Its representatives are elected in the fall. Two at large representatives are elected from each grade level, 6th and 7th, and the following officers: President, Vice-President, and Secretary. Representatives to the Student Council are expected to set a positive tone and to be leaders at The New School. Students who do not meet these expectations may be asked to step down from their Student Council position. Snow Days Decisions concerning cancellation of school will be determined by the Head of School. Please check your local listings, social media, and school website for information concerning school closing. If The New School is closed for more than two consecutive school days, the faculty will communicate assignments and plans for a Digital Learning day. On some occasions the school may have a delayed start. Lost & Found Teachers and staff will place lost items in the lost and found bin located in the back hallway next to the rear cafeteria entrance. Items will be periodically displayed in the front lobby for parents and children to claim. Items not claimed will be donated to a local non-profit organization. Messages & Gifts Every effort is made to prevent interruptions of the individual class periods. Messages taken for students may be delayed until a break period. We also ask parents to restrain from delivering flowers, balloons, gifts, and favors to the school. If items are delivered to the school, the student will be notified. The student may come to the office to look at the item and then pick it up at the end of the day. 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 33 Acceptable Use of Technology Acceptable Use of Technology Student Acceptable Use of Technology Policy The New School’s information technology resources, including e-mail and Internet access, are provided for educational purposes. Adherence to the following policy is necessary for continued access to the school’s technological resources: Students must: 1. Respect and protect the privacy of others. • Use only assigned accounts. • Not view, use, or copy passwords, data, or networks to which they are not authorized • Not distribute private information about others or themselves 2. Respect and protect the integrity, availability, and security of all electronic resources. • Observe all network security practices, as posted, including visiting only those webpages that have been specified by the teacher. • Report security risks or violations to a teacher or network administrator. • Not destroy or damage data, networks, or other resources that do not belong to them, without clear permission of the owner, including not destroying shared documents or changing permissions on those items that have been shared. • Conserve, protect, and share these resources with other students and Internet users. 3. Respect and protect the intellectual property of others. • Not infringe copyrights (no making illegal copies of music, games, or movies) • Not plagiarize 4. Respect and practice the principles of community. • Communicate only in ways that are kind and respectful. • Report threatening or discomforting materials to a teacher. • Not intentionally access, transmit, copy, or create material that violates the school’s code of conduct (such as messages that are offensive, threatening, rude, discriminatory, or meant to harass) • Not intentionally access, transmit, copy, or create material that is illegal (such as obscenity, stolen materials, or illegal copies of copyrighted works) • Not use the resources to further other acts that are criminal or violate the school’s code of conduct • Not send spam, chain letters, or other mass unsolicited mailings • Use only school-assigned resources for academic-related communications 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 34 Acceptable Use of Technology Students may, if in accord with the policy above: 1. Design and post web pages and other material from school resources. 2. Use direct communications such as email, online chat, or instant messaging with a teacher’s permission. 3. Install or download software, if also in conformity with laws and licenses, and under the supervision of a teacher. 4. Use the resources for any educational purpose as directed by the teacher. Consequences for Violation Violations of these rules may result in disciplinary action, including the loss of a student’s privileges to use the school’s information technology resources. Supervision and Monitoring School and network administrators and their authorized employees monitor the use of information technology resources to help ensure that uses are secure and in conformity with this policy. Administrators reserve the right to examine, use, and disclose any data found on the school’s information networks in order to further the health, safety, discipline, or security of any student or other person, or to protect property. They may also use this information in disciplinary actions, and will furnish evidence of crime to law enforcement. PARENTS, PLEASE DISCUSS THESE RULES WITH YOUR STUDENT TO ENSURE HE OR SHE UNDERSTANDS THEM. These rules also provide a good framework for your student’s use of computers at home, at libraries, and elsewhere. For more information, visit: www.cybercrime.gov 2014-2015 K-7 Parent & Student Manual • 35 Signatures K-7 Parent & Student Manual Please Sign and Return... Parent & Student Manual Agreement By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read the full contents of the 2014-2015 K-7 Parent and Student Manual, and that I understand and agree to comply with the policies described in it. Student Printed Name __________________________________________________________ Student Signature ____________________________________ Date ______________ Parent Printed Name __________________________________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________________ Date ______________ Transport Authorization By signing below, I grant any employee of The New School permission to transport my child, the above student, by vehicle between New School buildings in case of hazardous weather, illness, or injury. Parent Signature ____________________________________ Date ______________ Grades 3-7 PG Movie Permission On rare occasions (child-care days, indoor recess, etc.) New School K-7 students may be shown G-rated movies. 3rd-7th grade parents may grant permission for their child to watch PG movies as well. By signing below, I grant The New School permission to show PG-rated movies to my 3rd-7th grade child, the above student. Parent Signature 2014-2015 ____________________________________ Date ______________ K-7 Parent & Student Manual
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