Latest modification: 6-2014 LD NORTH DAKOTA LSC POLICY MANUAL MISSION STATEMENT To support athletes, coaches and member clubs through achievement and educational opportunities to reach their maximum potential in the sport of swimming. VISION STATEMENT North Dakota Swimming…promoting the growth and development of our membership; enhancing the visibility and quality of the sport of swimming: providing the opportunity for our members to achieve excellence Revised 5 May, 2012 Revised Sept 2013 Revised February 2014 Revised June 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS LSC CLUBS AND CODES ............................................................................................................................. 1 PART 1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ................................................................................................... 2 1.1 NORTH DAKOTA LOCAL SWIM COMMITTEE (NDLSC) ............................................................... 2 1.2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (also see NDLSC Bylaws Article 605/606) .......................................... 4 PART 2 2.1 PART 3 NDLSC FEES ............................................................................................................................... 11 REGISTRATION/MEMBERSHIP FEES ............................................................................................. 11 LSC CLUBS' RESPONSIBILITIES CHARTER FEE - SEE PART TWO - NDLSC FEES. ........................... 14 3.1 COACHES ARE PROPERLY REGISTERED AND CERTIFIED ......................................................... 14 3.2 REGISTER ALL OFFICIALS AND ATHLETES - SEE REGISTRATION. ............................................... 14 3.3 SEND CLUB DIRECTORY INFORMATION TO STATE SECRETARY ............................................... 14 3.4 ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITY ............................................................................................... 14 3.5 USE CURRENT LSC CLUB DIRECTORY......................................................................................... 15 3.6 RECRUITMENT OF ATHLETES VIOLATION.................................................................................... 15 PART 4 REGISTRATION ........................................................................................................................... 16 4.1 ATHLETE REGISTRATIONS ............................................................................................................. 16 4.2 NON-ATHLETE REGISTRATIONS ................................................................................................... 17 4.3 COACHES' REGISTRATIONS & CERTIFICATIONS ....................................................................... 17 4.4 NEW TEAM REGISTRATION .......................................................................................................... 19 PART 5 BASIC MEET REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 20 5.1 MEET TYPES: .................................................................................................................................. 20 5.2 SANCTIONED, APPROVED AND OBSERVED MEETS ................................................................. 20 5.3 SANCTION APPLICATION ........................................................................................................... 21 5.4 SANCTION/APPROVAL ............................................................................................................... 23 5.5 BIDS ............................................................................................................................................... 23 5.6 MEET INFORMATION INVITATIONS ............................................................................................. 23 5.7 MISC. MEET REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................... 24 5.8 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ............................................................................................................... 26 5.9 DISQUALIFICATION NOTICE ....................................................................................................... 26 5.10 TRAVEL POLICY-ATHLETES' CODE OF CONDUCT................................................................. 26 5.11 OFFICIAL EVALUATION FORMS .............................................................................................. 26 5.12 NDLSC RECORD VERIFICATION ............................................................................................. 26 PART 6 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP MEETS ................................................................................................... 28 6.1 REFER TO PART FIVE (Basic meet requirements) ..................................................................... 28 6.2 NATIONAL QUALIFYING MEET .................................................................................................... 28 6.3 ELIGIBILITY ..................................................................................................................................... 28 6.4 CHAMPIONSHIP PLAQUE............................................................................................................ 28 6.5 PERCENTAGE HIGH POINT TEAM AWARD ................................................................................ 28 6.6 TIME STANDARDS / QUALIFYING TIMES ..................................................................................... 28 6.7 AWARDS ....................................................................................................................................... 30 6.8 SENIORS' AWARDS ...................................................................................................................... 30 6.9 STATE AWARDS ............................................................................................................................ 30 6.10 COACH OF THE YEAR AWARD .............................................................................................. 30 6.11 SPIRIT AWARD .......................................................................................................................... 31 6.12 OFFICIAL OF THE YEAR AWARD (ESTABLISHED 2014) .......................................................... 31 6.13 ELECTRONIC TIMER ................................................................................................................. 31 6.14 APPRENTICING OFFICIALS ...................................................................................................... 31 6.15 MEET RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 31 6.16 MEET FEES ................................................................................................................................. 32 6.17 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP MEET FACILITY REQUIREMENT ......................................................... 32 6.18 HOSTING OF STATE CHAMPIONSHIP MEETS.......................................................................... 33 6.19 STATE MEET ROTATION ............................................................................................................ 34 6.20 CHAMPIONSHIP MEET - SCHEDULE OF EVENTS .................................................................... 34 6.21 STATE MEET COMMITTEE ......................................................................................................... 35 6.22 MEET ENTRY DEADLINES .......................................................................................................... 35 6.23 STATE MEET OFFICIALS ............................................................................................................ 35 PART 7 OFFICIALS .................................................................................................................................. 36 7.1 PROCEDURE FOR OFFICIALS ...................................................................................................... 36 7.2 RENEWAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 36 7.3 PROCEDURE FOR APPRENTICE OFFICIALS................................................................................ 37 7.4 OFFICIALS APPRENTICESHIP REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................ 37 7.5 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR DISCIPLINE AND DE-CERTIFICATION ........................................... 38 PART 8 PARTICIPATION AT ZONE and NATIONAL MEETS (10/2010) PENDING UPDATE 5/2013 ......... 44 8.1 RESPONSIBILITY............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 8.2 ZONE MEET(S) .............................................................................................................................. 44 8.3 NATIONAL LEVEL MEETS .............................................................................................................. 44 PART 9 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION .............................................................................................. 50 9.1 ACCIDENTS .................................................................................................................................. 50 9.2 NATIONAL CONVENTION ........................................................................................................... 51 9.3 DIRECTORY INFORMATION......................................................................................................... 51 9.4 OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD ............................................................................................... 51 9.5 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENTS........................................................................................... 52 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................. 52 A.1 SANCTION/APPROVAL APPLICATION CHECKLIST ................................................................... 53 A.2 USA SWIMMING APPLICATION FOR SANCTION ...................................................................... 55 A.3 USA SWIMMING APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL ...................................................................... 56 A.4 NDLSC APPLICATION FOR OBSERVATION................................................................................ 57 A.5 ND SWIMMING SANCTION/APPROVAL WORKSHEET .............................................................. 58 A.6 USA SWIMMING OFFICIAL SANCTION ..................................................................................... 59 A.7 USA SWIMMING OFFICIAL APPROVAL ..................................................................................... 60 A.8 NDLSC WARM-UP PROCEDURES AND SAFETY GUIDELINES ..................................................... 61 A.9 REFEREE MEET REPORT ............................................................................................................... 63 A.10 NDLSC FINANCIAL SUMMARY OF MEET ................................................................................... 64 A.11 MEET SUMMARY CHECKLIST ..................................................................................................... 65 A.12 NORTH DAKOTA RECORD VERIFICATION................................................................................. 66 A.13 NDLSC TRAVEL POLICY AND CODE OF CONDUCT .................................................................. 67 A.14 OFFICIALS FORM ....................................................................................................................... 68 A.15 LONG COURSE CHAMPIONSHIPS MEET TEMPLATE .................................................................. 69 A.16 SHORT COURSE CHAMPIONSHIPS MEET TEMPLATE .................................................................. 81 A.17 REQUEST FOR SWIMMER REIMBURSEMENT................................................................................ 93 A.18 PHILLIPS 66 OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD REQUEST............................................................ 94 A.19 NDLSC CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY .................................................................................... 96 A.20 NDLSC DOCUMENT RETENTION POLICY ................................................................................... 98 A.21 ND OUTREACH APPLICATION ................................................................................................... 99 A.22 SAMPLE MEET TEMPLATE .......................................................................................................... 100 LSC CLUBS AND CODES Aquastorm AQST A.S.K. SWIM ASK BISMARCK Golden Seals BYSC BRECKENRIDGE-WAHPETON BWST CENTER BARRACUDA SWIM CLUB CBSC CROOKSTON SWIM BOOSTERS CROC DICKINSON DOLPHIN SWIM TEAM DDST FM GATORS SWIM TEAM FMY JAMESTOWN JAWS SWIM TEAM JAWS MANDAN MARLINS SWIM CLUB MMSC MINOT SWIM CLUB MSC NORTHERN LIGHTS SWIM CLUB NLSC RED RIVER VALLEY Y RRVY VALLEY CITY SWIM TEAM VCST WEST FARGO SWIM CLUB WFF WILLISTON SEA LIONS SWIM CLUB WSL Codes are the correct club codes used for registering clubs and swimmers. 1|Page PART 1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE NORTH DAKOTA LOCAL SWIM COMMITTEE (NDLSC) 1.1 A. Is formed under and adheres to the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations in Part Six of the Rule Book - "Governing Regulations of the Local Swimming Committee". B. Consists of two entities... (1) House of Delegates: a. One designated LSC Rep from each Chartered Club within the LSC b. Must be USA Swimming Registered Member c. Voting power can be delegated to another with written consent from designated rep or club officer (2) C. Board of Directors: a. List of elected officers and their duties covered in section II of this document as well as Article 605 of the NDLSC Bylaws. b. Must be a USA Swimming Registered Member. If membership is not provided through the individuals affiliated club, they may request reimbursement from the LSC (5-1-11). c. Does have the right to make changes without the House of Delegates vote - BUT - all decisions and changes must be presented to the House of Delegates and can be challenged by them with a motion. d. Elections - the General Chair, Treasurer, Age Group Vice Chair, Technical Chair, and Safety Chair be elected in the odd numbered years. Administrative Vice Chair, Secretary, Senior Vice Chair, Registration Chair and Disability Chair to be elected in the even numbered years. (5-3-98) e. Members must agree to and sign a Statement of Principles on Ethical Behavior and Conflict of Interest (Appendix Item #22) (10-15-10). LSC Meeting: (1) Open to everyone - observation and participation (2) Held semi-annually (spring and fall) (3) Only those with designated authority can vote (one LSC Rep/Club and the Board of Directors) 2|Page (4) Any debate on issues brought up during the meeting be limited to three minutes for the first speaker, then allowing five speakers pro-issue and five against, each limited to one minute. (5) Spring meetings will be held in conjunction with the Coaches Clinic (Fargo)as long as they continue. Fall meetings will be held at a location in the West as determined at the spring meeting. (i) 2009 Fall-Minot (ii) 2010 Spring-Jamestown Fall-Bismarck (iii) 2011 Spring-Minot Fall-Jamestown (iv) 2012 Spring-Fargo Fall-Bismarck (v) 2013 Spring-Fargo Fall-Bismarck (vi) 2014 Spring-Fargo Fall-TBD 3|Page BOARD OF DIRECTORS (also see NDLSC Bylaws Article 605/606) 1.2 A. B. C. GENERAL CHAIR (1) Is responsible for the general overall operation and effective functioning of the NDLSC. (2) Call meetings of the House of Delegates and/or with the LSC Board of Directors. Such meetings shall be held as conveniently as possible for members, and should not always be held in the same place...i.e. alternate east and west. (3) Shall preside over all LSC and Board of Directors meetings. (4) Shall represent the NDLSC in all zone and national USA Swimming meetings. (5) Appoint committee Chairs to standing committees as may be necessary. (6) Maintaining communication with and among group members. TREASURER (1) Shall maintain all financial records for the NDLSC. The NDLSC Treasurer will maintain the ONLY checking and savings accounts; the treasurer's name will be on the signature cards of all checking and savings accounts held by NDLSC. Each account will have dual signature cards to be signed by the Treasurer and the General Chair. (2) Shall keep records of all incoming money and pay all bills approved by the Board. (3) Shall publish a financial statement to be distributed at the spring and fall LSC meetings. (4) Shall publish a detailed statement of account as an annual report for the annual House of Delegates Meeting. (5) Shall submit a copy of all financial reports to the National Headquarters in Colorado Springs. (6) Shall file reports with the Internal Revenue Service as necessary. (7) Shall have an audit of the books annually. (8) Shall serve as an ex-officio member of the budget committee, and submit an annual budget at the fall meeting of the NDLSC. (9) Shall record and file meet reports as filed by group members. (10) Shall be bonded. SECRETARY 4|Page D. (1) Keep official minutes of all LSC House of Delegates and Board Meetings. (2) Conduct official correspondence. (3) Shall send out announcements of meetings at least thirty days prior to the meetings. (4) Shall assemble a Directory of NDLSC Board Members and all club officials and distribute to all LSC chartered clubs and NDLSC Board Members. (5) Shall send copies of the ND meet schedule to neighboring states and provinces, as requested. (6) Shall send copies of the meeting minutes to board members and club LSC Reps. ADMINISTRATIVE VICE CHAIR/OFFICIALS CHAIR (1) Shall conduct meetings in the absence of the General Chair. (2) Shall act as OVC and Officials Chair for the NDLSC plus any other committee assigned to this position. (3) Tabulates top sixteen times. (11-09-03) (4) Shall submit reports of top sixteen times to National Office as necessary. (1109-03) (5) Assist the General Chair in developing policy for the NDLSC. (6) Shall keep a record of registered USA Swimming officials and shall provide group members with a list of officials who may be called upon to officiate at meets. (7) Shall facilitate the training and certification of qualified officials. (8) STATE MEET OFFICIALS: The Officials Chair heads a committee for organizing officials for the state championship meet. See Part Six, Section XVI. (9) The Officials Chair selects one official to attend the Officials Clinic each year. (10) Shall oversee qualifications of the officials with the club; shall be the liaison with Clubs Official Chairperson (10-24-09). (11) Officials’ positions and duties shall be as described in the USA Swimming Rules and Regulator meet situation and comply with LSC regulations (10-24-09). (12) Those persons qualified and who will have paid annual memberships with the NDLSC. (10-24-09) (13) Swimming officials and trainees shall wear a uniform of appropriate clothing (white collared shirt & navy shorts/pants) (9/18/12). (14) Keep an update list of registered officials (10-24-09) 5|Page (15) E. F. G. Duties include: a. Recruiting officials b. Provide clinics when needed c. Insure that officials have adequate training to maintain certification d. Periodically schedule officials clinics required for advancement and recertification on a yearly basis. SENIOR VICE CHAIR (1) Shall develop and conduct a program for senior swimming in NDLSC. (2) Shall serve on committees as assigned by the General Chair. (3) Shall be in charge of setting up NDLSC swim camps and developmental camps. (4) Shall handle Central Zone information. AGE GROUP VICE CHAIR (1) Shall develop and conduct a program for Age Group swimming. (2) Shall coordinate invitational meet schedule for short and long course seasons. (3) Shall establish an order of events for the short and long course championship meets and shall cooperate with the host team in the conduct of these meets. (4) Shall issue sanctions upon receipt of proper applications. (5) Shall serve on committees as assigned by the General Chair. (6) Shall serve as Records Chair. (10-1-95) (7) Shall complete and file Observation Approvals for state high school seasonculminating meets as described in Part Five of this document and USAS Rulebook 202.5. (5-1-11) REGISTRATION CHAIR (1) Shall be responsible for registration of all swimmers in NDLSC using SWIMS database within one week of receipt by the club LSC registrar. (2) Shall submit monthly athlete registration and financial reports to NDLSC treasurer. (3) Create and distribute athlete membership cards to coaches; periodically provides updated SWIMS roster lists to member clubs. 6|Page H. I. (4) Aid in the development and maintenance of LSC policy and procedure pertaining to registration. (5) Maintains knowledge of USA swimming registration rules, policies and procedures. (6) Reviews all ND sanctioned meet rosters to ensure that participants are registered swimmers using Pre-Meet Reconciliation or Post-Meet Reconciliation. (7) This position cannot be held for more than two consecutive two-year terms. (5-3-98). (8) Provides information about USA swimming and the LSC to prospective individual and group members through local website and information packets. TECHNICAL PLANNING CHAIR (1) Shall develop long-range plans for the NDLSC - working closely with Age Group Vice Chair while doing so. (2) Shall work on marketing plans to help finance the NDLSC Swim Program. (3) Shall work with corporate sponsors to promote better swimming. (4) Shall be responsible for state wide public relations for NDLSC Swimming. (5) Shall act as Swim-a-thon Chair for the NDLSC - plus any other committees assigned to this position. (The NDLSC portion of Swim-a-thon proceeds is to be rebated back to participating clubs.) (6) Responsible for all state championship awards. (7) Shall act as Adult Non-athlete Membership Chair for the NDLSC. (8) Shall submit monthly non-athlete registration and financial report to treasurer. All monies received from non-athlete registrations shall be forwarded to the NDLSC treasurer. (9) Shall bill all clubs for charter fees by November - fees due December 15th of each year. (11-09-03) (10) Be responsible for maintaining total coach certification compliance. (11) Coach's registration/Safety finalization goes through the Technical Chair. (12) Notify clubs and coaches of certification expiration and follow-up on all changes and additions to the requirements. ATHLETE REPRESENTATIVES 7|Page (1) There will be three (3) Athlete Representatives; 1) Junior Athlete Representative; 2) Senior Athlete Representative and 3) At Large Athlete Representative. The Junior Athlete Rep and At Large Rep will be elected by the athletes at the SC state meet. The outgoing Junior Athlete will assume office as Senior Athlete Representative. The newly elected Athlete Representatives will assume office following the state meet or no later than the spring LSC meeting. (2) The election of the Junior and At-Large Athlete Representatives shall be conducted annually during NDSI’s short course age group swimming championship, or other regularly scheduled meet designated by the Board of Directors. The balloting shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose by the Senior Vice-Chair, Senior Athlete Representative or failing that, at a time and in a manner designated by the Board of Directors. (3) If the Junior Athlete Representative is unable or unwilling to take the position of Senior Athlete Representative a replacement will be appointed per the bylaw process or elected at the next upcoming elections, as determined by the Board of Directors. (4) At the time of election, the Junior Athlete Representative must (a) be an Athlete Member in good standing; (b) be sixteen (16) or seventeen (17) years of age OR a sophomore in high school; (c) be currently competing, or have competed during the three (3) immediately preceding years, in the program of swimming conducted by NDSI or another LSC; and (d) reside in the Territory and expect to reside therein throughout at least the first half of the term. (5) At the time of election, the At Large Athlete Representative must (a) be an Athlete Member in good standing; (b) be a Freshmen, Sophomore or Junior in high school; (c) be currently competing, or have competed during the three (3) immediately preceding years, in the program of swimming conducted by NDSI or another LSC; (d) reside in the Territory and expect to reside therein throughout at least the first half of the term; and (e) can hold the position up to (3) terms. (6) The Athlete Representatives elected shall be determined by a majority of the Athlete Members in good standing present and voting who are thirteen (13) years of age or older. (7) Shall represent swimmers at House of Delegates and Board Meeting. Each rep 13 and older has a vote. (8) Jr. and Sr. reps encouraged to attend National Convention as long as it doesn’t jeopardize NDHAA eligibility. At Large Rep to serve as alternate. (9) Shall serve on committees as assigned by the General Chair. (10) No two reps from the same club can be athlete rep at the same time. 8|Page J. K. L. COACHES' REPRESENTATIVE (1) Shall represent coaches at the House of Delegates and Board Meetings. (2) Shall call meetings of all coaches as needed to maintain communication and to faithfully represent coaches' views at NDLSC meetings. (3) Shall serve on committees as assigned by the General Chair. (4) ZONE COACHES: The coaches' rep is the head coach for zones and will choose the assistant and must be approved by the General Chair. See Part 8 for further details. (5) The Zone Coach is expected to do the entries, and if not, $50 will be deducted from his/her pay. Responsibilities also include the ordering of team suits, caps, shirts, etc. (10-17-99) SAFETY CHAIR (1) Be responsible for developing a local safety program in total compliance with the updated National Safety Program regarding curriculum and instructors. (2) Assist clubs in creating an improved awareness of safety. (3) Report all accidents occurring in the LSC. (4) Must maintain updated and current accident reports for all clubs with the LSC. (5) Be responsible for safety at the State Championships. RECORDS CHAIR (AGE GROUP VICE CHAIR) (1) Maintain state records. (See NDLSC RECORD VERIFICATION, p. 15) (2) Shall send out NDLSC State Recognition Awards to those swimmers setting new State Championship and Overall Records. (3) Each member of a record-breaking relay team shall receive a certificate. 9|Page M. N. DISABILITY CHAIR (1) Serve as a liaison between the LSC and the USA Swimming Disability Committee, disseminating information from the committee to the LSC board and committees. (2) Serve as a liaison to the LSC Board of Directors (3) Facilitate inclusion of swimmers with disabilities into clubs, championship meets, and committees. (4) Advocate for, and facilitate, funding for swimmers with disabilities for championship meets equivalent to funding for able-bodied swimmers (5) Attend Convention in LSC delegate capacity. NOMINATING COMMITTEE (1) O. Shall consist of 5 members, elected annually. See bylaws for full description. BOARD OF REVIEW (Responsibility moves to Central Zone level January 2015) (1) Shall consist of at least five regular members and three alternate members. See Bylaws Article 610 for full description. (2) Must be a USA Swimming Registered Member. If membership is not provided through the individuals affiliated club, they may request reimbursement from the LSC (5-1-11). 10 | P a g e PART 2 2.1 NDLSC FEES REGISTRATION/MEMBERSHIP FEES A. ATHLETE REGISTRATION- (Fees to be determined at fall registration meeting) (USA fee to increase $2/year 2015-2024 per 2013 legislation) (1) Annual Athlete Registration; USA Swimming Fee plus $8.00 (2012-13)NDLSC Fee Registration Year USA Fee Total Fee 2011 $47.00 $54.00 2012 $48.00 $55.00 2013 $49.00 $57.00 2014 $50.00 $58.00 2015 $52.00 $60.00 2016 $54.00 $62.00 2017 $56.00 $64.00 (2) Seasonal Athlete Registration: USA Swimming Fee plus $8.00 (2012-13) NDLSC Fee Registration Year USA Fee Total Fee 2011 $27.00 $34.00 2012 $28.00 $35.00 2013 $29.00 $37.00 2014 $30.00 $38.00 2015 $32.00 $40.00 2016 $34.00 $42.00 2017 $36.00 $44.00 11 | P a g e B. (3) For registered Season 1 or Season 2 athletes, each season is 150 days long and includes the state meet plus a travel day. The insurance coverage is for four months. If a seasonal athlete qualifies for Zones and wishes to participate, the swimmer must pay the full Annual USA Swimming Fee. (4) Reportable to NDLSC Registration Chair - See PART FOUR - REGISTRATION. (5) There is a $1 processing fee per instructional swimmer registered, effective January 1, 2001. (10-29-00) (6) The NDLSC fee will be waived for any club's "Learn to Swim" program. It will be the clubs' responsibility to keep good records and to make sure they pay the NDLSC fee when any "Learn to Swim" participant advances to a competitive program. (7) Any swimmer not USA registered will be charged a $50.00 fine per swimmer, if entered at the State Meet and the representing club will be responsible for payment prior to the next season. (10-06-02) (8) Effective immediately athlete registrations must be paid by the club directly. No individual checks will be accepted. (4-25-04). (9) On-Deck Registration Fee -$5.00 in addition to athlete registration fee (effective 11/1/2010). (10) Transfer requires completed form and $5.00 fee for any athlete attached to a different club within one year of transfer date (effective 11/1/2010). (11) Outreach membership requires completed form with required attachments and $7.00 fee ($5.00 USA and $2.00 LSC). Outreach membership (income based) offers qualified individuals the opportunity to become USA Swimming year-round athletes at reduced fees. NON-ATHLETE REGISTRATION (1) To be used for coaches, officials, executive board members, parents (everyone other than athletes). (2) Individual Non-Athlete (3) USA Swimming Fee plus $5.00 NDLSC Fee (effective 2012 registration year) ) (USA fee to increase $2/year 2014-2023 per 2013 legislation) Registration Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 USA Fee $47.00 $48.00 $49.00 $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $56.00 Total Fee $49.00 $53.00 $54.00 $55.00 $57.00 $59.00 $60.00 12 | P a g e (4) C. All registrations should be sent to the Technical Chair. CLUB CHARTER (1) USA Swimming Fee plus NDLSC Fee based on club size as of the previous year as determined by Technical Chair: (effective 2012 registration year; 2011 and prior, all clubs paid $95) Registered Swimmers Less than 50 51-80 81+ (2) D. USA Fee $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 ND Fee $30.00 $50.00 $80.00 Total Fee $100.00 $120.00 $150.00 Must be received by NDLSC Technical Chair before December 15th annually. Fees not received by due date will increase as follows (effective 2011): a. Dec 15-31 Double amount from item 1 b. Jan 1-31 Triple amount from item 1 c. After Feb 1 $500 NDLSC ZONE DUES (1) $100 - Central Zone Dues. (2) To be paid by NDLSC Treasurer to USA Swimming annually. 13 | P a g e PART 3 LSC CLUBS' RESPONSIBILITIES CHARTER FEE - SEE PART TWO NDLSC FEES. COACHES ARE PROPERLY REGISTERED AND CERTIFIED 3.1 A. Current requirements are CPR, 1st Aid, coaches' safety training and background check - check with NDLSC Technical Chair for current updated requirements. 3.2 REGISTER ALL OFFICIALS AND ATHLETES - SEE REGISTRATION. 3.3 SEND CLUB DIRECTORY INFORMATION TO STATE SECRETARY A. 3.4 As soon as possible (prior to the Fall NDLSC meeting) send names, addresses, and phone numbers of club officers to LSC Secretary. (1) President (2) Vice President (3) Secretary (4) Treasurer (5) LSC Rep (6) Registration Chair (7) Officials' Chair - does not need to be certified in all capacities, but should be most experienced official within the club (8) Safety Chair (9) Head Coach B. These positions can be combined in any manner - at discretion of clubs. C. The NDLSC will adhere to the Privacy Policy as stated by USA Swimming. If nonathlete members submit names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses for our LSC directory, that is considered written authorization for the publication of this information by the LSC in any form. If a member does not want any of this information published they must state that when submitting the information or send a notice to the NDLSC secretary stating that they do not want specific information published. D. The only information the LSC will publish in regards to athlete members is per the USA Swimming Privacy Policy. (5-08-05) ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITY 14 | P a g e A. Be reminded that meet info, as long as it adheres to USA Swimming Rules and Regulations, is LAW. Clubs are asked to make info as clear as possible and all should be very careful to read info carefully. If we do not all cooperate with this, we may soon reach the point where action will have to be taken and swimmers will be the ones to suffer for the mistakes of the adults in charge. USE CURRENT LSC CLUB DIRECTORY 3.5 A. When mailing out info to clubs (each LSC Rep is sent a copy each fall. contact them or the LSC secretary if one is needed.) RECRUITMENT OF ATHLETES VIOLATION 3.6 A. The purpose of North Dakota Swimming is to promote the ideals of USA Swimming, an amateur sport, through participation, competition, and recognition of the young people within the area. The North Dakota Local Swimming Committee supports these ideals that include the ethical behavior and sportsmanlike conduct of our athletes and their supporters. Therefore, the North Dakota Local Swimming Committee cannot condone the unethical behavior of enticing swimmers away from one team to another within the North Dakota LSC. The practice of enticement or harassment of swimmers and parents, in the name of building or improving a team, is contrary to the standards sought by the LSC and will not be accepted or tolerated by that body. (See USA Swimming Rulebook, Code of Conduct, Article 304) B. Definition - Uninvited contact, in any form, by a representative (e.g., coach, assistant coach, parent, or swimmer) of an existing North Dakota team or proposed new team, to an attached swimmer or parent of an attached swimmer on another team in the North Dakota LSC, for the purpose of recruiting members. (10-7-01) 15 | P a g e PART 4 REGISTRATION ATHLETE REGISTRATIONS 4.1 A. All swimmers competing in events sanctioned by USA Swimming MUST be USA Swimming registered prior to participating in any USA sanctioned meet or deck register-with appropriate paperwork, an additional $5.00 registration fee (due prior to the start of the meet) Meet manager does have the right to deny deck registration as stated in the meet sanction information. (1) $5.00 per splash fine for non-registered swimmers in meet competition, payable by club. (2) Any swimmer that is not USA registered will be charged a $50.00 fine per swimmer, if entering in the State Meet and the representing club will be responsible for payment prior to the next season. (10-06-02) Any late registration fees collected shall be designated to Zone Account. B. Insurance is in effect once the application and money are received by the NDLSC Registration Chair &/or Deputy Registration Chair. (Club registration Chair is considered a Deputy Registration Chair.) DO NOT hold registration chair should mail registrations within 3 weeks of receipt on to NDLSC Registration Chair. With registrations due and received by NDLSC Registration Chair no later than Tuesday before a meet. For additional rules applying to competition see A above. C. Athlete membership is for a calendar year period. New members applying for membership on or after September 1st will be issued a membership card valid through December 31st of the following year. D. Club Registration Chair is responsible for registering all swimmers within the club. Registration forms must be completed yearly to be registered. ( 4-28-02) Athlete Seasonal, Transfer, Outreach and On Deck forms are also available on the ND Swimming website E. Club Registration Chair should check with NDLSC Registration Chair for all info needed regarding this position. The club registration Chair should attend the fall meeting of the NDLSC to obtain updated registration packet and get any and all questions answered. Club Registration Chair Informational Packet is available on the ND swimming website. F. All teams with more than 25 swimmers are required to submit their registration electronically to the registration chair. (Effective 2006 registration year). (05-08-05) 16 | P a g e G. Be sure to check with NDLSC Registration Chair for proper transfer procedure when a swimmer transfers into your club from another club and/or another state. The Required Transfer form is available on the ND website. H. Fees - see PART TWO – FEES –ATHLETE, SEASONSAL, OUT REACH, ON-DECK and TRANSFER I. All athlete registrations get mailed to NDLSC Registration Chair. Send Electronic batch and batch report via e-mail. The same day send fees, hard copy and USA forms in the mail. Registration will be processed and Effective upon receipt of the completed forms and fees. On deck registrations will not be accepted for entire team rosters. No more than 5 on-deck registrations per team/coach. Effective immediately athlete registrations must be paid by the club directly. No individual checks will be accepted. (4-25-04) NON-ATHLETE REGISTRATIONS 4.2 A. Applications along with proper fees must be mailed to NDLSC Technical Chair. DO NOT mail directly to USA Swimming, Colorado. The Technical Chair will forward renewal forms for non-athlete members to respective clubs. B. Check PART TWO - current fees. C. All deck officials MUST be USA Swimming registered. D. Registration of club members will be left to the discretion of the club leadership but clubs are encouraged to follow USA Swimming recommendation of requiring membership of anyone who interacts directly and frequently with athletes as part of their duties. This includes meet directors, team managers, computer operators and chaperones but does NOT apply to timers, marshals, or concession workers. COACHES' REGISTRATIONS & CERTIFICATIONS 4.3 A. No person without a coach membership will be allowed to participate in any coaching capacity at any USA Swimming sanctioned competition. Coaches are required to carry their cards at meets. (5-2-99) B. Must be certified in CPR, First Aid, coaches safety training and complete the required USAS background check when applying for USA Swimming Coach Membership. C. Must be 18 years of age as required by USA Swimming (10/2010). D. No grace period for a newly hired coach. E. Penalty for non-compliance: 17 | P a g e (1) Persons acting in the capacity of a coach but not having met membership certifications will be barred from the meet deck. (2) Clubs continuing to conduct a program with coaches who have failed to meet certification requirements shall find themselves on grounds for termination of club membership and loss in insurance coverage. (3) Coaches must be fully certified by the first meet they attend. If the coach is not certified by the first meet they attend, all members of the team will be considered unattached, and the club will be suspended from the LSC until proper certifications are obtained and a new club registration fee of $200.00 is paid to the LSC. (5-7-00) F. Coaches’ registration and certification will be handled by the NDLSC Technical Chair. G. USA Swimming has proposed an additional requirement for coaches for 1989... The American Red Cross is currently completing a training course "Safety Training for Swimming Coaches". Keep on top of these new requirements. The NDLSC Safety Chair will advise all clubs of any new requirements as they become mandatory. At NO TIME is it acceptable for a non-trained USA Swimming member parent to supervise practice or assume any other on-deck coaching duty. H. SAFETY PROGRAM - Since coaches exercise extensive control over the use and content of an athlete's time when involved in swimming, it is logical that the safety message and action begin with them. (1) GOALS OF SAFETY PROGRAM: To keep the competition and fun in swimming. To renew everyone's safety awareness. To foster an evolution to safety. To develop in all an understanding for the need for safety education. To reduce injury frequency. To reduce injury severity. To develop a realization that all communications, both about successes and failures, are important. To create a team with a "bias for action". To express the USA Swimming caring for the well being of the athlete. 18 | P a g e NEW TEAM REGISTRATION 4.4 A. Plan several weeks to get your paperwork organized. All applications and all paperwork go through the ND LSC Technical Chair who, in turn, submits the application to USA Swimming. B. Refer to the USA Swimming Member Resources section of their website for the applicable forms, requirements and guidelines C. Team registration must be granted by USA Swimming at least 30 days prior to any state championship meet for the new team to compete as a team at said meet. 19 | P a g e PART 5 BASIC MEET REQUIREMENTS MEET TYPES: 5.1 A. DUAL: Two USA Swimming member clubs wish to have a dual meet. That meet must be sanctioned and all participants in the Competition must be USA Swimming registered members. B. OPEN: A USA Swimming member club or LSC hosts a meet which is open to any number of USA Swimming Clubs, in or out of its own LSC. All the participants must be members of USA Swimming or FINA, and the competition must be sanctioned. C. INVITIATIONAL: A USA Swimming member club or LSC hosts a meet to which it invites USA Swimming member clubs, in or out of its own LSC. All the participants must be members of USA Swimming or FINA, and the competition must be sanctioned. SANCTIONED, APPROVED AND OBSERVED MEETS 5.2 A. SUMMARY (1) B. C. This is intended to help clarify the key differences about the various types of swims generating “official” USA Swimming times. More detailed information is available in USA Swimming Rules and Regulations (Article 202) in which requirements and conditions for sanction, approved competitions and observed swims are defined. All references to insurance herein refer only to the insurance provided through USA Swimming as of September 2004. SANCTIONED EVENT (1) Meet must be conducted under USA Swimming technical and administrative rules. (2) All times achieved will be recognized by USA Swimming. (3) All participants must be registered members of USA Swimming (including meet host, meet director, safety director, marshals, coaches, officials (excluding timers), athletes, and participating clubs). (4) Full insurance coverage is in effect (excess medical and general liability) for all registered members of USA Swimming. General Liability coverage is in effect for the meet host and volunteers. APPROVED COMPETITION (1) Meet must be conducted under USA Swimming technical rules, including time resolution. 20 | P a g e D. (2) A request must be made to the LSC within its parameters for Approval. (3) All times achieved will be recognized by USA Swimming, although only times of USA Swimming members are eligible for incorporation into the SWIMS database. (4) There are no requirements for membership in USA Swimming for participation in meet. (5) Insurance: If hosted by a USA Swimming member club/organization, full insurance coverage is provided for all registered members of USA Swimming and general liability coverage is provided for the hosting entity. If hosted by a non USA Swimming entity, full coverage is provided for the USA Swimming member coaches and athletes who are participating as a USA Swimming entity. OBSERVED SWIM(S) (1) Meet is conducted under other than USA Swimming technical rules (e.g., high school, NCAA, YMCA, IPC). (2) The NDLSC Age Group Chair will report EDC, WDA and ND High School State Championship information to USA Swimming and approve and document the meets for observation as required. A request for any OTHER observed meet must be made to the LSC within its parameters for Observation. (3) In order for times achieved at a high school meet to be loaded into USA Swimming SWIMS Database, the swimmer’s full name and USA Swimming ID Number must be listed in the meet results (therefore, in the meet database). The club coach and the swimmer will have to be responsible for seeing that this is included. The high school coach will have to be provided with the information and the importance of his/her using it made clear.Only those times from swim(s) observed and approved by USA Swimming appointed and certified officials acting as observers are recognized by USA Swimming. (4) Only times of USA Swimming members are eligible for incorporation into the SWIMS database. (5) There are no requirements for membership in USA Swimming for participation in meet. (6) There is no medical or liability coverage for participants or host. Excess medical is provided to designated LSC NTV Observers only while observing swims on the LSC’s behalf. SANCTION APPLICATION 5.3 A. [See Appendix] Please review SANCTION/APPROVAL APPLICATION CHECKLIST B. Application Fees (5-5-96) 21 | P a g e C. (1) Time trials, Duals, or other non-competitive activities - $90 (includes refundable deposit of $80) (2) All other Sanctioned/Approved Competitions - $100 (includes refundable deposit of $80) Two or more sanctions under one meet contract for one period of time (i.e. meet and time trials) conducted in the same weekend, shall require only one refundable deposit. (3) LSC meet fees are waived for any meet/organization hosting a Zone or higher level meet. (5-3-98) (4) A $50.00/week fine will be assessed to clubs for sanction applications that are not in to the Age Group Vice Chair, for all scheduled meets, by 8 weeks prior to the start of the scheduled meets. This is to be effective with the 2013-14 Short Course Season. Effective immediately any clubs having outstanding late fees from a prior season will not be issued a new sanction until all fees are paid. (4-25-04). (5) Sanctions received less than 4 weeks prior to the start of the scheduled meets will not be allowed unless there are extenuating circumstances as determined by the Age Group Chair. (6) If any meet is canceled within 8 weeks of the event, the sanction fee may not be refunded. (7) If another team picks up a canceled meet slot, and it is inside of the 8 week window, they may not be charged late penalty since they are picking up a spot canceled by another team. If at the 6 week point, a team that has a meet scheduled and has not paid their fee, the weekend will be opened between 6 and 4 weeks to allow another team to pick up the date without fine. APPLICATION INFO REQUIRED (1) Completed Application for Sanction or Approval [See Appendix] (2) Copy of meet information (contract) you plan to send to clubs a. (3) Must include all information required in "SANCTION APPLICATION CHECKLIST" Payment for fees outlined in PART FIVE II. A. Above. D. INSURANCE COVERAGE - all clubs must keep in mind that all team events must be sanctioned in order to be covered by the USA Swimming insurance. E. All pools in NDLSC used for any sanctioned meets must be measured by a licensed engineer/surveyor and submitted to the NDLSC Safety Coordinator. (1013-96) [See Measurement Certification of Permanent Racing Course – USA Swimming Rulebook Article 103]. If a pool is modified, a new form needs to be completed. 22 | P a g e SANCTION/APPROVAL 5.4 A. When the NDLSC Age Group Vice Chair has approved your application for Sanction or Approval, you will receive a USA Swimming Official Sanction/Approval Form [See Appendix]. This form will have the sanction number that MUST be listed on your meet information. BIDS 5.5 A. A member, whether individual(s), club(s), or organization(s), in good standing with North Dakota Swimming, Inc. may be permitted to submit a bid to host a zone, regional, or national championship swim meet, provided that prior to submission of the formal bid, the Board of Directors gives formal approval to the bid and enters into a written agreement which requires the member to assume full responsibility for all phases of conducting the meet. In the event that the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors falls after the bid submission deadline, the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors shall have the power to meet and act on behalf of the Board of Directors. (10-13-96) MEET INFORMATION INVITATIONS 5.6 A. Follow USA Swimming Rules & Regulations - you will jeopardize your sanction and insurance coverage if you bend or break USA Swimming Rules & Regulations. If you plan on easing up or changing rules (ex: easing up on younger swimmers) have your meet approved rather than sanctioned. B. See Appendix for Meet Template. C. Must include your sanction number, Meet Referee, Starter and Administrative Official. D. Deadline Date - Meet info must use POSTMARK DATE as deadline date. E. Meet length limit - Meets shall follow rules set forth by USA Swimming Article 102 and 205. A fine of $500 per hour will be assessed for the first violation; second violation is a six-month charter suspension. Enforcement would be the same as when fees are not paid. The Head Referee and Officials would be responsible for reporting the violation. If the 800 & 1500 yard frees are held at the end of a session, such events shall not be included in the eight hour rule. F. Open Water events can be included as part of a club's meet schedule. (5-4-97) G. Meet entry form - A meet entry form that can be filled in manually is sent by clubs. These should be included in the meet information. H. Meet entry fees 23 | P a g e I. 5.7 (1) Maximum $1.50/individual event and $3/four person relay. (2) $3.50/Swimmer effective Short Course 2010 (10-16-10). $5.50/ swimmer for state championship meets (with a maximum of $3.50 charged to the swimmer). (3) Clubs may assess reasonable additional fees to help defray expenses for electronic timer, etc. (4) Allow individual clubs to charge a flat fee per swimmer rather than above 1, 2, and 3. If #4 is chosen, #2 must be submitted. Warm-up procedures [See Appendix for Procedure and Safety Guidelines - 2 pages] (1) Warm-ups will be a minimum of one hour. (2) There will not be assigned lanes for warm-ups at the long course championship meet. (10-19-97) J. Please use current NDLSC Club Directory for mailing. K. Meet announcement- for a sanctioned meet must include USA Swimming membership requirement, on deck registration availability, competition course certification, water depth, sanction statement, and racing start certification statement. (5-1-11) MISC. MEET REQUIREMENTS A. MEET OFFICIALS (1) All deck officials (with the exceptions of timers) must be NDLSC certified and USA Swimming registered. (2) Electronic Timers at meets should be timer certified - they need to know what to look for in the way of errors and discrepancies. (3) Marshals: it will be the host team's responsibility to provide a minimum of four marshals or lifeguards, one of whom will be a marshal and will report to and receive directions from the Meet Referee. [See Appendix for Warm-Up Procedures] Marshals shall have full authority to warn, or order to cease and desist, and with the concurrence of the Meet Referee, to remove from the vicinity of the swimming venue, anyone behaving in an unsafe manner or using profane or abusive language or whose actions are disrupting the meet. Marshals are not responsible for providing emergency rescue. Emergency action plans are the responsibility of the Meet Host. (4) The Meet Referee does not have to be on the pool deck during warm-ups but must be available in the meet facility. 24 | P a g e (5) All officials working at a North Dakota meet must have their USA Swimming member registration card and official’s card worn on their person during a meet. (10-1-95) (6) Teams submitting entries for a meet must provide the names of officials that will work the meet. Teams must provide one official for the first10 swimmers entered in the meet, and then for every 15 after that; teams with less than 11 swimmers entered are not obligated to provide an official. (11-25 swimmers entered require one official; 26-40 require two officials, etc.) Apprentices will be considered as officials. There is a maximum requirement of six officials from any club for a meet entered. (4-28-02) (7) Teams failing to provide the names of any officials, or failing to provide the required officials, will be deemed in violation of the standards. The penalty for the violation is a $50 fine for all meets with the exception of the state meet (, to be paid to the NDLSC. In addition, the host club has the option of refusing entries or late entries for the violating club. Revised (09/18/12) (8) The LSC will provide each newly certified official with one official shirt and name tag. Shirts will be ordered once a year before the Long Course State Meet. Or more often if minimum order is met. B. HEAD-SETS - for officials work, great, BUT should not be used to influence officials to unfairly watch a particular swimmer. (Example: no passed messages to watch the kick on lane 3) C. MEET RESULTS (1) The results should indicate who made a state qualifying time and disqualification codes. (2) With relays, please list names and ages of swimmers (1st-3rd place) (3) Two weeks after the conclusion of a meet, the Age Group Vice Chair must receive the following: a. Meet results by using Meet Manager for Windows format, both paper and computer disk. (10-29-00) b. NDLSC Fees c. List of Participants for Registration Chair (4) Four weeks after the conclusion of a meet, the Age Group Vice Chair must receive the following: (05/97) a. Referee Meet Report b. NDLSC Financial Summary of Meet c. State Records Forms, Top 16 Forms [See Appendix for forms] 25 | P a g e (5) D. Meet Results must follow the rules outlined in 102.25 of the current USA Swimming Rules & Regulations. BACKSTROKE ENTRY INTO WATER - Entry must be made with feet first into the water. Safety disqualification if not adhered to. FINANCIAL STATEMENT 5.8 A. [See Appendix] Host club MUST complete a Financial Summary of Meet form. Each club should be as accurate as possible when figuring their meet income and meet expenses. The NDLSC fee of $2/swimmer should be sent along with the financial summary to the Age Group Vice Chair (5/5/96) DISQUALIFICATION NOTICE 5.9 A. This is a two-part NCR form - one copy to swimmer, one to electronic timer. A swimmer shall be barred from their next individual event if they do not adhere to the safety regulations. A disqualification will be issued. Forms must be provided by meet hosts for all meets other than the State Meets and higher which will be provided by the LSC and can be requested from the NDLSC Senior Vice Chair. TRAVEL POLICY-ATHLETES' CODE OF CONDUCT 5.10 A. [See Appendix] NDLSC has adopted a "Travel Policy-Code of Conduct" which is to be enforced for all athletes and coaches along with Article 304 of USA Swimming Rulebook. OFFICIAL EVALUATION FORMS 5.11 A. The NDLSC Official Chair will provide an evaluation form (for evaluation of overall officiating) which will be sent to clubs along with their sanction and financial statement forms. The meet Officials Chair will complete it and return to NDLSC Officials Chair. These forms will be used to discuss any problems which arise among officials, rule interpretations, etc. NDLSC RECORD VERIFICATION 5.12 A. Use form as shown in Appendix. Complete one for each new record set. Original goes to NDLSC Age Group/Records Chair, one copy to the swimmer's coach, and the other copy stays with meet management. The Meet Referee must sign the form. B. OVC times from high school meets cannot be used for state records. (10-18-98) C. State records - can only be set at the State Championships. 26 | P a g e D. Overall records - events recognized will be only those events which are swum at our State Meet, including 8 & under. NDLSC Records are based on these age groups: 8 & under, 10 & U, 11 -12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-18, or 15-18. 15-18 events setting a new record must be recorded as 15-16 & 17-18 UNLESS the meet info directed the 15-18 events to be broken down into 15-16 & 17-18. (8-2-86) A State record can break an overall record. No matter how events are swam, the record stands based on the age of the swimmer. E. Relay records from zones may not be an overall record. (10-6-91) F. No records will be recognized for a state overall record unless the sanctioned event includes more than one team, but shall not include time trials, timestandard trials, record trials, or special events that do not count in the scoring of the meet being conducted. (5-4-97) G. Overall records can be set at the time trials of a State Championship and higher level meets. (5-2-99) 27 | P a g e PART 6 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP MEETS REFER TO PART FIVE (Basic meet requirements) 6.1 A. Basic meet requirements also apply to State Championship Meets. (Refer to Part Five Basic Meet Requirements) NATIONAL QUALIFYING MEET 6.2 A. Application for National Qualifying Meet certification of long and short course state meets will be made if the meet format is a prelim/finial format ELIGIBILITY 6.3 A. Any duly registered ND non-club affiliated swimmer will be allowed to swim in the State Championships unattached. CHAMPIONSHIP PLAQUE 6.4 A. To be provided by the NDLSC to the winning team. PERCENTAGE HIGH POINT TEAM AWARD 6.5 A. This will be a plaque awarded to the team with the most points scored per swimmer. Total team points will be divided by the number of swimmers per team. A club must have a minimum of five swimmers to be eligible for this award. TIME STANDARDS / QUALIFYING TIMES 6.6 A. Will represent the average of the 24th place from the previous 3 year's state results or the current time standard - whichever is faster with the exception of to 50’s for the 13 & over age group which will be the average of the 16th place from the previous 3 year's state results or the current time standard - whichever is faster. B. Qualifying time standards for 13-14, 15-16 and 17-18 will all be the same. The time will be based on the slowest current standard, effective LC 2013. Scoring will be by age group. C. A swimmer must qualify for the 1000 & 1650 by swimming them. The same goes for the 1000 & 1500. D. The qualifying period for Short Course State Championship Meet is from January 1 of the previous year through the entry deadline for the meet. The qualifying period for Long Course State Championship Meet is from May 1 of the previous year through the entry deadline for the meet. E. Short Course State (25 yards): 28 | P a g e F. (1) Conforming times must be achieved in a short course pool meeting the requirements of USA Swimming Rules & Regulations 103.2.1. (2) Short Course Meter times shall be converted to Yard Times for proper seeding. Times for 25/50/100/200 meter events must be divided by 1.11. Times for the 400 & 800 meter must be divided by 0.8925 to obtain times for the 500 & 1000 yard events. The 1500 meter time must be divided by 1.02 to obtain the 1650 yard time. Drop the third and following digits after the decimal place. (3) The NDLSC will publish the yard times converted to meters to assist in determining if a state qualifying time was achieved in a short course meter pool. (4) Times from a long course pool will be converted to short course times and must meet standards to qualify for the short course state meet. Long Course State (50 Meter): (1) Conforming times must be achieved in a pool meeting the requirements of USA Swimming Rules & Regulations 103.2.1 (2) Short Course times (Meters & Yards) swam during the long course season (on or after April 15) must meet a qualifying time converted from the long course meter time. (3) The NDLSC will publish the converted short course times to assist in determining if a state qualifying time was achieved. These times will be converted to long course meter times for seeding purposes at the state meet. Yard times will be first converted to Short Course Meters. a. Times for 25/50/100/200 yard events will be multiplied by 1.11. b. Times for the 500 & 1000 yard events will be multiplied by 0.8925 to obtain times for the 400 & 800 meter events. c. The 1650 yard time will be multiplied by 1.02 to obtain the 1500 meter time. d. Short Course Meter times are then converted to Long Course Meter times by adding time for each additional turn (Freestyle: 0.8 seconds, Backstroke: 0.6 seconds, Breaststroke: 1.0 seconds, Butterfly: 0.7 seconds, and Individual Medley: 0.8 seconds). Drop the third and following digits after the decimal place. (4) If a swimmer swims a Short Course State qualifying time in a short course event during the short course season (meters or yards), that swimmer is also qualified in the corresponding long course event. For purposes of this section, a meet is defined as any sanctioned event. (5) All short course times will be converted to LC meter times and seeded as so. 29 | P a g e G. If a USA Swimming state qualifying time is achieved by any high school swimmer in a high school meet after September 1 of the current season, that time may be used as a qualifying time for that year's short course championships. Coaches must be able to prove any high school time used. Any times unproven will result in a fine of $100/ time entered. H. "Split times", as defined in the USA Swimming rule book, from any high school observed meet will be accepted as USA Swimming state qualifying times provided the split can be proven by a copy of the meet results and the official split verification from that meet. Relay "split times" may be used for the lead swimmer only. I. The NDLSC Age Group Vice Chair will be responsible to sample times submitted by each NDLSC member club as state qualifying times. Each club will be notified of the sample selection criteria used, the times selected for testing, the method(s) of proof to be accepted and the procedures to be used if submitted times cannot be proven. Swimmers "best times" are to be submitted as meet entry times. AWARDS 6.7 6.8 A. NDLSC has selected a company and chosen a special designed medal for State Championship Meets. State medals will be a one-sided State Championship design used for both seasons. NDLSC will purchase the State Championship medals with no cost to the club of the meet. B. NDLSC will provide the host club with a maximum of $600 to help purchase participation awards to recognize those that swim at State. The host club can, if needed, charge an additional $1 / swimmer to help defray the cost of participation awards. The awards are to be given to only those swimmers who actually participate in the meet. (If 250 are ordered and only 225 swimmers actually swim, the State will only pay for those 225 up to the maximum of $600. The club owns the remaining and can do with as they please.) SENIORS' AWARDS A. 6.9 STATE AWARDS A. 6.10 With the discretion of the host club, high point awards can be awarded for senior swimmers, at State Championships. (19 & older) Seniors DO NOT score points. Awards at the State Championships will be through 16th place with points only through 8th place. COACH OF THE YEAR AWARD 30 | P a g e A. 6.11 The meet committee, the state meet officials present at the time of voting, and a coach from each club will vote on Saturday. Ballots must be turned into the Meet Referee no later than the end of the second day. The Coach of the Year Award will be awarded at the beginning of the final session. The Award will be given for both the Long Course and Short Course seasons. Plaques will be purchased by the NDLSC technical chair for this award. The LSC will provide the host club with a Spirit Banner to be awarded on Sunday of the State Meet to the team that shows the most spirit and sportsmanship including parents, swimmers and coaches. The Spirit Committee will consist only of the General Chair, Head Referee, and Senior Athlete Rep. the Spirit Award will be for Long Course State Championships only. The Spirit Award will be awarded at the same time as the Coach of the Year Award. The LSC will provide a small plaque and $50 gift card for the official receiving the award. The Officials Committee will determine the recipient and policy. It will be awarded at the SC State Championship Meet at the same time as the Coach of the Year Award. Must be used for State Championship Meets. APPRENTICING OFFICIALS A. 6.15 (2) ELECTRONIC TIMER A. 6.14 On Friday of the state meet, each club will nominate one coach (any head coach or assistant coach in good standing) that they would like put on the coach of the year ballot. Ballot forms will be available at the state meet. The nomination should state the reasons why the coach should be nominated. The nomination must be signed by a current board member from the club or if the club is a coach owned club then the nomination can be signed by the coach’s designee. Nominations must be turned into the Meet Referee by the conclusion of the first day of the session. OFFICIAL OF THE YEAR AWARD (ESTABLISHED 2014) A. 6.13 (1) SPIRIT AWARD A. 6.12 An LSC Coach of the Year award will be established and announced at the state meet of the applicable season. Not allowed at Championship Meets. MEET RESULTS 31 | P a g e A. 6.16 MEET FEES A. 6.17 Must be sent to NDLSC Records Chair and also to NDLSC Age Group Vice Chair. Each NDLSC team must provide the Age Group Vice Chair meet results using Meet Manager 3.0 or compatible software. The club hosting the state meet shall forward to NDLSC the required per swimmer fee as stated in Part Five- Meet Entry Fees PLUS and additional $2 per swimmer for each swimmer entered in the state meet with no additional fee charged to the swimmer (11-2003). ($5.50 effective Fall of 2010) STATE CHAMPIONSHIP MEET FACILITY REQUIREMENT A. Minimum Pool Requirements for Hosting the ND State Short and Long Course Championships (1) The requirements listed as minimums in Article 103 of the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations must be met. In general, these standards set the requirements for water depth, course dimensions, pool walls, required pool and bulkhead markings, and other miscellaneous standards. (2) One of the main requirements after any pool modification is the recertification of the racing course. This requirement applies to both 25-yd and 50-meter courses with or without bulkheads. These requirements can be found in Article 104 of the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations. (3) In addition to the minimum requirements listed in Article 103 and 104 other requirements were approved by the House of Delegates (Fall 2010). They are as follows: a. Minimum of eight lanes b. Starting blocks at each end of the racing course (minimum depth requirements apply) c. Cool-down/warm-up pool separated from the meet/racing pool d. Spectator seating for 600 as a minimum e. On deck athlete seating for 300 minimum f. Adequate motels, restaurants in the near vicinity g. Adequate Parking h. The use of a copy machine on-site i. A separate meeting room for Officials 32 | P a g e j. B. Note: As of May 2011, only one facility in the state (Bismarck) meets the above criteria for Long Course Meets and two facilities (Bismarck and Grand Forks) meet the above criteria for short Course Meets. Application for Consideration to be added to the Approved Meet Facility Rotation (1) Facilities must meet the minimum aquatic and community requirements as set forth by the Board of Directors included in the NDLSC Policy Manual. (2) Once the minimum requirements are met and documented, the club recommending the facility shall petition the board in writing two months prior to the next general LSC meeting for inclusion into the state meet rotation. (3) Upon approval of the Board and ratification by the House of Delegates the new pool will be added to the rotational list for either Long Course or Short Course or both. Addition to the rotation will be two years future from the acceptance date. (4) The meet rotation schedule will be adjusted with the addition or deletion of any facility to the approved list of Championship Meet Locations. (5) The Application for Consideration is located in the LSC Policy Manual Appendix. HOSTING OF STATE CHAMPIONSHIP MEETS 6.18 A. State Championship Committees will be formed consisting of the following individuals: One Member from the NDLSC Board that is not part of the host or cohost team, acting as Committee Chairman, two Members from the host facility club and two individuals from the co-host club. One committee will be formed for Short Course and one for Long Course Championships. B. The committees will be formed a minimum of one year in advance of the Championship Meet date. C. The State Championship Committee will decide the level of involvement and commitment of the Host and Co-Host clubs concerning all activities related to the hosting of the State Championship Meets. The committee will also decide upon the split in meet proceeds between the Host Club and Co-Host Club. D. Should the Co-Host Club decline to share in the meet responsibilities then the Host Club will have full responsibility of hosting the meet. 33 | P a g e STATE MEET ROTATION 6.19 Year SC Location 2011 Bismarck 2012 Grand Forks 2013 Co-host Team/Board Chair LC Location Co-host Club/Board Chair Bismarck Mandan-Declined FM Gators – April Lange Bismarck Jamestown-declined Grand Forks West Fargo/Crookston-April Bismarck MMSC – Leith (final 5/2013) 2014 Bismarck ASK/CBSC (final 5/2013) Bismarck DDST 2015 Grand Forks WSL/BWST Bismarck NLSA 2016 Grand Forks MSC/VCST Bismarck JAWS 2017 Bismarck MMSC Bismarck ASK/CBSC 2018 Grand Forks FMY/CROC Bismarck DDST Small team rotation 2013 start JAWS CROC MMSC ASK CBSC – only GF BWST DDST VCST- only SC NLSA Large team rotation 2012 start FMY WFF WSL MSC FMY WFF WSL MSC CHAMPIONSHIP MEET - SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 6.20 A. LONG COURSE MEET [See Appendix] B. SHORT COURSE MEET [See Appendix] C. Each swimmer is limited to 3 individual events and 2 relay per day with a maximum of 6 individual events at the Short Course State Championship Meet. Each swimmer is limited to 3 individual events and 2 relay per day with a maximum of 6 events at the Long Course State Championship Meet. D. Time trials will be held at the State Championships with a $10 per event fee. Swimmers will be limited to no more than five total events per day. The host club is responsible for administering Time Trials. Overall records can be set at the time trials of a State Meet. 34 | P a g e STATE MEET COMMITTEE 6.21 A. A meet committee will be formed consisting of the General Chair, Head Referee, a Coaches' Rep. from the smallest and largest teams represented, and the Senior Athlete Rep. B. ATHLETE MEETINGS: The athletes are to hold a meeting on Saturday of both SC and LC State Championship meets following the morning sessions. This information must be stated in the meet information. See 1.2 Section I for Athlete Representative descriptions. MEET ENTRY DEADLINES 6.22 A. All entries will be done using the USA Swimming On-line Meet Entry system.. B. OME will be closed on the Monday of the State Meet at 5:00 pm CST. STATE MEET OFFICIALS 6.23 A. Each club should make recommendations to the Official's Chair for officials for the State Meet. An official must have completed officiating for 6 total meets prior to being eligible for officiating at the State Meet and must have worked at least one USA Swimming meet that current season. B. A Meet Committee consisting of the Official's Chair, General Chair, and Age Group Vice Chair makes the selection for Meet Referee and Administrative Meet Referee, then that group makes the selection of starters and deck referees for the State Meet. C. WARMUP PROCEDURE - The warm-up procedure for State Championships shall follow NDLSC. Warm-up Procedures and Safety Guidelines. It will be at the Meet Referees discretion to allow Team/Lane Specific Warm-ups for the 12 and Under sessions. If team specific war-ups are used, certified coaches for each lane are responsible for the swimmers in that lane. 35 | P a g e PART 7 OFFICIALS PROCEDURE FOR OFFICIALS 7.1 A. Learn the Rules. B. Attend clinics. C. Act professional. Treat the swimmers and coaches fairly. Sportsmanship is important. Be impartial. D. Welcome apprentice officials. Encourage parents to become involved. E. Meet Referees or designee shall enter the meets officials into the Officials Tracking System (OTS) at the USA Swimming website. F. The NDLSC official’s uniform is navy bottoms with a white polo shirt bearing the NDLSC logo. No jeans allowed. The LSC will provide each newly certified official with one official shirt and name tag. Shirts will be ordered once a year before the Long Course State Meet. Or more often if minimum order is met. G. All Meet Directors, Referees, Starters, and Stroke & Turn Judges working a meet MUST be USA Swimming registered. RENEWAL REQUIREMENTS 7.2 A. Take test every two years and attend a workshop each year of those two years at an LSC championship or higher level meet. The swim year for officials will start and end at the NDLSC Long Course Championship Meet. B. Yearly Session Requirements; (1) Stroke & Turn, 6 session, (2) Starter 8 sessions (3) Referee 10 sessions C. Check your meet history on OTS, contact the Meet Referee or the NDLSC Officials Chair (OC) if there is a discrepancy. D. The NDLSC OC will yearly check all officials history on OTS, and issue new cards. E. Only sessions worked at non championship NDLSC swim meets will count toward session requirement. 36 | P a g e F. Officials with National N2 & N3 certification will also be required to do mentoring/teaching to other officials in the NDLSC. G. Failure of an official to meet these requirements will result in reassignment to a Lower position. PROCEDURE FOR APPRENTICE OFFICIALS 7.3 A. Take test and give to your Club Official Chair (OC). B. Attend clinic. (This may be done out of sequence) C. Apprentice under several different officials, meets and venues. ( see apprentice requirements below) D. Have the veteran official who trained you and the Meet Referee sign your officials form. (Your OC should know you are apprenticing and be in contact with the OC of the club that you are training in.) Your OC will then approve those sessions worked as listed on your officials form. E. Give your officials form to your OC to be sent to the NDLSC-OC, with recommendation of certification. F. Your OC must approve your form before a card will be issued. G. Apprenticeships can be done only with veteran officials. Official Apprenticeship forms must be signed by that official and the clubs' OC. H. Apprentice sessions shown are the MINIMUM required, and will be done at a minimum of 3 different meets and 2 different pools hosted by 2 different teams. I. A veteran official is one who has been to an officials' training clinic and who has been an official for two years or who is the most experienced official in your club. J. A session is a morning or an afternoon of a split session meet. K. There would be four sessions in a two day split session meet. L. There are five sessions at the three day State Meet. OFFICIALS APPRENTICESHIP REQUIREMENTS 7.4 A. B. Head Timer, Electronic Timer: (1) Take the timer's test (2) Four sessions apprenticed? Starter: 37 | P a g e C. D. E. (1) Take the starter's test (2) Apprentice sessions shown are the MINIMUN required, and will be done at a minimum of 2 different meets and 2 different pools hosted by 2 different teams. With a minimum of 20 starts to count as a session Stroke/Turn: (1) Take the Stroke & Turn test (2) Six sessions apprenticed Referee: (1) Take all officials tests - including administrative. (2) Apprentice sessions shown are the MINIMUM required, and will be done at a minimum of 3 different meets and 2 different pools hosted by 2 different teams. With a minimum of 20 starts to count as a session (3) Must be a starter for a minimum of 1 year. Must have a MINIMUM of 6 sessions as a certified Stroke/Turn official and a MINIMUM of 4 sessions as a certified Starter along with a recommendation from your local OC. Administrative Referee: F. (1) Take the administrative test (2) All meet secretaries should take the test. Administrative Official/ Meet Manager: (1) Take the administrative test (2) Take all timing tests. a. 7.5 Note you are not an official but a dry side admin for the purpose of meet management and computer operation only, and are under the direct management of the meet referee. G. Officials' Form [See Appendix] H. The North Dakota officials' uniform is NAVY BOTTOMS with white collared shirt, (no jeans allowed). GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR DISCIPLINE AND DE-CERTIFICATION A. INTRODUCTION 38 | P a g e (1) The Officials Committee of USA Swimming working with the LSC Official Chairpersons has developed minimum standards for the certification of USA Swimming Officials. Until now there have not been any provisions or guidelines for dealing with discipline and qualification deficiencies of officials after the official has been certified. The following is intended to set forth guidelines. Should an LSC choose to make any of these provisions stricter, the LSC may do so, so long as the modified provision does not violate any of the Rules and Regulations of USA Swimming. The implementation of these guidelines, as with everything else in officiating, will require sound thought, reason and common sense. One should not rush to judgment until all the facts and both sides of the matter are heard. Further, one should not treat the matter as being bigger than it is. Remember the mountain and the molehill. Remedial efforts are the primary key with the understanding that it is often easier to save an official than it is to recruit a new one. Often the official’s deficiencies are the result of the efforts of someone else – in a phrase – lousy initial training. (2) Membership in USA Swimming is granted as a privilege, not a right. A rights, privileges, or positions of authority in an LSC are granted or authorized by the Rules and Regulations of USA Swimming and bylaws of the LSC. (3) Under Section 6 of the model LSC Bylaws the officials’ chairperson and the officials committee have the following responsibility: a. 606 (i) b. B. Duties and Powers of Standing Committees and Coordinators Officials Committee. The Officials Committee is authorized and obligated to recruit, train, test, certify, evaluate, retest, re-certify and supervise officials for NDLSC and such other activities as may be necessary or helpful in maintaining a roster of qualified, well trained and experienced officials of the highest caliber. CATEGORIES (1) C. Officials Chairman – The Officials Chairman shall chair the Officials Committee, which is responsible for recruiting, training, certifying and supervising officials for the North Dakota LSC (NDLSC). The Officials Chairman shall be a referee certified by the NDLSC and each member of the Officials committee shall be a certified official of NDLSC. 607.4 (i) Divisions and Committees In order to organize the possible matters and issues that could arise, three categories have been chosen which should cover all matters. The three categories are Professional Qualifications, Professional Misconduct and Code of Conduct. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 39 | P a g e D. (1) This category relates to matters involving deficiencies in the professional qualifications of the official. It relates to the technical aspects of the field of officiating, such as a lack of knowledge of the rules, improper application of the rules, etc. An illustration of this category might be the following: (2) Official A is a certified Stroke/Turn Official with two years of experience. He never makes a call, even when it is clearly “under his nose.” PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY– LSC Officials Chair (1) It is the responsibility of all officials to observe and evaluate the officials who are working for and with them. All deficiencies should be reported to the meet referee, who may address them at the time of the meet, if the meet referee feels that it would be best at that time. However, should it become apparent the official is deficient in the qualifications to serve in the position the official is certified for, then these deficiencies need to be reported to the LSC Officials Chairperson. (2) The Chairperson is primarily responsible for addressing the situation. It must be kept in mind that at this stage the approach needs to be remedial rather than punitive. (3) The first step for the Chairperson is to gather all the facts. The Chairperson may conduct the investigation or may assign the role to another trusted official. It is important that all of the facts are discovered and they be documented to the extent they can be. (4) Additionally, when conducting the investigation, the following shall be determined concerning the official: (5) a. knowledge of the rules, b. application of the rules, c. judgment on deck in applying the rules, and d. professionalism on and off the deck. After the facts are obtained, the Chairperson should schedule a meeting with the official and review in depth the performance of the official. The official needs to be given the facts as gathered by the Chairperson and the full opportunity to state his or her side of the matter and to make a request for help, should the official choose to do so. At this stage, if the Chairperson believes it is in the best interest of the official, it is appropriate to bring in other members of the Officials Committee or some third person who is a friend of the official to assist in the meeting. In the latter situation, the friend should be an official, because we are addressing professional qualifications. Furthermore, should the Chairperson believe it is inappropriate for him or her to meet with the official or address the issue; the Chairperson may assign the matter to another official. 40 | P a g e (6) E. F. The Chairperson has the following powers: a. To reassign the official to a lower position, where the official is qualified (i.e., referee to stroke and turn judge). The Chairperson should present the official with a program to be performed within a given time frame, providing the official the opportunity to regain his or her position. Although the program to be presented should be developed by the LSC, it is recommended that it include re-training, observation over a series of sessions and testing. b. To leave the official in his or her current position but establish a re-training program to correct any deficiencies. Again, any program proposed should include observation over a series of sessions and testing. In this situation, the Chairperson may decide to withhold any future assignments at the certified position until the official completes the program and is signed off by the training official(s). c. If the Chairperson is confronted with the situation where it is apparent the official does not comprehend and understand the rules and, in the opinion of the Chairperson, the official will not be able to correct the situation, then the Chairperson has the power to recommend to the Officials Committee that the official be decertified as an official. SECONDARY RESPONSIBILITY – LSC Officials Committee (1) At this stage the Officials Committee will enter the picture and make the final decision on de-certification. This step should include a hearing with the official, where the official has full opportunity to make his or her position with the Committee. (See HEARINGS below.) (2) A decision to de-certify the official should only be made as a last resort and on the recommendation of the LSC Official Chairperson. If there is no recommendation from the Chairperson then there will be no de-certification. PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT (1) This category relates to matters involving misconduct in the performance of the official’s professional duties that do not rise to the level of acts specifically covered by the Code of Conduct (Article 304.3 of the Rules and Regulations of USA Swimming). An illustration of this category might be the following: (2) Official B is a certified Referee of 4 years. At the last Age Group Championships he was berating fellow officials on deck, in front of the spectators for their slovenly appearance, lack of rule knowledge and their poor attitude. He then proceeded to offer his opinions regarding the LSC executive board, and how poorly he felt the business of the LSC was being run. 41 | P a g e (3) DUTIES – LSC Officials Chairperson a. (4) A complaint alleging misconduct on the part of an official needs to be in writing and filed with the LSC Officials Chairperson. The complaint must set out the facts and the misconduct alleged. It is then the duty of the Chairperson to conduct an investigation of the allegation and develop all of the facts. The Chairperson or someone chosen by the Chairperson may conduct this investigation. In choosing someone to conduct the investigation, the Chairperson needs to choose someone who is organized, thorough, honest and objective. The person should have no relationship with the situation or the official. PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY – LSC Officials Committee a. Once the investigation is completed, the entire file is delivered to the Officials Committee. The Committee will then schedule a hearing. (See HEARINGS below.) b. The Officials Committee has the following powers: (i) To issue a verbal warning, however, the warning must be accompanied by conditions to be met to correct the problem and the possible consequences if they are not met (even though it is a verbal warning it should be documented in the notes of the Committee accompanying the hearing). (ii) To issue a written reprimand, but again the reprimand must be accompanied by the conditions to be met and possible consequences if they are not, (iii) To reassign and to establish a re-training program, such as is set forth above for the Chairperson and the decision must be documented in the notes of the hearing, (iv) To suspend the official, however, the suspension should be accompanied by conditions the official must complete during the suspension period, and (v) To permanently de-certify the official. This should be for the most serious offenses and should be ordered only after all other remedial measures have been exhausted. 42 | P a g e c. G. CODE OF CONDUCT (1) This category involves all acts that fall under Article 304.3.1 through .15 of the Rules and Regulations of USA Swimming. An illustration might be the following: a. H. If the Official Chairperson is the investigating person then the Official Chairperson should not participate in the deliberations of the hearing. The Chairperson is the “prosecutor” in this role and should not sit as part of the jury. However, if the penalty is to be de-certification, then the Committee should consider this penalty only if the Official Chairperson has recommended it to the Committee. Official C is a certified Referee. At a meet last week the official falsely changed the time of the official’s son to a better time in order for him to qualify for an upcoming meet. (2) One of the primary issues the LSC Officials Chairperson must determine is whether the matter falls within the jurisdiction of the National Board of Review (Article 304.3.1 through .11) or the LSC Board of Review (304.3.12 through .15). All complaints received by the LSC Officials Chairperson should be delivered to the Executive Director of USA Swimming in Colorado Springs if it is within the jurisdiction of the National Board of Review or the LSC General Chairperson if it is within the jurisdiction of the LSC. (3) All complaints would then be processed under the established procedures of the LSC and USA Swimming. HEARINGS (1) The time frame for conducting the hearing should be set by the LSC but should not exceed the time frames set out in the bylaws of the LSC. There should be a provision for an emergency hearing if the facts warrant. (2) The conduct of the hearing need not be as formal as a hearing before the LSC Board of Review but the proceedings need to be documented with written notes. The official should be given full opportunity to present his or her side of the issue with the approach being primarily remedial unless the facts dictate otherwise. (3) The vote of the Officials Committee may be by majority, however, if it is by majority, caution should be taken to make sure the quorum requirement for an official meeting of the Committee is such that a majority vote represents a substantial number of the members of the Committee. The final decision should be written and a copy given to the official. It need not be formal document and can be in a letter format. 43 | P a g e (4) I. GENERAL (1) This program is intended to place the professional matters within the jurisdiction of the professionals, the peers of the official. However, if there are decisions made in this process, the official may have the right of appeal pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of USA Swimming and the Bylaws of the LSC. (2) It is possible that some matters could involve more than one category. If this situation arises, then one should select the category with the highest process, i.e., professional qualification and professional misconduct then process it under the professional misconduct category and if it is professional misconduct and code of conduct then process it under the code of conduct. PART 8 8.1 PARTICIPATION AT ZONE and NATIONAL MEETS (5/2014) Responsibility A. 8.2 The official shall have the right to appeal any decision imposing penalties on the official, including suspension or de-certification, to the LSC Board of Review and the opportunity to appeal should be made known to the official. All other decisions should not go beyond the Committee. The senior vice-chair is responsible for the administration of LSC policies governing zone and national level meets and for ensuring the overall expense is within the budget of the LSC or any overages are approved prior to incurring expenses. The Senior Vice Chair will present a preliminary budget at the fall LSC meeting so the board can make a tentative decision on team travel (see transportation 1.2-G). The Senior Vice Chair will present a budget for final approval, along with the recommended athlete fee, at the spring LSC meeting. 14 & UNDER ZONE MEET(S) A. Athlete Qualification and Selection (1) Athletes must be registered as regular (not seasonal) with ND Swimming (2) Athletes attending Zone meets are required to swim at least one NDLSC sanctioned meet (not time trials) during that season to receive funding from NDLSC. (3) Qualification for zone meets will be dictated by the official zone meet entry information which will override any conflicting NDLSC policy. (4) Athlete selection conforming to the Zone Meet Qualification standards is responsibility of the NDLSC. (5) Athlete Selection Policy: 44 | P a g e a. All athletes with a AAA time for an event may participate in that event. b. If an event has two or more athletes qualified with a “AAA” time then no additional athletes with non qualifying times may attend. c. Athletes with AAA qualifying times prior to the state championship meet are asked to declare their intent to participate in the zone championship meet with the zone head coach, prior to the first day of the state meet but no later than one hour past the conclusion of the state championship meet. A sign up form will be provided by the zone head coach the first day of the state meet. All team coaches will be provided with these forms to disperse accordingly to their team. d. For events that do not have two AAA participants signed up: intent must be declared by 8pm central time Sunday night of the ND long course state championships to be available for participation based on order of finish from the ND long course state championships. Following the 8pm deadline, the head coach will approve the entry of up to 2 swimmers to fill any open events without “AAA” qualifiers as policy allows. The head coach will notify parents ASAP but no later than noon on Monday following the long course state championships of those athletes selected to represent ND swimming at zones. Information will also be posted via the zone website. This assumes that the LSC is allowed to enter 2 individuals per event (currently the policy for the central zone meet). e. Team members with non conforming times, if allowed by the meet information, will be selected to fill open team positions by the following criteria: (i) f. B. Qualified swimmer (AAA Swimmer) gets to go to the meet. Beyond that, the fastest swimmer from the LSC is given an option to fill the open spots (2 per event), and the list is run through until the spots are filled, based on season best times Athletes may attend the Zone meet as a “relay only swimmer” under the following conditions: (i) If there is an open spot (ii) The meet information allows (iii) At the discretion of the Senior Vice Chair and Head Coach. Athlete Fees 45 | P a g e C. D. (1) Athlete fees or the reimbursement level for zone meet(s) will be set during the spring LSC meeting for the next zone meet(s), depending on whether or not team travel or support is provided. (2) All athlete fees will be paid in full during the Zone registration process held immediately following the State Long Course Meet. No funds will be refunded if athlete does not attend. ATHLETE/PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES (1) Athletes and parents are strongly encouraged to attend any informational meetings held at the LC state championship meet. (2) All required documents and release forms must be completed prior to travel. (3) Athletes will be required to sign and follow a code of conduct. Parents must agree to be responsible for any athlete that violates the code of conduct and any expenses related to their return home or any additional expenses incurred to deal with any situations that occur from such violation. Coach/chaperone responsibilities (1) E. Coaches are primarily responsible for athletes during competition and to/from competition. Chaperones are primarily responsible for athletes at all other times. However, chaperones and coaches must be available at all times and help when needed or when assistance is requested. Coaching (1) "Coach" is defined as staff that trains the athletes during the season and is contracted by the swim club to coach. All coaches must be USA registered and in good standing the duration of the trip. (2) The coaches' representative for that given year of zones will be the head coach (or will select an alternate with input from the General Chair) for the zone swim meet and will appoint the assistant coaches with input from the General Chair and alternate head coach if applicable. (3) The NDLSC will provide at least one coach per ten athletes, with a minimum of two coaches for prelim/time finals/finals meet formats. (4) The head coach will be paid $100.00 per day wages, $30.00 per day food allowance plus actual room expenses incurred. (5) Assistant Coaches will be paid $80.00 per day wages, $30.00 per day food allowance plus actual room expenses Incurred. (6) Zone coaches’ salary begins when the coach boards the bus and ends when the coach exits the bus at the end of the trip. At no time will swimmers be on deck without a coach during warm ups, competition, etc. 46 | P a g e F. G. (7) If team travel is not provided, head coaches and assistant coaches travel expense will be reimbursed upon expense report submission. Vehicle and room sharing will be expected when possible. Mileage, when applicable, will be at the current IRS rate. (8) If transportation is provided by the LSC via bus or rental vehicle the coaches will be encouraged to travel with the team. If the coaches choose to travel separately from the team it will be at their own expense. Chaperones –when LSC sponsored team travel is provided (1) Chaperone selection is the responsibility of the Senior Vice Chair with input from the General Chair. (2) All chaperones must be registered USA swimming non-athlete or coach members in good standing the duration of the trip. (3) The NDLSC will provide a minimum of four chaperones (if the LSC provides transportation/lodging for team ND). At least two chaperones with prelim/finals swimmers and two chaperones with timed finals swimmers. If the NDLSC does not provide transportation/lodging then supervision outside the pool is the responsibility of each parent & no chaperones are provided. (4) Athletes traveling or staying with parents or guardians are not the responsibility of the NDLSC. The parent or guardian is responsible for making all arrangements, ensuring the athlete is in attendance at all team functions and at the pool on time. (5) Chaperones will travel with the team and motel, team dinner, and entry fees will be paid by the NDLSC. Transportation (1) H. Meet Expenses (1) I. The NDLSC will decide at the fall LSC meeting if transportation for each of the zone meets will be provided or not. If the policy is not voted on at the fall meeting, it will follow the previous year’s procedure unless overridden at the spring LSC meeting. Entry Fees will be paid by the LSC Open Water Events (1) If open water events are not held in conjunction with the pool events, the NDLSC will promote attendance at the zone open water meet. The NDLSC will determine at the spring meeting if they will provide a coach or any direct support (travel, lodging, apparel, etc or reimbursement) for the Central Zones open water championships. 47 | P a g e (2) J. Miscellaneous (1) The head coach & the Senior Vice Chair will work together within the limits of the budget to provide team apparel or a package for our zone team. The goal will be to provide a similar theme for a 3 year period as to minimize additional purchases by team ND families. The NDLSC will provide a team ND item paid for by NDLSC each year an athlete attends the Central Zone 14 & Under Zone Championship. Athletes will also receive two (2) team ND swim caps and tshirts as determined and designed by the head coach and Senior Vice Chair as budget allows. Additional items may be available for purchase for trading purposes. (2) NDLSC will pay training fees for the zone team when it is necessary for the team to train in route to zone meets. (3) The Senior Vice Chair or a representative selected by the Senior Vice Chair will attend zone meets. He/she will represent the NDLSC in all affairs during the meet and travel with the team to and from the meet. He/she is additionally responsible for arranging payment of team expenses. (4) The Senior Vice Chair or his/her representative’s expenses during the zone meets will be paid by the NDLSC. SENIOR ZONE MEET(S) 8.3 8.4 If open water events are held in conjunction with the pool events, the zone head coach and Senior Vice Chair may elect to provide limited attendance or not to attend. This decision will be made before or during the registration meeting. A. To encourage athlete attendance at senior zone meets, the NDLSC may, at its discretion, provide a coach for all NDLSC athletes attending as club swimmers. Coach’s salary shall be determined by the LSC General Chair, Senior Vice Chair and, Treasurer prior to the zone registration meeting held the last day of state long course meet. Failure to determine the coaches’ compensation will result in default payments referenced in the 14 & under policy. B. The NDLSC will determine at the spring meeting if they will provide a coach and any kind of support (travel, lodging, apparel, etc or reimbursement). NATIONAL LEVEL MEETS A. National level meets are those meets sanctioned by USA Swimming or FINA in which an athlete may attend based solely on time standards for events swam. These meets include; Sectional, Grand Prix, US Open, Jr. Nationals, Nationals, Olympic Trials, etc. A year-by-year exception to include Senior Zones as an allowable meet was approved at the 2010 Fall House of Delegates meeting since a Senior Zones trip will NOT be funded by the LSC. 48 | P a g e B. It is not the intent of the NDLSC to pay all expenses, only a percentage. Remaining expenses are the responsibility of the athlete, parents and local clubs. C. Reimbursement Policy D. E. (1) During the spring and Fall LSC Meetings, if funds are available, it will be at the discretion of the Board to set the NDLSC level of reimbursement for athletes and coaches. (2) During the Spring Meeting the reimbursement level will be set for the long course season. During the Fall LSC Meeting the level of reimbursement will be set for the short course season. (3) The levels of reimbursement shall be published in the meeting minutes and posted to the NDLSC web site. Qualification for Athlete Reimbursement (1) Athletes are required to swim at least one NDLSC sanctioned meet (not time trials) during that season to receive funding from NDLSC. (2) Athletes must be North Dakota USA Swimming registered and have swum with a ND USA Swimming team a minimum of 30 days. (3) Unattached swimmers must have been register-ed with a ND USA Swimming team prior to becoming an unattached swimmer or must have been a member of a NDLSC registered team for a minimum of four months during the last calendar year. Athlete Reimbursement (1) Only travel, motel, and event entry fees directly related to meet attendance will be considered for reimbursement. Mileage will be reimbursed at 25% of the standard IRS reimbursement rate. (2) The reimbursement form and receipts must be turned in electronically to the Senior Vice Chair AND Treasurer for approval. (3) The Senior Vice Chair will forward the approved form with receipts as they are received to the NDLSC Treasurer for payment. (4) All requests for payment are due within 30 days from the last day of the meet requesting reimbursement for. NOTE: As of 10-2011,the current maximum payment is set at not to exceed $500 per athlete, per year. 49 | P a g e F. Qualification for Coach Reimbursement G. (1) "Coach" is defined as staff that trains the athletes during the season and is contracted by the swim club to coach and must be USA Swimming registered. (2) Coaches must have at least one North Dakota athlete attending Senior Level meets to receive reimbursement. (3) Coaches must be registered with a North Dakota Swim Club to receive reimbursement. Coach Reimbursement (1) Only travel, motel, and event entry fees directly related to meet attendance will be considered for reimbursement. Mileage will be reimbursed at 25% of the standard IRS reimbursement rate. (2) The reimbursement form and receipts must be turned in electronically to the Senior Vice Chair AND Treasurer for approval. Receipts must be attached to the Reimbursement form for payment. (3) The senior Vice Chair will forward the approved form with receipts the NDLSC Treasurer for payment. (4) All requests for payment are due within 30 days from the last day of the meet requesting reimbursement for. NOTE: As of 10-2011, the current maximum payment for coaches is set at not to exceed $500 per season. PART 9 9.1 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION ACCIDENTS A. ALWAYS report any and all accidents - no matter how minor they may seem. Fill out Report of Occurrence Form - keep copy and send original to NDLSC Safety Chair and to the two addresses on the report form. See USA Swimming Insurance & Risk Management for procedure and current form ang=en 50 | P a g e NATIONAL CONVENTION 9.2 A. NDLSC will budget $2,700 for 3 persons plus registration fee for national convention purposes. This money is available to person/persons approved by NDLSC to attend the national convention. (10-13-96) DIRECTORY INFORMATION 9.3 A. Be prompt with submitting information to NDLSC Secretary... your clubs will be billed for phone calls we have to make to get your Directory Information. OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD 9.4 A. The Outstanding Service Award was established to recognize volunteers for their invaluable contribution to USA Swimming. The award, sponsored by the Phillips Petroleum Company, is presented annually to an honoree named by each LSC. Selection criteria considers quality, level and years of volunteer service in elected or appointed positions from among the categories of administrator, official and coach. Nominations for this award are made at the Spring NDLSC meeting. [See Appendix] B. The following individuals are past honorees from NDLSC: Jim Miller Ron Rudser – 1986 Jim Smid – 1987 Tom Owens – 1988 Dwayne Wacker – 1989 Lois Fisher – 1990 Pat Tierney – 1992 Kaye Rudser - 1993 Chuck Johnson – 1994 Paul Renick - 1995 Fred Werremeyer – 1996 Cathy Kruse - 1997 Mary Liz Holland – 1998 Greg Schuchard - 1999 Gerry Pfau – 2000 Craig Giese - 2001 Marvin Fiest – 2002 Gerry Pfau – 2003 Julie Lefever-2004 Keith Maetzold - 2005 Jerry Hahn-2006 Bill Siders -2007 Jody Bolinske -2008 Amy Schmidt - 2009 51 | P a g e TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENTS 9.5 A. Expenses incurred to attend NDLSC approved training events such as National Convention, Officials Workshops etc, will be reimbursed as the expense is incurred with a completed expense report and receipts (See Appendix). Upon completion of the training a final expense report must be turned in with proof of attendance and any additional expenses. If expenses are reimbursed and then the training is not completed, all prepaid expenses must be returned to the NDLSC within 30 days of the event. Members are expected to exercise the same care in incurring expenses that a prudent person would exercise in traveling on personal business. Excessive expenses will not be reimbursed. The rate for all LSC Mileage reimbursements will be at 25% of the IRS rate. B. Board members will receive mileage reimbursement for travel to and from LSC meetings and required functions upon completion of an Expense Reimbursement Form (5/2008). APPENDIX 52 | P a g e A.1 SANCTION/APPROVAL APPLICATION CHECKLIST Does Your Application Include: (Check Items Which Apply) APPLICATION FORM ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ -Date form is completed -Name of person making application -Club name -Type of activity (circle one) -Location of event -Date(s) of activity (must correspond with NDLSC schedule) -Sanction fee-must accompany application (payable to NDLSC) -$100.00 for meets involving three or more teams, including State Championships -$90.00 for dual, time trials, and intra-squads -$10.00 for clinics, camps, and team parties -$50.00 additional fee if submitted later than 8 weeks before the meet start date (effective LC 2003) -Signed and dated by club representatives -Name and address of person to receive sanction approval form -This is an application for a Sanctioned Meet (All USA Swimming Participants Only) -This is an application for an Approved Meet (USA Swimming and non-USA Swimming Participants) MEET INFORMATION -Heading ______ 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. Team Name__ Meet Officials Referee, Starter and Admin Official Meet Name (if any) Date(s) of Event Sanction/Approval Number-Course Length of Course Meters or Yards Number of Lanes Name and Address of Facility including zip Pool Depths and Block Locations -Eligibility ______ 1. Limited to currently registered USA Swimming or CASA swimmers if event is to be sanctioned. ______ 2. Date to be used to determine age for age-group events (usually first day of meet). -Rules ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Current USA Swimming rules to govern meet Whistle Start & No Recall False Start Notice included Timed final or Prelim/Final meet Clerk of Course (?) Entry and Relay Cards Age groups to be used No-Time (NT) rules, if any Time line for 12 & Under swimmers does not exceed 4 hours (n/a for championship meets) -Warm-Up Procedures ______ 1. The following must appear in the meet information, "North Dakota Swimming, Inc. Warm-up Procedures and Safety Guidelines will be in effect at this meet." ______ 2. Warm-up times (one hour minimum is required) ______ 3. Must conform to NDLSC Warm-up Procedures and Safety Guideline ______ 4. Any warm-up procedures or rules, which are specific to your meet, must be listed. 53 | P a g e -Limit of Number of Events ______ 1. Limited to five individual events per day by USA Swimming Rules for timed final meet ______ 2. Meet rules limiting number of events per day, swimming up for relays, co-ed relays ______ 3. Maximum number of swimmers-if event is limited -Fees ______ ______ ______ ______ (As currently stated in NDLSC Policy Guidelines) 1. $3.50 per swimmer NDLSC fee 2. Maximum $1.50/swimmer/individual event and $3.00/four person relay 3. REASONABLE additional fees to defray cost of electronic timer, etc. 4. May be listed as a lump sum fee -Schedule ______ 1. Start times for warm-ups for each session ______ 2. Start time for meet for each session ______ 3. Times and locations of official meetings ______ 4. Scratch meeting (if used) ______ 5. Coaches’ meeting-after completion of relays each morning ______ 6. Split session/all day meet ______ 7. Lunch break (must be scheduled if not split session meet) -Awards and Scoring ______ 1. Point system used ______ 2. Medals, ribbons or other awards ______ 3. High point trophies (if awarded) -Entries ______ ______ ______ ______ 1. 2. 3. 4. Deadline (use postmark date) Name, address and phone number where entries must be submitted Checks payable to whom Faxed entries accepted? -Other ______ 1. Any other special rules or announcements of which the coaches should be aware ______ 2. Reminder that coaches & officials must wear their registration cards -Meet Administration ______ 1. Name of Meet Referee (If not a North Dakota Official, provide copy of current USA Swimming card) ______ 2. Name, Address and Phone Number of Meet Manager ______ 3. Name of Safety Official-Must be USA Swimming Non-Athlete Member ______ 4. How many of your own club officials will work the meet? ______ 5. Have your meet personnel (Head Timer, Timing Judge, etc.) been USA Swimming registered and completed the required tests for the position? ______ 6. Have you made provision, in advance, to insure an adequate number of officials to run this meet? ______ 7. Number of State Record Forms Requested SCHEDULE OF EVENTS ______ -Event and Event Numbers for boys and girls ______ -Boys and Girls must be offered same events in each age group ______ -Schedule of Events is attached (with estimated time line information) RETURN A COPY OF THIS CHECKLIST WITH COMPLETED APPLICATION 54 | P a g e A.2 USA SWIMMING APPLICATION FOR SANCTION Date _____________________ I, _________________________________________________________, apply on behalf of __________________________________________ (Organization) for a sanction to hold swimming competitions, time trials, exhibitions, Swim-a-Thons or Clinics (circle one) at _____________________________ on the _____________ day(s) of _________________, ______. Our sanction fee of $________________, a copy of the event information and event entry form are attached. Also included is a complete schedule of lanes and times for all warm-up procedures which must be adhered to by all participants. As a condition of obtaining such a sanction, I and the above organization, which I represent, agree to abide and govern this event under the rules and regulations of USA Swimming, Inc. and North Dakota Swimming, Inc. (Local Swimming Committee), and all other terms and conditions upon which this sanction may be granted. These terms specifically include all local rules and regulations and those set forth in Article 202 of the current edition of USA Swimming Rules and Regulations, specific reference to Paragraph Two of Article 202 thereof, which provides that: In granting this sanction it is understood and agreed that the NDLSC and USA Swimming shall be free from any liabilities or claims from damages arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of the event. Officials for this meet should be qualified persons as certified by USA Swimming, Inc., and a list of such officials will be submitted one week prior to the above event, if requested. Signed: ______________________________ Club President Date Signed: ______________________________ Club Representative Return Sanction to: _________________________ _________________________ Date ___________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ City/State/Zip Code: ____________________________________ Mail Application to: NDLSC Age-Group Vice-Chair DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE For LSC Use Only Approved/Not Approved (circle one) Signed: __________________________ Sanction Number: ______________________ Issued: ___________________, ______ Month Date Year 55 | P a g e A.3 USA SWIMMING APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL Date: _____________________ I, _________________________________________________________, apply on behalf of __________________________________________ (Organization) for an approval to hold swimming competitions at ________________________________________ on the _____________ day(s) of __________________, _____. Our approval fee of $100.00 is attached. As a condition of obtaining such an approval, I and the above organization, which I represent, agree to abide and govern this event under the rules and regulations of USA Swimming, Inc. and North Dakota Swimming, Inc. (Local Swimming Committee), and all other terms and conditions upon which this approval may be granted. These terms specifically include all local rules and regulations and those set forth in Article 202 of the current edition of USA Swimming Rules and Regulations, specific reference to Paragraph Two of Article 202 thereof, which provides that: In granting this approval it is understood and agreed that the NDLSC and USA Swimming shall be free from any liabilities or claims from damages arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of the event. Officials for this meet should be qualified persons as certified by USA Swimming, Inc., and a list of such officials will be submitted one week prior to the above event, if requested. Signed: ______________________________ Club President _________________________ Date Signed: ______________________________ Club Representative _________________________ Date Return Approval to: ___________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ City/State/Zip Code____________________________________ Mail Application to: NDLSC Age-Group Vice-Chair DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Approved/Not Approved (circle one) For LSC Use Only Signed: __________________________ Approval Number:______________________ Issued: __________________, _______ Month Date Year 56 | P a g e A.4 NDLSC APPLICATION FOR OBSERVATION This form is to be used to request authorization for observation of High School (EDC, WDA, HIGH SCHOOL STATE CHAMPIONSHIP completed and filed by ND Age Group Chair), YMCA, Collegiate, or Masters meets for verification purposes. If High School competition, the meet must be District or State Championship; if Collegiate, the meet must be in the qualifying progression for the season culminating championship. Name of Meet: ______________________ Date(s): ________________________ Name of Facility: ____________________ City: ___________________________ Names of currently certified USA Swimming officials who will verify requirements of USA Swimming Rulebook section 202.5 are met: 1) _______________________________________ 2) _______________________________________ Name of Meet Director: ____________________________________________ Name of Meet Referee: ____________________________________________ This form must be received by the designated person in the LSC 10 days prior to the beginning of the meet. Approved: ___________________________________________ (LSC Age Group Chair) Date: ____________________________________ In granting this approval it is understood and agreed that the NDLSC and USA Swimming shall be free from any liabilities or claims from damages arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of the event. 57 | P a g e A.5 ND SWIMMING SANCTION/APPROVAL WORKSHEET Team Name: Meet Date: Info Packet Sent: 12 Weeks Prior to Meet) Sanction Due From Club: (8 Weeks Prior to Meet) Sanction/Approval Received from Club: Sanction/Approval Fees Due Time Trial, Dual or Non-Competitive Events (Includes refundable deposit of up to $80.00) $ 90.00 All Other Sanctioned/Approved Competitions (Includes refundable deposit of up to $80.00) $100.00 Include additional $50.00 fee if submitted later than 8 weeks before meet start date. Date Sanction Approval Issued: ______________________________________________ (At Least 6 Weeks Prior to Scheduled Meet) Meet info must be mailed to invited Clubs by: (At Least 6 Weeks Prior to Scheduled Meet) Within two weeks (four weeks for state meet) after conclusion of meet, Age-Group Vice-Chair must receive the following: a. Meet Results (Both paper and electronic) b. *NDLSC Fees (Payable for Time-Trials effective 5/2013) c. List of Participants for Registration Chair Within four weeks after conclusion of meet, Age-Group Vice-Chair must receive the following: a. *Meet Referee Report b. *NDLSC Financial Form c. *State Record Forms & Top 16 Forms *Not Required for non-competitive events such as Swim-A-Thons Two Weeks Four Weeks Date Due: Date Received: Refund Amount Due On Time $ 80.00 Up to Two Weeks Late $ 40.00 More than Two Weeks Late No Refund Due Date Sent to Treasurer: ______________________________ NOTE: In granting this sanction it is understood and agreed that USA Swimming shall be free from any liabilities or claims for damages arising by any reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of the event. 58 | P a g e A.6 USA SWIMMING OFFICIAL SANCTION Sanction Number__________________________ Sanction Fee Paid $________________________ North Dakota Swimming, Inc. (Local Swimming Committee) has approved ________________________________________________ application for sanction to hold an amateur swimming event consisting of ___________________________________ at ________________________________ on ____________________, ______(Month/Day/Year) under the following requirements and conditions as listed in the current edition of USA Swimming Rules and Regulations and all rules and regulations of this Local Swimming Committee. REQUIREMENTS: Article 202.2.1-13 CONDITIONS: Article 202.3.1-7 MISCELLANEOUS: All rules and regulation of USA Swimming and North Dakota Swimming, Inc. (Local Swimming Committee) shall be complied with and enforced. All negotiations for the entry of any athlete shall be with his school or club or, if unattached, through the Local Swimming Committee. This sanction does not permit broadcasting by radio or television of this event without permission of North Dakota Swimming, Inc. (Local Swimming Committee) and/or USA Swimming. This sanction is not transferable. In granting this sanction it is understood and agreed that USA Swimming and North Dakota Swimming, Inc. (Local Swimming Committee) shall be free from any liabilities or claims for damages arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of this event. Date:__________________________________ Signed:___________________________ Age-Group Vice-Chair 59 | P a g e A.7 USA SWIMMING OFFICIAL APPROVAL Approval Number__________________________ Approval Fee Paid $________________________ North Dakota Swimming, Inc. (Local Swimming Committee) has accepted ________________________________________________ application for approval to hold an amateur swimming event consisting of ___________________________________ at ________________________________ on ____________________, ______(Month/Day/Year) under the following requirements and conditions as listed in the current edition of USA Swimming Rules and Regulations and all rules and regulations of this Local Swimming Committee. REQUIREMENTS: Article 202.4.1-13 MISCELLANEOUS: All rules and regulation of USA Swimming and North Dakota Swimming, Inc. (Local Swimming Committee) shall be complied with and enforced. All negotiations for the entry of any athlete shall be with his school or club or, if unattached, through the Local Swimming Committee. This sanction does not permit broadcasting by radio or television of this event without permission of North Dakota Swimming, Inc. (Local Swimming Committee) and/or USA Swimming. This approval is not transferable. In granting this approval it is understood and agreed that USA Swimming and North Dakota Swimming, Inc. (Local Swimming Committee) shall be free and held harmless from any liabilities or claims for damages arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of this event. Date:__________________________________ Age-Group Vice-Chair Signed:___________________________ 60 | P a g e A.8 NDLSC WARM-UP PROCEDURES AND SAFETY GUIDELINES All warm-ups shall be a minimum of one hour. GENERAL WARM-UP SESSION (FIRST 30-45 MINUTES): NO DIVING allowed from the blocks or from the edge of the pool. Swimmers in all lanes should start by entering feet first in a cautious manner at the ends of the pool. No sprinting or pace work allowed during this session. Swimmers are required to circle swim within each lane. NO SWIMMING UNDER THE ROPES. Stopping to practice turns is not allowed. SPECIFIC WARM-UP SESSION (LAST 30-45 MINUTES): LANES 1 and 8: PUSH-PACE LANES. (push of one to two lengths from the start. Continuous circle swim only. NO DIVING!) LANES 2, 3, AND 7: STARTS. (Racing starts only. Swimmers are to swim entire length and exit. Cutting under the ropes will be discouraged.) LANE 6: BACKSTROKE STARTS. (NO one is allowed on the starting block when a backstroke is executing his/her start.) LANES 4 AND 5: GENERAL WARM-UP LANES. (Continuous circle swim only. Stopping in the lanes to practice turns is allowed if done in a courteous and safe manner. NO hanging from the ropes.) Six lane pools will have the outside lanes as push-pace lanes: lanes 2 and 5 will be for starts, and lane 3 and 4 will be general warm-up. Upon request from an athlete or coach with permission granted and announced by the Head Safety Marshal, relay starts may be conducted in lane 2 and/or 7 in an eight lane pool and in lane 2 or 5 in a six lane pool during the last 15 minutes of the specific warm-ups. SAFETY GUIDELINES: COACHES’ responsibilities: Coaches shall instruct their swimmers regarding safety guidelines and warm-up procedures at all meets and practices. Coaches shall ACTIVELY supervise their swimmers throughout the warm-up sessions at meets and at all practices. Swimmers may use diving wells or side pools for warming up or for cooling down during a meet but must also be actively supervised by a certified coach or lifeguard. Availability of a lifeguard, the diving well, and/or the side pool during the meet and during warm-ups is at the discretion of the Host Team. HOST TEAM’S responsibilities: Marshaling: A minimum of 4 marshals or lifeguards, one of whom will be a marshal and will report to, receive and give directions from the Meet Referee shall be on deck during the entire warm-up sessions. Marshals shall be current members of USA Swimming. Marshals shall have full authority to warn, or order to cease and desist, and with the concurrence of the Meet Referee, to remove from the vicinity of the swimming venue, anyone behaving in an unsafe manner or using profane or abusive language or whose actions are disrupting the meet. The Host Team shall provide signs for each lane at both ends of the pool indicating the designated use during warm-ups. Warm-up times (and lane assignments if established by the Host Team) shall be published in the meet information and posted in the pool area. The following shall appear in the meet information for each 61 | P a g e LSC sanctioned swimming event: “North Dakota Swimming, Inc. Warm-up procedures and safety guidelines will be in effect at this meet.” An announcer will be on duty for the later warm-up session and to announce land and/or time changes. Hazards in areas used by coaches, swimmers, spectators or officials shall be removed or clearly marked. The Host Team should have an emergency action plan and a designated first aid center. Report ALL accidents to the Host Safety Chairperson. He/she should send the written report to all 3 addresses on the current form. These reports should include pictures if helpful. NO GLASS CONTAINERS IN THE POOL AREA. MISCELLANEOUS: Host clubs may, with the consent of the Meet Referee modify the recommended lane assignments depending on the pool configuration, number of swimmers, or other considerations, as long as safety considerations are not compromised. Any such changes shall be announced and/or posted prominently in the pool area. Meets found to be conducted in an unsafe manner will be dealt with on an individual basis by the LSC. Host Teams for state competitions will provide three marshals or lifeguards for warm-ups. The State Safety Chairperson will be the fourth position as Head Safety. Competitions of 2+ teams shall have warm-ups marshaled. The warm-up procedure for State Championships will be a team specific warm-up in which the certified coaches for each lane are responsible for the swimmers in that lane. General warm-up, pace work, starts, and turns can be run anytime during the 1 hour warm-up period as the coach deems. When there is more than one coach per lane, the warm-up procedure will be by mutual consent. 62 | P a g e A.9 REFEREE MEET REPORT Meet Information: Sponsoring Team: _______________________________ Date(s): _______________________________________ 12 & Under Sanction Number: _______________________________ Competition Time Referee: _______________________________________ Length (less breaks) Meet Director: __________________________________ _________________ Officials: Deck Referees: Name Club Sessions Comments 1. 2. 3. Starters: 1. 2. 3. Stroke and Turn: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Apprentices & Positions Worked: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PROBLEM AREAS (protests, equipment failure etc.) RECOMMENDATIONS: Referee Signature: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________________ SEND TO: NDLSC Age-Group Vice-Chair 63 | P a g e A.10 NDLSC FINANCIAL SUMMARY OF MEET Name of Meet __________________________________ Sanction # __________________ Location Date __________________ Phone __________________ __________________________________ Meet Director__________________________________ Meet Income: Individual Entries ___________ X _________= __________ Relay Entries ___________ X _________= __________ NDLSC Fee (# of Swimmers) ___________ X $3.50 = __________ Sales (Include programs, pins, patches, shirts, food, etc.) = __________ Other Income (pool fee, ads, etc.) = __________ TOTAL INCOME: = ___________ Meet Expenses: Awards = __________ Pool and/or Equipment Fees = __________ Sanction Fee = __________ NDLSC Fee ($3.50 per swimmer: $5.50 for state meet) = __________ Program Costs = __________ Other = __________ TOTAL EXPENSES: Meet Profit: Approval: = ___________ = ___________ __________________________________ Team Treasurer or Meet Financial Chair Please mail this report with the NDLSC Fee payment to: NDLSC Age-Group Vice-Chair 64 | P a g e A.11 MEET SUMMARY CHECKLIST TEAM: _____________________________________________ MEET: _____________________________________________ MEET DATE: ________________________________________ SANCTION/ APPROVAL NUMBER: _______________________________ PLEASE RETURN THE FOLLOWING TO THE AGE GROUP VICE CHAIR: (RETURN THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE CHECKED) Within two weeks of event: () MEET RESULTS ON PAPER MEET RESULTS ON COMPUTER DISK NDLSC FEES MEET ROSTER WITH SWIMMERS USA SWIMMING REGISTRATION NUMBERS Within four weeks of event: () MEET REFEREE REPORT NDLSC FINANCIAL FORM STATE RECORD FORMS FOR RECORDS BROKEN TOP 16 FORM FOR ANY TOP 16 QUALIFYING TIMES ACHIEVED RETURN TO: NDLSC Age-Group Vice-Chair 65 | P a g e A.12 NORTH DAKOTA RECORD VERIFICATION Age Group _____ Event ____________________________________ Time ________________ Swimmer(s) Name ______________________ ________________ Club Affiliation Age ________ USS # ______________________ _________ ________________ ______________________ _________ ________________ ______________________ _________ ________________ ______________________ _________ ________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Meet ______________________________________________________ Date ________________ I hereby verify that the above named individual(s) established a new record as indicated above… ____________________________ Meet Referee 66 | P a g e A.13 NDLSC TRAVEL POLICY AND CODE OF CONDUCT Travel Policy In accordance with the USA Swimming Rulebook, club travel policies must be signed and agreed to by all athletes, parents, coaches, and other adults traveling with the North Dakota Swimming, Inc (NDSI) Team. In the event that an athlete violates the travel policy or code of conduct, the Head Coach shall report violations to the appropriate North Dakota Swimming leadership and to the parent or legal guardian of any affected athlete. Violations of a severe nature will result in more severe consequences, including (but not limited to) the swimmers’ immediate return home, barring the swimmer from future All-Star/Zone Teams, or barring the swimmer from future North Dakota Swimming competitions. Team managers and chaperones must be members of USA Swimming and have successfully passed a USA Swimming-administered criminal background check. Regardless of gender, a coach shall not share a hotel room or other sleeping arrangement with an athlete (unless the coach is the parent, guardian, sibling, or spouse of that particular athlete). During team travel, when doing room checks, attending team meetings and/or other activities, two-deep leadership and open and observable environments should be maintained. When only one athlete and one coach travel to a competition, the athlete must have his/her parents’ (or legal guardian’s) written permission in advance to travel alone with the coach. To ensure the propriety of the athletes and to protect the staff, there will be no male athletes in female athlete’s rooms and no female athlete in male athlete’s rooms at any times. Team members and staff traveling with the team will attend all team functions including meetings, practices, meals, and meet sessions. Swimmers are expected to remain with the team at all times during the trip. Curfews shall be established by the team or NDSI staff each day of the trip and no team member may leave their room after curfew. Any damage or thievery at the hotel will be the responsibility of the offending swimmer. No loud or obnoxious behavior will be tolerated in hallways or public areas. Team members are expected to behave in an exemplary manner at all times. When visiting public places, swimmers should be polite and courteous to employees and other visitors. Team or LSC officials shall obtain a signed Liability Release and should carry a signed Medical Consent or Authorization to Treat Form for each athlete. The coaching staff and NDSI may establish any other rules as deemed necessary. The directions and decisions of coaches and chaperones are final. Code of Conduct Team members represent North Dakota Swimming and should keep their behavior in accordance with the high standards of North Dakota Swimming. Proper respect and sportsmanship should be displayed towards coaches, officials, administrators, teammates, fellow competitors and the public at all times. Any illegal or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated including the possession or use of alcohol, tobacco products, or illegal drugs. I recognize my responsibility to abide by these rules and requirements and those established by the NDSI Coaching Staff. I have read and agree to comply with the aforementioned rules. Signature ______________________________________________________ Date ____________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________ Date ____________ Head Coach Signature ___________________________________________ Date ____________ 67 | P a g e A.14 OFFICIALS FORM NAME ____________________________ ADDRESS PHONE (____)______________________ ________________________ ________________________ CLUB AFFILIATION _____________________________________________________ Exams Completed (Sent to Officials Chairman) Timing ___________________________ Stroke & Turn ___________________________ Starter ___________________________ Administrator ___________________________ Referee ___________________________ Clinic Attendance Timing Stroke & Turn Starter Administrator Referee Date Location/date _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ APPRENTICESHIP Sessions Meet Apprent. Date 1 _____ _______________ 2 _____ _______________ 3 _____ _______________ 4 _____ _______________ 5 _____ _______________ 6 _____ _______________ 7 _____ _______________ 8 _____ _______________ 9 _____ _______________ 10_____ _______________ 11_____ _______________ 12_____ _______________ 13_____ _______________ 14_____ _______________ 15_____ _______________ 16_____ _______________ 17_____ _______________ 18_____ _______________ 19_____ _______________ 20_____ _______________ Position Apprenticed ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ Instructor ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Referee’s Signature ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ PLEASE KEEP THIS FORM UP-TO-DATE FOR YOUR CERTIFICATE RENEWAL 68 | P a g e A.15 LONG COURSE CHAMPIONSHIPS MEET TEMPLATE <Current Yr> North Dakota USA Swimming Long Course Championships <Insert Dates> Event Hosted By: <Club Name> Sanctioned By: North Dakota Swimming, Inc. Meet Sanction Number: <Sanction Number from Age Group Chair> Time Trial Sanction Number: <Sanction Number from Age Group Chair> Purpose: To encourage and promote good sportsmanship, competitive swimming among age group swimmers and to have fun. Good sportsmanship is required of all athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators. Meet Manager: <Name> Phone: <Phone Number> <Address> <City, State, and Zip> <Email Address> Meet Referee: Entries: <Name> Admin Referee: <Name> <Address> <Address> <City, State, and Zip> <City, State, and Zip> <Email Address> <Email Address> <Name> Safety Marshal: <Name> <Address> <City, State, and Zip> <Phone> <Email Address> Meet Site: <Name> <Address> <City, State, and Zip> Directions to: <Pool Name> : <Insert directions to pool> 69 | P a g e Facility: The <Pool Name> is an <enter description>. The competition pool conforms to USA Swimming Rules and Regulations – 2010 Article 103.3. The pool is certified in accordance with USA Swimming requirements 104.2 C (3). Continuous warm-up will be available in the <warmup pool name> pool <enter description> Use of the warm-up pool will be restricted to swimmers warming-up and cooling down. Coaches are responsible for their swimmers conduct. Failure of coaches to control their swimmer’s actions may result in expulsion from the warm-up pool. Seating: <insert spectator and athlete seating information> Concessions: <insert concessions information> Food and Container Policy: <Insert facility policy>TEAMS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING UP THEIR AREAS AT THE CONCLUSION OF EACH SESSION. Parking Information: <Insert Parking Information> Programs: Programs containing seeded events for all sessions will be available for purchase. The estimated start times will be posted in the programs but will not be used as the official timeline. Lodging: A complete list of hotels and motels (Room Block) is attached and also available on the Host Club Website. <Insert club website address> Internet Information: Psych sheets and meet information will be posted to the following web site <enter club website> prior to the start of the meet. <Insert any additional information as required> Officials: All officials will be USA Swimming certified officials. To be eligible to officiate at the state meet, an official must have officiated at least one meet in the current season. Apprentice officials are not allowed. An Officials meeting will be held <insert when> before the start of each Session. Uniform for officials is a white North Dakota Officials polo shirt with blue shorts, pants or skirts, with white shoes. Coaches and Officials Hospitality: A hospitality room will be provided with <insert description> for coaches and officials. Athlete Conduct: All athletes will be required to adhere to the NDLSC Code of Conduct. USA Swimming Membership: All swimmers must be a current <insert current yr> registered athlete member of US Swimming. Current <insert current yr> USA Swimming coaches’ registration with required additional certification is required of all Coaches. Coaches must wear their credentials while on deck. 70 | P a g e Racing Start Proficiency: Any swimmer entered in the meet must be certified by a USA Swimming member-coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. When unaccompanied by a member-coach, it is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement. Course Certification: The competition pool conforms to USA Swimming Rules and Regulations, Article 103.3. The competition course has been certified in accordance with 104.2.2C (3) and (4). The copy of such certification is on file with USA Swimming. Swimsuits: Current US Swimming policies governing swimsuits will be in effect and enforced. Deck Changing: Except where venue facilities require otherwise, changing into or out of swimsuits other than in locker rooms or other designated areas is not appropriate and is prohibited. Audio or Visual Recording Devices: Use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone, is not permitted in changing areas, rest rooms or locker rooms. Meet Jury: A meet jury will be formed by the meet referee. It will consist of the General Chair, Head Referee, and a Coaches' Rep. from the smallest and largest teams represented, and the Senior Athlete Rep. All protests made prior to or during the championship shall be submitted to the Meet Referee on behalf of the Meet Jury on a form approved by the Meet Referee. Protests shall be heard by the jury, and, if possible, decisions rendered before the start of events on the day in which the protested swimmer competes, but no later than the last night of the championships. The opportunity to be heard shall be given to both the party lodging the protest and the party or parties charged. Until the Meet Jury renders a decision, the swimmer may compete under protest. An announcement to this effect shall be made prior to the race. The results of any race conducted under protest shall not be announced, nor prizes awarded, nor points scored until the jury has determined if and how their decision may affect the final scoring or awards. The decision of the jury may be appealed by either party to the NDLSC Board of Review, pursuant to Article 401. Protests submitted after the last day of the championships shall be submitted directly to the NDLSC Board of Review. Timing: <Insert Timing Information> as an example; DakTronics electronic timing system with two backup buttons and watches, horn start, and touch pads at the start and turn ends of the pool and relay take-off pads at the start end will be used. Relay take-off pads will only be used to confirm an early exchange.> Special Note Regarding Timing: All teams will help with timing for the state meet. The number of swimmers per team will determine the number of timers each team will provide. Team assignments for lane timing will be posted in the meet program as well as in the main 71 | P a g e spectator entrance. Please make sure your Club has arranged in advance for timers to represent your club for the entire meet. Your cooperation will help the meet run more efficiently. Changes to the Meet Information: Any changes to the meet information will be discussed, reviewed, and voted on at the coaches meeting held before the beginning of the first session of the day. Changes must be approved by a unanimous vote of coaches in attendance at the appointed meeting. Rules: Current USA Long Course rules and safety policies as adopted by the NDLSC and USA Swimming Rules and Regulations <Previous Yr> edition will govern the meet. This is a timed final meet. There will be a Clerk of Course. Swimmers should appear at designated area which will be addressed at the coaches meeting prior to the start of the meet Swimmers arriving at the blocks and not ready to swim when their heat is called will be scratched from the event. Individual and relay events will not be accepted with no times (NT). Swimmers names, USA registration numbers and order of swimmers for relays are to be submitted with entries. Entry and Relay cards will not be used for this meet. The whistle protocol and horn start with no recall for false starts will be used. The Meet Referee has the right to combine any events or heats. Warm-Up and Safety Policy: Warm-ups will be a minimum of one hour. North Dakota Swimming, Inc. warm-up procedures and safety guidelines will be in effect at this meet. <If the ND LSC warm-up procedures are not followed then the warm-up procedure must be listed here> Backstroke swimmers must step into the water feet first. Safety Marshalls will remind all swimmers and athletes on deck of any violation of NDLSC and US Swimming safety policies. Only Swimmers, coaches, officials, and working volunteers will be allowed on the pool deck. The locker rooms are for swimmers only. Safety Marshals will check credentials. Swimmers without a Coach Present: USA Swimming athlete members must be under the supervision of a USA Swimming member coach during warm-up, competition, and warmdown. The Meet Director or Meet Referee shall assist the athlete in arranging for such supervision. Coaches are encouraged to make arrangements in advance if they cannot attend the meet with their swimmers. Eligibility/Meet Type: Eligible swimmers must have a current USA registration and be a member of a registered North Dakota LSC swim club. A registered ND non-club affiliated swimmer is allowed to swim unattached. Unattached swimmers are not allowed to compete on any relay. Age as of <date of the first day of meet> shall determine age group for swimmers, including age group relays. On deck registration is not allowed for this meet. The qualifying period for the State Long Course Championship Meet is from May 1, <previous yr.> through the entry deadline. Short Course times (Meters & Yards) swam during the long course season must meet a qualifying time converted from the long course meter time. These times will be converted to long course meter times for seeding purposes at the state meet. Yard times will be first converted to Short Course Meters. Times for 25/50/100/200 yard events 72 | P a g e will be multiplied by 1.11. Times for the 500 & 1000 yard events will be multiplied by 0.8925 to obtain times for the 400 & 800 meter events. The 1650 yard time will be multiplied by 1.02 to obtain the 1500 meter time. Short Course Meter times are then converted to Long Course Meter times by adding time for each additional turn (Freestyle: 0.8 seconds, Backstroke: 0.6 seconds, Breaststroke: 1.0 seconds, Butterfly: 0.7 seconds, and Individual Medley: 0.8 seconds). Drop the third and following digits after the decimal place. If a swimmer swims a Short Course State qualifying time in a short course event during the short course season (meters or yards), that swimmer is also qualified in the corresponding long course event. These times are considered non-conforming and will be seeded after the conforming times (SCM then SCY). Awards: Individual medals: 1-3 Individual ribbons: 4-16 Relay medals: 1-3 Relay ribbons: 4-16 First Place Team: Championship Plaque Percentage Award: Championship Plaque A Spirit Award is to be awarded on Sunday of the State Meet to the team that shows the most spirit and sportsmanship including parents, swimmers and coaches. The Coach of the Year Award will be awarded on Sunday at the same time as the Spirit Award For all events, points will not be awarded if the relay team or individual does not swim a qualifying time, but awards will still be given. Scoring and Awards will be based on USA Swimming’s Standard Age Groups, 8 &U, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16 , and 17-18 Age groups and scoring for relays will be 8 & Under, 10 & Under, 12 & Under, 13&14, and 15-18. Scoring: Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Individual 20 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Points Relay 40 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 18 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Points Entry Limitations: The entry limit is three (3) individual events plus two (2) relay events each day, with a maximum number of individual events not to exceed six (6) for the Long Course Championships. 8 & Under Relays may be co-ed or not, at the discretion of each club. Events 17/18 and 47/48 will be swum as one event each. Each club may have three (3) 8 & Under Relay Teams in each event. All other relays are limited to two (2) per club. However, if a club wishes to have more than two (2) relays in any other age group, these relays must meet the qualifying time 73 | P a g e standards. Age groups and scoring for relays are 8 & Under, 10 & Under, 12 & Under, 13&14, and 15-18. The 800 Free Relay has time standards for both girls and boys. A club entering a team must meet these standards. If a club’s team does not swim a qualifying time, that time will not score any points or receive an award. Events 15/16 (800 Freestyle) and Events 45/46 (1500 Freestyle) will be swum in the reverse order of heats (fastest to slowest), alternating girls’ and boys’ heats. The 800 Free and 1500 Free will be deck seeded and require positive check-in. At the request of the swimmer’s coach and at the discretion of the Referee, at least a 5 minute break for 50 meter events or less, a 10 minute break for 100 meter, and 15 minutes for greater than 200 meter between an individual’s events (excluding relays) are allowed. It is the coach’s responsibility to notify the Meet Referee in advance of time line conflicts. Qualifying Times/ Eligibility: Individual and relay events will not be accepted with no times (NT) except as modified by the eligibility rules for relays. Swimmers names, USA registration numbers and order of swimmers for relays are to be submitted with entries. Time Trials: Time trials will be offered immediately after each day’s session. Any swimmer interested in swimming time trials MUST DECLARE their intentions to swim to the Administrative Referee before the end of each session of the meet. Swimmers will be allowed to choose any event for their respective age group. Time trial fees are $10.00 per event. Meet Schedule PLEASE NOTE: ALL TIMES ARE CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME Friday: Saturday Coaches Meeting 11:30 am Warm-ups 12:00 pm Officials Meeting & Scratch Meeting 12:00 pm Competition Begins 1:30 pm Coaches Meeting 7:30 am Athlete Meeting 13 & Over Officials Meeting 8:00 am 8:00 am Warm-ups 8:45 am Parade of Athletes 10:15 am 74 | P a g e Sunday Competition Begins 10:45 am Coaches Meeting 7:30 am Officials Meeting 7:45 am Warm-ups 8:00 am Competition Begins 9:15 am FRIDAY AFTERNOON Girls # Event Boys # 1 18 & Under 800 Freestyle Relay 2 Mandatory 10 Minute Break 3 12 & under 100 Breast 4 5 13 & Over 100 Breast 6 7 12 & Under 100 Freestyle 8 9 13 & Over 200 Freestyle 10 11 12 & Under 50 Butterfly 12 13 13 & Over 50 Butterfly 14 15 13 & Over 100 Butterfly 16 17 12 & Over 800 Freestyle 18 75 | P a g e SATURDAY Girls # Event Boys # 19 8 & Under 200 Mixed Freestyle Relay 20 21 12 & Under 200 Freestyle Relay 22 23 13 & Over 200 Freestyle Relay 24 Mandatory 5 Minute Break 25 11 &12 200 Backstroke 26 27 12 & Under 50 Freestyle 28 29 13 & Over 50 Freestyle 30 31 12 & Under 50 Breaststroke 32 33 13 & Over 50 Breaststroke 34 35 13 & Over 200 Breaststroke 36 37 12 & Under 200 IM 38 39 13 & over 200 IM 40 41 12 & Under 100 Backstroke 42 43 13 & Over 100 Backstroke 44 45 11 & 12 200 Butterfly 46 47 13 & Over 400 Medley Relay 48 Break 49 13 & Over 1500 Freestyle 50 76 | P a g e SUNDAY Girls # Event Boys # 51 8 & Under 200 Mixed Medley Relay 52 53 12 & Under 200 Medley Relay 54 55 13 & Over 200 Medley Relay 56 Mandatory 5 Minute Break 57 13 & Over 400 IM 58 59 12 & Under 200 Freestyle 60 61 13 & Over 100 Freestyle 62 63 12 & Under 50 Backstroke 64 65 13 & Over 50 Backstroke 66 67 13 & Over 200 Backstroke 68 69 12 & Under 100 Butterfly 70 71 13 & Over 200 Butterfly 72 73 11 &12 200 Breaststroke 74 75 Open 400 Freestyle 76 77 13 & Over 400 Freestyle Relay 78 Entries: All entries are due Monday, <insert week of the Meet> at 5:00 PM. Absolutely, no entries will be accepted after the 5:00 PM deadline. All entries must be completed by using the USA Swimming OME (online meet entry). ode=myavailablemeets 77 | P a g e Please mail calculation form (last page) along with check by application deadline. Fees: $ 3.50 per swimmer for NDLSC fee $ 1.50 per swimmer per individual event $ 3.00 per Relay event $ 1.00 per unattached swimmer (if applicable) <Insert other reasonable fees> Summary cost per calculation sheet is attached. Checks must accompany entries and made payable to <Host Club> 78 | P a g e Fee Calculation Form – return with your entry Club Name: Club Abbreviation: Coach: Coach’s Cell Phone # ( Entries Chair: Phone # ( Number of Swimmers ) ) Amount Number Number Total Swimmers x $3.50 NDLSC Fee = <Insert other reasonable entry fees> $ 1.00 per unattached swimmer (if applicable) Total Individual Events x $1.50 = # of boys # of girls Total Relay Events x $3.00 = # of boys # of girls Total Boys Total Girls Total Due = Make checks payable to: <Host Club> All fees are due with your entry. Summaries should be mailed to the following: Name: <Meet Director> Address: <address> City/State/ZIP: <City, State, and Zip> Who should <Host Club> contact if we have a problem with your entry? PRINT CLEARLY and provide an e-mail contact you trust! Name: Day Phone # ( E-Mail: ) Evening Phone # ( ) (If you are having a team representative pick up awards, the name and phone number of this person.) Name: Phone: Mail Entries to: <Host Club> 79 | P a g e Attention: <Meet Manager> <Address> <City, State, and Zip> <Email Address> OME ENTRIES MUST BE Entered BY MONDAY, <date of the Monday of the Meet> before 5:00 pm. NO EXCEPTIONS! Hotel Information <INSERT HOTEL INFORMATION> 80 | P a g e A.16 SHORT COURSE CHAMPIONSHIPS MEET TEMPLATE <Current Yr> North Dakota USA Swimming Short Course Championships <Insert Dates> Event Hosted By: <Club Name> Sanctioned By: North Dakota Swimming, Inc. Meet Sanction Number: <Sanction Number from Age Group Chair> Purpose: To encourage and promote good sportsmanship, competitive swimming among age group swimmers and to have fun. Good sportsmanship is required of all athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators. Meet Manager: <Name> Phone: <Phone Number> <Address> <City, State, and Zip> <Email Address> Meet Referee: Entries: <Name> Admin Referee: <Name> <Address> <Address> <City, State, and Zip> <City, State, and Zip> <Email Address> <Email Address> <Name> Safety Marshal: <Name> <Address> <City, State, and Zip> <Phone> <Email Address> Meet Site: <Name> <Address> <City, State, and Zip> Directions to: <Pool Name> : <Insert directions to pool> 81 | P a g e Facility: The <Pool Name> is an <enter description>. The competition pool conforms to USA Swimming Rules and Regulations – 2010 Article 103.3. The pool is certified in accordance with USA Swimming requirements 104.2 C (3). Continuous warm-up will be available in the <warmup pool name> pool <enter description> Use of the warm-up pool will be restricted to swimmers warming-up and cooling down. Coaches are responsible for their swimmers conduct. Failure of coaches to control their swimmer’s actions may result in expulsion from the warm-up pool. Seating: <insert spectator and athlete seating information> Concessions: <insert concessions information> Food and Container Policy: <Insert facility policy>TEAMS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING UP THEIR AREAS AT THE CONCLUSION OF EACH SESSION. Parking Information: <Insert Parking Information> Programs: Programs containing seeded events for all sessions will be available for purchase. The estimated start times will be posted in the programs but will not be used as the official timeline. Lodging: A complete list of hotels and motels (Room Block) is attached and also available on the Host Club Website. <Insert club website address> Internet Information: Psych sheets and meet information will be posted to the following web site <enter club website> prior to the start of the meet. <Insert any additional information as required> Officials: All officials will be USA Swimming certified officials. To be eligible to officiate at the state meet, an official must have officiated at least one meet in the current season. Apprentice officials are not allowed. An Officials meeting will be held <insert when> before the start of each Session. Uniform for officials is a white North Dakota Officials polo shirt with blue shorts, pants or skirts, with white shoes. Coaches and Officials Hospitality: A hospitality room will be provided with <insert description> for coaches and officials. Athlete Conduct: All athletes will be required to adhere to the NDLSC Code of Conduct. USA Swimming Membership: All swimmers must be a current <insert current yr> registered athlete member of US Swimming. Current <insert current yr> USA Swimming coaches’ registration with required additional certification is required of all Coaches. Coaches must wear their credentials while on deck. 82 | P a g e Racing Start Proficiency: Any swimmer entered in the meet must be certified by a USA Swimming member-coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. When unaccompanied by a member-coach, it is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement. Course Certification: The competition pool conforms to USA Swimming Rules and Regulations, Article 103.3. The competition course has been certified in accordance with 104.2.2C (3) and (4). The copy of such certification is on file with USA Swimming. Swimsuits: Current US Swimming policies governing swimsuits will be in effect and enforced. Deck Changing: Except where venue facilities require otherwise, changing into or out of swimsuits other than in locker rooms or other designated areas is not appropriate and is prohibited. Audio or Visual Recording Devices: Use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone, is not permitted in changing areas, rest rooms or locker rooms. Meet Jury: A meet jury will be formed by the meet referee. It will consist of the General Chair, Head Referee, and a Coaches' Rep. from the smallest and largest teams represented, and the Senior Athlete Rep. All protests made prior to or during the championship shall be submitted to the Meet Referee on behalf of the Meet Jury on a form approved by the Meet Referee. Protests shall be heard by the jury, and, if possible, decisions rendered before the start of events on the day in which the protested swimmer competes, but no later than the last night of the championships. The opportunity to be heard shall be given to both the party lodging the protest and the party or parties charged. Until the Meet Jury renders a decision, the swimmer may compete under protest. An announcement to this effect shall be made prior to the race. The results of any race conducted under protest shall not be announced, nor prizes awarded, nor points scored until the jury has determined if and how their decision may affect the final scoring or awards. The decision of the jury may be appealed by either party to the NDLSC Board of Review, pursuant to Article 401. Protests submitted after the last day of the championships shall be submitted directly to the NDLSC Board of Review. Timing: <Insert Timing Information> as an example; DakTronics electronic timing system with two backup buttons and watches, horn start, and touch pads at the start and turn ends of the pool and relay take-off pads at the start end will be used. Relay take-off pads will only be used to confirm an early exchange.> Special Note Regarding Timing: All teams will help with timing for the state meet. The number of swimmers per team will determine the number of timers each team will provide. Team assignments for lane timing will be posted in the meet program as well as in the main 83 | P a g e spectator entrance. Please make sure your Club has arranged in advance for timers to represent your club for the entire meet. Your cooperation will help the meet run more efficiently. Changes to the Meet Information: Any changes to the meet information will be discussed, reviewed, and voted on at the coaches meeting held before the beginning of the first session of the day. Changes must be approved by a unanimous vote of coaches in attendance at the appointed meeting. Rules: Current USA Short Course rules and safety policies as adopted by the NDLSC and USA Swimming Rules and Regulations <Previous Yr> edition will govern the meet. This is a timed final meet. There will be a Clerk of Course. Swimmers should appear at designated area which will be addressed at the coaches meeting prior to the start of the meet Swimmers arriving at the blocks and not ready to swim when their heat is called will be scratched from the event. Individual and relay events will not be accepted with no times (NT). Swimmers names, USA registration numbers and order of swimmers for relays are to be submitted with entries. Entry and Relay cards will not be used for this meet. The whistle protocol and horn start with no recall for false starts will be used. The Meet Referee has the right to combine any events or heats. Warm-Up and Safety Policy: Warm-ups will be a minimum of one hour. North Dakota Swimming, Inc. warm-up procedures and safety guidelines will be in effect at this meet. <If the ND LSC warm-up procedures are not followed then the warm-up procedure must be listed here> Backstroke swimmers must step into the water feet first. Safety Marshalls will remind all swimmers and athletes on deck of any violation of NDLSC and US Swimming safety policies. Only Swimmers, coaches, officials, and working volunteers will be allowed on the pool deck. The locker rooms are for swimmers only. Safety Marshals will check credentials. Swimmers without a Coach Present: USA Swimming athlete members must be under the supervision of a USA Swimming member coach during warm-up, competition, and warmdown. The Meet Director or Meet Referee shall assist the athlete in arranging for such supervision. Coaches are encouraged to make arrangements in advance if they cannot attend the meet with their swimmers. Eligibility/Meet Type: Eligible swimmers must have a current USA registration and be a member of a registered North Dakota LSC swim club. A registered ND non-club affiliated swimmer is allowed to swim unattached. Unattached swimmers are not allowed to compete on any relay. Age as of <date of the first day of meet> shall determine age group for swimmers, including age group relays. On deck registration is not allowed for this meet. The qualifying period for the State Short Course Championship Meet is from January 1, <previous yr> through the entry deadline. Conforming times must be achieved in a short course pool meeting the requirements of USA Swimming Rules & Regulations 103.2.1. Short Course Meter times shall be converted to Yard times for proper seeding. Times for the 25/50/100/200 meter events must be divided by 1.11. Times for the 400 & 800-meter must be 84 | P a g e divided by 0.8925 to obtain times for the 500 & 1000-yard events. The 1500-meter time must be divided by 1.02 to obtain the 1650-yard time. Drop the third and following digits after the decimal place. Times from long course will be accepted as non-conforming times. Awards: Individual medals: 1-3 Individual ribbons: 4-16 Relay medals: 1-3 Relay ribbons: 4-16 First Place Team: Championship Plaque Percentage Award: Championship Plaque For all events, points will not be awarded if the relay team or individual does not swim a qualifying time, but awards will still be given. Scoring and Awards will be based on USA Swimming’s Standard Age Groups, 8 &U, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16 , and 17-18 Age groups and scoring for relays will be 8 & Under, 10 & Under, 12 & Under, 13&14, and 15-18. Scoring: Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Individual 20 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Points Relay 40 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 18 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Points Entry Limitations: The entry limit is three (3) individual events plus two (2) relay events each day, with a maximum number of individual events not to exceed six (6) for the Short Course Championships. 8 & Under Relays may be co-ed or not, at the discretion of each club. Events 11/12 and 49/50 will be swum as one event each. Each club may have three (3) 8 & Under Relay Teams in each event. All other relays are limited to two (2) per club. However, if a club wishes to have more than two (2) relays in any other age group, these relays must meet the qualifying time standards. Age groups and scoring for relays are 8 & Under, 10 & Under, 12 & Under, and 1318. The 800 Free Relay has time standards for both girls and boys. A club entering a team must meet these standards. If a club’s team does not swim a qualifying time, that time will not score any points or receive an award. Events 9/10 (1650 Freestyle) and Events 45/46 (1000 Freestyle) will be swum in the reverse order of heats (fastest to slowest), alternating girls’ and boys’ heats. The 1000 Free and 1650 Free will be deck seeded and require positive check-in. 85 | P a g e At the request of the swimmer’s coach and at the discretion of the Referee, at least a 5 minute break for 50 yard events or less, a 10 minute break for 100 yard, and 15 minutes for greater than 200 yards between an individual’s events (excluding relays) are allowed. It is the coach’s responsibility to notify the Meet Referee in advance of time line conflicts. Time Trials: Time trials will be offered immediately after each day’s session. Any swimmer interested in swimming time trials MUST DECLARE their intentions to swim to the Administrative Referee before the end of each session of the meet. Swimmers will be allowed to choose any event for their respective age group. Time trial fees are $10.00 per event. Meet Schedule PLEASE NOTE: ALL TIMES ARE CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME *All Afternoon session start times may change due to finish time of morning session please check the meet information on the LSC web site. <Note: The time schedule is a recommendation only, but should be followed as close as possible> Friday: Coaches Meeting 1:30 pm Warm-ups 2:00 pm Officials Meeting & Scratch Meeting 2:00 pm Competition Begins 3:15 pm Saturday & Coaches Meeting 7:30 am Sunday AM Warm-ups 8:00 am Officials Meeting 7:45 am Competition Begins 9:15 am Athlete Meeting 13 & Over *10:30 am Parade of Athletes (all) *11:15 pm Saturday & Warm-ups *11:45 pm Sunday Pm Competition Begins * 1:00 pm Saturday 86 | P a g e FRIDAY AFTERNOON Girls # Event Boys # 1 11 & Over 200 Butterfly 2 3 18 & Under 800 Free Relay 4 Mandatory 10 Minute Break 5 9 & Over 200 IM 6 7 9-12 500 Free 8 9 13 & Over 1650 Free 10 SATURDAY MORNING Girls # Event Boys # 11/12 8 & Under 100 Free Relay 11/12 13 12 & Under 200 Free Relay 14 Mandatory 5 Minute Break 15 12 & Under 100 free 16 17 11 &12 200 Breaststroke 18 19 8 & Under 25 Backstroke 20 21 12 & Under 200 Freestyle 22 23 12 & Under 100 Backstroke 24 25 8 & Under 25 Breaststroke 26 27 12 & Under 50 Freestyle 28 29 12 & Under 50 Butterfly 30 87 | P a g e SATURDAY AFTERNOON Girls # Event Boys # 31 13 & Over 200 Free Relay 32 Mandatory 5 Minute Break 33 13 & Over 200 Freestyle 34 35 13 & Over 100 Butterfly 36 37 13 & Over 50 Freestyle 38 39 13 & Over 200 Backstroke 40 41 13 & Over 100 Breaststroke 42 43 13 & Over 50 Backstroke 44 45 13 & Over 1000 Freestyle 46 Break 5 Minutes 47 13 & Over 400 Medley Relay 48 88 | P a g e SUNDAY MORNING Girls # Event Boys # 49/50 8 & Under 100 Medley Relay 49/50 51 12 & Under 200 Medley Relay 52 Mandatory 5 Minute Break 53 12 & Under 200 Backstroke 54 55 12 & Under 100 IM 56 57 12 & Under 100 Butterfly 58 59 8 & Under 25 Butterfly 60 61 12 & Under 100 Breaststroke 62 63 8 & Under 25 Freestyle 64 65 12 & Under 50 Backstroke 66 67 12 & Under 50 Breaststroke 68 SUNDAY AFTERNOON Girls # Event Boys # 69 13 & Over 200 Medley Relay 70 Mandatory 5 Minute Break 71 13 & Over 50 Butterfly 72 73 13 & Over 100 Free 74 75 13 & Over 400 IM 76 77 13 & Over 50 Breaststroke 78 79 13 & Over 100 Backstroke 80 81 13 & Over 200 Breaststroke 82 83 13 & Over 500 Free 84 85 13 & Over 400 Free Relay 86 89 | P a g e Entries: All entries are due Monday, <insert week of the Meet> at 5:00 PM. Absolutely, no entries will be accepted after the 5:00 PM deadline. All entries must be completed by using the USA Swimming OME (online meet entry). ode=myavailablemeets Please mail calculation form (last page) along with check by application deadline. Fees: $ 3.50 per swimmer for NDLSC fee $ 1.50 per swimmer per individual event $ 3.00 per Relay event $ 1.00 per unattached swimmer (if applicable) <Insert other reasonable fees> Summary cost per calculation sheet is attached. Checks must accompany entries and made payable to <Host Club> 90 | P a g e Fee Calculation Form – return with your entry Club Name: Club Abbreviation: Coach: Coach’s Cell Phone # ( Entries Chair: Phone # ( Number of Swimmers ) ) Amount Number Number Total Swimmers x $3.50 NDLSC Fee = <Insert other reasonable entry fees> $ 1.00 per unattached swimmer (if applicable) Total Individual Events x $1.50 = # of boys # of girls Total Relay Events x $3.00 = # of boys # of girls Total Boys Total Girls Total Due = Make checks payable to: <Host Club> All fees are due with your entry. Summaries should be mailed to the following: Name: <Meet Director> Address: <address> City/State/ZIP: <City, State, and Zip> Who should <Host Club> contact if we have a problem with your entry? PRINT CLEARLY and provide an e-mail contact you trust! Name: Day Phone # ( E-Mail: ) Evening Phone # ( ) (If you are having a team representative pick up awards, the name and phone number of this person.) Name: Phone: Mail Entries to: <Host Club> 91 | P a g e Attention: <Meet Manager> <Address> <City, State, and Zip> <Email Address> OME ENTRIES MUST BE Entered BY MONDAY, <date of the Monday of the Meet> before 5:00 pm. NO EXCEPTIONS! Hotel Information <INSERT HOTEL INFORMATION> 92 | P a g e A.17 REQUEST FOR SWIMMER/COACH REIMBURSEMENT Out of State Meets -- Sectionals, Jr. & Sr. Nationals, Grand Prix and U.S. Open In accordance with the North Dakota LSC Policy Manual, part 8, swimmers and coaches participating in out-of-state meets, Sectionals, Jr. & Sr. Nationals, Grand Prix and U.S. Open, may request reimbursement for swimmer entry fees, transportation and lodging. This form must be sent electronically to the current LSC Senior Vice Chair AND Treasurer for approval no later than 30 days from the last day of the meet requesting reimbursement for to be considered for reimbursement. Swimmer: USA Membership #: Club Affiliation: Meet Attended: Expenses: Dates: Meet Fees: Transportation: (mileage rate is 25% of IRS standard reimbursement rate 5-2012) Lodging: Total: All applicable receipts must be attached to receive reimbursement. Who incurred the expenses? Swimmer Club Coach Send payment to (name/address): _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Mail AND email to current: NDLSC Sr. Vice Chair AND Treasurer Treasurer Information: Date Received: __________________________________________ Date Paid: _______________________________________________ Check #: __________ Amount: _________________________ 93 | P a g e A.18 PHILLIPS 66 OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD REQUEST (FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMIT BY LSC GC ONCE RECIPIENT IS DETERMINED) Name of Local Swimming Committee: Name of Honoree: Date and name of ceremony planned for presentation of award: Please mail award to the following person: Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone (home): (work): E-mail: Criteria for selection of honoree should include the quality, level and years of service to USA Swimming in elected or appointed positions. Description of honoree contribution: Date: LSC General Chair Sponsored by: Please return form to: USA Swimming Attn: Gina Mensay, Member Services 1 Olympic Plaza Colorado Springs, CO 80909-5770 Fax: (719) 866-4050 OR E-mail: [email protected] (allow two weeks for delivery) 94 | P a g e ND LSC Phillips 66 Outstanding Service Award Nomination Every year, each USA Swimming LSC has the opportunity to select a recipient for the ConocoPhillips Outstanding Service Award. The award, sponsored by ConocoPhillips, is presented to a volunteer in each LSC in recognition of their service to swimming. Each team in the ND LSC may submit one nomination for the annual Phillips Award given to an outstanding person who has made an invaluable contribution of volunteer service to USA Swimming and North Dakota Swimming. Selection considers quality, level and years of service in elected or appointed positions from the categories of administrator, official and coach. The nominee should be involved with helping his/her own team while supporting other teams and the mission of North Dakota Swimming. Please list contributions of the nominees only and not the accomplishments of their child(ren), unless nominee is a family. Award may be given to an individual, a couple or a family. All nominations must be submitted via email to the LSC General Chair by October 1. The award recipient will be voted on by the ND LSC Board of Directors at the fall LSC meeting. In the event that there are no nominations, the BoD may make a selection. Nominees not selected may be re-nominated in subsequent years. Nominee: ____________________________________________________ Description of nominee contribution: ______________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ (Feel free to attach additional supporting information if necessary.) Date: _________________ Nominating Club: ___________________ Club Contact/Email: ______ _____________________________________ 95 | P a g e A.19 NDLSC CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY Those who choose to serve North Dakota Swimming, whether as volunteers or paid professionals, are held to a high standard of conduct. As guardians of Olympic ideals, they assume an obligation to subordinate individual interests to the interests of the Olympic Movement. What may be considered acceptable conduct in some businesses may be inappropriate in Olympic service. Those who serve North Dakota Swimming must do so without personal gain in order to avoid any institutional loss or embarrassment and to behave in such a way that the organization’s trust and public confidence are enhanced. It is important to avoid any real conflict of interest. While no set of guidelines can guarantee acceptable behavior, the principles, that guide behavior in this area, are disclosure, non-participation in the decision making process where personal or family gain is a possibility, and a commitment to honor the confidentiality of organizational information. All conduct is founded on the individual’s own sense of integrity. Any individual accepting the honor of serving North Dakota Swimming must accept the burdens of public disclosure and public scrutiny. In our complex society, the intermix of volunteer work, business interests, governmental activity, and family relationships often creates potentially conflicting interests. What is required is disclosure of conflicting interests when they arise, and strict nonparticipation in any evaluation process relating to the matter in question. The following guidelines are not a precise road map to acceptable conduct. They are signposts. Each individual must find his or her own way. The business of North Dakota Swimming is to be conducted in observance of both the spirit and letter of applicable federal and state laws. North Dakota Swimming properties, services, opportunities, authority and influence are not to be used for private benefit. All individuals who participate with North Dakota Swimming will disclose the nature and extent of an actual or potential conflict of interest when it occurs in the evaluation of an issue and will avoid evaluating or voting on the matter involved. This includes the award of contracts, the purchase of goods and services, the award of contracts for professional services, and the allocation of North Dakota Swimming resources for individual use. Gifts, cash, travel, hotel accommodations, entertainment, or favors are neither to be given nor received, except those of nominal value exchanged in the normal course of business. Gifts and favors of more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) value should not ordinarily be accepted. If circumstances render it awkward to refuse such a gift, the donor should be thanked and told the gift is being accepted on behalf of and will be delivered to North Dakota Swimming. 96 | P a g e Expenses incurred in the furtherance of North Dakota Swimming business are to be reasonable, necessary and (if twenty-five dollars or more) substantiated. All are expected to exhibit honesty, loyalty, candor and professional competence in their relationships with North Dakota Swimming and with each other. Each individual has the responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of the organization. This includes both proprietary and sensitive information. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT AND UNDERSTANDING I acknowledge receipt and understanding of North Dakota Swimming’s Statement of Principles on Ethical Behavior and Conflict of Interest, and I pledge my full support of the spirit and the letter of the requirements contained therein. Print Name Signature Date Committee Taken from the “Club Leadership Development Notebook” a publication from BoardSource. For more information about BoardSource write to 1828 L Street NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20036-5114. Telephone (202) 452-6262. Fax: (202) 452-6299, email: [email protected], website: Copyright 2000. Used with permission. 97 | P a g e A.20 NDLSC DOCUMENT RETENTION POLICY The following table provides the minimum requirements. Type of Document Accounts payable ledgers and schedules Audit reports Bank Reconciliations Bank statements Checks (for important payments and purchases)mortgages, notes and leases Contracts, (expired) Contracts (still in effect) Correspondence (general) Correspondence (legal and important matters) Correspondence (with customers and vendors) Deeds, mortgages, and bills of sale Depreciation Schedules Duplicate deposit slips Employment applications Expense Analyses/expense distribution schedules Year End Financial Statements Insurance Policies (expired) Insurance records, current accident reports, claims, policies, etc. Internal audit reports Inventories of products, materials, and supplies Invoices (to customers, from vendors) Minute books, bylaws and charter Patents and related Papers Payroll records and summaries Personnel files (terminated employees) Retirement and pension records Tax returns and worksheets Timesheets Trademark registrations and copyrights Withholding tax statements Minimum Requirement 7 years Permanently 2 years 3 years Permanently 7 years Permanently 2 years Permanently 2 years Permanently Permanently 2 years 3 years 7 years Permanently 3 years Permanently 3 years 7 years 7 years Permanently Permanently 7 years 7 years Permanently Permanently 7 years Permanently 7 years ©2004 National Council of Nonprofit Associations. May be duplicated, with attribution, by charitable organizations. Taken from the “Club Leadership Development Notebook” a publication from BoardSource. For more information about BoardSource write to 1828 L Street NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20036-5114. Telephone (202) 452-6262. Fax: (202) 452-6299, email: [email protected], website: Copyright 2000. Used with permission. 98 | P a g e A.21 ND OUTREACH APPLICATION ATHLETE NAME: (L) ___________________________ (F) _______________________ (M) ______ STREET: ____________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ____________________________STATE: _____________________________ ZIP: ____________ BIRTHDATE: ___________________ SEX: __________________ MUST COMPLETE BELOW BY CIRCLING THE QUALIFCATION THAT APPLIES: QUALIFICATION: FOOD STAMPS YES LUNCH/Breakfast PROGRAM YES Primary Breadwinner out of Work (more than 6 months) YES Provide proof or statement of participation in the program circled above. I understand that in order for me to participate in the USA Swimming Outreach program, I must be a recipient of either Food Stamps, the Lunch/Breakfast Program or the primary breadwinner has been out of work for more than six months. I certify that I am a recipient of one of these requirements and the above information if true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SIGNATURE ______________________________________________ PHONE _____________________ (Athlete, parent or guardian) Send athlete form, outreach form, copy of Food Stamps, Lunch/Breakfast Program or statement of out of work and $7.00 (Payable to ND Swimming) to the current ND LSC Registration Chair. 99 | P a g e A.22 SAMPLE MEET TEMPLATE Event Hosted By: <Club Name> Sanctioned By: Held under the sanction of USA Swimming. & North Dakota Swimming, Inc. Meet Sanction Number: <Sanction Number from Age Group Chair> Time Trial Sanction Number: <Sanction Number from Age Group Chair> Purpose: To encourage and promote good sportsmanship, competitive swimming among age group swimmers and to have fun. Good sportsmanship is required of all athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators. Meet Manager: <Name> Phone: <Phone Number> <Address> <City, State, and Zip> <Email Address> Meet Referee: Entries: <Name> Admin <Referee or Official>: <Phone> Starter: <Name> < Email Address > Other Officials: Safety Marshal: <Name> <Name> <Name> <Name> <Address> <City, State, and Zip> <Phone> <Email Address> Meet Site: <Name> <Address> <City, State, and Zip> Directions to: <Pool Name> : <Insert directions to pool> 100 | P a g e Facility: The <Pool Name> is an <enter description>. The competition pool conforms to USA Swimming Rules and Regulations – 2010 Article 103.3. The pool <is or has not been> certified in accordance with USA Swimming requirements 104.2 C (3). Concessions: <insert concessions information> Food and Container Policy: <Insert facility policy>TEAMS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING UP THEIR AREAS AT THE CONCLUSION OF EACH SESSION. Parking Information: <Insert Parking Information> Programs: Programs containing seeded events for all sessions will be available for purchase. The estimated start times will be posted in the programs but will not be used as the official timeline. Lodging: <insert avalible description> Internet Information: Psych sheets and meet information will be posted to the following web site <enter club website> prior to the start of the meet. <Insert any additional information as required> Officials: All officials will be USA Swimming certified officials. An Officials meeting will be held <insert when> before the start of each Session. Uniform for officials is a white North Dakota Officials polo shirt with blue shorts, pants or skirts, with white shoes. Coaches and Officials Hospitality: A hospitality room will be provided with <insert description> for coaches and officials. Athlete Conduct: All athletes will be required to adhere to the NDLSC Code of Conduct. USA Swimming Membership: No swimmer will be permitted to compete unless the swimmer is a member as provided in Article 302 of USA Swimming Rules. All swimmers must be a current <insert current yr> registered athlete member of US Swimming or CASA. Current <insert current yr> USA Swimming coaches’ registration with required additional certification is required of all Coaches. Coaches must wear their credentials while on deck. Racing Start Proficiency: Any swimmer entered in the meet must be certified by a USA Swimming member-coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. When unaccompanied by a member-coach, it is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement. Course Certification: The competition pool conforms to USA Swimming Rules and Regulations, Article 103.3. The competition course <has been or has not been> certified in accordance with 104.2.2C (3) and (4). The copy of such certification is on file with USA Swimming. Swimsuits: Current US Swimming policies governing swimsuits will be in effect and enforced. 101 | P a g e Deck Changing: Except where venue facilities require otherwise, changing into or out of swimsuits other than in locker rooms or other designated areas is not appropriate and is strongly discouraged. Audio or Visual Recording Devices: Use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone, is not permitted in changing areas, rest rooms or locker rooms. Meet Jury: A meet jury will be formed by the meet referee. It will consist of one official (not the Meet Referee), and a Coaches' Rep. from the smallest and largest teams represented. Until the Meet Jury renders a decision, the swimmer may compete under protest. An announcement to this effect shall be made prior to the race. The results of any race conducted under protest shall not be announced, nor prizes awarded, nor points scored until the jury has determined if and how their decision may affect the final scoring or awards. The decision of the jury may be appealed by either party to the NDLSC Board of Review, pursuant to Article 401. Protests submitted after the last day of the championships shall be submitted directly to the NDLSC Board of Review. Timing: <Insert Timing Information> as an example; DakTronics electronic timing system with two backup buttons and watches, horn start, and touch pads at the start and turn ends of the pool and relay take-off pads at the start end will be used. Relay take-off pads will only be used to confirm an early exchange.> Changes to the Meet Information: Any changes to the meet information will be discussed, reviewed, and voted on at the coaches meeting held before the beginning of the first session of the day. Changes must be approved by a unanimous vote of coaches in attendance at the appointed meeting. Rules: Current USA Short Course rules and safety policies as adopted by the NDLSC and USA Swimming Rules and Regulations <Previous Yr> edition will govern the meet. This is a timed final meet. There will be a Clerk of Course. Swimmers should appear at designated area which will be addressed at the coaches meeting prior to the start of the meet Swimmers arriving at the blocks and not ready to swim when their heat is called will be scratched from the event. Individual and relay events will not be accepted with no times (NT). Swimmers names, USA registration numbers and order of swimmers for relays are to be submitted with entries. Entry and Relay cards will not be used for this meet. The whistle protocol and horn start with no recall for false starts will be used. The Meet Referee has the right to combine any events or heats. Warm-Up and Safety Policy: Warm-ups will be a minimum of one hour. North Dakota Swimming, Inc. warm-up procedures and safety guidelines will be in effect at this meet. <If the ND LSC warm-up procedures are not followed then the warm-up procedure must be listed here> Backstroke swimmers must step into the water feet first. Safety Marshalls will remind all swimmers and athletes on deck of any violation of NDLSC and US Swimming safety policies. Only Swimmers, coaches, officials, and working volunteers will be allowed on the pool deck. 102 | P a g e The locker rooms are for swimmers only. Safety Marshals will check credentials. It is understood and agreed that USA Swimming and North Dakota Swimming shall be free from any liabilities or claims for damages arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of the event. Swimmers without a Coach Present: USA Swimming athlete members must be under the supervision of a USA Swimming member coach during warm-up, competition, and warmdown. The Meet Director or Meet Referee shall assist the athlete in arranging for such supervision. Coaches are encouraged to make arrangements in advance if they cannot attend the meet with their swimmers. Eligibility/Meet Type: Age as of <date of the first day of meet> shall determine age group for swimmers, including age group relays. On deck registration is not allowed for this meet. Awards: If any Scoring and Awards will be based on USA Swimming’s Standard Age Groups, 8 &U, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16 , and 17-18, 19 & Older will not be scored. Scoring: Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Individual 20 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Points Relay 40 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 18 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Points Entry Limitations: <insert description> Time Trials: <insert description if having > Meet Schedule: <insert description> Fees: $ 3.50 per swimmer for NDLSC fee $ 1.50 per swimmer per individual event $ 3.00 per Relay event $ 1.00 per unattached swimmer (if applicable) <Insert other reasonable fees> <Or may charge a flat fee> Summary cost per calculation sheet is attached. Checks must accompany entries and made payable to <Host Club> 103 | P a g e Fee Calculation Form – return with your entry Club Name: Club Abbreviation: Coach: Coach’s Cell Phone # ( Entries Chair: Phone # ( Number of Swimmers ) ) Amount Number Number Total Swimmers x $3.50 NDLSC Fee = <Insert other reasonable entry fees> $ 1.00 per unattached swimmer (if applicable) Total Individual Events x $1.50 = # of boys # of girls Total Relay Events x $3.00 = # of boys # of girls Total Boys Total Girls Total Due = Make checks payable to: <Host Club> All fees are due with your entry. Summaries should be mailed to the following: Name: <Meet Director> Address: <address> City/State/ZIP: <City, State, and Zip> Who should <Host Club> contact if we have a problem with your entry? PRINT CLEARLY and provide an e-mail contact you trust! Name: Day Phone # ( E-Mail: ) Evening Phone # ( ) (If you are having a team representative pick up awards, the name and phone number of this person.) Name: Phone: Mail Entries to: <Host Club> 104 | P a g e Attention: <Meet Manager> <Address> <City, State, and Zip> <Email Address> ENTRIES DUE <date & time > Hotel Information <INSERT HOTEL INFORMATION> 105 | P a g e
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