1 MENTEE MANUAL 2 6 PROGRAM OVERVIEW 8 GOALS 15 FAQ 37 ACADEMIC & PROGRAM CALENDER 44 FUN 46 NOTABLE ALUMNI 48 CAMPUS MAP 50 STAFF 55 INDEX 58 NOTES 6 7 HE OFFICE OF INTERCULTURAL STUDENT ENGAGEMENT (ISE) IS EXCITED TO WELCOME YOU AS A PARTICIPANT TO PROJECT THRIVE: CLASS III! Starting in late August, freshman will be paired with a mentor. Mentors can be RISD faculty, staff and alumni. Mentors help incoming students transition from high school to college and assist them in the navigation of services and life at RISD. The overall objective of the mentoring program is to positively impact the academic transition and cultural success of firstyear students at RISD. Ultimately, we hope to make your time at RISD a positive and transformative one, improving your quality of life as a new RISD student. Additionally, the program will help new students get better connected to campus, be more successful, and get the most out of their time here, while increasing student retention. The mentoring program, in its simplest form is an extended orientation to all aspects of RISD both academically and culturally. The program will commence each year during new student orientation at the Mentoring Program Welcome Reception and conclude at the close of winter session. You and your mentor will sign an agreement, formalizing your understanding of your relationship and commitment to meeting. Additionally, ISE offers a programming series throughout the program. Attendance at these programs and events is expected. Should you become dissatisfied with your mentor, you are welcome to contact ISE mentoring program staff to discuss the situation and learn more about possible options available to you. At the end of winter session in February, you and your mentor will reach the end of your formal, structured mentoring experience. You may still continue to meet on an informal basis through the rest of your time at RISD; however, this arrangement is to be made between you and your mentor, based on availability. Mentors are willing to share a part of themselves, so that another person might grow closer to what they are capable of becoming. 8 WHAT A MENTOR DOES FOR A MENTEE HOW THE RELATIONSHIP WORKS The mentor’s responsibility is to help the mentee take responsibility for their skills, behavior, and the successful completion of their foundation year and beyond. This type of individualized, one-on-one assistance should guide the mentee to academic and social integration, increased self-esteem, higher grades, and great self-perceived intellection growth. It should also instill upon the student a sense of pride in one’s cultural background and self-efficacy. To ensure that they are adequately prepared, the mentor has already undergone an orientation training program prior to your arrival to campus. ISE is confident that the mentor is equipped to handle and respond appropriately to your needs. Both the mentor and mentee attend a welcome reception which will most likely be the first time you meet with your new mentor. It will also give you an opportunity to meet the ISE mentoring staff and for our office to hand out pertinent materials. Beyond this reception and the programming series that is offered throughout the duration of the program, it will be up to you and your mentor to schedule meeting. ISE recommends bi-weekly (every other week) meetings. From August until February, mentors and mentees will be required to meet on a regular basis. The mentor will initially reach out to the mentee to arrange the first mentoring meeting. However, mentees should realize that all relationships are a two-way street and they should feel comfortable in communicating their needs to the mentor and ensuring that they are taking responsibility for their experience by informing the mentor of the struggles they are facing. Mentors are not mind readers – and mentees should feel comfortable in being honest with their progress, feelings and other first-year experiences without fear of judgment. ISE will offer frequent programs, events and special opportunities to attend cultural events in the Providence community. Mentee’s are expected to attend all programs that are part of the Project Thrive programming series. For mentors, attendance to these programs are optional. You and your mentor will discuss your individual communication objects when you meet during your scheduled sessions. 9 1. To assist first-year students in their academic transition and cultural success at RISD. 2. To provide students with a continuing orientation to RISD and community life, both on-campus and in the local Providence community. 3. To help students connect with other students on campus, along with RISD faculty, staff and alumni. 4. To offer students engaging and enriching programs to foster a sense of community and skill development. YOUR MENTOR SERVES TO HELP YOU IN A VARIETY OF WAYS. THEY PROVIDE YOU WITH: ONE-ON-ONE SESSIONS WITH YOUR MENTOR HELP: A successful, professional role model who will provide a lasting relationship with you while at RISD. Monitor current progress of your course work. Tools to maximize your comfort during the transitional period. Information about university procedures and academic probationary regulations, consequences, causes, and resolutions. Opportunities to get off-campus and explore some of the many things Providence has to offer such as great dining, live theater, and other seasonal recreational activities. Refer you for recommendation of academic problems if needed. Develop personal responsibility and problem-solving skills. BENEFITS OF BEING A MENTEE WHO IS A MENTEE? A MENTEE IS A FIRST-YEAR STUDENT WHO IDENTIFIED AS FIRST-GENERATION OR PART OF AN UNDERREPRESENTED COMMUNITY WHO DESIRES TO EASILY MEET OTHER PEOPLE AND CONNECT TO THE RISD COMMUNITY. Additionally, this is a person who wants to ensure the successful completion of their first year foundational studies program and set themselves up for success for the remainder of their time at RISD. The program is also for someone who might like to explore multicultural and diversity issues along with the intersections of various identities. A mentee is a new student to RISD who is responsibly taking control of their academic success, personal-social skills, and general, overall growth and development. A mentee is a student determined to define and achieve appropriate academic and career goals, while expressing themselves as not just an artist, but a unique person that brings many different and wonderful things to RISD community. What benefits will I experience as a result of enrolling in the program? • The joy of a special friendship with a RISD faculty, staff, or alumni. • Someone to help me learn the academic, college culture. • Someone who can help me clarify personal and professional goals. • Someone who can share my challenges and successes in my first year. • Someone who can help me develop personal and academic skills. • Someone to help me develop networks as I pursue career interest in the field of art and design. • The opportunity to participate in activities that broaden my educational and cultural experience. • A sense of comfort that there is someone in the RISD community who relates to my experience and background whom specifically cares about my progress, well-being and success as an individual. • The support of ISE. 10 11 EXPECTATIONS OF MENTEES YOUR MENTOR WILL DO ALL THEY CAN DO TO ENSURE THAT THEY ARE THERE FOR YOU, OFFERING SUPPORT IN ANY WAY THEY CAN – BUT IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER THAT A MENTORING RELATIONSHIP IS A TWO-WAY STREET. You are responsible as the mentee for half of the relationship! Actively seeking the wisdom and help your mentor can impart, setting aside time to spend with your mentor, responding to your mentor when he or she contacts you – these are all things that you can and need to do as a mentee. ISE requires active participation in the program, in order to ensure that you get everything you can from the experience. Remember – you only get out of something what you put in – an important lesson for college in general. The program will give you the opportunity to begin to live this philosophy, which you can translate into your newly begun journey here at RISD! As a mentee, you agree: • To make a commitment to being a serious student. • To make a commitment to actively participate in the mentoring program. • To accept the guidance and support of your mentor. • To participate in one-on-one meetings with your mentor. • To discuss your class schedule and progress with your mentor, when necessary. • To regularly attend all your classes. • To contact your mentor prior to withdrawing from a class or changing your program of study. • To be punctual in meeting with your mentor – their time is valuable. • To notify the mentor ahead of time if you are unable to meet with him/her – rescheduling is a last resort. • To be open to concerning course work, study habits, academic progress, cultural struggles, etc. • To take advantage of support services within RISD recommended by your mentor. Note: missing appointments with other offices on campus or failing to follow through upon the recommendation of your mentor reflects poorly on not just yourself, but also your mentor who made the initial contact with the office for referral. • To learn how to use available resources both at RISD and in the local Providence community. • To strive to become an integral part of the RISD community. • To participate in periodic evaluations of the mentoring program. • To attend all programming events offered through the program series for mentees. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS • If your mentor has to cancel a meeting, it’s okay to schedule it for another time. • If you need to cancel, call early. Should you suddenly be unable to keep your meeting, call your mentor. NOT SHOWING UP WOULD BE UNPROFESSIONAL AND DISRESPECTFUL. • BE ON TIME FOR YOUR MEETINGS. • Besides meeting with you personally, your mentor may call to see how you’re doing or send you a birthday card. Feel free to do small things to show your appreciation for your mentor. Expensive gifts would not be expected, nor be appropriate. • Your relationship with your mentor is confidential. You are more than welcome to engage in communication when you run into your mentor around campus or in the community; however, the discussions that you have between you and your mentor should not be discussed openly. Therefore, you should feel comfortable in being honest with your mentor and your mentor should feel comfortable in sharing their own personal experiences as they relate and are appropriate to the current topic. MENTEE OUTCOMES • Self-motivation, self-discipline, goal setting • Increased interpersonal skills • Greater awareness of the necessity of a value system • Critical evaluation of what works and what does not work as you adjust to college life • Acquisition and implementation of new knowledge • Greater awareness of trust • Appropriate professional behavior and socially acceptable etiquette • Increased decision-making skills • Enhanced leadership skills • Successful transition in completion of educational goals • Enhanced atmosphere of trust and respect 12 13 Whatever you do, put your whole soul, mind and body into it. Work for maximum performance. Don’t settle for “C”; work for an “A”. Don’t accept what is given to you; work hard so that you have the right to demand. Believe in yourself and your abilities; substantiate yourself by developing the necessary skills. Be consistent: develop personality and identity; then project it! Be confident in who you are and what you are doing by thinking positive, looking positive, and acting positive. Be strong and persistent. Delight in your efforts; be tolerant of the intolerable (sore losers, etc.). Remember, “Experience is not what happens to you, it is what you do with what happens to you.” Decide what to do, when to do it, want to do it, then DO IT! You are your own greatest resource for yourself to do what you need to; when you need to do it, is the greatest challenge. Only you can truly make things happen for you! Strive to learn as much as possible, for that is the one thing no one can take from you. In order to study successfully, you must have a system of study specified for you. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and proceed to make your strengths work for you and help dissolve your weaknesses. HOW DO YOU SPELL SUCCESS? WRITTEN BY DR. DAVID P. JAMES, PRESIDENT, INTERNATIONAL MENTORING ASSOCIATION 14 15 OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS Woods-Gerry House, 62 Prospect St www.risd.edu/admissions Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 401.454.6300 I KNOW SOMEONE WHO MAY BE INTERESTED IN RISD. WHAT SHOULD I DO? If you have a friend or family member who is considering applying to RISD as a freshman or transfer student, please provide the Office of Admissions with his/her basic information. We will be sure to send him/her information regarding an application. You can send the information via email to [email protected]. Also, encourage them to get in touch with us directly. If they live out of state or out of New England, encourage them to attend a National Portfolio Day. The complete list of events can be found at www. portfolioday.net. HOW CAN I GET INVOLVED IN ADMISSIONS? Admissions depends heavily on students for many jobs in our office. The jobs range from tour guides, office clerical, front desk, phone callers, open house panelists and more. Students interested in working for our office should email [email protected] or stop by the office during regular office hours. I’M GOING TO BE VISITING MY HIGH SCHOOL WHEN I GO HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS. CAN I TAKE SOME ADMISSIONS MATERIALS? Yes. Feel free to stop by our office and pick up some brochures to give to your high school art teacher. 16 OFFICE OF ALUMNI RELATIONS & SPECIAL EVENTS Prov-Wash Building, 20 Washington Place alumni.risd.edu/s/1363/start.aspx Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 401.454.6379 HOW DO I BECOME A MEMBER OF THE RISD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION? Upon graduation, you are automatically a life member of the alumni community and entitled to a host of valuable programs and services, including a free subscription to RISD XYZ Magazine and XYZmail, the alumni monthly e-newsletter. All graduates are given a free RISD Alumni Association Card that provides access to the Fleet Library, 10% off all purchases at the risd:store and risd|works, a free RISD Museum membership for 10 years, along with other benefits posted online. HOW CAN I KEEP RISD UPDATED ON NEWS ABOUT MY LIFE AND CAREER? After graduation, you will be able to update your information with the Alumni Relations office or by visiting the website for additional ways to connect and share with fellow RISD alumni through various forms of social media. HOW CAN I FIND AND CONNECT WITH ALUMNI IN MY AREA? AND HOW DO I GO ABOUT STARTING AN ALUMNI CLUB IF THERE AREN’T ANY NEAR ME? The best way to get in touch with alums in your area is to: 1) make sure your contact information is up-to-date with Alumni Relations, so that you’ll receive notices about events in your area, and 2) check in with the club leader or contact in your area so that you’re aware of any events or activities already planned. The best way to update your information is by updating your Account information online. You may also search the online alumni directory. Currently you are now part of a network of more than 26,000 alumni in 90 countries around the world. If you are interested in starting a club, contact the Alumni Relations office. WHERE ARE RISD ALUMNI CLUBS LOCATED? Currently alumni clubs are located in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Colorado, Connecticut, Dubai, Florida, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Houston, Korea, Los Angeles, New Mexico, New York, Philadelphia, Rhode Island, San Francisco/Northern California, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. If you don’t see a club listed in a area close to you, you may also connect with a list of regional contacts, which is posted on the website. 17 RISD:STORE Design Center, 30 North Main St www.risdstore.com Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, 10:00a to 5:00p 401.454.6464 bookstore.brown.edu/textbooks_ reservation_program.html Bookstore website (bookstore.brown. edu). The Brown Bookstore is located at: 244 Thayer St – just a quick walk up the hill from RISD’s main campus! WHERE ELSE CAN I GET MATERIALS AND ART SUPPLIES? WHAT CAN I BUY AT THE RISD:STORE? The risd:store features all sorts of products that are available for you to purchase from RISD clothing and apparel to show your school pride to every art supply you could possibly ever need for all your courses and projects. All this – right on campus! Also inside the risd:store – be sure to enjoy some fresh food and beverage after a big shopping trip at the Watermark Café, located right inside the store! Don’t forget to show your RISD ID to receive a 10% discount on supplies and to be exempt from paying the 7% RI sales tax. produc CAN I GET MY TEXTBOOKS FROM THE RISD:STORE? The risd:store has a partnership with the Brown University Bookstore. All RISD students are able to purchase their textbooks at the Brown University Bookstore. Additionally, a pre-order option is now available where RISD students may pre-order their textbooks online and have them delivered right to their RISD Box or saved for you to pick-up at the Brown Bookstore. In addition, RISD students will now benefit from Brown Bookstore’s flexible textbook returns policy and broader buy back program. For your entire selection of course book needs, access the Brown University Bookstore link at: There are several other resources for students to obtain materials in Providence, such as Home Depot at 387 Charles St, Adlers Hardware at 173 Wickenden St, or Utrecht Art Supplies at 200 Wickenden St. However, closer to campus is RISD’s own 2nd Life, a student- managed materials upcycling center located at 204 Westminster Street, two blocks down from the Fleet Library. Like a thrift store for art supplies, 2nd Life sells inexpensive recycled materials and accepts donations for store credit. Feel free to contact at [email protected]. CAN I RENT MY TEXTBOOKS? Yes, Brown Bookstore offers textbook rental to students 18 years of age or older. WHAT IF I DROP A COURSE? CAN I RETURN MY TEXTBOOK TO THE BROWN BOOKSTORE? In order to return a textbook to the Brown Bookstore, you must always have your original purchase receipt. Generally, students have a maximum of three days to return any textbook for a course in which they dropped as long as it is within the first four weeks of classes. A drop/add form is required for this transaction to occur, along with the original purchase receipt. For the complete return policy, please visit the Brown CENTER FOR STUDENT INVOLVEMENT Carr House, 2nd Floor , 210 Benefit St csi.risd.edu Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 401.454.6602 WHAT DOES THE CENTER FOR STUDENT INVOLVEMENT DO? The Center for Student Involvement provides RISD students with cocurricular programs, leadership opportunities and key campus resources that bridge the RISD experience with real-world connections by cultivating collaborative learning, social engagement, and personal and professional development. HOW CAN I LEARN MORE ABOUT A STUDENT GROUP BEFORE ATTENDING A MEETING? There are many ways to learn more about student organizations at RISD. A good place to start is at OrgSync. com. Log in with your RISD email and password, and browse the complete listing of student groups. You can also stop in the office to talk with a CSI staff member about which club or organization is right for you. Many student club/organizations host events that are open to the entire campus community. Try attending one to meet people in a non-committal and relaxed setting. Also, be sure to attend the Block Party hosted during Orientation – many student clubs/organization are present to answer questions and showcase some of the activities they have done. WILL MY GRADES SUFFER IF I JOIN A STUDENT ORGANIZATION? How you manage your time with academic work and campus involvement is entirely up to you. Studies show that students who are involved in an 18 extracurricular activity actually do better scholastically because they’re more connected to the college, have the support of peers, and are exposed to encouraging staff people. There are many staff members on campus (talk with your mentor too!) who are willing to meet with you and come up with a plan on how best to manage your time so that you can be involved in an organization and do well academically. In a nutshell, here’s how you can benefit by getting connected to some kind of student organization: • You’ll make lifelong friends. • You’ll be more integrated into college life. •You’ll learn new skills like leadership, communication and a host of others. •You’ll have fun! HOW MANY STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS CAN I GET INVOLVED IN? You are not limited in the number of organizations you can join, but you should consider the following things when deciding: • Your first priority is academic (classes, projects and assignments). • Your activities should complement what you do in the classroom, not compete with them. • You should have fun. • You should learn. If you aren’t having fun and learning, you might want to reconsider your commitments. • Don’t commit, unless you’re sure you have the time to follow through. • Take your time and be choosy about how you want to commit your time and energy. • Be honest about how much you can reasonably balance in your day-today life. WHO DECIDES WHAT EVENTS ARE BROUGHT TO CAMPUS? Many campus offices/departments bring in artists and coordinate other exciting programs/events for you. Additionally, other student club/organizations do just the same. Becoming involved in various offices, departments, and student clubs/ organizations allow you to have some influence and express your ideas about programs and events on campus. Also, all student suggestions and concerns can be addressed by contacting the Student Alliance (alliance@risd. edu). Finally, the Programming Board is a group of ten RISD students who sponsor, plan, and promote activities for and with the RISD community. The board generates programs, and seeks proposals from the RISD community. Have an idea for a program? Send your ideas to [email protected]. DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING FOR GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL, OR TRANSGENDER STUDENTS? Yes, Queer Student Association (QSA) is dedicated to educating the RISD community on topics and issues relating to sexuality and gender. The group hosts programs and events throughout the year in partnerships with other campus offices and groups. Past events include the Queer Life @ RISD Orientation Dinner, Gay Welcome BBQ and Gay Pride @ The MET. Also, the office of Intercultural Student Engagement (ISE) supports many of the QSA initiatives and also creates many LGBTQ focused programs. The Assistant Director of Diversity Program’s office located in Carr House, Rm. 207, is also a designated safe space for LGBTQ students complete with a comfy couch and a selection of reading materials, videos and other library items available! This year ISE will be an active participant in the Transgender day of 19 Rememberance. As well as continuing to support the National Coming Out Day ceremony. ARE THERE ANY CLUBS THAT FOCUS ON DIFFERENT CULTURES? Yes! Visit the CSI website to view a list of student-run cultural organizations on campus, known as the “Cultural Collective”. IS THERE ANYTHING FOR ATHLETIC, OUTDOORSY-TYPE STUDENTS? Through CSI, RISD has many intramural athletic teams and activities. Overall, there are over a dozen athletic clubs and teams on campus, including yoga, skiing, and basketball. To join an existing sport, visit the CSI website to contact members of the group you are interested in. More outdoorsy groups include the Wilderness and Rock Climbing Club. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Suggest a new club! ARE THERE ANY COOL ANNUAL EVENTS OR TRADITIONS? Of course! You can look forward to Artist’s Ball, RISD/Brown Drag Show, Block Party, Lantern Lighting, Lawn Party and more! HOW DO I START A STUDENT ORGANIZATION? We are always excited to welcome new student clubs to campus. Visit the CSI office or make an appointment at [email protected]. DINING AT RISD Metcalf Refectory, 55 Angell St www. risd.edu/Students/Dining/ 401.454.6360 WHERE DO I EAT AT RISD? You have many options regarding where you choose to eat at RISD; however, as a first-year student, generally all your regular meals will be enjoyed in the Metcalf Refectory (the MET). The MET is located right in the heart of the quad – a convenient location to many first-year residence halls. All of RISD’s dining options are operated in-house, meaning that RISD does not contract out its food services – so you get the freshest and most personal experience possible. The MET may be considered RISD’s main dining hall. In addition to the MET, you also have the option of eating at: Portfolio Café – a full-service eatery, located on the ground floor of 15 West. The menu features entrees and lighter faire – either to enjoy on site or graband-go. Jolly Roger Café – serving up delicious artisan sandwiches, chips, fruit and baked goods; the café is located at 257 South Main St. Stop in to escape from the regular bustle of campus and enjoy a cup of organic fair trade coffee. Be sure to try the famous homemade peanut butter too! Watermark Café – the Watermark offers healthy choices made-to-order with organic products and locally grown produce. Enjoy a freshly brewed coffee or espresso paired with a unique dessert to cap off your meal, or as an afternoon treat with friends. With a riverfront location on the second floor of the risd:store, the Watermark is a popular campus destination. Carr Haus Coffee Shop – a student-run shop, perfect for a quick fix, the shop features economically priced coffees and teas, juices, smoothies, baked goods and sandwich fixings. Located on the ground floor of Carr Haus. HOW DO I GET A MEAL PLAN? All first-year students are automatically placed on the Foundation Plan. This program allows unlimited access to the MET with additional RISDbucks: ($200 per semester) to purchase food from other dining facilities on campus. All students who reside on-campus are required to be enrolled in a particular meal plan as part of their residential life experience. DO YOU HAVE VEGETARIAN AND VEGAN OPTIONS? Yes! All meals served in the MET, feature a vegetarian and/or vegan option. Also, the Watermark Café specializes in many options that are suitable for vegetarian and vegan guests. If you have a food allergy, first please register the information with Health Services. If the allergy requires special dining services, please contact the Associate Director, Pierre StGermain at ([email protected]). WHERE CAN I EAT LATE AT NIGHT? The Carr Haus Coffee Shop is open most nights of the week until midnight, the Jolly Roger is open most nights until 9pm and Portfolio Café is open 7 days/ week until 8:30pm. The MET’s Hours are as follows: Mon - Thu: 07:00am - 01:00am Fri: 07:00am -09:00pm Sat: 08:00am - 09:00pm Sun: 08:00am - 01:00am CAN I BRING GUESTS TO A MEAL? Yes! Guest meals may be paid for with your Dining Points. Your guests may also pay with cash. Your RISD ID card and the accounts on it are for your use only; no one may use another person’s ID card. WHAT HAPPENS TO FUNDS LEFT ON MY DINING PLAN AT THE END OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR? DO I GET A REFUND? Any remaining fall semester funds are carried over to the spring semester in the same academic year. At the end of the academic year, any remaining balance will be forfeited. Your meal plan will end when housing closes. COMMUTER STUDENT SERVICES Various campus offices. I DON’T LIVE ON CAMPUS – I’M A COMMUTER STUDENT. CAN I STILL PURCHASE A MEAL PLAN? Off-campus residents and commuter students may choose to purchase the Local Meal Plan for $400 per year ($200/semester) that will be billed to their account. WHERE CAN I PARK? Students may rent parking spaces at Charles Landing Apartments by the semester, or on a short-term basis, if needed. Anyone parking in the lots at Charles Landing is required to display a valid parking permit in the lower left corner of the rear window of the vehicle. Permits may be purchased at the Residence Life office or at the Charles Landing Leasing Office. Rates are published with the Room Rate Summary. 20 HOW MUCH IS A PARKING PERMIT? Residents of Charles Landing receive a preferential rate. Rates are subject to change. Currently the rate for the 201415 academic year is $600 per semester for students not residing at Charles Landing. WHERE ON CAMPS CAN I HANG OUT BETWEEN CLASSES? There are many great places to hang out around campus in between classes. Commuter students may find a comforting setting to meet with friends in many of the campus eateries. For more of a quiet and relaxing environment, try the Fleet Library and the main lounge in the Ewing Multicultural Center. Note: occasionally the Ewing Lounge may be reserved for select functions. Another popular place on campus for commuter students is the lounge in Carr Haus located on the first floor – the space is open early and closes late too! Conveniently located next to the café, complete with a computer station and plenty of magazines, books and other reading materials. CAN I PARK ON THE STREET? Yes, you may park on city streets; however, you must pay attention to the strictly enforced city parking regulations to avoid receiving a summons. Many street parking spaces located by the college are designated as a maximum of 2-hr parking. Note: if moving your car after two hours, you must move your vehicle to a different block in order to avoid a ticket. Parking in a different spot on the same street block will not satisfy this parking regulation. There is no overnight street parking permitted in the entire City of Providence without a resident permit. Be smart about parking on the street – especially late at night. Note: RISD reserved parking spaces on the street are for staff use. You are liable to have your car towed here, esspecially during regular working hours. IS THERE A STUDENT SHUTTLE? Yes. There is a free late night shuttle service provided for RISD students, staff and faculty called RISD Rides. All questions, complaints and concerns about RISD Rides are handled by the RISD Department of Public Safety. The service consists of two fixed route shuttles running daily (when RISD is in session) from 7p to midnight. From midnight to 3:30a, RISD Rides provides “to-your-door” service”; however, service is restricted to a designated area. For more information, visit the Public Safety website at (http://www. risd.edu/Students/Public_Safety/RISD_ Rides/). WHAT IS THIS FREE RIPTA PASS THAT I KEEP HEARING ABOUT? As a RISD student, you are entitled to free access to the Rhode Island Public Transportation Authority (RIPTA) services. Therefore, in order to ride on RIPTA buses, simply scan your RISD ID upon entering the service. CAN I GET A MEAL PLAN? Yes! Off-campus residents and commuter students may choose to purchase the Flex points plan or the All Points plan. http://www.risd.edu/ Students/Dining/Meal_Plan/ COUNSELING & PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES (CAPS) Thompson House, 63 Angell St 21 risd.edu/counselingservices Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 401.454.6637 HOW CAN COUNSELING HELP ME? Students have told us that counseling has enhanced their college experience by helping them feel better and function more effectively. Counseling can help you: • Improve your self confidence and self esteem • Organize your time and life better • Cope with challenging experiences • Overcome self-defeating behaviors • Manage depression and anxiety • Learn to reduce your stress and relax • Enhance your potential WHAT HAPPENS DURING THE COUNSELING PROCESS? An initial appointment can be scheduled by calling 401.454.6637 or through stopping by the office. Most students will meet with a counselor soon after they call the counseling center. At your first meeting, the counselor will talk with you about what has been troubling you. Additionally the counselor will want to get to know you and answer any questions you have. Sessions last approximately 50 minutes. WILL WHAT I SAY BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL? HOW MUCH WILL A VISIT COST ME? Counseling services are private, confidential and of no additional cost to students. All meetings are strictly confidential, unless the situation is life threatening. Your meeting is not part of your medical or academic record. DO YOU PRESCRIBE MEDICATION? There is very limited presence of a psychiatric prescriber at CAPS for one day a week. Subsequently, we will triage each situation on a case-by- case basis, and provide appropriate recommendations, which may or may not include a referral to local doctors in the Providence area. Medication is not provided in isolation at CAPS, and students followed for medication at CAPS will also need to be seen regularly by a counselor. Medication is not available over the summer and this is another reason a student might elect to see a local prescriber for continuity of care. The office is happy to provide you with a list of doctors or specialists in the area. WILL ANYONE THINK I AM “CRAZY” IF I COME TO COUNSELING? No, counseling is a healthy and responsible way to address personal issues and not a sign of serious mental illness. Many students come to counseling because they are experiencing difficulty and seeking professional help can prevent a problem from getting worse. WHAT CAN I DO IF I AM IN A CRISIS AND NEED IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE? For emergencies, counselors and assistance can be reached afterhours through Public Safety at 401.454.6666. Crises during business hours are handled by the counseling center, call us at extension 6637 or stop by the office for assistance. When in doubt, call! WHAT IF I AM REALLY CONCERNED ABOUT A FRIEND WHO REFUSED TO SEEK HELP? If you are concerned about a friend’s well being, we are available to talk to you about the situation. It can be helpful to talk to a professional and get their perspective. All meetings are confidential unless there are safety concerns to self or others. WHAT IF I SIMPLY WANT INFORMATION? If you are in need of self-help information or information regarding a counseling-related topic, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with a member of the counseling staff for a consultation. In addition, the Counseling Center website is a valuable resource for self-help information, online screenings, as well as more information for students, parents, faculty and staff. DOES THE CAPS PROMOTE MY WELLNESS AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT? Yes! CAPS often hosts many wellness programs and guided group meditations both in Thompson House and the Ewing Multicultural Center. For more information about these programs, visit the office website or contact a member of the staff. Additionally, you’ll find more resources on wellness and mindfulness on the website under the “Mindfulness Corner” tab. FINANCIAL AID Providence-Washing Building , 20 Washington Place, 1st Floor http://www.risd.edu/Financial_Aid/ Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. 401.454.6661 WHAT KINDS OF AID DOES RISD OFFER? The Financial Aid Office helps families in need of financial assistance to find the necessary combination of aid. An award of financial aid may include several different types of aid: RISD scholarships and grants, Federal and/or State grants, loans, work-study and also outside scholarships. For more information on these various types of aid, visit the financial aid website. IS IT TOO LATE TO APPLY FOR FINANCIAL AID? Although our institutional priority deadline has passed for 2014-2015, we recommend all students interested in financial aid complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to determine eligibility for other types of financial aid. HOW DO I COMPLETE MY FAFSA? The FAFSA is available online at fafsa. gov. You must first obtain a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the student and one for the parent. You may apply for the PIN at the same website. You will need to file your FAFSA each year you are enrolled at RISD in order for the financial aid office to be able to review your file for aid. HOW DO I VIEW MY FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION AND AWARDS? Paper award letters are mailed to a student’s preferred mailing address. Financial aid is awarded for the entire academic year. When you receive your tuition bill each semester, it will include half of the total financial aid you have been awarded. Once you have been billed, you may log into your at https:// risd.afford.com to view pending or 22 disbursed aid and make arrangements to pay. HOW DO I FIND A WORK/STUDY JOB? Work study jobs are offered to undergraduate and graduate students through the Financial Aid office, and posted on RISD’s work study website at http://apps.risd. edu/workstudy/. Note: students must have been awarded work study in their financial aid package to apply for these jobs and proper identification documentation will need to be provided before you can begin working. If there are some positions that have not been filled by students with work study there may be opportunities students without work study to fill some positions. CAN I WORK MORE HOURS THAN MY WORKSTUDY ALLOWS? DO I STILL RECEIVE ALL OF THE MONEY I WAS OFFERED IF I DON’T WORK THE TOTAL HOURS I WAS OFFERED? Your Federal Work Study or RISD Employment amounts were determined based upon your financial needs and other laws governing the program. Therefore, generally you can only earn what you have been offered and no more. However, some special circumstances and situations can occur, especially if employment is off-campus. Remember that Federal Work Study and RISD Employment are still employment opportunities, so if you don’t work the hours, you don’t get paid for them. IF I DON’T HAVE FEDERAL WORK STUDY, ARE THERE OTHER JOBS ON CAMPUS FOR WHICH I CAN APPLY? While RISD is committed to ensuring that Work Study students have a priority for employment on campus, there may be instances when a department cannot find a Work Study student to hire. In those cases, they would see a student without Work Study so it never hurts to ask! IF I WANT TO STUDY ABROAD, WILL FINANCIAL AID STILL APPLY? Financial aid is available to students studying abroad. The Office of International Programs and the Financial Aid Office will assist you in determining the costs and available aid for your selected program. GLOBAL PARTNERS & PROGRAMS (GPP) Carr House, 210 Benefit St risdoip.wordpress.com Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 401.454.6754 CAN I STUDY ABROAD AS A FRESHMAN? No, students may study abroad during their first-year. WHERE CAN I STUDY ABROAD? 23 GPP offers two main programs and coordinates all faculty led courses. The two programs include the Exchange Program and the European Honors Program. Destinations abroad vary from year to year, especially within the faculty led courses. Generally, travel dates occur during Winter session for the faculty led courses. To learn more about the various programs, visit the GPP website. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO STUDY ABROAD? Costs vary depending on the program, varying travel fares, etc. An itemized list of all costs will be available to you upon your consideration of participation. Also note, for some programs you are responsible for arranging a place to live while abroad. GPP and the Financial Aid Office will assist you in funding your study abroad program according to your program selection. DO I HAVE TO FLUENTLY SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF THE COUNTRY IN WHICH I STUDY ABROAD? Not necessarily. The country you plan to visit and the program you are participating in, will largely determine this factor. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (OIT) Providence-Washington Building 20 Washington Place, 1st Floor Accessible via RISD Intranet Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 401.454.6767 SHOULD I BUY A COMPUTER? Owning a personal computer is not required during your first-year, but is highly recommended. During the end of the semester when students are diligently working on final projects, many students find owning their own computer helpful. However, many departments do require that students own a personal computer beginning with their second year. Many departments have specific requirments for computer models and required software. OIT publishes information regarding the laptop program as well as the requirements by department. Visit their website for more information. The OIT website can be accessed by logging into the RISD Intranet (Google: RISD Intranet) with your student login information and click the tab labeled “Computing” up at the top of the screen. DO YOU HAVE WIRELESS INTERNET CONNECTIONS? Yes, 100 percent of the campus is wireless. Look for “RISD Wi-fi” under available networks. Always choose to connect via this network using your student login information to increase your web security. Avoid using the RISD Guest Network when possible. ARE THERE COMPUTER LABS ON CAMPUS THAT I CAN USE? WHERE ARE THEY? Yes. A list of the computer labs and hours can be found at the OIT website under “Academic Resources”. CAN I PRINT TO ON-CAMPUS PRINTERS FROM MY OWN LAPTOP? The short answer is yes; however, some restrictions apply. Detailed installation instructions are available at the OITS website. Note: risdPrints is not compatable with Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion). DO I HAVE TO BRING MY OWN PAPER TO PRINT ITEMS IN THE COMPUTER LAB? No, the paper is provided for you. However, you must bring your RISD ID card in order to release print jobs in most locations. Visit the OIT website for a complete list of locations where you may add printing money to your ID. IS THERE A LIMIT OF HOW MANY PAGES THAT I CAN PRINT IN THE COMPUTER? There is no limit; however, you are charged for all prints. There is a $0.10 cent fee for black and white prints (8.5 x 11) and a $0.75 cent fee for color prints (8.5 x 11). For a detailed list of prices for additional sized prints, visit the OIT website. HOW DO I CHECK MY EMAIL? Go to mail.risd.edu and enter your student login information. RISD utilizes Gmail for students, faculty and staff. Additionally, many Google Apps for Education are available for use such as Google Docs, Google Calendar, etc. Friends and family can address your email to [email protected]. CAN I STILL USE MY YAHOO, HOTMAIL, AOL, ETC. EMAIL ACCOUNT? Yes, but you also need to be sure to check your RISD Gmail. Your RISD Gmail is your official line of communication with the college. Professors and other staff members at RISD are expected to contact you via your RISD Email only and not required to contact you with another email while you are an active student. WHEN WILL I RECEIVE MY USER NAME AND PASSWORD? Your email account will be created within 2 weeks after your matriculation and deposit are received by the Admissions Office. Your user name and temporary password will be mailed to you. Keep in mind that the temporary password does expire within 2 weeks so log on as soon as possible. Should you have difficulty logging into your account, contact the help desk at [email protected]. WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I FORGET MY LOGIN AND PASSWORD? Contact the Help Desk. IS CABLE TV AVAILABLE IN THE RESIDENCE HALLS? Cable service is provided to the living units of 15 West and Charles Landing. Colonial and Dwight residents may contract with the local provider for cable services, if desired. Hill Houses and the Quad have cable provided only in the TV lounges. reference department or make an appointment to meet with a librarian. During the academic year, reference librarians are available M-Th 8:30a to 9:30p. HOW DO I CHECK OUT BOOKS AND OTHER MATERIALS? All new students must activate their library account by presenting their RISD ID at the Circulation Desk the first time they use the library. Your valid RISD ID acts as your Library card. HOW DO I GET JOURNAL ARTICLES? You can find articles using the databases through a tool called Gold Rush. You can access Gold Rush on the Library’s website. CAN I RENEW BOOKS? Yes, you can renew books online or by calling the Circulation Desk. FLEET LIBRARY The Mandle Building , 15 Westminster St library.risd.edu Monday – Thurs, 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, 12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Varies for holidays: Check website. 401.709.5900 HOW DO I GET HELP WITH RESEARCH? Librarians are available to answer your questions, assist with your research needs, and guide you in finding and using library resources. Contact the 24 MY PROFESSOR PLACED THINGS ON RESERVE. HOW DO I FIND THOSE MATERIALS? You may locate materials on reserve by searching the catalog online by course or by the instructor. WHAT IF THE RISD LIBRARY DOESN’T HAVE A BOOK OR JOURNAL ARTICLE I NEED? No problem. You can check to see if the books you want are available through the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) System. This is a borrowing program that allows you to check out books from other libraries. For assistance, please contact the Reference Desk. MAILROOM Design Center, 30 North Main St Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. 401.454.6319 HOW SHOULD MY MAIL BE ADDRESSED? For all students, except those living in Charles Landing: Joe Student RISD Box #______ 2 College St Providence, RI 02903 For students living in Charles Landing 25 Apartments, each apartment has apartment specific addresses with mailboxes located on-site. Residents may arrange packages to be received there by contacting the Leasing Office at 401.272.5580. WHERE DO I RECEIVE MAIL? All student mailboxes for those not residing at Charles Landing are located in the Design Center in the mailroom. Mail is delivered Monday – Friday only. No Saturday Delivery. WHERE DO I GET MY MAILBOX KEY? RISD’s campus mailboxes use combinations, instead of mailbox keys. You should have received your mailbox number and combination. If you are unsure, visit the mailroom and they will be happy to assist you and provide you with that information. delivered to the mailroom. You are not able to deliver any packages directly to studios or residence halls. When the package is delivered, the mailroom will place a slip in your mailbox alerting you that a package has arrived for you. Depending on the size of the package you will be directed where to pick it up. Follow the instructions on the slip. Your RISD ID serves as your bus pass. Simply scan your ID upon entry onto the bus. That’s it! ARE THERE CERTAIN BUS ROUTES THAT I MUST STICK TO IN ORDER TO USE MY RISD ID? Nope! You are free as a bird – you’re RISD ID gets you free access to anywhere the RIPTA goes! Unlike most public transportation, the RIPTA is run by the state, not the city – so you are able to travel all around Rhode Island. Feel free to take a weekend day trip to Newport – another great place with a thriving artist community. WHERE DO I PURCHASE POSTAGE? The mailroom sells postage as a convenience to the RISD community. Inquire at the window. HOW DO I SEND A PACKAGE? The mailroom also offers to accept your package for collection to be shipped. Please make sure that your package is sealed, addressed, and ready to be mailed. The mailroom is not responsible for providing you with boxes, tape or other shipping supplies. HOW DO I RECEIVE A PACKAGE? Packages can be mailed to you at your RISD address. There is no alternate address for packages and all packages are RIPTA PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION PASS IS IT TRUE THAT RISD STUDENTS GET TO RIDE THE RIPTA FOR FREE? Yes! All RISD students, faculty and staff are eligible to ride RIPTA public transportation at no cost. RIPTA is the Rhode Island Public Transportation Authority, which operates all of the public transportation busses you see around town. HOW DO I RIDE THE RIPTA? PUBLIC SAFETY Student Center (Quad), 30 Waterman St http://www.risd.edu/Students/Public_ Safety/Overview/ 24 hours/day, 7 days/week 401.454.6376 WHAT DOES PUBLIC SAFETY DO? Working closely with both the Providence Police and Brown University Police departments, the Department of Public Safety shares in the responsibility for maintaining a safe community and a quality of life that supports the educational mission of the college. Patrolling the campus on foot, bicycle and in distinctively marked cruisers, the department operates around the clock to provide service to the RISD community. The department is responsible for campus safety, security, parking, shuttle and escort. the RISD community safe and respond quickly to incidents. If you are involved in an incident or need to have Public Safety respond to your location immediately – please use the nearest blue light system to you and Public Safety will respond immediately by dispatching an officer to the location. WHAT DO PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS DO? RISD Public Safety officers are diverse, well-educated and a number have substantial prior law enforcement and military experience. All officers receive annual re-certification in first aid and CPR to provide emergency medical care until an ambulance arrives, and many officers are certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). CAN I PARK ON CAMPUS? Student parking is available on-campus in the Charles Landing Apartment Complex parking lot only. Permits may be purchased by semester and rates vary. Currently, parking permits for the Fall 2015 semester are $600. Note: preference given to residents of Charles Landing. Students are not permitted to park in any other campus lots and if they do so, risk ticketing or towing. HOW DO I REPORT A CRIME? Should a member of the RISD community observe or suspect criminal or suspicious activity, the department asks that this information be promptly reported to RISD’s Department of Public Safety. The Public Safety Quad Station at 30 Waterman St serves as the dispatch center for the department. The dispatch center/office is open 24-hours a day and can be reached at 401.454.6376 for routine, non-emergency reporting and/ or information. Officers accept reports in person or by telephone. IS THERE A SHUTTLE SERVICE ON CAMPUS? Yes. There is a free late night shuttle service provided for RISD students, staff and faculty called RISD Rides. All questions, complaints and concerns about RISD Rides are handled by the RISD Department of Public Safety. The service consists of two fixed route shuttles running daily (when RISD is in session) from 7p to midnight. From midnight to 3:30a, RISD Rides provides “to-your-door” service”; however, service is restricted to a designated area. For more information, visit the Public Safety website at (http://www. risd.edu/Students/Public_Safety/ RISD_Rides/). WHAT IF I’M INVOLVED IN OR NEED TO REPORT A CAMPUS EMERGENCY? The emergency phone number for the Department of Public Safety is 401.454.6666, or simply ext. 6666 from any campus telephone. WHAT ARE ALL THESE FUNKY BLUE LIGHTS AROUND CAMPUS? RISD utilizes the blue-light campus safety alert system to keep members of 26 WHAT IS THE PUBLIC SAFETY ESCORT SERVICE? Your safety is our number one priority and concern. If at anytime you feel unsafe on campus, especially late at night, please call Public Safety for an escort to your destination. Public Safety Officers are happy to walk with you to your destination so that you feel safe at all times while on the RISD campus. RESIDENCE LIFE Main Office: 30 Waterman St Office: 15 Westminster St http://www.risd.edu/Students/ Residence_Life/ Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 401.454.6650 CAN I PARK MY CAR ON CAMPUS? We strongly encourage that you do not bring your car to campus. Parking is extremely limited not just on campus, but also in the City of Providence. Furthermore, there is no overnight street parking permitted in the City of Providence. There are a limited number 27 of parking spots available in the Charles Landing Apartment Complex. Students wishing to park in this lot must purchase a parking permit from the Office of Residence Life or the Charles Landing Leasing Office. WHAT IF I DON’T LIKE MY ROOMMATE? At the start of the year, we impose a three-week freeze on room changes. After that time, if you think you need to change you should contact the Area Coordinator for your housing area to speak about the process and review options. Units are offered based on availability; if there’s not a space for you currently, we’ll put you on a waiting list for that type of space. ResLife also has many resources and staff members to assist you in resolving roommate conflicts and generally – help with communication solves many problems! ARE THE FLOOR MEETINGS MANDATORY? Yes. Whenever floor meetings are called, your attendance is expected. Hall meetings are only called when vitally important information comes available for residents. Please see your RA if you have specific questions regarding floor meetings. HOW DO I GET SOMETHING IN MY ROOM FIXED? Work requests may be submitted to the RISD Facilities Department at workorders.risd.edu. For emergencies, contact Public Safety at 401.454.6666. Generally, there is no charge to have items in the room fixed, unless it is determined that there was abuse by the resident. You may also submit work orders for expired light bulbs to be replaced. MAY I HAVE CANDLES, INCENSE OR ANY OTHER OPEN FLAME DEVICE? Sorry, but no. This prohibition also includes hotplates and candle warmers. Try diffusers and air fresheners – they work wonders! DO I HAVE A MEAL PLAN? Yes – all first-year students are required to have a meal plan if they are residing in on-campus housing. You were automatically enrolled in a meal plan. For more detailed information regarding your meal plan, visit: www.risd.edu/ Students/Dining/Meal_Plan/ ARE FRESHMAN AND SOPHOMORES REQUIRED TO LIVE ON CAMPUS? Generally, yes. We expect all first and second year students at RISD to live on campus. Those students who are married, will turn 21 years of age before September 1st, or plan to live at home locally with their parents, may request a waiver of this requirement. We define “home” as the parent(s)’ place of legal domicile. CAN I PAINT OR WALLPAPER MY ROOM? Nope! One person’s warm, soothing red is another person’s blood curdling, depression inducing puce. It’s also a pain to scrape off the hello kitty border you put up so no wallpaper either! HOW MUCH “STUFF” CAN I PUT ON MY WALLS? For fire safety reasons, all students should keep at least 70% of their walls clear and free, that way, in the event of a fire, it will not travel from one side of the room to the other rapidly. And absolutely nothing can be applied or affixed to the ceiling or to any sprinkler pipes. DO WE HAVE INTERNET AND PHONE SERVICE IN OUR ROOMS? Yes, all of our facilities provide highspeed internet. The internet service at Charles Landing is provided through a local carrier. Though it is not part of the RISD network, it is high-speed service. All buildings offer telephone service to the room with the exception of Charles Landing, where service is available through the local carrier. In other areas, local calls are free. If you’d like to set up a long distance plan, contact OIT at 401 454-6106. DO YOU OFFER A LAUNDRY SERVICE? Yes, a laundry service is available through E & R Laundry. For more info, please visit their website at www. thecampuslaundry.com. IS THERE A PLACE FOR ME TO DO MESSY WORK IN MY RESIDENCE HALL? 15 West (Apartment and Alcove Floors), Hill Houses, Colonial Apartments and the First Year Quad all have work rooms for those “messy” assignments. These are not studio spaces and work SHOULD NOT be left in the workroom unattended. WHAT CLEANING SERVICES SHOULD I EXPECT? Our Facilities staff maintain all of the common, public areas in our buildings such as corridors, stairwells and community lounges. In the Quad and Hill Houses, RISD staff also maintains the shared bathroom and kitchens. Students living in 15 West, Benefit street Apartments or Charles Landing clean their own apartment living areas. We DO NOT supply toilet paper or any other cleaning supplies to students in apartments, lofts or alcove suites. We expect ALL students to bring their personal trash and recycling to the designated rooms in their respective building. DO RESIDENCE HALLS CLOSE DURING SCHOOL BREAKS? Thanksgiving Break – All resident halls remain open during Thanksgiving break. December Break All housing except Charles Landing closes for the break at the end of the fall semester. All students in these residence halls must vacate the premises by Noon on Saturday, December 13, 2014. The residence halls re-open on Sunday Jan. 4 2015, the day before Wintersession begins. Residents of Charles Landing Apartments may be able to remain on campus during the break but must register with the Residence Life Office to do so. Wintersession break – All residence halls remain open between the end of Wintersession and the beginning of the spring term. Spring Break – All residence halls remain open during spring break. MAY I HAVE GUESTS? Yes, as long as they are not under 16 years of age. All guests must be signed in at a public safety office, and can only stay for three nights in a seven day period. You MUST OK this with your roommate(s) prior to them arriving! WHAT ARE QUIET HOURS? Quiet hours are 11pm - 9am Sunday through Thursday, midnight - 10am on Friday and Saturday. 28 WHAT ARE THE POLICIES ON ALCOHOL AND SMOKING? No alcohol or alcohol containers are allowed in ANY of the first-year areas regardless of a student’s age. Students who are of legal age may possess or consume alcohol in the upperclass buildings with certain restrictions. Please consult the Student Handbook for more information. No one is permitted to smoke or burn tobacco in any RISD building. WHAT’S AN RA? An RA, or Resident Assistant, is a student who lives in a residential facility and acts as a resource for the students on their floor, or in their area of the building. While they have some policy enforcement responsibility, they play a key role in creating an environment for students that is conducive to academic, personal and social growth. HOW DO I BECOME AN RA? Academic Year RA At the beginning of each Wintersession, we provide information to all RISD students on our selection process and encourage applications. The RA interview process typically begins the last weekend in January/first week of February. We make offers of employment BEFORE room selection begins so that students can make appropriate housing plans for the next year. Summer RA This application process follows the academic year RA interviews. Academic Year RAs generally have the option of working during the summer as well. WRITING CENTER College Building, Rm. 240 , 2 College St Monday – Thurs, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sunday, 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. risdwritingcenter.com 401.454.6486 WHAT IS THE RISD WRITING CENTER? The RISD Writing Center provides free peer tutoring in writing in a supportive 29 environment of mutual respect to RISD undergraduate and graduate students. Tutoring is a collaborative effort designed to help students become actively engaged in developing their writing skills. Trained student tutors advise on everything from grammar and mechanics to organization and clarity of argument—or just serve as a sounding board. All stages and all kinds of writing are welcome at the Writing Center. Please visit us to learn more. HOW DO I REGISTER FOR SERVICES? You may schedule an appointment with a tutor online by visiting the Writing Center website. Most tutors are fellow RISD students, so you should feel very comfortable in setting up an appointment! I HAVE A LEARNING DISABILITY, WHAT SHOULD I DO? It is suggested that prospective students make an appointment with the Disability Support Services Coordinator through the Counseling & Psycological Services Office at 401.454.6637. During this appointment, the coordinator can determine academic and non-academic accommodations and services upon enrollment. Students must self-disclose and provide current documentation of their disability. Accommodations are based on the documentation provided, on a case-by-case basis. WHAT SERVICES DOES THE WRITING CENTER OFFER? The mission of the RISD Writing Center is to support RISD’s under graduate and graduate students in the process of writing through one-to-one peer tutoring, to provide resources for students and faculty on learning and teaching writing, and to advocate for writing as a method and record of critical thinking and expression in all disciplines, including art and design. Tutoring is a collaborative process focused on clarifying intent, activating strategies, and building confidence. Tutors—RISD students who are trained in writing center theory and practice—consult on any topic, from sentence structure to strength of argument, and on any kind of writing, from academic papers to grant applications. While an individual piece of writing is generally the focus of a tutoring session, our ultimate goal is to help students become actively engaged in developing writing skills over time. WHAT SHOULD I BRING TO A TUTORING SESSION? The more you bring with you, the better. If you are coming to discuss a paper, you should bring that paper, the assignment sheet for the paper, and any resources you may have used to write the paper (a textbook, journal articles, etc). Additionally, any notes you have on the course material, handouts from the professor, and a review sheet (if provided) would be beneficial. Remember, the tutor is not in the class with you – they only know what you tell them or show them! The more they know, the better they can assist you! WHO ARE THE WRITING CENTER TUTORS? Tutors are your peers—graduate and undergraduate students with both strong writing skills and an ability to read closely, listen carefully, and question effectively. All participate in ongoing training in writing center practice. We are a community of writers who encourage meaningful expression and appreciate its importance in the context of art and design. WHO USES THE WRITING CENTER? Writers of all abilities and intentions find the tutoring process to be helpful in clarifying both their writing and their thinking. We work with first-year students seeking to improve their college-level writing in the liberal arts, non-native speakers wishing to fine-tune English expression, students articulating a context for their work in the graduate written thesis or an artist statement— and with anyone who appreciates the insight that can come from talking with a responsive reader. WHAT WILL THE WRITING CENTER TUTORS HELP ME WITH? You can bring any sort of writing to the Writing Center, course-related or not (essays, research papers, theses, artist statements, cover letters, grant proposals, etc.). Tutors will help you with organization, thesis statements, transitions, cohesiveness, logic, grammar, proper use of documentation to avoid plagiarism, and all aspects of writing, at any stage—from an initial idea to outline, on a draft or final revision. We will not comprehensively correct your papers for you. We will help you learn to develop and revise your own writing. HOW CAN I MAKE THE MOST OF A WRITING CENTER TUTORING SESSION? It’s helpful if you have a sense of what you would like to accomplish during a session. Are you seeking assistance with your introduction, with grammar, organization? We can’t do everything in a typical one-hour session, so we try to hone in on what you feel you need. For a class assignment, please bring the course syllabus, the assignment sheet, and any comments you may have received from your instructor on your writing. For research papers, you should also know what documentation style your instructor prefers. Follow-up visits, during which tutors review your revisions, are encouraged. It’s always best to plan ahead; coming in one hour before a paper is due is not ideal, as you will likely want to take time after the session for revision. STUDENT ACCOUNTS Providence-Washington Building 20 Washington Place http://www.risd.edu/About/Offices/ Student_Accounts/ Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 401.454.6442 CAN I VIEW AND PAY MY TUITION BILL ONLINE? Yes, visit the Online Student Accounts Page by logging on at https://risd.afford.com/. WILL I RECEIVE A PAPER BILL IN THE MAIL? Yes, tuition invoices are mailed to 30 your home address each July and December. Monthly statements will be sent electronically through the Student Accounts Center the first of each month. The first semester bill must be paid by August 15 and the second semester bill by January 15. If you do not pay your tuition bill or make alternative arrangements by the due dates, you may be subject to a late payment fine. WHAT TYPE OF PAYMENT PLANS DO YOU OFFER AND WHEN DO I NEED ONE? Monthly payment plans enable families to spread payment of each term over 5 months in equal installments. The first payment for the fall semester is due August 1st. The first payment for the spring semester is due January 1st Tuition Management Systems manages the payment plan on behalf of RISD. For more information or to enroll, visit risd. afford.com HEALTH SERVICES Homer Hall 55 Angell St http://www.risd.edu/Students/ Wellness/Health_Services/ Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Holidays, call for hours of operation 401.454.6625 DO I REALLY NEED ALL THOSE VACCINES AND A PHYSICAL? WHAT HAPPENS IF I DON’T GET THEM? The State of Rhode Island requires that all students complete a Health Form and receive all required immunizations prior to the first day of classes. The 2014-15 Health Form is available for download on the Health Services website. The form also details all of the required immunizations. Failure to complete these health requirements could result in holds placed on your account that block you from registering for classes for the Spring Term and/or removal from on-campus housing. WHAT SERVICES ARE OFFERED BY HEALTH SERVICES? Health Services provides students with primary and clinical care and has information available on health promotion, protection, education and disease prevention. The Health Educator is available for counseling and education regarding substance use and abuse issues. The office also offers referral to area medical facilities. HOW DO I SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT IF I AM SICK? To schedule an appointment, please call the office or email health@risd. edu. Note: unless in the event of emergency, visits are by appointment only. Generally, the earlier in the day that calls are received, the better the likelihood of receiving a same-day appointment. IS THERE A DOCTOR ON STAFF IN HEALTH SERVICES? Yes, there are doctors that are available to see you. You must have an appointment to see one of the health care professionals in Health Services. WHAT IF I AM SICK AND THE HEALTH SERVICES OFFICE IS CLOSED? If there is a health emergency when Health Services is closed, call Public Safety at 401.454.6666 and an officer that is an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) will respond and, if necessary, arrange transportation to an appropriate 31 medical facility. Also, available on the Health Services website is a list of local urgent care providers and pharmacies in Providence. If the facility is not within walking distance, remember that your RISD ID provides you access to the RIPTA. However, if you are really ill, seek other assistance from Public Safety. WHERE IS THE NEAREST HOSPITAL? RISD is located near several hospitals. The nearest hospital to the RISD campus is Butler Hospital (401.455.2500) located on 164 Summer Avenue. Other area hospitals include Miriam Hospital, Rhode Island Hospital (State’s Largest Medical Facility), Roger Williams Medical Center, Women & Infants Hospital (OB-GYN services for victims of sexual assault) and East Side Urgent Care. WILL IT COST ME ANYTHING TO SEE A HEALTH CARE PROVIDER IF I AM SICK? Visits to the Health Services Office is free to see a nurse. Students wishing to see a doctor do incur a charge, but it is billable through your insurance. CAN I GET OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS AT HEALTH SERVICES? Yes, the health center carries some common over-the-counter medicines such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, cough medicine, decongestants and throat lozenges. Many of these are offered free of charge. WILL THE HEALTH CENTER STAFF WRITE A PRESCRIPTION FOR MEDICATION? Yes and no. Health Services will not write you a prescription for refills. Health Services recommends that you bring enough medication prescribed by your physician to campus to cover you until your next visit home. It is important that the physician who wrote the prescription monitor you and your medication. However, if you see a doctor, he/she may write you a prescription for medication at their discretion. WHERE DO I GO TO FILL A PRESCRIPTION? There are many pharmacies located within walking distance of campus. For a complete list, visit the Health Services website. Also, the CVS on Thayer St will deliver prescription medications to Health Services where you will be able to pick them up on campus. For more information about this service, contact Health Services and/or the Thayer Street CVS. IF I HAVE TO BE TRANSPORTED TO THE HOSPITAL IN AN AMBULANCE FROM CAMPUS, WILL I BE CHARGED, AND HOW MUCH? Yes, there is a charge for ambulance transportation. The amount you are responsible to pay will depend on your health insurance. Please check with your insurance company to find out what your financial responsibility will be for ambulance transportation. IF I DON’T HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE, DOES THE COLLEGE OFFER A PLAN? RISD requires that all enrolled students have health insurance coverage. If you do not have insurance, the college offers a plan provided by University Health Plans. To learn more information about the plan, the cost, benefits, and enrollment, please visit health services. Note: Domestic students are not required to purchase the college plan if they have their own coverage; however, all International Students are required to purchase the college’s plan as a condition of their enrollment, regardless of other insurance coverage. Waivers are possible in these cases. WILL I BE SEEN IN HEALTH SERVICES IF I DON’T HAVE MY INSURANCE CARD WITH ME? Your immediate health is most important to us. Health Services will see you regardless of health insurance status or proof of insurance. Students are strongly encouraged to carry a copy of their health insurance card with them when they are on campus. At the time of visit to Health Services, you will be asked for a current copy of your insurance to see a doctor – but don’t let this prevent you from setting up an appointment if you are ill and don’t have your card. REGISTRARS’ OFFICE Providence – Washington Building 20 Washington St http://risdregistrar.wordpress.com/ Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30p.m. 401.454.6151 HOW DO I OBTAIN A COPY OF MY FALL COURSE SCHEDULE? You may print your schedule online by logging into Web Advisor and following the instructions for viewing/printing your course schedule online. Note: course schedules are not posted online until at least one-week prior to the first day of classes. HOW DO I REGISTER FOR CLASSES? As first-year students, you are automatically enrolled in the foundational year studies program. You do not choose courses for your first semester at RISD. For future information on how to register for classes, please visit the Registrar’s website. You will also find a YouTube tutorial on how to complete this online. HOW DO I READ MY SCHEDULE? Should you need assistance reading your schedule, please talk with your assigned mentor, a member of ISE staff, or stop by the registrar’s office. WHEN IS THE LAST DAY I CAN MAKE CHANGES TO MY FALL SCHEDULE? Generally, changes are not permitted to your first-year, fall semester schedule as your courses have been assigned to you based on the foundational year program requirements and other academic factors. Any changes, in special circumstances must have prior approval. To learn more about this process, please visit the office of the registrar. In the future, you may make changes prior to the add/drop deadline each semester. Consult the academic calendar for these deadlines each semester. IS THERE ANYWHERE ON CAMPUS THAT I CAN GO FOR HELP WITH MY CLASSES? The Writing Center is a free service available to you and peer-tutors are ready and willing to help you. The Writing Center is located in the College Building at 2 College street. Call 401.277.4829 to make an appointment. HOW LONG CAN I CONTINUE AT RISD BEFORE I DECLARE/COMMIT TO A MAJOR? Due to the rigor of all RISD programs, there is no room for you to begin a 32 program and then switch without extending your time at RISD. During winter session of your first year, you have the option of taking courses that you are interested in regardless of the major you listed when you applied for admission. Any changes in major/ program are recommended to occur by the start of your second year. Any students who wish to change a major/ program beyond this time, will need to arrange various meetings with faculty/ staff to discuss their options. HOW DO I KNOW WHICH TEXTBOOKS I WILL NEED? Your course schedule will dictate the textbooks that are required. Be sure to take your schedule with you if you are going to purchase your books at the Brown Bookstore. This will ensure accuracy and ease of shopping. WHAT IS AN “ELECTIVE”? An elective is a course that does not fulfill major, or core curriculum credit but counts as total credits earned towards graduation requirements. At RISD, students are able to choose their elective courses in two ways. The first is the choice of electives to fulfill their liberal arts studies after they complete the required core courses. The second is the choice of four studios that must be outside of your major. INTERCULTURAL STUDENT ENGAGEMENT (ISE) Carr House, 2nd Floor 210 Benefit St ise.risd.edu Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 401.277.4957 WHAT DOES THE OFFICE OF INTERCULTURAL STUDENT ENGAGEMENT DO? ISE is committed to fostering a multicultural understanding and personalized support at RISD by engaging its community through programming, 33 advocacy and specialized services. Our office is joined with the Office of International Student Services (OISS) to also provide immigration services and cultural transition support to all of RISD’s international student population. We sponsor a wide variety of cultural programs and events on campus and provide additional support to many of the student clubs that are part of the “cultural collective”. OISS is also responsible for offering International Student Orientation-a 3-day program offered before the general, new student orientation program begins. I AM A LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER, OR QUESTIONING/ QUEER STUDENT (LGBTQ). WHAT DOES ISE PROVIDE FOR ME? First and foremost, all of our staff offices serve as a safe zone, free from bullying and judgment. All of our staff members are allies to the LGBTQ community. Our office works closely with the Queer Student Association to bring engaging, meaningful and informative artists and programs that address LGBTQ issues. Additionally, ISE also maintains an LGBTQ resource website where students can learn more about resources that specifically support them both on-campus and in the Providence Community. ISE will soon be offering LGBTQ Sensitivity and Safe Zone Training with the launch of the new RISD Allies Program. ISE is an advocate for you and the rest of the LGBTQ community on campus and you are always welcome to meet or talk with us whenever you wish. I CONSIDER MYSELF A RELIGIOUS/ SPIRITUAL PERSON. HOW CAN I PRACTICE MY FAITH TRADITION ON CAMPUS? ISE is always willing to work with you and other departments and people on campus to ensure that you can maintain your religious/spiritual observance while studying at RISD. Students are generally expected to contact their professors directly when religious obligations affect class attendance. Should students ever encounter a less than understanding faculty or staff member, they are welcome to contact our office for further assistance. ISE and CAPS also support spirituality and mental wellness by offering periodic guided group-meditation. These sessions are held in both Thompson House and the Ewing Multicultural Center. Prayer and other types of reflection may occur in the Reflection Room, located in the Ewing Multicultural Center (EW-05). WHAT IS THIS REFLECTION ROOM I KEEP HEARING PEOPLE TALK ABOUT? ISE maintains the RISD Reflection Room located in the Ewing Multicultural Center (41 Waterman St). The Reflection Room is a quiet space where students, faculty and staff may visit for quiet reflection, prayer, and meditation. Additionally, some religious student groups occasionally reserve the space to hold religious services. The Reflection Room is open daily, 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. Be sure to have your RISD ID to access the room. I BELONG TO A SPECIFIC FAITH/ RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY. HOW CAN I SEE IF THERE IS A PARISH/ CONGREGATION IN PROVIDENCE? ISE maintains a list of faith communities and local churches on our website under the “Spirituality” tab. If the particular faith community you are looking for is not listed, please contact our office so that we may assist you! I AM A STUDENT OF COLOR, WHAT DOES ISE DO FOR ME? ISE has a long history in supporting students of color at RISD. ISE features many different types of cultural programs that speak to many diverse types of communities. During orientation, the office sponsors many multicultural programs in which you and your family are welcome to attend. We are always happy to answer any questions you might have about the campus climate. Look for many orientation programs where you can meet new people and get connected to your community at RISD. What is the Project thrive Program? Mentoring is for first-year students that assists them with their academic transition and cultural success at RISD. This year, we have had an overwhelming response and many students have enrolled. The program pairs each student with a mentor who is a member of the RISD faculty, staff or alumni. There is also a programming series that focuses on skill development and many exciting cultural offerings around the city of Providence. For more information regarding the program, please visit our website. breaches and trespassers on campus. I LOST MY RISD ID CARD AND THE OFFICE IS CLOSED. WHAT DO I DO? Students who are missing or lost their RISD ID card after hours, should contact Public Safety for assistance. Students may also report an ID lost through the risdbucks. I HAVE THIS COOL IDEA TO ATTACH MY ID CARD TO MY KEYCHAIN! CAN I PUNCH HOLES IN MY ID CARD SO I CAN DO THIS? Absolutely not. Your RISD ID contains a microchip that allows it to work with the proximity card readers attached to virtually all campus buildings. Punching holes in the card or any other type of alterations can damage this microchip, rendering your ID card useless. Consider purchasing an appropriate cardholder keychain if you wish to attach your ID Card to your keyset. CAMPUS ID CARD SERVICES Student Center Building 48 Waterman St Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. http://www.risd.edu/About/Offices/ Card_Services/ 401.454.6664 I LOST MY RISD ID CARD. WHAT DO I DO? Students who lost their ID card or find that their card is not working properly, must go to the Campus ID Card Services in person to replace a lost or stolen ID . Students should report missing or stolen ID cards immediately to Card Services, via risdbucks.risd.edu, or contacting RISD Public Safety, to request the card be deactivated to prevent security 34 WHAT DOES MY RISD ID CARD DO BESIDES TELLING PEOPLE WHO I AM? Your RISD ID Card serves many purposes. Aside from serving as your official school ID in which you must carry on you at all times – your card provides you access to almost all campus buildings, serves as your library card, printing card, laundry account card, RIPTA Pass, and Dining swipe card. CONCEPT LINK CE Building 355 S Water St, Providence, RI 02903 Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. [email protected] 401.273.0535 WHAT SERVICES DOES THE COPY CENTER OFFER? The Concept Link offers three Toshiba B&W copiers and a Toshiba B&W business color copier. There is also a fax machine that remains on 24/7 to send and receive faxes throughout the continental US. HOW MUCH DO THE SERVICES IN THE CONCEPT LINK COST? For faxes within the continental US, the cost is $1.00 per page to send and $0.50 per page to receive. For international 35 fax, the RISD Mailroom will be able to assist you. Copy costs vary, but for standard 8.5 x 11 copies, cost is $0.10 per sheet in black and white and $0.75 per sheet in color. RISDbucks are an accepted form of payment at this institution. engage with our biological realm. The Nature Lab provides a forum, sustained by resources and guidance, for the exploration of connections among art, design, and nature. In addition, we have the Arthur Loeb Design Science Collection (located in Carr Haus) for students who are interested in Design Science. We are also the home for live animals, including amphibians, reptiles, fishes, and small mammals. images and video at our micro-imaging workstations. Scanners and digital cameras expand the possibilities for image-capture of any specimen in the Lab. Computers with Internet access support these resources. DO I HAVE TO SCHEDULE APPOINTMENTS TO ENTER THE NATURE LAB? No. You are welcome to explore the Nature Lab during the hours of operation. Come by for a few minutes to browse, or spend hours in deep exploration! If you would like to learn how to use our microscopes or visit the Loeb Collection, please contact us for an appointment. NATURE LAB Waterman Building 13 Waterman St http://naturelab.risd.edu/ Monday, Wednesday, Thurday, 7:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, Noon to 6:00 p.m. 401.454.6451 WHAT IS THE NATURE LAB? The Nature Lab’s collection of over 100,000 natural science objects opens students’ eyes to the limitless visual patterns, structures, and processes in the natural world. By supporting hands-on creative investigation and research into the relationships inherent in the dynamic living world, the Nature Lab inspires students to CAN I BORROW MATERIALS FROM THE NATURE LAB? Yes. The Nature Lab also serves as a lending library of natural objects. Students may borrow certain items for one week. WHAT OTHER TOOLS DOES THE NATURE LAB HAVE TO ASSIST ME IN MY RESEARCH? The lower floor houses dissecting and compound microscopes for general use, two research grade microscopes, a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), hand-held digital ProScopes, a natural science reference library, a glass slide mount collection, x-ray photos, Edna Lawrence’s student drawings, an antique herbarium, and Tiny Town with hundreds of specimens perfect for viewing under a stereoscope. Students can capture still RISD MUSEUM OF ART 224 Benefit St risdmuseum.org Tuesday – Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thursday, 10:00 a. m. to 9:00 p.m. 401.454.6500 WHAT TYPE OF COLLECTIONS DOES THE MUSEUM HAVE? The RISD Museum of Art possesses an impressive amount of art. All of the articles on display throughout the museum is only 10% of total amount of work the museum owns. Collections include ancient art, Asian art, contemporary art, costume/textiles, decorative arts, painting/sculpture and prints, drawings, and photographs. I’M INTERESTED IN A PARTICULAR ARTIST, PIECE OR STYLE OF WORK BUT DON’T SEE IT ON DISPLAY? If you don’t see what you are looking for or wish to inquire about artwork, please contact museum staff and they will be able to assist you. If the museum has in it’s collection what you are looking for, museum staff are happy to retrieve an item for you to view from museum storage, even if it is not currently display. HOW MUCH DOES ADMISSION TO THE MUSEUM COST? Admission to the museum is always free with your active RISD ID. RISDWORKS Chace Center, 20 North Main St risdworks.com Tuesday - Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m. Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 401.277.4949 WHAT IS RISDWORKS? risdworks features items available for sale that have all been designed and made by RISD alumni and faculty. risdworks encourages you to look at familiar things in a new way: behind every item featured – from massproduced objects to fine art – is the mind and hand of a RISD artist. All profits from sales are returned to RISD for use in furthering its mission. 36 DO I GET A DISCOUNT IF I DECIDE TO PURCHASE ITEMS? Yes. RISD students receive a 10% discount on all items. Be sure to do all your holiday shopping there to utilize your discount and for gifts that are sure to impress and awe all your family and friends! 37 ACADEMIC & MENTORING PROGRAM CALENDAR AUG 1, 2014 Fri AUG 2, 2014 Residence halls close for Summer Foundation Studies Program AUG 9, 2014 Fri Residence halls close for CE Summer Studies and Pre-College programs Nature Lab Close (through Sept 7) AUG 11 , 2014 Mon AUG 18, 2014 Mon AUG 21, 2014 Thu AUG 23, 2014 Sat AUG 28, 2014 Thu AUG 30, 2014 Sat Sept 1, 2014 Mon Sept 2, 2014 Tues Sept 3, 2014 Wed 9:00am 38 Landscape Architecture Design Foundations/ Field Ecology class for incoming grad students begins Deadline to request housing early arrival for students attending Brown classes Victory Day: Offices open Library Open (8:30am-4:30pm through Aug 15th) Library Closed (through Sept 1) Masters of Arts Teaching classes ends Residence Halls close for summer housing; students move to fall housing assignment. Residence halls open for Resident Assistants Landscape Architecture Design Foundations/ Field Ecology class for incoming grad studentsvends Residence Halls open for Brown/RISD Dual Degree Program Labor Day: offices and Library closed Students arrive in Rome for EHP. RISD’s pre-orientation Service Experience Begins (through Sept 5) Library Opens (8:30-4:30 through Sept 5) Brown University classes begin; RISD students may register for Brown classes Residence Halls open for new international undergraduate and graduate students.. Orientation for new undergraduate + graduate international students (through the Sept. 5) WebAdvisor waitlists close at midnight Sept 5, 2014 -Students who receive a notice that a Fri space has opened from the waitlist must add the course on WebAdvisor (by Sept 7) Residence Halls open for new students Sept 6, 2014 New student orientation (through Sat Sept.8) Residence Halls open for returning Sept 7, 2014 students. Fall 2014 Registration Sun suspended - WebAdvisor closes for course adds at midnight; Registration reopens for the add/drop period (on Sept 10) Graduate student welcome week (through Sept 12) Meet n’ Greet 12:00-1:00 Academic Advising for new transfer and Sept 8, 2014 graduate students 8:30 am-11am Mon Convocation 11am-12pm Classes begin for EHP. CE fall classes begin. Library resumes academic year hours. In-person Degree Program Registration Sept 9, 2014 for Readmits, Mobility, Exchange, Tue Visiting and new Admissions who did not register using WebAdvisor. Student Organization Block Party. Fall Semester 2014 degree program Sept 10, 2014 classes begin, add drop period (through Wed Sept 17) Sept 11, 2014 Thu RISD Staff Council Meeting10am RMCC Block Party (RISD farm) Sept, 13 2014 th Final day for adding courses and final 39 Sept 17, 2014 Wed Sept 18, 2014 Thu Sept 19, 2014 Fri Sept 20, 2014 Sat Sept 24, 2014 Wed OCT 1, 2014 Wed OCT 3, 2014 Fri OCT 4, 2014 Sat OCT 6, 2014 Mon OCT 7, 2014 Wed OCT 9, 2014 Thu OCT 10, 2014 Fri OCT 13, 2014 Mon day to drop a course without “W” transcript notation for Fall 2014 Final day to submit forms for ISP, CSP and internships for Fall 2014 Welcome Dinner No CE classes held OCT 15, 2014 Wed Course withdrawal period “W” grade begins (through Nov 3) Better World By Design Conference at RISD OCT 17, 2014 Fri Better World By Design Conference at Brown (through Sept 21) Waterfire & Tour of Providence OCT 21, 2014 Tue Rosh Hashanah (begins evening of Sept 24 ends evening Sept 26) OCT 23, 2014 Thu Application deadline for re-admission for Wintersession for spring 2015 for undergraduate and graduate students Faculty Meeting 4:30 -6:30 Study group : Starting College Yom Kippur (holiday begins evening of Oct 3 ends evening Oct 4) Project Thrive Retreat (RISD farm) RISD/Brown National Coming Out Week (through Oct 10) Time Management (RISD 360) RISD staff Council meeting 10am RISD by Design parents and Alumni weekend (though Oct 12) Columbus Day Holiday Degree program classes held Offices and library open, OCT 24, 2014 Fri OCT 28, 2014 Tues OCT 31, 2014 Fri NOV 1, 2014 Sat NOV 3, 2014 Mon NOV 5, 2014 Wed NOV 11, 2014 Tue Study Group: Cultural Adjustment Deadline for completion of work to replace incomplete grades awarded in previous spring semester Student Alliance Meeting 6-7pm RISD:store Sidewalk Sale Mid-Semester 6:30-7:30p Take The Cake Budgeting and Financial Aid (RISD 360) Diwali Mid-Semester warning reports due Artist Ball Class Registration Party (RISD 360) Wintersession supply requests due to risd:store and 3d store Wintersession 2015 course selection begins Final date to withdraw from a course, “W” Grade Vacation week for European Honors Program (through Nov 9) Study Group: Social Pressure & Work Life Balance Faculty Meeting 4:30-6:30pm Veteran’s Day Observed Offices and Library open Degree program classes held Spring ‘14 Registration advising (through Nov 24) NOV 12, 2014 Wed NOV 13, 2014 Thu NOV 19, 2014 Wed NOV 20, 2014 Thu NOV 21, 2014 Fri NOV 25, 2014 Tue NOV 26, 2014 Wed NOV 27, 2013 Thu NOV 29, 2014 Sat DEC 1, 2014 Mon DEC 2, 2014 Tues DEC 3, 2014 Wed DEC 5, 2014 Fri 40 Student Alliance meeting 6-7pm RISD Staff Council meeting 10am Study Group: Ettiquette Transgender Rememberance Day 4th Annual [re]Design Thanksgiving CE Thanksgiving break begins (through Nov 30) Nature Lab closed (through Nov 30) Degree program Thanksgiving recess begins (through Nov 30) No classes held Offices open and Library open 8:30am - 4:30pm Thanksgiving Offices closed (through Nov 30) Library Closed (through Nov 28) Library resumes regular hours DEC 6, 2014 Sat DEC 7, 2014 Sun DEC 8, 2014 Mon DEC 9, 2014 Tue DEC 10, 2014 Wed DEC 11, 2014 Thu DEC 12, 2014 Fri DEC 13, 2014 Sat CE Fall classes end Studio Review Days begin (through Dec. 12 except Dec. 10) Study Group: Finals Preparation Student Alliance meeting 6-7pm Liberal Arts and Graduate studies exams Brown University Fall semester classes end RISD staff Council meeting 10am Final day of Fall term WebAdvisor waitlists close at midnight Students who receive a notice today that a space has opened from the waitlist must add the course on WebAdvisor (by 12/14) Student vacation (through Jan. 4) 12pm Housing closes for December break. Charles Landing remains open Nature Lab Closed (through Jan 4) Library Closed Degree Program classes resume, CE classes resume. DEC 14, 2014 Sun Course Selection via WebAdvisor begins for Spring ‘15 for grads & seniors. Spring reply requests due to risd:store and 3d store DEC 15, 2014 Mon Study Group::Home for the Holidays Course Selection via WebAdvisor for Spring ‘15 by juniors & sophomores DEC 16, 2014 Tue Faculty Meeting 4:30-6:30pm DEC 18, 2014 Thu Last day of Fall Semester degree program classes Final exams and studio reviews (Crits) are next week DEC 19, 2014 Fri Library open 8:30am - 4:30pm (through Dec 23) Final grades due in Registrar’s Office Final grades due in registrars office (narratives of student progress due Jan 5) End of EHP semester EHP Campus/Pallazzetto Cenci closes 41 DEC 20, 2014 Sat DEC 22, 2014 Mon DEC 24, 2014 Wed DEC 25, 2014 Thu DEC 26, 2014 Fri JAN 1, 2015 Thu JAN 2, 2015 Fri JAN 3, 2015 Sat JAN 4, 2015 Sun JAN 5, 2015 Mon JAN 7, 2015 Wed JAN 8, 2015 JAN 11, 2015 Sun JAN 12, 2015 Mon for Fall term. Library closed through (Dec 21) Library open 8:30am - 4:30pm (through Dec 23) Offices & Library closed (through Jan. 1) Christmas JAN 13, 2015 Tue JAN 14, 2015 Wed Kwanza through Jan 1 JAN 15, 2015 Thu New Years Day, Offices & Library closed JAN 19, 2015 Mon Library open 8:30am - 4:30pm Library open 10am - 6pm 9am All resident halls open Library open 12 - 8pm Wintersession 2015 classes begin Wintersession 2015 add/drop period begins (through Jan. 12) Adds must be done on thepaper form; drops can be done on WebAdvisor. Library resumes regular hours. CE winter classes start RISD staff Council meeting 10am JAN 21, 2015 Wed JAN 28, 2015 Wed FEB 1, 2015 Sun Wintersession 2015 Course Withdrawal Student Alliance meeting 6-7pm Study Group: Making the Most out of Wintersession Application Deadline for graduate students for readmission for fall 2015 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (observed) Offices closed; Library open No degree program classes held EHP classes begin CE classes held Brown University classes begin RISD students may register for Brown classes Ice Skating! College Night! Final date to withdraw from a course, “W” grade for Wintersession Study Group: Love & Relationships Deadline for compleation of work to replace incomplete grades awarded in the previous fall semester (unless instructor has set an earlier date) FEB 4, 2015 Wed WebAdvisor waitlists close at midnight Students who receive a notice today that a space has opened from the waitlist must add the course on WebAdvisor by 2/6 11:30am- 1:30pm Faculty meeting FEB 6, 2015 Fri Wintersession classes end Spring 2015 Registration suspended - WebAdvisor closes for course adds at midnight;Spring 2015 Registration reopens for the add/drop period on 2/13/14 Students depart for European Honors Program in Rome (classes begin Jan. 19) Wintersession ISP, CSP and internship forms due. Final day to submit forms for ISP, CSP and internships for Wintersession 2015. Final day for adding courses and final day to drop a course without “W” transcript notation for Wintersession 2015 period begins, “W” grade FEB 7, 2014 Wintersession break begins (through Feb. 11) 12pm RISD Housing closes for students not registered for Spring FEB 10, 2015 Tue 9am Residence halls open for new, visiting, exchange, or returning students MAR 4, 2015 Wed 4:30-6:30pm Faculty meeting FEB 11, 2015 Wed until 12pm In person degree program registration for re-admits, mobility, exchange, visiting and new admissions who do not register using WebAdvisor MAR 6, 2015 Fri Holi Pre-College Preview FEB 12, 2015 Thu FEB 16, 2015 Mon FEB 17, 2015 Tue FEB 18, 2015 Wed FEB 19, 2015 Thu FEB 20, 2015 Fri FEB 23, 2015 Mon FEB 27, 2015 Fri 42 Degree program classes resume Spring 2015 add/drop period begins (through Feb 19) 12pm Winterssesion 2015 grades due in the registrars office (narratives of student progress due Feb 26) 10am Faculty meeting Presidents Day: Offices and Library are open MAR 12, 2015 Thu 10am RISD Staff Council meeting MAR 15, 2015 Sun Deadline for completion of work to replace incomplete grades awarded in previous Wintersession MAR 18, 2015 Wed 6-7pm Student Alliance meeting. MAR 21, 2015 Sat Spring recess begins for Degree Program students (through Mar 29) Library Open 10am-6pm Nature Lab closed (through Mar 29) RISD Alternative spring break (through Mar 29) MAR 22, 2015 Sun Library Closed CE Winter Classes End LENT (ash Wednesday) CE winter break begins (through Feb 22) 6-7pm Student Alliance meeting. Final day for adding courses and final day to drop a course without “W” transcript notation for Spring 2015 Final day to submit forms for ISP, CSP and internships for Spring 2015 CLOSING CELEBRATION!!! MAR 23, 2015 Mon Library Open 8:30am to 4:30pm (through Mar 27) MAR 28, 2015 Sat Library Closed Course withdrawal period “W” grade begins (through April 8) MAR 29, 2015 Sun Library regular hours resume CE spring classes begin MAR 30, 2015 Mon Degree Program classes resume Freshmen Major Declaration deadline via webadvisor. -Freshmen meet with their newly declared department head between Mar 9 and Apr 3 to change their origionally declared major) April 1, 2015 Wed Mid-semester, Undergraduate application deadline for readmission for Fall 2015. Faculty Meeting 4:30-6:30pm April 3, 2015 Fri Good Friday, Passover (Apr 3 to Apr 11) Mid Semester warning reports due. April 5, 2015 Sun Easter Sunday 43 APR 8, 2015 Wed Final Date for course withdrawal, with a “w” Grade May 15, 2015 Fri APR 9, 2015 Thur 10am RISD Staff Council meeting May 18, 2015 Mon APR 11, 2015 Sat Student Art Sale May 22, 2015 Fri APR 13, 2015 Mon Vacation week for EHP (through Apr 19) May 23, 2015 Sat APR 15, 2015 Wed 6-7pm Student Alliance meeting. APR 20, 2015 Mon CE spring break begins (through Apr 26) APR 27, 2015 Mon May 1, 2015 Fri May 5, 2015 Tues May 6, 2015 Wed May 7, 2015 Thu May 9, 2015 Sat May 13, 2015 Wed May 14, 2015 Thu Fall 2014 Registration advising (through May 4) CE spring classes resume May 24, 2015 Sun May 25, 2015 Mon risd:store Sidewalk sale May 26, 2015 Tues Course Selection via WebAdvisor begins for Fall 2015 for grads, next year’s seniors; Brown University classes end. May 29, 2015 Fri Brown University final exams (through May 16) 6-7pm Student Alliance meeting. Faculty Meeting 4:30-6:30pm May 30, 2015 Sat 10am RISD Staff Council meeting May 31, 2015 Sun Course Selection via WebAdvisor for Fall 2015 by next year’s Juniors & Sophomores JUN 1, 2015 Mon Last day of Spring Semester degree program classes. Final exams and studio reviews (Crits) to follow this week and next JUN 2, 2015 Tue Reading/Preparation Day Deadline for Summer Internship Applications Liberal Arts exams, Graduate studies eams. JUN 8, 2015 Mon Studio Review Days (through May 22) Last day - Spring Term. Fall semester supply requests due, risd:store 3d store 2pm Residence halls close (Graduating students may remain by reservation) Nature lab closed through June 14 Library Closed, spring CE classes end Memorial Day (Offices & Library closed) Graduating student grades due in the Registrar’s Office. Library open 8:30am6pm. RISD senior week (through May 28) End of EHP semester; Library open 8:30am-4pm EHP Campus/Pallazzetto Cenci closes for Spring term. 10:30am RISD Commencement 2015 12pm Graduating student housing closes. Residence halls open for students wth summer housing. Non-Graduating student grades due in the Registrar’s Office (narratives for student progress due June 15) Library open 8:30am- 6pm. 5:30pm CE certification program commencement CE summer Extension Prgram begins. Library open 8:30am- 9pm M-Th 8:30am- 4:30pm F through Aug 7. COFFEE EXCHANGE 207 Wickenden St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 273-1198 BRICKWAY ON WICKENDEN 234 Wickenden St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 751-2477 COLLEGE HILL AND THAYER STREET 44 FOX POINT AND WICKENDEN STREET FUN THINGS TO DO/EAT IN PROVIDENCE. EAST SIDE POCKETS 278 Thayer St Providence, RI 02906 (401) 453-1100 NICE SLICE 267 Thayer St Providence, RI 02906 (401) 453-6423 KABOB AND CURRY 261 Thayer St Providence, RI 02906 (401) 273-8844 DOLCE GELATERIA 270 Wickenden St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 944-0707 FROYOWORLD 219 Thayer St Providence, RI 02906 (401) 865-6055 FELLINI PIZZERIA 166 Wickenden St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 751-6737 CHIPOTLE 178 Angell St Providence, RI 02906 (401) 621-2503 SAKURA RESTAURANT 231 Wickenden St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 331-6861 MAMA KIM’S KOREAN BBQ Food Truck Providence, RI 02906 (401) 787-8977 THE DUCK & BUNNY 312 Wickenden St Providence, RI 02906 (401) 270-3300 TEALUXE 231 Thayer St Providence, RI 02906 (401) 453-4832 TASTE OF INDIA 230 Wickenden St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 421-4355 BLUE STATE COFFEE 300 Thayer St Providence, RI 02906 (401) 383-8393 DOWNTOWN POINT STREET DUELING PIANOS 3 Davol Sq Providence, RI 02903 (401) 270-7828 PROVIDENCE MUSEUMS AND HISTORICAL VENUES ENTERTAINMENT CABLE CAR CINEMA 204 S Main St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 272-3970 WATERFIRE Downtown Memorial Blvd Providence, RI 02903 NICK’S ON BROADWAY 500 Broadway Providence, RI 02909 (401) 421-0286 45 AVON CINEMA 260 Thayer St Providence, RI 02906 (401) 421-3315 RISD MUSEUM OF ART 20 North Main Street Chace Center Providence, RI 02903 Phone: (401) 454-6500 GOVERNOR HENRY LIPPITT HOUSE MUSEUM 199 Hope Street Providence, RI 02904 Phone: (401) 272-5101 JOHN BROWN HOUSE MUSEUM 52 Power Street Providence, RI 02906 Phone: (401) 273-7507 x62 SURA 212 Westminster St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 277-9088 PROVIDENCE PERFORMING ARTS 220 Weybosset St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 421-2787 FLAN Y AJO 225 Westminster St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 432-6656 AS220 115 Empire St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 861-9190 PROVIDENCE ATHENAEUM 251 Benefit Street Providence, RI 02903 Phone: (401) 421-6970 SMALL POINT CAFÉ 230 Westminster St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 228-6999 TRINITY REP 201 Washington St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 351-4242 JOHN HAY LIBRARY 20 Prospect Street Providence, RI 02903 Phone: (401) 863-2167 FOOD AT AS220 115 Empire St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 831-3663 VETERANS MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM 1 Avenue of the Arts Providence, RI 02903 (401) 272-4862 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY 110 Benevolent Street Providence, RI 02906 Phone: (401) 331-8575 LUPOS 79 Washington St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 331-5876 ROGER WILLIAMS PARK ZOO 1000 Elmwood Avenue Providence, RI 02907 Phone: (401) 785-3510 RHODE ISLAND PHILHARMONIC 667 Waterman Avenue East Providence, RI 02914 BANK OF AMERICA CITY CENTER Two Kennedy Plaza Providence, RI 02903 Phone: (401) 331-5544 LUXE BURGER 5 Memorial Blvd Providence, RI 02903 (401) 621-5893 TRINITY BREWHOUSE 186 Fountain St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 453-2337 HARRY’S BAR & BURGER 121 N Main St Providence, RI 02903 (401) 228-7437 FESTIVAL BALLET PROVIDENCE 825 Hope Street Providence, RI 02906 (401) 353-1129 PROVIDENCE CHILDREN’S MUSEUM 100 South Street Providence, RI 02903 Phone: (401) 273-5437 WATERFIRE PROVIDENCE 101 Regent Avenue Providence, RI 02908 Phone: (401) 273-1155 NOTABLE RISD ALUMNI 46 CERAMICS JUNGIL HONG jungilhong.com/ MICHAEL BORONIEC FILM ANIMATION VIDEO SETH MACFARLANE en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seth_MacFarlane JAMES FRANCO en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Franco GUS VAN SANT gusvansant.com/ RYAN TRECARTIN vimeo.com/trecartin FURNITURE ELLEN KLEIN www.ellenkleindesign.com/70182/home MATTHIAS PLIESSNIG www.matthias-studio.com/ INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE ARCHIITECTURE MICHAEL MALTZAN www.mmaltzan.com/ DEBORAH BERKE www.dberke.com/index.htm ILLUSTRATION APPAREL NICOLE MILLER www.nicolemiller.com/ KATIE GALLAGHER www.katiegallagher.com/ 47 GRACE LIN www.gracelinblog.com/ JULIE MEHRETU www.pbs.org/art21/artists/julie-mehretu JULIA ROTHMAN www.juliarothman.com/#1 KURT WENNER kurtwenner.com ANDREA VALENTINI andreavalentini.com ALINA VADERA www.alinavadera.com/terra_obscura.html www.mboroniec.com/ HANNAH ANTALEK hannahantalek.com HAAVARD HOMSTVEDT www.haavardhomstvedt.com PHOTOGRAPHY JILL GREENBERG www.jillgreenberg.com/ HENRY HORENSTEIN www.horenstein.com/ FRANCESCA WOODMAN www.guggenheim.org/new-york/exhibitions/past/ exhibit/4432 SCULPTURE TEXTILES INDUSTRIAL DESIGN SOAIB GREWAL www.waterwalla.org WILL HARRIS www.designthatmatters.org PAINTING GRAPHIC DESIGN TOBIAS FRERE-JONES www.typography.com/about/ JESSICA WALSH www.sagmeisterwalsh.com/ TOM GEISMAR cgstudionyc.com/about-us/tom-geismar JEWLERY & METAL GLASS DALE CHIHULY www.chihuly.com/ JOSIAH MCELHENY www.pbs.org/art21/artists/josiah-mcelheny TOOTS ZYNSKY tootszinsky.org KAREN LAMONTE www.karenlamonte.com TZU-JU CHEN www.tzujuchen.com/index.html JULIA MIN juliamin.us/courtship.html JANINE ANTONI www.pbs.org/art21/artists/janine-antoni JENNY HOLZER projects.jennyholzer.com/ KRISTIN JONES www.kristinandreajones.com RACHEL DORISS www.pollackassociates.com/about-pollack/ourdesigners.php LINDSEY DEGEN degen-nyc.com 2 1 3 1 Woods-Gerry House Admissions Office Campus Design + Exhibitions Woods Gerry Gallery 20 41 Meeting Street 2 Nightingale House Residence Facilities Foundation Studies Studios Painting Studios 3 Larned House 22 Ewing Center Residence 4 Barstow House Residence Student Counseling Services 7 9 12 11 10 24 Carr House 44 15 6 East Hall 19 Campus ID Center Residence 14 7 Nickerson Hall Residence 25 Museum of Art 8 Alumni House 9 Pardon Miller 8 42 23 Benson Hall Printmaking 5 Thompson House Career Services 5 Foundation Studies Studios 21 What Cheer Studios 16 18 20 17 21 House Residence 24 10 Carpenter House Residence 11 Homer Hall 31 Health Services Residence 12 Winston Clock Tower 13 Metcalf Refectory Building Catanzaro Student Center Culinary Arts Studio Kitchen Seminar Rooms "The Met" Dining Hall 14 South Hall Public Safety Office Residence Residence Life and Housing Office Residence Quadrangle Security Office Environmental Health and Safety Office Foundation Studies Studio Liberal Arts Office Sheridan Center for Design and Innovation Textiles Studio Space Tutoring Center Writing Center 28 Bank Building 16 Dunnell House 29 Chace Center Residence 17 Dwight House Apartments 18 Dexter House Residence 19 Colonial Apartments Apartments 30 27 College Building 15 Congdon House Residence 48 26 Memorial Hall Painting Printmaking Studios 32 34 Furniture Design Studio Supply Store Foundation Studies Studio Metcalf Auditorium Museum Galleries RISD Works The Gelman Student Gallery 30 Metcalf Building Ceramics Foundry Furniture Design Glass Jewelry and Metalsmithing Sculpture 35 33 Visitors may enter highlighted academic buildings by using a guest access code available 49 21 MEETING ST. THA YER ST. BROWN ST . 4 43 40 6 UN 13 IO N ST WE S I TM NS 41 R TE WE ST YB RE OS ET T SE ST RE ET 39 38 37 25 32 20 Washington Place 26 27 29 28 36 Continuing Education Classrooms and Computer Labs Digital + Media Graduate Studies Office Graduate Studios Glass Graphic Design Painting Photography Printmaking Sculpture Textiles Interior Architecture Rhode Island Campus Compact Sol Koffler Graduate Gallery Teaching + Learning in Art + Design Apparel Design Auditorium Film/Animation/Video Media Resource Center Foundation Studies Foundation Studies Office Nature Lab 23 45 41 CIT Complex 35 Auditorium Building 31 Waterman Building 22 36 Market House Film /Animation/Video Office Fine Arts Office Fine Arts / Foundation Studies Computer Lab Accounts Payable Administration and Finance Office Apparel Design Studio Budget Office Campus Purchasing/ Support Services Continuing Education Computer Center Continuing Education Office Controller Financial Aid Office Foundation Studies Studios Furniture Design Studios General Counsel Human Resources Illustration Studio Institutional Engagement MAC Computer Center Media + Partners Office of Information Technology Payroll President’s Office Registrar’s Office Student Accounts 37 South Main Street Artisans Café, #349 Jolly Roger Café, #257 38 Bayard Ewing Building Architectural Studies Office Architecture Landscape Architecture 42 Woods-Gerry Sculpture Garden 39 161 S. Main Street 43 Nickerson Green 44 Homer Terrace 45 Frazier Terrace Industrial Design 40 The Mandle Center Fleet Library Residence The Portfolio Café 37 33 ISB Illustration 40 34 Design Center Advanced Media Center Copy Center Graphic Design Graphic Design Gallery Mail Room /Receiving Photography Red Eye Gallery RISD Store Typeshop Watermark Café 39 38 Located Downtown 41 50 51 Tony Johnson is the Director of Intercultural Student Engagement at Rhode Island School of Design. In this role, he participates in constructing and implementing the college’s efforts toward a multicultural and philosophically diverse environment that is respectful of all its members; Tony works to ensure a college campus that is enriched through experiencing and understanding society through strategic use of the range of cultures the college represents and building strong bridges to Rhode Island’s greater community. Tony Johnson, DIRECTOR Tony is a 1993 RISD Sculpture alumnus. Prior to his current role, he held a variety of positions including co-founding an arts consultant business, conducting art design and professional development training for MetLife Insurance, and serving as RISD’s first admissions officer dedicated to diversity enrollment. In addition to his work with art institutions, he is a former board member of the Rhode Island Black Heritage Society, a juror on The Rhode Island Foundations’ First Generation Scholarship Committee, and a member of the Multicultural Affairs Think Tank through the New England Resource Center for Higher Education (UMass/Boston). Christopher Lauth is the Assistant Director of Diversity Programs for the Office of Intercultural Student Engagement. In this role, he seeks to facilitate student success by providing support and outreach to RISD community members. Christopher R. Lauth ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF DIVERSITY PROGRAMS Open Position ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR 52 An integral part of facilitating this success is working to provide a supportive, safe, welcoming and affirming environment of equal treatment and access for various communities including: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ); racial/ethnic minority; religious; and first-to-college. Through support, advocacy and educational opportunities, Chris seeks to increase the college’s awareness, understanding and competency among important multi-cultural issues. Chris has received his Bachelor’s Degree from Flagler College (2009) in U.S. Southern Cultural History and his Master’s from Canisius College (2012) in College Student Personnel Administration. Prior to his current role, he served as the GLBTQ Leadership Development Coordinator at Canisius College as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Club UNITY, Flagler College’s Gay/Straight Alliance from 2007-2009. 53 Michael Cooley is currently a senior in Industrial Design. He is originally from Philadelphia. He is looking forward to working with Project Thrive and is always available as a resource for mentees! He is a familiar face around the RISD campus, not only working as a techers assistant, but also as a Lab monitor for the Bank building’s 3D printing facilities. You can find Michael’s online portfolio through this link below. http://portfolios.risd.edu/Mcooley Michael Cooley PROJECT THRIVE ASSISTANT COORDINATOR In the words of RISD ex-President John Maeda… “All I want to be is someone that makes new things and thinks about them.” Alison Sherman Yuriko Saito Kate Sacco Dean Abanilla Sydney Lake Jennifer Liese Anthony Johnson Mara Hermano Greg Victory Dan Murphy Hansy Better Chris Lauth Karren Harris Damion Vania Don Morton Jan Howard James Nelson Blair Schaeffer Rachel Mollicone McDonald Wright Leslie Grant Sue Rappaneau Mark Pompelia Mark Guarraia Gwen Farrelly Lindsay French Bonnie MacInnes Khipra Nichols Max Kaplan Wini Lambrecht Ingrid Neuman Jess Raffaele Brian Janes Jennifer Prewitt-Freilino Phil Oliveira Joanne Stryker Ginnie Dunleavy Annie Newman Andy Jacques Bill Cline Peter Carney Denise Siomkin Kelley Mills Shauna Summers Mika Kanazawa Shannon Gallagher Gina Borromeo Kate Irvin Associate Registrar - Student Information Systems Professor, History, Philosophy & and The Social Sciences Associate Director, International Student Services Computer Laboratory Technician, Continuing Ed Area Coordinator, 15 West Director, Writing Center Director, ISE Executive Director, Strategic Planning & Academic Initiatives Director, Career Center Area Coordinator, Hill House & Apartments Associate Professor, Architecture Assistant Director, Diversity Programs Internship Coordinator, Career Center Counselor, SDCS Director, CSI Curatorial Chair and Curator of Prints, Drawings, and Photographs Food Service Coordinator Residence Director, ResLife Operations Manager, CSI Technical Assistant III Alumna Nurse, Health Services Visual Resources Librarian Alumni Director, Global Partners & Programs Department Coordinator, CSI Associate Professor, Industrial Design Administrative Coordinator, ISE Associate Professor, History, Philosophy & The Social Sciences Senior Lecturer, History, Philosophy & The Social Sciences Conservator, History of Art & Visual Culture Assistant Director for NSO & New Student Programs Director, ResLife Associate Professor, History, Philosophy & The Social Sciences Assistant Director, ResLife Dean of Foundation Studies Director, Dining & Retail Director, Campus Planning Assistant Director for Leadership Programs Computer Technician, Foundation Studies ESL Writing Specialist, Writing Center Executive Assistant, Finance & Administration Trustee Relations Secretary Counselor, SDCS International Advisor, OISS Associate Director, Financial Aid Curator, Ancient Art Curator, Costumes & Textiles THANK YOU, TO ALL PAST AND PRESENT MENTORS. 54 55 15 West 27,28 Academic Calender 38-43 Admissions 16 Alumni 16 Art Supplies 17 Breaks 28 Bus 25 Campus ID 34 Card Services 34 Campus Map 48,49 Center for Student Involvment, CSI 18 Computer Lab 23 Concept Link 35 Counseling Services 21 Courses 32,33 Dining 19,20 FAQ 16-36 Financial Aid 22,33 Fleet Library 24,25 Goals Health Services 30,31 Holidays 28 Information Technology 23 Intercultural Student Engagement Global Partners + Programs 56 8,9 33,34 23 57 Jolly Roger Café LGBTQ 19 18, 33 Mailroom 25 Meal Plan 20 Nautre Lab 35 Office of Admissions 16 Office of Alumni Relations and Special Events 16 Packages 25 Parking 20 Portfolio Café 19 Post Office 25 Printing Program Overview 23,35 7 Public Safety 26 Public Transportation 25 RA 27 Registrar’s Office 32 Religion 33 Residence Life 27 Ripta 25 RISD Mesuem of Art 36 RISD Rides 26 RISD Store 17 RISDWORKS 36 Staff Student Accounts 51-53 30 Student Development and Counseling Services 21 Study Abroad 23 The Met 19 The Watermark 19 Waterman Café 19 Work Study 22 Writing Center 28,29 58 Designed by Jon Key Type family: National Printed by Alphagraphics Size: 7.5in x 9.75in 2013 62 63
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