Attachment B Division of Student Affairs, Housing, and Residence Life PROJECT MANUAL RENOVATION of PRITCHARD HALL WEST WING - LLC OFFICES Project Code: #R-2014-05 Architect's Project No. 13 1126 ARCHITECT: VMDO ARCHITECTS, P.C. 200 East Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 296-5684 fax (434) 296-4496 MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING AND FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERING: LAWRENCE PERRY & ASSOCIATES 15 Salem Avenue, SE., Suite 101 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (540) 342-1816 fax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±,QWHULRU([WHULRUDQG(PHUJHQF\ ',9,6,21&20081,&$7,2161RW8VHG ',9,6,21(/(&7521,&6$)(7<$1'6(&85,7<1RW8VHG ',9,6,21($57+:25.1RW8VHG ',9,6,21(;7(5,25,03529(0(1761RW8VHG ',9,6,2187,/,7,(61RW8VHG (1'7$%/(2)&217(176 3ULWFKDUG+DOO:HVW:LQJ//&2IILFHV 7$%/(2)&217(176 $GGHQGXP0DUFK 973&5 72& NOTICE OF INVITATION FOR BIDS IFB # 0032222 PRITCHARD HALL WEST WING LLC OFFICES VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY BLACKSBURG, VIRGINIA Sealed bids are invited for a Renovation Project at a portion of the Second and Third Floors of Pritchard Hall on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. The project is generally described as the renovation of two floors approximately 2500 square feet each with new architectural, HVAC, electrical, plumbing and fire protection upgrades. The third floor area will include (5) faculty offices, a supporting meeting space and a waiting area. The second floor will include a renovated student use area for a multipurpose room for work, socializing, television-watching and gaming, as well as an office for faculty. Both floors will be upgraded to include a handicapped-accessible gender neutral bathroom. Sealed bids will be received at Virginia Tech Procurement Department, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, North End Center (MC 0333), Suite 2100, 300 Turner Street NW, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061. The deadline for submitting bids is 2:00 p.m. sharp, as determined by the Bid Officer, on Thursday March 20, 2014. The bids will be opened publicly and read aloud beginning at 2:00 P.M., on Friday, March 21, 2014, at the same location. A Bid Bond and Contract Security will be required of all bidders regardless of bid amount. eVA Vendor Registration: The bidder or offeror shall be a registered vendor in eVA prior to making the first Application for Payment. Bidder or offeror must include the cost of the eVA transaction fee in its bid. The eVA transaction fee will be assessed approximately 30 days after each purchase order is issued. Any adjustments (increases/decreases) will be handled through eVA change orders. Procedures for submitting a bid, claiming an error, withdrawal of bids and other pertinent information are contained in the Instructions to Bidders, which is part of the Invitation for Bids. Withdrawal due to error in bid shall be permitted in accord with Section 9 of the Instructions to Bidders and §2.2-4330, Code of Virginia. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids. A non-mandatory pre-bid conference is scheduled for 10:00 A.M., local prevailing time, on Tuesday, March 4, 2014, at the Pritchard Hall Third Floor Lounge at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. Enter Pritchard Hall at the second floor Mailroom. Attendance is not a prerequisite for submitting a bid. Contractors are responsible for obtaining a University parking permit to attend this meeting. The Contract will be awarded on a lump-sum basis of the Total Base Bid Amount including any properly submitted and received bid modifications plus such Additive Bid Items, as the Owner, in its discretion, decides to award in the manner set forth in Paragraph 12 of the Instructions to Bidders. Contractor registration in accordance with Section 54.1-1103 of the Code of Virginia is required. See the Instructions to Bidders for additional qualification requirements. The Invitation for Bids for the above project, including the drawings & specifications, containing the information necessary for bidding, may be obtained by contacting VMDO Architects, P.C. 200 East Market Street, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901, (434) 296-5684. Electronic copies of the Invitation for Bids documents, including the plans and the specifications, will be available for inspection online at the following website: Site Address: User name: PritchLLC Password: hokies END OF NOTICE OF INVITATION FOR BIDS DGS-30-055 CO-7A (Rev. 04/13) Page 1 of 9 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS The Invitation For Bids (IFB) consists of the Notice, this Instructions To Bidders, the Bid Form, the Pre-Bid Question Form, the General Conditions of the Construction Contract, the Supplemental General Conditions (if any), the Special Conditions (if any), the Forms to be used, and the Scope of Work as described by the Plans and Specifications, other documents listed in the Specifications, and any addenda which may be issued, all of which request qualified bidders to submit competitive prices or bids for providing the described work on the project. eVA Vendor Registration: The bidder or offeror shall be a registered vendor in eVA. See the attached eVA Vendor Registration Requirements. 1. CONDITIONS AT SITE OR STRUCTURE: Bidders shall visit the site and shall be responsible for ascertaining pertinent local conditions such as location, accessibility, general character of the site or building, and the character and extent of existing conditions, improvements or work within or adjacent to the site. Claims, as a result of failure to have done so, will not be considered by the Owner. See Section 7 of the General Conditions entitled "Conditions at Site." 2. EXPLANATIONS TO BIDDERS: No oral explanation in regard to the meaning of drawings and specifications will be made and no oral instructions will be given before the award of the contract. The Owner shall not be responsible for any conclusions, assumptions or interpretations made by bidders during the preparation of bids that are contrary to the drawings and specifications and their clear intent. Discrepancies, conflicts, errors, omissions or doubts as to the meaning of drawings and specifications shall be communicated in writing to the Architect / Engineer for interpretation. Bidders must use the "Prebid Question Form" provided in the bid documents. Bidders must so act to assure that questions reach the Architect/Engineer at least six (6) days prior to the time set for the receipt of bids to allow a sufficient time for an addendum to reach all bidders before the submission of their bids. If, however, there are two (2) weeks or less between the first bid advertisement and the time set for receipt of bids, then bidders must submit questions so that they reach the A/E no later than three (3) days prior to the time set for receipt of bids. Any interpretation made will be in the form of an addendum to the specifications which will be forwarded to all bidders, and its receipt shall be acknowledged by the bidder on Bid Forms. If such discrepancies, conflicts, errors, omissions or doubts are reasonably apparent or should have been reasonably apparent to the bidder, and the bidder failed to submit questions to the A/E in the time and manner required herein and the Contract is awarded to the bidder, then any claims shall be deemed waived and the bidder shall not be entitled to additional compensation or time, or entitled to sue the Owner based on such discrepancies, conflicts, errors, omissions, or doubts. 3. TIME FOR COMPLETION: (a) "Time for Completion" shall be designated by the Owner on the Invitation for Bids or other prebid documents and shall mean the number of consecutive calendar days following the issuance of the Notice to Proceed which the Contractor has to substantially complete all Work required by the Contract. In some instances, the Time for Completion may be stated in the form of a Contract Completion Date based on a stipulated date of Notice to Proceed. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall achieve Final Completion within thirty (30) days after the date of Substantial Completion. (b) When the Notice to Proceed is issued, it will state a Contract Completion Date, which has been set by the Owner based on date of the Notice to Proceed and the Time for Completion. DGS-30-055 (Rev. 04/13) CO-7A Page 2 of 9 (c) The Contractor, in preparing and submitting his bid, is required to take into consideration normal weather conditions. Normal weather does not mean statistically average weather, but rather means a range of weather conditions which might be anticipated, (i.e., conditions which are not extremely unusual). Normal weather conditions shall be determined from the public historical records available, including the U.S. Department of Commerce, Local Climatological Data Sheets, Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Environmental Data and Information Service, National Climatic Center and the National Weather Service. The data sheets to be used shall be for the locality or localities closest to the site of the work. No additional compensation will be paid to the Contractor because of adverse weather conditions; however, an extension of time for abnormal weather will be considered by the Owner as indicated in the General Conditions. (d) If the Owner designates the public historical climatological records to be used, the bidder shall use those records in computing bids. If the Owner requests each bidder to indicate the records used, each bidder may select the public historical climatological records upon which he will rely in computing his bid. In the latter situation, each bidder shall designate in the space provided which of such climatological data records he used when formulating his bid. A bidder's failure to designate climatological records when submitting a bid shall not disqualify his bid, but shall constitute a waiver of the right to claim any extension of time as the result of abnormal weather. In either case, the bid submitted and the time of completion shall be presumed to have been based upon normal weather derived from the climatological records used. 4. PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF BIDS: (a) Bids shall be submitted on the forms furnished, or copies thereof, and shall be signed in ink. Erasures or other changes in a bid must be explained or noted over the signature of the bidder. Bids containing any conditions, omissions, unexplained erasures, alterations or items not called for in the proposal, or irregularities of any kind, may be rejected by the Owner as being incomplete or nonresponsive. (b) Each bid must give the complete legal name and full business address of the bidder and be signed by the bidder, or the bidder's authorized representative, with his usual signature. Bids by partnerships must be signed in the partnership name by one of the general partners of the partnership or an authorized representative, followed by the designation/title of the person signing, and a list of the partners. Bids by joint ventures must be signed in the joint venture name by one of the joint venturers or an authorized representative of one of the joint venturers, followed by the designation/title of the person signing, and a list of the joint venturers. Bids by corporations must be signed with the legal name of the corporation followed by the name of the state in which it is incorporated and by the signature and title of the person authorized to bind it in this matter. The name of each person signing shall be typed or printed below the signature. A signature on a bid by a person who identifies his title as "President," "Secretary," "Agent" or other designation without disclosing the principal firm, shall be held to be the bid of the individual signing. When requested by the Owner, satisfactory evidence of the authority of the officer signing on behalf of the corporation shall be furnished. Trade or fictitious names may be referenced by using "t/a _ _ _ ," but bids shall be in the legal name of the person or entity submitting the bid. (c) Bids with the bid guarantee shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope which shall be marked and addressed as indicated by the advertisement. If a contract is for one hundred twenty thousand dollars ($120,000) or more, or if the total value of all construction, removal, repair or improvements undertaken by the bidder within any twelve-month period is seven hundred fifty DGS-30-055 CO-7A (Rev. 04/13) Page 3 of 9 thousand dollars ($750,000) or more, the bidder is required under Title 54.1, Chapter 11, Section 1100, Code of Virginia, as amended, to be licensed in Virginia as a "Class A Contractor." If a contract is for seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500) or more, but less than one hundred twenty thousand dollars ($120,000), the bidder is required to be licensed in Virginia as a "Class B Contractor." The bidder shall place on the outside of the envelope containing the bid and shall place in the bid over his signature whichever of the following notations is appropriate and insert his Contractor license/registration number: Licensed Class A Virginia Contractor No. ______________ or Licensed Class B Virginia Contractor No. ______________ If the bidder is not properly licensed in Virginia at the time the bid is submitted, or if the bidder fails to provide this information on his bid or on the envelope containing the bid and fails to promptly provide said Contractor license number to the Owner in writing when requested to do so before the opening of bids, he shall be deemed to be in violation of Section 54.1-1115 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and his bid will not be considered. (d) The Board for Contractors has interpreted its regulations to mean "a licensed Contractor can bid on a contract which contains work outside his license classification(s) as long as he subcontracts those items for which he is not qualified to perform to licensed contractors with the appropriate License Classification and the work of the second party is incidental to the contract." Therefore, the Owner may, as a part of determining whether the bidder is "responsible," require the apparent low bidder to submit a listing of his subcontractors along with the license number and classification or specialty of each. (e) The bidder must also place its Employer Identification Number (SSN or FEIN) in the space provided on the Bid Form. (f) Every bidder organized as a stock or nonstock corporation, limited liability company, business trust, or limited partnership or registered as a registered limited liability partnership must be authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth as a domestic or foreign business entity if so required by Title 13.1 or Title 50 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, or as otherwise required by law. Any bidder organized or authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth pursuant to Title 13.1 or Title 50 must include in its bid the identification number issued to it by the State Corporation Commission. Any bidder that is not required to be authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth as a foreign business entity under Title 13.1 or Title 50 or as otherwise required by law shall include in its bid or proposal a statement describing why the bidder or offeror is not required to be so authorized. A bidder required to be authorized to transact business in Virginia that fails to provide the required information shall not receive an award unless a waiver of this requirement and of any administrative policies and procedures established to implement Section 2.2-4311.2 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, is granted by the chief executive of the Owner. If awarded the Contract, the bidder shall not allow its existence to lapse or its certificate of authority or registration to transact business in the Commonwealth, if so required under Title 13.1 or Title 50, to be revoked or cancelled at any time during the term of the Contract. Doing so shall be deemed to be a violation of Section 2.2-4311.2 and the bidder understands and agrees that the Owner may void the Contract if the bidder fails to comply with this provision. DGS-30-055 (Rev. 04/13) 5. CO-7A Page 4 of 9 BID GUARANTEE: (a) Any bid (including the Total Base Bid plus all Additive Bid Items) which exceeds five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) shall be accompanied by a Commonwealth of Virginia Standard Bid Bond, Form CO-10.2, payable to the Owner as obligee in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid. For construction contracts in excess of $100,000 but less than $500,000, where bid bond requirements are waived, prospective contractors shall be prequalified in accordance with §2.2-4317. A Bid Bond may be required for projects having bids of less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) if such requirement is stated in the Notice of Invitation for Bids. The Bid Bond must be issued by a surety company which is legally authorized by the Virginia State Corporation Commission to do surety business in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Such Bid Bond shall guarantee that the bidder will not withdraw his bid during the period of thirty (30) days following the opening of bids; that if his bid is accepted, he will enter into a formal contract with the Owner in accordance with the Contract Between Owner and Contractor, Form CO-9, included as a part of the IFB Documents; that he will submit a properly executed and authorized Standard Performance Bond and Standard Labor and Material Payment Bond on the forms included in the IFB documents; and that in the event of the withdrawal of said bid within said period, or failure to enter into said contract and give said bonds within ten (10) days after he has received notice of acceptance of his bid, the bidder shall be liable to the Owner for the difference between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Owner may contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, up to the amount of the bid guarantee. This amount represents the damage to the Owner on account of the default of the bidder in any particular hereof. See §2.24336 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. (b) See § 2.2-4338 of the Code of Virginia for provisions allowing alternative forms of bid security in lieu of a Bid Bond. Forms of Security listed in § 2.2-4338.B must be approved prior to submission of a Bid on the Bid Receipt date and time to be acceptable as Bid Security. (c) The Bid Bonds or other bid security will be returned to all except the three lowest bidders after the formal opening of bids. The remaining Bid Bonds or bid security will be returned to the bidders after the Owner and the accepted bidder have executed the Contract and the Performance Bond and the Payment Bond have been approved by the Owner. (d) If the required Contract and bonds have not been executed within thirty (30) days after the date of the opening of the bids, then the bond or other bid security of any bidder will be returned upon his request, provided he has not been notified of the acceptance of his bid prior to the date of such request. 6. WITHDRAWAL OR MODIFICATION OF BIDS: Bids may be withdrawn or modified by written or telefaxed notice received at the designated location from bidders prior to the deadline fixed for bid receipt. E-mail modifications are not acceptable. The withdrawal or modification may be made by the person signing the bid or by an individual(s) who is authorized by him on the face of the bid. Written modifications may be made on the bid form itself, on the envelope in which the bid is enclosed, or on a separate document. Written modifications, whether the original is delivered or telefaxed, must be signed by the person making the modification or withdrawal. The modification must state specifically what is to be modified and by what amount or it must state the item to be modified and what the corrected amount should be. (e.g. “Deduct $25,000 from Part A and from the Total Base Bid Amount”; or “Add $23,456 to the Total Base Bid Amount”; or “Deduct $15,650 from the Additive # 2 amount”. A modification to “Deduct $25,000 from Part A” will only be applied to Part A and not to the Total Base Bid Amount) Unless otherwise specified by the Bidder in the modification, the modification will be applied to the TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT shown on the Bid Form. (e.g. a modification stating only “Deduct $25,000” which is properly signed will be deducted from the Total Base Bid Amount shown on the Bid Form) DGS-30-055 (Rev. 04/13) 7. CO-7A Page 5 of 9 RECEIPT OF BIDS: (a) Bids will be received at or before the date and the hour and at the place stipulated in the Invitation for Bids as may be modified by subsequent Addenda. (b) It is the responsibility of the bidder to assure that his bid and any bid modifications are delivered to the place designated for receipt of bids by the date and hour (deadline) set for receipt of bids. Therefore, it is the bidder’s responsibility to take into account all factors which may impact on its bid deliverer / courier’s ability to deliver the bid and to implement whatever actions are necessary to have the bid delivered to the proper bid receipt location prior to the bid receipt deadline. No bids or bid modifications submitted or offered after the date and hour designated for receipt of bids will be accepted or considered. (c) The Bid Officer is the Owner's representative designated to receive bids at the time and place noted in the IFB and to open the bids received at the appointed time. (d) The official time used for the receipt of responses is determined by reference to the clock designated by the Bid Officer. The Bid Officer shall determine when the Bid Receipt Deadline has arrived and shall announce that the Deadline has arrived and that no further bids or bid modifications will be accepted. All bids and bid modifications in the possession of the Bid Officer and his assistants at the time the announcement is completed are deemed to be timely, whether or not the bid envelope has been physically date/time stamped or otherwise marked by the time the Bid Officer makes the deadline announcement. (e) In the event the bid receipt occurs during a period of suspended state business operations, the receipt and opening will be delayed one business day. 8. OPENING OF BIDS: (a) Bids will be opened at the time and place stated in the Invitation for Bids or as modified by subsequent Addenda, and their contents publicly announced. The Bid Officer shall decide when the specified time for bid opening has arrived. No responsibility will be attached to any officer or agent for the premature opening of a bid not properly addressed and identified. Bid opening shall be no sooner than 24 hours after the time set for receipt of bids. (b) The provisions of § 2.2-4342 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, shall be applicable to the inspections of bids received. (c) In the event the bid opening occurs during a period of suspended state business operations, the opening will be delayed until the next business day. 9. ERRORS IN BIDS: A bidder may withdraw his bid from consideration if the price bid was substantially lower than the other bids due solely to a mistake therein, provided the bid was submitted in good faith, and the mistake was a clerical mistake as opposed to a judgment mistake, and was actually due to an unintentional arithmetic error or an unintentional omission of a quantity of work, labor or material made directly in the compilation of a bid, which unintentional arithmetic error or unintentional omission can be clearly shown by objective evidence drawn from inspection of original work papers, documents and materials used in the preparation of the bid sought to be withdrawn. In accordance with § 2.2-4330.B.(ii) of the Code of Virginia, the bidder must submit to the Owner his original work papers, documents and materials used in the preparation of the bid within one day after the date fixed for submission of bids. Such work papers must be submitted in an envelope or package separate and apart from the envelope containing the bid and marked clearly as to the contents and shall be delivered to the Owner by the bidder in person or by registered mail prior to DGS-30-055 (Rev. 04/13) CO-7A Page 6 of 9 the time fixed for the opening of bids and may not be withdrawn until after the two-hour period (referred to later) has elapsed. The bids shall be opened at the time designated in the IFB, as amended by addendum. Bid opening is usually one day following the time fixed by the Owner for the submission of bids, but no sooner. Once the bids have been opened, the bidder shall have two (2) hours after the opening of bids within which to claim in writing any mistake as defined herein and withdraw his bid. The Contract shall not be awarded by the Owner until such two-hour period has elapsed. Such mistake shall be proved only from the original work papers, documents and materials delivered to the Owner prior to bid opening. This procedure (ii) shall not apply to when the entire bid is required to be submitted on a unit price basis. Failure of a bidder to submit his original work papers, documents and materials used in the preparation of his bid on or before the time, date and place required shall constitute a waiver by that bidder of his right to withdraw his bid due to a mistake. No bid may be withdrawn under this section when the result would be the awarding of the Contract on another bid of the same bidder or of another bidder in which the ownership of the withdrawing bidder is more than five (5%) percent. No bidder who is permitted to withdraw a bid shall, for compensation, supply any material or labor to or perform any subcontract or other work agreement for the person or firm to whom the Contract is awarded or otherwise benefit, directly or indirectly, from the performance of the project for which the withdrawn bid was submitted. The person or firm to whom the Contract was awarded and the withdrawing bidder are jointly liable to the Owner in an amount equal to any compensation paid to or for the benefit of the withdrawing bidder without such approval. If a bid is withdrawn under authority of this section, the lowest remaining bid shall be deemed to be the low bidder on the project. 10. REJECTION OF BIDS: The Owner reserves the right to cancel the Invitation for Bids, to reject any and all bids at its sole discretion when such rejection is in the interest of the Owner, or to reject the bid of any bidder who is determined to be not responsive or not responsible. See § 2.2-4319, Code of Virginia, as amended. 11. DETERMINATION OF RESPONSIBILITY Each bidder shall be prepared, if so requested by the Owner, to present evidence of his experience, qualifications and financial ability to carry out the terms of the Contract. Prior to award of the Contract, an evaluation will be made to determine if the low bidder has the capability, in all respects, to perform fully the contract requirements and the moral and business integrity and reliability which will assure good faith performance, and who has been prequalified, if required. Factors to be evaluated include, but are not limited to: (a) sufficient financial ability to perform the contract as evidenced by the bidder's ability to obtain payment and performance bonds from an acceptable surety; (b) appropriate experience to perform the Work described in the bid documents; (c) any judgments entered against the bidder, or any officers, directors, partners or owners for breach of a contract for construction; (d) any substantial noncompliance with the terms and conditions of prior construction contracts with a public body without good cause where the substantial noncompliance is documented; or (e) a conviction of the bidder or any officer, director, partner, project manager, procurement manager, chief financial officer, or owner in the last five years of a crime relating to governmental or nongovernmental construction or contracting; DGS-30-055 (Rev. 04/13) CO-7A Page 7 of 9 (f) any current debarment of the contractor, any officer, director or owner, from bidding or contracting by any public body of any state, any state agency, or any agency of the federal government. The Owner reserves the right to disqualify or refuse to accept the bid of any bidder who has been convicted, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, in any federal or state court to any charge involving any unlawful, corrupt or collusive practice involving a public contract whether federal, state, or local, or who has been determined in any judicial proceeding to have violated any antitrust, bid-rigging or collusive practice statute in connection with any public contract, or against whom such formal criminal prosecution or other judicial proceeding has been initiated. A bidder who, despite being the apparent low bidder, is determined not to be a responsible bidder shall be notified in writing in conformance with the procedures in §2.2-4359 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. 12. AWARD OF CONTRACT (a) Basis for Contract Award: The Contract, if awarded, will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, if any, provided his bid is reasonable and it is in the best interest of the Owner to accept it and subject to the Owner's right to reject any and all bids and to waive informality in the bids and in the bidding. The Bid Form contains a multi-part Base Bid and may contain Additive Bid Items. Determination of the lowest responsible bidder, if any, will be based on the Total Base Bid Amount entered on the Bid Form including any properly submitted bid modifications plus as many Additive Bid Items taken in sequence as the Owner in its discretion chooses to Award. Where the sum of the values entered in the multiple parts do not agree with the Total Base Bid amount, the Total Base Bid amount entered on the bid form, including any properly submitted bid modifications, shall take precedence. In the event that the Total Base Bid from the lowest responsible bidder exceeds available funds, the Owner may negotiate the Total Base Bid amount with the apparent low bidder to obtain a contract price within available funds, pursuant to § 2.2-4318 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and Section 12(c) herein. (b) Informalities: The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality in the bids when such waiver is in the interest of the Owner. (c) Negotiation With Lowest Responsible Bidder: If award of a contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder is precluded because of limitations on available funds, under the provisions of § 2.2-4318 of the Code of Virginia (the Public Procurement Act), the Owner reserves the right to negotiate the Total Base Bid amount with the lowest responsive, responsible bidder to obtain a contract price within the available funds. This may involve changes in either the features or scope of the work include in the Base Bid. Such negotiations with the apparent low bidder may include reducing the quantity, quality, or other cost saving mechanisms involving items in the Total Base Bid. Negotiations for Additive Bid Items are excluded. The Owner shall notify the lowest responsive and responsible bidder that such a situation exists and the Owner and bidder shall then conduct their negotiations in person, by mail, by telephone or by any means they find convenient. If an acceptable contract can be negotiated, the changes to the Invitation for Bid documents agreed upon in the negotiations shall be summarized in a "Post Bid Modification" and included in the contract. If an acceptable contract cannot be negotiated, the Owner shall terminate negotiations and reject all bids. DGS-30-055 (Rev. 04/13) CO-7A Page 8 of 9 (d) Notice of Intent to Award or Notice of Award: The Notice of Award or the Notice of Intent to Award will be posted at the Agency’s standard location for posting notices as shown on the “Notice of Invitation to Bid”. In addition the Agency may also post such notice on the Agency’s Website and/or the DGS central electronic procurement Website. Any bidder or offeror who desires to protest the award or decision to award a contract shall submit the protest in writing to the public body no later than ten days after the posting of the Notice of Award or Notice of Intent to Award, whichever comes first (§ 2.2-4360). 13. CONTRACT SECURITY: For contracts which exceed five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), the Standard Performance Bond (Form CO-10) and the Standard Labor and Material Payment Bond (Form CO-10.1) shall be required, as specified in the Invitation for Bids documents. For construction contracts in excess of $100,000 but less than $500,000, where bid bond requirements are waived, prospective contractors shall be prequalified in accordance with §2.2-4317. See the General Conditions and §2.2-4337 and §2.2-4338 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. The Owner reserves the right to require such bonds for contracts less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000). If the Owner so elects, the requirement shall be set forth in the Invitation For Bids. 14. CERTIFICATION: The bidder, by his signature on the Bid Form, certifies that neither his organization nor any of its officers, directors, partners or owners is currently barred from bidding on contracts by any Agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia, or any public body or agency of another state, or any agency of the federal government. See the statement "Disqualification of Contractors" in the Bid Form. 15. ETHICS IN PUBLIC CONTRACTING: The provisions, requirements and prohibitions as contained in Title 2.2, Chapter 43, Article 6, §2.2-4367 et seq., Code of Virginia, as amended, pertaining to bidders, offerers, contractors, and subcontractors are applicable to this project. 16. BUILDING PERMITS: Because this is a Project of the Commonwealth of Virginia, codes or zoning ordinances of local political subdivisions do not apply. However, the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code shall apply to the Work and shall be administered by the Building Official for State-owned Buildings. The Building Permit will be obtained and paid for by the Owner. All other permits, local license fees, business fees, taxes, or similar assessments imposed by the appropriate political subdivision shall be obtained and paid for by the Contractor. See Section 25 of the General Conditions for utility connection fees and services. 17. MINORITY UTILIZATION: It is the policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia to contribute to the establishment, preservation, and strengthening of minority business enterprises and to encourage the participation of minority businesses in State procurement activities. Towards that end, the Owner encourages firms to provide for the participation of minority owned businesses through partnerships, joint ventures, subcontracts, and other contractual opportunities. 18. BID DOCUMENTS: Bid Documents are the property of the Owner and a deposit in an amount as stated in the Invitation for Bids is required for each paper set or for each set provided on removable electronic media as a guarantee of the safe return of the documents within ten (10) days of bid opening. This deposit will be refunded in full on not more than two paper sets or sets provided on removable electronic media to each bidder who submits a prime contract bid and who returns the documents in good condition. Refund will be made on paper sets and sets provided on removable electronic media to non-bidders and subcontractors in the amount of half of the deposit when the sets are returned in good condition within 10 days. A deposit is not required for downloading of electronic construction documents through an FTP site. A non-refundable shipping charge may be required for paper sets or sets provided on removable electronic media if stated in the Notice or the Invitation For Bids. DGS-30-055 (Rev. 04/13) CO-7A Page 9 of 9 19. GENERAL CONDITIONS: The General Conditions of the Construction Contract, G. S. Form E&B CO-7, are incorporated in the bid documents. If the General Conditions are incorporated by reference, the bidder may obtain a copy of the current edition of the General Conditions of the Construction Contract, G. S. Form E&B CO-7 at no cost by written request to the A/E and/or the Agency where the bid documents are obtained. Copies may also be obtained from the DGS Forms Center ( 20. PREBID CONFERENCE: See the Invitation For Bids for requirements for a prebid conference and whether such conference is mandatory or optional. 21. INSPECTION OF BID DOCUMENTS: Copies of the Invitation for Bids documents including Plans and Specifications and the General Conditions of the Construction Contract, G. S. Form E&B, CO-7, current edition, will be available for inspection at the Agency, at the A/E's office, and at the locations listed in the Notice of the Invitation for Bids. 22. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIRED: Bidders are reminded that Section 2.2-4312 of the Code of Virginia requires that the during the performance of the contract resulting form this solicitation, the contractor agrees to (i) provide a drug-free workplace for the contractor's employees; (ii) post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or marijuana is prohibited in the contractor's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition; (iii) state in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor that the contractor maintains a drug-free workplace; and (iv) include the provisions of the foregoing clauses in every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. For the purposes of this section, "drug-free workplace" means a site for the performance of work done in connection with a specific contract awarded to a contractor in accordance with this solicitation, the employees of whom are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of any controlled substance or marijuana during the performance of the contract. Paragraphs which have been added or revised since prior edition are identified with a line to the right of the paragraph. NOTE: These CO-7A, Instructions to Bidders, have been created specifically for the use of agencies of the Commonwealth of Virginia, which may not alter their provisions without the express written approval of the Virginia Department of General Services, Division of Engineering and Buildings. These Instructions to Bidders have significant legal implications and shall not be altered or modified. Nothing in the CO-7A, Instructions to Bidders, shall be amended or deleted or its intent changed, except by an approved and properly issued ‘Supplemental Instruction to Bidders’. The Commonwealth makes no representation as to their suitability for any other purpose. DGS-30-272 (Rev. 02/01) PREBID QUESTION FORM (Use separate Form for each question submitted.) Date: Project: RENOVATION OF PRITCHARD HALL WEST WING – LLC OFFICES; PC# R-2014-05 The following question concerns Drawing Sheet (number) ; The following question concerns Specifications Section (number) ; Page ________________________, Paragraph __________________________. All responses to questions will be made by Addendum. Question submitted by: Name Organization Each Prebid Question shall be submitted in writing to the Architect. Email scanned form to: Kim Thompson Smith; [email protected]; or FAX to (434) 296-4496. 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3ULWFKDUG+DOO:HVW:LQJ±//&2IILFHV 6WDQGDUG%LG)RUP)RUPDW 973&5 3DJHRI DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE 1. DEFINITIONS 3 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 6 3. LAWS AND REGULATIONS 7 4. NONDISCRIMINATION 9 5. PROHIBITION OF ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS 9 6. TIME FOR COMPLETION 10 7. CONDITIONS AT SITE 11 8. CONTRACT SECURITY 11 9. SUBCONTRACTS 12 10. SEPARATE CONTRACTS 13 11. CONTRACTOR'S AND SUBCONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE 13 12. "ALL-RISK" BUILDER'S RISK INSURANCE 14 13. TAXES, FEES AND ASSESSMENTS 15 14. PATENTS 15 15. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER'S STATUS 15 16. INSPECTION 17 17. SUPERINTENDENCE BY CONTRACTOR 19 18. CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION, METHODS AND PROCEDURES 19 19. SCHEDULE OF THE WORK 20 20. SCHEDULE OF VALUES AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT 23 21. ACCESS TO WORK 24 22. SURVEYS AND LAYOUT 24 23. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 24 24. SUBMITTALS 26 1 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 25. FEES, SERVICES AND FACILITIES 28 26. EQUALS 28 27. AVAILABILITY OF MATERIALS 29 28. CONTRACTOR'S TITLE TO MATERIALS 29 29. STANDARDS FOR MATERIALS INSTALLATION & WORKMANSHIP 29 30. WARRANTY OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP 30 31. USE OF SITE AND REMOVAL OF DEBRIS 30 32. TEMPORARY ROADS 31 33. SIGNS 31 34. PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 31 35. CLIMATIC CONDITIONS 32 36. PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR 32 37. PAYMENTS BY CONTRACTOR 36 38. CHANGES IN THE WORK 37 39. EXTRAS 43 40. CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO STOP WORK OR TERMINATE THE CONTRACT 43 41. OWNER'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE THE CONTRACT FOR CAUSE 43 42. TERMINATION BY OWNER FOR CONVENIENCE 44 43. DAMAGES FOR DELAYS; EXTENSION OF TIME 45 44. INSPECTION FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION & FINAL INSPECTION 47 45. GUARANTEE OF WORK 48 46. ASSIGNMENTS 50 47. CONTRACTUAL DISPUTES 50 48. ASBESTOS 51 49. TRAINING, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 52 50. PROJECT MEETINGS 52 51. SMALL BUSINESSES AND WOMEN-OWNED AND MINORITY-OWNED (SWAM) 54 BUSINESS PROCUREMENT PLAN PLEASE NOTE: The CO-7, General Conditions of the Construction Contract, has been created specifically for the use of agencies of the Commonwealth of Virginia, which may not alter any provisions without the express written approval of the Virginia Department of General Services, Division of Engineering and Buildings. The General Conditions have significant legal implications and shall not be altered or modified. Nothing in the CO-7, General Conditions of the Construction Contract, shall be amended or deleted or its intent changed, except by an approved and properly issued Supplemental General Condition. The Commonwealth makes no representation as to their suitability for any other purpose. (Note: Political subdivisions intending to modify the General Conditions for their use should consult with their legal counsel.) 2 DGS-30-054 (04/13) 1. CO-7 DEFINITIONS Whenever used in these General Conditions of the Construction Contract ("General Conditions") or in the Contract Documents, the following terms have the meanings indicated, which are applicable to both the singular and plural and the male and female gender thereof: Agency: The Agency, institution or department which is a party to the Contract. For purposes of the Contract, the term Owner shall include such Agency, whether or not the Agency owns the site or the building. Architect, Engineer, Architect/Engineer or A/E: The term used to designate the Architect and/or the Engineer that contracts with the Owner to provide the Architectural and Engineering services for the Project. The A/E is a separate contractor and not an agent of the Owner. The term includes any associates or consultants employed by the A/E to assist in providing the A/E services. Beneficial Occupancy: The condition after Substantial Completion but prior to Final Completion of the Project at which time the Project, or portion thereof, is sufficiently complete and systems operational such that the Owner could, after obtaining necessary approvals and certificates, occupy and utilize the space for its intended use. Guarantees and warranties applicable to that portion of the Work begin on the date the Owner accepts the Project, or a portion thereof, for such Beneficial Occupancy, unless otherwise specified in the Supplemental General Conditions or by separate agreement. Change Order: A document (Form CO-11) issued on or after the effective date of the Contract Between Owner and Contractor (Form CO-9) which is agreed to by the Contractor and approved by the Owner, and which authorizes an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, including any adjustment in the Contract Price and/or the Contract Completion Date. The term Change Order shall also include written orders to proceed issued pursuant to Section 38 (a) (3). A Change Order, once signed by all parties, is incorporated into and becomes a part of the Contract. Code of Virginia: 1950 Code of Virginia as amended. Sections of the Code referred to herein are noted by § xx-xx. Construction: The term used to include new construction, reconstruction, renovation, restoration, major repair, demolition and all similar work upon buildings and ancillary facilities, including any draining, dredging, excavation, grading or similar work upon real property. Contract: The Contract Between Owner and Contractor, Form CO-9, hereinafter referred to as the Contract. Contract Completion Date: The date by which the Work must be substantially complete. The Contract Completion Date is customarily established in the Notice to Proceed, based on the Time for Completion. In some instances, however, the Contract contains a mandatory Contract Completion Date, which shall be stated in the Invitation for Bid or Request for Proposal, as applicable. Contract Documents: The Contract between Owner and Contractor (Form CO-9) signed by the Owner and the Contractor and any documents expressly incorporated therein. Such incorporated documents customarily include the bid submitted by the Contractor, these General Conditions, any Supplemental General Conditions, any Special Conditions, the plans and the specifications, and all modifications, including addenda and subsequent Change Orders. Contract Price: The total compensation payable to the Contractor for performing the Work, subject to modification by Change Order. Contractor: The person with whom the Owner has entered into a contractual agreement to do the Work on this project. 3 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 Date of Commencement: the date as indicated in the written Notice to Proceed, the receipt of the earliest Building Permit, or a date mutually agreed to between the Owner and Contractor in writing, whichever is the latest. Day(s): Calendar day(s) unless otherwise noted. Defective: An adjective which, when modifying the word Work, refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty, deficient, does not conform to the Contract Documents or does not meet the requirements of inspections, standards, tests or approvals required by the Contract Documents, or Work that has been damaged prior to the A/E's recommendation of Final Payment (unless responsibility for the protection thereof has been assumed by Owner at Substantial Completion or Beneficial Occupancy). Drawing: A page or sheet of the Plans which presents a graphic representation, usually drawn to scale, showing the technical information, design, location, and dimensions of various elements of the Work. The graphic representations include, but are not limited to, plan views, elevations, transverse and longitudinal sections, large and small scale sections and details, isometrics, diagrams, schedules, tables and/or pictures. Emergency: Any unforeseen situation, combination of circumstances, or a resulting state that poses imminent danger to health, life or property. Final Completion Date: The date of the Owner's acceptance of the Work from the Contractor upon confirmation from the Architect/Engineer and the Contractor that the Work is totally complete in accordance with Section 44(b). Field Order: A written order issued by the A/E which clarifies or explains the plans or specifications, or any portion or detail thereof, without changing the design, the Contract Price, the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date. Final Payment: The final payment that the Contractor receives pursuant to the applicable provisions of Section 36, except in the event no final payment is made due to termination of the Contract under either Sections 41 or 42. In the event of a termination for cause under Section 41, the Final Payment shall be when the termination became effective. In the event of a termination for convenience under Section 42, the Final Payment shall be either the payment of compensation for termination that the Contractor receives according to the provisions of Subsection 42, or the Owner’s determination that no compensation for termination is due the Contractor under Subsection 42, as the case may be. Float: The excess time included in a construction schedule to accommodate such items as inclement weather and associated delays, equipment failures, and other such unscheduled events. It is the contingency time associated with a path or chain of activities and represents the amount of time by which the early finish date of an activity may be delayed without impacting the critical path and delaying the overall completion of the Project. Any difference in time between the Contractor's approved early completion date and the Contract Completion Date shall be considered a part of the Project float. Float, Free: The time (in days) by which an activity may be delayed or lengthened without impacting upon the start day of any activity following in the chain. Float, Total: The difference (in days) between the maximum time available within which to perform an activity and the duration of an activity. It represents the time by which an activity may be delayed or lengthened without impacting the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date. Notice: All written notices, including demands, instructions, claims, approvals and disapprovals, required or authorized under the Contract Documents. Any written notice by either party to the Contract shall be sufficiently given by any one or combination of the following, whichever shall first occur: (1) delivered by 4 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 hand to the last known business address of the person to whom the notice is due; (2) delivered by hand to the person's authorized agent, representative or officer wherever they may be found; or (3) enclosed in a postage prepaid envelope addressed to such last known business address and delivered to a United States Postal Service official or mailbox. Notice is effective upon such delivery. All notices to the Owner should be directed to the Project Manager. If the Owner and the Contractor agree in writing that Notices transmitted by Facsimile (Fax) or e-mail are acceptable for the Project, such Notice shall be transmitted to the Fax number or e-mail address listed in the agreement and shall have a designated space for the Fax or e-mail Notice recipient to acknowledge his receipt by authorized signature and date. The Fax or e-mail Notice with authorized signature acknowledging receipt shall be Faxed or e-mailed back to the sender. The Faxed or e-mailed Notice shall be effective on the date it is acknowledged by authorized signature. All Faxed or e-mailed Notices shall also be sent by hard copy, which shall be effective upon delivery, as provided herein. Notice shall be effective upon the date of acknowledgment of the Faxed or e-mailed Notice or the date of delivery, whichever occurs first. Notice to Proceed: A written notice given by the Owner to the Contractor (with a copy to A/E) fixing the date on which the Contract time will commence for the Contractor to begin the prosecution of the Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Notice to Proceed will customarily identify a Contract Completion Date. Owner: The public body with whom the Contractor has entered into a contractual agreement and for whom the Work or services is to be provided. The term "Owner", as used herein, shall also mean the Agency. Person: This term includes any individual, corporation, partnership, association, company, business, trust, joint venture, or other legal entity. Plans: The term used to describe the group or set of project-specific drawings which are included in the Contract Documents. Project: The term used instead of the specific or proper assigned title of the entire undertaking which includes, but is not limited to, the "Work" described by the Contract Documents. Project Inspector: One or more persons employed by the Owner to inspect the Work for the Owner and/or to document and maintain records of activities at the Site to the extent required by the Owner. The Owner shall notify the Contractor in writing of the appointment of such Project Inspector(s). The scope of the Project Inspector's authority with respect to the Contractor is limited to that indicated in Section 16 (e) and (f) and as supplemented by the Owner in writing to the Project Inspector and to the Contractor. Project Manager: The Project Manager as used herein shall be the Owner's designated representative on the Project. The Project Manager shall be the person through whom the Owner generally conveys written decisions and notices. All notices due the Owner and all information required to be conveyed to the Owner shall be conveyed to the Project Manager. The scope of the Project Manager's authority is limited to that authorized by the Owner, who shall provide written information to the Contractor at the Preconstruction meeting defining those limits. Upon receipt of such information, the Contractor shall be on notice that it cannot rely on any decisions of the Project Manager outside the scope of his authority. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the Owner from issuing any notice directly to the Contractor. The Owner may change the Project Manager from time to time and may, in the event that the Project Manager is absent, disabled or otherwise temporarily unable to fulfill his duties, appoint an interim Project Manager. Provide: Shall mean furnish and install ready for its intended use. Schedule of Values: The schedule prepared by the Contractor and acceptable to the Owner which indicates the value of that portion of the Contract Price to be paid for each trade or major component of the Work. 5 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 Site: Shall mean the location at which the Work is performed or is to be performed. Specifications: That part of the Contract Documents containing the written administrative requirements and the technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards, and workmanship which describe the proposed Work in sufficient detail and provide sufficient information for the Building Official to determine code compliance and for the Contractor to perform the Work. (The General Conditions, any Supplemental General Conditions, various bidding information and instructions, and blank copies of various forms to be used during the execution of the Work are usually bound with the Specifications.) Subcontractor: A person having a direct contract with Contractor or with any other Subcontractor for the performance of the Work. Subcontractor includes any person who provides on-site labor but does not include any person who only furnishes or supplies materials for the Project. Submittals: All shop, fabrication, setting and installation drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, samples, and other data required by the Contract Documents which are specifically prepared by or for the Contractor to illustrate some portion of the Work and all illustrations, brochures, standard schedules, performance charts, instructions, diagrams and other information prepared by a Supplier and submitted by the Contractor to illustrate material or equipment conformance of some portion of the Work with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Substantial Completion: The condition when the Owner agrees that the Work, or a specific portion thereof, is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the Contract Documents, so that it can be utilized by the Owner for the purposes for which it was intended. The Owner at its sole discretion may, after obtaining the necessary approvals and certificates, take Beneficial Occupancy at this time or choose to wait to occupy until after Final Completion is achieved. Supplemental General Conditions: That part of the Contract Documents which amends or supplements the General Conditions. Supplier: A manufacturer, fabricator, distributor, material-man or vendor who provides material for the Project but does not provide on-site labor. Time for Completion: The number of consecutive calendar days following the Date of Commencement which the Contractor has to substantially complete all Work required by the Contract. Underground Facilities: All pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires, manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels or other such facilities or attachments, and any encasements containing such facilities which are or have been installed underground to furnish any of the following services or materials: electricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television, sewage and drainage removal, traffic or other control systems or water. Work: The services performed under this Contract including, but not limited to, furnishing labor, and furnishing and incorporating materials and equipment into the construction. The Work also includes the entire completed construction, or the various separately identifiable parts thereof, required to be provided under the Contract Documents or which may reasonably be expected to be provided as part of a complete, code compliant and functioning system for those systems depicted in the plans and specifications.. 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS (a) The Contract Between Owner and Contractor (CO-9), the Workers' Compensation Certificate of Coverage (CO-9a), the Standard Performance Bond (CO-10), the Standard Labor and Material Payment Bond (CO-10.1), the Schedule of Values and Certificate for Payment (CO-12), the Affidavit of Payments of Claims (CO-13), the Contractor's Certificate of Substantial Completion (CO-13.2a), and the Contractor's Certificate of Completion (CO-13.2) issued by the 6 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 Commonwealth of Virginia in its Construction and Professional Services Manual are forms incorporated in these General Conditions by reference and are made a part hereof to the same extent as though fully set forth herein. They must be used by the Contractor for their respective purposes. 3. (b) All time limits stated in the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the Time for Completion of the Work, are of the essence of the Contract. (c) The Contract Between Owner and Contractor shall be signed by the Owner and the Contractor in as many original counterparts as may be mutually agreed upon, each of which shall be considered an original. (d) Anything called for by one of the Contract Documents and not called for by the others shall be of like effect as if required or called for by all, except that a provision clearly designed to negate or alter a provision contained in one or more of the other Contract Documents shall have the intended effect. In the event of conflicts among the Contract Documents, the Contract Documents shall take precedence in the following order: the Contract between Owner and Contractor; the Supplemental General Conditions; the General Conditions; the Special Conditions; the specifications with attachments; and the plans. (e) If any provision of this Contract shall be held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate any other provision. (f) All correspondence, invoices, memoranda, submittals and other documents related to this Project whether generated by the Owner, the A/E, the Contractor or others should be identified at the beginning of the document with the eleven digit (XXX-XXXXX-XXX) Project Code Number. Additional identification such as a job number, purchase order number or such may also be shown at the generator's option. LAWS AND REGULATIONS (a) The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of any public authority bearing on the performance of the Work and shall give all notices required thereby. The Contractor shall assure that all Subcontractors and tradesmen who perform Work on the project are properly licensed by the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation as required by Title 54.1, Chapter 11, Articles 1 and 3 and by applicable regulations. (b) This Contract and all other contracts and subcontracts are subject to the provisions of Articles 3 and 5, Chapter 4, Title 40.1, Code of Virginia, relating to labor unions and the "right to work." The Contractor and its Subcontractors, whether residents or nonresidents of the Commonwealth, who perform any Work related to the Project shall comply with all of the said provisions. (c) IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL ACT OF 1986: By signing this Contract, the Contractor certifies that it does not and will not during the performance of this Contract violate the provisions of the Federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which prohibits employment of illegal aliens. (d) The provisions of all rules and regulations governing safety as adopted by the Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia and as issued by the Department Industry under Title 40.1 of the Code of Virginia shall apply to all Work under Inspectors from the Department of Labor and Industry shall be granted access to inspection without first obtaining a search or administrative warrant. (e) Building Permit: Because this Project is on Commonwealth of Virginia property, codes or zoning ordinances of local political subdivisions do not apply to Work on the property. The Virginia 7 Safety Codes of Labor and this Contract. the Work for DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 Uniform Statewide Building Code applies to the Work and is administered by the Building Official for State-owned Buildings. The Building Permit will be obtained and paid for by the Owner. All other permits, local license fees, business fees, taxes, or similar assessments imposed by the appropriate political subdivision shall be obtained and paid for by the Contractor. See Section 25 for utility connection fees and services. (f) The Contractor shall include in each of its subcontracts a provision requiring each Subcontractor to include or otherwise be subject to the same payment and interest requirements in Subsections (a), (b), and (c) of Section 37 of these General Conditions with respect to each lower-tier Subcontractor and Supplier. (g) The Contractor, if not licensed as an asbestos abatement contractor in accordance with §54.1-514, Code of Virginia, shall have all asbestos-related Work performed by subcontractors who are duly licensed as asbestos contractors for the Work required. (h) Lead Based Paint Activities: If the Contract Documents indicate that lead based paint is present on existing materials, components, or surfaces, the Contractor shall conform to the following: (1) The requirements set forth in 59 Federal Register 45,872 (September 2, 1994) Proposed Rule) - Lead; Requirements for Lead based Paint Activities (Proposed Rules) in selecting and performing the means, methods and procedures for performing the Work. This includes, but is not limited to, training of personnel, lead abatement, encapsulation of lead containing materials, removal and handling of lead containing materials, and methods of disposal. When the Final Rule, to be codified at 40 CFR 745, supersedes the Proposed Rule, the Contractor shall be responsible for conforming to the Final Rule, as of the effective date set forth therein. (2) The requirements for employee protection contained in 29 CFR Part 1926, Subpart D, and the requirements for record-keeping contained 29 CFR Part 1910. (3) The Virginia Department of Labor and Industry's (DLI) Emergency Regulation published in the May 27, 1996 Virginia Register, requiring, among other things, that a permit be issued to the lead abatement contractor, or any subsequent regulation issued by DLI. (i) If the Contractor violates laws or regulations that govern the Project, the Contractor shall take prompt action to correct or abate such violation and shall indemnify and hold the Owner harmless against any fines, and/or penalties that result from such violation. To the extent that such violation is the result of negligence or other actionable conduct of the Contractor, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Owner harmless against any third party claims, suits, awards, actions, causes of action or judgments, including but not limited to attorney's fees and costs incurred thereunder, that arise or result from such violation. (j) If the Work includes any land disturbing activities, the Contractor shall have on-site an individual certified by the Department of Conservation and Recreation as a Responsible Land Disturber in accordance with §10.1-563, Code of Virginia. (k) The Contractor is neither required nor prohibited from entering into or adhering to agreements with one or more labor organizations, or otherwise discriminating against subcontractors for becoming or refusing to become, or remaining signatories to or otherwise adhering to, agreements with one or more labor organizations. This section does not prohibit contractors or subcontractors from voluntarily entering into agreements with one or more labor organizations. Both the agency and contractor are entitled to injunctive relief to prevent any violation of this section. This section does not apply to any public-private agreement for any construction in which the private body, as a condition of its investment or partnership with the state agency, requires that the 8 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 private body have the right to control its labor relations policy and perform all work associated with such investment or partnership in compliance with all collective bargaining agreements to which the private party is a signatory and is thus legally bound with its own employees and the employees of its contractors and subcontractors in any manner permitted by the National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. § 151 et seq., or the Railway Labor Act, 45 U.S.C. § 151 et seq. This section does not prohibit an employer or any other person covered by the National Labor Relations Act or the Railway Labor Act from entering into agreements or engaging in any other activity protected by law. This section shall not be interpreted to interfere with the labor relations of persons covered by the National Labor Relations Act or the Railway Labor Act. 4. NONDISCRIMINATION (a) §2.2-4311 of the Code of Virginia shall be applicable. It provides as follows: “1. 2. (b) 5. During the performance of this Contract, the Contractor agrees as follows: a. The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment, except where there is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the contractor. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. b. The Contractor, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, will state that such Contractor is an equal opportunity employer. c. Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rule or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting the requirements of this section. The Contractor will include the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs a, b and c in every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor.” Where applicable, the Virginians with Disabilities Act and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act shall apply to the Contractor and all Subcontractors. PROHIBITION OF ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS (a) §2.2-4312 of the Code of Virginia shall be applicable. It provides as follows: “During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees to (i) provide a drug-free workplace for the contractor's employees; (ii) post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or marijuana is prohibited in the contractor's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition; (iii) state in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor that the contractor maintains a drug-free workplace; and (iv) include the provisions of the foregoing clauses in every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. For the purposes of this section, "drug-free workplace" means a site for the performance of work done in connection with a specific contract awarded to a contractor in accordance with this chapter, the employees of whom are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of any controlled substance or marijuana during the performance of the contract.” 9 DGS-30-054 (04/13) (b) 6. CO-7 The Contractor shall also establish, maintain and enforce policies which prohibit the following acts by all Contractor, Subcontractor and Supplier personnel at the Site: (1) The manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of alcohol, marijuana or other drugs, except possession and medically prescribed use of prescription drugs; and (2) The impairment of judgment or physical abilities due to the use of alcohol, marijuana or other drugs, including impairment from prescription drugs. TIME FOR COMPLETION (a) The Time for Completion shall be designated by the Owner on the Invitation for Bids, Request for Proposals, or other prebid/proposal documents. In some instances, the Time for Completion may be stated on the Invitation for Bids, Request for Proposals, or other prebid/pre-proposal document in the form of a Contract Completion Date. The Work must be substantially completed by the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall achieve Final Completion within thirty (30) days after the date of Substantial Completion. (b) The Time for Completion shall be stated in the Contract between Owner and Contractor and shall become a binding part of the Contract upon which the Owner may rely in planning the use of the facilities to be constructed and for all other purposes. If the Contractor fails to substantially complete the Work within the Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date, as set forth in the Contract, he shall be subject to payment of actual damages incurred by the Owner or liquidated damages, if provided for in the Contract. (c) The Contractor, in submitting his bid or proposal, acknowledges that he has taken into consideration normal weather conditions. Normal weather does not mean statistically average weather, but rather means a range of weather patterns which might be anticipated based on weather data for the past ten (10) years, (i.e., conditions which are not extremely unusual). Normal weather conditions shall be determined from the public historical records available, including the U.S. Department of Commerce, Local Climatological Data Sheets, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / Environmental Data and Information Service, National Climatic Center and National Weather Service. The data sheets to be used shall be those for the locality or localities closest to the site of the work. No additional compensation will be paid to the Contractor because of adverse weather conditions; however, an extension of time for abnormal weather will be considered by the Owner under the following conditions, all of which must be strictly complied with by the contractor: (1) The request for additional time shall be further substantiated by weather data collected during the period of delay at the Site. Said data must demonstrate that an actual departure from normal weather occurred at the Site during the dates in question. (2) The extension requested must be supported by a delay in completion of the entire Project shown on the critical path of the accepted CPM Schedule or the approved bar graph schedule required for the Project. Extensions will be granted only for delays in completion of the Project, not for that portion of any delay which consumes only "float" time. (3) A request for extension of time based on abnormal weather must be made in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days of the completion of the calendar month during which abnormal weather is claimed at the Site. (4) All of the evidence and data supporting the request (including both historical data and the recordings at the Site during the time of delay) must be furnished to the Owner before any consideration will be given to the request. That supporting data shall be submitted by the end of the calendar month following the month for which the request is made. 10 DGS-30-054 (04/13) 7. 8. CO-7 (d) The failure by the Contractor to comply with any and all of the conditions in (c) above shall constitute a waiver of claims for the extension of time for abnormal weather. (e) The Contractor represents and agrees that he has taken into account in his bid the requirements of the bid documents, the Contract Documents, local conditions, availability of materials, equipment, and labor, and any other factors which may affect the performance of the Work. The Contractor agrees and warrants that he will achieve Substantial Completion of the Work to allow the Owner to have Beneficial Occupancy not later than the Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date. The Contractor agrees and warrants that he will achieve Final Completion of the Work (the entire completion of all Work, including "punch list" items), not later than thirty (30) days after achieving Substantial Completion. CONDITIONS AT SITE (a) The Contractor shall have visited the Site prior to bidding or submitting its proposal and is totally responsible for having ascertained pertinent local conditions such as location, accessibility and general character of the Site, and the character and extent of existing conditions, improvements and work within or adjacent to the Site. Claims, which result from the Contractor's failure to do so, will be deemed waived. (b) If, in the performance of the Contract, hidden physical conditions of a building being modified are exposed revealing unusual or materially different conditions from those ordinarily encountered or inherent in work of this nature, or if subsurface or latent conditions at the Site are found which are materially different from those frequently present in the locality or from those indicated in the Contract Documents, the Contractor must report such conditions to the Owner and to the Architect/Engineer before the conditions are disturbed. Upon such notice, or upon his own observation of such conditions, the Architect/Engineer shall promptly propose such changes in the Contract Documents as he finds necessary to conform to the different conditions. Any change in the cost of the Work or additional time needed for completion must be requested pursuant to Sections 38, 39 and/or 43 of these General Conditions. (c) If the Contractor, during the course of the Work, observes the existence of any material which he knows, should know, or has reason to believe is hazardous to human health, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Owner. The Owner will provide the Contractor with instructions regarding the disposition of the material. The Contractor shall not perform any Work involving the material or any Work causing the material to be less accessible prior to receipt of special instructions from the Owner. CONTRACT SECURITY (a) For contracts with a value exceeding five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner or its designated representative, a Commonwealth of Virginia Standard Performance Bond, DGS-30-084 (Form CO-10) and a Commonwealth of Virginia Standard Labor and Material Payment Bond, DGS-30-088 (Form CO-10.1) each fully executed by the Contractor and one or more surety companies legally licensed to do business in Virginia and each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the accepted bid or proposal. If more than one Surety executes a bond, each shall be jointly and severally liable to the Owner for the entire amount of the bond. Sureties shall be selected by the Contractor, subject to approval by the Owner. No payment on the Contract shall be due and payable to the Contractor until the bonds have been approved by the Owner and the Office of the Attorney General of Virginia. In order to facilitate review of the bonds by the Office of the Attorney General, the power of attorney from the surety company to its agent who executes the bond shall be attached to the bond, or, if not so attached, prior to the execution of the bonds by the surety, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for the City of Richmond, Virginia, at the John Marshall Court Building, 400 North Ninth 11 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 Street, except when the Owner is one of the following, in which case the power of attorney must be recorded with the Clerk of Court in the place shown: 9. OWNER University of Virginia PLACE OF RECORDATION City of Charlottesville Old Dominion University City of Norfolk Norfolk State University City of Norfolk Christopher Newport University City of Newport News Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University County of Montgomery (b) For the purposes of all Standard Labor and Material Payment Bonds entered into, the term "subcontractors" as used in § 2.2-4337(A)(2) of the Code of Virginia is interpreted to mean any contractors who participated in the prosecution of the Work undertaken by the Contractor (referred to in § 2.2-4337(A)(2) of the Code of Virginia as the "prime contractor"), whether such contractor had a direct contract with the Contractor (prime contractor) or whether there were one or more other intervening Subcontractors contractually positioned between it and the Contractor (prime contractor). (c) See § 2.2-4338 of the Code of Virginia, for alternative forms of security for payment and/or performance bonds. (d) For contracts with a value of less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), the Contractor will not be required to provide a Standard Performance Bond and a Standard Labor and Material Payment Bond as described above unless the Invitation for Bid or Request for Proposal states that such bonds will be required. SUBCONTRACTS (a) The Contractor shall, as soon as practicable after the signing of the Contract, notify the Owner and Architect/Engineer in writing of the names of all Subcontractors proposed for the principal parts of the Work and of such others as the Architect/Engineer may direct. Where the specifications establish qualifications or criteria for Subcontractors, manufacturers, or individuals performing Work on the Project, the Contractor shall be responsible for ascertaining that those proposed meet the criteria or qualifications. The Contractor shall not employ any Subcontractor that the Owner may, within a reasonable time, object to as unsuitable. Neither the Owner nor the Architect/Engineer shall direct the Contractor to contract with any particular Subcontractor unless provided in the specifications or Invitation for Bids or Request for Proposal. (b) The Owner may select a particular Subcontractor for a certain part of the Work and designate on the Invitation for Bids or Request for Proposal that the Subcontractor shall be used for the part of the Work indicated and that the Subcontractor has agreed to perform the Work for the subcontract amount stipulated on the bid or Proposal form. The Contractor shall include the stipulated amount plus his Contractor markups in the bid or Proposal. In such case, the Contractor shall be responsible for that Subcontractor and its work and the Subcontractor shall be responsible to the Contractor for its work just as if the Contractor had selected the Subcontractor. If the Contractor has a reasonable objection to the Subcontractor being assigned, then the Contractor shall note the exception in his bid or proposal and the reason for the exception and maintain appropriate provisions for coordinating the work of the Subcontractor. The Owner, at its sole discretion, may accept the Contractor’s bid or proposal with the exception noted and contract separately with the Subcontractor under the provisions Section 10 of the contract or assign a different Subcontractor. 12 DGS-30-054 (04/13) 10. 11. CO-7 (c) The Owner shall, on request, furnish to any Subcontractor, if practicable, the amounts of payments made to the Contractor, the Schedule of Values and Requests for Payment submitted by the Contractor and any other documentation submitted by the Contractor which would tend to show what amounts are due and payable by the Contractor to the Subcontractor. (d) The Contractor shall be fully responsible to the Owner for all acts and omissions of his agents and employees and all succeeding tiers of Subcontractors and Suppliers performing or furnishing any of the Work. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between Owner or Architect/Engineer and any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of Owner or Architect/Engineer to pay for or to see to the payment of any moneys due any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization, except as may otherwise be required by law. (e) The Contractor shall be fully responsible for his invitees at the Site and for those of his Subcontractors, Suppliers, and their employees, including any acts or omissions of such invitees. (f) The Contractor agrees that he alone is responsible for all dealings with his Subcontractors and Suppliers, and their subcontractors, employees and invitees, including, but not limited to, the Subcontractors' or Suppliers' claims, demands, actions, disputes and similar matters unless specifically provided otherwise by the Contract or by statute. SEPARATE CONTRACTS (a) The Owner reserves the right to let other contracts in connection with the Project, the Work under which may proceed simultaneously with the execution of this Contract. The Contractor shall afford other separate contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and the execution of their work. The Contractor shall cooperate with them and shall take all reasonable action to coordinate his Work with theirs. If the Owner has listed other separate contracts in the Invitation for Bids or Requests for Proposal which it expects to proceed simultaneously with the Work of the Contractor, and has included the estimated timing of such other Contracts in the Invitation for Bids or Requests for Proposal, the Contractor shall integrate the schedule of those separate contracts into his scheduling. The Contractor shall make every reasonable effort to assist the Owner in maintaining the schedule for all separate contracts. If the work performed by the separate contractor is defective or performed so as to prevent or threaten to prevent the Contractor from carrying out his Work according to the Contract, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Owner and the Architect/Engineer upon discovering such conditions. (b) If a dispute arises between the Contractor and any separate contractor(s) as to their responsibility for cleaning up as required by Sections 31 (c) and 31 (d) of these General Conditions, the Owner may clean up and charge the cost thereof to the respective contractors in proportion to their responsibility. If a Contractor disputes the Owner's apportionment of clean-up costs, it shall be that contractor's burden to demonstrate and prove the correct apportionment. CONTRACTOR'S AND SUBCONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE (a) The Contractor shall not commence Work under this Contract until he has obtained all the insurance required hereunder from an insurer authorized to do business in Virginia and such insurance has been approved by the Owner; nor shall the Contractor allow any Subcontractor to commence Work on his subcontract until the same types of insurance in an appropriate amount have been obtained by the Subcontractor and approved by the Contractor. Approval of insurance by the Owner shall not relieve or decrease the liability of the Contractor hereunder. (b) The Contractor shall take out, and shall maintain in force at all times during the performance of the Work, Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance for all of his employees 13 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 engaged in the Work in an amount not less than the minimum required by §§ 2.2-4332 and 65.2100 et seq. of the Code of Virginia. In case any of the Work is sublet, the Contractor shall require each Subcontractor similarly to provide Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance for all of the latter's employees to be engaged in the Work. Prior to award of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit, on the form provided by the Owner, a Certificate of Coverage verifying Workers' Compensation. The Contractor shall likewise obtain a Certificate of Coverage for Workers' Compensation coverage from each subcontractor prior to awarding the subcontract and shall provide a copy to the Owner. 12. (c) During the performance of the Work under this Contract, the Contractor shall maintain commercial general liability insurance to include Premises / Operations Liability, Products and Completed Operations Coverage, Independent Contractor's Liability, Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability, and Personal Injury Liability, which shall insure him against claims of personal injury, including death, as well as against claims for property damage, which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any Subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. The amounts of general liability insurance shall be not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate combined limit. The Commonwealth of Virginia, its officers, employees and agents, shall be named as an additional insured with respect to the Work being procured. The Supplemental General Conditions may require the Contractor to provide an Umbrella insurance policy in a specified amount for the Project. (d) During the performance of the Work under this Contract, the Contractor shall maintain automobile liability insurance which shall insure him against claims of personal injury, including death, as well as against claims for property damage, which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any Subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. The amounts of automobile insurance shall be not less than $1,000,000 combined limit for bodily injury and property damage per occurrence. (e) The Asbestos Contractor or Subcontractor, as the case may be, shall provide occurrence-based liability insurance with asbestos coverages in an amount not less than $1,000,000 and shall name the following as additional insureds: The Commonwealth of Virginia, its officers, its employees and its agents; the Architect/Engineer (if not the Asbestos Project Designer); and the Contractor (where the asbestos work is being performed by the Asbestos Subcontractor). "ALL RISK" BUILDER'S RISK INSURANCE (a) The Contractor, at his cost, shall obtain and maintain in the names of the Owner and the Contractor "all-risk" builder's risk insurance (or fire, extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief insurance, if approved by the Owner and the Director, Division of Engineering and Buildings) upon the entire structure or structures on which the Work of this Contract is to be done and upon all material in or adjacent thereto which is intended for use thereon, to one hundred percent (100%) of the insurable value thereof. Such insurance may include a deductible provision if the Owner so provides in the Supplemental General Conditions, in which case the Contractor will be liable for such deductions, whenever a claim arises. The loss, if any, is to be made adjustable with and payable to the Owner, in accordance with its interests, as they may appear. The Owner, its officers, employees and its agents, shall be named as an additional insured in any policy of insurance issued. Written evidence of the insurance shall be filed with the Owner no later than thirty (30) days following the award of the Contract. In the event of cancellation of this insurance, not less than thirty (30) days prior written notice must be sent to the Owner. A copy of the policy of insurance shall be given to the Owner upon demand. (b) The value of the builder's risk insurance shall exclude the costs of excavations, backfills, foundations, underground utilities and Sitework. 14 DGS-30-054 (04/13) 13. CO-7 (c) The Owner maintains insurance coverage on its buildings. On re-roofing, renovation, and interior modifications of existing building projects where the Owner continues to occupy the building, or a portion thereof, while the Work is being performed, the Contractor shall provide “all risk” builders risk insurance, as described above, in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price for the Work. In those instances, the Contract between the Owner and Contractor for the project shall expressly exclude the project from the requirements of Subsection 12(a). The Contractor is responsible for providing any desired coverage for Contractor's or Subcontractors' buildings, equipment, materials, tools or supplies that are on-site. (d) Any insurance provided through the Department of Treasury, Division of Risk Management, on buildings, construction, additions or renovations will not extend to Contractor's nor Subcontractors' buildings, equipment, materials, tools or supplies unless these items are to become property of the Owner upon completion of the Project and the Owner has assumed responsibility for such items at the time of the loss. TAXES, FEES AND ASSESSMENTS The Contractor shall, without additional expense to the Owner, pay all applicable federal, state, and local taxes, fees, and assessments except the taxes, fees and assessments on the real property comprising the Site of the project. If the State Building Official elects to have the local building official inspect the Work as provided by §36-98.1 of the Code of Virginia, the Owner shall pay the resulting fees to the local building official. 14. PATENTS The Contractor shall obtain all licenses necessary to use any invention, article, appliance, process or technique of whatever kind and shall pay all royalties and license fees. The Contractor shall hold the Owner, its officers, agents and employees, harmless against any loss or liability for or on account of the infringement of any patent rights in connection with any invention, process, technique, article or appliance manufactured or used in the performance of the Contract, including its use by the Owner, unless such invention, process, technique, article or appliance is specifically named in the specifications or plans as acceptable for use in carrying out the Work. If, before using any invention, process, technique, article or appliance specifically named in the specifications or plans as acceptable for use in carrying out the Work, the Contractor has or acquires information that the same is covered by letters of patent making it necessary to secure the permission of the patentee, or other, for the use of the same, he shall promptly advise the Owner and the Architect/Engineer. The Owner may direct that some other invention, process, technique, article or appliance be used. Should the Contractor have reason to believe that the invention, process, technique, article or appliance so specified is an infringement of a patent, and fail to inform the Owner and the Architect/Engineer, he shall be responsible for any loss or liability due to the infringement. 15. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER'S STATUS (a) The Architect/Engineer shall have authority to endeavor to secure the faithful performance by Owner and Contractor of the Work under the Contract. He shall review the Contractor's Submittals for conformance to the requirements of the Contract Documents and return copies to the Contractor with appropriate notations. He shall interpret the requirements of the plans and specifications and issue Field Orders to the Contractor as may be required. He shall recommend to the Owner suspension of the Work (in whole or in part) whenever such suspension may be necessary to ensure the proper execution of the Contract. He shall have authority to reject, in writing, Work, including material, installation or workmanship, which does not conform to the requirements of the plans and specifications. He shall determine the progress and quality of the Work, subject to the right of the Owner to make an overriding decision to the contrary. Upon request by the Contractor, the Architect/Engineer shall confirm, in writing within fourteen (14) days, any oral order or determination made by him. 15 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 (b) The Architect/Engineer shall have no authority to approve or order changes in the Work which alter the design concept or which call for an extension of time or a change in the Contract Price. (c) Although the Owner is bound by the terms of the Contract with the Contractor, including the plans and specifications, the Owner shall have the right, but not the duty, to countermand any decision of the Architect/Engineer and to follow or reject the advice of the Architect/Engineer, including but not limited to acceptance of the Work, as it deems best. In those instances where the Architect/Engineer has been given authority to act, the Architect/Engineer shall promptly do so, but in the case of disagreement between the Architect/Engineer and the Owner, the decision of the Owner shall be final. The Contractor shall not be bound by any determination, interpretation or decision of the Architect/Engineer, if it is later determined that the same is not in accord with the Contract Documents. The party taking issue with the determination, interpretation or decision of the Architect/Engineer shall give the other party written notice of such fact within fourteen (14) days after the determination, interpretation or decision is communicated by the Architect/Engineer. In the actual performance of the Work, however, the Contractor shall, in the first instance, proceed in accordance with instructions given by the Architect/Engineer unless the Owner and the Contractor mutually agree that the Contractor shall proceed otherwise. (d) All orders from the Owner to the Contractor shall either be transmitted through the Architect/Engineer or communicated directly to the Contractor and the Architect/Engineer by the Owner. (e) Should the Owner choose to employ another or different Architect/Engineer, the status of the Architect/Engineer so employed shall be the same as that of the former Architect/Engineer. (f) The Architect/Engineer will provide to the Owner and the Contractor after each visit to the Site, a written report indicating the date, time of day, weather conditions and the names of the persons representing the Architect/Engineer who participated in the visit. The report will advise the Owner of any problems that were noted and shall compare the Architect/Engineer's observations of the actual progress of the Work with that reported by the Contractor. On the basis of his on-Site observations as Architect/Engineer, he will make every reasonable effort to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the Work of the Contractor. He shall have the authority to inspect the Work, to note and report Defective Work and deviations from the Contract Documents to the Owner, to reject same, and to recommend to the Owner the suspension of the Work when necessary to prevent Defective Work from proceeding or being covered. The Architect/Engineer shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures (other than those expressly specified in Contract Documents), or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, and he shall not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to carry out the Contractor's own responsibilities. (g) (h) The Architect/Engineer generally conveys written decisions and notices to the Contractor through the Project Manager and shall generally receive information and Notices from the Contractor through the Project Manager unless otherwise agreed. The Owner may delegate from the Architect/Engineer to the Project Manager certain inspection, verification, acceptance, rejection, and administrative duties and authority, but any such delegation shall be in writing and a copy thereof provided to the Contractor. (i) The provisions of this section are included as information only to describe the relationship between the Owner, A/E, and Contractor. No failure of the A/E to act in accordance with this section shall relieve the Contractor from his obligations under the Contract or create any rights in favor of the Contractor. 16 DGS-30-054 (04/13) 16. CO-7 INSPECTION (a) All material and workmanship shall be subject to inspection, examination and testing by the Owner, the Architect/Engineer, the Project Inspector, authorized inspectors and authorized independent testing entities at any and all times during manufacture and/or construction. The Architect/Engineer and the Owner shall have authority to reject defective material and workmanship and require its correction. Rejected workmanship shall be satisfactorily corrected and rejected material shall be satisfactorily replaced with proper material without charge therefor, and the Contractor shall promptly segregate and remove the rejected material from the Site. If the Contractor fails to proceed at once with replacement of rejected material and/or the correction of defective workmanship, the Owner may, by contract or otherwise, replace such material and/or correct such workmanship and charge the cost to the Contractor, or may terminate the right of the Contractor to proceed as provided in Section 41 of these General Conditions, the Contractor and surety being liable for any damage to the same extent as provided in Section 41 for termination thereunder. (b) Site inspections, tests conducted on Site or tests of materials gathered on Site, which the Contract requires to be performed by independent testing entities, shall be contracted and paid for by the Owner. Examples of such tests are the testing of cast-in-place concrete, foundation materials, soil compaction, pile installations, caisson bearings and steel framing connections. The Contractor shall promptly furnish, without additional charge, all reasonable facilities, labor and materials necessary and convenient for making such tests. Except as provided in (d) below, whenever such examination and testing finds defective materials, equipment or workmanship, the Contractor shall reimburse the Owner for the cost of reexamination and retesting. Although conducted by independent testing entities, the Owner will not contract and pay for tests or certifications of materials, manufactured products or assemblies which the Contract, codes, standards, etc., require to be tested and/or certified for compliance with industry standards such as Underwriters Laboratories, Factory Mutual or ASTM. If fees are charged for such tests and certifications, they shall be paid by the Contractor. The Contractor shall also pay for all inspections, tests, and certifications which the Contract specifically requires him to perform or to pay, together with any inspections and tests which he chooses to perform for his own purposes, but are not required by the Contract. (c) Where Work is related to or dependent on the Defective Work, the Contractor shall stop such related or dependent Work until the Defective Work or deficiency is corrected or an alternative solution is presented that is satisfactory to the Owner. Where Work is rejected because of defective material or workmanship, the Contractor shall stop like Work in other areas or locations on the Project until the matter is resolved and the Owner has approved corrective measures. (d) Should it be considered necessary or advisable by Owner or the Architect/Engineer at any time before final acceptance of the entire Work to make an examination of any part of the Work already completed, by removing or tearing out portions of the Work, the Contractor shall on request promptly furnish all necessary facilities, labor and material to expose the Work to be tested to the extent required. If such Work is found to be defective in any respect, due to the fault of the Contractor or his Subcontractors, the Contractor shall bear all the expenses of uncovering the Work, of examination and testing, and of satisfactory reconstruction. If, however, such Work is found to meet the requirements of the Contract, the actual cost of the Contractor's labor and material necessarily involved in uncovering the Work, the cost of examination and testing, and Contractor's cost of material and labor necessary for replacement including a markup of fifteen (15%) percent for overhead and profit shall be paid to the Contractor and he shall, in addition, if completion of the Work has been delayed thereby, be granted a suitable extension of time. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Contractor shall be responsible for all costs and expenses in removing and replacing the Work if the Contractor had covered the Work prior to any inspection or test contrary to the instructions of the A/E, Owner or Project Inspector. 17 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 (e) The Project Inspector has the authority to recommend to the Architect/Engineer and the Owner that the Work be suspended when in his judgment the Contract Documents are not being followed. Any such suspension shall be continued only until the matter in question is resolved to the satisfaction of the Owner. The cost of any such Work stoppage shall be borne by the Contractor unless it is later determined that no fault existed in the Contractor's Work. (f) The Project Inspector has the right and the authority to: (g) (h) (1) Inspect all construction materials, equipment, and supplies for quality and for compliance with the Contract Documents and/or approved shop drawings and Submittals. (2) Inspect workmanship for compliance with the standards described in the Contract Documents. (3) Observe and report on all tests and inspections performed by the Contractor. (4) Recommend rejection of Work which does not conform to requirements of the Contract Documents. (5) Keep a record of construction activities, tests, inspections, and reports. (6) Attend all joint Site construction meetings and inspections held by the Owner and/or the A/E with the Contractor. (7) Check materials and equipment, together with documentation related thereto, delivered for conformance with approved Submittals and the Contract. (8) Check installations for proper workmanship and conformance with shop drawing and installation instructions. (9) Assist in the review and verification of the CO-12, Schedule of Values & Certificate for Payment, submitted by the Contractor each month. (10) Do all things for or on behalf of the Owner as the Owner may subsequently direct in writing. The Project Inspector has no authority to: (1) Authorize deviations from the Contract Documents; (2) Enter into the area of responsibility of the Contractor's superintendent; (3) Issue directions relative to any aspect of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or in regard to safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work; (4) Authorize or suggest that the Owner occupy the Project, in whole or in part; or (5) Issue a certificate for payment. The duties of the Project Inspector are for the benefit of the Owner only and not for the Contractor. The Contractor may not rely upon any act, statement, or failure to act on the part of the Project Inspector, nor shall the failure of the Project Inspector to properly perform his duties in 18 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 any way excuse Defective Work or otherwise improper performance of the Contract by the Contractor. 17. 18. SUPERINTENDENCE BY CONTRACTOR (a) The Contractor shall have a competent foreman or superintendent, satisfactory to the Architect/Engineer and the Owner, on the Site at all times during the progress of the Work. The superintendent or foreman shall be familiar with and be able to read and understand the plans and specifications, and be capable of communicating orally and in writing with the Owner's inspectors and the Contractor's workers. The Contractor shall be responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures, for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Contract except where otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, and for all safety and worker health programs and practices. The Contractor shall notify the Owner, in writing, of any proposed change in superintendent, including the reason therefor, prior to making such change. (b) The Contractor shall, at all times, enforce strict discipline and good order among the workers on the Project, and shall not employ on the Work, or contract with, any unfit person, anyone not skilled in the Work assigned to him, or anyone who will not work in harmony with those employed by the Contractor, the Subcontractors, the Owner or the Owner's separate contractors and their subcontractors. (c) The Owner may, in writing, require the Contractor to remove from the Site any employee or Subcontractor's employee the Owner deems to be incompetent, careless, not working in harmony with others on the Site, or otherwise objectionable, but the Owner shall have no obligation to do so. CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION, METHODS AND PROCEDURES (a) The Contractor shall be solely responsible for supervising and directing the Work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction and for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Contract, except where otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. However, the Contractor shall not be responsible for the negligence of others in the design or selection of a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction which is indicated in and required by the Contract. The Contractor is solely responsible to the Owner that the finished Work complies with the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for health and safety precautions and programs for workers and others in connection with the Work. No inspection by, knowledge on the part of, or acquiescence by the Architect or Engineer, the Project Inspector, the Owner, the Owner's employees and agents, or any other entity whatever shall relieve the Contractor from its sole responsibility for compliance with the requirements of the Contract or its sole responsibility for health and safety programs and precautions. (b) If a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, the Contractor may furnish or utilize a substitute means, method, sequence, technique or procedure of construction acceptable to Architect/Engineer, subject to the Owner's right to disapprove. The Contractor must submit its written request for the substitution to the Architect/Engineer with sufficient information to allow the Architect/Engineer to determine that the substitute proposed is equivalent to that indicated or required by the Contract. 19 DGS-30-054 (04/13) (c) 19. CO-7 The divisions and sections of the Specifications and the identification of any drawings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or Suppliers or delineating the Work to be performed by any specific trade. SCHEDULE OF THE WORK (a) General: The Contractor is responsible for the scheduling and sequencing of the Work, for coordinating the Work, for monitoring the progress of the Work, and for taking appropriate action to keep the Work on schedule. The Contractor may attempt to achieve Substantial Completion on or before the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date established by the Contract and receive payment in accordance with Section 36 for the Work completed each period. However, the date established by the Contract Documents as the deadline for achieving Substantial Completion must be used in all schedules as the date on which Substantial Completion will be achieved. The time (in days) between the Contractor's planned early completion and the contracted Time for Completion is part of the Project "Total Float" time and will be used as such. Extensions of time pursuant to Sections 38, 39, and 43, damages for delay, and all other matters between the Owner and the Contractor will be determined using the contractually required Substantial Completion date, not an early Substantial Completion date planned by the Contractor. Within two (2) weeks after the Contractor signs the Contract Between Owner and Contractor, unless otherwise extended by the Owner at the time of the signing, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Owner, with a copy to the Architect/Engineer, a preliminary bar graph schedule for accomplishing the Work based upon the Time for Completion stated in the Contract. The preliminary schedule shall be in sufficient detail to show the sequencing of the various trades for each floor level, wing or work area. The Owner will notify the Contractor of its acceptance of or objections to the preliminary schedule within fifteen (15) days of receipt by the Owner. A fully complete Project schedule for accomplishing the Work must be submitted in like manner no later than sixty (60) days after the Contract is signed by the Owner. The Owner's failure to reject or its acceptance of any schedule, graph, chart, recovery schedule, updated schedule, plan of action, etc. shall not constitute a representation or warranty by the Owner, including but not limited to a representation or warranty that the schedule is feasible or practical nor shall any such acceptance or failure to reject relieve the Contractor from sole responsibility for completing the Work within the time allowed. No progress payments will be payable to the Contractor until after it has submitted a preliminary schedule which is acceptable to the Owner. Neither the second progress payment nor any subsequent payment shall be payable to the Contractor until it has submitted a fully complete Project schedule accepted by the Owner. Nor shall subsequent progress payments be payable to the Contractor unless and until he submits the monthly bar graphs or status reports required by Section 19(d) herein or unless and until he provides any recovery schedule pursuant to Section 19(e) herein. Failure to provide a satisfactory preliminary or fully complete Project schedule within the time limits stated above shall be a breach of contract for which the Owner may terminate the Contract in the manner provided in Section 41 of these General Conditions. The fully complete Project schedule for accomplishing the Work shall be of the type set forth in subparagraph (1) or (2) below, as appropriate: (1) For Contracts with a price of $1,500,000 or less, a bar graph schedule will satisfy the above requirement. The schedule shall indicate the estimated starting and completion dates for each major element of the work. See (b) below. 20 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 (2) (b) For Contracts with a price over $1,500,000, a Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule shall be utilized to control the planning and scheduling of the Work. The CPM schedule shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be paid for by the Contractor. See (c) below. Bar Graph Schedule: Where a bar graph schedule is required, it shall be time-scaled in weekly increments, shall indicate the estimated starting and completion dates for each major element of the Work by trade and by area, level, or zone, and shall schedule dates for all salient features, including but not limited to the placing of orders for materials, submission of shop drawings and other Submittals for approval, approval of shop drawings by Architect/Engineer, the manufacture and delivery of material, the testing and the installation of materials, supplies and equipment, and all Work activities to be performed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall allow sufficient time in his schedule for the A/E to conduct whatever associated reviews or inspections as may be required under the A/E's contract with the Owner. If the A/E and the Contractor are unable to agree as to what constitutes sufficient time, the Owner shall determine the appropriate duration for such Architect/Engineer activities. Each Work activity will be assigned a time estimate by the Contractor. One day shall be the smallest time unit used. It is the Contractor's responsibility to submit a schedule that shows Substantial Completion of the Work by the Contract Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date and any interim deadlines established by the Contract. (c) CPM Schedule: Where a CPM schedule is required, it shall be in the time-scaled precedence format using the Contractor's logic and time estimates. The CPM schedule shall be drawn or plotted with activities grouped or zoned by Work area or subcontract as opposed to a random (or scattered) format. The CPM schedule shall be time-scaled on a weekly basis and shall be drawn or plotted at a level of detail and logic which will schedule all salient features of the Work, including not only the actual construction Work for each trade, but also the submission of shop drawings and other Submittals for approval, approval of shop drawings by Architect/Engineer, placing of orders for materials, the manufacture and delivery of materials, the testing and installation of materials and equipment, and all Work activities to be performed by the Contractor. Failure to include any element of Work required for the performance of this Contract shall not excuse the Contractor from completing all Work required within the Time for Completion, Contract Completion Date and any interim deadlines established by the Contract. The Contractor shall allow sufficient time in his schedule for the A/E to conduct whatever associated reviews or inspections as may be required under the A/E's contract with the Owner. If the A/E and the Contractor are unable to agree as to what constitutes sufficient time, the Owner shall determine the appropriate duration for such Architect/Engineer activities. Each Work activity will be assigned a time estimate by the Contractor. One day shall be the smallest time unit used. It is the Contractor's responsibility to submit a schedule that shows Substantial Completion of the Work by the Contract Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date and any interim deadlines established by the Contract. When completed, the CPM schedule shall be submitted to the Architect/Engineer and the Owner for review. The CPM schedule will identify and describe each activity, state the duration of each activity, the calendar dates for the early and late start and the early and late finish of each activity, and clearly highlight all activities on the critical path. "Total float" and "free float" shall be indicated for all activities. Float time, whether "free float" or "total float" as defined in Section 1, shall not be considered for the exclusive use or benefit of either the Owner or the Contractor, but must be allocated in the best interest of completing the Work within the Time for Completion or 21 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 the Contract Completion Date. Extensions to the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date, when granted by Change Order, will be granted only when equitable time adjustment exceeds the Total Float in the activity or path of activities affected by the change provided that the Owner has reasonably provided information necessary to allow for the orderly progression of the Work. On contracts with a price over $5,000,000, the CPM schedule shall also show what part of the Contract Price (expressed in U.S. dollars) is attributable to each activity on the schedule and shall be in agreement with the schedule of values, the sum of which for all activities shall equal the total Contract Price. The CPM schedule shall have no line-item activities longer than thirty (30) days in duration, and activities shall be included to provide sufficient detail for effectively managing the sequence of the Work. When acceptable to the Owner and Architect/Engineer as to compliance with the requirements of this Section, the schedule shall become the CPM schedule for the Project. Acceptance of the schedule by the Owner does not indicate agreement with, nor responsibility for the proposed or actual duration of any activity or logic shown on the accepted schedule. (d) Monthly Project Reports: The Contractor shall review progress not less than each month, but as often as necessary to properly manage the Project and stay on schedule. The Contractor shall collect and preserve information on Change Orders, including extensions of time. The Contractor shall evaluate this information and update the latest accepted schedule as often as necessary to finish within the Contract Time for Completion or before the Contract Completion Date. The Contractor shall submit to the A/E along with his monthly request for payment a copy of the bar graph schedule annotated to show the current progress. For projects requiring a CPM schedule, the Contractor shall submit a monthly report of the status of all activities. The bar graph schedule or monthly status report submitted with each periodic request for payment shall show the Work completed to date in comparison with the Work scheduled for completion, including but not limited to the dates for the beginning and completion of the placing of orders; the manufacture, testing and installation of materials, supplies and equipment. The form shall be approved by the A/E and the Owner; however, a bar graph or a CPM schedule marked, colored or annotated to reflect the above will usually satisfy this requirement. If any elements of the Work are behind schedule, regardless of whether they may prevent the Work from being completed on time, the Contractor must indicate in writing in the report what measures he is taking and plans to take to bring each such element back on schedule and to ensure that the Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date is not exceeded. (e) Progress Delay: Should any of the following conditions exist, the Owner may require the Contractor to prepare, at no extra cost to the Owner, a plan of action and a recovery schedule for completing the Work by the Contract Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date: (1) The Contractor's monthly project report indicates delays that are, in the opinion of the A/E or the Owner, of sufficient magnitude that the Contractor's ability to complete the Work by the scheduled Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date is brought into question; (2) The CPM schedule sorted by early finish shows the Contractor to be thirty (30) or more days behind the critical path schedule at any time during construction up to thirty (30) days prior to scheduled Substantial Completion date; (3) The Contractor desires to make changes in the logic (sequencing of Work) or the planned duration of future activities of the CPM schedule which, in the opinion of the Architect/Engineer or the Owner, are of a major nature. The plan of action and recovery schedule, when required, shall explain and display how the Contractor intends to regain compliance with the current accepted, fully completed, Project CPM schedule, as updated by approved change orders. 22 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 The plan of action, when required, shall be submitted to the Owner for review within two (2) business days of the Contractor receiving the Owner's written demand. The recovery schedule, when required, shall be submitted to the Owner within five (5) calendar days of the Contractor's receiving the Owner's written demand. (f) Early Completion of Project: The Contractor may attempt to achieve Substantial Completion on or before the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date. However, such planned early completion shall be for the Contractor's convenience only and shall not create any additional rights of the Contractor or obligations of the Owner under this Contract, nor shall it change the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date. The Contractor shall not be required to pay damages to the Owner because of its failure to achieve Substantial Completion by its planned earlier date. Likewise, the Owner shall not pay the Contractor any additional compensation for achieving Substantial Completion early nor will the Owner owe the Contractor any compensation should the Owner, its officers, employees, or agents cause the Contractor not to achieve Substantial Completion earlier than the date required by the Contract Documents. If the Contractor seeks to change the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date to reflect an earlier completion date, he may request or propose such a change. The Owner may, but is not required to, accept such proposal. However, a change in the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date shall be accomplished only by Change Order. If the Contractor's proposal to change the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date is accepted, a Change Order will be issued stating that all references in the Contract, including these General Conditions, to the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date shall thereafter refer to the date as modified, and all rights and obligations, including the Contractor's liability for actual damages, delay damages and/or liquidated damages, shall be determined in relation to the date, as modified. 20. SCHEDULE OF VALUES AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT (a) Before submittal of the first partial payment request under the Contract, the Contractor shall prepare for review and approval of the Architect/Engineer and the Owner, a schedule of the estimated values listed by trades or by specification sections of the Work, totaling the Contract Price. Where the total project has multiple parts or phases, the Contractor shall prepare appropriate schedules of values to facilitate reviews and justifications for payments. All requests for payment shall be made in the ASTM Uniformat II structure on the Schedule of Values and Certificate for Payment (Form CO-12) pages 1 and 2. Succeeding pages may be on the Form CO-12 continuation sheets or a computerized spreadsheet which is in the same format and which contains the same information. Where a computerized spreadsheet is used, one copy of the entire Schedule of Values shall be provided to the Owner in an agreed electronic format (e.g. EXCEL) with the initial request for payment. (b) If the Contractor requests, or intends to request, payment for materials stored in an approved and secure manner, the Schedule of Values must indicate the amount for labor and the amount for materials, and in a supplement thereto must include an itemized list of materials for that trade or Work section. The material breakdown shall be in sufficient detail to allow verification of the quantities required for the Project, the quantities delivered, the Work completed, and the quantities stored on or off Site. (c) The "Value of Work Completed" portion of the Form CO-12 shall be completed, the Contractor's certification completed and signed, and the appropriate substantiating material attached to each Certificate for Payment (CO-12). Such substantiating material includes, but is not limited to, invoices for materials, delivery tickets, time sheets, payroll records, daily job logs/records, and 23 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 similar materials which, in the opinion of the Owner and the A/E, are necessary or sufficient to justify payment of the amount requested. 21. (d) The labor progress for any task or activity shall be calculated based upon the percentage of Work complete up to fifty percent (50%) of the completion of the task or activity. Thereafter, the evaluation of labor progress will be based upon the effort required to complete that task or activity. The material progress shall be calculated as the invoiced dollar cost of materials used in relationship to the amount estimated as necessary to complete a particular element of Work. When calculating material progress, credit shall be given for installed material as well as that stored on the Site and any material stored off Site which has been certified by the Architect/Engineer in accordance with Section 36 of these General Conditions. (e) Should Work included in previous Form CO-12 submittals, and for which payment has been made, subsequently be identified, by tests, inspection, or other means, as not acceptable or not conforming to Contract requirements, the "Value of Work Completed" portion of the first Form CO-12 submitted after such identification shall be modified to reduce the "completed" value of that Work by deleting the value of that which has been identified as not acceptable or nonconforming. ACCESS TO WORK The Architect/Engineer, the Owner, the Project Manager, the Owner's inspectors and other testing personnel, inspectors from the Department of Labor and Industry, and others authorized by the Owner, shall have access to the Work at all times. The Contractor shall provide proper facilities for access and inspection. 22. 23. SURVEYS AND LAYOUT (a) The Owner shall furnish the Contractor all necessary documents showing property lines and the location of existing buildings and improvements. The Contractor shall provide competent surveying and engineering services to execute the Work in accordance with the Contract and shall be responsible for the accuracy of these surveying and engineering services. (b) The Owner shall provide such general reference points and benchmarks on the Site as will enable the Contractor to proceed with the Work will be established in the plans and specifications. If the Contractor finds that any previously established reference points have been lost or destroyed, he shall promptly notify the Architect/Engineer. (c) The Contractor shall protect and preserve the established benchmarks and monuments and shall make no changes in locations without written notice to the Architect/Engineer and the written approval from the Owner. Any of these which may be lost or destroyed or which require shifting because of necessary changes in grades or locations shall, subject to prior written approval of the Owner, be replaced and accurately located by the Contractor. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS (a) The general character and scope of the Work are illustrated by the plans and the specifications. If the Contractor deems additional detail or information to be needed, he shall request the same in writing from the Architect/Engineer. His request shall precisely state the detail or information needed and shall explain why it is needed. The Contractor shall also indicate a date when the requested information is required. The Architect/Engineer shall provide by Field Order such further detail and information as is necessary by the date required so long as the date indicated is reasonable. Any additional drawings and instructions supplied to the Contractor shall be consistent with the Contract Documents, shall be true developments thereof, and shall be so prepared that they can be reasonably interpreted as a part thereof. The Contractor shall carry out the Work in 24 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 accordance with the additional detail drawings and instructions at no additional cost or time to the Owner. (b) If the Contractor finds a conflict, error, omission, or other discrepancy in the plans or specifications, he shall notify the Architect/Engineer in writing as soon as possible, but before proceeding with the affected Work. The Architect/Engineer shall issue a clarification by Field Order to the Contractor stating the correct requirements. If the Contractor deems the Field Order requires additional Work, he shall notify the A/E of such prior to proceeding with that Work and he shall submit a request for Change Order along with a detailed substantiating cost proposal through the A/E to the Owner within fourteen (14) calendar days. If such conflict, error, omission or other discrepancy in plans or specifications was reasonably apparent or with reasonable diligence should have been apparent to the Contractor prior to submitting its bid or Proposal, and the Contractor failed to submit questions to the A/E in the time and manner required by the Instructions to Bidders or Request for Proposal, then any claims shall be deemed waived and the Contractor shall not be entitled to additional compensation or time, or entitled to sue the Owner based on such conflict, error, omission or other discrepancy. If the Contractor performs any Work, or is delayed in performing any Work, where such Work involves a conflict, error, omission, or other discrepancy in the plans and specifications that the Contractor knew about, or with reasonable diligence should have known about, and fails to notify the A/E and Owner as required, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for such performance or delay and shall bear all costs attributable to correcting any Work requiring correction or to any delay, and such conflict, error, omission, or other discrepancy shall not be the basis for a claim, cause of action or right to sue the Owner. (c) In case of differences between small and large scale drawings, the large scale drawings shall govern. Where on any of the drawings a portion of the Work is drawn out and the remainder is indicated in outline, the parts drawn out shall apply also to all other like portions of the Work. (d) Where the word "similar" appears on the drawings, it shall be interpreted in its general sense and not as meaning identical, and all details shall be worked out in relation to their location and their connection with other parts of the Work. (e) The specifications are divided into several parts, or sections, for convenience only, since the entire specifications must be considered as a whole. The divisions of the specifications are not intended to control the Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or to limit the Work performed by any trade. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the coordination of the trades, Subcontractors and vendors engaged in the Work and for the compensation of the trades, Subcontractors and vendors for the Work performed. (f) Measurements or dimensions shown on the drawings for Site features, utilities and structures shall be verified at the Site by the Contractor before commencing the Work. The Contractor shall not scale measurements or dimensions from the drawings. If there are discrepancies, the Architect/Engineer shall be consulted. If new Work is to connect to, match with or be provided in existing Work, the Contractor shall verify the actual existing conditions and necessary dimensions prior to ordering or fabrication. (g) As-Built Drawings: The Contractor shall maintain at the Site for the Owner one copy of all drawings, specifications, addenda, approved shop or setting drawings, Change Orders and other modifications (collectively referred to herein as "As-Built Drawings") in good order and marked to record all changes as they occur during construction. These shall be available to the Architect/Engineer, the Owner, the Project Inspector, the Owner's other inspectors and to the Owner's testing personnel. The drawings shall be neatly and clearly marked in color during construction to record all variations made during construction. The representation of such variations shall include such supplementary notes, symbols, legends, and details as may be necessary to clearly show the as-built construction. 25 DGS-30-054 (04/13) (h) 24. CO-7 Record Drawings: Upon completion of the Work and prior to the final inspection, the Contractor shall deliver to the Architect/Engineer, for preparation of the Record Drawings, one complete set of "As-Built Drawings" referred to in the preceding subsection. SUBMITTALS (a) The Contractor shall submit a listing of all Submittals required by the Architect/Engineer or which the Contractor identifies as necessary, fixing the dates for the submission of shop or setting drawings, samples and product data. The listing shall be in a format acceptable to the Architect/Engineer. The Contractor shall identify all Submittals with the Owner's Project Code Number as required by Section 2(f). (b) Submittals shall be forwarded to the Architect/Engineer for approval if required by the specifications or if requested by the Architect/Engineer or the Owner. No part of the Work dealt with by a Submittal shall be ordered, fabricated or installed by the Contractor, save at his own risk, until such approval has been given. Working drawings, shop drawings and/or submittals for fire protection, fire alarm, fire detection and security systems shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Building Official prior to ordering, fabricating or installing such systems. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for obtaining such approval. No part of the Work involving such systems shall be ordered, fabricated or installed by the Contractor until such approval has been obtained. (c) The Contractor shall furnish to the Architect/Engineer for approval the name of the manufacturer, the model number, and other identifying data and information respecting the performance, capacity, nature and rating of the machinery and mechanical and other equipment which the Contractor contemplates incorporating in the Work. When Submittals are required by this Contract for materials, the Contractor shall furnish full information concerning the material or articles which he contemplates incorporating in the Work. When required, samples shall be submitted for approval at the Contractor's expense, with all shipping charges prepaid. Machinery, equipment, material and articles installed or used without required approval shall be at the risk of subsequent rejection. (d) Unless otherwise indicated or required elsewhere in the specifications, shop drawings shall be submitted in the form of one reproducible tracing and three blue line or black line prints. Catalog cuts, product data and other non-reproducible literature, except certificates, shall be submitted in six (6) copies minimum, of which three (3) will be retained by the Architect/Engineer and the remainder will be returned to the Contractor. As is mutually agreeable to the Owner, Architect/Engineer, and Contractor, Submittals may be provided in electronic format in lieu of hardcopy format. (e) Submittals shall be accompanied by a letter of transmittal which shall list the Project Code Number, the Submittals included, the specification section number applicable to each, and the date shown on each Submittal. Submittals shall be complete in every respect and bound in sets. Each Submittal shall be clearly marked to show each item, component and/or optional feature proposed to be incorporated into the Project. Cross reference to the plans or specifications as needed to identify the use for which the item or component is intended. (f) The Contractor shall check the Submittals for compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall clearly note in writing any and all items which deviate from the requirements of the Contract Documents. Reasons for deviation shall be included with the Submittal. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for checking all dimensions and coordinating all materials and trades to ensure that the components or products proposed, individually or in 26 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 combination, will fit in the space available and that they will be compatible with other components or products provided. (g) After checking each submittal, the Contractor shall stamp each sheet of the Submittal with the Contractor's review stamp. Data submitted in a bound volume or on one sheet printed on two sides, may be stamped on the front of the first sheet only. The Contractor's review stamp shall be worded as follows: The equipment and material shown and marked in this submittal is that proposed to be incorporated into this Project, is in compliance with the Contract drawings and specifications unless otherwise shown in bold face type or lettering and listed on a page or pages headed "DEPARTURES FROM DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS", and can be installed in the allocated spaces. Reviewed by _______________________________________ Date ____________________ The person signing the review stamp shall be the person designated in writing by the Contractor as having that authority. (A copy of such designation shall be forwarded to the A/E prior to or with the first Submittal.) The signature on the stamped review statement shall be handwritten in ink, or in the case of electronic submittals, electronically signed in accordance with §59.1-479 et seq. of the Code of Virginia. Stamped signatures are not acceptable. (h) The Contractor shall forward all Submittals sufficiently in advance of construction requirements to allow reasonable time for checking, correcting, resubmitting and rechecking. (i) If a Submittal indicates a departure from the Contract requirements, the Architect/Engineer may reject the Submittal or, if he deems it to have merit, may recommend it to the Owner, who shall approve or reject it as the Owner, in its sole discretion, sees fit. The departure from the Contract requirements shall be further authorized by a Change Order, if a reduction or increase in the Contract Price is appropriate. (j) The Architect/Engineer is responsible to the Owner, but not to the Contractor, to verify that the Submittals conform to the design concept and functional requirements of the plans and specifications, that the detailed design portrayed in shop drawings and proposed equipment and materials shown in Submittals are of the quality specified and will function properly, and that the Submittals comply with the Contract Documents. (k) The Work shall be in accordance with approved Submittals. Approval of the Contractor's Submittals by the A/E does not relieve the Contractor from responsibility of complying with the Contract and all drawings and specifications, except as changed by Change Order. (l) The plans and/or specifications may indicate that the Architect/Engineer designed or detailed a portion of the plans around a particular product (most commonly a piece of equipment). Should a different product be proposed by the Contractor and accepted, all modifications, rerouting, relocations and variations required for proper installation and coordination to comply with the design concept and requirements of the Contract Documents shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be made at no extra cost to the Owner. If the plans were noted as designed or detailed around a particular product and/or if a product is named when a "brand name or equal" specification has been used, this is not intended to favor or preclude the use of other products pursuant to Section 26 of these General Conditions. Rather such design merely acknowledges the reality that in many instances the Architect/Engineer must have a basis to design and detail around for dimensions and characteristics of a product or system. (m) Additional Submittal requirements are shown in the specifications. 27 DGS-30-054 (04/13) 25. 26. CO-7 FEES, SERVICES AND FACILITIES (a) The Contractor shall obtain all permits, except the Building Permit, and pay for all fees and charges necessary for temporary access and public right-of-way blockage or use, for temporary connections to utilities and for the use of property (other than the Site) for storage of materials and other purposes unless otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents. (b) Certain projects such as renovations and interior modifications of existing buildings will usually have water and electric service to the building. In those instances, water and electric power, if required for the Work under the Contract, will be furnished by the Owner subject to reasonable use by the Contractor, only to the extent and capacity of present services. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing required connections, temporary wiring, piping, etc. to these services in a safe manner and in accordance with applicable codes. All temporary wire, pipe, etc. shall be removed before the Substantial Completion inspection. Acceptance by the Contractor of the use of Owner's water and electricity constitutes a release to the Owner of all claims and of all liability to the Contractor for whatever damages which may result from power and water outages or voltage variations. (c) The Owner shall pay any connection charges for permanent utility connections directly to the utility Supplier. The Contractor shall coordinate such connections with the utility Supplier. (d) It is understood that, except as otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents, the Contractor, either directly or through his Subcontractors, shall provide and pay for all material, labor, tools, equipment, water, light, power, telephone and other services or facilities of every nature whatsoever necessary to execute completely and deliver the Work within the Contract Time for Completion or before the Contract Completion Date. (e) The Contractor shall provide temporary facilities including Contractor’s office space, Owner’s Project Inspector office space (if required by the specifications), toilet facilities, and storage space, as required for the operations and the protection of the material and work. Number, sizes and locations shall be subject to approval of the Owner. Sanitary facilities shall be plumbed into an approved waste treatment system or shall be an approved type of chemical toilet and shall be regularly serviced. EQUALS (a) Brand names: Unless otherwise stated in the specifications, the name of a certain brand, make or manufacturer denotes the characteristics, quality, workmanship, economy of operation and suitability for the intended purpose of the article desired, but does not restrict the Contractor to the specific brand, make, or manufacturer; it is set forth to convey to the Contractor the general style, type, character and quality of the article specified. (b) Equal materials, equipment or assemblies: Whenever in these Contract Documents, a particular brand, make of material, device or equipment is shown or specified, such brand, make of material, device or equipment shall be regarded merely as a standard. Any other brand, make or manufacturer of a product, assembly or equipment which in the opinion of the Architect/Engineer is the equal of that specified, considering quality, capabilities, workmanship, configuration, economy of operation, useful life, compatibility with design of the Work, and suitability for the intended purpose, will be accepted unless rejected by the Owner as not being equal. (c) Substitute materials, equipment or assemblies: The Contractor may propose to substitute a material, product, equipment, or assembly which deviates from the requirements of the Contract 28 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 Documents but which the Contractor deems will perform the same function and have equal capabilities, service life, economy of operations, and suitability for the intended purpose. The proposal must include any cost differentials proposed. The Owner will have the A/E provide an initial evaluation of such proposed substitutes and provide a recommendation on acceptability and indicate the A/E's redesign fee to incorporate the substitution in the design. If the proposed substitute is acceptable to the Owner, a Change Order will be proposed to the Contractor to accept the substitute and to deduct the cost of the A/E redesign fee and the proposed cost savings from the Contract Price. The Owner shall have the right to limit or reject substitutions at its sole discretion. (d) 27. The Contractor shall be responsible for making all changes in the Work necessary to adapt and accommodate any equal or substitute product which it uses. The necessary changes shall be made at the Contractor's expense. AVAILABILITY OF MATERIALS If a brand name, product, or model number included in the Contract Documents is not available on the present market, alternate equal products or model numbers may be proposed by the Contractor through the Architect/Engineer for approval by the Owner. 28. CONTRACTOR'S TITLE TO MATERIALS No materials or supplies for the Work shall be purchased by the Contractor, or by any Subcontractor or Supplier, subject to any security interest, installment or sales contract or any other agreement or lien by which an interest is retained by the seller or is given to a secured party. The Contractor warrants that he has clear and good title to all materials and supplies which he uses in the Work or for which he accepts payment in whole or in part. 29. STANDARDS FOR MATERIALS INSTALLATION & WORKMANSHIP (a) Unless otherwise specifically provided in the Contract, all equipment, material, and accessories incorporated in the Work are to be new and in first class condition. (b) Unless specifically approved by the Owner or required by the Contract, the Contractor shall not incorporate into the Work any materials containing asbestos or any material known by the industry to be hazardous to the health of building construction workers, maintenance workers, or occupants. If the Contractor becomes aware that a material required by the Contract contains asbestos or other hazardous materials, he shall notify the Owner and the Architect/Engineer immediately and shall take no further steps to acquire or install any such material without first obtaining Owner approval. (c) All workmanship shall be of the highest quality found in the building industry in every respect. All items of Work shall be done by craftsmen or tradesmen skilled in the particular task or activity to which they are assigned. In the acceptance or rejection of Work, no allowance will be made for lack of skill on the part of workmen. Poor or inferior workmanship (as determined by the Architect/Engineer, the Owner or other inspecting authorities) shall be removed and replaced at Contractor's expense such that the Work conforms to the highest quality standards of the trades concerned, or otherwise corrected to the satisfaction of the Architect/Engineer, the Owner, or other inspecting authority, as applicable. (d) Under the various sections of the plans or specifications, where specified items are supplied with the manufacturer's printed instructions, recommendations, or directions for installation, or where such instructions, recommendations, or directions are available, installation of the specified items shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions unless those instructions 29 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 contradict the plans or specifications, in which case the Architect/Engineer will be notified for an interpretation and decision. 30. 31. (e) Under the various sections of the plans or specifications, where reference is made to specific codes or standards governing the installation of specified items, installation shall in all cases be in strict accordance with the referenced codes and standards. Where no reference is made to specific codes or standards, installation shall conform to the generally recognized applicable standards for firstclass installation of the specific item to be installed. Contractors are expected to be proficient and skilled in their respective trades and knowledgeable of the Codes and Standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), National Electric Code (NEC), Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and other codes and standards applicable to installations and associated work by his trade. (f) Where the manufacturer's printed instructions are not available for installation of specific items, where specific codes or standards are not referenced to govern the installation or specific items, or where there is uncertainty on the part of the Contractor concerning the installation procedures to be followed or the quality of workmanship to be maintained in the installation of specific items, the Contractor shall consult the Architect/Engineer for approval of the installation procedures or the specific standards governing the quality of workmanship the Contractor proposes to follow or maintain during the installation of the items in question. (g) During and/or at the completion of installation of any items, the tests designated in the plans or specifications necessary to assure proper and satisfactory functioning for its intended purpose shall be performed by the Contractor or by its Subcontractor responsible for the completed installation. All costs for such testing are to be included in the Contract Price. If required by the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall furnish prior to final inspection the manufacturers' certificates evidencing that products meet or exceed applicable performance, warranty and other requirements, and certificates that products have been properly installed and tested. WARRANTY OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP (a) The Contractor warrants that, unless otherwise specified, all materials and equipment incorporated in the Work under the Contract shall be new, in first class condition, and in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Contractor further warrants that all workmanship shall be of the highest quality and in accordance with the Contract Documents and shall be performed by persons qualified at their respective trades. (b) Work not conforming to these warranties shall be considered defective. (c) This warranty of materials and workmanship is separate and independent from and in addition to any of the Contractor's other guarantees or obligations in the Contract or under Virginia law. USE OF SITE AND REMOVAL OF DEBRIS (a) The Contractor shall: (1) Perform the Work in such a manner as not to interrupt or interfere with the operation of any existing activity on, or in proximity to, the Site or with the Work of any other separate contractor; (2) Store his apparatus, materials, supplies and equipment in such orderly fashion at the Site of the Work as will not unduly interfere with the progress of his Work or the work of any other separate contractor; and 30 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 (3) Place upon the Work or any part thereof only such loads as are consistent with the safety of that portion of the Work. (b) The Contractor expressly undertakes, either directly or through his Subcontractor(s), to effect all cutting, filling or patching of the Work required to make the same conform to the plans and specifications, and, except with the consent of the Architect/Engineer, not to cut or otherwise alter the Work of any other separate contractor. The Contractor shall not damage or endanger any portion of the Work or Site, including existing improvements, unless called for by the Contract. (c) The Contractor expressly undertakes, either directly or through his Subcontractor(s), to clean up frequently all refuse, rubbish, scrap materials and debris caused by his operations, to the end that at all times the Site shall present a neat, orderly and workmanlike appearance. No such refuse, rubbish, scrap material and debris shall be left within the completed Work nor buried on the building Site, but shall be removed from the Site and properly disposed of in a licensed landfill or otherwise as required by law. (d) The Contractor expressly undertakes, either directly or through his Subcontractor(s), before Final Payment or such prior time as the Owner may require, to remove all surplus material, false Work, temporary structures, including foundations thereof, plants of any description and debris of every nature resulting from his operations and to put the Site in a neat, orderly condition; to thoroughly clean and leave reasonably dust free all finished surfaces including all equipment, piping, etc., on the interior of all buildings included in the Contract; and to clean thoroughly all glass installed under the Contract, including the removal of all paint and mortar splatters and other defacements. If the Contractor fails to clean up at the time required herein, the Owner may do so and charge the costs incurred thereby to the Contractor in accordance with Section 10 (b) of these General Conditions. (e) 32. The Contractor shall have, On-Site, an employee certified by the Department of Conservation and Recreation as a Responsible Land Disturber who shall be responsible for the installation, inspection and maintenance of erosion control and stormwater management measures and devices. The Contractor shall prevent Site soil erosion, the runoff of silt and/or debris carrying water from the Site, and the blowing of debris off the Site in accordance with the applicable requirements and standards of the Contract and the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation's Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations and the Virginia Stormwater Management Regulations. TEMPORARY ROADS Temporary roads, if required, shall be established and maintained until permanent roads are accepted, then removed and the area restored to the conditions required by the Contract Documents. Crushed rock, paving and other road materials from temporary roads shall not be left on the Site unless permission is received from the Owner to bury the same at a location and depth approved by the Owner. 33. SIGNS The Contractor may, at his option and without cost to the Owner, erect signs acceptable to the Owner on the Site for the purpose of identifying and giving directions to the job. No signs shall be erected without prior approval of the Owner as to design and location. 34. PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 31 DGS-30-054 (04/13) 35. CO-7 (a) The Contractor expressly undertakes, both directly and through his Subcontractors, to take every reasonable precaution at all times for the protection of all persons and property which may come on the Site or be affected by the Contractor's Work. (b) The Contractor shall be solely responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. Any violation of these requirements or duties or any potential safety hazard that is brought to the attention of the Contractor by the Architect/Engineer, the Owner, or any other persons shall be immediately abated. (c) The provisions of all rules and regulations governing health and safety as adopted by the Safety Codes Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia, issued by the Department of Labor and Industry under Title 40.1 of the Code of Virginia, shall apply to all Work under this Contract. (d) The Contractor shall continuously maintain adequate protection of all his Work from damage and shall protect the Owner's property from injury or loss arising in connection with this Contract. He shall make good any such damage, injury or loss, except as may be directly and solely due to errors in the Contract Documents or caused by agents or employees of the Owner. The Contractor shall adequately protect adjacent property to prevent any damage to it or loss of use and enjoyment by its owners. The Contractor shall provide and maintain all passageways, guard fences, lights and other facilities for protection as required by public authority, local conditions, or the Contract. (e) In an emergency affecting the health, safety or life of persons or of the Work, or of the adjoining property, the Contractor, without special instruction or authorization from the Architect/Engineer or the Owner, shall act, at his discretion, to prevent such threatened loss or injury. Also, should he, to prevent threatened loss or injury, be instructed or authorized to act by the Architect/Engineer or the Owner, he shall so act immediately, without appeal. Any additional compensation or extension of time claimed by the Contractor on account of any emergency work shall be determined as provided by Section 38 of these General Conditions. (f) When necessary for the proper protection of the Work, temporary heating of a type approved by the Architect/Engineer must be provided by the Contractor, at the Contractor's expense, unless otherwise specified. CLIMATIC CONDITIONS The Contractor shall suspend activity on and protect any portion of the Work that may be subject to damage by climatic conditions. 36. PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR (a) Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, the Owner will make partial payments to the Contractor on the basis of a duly certified and approved Schedule of Values and Certificate for Payment, Form CO-12, showing the estimate of the Work performed during the preceding calendar month or work period, as recommended by the Architect/Engineer. When evaluating the Contractor's Form CO-12, the Architect/Engineer will consider the value of the Work in place, the value of approved and properly stored materials, the status of the Work on the critical path with regard to the Time for Completion, and the estimated value of the Work necessary to achieve Final Completion. The Architect/Engineer will schedule a monthly pay meeting to occur no earlier than the 25th day of the month represented by the payment request or not later than the 5th day of the following month. The Contractor shall submit his monthly estimate of Work completed on Form CO-12 in accordance with the Contract between the Owner and Contractor so that it is received by the Architect/Engineer and the Owner's Project Manager at least one work day prior to the date scheduled by the Architect/Engineer for the monthly pay meeting. The Owner will review the estimate with the Architect/Engineer and the Contractor at the monthly pay meeting, which shall be considered the receipt date, and may approve any or all of the estimate of Work for payment. In 32 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 preparing estimates, the material delivered to the Site and preparatory Work done shall be taken into consideration, if properly documented as required by Section 20 of these General Conditions, or as may be required by the Architect/Engineer so that quantities may be verified. In addition to material delivered to the Site, material such as large pieces of equipment and items purchased specifically for the Project, but stored off the Site within the Commonwealth of Virginia, may be considered for payment, provided all of the following are accomplished prior to the submission of the monthly payment request in which payment for such materials is requested: (1) The Contractor must notify the Owner in writing, at least ten (10) days prior to the submission of the payment request, through the Architect/Engineer, that specific items will be stored off Site in a designated, secured place within the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Schedule of Values must be detailed to indicate separately both the value of the material and the labor/installation for trades requesting payment for stored materials. By giving such notification and by requesting payment for material stored off Site, the Contractor warrants that the storage location is safe and suitable for the type of material stored and that the materials are identified as being the property of the Contractor, and agrees that loss of materials stored off the Site shall not relieve the Contractor of the obligation to timely furnish these types and quantities of materials for the Project and meet the Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date, subject to Section 43 (b) of these General Conditions. If the storage location is more than 20 miles from the Site, the Contractor may be required to reimburse the Owner for the cost incurred for travel to the storage location to verify the Contractor's request for payment for materials stored off Site. (2) Such notification, as well as the payment request, shall: (a) Itemize the quantity of such materials and document with invoices showing the cost of said materials; (b) Indicate the identification markings used on the materials, which shall clearly reference the materials to the particular project; (c) Identify the specific location of the materials, which must be within reasonable proximity to the Site and within the Commonwealth of Virginia; (d) Include a letter from the Contractor's Surety which confirms that the Surety on the Performance Bond and the Labor and Material Payment Bond has been notified of the request for payment of materials stored off the Site and agrees that the materials are covered by the bond; and (e) Include a certificate of all-risk builder's risk insurance in an amount not less than the fair market value of the materials, which shall name the Owner and the Contractor as co-insureds. (3) The Architect/Engineer shall indicate, in writing, to the Owner that Submittals for such materials have been reviewed and meet the requirements of the Contract Documents, that the stored materials meet the requirement of the plans and specifications, and that such materials conform to the approved Submittals. Should the A/E deem it necessary to visit the storage site to make such review, the Contractor shall bear the costs incurred therewith. (4) The Owner, through the Architect/Engineer, shall notify the Contractor in writing of its agreement to prepayment for such materials. 33 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 (5) The Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing, through the Architect/Engineer, when the materials are to be transferred to the Site and when the materials are received at the Site. (b) Payment will not be made for materials or equipment stored on or off the Site which are not scheduled for incorporation into the Work within the six months next following submission of the request for payment, unless the Contractor has the prior consent of the Owner, which consent may be granted or withheld by the Owner in its discretion if, in the opinion of the Owner, it is not necessary to procure the materials more than six months in advance of use to assure their availability when needed. (c) No payment shall be made to the Contractor until: (1) The Contractor furnishes to the Owner its Social Security Number (SSN) if an individual, or its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) if a proprietorship, partnership, corporation or other legal entity. (2) Certificates of Insurance or other satisfactory evidence of compliance by the Contractor with all the requirements of Section 11 (and Section 12 if applicable) of these General Conditions have been delivered to the Owner. (3) Copies of any certificates of insurance required of a Subcontractor under Section 11 have been delivered to the Owner for payments based on Work performed by a Subcontractor. (4) The Contractor has (i) submitted a preliminary schedule which is acceptable to the Owner in accordance with Section 19(a), (ii) submitted a fully complete Project schedule accepted by the Owner in accordance with Section 19(a), (iii) maintained the monthly bar graphs or status reports required by Section 19(d), or (iv) provided a recovery schedule pursuant to Section 19(e), as each of them may be required. (d) In making such partial payments, five percent (5%) of each payment to the Contractor shall be retained until Final Completion and acceptance of all Work covered by the Contract, unless otherwise provided by any law, regulation or program of the federal government. Such retainage shall be held to assure faithful performance of the Contract and may also be used as a fund to deduct amounts due to or claimed by the Owner, including, but not limited to, payment to the Owner of all moneys due for deductive change orders, credits, uncorrected Defective Work, interest, damages, and the like. (§2.2-4333 of the Code of Virginia) The Owner may, at its sole discretion, agree on an item by item basis to release the retainage on items which are fully 100% complete and which have accepted by the Owner as being tested and complete and on which no further action or work will be required. Retainage which is released by the Owner shall be distributed by the Contractor in conformance with Section 37 of these General Conditions. (e) All material and Work for which partial payments are made shall thereupon become the sole property of the Owner, but this provision shall not relieve the Contractor from the sole responsibility for all materials and Work, including those for which payment has been made, or for the restoration of any damaged materials or Work. Nor shall this provision serve as a waiver of the right of the Owner to require the fulfillment of all of the terms and conditions of the Contract. (f) The Final Payment, which shall include the retainage, less any amounts due to or claimed by the Owner, shall not become due until the Architect/Engineer and the Owner agree that Final Completion has been achieved and until the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner through the Architect/Engineer a Certificate of Completion by the Contractor (Form CO-13.2) and an Affidavit of Payment of Claims (Form CO-13), stating that all Subcontractors and Suppliers of either labor or materials have been paid all sums claimed by them for Work performed or 34 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 materials furnished in connection with this Project less retainage. Amounts due the Owner which may be withheld from the Final Payment may include, but are not limited to, amounts due pursuant to Section 3(i), Section 16(a)-(d), Section 31(d), costs incurred to repair or replace Defective Work, costs incurred as a result of the Contractor's negligent acts or omissions or omissions of those for whom the Contractor is responsible, delay damages under Section 43(h), and any liquidated or actual damages. If all Subcontractors and Suppliers of labor and materials have not been paid the full amount claimed by them, the Contractor shall list each to which an agreed amount of money is due or which has a claim in dispute. With respect to all such Subcontractors and Suppliers, the Contractor shall provide to the Owner, along with the Affidavit of Payment of Claims (Form CO-13), an affidavit from each such Subcontractor and Supplier stating the amount of their subcontract or supply contract, the percentage of completion, the amounts paid to them by the Contractor and the dates of payment, the amount of money still due if any, any interest due the Subcontractor or Supplier pursuant to Section 37(b) below, and whether satisfactory arrangements have been made for the payment of said amounts. If no agreement can be reached between the Contractor and one or more Subcontractors or Suppliers as to the amounts owed to the Subcontractors or Suppliers, the Owner may, in its discretion, pay such portion of the moneys due to the Contractor which is claimed by the Subcontractor or Supplier into a Virginia Court or Federal Court sitting in Virginia, in the manner provided by law. Said payment into court shall be deemed a payment to the Contractor. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as creating any obligation or contractual relationship between the Owner and any Subcontractor or Supplier, and the Owner shall not be liable to any Subcontractor or Supplier on account of any failure or delay of the Owner in complying with the terms hereof. (g) Upon successful completion of the final inspection and all Work required by the Contract, including but not limited to the delivery of As-Built drawings, equipment manuals, written warranties, acceptance of the Work by the Owner and the delivery of the affidavits required in Section 36(f) of these General Conditions, the Architect/Engineer shall deliver the written Certificate of Completion by the Architect/Engineer (Form CO-13.1) to the Owner, with a copy to the Contractor, stating the entire amount of Work performed and compensation earned by the Contractor, including extra work and compensation therefor. The Owner may accept the Work for occupancy or use while asserting claims against the Contractor; disputing the amount of compensation due to the Contractor; disputing the quality of the Work, its completion, or its compliance with the Contract Documents; or any other reason. (h) Unless there is a dispute about the compensation due to the Contractor, Defective Work, quality of the Work, compliance with the Contract Documents, completion itself, claims by the Owner, other matters in contention between the parties, or unless monies are withheld pursuant to the Comptroller's Debt Setoff Program, within thirty (30) days after receipt and acceptance of the Schedule of Values and Certificate for Payment (Form CO-12) in proper form by the Architect/Engineer at the monthly pay meeting, which shall be considered the receipt date, the Owner shall pay to the Contractor the amount approved by the Architect/Engineer, less all prior payments and advances whatsoever to or for the account of the Contractor. In the case of Final Payment, the completed Affidavit of Payment of Claims (Form CO-13), the Certificate of Completion by the Contractor (Form CO-13.2) and the Certificate of Completion by the Architect/Engineer (Form CO-13.1) shall accompany the final Schedule of Values and Certificate for Payment (Form CO-12) which is forwarded to the Owner for payment. The date on which payment is due shall be referred to as the Payment Date. In the event of disputes, payment shall be mailed on or before the Payment Date for amounts and Work not in dispute, subject to any set offs claimed by the Owner; provided, however in instances where further appropriations are required by the General Assembly or where the issuance of further bonds is required, in which case, payment shall be made within thirty (30) days after the effective date of such appropriation or within thirty (30) days after the receipt of bond proceeds by the Owner. All prior estimates and payments including those relating to extra Work may be corrected and adjusted in any payment and shall be corrected and adjusted in the Final Payment. In the event that any request for payment (CO-12) by the Contractor contains a defect or impropriety, the Owner shall notify the Contractor 35 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 of any defect or impropriety which would prevent payment by the Payment Date, within five (5) days after receipt of the Schedule of Values and Certificate for Payment (Form CO-12) by the Owner from the Architect/Engineer. 37. (i) Interest shall accrue on all amounts owed by the Owner to the Contractor which remain unpaid seven (7) days following the Payment Date. Said interest shall accrue at the discounted ninety-day U.S. Treasury bill rate as established by the Weekly Auction and as reported in the publication entitled The Wall Street Journal on the weekday following each such Weekly Auction. During the period of time when the amounts due to the Contractor remain unpaid following the seventh (7) day after the Payment Date, the interest accruing shall fluctuate on a weekly basis and shall be that established by the immediately prior Weekly Auction. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to gather and substantiate the applicable weekly interest rates to the satisfaction of the Owner and to calculate to the satisfaction of the Owner the interest due. In no event shall the rate of interest charge exceed the rate of interest charged pursuant to §58.1-1812 of the Code of Virginia. No interest shall accrue on retainage or when payment is delayed because of disagreement between the Owner and the Contractor regarding the quantity, quality or timeliness of the Work, including, but not limited to, compliance with Contract Documents or the accuracy of any Request for Payment received. This exception to the accrual of interest stated in the preceding sentence shall apply only to that portion of a delayed payment which is actually the subject of such a disagreement and shall apply only for the duration of such disagreement. Nothing contained herein shall be interpreted, however, to prevent the withholding of retainage to assure faithful performance of the Contract. These same provisions relating to payment of interest to the Contractor shall apply also to the computation and accrual of interest on any amounts due from the Contractor to the Owner for deductive change orders and to amounts due on any claims by the Owner. The date of mailing of any payment by the U.S. Mail is deemed to be the date of payment to the addressee. (j) The acceptance by the Contractor of the Final Payment shall be and operate as a release to the Owner of all claims by the Contractor, its Subcontractors and Suppliers, and of all liability to the Contractor whatever, including liability for all things done or furnished in connection with this Work, except for things done or furnished which are the subject of unresolved claims for which the Contractor has filed a timely written notice of intent, provided a claim is submitted no later than sixty (60) days after Final Payment. Acceptance of any interest payment by the Contractor shall be a release of the Owner from claims by the Contractor for late payment. (k) No certificate for payment issued by the Architect/Engineer, and no payment, final or otherwise, no certificate of completion, nor partial or entire use or occupancy of the Work by the Owner, shall be an acceptance of any Work or materials not in accordance with the Contract, nor shall the same relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or Defective Work or operate to release the Contractor or his Surety from any obligation under the Contract, the Standard Performance Bond and the Standard Labor and Material Payment Bond. PAYMENTS BY CONTRACTOR (§ 2.2-4354, Code of Virginia) Under § 2.2-4354, Code of Virginia, the Contractor is obligated to: (a) Within seven (7) days after receipt of amounts paid to the Contractor by the Owner for Work performed by the Subcontractor or Supplier under this Contract, (1) Pay the Subcontractor or Supplier for the proportionate share of the total payment received from the Owner attributable to the Work performed by the Subcontractor or the materials furnished by the Supplier under this Contract; or (2) Notify the Subcontractor or Supplier, in writing, of his intention to withhold all or a part of the Subcontractor or Supplier's payment with the reason for nonpayment; 36 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 (b) Pay interest to the Subcontractor or Supplier on all amounts owed by the Contractor that remain unpaid after seven (7) days following receipt by the Contractor of payment from the Owner for Work performed by the Subcontractor or materials furnished by the Supplier under this contract, except for amounts withheld as allowed under subsection (a) (2) of this Section. (c) Include in each of his subcontracts a provision requiring each Subcontractor to include in each of its subcontracts a provision requiring each subcontractor to include or otherwise be subject to the same payment and interest requirements with respect to each lower tier subcontractor. Each Subcontractor shall include with its invoice to, or request for payment from, the Contractor, a certification that that Subcontractor has paid each of its suppliers and lower tier subcontractors their proportionate share of previous payments received from the Contractor attributable to the Work performed or the materials furnished by it under this Contract. The Contractor's obligation to pay interest to the Subcontractor or Supplier pursuant to subsection (b) of this Section is not an obligation of the Owner. A modification to this Contract shall not be made for the purpose of providing reimbursement for such interest charge. A Contractor's cost reimbursement claim shall not include any amount for reimbursement of such interest charge. 38. CHANGES IN THE WORK (a) The Owner may at any time, by written order utilizing the Commonwealth of Virginia Change Order Form CO-11 and without notice to the sureties, make changes in the Work which are within the general scope of the Contract, except that no change will be made which will increase the total Contract Price to an amount more than twenty percent (20%) in excess of the original Contract Price without notice to sureties. At the time of the Preconstruction Meeting described in Section 50(b), the Contractor and the Owner shall advise each other in writing of their designees authorized to accept and/or approve changes to the Contract Price and of any limits to each designee's authority. Should any designee or limits of authority change during the time this Contract is in effect, the Contractor or Owner with such a change shall give written notice to the other within seven (7) calendar days, utilizing the procedures set forth in these General Conditions. The Contractor agrees and understands that the authority of the Owner's designee is limited by Virginia Code §2.2-4309 and any other applicable statute. In making any change, the charge or credit for the change shall be determined by one of the following methods as selected by the Owner: (1) Fixed Price: By a mutually agreed fixed amount change to the Contract Price and/or time allowed for completion of the Work. The Change Order shall be substantiated by documentation itemizing the estimated quantities and costs of all labor, materials, and equipment required as well as any mark-up used. The price change shall include the Contractor's reasonable overhead and profit, including overhead for any unreasonable delay arising from or related to the Change Order and/or the change in the Work. See Subsections (d), (e) and (f), below. (2) Unit Price: By using unit prices and calculating the number of net units of Work in each part of the Work which is changed, either as the Work progresses or before Work on the change commences, and by then multiplying the calculated number of units by the applicable unit price set forth in the Contract or multiplying by a mutually agreed unit price if none was provided in the Contract. No additional percentage markup for overhead or profit shall be added to the unit prices. (3) Cost Reimbursement: By ordering the Contractor to perform the changed Work on a cost reimbursement basis by issuing two Change Orders citing this Subsection, an initiating Change Order, authorizing the changed Work, and a confirming Change Order 37 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 approving the additional cost and time for the changed Work. The initiating Change Order shall: (i) Describe the scope or parameters of the change in the Work; (ii) Describe the cost items to be itemized and verified for payment and the method of measuring the quantity of work performed; (iii) Address the impact on the schedule for Substantial Completion; (iv) Order the Contractor to proceed with the change to the Work; (v) Order the Contractor to keep in a form acceptable to the Owner, an accurate, itemized account of the actual cost of the change in the Work, including, but not limited to, the actual costs of labor, materials, equipment, and supplies; (vi) Order the Contractor to annotate a copy of the Project schedule to accurately show the status of the Work at the time this first Change Order is issued, to show the start and finish dates of the changed Work, and the status of the Work when the changed Work is completed; and (vii) State that a confirming Change Order will be issued to incorporate the cost of the ordered changed in the Work into the Contract Price and any change in the Contract Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date. The Contractor shall sign the initiating Change Order acknowledging he has been ordered to proceed with the change in the Work. The Contractor's signature on each initiating Change Order citing this Subsection 38(a)(3) as the method for determining the cost of the Work shall not constitute the Contractor's agreement on the cost or time impact of the ordered Work. Except as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by the Owner, such costs shall not exceed those prevailing for the trades or crafts (based upon rates established by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, or other generally recognized cost data publication), materials, and equipment in the locality of the Project, may include only those items listed as allowable in Subsection 38(e), and shall not include any of the costs listed as not allowable in Subsection 38(f). The Owner shall be permitted, on a daily basis, to verify such records and may require such additional records as are necessary to determine the cost of the change to the Work. Within fourteen (14) days after the conclusion of such ordered Work, the Contractor and the Owner shall reach agreement on (i) a cost for the ordered Work, based on the records kept and the Contractor's allowance for overhead and profit determined in accordance with the provisions set forth in Subsections 38(d), (e), and (f) below; and (ii) the change in the Contract Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date, if necessary, as a result of the ordered Work. Such costs and time shall be incorporated into a confirming Change Order which references the initiating Change Order. If agreement on the cost and time of the changed Work cannot be reached within the fourteen (14) days allotted, the Contractor may submit a claim for the disputed cost or time as provided for in Section 47. (4) By issuing a unilateral change order in the amount deemed appropriate by the Owner for the Work. If the Contractor objects to the amount or scope of the change order then the Contractor may within the 14 days of the date of the change order file a claim for the disputed amount as provided for in section 47. 38 DGS-30-054 (04/13) (b) CO-7 The Contractor shall review any Owner requested or directed change and shall respond in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the proposed change (or such other reasonable time as the Owner may direct), stating the effect of the proposed change upon his Work, including any increase or decrease in the Contract time and price. The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner an itemized breakdown of the quantities and prices used in computing the proposed change in Contract Price. The Owner shall review the Contractor's proposal and respond to the Contractor within thirty (30) days of receipt. If a change to the Contract Price and Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date are agreed upon, both parties shall sign the Change Order. If the Contract Price and Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date are not agreed upon, the Owner may direct the Contractor to proceed under Subsection 38(a)(3), above. Change Orders shall be effective when signed by both parties, unless approval by the Governor or his designee is required, in which event the Change Order shall be effective when signed by the Governor or his designee. (c) In figuring changes, any instructions for measurement of quantities set forth in the Contract shall be followed. (d) Overhead and profit for both additive and deductive changes in the Work (other than changes covered by unit prices) shall be paid by applying the specified percentage markups only on the net cost of the changed Work (i.e. difference in cost between original and changed Work excluding overhead and profit). Said percentages for overhead and profit shall reasonably approximate the Contractor’s overhead and profit, but shall not exceed the percentages for each category listed below: (e) (1) If a Subcontractor does all or part of the changed Work, the Subcontractor's mark-up for overhead and profit on the Work it performs shall be a maximum of fifteen percent (15%). The Contractor's mark-up for overhead and profit on the Subcontractor's price shall be a maximum of ten percent (10%). (2) If the Contractor does all or part of the changed Work, its markup for overhead and profit on the changed Work it performs shall be a maximum of fifteen percent (15%). (3) If a Sub-subcontractor at any tier does all or part of the changed Work, the Subsubcontractor's markup on that Work shall be a maximum of fifteen percent (15%). The markup for overhead and profit on a sub-subcontractor's Work by the Contractor and all intervening tiers of Subcontractors shall not exceed a total of ten percent (10%). (4) Where Work is deleted from the Contract prior to commencement of that Work without substitution of other similar Work, one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price attributable to that Work shall be deducted from the Contract Price. However, in the event that material Submittals have been approved and orders placed for said materials, a lesser amount, but in no case less than eighty percent (80%) of the Contract Price attributable to that Work, shall be deducted from the Contract Price. The credit to the Owner for reduced premiums on labor and material bonds and performance bonds shall in all cases be one hundred percent (100%). Allowable costs for changes in the Work may include but are not limited to the following: (1) Labor costs for employees directly employed in the change in the Work, including salaries and wages plus the cost of payroll charges and fringe benefits and overtime premiums, if such premiums are explicitly authorized by the Owner. 39 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 (2) Materials incorporated into the change to the Work, including costs of transportation and storage, if applicable. If applicable, all cash discounts shall accrue to the Contractor, unless the Owner deposits funds with the Contractor to make such payments, and all trade discounts, rebates, refunds, and returns from the sale of surplus materials shall accrue to the Owner. (3) Equipment incorporated in the changed Work or equipment used directly in accomplishing the Work. If rented expressly for accomplishing the change in the Work, the cost shall be the rental rate according to the terms of the rental agreement, which the Owner shall have the right to approve. If owned by the Contractor, the costs shall be a reasonable price based upon the life expectancy of the equipment and the purchase price of the equipment. If applicable, transportation costs may be included. (4) Costs of increases in premiums for the Standard Labor and Material Payment Bond and the Standard Performance Bond, provided coverage for the cost of the change in the Work results in such increased costs. At the Owner's request, the Contractor shall provide proof of his notification to the Surety of the change in the Work and of the Surety's agreement to include such change in its coverage. The cost of the increase in premium shall be an allowable cost but shall not be marked up. (5) Contractor and Subcontractor overhead costs as set forth in Subsection (d) markups above. (6) Agreed Compensation for Overhead for Changes to Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date for Changes to the Work: If the change in the Work also changes the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date by adding days to complete the Work, an itemized accounting of the following direct Site overhead and home office overhead and other indirect overhead expenses set forth in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) below may be considered as allowable costs for compensation in addition to those shown above: (i) Direct Site Overhead Expenses: The Contractor’s per diem expenses, as shown by the itemized accounting, for the following allowable direct Site overhead expenses: The Site superintendent's pro-rata salary, temporary Site office trailer, and temporary Site utilities including basic telephone service, electricity, heat, water, and sanitary / toilet facilities for each day added. All other direct expenses are covered by and included in the Subsection 38(d) markups above. (ii) Home Office and Other Indirect Overhead Expenses: A five percent (5%) markup on the above direct Site overhead expenses will be allowed as compensation for the Contractor’s home office overhead and all other direct or indirect overhead expenses for days added to the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date for a change in the Work. All other overhead and other direct or indirect overhead expenses are covered by and included in this markup and the Subsection (d) markups above. (7) (f) Any other costs directly attributable to the change in the Work with the exception of those set forth in Subsection 38(f) below. Allowable costs for changes in the Work shall not include the following: 40 DGS-30-054 (04/13) (g) CO-7 (1) Costs due to the negligence of the Contractor, any Subcontractor, Supplier, their employees, or other persons for whom the Contractor is responsible, including, but not limited to, costs for the correction of Defective Work, for improper disposal of material, for equipment wrongly supplied, for delay in performing the Work, or for delay in obtaining materials or equipment. (2) Home office expenses including payroll costs for the Contractor's officers, executives, administrators, accountants, counsel, timekeepers, clerks, and other similar administrative personnel employed by the Contractor, whether at the Site or in the Contractor's principal or branch office for general administration of the Work. These costs are deemed overhead included in the percentage markups allowable in Subsections 38(d) above. (3) Home and field office expenses not itemized in Subsection 38(e)(6) above. Such items include, but are not limited to, expenses of Contractor's home and branch offices, Contractor's capital expenses, interest on Contractor's capital used for the Work, charges for delinquent payments, small tools, incidental job costs, rent, utilities, telephone and office equipment, and other general overhead expenses. (4) Other items reasonably determined by the Owner to not be allowed. All Change Orders, except the "initial" Change Orders authorizing work citing Subsection 38(a)(3) procedures, must state that the Contract Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date is not changed or is either increased or decreased by a specific number of days. The old Time for Completion and, if changed, the new Time for Completion must be stated. If the Contractor requests an extension to the Time for Completion or a later Contract Completion Date, he must provide written justification for the extension to the Architect/Engineer and to the Owner. The written justification must demonstrate an anticipated actual increase in the time required to complete the Work beyond that allowed by the Contract as adjusted by prior change orders or amendments to the Contract, not just an increase or decrease in the time needed to complete some portion of the total Work. When a CPM schedule is required by the Contract, no extension to the Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date shall be allowed unless, and then only to the extent that, the additional or changed Work increases the length of the critical path beyond the Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date. If approved, the increase in time required to complete the Work shall be added to the Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date. The Owner may decrease, by Change Order, the Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date when an Owner-requested deletion from the Work results in a decrease in the actual time required to complete the Work as demonstrable on the Bar Graph Schedule or on the CPM Schedule, whichever is appropriate. The Contractor may submit a request to decrease, by Change Order, the Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date under the procedures and subject to the considerations set forth in Section 19(f). No request for such decrease shall be considered for approval unless the proposed shorter schedule is otherwise acceptable under Sections 19(b) or (c), whichever is applicable. The Change Order decreasing the Time for Completion or changing the Contract Completion Date must be signed by both the Owner and the Contractor. With the exception of Change Orders under Subsection 38(a)(3), which shall arrive at a change to the Contract Price and any change to time using the procedures set forth therein, each Change Order shall include all time and monetary impacts of the change, whether the Change Order is considered alone or with all other changes during the course of the Project. Failure to include a change to time and changes in the Contract Price attributable to the change in time under Subsections 38(a)(1) or (2) shall waive any change to the time and Contract Price unless the parties mutually agree in writing to postpone a determination of the time related impacts of the change. Such a determination may be postponed not more than forty-five (45) days to give the 41 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 Contractor an opportunity to demonstrate a change in the time and price needed to complete the Work. During any such postponement, the Work shall proceed, unless the Owner agrees otherwise. If at any time there is a delay in the critical path of the Work due to postponement, due to the Contractor's efforts to justify an extension of the time or an increase in the Contract Price, or due to the Contractor's refusal to proceed with any of the Work, pending agreement on a change in time or price, such delay and any Contractor costs resulting from it shall not serve as the basis for the extension of the Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date or for an increase in the Contract Price. (h) The acceptance by the Contractor of any payment made by the Owner under a Change Order shall be and operate as a release to the Owner of all claims by the Contractor and of all liability owing to the Contractor for all things done or furnished in connection with the Work described in the Change Order. The execution of any Change Order by the Owner shall not be an acceptance of any Work or materials not in accordance with the Contract Documents, nor shall it relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship or operate to release the Contractor or his surety from any obligation arising under the Contract, the Standard Performance Bond, or the Standard Labor and Material Payment Bond. (i) Payments will not be made for any Work, labor, or materials performed on a unit price or a Subsection 38(a)(3) basis until the Contractor has furnished the Owner documents, certified as true and correct by an authorized officer or agent of the Contractor, evidencing the cost of such Work, labor, and materials. The Owner may require any or all of the following documentation to be provided by the Contractor. For Work performed on a Unit Price basis: (1) Certified measurements of authorized and approved excavations, over-excavations, fills and/or backfills, and similar work; and/or (2) Certified measurements of piling installed, caissons installed, and similar work; and/or (3) Daily records of waste materials removed from the Site and/or fill materials imported to the Site. For Work performed on a Subsection 38(a)(3) basis: (1) Certified payroll records showing the name, classification, date, daily hours, total hours, rate, and extension for each laborer, foreman, supervisor, or other worker; and/or (2) Equipment type & model, dates, daily hours, total hours, rental rate, or other specified rate, and extension for each unit of equipment; (3) Invoices for materials showing quantities, prices, and extensions; (4) Daily records of waste materials removed from the Site and/or fill materials imported to the Site; (5) Certified measurements of over-excavations, piling installed and similar work; and/or (6) Transportation records for materials, including prices, loads, and extensions. Requests for payment shall be accompanied and supported by invoices for all l materials used and for all transportation charges claimed. If materials come from the Contractor's own stock, then an 42 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 affidavit may be furnished, in lieu of invoices, certifying quantities, prices, etc. to support the actual cost. 39. EXTRAS If the Contractor claims that any instructions given to him by the Architect/Engineer or by the Owner, by drawings or otherwise, involve extra Work which increases the scope of the Contract, then, except in emergencies endangering life or property, he shall give the Architect/Engineer and the Owner written notice thereof before proceeding to execute the Work. Said notice shall be given promptly enough to avoid delaying the Work and in no instance later than fourteen (14) days after the receipt of such instructions. Should it not be immediately clear to the Contractor that the change involves extra Work outside the scope of the Contract, written notice shall be sufficient if given as soon as possible after such realization, but in no event later than fourteen (14) days after the start of such Work. If the Owner agrees, a Change Order shall be issued as provided in Section 38 of these General Conditions, and any additional compensation shall be determined by one of the three (3) methods provided in Subsection 38(a), as selected by the Owner. If the Owner does not agree, then any claims for compensation for the extra Work shall be filed in accordance with Section 47. 40. CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO STOP WORK OR TERMINATE THE CONTRACT If the Work should be stopped under an order of any court or other public authority for a period of ninety (90) days through no fault of the Contractor or anyone employed by him, or if the Owner should fail to pay to the Contractor within thirty (30) days any sum certified by the Architect/Engineer when no dispute exists as to the sum due or any provision of the Contract, then the Contractor may, upon ten (10) calendar days written notice to the Owner and the Architect/Engineer, stop Work or terminate the Contract and recover from the Owner payment for the cost of the Work actually performed, together with overhead and profit thereon, but profit on the Work performed shall be recovered only to the extent that the Contractor can demonstrate that he would have had profit on the entire Contract if he had completed the Work. The Contractor may not receive profit or any other type of compensation for parts of the Work not performed. The Contractor may recover the reasonable cost of physically closing down the Site, but no other costs of termination. The Owner may offset any claims it may have against the Contractor against the amounts due to the Contractor. In no event shall termination of the Contract by the Contractor terminate the obligations of the Contractor's surety on its payment and performance bonds. 41. OWNER'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE THE CONTRACT FOR CAUSE (a) If the Contractor should be adjudged as bankrupt, or if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on account of his insolvency, the Owner may terminate the Contract. If the Contractor should refuse or should repeatedly fail, except in cases for which extension of time is provided, to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials and equipment, or if he should fail to perform the Work in a diligent, efficient, workmanlike, skillful, and careful manner, or if he should fail or refuse to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, or if he should fail to make prompt payment to Subcontractors or Suppliers of material or labor, or if he should disregard laws, ordinances or the written instructions of the Architect/Engineer or the Owner, or otherwise be in substantial violation of any provision of the Contract, then the Owner may terminate the Contract. (b) Prior to termination of the Contract, the Owner shall give the Contractor and his surety ten (10) days written notice of such termination in the manner provided in Section 1 (definition of "Notice") of these General Conditions and allow ten (10) days during which the Contractor and/or his surety may rectify the basis for the notice. If rectified to the satisfaction of the Owner within 43 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 said ten (10) days, the Owner may rescind its notice of termination. If not, the termination for cause shall become effective at the end of the ten (10) day notice period without further notice to the Contractor. In the alternative, the Owner may, in writing, postpone the effective date of the termination for cause, at its sole discretion, if it should receive reassurances from the Contractor and/or its surety that the basis for the termination will be remedied in a time and manner which the Owner finds acceptable. If at any time after such postponement, the Owner determines that Contractor and/or its surety has not or is not likely to rectify the causes of termination in an acceptable manner or within the time allowed, then the Owner may immediately terminate the Contract for cause, without the necessity of further ten (10) day notice, by notifying the Contractor and his surety in writing of the termination. In no event shall termination for cause terminate the obligations of the Contractor's surety on its payment and performance bonds. (c) Upon termination of the Contract becoming effective, the Owner shall take possession of the Site and of all materials, tools and equipment thereon and shall proceed as follows: (1) No Security Provided: If no security has been provided pursuant to Section 8 herein, the Owner shall finish the Work by whatever method he may deem expedient. If the expense of finishing the Work, including compensation for additional managerial and administrative services, shall exceed the unpaid balance of the Contract Price, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner, together with any other expenses of terminating the Contract and having it completed by others. (2) Security Provided: If security has been provided pursuant to Section 8 herein, the Owner shall provide Notice to the Surety that termination of the Contract became effective and proceed as set forth in the Standard Performance Bond, CO-10, Form # DGS-30-084, and the Terms and Conditions therein. If the expense of finishing the Work, including compensation for additional managerial and administrative services, shall exceed the unpaid balance of the Contract Price and the penal amount of the Standard Performance Bond, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner, together with any other expenses of terminating the Contract and having it completed by others. 42. (d) If it should be judicially determined that the Owner improperly terminated this Contract for cause, then the termination shall be deemed to be a termination for the convenience of the Owner and the Contractor’s rights and remedies shall be solely limited to those provided by Section 42 of these General Conditions. (e) Termination of the Contract under this Section is in addition to and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Owner. Any actions by the Owner permitted herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any other right or remedy of the Owner under the Contract or under the law. The Owner may offset any claims it may have against the Contractor against the amounts due to the Contractor. The provisions of this Section shall survive termination of the Contract. TERMINATION BY OWNER FOR CONVENIENCE (a) The Owner may terminate this Contract, in whole or in part, at any time without cause upon giving the Contractor written notice of such termination in the manner provided in Section 1 (definition of "Notice") of these General Conditions. Upon such termination, the Contractor shall immediately cease Work and remove from the Site all of its labor forces, equipment and such of its materials as Owner elects not to purchase or to assume in the manner hereinafter provided. Upon such termination, the Contractor shall take such steps as Owner may require to assign to the Owner the Contractor's interest in all Subcontracts and purchase orders designated by Owner. After all such steps have been taken to Owner's satisfaction, the Contractor shall receive as full compensation for termination and assignment the following: 44 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 (1) Amounts due for Work performed in accordance with the Contract subsequent to the latest approved Schedule of Values and Certificate for Payment (Form CO-12) through the date of termination; and (2) All amounts then otherwise due under the terms of this Contract associated with the Work performed prior to the date of termination; and (3) Reasonable compensation for the actual cost of demobilization incurred by the Contractor as a direct result of such termination. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation or damages for lost profits or for any other type of contractual compensation or damages other than those provided in Subsection 42(a). The Owner may offset any claims it may have against the Contractor against the amounts due to the Contractor. Upon payment of the foregoing, Owner shall have no further obligations to Contractor of any nature. The Contractor agrees to waive all claims against the Owner for any consequential damages that may arise from or relate to the Owner’s termination of the Contract including, but not limited to, damages for loss of revenue, income, profit, business, reputation, or bonding capacity. 43. (b) In no event shall termination for the convenience of the Owner terminate the obligations of the Contractor's surety on its payment and performance bonds. (c) Any actions by the Owner permitted herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any other right or remedy of the Owner under the Contract or under the law. The provisions of this Section shall survive termination of the Contract. DAMAGES FOR DELAYS; EXTENSION OF TIME (a) Excusable Non-Compensable Delays: If and to the extent that the Contractor is delayed at any time in the progress of the Work by strikes, fires, unusual delays in transportation or unavoidable casualties, or other causes outside the control of the Owner or the Contractor, with the exception of delays caused by weather provided for in Section 6, for which the Contractor intends to request an extension of either the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date, as the case may be, then the Contractor shall give the Owner and Architect/Engineer written notice of the delay within fourteen (14) days of the inception of the delay. The Contractor shall also give written notice to the Owner and Architect/Engineer of the termination of the delay not more than fourteen (14) days after such termination. If the Owner agrees with the existence and the impact of the delay, the Owner shall extend the Time for Completion, the Contract Completion Date or Final Completion Date, as the case may be, for the length of time that the date for Substantial Completion or Final Completion was actually delayed thereby, and the Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated or actual damages for delay during the period of such extension nor shall the Contractor be due compensation or damages of any kind, under any theory of law, as a result of such delay, the impact of such delay, or acceleration of Work as a result of such delay. In the event a CPM schedule is required by the Contract, no extension of the Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date shall be granted unless the Contractor demonstrates a delay in the critical path of the approved CPM schedule or approved bar graph schedule. (b) Excusable Compensable Delays: If and to the extent that the Contractor is unreasonably delayed at any time in the progress of the Work by any acts or omissions of the Owner, its agents, or employees due to causes within the Owner's control, and the Contractor intends to request an extension of either the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date, as the case may be, and/or additional compensation for damages, if any, caused by the delay, then the Contractor shall notify the Owner and the Architect/Engineer immediately at the time of the occurrence giving rise to the delay by the fastest means available and shall give written notice no later than two (2) working days after inception of the delay. The Contractor's written notice shall specify the nature 45 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 of the delay claimed by the Contractor, the cause of the delay, and the impact of the delay on the Contractor's Work schedule. The Owner shall then have three (3) working days to respond to the Contractor's notice with a resolution, remedy, direction to alleviate the delay, or rejection of the Contractor’s notice of delay. The Owner’s failure to respond within the time required shall be deemed to be a rejection of the Contractor’s notice. The Contractor shall also give written notice to the Owner and Architect/Engineer of the termination of the delay not more than fourteen (14) days after such termination. If and to the extent that a delay is caused by or due to the Owner or A/E taking any actions permitted or required by the Contract, the Contractor shall be entitled to an extension of time or additional compensation only for the portion of the delay that is unreasonable, if any. (c) (d) (e) Non-Excusable Non-Compensable Delays: The Contractor shall not be entitled to an extension of the Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date or to any additional compensation for delays if and to the extent they are (1) caused by acts, omissions, fault, or negligence of the Contractor or his Subcontractors, agents or employees or due to foreseeable causes within their control, including, but not limited to, delays resulting from Defective Work including workmanship and/or materials, from rejected work which must be corrected before dependent work can proceed, from Defective Work or rejected work for which corrective action must be determined before like work can proceed, from incomplete, incorrect, or unacceptable Submittals or samples, or from the failure to furnish enough properly skilled workers, proper materials or necessary equipment to diligently perform the work in a timely manner in accordance with the Project schedule; or (2) due to causes that would entitle the Owner to recover delay costs or damages. No extension of time or additional compensation, if applicable, will be granted for any delay unless the claimed delay directly affects the critical path of the approved CPM schedule or the schedule shown on the approved bar graph schedule, whichever is applicable, and any float has been consumed. No extension of time or additional compensation shall be given for a delay if the Contractor failed to give notice in the manner and within the time prescribed in Subsections 43(a) or (b) above, whichever applies. Furthermore, no extension of time or additional compensation shall be given for any delay unless a written request therefor is made in writing to the Owner, with a copy to the Architect/Engineer, within twenty (20) days of the end of the delay. The request shall state the cause of the delay, the number of days of extension requested, and any additional compensation requested by the Contractor. Failure to give written notice of either the inception or the termination of the cause of delay or failure to present a claim for extension of time and/or monetary compensation within the times prescribed shall constitute a waiver of any claim for extension or additional compensation based upon that cause. Requests for extensions of time and/or compensation for delays pursuant to Subsection 43(b) above must be substantiated by itemized data and records clearly showing that the Work delayed was on the critical path of the approved CPM schedule or on the sequence of Work on the approved bar graph schedule, as modified, whichever applies, and that the additional time and/or costs incurred by the Contractor are directly attributable to the delay in the Work claimed. Furthermore, compensation for delay shall be calculated from the contractual Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date, as adjusted by Change Order, and shall not be calculated based on any early completion planned or scheduled by the Contractor, unless a Change Order has been executed pursuant to Section 19(f) changing the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date to reflect such early completion. See Section 19 for procedures for the Contractor to follow if he plans early completion of the Work and wishes to request a Change Order reflecting the early completion date. Agreed Compensation/Liquidated Damages for Owner Delay: If and to the extent that the Contractor is entitled to an extension in the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date and additional compensation purely as a result of delay under Subsection 43(b) and not as a result of a change in the Work under Section 38, the agreed 46 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 compensation and liquidated damages due the Contractor for days added to the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date for each day of such delay shall be the per diem expenses as determined from an itemized accounting of the direct Site overhead expenses and home office and other indirect overhead expenses only as specified in Subsections 38(e)(6)(i) and (ii). These expenses shall exclude any and all expenses specified in Subsection 38(f). (f) If the Contractor submits a claim for delay damages pursuant to Subsection 43(b) above, the Contractor shall be liable to the Owner for a percentage of all costs incurred by the Owner in investigating, analyzing, negotiating, and litigating or arbitrating the claim, which percentage shall be equal to the percentage of the Contractor's total delay claim which is determined through litigation or arbitration to be false or to have no basis in law or in fact. (§ 2.2-4335, Code of Virginia) (g) Any change in the Contract Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date shall be accomplished only by issuance of a Change Order. (h) Agreed Compensation/Liquidated Damages for Contractor Delay: If the Contractor fails to complete the Work within the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date, the Contractor shall be liable to the Owner in the amounts set forth in the Supplemental General Conditions, if any, not as a penalty, but as fixed, agreed, and liquidated damages for delay until the Work is substantially or finally completed as the case may be. If liquidated damages are not so fixed in the Supplemental General Conditions, the Contractor shall be liable for any and all actual damages sustained as a result of delay. In addition to damages for delay, whether liquidated or actual, the Contractor shall also be liable for any and all actual damages sustained by the Owner as a result of any other breach of the Contract, including, but not limited to, Defective Work and abandonment of the Contract. (i) If liquidated damages are provided by the Supplemental General Conditions, the following provisions apply: (j) 44. (1) If the Work is not substantially complete by the Time for Completion or Contract Completion Date, the Contractor shall owe to the Owner, not as a penalty but as Step One liquidated damages, the sum stated in the Supplemental General Conditions for Step One liquidated damages for each and every partial or total calendar day of delay in Substantial Completion. (2) Once the Work is substantially complete, the accrual of Step One liquidated damages shall cease and the Contractor shall have thirty (30) calendar days in which to achieve Final Completion of the Work. (3) If Final Completion of the Work is not achieved on or before the thirtieth (30th) calendar day after Substantial Completion, and if the Owner has not granted any extension of time, the Contractor shall owe to the Owner, not as a penalty but as Step Two liquidated damages, the sum stated in the Supplemental General Conditions as Step Two liquidated damages for each and every partial or total calendar day of delay in Final Completion. The Contractor waives any and all defenses as to the validity of any liquidated damage provisions in the General Conditions or other Contract Documents, or of any liquidated damages assessed against the Contractor, on the grounds that such damages are void as penalties or are not reasonably related to actual damages. INSPECTION FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION & FINAL COMPLETION (a) The Contractor shall notify the Owner, in writing on the Certificate of Partial or Substantial Completion by the Contractor (Form CO-13.2a), of the date when the Work or designated portion 47 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 thereof, will be, in his opinion, substantially complete and ready for inspection and testing to determine if it has reached Substantial Completion. The notice shall be given at least ten (10) days in advance of said date and shall be forwarded through the Architect/Engineer, who will attach his written endorsement as to whether or not he concurs with the Contractor's statement that the Work will be ready for inspection and testing on the date given. The Architect/Engineer's endorsement is a convenience to the Owner only and shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility in the matter nor shall the Architect/Engineer's endorsement be deemed to be evidence that the Work was substantially complete and ready for inspection and testing. Inspection and testing shall take place at a time(s) mutually agreeable to the Contractor, Owner and Architect/Engineer. The inspection shall include a demonstration by the Contractor that all equipment, systems and operable components of the project function properly and in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall furnish access for the inspection and testing as provided in Section 21 of these General Conditions. The inspection and testing shall determine whether Substantial Completion has been accomplished and shall result in a written list of unfinished Work and Defective Work, commonly referred to as a "punch list", which must be finished and corrected to obtain Final Completion. After successful completion of the testing and the Architect / Engineer determines that, in its opinion, the Work, either in whole or in part, is substantially complete, the Architect / Engineer shall notify the Owner, in writing on the Certificate of Partial or Substantial Completion by the Architect/Engineer (Form CO-13.1a), that the Work, or a specified portion thereof, is recommended to be declared substantially complete. The Owner shall notify the Contractor, in writing, of the date the Owner accepts the Work, or the specified portion thereof, as substantially complete or the Owner shall notify the Contractor of the deficiencies to be corrected or completed before such Work will be accepted as substantially complete. 45. (b) The Contractor shall notify the Owner, in writing on the Certificate of Completion by the Contractor (form CO-13.2), of the date when the Work has reached or will reach Final Completion and will be ready for final inspection and testing. The notice shall be given at least five (5) days in advance of said date and shall be forwarded through the Architect/Engineer, who will attach his endorsement as to whether or not he concurs in the Contractor's statement that the Work will be ready for inspection and testing on the date given. That inspection and any necessary testing shall be conducted in the same manner as the inspection for Substantial Completion. When the Work is finally and totally complete, including the elimination of all defects, the Work shall be finally accepted by the Owner and Final Payment shall be made in accordance with Section 36 of these General Conditions. (c) The Architect/Engineer shall conduct the inspections. The Owner may elect to have other persons of its choosing also participate in the inspections. If one or more Substantial or Final Completion re-inspections are required, the Contractor shall reimburse the Owner for all costs of re-inspection or, at the Owner's option, the costs may be deducted from payments due to the Contractor. (d) A representative of the State Fire Marshal's Office will either be present at the Substantial and Final Completion inspections or otherwise inspect the completed Work and advise the Owner whether the Work meets the fire safety requirements of the applicable building code. (e) Approval of Work at or as a result of any inspection required herein shall not release the Contractor or his surety from responsibility for complying with the Contract. GUARANTEE OF WORK (a) Except as otherwise specified, all Work shall be, and is hereby, guaranteed by the Contractor against defects resulting from the use of materials, equipment or workmanship, which are defective, inferior, or not in accordance with the terms of the Contract, for one (1) year from the 48 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 date of Final Completion of the entire Project by the Owner. Equipment and facilities which have seasonal limitations on their operation (e.g. heating or air conditioning units) shall be guaranteed for one (1) full year from the date of seasonally appropriate tests and acceptance, in writing, by the Owner. Where the Owner agrees to take Beneficial Occupancy of a portion or phase of the Work which has been determined to be substantially complete before the entire Work is finally completed, the guarantees for the materials, equipment and workmanship in that portion or phase shall begin on the date that the Owner takes Beneficial Occupancy, unless otherwise specified in the Supplemental General Conditions, Special Conditions, or by separate agreement. At six (6) months and eleven (11) months after substantial completion, the Contractor shall meet with the Owner to review the status of and assign value to any unresolved warranty, guarantee, and punch list items. (b) If, within any guarantee period, Work which is not in accordance with the Contract, Defective Work, or inferior material, equipment or workmanship is noted by the Owner or Architect/Engineer which requires or renders necessary repairs or changes in connection with the guaranteed Work, the Contractor shall, promptly upon receipt of notice from the Owner, such notice being given not later than two weeks after the guarantee period expires, and without expense to the Owner: (1) Place in satisfactory condition in every particular all of such guaranteed Work and correct all defects, inferior materials, equipment or workmanship therein; (2) Make good all damage to the structure or Site or equipment or contents thereof, which, in the opinion of the Owner or the Architect/Engineer, is the result of the use of materials, equipment or workmanship which are inferior, defective or not in accordance with the terms of the Contract; and (3) Make good any Work or materials or the equipment and contents of structures and/or Site disturbance that results from fulfilling the provisions of this Section. (c) In any case, when in fulfilling the requirements of the Contract and this guarantee or any other guaranty or warranty, the Contractor disturbs any work performed by a separate contractor, he shall restore such work to a condition satisfactory to the Architect/Engineer and Owner and guarantee such restored work to the same extent as if it was guaranteed under this Contract. (d) If the Contractor, after notice, fails to proceed promptly to comply with the terms of the guarantee as set forth in this Section, the Owner may have the defects or inferior materials, equipment or workmanship corrected and the Contractor and his surety shall be liable for all expense incurred. (e) All special warranties and guarantees applicable to definite parts of the Work that may be stipulated in or required by the Contract Documents shall be subject to the terms of this Section during the first year of the life of such special warranty or guarantee. (f) The guarantee of this Section shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, applicable to or arising from this Contract or by law. (g) Nothing contained in this Section shall be construed to establish a period of limitation with respect to any other obligation which the Contractor might have under the Contract Documents, including liability for Defective Work under Section 30. This Section relates only to the specific obligation of the Contractor as set forth in this Section to correct the Work and does not limit the time within which his obligation to comply with the Contract Documents may be sought to be enforced, nor the time within which proceedings may be commenced to establish the Contractor's liability with respect to his other obligations under the Contract Documents. 49 DGS-30-054 (04/13) 46. CO-7 (h) In the event the Work of the Contractor is to be modified by another contractor, either before or after the Final Inspection provided by Section 44 of the General Conditions, the first Contractor shall remain responsible in all respects under this Section's Guarantee of Work and under any other warranties or guarantees, express or implied, applicable to or arising from this Contract or by law. However, the Contractor shall not be responsible for any defects in material or workmanship introduced by the contractor modifying his Work. The first Contractor and the contractor making the modifications shall each be solely responsible for his respective work. The contractor modifying the earlier Work shall be responsible for any damage to or defect introduced into the Work by his modification. If the first contractor claims that a subsequent contractor has introduced defects of materials and/or workmanship into his Work, it shall be the burden of the contractor making the claim to demonstrate clearly the nature and extent of such introduced defects and the other contractor's responsibility for those defects. Any contractor modifying the work of another shall have the same burden if he asserts that defects in his work were caused by the contractor whose work he is modifying. (i) The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Owner and the Owner’s consultants, representatives, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, causes of action, losses, costs, expenses or damages, including but not limited to attorney's fees, of any kind or nature whatsoever, arising from or relating to any bodily injury, including sickness, disease or death, or any property damage, that result from or arise out of the work performed by the Contractor, or by or in consequence of any neglect in safeguarding the Work, through the use of unacceptable materials in the Work, or resulting from any act, omission, negligence, or misconduct of the Contractor, any of his subcontractors, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable. The Owner may retain as much of the moneys due the Contractor under the Contract as the Owner considers necessary to ensure that a fund will be available to pay a settlement or judgment of such suits, actions, or claims. If insufficient monies are or will become due, the Contractor’s surety and/or insurers will not be released from liability until all such claims and actions have been settled and suitable evidence to that effect has been furnished the Owner. ASSIGNMENTS Neither party to the Contract shall assign the Contract in whole or any part without the written consent of the other, nor shall the Contractor assign any moneys due or to become due to him hereunder, without the prior written consent of the Owner. Consent to assignment shall not be unreasonably withheld. No assignment shall relieve any party from its obligations under the Contract. 47. CONTRACTUAL DISPUTES (§2.2-4363, Code of Virginia) (a) Contractual claims, whether for money or for other relief, shall be submitted, in writing, no later than sixty (60) days after Final Payment; however, written notice of the Contractor's intention to file such claim must be given within fourteen (14) days of the time of the occurrence or beginning of the Work upon which the claim is based. Such notice shall state that it is a “notice of intent to file a claim” and include a written statement describing the act or omission of the Owner or its agents that allegedly caused or may cause damage to the Contractor and the nature of the claimed damage. The submission of a timely notice is a prerequisite to recovery under this Section. Failure to submit such notice of intent within the time and in the manner required shall be a conclusive waiver of the claim by the Contractor. Oral notice, the Owner’s actual knowledge, or a written notice given after the expiration of fourteen (14) days of time of the occurrence or beginning of the Work upon which the claim is based, shall not be sufficient to satisfy the requirements of this Section. Although the Contractor may be required to submit certain classes of claims prior to Final Payment, and the Contractor is not prevented from submitting claims during the pendency of the Work, the Owner shall not be obligated to render a final written decision on any claim until after 50 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 Final Payment. All claims shall state that they are “claims” pursuant to this Section, be submitted along with all practically available supporting evidence and documentation and the certification required by Subsection 47(f), and request a final decision. Certificates for payment, applications for payment, vouchers, invoices and similar requests for payment submitted for work done by the Contractor in accordance with the expected contract performance are routine submissions and shall not be considered claims under this Section. Proposed or requested change orders, demands for money compensation or other relief, and correspondence and e-mails to the Owner or its representatives, which do not strictly comply with the requirements of this Section, shall not be considered claims under this Section. 48. (b) No written decision denying a claim or addressing issues related to the claim shall be considered a denial pursuant to this Section unless the written decision makes express reference to this Section and is signed by the Agency head or his designee. The Contractor may not institute legal action prior to receipt of the Owner's final written decision on the claim unless the Owner fails to render such a decision within ninety (90) days of submission of the claim, at which time the claim shall be deemed denied. (c) The decision of the agency head or other signatory on the Contract shall be final and conclusive unless the Contractor within six (6) months of the date of the final decision on a claim, initiates legal action as provided in § 2.2-4364 of the Code of Virginia. Failure of the Owner to render a decision within 90 days shall not result in the Contractor being awarded the relief claimed nor shall it result in any other relief or penalty. The sole result of the Owner's failure to render a decision within 90 days shall be the Contractor's right to immediately institute legal action. No administrative appeals procedure pursuant to § 2.2-4365 of the Code of Virginia has been established for contractual claims under this Contract. (d) Pursuant to § 2.2-4366, Alternative Dispute Resolution, of the Code of Virginia, the Owner may enter into an agreement with the Contractor to submit disputes arising from the performance of this Contract to arbitration and utilize mediation and other alternative dispute resolution procedures. However, such procedures entered into by the Owner, the Commonwealth, or any department, institution, division, commission, board or bureau thereof, shall be non-binding and subject to § 2.2-514, as applicable. (e) In the event that a dispute, claim or controversy between the Owner and the Contractor arises regarding the requirements of the Contract, the performance of the Work, payment due the Contractor, the terms of any Change Order, or otherwise, the Contractor shall not stop, suspend or delay the Work or any part of the Work to be performed under the Contract, or under any Change Order, or as ordered by the Owner. The Contractor shall continue to diligently prosecute the Work to completion, including work required in any Change Order or as directed by the Owner. (f) Along with a claim submitted under this Section, the Contractor shall submit a claim certification form. Claims submitted without the certification form shall not constitute a proper claim and, if not submitted with the certification within the time required, shall be deemed to be waived. (g) The remedies provided in these General Conditions, including costs, expenses, damages or extensions of time, shall be the Contractor’s sole remedies for the acts, omissions or breaches of the Owner, which shall survive termination or breach of the Contract. ASBESTOS (a) This subsection applies to projects involving existing buildings where asbestos abatement is not a part of the Work, when the scope of the project has been reviewed and a comprehensive survey 51 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 conducted by an individual licensed by the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation to conduct building inspections for asbestos containing materials in buildings, and where the Owner has attempted to remove or encapsulate all asbestos containing material that may become friable or damaged during this Project. Prior to commencement of Work, the results of the comprehensive survey or any other asbestos survey shall be made available to the Contractor, who shall be responsible for performing his Work so as not to disturb any remaining asbestos, encapsulated or otherwise, identified in such survey or surveys. If the Contractor discovers or inadvertently disturbs any material that he knows, should have known or has reason to believe, may contain asbestos that has not been previously identified, was overlooked during the removal, was deemed not to be friable or was encapsulated, the Contractor shall stop Work in the area containing or suspected to contain the asbestos, secure the area, and notify the Owner and the Architect/Engineer immediately by telephone or in person with written notice as soon as possible. The Owner will have the suspect material sampled. If the sample is positive and must be disturbed in the course of the Work, the Owner shall have the material repaired or removed and shall pay for the bulk sample analysis. Except as provided in §11-4.1 of the Code of Virginia, if the material disturbed is not within the Contractor's authorized Work and/or Work area or under this Contract, the Contractor shall pay for all associated sampling and abatement costs. 49. 50. (b) If asbestos abatement is included as a part of the Work, the Contractor shall assure that the asbestos abatement work is accomplished by those duly licensed as described in Section 3 of these General Conditions and in accordance with the specific requirements of the Contract and all applicable laws and regulations. (c) If asbestos abatement is included as part of the Work, the licensed asbestos Subcontractor shall obtain the insurance required under Section 11 (e) of these General Conditions. TRAINING, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT (a) As a part of the Work, the Contractor in conjunction with his Subcontractors and Suppliers shall provide the Owner's operations and maintenance personnel with adequate instruction and training in the proper operation and maintenance of any equipment, systems, and related controls provided or altered in the Work. The training requirements may be further defined in the specifications. (b) The Contractor shall provide the Owner with a minimum of two (2) copies of operating, maintenance and parts manuals for all equipment and systems provided in the Work. Further specific requirements may be indicated in the specifications. PROJECT MEETINGS (a) The intention of this Section is that the Contractor, the Owner and the A/E have timely exchange of information and cooperate to accomplish the Work as required by the Contract Documents. The Contractor is responsible for managing the Work, obtaining approvals and requesting clarifications on a timely, reasonable basis. The Owner and its A/E are responsible for making a reasonable effort to provide timely responses to the Contractor. (b) Preconstruction Meeting: 52 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 Prior to the start of construction and no later than 15 calendar days after the Notice to Proceed, a "Preconstruction" meeting shall be held with attendees to include the Owner's Project Manager and Project Inspector, the Architect/Engineer's project manager and representatives of each design discipline involved in the Project, the Regional Fire Marshal, the Contractor's project manager and superintendent (and scheduler, if Contractor desires), and representatives of the Contractor's major Subcontractors. The purpose of the meeting is to clarify and discuss the specifics related to, but not limited to, the following: (c) (1) Persons involved from each entity and their chain of authority including the names of persons authorized to sign Change Orders and any limits to their authority. Name of Contractor’s on-site certified Responsible Land Disturber. (2) Names, addresses, telephone numbers and FAX numbers to be used for Requests for Information (RFI), Requests for Clarification (RFC), Requests for Proposals (RFP), shop drawings, Submittals, and notices. (3) Contractor's proposed construction schedule and Owner's sequencing requirements, if any. (4) Schedule of Values and Certificate for Payment (Form CO-12) requirements and procedures. (5) Procedures for shop drawings, product data and Submittals. (6) Procedures for handling Field Orders and Change Order Form CO-11. (7) Procedures for Contractor's request for time extension, if any. (8) Construction Site requirements, procedures and clarifications to include: - Manner of conducting the Work - Site specialties such as dust and erosion control, stormwater management, project signs, clean up and housekeeping, temporary facilities, utilities, security, and traffic - Safety - Layout of the Work - Quality control, testing, inspections, and notices required Site visits by the A/E and others - Owner's Project Inspector duties - Running Punch List - As-Built Drawings (9) Procedures and documentation of differing or unforeseen Site conditions (10) Monthly Pay Meeting (11) Assignment of responsibility for generation of meeting minutes of all project meetings. (12) Project Close-Out requirements and procedures (13) Project records Monthly Pay Meeting: Section 36 establishes the requirement for a monthly pay meeting which will usually be held at or near the Site. In addition to Owner, A/E and Contractor representatives, the following 53 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 representatives, at a minimum, should be available to attend portions of the meeting, as applicable or necessary: - Owner's Project Inspector Contractor's project superintendent A/E representative of each discipline where Work was performed for the current pay request or where Work is projected to be performed in the coming month. A representative of each subcontractor who performed work included in the current pay request. A representative of each subcontractor who is projected to perform work in the coming month. The following topics should be included, as a minimum, in the monthly pay meeting: (d) (1) Observations of status, quality and workmanship of Work in progress (2) Validation of the Schedule of Values and Certificate for payment (3) Conformance with proposed construction schedule (4) Outstanding Requests for Information, Requests for Clarification and Requests for Proposal (5) Submittals with action pending (6) Status of pending Change Orders (7) Status of Running Punch List items (8) Work proposed for coming pay period (9) Discussions of any problems or potential problems which need attention Other Meetings: Requirements for other meetings, such as progress meetings, coordination meetings, preinstallation meetings and/or partnering meetings, may be included in the Contract Documents. 51. SMALL BUSINESSES AND WOMEN-OWNED AND MINORITY-OWNED (SWAM) BUSINESS PROCUREMENT PLAN The Owner has developed a “SWAM” plan for increasing procurement from small, womenowned, and minority-owned (SWAM) businesses in its construction program. The Owner’s SWAM aspirational goals and plan are included in the contract documents for use by the Contractor in developing its plan for involving small, women-owned, and minority-owned (SWAM) businesses through subcontracting, and through the purchasing of goods, materials, supplies and services in the Contractor’s construction program. The Owner’s plan provides criteria and goals for the Contractor in developing a plan, for submitting its plan and for reporting its achievements in meeting the goals established for the Contract. The Contractor shall, as soon as practicable after the posting of the Notice of Intent to Award but not later than 30 days after the effective date of the contract, provide a list of Subcontractors that are proposed to perform the work, including SWAM subcontractors, vendors and suppliers showing their DMBE certification numbers where applicable. Upon receipt of the list, the Owner 54 DGS-30-054 (04/13) CO-7 may, based on the Agency SWAM Procurement Plan require the Contractor to provide additional information on work that has been bid by SWAM contractors, and areas in which the scope of work may be reduced in size to increase the pool of potential SWAM contractors. Selection of particular Subcontractors for a certain part of the work shall be made in accord with Section 9, Subcontracts of the General Conditions. ***ENDOFGENERALCONDITIONS*** 55 7KLVSDJHLQWHQWLRQDOO\EODQN DGS-30-064 (Rev. 04/13) CO-9 Page 1 of 4 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CONTRACT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR This Contract, dated this ______________________ day of ___________________, between _______________________________________________________________________ (“Owner”) and _______________________________________________________________________ (“Contractor”), is binding among and between these parties as of the date of the Owner’s signature. RECITALS 1. The legal address for the Owner and for the Contractor and the addresses for delivery of Notices and other project documents are as follows: Owner: Attn: Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: FAX: Contractor: Attn: Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: FAX: Contractor’s Virginia License #: FEIN/SSN: SCC ID #: 2. The Project is identified as: Project Title: Project Code – PC#: General Project Description: The Project Code (PC#) indicated above is required to be shown for identification purposes on all project-related material and documents including but not limited to, Notices, Change Orders, Submittals, Requests For Information, Requests For Quotes, Field Orders, minutes of meetings, correspondence, Schedule of Values and Certificate For Payment (Form CO-12), test reports, and related materials. DGS-30-064 (Rev. 04/13) CO-9 Page 2 of 4 3. After competitive sealed bidding pursuant to the Virginia Public Procurement Act, Contractor is awarded this Contract to perform the Work described by the Contract Documents for the abovedescribed project (“the Project”). THEREFORE, in consideration of the Recitals set forth above, and good and valuable consideration as set forth below, the parties agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK: The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, and materials and perform all Work for the Project in strict accordance with the Contract Documents. 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: This Contract shall consist of the following: - this Contract Between Owner and Contractor (Form CO-9); the Bid Form submitted by the Contractor; Post Bid Modification(s), if any, dated _______________________; the General Conditions of the Construction Contract (Form CO-7), referred to as the “General Conditions”; the Supplemental General Conditions, if any; the Special Conditions attached to the Owner’s Invitation for Bids; the Owner’s Project Plans and Specifications dated _____________________; All of these documents are incorporated herein by reference. 3. TIME FOR COMPLETION: The Work shall be commenced on a date to be specified in a written order of the Owner and shall be Substantially Completed within _______ calendar days or not later than the Contract Completion Date which is _________________.The Work shall be finally completed within 30 days after the date of Substantial Completion of the Work. 4. COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR: The Owner agrees to pay and the Contractor agrees to accept as just and adequate compensation for the performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents the sum of _____________________________________________dollars ($__________________). 5. PAYMENTS: The procedures for establishing a Schedule of Values for the Work, for requesting monthly progress payments for Work in place, and for requesting payments for properly stored materials are stated in the General Conditions. Unless otherwise provided under the Contract Documents, interest on payments due the Contractor shall accrue at the rate of one percent per month. §2.2-4354 of the Code of Virginia. eVA Vendor Registration: The bidder or offeror shall be a registered vendor in eVA. See the attached eVA Vendor Registration Requirements. DGS-30-064 (Rev. 04/13) CO-9 Page 3 of 4 GCPay: Contract payments shall be made through GCPay. Go to to see the fee schedule and the instructions on how to process pay applications. 6. CONTRACTUAL CLAIMS: Any contractual claims shall be submitted in accordance with the contractual dispute procedures set forth in Section 47 of the General Conditions and the supplemental instructions or procedures of the contracting State Agency, if any, attached to this Contract. 7. NON-DISCRIMINATION: § 2.2-4311 of the Code of Virginia applies to this contract. See Section 4 of the General Conditions. 8. AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSACT BUSINESS: The Contractor certifies that, if it is organized as a stock or nonstock corporation, limited liability company, business trust, or limited partnership or registered as a registered limited liability partnership, it is authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth as a domestic or foreign business entity if so required by Title 13.1 or Title 50 of the Code of Virginia, or as otherwise required by law, and shall not allow its existence to lapse or its certificate of authority or registration to transact business in the Commonwealth, if so required under Title 13.1 or Title 50, to be revoked or cancelled at any time during the term of the Contract. The Contractor understands and agrees that the Owner may void this Contract if the Contractor fails to comply with these provisions. 9. DEBARMENT AND ENJOINMENT: By signing contract, the undersigned certifies that this Contractor or any officer, director, partner or owner is not currently barred from bidding on contracts by any Agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia, or any public body or agency of another state, or any agency of the federal government, nor is this Contractor a subsidiary or affiliate of any firm/corporation that is currently barred from bidding on contracts by any of the same. 10. “ALL RISK” BUILDER’S RISK INSURANCE: As this project is a modification to an existing building, in accordance with Section 12(c) of the General Conditions, the requirements of Section 12(a) of the General Conditions do not apply. DGS-30-064 (Rev. 04/13) CO-9 Page 4 of 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto on the day and year written below have executed this agreement in three (3) counterparts, each of which shall, without proof or accountancy for the other counterparts, be deemed on original thereof. For the CONTRACTOR: For the OWNER: By: _______________________________ (signature in ink) By: _______________________________ (date) _______________________________ (signature in ink) (date) _______________________________ (typed name) (typed name) _______________________________ _______________________________ (typed title) (typed title) Attest: Attest: _______________________________ (signature in ink) (date) Attachments: - Bid Form Submitted by the Contractor - Post Bid Modification, if any _______________________________ (signature in ink) (date) DGS-30-076 CO-9a (Rev. 05/02) Page 1 of 1 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA WORKERS' COMPENSATION Certificate of Coverage Section 2.2-4332, Code of Virginia, requires construction contractors and subcontractors to obtain and maintain workers' compensation insurance while performing work on behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia, its departments, institutions, or agencies. This same requirement applies on behalf of local governments. Evidence of coverage must be provided prior to commencement of Work. This form must be completed and returned to the organization contracting the Work. The undersigned organization stipulates that it: A. B. has workers' compensation insurance and is in compliance with the Workers' Compensation statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia. _____ Yes _____ No Insurance Company ____________________________________ Policy expiration date __________________________________ is self insured for workers' compensation. _______ Yes Title of Construction Contract: ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Contract Number: ______________________________________________________________ Signed by: _____________________________________ Title:_____________________________________ Firm Name: _____________________________________ Address:_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ This page intentionally blank. DGS-30-084 CO-10 (Rev 09/07) Page 1 of 5 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA STANDARD PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That principal place of business is located at of ‘Notices’ is located at , the Contractor (“Principal”) whose and (“Surety”) whose address for delivery are held and firmly bound unto the Commonwealth of Virginia, , the Owner (“Obligee”) in the amount of Dollars ($ ) for the payment whereof Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has by written agreement dated entered into a contract with Obligee for which contract (the "Contract") is by reference expressly made a part hereof; NOW THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that, if the Principal shall promptly and faithfully perform said Contract in strict conformity with the plans, specifications and conditions of the Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Provided, that any alterations which may be made in the terms of the Contract, or in the Work to be done under it, or the giving by the Obligee of any extension of time for the performance of the Contract, or any other alterations, extensions or forbearance on the part of either or both of the Obligee or the Principal to the other shall not in any way release the Principal and the Surety, or either of them, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns from their liability hereunder, notice to the Surety of any such alterations, extension, or forbearance being hereby waived. No action shall be brought on this bond unless brought within one year after: (a) completion of the Contract and all Work thereunder, including expiration of all warranties and guarantees, or (b) discovery of the defect or breach of warranty or guarantee if the action be for such. The Surety represents to the Principal and to the Obligee that it is legally authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Virginia. DGS-30-084 CO-10 (Rev 09/07) Page 2 of 5 Signed and sealed this day of Contractor / Principal _________________________________________ Witness (SEAL) By:_________________________________ Typed Name: Title: Surety (SEAL) By:_________________________________ Attorney-in-Fact Typed Name: AFFIDAVIT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ATTORNEY-IN-FACT COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA (or alternatively, Commonwealth or State of ) CITY of I, the undersigned notary public, do certify that , whose name is signed to the foregoing performance bond in the sum of and dated and which names the Commonwealth of Virginia, , as Obligee, personally appeared before me today in the above jurisdiction and made oath that he/she is the attorney-in-fact of ,a corporation which is the Surety in the foregoing bond, that he/she is duly authorized to execute on the above Surety’s behalf the foregoing bond pursuant to the Power of Attorney noted above and attached hereto, and on behalf of the surety, he/she acknowledged the foregoing bond before me as the above Surety’s act and deed. She/he has further certified that her/his Power of Attorney has not been revoked. [Complete if Power is recorded: Clerk’s Office: ; Deed Book/Page No. or Instrument No.: .] Given under my hand this day of . _________________________________ Notary Public My name (printed) is: My registration number is: My commission expires: APPROVED: _______________________________________________ Attorney General/Designee Date (SEAL) DGS-30-084 CO-10 (Rev 09/07) Page 3 of 5 Terms and Conditions of the Performance Bond 1 The Contractor and the Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to the Owner for the prompt and faithful performance of the Construction Contract, which is incorporated herein by reference. 2 If the Contractor promptly and faithfully performs the Construction Contract in strict conformity with the plans, specifications and conditions of the Construction Contract, the Surety and the Contractor shall have no obligations under this Bond. 3 In the event of the Contractor's Default, and subsequent notification to the Surety pursuant to Section 41 of the General Conditions of the Construction Contract, the Surety shall, within fourteen (14) days of receipt of such notice, contact the Owner in writing, and arrange a meeting with the Owner to discuss methods of completing the Construction Contract. See paragraph 4, below, for the options to be discussed. If the Surety fails to arrange a meeting or fails to attend such meeting, the Surety shall be deemed to be in default on this Bond and the Owner may, at its sole discretion, take what measures it deems necessary to protect the Owner's interests, without further notice to the Surety, and the Owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner under the Construction Contract or under Virginia law. 4 Within thirty (30) days after such meeting, during which time the Surety may investigate and otherwise analyze the project, and which period shall not toll any Construction Contract time periods nor operate as a waiver of any of the Owner's rights, the Surety shall, at its own expense, notify the Owner in writing that it is taking one of the following actions, which shall be acceptable to the Owner, at the Owner's sole discretion: 4.1 By written takeover agreement with the Owner, the Surety itself shall undertake to perform and complete the Construction Contract, which it may do through its licensed agents or through licensed independent contractors. If the Owner, at its sole discretion, consents, the Contractor may serve as the Surety's independent contractor (however, due to conflicts with the Virginia Public Procurement Act, the Owner may not directly contract with an otherwise qualified independent contractor produced by the Surety); or 4.2 The Surety may, if acceptable to the Owner and at the Owner's sole discretion, waive its right to perform and complete the Construction Contract, and with reasonable promptness under the circumstances: 4.2.1 Pay to the Owner all amounts for which it may be liable to the Owner as surety on this Performance Bond, including the damages described in paragraph 6 below; or 4.2.2 Deny liability, in whole or in part, and provide written notice thereof to the Owner, citing reasons therefor. 5 If, after the meeting described in paragraph 4, above, the Surety does not proceed with reasonable promptness with one of the options provided in subparagraphs 4.1 or 4.2 DGS-30-084 CO-10 (Rev 09/07) Page 4 of 5 (including its subparts), above, the Owner may send additional written notice to the Surety demanding that the Surety perform its obligations under the Bond. If the Surety does not proceed to perform its obligations under the Bond within fifteen (15) days after receipt of said notice, the Surety shall be deemed to be in default on this Bond. Thereafter, the Owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner under the Bond, the Construction Contract or Virginia law. If the Surety proceeds as provided in Subparagraph 4.2, and the Surety and the Owner are unable to agree as to the amount for which the Surety may be liable to the Owner, or if the Surety has denied liability, in whole or in part, the Owner, without further notice, shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner under the Bond, the Construction Contract or Virginia law. In such event, the Owner may immediately proceed to complete the work in any manner authorized by law. 6 After the Owner has terminated the Contractor’s right to complete the Construction Contract, and if the Surety elects to act under Subparagraph 4.1 or 4.2.1, above, then the responsibilities of the Surety to the Owner shall not be greater or less than those of the Contractor under the Construction Contract, and the responsibilities of the Owner to the Surety shall not be greater than or less than those of the Owner under the Construction Contract. To the limit of the amount of this Bond, plus the increased cost of any change orders under the Construction Contract, provided the Owner commits the balance of the Construction Contract Price to the prompt and faithful completion of the Construction Contract, the Surety is obligated without duplication for: 6.1 The responsibilities of the Contractor for correction of defective work and completion of the Construction Contract; 6.2 Additional legal, design professional and delay costs resulting from the Contractor’s Default, and resulting from the actions or failure to act of the Surety under Paragraph 4; and 6.3 Liquidated damages, or if no liquidated damages are specified in the Construction Contract, actual damages caused by delayed performance or non-performance of the Contractor. The Owner, at its sole discretion, may waive its claim to delay costs and/or liquidated damages. 7 The Surety shall not be liable to the Owner for obligations of the Contractor that are unrelated to the Construction Contract, and the Balance of the Contract Price shall not be reduced or set off on account of any such unrelated obligations. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to any person or entity other than the Owner, its officers, agencies, administrators, successors or assigns. 8 The Surety hereby waives notice of any changes, including changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related subcontracts, purchase orders and other obligations. The Surety understands and agrees that the penal amount of the bond shall be increased or decreased by any changes to time and amount incorporated into any Change Orders. DGS-30-084 CO-10 (Rev 09/07) Page 5 of 5 9 Any proceeding by the Owner, legal or equitable, under this Bond may be instituted in any Virginia state court of competent jurisdiction, as permitted under Section 8 of the General Conditions of the Construction Contract and Virginia Code § 2.2-4337 and 2.2-4340, or by the Contractor or Surety, as permitted under the Construction Contract or under Virginia law. 10 Notice to the Surety shall be mailed or delivered to the address shown on the Standard Performance Bond in the space for Surety address for delivery of Notices 11 When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construction was to be performed, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions conforming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond when furnished to comply with statutory requirements. 12 DEFINITIONS 12.1 Balance of the Construction Contract Price: The total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor under the Construction Contract after all proper adjustments have been made, reduced by all valid and proper payments made to or on behalf of the Contractor under the Construction Contract. 12.2 Construction Contract: The agreement between the Owner and the Contractor identified on first page of the Standard Performance Bond, DGS-30-084, CO-10, including all Construction Contract Documents and duly executed modifications and change orders thereto. 12.3 Contractor Default: Failure of the Contractor, as defined under Section 41 of the General Conditions to the Construction Contract, which has neither been remedied, as permitted under Section 41 at the Owner's sole discretion, nor expressly waived by the Owner, to perform or otherwise to comply with the terms of the Construction Contract. 13 Nothing in these General Conditions shall prevent a surety from becoming involved in the Construction Contract prior to termination, upon notice from the Owner of the Contractor's failure to promptly and faithfully perform the Construction Contract in strict conformity with the plans, specifications and conditions of the Construction Contract. DGS-30- 088 (Rev 09/11) CO-10.1 Page 1 of 3 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA STANDARD LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That principal place of business is located ‘Notices’ is located at and , the Contractor (“Principal”) whose (“Surety”) whose address for delivery of are held and firmly bound unto the Commonwealth of Virginia, , the Owner (“Obligee”) in the amount of Dollars ($ ) for the payment whereof Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has by written agreement dated entered into a contract with Obligee for which contract (the "Contract") is by reference expressly made a part hereof; NOW THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that, if the Principal shall promptly make payment to all claimants as hereinafter defined, for labor performed and material furnished in the prosecution of the Work provided for in the Contract, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect, subject, however, to the following conditions. The Principal and Surety, jointly and severally, hereby agree with Obligee as follows: 1. A claimant is defined as one having a direct contract with the Principal or with a subcontractor of the Principal for labor, material, or both for use in the performance of the Contract. A ''subcontractor'' of the Principal, for the purposes of this bond only, includes not only those subcontractors having a direct contractual relationship with the Principal, but also any other contractor who undertakes to participate in the Work which the Principal is to perform under the aforesaid Contract, whether there are one or more intervening subcontractors contractually positioned between it and the Principal (for example, a subcontractor). ''Labor'' and ''material'' shall include, but not be limited to, public utility services and reasonable rentals of equipment, but only for periods when the equipment rented is actually used at the work site. 2. Any claimant who has a direct contractual relationship with the Principal and who has performed labor or furnished material in accordance with the Contract documents in furtherance of the Work provided in the Contract, who has not been paid in full therefor before the expiration of ninety (90) days after the day on which such claimant performed the last of such labor or furnished the last of such materials for which he claims payment, may bring an action on this bond to recover any amount due him for such labor or material, and may prosecute such action to final judgment and have execution on the judgment. The Obligee need not be a party to such action and shall not be liable for the payment of any costs, fees or expenses of any such suit. 3. Any claimant who has a direct contractual relationship with any subcontractor of the Principal but who has no contractual relationship, express or implied, with the Principal, may bring an action on this bond only if he has given written notice to the Principal within ninety (90) days from the day on which the claimant performed the last of the labor or furnished the last of the materials for which he claims payment, stating with substantial accuracy the amount claimed and the name of the person for whom the Work was performed or to whom the material was furnished. Notice to the Principal shall be served by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, in an envelope addressed to the Principal at any place where his office is DGS-30- 088 (Rev 09/11) CO-10.1 Page 2 of 3 regularly maintained for the transaction of business. Claims for sums withheld as retainages with respect to labor performed or materials furnished shall not be subject to the time limitations stated in this paragraph 3. 4. 5. No suit or action shall be commenced hereunder by any claimant. a. Unless brought within one year after the day on which the person bringing such action last performed labor or last furnished or supplied materials, it being understood, however, that if any limitation embodied in this bond is prohibited by any law controlling the construction hereof, the limitation embodied within this bond shall be deemed to be amended so as to be equal to the minimum period of limitation permitted by such law. b. Other than in a Virginia court of competent jurisdiction, with venue as provided by statute, or in the United States District Court for the district in which the project, or any part thereof is situated. The amount of this bond shall be reduced by and to the extent of any payment or payments made in good faith hereunder. DGS-30- 088 (Rev 09/11) Signed and sealed this CO-10.1 Page 3 of 3 day of Contractor / Principal _________________________________________ Witness (SEAL) By: _________________________________ Typed Name: Title: Surety (SEAL) By: _________________________________ Attorney-in-Fact Typed Name: AFFIDAVIT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ATTORNEY-IN-FACT COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA (or alternatively, Commonwealth or State of ) CITY of I, the undersigned notary public, do certify that , whose name is signed to the foregoing labor and material payment bond in the sum of and dated and which names the Commonwealth of Virginia, , as Obligee, personally appeared before me today in the above jurisdiction and made oath that he/she is the attorney-infact of ,a corporation which is the Surety in the foregoing bond, that he/she is duly authorized to execute on the above Surety’s behalf the foregoing bond pursuant to the Power of Attorney noted above and attached hereto, and on behalf of the surety, he/she acknowledged the foregoing bond before me as the above Surety’s act and deed She/he has further certified that her/his Power of Attorney has not been revoked. [Complete if Power is recorded: Clerk’s Office: ; Deed Book/Page No. or Instrument No.: .] Given under my hand this day of . _________________________________ Notary Public My name (printed) is: My registration number is: My commission expires: APPROVED: _______________________________________________ Attorney General/Designee Date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I have reviewed the costs proposed and find Date: Title: Signature: Name: $0.00 Sales Tax $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal Equip. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 L=CxK Total Equipment Cost $0.00 K Equipment Cost Per Unit Direct Equipment GC-1 $0.00 J=CxI Total Material Cost Direct Material Material Cost Per Unit Subtotal Labor Total Direct Labor Cost Total Direct Material Cost Total Equipment Cost Subtotal Overhead and Profit * (%) Description $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 H=FxG $0.00 G Total Labor Cost 0.00 F=CxE Total Direct Labor Hours Hourly Wage Rate, Excl. Taxes & Ins. Direct Labor Note: Mark-up is capped in conformance with the provisions of the General Conditions (CO-7). *Limited to 15% on self-performed work. **Limited to a total of 10%, shared (cumulative total) if multiple tier subs, on subcontracted work. See Mark-up limitations for a more detailed description. 3.99 2.99 $0.00 3.09 3.10 2.08 2.09 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 Item No. 3.06 3.07 3.08 C Total Cost 2.05 2.06 2.07 Total Subcontract Costs B A 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 Subcontractor Name (List totals from attached SC-1 forms) Item No. SUBCONTRACT COSTS Total Direct Costs D 1.99 C Quantity Subtotal from Estimate Continuation Sheets Subtotal (S/T) Direct Costs: Taxes/Insurance: FICA, FUI, SUI, & Workmens' Comp. B 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.97 1.98 Description A Qty Units Direct Labor Hours Per Unit GENERAL CONTRACTOR DIRECT COSTS General Contractor: Change Description: GENERAL CONTRACTOR ESTIMATE FOR CHANGE ORDER Scope Description Project Code: Agency: Project: Item No. (Rev. 05/13) DGS-30-200 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal from Estimate Continuation Sheets Subtotal (S/T) Direct Costs: Taxes/Insurance: Total Direct Costs 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.97 1.98 1.99 S/C Cost to GC-1 Form*** Total Subcontractor Cost Sub-Subcontractor Cost ** Subtotal Overhead and Profit * (%) I Cost Per Unit $0.00 $0.00 3.06+3.07 $0.00 Item 2.99 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Cost Total Mat'l 3.04+3.05 3.01+3.02+3.03 Item 1.99L Item 1.99J Item 1.99H $0.00 $0.00 Sales Tax Date: Title: Signature: Name: $0.00 SC-1 K Cost Per Unit Submitted By Total Equip. Sales Tax $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 L=CxK Equipment Cost Total Direct Equipment Equipment $0.00 Subtotal Equip. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 J=CxI Total Material Cost Direct Material Material $0.00 Subtotal Mat'l $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 H=FxG Labor Cost Total Note: Mark-up is capped in conformance with the provisions of the General Conditions (CO-7). *Limited to 15% on self-performed work. **Limited to a total of 10%, shared (cumulative total) if multiple tier subs, on subcontracted work. Total mark-up on subcontracted work is calculated on the GC-1 form. See mark-up limitations for a more detailed description. *** The subcontractor cost carried forward to GC-1 form does not include mark-up on sub-subcontractor costs. This mark-up is calculated on the GC-1 form. The GC and its subcontractors shall establish how the mark-up is to be distributed among the various subcontractors involved in the work. 3.99 2.99 $0.00 3.06 3.07 2.05 2.06 Total Sub-Subcontract Costs 3.04 3.05 2.03 2.04 Total Equipment Cost Total Direct Material Cost Total Direct Labor Cost 3.02 Description 3.01 3.03 C SUMMARY Total Labor % of Item 1.97H = Subtotal Labor G Rate, Excl. Taxes & Ins. Item No. 2.02 B A Total Cost 2.01 Sub-Subcontractor Name (List totals from attached SS-1 forms) Item No. SUB-SUBCONTRACT COSTS FICA, FUI, SUI, & Workmens' Comp. 0.00 F=CxE 1.03 E Direct Labor Labor Hours 0.00 D Hours Per Unit Hourly Wage Direct Labor Total 1.02 C B Qty Units Direct Labor SUBCONTRACTOR DIRECT COSTS General Contractor: Subcontractor: Subcontractor Trade: 0.00 Quantity Description Scope Description Change Description: Project Code: Agency: Project: SUBCONTRACTOR ESTIMATE FOR CHANGE ORDER 1.01 A Item No. (Rev. 05/13) DGS-30-204 Total Direct Costs Subtotal Labor Subtotal Overhead and Profit* (%) Total Sub-Subcontractor 3.04 3.05 3.99 Note: Mark-up is capped in conformance with the provisions of the General Conditions (CO-7). *Limited to 15% on self-performed work. See Mark-up limitations for a more detailed description. Total Direct Material Cost Total Equipment Cost 3.03 Total Direct Labor Cost 3.02 Description No. SUMMARY Total Labor 3.01 Item FICA, FUI, SUI, & Workmens' Comp. 1.99 0.00 1.08 G Taxes & Ins. Rate, Excl. 5.00% % of Item 1.97H = 0.00 1.07 Taxes/Insurance: 0.00 1.06 1.98 0.00 1.05 Subtotal (S/T) Direct Costs: 0.00 1.04 1.97 0.00 1.03 Subtotal from Estimate Continuation Sheets 0.00 1.09 0.00 F=CxE Labor Hours Direct Labor Hourly Wage Direct Labor Total 1.02 E Per Unit Hours Direct Labor I Per Unit Cost 3.01+3.02+3.03 Item 1.99L Item 1.99J Item 1.99H $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Cost Total Mat'l $0.00 Sales Tax Date: Title: Signature: Name: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 J=CxI Cost Material Total Direct Material Material $0.00 Subtotal Mat'l $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 H=FxG Cost Labor Total SUB-SUBCONTRACTOR DIRECT COSTS General Contractor: Subcontractor: Sub-Subcontractor: Sub-Subcontractor Trade: 1.01 D Units B A C Description No. Quantity Qty Scope Description Change Description: Project Code: Agency: Project: SUB-SUBCONTRACTOR ESTIMATE FOR CHANGE ORDER Item (Rev. 05/13) DGS-30-208 Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 L=CxK Cost Equipment Submitted By Total Equip. Sales Tax Subtotal Equip. K Per Unit Cost Equipment Direct Equipment SS-1 DGS-30-108 CO-13 (Rev. 02/01) Page 1 of 1 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA AFFIDAVIT OF PAYMENT OF CLAIMS By: This day personally appeared before me, , , a Notary Public in and for the City (County) of and, being by me first duly sworn, states that all subcontractors and suppliers of labor and materials have been paid all sums due them for work performed or materials furnished in the performance of the Contract between the Commonwealth of Virginia, _____________________________________________________________ ______________, Owner, and______________________________________________ , Contractor, ,20 dated , for the construction of or arrangements have been made by the Contractor satisfactory to such subcontractors and suppliers with respect to payments of such sums as may be due them by the Contractor. Typed Contractor Name By: Signature Typed Name &Title of Person Signing Subscribed and sworn to before me this expires on the day of day of , 20 , 20 . Notary Public . My commission This page intentionally blank. MATERIAL/ACTIVITY Piles Soil/Rock Piles Soil Soil Wind Seismic PreͲconstructionconference Y/C/P/NA CompactionofFillMaterials:Performsievetests andmodifiedProctortestsofeachsourceoffill material, per ASTM standards. Inspect placement, life thickness and compaction of controlledfillTestdensityofliftoffillbynuclear meth.Verifyextentandslopeoffillplacement. Bearing at bottom of footing excavations: Inspect soils below footings for adequate bearing capacity and consistency with geotechnical report ; Inspect removal of unsuitablematerialandpreparationofsubgrade priortoplacementofcontrolledfill BottomofCaissons Driving records, tip and cutoff elevations: Inspect and log pile driving operations; Record pile driving resistance and verify compliance with driving criteria; Inspect piles for damage from driving and plum.; Verify pile size, length and accessories; Inspect installation of drilled pier foundations; Verify pier diameter, bell diameter,lengths,embedmentintobedrockand suitability LoadTest FOUNDATION Quality Assurance Plan; Seismic Classification (C,D,E,F) QualityAssurancePlan;WindSpeed>110mph QUALITYASSURANCE Y GENERAL Meeting with parties listed in Section 6 of VTSIGPtodiscussSpecialInspectionprocedures priortocommencementofwork TYPEOFINSPECTION:Scope Specifications 1808.2.8.3 1704.9 1704.8 1810 1704.7 Specifications Construction 1704.7 FieldReview 1705.4 1705.3 ScheduledbySIwiththeContractor priortocommencementofwork PE/GE PE/GE PE/GE PE/GE PE/GE PE/SE/ME PE/SE/ME AllAgencies 1 2 2 2 2 1and 2 APPLICABLETOTHISPROJECT Agent EXTENT/REFERENCE AGENT COMPLETED Qualifications 2009VUSBCSCHEDULEOFSPECIALINSPECTIONS HECOͲ6B ReinforcingSteel ReinforcingSteel ReinforcingSteel Concrete Concrete Piers ReinforcementBar MATERIAL/ACTIVITY Y/C/P/NA Ready mix plant quality control: Review concrete batch tickets and verify compliance with approved mix design. Verify that water added at the site doesnot exceedthat allowed bythemixdesign,aspermittedbyASTMC94. Mixdesigntestsandcertificates:SeenotesB,C &D–submitappropriatecertificate Shop drawings of reinforcing steel: Verify compliance with specified design loads and specifications ; verify on site conditions match shopdrawingdetails Placement of Reinforcing Steel: Inspect size, spacing, cover, positioning and grade of reinforcingsteel.Verifythatreinforcingbarsare free from oil or other deleterious materials. Inspect bar laps and mechanical splices. Verify thatbarsareadequatelytiedandsupportedon chairsorbolsters. Welding: Visually inspect all reinforcing steel wide CONCRETE SizeandPlacementinfoundations:Inspectsize, spacing, cover, positioning, and grade of reinforcingsteel.Verifythatreinforcingbarsare free from oil or other deleterious materials. Inspect bar laps and mechanical splices. Verify thatbarsareadequatelytiedandsupportedon chairsorbolsters. Size and placement of reinforcement bar: Inspect size, spacing, cover, positioning, and gradeofreinforcingsteel.Verifythatreinforcing bars are free from oil or other deleterious materials. Inspect bar laps and mechanical splices.Verifythatbarsareadequatelytiedand supportedonchairsorbolsters. TYPEOFINSPECTION:Scope 1704.4 Specifications 1704.4 ACI Specifications 1704.4.1 Specifications Drawings, Specifications, NoteA,B,C,D 1704.4 Specifications ACISubmittalandFieldReview ACI1901.2 1704.4 ACCICCIICCͲ RNSI PE/SER ACCICCIICCͲ RNSI ACICCIICCͲRNSI 2 1 1 1 2 APPLICABLETOTHISPROJECT Agent EXTENT/REFERENCE AGENT COMPLETED Qualifications ACICCIICCͲRNSI ACI318 1704.4 1901.2 2 Precast Precast Prestressed Prestressed Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Formwork Formwork MATERIAL/ACTIVITY Design, placement and shoring: Visually inspect placement, bracing and general construction of formwork;reviewdesignofformwork RemovalandReshoring:Ensureimplementation of shoring removal schedule is established and controlled Sampling and Testing: Test concrete compressivestrength(ASTMC31&C39),slump (ASTM C143), air content (ASTM C231 or C173) andtemperature(ASTMC1064) Mix proportions and Mix on Delivery Tickets: VerifyUse Placement procedures: Inspect placement of concrete. Verify that concrete conveyance and depositingavoidssegregationorcontamination. Verifythatconcreteisproperlyconsolidated. Curing temperatures and techniques: Inspect curing,coldweatherandhotweatherprotection procedures Prestressing procedures and forces: Inspect placement,stressing,groutingandprotectionof postͲtensioningtendons.Verifythattendonsare correctly positioned, supported, tied, and wrapped.Recordtendonelongations. Shopdrawingsofprestressedunits:Verify compliancewithspecifieddesignloadsand specifications;verifyonsiteconditionsmatch shopdrawingdetails PlantCertification/QualityControlof Manufacturer:Reviewplantoperationsand qualitycontrolprocedures FabricatorExempt Shop drawings of precast: Verify compliance with specified design loads and specification; verify onͲsite conditions match shop drawing details TYPEOFINSPECTION:Scope Y/C/P/NA Specifications 1704.2 1704.4 1704.4 1905.11 ACI 1905.9 1905.10 1704 1704.4 1905.6 PE/SER ACICCIICCͲRCSI ICCͲPCSI PE/SE ICCͲPCSI ACICCIICCͲRCSI ACICCIICCͲRCSI ACICCIICCͲRCSI ACIͲCFTTACIͲ STT APPLICABLETOTHISPROJECT Agent EXTENT/REFERENCE AGENT COMPLETED Qualifications 1906.1 ACICCIICCͲRCSI ACI318 VUSBC1704.4 1906.2 ACICCIICCͲRCSI VUSBC1704.4 GroutingOperations PrestressedMasonry MortarJoints InstallationofMasonry MixingofMortarandGrout ReinforcingSteel ReinforcingSteel MaterialCertification AnchorRods Precast Precast MATERIAL/ACTIVITY Y/C/P/NA Certificates, Tests and Technical Data: For clay and/or concrete masonryͲsubmittal and field reviewmeetingallspecifications FireResistantrateassembliesincluded ShopDrawings:Verifycompliancewithspecified design loads and specifications; verify on site conditionsmatchshopdrawingdetails Condition,Size,Location,SpacingofReinforcing Steel: Inspect size, location, condition, spacing andlappingorreinforcingsteelInspectwelding ofreinforcingsteel Proportioning and Mixing: Inspect proportioning, mixing and retempering of mortarandgrout Application & Installation: Inspect size, layout, bondingandplacementofmasonryunits Application & Installation: Inspect construction of mortar joints including tooling and filling of headjoints Application&Installation:Inspectionplacement, anchorageandstressingofprestressingbars Application & Installation: Inspect placement and consolidation of grout. Inspect masonry cleanͲoutsforhighliftgrouting (IBCsection1704.5.1,1704.5.2and1704.5.3) 1704.5 ACI530.1 1704.5 ACI530.1 1704.5 ACI530.1 1704.5 ACI530.1 1704.5 ACI530.1 1704.5 ACI530.1 Specs. 1704.5 1704.5 1708.1 ACI530.1 ICCͲSMSI ICCͲSMSI ICCͲSMSI ICCͲSMSI ICCͲSMSI ICCͲSMSI AWSͲCWI PE/SER PE/SE ACIͲCCIICCͲRCSI PE/SE APPLICABLETOTHISPROJECT Agent EXTENT/REFERENCE AGENT COMPLETED Qualifications 1704.4 PE/SE Erection of precast: Inspect erection of precast concrete including member configuration, connections,weldingandgrouting Inspection of Connections: Inspect size, 1704.4 positioning and embedment of connections. Inspect concrete placement and consolidation aroundanchors Anchors cast or drilled and anchored in 1912 concrete: Inspect size, positioning and embedment of anchor rods. Inspect concrete placementandconsolidationaroundanchors MASONRYCONSTRUCTIONͲRequiredInspectionLevel12 TYPEOFINSPECTION:Scope ErectionͲBolting SteelFramingDrawings OpenWebSteelJoists MaterialCertification MaterialCertification SteelMemberFabricator Seismic AnchorsandTies EvaluationofMasonryStrength WeatherProtection MATERIAL/ACTIVITY Y/C/P/NA Plant Certification/Quality Control of Manufacturer: Review shop fabrication and qualitycontrolprocedures FabricatorExempt Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance Structural Steel: Review certified mill reports and identification markings for wideͲflange shapes Manufacturer’sCertificateofCompliance;bolts, nuts, washers and connectors: Review certified millreportsandidentificationmarkingsforhigh strengthbolts,nutsandweldingelectrodes Inspection of joists installation: Inspect installation,fieldweldingandbridgingofjoists Shop drawings review: verify compliance with specifieddesignloadsandspecifications Installation of HighͲstrength Bolts: Inspect installationandtighteningofhighstrengthbolt. Verify that splines have separated from tension controlbolts.Verifypropertighteningsequence STEELCONSTRUCTION Cold, Hot and Rainy Weather protection investigation Testing/Review of strength: Test compressive strength of mortar (ASTM C780) and grout specimen samples (ASTM C1019). Test compressive strength per unit strength method (ASTMC140) Inspection ofanchorages: Inspect size, location, spacingandembedmentofdowels,anchorsand ties Reinforcing(SeismicDesignCat.“c”) TYPEOFINSPECTION:Scope AWS/AISCͲSSI ICCͲSWSI AWS/AISCͲSSI ICCͲSWSI 1704.3 1704.3 PE/SER AWS/AISCͲSSI ICCͲSWSI Specifications 1704.3.3 AISC360 1704.3 AWS/AISCͲSSI ICCͲSWSI PE/SE ICCͲSMSI 1704.2 1704.8.1 1704.5 ACI530.1 APPLICABLETOTHISPROJECT Agent EXTENT/REFERENCE AGENT COMPLETED Qualifications 1704.5 ICCͲSMSI ACI530.1 1704.5 ICCͲSMSI ACI5301.1 Y/C/P/NA Fasteningpercodeanddrawings ShopDrawings:Verifycompliancewithspecified design loads and specifications; verify on site conditionsmatchshopdrawingdetails Trussplacement,fasteningandanchorage Trusses PermanentTrussBracing COLDFORMEDSTEELFRAMING Installation of SlipͲcritical bolts: Inspection installationandtighteningofhighstrengthbolts. Verify that splines have separated from tension controlbolts.Verifypropertighteningsequence. Continuous inspection of bolts in slip critical connectors Welding: Visually inspect all welds. Inspect preͲ heat, postͲheat, and surface preparation between passes. Verify size and length of fillet weld Ultrasonic testing of all full penetration welds Steel Framing and Connections: Inspect size, number, positioning and welding of shear connectors. Inspect studs for full 360 degree flash. Ring test all shear connectors with a 3lb hammer.Bondtestallquestionablestudsto15 degrees Inspection of Structural Details: Inspect steel frame for compliance with structural drawings, including bracing, member configuration and connectiondetails Inspection of metal deck connections: Inspect weldingandsideuplapfasteningofmetalroof andfloordeck TYPEOFINSPECTION:Scope MemberSizes MaterialThickness MaterialProperties MechanicalConnections Welding FramingDetails MetalDecking StructuralDetails ErectionͲShearConnections ErectionͲWelding ErectionͲBolting MATERIAL/ACTIVITY 1707.3 1707.3 1707.3 1707.3 1707.3 1707.3 1707.3 1707.3 1704.3 1704.3.2 1704.3.2 1704.3.1 1707.2 AWS PE/SER AWSͲCWI PE/SE AWS/AISCͲSSI ICCͲSWSI AWSCWIASNT APPLICABLETOTHISPROJECT Agent EXTENT/REFERENCE AGENT COMPLETED Qualifications 1704.3.3 AWS/AISCͲSSI AISC360 ICCͲSWSI Fasteningpercodeanddrawings Inspect size, configuration, blocking and fastening of shearwalls and diaghrams. Verify panelgradeandthickness ShopDrawings:Verifycompliancewithspecified design loads and specifications; verify on site conditionsmatchshopdrawingdetails Trussplacement,fasteningandanchorage Shopdrawings:Verifycompliancewithspecified design loads and specifications; verify on site conditionsmatchshopdrawingdetails Identificationpershopdrawings Gradestamp&thickness Connections DiaphragmsandShearwalls Laminates Plywood Application CuringandAmbientCondition ScheduleofThickness SurfacePreparation MaterialSpecifications LaboratoryTestedFireResistance Design Laminates Trusses Trusses Specifications, 1704.6.1 Specifications Specifications, 1704.6 Specifications Specifications 1704.6.1 Specifications, 2301.1.8 2303 Specifications, 1704.6 1704.2 Manufacturer’sData ReviewThirdͲpartyfireresistivedesignassembly (eg.UL,FM,etc.)foreachratedbeam,column, orassembly Reviewapprovedthicknessschedule Inspect surface preparation of steel prior to applicationofSFRM InspectapplicationofSFRM Verify ambient temperature and ventilation is suitableforapplicationandcuringofSFRM 1704.12.3 1704.12.3 1704.12.4 1704.12.2 Specifications 1704.12 PE/SE/PPE ICCͲSFSI PE/SER PE/SER APPLICABLETOTHISPROJECT Agent EXTENT/REFERENCE AGENT COMPLETED Qualifications SPRAYͲAPPLIEDFIRERESISTANTMATERIAL(SFRM) FRAMINGANDDETAILS Plant Certification/Quality Control of Manufacturer: Inspect shop fabrication and qualitycontrolproceduresforwoodtrussplant FabricatorExempt GradeStamp MaterialGrading Y/C/P/NA WOODCONSTRUCTION TYPEOFINSPECTION:Scope WoodPreͲFabrication MATERIAL/ACTIVITY 1704.12.5 1704.12.6 1704.13 AWCI12ͲB Devicelocationandairductleakage Pressure difference, flow measurements & detectiontesting Activationsequence ApplicationofFoamPlasticBoard ApplicationofCoatings ApplicationofMesh AmbientConditionandCuring FlashingandJointDetails Sealants/Caulk Ducts System SMOKECONTROL ConditionofSubstrate PE/FPE/ME PE/FPE/ME PE/FPE/ME 1704.16 1704.16 EDIͲEIFS EDIͲEIFS EDIͲEIFS EDIͲEIFS EDIͲEIFS EDIͲEIFS EDIͲEIFS EDIͲEIFS ICCͲSFSI 1704.16 Specifications, 1704.14 Specifications, 1704.14 Specifications, 1704.14 Specifications, 1704.14 Specifications, 1704.14 Specifications, 1704.14 Specifications, 1704.14 Specifications, 1704.14 EXTERIORINSULATIONandFINISHSYSTEMS(EIFS) Inspect mastic and intumescent fire resistant coatings applied to structural elements and decks, in accordance with AWCI 12ͲB: Verify thicknessandapplicationofcoatingsprescribed infireͲresistantdesign. Controls Y/C/P/NA APPLICABLETOTHISPROJECT Agent EXTENT/REFERENCE AGENT COMPLETED Qualifications 1704.12.4 MASTICandINTUMESCENTFIRERESISTIVECOATINGS TestthicknessofSFRM(ASTME605).Performa set of thickness measurements for every 1,000 SF of floor and roof assemblies and on not less than25%ofratedbeamsandcolumns TestdensityofSFRMmaterial(ASTME605) Test the cohesive/adhesive bond strength of SFRM (ASTM E736). Perform not less than one testforeach10,00SF. TYPEOFINSPECTION:Scope MaterialSubmittal Application Density BondStrength Thickness MATERIAL/ACTIVITY Y/C/P/NA ArchitecturalExteriorCladding PeriodicAnchorageInspection PeriodicAnchorageInspection PeriodicAnchorageInspection Mechanical,HVAC&Piping Emergency&StandbyPowerSystems Manufacturer’sData PlacementofMaterials WallPanelsandVeneers SuspendedCeiling AccessFloors Partitions MechanicalSystems ElectricalSystems FireWallAssemblies FireWallAssemblies Drawings, Specifications 1707.8 1708.5 Specifications 1707.7 ASCE7 1707.8 1708.5 1707.6 ASCE7 1707.7 ASCE7 1707.6 ASCE7 1707.6 ASCE7 Inspectplacementoffoundationsystem Confirmtypeofsoilandheight LoadTest Verifydimensionsofwallperapprovedplans CompactionofFillMaterials Footing,Foundation BackfillInformation GuardRail WallGeometry CompactionTesting LayoutInformation Drawings, Specifications, UniversityPolicy Drawings, Specifications, UniversityPolicy Drawings Specifications UniversityPolicy Drawings, Specifications, UniversityPolicy Drawings Specifications UniversityPolicy Drawings, Specifications, UniversityPolicy EARTHRETAININGSTRUCTURES>10FT.UNBALANCEDFILL StorageRacks PE/SE/GE PE/SE/GE PE/SE/GE PE/SE/GE PE/SE/GE PE/SE/GE APPLICABLETOTHISPROJECT Agent EXTENT/REFERENCE AGENT COMPLETED Qualifications ARCHITECTURAL/MECHANICAL/ELECTRICALSYSTEMS TYPEOFINSPECTION:Scope Components MATERIAL/ACTIVITY Y/C/P/NA SPECIALCASES AsrequestedbyBuildingOfficial,reviewand installation CommissioningSystemsforLEEDcertified projects,etc. TYPEOFINSPECTION:Scope 1704.13 H) I) G) D) E) F) C) Fabricator,supplier,readymixedplantorotherproductionplantshallprovidecertificatesfromanapprovedindependentinspection,testingorqualityassuranceagency attestingthattheplantmeetsatleastoneofthefollowingcriteria: a) Theplantisacertifiedproductionplantmeetingthequalityassurancestandardsofarecognizednationalstandardsorganizationforthatproduct. b) Theplantmaintainsanagreementwithanindependentinspectionorqualityassuranceagencytoconductperiodicinplantqualityassuranceinspections,where frequencyisnolessthan6months c) Theplanthasaninshopqualityassuranceinspectionprogrambyanindependenttestingorqualityassuranceagencyforthework/producttobeprovidedonthis project. A/Eshallreviewfabricator/supplier/producercertificatesandshopdrawingsforconformancewithappropriatestandardsofpracticeandqualityassurance. Contractor/Suppliershallsubmitmanufacturer’scertificatesofcomplianceandshopdrawingsforthematerials/products. SpecialInspectionpersonnel/firm(s)selectedtoperformsmokecontrolcommissionmusthaveexperienceinfireprotectionengineering,mechanicalengineering,and certificationasanairbalancer. ReferencestoAgency/personnelqualificationsthatarealreadylistedareconsideredtobeaminimumbytheBuildingOfficial,unlessotherwisespecificallyapproved.A RegisteredDesignProfessional(RDP),i.e.Arch/PEisconsideredtomeetanyoftheminimumcertificationrequirementslistedabove. Unlessotherwisenoted,thereferencenumberslistedaboverefertothe2009VUSBC&2009IBC NotationstoPeriodic(P)orContinuous(C)inspectionsindicatefrequencyofcertaininspections. B)Provideamanufacturer’sfabricationcertificationfromanationallyrecognizedcertificationagency. A)Inspectionofqualitycontrolproceduresrequiredonlyiffabricatorisnotregularlyinspectedbyanindependentinspectionagency. Email APPLICABLETOTHISPROJECT Agent EXTENT/REFERENCE AGENT COMPLETED Qualifications Agent Description(Task) Firm Address Phone ResponsiblePerson Agent1 SpecialInspector Agent2 MaterialsandTestingLab Agent3 EIFS Agent4 FireCoatings Agent5 SmokeControl Agent6 Commissioning Agent7 Note:TheQualificationsoftheSpecialInspector,FieldInspectorsandTestingLaboratoriesaresubjecttotheApprovaloftheUniversityBuildingOfficial. SystemCommissioning AlternativeMaterials&Sys. MATERIAL/ACTIVITY 7KLVSDJHLQWHQWLRQDOO\EODQN HECO-13.1a (Rev. 01/12) Page 1 of 1 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Date: TO: University Building Official 71 Sterrett Facilities Complex (0529) Blacksburg, VA 24061 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT NO: INSTITUTION/AGENCY: ADDRESS: In accordance with the requirements of the Agreement between the Owner and the Architect / Engineer and based upon the knowledge gained in the performance of the architectural / engineering services provided in said Agreement and the reports of the Owner's Inspection and Testing entities, the undersigned Architect / Engineer states that the following portions of the project named above are substantially complete in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents and are recommended for occupancy: (Indicate portions which are recommended for occupancy) edition of the Virginia All applicable tests, certificates and regulatory inspections required by the Uniform Statewide Building Code, which was the basis of the design of the project, have been performed with respect to the substantially completed portions of the project and the Owner has been provided with a copy of each report, except for the following: ________________________________________________________ The handicapped standards required by Chapter 7 of the applicable A/E Manual, as revised, have been met. A copy of the Final Report of Structural & Special Inspections, Form HECO-13.1b, is attached to this certificate. A tentative list of unfinished Work and defective Work, referred to as the "punch list", is attached hereto. This list may not be all-inclusive, and the failure to include an item in it does not alter the responsibility of CONTRACTOR to complete all the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The items in the tentative list shall be completed or corrected by CONTRACTOR within days of the above date of Substantial Completion. __________________________________________ (Typed Name of Architect/Engineer) By:_______________________________________ __________________________________________ (Typed Name &Title of Person Signing) The following documents are attached to and made a part of this Certificate: - Final Report of Structural & Special Inspections (Form HECO-13.1b) - Checklist for Beneficial Occupancy (Form HECO-13.3b) - Punch list containing page 1 through _______ Cc: Agency Project Manager HECO-13.2 (Rev. 01/12) Page 1 of 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BY CONTRACTOR Date: TO: University Building Official 71 Sterrett Facilities Complex (0529) Blacksburg VA 24061 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT NO: INSTITUTION/AGENCY: ADDRESS: In accordance with the requirements of the Contract Between Owner and Contractor (Form HECO-9), the undersigned Contractor hereby states that the above named project has been fully completed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents as modified by approved change orders. All applicable tests, certificates and regulatory inspections required by the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code and the Contract Documents have been performed with respect to the completed project and the Owner has been provided with a copy of each report. As-built marked up prints of the completed project have been provided to the Architect/Engineer as required by the Contract Documents. The Owner has been provided with a copy of all warranties and guarantees, including the starting date(s) of all warranties and guarantees, written and unwritten, required by the Contract Documents. All training, operating instructions and maintenance manuals required by the Contract Documents have been provided to the Owner. __________________________________________ (Typed Contractor Name) By _______________________________________ __________________________________________ (Typed Name &Title of Person Signing) cc: Agency Project Manager A/E HECO-13.2a (Rev. 12/11) Page 1 of 1 CERTIFICATE OF PARTIAL OR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION BY CONTRACTOR TO: University Building Official 71 Sterrett Facilities Complex (0529) Blacksburg, VA 24061 Date: PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT NO: INSTITUTION/AGENCY: ADDRESS: In accordance with the requirements of the Agreement between the Owner and the Contractor, the undersigned Contractor hereby states that portions of the above named project are substantially completed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents as modified by approved change orders. Those portions of the project now substantially complete are: (list or describe) All applicable tests, certificates and regulatory inspections required by the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code and the Contract Documents have been performed with respect to the substantially completed portions of the project and the Owner has been provided with a copy of each report. As-built marked up prints of the substantially completed portions of the project have been provided to the Architect/Engineer as required by the Contract Documents. The Owner has been provided with a copy of all warranties and guarantees, including the starting date(s) of all warranties and guarantees, written and unwritten, required by the Contract Documents with respect to the completed portions of the project, except as follows: All training, operating instructions and maintenance manuals required by the Contract Documents have been provided to the Owner, except as follows: (list or describe) This certificate does not constitute an acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents nor is it a release of CONTRACTOR's obligation to complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Typed Contractor Name By: Typed Name &Title DGS-30-120 CO-13.1b (Rev. 02/01) Page 1 of 1 FINAL REPORT OF STRUCTURAL & SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSTITUTION/AGENCY: PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT NO: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER OF RECORD: To the best of my information, knowledge, and belief, the Structural & Special Inspections required for this project, and itemized in the Form CO-6b, Special Inspections listing attached to the Form CO-6a, Statement of Structural and Special Inspections, submitted for permit, have been completed. The discrepancies that remain outstanding since the last interim report dated corrected or have been resolved as follows: , have been (Attach 8-1/2 x 11 continuation sheet(s) if required to complete the description of corrections or resolution of deviations) Respectfully submitted, Structural Engineer Signature Project Inspector Date Type or print name Type or print name Agency Project Manager Signature Type or print name Signature Date Date This page intentionally blank. DGS-30-152 CO-13.3b (Rev. 09/12) Page 1 of 1 CHECKLIST FOR BENEFICIAL OCCUPANCY Agency: Project Name: Agency Representative: Project Code: Building: Inspection by the A/E and Agency prior to BCOM inspection allows for earlier Beneficial Occupancy. Assure that the following items are complete or do not apply to the project before scheduling a Substantial Completion Inspection. Site / Building Accessibility ___ Route from the entrance to the public way ___ Plumbing / controls / circulation Means of Egress ___ Exit Access / Exit / Exit Discharge clear and unobstructed ___ Delayed egress / Access controlled locks ___ Door Hardware / types required ___ Ventilation ___ Exhaust Systems ___ Special Systems (smoke control, dust collection) ___ Testing and Balancing Report HVAC Electrical ___ Egress lighting with emergency power on and off ___ Boxes (back, junction, and pull) covered ___ Exit Signs ___ Lightning Protection Certification Plumbing ___ Fixtures tested and properly functioning ___ Lab gases ___ Secondary Roof Drainage ___ Potable Water Report Fire Safety ___ Fire alarm system accepted ___ Sprinkler system accepted ___ Supervising Station Name __________________ General Safety ___ Floor finishes complete ___ Elevator inspection ___ Contractor Clean up Close Out Documents ___ High Performance Building Act (VEES) ___ Fire Marshal letter recommending occupancy ___ Roofing Survey Report I have inspected for as noted above and conclude that the building is substantially complete and ready for beneficial occupancy. Signature ________________________________ Date ___________________ This page intentionally blank. 5() 12 63(&,),&$7,21 6(&7,21180%(5 ([DPSOH'HVFULSWLRQ '(6&5,37,21 6+23'5$:,1* ; 6$03/( ; 0)5 6'$7$ ; ; &(57,),&$7( 7<3(2)68%0,77$/ ; 7(675(3257 68%0,77$/5(*,67(5)25 ; *8$5$17(( SUBMITTAL REGISTER 352-(&7&2'( '$7(5(7851(' )520$( '$7(1(('('%< 3DJHRI 5(0$5.6 5HIHUHQFH*HQHUDO&RQGLWLRQV6HFWLRQ ; ([DPSOHUHPDUNV '$7(5(&(,9(' 5HY '$7(6(1772$( '*6 $&7,2121 68%0,77$/ 7KLVSDJHLQWHQWLRQDOO\EODQN February 12, 2014 Addendum 02, March 12, 2014 LIST OF DRAWINGS T001 Titl e & Project In formati on T 0 0 2 A b b r e v ia t io n s & P a r t i t ion Typ e s D EM OL I T ION D101 Demolition Plans ARCH ITECTU RAL A101 A201 A701 A751 A801 A901 Floor Plans Sections & Interior Elevations Interior Elevations & Details Casework & Millwork Details Furniture & Finish Plans (See Addendum 1) Reflected Ceiling Plans & Ceiling Details FIRE PROTECTION FP101 Fire Protection Plans FP102 Fire Protection Details PLUMBING, MECHANICAL and ELECTRICAL P101 Plumbing Legends, Schedules, Details & Notes P102 Demolition Floor Plans - Plumbing P103 Floor Plans - Plumbing M101 M102 M103 M104 M105 HVAC Legend and Notes Demolition Plans - HVAC Floor Plans - HVAC Ductwork Floor Plans - HVAC Piping HVAC Details E001 E100 E101 E102 Electrical Legend, Abbreviations, Notes and Lighting Fixture Schedule Demolition Plans Floor Plans - Lighting Floor Plans - Power END OF LIST OF DRAWINGS Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices LIST OF DRAWINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 LIST OF DRAWINGS - 1 February 12, 2014 Addendum 02, March 12, 2014 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices LIST OF DRAWINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 LIST OF DRAWINGS - 2 RENOVATION OF PRITCHARD HALL WEST WING – LLC OFFICES Each REQUEST FOR INTERPRETATION (RFI) shall be submitted in writing via email, to the Architect and shall generally correspond to the format below: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION TO: RFI NO. VMDO Architects 200 East Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22903 (434) 296-5684 fax (434) 296-4496 Attention: Kim Thompson Smith; [email protected] Subject: Specification Section: Drawing Number: REQUEST: BY: Date: Contractor Date Response Required: RESPONSE: BY: Date: Architect/Engineer Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices REQUEST FOR INTERPRETATION FORM VT PC# R-2014-05 RFI - 1 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices REQUEST FOR INTERPRETATION FORM VT PC# R-2014-05 RFI - 2 February 12, 2014 SECTION 01 1000 – SUMMARY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplemental General Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. 1.3 The project is generally described as selective interior demolition of partitions, finishes and mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems to accommodate new interior build-out for office and multipurpose room. Scope includes new finishes and furnishings, as well as mechanical and electrical system improvements as described in the Contract Documents. USE OF PREMISES A. 1.4 General: Contractor shall have full use of premises for construction operations, including use of Project site, during construction period. Contractor's use of premises is limited by Owner's right to perform work or to retain other contractors on portions of Project. STANDARD A. 1.5 All references to specifications and standards referred to in the Contract Documents shall mean, and are intended to be, the latest edition, amendment and revision of such reference standard in effect as of the date of these Contractor Documents. DEFINITIONS A. 1.6 AASHO ACI AISC ANS ANSI APA The words "as directed", "as required", "as permitted", "as allowed", or phrases of like effect or import as used herein shall mean that the direction, requirement, permission or allowance of the Architect is intended, and similarly the words "accepted", "approved", "reasonable", "suitable", "properly", "satisfactory", or words of like effect or import, unless otherwise particularly specified herein, shall mean acceptable, approved, reasonable, suitable, properly, or satisfactory in the judgement of the Architect/Engineer. ABBREVIATIONS American Association of State Highway Officials American Concrete Institute American Institute of Steel Construction American National Standard American National Standards Institute (Successor to ASASI & ASA) American Plywood Association Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SUMMARY VT PC# R-2014-05 01 1000 - 1 February 12, 2014 ASHRAE ASTM AWI AWPI ASTM AWS CRSI CS DFPA EPA FGMA MLMA NAAMM MBHA NBS NCMA NEC NEMA NESHAP NFPA PCA SCPI SMACNA SPA SPR SSPC TCA UL VDOT WCLA WRI WWPA American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers. American Society for Testing and Materials American Wood Institute American Wood Preservers Institute American Society for Testing and Materials American Welding Society Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Commercial Standard (U.S. Department of Commerce) Douglas Fir Plywood Association Environmental Protection Agency Flat Glass Marketing Association Metal Lath Manufacturer's Association The National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers National Builders Hardware Association National Bureau of Standards National Concrete Masonry Institute National Electrical Code National Electrical Manufacturer's Association National Emissions for Hazardous Air Pollutants National Fire Protection Association Portland Concrete Association Structural Clay Products Institute Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association Southern Pine Association Simplified Practice Recommendation (U.S. Department of Commerce) Steel Structures Painting Council Tile Council of America Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. Virginia Department of Transportation West Coast Lumberman's Association Wire Reinforcement Institute Western Wood Products Association PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01 1000 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SUMMARY VT PC# R-2014-05 01 1000 - 2 February 12, 2014 SECTION 01 1010 – SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. DESCRIPTION A. 1.3 This section specifies various administrative and procedural requirements required for performance of the Work. Additional related requirements may be specified in other parts of the Project Manual. PROJECT DIRECTORY A. 1.4 Within 5 days after Owner's issuance of the Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Architect a Project Directory consisting of a listing of all firms and individuals associated with the project. The list shall include all representatives of each subcontractor, subsubcontractor and material supplier. Addresses, telephone numbers, FAX numbers and e-mail addresses shall be provided for all firms and individuals serving as primary points of contact with respect to the project. SCHEDULE OF VALUES AND CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT A. The Schedule of Values shall be prepared by the Contractor in accordance with requirements indicated in the General Conditions. Provide labor and material values for each individual specification section in the Project Manual and provide additional breakdowns if requested by the Architect. B. Contractor shall prepare and submit with each Certificate for Payment a narrative summary describing carefully each component of work completed during the period represented by the Certificate for Payment. The narrative shall also include an inventory and detailed description of all materials and components stored on site for which payment is requested. Prompt certification of payment applications shall be conditional upon Contractor's compliance with all contract requirements, including, but not limited to jobsite cleanliness and adherence to administrative responsibilities. 1.5 REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION A. Should questions arise during the construction period regarding the intent of the Contract Documents, each request for information shall be forwarded to the Architect by the Contractor on the form provided in this project manual, or a similar for providing the same information listed. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SPECIAL CONDITIONS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 1010 - 1 February 12, 2014 1.6 WORK ON UNIVERSITY PROPERTY A. 1.7 Contractor shall ensure that its employees, agents, subcontractors, and others performing the Work display appropriate conduct and decorum at all times. Appropriate worker attire shall include all required safety apparel as well as shirts and trousers. Smoking is prohibited inside building areas and during job meetings. Smoking shall be permitted only in designated part(s) of Contractor’s exterior staging area(s). Construction personnel shall not engage in violence, profanity, or any illegal activity, possess weapons, consume alcohol or be intoxicated, or in any way harass university personnel, students, parents, or visitors. Violations of the above standards may result in the immediate and permanent expulsion of offending parties from the project site. CONSTRUCTION STAGING A. Locations for construction trailers, material storage, stockpiling of soil, equipment storage, cranes, dumpsters, and other similar site encumbrances shall be as indicated on the drawings, or if not indicated, in locations acceptable to the Owner. Access to site areas utilized for university purposes, such as parking areas, shall be unobstructed at all times when needed for University use. All construction areas shall be maintained safe and secure from unauthorized access at all times. Emergency exits from the building shall be maintained in a manner acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01 1010 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SPECIAL CONDITIONS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 1010 - 2 February 12, 2014 SECTION 01 1400 - WORK RESTRICTIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. USE OF PREMISES A. Use of Site: Limit use of premises to work in areas indicated. Do not disturb portions of site beyond areas in which the Work is indicated. 1. 2. Owner Occupancy: Allow for Owner occupancy of site. Driveways and Entrances: Keep driveways and entrances serving premises and adjacent buildings clear and available to Owner, Owner's employees, students and emergency vehicles at all times. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of materials. a. b. B. 1.3 Schedule deliveries to minimize use of driveways and entrances. Schedule deliveries to minimize space and time requirements for storage of materials and equipment on-site. Use of Existing Building: Protect and maintain existing buildings in a weathertight condition throughout construction period. Repair damage caused by construction operations. OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS A. Partial Owner Occupancy: Owner reserves the right to occupy and to place and install equipment in completed areas of building, before Substantial Completion, provided such occupancy does not interfere with completion of the Work. Such placement of equipment and partial occupancy shall not constitute acceptance of the total Work. 1. On occupancy, Owner will assume responsibility for maintenance and custodial service for occupied portions of building. END OF SECTION 01 1400 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices WORK RESTRICTIONS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 1400 - 1 February 12, 2014 This page intentionally blank. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices WORK RESTRICTIONS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 1400 - 2 Addendum 02: March 12, 2014 SECTION 01 2300 – ADDITIVE BID ITEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. 1.3 Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for additive bid items. DEFINITION A. Additive Bid Item: An amount proposed by bidders and stated on the Bid Form for certain work defined in the bidding requirements that may be added to or deducted from the base bid amount if Owner decides to accept a corresponding change either in the amount of construction to be completed or in the products, materials, equipment, systems, or installation methods described in the Contract Documents. 1. 2. 1.4 Additive Bid Items described in this Section are part of the Work only if enumerated in the Agreement. The cost or credit for each Additive Bid Item is the net addition to or deduction from the Contract Sum to incorporate alternate into the Work. No other adjustments are made to the Contract Sum. PROCEDURES A. Coordination: Revise or adjust affected adjacent work as necessary to completely integrate work of the alternate into Project. 1. Include as part of each alternate, miscellaneous devices, accessory objects, and similar items incidental to or required for a complete installation whether or not indicated as part of alternate. B. Notification: Immediately following award of the Contract, notify each party involved, in writing, of the status of each Additive Bid Item. Indicate if Additive Bid Items have been accepted, rejected, or deferred for later consideration. Include a complete description of negotiated revisions to Additive Bid Items. C. Execute accepted alternates under the same conditions as other work of the Contract. 1.5 SCHEDULE OF ADDITIVE BID ITEMS A. Refer to the Bid Form for a general description of each Additive Bid Item for which a cost proposal is to be provided. Refer to drawings and specifications for requirements associated with each Additive Bid Item. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ADDITIVE BID ITEMS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 2300 - 1 Addendum 02: March 12, 2014 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01 2300 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ADDITIVE BID ITEMS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 2300 - 2 February 12, 2014 SECTION 01 3100 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplemental General Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative provisions for coordinating construction operations on Project including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. General project coordination procedures. Conservation. Coordination Drawings. Administrative and supervisory personnel. Project meetings. B. Each contractor shall participate in coordination requirements. Certain areas of responsibility will be assigned to a specific contractor. C. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. 2. 1.3 Division 01 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for preparing and submitting the Contractor's Construction Schedule. Division 01 Section "Closeout Procedures" for coordinating Contract closeout. COORDINATION A. Coordination: Coordinate construction operations included in various Sections of the Specifications to ensure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work. Coordinate construction operations, included in different Sections, which depend on each other for proper installation, connection, and operation. B. If necessary, prepare memoranda for distribution to each party involved, outlining special procedures required for coordination. Include such items as required notices, reports, and list of attendees at meetings. 1. C. Prepare similar memoranda for Owner and separate contractors if coordination of their Work is required. Administrative Procedures: Coordinate scheduling and timing of required administrative procedures with other construction activities and activities of other contractors to avoid conflicts and to ensure orderly progress of the Work. Such administrative activities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. Preparation of Contractor's Construction Schedule. Preparation of the Schedule of Values. Installation and removal of temporary facilities and controls. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3100 - 1 February 12, 2014 4. 5. 6. 7. D. Conservation: Coordinate construction activities to ensure that operations are carried out with consideration given to conservation of energy, water, and materials. 1. 1.4 Delivery and processing of submittals. Progress meetings. Pre-installation conferences. Project closeout activities. Salvage materials and equipment involved in performance of, but not actually incorporated into, the Work. SUBMITTALS A. Coordination Drawings: Prior to installation of mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire suppression (MEPS) systems, Coordination Drawings shall be prepared to illustrate actual sizes, specific locations, support methods and sequence of installation for such components throughout the building. Pay particular attention to above-ceiling locations and other concealed areas where space may be limited. Contractor(s) shall field verify existing structural and above-ceiling conditions in conjunction with preparation of Coordination Drawings and shall confirm finished ceiling heights and dimensions for chases and equipment rooms throughout the building. Submit Coordination Drawings for A/E review and acceptance prior to commencing installation of MEPS systems. B. Staff Resumes: At least 7 days prior to the pre-construction meeting, submit a resume for each principal staff member who will work on the project, including the Project Manager, Superintendent(s) Field Engineer and Office Engineer. The Owner reserves the right to reject any staff member and request new resume submissions. Resumes shall include the following: 1. 2. 3. C. 1.5 Duties and Responsibilities related to this Project Educational Background Length of time with the Contractor’s company and past work experience with an outline of responsible positions held. Schedule of Pre-Installation Conferences: Prior to commencement of on-site construction activities, submit in writing to the Architect and Owner a comprehensive schedule of all preinstallation conferences to be conducted during the course of the project. Each conference will be scheduled to coincide with a regularly scheduled jobsite progress meeting. ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL A. General: In addition to Project superintendent, provide other administrative and supervisory personnel as required for proper performance of the Work. 1. 1.6 Include special personnel required for coordination of operations with other contractors. PROJECT MEETINGS A. General: Schedule and conduct meetings and conferences at Project site, unless otherwise indicated. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3100 - 2 February 12, 2014 1. 2. 3. B. Attendees: Inform participants and others involved, and individuals whose presence is required, of date and time of each meeting. Notify Owner and Architect of scheduled meeting dates and times. Agenda: Prepare outline of issues to be discussed and distribute to all invited attendees. Minutes: Record significant discussions and agreements achieved. Distribute the meeting minutes to everyone concerned, including the Owner and Architect, within (3) days of the meeting. Pre-construction Meeting: The pre-construction meeting shall be held at a convenient location prior to the commencement of construction activities, at a time convenient to Owner, Contractor, and Architect. The meeting will be conducted to review responsibilities and personnel assignments as follows: 1. Attendees: Authorized representatives of Owner, Architect, and their consultants; Contractor and its superintendent; major subcontractors; manufacturers; suppliers; and other concerned parties shall attend the conference. All participants at the pre-construction conference shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. The Contractor shall conduct the meeting. 2. Agenda: Review items of significance that could affect progress, including the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. Tentative construction schedule. Phasing. Critical work sequencing. Designation of responsible personnel. Procedures for processing field decisions and Change Orders. Procedures for processing Applications for Payment. Distribution of the Contract Documents. Submittal procedures. Preparation of Record Documents. Use of the premises. Responsibility for temporary facilities and controls. Parking availability. Office, work, and storage areas. Equipment deliveries and priorities. First aid. Security. Progress cleaning. Working hours. Requirements, attendance and schedule for site mobilization meeting C. Site Mobilization Meeting: The Contractor will conduct site mobilization meeting(s) as determined during the pre-construction meeting. The meeting will take place at the Project site before construction activity begins. D. Pre-installation Conferences: The Contractor will conduct the pre-installation conferences. The conferences will take place at the Project Site prior to commencement of each construction activity that requires coordination with other construction. Refer to Submittal requirements this Section for preparation of a comprehensive Pre-installation Conference Schedule. 1. Attendees: Installer and representatives of manufacturers and fabricators involved in or affected by the installation and its coordination or integration with other materials and installations that have preceded or will follow will attend the meeting. Advise Owner and Architect of scheduled meeting dates. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3100 - 3 February 12, 2014 2. Agenda: Review progress of other construction activities and preparations for the particular activity under consideration, including requirements for the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. E. Contract Documents. Options. Related Change Orders. Purchases. Deliveries. Submittals. Review of mockups. Possible conflicts. Compatibility problems. Time schedules. Weather limitations. Manufacturer's written recommendations. Warranty requirements. Compatibility of materials. Acceptability of substrates. Temporary facilities and controls. Space and access limitations. Regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. Testing and inspecting requirements. Required performance results. Protection of construction and personnel. 3. Record significant conference discussions, agreements, and disagreements. 4. Do not proceed with installation if the conference cannot be successfully concluded. Initiate whatever actions are necessary to resolve impediments to performance of the Work and reconvene the conference at earliest feasible date. Progress Meetings: Conduct progress meetings at bi-monthly intervals, except where it is determined that more frequent meetings are essential to the nature of the project. Coordinate dates of meetings with preparation of payment requests. The meetings will take place at the Project site. 1. Attendees: In addition to representatives of Owner, Contractor and Architect, each contractor, subcontractor, supplier, and other entity concerned with current progress or involved in planning, coordination, or performance of future activities shall be represented at these meetings. All participants at the conference shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. 2. Agenda: Review and correct or approve minutes of previous progress meeting. Review other items of significance that could affect progress. Include topics for discussion as appropriate to status of Project. a. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Contractor will review the progress since the last meeting, determine whether each activity is on time, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule, in relation to Contractor's Construction Schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited; secure commitments from parties involved to do so. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to ensure that current and subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time. b. Review present and future needs of each entity present, including the following: Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3100 - 4 February 12, 2014 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 3. Distribute minutes of the meeting to each party present and to parties who should have been present. Include a brief summary, in narrative form, of progress since the previous meeting and report. a. F. Interface requirements. Sequence of operations. Status of submittals. Deliveries. Off-site fabrication. Access. Site utilization. Temporary facilities and controls. Work hours. Hazards and risks. Progress cleaning. Quality and work standards. Change Orders. Documentation of information for payment requests. Schedule Updating: Revise Contractor's Construction Schedule after each progress meeting where revisions to the schedule have been made or recognized. Issue revised schedule concurrently with the report of each meeting. Coordination Meetings: Conduct project coordination meetings at regular intervals convenient to all parties involved if there is more that one contractor on site. Project coordination meetings are in addition to specific meetings held for other purposes, but should be scheduled to coincide with the dates for progress meetings and pre-installation conferences. The Contractor will advise Owner and Architect of scheduled meeting dates. 1. Attendees: Each contractor, subcontractor, supplier, and other entity concerned with current progress or involved in planning, coordination, or performance of future activities shall be represented at these meetings. Representatives of Owner and Architect may attend. All participants at the conference shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. 2. Agenda: Review and correct or approve minutes of the previous coordination meeting. Review other items of significance that could affect progress. Include topics for discussion as appropriate to status of Project. a. b. c. Combined Contractor's Construction Schedule: Review progress since the last coordination meeting. Determine whether each contract is on time, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule, in relation to Combined Contractor's Construction Schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited; secure commitments from parties involved to do so. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to ensure that current and subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time. Schedule Updating: Revise Combined Contractor's Construction Schedule after each coordination meeting where revisions to the schedule have been made or recognized. Issue revised schedule concurrently with report of each meeting. Review present and future needs of each contractor present, including the following: 1) 2) Interface requirements. Sequence of operations. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3100 - 5 February 12, 2014 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 3. 1.7 Status of submittals. Deliveries. Off-site fabrication. Access. Site utilization. Temporary facilities and controls. Work hours. Hazards and risks. Progress cleaning. Quality and work standards. Change Orders. Reporting: Record meeting results and distribute copies to everyone in attendance and to others affected by decisions or actions resulting from each meeting. COMMUNICATION A. Communication of questions from the Contractor to the Architect/Engineer during construction shall be via the standard Request for Information form (or similar). PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01 3100 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3100 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 01 3200 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplemental General Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for documenting the progress of construction during performance of the Work, including the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1.3 Contractor's Construction Schedule. Submittals Schedule. Daily construction reports. Field condition reports. Special reports. Material Location Reports DEFINITIONS A. Activity: A discrete part of a project that can be identified for planning, scheduling, monitoring, and controlling the construction project. Activities included in a construction schedule consume time and resources. 1. 2. Critical activities are activities on the critical path. They must start and finish on the planned early start and finish times. Predecessor activity is an activity that must be completed before a given activity can be started. B. CPM: Critical path method, which is a method of planning and scheduling a construction project where activities are arranged based on activity relationships. Network calculations determine when activities can be performed and the critical path of Project. C. Critical Path: The longest continuous chain of activities through the network schedule that establishes the minimum overall Project duration and contains no float. D. Event: The starting or ending point of an activity. E. Float: The measure of leeway in starting and completing an activity. 1. 2. 3. Float time is not for the exclusive use or benefit of either Owner or Contractor, but is a jointly owned, expiring Project resource available to both parties as needed to meet schedule milestones and Contract completion date]. Free float is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without adversely affecting the early start of the following activity. Total float is the measure of leeway in starting or completing an activity without adversely affecting the planned Project completion date. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3200 - 1 February 12, 2014 F. Fragnet: A partial or fragmentary network that breaks down activities into smaller activities for greater detail. G. Major Area: A story of construction, a separate building, or a similar significant construction element. H. Milestone: A key or critical point in time for reference or measurement. I. Network Diagram: A graphic diagram of a network schedule, showing activities and activity relationships. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified. B. Submittals Schedule: Submit three copies of schedule. Arrange the following information in a tabular format: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Scheduled date for first submittal. Specification Section Number and title. Submittal category (action or informational). Name of subcontractor. Description of the Work covered. Scheduled date for Architect's final review. C. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Submit one hardcopy and one electronic copy to Owner and Architect of initial CPM schedule per CO-7 paragraph 19 large enough to show entire schedule for entire construction period. D. CPM Reports: Concurrent with CPM schedule, submit electronic copies to Owner and Architect of each of the following computer-generated reports. Format for each activity in reports shall contain activity number, activity description, original duration, remaining duration, early start date, early finish date, late start date, late finish date, and total float. 1. 2. 3. 4. Monthly Project Report per CO-7 paragraph 19 (d). Activity Report: List of all activities sorted by activity number and then early start date, or actual start date if known. Logic Report: List of preceding and succeeding activities for all activities, sorted in ascending order by activity number and then early start date, or actual start date if known. Total Float Report: List of all activities sorted in ascending order of total float. E. Daily Construction Reports: Submit electronic copy to Owner and Architect at weekly intervals. F. Material Location Reports: Submit electronic copy to Owner and Architect at monthly intervals. G. Field Condition Reports: Submit electronic copy to Owner and Architect at time of discovery of differing conditions. H. Special Reports: Submit electronic copy to Owner and Architect at time of unusual event. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3200 - 2 February 12, 2014 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.6 Scheduling Consultant Qualifications: An experienced specialist in CPM scheduling and reporting. COORDINATION A. Coordinate preparation and processing of schedules and reports with performance of construction activities and with scheduling and reporting of separate contractors. B. Coordinate Contractor's Construction Schedule with the Schedule of Values, list of subcontracts, Submittals Schedule, progress reports, payment requests, and other required schedules and reports. 1. 2. Secure time commitments for performing critical elements of the Work from parties involved. Coordinate each construction activity in the network with other activities and schedule them in proper sequence. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SUBMITTALS SCHEDULE A. Preparation: Submit a schedule of submittals, arranged in chronological order by dates required by construction schedule. Include time required for review, resubmittal, ordering, manufacturing, fabrication, and delivery when establishing dates. 1. 2. 2.2 Coordinate Submittals Schedule with list of subcontracts, the Schedule of Values, and Contractor's Construction Schedule. Initial Submittal: Submit initial submittal for those required during the first 60 days of construction within 14 days of the date established for commencement of the Work. List those required to maintain orderly progress of the Work and those required early because of long lead time for manufacture or fabrication. CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE, GENERAL A. Procedures: Comply with procedures contained in AGC's "Construction Planning & Scheduling." B. Time Frame: Extend schedule from the date established by the Notice of Award to the date of Final Completion. 1. C. Contract completion date shall not be changed by submission of a schedule that shows an early completion date, unless specifically authorized by Change Order. Activities: Treat each story or separate area as a separate numbered activity for each principal element of the Work. Comply with the following: 1. 2. Review times in Contractor's Construction Schedule with Submittals Schedule. Startup and Testing Time: Include duration for startup and testing. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3200 - 3 February 12, 2014 3. D. Substantial Completion: Indicate completion in advance of date established for Substantial Completion, and allow time for Architect's administrative procedures necessary for certification of Substantial Completion. Constraints: Include constraints and work restrictions indicated in the Contract Documents and as follows in schedule, and show how the sequence of the Work is affected. 1. 2. 3. 4. Phasing: Arrange list of activities on schedule by phase. Work by Owner: Include a separate activity for each portion of the Work performed by Owner. Owner-Furnished Products: Include a separate activity for each product. Include delivery date indicated in Division 01 Section "Summary." Delivery dates indicated stipulate the earliest possible delivery date. Work Restrictions: Show the effect of the following items on the schedule: a. b. 5. Work Stages: Indicate important stages of construction for each major portion of the Work, including, but not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. 6. Uninterruptible services. Use of premises restrictions. Subcontract awards. Submittals. Purchases. Mockups. Fabrication. Sample testing. Deliveries. Installation. Tests and inspections. Adjusting. Curing. Startup and placement into final use and operation. Area Separations: Identify each major area of construction for each major portion of the Work. Indicate where each construction activity within a major area must be sequenced or integrated with other construction activities to provide for the following: a. b. c. d. e. Structural completion. Permanent space enclosure. Completion of mechanical installation. Completion of electrical installation. Substantial Completion. E. Milestones: Include milestones indicated in the Contract Documents in schedule, including, but not limited to, the Notice to Proceed, Substantial Completion, and Final Completion. F. Contract Modifications: For each proposed contract modification and concurrent with its submission, prepare a time-impact analysis using fragnets to demonstrate the effect of the proposed change on the overall project schedule. 2.3 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE (CPM SCHEDULE) A. General: Prepare network diagrams using AON (activity-on-node) format. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3200 - 4 February 12, 2014 B. CPM Schedule: Prepare Contractor's Construction Schedule using a CPM network analysis diagram. 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Develop network diagram in sufficient time to submit CPM schedule so it can be accepted for use no later than 30 days after date established for commencement of the Work in accordance with the Notice to Proceed. Conduct educational workshops to train and inform key Project personnel, including subcontractors' personnel, in proper methods of providing data and using CPM schedule information. Establish procedures for monitoring and updating CPM schedule and for reporting progress. Coordinate procedures with progress meeting and payment request dates. Use "one workday" as the unit of time. CPM Schedule Preparation: Prepare a list of all activities required to complete the Work. Using the preliminary network diagram, prepare a skeleton network to identify probable critical paths. 1. Activities: Indicate the estimated time duration, sequence requirements, and relationship of each activity in relation to other activities. Include estimated time frames for the following activities: a. b. c. d. e. 2. 3. 2.4 Preparation and processing of submittals. Purchase of materials. Delivery. Fabrication. Installation. Processing: Process data to produce output data or a computer-drawn, time-scaled network. Revise data, reorganize activity sequences, and reproduce as often as necessary to produce the CPM schedule within the limitations of the Contract Time. Format: Mark the critical path. Locate the critical path near center of network; locate paths with most float near the edges. REPORTS A. Daily Construction Reports: Prepare a daily construction report recording the following information concerning events at Project site: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. List of subcontractors at Project site. List of separate contractors at Project site. Approximate count of personnel at Project site. High and low temperatures and general weather conditions. Accidents. Meetings and significant decisions. Unusual events (refer to special reports). Stoppages, delays, shortages, and losses. Meter readings and similar recordings. Emergency procedures. Orders and requests of authorities having jurisdiction. Change Orders received and implemented. Construction Change Directives received. Services connected and disconnected. Equipment or system tests and startups. Partial Completions and occupancies. Substantial Completions authorized. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3200 - 5 February 12, 2014 B. Material Location Reports: At monthly intervals, prepare a comprehensive list of materials delivered to and stored at Project site. List shall be cumulative, showing materials previously reported plus items recently delivered. Include with list a statement of progress on and delivery dates for materials or items of equipment fabricated or stored away from Project site. C. Field Condition Reports: Immediately on discovery of a difference between field conditions and the Contract Documents, prepare a detailed report. Submit with a request for information. Include a detailed description of the differing conditions, together with recommendations for changing the Contract Documents. 2.5 SPECIAL REPORTS A. General: Submit special reports directly to Owner within one day of an occurrence. Distribute copies of report to parties affected by the occurrence. B. Reporting Unusual Events: When an event of an unusual and significant nature occurs at Project site, whether or not related directly to the Work, prepare and submit a special report. List chain of events, persons participating, response by Contractor's personnel, evaluation of results or effects, and similar pertinent information. Advise Owner in advance when these events are known or predictable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A. Contractor's Construction Schedule Updating: At bi-monthly intervals, update schedule to reflect actual construction progress and activities. Issue schedule one week before each regularly scheduled progress meeting. 1. 2. 3. B. Revise schedule immediately after each meeting or other activity where revisions have been recognized or made. Issue updated schedule concurrently with the report of each such meeting. Include a report with updated schedule that indicates every change, including, but not limited to, changes in logic, durations, actual starts and finishes, and activity durations. As the Work progresses, indicate Actual Completion percentage for each activity. Distribution: Distribute copies of approved schedule to Architect and Owner, separate contractors, testing and inspecting agencies, and other parties identified by Contractor with a need-toknow schedule responsibility. 1. 2. Post copies in Project meeting rooms and temporary field offices. When revisions are made, distribute updated schedules to the same parties and post in the same locations. Delete parties from distribution when they have completed their assigned portion of the Work and are no longer involved in performance of construction activities. END OF SECTION 01 3200 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3200 - 6 February 12, 2014 㻌 SECTION 01 3300 – SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General Conditions and Supplemental General Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. B. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for submittals required for performance of the Work; however, additional individual requirements for submittals are specified in other applicable sections of the specifications. Submittals include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Submittal Schedule. Construction Log. Shop Drawings. Product Data. Samples. C. Except for samples, provision of submittals by the Contractor in electronic format is required, unless otherwise authorized by the Architect. D. Division 01 Section “Quality Requirements” contains provisions that relate to this Section. E. Definitions: File Transfer Protocol (FTP): Communications protocol that enables transfer of files to and from another computer over a network and that serves as the basis for standard Internet protocols. An FTP site is a portion of a network located outside of network firewalls within which internal and external users are able to access files. Portable Document Format (PDF): An open standard file format licensed by Adobe Systems used for representing documents in a device-independent and display resolution-independent fixed-layout document format. 1.3 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. Coordination: Coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with performance of construction activities. Transmit each submittal sufficiently in advance of performance of related construction activities to avoid delay. B. Coordinate each submittal with fabrication, purchasing, testing, delivery, other submittals and related activities that require sequential activity. 1. Incomplete submittals will not be reviewed. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3300 - 1 February 12, 2014 㻌 C. Coordinate transmittal of different types of submittals for related elements of the Work so processing will not be delayed by the need to review submittals concurrently for coordination. 1. D. E. The Architect reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until related submittals are received. The Architect also reserves the right to withhold action on submittals for finishes and components that are part of required mock-ups until final acceptance of mock-ups by Owner and Architect. Processing: Allow sufficient review time so that installation will not be delayed as a result of the time required to process submittals, including time for resubmittals. 1. Allow three (3) weeks for initial submittal review. Allow additional time if processing must be delayed to permit coordination with subsequent submittals. 2. Allow three (3) weeks for reprocessing each submittal. 3. Sequential Review: Where sequential review of submittals by Architect's consultants, Owner, or other parties is required, allow (5) weeks for initial review of each submittal. 4. No extension of Contract Time will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals to the Architect sufficiently in advance of the Work to permit processing. Submittal Preparation: Prepare submittals per CO-7 paragraph 24 and place a permanent label or title block on each submittal for identification. Indicate the name of the entity that prepared each submittal on the label or title block. 1. Provide two (2) spaces, each approximately 4" x 5" on the label or beside the title block on Shop Drawings to record the Contractor's review and approval markings and the action taken as well as to record the Architect's review comments. 2. Include the following information on the label for processing and recording action taken. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. F. Project name. Date. Name and address of Architect. Name and address of Contractor. Name and address of subcontractor. Name and address of supplier. Name of manufacturer. Number and title of appropriate Specification Section. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. Submittal Transmittal: Package each submittal appropriately for transmittal and handling. Transmit each submittal using a transmittal form. Submittals received from sources other than the Contractor will not be reviewed. The transmittal shall meet the requirements of the General Conditions. 1. With each submittal, provide relevant information and requests for data, record deviations from Contract Document requirements, including minor variations and limitations. Include Contractor's certification that information complies with Contract Document requirements. 2. Confirm with Architect in advance the submittals that will require review by the Architect’s consultants. Transmit such submittals directly to the appropriate Architect’s consultant and simultaneously transmit one copy of the submittal to the Architect. Once the Architect’s consultant has completed its review, the consultant shall forward the submittal to the Architect for Architect’s review and subsequent return to the Contractor. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3300 - 2 February 12, 2014 㻌 G. Stamp each submittal with the review block as required by General Conditions. H. Electronic Submittals: Identify and incorporate information in each electronic submittal file as follows: 1. 2. Assemble complete submittal package into a single indexed file incorporating submittal requirements of a single Specification Section and transmittal form with links enabling navigation to each item. Name file with submittal number or other unique identifier, including revision identifier. a. 3. 4. Provide means for insertion to permanently record Contractor's review and approval markings and action taken by Architect. Transmittal Form for Electronic Submittals: Use electronic form acceptable to Architect, containing the following information: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. 5. Owner’s project code number.. Project Name. Date. Name and address of Architect. Name of Contractor. Name of firm or entity that prepared submittal. Names of subcontractor, manufacturer, and supplier. Category and type of submittal. Submittal purpose and description. Specification Section number and title. Specification paragraph number or drawing designation and generic name for each of multiple items. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. Location(s) where product is to be installed, as appropriate. Related physical samples submitted directly. Indication of full or partial submittal. Transmittal number. Submittal and transmittal distribution record. Other necessary identification. Remarks. Metadata: Include the following information as keywords in the electronic submittal file metadata: a. b. c. d. e. 6. File name shall use project identifier and Specification Section number followed by a decimal point and then a sequential number (e.g., LNHS-061000.01). Resubmittals shall include an alphabetic suffix after another decimal point (e.g., LNHS061000.01.A). Project name. Number and title of appropriate Specification Section. Manufacturer name. Product name. Other information as required. Post electronic submittals as PDF electronic files directly to Architect's FTP site specifically established for Project and promptly notify Architect via email as each submittal is posted. a. Architect will notify Contractor via email when A/E review has been completed. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3300 - 3 February 12, 2014 㻌 1.4 RE-DESIGN A. If the Contractor makes, or causes to be made, due to approval of substitute equipment or otherwise, any substantial change in form type, system and details of construction from those on the Drawing, The Contractor shall pay for all costs arising from such changes. The Contractor shall pay Architectural and Engineering fees required to check adequacy of such changes. Any changes or departures from the construction and details shown shall be made only after written approval by the Architect. 1.5 SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE A. Submit a complete schedule of submittals within two weeks of receiving a Notice of Award. B. Coordinate submittal schedule with the list of subcontracts, schedule of values and the list of products as well as the Contractor's construction schedule. D. Distribution: Following response to initial submittal, print and distribute copies to the Architect, Owner, subcontractors, and other parties required to comply with submittal dates indicated. Post copies in the Project meeting room and field office. 1. e. When revisions are made, distribute to the same parties and post in the same locations. Delete parties from distribution when they have completed their assigned portion of the Work and are no longer involved in construction activities. Schedule Updating: Revise the schedule after each meeting or activity, where revisions have been recognized or made. Issue the updated schedule concurrently with report of each meeting. 1.6 CONSTRUCTION LOG A. Maintain a daily log, recording the following information concerning events at the site; and submit duplicate copies to the Architect at weekly intervals: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. List of subcontractors at the site. Approximate count of personnel at the site. High and low temperatures, general weather conditions. Accidents and unusual events. Meetings and significant decisions. Stoppages, delays, shortages, losses. Meter readings and similar recordings. Emergency procedures. Orders and requests of governing authorities. Change Orders received, implemented. Services connected, disconnected. Equipment or system tests and start-ups. Partial Completions, occupancies. Substantial Completions authorized. 1.7 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit newly prepared information, drawn to accurate scale. Highlight, encircle, or otherwise indicate deviations from the Contract Documents. Do not reproduce Contract Documents or copy Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3300 - 4 February 12, 2014 㻌 standard information as the basis of Shop Drawings. Standard information prepared without specific reference to the Project is not considered Shop Drawings. B. Shop Drawings include fabrication and installation drawings, setting diagrams, schedules, patterns, templates and similar drawings. Include the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. D. Dimensions. Identification of products and materials included. Compliance with specified standards. Notation of coordination requirements. Notation of dimensions established by field measurement. Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns and similar full- size Drawings, submit Shop Drawings on sheets at least 8-1/2" x 11" but no larger than 30" x 42". 1. Submit electronic copies electronically in pdf format and/or by posting to an FTP site for A/E review. The submittal will be returned electronically and/or posted to an FTP site with A/E review comments attached. The Contractor shall produce and distribute (2) hard copy prints of each shop drawing submittal with A/E comments attached to the Owner’s Project Manager. The Contractor shall produce and distribute as many copies of each shop drawing submittal with A/E comments as are needed for the use of the Contractor and its subcontractor(s). The Architect (and each of the Architect’s consultants, as applicable) shall retain (1) copy for A/E record. 2. Do not use Shop Drawings without an appropriate final stamp indicating action taken in connection with construction. Coordination drawings are a special type of Shop Drawing that show the relationship and integration of different construction elements that require careful coordination during fabrication or installation to fit in the space provided or function as intended. 1. Submit coordination Drawings for integration of different construction elements. Show sequences and relationships of separate components to avoid conflicts in use of space. 1.8 PRODUCT DATA A. Collect Product Data into a single submittal for each element of construction or system. Product Data includes printed information such as manufacturer's installation instructions, catalog cuts, standard color charts, roughing-in diagrams and templates, standard wiring diagrams and performance curves. Where Product Data must be specially prepared because standard printed data is not suitable for use, submit as "Shop Drawings." 1. Mark each copy to show applicable choices and options. Where printed Product Data includes information on several products, some of which are not required, mark copies to indicate the applicable information. Include the following information: a. b. c. d. e. f. Manufacturer's printed recommendations. Compliance with recognized trade association standards. Compliance with recognized testing agency standards. Application of testing agency labels and seals. Notation of dimensions verified by field measurement. Notation of coordination requirements. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3300 - 5 February 12, 2014 㻌 B. 2. Submit electronic copies electronically in pdf format and/or by posting to an FTP site for A/E review. The submittal will be returned electronically and/or posted to an FTP site with A/E review comments attached. The Contractor shall produce and distribute (2) hard copy prints of each shop drawing submittal with A/E comments attached to the Owner’s Project Manager. The Contractor shall produce and distribute as many copies of each shop drawing submittal with A/E comments as are needed for the use of the Contractor and its subcontractor(s). The Architect (and each of the Architect’s consultants, as applicable) shall retain (1) copy for A/E record. 3. Do not submit Product Data until compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents has been confirmed. Contractor shall produce additional copies of submittals as required for maintenance manuals. 1.9 SAMPLES A. Submit full-size, fully fabricated Samples cured and finished as specified and physically identical with the material or product proposed. Samples include partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components, cuts or containers of materials, color range sets, and swatches showing color, texture and pattern. 1. Mount, display, or package Samples in the manner specified to facilitate review of qualities indicated. Where required, prepare Samples to match the Architect's Sample. Include the following: a. b. c. d. e. Description of the Sample. Sample source. Product name or name of manufacturer. Compliance with recognized standards. Availability and delivery time. 2. Submit Samples for review of kind, color, pattern, and texture, for a final check of these characteristics with other elements, and for a comparison of these characteristics between the final submittal and the actual component as delivered and installed. 3. Where Samples are for selection of color, pattern, texture or similar characteristics from a full range of standard choices, submit three (3) full sets of choices for the material or product; one(1) sets will be returned with A/E review comments and selections attached. The Contractor shall deliver one (1) copy to the University Project Manager for record. The Architect shall retain one (1) copy for A/E record. 4, Submit a single Sample where assembly details, workmanship, fabrication techniques, connections, operation, and other similar characteristics are to be demonstrated. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3300 - 6 February 12, 2014 㻌 PART 2 - PRODUCTS – NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONTRACTOR'S REVIEW A. Action and Informational Submittals: Review each submittal and check for coordination with other Work of the Contract and for compliance with the Contract Documents. Note corrections and field dimensions. Mark with approval stamp before submitting to Architect. B. Project Closeout and Maintenance Material Submittals: comply with specified requirements. C. Approval Stamp: Stamp each submittal with a uniform, approval stamp. Include Project name and location, submittal number, Specification Section title and number, name of reviewer, date of Contractor's approval, and statement certifying that submittal has been reviewed, checked, and approved for compliance with the Contract Documents. 3.2 ARCHITECT'S ACTION A. Action Submittals: Architect will review each submittal and respond to the Contractor with action taken, including comments to indicate corrections or revisions required (if any). If necessary, Architect will make marks to indicate corrections or revisions required, and provide to the Contractor. B. Informational Submittals: Architect will review each submittal and will not return it, or will notify Contractor if it does not comply with requirements. C. Partial submittals prepared for a portion of the Work will be reviewed when use of partial submittals has received prior approval from Architect. D. Incomplete submittals are unacceptable, will be considered nonresponsive, and will not be reviewed. E. Submittals not required by the Contract Documents may be discarded or returned by the Architect without action. END OF SECTION 01 3300 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3300 - 7 February 12, 2014 㻌 This page intentionally blank. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES VT PC# R-2014-05 01 3300 - 8 February 12, 2014 SECTION 01 4000 - QUALITY REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplemental General Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for quality assurance and quality control, including, but not limited to the preparation of mock-ups. B. Testing and inspecting services are required to verify compliance with requirements specified or indicated. These services do not relieve Contractor of responsibility for compliance with the Contract Document requirements. 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Specific quality-control requirements for individual construction activities are specified in the Sections that specify those activities. Requirements in those Sections may also cover production of standard products. Specified tests, inspections, and related actions do not limit Contractor's quality-control procedures that facilitate compliance with the Contract Document requirements. Requirements for Contractor to provide quality-control services required by Architect, Owner, or authorities having jurisdiction are not limited by provisions of this Section. DEFINITIONS A. Quality-Assurance Services: Activities, actions, and procedures performed before and during execution of the Work to guard against defects and deficiencies and ensure that proposed construction complies with requirements. B. Quality-Control Services: Tests, inspections, procedures, and related actions during and after execution of the Work to evaluate that completed construction complies with requirements. Services do not include contract enforcement activities performed by Architect C. Mockups: Full-size, physical example assemblies to illustrate finishes and materials. Mockups are used to verify selections made under Sample submittals, to demonstrate aesthetic effects and, where indicated, qualities of materials and execution, and to review construction, coordination, testing, or operation; they are not Samples. Testing Agency: An entity engaged to perform specific tests, inspections, or both. Testing laboratory shall mean the same as testing agency. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For testing agencies specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include proof of qualifications in the form of a recent report on the inspection of the testing agency by a recognized authority. B. Schedule of Tests and Inspections: Prepare in tabular form and include the following: Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices QUALITY REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 4000 - 1 February 12, 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C. Reports: Prepare and submit certified written reports that include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. D. 1.5 Specification Section number and title. Description of test and inspection. Identification of applicable standards. Identification of test and inspection methods. Number of tests and inspections required. Time schedule or time span for tests and inspections. Entity responsible for performing tests and inspections. Requirements for obtaining samples. Unique characteristics of each quality-control service. Date of issue. Project title and number. Name, address, and telephone number of testing agency. Dates and locations of samples and tests or inspections. Names of individuals making tests and inspections. Description of the Work and test and inspection method. Identification of product and Specification Section. Complete test or inspection data. Test and inspection results and an interpretation of test results. Ambient conditions at time of sample taking and testing and inspecting. Comments or professional opinion on whether tested or inspected Work complies with the Contract Document requirements. Name and signature of laboratory inspector. Recommendations on retesting and reinspecting. Permits, Licenses, and Certificates: For Owner's records, submit copies of permits, licenses, certifications, inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional settlements, notices, receipts for fee payments, judgments, correspondence, records, and similar documents, established for compliance with standards and regulations bearing on performance of the Work. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fabricator Qualifications: A firm experienced in producing products similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance, as well as sufficient production capacity to produce required units. B. Factory-Authorized Service Representative Qualifications: An authorized representative of manufacturer who is trained and approved by manufacturer to inspect installation of manufacturer's products that are similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project. C. Installer Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in installing, erecting, or assembling work similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project, whose work has resulted in construction with a record of successful in-service performance. D. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing products or systems similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance. E. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and who is experienced in providing engineering services of the kind indicated. Engineering services are defined as those performed for installations of the system, assembly, or product that are similar to those indicated for this Project in material, design, and extent. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices QUALITY REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 4000 - 2 February 12, 2014 F. Mockups: Before installing portions of the Work requiring mockups, build mockups for each form of construction and finish required to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for the completed Work: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1.6 Build mockups in location and of size indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by Architect. Notify Architect seven days in advance of dates and times when mockups will be constructed. Demonstrate the proposed range of aesthetic effects and workmanship. Obtain Architect's written approval of mockups before starting work, fabrication, or construction. Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed Work. Approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. QUALITY CONTROL A. B. Owner Responsibilities: Where quality-control services are indicated as Owner's responsibility, Owner will engage a qualified testing agency to perform these services. 1. Owner will furnish Contractor with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of testing agencies engaged and a description of the types of testing and inspecting they are engaged to perform. 2. Costs for retesting and reinspecting construction that replaces or is necessitated by work that failed to comply with the Contract Documents will be charged to Contractor. Contractor Responsibilities: Unless otherwise indicated, provide quality-control services specified and required by authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Where services are indicated as Contractor's responsibility, engage a qualified testing agency to perform these quality-control services. a. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. Contractor shall not employ the same entity engaged by Owner, unless agreed to in writing by Owner. Notify testing agencies at least 24 hours in advance of time when Work that requires testing or inspecting will be performed. Where quality-control services are indicated as Contractor's responsibility, submit a certified written report, in duplicate, of each quality-control service. Testing and inspecting requested by Contractor and not required by the Contract Documents are Contractor's responsibility. Submit additional copies of each written report directly to authorities having jurisdiction, when they so direct. Special Tests and Inspections: Owner will engage a testing agency to conduct special tests and inspections required by authorities having jurisdiction as the responsibility of Owner. 1. 2. Testing agency will notify Architect and Contractor promptly of irregularities and deficiencies observed in the Work during performance of its services. Testing agency will submit a certified written report of each test, inspection, and similar quality-control service to Architect with copy to Contractor and to authorities having jurisdiction. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices QUALITY REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 4000 - 3 February 12, 2014 3. 4. 5. Testing agency will submit a final report of special tests and inspections at Substantial Completion, which includes a list of unresolved deficiencies. Testing agency will interpret tests and inspections and state in each report whether tested and inspected work complies with or deviates from the Contract Documents. Testing agency will retest and reinspect corrected work. D. Manufacturer's Field Services: Where indicated, engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect field-assembled components and equipment installation, including service connections. Report results in writing. E. Retesting/Reinspecting: Regardless of whether original tests or inspections were Contractor's responsibility, Contractor shall provide quality-control services and pay costs for, retesting and reinspecting performed by Owner’s testing firm(s), for construction that revised or replaced Work that failed to comply with requirements established by the Contract Documents. F. Testing Agency Responsibilities: Cooperate with Architect and Contractor in performance of duties. Provide qualified personnel to perform required tests and inspections. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. Associated Services: Cooperate with agencies performing required tests, inspections, and similar quality-control services, and provide reasonable auxiliary services as requested. Notify agency sufficiently in advance of operations to permit assignment of personnel. Provide the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. H. Notify Architect and Contractor promptly of irregularities or deficiencies observed in the Work during performance of its services. Interpret tests and inspections and state in each report whether tested and inspected work complies with or deviates from requirements. Submit a certified written report, in duplicate, of each test, inspection, and similar qualitycontrol service through Contractor. Do not release, revoke, alter, or increase requirements of the Contract Documents or approve or accept any portion of the Work. Do not perform any duties of Contractor. Access to the Work. Incidental labor and facilities necessary to facilitate tests and inspections. Adequate quantities of representative samples of materials that require testing and inspecting. Assist agency in obtaining samples. Facilities for storage and field-curing of test samples. Delivery of samples to testing agencies. Preliminary design mix proposed for use for material mixes that require control by testing agency. Security and protection for samples and for testing and inspecting equipment at Project site. Coordination: Coordinate sequence of activities to accommodate required quality-assurance and quality-control services with a minimum of delay and to avoid necessity of removing and replacing construction to accommodate testing and inspecting. 1. Schedule times for tests, inspections, obtaining samples, and similar activities. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices QUALITY REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 4000 - 4 February 12, 2014 3.1 REPAIR AND PROTECTION A. General: On completion of testing, inspecting, sample taking, and similar services, repair damaged construction and restore substrates and finishes. 1. 2. Provide materials and comply with installation requirements specified in other Sections of these Specifications. Restore patched areas and extend restoration into adjoining areas in a manner that eliminates evidence of patching. Comply with the Contract Document requirements for Division 1 Section "Cutting and Patching." B. Protect construction exposed by or for quality-control service activities. C. Repair and protection are Contractor's responsibility, regardless of the assignment of responsibility for quality-control services. END OF SECTION 014000 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices QUALITY REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 4000 - 5 February 12, 2014 This page intentionally blank. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices QUALITY REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 4000 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 01 5000 - TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplemental General Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes requirements for temporary facilities and controls, including temporary utilities, support facilities, and security and protection facilities. B. Temporary utilities required include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C. Support facilities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. D. Water service and distribution. Sanitary facilities, including toilets, wash facilities, and drinking-water facilities. Heating and cooling facilities. Ventilation. Electric power service. Lighting. Telephone service. Dewatering facilities and drains. Project identification and temporary signs. Waste disposal facilities. Field offices. Storage and fabrication sheds. Lifts and hoists. Temporary elevator usage. Temporary stairs. Construction aids and miscellaneous services and facilities. Security and protection facilities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Environmental protection. Stormwater control. Tree and plant protection. Pest control. Site enclosure fence. Security enclosure and lockup. Barricades, warning signs, and lights. Covered walkways where required by OSHA. Temporary enclosures. Temporary partitions. Fire protection. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 5000 - 1 February 12, 2014 E. Related Sections include the following: 1. 2. 1.3 Division 01 Section "Submittal Procedures" for procedures for submitting copies of implementation and termination schedule and utility reports. Divisions 02 through 33 for temporary heat, ventilation, and humidity requirements for products in those Sections. DEFINITIONS A. 1.4 Permanent Enclosure: As determined by Architect, permanent or temporary roofing is complete, insulated, and weathertight; exterior walls are insulated and weathertight; and all openings are closed with permanent construction or substantial temporary closures. USE CHARGES A. General: Cost or use charges for temporary facilities are not chargeable to Owner or Architect and shall be included in the Contract Sum. Allow other entities to use temporary services and facilities without cost, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Owner's construction forces. Occupants of Project. Architect. Testing agencies. Personnel of authorities having jurisdiction. B. Water Service: Subject to reasonable use, water may be obtained from Owner's existing water system without metering and without payment of use charges, except that Contractor shall be responsible for costs attributable to excessive, unnecessary or wasteful use of Owner’s water. C. Electric Power Service: Subject to reasonable use, electricity may be obtained from Owner's existing system without metering and without payment of use charges, except that Contractor shall be responsible for costs attributable to excessive, unnecessary or wasteful use of Owner’s electricity. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Temporary Utility Reports: Submit reports of tests, inspections, meter readings, and similar procedures performed on temporary utilities. B. Implementation and Termination Schedule: Within 15 days of date established for submittal of Contractor's Construction Schedule, submit a schedule indicating implementation and termination of each temporary utility. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Standards: Comply with ANSI A10.6, NECA's "Temporary Electrical Facilities," and NFPA 241. 1. Trade Jurisdictions: Assigned responsibilities for installation and operation of temporary utilities are not intended to interfere with trade regulations and union jurisdictions Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 5000 - 2 February 12, 2014 . 2. B. 1.7 Electric Service: Comply with NECA, NEMA, and UL standards and regulations for temporary electric service. Install service to comply with NFPA 70. Tests and Inspections: Arrange for authorities having jurisdiction to test and inspect each temporary utility before use. Obtain required certifications and permits. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Temporary Utilities: At earliest feasible time, when acceptable to Owner, change over from use of temporary service to use of permanent service. 1. B. Temporary Use of Permanent Facilities: Installer of each permanent service shall assume responsibility for operation, maintenance, and protection of each permanent service during its use as a construction facility before Owner's acceptance, regardless of previously assigned responsibilities. Conditions of Use: The following conditions apply to use of temporary services and facilities by all parties engaged in the Work: 1. 2. 3. Keep temporary services and facilities clean and neat. Relocate temporary services and facilities as required by progress of the Work. Do not permit excessive or wasteful use of temporary services and facilities. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. General: Provide new materials. Undamaged, previously used materials in serviceable condition may be used if approved by Architect. Provide materials suitable for use intended. B. Pavement: Comply with Division 2 Section "Hot-Mix Asphalt paving" and Section "Cement Concrete Pavement." C. Portable Chain-Link Fencing: Minimum 2-inch (50-mm) 9-gage, galvanized steel, chain-link fabric fencing; minimum 8 feet high with galvanized steel pipe posts; minimum 2-3/8-inch- (60mm-) OD line posts and 2-7/8-inch- (73-mm-) OD corner and pull posts, with 1-5/8-inch- (42mm-) OD top and bottom rails. Provide concrete bases for supporting posts. D. Lumber and Plywood: Comply with requirements in Division 6 Section "Miscellaneous Carpentry." E. Paint: Comply with requirements in Division 9 Section "Painting." F. Tarpaulins: Fire-resistive labeled with flame-spread rating of 15 or less. G. Water: Potable. 2.2 EQUIPMENT A. General: Provide equipment suitable for use intended. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 5000 - 3 February 12, 2014 1. B. Field Offices: Mobile units with lockable entrances, operable windows, and serviceable finishes; heated and air conditioned; on foundations adequate for normal loading. Fire Extinguishers: Hand carried, portable, UL rated. Provide class and extinguishing agent as indicated or a combination of extinguishers of NFPA-recommended classes for exposures. 1. Comply with NFPA 10 and NFPA 241 for classification, extinguishing agent, and size required by location and class of fire exposure. C. Self-Contained Toilet Units: Single-occupant units of chemical, aerated recirculation, or combustion type; vented; fully enclosed with a glass-fiber-reinforced polyester shell or similar nonabsorbent material. D. Drinking-Water Fixtures: Containerized, tap-dispenser, including paper cup supply. E. Heating Equipment: Contractor shall provide vented, self-contained, liquid-propane-gas or fueloil heaters with individual space thermostatic control. 1. 2. Use of gasoline-burning space heaters, open-flame heaters, or salamander-type heating units is prohibited. Heating Units: Listed and labeled, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use for type of fuel being consumed. F. Electrical Outlets: Properly configured, NEMA-polarized outlets to prevent insertion of 110- to 120-V plugs into higher-voltage outlets; equipped with ground-fault circuit interrupters, reset button, and pilot light. G. Power Distribution System Circuits: Where permitted and overhead and exposed for surveillance, wiring circuits, not exceeding 125-V ac, 20-A rating, and lighting circuits may be nonmetallic sheathed cable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Locate facilities where they will serve Project adequately and result in minimum interference with performance of the Work. Relocate and modify facilities as required. B. Provide each facility ready for use when needed to avoid delay. Maintain and modify as required. Do not remove until facilities are no longer needed or are replaced by authorized use of completed permanent facilities. 3.2 TEMPORARY UTILITY INSTALLATION A. General: Engage appropriate local utility company to install temporary service or connect to existing service. Where utility company provides only part of the service, provide the remainder with matching, compatible materials and equipment. Comply with utility company recommendations. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 5000 - 4 February 12, 2014 1. 2. 3. B. Water Service: Use of Owner's existing water service facilities will be permitted, subject to restrictions indicated. At Substantial Completion, restore these facilities to condition existing before initial use. 1. 2. 3. C. Provide rubber hoses as necessary to serve Project site. As soon as water is required at each level, extend service to form a temporary water- and fire-protection standpipe. Provide distribution piping. Space outlets so water can be reached with a 100-foot (30-m) hose. Provide one hose at each outlet. Where installations below an outlet might be damaged by spillage or leakage, provide a drip pan of suitable size to minimize water damage. Drain accumulated water promptly from pans. Sanitary Facilities: Provide temporary toilets, wash facilities, and drinking-water fixtures. Comply with regulations and health codes for type, number, location, operation, and maintenance of fixtures and facilities. 1. 2. 3. D. Arrange with utility company, Owner, and existing users for time when service can be interrupted, if necessary, to make connections for temporary services. Coordinate interruptions of permanent utilities with Owner. Provide adequate capacity at each stage of construction. Before temporary utility is available, provide trucked-in services. Obtain easements to bring temporary utilities to Project site where Owner's easements cannot be used for that purpose. Add provisions for work not in the Contract but served by temporary facilities if required. Disposable Supplies: Provide toilet tissue, paper towels, paper cups, and similar disposable materials for each facility. Maintain adequate supply. Provide covered waste containers for disposal of used material. Toilets: Install self-contained toilet units. Shield toilets to ensure privacy. Provide separate facilities for male and female personnel. Drinking-Water Facilities: Provide bottled-water, drinking-water units. Heating and Cooling: Provide temporary heating and cooling required by construction activities for curing or drying of completed installations or for protecting installed construction from adverse effects of low temperatures or high humidity. Select equipment from that specified that will not have a harmful effect on completed installations or elements being installed. 1. Maintain a minimum temperature of 50 deg F (10 deg C) in permanently enclosed portions of building for normal construction activities, and 65 deg F (18.3 deg C) for finishing activities and areas where finished Work has been installed. E. Ventilation and Humidity Control: Provide temporary ventilation required by construction activities for curing or drying of completed installations or for protecting installed construction from adverse effects of high humidity. Select equipment from that specified that will not have a harmful effect on completed installations or elements being installed. Coordinate ventilation requirements to produce ambient condition required and minimize energy consumption. F. Electric Power Service: 1. 2. Install power distribution wiring overhead and rise vertically where least exposed to damage. Connect temporary service to Owner's existing power source, as directed by electric company officials. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 5000 - 5 February 12, 2014 G. Electric Power Service Distribution: Provide receptacle outlets adequate for connection of power tools and equipment. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H. Lighting: Provide temporary lighting with local switching that provides adequate illumination for construction operations and traffic conditions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I. Provide waterproof connectors to connect separate lengths of electrical power cords if single lengths will not reach areas where construction activities are in progress. Do not exceed safe length-voltage ratio. Provide warning signs at power outlets other than 110 to 120 V. Provide metal conduit, tubing, or metallic cable for wiring exposed to possible damage. Provide rigid steel conduits for wiring exposed on grades, floors, decks, or other traffic areas. Provide metal conduit enclosures or boxes for wiring devices. Provide 4-gang outlets, spaced so 100-foot (30-m) extension cord can reach each area for power hand tools and task lighting. Provide a separate 125-V ac, 20-A circuit for each outlet. Install and operate temporary lighting that fulfills security and protection requirements without operating entire system. Provide one 100-W incandescent lamp per 500 sq. ft. (45 sq. m), uniformly distributed, for general lighting, or equivalent illumination. Provide one 100-W incandescent lamp every 50 feet (15 m) in traffic areas. Provide one 100-W incandescent lamp per story in stairways and ladder runs, located to illuminate each landing and flight. Install exterior-yard site lighting that will provide adequate illumination for construction operations, traffic conditions, and signage visibility when the Work is being performed. Telephone Service: Provide temporary telephone service throughout construction period for common-use facilities used by all personnel engaged in construction activities. Install separate telephone line for each field office and first-aid station. 1. Provide additional telephone lines for the following: a. Provide a dedicated telephone line for each facsimile machine and computer in each field office. 2. At each telephone, post a list of important telephone numbers. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 3. 4. 5. 6. Police and fire departments. Ambulance service. Contractor's home office. Architect's office. Engineers' offices. Owner's office. Principal subcontractors' field and home offices. Provide an answering machine, voice-mail service or messaging service on superintendent's telephone. Furnish superintendent with electronic paging device for use when away from field office. Provide a portable cellular telephone for superintendent's use in making and receiving telephone calls when away from field office. Provide a computer with high-speed DSL service and printer. Computer shall be able to perform normal office operations including transmission and receipt of electronic mail and shall be equipped with Microsoft Word, Excel and Adobe Acrobat software. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 5000 - 6 February 12, 2014 3.3 SUPPORT FACILITIES INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with the following: 1. 2. 3. Locate field offices, storage sheds, sanitary facilities, and other temporary construction and support facilities for easy access and where acceptable to Owner. Provide incombustible construction for offices, shops, and sheds located within construction area or within 30 feet (9 m) of building lines. Comply with NFPA 241. Maintain support facilities until near Substantial Completion. Remove before Substantial Completion. Personnel remaining after Substantial Completion will be permitted to use permanent facilities, under conditions acceptable to Owner. B. Traffic Controls: Provide temporary traffic controls at junction of temporary roads with public roads. Include "STOP" signs for entrance onto public roads. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. C. Dewatering Facilities and Drains: Comply with requirements in applicable Division 2 Sections for temporary drainage and dewatering facilities and operations not directly associated with construction activities included in individual Sections. Where feasible, use same facilities. Maintain Project site, excavations, and construction free of water. 1. 2. 3. D. Temporary Signs: Prepare signs in 4’ x 8’ size, unless otherwise indicated. Install signs where indicated to inform public and persons seeking entrance to Project. Do not permit installation of unauthorized signs. 1. 2. 3. E. Prepare temporary signs to provide directional information to construction personnel and visitors. Construct signs of ¾ inch exterior-type Grade B-B high-density concrete form overlay plywood. Support on posts or framing of preservative-treated wood or steel. Paint sign panel and applied graphics with exterior-grade alkyd gloss enamel over exterior primer. Five or more different colors may be required. Waste Disposal Facilities: Provide waste-collection containers in sizes adequate to handle waste from construction operations. Containerize and clearly label hazardous, dangerous, or unsanitary waste materials separately from other waste. 1. 2. F. Dispose of rainwater in a lawful manner that will not result in flooding Project or adjoining property nor endanger permanent Work or temporary facilities. Before connection and operation of permanent drainage piping system, provide temporary drainage where roofing or similar waterproof deck construction is completed. Remove snow and ice as required to minimize accumulations. If required by authorities having jurisdiction, provide separate containers, clearly labeled, for each type of waste material to be deposited. Develop a waste management plan for Work performed on Project. Indicate types of waste materials Project will produce and estimate quantities of each type. Provide detailed information for on-site waste storage and separation of recyclable materials. Provide information on destination of each type of waste material and means to be used to dispose of all waste materials. Janitorial Services: Provide janitorial services on a weekly basis for temporary offices, first-aid stations, toilets, wash facilities, lunchrooms, and similar areas. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 5000 - 7 February 12, 2014 G. Common-Use Field Office: Provide an insulated, weathertight, air-conditioned field office for use as a common facility by all personnel engaged in construction activities; of sufficient size to accommodate required office personnel and meetings of 12 persons at Project site. Keep office clean and orderly. 1. Furnish and equip offices as follows: a. b. c. d. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. H. Construct framing, sheathing, and siding using fire-retardant-treated lumber and plywood. Paint exposed lumber and plywood with exterior-grade acrylic-latex emulsion over exterior primer. Paint interior walls with two coats of interior latex-flat wall paint. Provide resilient floor covering and painted gypsum wallboard walls and acoustical ceiling. Provide operable windows with adjustable blinds and insect screens. Provide an electric heater with thermostat capable of maintaining a uniform indoor temperature of 68 deg F (20 deg C). Provide an air-conditioning unit capable of maintaining an indoor temperature of 72 deg F (23 deg C). Provide fluorescent light fixtures capable of maintaining average illumination of 20 fc (215 lx) at desk height. Provide 110- to 120-V duplex outlets spaced at not more than 12-foot (4-m) intervals, 1 per wall in each room. Storage and Fabrication Sheds: Provide sheds sized, furnished, and equipped to accommodate materials and equipment involved, including temporary utility services. Sheds may be open shelters or fully enclosed spaces within building or elsewhere on-site. 1. 2. Construct framing, sheathing, and siding using fire-retardant-treated lumber and plywood. Paint exposed lumber and plywood with exterior-grade acrylic-latex emulsion over exterior primer. I. Lifts and Hoists: Provide facilities for hoisting materials and personnel. Truck cranes and similar devices used for hoisting materials are considered "tools and equipment" as provided by the general contractor and not temporary facilities. J. Temporary Stairs: Until permanent stairs are available, provide temporary stairs where ladders are not adequate. Cover finished, permanent stairs with protective covering of plywood or similar material so finishes will be undamaged at time of acceptance. K. Existing Stair Usage: Use of Owner's existing stairs will be permitted, as long as stairs are cleaned and maintained in a condition acceptable to Owner. 1. 3.4 Desk and four chairs, four-drawer file cabinet, a plan table, a plan rack, and bookcase. Water cooler and private toilet complete with water closet, lavatory, and medicine cabinet with mirror. Coffee machine and supplies, including regular and decaffeinated coffee, filters, cups, stirring sticks, creamer, sugar, and sugar substitute. Provide a room adequate to accommodate 12 persons for Project meetings. Furnish room with conference table, 12 folding chairs, 4’ X 8’ tack board, and 4’ X 4’ square markerboard. Provide protective coverings, barriers, devices, signs, or other procedures to protect stairs and to maintain means of egress. If, despite such protection, stairs become damaged, restore damaged areas so no evidence remains of correction work. SECURITY AND PROTECTION FACILITIES INSTALLATION Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 5000 - 8 February 12, 2014 A. Environmental Protection: Provide protection, operate temporary facilities, and conduct construction in ways and by methods that comply with environmental regulations and that minimize possible air, waterway, and subsoil contamination or pollution or other undesirable effects. Avoid using tools and equipment that produce harmful noise. Restrict use of noisemaking tools and equipment to hours that will minimize complaints from persons or firms near Project site. B. Stormwater Control: Provide earthen embankments and similar barriers in and around excavations and subgrade construction, sufficient to prevent flooding by runoff of stormwater from heavy rains. C. Tree and Plant Protection: Install temporary fencing located as indicated or outside the drip line of trees to protect vegetation from construction damage. Protect tree root systems from damage, flooding, and erosion. D. Site Enclosure Fence: Before construction operations begin, install chain-link enclosure fence with lockable entrance gates. Locate where indicated, or if not indicated, enclose entire Project site or portion determined sufficient to accommodate construction operations. Install in a manner that will prevent people, dogs, and other animals from easily entering site except by entrance gates. Comply with OSHA standards and regulations. 1. 2. Provide gates in sizes and at locations necessary to accommodate delivery vehicles and other construction operations. Maintain security by limiting number of keys and restricting distribution to authorized personnel. Provide Owner with two sets of keys. E. Security Enclosure and Lockup: Install substantial temporary enclosure around partially completed areas of construction. Provide lockable entrances to prevent unauthorized entrance, vandalism, theft, and similar violations of security. F. Barricades, Warning Signs, and Lights: Comply with standards and code requirements for erecting structurally adequate barricades. Paint with appropriate colors, graphics, and warning signs to inform personnel and public of possible hazard. Where appropriate and needed, provide lighting, including flashing red or amber lights. 1. G. Temporary Enclosures: Provide temporary enclosures for protection of construction, in progress and completed, from exposure, foul weather, other construction operations, and similar activities. Provide temporary weathertight enclosure for building exterior. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H. For safety barriers, sidewalk bridges, and similar uses, provide minimum 5/8-inch- (16mm-) thick exterior plywood. Where heating or cooling is needed and permanent enclosure is not complete, provide insulated temporary enclosures. Coordinate enclosure with ventilating and material drying or curing requirements to avoid dangerous conditions and effects. Vertical Openings: Close openings of 25 sq. ft. (2.3 sq. m) or less with plywood or similar materials. Horizontal Openings: Close openings in floor or roof decks and horizontal surfaces with load-bearing, wood-framed construction. Install tarpaulins securely using fire-retardant-treated wood framing and other materials. Where temporary wood or plywood enclosure exceeds 100 sq. ft. (9.2 sq. m) in area, use fire-retardant-treated material for framing and main sheathing. Temporary Partitions: Erect and maintain dustproof partitions and temporary enclosures to limit dust and dirt migration and to separate areas from fumes and noise and to protect both new & existing work under various conditions that may be encountered during construction. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 5000 - 9 February 12, 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. I. Construct dustproof floor-to-ceiling partitions of not less than nominal 3 5/8-inch (100mm) metal studs, 5/8-inch (16-mm) gypsum wallboard with joints taped on occupied side, and 1/2-inch (13-mm) fire-retardant plywood on construction side. Equip partitions with dustproof doors and security locks. Protect air-handling equipment. Weatherstrip openings. Temporary Fire Protection: Until fire-protection needs are supplied by permanent facilities, install and maintain temporary fire-protection facilities of types needed to protect against reasonably predictable and controllable fire losses. Comply with NFPA 241. 1. Provide fire extinguishers, installed on walls on mounting brackets, visible and accessible from space being served, with sign mounted above. a. b. c. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3.5 Field Offices: Class A stored-pressure water-type extinguishers. Other Locations: Class ABC dry-chemical extinguishers or a combination of extinguishers of NFPA-recommended classes for exposures. Locate fire extinguishers where convenient and effective for their intended purpose; provide not less than one extinguisher on each floor at or near each usable stairwell. Store combustible materials in containers in fire-safe locations. Maintain unobstructed access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, temporary fireprotection facilities, stairways, and other access routes for firefighting. Prohibit smoking in hazardous fire-exposure areas. Supervise welding operations, combustion-type temporary heating units, and similar sources of fire ignition. Permanent Fire Protection: At earliest feasible date in each area of Project, complete installation of permanent fire-protection facility, including connected services, and place into operation and use. Instruct key personnel on use of facilities. Develop and supervise an overall fire-prevention and first-aid fire-protection program for personnel at Project site. Review needs with local fire department and establish procedures to be followed. Instruct personnel in methods and procedures. Post warnings and information. Provide hoses for fire protection of sufficient length to reach construction areas. Hang hoses with a warning sign stating that hoses are for fire-protection purposes only and are not to be removed. Match hose size with outlet size and equip with suitable nozzles. Provide temporary standpipes and hoses for fire protection. Hang hoses with a warning sign stating that hoses are for fire-protection purposes only and are not to be removed. Match hose size with outlet size and equip with suitable nozzles. OPERATION, TERMINATION, AND REMOVAL A. Supervision: Enforce strict discipline in use of temporary facilities. To minimize waste and abuse, limit availability of temporary facilities to essential and intended uses. B. Maintenance: Maintain facilities in good operating condition until removal. Protect from damage caused by freezing temperatures and similar elements. 1. 2. Maintain operation of temporary enclosures, heating, cooling, humidity control, ventilation, and similar facilities on a 24-hour basis where required to achieve indicated results and to avoid possibility of damage. Prevent water-filled piping from freezing. Maintain markers for underground lines. Protect from damage during excavation operations. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 5000 - 10 February 12, 2014 C. Temporary Facility Changeover: Except for using permanent fire protection as soon as available, do not change over from using temporary security and protection facilities to permanent facilities until Substantial Completion. D. Termination and Removal: Remove each temporary facility when need for its service has ended, when it has been replaced by authorized use of a permanent facility, or no later than Substantial Completion. Complete or, if necessary, restore permanent construction that may have been delayed because of interference with temporary facility. Repair damaged Work, clean exposed surfaces, and replace construction that cannot be satisfactorily repaired. 1. 2. 3. Materials and facilities that constitute temporary facilities are the property of Contractor. Owner reserves right to take possession of Project identification signs. Remove temporary paving not intended for or acceptable for integration into permanent paving. Where area is intended for landscape development, remove soil and aggregate fill that do not comply with requirements for fill or subsoil. Remove materials contaminated with road oil, asphalt and other petrochemical compounds, and other substances that might impair growth of plant materials or lawns. Repair or replace street paving, curbs, and sidewalks at temporary entrances, as required by authorities having jurisdiction. At Substantial Completion, clean and renovate permanent facilities used during construction period. Comply with final cleaning requirements in Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures." END OF SECTION 01 5000 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 5000 - 11 February 12, 2014 This page intentionally blank. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS VT PC# R-2014-05 01 5000 - 12 February 12, 2014 SECTION 01 7329 - CUTTING AND PATCHING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplemental General Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Description of Work: The Contractor is responsible for coordination of the Work with the intent of anticipating and planning for penetrations of different elements (i.e. providing sleeves or sequencing the Work to avoid cutting and patching). In the event cutting and patching of new work is required, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements of this Section. B. Prepare existing substrates for finish materials to be installed in this project. This includes conditions from recent demolition phase. C. Work Not Included: Removal or encapsulation of any materials containing asbestos or other hazardous substances is not within scope of Work. D. Related Sections include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Division 02 Section “Selective Demolition” for demolition and removal of selected portions of the building. Division 07 Section "Penetration Firestopping" for patching fire-rated construction. Division 07 Section “Joint Sealants” for joint-sealants. Divisions 02 through 28 Sections for specific requirements and limitations applicable to cutting and patching individual parts of the Work. a. 1.3 Requirements in this Section apply to mechanical and electrical installations. Refer to Divisions 23 and 26 Sections for other requirements and limitations applicable to cutting and patching mechanical and electrical installations. DEFINITIONS A. Cutting: Removal of existing, in-place construction necessary to permit installation or performance of other Work. B. Patching: Fitting and repair work required to restore surfaces to original conditions after installation of other Work. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. LEED Requirements for Building Reuse: 1. Credit MR 1.1 and 1.2: Maintain existing building structure (including structural floor and roof decking) and envelope (exterior skin and framing, excluding window assemblies and Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CUTTING AND PATCHING VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7329 - 1 February 12, 2014 non structural roofing material) not indicated to be removed; do not cut such existing construction beyond indicated limits. B. Structural Elements: Do not cut and patch structural elements in a manner that could change their load-carrying capacity or load-deflection ratio, except as specifically indicated. C. Operational Elements: Do not cut and patch operating elements and related components in a manner that results in reducing their capacity to perform as intended or that results in increased maintenance or decreased operational life or safety. D. Visual Requirements: Do not cut and patch construction in a manner that results in visual evidence of cutting and patching. Do not cut and patch construction exposed on the exterior or in occupied spaces in a manner that would, in Architect's opinion, reduce the building's aesthetic qualities. Remove and replace construction that has been cut and patched in a visually unsatisfactory manner. E. Cutting and Patching Conference: Before proceeding, meet at Project site with parties involved in cutting and patching, including mechanical and electrical trades. Review areas of potential interference and conflict. Coordinate procedures and resolve potential conflicts before proceeding. 1.5 WARRANTY A. Existing Warranties: Remove, replace, patch, and repair materials and surfaces cut or damaged during cutting and patching operations, by methods and with materials so as not to void existing warranties. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. General: Comply with requirements specified in other Sections of these Specifications. 1. B. In-Place Materials: Use materials for patching identical to in-place materials. For exposed surfaces, use materials that visually match in-place adjacent surfaces to the fullest extent possible. 1. 2.2 For projects requiring compliance with sustainable design and construction practices and procedures, use products for patching that comply with requirements in Section 018113, "Sustainable Design Requirements - LEED for New Construction and Major Renovations." If identical materials are unavailable or cannot be used, use materials that, when installed, will provide a match acceptable to Architect for the visual and functional performance of in-place materials. JOINT SEALANTS A. As indicated in Davison 07 “Joint Sealants” for patching, including joint-sealant ES-6 for filling larger cracks in existing concrete slab. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CUTTING AND PATCHING VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7329 - 2 February 12, 2014 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine surfaces to be cut and patched and conditions under which cutting and patching are to be performed. 1. 2. 3.2 Compatibility: Before patching, verify compatibility with and suitability of substrates, including compatibility with existing finishes or primers. Proceed with installation only after unsafe or unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION A. Temporary Support: Provide temporary support of Work to be cut. B. Protection: Protect adjoining construction during cutting and patching to prevent damage. Provide protection from adverse weather conditions for portions of Project that might be exposed during cutting and patching operations. C. Adjoining Areas: Avoid interference with use of adjoining areas or interruption of free passage to adjoining areas. D. Existing Services: Where existing services are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, bypass such services before cutting to avoid interruption of services to occupied areas. 3.3 PERFORMANCE A. Cutting and Patching, General: Employ skilled workers to perform cutting and patching. Proceed with cutting and patching at the earliest feasible time, and complete without delay. 1. B. Cut in-place construction to provide for installation of other components or performance of other construction, and subsequently patch as required to restore surfaces to their original condition. Cutting: Cut in-place construction by sawing, drilling, breaking, chipping, grinding, and similar operations, including excavation, using methods least likely to damage elements retained or adjoining construction. If possible, review proposed procedures with original Installer; comply with original Installer's written recommendations. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. In general, use hand or small power tools designed for sawing and grinding, not hammering and chopping. Cut holes and slots neatly to minimum size required, and with minimum disturbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings when not in use. Finished Surfaces: Cut or drill from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces. Concrete and Masonry: Cut using a cutting machine, such as an abrasive saw or a diamond-core drill. Excavating and Backfilling: Comply with requirements in applicable Sections where required by cutting and patching operations. Mechanical and Electrical Services: Cut off pipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valve, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit to prevent entrance of moisture or other foreign matter after cutting. Proceed with patching after construction operations requiring cutting are complete. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CUTTING AND PATCHING VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7329 - 3 February 12, 2014 C. Patching: Patch construction by filling, repairing, refinishing, closing up, and similar operations following performance of other work. Patch with durable seams that are as invisible as practicable. Provide materials and comply with installation requirements specified in other Sections, where applicable. 1. 2. Inspection: Where feasible, test and inspect patched areas after completion to demonstrate physical integrity of installation. Exposed Finishes: Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend finish restoration into retained adjoining construction in a manner that will minimize evidence of patching and refinishing. a. b. 3. Floors and Walls: Where walls or partitions that are removed extend one finished area into another, patch and repair floor and wall surfaces in the new space. Provide an even surface of uniform finish, color, texture, and appearance. Remove in-place floor and wall coverings and replace with new materials, if necessary, to achieve uniform color and appearance. a. 4. 5. Clean piping, conduit, and similar features before applying paint or other finishing materials. Restore damaged pipe covering to its original condition. Where patching occurs in a painted surface, prepare substrate and apply primer and intermediate paint coats appropriate for substrate over the patch, and apply final paint coat over entire unbroken surface containing the patch. Provide additional coats until patch blends with adjacent surfaces. Ceilings: Patch, repair, or rehang in-place ceilings as necessary to provide an even-plane surface of uniform appearance. Exterior Building Enclosure: Patch components in a manner that restores enclosure to a weathertight condition and ensures thermal and moisture integrity of building enclosure. D. Cleaning: Clean areas and spaces where cutting and patching are performed. Remove paint, mortar, oils, putty, and similar materials from adjacent finished surfaces. E. Substrate Preparation: 1. Floor Slabs: Existing floor slabs have undergone demolition procedures that have resulted in areas unsuitable for the application of finish floor coverings. Cut, and patch as needed to achieve level substrates of 1/4-inch per 10 feet in both directions, and free of protrusions, bumps and ridges. END OF SECTION 01 7329 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CUTTING AND PATCHING VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7329 - 4 February 12, 2014 SECTION 01 7419 - CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for the following: 1. 2. B. Related Requirements: 1. 1.3 Recycling nonhazardous demolition and construction waste. Disposing of nonhazardous demolition and construction waste. Division 02 Section "Selective Structure Demolition" for disposition of waste resulting from partial demolition of buildings, structures, and site improvements, and for disposition of hazardous waste. DEFINITIONS A. Construction Waste: Building and site improvement materials and other solid waste resulting from construction, remodeling, renovation, or repair operations. Construction waste includes packaging. B. Demolition Waste: Building and site improvement materials resulting from demolition or selective demolition operations. C. Disposal: Removal off-site of demolition and construction waste and subsequent sale, recycling, reuse, or deposit in landfill or incinerator acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. D. Recycle: Recovery of demolition or construction waste for subsequent processing in preparation for reuse. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: Achieve end-of-Project rates for salvage/recycling of 75 percent by weight of total non-hazardous solid waste generated by the Work. Practice efficient waste management in the use of materials in the course of the Work. Use all reasonable means to divert construction and demolition waste from landfills and incinerators. Facilitate recycling and salvage of materials, including the following: 1. Demolition Waste: a. b. Concrete. Concrete masonry units. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7419 - 1 February 12, 2014 c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. 2. Wood trim. Structural and miscellaneous steel. Acoustical tile and panels. Equipment. Cabinets. Plumbing fixtures. Piping. Supports and hangers. Valves. Sprinklers. Mechanical equipment. Refrigerants. Electrical conduit. Copper wiring. Lighting fixtures. Ballasts. Electrical devices. Construction Waste: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Wood sheet materials. Wood trim. Metals. Carpet and pad. Gypsum board. Piping. Electrical conduit. Packaging: Regardless of salvage/recycle goal indicated in "General" Paragraph above, salvage or recycle 100 percent of the following uncontaminated packaging materials: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 1.5 Paper. Cardboard. Boxes. Plastic sheet and film. Polystyrene packaging. Wood crates. Plastic pails. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. 1.6 Waste Management Plan: Submit plan within 15 days of date established for the Notice to Proceed. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Recycling and Processing Facility Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of recyclable waste by recycling and processing facilities licensed to accept them. Include manifests, weight tickets, receipts, and invoices. B. Landfill and Incinerator Disposal Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of waste by landfills and incinerator facilities licensed to accept them. Include manifests, weight tickets, receipts, and invoices. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7419 - 2 February 12, 2014 C. Qualification Data: For refrigerant recovery technician. D. Statement of Refrigerant Recovery: Signed by refrigerant recovery technician responsible for recovering refrigerant, stating that all refrigerant that was present was recovered and that recovery was performed according to EPA regulations. Include name and address of technician and date refrigerant was recovered. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Refrigerant Recovery Technician Qualifications: program. B. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. 1.8 Certified by EPA-approved certification WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN A. General: Develop a waste management plan according to ASTM E 1609 and requirements in this Section. Plan shall consist of waste identification, waste reduction work plan, and cost/revenue analysis. Distinguish between demolition and construction waste. Indicate quantities by weight or volume, but use same units of measure throughout waste management plan. B. Waste Identification: Indicate anticipated types and quantities of demolition site-clearing and construction waste generated by the Work. See Form CWM-1 for construction waste and Form CWM-2 for optional use with demolition waste. Include estimated quantities and assumptions for estimates. C. Waste Reduction Work Plan: List each type of waste and whether it will be salvaged, recycled, or disposed of in landfill or incinerator. See Form CWM-3 for construction waste and Form CWM-4 for demolition waste for optional use. Include points of waste generation, total quantity of each type of waste, quantity for each means of recovery, and handling and transportation procedures. 1. 2. 3. Recycled Materials: Include list of local receivers and processors and type of recycled materials each will accept. Include names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Disposed Materials: Indicate how and where materials will be disposed of. Include name, address, and telephone number of each landfill and incinerator facility. Handling and Transportation Procedures: Include method that will be used for separating recyclable waste including sizes of containers, container labeling, and designated location where materials separation will be performed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7419 - 3 February 12, 2014 A. General: Implement approved waste management plan. Provide handling, containers, storage, signage, transportation, and other items as required to implement waste management plan during the entire duration of the Contract. 1. B. Training: Train workers, subcontractors, and suppliers on proper waste management procedures, as appropriate for the Work. 1. 2. C. Distribute waste management plan to everyone concerned within three days of submittal return. Distribute waste management plan to entities when they first begin work on-site. Review plan procedures and locations established for salvage, recycling, and disposal. Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct waste management operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, walkways, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. 1. 2. 3.2 Comply with operation, termination, and removal requirements in Division 01 Section "Temporary Facilities and Controls." Designate and label specific areas on Project site necessary for separating materials that are to be salvaged, recycled, reused, donated, and sold. Comply with Division 01 Section "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for controlling dust and dirt, environmental protection, and noise control. SALVAGING DEMOLITION WASTE A. Doors and Hardware to be removed: hardware. B. Equipment: Drain tanks, piping, and fixtures. equipment from exposure to weather. C. Plumbing Fixtures: Separate by type and size. D. Lighting Fixtures: Separate lamps by type and protect from breakage. E. Mechanical Equipment: Salvage rights retained by Owner. F. Electrical Devices: Separate switches, receptacles and other devices by type. 3.3 Brace open end of door frames. Remove all door Seal openings with caps or plugs. Protect RECYCLING DEMOLITION WASTE, GENERAL A. General: Recycle paper and beverage containers used by on-site workers. B. Preparation of Waste: Prepare and maintain recyclable waste materials according to recycling or reuse facility requirements. Maintain materials free of dirt, adhesives, solvents, petroleum contamination, and other substances deleterious to the recycling process. C. Procedures: Separate recyclable waste from other waste materials, trash, and debris. Separate recyclable waste by type at Project site to the maximum extent practical according to approved construction waste management plan. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7419 - 4 February 12, 2014 1. Provide appropriately marked containers or bins for controlling recyclable waste until removed from Project site. Include list of acceptable and unacceptable materials at each container and bin. a. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.4 Inspect containers and bins for contamination and remove contaminated materials if found. Stockpile processed materials on-site without intermixing with other materials. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent windblown dust. Stockpile materials away from construction area. Do not store within drip line of remaining trees. Store components off the ground and protect from the weather. Remove recyclable waste from Owner's property and transport to recycling receiver or processor. RECYCLING DEMOLITION WASTE A. Concrete: Remove reinforcement and other metals from concrete and sort with other metals. 1. 2. B. Pulverize concrete to maximum 1-1/2-inch size. Crush concrete and screen to comply with requirements in Division 31 Section "Earth Moving" for use as satisfactory soil for fill or subbase. Masonry: Remove metal reinforcement, anchors, and ties from masonry and sort with other metals. 1. Pulverize masonry to maximum 3/4-inch size. a. b. 2. Crush masonry and screen to comply with requirements in Division 31 Section "Earth Moving" for use as general fill. Crush masonry and screen to comply with requirements in Division 32 Section "Plants" for use as mineral mulch. Clean and stack undamaged, whole masonry units on wood pallets. C. Wood Materials: Sort and stack members according to size, type, and length. lumber, engineered wood products, panel products, and treated wood materials. D. Metals: Separate metals by type. 1. 2. Separate Structural Steel: Stack members according to size, type of member, and length. Remove and dispose of bolts, nuts, washers, and other rough hardware. E. Gypsum Board: Stack large clean pieces on wood pallets or in container and store in a dry location. Remove edge trim and sort with other metals. Remove and dispose of fasteners. F. Acoustical Ceiling Panels and Tile: Stack large clean pieces on wood pallets and store in a dry location. G. Metal Suspension System: Separate metal members including trim, and other metals from acoustical panels and tile and sort with other metals.. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7419 - 5 February 12, 2014 H. Piping: Reduce piping to straight lengths and store by type and size. Separate supports, hangers, valves, sprinklers, and other components by type and size. I. Conduit: Reduce conduit to straight lengths and store by type and size. 3.5 RECYCLING CONSTRUCTION WASTE A. Packaging: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Cardboard and Boxes: Break down packaging into flat sheets. Bundle and store in a dry location. Polystyrene Packaging: Separate and bag materials. Pallets: As much as possible, require deliveries using pallets to remove pallets from Project site. For pallets that remain on-site, break down pallets into component wood pieces and comply with requirements for recycling wood. Crates: Break down crates into component wood pieces and comply with requirements for recycling wood. Wood Materials: 1. 2. Clean Cut-Offs of Lumber: Grind or chip into small pieces. Clean Sawdust: Bag sawdust that does not contain painted or treated wood. a. C. Gypsum Board and Plaster: Stack large clean pieces on wood pallets or in container and store in a dry location. 1. 3.6 Comply with requirements in Division 32 Section "Plants." for use of clean sawdust as organic mulch. Clean Gypsum Board: Grind scraps of clean gypsum board and plaster using small mobile chipper or hammer mill. Screen out paper after grinding. Separate steel lath. DISPOSAL OF WASTE A. General: Except for items or materials to be salvaged, recycled, or otherwise reused, remove waste materials from Project site and legally dispose of them in a landfill or incinerator acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. 2. Except as otherwise specified, do not allow waste materials that are to be disposed of accumulate on-site. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and areas. B. Burning: Do not burn waste materials. C. Disposal: Remove waste materials from Owner's property and legally dispose of them. 3.7 ATTACHMENTS – Optional for Contractor’s use as desired. A. Form CWM-1 for construction waste identification. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7419 - 6 February 12, 2014 B. Form CWM-2 for demolition waste identification. C. Form CWM-3 for construction waste reduction work plan. D. Form CWM-4 for demolition waste reduction work plan. E. Form CWM-7 for construction waste F. Form CWM-8 for demolition waste. END OF SECTION 01 7419 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7419 - 7 February 12, 2014 This page intentionally blank. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7419 - 8 * Insert units of measure. Other: Electrical Conduit Piping Carpet and Pad (scraps) Gypsum Board (scraps) Joint Sealant Tubes Roofing Insulation Metals Wood Trim (cut-offs) Wood Waste Chutes Wood Forms Plywood or OSB (scraps) Lumber: Warped Pieces Lumber: Cut-Offs Masonry or CMU Site-Clearing Waste Packaging: Plastic Pails Packaging: Paint Cans Packaging: Crates Packaging: Pallets or Skids Packaging: Boxes Packaging: Plastic Sheet or Film Packaging: Polystyrene Packaging: Cardboard MATERIAL CATEGORY GENERATION POINT EST. WASTE - % (B) TOTAL EST. QUANTITY OF WASTE* (C = A x B) EST. VOLUME CY (CM) FORM CWM-1: CONSTRUCTION WASTE IDENTIFICATION EST. QUANTITY OF MATERIALS RECEIVED* (A) EST. WEIGHT TONS (TONNES) REMARKS AND ASSUMPTIONS Asphaltic Concrete Paving Concrete Brick CMU Lumber Plywood and OSB Wood Paneling Wood Trim Miscellaneous Metals Structural Steel Rough Hardware Insulation Roofing Doors and Frames Door Hardware Windows Glazing Acoustical Tile Carpet Carpet Pad Demountable Partitions Equipment Cabinets Plumbing Fixtures Piping Piping Supports and Hangers Valves Sprinklers Mechanical Equipment Electrical Conduit Copper Wiring Light Fixtures Lamps Lighting Ballasts Electrical Devices Switchgear and Panelboards Transformers Other: MATERIAL DESCRIPTION EST. QUANTITY EST. VOLUME CY (CM) EST. WEIGHT TONS (TONNES) FORM CWM-2: DEMOLITION WASTE IDENTIFICATION REMARKS AND ASSUMPTIONS Other: Electrical Conduit Piping Carpet and Pad (scraps) Gypsum Board (scraps) Joint Sealant Tubes Roofing Insulation Metals Wood Trim (cut-offs) Wood Waste Chutes Wood Forms Plywood or OSB (scraps) Lumber: Warped Pieces Lumber: Cut-Offs Masonry or CMU Site-Clearing Waste Packaging: Plastic Pails Packaging: Paint Cans Packaging: Crates Packaging: Pallets or Skids Packaging: Boxes Packaging: Plastic Sheet or Film Packaging: Polystyrene Packaging: Cardboard MATERIAL CATEGORY GENERATION POINT TOTAL EST. QUANTITY OF WASTE TONS (TONNES) EST. AMOUNT SALVAGED TONS (TONNES) EST. AMOUNT RECYCLED TONS (TONNES) EST. AMOUNT DISPOSED TO LANDFILL TONS (TONNES) DISPOSAL METHOD AND QUANTITY FORM CWM-3: CONSTRUCTION WASTE REDUCTION WORK PLAN HANDLING AND TRANSPORTATION PROCEDURES Asphaltic Conc. Paving Concrete Brick CMU Lumber Plywood and OSB Wood Paneling Wood Trim Miscellaneous Metals Structural Steel Rough Hardware Insulation Roofing Doors and Frames Door Hardware Windows Glazing Acoustical Tile Carpet Carpet Pad Demountable Partitions Equipment Cabinets Plumbing Fixtures Piping Supports and Hangers Valves Sprinklers Mechanical Equipment Electrical Conduit Copper Wiring Light Fixtures Lamps Lighting Ballasts Electrical Devices Switchgear & Panelbds. Transformers Other: MATERIAL CATEGORY GENERATION POINT EST. AMOUNT SALVAGED TONS (TONNES) EST. AMOUNT RECYCLED TONS (TONNES) EST. AMOUNT DISPOSED TO LANDFILL TONS (TONNES) DISPOSAL METHOD AND QUANTITY FORM CWM-4: DEMOLITION WASTE REDUCTION WORK PLAN TOTAL EST. QUANTITY OF WASTE TONS (TONNES) HANDLING AND TRANSPORTATION PROCEDURES Other: Electrical Conduit Piping Carpet and Pad (scraps) Gypsum Board (scraps) Joint Sealant Tubes Roofing Insulation Metals Wood Trim (cut-offs) Wood Waste Chutes Wood Forms Plywood or OSB (scraps) Lumber: Warped Pieces Lumber: Cut-Offs Masonry or CMU Site-Clearing Waste Packaging: Plastic Pails Packaging: Paint Cans Packaging: Boxes Packaging: Plastic Sheet or Film Packaging: Polystyrene Packaging: Pallets or Skids Packaging: Crates Packaging: Cardboard MATERIAL CATEGORY GENERATION POINT TOTAL QUANTITY OF WASTE TONS (TONNES) (A) ESTIMATED TONS (TONNES) ACTUAL TONS (TONNES) (B) QUANTITY OF WASTE SALVAGED ESTIMATED TONS (TONNES) ACTUAL TONS (TONNES) (C) QUANTITY OF WASTE RECYCLED FORM CWM-7: CONSTRUCTION WASTE REDUCTION PROGRESS REPORT TOTAL QUANTITY OF WASTE RECOVERED TONS (TONNES) (D = B + C) TOTAL QUANTITY OF WASTE RECOVERED % (D / A x 100) Asphaltic Concrete Paving Concrete Brick CMU Lumber Plywood and OSB Wood Paneling Wood Trim Miscellaneous Metals Structural Steel Rough Hardware Insulation Roofing Doors and Frames Door Hardware Windows Glazing Acoustical Tile Carpet Carpet Pad Demountable Partitions Equipment Cabinets Plumbing Fixtures Piping Supports and Hangers Valves Sprinklers Mechanical Equipment Electrical Conduit Copper Wiring Light Fixtures Lamps Lighting Ballasts Electrical Devices Switchgear and Panelboards Transformers Other: MATERIAL CATEGORY GENERATION POINT TOTAL QUANTITY OF WASTE TONS (TONNES) (A) ESTIMATED TONS (TONNES) ACTUAL TONS (TONNES) (B) QUANTITY OF WASTE SALVAGED ESTIMATED TONS (TONNES) ACTUAL TONS (TONNES) (C) QUANTITY OF WASTE RECYCLED FORM CWM-8: DEMOLITION WASTE REDUCTION PROGRESS REPORT TOTAL QUANTITY OF WASTE RECOVERED TONS (TONNES) (D = B + C) TOTAL QUANTITY OF WASTE RECOVERED % (D / A x 100) February 12, 2014 SECTION 01 7700 - CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplemental General Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for contract closeout, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1.3 Inspection procedures. Project Record Documents. Operation and maintenance manuals. Warranties. Instruction of Owner's personnel. Final cleaning. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting inspection for determining date of Substantial Completion, complete the following. List items below that are incomplete in request. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. B. Prepare a list of items to be completed and corrected (punch list). Advise Owner of pending insurance changeover requirements. Submit specific warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance service agreements, final certifications, and similar documents. Obtain and submit releases permitting Owner unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities. Include occupancy permits, operating certificates, and similar releases. Prepare and submit Project Record Documents, operation and maintenance manuals, Final Completion construction photographs, damage or settlement surveys, property surveys, and similar final record information. Deliver tools, spare parts, extra materials, and similar items to location designated by Owner. Label with manufacturer's name and model number where applicable. Make final changeover of permanent locks and deliver keys to Owner. Advise Owner's personnel of changeover in security provisions. Complete comprehensive inspections and startup testing of systems and components. Terminate and remove temporary facilities from Project site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements. Submit changeover information related to Owner's occupancy, use, operation, and maintenance. Complete final cleaning requirements. Inspection: Submit a written request for inspection for Substantial Completion including form CO-13.2a. On receipt of request, Architect will either proceed with inspection or notify Contractor of unfulfilled requirements. Architect will prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion, form CO-13.1a, after inspection or will notify Contractor of items, either on Contractor's list or Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7700 - 1 February 12, 2014 additional items identified by Architect, that must be completed or corrected before certificate will be issued. 1. 2. 1.4 Reinspection: Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is completed or corrected. Contractor will be responsible for all costs incurred by the Architect/Engineer and Owner for re-inspections in excess of one that are necessary as a result of the Contractor's failure to attain Substantial Completion. Results of completed inspection will form the basis of requirements for Final Completion. This does not relieve the Contractor from complying with the requirements of the Construction Documents. FINAL COMPLETION A. Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting final inspection for determining date of Final Completion, complete the following: 1. 2. 3. B. Inspection: Submit a written request for final inspection for acceptance including form CO-13.2 at least five (5) days prior to the Final Completion date. On receipt of request, Architect will either proceed with inspection or notify Contractor of unfulfilled requirements. Architect will prepare a final Certificate for Payment after inspection or will notify Contractor of construction that must be completed or corrected before Certificate of Completion, form CO-13.1, will be issued. 1. 1.5 Submit certified copy of Architect's Substantial Completion inspection list of items to be completed or corrected (punch list), endorsed and dated by Architect. The certified copy of the list shall state that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance. Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coverage complying with insurance requirements. Instruct Owner's personnel in operation, adjustment, and maintenance of products, equipment, and systems. Reinspection: Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is completed or corrected. Contractor will be responsible for all costs incurred by the Architect/Engineer and Owner for re-inspections in excess of one that are necessary as a result of the Contractor's failure to satisfactorily complete all work. LIST OF INCOMPLETE ITEMS (PUNCH LIST) A. Preparation: Submit list electronically. Include name and identification of each space and area affected by construction operations for incomplete items and items needing correction including, if necessary, areas disturbed by Contractor that are outside the limits of construction. 1. 2. 3. Organize list of spaces in sequential order, starting with exterior areas first and proceeding from lowest floor to highest floor Organize items applying to each space by major element, including categories for ceiling, individual walls, floors, equipment, and building systems. Include the following information at the top of each page: a. b. c. d. Project name. Date. Name of Architect Name of Contractor. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7700 - 2 February 12, 2014 e. 1.6 Page number. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. General: Do not use Project Record Documents for construction purposes. Protect Project Record Documents from deterioration and loss. Provide access to Project Record Documents for Architect's reference during normal working hours. B. Record Drawings: Maintain and submit one set of blue- or black-line white prints of Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings. 1. Mark Record Prints to show the actual installation where installation varies from that shown originally. Require individual or entity who obtained record data, whether individual or entity is Installer, subcontractor, or similar entity, to prepare the marked-up Record Prints. a. b. c. d. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. Mark record sets with erasable, red-colored pencil. Use other colors to distinguish between changes for different categories of the Work at the same location. Mark important additional information that was either shown schematically or omitted from original Drawings. Note Construction Change Directive numbers, Change Order numbers, alternate numbers, and similar identification where applicable. Identify and date each Record Drawing; include the designation "PROJECT RECORD DRAWING" in a prominent location. Organize into manageable sets; bind each set with durable paper cover sheets. Include identification on cover sheets. Record Product Data: Submit one copy of each Product Data submittal. Mark one set to indicate the actual product installation where installation varies substantially from that indicated in Product Data. 1. 2. 3. D. Give particular attention to information on concealed elements that cannot be readily identified and recorded later. Accurately record information in an understandable drawing technique. Record data as soon as possible after obtaining it. Record and check the markup before enclosing concealed installations. Mark Contract Drawings or Shop Drawings, whichever is most capable of showing actual physical conditions, completely and accurately. Where Shop Drawings are marked, show cross-reference on Contract Drawings. Give particular attention to information on concealed products and installations that cannot be readily identified and recorded later. Include significant changes in the product delivered to Project site and changes in manufacturer's written instructions for installation. Note related Change Orders, Record Drawings, and Record Specifications, where applicable. Miscellaneous Record Submittals: Assemble miscellaneous records required by other Specification Sections for miscellaneous record keeping and submittal in connection with actual performance of the Work. Bind or file miscellaneous records and identify each, ready for continued use and reference. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7700 - 3 February 12, 2014 1.7 WARRANTIES A. Organize warranty documents into an orderly sequence based on the table of contents of the Project Manual. 1. 2. 3. B. Bind warranties and bonds in heavy-duty, 3-ring, vinyl-covered, loose-leaf binders, thickness as necessary to accommodate contents, and sized to receive 8-1/2-by-11-inch (115-by-280-mm) paper. Provide heavy paper dividers with plastic-covered tabs for each separate warranty. Mark tab to identify the product or installation. Provide a typed description of the product or installation, including the name of the product and the name, address, and telephone number of Installer. Identify each binder on the front and spine with the typed or printed title "WARRANTIES," Project name, and name of Contractor. Prepare two copies of each warranty to be provided to the Owner. Provide additional copies of each warranty in each set of the operation and maintenance manuals. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 FINAL CLEANING A. General: Provide final cleaning. Conduct cleaning and waste-removal operations to comply with local laws and ordinances and Federal and local environmental and antipollution regulations. B. Sustainable Cleaning Products: Use sustainable cleaning materials and products, disposable janitorial paper products and trash bags as listed in Part 2 above. C. Cleaning: Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit to condition expected in an average commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion for entire Project or for a portion of Project: a. b. c. d. e. f. Clean Project site, yard, and grounds, in areas disturbed by construction activities, including landscape development areas, of rubbish, waste material, litter, and other foreign substances. Sweep paved areas broom clean. Remove petrochemical spills, stains, and other foreign deposits. Rake grounds that are neither planted nor paved to a smooth, even-textured surface. Remove tools, construction equipment, machinery, and surplus material from Project site. Sweep concrete floors broom clean in unoccupied spaces. Leave Project clean and ready for Phase 2 construction activities. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7700 - 4 February 12, 2014 D. Comply with safety standards for cleaning. Do not burn waste materials. Do not bury debris or excess materials on Owner's property. Do not discharge volatile, harmful, or dangerous materials into drainage systems. Remove waste materials from Project site and dispose of lawfully. END OF SECTION 01 7700 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7700 - 5 February 12, 2014 This page intentionally blank. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES VT PC# R-2014-05 01 7700 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 02 4119 - SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 1.3 Demolition and removal of selected portions of building or structure. Section 011000 "Summary" for restrictions on the use of the premises, Owner-occupancy requirements, and phasing requirements. Section 017329 "Cutting and Patching" for cutting and patching procedures. DEFINITIONS A. Remove: Detach items from existing construction and legally dispose of them off-site unless indicated to be removed and salvaged or removed and reinstalled. B. Remove and Salvage: Carefully detach from existing construction, in a manner to prevent damage, and deliver to Owner ready for reuse. C. Remove and Reinstall: Detach items from existing construction, prepare for reuse, and reinstall where indicated. D. Existing to Remain: Existing items of construction that are not to be permanently removed and that are not otherwise indicated to be removed, removed and salvaged, or removed and reinstalled. 1.4 MATERIALS OWNERSHIP A. 1.5 Unless otherwise indicated, demolition waste becomes property of Contractor. PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Predemolition Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. 1. 2. 3. Inspect and discuss condition of construction to be selectively demolished. Review structural load limitations of existing structure. Review and finalize selective demolition schedule and verify availability of materials, demolition personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SELECTIVE DEMOLITION VT PC# R-2014-05 02 4119 - 1 February 12, 2014 4. 5. 1.6 Review requirements of work performed by other trades that rely on substrates exposed by selective demolition operations. Review areas where existing construction is to remain and requires protection. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For refrigerant recovery technician. B. Proposed Protection Measures: Submit report, including drawings, that indicates the measures proposed for protecting individuals and property, for dust control, and for noise control. Indicate proposed locations and construction of barriers. C. Schedule of Selective Demolition Activities: Indicate the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Detailed sequence of selective demolition and removal work, with starting and ending dates for each activity. Ensure Owner's building manager's on-site operations are uninterrupted. Interruption of utility services. Indicate how long utility services will be interrupted. Coordination for shutoff, capping, and continuation of utility services. Use of elevator and stairs. Coordination of Owner's continuing occupancy of portions of existing building and of Owner's partial occupancy of completed Work. D. Statement of Refrigerant Recovery: Signed by refrigerant recovery technician responsible for recovering refrigerant, stating that all refrigerant that was present was recovered and that recovery was performed according to EPA regulations. Include name and address of technician and date refrigerant was recovered. E. Warranties: Documentation indicated that existing warranties are still in effect after completion of selective demolition. 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Inventory: Submit a list of items that have been removed and salvaged. B. Landfill Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of hazardous wastes by a landfill facility licensed to accept hazardous wastes. 1.8 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.9 Refrigerant Recovery Technician Qualifications: program. Certified by an EPA-approved certification FIELD CONDITIONS A. Owner will occupy portions of building immediately adjacent to selective demolition area. Conduct selective demolition so Owner's operations will not be disrupted. B. Conditions existing at time of inspection for bidding purpose will be maintained by Owner as far as practical. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SELECTIVE DEMOLITION VT PC# R-2014-05 02 4119 - 2 February 12, 2014 C. Notify Architect of discrepancies between existing conditions and Drawings before proceeding with selective demolition. D. Hazardous Materials: It is not expected that hazardous materials will be encountered in the Work. 1. If suspected hazardous materials are encountered, do not disturb; immediately notify Architect and Owner. Hazardous materials will be removed by Owner under a separate contract. E. Storage or sale of removed items or materials on-site is not permitted. F. Utility Service: Maintain existing utilities indicated to remain in service and protect them against damage during selective demolition operations. 1. Maintain fire-protection facilities in service during selective demolition operations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with governing EPA notification regulations before beginning selective demolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. B. Standards: Comply with ANSI/ASSE A10.6 and NFPA 241. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that utilities have been disconnected and capped before starting selective demolition operations. B. Review record documents of existing construction provided by Owner. Owner does not guarantee that existing conditions are same as those indicated in record documents. C. Survey existing conditions and correlate with requirements indicated to determine extent of selective demolition required. D. When unanticipated mechanical, electrical, or structural elements that conflict with intended function or design are encountered, investigate and measure the nature and extent of conflict. Promptly submit a written report to Architect. 3.2 UTILITY SERVICES AND MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS A. Existing Services/Systems to Remain: protect them against damage. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SELECTIVE DEMOLITION Maintain services/systems indicated to remain and VT PC# R-2014-05 02 4119 - 3 February 12, 2014 1. B. Comply with requirements for existing services/systems interruptions specified in Section 011000 "Summary." Existing Services/Systems to Be Removed, Relocated, or Abandoned: Locate, identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off indicated utility services and mechanical/electrical systems serving areas to be selectively demolished. 1. 2. 3. Arrange to shut off indicated utilities with utility companies. If services/systems are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, provide temporary services/systems that bypass area of selective demolition and that maintain continuity of services/systems to other parts of building. Disconnect, demolish, and remove fire-suppression systems, plumbing, and HVAC systems, equipment, and components indicated to be removed. a. b. c. d. C. 3.3 Piping to Be Removed: Remove portion of piping indicated to be removed and cap or plug remaining piping with same or compatible piping material. Piping to Be Abandoned in Place: Drain piping and cap or plug piping with same or compatible piping material. Equipment to Be Removed: Disconnect and cap services and remove equipment. Ducts to Be Removed: Remove portion of ducts indicated to be removed and plug remaining ducts with same or compatible ductwork material. Refrigerant: Remove refrigerant from mechanical equipment to be selectively demolished according to 40 CFR 82 and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. PREPARATION A. Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct selective demolition and debris-removal operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, walkways, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. 1. 3.4 Comply with requirements for access and protection specified in Section 015000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls." SELECTIVE DEMOLITION, GENERAL A. General: Demolish and remove existing construction only to the extent required by new construction and as indicated. Use methods required to complete the Work within limitations of governing regulations and as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Proceed with selective demolition systematically, from higher to lower level. Complete selective demolition operations above each floor or tier before disturbing supporting members on the next lower level. Neatly cut openings and holes plumb, square, and true to dimensions required. Use cutting methods least likely to damage construction to remain or adjoining construction. Use hand tools or small power tools designed for sawing or grinding, not hammering and chopping, to minimize disturbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings to remain. Cut or drill from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces to avoid marring existing finished surfaces. Do not use cutting torches until work area is cleared of flammable materials. At concealed spaces, such as duct and pipe interiors, verify condition and contents of Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SELECTIVE DEMOLITION VT PC# R-2014-05 02 4119 - 4 February 12, 2014 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. 3.5 hidden space before starting flame-cutting operations. Maintain portable fire-suppression devices during flame-cutting operations. Maintain adequate ventilation when using cutting torches. Remove decayed, vermin-infested, or otherwise dangerous or unsuitable materials and promptly dispose of off-site. Remove structural framing members and lower to ground by method suitable to avoid free fall and to prevent ground impact or dust generation. Locate selective demolition equipment and remove debris and materials so as not to impose excessive loads on supporting walls, floors, or framing. Dispose of demolished items and materials promptly. Comply with requirements in Section 017419 "Construction Waste Management and Disposal." Existing Items to Remain: Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soiling during selective demolition. When permitted by Architect, items may be removed to a suitable, protected storage location during selective demolition and cleaned and reinstalled in their original locations after selective demolition operations are complete. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PROCEDURES FOR SPECIFIC MATERIALS A. Concrete: Demolish in small sections. Using power-driven saw, cut concrete to a depth of at least 3/4 inch at junctures with construction to remain. Dislodge concrete from reinforcement at perimeter of areas being demolished, cut reinforcement, and then remove remainder of concrete. Neatly trim openings to dimensions indicated. B. Concrete: Demolish in sections. Cut concrete full depth at junctures with construction to remain and at regular intervals using power-driven saw, then remove concrete between saw cuts. C. Masonry: Demolish in small sections. Cut masonry at junctures with construction to remain, using power-driven saw, then remove masonry between saw cuts. D. Resilient Floor Coverings: Remove floor coverings and adhesive according to recommendations in RFCI's "Recommended Work Practices for the Removal of Resilient Floor Coverings." 3.6 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS A. General: Except for items or materials indicated to be recycled, reused, salvaged, reinstalled, or otherwise indicated to remain Owner's property, remove demolished materials from Project site and legally dispose of them in an EPA-approved landfill. 1. 2. 3. 4. Do not allow demolished materials to accumulate on-site. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and areas. Remove debris from elevated portions of building by chute, hoist, or other device that will convey debris to grade level in a controlled descent. Comply with requirements specified in Section 017419 "Construction Waste Management and Disposal." B. Burning: Do not burn demolished materials. C. Disposal: Transport demolished materials off Owner's property and legally dispose of them. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SELECTIVE DEMOLITION VT PC# R-2014-05 02 4119 - 5 February 12, 2014 3.7 CLEANING A. Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by selective demolition operations. Return adjacent areas to condition existing before selective demolition operations began. END OF SECTION 024119 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices SELECTIVE DEMOLITION VT PC# R-2014-05 02 4119 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 03 3053 - MISCELLANEOUS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes: 1. 2. 1.3 Cast-in-place concrete, including reinforcement, concrete materials, mixture design, placement procedures, and finishes. Hydraulic-cement-based, polymer modified, self-leveling underlayment for application below interior floor coverings. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Other Action Submittal: 1. 1.4 Design Mixtures: For each concrete mixture. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Ready-Mix-Concrete Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing readymixed concrete products and that complies with ASTM C 94/C 94M requirements for production facilities and equipment. B. Comply with the following sections of ACI 301, unless modified by requirements in the Contract Documents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. 1.5 "General Requirements." "Formwork and Formwork Accessories." "Reinforcement and Reinforcement Supports." "Concrete Mixtures." "Handling, Placing, and Constructing." Comply with ACI 117, "Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials." COORDINATION A. Coordinate application of underlayment with requirements of floor-covering products and adhesives, to ensure compatibility of products. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE VT PC# R-2014-05 03 3053 - 1 February 12, 2014 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 FORMWORK A. 2.2 Furnish formwork and formwork accessories according to ACI 301. STEEL REINFORCEMENT A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60, deformed. B. Deformed-Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement: ASTM A 497/A 497M, flat sheet. 2.3 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Cementitious Material: Use the following cementitious materials, of the same type, brand, and source throughout Project: 1. B. Normal-Weight Aggregate: ASTM C 33, graded, 1-1/2-inch nominal maximum aggregate size. C. Water: ASTM C 94/C 94M. 2.4 RELATED MATERIALS A. 2.5 Joint-Filler Strips: ASTM D 1751, asphalt-saturated cellulosic fiber, or ASTM D 1752, cork or self-expanding cork. CURING MATERIALS A. Absorptive Cover: AASHTO M 182, Class 3, burlap cloth or cotton mats. B. Water: Potable. 2.6 CONCRETE MIXTURES A. Comply with ACI 301 requirements for concrete mixtures. B. Normal-Weight Concrete: follows: 1. 2. 3. 2.7 Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I. Prepare design mixes, proportioned according to ACI 301, as Minimum Compressive Strength: 3000 psi at 28 days. Slump Limit: 4 inches, plus or minus 1/2 inch. Air Content: Maintain within range permitted by ACI 301. Do not allow air content of trowel-finished floor slabs to exceed 3 percent. CONCRETE MIXING Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE VT PC# R-2014-05 03 3053 - 2 February 12, 2014 A. Ready-Mixed Concrete: Measure, batch, mix, and deliver concrete according to ASTM C 94/C 94M, and furnish batch ticket information. 1. B. Project-Site Mixing: Measure, batch, and mix concrete materials and concrete according to ASTM C 94/C 94M. Mix concrete materials in appropriate drum-type batch machine mixer. 1. 2. 3. 2.8 When air temperature is above 90 deg F, reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. For mixer capacity of 1 cu. yd. or smaller, continue mixing at least 1-1/2 minutes, but not more than 5 minutes after ingredients are in mixer, before any part of batch is released. For mixer capacity larger than 1 cu. yd., increase mixing time by 15 seconds for each additional 1 cu. yd.. Provide batch ticket for each batch discharged and used in the Work, indicating Project identification name and number, date, mix type, mix time, quantity, and amount of water added. Record approximate location of final deposit in structure. HYDRAULIC-CEMENT-BASED UNDERLAYMENTS A. Underlayment: Hydraulic-cement-based, polymer-modified, self-leveling product that can be applied in minimum uniform thickness of 1/4 inch and that can be feathered at edges to match adjacent floor elevations. B. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. C. ARDEX GmbH;K-15 Self-Leveling Underlayment Concrete. BASF Construction Chemicals - Building Systems; Chemrex Self-Leveling Underlayment. Euclid Chemical Company (The); an RPM company; Level Magic Lightweight. United State Gypsum Company; Levelrock SLC 300. Aggregate: Well-graded, washed gravel, 1/4 to 1/4 inch; or coarse sand as recommended by underlayment manufacturer. 1. Provide aggregate when recommended in writing by underlayment manufacturer for underlayment thickness required. D. Water: Potable and at a temperature of not more than 70 deg F. E. Primer: Product of underlayment manufacturer recommended in writing for substrate, conditions, and application indicated. 1. F. Primer shall have a VOC content of 200 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D. Corrosion-Resistant Coating: Recommended in writing by underlayment manufacturer for metal substrates. 1. Coating shall have a VOC content of 250 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 FORMWORK Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE VT PC# R-2014-05 03 3053 - 3 February 12, 2014 A. 3.2 Design, construct, erect, brace, and maintain formwork according to ACI 301. EMBEDDED ITEMS A. 3.3 Place and secure anchorage devices and other embedded items required for adjoining work attached to or supported by cast-in-place concrete. Use setting drawings, templates, diagrams, instructions, and directions furnished with items to be embedded. STEEL REINFORCEMENT A. Comply with CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice" for fabricating, placing, and supporting reinforcement. 1. 3.4 Do not cut or puncture vapor retarder. Repair damage and reseal vapor retarder before placing concrete. JOINTS A. General: Construct joints true to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete. B. Construction Joints: Locate and install so strength and appearance of concrete are not impaired, at locations indicated or as approved by Architect. C. Contraction Joints in Slabs-on-Grade: Form weakened-plane contraction joints, sectioning concrete into areas as indicated. Construct contraction joints for a depth equal to at least onefourth of concrete thickness, as follows: 1. 2. D. Isolation Joints: Install joint-filler strips at junctions with slabs-on-grade and vertical surfaces, such as column pedestals, foundation walls, grade beams, and other locations, as indicated. 1. 3.5 Grooved Joints: Form contraction joints after initial floating by grooving and finishing each edge of joint with groover tool to a radius of 1/8 inch. Repeat grooving of contraction joints after applying surface finishes. Eliminate groover marks on concrete surfaces. Sawed Joints: Form contraction joints with power saws equipped with shatterproof abrasive or diamond-rimmed blades. Cut 1/8-inch- wide joints into concrete when cutting action will not tear, abrade, or otherwise damage surface and before concrete develops random contraction cracks. Extend joint fillers full width and depth of joint, terminating flush with finished concrete surface, unless otherwise indicated. CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Comply with ACI 301for placing concrete. B. Do not add water to concrete during delivery, at Project site, or during placement. C. Consolidate concrete with mechanical vibrating equipment. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE VT PC# R-2014-05 03 3053 - 4 February 12, 2014 3.6 FINISHING FORMED SURFACES A. 3.7 Smooth-Formed Finish: As-cast concrete texture imparted by form-facing material, arranged in an orderly and symmetrical manner with a minimum of seams. Repair and patch tie holes and defective areas. Remove fins and other projections exceeding 1/8 inch. FINISHING UNFORMED SURFACES A. General: Comply with ACI 302.1R for screeding, restraightening, and finishing operations for concrete surfaces. Do not wet concrete surfaces. B. Screed surfaces with a straightedge and strike off. Begin initial floating using bull floats or darbies to form a uniform and open-textured surface plane before excess moisture or bleedwater appears on surface. 1. C. 3.8 Do not further disturb surfaces before starting finishing operations. Trowel Finish: Apply a hard trowel finish to surfaces indicated and to floor and slab surfaces exposed to view or to be covered with resilient flooring, carpet, ceramic or quarry tile set over a cleavage membrane, paint, or another thin film-finish coating system. CONCRETE PROTECTING AND CURING A. General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. Comply with ACI 306.1 for cold-weather protection and with ACI 301 for hotweather protection during curing. B. Begin curing after finishing concrete but not before free water has disappeared from concrete surface. C. Curing Methods: Cure formed and unformed concrete for at least seven days by one or a combination of the following methods: 1. Moisture Curing: Keep surfaces continuously moist for not less than seven days with the following materials: a. b. c. 3.9 Water. Continuous water-fog spray. Absorptive cover, water saturated and kept continuously wet. Cover concrete surfaces and edges with 12-inch lap over adjacent absorptive covers. INSTALLING HYDRAULIC-CEMENT-BASED UNDERLAYMENTS A. Examine substrates, with Installer present, for conditions affecting performance. 1. B. Proceed with application only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. General: Prepare and clean substrate according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1. 2. Treat nonmoving substrate cracks according to manufacturer's written instructions to prevent cracks from telegraphing (reflecting) through underlayment. Fill substrate voids to prevent underlayment from leaking. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE VT PC# R-2014-05 03 3053 - 5 February 12, 2014 C. Concrete Substrates: Mechanically remove, according to manufacturer's written instructions, laitance, glaze, efflorescence, curing compounds, form-release agents, dust, dirt, grease, oil, and other contaminants that might impair underlayment bond. 1. Moisture Testing: Perform anhydrous calcium chloride test, ASTM F 1869. Proceed with installation only after substrates do not exceed a maximum moisture-vapor-emission rate of 3 lb of water/1000 sq. ft. in 24 hours. D. Adhesion Tests: After substrate preparation, test substrate for adhesion with underlayment according to manufacturer's written instructions. E. Application: Mix and apply underlayment components according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1. 2. 3. Close areas to traffic during underlayment application and for time period after application recommended in writing by manufacturer. Coordinate application of components to provide optimum underlayment-to-substrate and intercoat adhesion. At substrate expansion, isolation, and other moving joints, allow joint of same width to continue through underlayment. F. Apply primer over prepared substrate at manufacturer's recommended spreading rate. G. Apply underlayment to produce uniform, surface in alignment and blending with adjacent surfaces. 1. 2. Apply a final layer without aggregate to product surface. Feather edges to match adjacent floor elevations. H. Cure underlayment according to manufacturer's written instructions. Prevent contamination during application and curing processes. I. Do not install floor coverings over underlayment until after time period recommended in writing by underlayment manufacturer. J. Remove and replace underlayment areas that evidence lack of bond with substrate, including areas that emit a "hollow" sound when tapped. K. Protect underlayment from concentrated and rolling loads for remainder of construction period. 3.10 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualified testing agency to perform tests and inspections. B. Tests: Perform according to ACI 301. 1. 3.11 A. Testing Frequency: One composite sample shall be obtained for each day's pour of each concrete mix exceeding 5 cu. yd. but less than 25 cu. yd., plus one set for each additional 50 cu. yd. or fraction thereof. REPAIRS Remove and replace concrete that does not comply with requirements in this Section. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE VT PC# R-2014-05 03 3053 - 6 February 12, 2014 END OF SECTION 03 3053 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE VT PC# R-2014-05 03 3053 - 7 February 12, 2014 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE VT PC# R-2014-05 03 3053 - 8 February 12, 2014 SECTION 05 4000 - COLD-FORMED METAL FRAMING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. B. Related Requirements: 1. 1.3 Load-bearing wall framing under new concrete ramps. Composite floor deck. Section 092216 "Non-Structural Metal Framing" for interior non-load-bearing, metal-stud framing and ceiling-suspension assemblies. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of cold-formed steel framing product and accessory. B. Shop Drawings: 1. 2. 3. C. 1.4 Include layout, spacings, sizes, thicknesses, and types of cold-formed steel framing; fabrication; and fastening and anchorage details, including mechanical fasteners. Indicate reinforcing channels, opening framing, supplemental framing, strapping, bracing, bridging, splices, accessories, connection details, and attachment to adjoining work. Include layout and types of steel floor deck panels, anchorage details, reinforcing channels, pans, cut deck openings, special jointing, accessories, and attachments to other construction Delegated-Design Submittal: For cold-formed steel framing. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Product Tests: Mill certificates or data from a qualified independent testing agency, or in-house testing with calibrated test equipment indicating steel sheet complies with requirements, including base-metal thickness, yield strength, tensile strength, total elongation, chemical requirements, and metallic-coating thickness. B. Welding Qualifications: Qualify procedures and personnel according to the following: 1. 2. AWS D1.1/D1.1M, "Structural Welding Code - Steel." AWS D1.3/D1.3M, "Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel." Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices COLD-FORMED METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 05 4000 - 1 February 12, 2014 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect cold-formed steel framing from corrosion, moisture staining, deformation, and other damage during delivery, storage, and handling. B. Stack steel deck on platforms or pallets and slope to provide drainage. Protect with a waterproof covering and ventilate to avoid condensation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2.2 Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the ClarkDietrich Building Systems, Inc. Craco Mfg., Inc. MarinoWARE. MBA Building Supplies, Inc. Southeastern Stud & Components, Inc. Steel Structural Systems. Super Stud Building Products, Inc. Telling Industries, LLC. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Delegated Design: Engage a qualified professional engineer, as defined in Section 014000 "Quality Requirements," to design cold-formed steel framing. B. Structural Performance: Provide cold-formed steel framing capable of withstanding design loads within limits and under conditions indicated. 1. Deflection Limits: Design framing systems to withstand design loads without deflections greater than the following: a. 2. C. Design framing systems to provide for movement of framing members located outside the insulated building envelope without damage or overstressing, sheathing failure, connection failure, undue strain on fasteners and anchors, or other detrimental effects when subject to a maximum ambient temperature change of 120 deg F. Cold-Formed Steel Framing Design Standards: 1. 2. 3. D. Interior Load-Bearing Wall Framing: Horizontal deflection of 1/240 of the wall height under a horizontal load of 5 lbf/sq. ft.. Wall Studs: AISI S211. Headers: AISI S212. Lateral Design: AISI S213. AISI Specifications and Standards: Unless more stringent requirements are indicated, comply with AISI S100 and AISI S200. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices COLD-FORMED METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 05 4000 - 2 February 12, 2014 1. E. Fire-Resistance Ratings: Comply with ASTM E 119; testing by a qualified testing agency. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency. 1. 2.3 AISI Specifications: Comply with calculated structural characteristics of steel deck according to AISI's "North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members." Indicate design designations from UL's "Fire Resistance Directory" or from the listings of another qualified testing agency. COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING, GENERAL A. Steel Sheet: ASTM A 1003/A 1003M, Structural Grade, Type H, metallic coated, of grade and coating weight as follows: 1. 2. B. Steel Sheet for Vertical Deflection Clips: ASTM A 653/A 653M, structural steel, zinc coated, of grade and coating as follows: 1. 2. 2.4 Grade: As required by structural performance. Coating: G60, A60, AZ50, or GF30. Grade: As required by structural performance. Coating: G60. LOAD-BEARING WALL FRAMING A. Steel Studs: Manufacturer's standard C-shaped steel studs, of web depths indicated, punched, with stiffened flanges, and as follows: 1. 2. B. Steel Track: Manufacturer's standard U-shaped steel track, of web depths indicated, unpunched, with straight flanges, and as follows: 1. 2. 2.5 Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: 0.0428 inch. Flange Width: 1-5/8 inches. Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: 0.0428 inch. Flange Width: 1-1/4 inches. COMPOSITE FLOOR DECK A. Composite Floor Deck: Fabricate panels, with integrally embossed or raised pattern ribs and interlocking side laps, to comply with "SDI Specifications and Commentary for Composite Steel Floor Deck," in SDI Publication No. 31, with the minimum section properties indicated, and with the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Galvanized-Steel Sheet: ASTM A 653/A 653M, Structural Steel (SS), Grade 33, G60 zinc coating. Profile Depth: As required by structural performance. Design Uncoated-Steel Thickness: As required by structural performance. Span Condition: Simple span. Accessories: Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices COLD-FORMED METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 05 4000 - 3 February 12, 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.6 General: Provide manufacturer's standard accessory materials for deck that comply with requirements indicated Side-Lap Fasteners: Corrosion-resistant, hexagonal washer head; self-drilling, carbonsteel screws, No. 10 minimum diameter. Pour Stops: Steel sheet of same material as deck panels and of thickness and profile required. Galvanizing Repair Paint: SSPC-Paint 20 or MIL-P-21035B, with dry film containing a minimum of 94 percent zinc dust by weight. Hanger Tabs: Manufacture’s standard piercing steel sheet hanger attachment device for floor deck panels. FRAMING ACCESSORIES A. Fabricate steel-framing accessories from steel sheet, ASTM A 1003/A 1003M, Structural Grade, Type H, metallic coated, of same grade and coating weight used for framing members. B. Provide accessories of manufacturer's standard thickness and configuration, unless otherwise indicated, as follows: 1. 2. 3. 2.7 Supplementary framing. Bracing, bridging, and solid blocking. Stud kickers, knee braces, and girts. ANCHORS, CLIPS, AND FASTENERS A. Steel Shapes and Clips: ASTM A 123/A 123M. B. Expansion Anchors: Fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials, with allowable load or strength design capacities calculated according to ICC-ES AC193 and ACI 318 greater than or equal to the design load, as determined by testing per ASTM E 488 conducted by a qualified testing agency. C. Power-Actuated Anchors: Fastener system of type suitable for application indicated, fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials, with allowable load capacities calculated according to ICCES AC70, greater than or equal to the design load, as determined by testing per ASTM E 1190 conducted by a qualified testing agency. D. Mechanical Fasteners: steel drill screws. 1. E. 2.8 ASTM A 36/A 36M, zinc coated by hot-dip process according to ASTM C 1513, corrosion-resistant-coated, self-drilling, self-tapping, Head Type: Low-profile head beneath sheathing, manufacturer's standard elsewhere. Welding Electrodes: Comply with AWS standards. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Galvanizing Repair Paint: SSPC-Paint 20 or MIL-P-21035B. B. Sealer Gaskets: Closed-cell neoprene foam, 1/4 inch thick, selected from manufacturer's standard widths to match width of bottom track or rim track members. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices COLD-FORMED METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 05 4000 - 4 February 12, 2014 2.9 FABRICATION A. Fabricate cold-formed steel framing and accessories plumb, square, and true to line, and with connections securely fastened, according to referenced AISI's specifications and standards, manufacturer's written instructions, and requirements in this Section. 1. 2. 3. Fabricate framing assemblies using jigs or templates. Cut framing members by sawing or shearing; do not torch cut. Fasten cold-formed steel framing members by welding, screw fastening, clinch fastening, pneumatic pin fastening, or riveting as standard with fabricator. Wire tying of framing members is not permitted. a. b. 4. Comply with AWS D1.3/D1.3M requirements and procedures for welding, appearance and quality of welds, and methods used in correcting welding work. Locate mechanical fasteners and install according to Shop Drawings, with screw penetrating joined members by no fewer than three exposed screw threads. Fasten other materials to cold-formed steel framing by welding, bolting, pneumatic pin fastening, or screw fastening, according to Shop Drawings. B. Reinforce, stiffen, and brace framing assemblies to withstand handling, delivery, and erection stresses. Lift fabricated assemblies to prevent damage or permanent distortion. C. Fabrication Tolerances: Fabricate assemblies level, plumb, and true to line to a maximum allowable tolerance variation of 1/8 inch in 10 feet and as follows: 1. 2. Spacing: Space individual framing members no more than plus or minus 1/8 inch from plan location. Cumulative error shall not exceed minimum fastening requirements of sheathing or other finishing materials. Squareness: Fabricate each cold-formed steel framing assembly to a maximum out-ofsquare tolerance of 1/8 inch. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine supporting substrates and abutting structural framing for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. 3.3 Install sealer gaskets at the underside of wall bottom track or rim track and at the top of foundation wall or slab at stud or joist locations. INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Cold-formed steel framing may be shop or field fabricated for installation, or it may be field assembled. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices COLD-FORMED METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 05 4000 - 5 February 12, 2014 B. Install cold-formed steel framing according to AISI S200 and to manufacturer's written instructions unless more stringent requirements are indicated. C. Install shop- or field-fabricated, cold-formed framing and securely anchor to supporting structure. 1. D. Screw, bolt, or weld wall panels at horizontal and vertical junctures to produce flush, even, true-to-line joints with maximum variation in plane and true position between fabricated panels not exceeding 1/16 inch. Install cold-formed steel framing and accessories plumb, square, and true to line, and with connections securely fastened. 1. 2. Cut framing members by sawing or shearing; do not torch cut. Fasten cold-formed steel framing members by welding, screw fastening, clinch fastening, or riveting. Wire tying of framing members is not permitted. a. b. Comply with AWS D1.3/D1.3M requirements and procedures for welding, appearance and quality of welds, and methods used in correcting welding work. Locate mechanical fasteners and install according to Shop Drawings, and complying with requirements for spacing, edge distances, and screw penetration. E. Install framing members in one-piece lengths unless splice connections are indicated for track or tension members. F. Install temporary bracing and supports to secure framing and support loads comparable in intensity to those for which structure was designed. Maintain braces and supports in place, undisturbed, until entire integrated supporting structure has been completed and permanent connections to framing are secured. G. Do not bridge building expansion joints with cold-formed steel framing. Independently frame both sides of joints. H. Fasten hole reinforcing plate over web penetrations that exceed size of manufacturer's approved or standard punched openings. I. Erection Tolerances: Install cold-formed steel framing level, plumb, and true to line to a maximum allowable tolerance variation of 1/8 inch in 10 feet and as follows: 1. 3.4 Space individual framing members no more than plus or minus 1/8 inch from plan location. Cumulative error shall not exceed minimum fastening requirements of sheathing or other finishing materials. LOAD-BEARING WALL INSTALLATION A. Install continuous top and bottom tracks sized to match studs. Align tracks accurately and securely anchor at corners and ends, and at spacings as follows: 1. B. Anchor Spacing: As shown on Shop Drawings. Squarely seat studs against top and bottom tracks with gap not exceeding of 1/8 inch between the end of wall framing member and the web of track. Fasten both flanges of studs to top and bottom tracks. Space studs as follows: Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices COLD-FORMED METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 05 4000 - 6 February 12, 2014 1. Stud Spacing: 12 inches. C. Set studs plumb, except as needed for diagonal bracing or required for nonplumb walls or warped surfaces and similar configurations. D. Align studs vertically where floor framing interrupts wall-framing continuity. Where studs cannot be aligned, continuously reinforce track to transfer loads. E. Anchor studs abutting structural columns or walls, including masonry walls, to supporting structure as indicated. F. Install miscellaneous framing and connections, including supplementary framing, web stiffeners, clip angles, continuous angles, anchors, and fasteners, to provide a complete and stable wallframing system. 3.5 FLOOR-DECK INSTALLATION A. General: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. Fasten floor-deck panels to steel supporting members by arc spot (puddle) welds of the surface diameter indicated and as follows: 1. 2. C. Weld Diameter: 5/8 inch, nominal. Weld Spacing: Weld edge ribs of panels at each support. Space additional welds an average of 12 inches apart, but not more than 18 inches apart. Side-Lap and Perimeter Edge Fastening: Fasten side laps and perimeter edges of panels between supports, at intervals not exceeding the lesser of half of the span or 36 inches, and as follows: 1. D. Install deck panels and accessories according to applicable specifications and commentary in SDI Publication No. 31, manufacturer's written instructions, and requirements in this Section. Place deck panels on supporting frame and adjust to final position with ends accurately aligned and bearing on supporting frame before being permanently fastened. Do not stretch or contract side-lap interlocks. Place deck panels flat and square and fasten to supporting frame without warp or deflection. Cut and neatly fit deck panels and accessories around openings and other work projecting through or adjacent to deck. Coordinate reinforcing requirements of openings in first paragraph below with applicable Sections. Provide additional reinforcement and closure pieces at openings as required for strength, continuity of deck, and support of other work. Comply with AWS requirements and procedures for manual shielded metal arc welding, appearance and quality of welds, and methods used for correcting welding work. Mechanically fasten with self-drilling, No. 10 diameter or larger, carbon-steel screws. End Bearing: Install deck ends over supporting frame with a minimum end bearing of 1-1/2 inches, with end joints as follows: 1. End Joints: Lapped. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices COLD-FORMED METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 05 4000 - 7 February 12, 2014 E. Pour Stops and Girder Fillers: Weld steel sheet pour stops and girder fillers to supporting structure according to SDI recommendations unless otherwise indicated. F. Floor-Deck Closures: Weld steel sheet column closures, cell closures, and Z-closures to deck, according to SDI recommendations, to provide tight-fitting closures at open ends of ribs and sides of deck. 3.6 REPAIRS AND PROTECTION A. Galvanizing Repairs: Prepare and repair damaged galvanized coatings on fabricated and installed cold-formed steel framing with galvanized repair paint according to ASTM A 780 and manufacturer's written instructions. B. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to manufacturer and Installer that ensure that cold-formed steel framing is without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 05 4000 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices COLD-FORMED METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 05 4000 - 8 February 12, 2014 SECTION 057300 - DECORATIVE METAL RAILINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 1.3 Stainless-steel decorative handrails. Section 061053 "Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry" for wood blocking for anchoring railings. Section 092216 "Non-Structural Metal Framing" for metal backing for anchoring railings. DEFINITIONS A. 1.4 Railings: Guards, handrails, and similar devices used for protection of occupants at open-sided floor areas and for pedestrian guidance and support, visual separation, or wall protection. COORDINATION AND SCHEDULING A. Coordinate installation of anchorages for railings. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchorages, including sleeves, concrete inserts, anchor bolts, and items with integral anchors, that are to be embedded in concrete or masonry. Deliver items to Project site in time for installation. B. Schedule installation so wall attachments are made only to completed walls. Do not support railings temporarily by any means that do not meet structural performance requirements. 1.5 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For the following: 1. 2. Manufacturer's product lines of railings assembled from standard components. Grout, anchoring cement, and paint products. B. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, sections, and attachment details. C. Samples for Initial Selection: For products involving selection of color, texture, or design, including mechanical finishes. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DECORATIVE METAL RAILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 057300 - 1 February 12, 2014 1.6 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Field Measurements: Verify actual locations of walls and other construction contiguous with railings by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: In engineering railings to withstand structural loads indicated, determine allowable design working stresses of railing materials based on the following: 1. B. Stainless Steel: 60 percent of minimum yield strength. Structural Performance: Railings, including attachment to building construction, shall withstand the effects of gravity loads and the following loads and stresses within limits and under conditions indicated: 1. Handrails and Top Rails of Guards: a. b. c. 2.2 Uniform load of 50 lbf/ft. applied in any direction. Concentrated load of 200 lbf applied in any direction. Uniform and concentrated loads need not be assumed to act concurrently. METALS, GENERAL A. Metal Surfaces, General: Provide materials with smooth surfaces, without seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, stains, discolorations, or blemishes. B. Brackets, Flanges, and Anchors: Same metal and finish as supported rails unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2.3 Provide cast-metal brackets with flange tapped for concealed anchorage to threaded hanger bolt. STAINLESS STEEL A. Tubing: ASTM A 554, Grade MT 304. B. Pipe: ASTM A 312/A 312M, Grade TP 304. C. Castings: ASTM A 743/A 743M, Grade CF 8 or CF 20. 2.4 FASTENERS A. Fastener Materials: Unless otherwise indicated, provide the following: 1. 2. Stainless-Steel Components: Type 304 stainless-steel fasteners. Dissimilar Metals: Type 304 stainless-steel fasteners. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DECORATIVE METAL RAILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 057300 - 2 February 12, 2014 B. Fasteners for Anchoring to Other Construction: Select fasteners of type, grade, and class required to produce connections suitable for anchoring railings to other types of construction indicated and capable of withstanding design loads. C. Provide concealed fasteners for interconnecting railing components and for attaching railings to other work unless otherwise indicated. 1. D. Post-Installed Anchors: Fastener systems with working capacity greater than or equal to the design load, according to an evaluation report acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, based on ICC-ES AC193 or ICC-ES AC308. 1. 2.5 Provide square or hex socket flat-head machine screws for exposed fasteners unless otherwise indicated. Material for Interior Locations: Carbon-steel components zinc plated to comply with ASTM B 633 or ASTM F 1941, Class Fe/Zn 5, unless otherwise indicated. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes: Select according to AWS specifications for metal alloy welded. B. Bituminous Paint: Cold-applied asphalt emulsion complying with ASTM D 1187/D 1187M. C. Nonshrink, Nonmetallic Grout: Factory-packaged, nonstaining, noncorrosive, nongaseous grout complying with ASTM C 1107/C 1107M. Provide grout specifically recommended by manufacturer for interior and exterior applications. 2.6 FABRICATION A. General: Fabricate railings to comply with requirements indicated for design, dimensions, member sizes and spacing, details, finish, and anchorage, but not less than that required to support structural loads. B. Assemble railings in the shop to greatest extent possible to minimize field splicing and assembly. Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation. Use connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces. C. Cut, drill, and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs and ease edges to a radius of approximately 1/32 inch unless otherwise indicated. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed surfaces. D. Form work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces. E. Fabricate connections that will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water. Provide weep holes where water may accumulate. Locate weep holes in inconspicuous locations. F. Cut, reinforce, drill, and tap as indicated to receive finish hardware, screws, and similar items. G. Connections: Fabricate railings with welded connections unless otherwise indicated. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DECORATIVE METAL RAILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 057300 - 3 February 12, 2014 H. Welded Connections: Cope components at connections to provide close fit, or use fittings designed for this purpose. Weld all around at connections, including at fittings. 1. 2. 3. 4. I. Mechanical Connections: Connect members with concealed mechanical fasteners and fittings. Fabricate members and fittings to produce flush, smooth, rigid, hairline joints. 1. J. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. Remove flux immediately. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds to comply with NOMMA's "Voluntary Joint Finish Standards" for Type 1 welds; no evidence of a welded joint. Fabricate splice joints for field connection using an epoxy structural adhesive if this is manufacturer's standard splicing method. Form changes in direction as follows: 1. 2. As detailed. By bending to smallest radius that will not result in distortion of railing member. K. Bend members in jigs to produce uniform curvature for each configuration required; maintain cross section of member throughout entire bend without buckling, twisting, cracking, or otherwise deforming exposed surfaces of components. L. Close exposed ends of hollow railing members with prefabricated end fittings. M. Brackets, Flanges, Fittings, and Anchors: Provide wall brackets, flanges, miscellaneous fittings, and anchors to interconnect railing members to other work unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2.7 At brackets and fittings fastened to plaster or gypsum board partitions, provide crushresistant fillers, or other means to transfer loads through wall finishes to structural supports and to prevent bracket or fitting rotation and crushing of substrate. GENERAL FINISH REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" recommendations for applying and designating finishes. B. Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering before shipment. C. Provide exposed fasteners with finish matching appearance, including color and texture, of railings. 2.8 STAINLESS-STEEL FINISHES A. Surface Preparation: Remove tool and die marks and stretch lines, or blend into finish. B. Polished Finishes: Grind and polish surfaces to produce uniform finish, free of cross scratches. 1. Run grain of directional finishes with long dimension of each piece. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DECORATIVE METAL RAILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 057300 - 4 February 12, 2014 C. Directional Satin Finish: No. 4. D. When polishing is completed, passivate and rinse surfaces. Remove embedded foreign matter and leave surfaces chemically clean. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. 3.2 Examine gypsum board assemblies, where reinforced to receive anchors, to verify that locations of concealed reinforcements have been clearly marked for Installer. Locate reinforcements and mark locations if not already done. INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Fit exposed connections together to form tight, hairline joints. B. Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installing railings. Set railings accurately in location, alignment, and elevation; measured from established lines and levels and free of rack. 1. 2. 3. Do not weld, cut, or abrade surfaces of railing components that have been coated or finished after fabrication and that are intended for field connection by mechanical or other means without further cutting or fitting. Set posts plumb within a tolerance of 1/16 inch in 3 feet. Align rails so variations from level for horizontal members and variations from parallel with rake of steps and ramps for sloping members do not exceed 1/4 inch in 12 feet. C. Control of Corrosion: Prevent galvanic action and other forms of corrosion by insulating metals and other materials from direct contact with incompatible materials. D. Adjust railings before anchoring to ensure matching alignment at abutting joints. E. Fastening to In-Place Construction: Use anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary for securing railings and for properly transferring loads to in-place construction. 3.3 RAILING CONNECTIONS A. 3.4 Welded Connections: Use fully welded joints for permanently connecting railing components. Comply with requirements for welded connections in "Fabrication" Article whether welding is performed in the shop or in the field. ATTACHING RAILINGS A. Attach handrails to walls with wall brackets. Provide brackets with 1-1/2-inch clearance from inside face of handrail and finished wall surface. Locate brackets as indicated or, if not indicated, at spacing required to support structural loads. 1. 2. Use type of bracket with predrilled hole for exposed bolt anchorage. Locate brackets as indicated or, if not indicated, at spacing required to support structural loads. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DECORATIVE METAL RAILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 057300 - 5 February 12, 2014 B. Secure wall brackets to building construction as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.5 For concrete and solid masonry anchorage, use drilled-in expansion shields and hanger or lag bolts. For hollow masonry anchorage, use toggle bolts. For steel-framed partitions, use hanger or lag bolts set into wood backing between studs. Coordinate with stud installation to locate backing members. For steel-framed partitions, fasten brackets directly to steel framing or concealed steel reinforcements using self-tapping screws of size and type required to support structural loads. CLEANING A. 3.6 Clean stainless steel by washing thoroughly with clean water and soap, rinsing with clean water, and wiping dry. PROTECTION A. Protect finishes of railings from damage during construction period with temporary protective coverings approved by railing manufacturer. Remove protective coverings at time of Substantial Completion. B. Restore finishes damaged during installation and construction period so no evidence remains of correction work. Return items that cannot be refinished in the field to the shop; make required alterations and refinish entire unit, or provide new units. END OF SECTION 05 7300 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DECORATIVE METAL RAILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 057300 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 06 1053 - MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 3. B. Related Requirements: 1. 1.3 Division 06 Section “Cultured Marble Fabrications” for blocking requirements for installation of cultured marble fabrications, including ledger blocking for bathtubs. DEFINITIONS A. Dimension Lumber: Lumber of 2 inches nominal or greater but less than 5 inches nominal in least dimension. B. Lumber grading agencies, and the abbreviations used to reference them, include the following: 1. 2. 1.4 NHLA: National Hardwood Lumber Association. SPIB: The Southern Pine Inspection Bureau. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of process and factory-fabricated product. Indicate component materials and dimensions and include construction and application details. 1. 2. 3. 1.5 Wood blocking and nailers. Wood furring. Plywood backing panels. Include data for wood-preservative treatment from chemical treatment manufacturer and certification by treating plant that treated materials comply with requirements. Indicate type of preservative used and net amount of preservative retained. For products receiving a waterborne treatment, include statement that moisture content of treated materials was reduced to levels specified before shipment to Project site. Include copies of warranties from chemical treatment manufacturers for each type of treatment. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY VT PC# R-2014-05 06 1053 - 1 February 12, 2014 A. Stack lumber flat with spacers beneath and between each bundle to provide air circulation. Protect lumber from weather by covering with waterproof sheeting, securely anchored. Provide for air circulation around stacks and under coverings. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 WOOD PRODUCTS, GENERAL A. Lumber: DOC PS 20 and applicable rules of grading agencies indicated. If no grading agency is indicated, provide lumber that complies with the applicable rules of any rules-writing agency certified by the ALSC Board of Review. Provide lumber graded by an agency certified by the ALSC Board of Review to inspect and grade lumber under the rules indicated. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. 2.2 Factory mark each piece of lumber with grade stamp of grading agency. For exposed lumber indicated to receive a stained or natural finish, mark grade stamp on end or back of each piece or omit grade stamp and provide certificates of grade compliance issued by grading agency. Where nominal sizes are indicated, provide actual sizes required by DOC PS 20 for moisture content specified. Where actual sizes are indicated, they are minimum dressed sizes for dry lumber. Provide dressed lumber, S4S, unless otherwise indicated. Maximum Moisture Content of Lumber: 19 percent unless otherwise indicated. WOOD-PRESERVATIVE-TREATED MATERIALS A. Preservative Treatment by Pressure Process: AWPA U1; Use Category UC2 for interior construction not in contact with the ground, Use Category UC3b for exterior construction not in contact with the ground, and Use Category UC4a for items in contact with the ground. 1. 2. Preservative Chemicals: Acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction and containing no arsenic or chromium. Do not use inorganic boron (SBX) for sill plates. For exposed items indicated to receive a stained or natural finish, use chemical formulations that do not require incising, contain colorants, bleed through, or otherwise adversely affect finishes. B. Kiln-dry lumber after treatment to a maximum moisture content of 19 percent. Do not use material that is warped or does not comply with requirements for untreated material. C. Mark lumber with treatment quality mark of an inspection agency approved by the ALSC Board of Review. 1. D. For exposed lumber indicated to receive a stained or natural finish, mark end or back of each piece or omit marking and provide certificates of treatment compliance issued by inspection agency. Application: Treat items indicated on Drawings, and the following: 1. 2. Wood cants, nailers, curbs, equipment support bases, blocking, stripping, and similar members in connection with roofing, flashing, vapor barriers, and waterproofing. Wood sills, sleepers, blocking, furring, stripping, and similar concealed members in contact with masonry or concrete. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY VT PC# R-2014-05 06 1053 - 2 February 12, 2014 3. 4. 5. 2.3 Wood framing and furring attached directly to the interior of below-grade exterior masonry or concrete walls. Wood framing members that are less than 18 inches above the ground in crawl spaces or unexcavated areas. Wood floor plates that are installed over concrete slabs-on-grade. FIRE-RETARDANT-TREATED MATERIALS A. General: Where fire-retardant-treated materials are indicated, use materials complying with requirements in this article, that are acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and with firetest-response characteristics specified as determined by testing identical products per test method indicated by a qualified testing agency. B. Fire-Retardant-Treated Lumber and Plywood by Pressure Process: Products with a flame spread index of 25 or less when tested according to ASTM E 84, and with no evidence of significant progressive combustion when the test is extended an additional 20 minutes, and with the flame front not extending more than 10.5 feet beyond the centerline of the burners at any time during the test. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.4 Use treatment that does not promote corrosion of metal fasteners. Exterior Type: Treated materials shall comply with requirements specified above for fireretardant-treated lumber and plywood by pressure process after being subjected to accelerated weathering according to ASTM D 2898. Use for exterior locations and where indicated. Interior Type A: Treated materials shall have a moisture content of 28 percent or less when tested according to ASTM D 3201 at 92 percent relative humidity. Use where exterior type is not indicated. Design Value Adjustment Factors: Treated lumber shall be tested according ASTM D 5664, and design value adjustment factors shall be calculated according to ASTM D 6841. MISCELLANEOUS LUMBER A. General: Provide miscellaneous lumber indicated and lumber for support or attachment of other construction, including the following: 1. 2. 3. Blocking. Nailers. Furring. B. For items of dimension lumber size, provide Standard, Stud, or No. 3 grade lumber of any species. C. For concealed boards, provide lumber with 19 percent maximum moisture content and any of the following species and grades: 1. D. Mixed southern pine, No. 2 grade; SPIB. For blocking not used for attachment of other construction, Utility, Stud, or No. 3 grade lumber of any species may be used provided that it is cut and selected to eliminate defects that will interfere with its attachment and purpose. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY VT PC# R-2014-05 06 1053 - 3 February 12, 2014 E. For blocking and nailers used for attachment of other construction, select and cut lumber to eliminate knots and other defects that will interfere with attachment of other work. F. For furring strips for installing plywood or hardboard paneling, select boards with no knots capable of producing bent-over nails and damage to paneling. 2.5 PLYWOOD BACKING PANELS A. 2.6 Equipment Backing Panels: DOC PS 1, Exterior, AC, fire-retardant treated, in thickness indicated or, if not indicated, not less than 3/4-inch nominal thickness. FASTENERS A. General: Provide fasteners of size and type indicated that comply with requirements specified in this article for material and manufacture. 1. Where carpentry is exposed to weather, in ground contact, pressure-preservative treated, or in area of high relative humidity, provide fasteners with hot-dip zinc coating complying with ASTM A 153/A 153M. B. Nails, Brads, and Staples: ASTM F 1667. C. Power-Driven Fasteners: NES NER-272. D. Wood Screws: ASME B18.6.1. E. Screws for Fastening to Metal Framing: manufacturer for material being fastened. F. Lag Bolts: ASME B18.2.1. G. Bolts: Steel bolts complying with ASTM A 307, Grade A; with ASTM A 563 hex nuts and, where indicated, flat washers. H. Expansion Anchors: Anchor bolt and sleeve assembly of material indicated below with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to 6 times the load imposed when installed in unit masonry assemblies and equal to 4 times the load imposed when installed in concrete as determined by testing per ASTM E 488 conducted by a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency. 1. 2. 2.7 ASTM C 1002, length as recommended by screw Material: Carbon-steel components, zinc plated to comply with ASTM B 633, Class Fe/Zn 5. Material: Stainless steel with bolts and nuts complying with ASTM F 593 and ASTM F 594, Alloy Group 1 or 2. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Adhesives for Gluing Furring to Concrete or Masonry: Formulation complying with ASTM D 3498 that is approved for use indicated by adhesive manufacturer. 1. Adhesives shall have a VOC content of 70 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY VT PC# R-2014-05 06 1053 - 4 February 12, 2014 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Set carpentry to required levels and lines, with members plumb, true to line, cut, and fitted. Fit carpentry to other construction; scribe and cope as needed for accurate fit. Locate furring, nailers, blocking, and similar supports to comply with requirements for attaching other construction. B. Where wood-preservative-treated lumber is installed adjacent to metal decking, install continuous flexible flashing separator between wood and metal decking. C. Framing Standard: Comply with AF&PA's WCD 1, "Details for Conventional Wood Frame Construction," unless otherwise indicated. D. Install plywood backing panels by fastening to studs; coordinate locations with utilities requiring backing panels. Install fire-retardant treated plywood backing panels with classification marking of testing agency exposed to view. E. Metal Framing Anchors: Install metal framing anchors to comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Install fasteners through each fastener hole. F. Do not splice structural members between supports unless otherwise indicated. G. Provide blocking and framing as indicated and as required to support facing materials, fixtures, specialty items, and trim. 1. H. Provide metal clips for fastening gypsum board or lath at corners and intersections where framing or blocking does not provide a surface for fastening edges of panels. Space clips not more than 16 inches o.c. Provide fire blocking in furred spaces, stud spaces, and other concealed cavities as indicated and as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Fire block furred spaces of walls, at each floor level, at ceiling, and at not more than 96 inches o.c. with solid wood blocking or noncombustible materials accurately fitted to close furred spaces. Fire block concealed spaces of wood-framed walls and partitions at each floor level, at ceiling line of top story, and at not more than 96 inches o.c. Where fire blocking is not inherent in framing system used, provide closely fitted solid wood blocks of same width as framing members and 2-inch nominal thickness. Fire block concealed spaces between floor sleepers with same material as sleepers to limit concealed spaces to not more than 100 sq. ft. and to solidly fill space below partitions. Fire block concealed spaces behind combustible cornices and exterior trim at not more than 20 feet o.c. I. Sort and select lumber so that natural characteristics will not interfere with installation or with fastening other materials to lumber. Do not use materials with defects that interfere with function of member or pieces that are too small to use with minimum number of joints or optimum joint arrangement. J. Comply with AWPA M4 for applying field treatment to cut surfaces of preservative-treated lumber. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY VT PC# R-2014-05 06 1053 - 5 February 12, 2014 1. 2. K. Securely attach carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening as indicated, complying with the following: 1. 2. 3. L. 3.2 Use inorganic boron for items that are continuously protected from liquid water. Use copper naphthenate for items not continuously protected from liquid water. NES NER-272 for power-driven fasteners. Table 2304.9.1, "Fastening Schedule," in ICC's International Building Code. Table R602.3(1), "Fastener Schedule for Structural Members," and Table R602.3(2), "Alternate Attachments," in ICC's International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings. Use steel common nails unless otherwise indicated. Select fasteners of size that will not fully penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Make tight connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting wood. Drive nails snug but do not countersink nail heads unless otherwise indicated. WOOD BLOCKING, AND NAILER INSTALLATION A. Install where indicated and where required for screeding or attaching other work. Form to shapes indicated and cut as required for true line and level of attached work. Coordinate locations with other work involved. B. Attach items to substrates to support applied loading. Recess bolts and nuts flush with surfaces unless otherwise indicated. C. Provide permanent grounds of dressed, pressure-preservative-treated, key-beveled lumber not less than 1-1/2 inches wide and of thickness required to bring face of ground to exact thickness of finish material. Remove temporary grounds when no longer required. D. Coordinate with Division 06 Section “Cultured Marble Fabrications” for ledger blocking at bathtub-shower unit, in addition to other cultured marble fabrications to be installed. 3.3 WOOD FURRING INSTALLATION A. Install level and plumb with closure strips at edges and openings. Shim with wood as required for tolerance of finish work. B. Furring to Receive Plywood or Hardboard Paneling: Install 1-by-3-inch nominal-size furring horizontally at 24 inches o.c. C. Furring to Receive Gypsum Board or Plaster Lath: vertically at 16 inches o.c. 3.4 Install 1-by-2-inch nominal-size furring PROTECTION A. Protect wood that has been treated with inorganic boron (SBX) from weather. If, despite protection, inorganic boron-treated wood becomes wet, apply EPA-registered borate treatment. Apply borate solution by spraying to comply with EPA-registered label. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY VT PC# R-2014-05 06 1053 - 6 February 12, 2014 B. Protect miscellaneous rough carpentry from weather. If, despite protection, miscellaneous rough carpentry becomes wet, apply EPA-registered borate treatment. Apply borate solution by spraying to comply with EPA-registered label. END OF SECTION 06 1053 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY VT PC# R-2014-05 06 1053 - 7 February 12, 2014 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY VT PC# R-2014-05 06 1053 - 8 February 12, 2014 SECTION 06 2023 - INTERIOR FINISH CARPENTRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 1.3 Interior trim, including extension of existing window casings. Brochures storage rack. Section 061053 "Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry" for furring, blocking, and other carpentry work not exposed to view. Section 099123 "Interior Painting" for priming and backpriming of interior finish carpentry. DEFINITIONS A. 1.4 MDF: Medium-density fiberboard. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. 1.5 Product Data: For each type of process and factory-fabricated product. Indicate component materials, dimensions, profiles, textures, and colors and include construction and application details. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. 1.6 Sample Warranty: For manufacturer's warranty. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Stack lumber, plywood, and other panels flat with spacers between each bundle to provide air circulation. Protect materials from weather by covering with waterproof sheeting, securely anchored. Provide for air circulation around stacks and under coverings. B. Deliver interior finish carpentry materials only when environmental conditions meet requirements specified for installation areas. If interior finish carpentry materials must be stored in other than installation areas, store only where environmental conditions meet requirements specified for installation areas. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices INTERIOR FINISH CARPENTRY VT PC# R-2014-05 06 2023 - 1 February 12, 2014 1.7 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not deliver or install interior finish carpentry materials until building is enclosed and weatherproof, wet work in space is completed and nominally dry, and HVAC system is operating and maintaining temperature and relative humidity at occupancy levels during the remainder of the construction period. B. Do not install finish carpentry materials that are wet, moisture damaged, or mold damaged. 1. 2. Indications that materials are wet or moisture damaged include, but are not limited to, discoloration, sagging, or irregular shape. Indications that materials are mold damaged include, but are not limited to, fuzzy or splotchy surface contamination and discoloration. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS, GENERAL A. Lumber: DOC PS 20 and the following grading rules: 1. B. Factory mark each piece of lumber with grade stamp of inspection agency indicating grade, species, moisture content at time of surfacing, and mill. 1. C. NeLMA: Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers' Association, "Standard Grading Rules for Northeastern Lumber." For exposed lumber, mark grade stamp on end or back of each piece, or omit grade stamp and provide certificates of grade compliance issued by inspection agency. MDF: ANSI A208.2-2009, Grade 15S, “Exterior” or “Industrial Grade,” made with binder containing no urea-formaldehyde resin. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. D. CMI Jeld-Wen, Inc.; Extira exterior treated wood composite panels. Sierra Pine; Medex MDF Panels. Tack-Board Materials: 1. Surface-Burning Characteristics: Comply with ASTM E 84; testing by a qualified testing agency. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency. a. b. 2. Natural-Cork Sheet: Seamless, single-layer, compressed fine-grain cork sheet; bulletin board quality; face sanded for natural finish with surface-burning characteristics indicated. a. 3. Flame-Spread Index: 75 or less. Smoke-Developed Index: 450 or less. Thickness: 1/4 inch. Plastic-Impregnated Cork Sheet: Seamless, homogeneous, self-sealing sheet consisting of granulated cork, linseed oil, resin binders, and dry pigments that are mixed and Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices INTERIOR FINISH CARPENTRY VT PC# R-2014-05 06 2023 - 2 February 12, 2014 calendared onto fabric backing; with washable vinyl finish and integral color throughout with surface-burning characteristics indicated. a. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1) 2) 3) b. Dimensions: 1) 2) 3) c. 2.2 Forbo Flooring, Inc.; Bulletin Board; contact Garland Wiltshire, (804) 9014258. PolyVision Corporation; a Steelcase company. Waltalkers; Tac-Wall. Thickness: 1/4-inch. Widths: 48 and 72 inches, cut down as required to meet installation conditions. Length: Continuous. Adhesive: As recommended by manufacturer. INTERIOR TRIM A. Lumber Trim for Opaque Finish (Painted Finish): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.3 Species and Grade: Yellow poplar; A Finish; NHLA. Maximum Moisture Content: 15 percent. Finger Jointing: Not allowed. Face Surface: Saw textured. Optional Material: Primed MDF, “Exterior” or “Industrial Grade,” of same actual dimensions as lumber indicated may be used in lieu of lumber. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Fasteners for Interior Finish Carpentry: Nails, screws, and other anchoring devices of type, size, material, and finish required for application indicated to provide secure attachment, concealed where possible. B. Multipurpose Construction Adhesive: Formulation complying with ASTM D 3498 that is recommended for indicated use by adhesive manufacturer. 1. 2.4 Adhesive shall have a VOC content of 70 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). FABRICATION A. Back out or kerf backs of the following members except those with ends exposed in finished work: 1. B. Interior standing and running trim except shoe and crown molds. Ease edges of lumber less than 1 inch in nominal thickness to 1/16-inch radius and edges of lumber 1 inch or more in nominal thickness to 1/8-inch radius. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices INTERIOR FINISH CARPENTRY VT PC# R-2014-05 06 2023 - 3 February 12, 2014 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance. B. Examine finish carpentry materials before installation. Reject materials that are wet, moisture damaged, and mold damaged. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean substrates of projections and substances detrimental to application. B. Before installing interior finish carpentry, condition materials to average prevailing humidity in installation areas for a minimum of 24 hours. 3.3 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Do not use materials that are unsound, warped, improperly treated or finished, inadequately seasoned, too small to fabricate with proper jointing arrangements, or with defective surfaces, sizes, or patterns. B. Install interior finish carpentry level, plumb, true, and aligned with adjacent materials. Use concealed shims where necessary for alignment. 1. 2. 3. 4. C. 3.4 Scribe and cut interior finish carpentry to fit adjoining work. Refinish and seal cuts as recommended by manufacturer. Where face fastening is unavoidable, countersink fasteners, fill surface flush, and sand unless otherwise indicated. Install to tolerance of 1/8 inch in 96 inches for level and plumb. Install adjoining interior finish carpentry with 1/32-inch maximum offset for flush installation and 1/16-inch maximum offset for reveal installation. Coordinate interior finish carpentry with materials and systems in or adjacent to it. Provide cutouts for mechanical and electrical items that penetrate interior finish carpentry. Seal cut MDF edges and joints, and glue to adjoining members. STANDING AND RUNNING TRIM INSTALLATION A. Install with minimum number of joints practical, using full-length pieces from maximum lengths of lumber available. Do not use pieces less than 24 inches long, except where necessary. Stagger joints in adjacent and related standing and running trim. Cope at returns, miter at outside corners, and cope at inside corners to produce tight-fitting joints with full-surface contact throughout length of joint. Use scarf joints for end-to-end joints. Plane backs of casings to provide uniform thickness across joints where necessary for alignment. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices INTERIOR FINISH CARPENTRY VT PC# R-2014-05 06 2023 - 4 February 12, 2014 1. 2. 3. 3.5 Match color and grain pattern of trim for transparent finish (stain or clear finish) across joints. Install trim after gypsum-board joint finishing operations are completed. Install without splitting; drill pilot holes before fastening where necessary to prevent splitting. Fasten to prevent movement or warping. Countersink fastener heads on exposed carpentry work and fill holes. ADJUSTING A. 3.6 Replace interior finish carpentry that is damaged or does not comply with requirements. Interior finish carpentry may be repaired or refinished if work complies with requirements and shows no evidence of repair or refinishing. Adjust joinery for uniform appearance. CLEANING A. 3.7 Clean interior finish carpentry on exposed and semiexposed surfaces. Restore damaged or soiled areas and touch up factory-applied finishes, if any. PROTECTION A. Protect installed products from damage from weather and other causes during construction. B. Remove and replace finish carpentry materials that are wet, moisture damaged, and mold damaged. 1. 2. Indications that materials are wet or moisture damaged include, but are not limited to, discoloration, sagging, or irregular shape. Indications that materials are mold damaged include, but are not limited to, fuzzy or splotchy surface contamination and discoloration. END OF SECTION 06 2023 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices INTERIOR FINISH CARPENTRY VT PC# R-2014-05 06 2023 - 5 February 12, 2014 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices INTERIOR FINISH CARPENTRY VT PC# R-2014-05 06 2023 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 07 8413 - PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 1.3 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Product Schedule: For each penetration firestopping system. designation of qualified testing and inspecting agency. 1. 1.4 1.5 Penetrations in fire-resistance-rated walls. Penetrations in horizontal assemblies. Include location and design Where Project conditions require modification to a qualified testing and inspecting agency's illustration for a particular penetration firestopping condition, and when confirmed with Authorities having jurisdiction, submit illustration, with modifications marked, approved by penetration firestopping manufacturer's fire-protection engineer as an engineering judgment or equivalent fire-resistance-rated assembly. a. The Contractor shall research testing agency documents such as the UL Online Certifications Directory or the UL Fire Resistance Directory for compliant assemblies. b. If no such assemblies can be found, the Contractor shall submit the proposed “engineering judgment” to the Architect for review. If the Architect agrees, the Architect will submit the proposed “engineering judgment” to BCOM under cover of a sealed statement that it is the Architect’s opinion that the proposed “engineering judgment” complies with the VUSBC. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For qualified Installer. B. Installer Certificates: From Installer indicating penetration firestopping has been installed in compliance with requirements and manufacturer's written recommendations. QUALITY ASSURANCE Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING VT PC# R-2014-05 07 8413 - 1 February 12, 2014 A. Installer Qualifications: A firm experienced in installing penetration firestopping similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project, whose work has resulted in construction with a record of successful performance. Qualifications include having the necessary experience, staff, and training to install manufacturer's products per specified requirements. Manufacturer's willingness to sell its penetration firestopping products to Contractor or to Installer engaged by Contractor does not in itself confer qualification on buyer. B. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Penetration firestopping shall comply with the following requirements: 1. 2. Penetration firestopping tests are performed by a qualified testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Penetration firestopping is identical to those tested per testing standard referenced in "Penetration Firestopping" Article. Provide rated systems complying with the following requirements: a. b. Penetration firestopping products bear classification marking of qualified testing and inspecting agency. Classification markings on penetration firestopping correspond to designations listed by the following: 1) 1.6 UL in its "Fire Resistance Directory." PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not install penetration firestopping when ambient or substrate temperatures are outside limits permitted by penetration firestopping manufacturers or when substrates are wet because of rain, frost, condensation, or other causes. B. Install and cure penetration firestopping per manufacturer's written instructions using natural means of ventilations or, where this is inadequate, forced-air circulation. 1.7 COORDINATION A. Coordinate construction of openings and penetrating items to ensure that penetration firestopping is installed according to specified requirements. B. Coordinate sizing of sleeves, openings, core-drilled holes, or cut openings to accommodate penetration firestopping. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the Grace Construction Products. Hilti, Inc. Specified Technologies Inc. 3M Fire Protection Products. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING VT PC# R-2014-05 07 8413 - 2 February 12, 2014 5. 6. 2.2 Tremco, Inc.; Tremco Fire Protection Systems Group. USG Corporation. PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING A. Provide penetration firestopping that is produced and installed to resist spread of fire according to requirements indicated, resist passage of smoke and other gases, and maintain original fireresistance rating of construction penetrated. Penetration firestopping systems shall be compatible with one another, with the substrates forming openings, and with penetrating items if any. B. Penetrations in Fire-Resistance-Rated Walls: Provide penetration firestopping with ratings determined per ASTM E 814 or UL 1479, based on testing at a positive pressure differential of 0.01-inch wg. 1. 2. C. Penetrations in Horizontal Assemblies: Provide penetration firestopping with ratings determined per ASTM E 814 or UL 1479, based on testing at a positive pressure differential of 0.01-inch wg. 1. 2. 3. D. Horizontal assemblies include floors floor/ceiling assemblies and ceiling membranes of roof/ceiling assemblies. F-Rating: At least 1 hour, but not less than the fire-resistance rating of constructions penetrated. T-Rating: At least 1 hour, but not less than the fire-resistance rating of constructions penetrated except for floor penetrations within the cavity of a wall. VOC Content: Provide penetration firestopping that complies with the following limits for VOC content when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24): 1. 2. 3. E. Fire-resistance-rated walls include fire partitions. F-Rating: Not less than the fire-resistance rating of constructions penetrated. Architectural Sealants: 250 g/L. Sealant Primers for Nonporous Substrates: 250 g/L. Sealant Primers for Porous Substrates: 775 g/L. Accessories: Provide components for each penetration firestopping system that are needed to install fill materials and to maintain ratings required. Use only those components specified by penetration firestopping manufacturer and approved by qualified testing and inspecting agency for firestopping indicated. 1. Permanent forming/damming/backing materials, including the following: a. b. c. d. 2. 3. 4. 5. Slag-wool-fiber or rock-wool-fiber insulation. Sealants used in combination with other forming/damming/backing materials to prevent leakage of fill materials in liquid state. Fire-rated form board. Fillers for sealants. Temporary forming materials. Substrate primers. Collars. Steel sleeves. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING VT PC# R-2014-05 07 8413 - 3 February 12, 2014 2.3 FILL MATERIALS A. Latex Sealants: Single-component latex formulations that do not re-emulsify after cure during exposure to moisture. B. Firestop Devices: Factory-assembled collars formed from galvanized steel and lined with intumescent material sized to fit specific diameter of penetrant. C. Intumescent Composite Sheets: Rigid panels consisting of aluminum-foil-faced elastomeric sheet bonded to galvanized-steel sheet. D. Intumescent Putties: Nonhardening dielectric, water-resistant putties containing no solvents, inorganic fibers, or silicone compounds. E. Intumescent Wrap Strips: Single-component intumescent elastomeric sheets with aluminum foil on one side. F. Mortars: Prepackaged dry mixes consisting of a blend of inorganic binders, hydraulic cement, fillers, and lightweight aggregate formulated for mixing with water at Project site to form a nonshrinking, homogeneous mortar. G. Pillows/Bags: Reusable heat-expanding pillows/bags consisting of glass-fiber cloth cases filled with a combination of mineral-fiber, water-insoluble expansion agents, and fire-retardant additives. Where exposed, cover openings with steel-reinforcing wire mesh to protect pillows/bags from being easily removed. H. Silicone Foams: Multicomponent, silicone-based liquid elastomers that, when mixed, expand and cure in place to produce a flexible, nonshrinking foam. I. Silicone Sealants: Single-component, silicone-based, neutral-curing elastomeric sealants of grade indicated below: 1. 2.4 Grade: Pourable (self-leveling) formulation for openings in floors and other horizontal surfaces, and nonsag formulation for openings in vertical and sloped surfaces, unless indicated firestopping limits use of nonsag grade for both opening conditions. MIXING A. For those products requiring mixing before application, comply with penetration firestopping manufacturer's written instructions for accurate proportioning of materials, water (if required), type of mixing equipment, selection of mixer speeds, mixing containers, mixing time, and other items or procedures needed to produce products of uniform quality with optimum performance characteristics for application indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for opening configurations, penetrating items, substrates, and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING VT PC# R-2014-05 07 8413 - 4 February 12, 2014 B. 3.2 Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION A. Surface Cleaning: Clean out openings immediately before installing penetration firestopping to comply with manufacturer's written instructions and with the following requirements: 1. 2. 3. B. 3.3 Remove from surfaces of opening substrates and from penetrating items foreign materials that could interfere with adhesion of penetration firestopping. Clean opening substrates and penetrating items to produce clean, sound surfaces capable of developing optimum bond with penetration firestopping. Remove loose particles remaining from cleaning operation. Remove laitance and form-release agents from concrete. Priming: Prime substrates where recommended in writing by manufacturer using that manufacturer's recommended products and methods. Confine primers to areas of bond; do not allow spillage and migration onto exposed surfaces. INSTALLATION A. General: Install penetration firestopping to comply with manufacturer's written installation instructions and published drawings for products and applications indicated. B. Install forming materials and other accessories of types required to support fill materials during their application and in the position needed to produce cross-sectional shapes and depths required to achieve fire ratings indicated. 1. C. Install fill materials for firestopping by proven techniques to produce the following results: 1. 2. 3. 3.4 After installing fill materials and allowing them to fully cure, remove combustible forming materials and other accessories not indicated as permanent components of firestopping Fill voids and cavities formed by openings, forming materials, accessories, and penetrating items as required to achieve fire-resistance ratings indicated. Apply materials so they contact and adhere to substrates formed by openings and penetrating items. For fill materials that will remain exposed after completing the Work, finish to produce smooth, uniform surfaces that are flush with adjoining finishes. IDENTIFICATION A. Identify penetration firestopping with preprinted metal or plastic labels. Attach labels permanently to surfaces adjacent to and within 6 inches of firestopping edge so labels will be visible to anyone seeking to remove penetrating items or firestopping. Use mechanical fasteners or self-adhering-type labels with adhesives capable of permanently bonding labels to surfaces on which labels are placed. Include the following information on labels: 1. 2. 3. 4. The words "Warning - Penetration Firestopping - Do Not Disturb. Management of Any Damage." Contractor's name, address, and phone number. Designation of applicable testing and inspecting agency. Date of installation. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING Notify Building VT PC# R-2014-05 07 8413 - 5 February 12, 2014 5. 6. 3.5 Manufacturer's name. Installer's name. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Clean off excess fill materials adjacent to openings as the Work progresses by methods and with cleaning materials that are approved in writing by penetration firestopping manufacturers and that do not damage materials in which openings occur. B. Provide final protection and maintain conditions during and after installation that ensure that penetration firestopping is without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. If, despite such protection, damage or deterioration occurs, immediately cut out and remove damaged or deteriorated penetration firestopping and install new materials to produce systems complying with specified requirements. END OF SECTION 07 8413 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING VT PC# R-2014-05 07 8413 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 07 9200 - JOINT SEALANTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Related Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.3 Silicone joint sealants. Urethane joint sealants. Latex joint sealants. Preformed joint sealants. Acoustical joint sealants. Division 04 Section "Unit Masonry" for masonry control and expansion joint fillers and gaskets. Division 08 Sections "Glazing" and “Fire-Resistant Glazing” for glazing sealants. Division 09 Section "Gypsum Board" for sealing perimeter joints. Division 09 Section "Tiling" for sealing tile joints. Division 09 Section "Acoustical Panel Ceilings" for sealing edge moldings at perimeters with acoustical sealant. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: instructions. B. Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts consisting of strips of cured sealants showing the full range of colors available for each product exposed to view. C. Samples for Verification: For each kind and color of joint sealant required, provide Samples of joint sealants in the field in actual joints between different materials or in mockups. Allow for three field sample color choices for each type and color of sealant. Final selections will be made from in-field samples. D. Joint-Sealant Schedule: Include the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. E. For each joint-sealant product indicated, including installation and storage Joint-sealant application, joint location, and designation. Joint-sealant manufacturer and product name. Joint-sealant formulation. Joint-sealant color. Qualification Data: For qualified Installer. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices JOINT SEALANTS VT PC# R-2014-05 07 9200 - 1 February 12, 2014 F. Product Certificates: For each kind of joint sealant and accessory, from manufacturer. G. Sealant, Waterproofing, and Restoration Institute (SWRI) Validation Certificate: sealant specified to be validated by SWRI's Sealant Validation Program. H. Product Test Reports: Based on evaluation of comprehensive tests performed by a qualified testing agency, indicating that sealants comply with requirements. I. Preconstruction Compatibility and Adhesion Test Reports: indicating the following: 1. 2. For each From sealant manufacturer, Materials forming joint substrates and joint-sealant backings have been tested for compatibility and adhesion with joint sealants. Interpretation of test results and written recommendations for primers and substrate preparation needed for adhesion. J. Preconstruction Field-Adhesion Test Reports: Indicate which sealants and joint preparation methods resulted in optimum adhesion to joint substrates based on testing specified in "Preconstruction Testing" Article. K. Field-Adhesion Test Reports: For each sealant application tested. L. Warranties: Sample of special warranties. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Manufacturer's authorized representative who is trained and approved for installation of units required for this Project. B. Source Limitations: manufacturer. C. Product Testing: Test joint sealants using a qualified testing agency. 1. 2. Obtain each kind of joint sealant from single source from single Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent testing agency qualified according to ASTM C 1021 to conduct the testing indicated. Test according to SWRI's Sealant Validation Program for compliance with requirements specified by reference to ASTM C 920 for adhesion and cohesion under cyclic movement, adhesion-in-peel, and indentation hardness. D. Mockups: Install sealant in mockups of assemblies specified in other Sections that are indicated to receive joint sealants specified in this Section. Use materials and installation methods specified in this Section. Final color selections will be made from mockups or in-field samples. E. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. 1. 1.5 Include all Contractors using sealant at interfacing materials. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Do not proceed with installation of joint sealants under the following conditions: Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices JOINT SEALANTS VT PC# R-2014-05 07 9200 - 2 February 12, 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.6 When ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside limits permitted by jointsealant manufacturer or are below 40 deg F. When joint substrates are wet. Where joint widths are less than those allowed by joint-sealant manufacturer for applications indicated. Where contaminants capable of interfering with adhesion have not yet been removed from joint substrates. WARRANTY A. Special Installer's Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which Installer agrees to repair or replace joint sealants that do not comply with performance and other requirements specified in this Section within specified warranty period. 1. Warranty Period: Five years from date of Substantial Completion. B. Special Manufacturer's Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which joint-sealant manufacturer agrees to furnish joint sealants to repair or replace those that do not comply with performance and other requirements specified in this Section within specified warranty period. 1. C. Warranty Period: Five years from date of Substantial Completion. Special warranties specified in this article exclude deterioration or failure of joint sealants from the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Movement of the structure caused by structural settlement or errors attributable to design or construction resulting in stresses on the sealant exceeding sealant manufacturer's written specifications for sealant elongation and compression. Disintegration of joint substrates from natural causes exceeding design specifications. Mechanical damage caused by individuals, tools, or other outside agents. Changes in sealant appearance caused by accumulation of dirt or other atmospheric contaminants. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS, GENERAL A. Compatibility: Provide joint sealants, backings, and other related materials that are compatible with one another and with joint substrates under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by joint-sealant manufacturer, based on testing and field experience. B. VOC Content of Interior Sealants: Provide sealants and sealant primers for use inside the weatherproofing system that comply with the following limits for VOC content when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Part 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24): 1. 2. 3. C. Architectural Sealants: 250 g/L. Sealant Primers for Nonporous Substrates: 250 g/L. Sealant Primers for Porous Substrates: 775 g/L. Low-Emitting Interior Sealants: Sealants and sealant primers used inside the weatherproofing system shall comply with the testing and product requirements of the California Department of Health Services' "Standard Practice for the Testing of Volatile Organic Emissions from Various Sources Using Small-Scale Environmental Chambers." Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices JOINT SEALANTS VT PC# R-2014-05 07 9200 - 3 February 12, 2014 D. Liquid-Applied Joint Sealants: Comply with ASTM C 920 and other requirements indicated for each liquid-applied joint sealant specified, including those referencing ASTM C 920 classifications for type, grade, class, and uses related to exposure and joint substrates. 1. Suitability for Immersion in Liquids. Where sealants are indicated for Use I for joints that will be continuously immersed in liquids, provide products that have undergone testing according to ASTM C 1247. Liquid used for testing sealants is deionized water, unless otherwise indicated. E. Stain-Test-Response Characteristics: Where sealants are specified to be nonstaining to porous substrates, provide products that have undergone testing according to ASTM C 1248 and have not stained porous joint substrates indicated for Project. F. Suitability for Contact with Food: Where sealants are indicated for joints that will come in repeated contact with food, provide products that comply with 21 CFR 177.2600. G. Colors of Exposed Joint Sealants: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. 2.2 SILICONE JOINT SEALANTS A. Single-Component, Nonsag, Neutral-Curing Silicone Joint Sealant ES-1: ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 100/50, for Use NT. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. d. B. Single-Component, Nonsag, Neutral-Curing Silicone Joint Sealant ES-2: ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 50, for Use NT. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. C. Dow Corning Corporation; 795 or 791. GE Advanced Materials - Silicones; SilPruf NB SCS9000 or SilPruf SCS2000. Pecora Corporation; 864 NST or PCS. Mildew-Resistant, Single-Component, Nonsag, Neutral-Curing Silicone Joint Sealant ES-3: ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, for Use NT. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements: a. b. c. D. Dow Corning Corporation; 790; 756 SMS. Pecora Corporation; 890 or 890FTS. Sika Corporation, Construction Products Division; SikaSil-C990. Tremco Incorporated; Spectrem 2. Dow Corning Corporation: 758. Pecora Corporation; 898. Tremco, Incorporated; Tremsil 200. Mildew-Resistant, Single-Component, Acid-Curing Silicone Joint Sealant ES-3a: ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, for Use NT. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. BASF Building Systems; Omniplus. Dow Corning Corporation; 786 Mildew Resistant. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices JOINT SEALANTS VT PC# R-2014-05 07 9200 - 4 February 12, 2014 c. 2.3 Tremco Incorporated; Tremsil 200 Sanitary. URETHANE JOINT SEALANTS A. Single-Component, Nonsag, Urethane Joint Sealant ES-4: ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, for Use NT, paintable. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. B. Single-Component, Nonsag, Traffic-Grade, Urethane Joint Sealant: Grade NS, Class 25, for Use T. 1. ASTM C 920, Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. d. BASF Building Systems; Sonolastic SL 1. Pecora Corporation; Urexpan NR-201. Polymeric Systems, Inc.; Flexiprene 952. Tremco Incorporated; Vulkem 45. Multicomponent, Nonsag, Traffic-Grade, Urethane Joint Sealant ES-6: ASTM C 920, Type M, Grade NS, Class 25, for Use T. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. d. 2.4 Type S, BASF Building Systems; Sonolastic NP1 or Sonolastic Ultra. Sika Corporation, Construction Products Division; Sikaflex - 1a. Tremco Incorporated; Vulkem 116. Single-Component, Pourable, Traffic-Grade, Urethane Joint Sealant ES-5: Type S, Grade P, Class 25, for Use T. 1. D. ASTM C 920. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. C. BASF Building Systems; Sonolastic TX1. Pecora Corporation; Dynatrol I-XL. Tremco Incorporated; Dymonic or Vulkem 116. BASF Building Systems; Sonolastic NP 2. Pecora Corporation; Dynatred. Sika Corporation, Construction Products Division; Sikaflex - 2c NS or Sikaflex 2c EZ Mix. Tremco Incorporated; Vulkem 227. LATEX JOINT SEALANTS A. Latex Joint Sealant LS-1: Grade NF. 1. Acrylic latex or siliconized acrylic latex, ASTM C 834, Type OP, Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. BASF Building Systems; Sonolac. Pecora Corporation; AC-20+. Tremco Incorporated; Tremflex 834. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices JOINT SEALANTS VT PC# R-2014-05 07 9200 - 5 February 12, 2014 2.5 PREFORMED JOINT SEALANTS A. Preformed Foam Joint Sealant: Manufacturer's standard preformed, precompressed, open-cell foam sealant manufactured from urethane foam with minimum density of 10 lb/cu. ft. and impregnated with a nondrying, water-repellent agent. Factory produce in precompressed sizes in roll or stick form to fit joint widths indicated; coated on one side with a pressure-sensitive adhesive and covered with protective wrapping. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. 2.6 EMSEAL Joint Systems, Ltd.; Emseal 25V. Schul International, Inc.; Sealtite or Sealtite 50N. Willseal USA, LLC; Willseal 150 or Willseal 250. ACOUSTICAL JOINT SEALANTS A. Acoustical Joint Sealant: Manufacturer's standard nonsag, paintable, nonstaining latex sealant complying with ASTM C 834. Product effectively reduces airborne sound transmission through perimeter joints and openings in building construction as demonstrated by testing representative assemblies according to ASTM E 90. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. 2.7 Pecora Corporation; AIS-919. Tremco Corporation; SHEETROCK USG Corporation; SHEETROCK Acoustical Sealant. JOINT SEALANT BACKING A. General: Provide sealant backings of material that are nonstaining; are compatible with joint substrates, sealants, primers, and other joint fillers; and are approved for applications indicated by sealant manufacturer based on field experience and laboratory testing. B. Cylindrical Sealant Backings: ASTM C 1330, Type O (open-cell material) or Type B (bicellular material with a surface skin), and of size and density to control sealant depth and otherwise contribute to producing optimum sealant performance. 2.8 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Primer: Material recommended by joint-sealant manufacturer where required for adhesion of sealant to joint substrates indicated, as determined from preconstruction joint-sealant-substrate tests and field tests. B. Cleaners for Nonporous Surfaces: Chemical cleaners acceptable to manufacturers of sealants and sealant backing materials, free of oily residues or other substances capable of staining or harming joint substrates and adjacent nonporous surfaces in any way, and formulated to promote optimum adhesion of sealants to joint substrates. C. Masking Tape: Nonstaining, nonabsorbent material compatible with joint sealants and surfaces adjacent to joints. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices JOINT SEALANTS VT PC# R-2014-05 07 9200 - 6 February 12, 2014 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine joints indicated to receive joint sealants, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for joint configuration, installation tolerances, and other conditions affecting jointsealant performance. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Surface Cleaning of Joints: Clean out joints immediately before installing joint sealants to comply with joint-sealant manufacturer's written instructions and the following requirements: 1. 2. Remove all foreign material from joint substrates that could interfere with adhesion of joint sealant, including dust, paints (except for permanent, protective coatings tested and approved for sealant adhesion and compatibility by sealant manufacturer), old joint sealants, oil, grease, waterproofing, water repellents, water, surface dirt, and frost. Clean porous joint substrate surfaces by brushing, grinding, mechanical abrading, or a combination of these methods to produce a clean, sound substrate capable of developing optimum bond with joint sealants. Remove loose particles remaining after cleaning operations above by vacuuming or blowing out joints with oil-free compressed air. Porous joint substrates include the following: a. b. c. 3. 4. Remove laitance and form-release agents from concrete. Clean nonporous joint substrate surfaces with chemical cleaners or other means that do not stain, harm substrates, or leave residues capable of interfering with adhesion of joint sealants. Nonporous joint substrates include the following: a. b. c. d. 3.3 Concrete. Masonry. Unglazed surfaces of ceramic tile. Metal. Glass. Porcelain enamel. Glazed surfaces of ceramic tile. B. Joint Priming: Prime joint substrates where recommended by joint-sealant manufacturer or as indicated by preconstruction joint-sealant-substrate tests or prior experience. Apply primer to comply with joint-sealant manufacturer's written instructions. Confine primers to areas of jointsealant bond; do not allow spillage or migration onto adjoining surfaces. C. Masking Tape: Use masking tape where required to prevent contact of sealant or primer with adjoining surfaces that otherwise would be permanently stained or damaged by such contact or by cleaning methods required to remove sealant smears. Remove tape immediately after tooling without disturbing joint seal. INSTALLATION OF JOINT SEALANTS Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices JOINT SEALANTS VT PC# R-2014-05 07 9200 - 7 February 12, 2014 A. General: Comply with joint-sealant manufacturer's written installation instructions for products and applications indicated, unless more stringent requirements apply. B. Sealant Installation Standard: Comply with recommendations in ASTM C 1193 for use of joint sealants as applicable to materials, applications, and conditions indicated. C. Install sealant backings of kind indicated to support sealants during application and at position required to produce cross-sectional shapes and depths of installed sealants relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. 1. 2. 3. Do not leave gaps between ends of sealant backings. Do not stretch, twist, puncture, or tear sealant backings. Remove absorbent sealant backings that have become wet before sealant application and replace them with dry materials. D. Install bond-breaker tape behind sealants where sealant backings are not used between sealants and backs of joints. E. Install sealants using proven techniques that comply with the following and at the same time backings are installed: 1. Place sealants so they directly contact and fully wet joint substrates. 2. Completely fill recesses in each joint configuration. 3. Produce uniform, cross-sectional shapes and depths relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. F. Tooling of Nonsag Sealants: Immediately after sealant application and before skinning or curing begins, tool sealants according to requirements specified in subparagraphs below to form smooth, uniform beads of configuration indicated; to eliminate air pockets; and to ensure contact and adhesion of sealant with sides of joint. 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove excess sealant from surfaces adjacent to joints. Provide concave joint profile per Figure 8A in ASTM C 1193, unless otherwise indicated. Provide flush joint profile where indicated per Figure 8B in ASTM C 1193. Provide recessed joint configuration of recess depth and at locations indicated per Figure 8C in ASTM C 1193. a. 5. Use masking tape to protect surfaces adjacent to recessed tooled joints. Do not use tooling agents. G. Installation of Preformed Foam Sealants: Install each length of sealant immediately after removing protective wrapping. Do not pull or stretch material. Produce seal continuity at ends, turns, and intersections of joints. For applications at low ambient temperatures, apply heat to sealant in compliance with sealant manufacturer's written instructions. H. Acoustical Sealant Installation: At sound-rated assemblies and elsewhere as indicated, seal construction at perimeters, behind control joints, and at openings and penetrations with a continuous bead of acoustical sealant. Install acoustical sealant at both faces of partitions at perimeters and through penetrations. Comply with ASTM C 919 and with manufacturer's written recommendations. I. Provide double sealant joints at all exterior applications for the installation of storefront, curtainwall, windows, louvers and doors. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices JOINT SEALANTS VT PC# R-2014-05 07 9200 - 8 February 12, 2014 3.4 CLEANING A. 3.5 Clean off excess sealant or sealant smears adjacent to joints as the Work progresses by methods and with cleaning materials approved in writing by manufacturers of joint sealants and of products in which joints occur. PROTECTION A. 3.6 Protect joint sealants during and after curing period from contact with contaminating substances and from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so sealants are without deterioration or damage at time of Substantial Completion. If, despite such protection, damage or deterioration occurs, cut out and remove damaged or deteriorated joint sealants immediately so installations with repaired areas are indistinguishable from original work. JOINT-SEALANT SCHEDULE A. Joint-Sealant Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range of colors. B. Joint-Sealant Application JS-2: Exterior joints between metal panels. 1. Joint Sealant: Single non-sag neutral-curing silicone sealant ES-1. C. Joint-Sealant Application JS-3: Exterior joints within storefront framing systems. 1. Joint Sealant: Single non-sag neutral-curing silicone sealant ES-1. D. Joint-Sealant Application JS-4: Exterior vertical construction joints in cast-in-place concrete. 1. Joint Sealant: Single-component neutral-curing silicone sealant ES-2. E. Joint-Sealant Application JS-6: Exterior vertical control and expansion joints in unit masonry. 1. Joint Sealant: Single-component neutral-curing silicone sealant ES-2. F. Joint-Sealant Application JS-8: Exterior vertical joints between different materials listed above. 1. Joint Sealant: Single-component neutral-curing silicone sealant ES-2. G. Joint-Sealant Application JS-9: Exterior perimeter joints between materials listed above and frames of doors, windows, and louvers. 1. Joint Sealant: Single-component neutral-curing silicone sealant ES-2. H. Joint-Sealant Application JS-10: Exterior control and expansion joints in ceilings and other overhead surfaces. 1. Joint Sealant: Single-component neutral-curing silicone sealant ES-2. I. Joint-Sealant Application JS-11: Exterior horizontal non-traffic and traffic isolation and contraction joints in cast-in-place concrete slabs. 1. Joint Sealant: Single-component pourable urethane sealant ES-5. 3.7 INTERIOR JOINT SEALANT SCHEDULE A. Joint-Sealant Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range of colors. B. Interior joint sealants and associated primers must comply with VOC limits indicated n Part 2. Use specified and scheduled products only. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices JOINT SEALANTS VT PC# R-2014-05 07 9200 - 9 February 12, 2014 C. Joint-Sealant Application JS-21: Vertical control and expansion joints on exposed interior surfaces of exterior walls. 1. Joint-Sealant: Single-component non-sag urethane sealant ES-4, paintable. D. Joint-Sealant Application JS-22: Interior perimeter joints of exterior openings. 1. Joint-Sealant: Single-component non-sag urethane sealant ES-4. E. Joint-Sealant Application JS-23: Interior ceramic and dimension stone tile expansion, control, contraction and isolation joints in horizontal traffic surfaces. 1. Joint-Sealant: Single-component pourable urethane sealant ES-5. F. Joint-Sealant Application JS-24: Interior joints between plumbing fixtures and adjoining walls, floors, and counters. 1. Joint-Sealant: Single-component mildew-resistant neutral-curing silicone sealant ES-3. G. Joint-Sealant Application JS-25: Vertical joints on exposed surfaces of prefinished interior walls and partitions. 1. Joint-Sealant: Single-component non-sag urethane sealant ES-4. H. Joint-Sealant Application JS-26: Perimeter joints between prefinished interior wall surfaces and frames of interior doors, windows and elevator entrances. 1. Joint-Sealant: Single-component non-sag urethane sealant ES-4. I. Joint-Sealant Application JS-27: Perimeter joints between painted interior wall surfaces and frames of interior doors, windows, and elevator entrances. 1. Joint-Sealant: Latex sealant LS-1 2. Joint-Sealant color: Paintable white. J. Joint-Sealant Application JS-28: Interior acoustical joints in vertical surfaces and horizontal nontraffic surfaces. 1. Joint Sealant: Acoustical. K. Joint-Sealant Application JS-29: Interior joints to fill existing cracks in concrete floor slab. 1. Joint-Sealant: Multicomponent, non-sag, urethane sealant ES-6. END OF SECTION 07 9200 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices JOINT SEALANTS VT PC# R-2014-05 07 9200 - 10 February 12, 2014 SECTION 08 1113 - HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. B. Related Sections: 1. 2. 1.3 Division 08 Section "Door Hardware" for door hardware for hollow metal doors. Division 09 Sections "Interior Painting” and “High-Performance Coatings.” DEFINITIONS A. Minimum Thickness: Minimum thickness of base metal without coatings according to NAAMMHMMA 803 or SDI A250.8. B. Standard Hollow Metal Work: Hollow metal work fabricated according to ANSI/SDI A250.8. 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include construction details, material descriptions, core descriptions, fire-resistance rating, temperature-rise ratings, and finishes. B. Shop Drawings: Include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C. 1.5 Standard hollow metal doors and frames. Elevations of each door type. Details of doors, including vertical- and horizontal-edge details and metal thicknesses. Frame details for each frame type, including dimensioned profiles and metal thicknesses. Frame details for each frame type, including dimensioned profiles and metal thicknesses Locations of reinforcement and preparations for hardware. Details of each different wall opening condition. Details of anchorages, joints, field splices, and connections. Details of accessories. Details of conduit and preparations for power, signal, and control systems. Schedule: Provide a schedule of hollow-metal work prepared by or under the supervision of supplier, using same reference numbers for details and openings as those on Drawings. Coordinate with final Door Hardware Schedule. QUALITY ASSURANCE Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1113 - 1 February 12, 2014 A. 1.6 Source Limitations: Obtain hollow metal work from single source from single manufacturer. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver hollow metal work palletized, wrapped, or crated to provide protection during transit and Project-site storage. Do not use nonvented plastic. 1. Provide additional protection to prevent damage to finish of factory-finished units. B. Deliver welded frames with two removable spreader bars across bottom of frames, tack welded to jambs and mullions. C. Store hollow metal work under cover at Project site. Place in stacks of five units maximum in a vertical position with heads up, spaced by blocking, on minimum 4-inch-igh wood blocking. Do not store in a manner that traps excess humidity. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.8 Field Measurements: fabrication. Verify actual dimensions of openings by field measurements before COORDINATION A. Coordinate installation of anchorages for hollow metal frames. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchorages, including sleeves, concrete inserts, anchor bolts, and items with integral anchors. Deliver such items to Project site in time for installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.2 Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the Fleming Door Products Ltd.; an Assa Abloy Group company. HMF Express. Karpen Steel Custom Doors & Frames. The MPI Group, LLC. Pioneer Industries, Inc. Steelcraft; an Ingersoll-Rand company. INTERIOR FRAMES A. Construct interior frames to comply with the standards indicated for materials, fabrication, hardware locations, hardware reinforcement, tolerances, and clearances, and as specified. B. Extra-Heavy-Duty Doors and Frames: SDI A250.8, Level 3.. 1. Physical Performance: Level A according to SDI A250.4. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1113 - 2 February 12, 2014 2. Frames: a. b. 3. 2.3 Materials: Uncoated, steel sheet, minimum thickness of 0.053 inch Construction: Full profile welded. Knock-down frames not allowed under any circumstances. Exposed Finish: Prime. EXTERIOR HOLLOW-METAL DOORS AND FRAMES A. Construct exterior doors and frames to comply with the standards indicated for materials, fabrication, hardware locations, hardware reinforcement, tolerances, and clearances, and as specified. B. Extra-Heavy-Duty Doors and Frames: SDI A250.8, Level 3. 1. 2. Physical Performance: Level A according to SDI A250.4. Doors: a. b. c. d. e. f. Type: As indicated in the Door and Frame Schedule. Thickness: 1-3/4 inches Face: Metallic-coated steel sheet, minimum thickness of 0.053 inch, with minimum A40 coating. Edge Construction: Model 2, Seamless. Core: Manufacturer's standard kraft-paper honeycomb, polystyrene, polyurethane, polyisocyanurate, mineral-board, or vertical steel-stiffener core at manufacturer's discretion. Core: Polyurethane. 1) 3. Frames: a. b. 4. 2.4 Thermal-Rated Doors: Provide doors fabricated with thermal-resistance value (R-value) of not less than 2.1 deg F x h x sq. ft./Btu when tested according to ASTM C 1363. Materials: Metallic-coated steel sheet, minimum thickness of 0.053 inch with minimum A40coating. Construction: Face welded. Exposed Finish: Prime. FRAME ANCHORS A. Jamb Anchors: 1. 2. Masonry Type: Adjustable strap-and-stirrup or T-shaped anchors to suit frame size, not less than 0.042 inch thick, with corrugated or perforated straps not less than 2 inches wide by 10 inches long; or wire anchors not less than 0.177 inch thick. Stud-Wall Type: Designed to engage stud, welded to back of frames; not less than 0.042 inch thick. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1113 - 3 February 12, 2014 2.5 MATERIALS A. Recycled Content of Steel Products: Postconsumer recycled content plus one-half of preconsumer recycled content not less than 25 percent. B. Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet: ASTM A 1008/A 1008M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B; suitable for exposed applications. C. Metallic-Coated Steel Sheet: ASTM A 653/A 653M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B. D. Frame Anchors: ASTM A 879/A 879M, Commercial Steel (CS), 04Zcoating designation; mill phosphatized. 1. For anchors built into exterior walls, steel sheet complying with ASTM A 1008/A 1008M or ASTM A 1011/A 1011M, hot-dip galvanized according to ASTM A 153/A 153M, Class B. E. Inserts, Bolts, and Fasteners: Hot-dip galvanized according to ASTM A 153/A 153M. F. Powder-Actuated Fasteners in Concrete: Fastener system of type suitable for application indicated, fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials, with clips or other accessory devices for attaching hollow-metal frames of type indicated. G. Grout: ASTM C 476, except with a maximum slump of 4 inches as measured according to ASTM C 143/C 143M. H. Glazing: Comply with requirements in Section 08 8000 "Glazing." I. Bituminous Coating: Cold-applied asphalt mastic, compounded for 15-mildry film thickness per coat. Provide inert-type noncorrosive compound free of asbestos fibers, sulfur components, and other deleterious impurities. 2.6 FABRICATION A. Fabricate hollow-metal work to be rigid and free of defects, warp, or buckle. Accurately form metal to required sizes and profiles, with minimum radius for metal thickness. Where practical, fit and assemble units in manufacturer's plant. To ensure proper assembly at Project site, clearly identify work that cannot be permanently factory assembled before shipment. B. Tolerances: Fabricate hollow metal work to tolerances indicated in SDI 117. C. Hollow-Metal Doors: 1. 2. D. Exterior Doors: Provide weep-hole openings in bottoms of exterior doors to permit moisture to escape. Seal joints in top edges of doors against water penetration. Top Edge Closures: Close top edges of doors with inverted closures of same material as face sheets. Hollow-Metal Frames: Where frames are fabricated in sections due to shipping or handling limitations, provide alignment plates or angles at each joint, fabricated of same thickness metal as frames. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1113 - 4 February 12, 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sidelight and Transom Bar Frames: Provide closed tubular members with no visible face seams or joints, fabricated from same material as door frame. Fasten members at crossings and to jambs by butt welding. Provide countersunk, flat- or oval-head exposed screws and bolts for exposed fasteners unless otherwise indicated. Grout Guards: Weld guards to frame at back of hardware mortises in frames to be grouted. Floor Anchors: Weld anchors to bottoms of jambs with at least four spot welds per anchor; however, for slip-on drywall frames, provide anchor clips or countersunk holes at bottoms of jambs. Jamb Anchors: Provide number and spacing of anchors as follows: a. Masonry Type: Locate anchors not more than 16 inches from top and bottom of frame. Space anchors not more than 32 inches o.c., to match coursing, and as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) b. Stud-Wall Type: Locate anchors not more than 18 inches from top and bottom of frame. Space anchors not more than 32 inches o.c. and as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) c. 6. Two anchors per jamb up to 60 inches high. Three anchors per jamb from 60 to 90 inches high. Four anchors per jamb from 90 to 120 inches high. Four anchors per jamb plus 1 additional anchor per jamb for each 24 inches or fraction thereof above 120 inches high. Three anchors per jamb up to 60 inches high. Four anchors per jamb from 60 to 90 inches high. Five anchors per jamb from 90 to 96 inches high. Five anchors per jamb plus one additional anchor per jamb for each 24 inches or fraction thereof above 96 inches high. Postinstalled Expansion Type: Locate anchors not more than 6 inches from top and bottom of frame. Space anchors not more than 26 inches o.c. Door Silencers: Except on weather-stripped frames, drill stops to receive door silencers as follows. Keep holes clear during construction. a. b. Single-Door Frames: Drill stop in strike jamb to receive three door silencers. Double-Door Frames: Drill stop in head jamb to receive two door silencers. E. Fabricate concealed stiffeners and edge channels from either cold- or hot-rolled steel sheet. F. Hardware Preparation: Factory prepare hollow-metal work to receive templated mortised hardware; include cutouts, reinforcement, mortising, drilling, and tapping according to SDI A250.6, the Door Hardware Schedule, and templates. 1. 2. G. Reinforce doors and frames to receive nontemplated, mortised, and surface-mounted door hardware. Comply with applicable requirements in SDI A250.6 and BHMA A156.115 for preparation of hollow-metal work for hardware. Stops and Moldings: Provide stops and moldings around glazed lites and louvers where indicated. Form corners of stops and moldings with butted or mitered hairline joints. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1113 - 5 February 12, 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.7 Single Glazed Lites: Provide fixed stops and moldings welded on secure side of hollowmetal work. Multiple Glazed Lites: Provide fixed and removable stops and moldings so that each glazed lite is capable of being removed independently. Provide fixed frame moldings on outside of exterior and on secure side of interior doors and frames. Provide loose stops and moldings on inside of hollow-metal work. Coordinate rabbet width between fixed and removable stops with glazing and installation types indicated. STEEL FINISHES A. Prime Finish: Clean, pretreat, and apply manufacturer's standard primer. 1. 2.8 Shop Primer, Interior Doors and Frames: Manufacturer's standard, fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free primer complying with SDI A250.10; recommended by primer manufacturer for substrate; compatible with substrate and field-applied coatings despite prolonged exposure. ACCESSORIES A. Grout Guards: Formed from same material as frames, not less than 0.016 inch thick PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Examine roughing-in for embedded and built-in anchors to verify actual locations before frame installation. C. For the record, prepare written report, endorsed by Installer, listing conditions detrimental to performance of the Work. D. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Remove welded-in shipping spreaders installed at factory. Restore exposed finish by grinding, filling, and dressing, as required to make repaired area smooth, flush, and invisible on exposed faces. B. Prior to installation, adjust and securely brace welded hollow metal frames for squareness, alignment, twist, and plumbness to the following tolerances: 1. Squareness: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at door rabbet on a line 90 degrees from jamb perpendicular to frame head. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1113 - 6 February 12, 2014 2. 3. 4. C. 3.3 Alignment: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at jambs on a horizontal line parallel to plane of wall. Twist: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at opposite face corners of jambs on parallel lines, and perpendicular to plane of wall. Plumbness: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at jambs on a perpendicular line from head to floor. Drill and tap doors and frames to receive nontemplated, mortised, and surface-mounted door hardware. INSTALLATION A. General: Install hollow metal work plumb, rigid, properly aligned, and securely fastened in place; comply with Drawings and manufacturer's written instructions. B. Hollow-Metal Frames: Install hollow-metal frames of size and profile indicated. Comply with SDI A250.11 or NAAMM-HMMA 840 as required by standards specified. 1. Set frames accurately in position, plumbed, aligned, and braced securely until permanent anchors are set. After wall construction is complete, remove temporary braces, leaving surfaces smooth and undamaged. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 2. Floor Anchors: Provide floor anchors for each jamb and mullion that extends to floor, and secure with postinstalled expansion anchors. a. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. At fire-protection-rated openings, install frames according to NFPA 80. Where frames are fabricated in sections because of shipping or handling limitations, field splice at approved locations by welding face joint continuously; grind, fill, dress, and make splice smooth, flush, and invisible on exposed faces. Install frames with removable glazing stops located on secure side of opening. Install door silencers in frames before grouting. Remove temporary braces necessary for installation only after frames have been properly set and secured. Check plumbness, squareness, and twist of frames as walls are constructed. Shim as necessary to comply with installation tolerances. Field apply bituminous coating to backs of frames that are filled with grout containing antifreezing agents. Floor anchors may be set with powder-actuated fasteners instead of postinstalled expansion anchors if so indicated and approved on Shop Drawings. Metal-Stud Partitions: Solidly pack mineral-fiber insulation inside frames. Masonry Walls: Coordinate installation of frames to allow for solidly filling space between frames and masonry with grout. In-Place Concrete or Masonry Construction: Secure frames in place with postinstalled expansion anchors. Countersink anchors, and fill and make smooth, flush, and invisible on exposed faces. In-Place Gypsum Board Partitions: Secure frames in place with postinstalled expansion anchors through floor anchors at each jamb. Countersink anchors, and fill and make smooth, flush, and invisible on exposed faces. Installation Tolerances: Adjust hollow metal door frames for squareness, alignment, twist, and plumb to the following tolerances: Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1113 - 7 February 12, 2014 a. b. c. d. C. Glazing: Comply with installation requirements in Division 08 Section "Glazing" and with hollow metal manufacturer's written instructions. 1. 3.4 Squareness: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at door rabbet on a line 90 degrees from jamb perpendicular to frame head. Alignment: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at jambs on a horizontal line parallel to plane of wall. Twist: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at opposite face corners of jambs on parallel lines, and perpendicular to plane of wall. Plumbness: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at jambs at floor. Secure stops with countersunk flat- or oval-head machine screws spaced uniformly not more than 9 inches o.c. and not more than 2 inches o.c. from each corner. ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Final Adjustments: Check and readjust operating hardware items immediately before final inspection. Leave work in complete and proper operating condition. Remove and replace defective work, including hollow metal work that is warped, bowed, or otherwise unacceptable. B. Remove grout and other bonding material from hollow metal work immediately after installation. C. Prime-Coat Touchup: Immediately after erection, sand smooth rusted or damaged areas of prime coat and apply touchup of compatible air-drying, rust-inhibitive primer. D. Metallic-Coated Surfaces: Clean abraded areas and repair with galvanizing repair paint according to manufacturer's written instructions. END OF SECTION 08 1113 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1113 - 8 February 12, 2014 SECTION 08 1416 - FLUSH WOOD DOORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 3. B. Related Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.3 Solid-core doors with wood-veneer faces. Factory finishing flush wood doors. Factory fitting flush wood doors to frames and factory machining for hardware. Division 08 Section “Hollow Metal Doors and Frames” for HM metal frames. Division 08 Section “Aluminum-Framed Entrances and Storefronts” for aluminum frames. Division 08 Section “Door Hardware.” Division 08 Section "Glazing" for glazed view panels in flush wood doors. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of door indicated. Include details of core and edge construction and trim for openings. Include factory-finishing specifications. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate location, size, and hand of each door; elevation of each kind of door; construction details not covered in Product Data; location and extent of hardware blocking; and other pertinent data. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Indicate dimensions and locations of mortises and holes for hardware. Indicate dimensions and locations of cutouts. Indicate requirements for veneer matching. Indicate doors to be factory finished and finish requirements. Indicate fire-protection ratings for fire-rated doors. C. Samples for Initial Selection: For factory-finished doors. D. Samples for Verification: 1. 2. Factory finishes applied to actual door face materials, approximately 8 by 10 inches, for each material and finish. For each wood species and transparent finish, provide set of three samples showing typical range of color and grain to be expected in the finished work. Corner sections of doors, approximately 8 by 10 inches, with door faces and edges representing actual materials to be used. a. Provide samples for each species of veneer and solid lumber required. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FLUSH WOOD DOORS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1416 - 1 February 12, 2014 b. c. 1.4 Provide samples for each color, texture, and pattern of plastic laminate required. Finish veneer-faced door samples with same materials proposed for factoryfinished doors. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. 1.5 Warranty: Sample of special warranty. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: Obtain flush wood doors from single manufacturer. B. Quality Standard: In addition to requirements specified, comply with WDMA I.S.1-A, "Architectural Wood Flush Doors." 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with requirements of referenced standard and manufacturer's written instructions. B. Package doors individually in plastic bags or cardboard cartons. C. Mark each door on top and bottom rail with opening number used on Shop Drawings. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.8 Environmental Limitations: Do not deliver or install doors until spaces are enclosed and weathertight, wet work in spaces is complete and dry, and HVAC system is operating and maintaining ambient temperature and humidity conditions at occupancy levels during the remainder of the construction period. WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace doors that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. 1. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. 2. 3. Warping (bow, cup, or twist) more than 1/4 inch in a 42-by-84-inch section. Telegraphing of core construction in face veneers exceeding 0.01 inch in a 3-inch span. Warranty shall also include installation and finishing that may be required due to repair or replacement of defective doors. Warranty Period for Solid-Core Interior Doors: Life of installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FLUSH WOOD DOORS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1416 - 2 February 12, 2014 A. Manufacturers: following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2.2 Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the Algoma Hardwoods, Inc. Eggers Industries. Graham; an Assa Abloy Group company. Lambton Doors. Marshfield Door Systems, Inc. Mohawk Flush Doors, Inc.; a Masonite company. Oshkosh Architectural Door Company. VT Industries Inc. DOOR CONSTRUCTION, GENERAL A. Low-Emitting Materials: Provide doors made with adhesives and composite wood products that do not contain urea formaldehyde. B. WDMA I.S.1-A Performance Grade: Extra Heavy Duty, unless otherwise indicated. C. Particleboard-Core Doors: 1. 2. D. Particleboard: Straw-based particleboard complying with ANSI A208.1, Grade LD-2 or M-2, except for density. Blocking: Provide wood blocking in particleboard-core doors as needed to eliminate through-bolting hardware. Structural-Composite-Lumber-Core Doors (Contractor Option): 1. Structural Composite Lumber: formaldehyde resin. . a. b. 2.3 WDMA I.S.10, made with binder containing no urea- Screw Withdrawal, Face: 700 lbf. Screw Withdrawal, Edge: 400 lbf. VENEERED-FACED DOORS FOR TRANSPARENT FINISH A. Interior Solid-Core Doors: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Grade: Premium, with Grade A faces. Species: Select white birch. Cut: Plain sliced (flat sliced). Match between Veneer Leaves: Slip match. Assembly of Veneer Leaves on Door Faces: Balance match. Pair and Set Match: Provide for doors hung in same opening or separated only by mullions. Room Match: Match door faces within each separate room or area of building. Corridordoor faces do not need to match where they are separated by 10 feet or more. Exposed Vertical Edges: Same species as faces. Core: Particleboard or Structural composite lumber, Contactor’s choice. Construction: Five plies. Stiles and rails are bonded to core, then entire unit abrasive planed before veneering. Faces are bonded to core using a hot press. WDMA I.S.1-A Performance Grade: Extra Heavy Duty. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FLUSH WOOD DOORS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1416 - 3 February 12, 2014 2.4 LIGHT FRAMES A. Wood Beads for Light Openings in Wood Doors: Provide manufacturer's standard wood beads as follows unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. 2.5 Wood Species: Same species as door faces. Profile: Flush rectangular beads. FABRICATION A. Factory fit doors to suit frame-opening sizes indicated. Comply with clearance requirements of referenced quality standard for fitting unless otherwise indicated. 1. B. Factory machine doors for hardware that is not surface applied. Locate hardware to comply with DHI-WDHS-3. Comply with final hardware schedules, door frame Shop Drawings, DHI A115-W series standards, and hardware templates. 1. 2. C. Coordinate with hardware mortises in metal frames to verify dimensions and alignment before factory machining. Metal Astragals: Factory machine astragals and formed-steel edges for hardware for pairs of fire-rated doors. Openings: Cut and trim openings through doors in factory. 1. 2. 2.6 Comply with requirements in NFPA 80 for fire-rated doors. Light Openings: Trim openings with moldings of material and profile indicated. Glazing: Factory install glazing in doors indicated to be factory finished. Comply with applicable requirements in Division 08 Section "Glazing." FACTORY FINISHING A. General: Comply with referenced quality standard for factory finishing. Complete fabrication, including fitting doors for openings and machining for hardware that is not surface applied, before finishing. 1. Finish faces, all four edges, edges of cutouts, and mortises. Stains and fillers may be omitted on top and bottom edges, edges of cutouts, and mortises. B. Finish doors at factory. C. Transparent Finish: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Grade: Custom. Finish: WDMA OP-4 conversion varnish. Staining: None required. Effect: Open-grain finish. Sheen: Satin. PART 3 - EXECUTION Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FLUSH WOOD DOORS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1416 - 4 February 12, 2014 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine doors and installed door frames before hanging doors. 1. 2. B. 3.2 Verify that frames comply with indicated requirements for type, size, location, and swing characteristics and have been installed with level heads and plumb jambs. Reject doors with defects. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. INSTALLATION A. Hardware: For installation, see Division 08 Section "Door Hardware." B. Installation Instructions: Install doors to comply with manufacturer's written instructions and the referenced quality standard, and as indicated. 1. 3.3 Install fire-rated doors in corresponding fire-rated frames according to NFPA 80. ADJUSTING A. Operation: Rehang or replace doors that do not swing or operate freely. B. Finished Doors: Replace doors that are damaged or that do not comply with requirements. Doors may be repaired or refinished if work complies with requirements and shows no evidence of repair or refinishing. END OF SECTION 08 1416 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FLUSH WOOD DOORS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1416 - 5 February 12, 2014 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FLUSH WOOD DOORS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1416 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 08 1743 - ACRYLIC-MODIFIED POLYESTER (AMP) DOOR ASSEMBLIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes Acrylic modified polyester (AMP) doors with aluminum frames. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Division 07 Section "Joint Sealants" for installation of joint sealants installed with aluminum-framed systems and for sealants to the extent not specified in this Section. Division 08 Section "Door Hardware" for hardware to the extent not specified in this Section. Division 08 Section "Glazing" for glazing requirements to the extent not specified in this Section. DEFINITIONS A. ADA/ABA Accessibility Guidelines: U.S. Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board's "Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities." B. AMP Door: Door assembly with Acrylic-Modified Polyester face panels, aluminum alloy stile and rails, and poured-in-place urethane core. 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for aluminumframed systems. B. LEED Submittals: 1. 2. Product Data for Credit MR 4: For products having recycled content, documentation indicating percentages by weight of postconsumer and preconsumer recycled content. Include statement indicating cost for each product having recycled content. Product Data for Credit IEQ 4.1: For adhesives and sealants used inside of the weatherproofing system, documentation including printed statement of VOC content. C. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. D. Samples for Initial Selection: For units with factory-applied color finishes. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACRYLIC-MODIFIED POLYESTER (AMP) DOOR ASSEMBLIES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1743 - 1 February 12, 2014 1.5 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For qualified Installer. B. Warranties: Sample of special warranties. 1.6 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. 1.7 Maintenance Data: For aluminum-framed systems with AMP doors to include in maintenance manuals. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Capable of assuming engineering responsibility and performing work of this Section and who is acceptable to manufacturer. B. Product Options: Information on Drawings and in Specifications establishes requirements for systems' aesthetic effects and performance characteristics. Aesthetic effects are indicated by dimensions, arrangements, alignment, and profiles of components and assemblies as they relate to sightlines, to one another, and to adjoining construction. Performance characteristics are indicated by criteria subject to verification by one or more methods including preconstruction testing, field testing, and in-service performance. 1.8 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.9 Field Measurements: Verify actual locations of structural supports for aluminum-framed systems by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. WARRANTY A. Special Assembly Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of aluminum-framed systems and AMP doors that do not comply with requirements or that deteriorate as defined in this Section within specified warranty period. 1. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. 2. B. Structural failures including, but not limited to, excessive deflection. Noise or vibration caused by thermal movements. Deterioration of metals and other materials beyond normal weathering. Water leakage through fixed glazing and framing areas. Warranty Period: Ten years from date of Substantial Completion. Special Finish Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components on which finishes fail within specified warranty period. Warranty does not include normal weathering. 1. Warranty Period: 20 years from date of Substantial Completion. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACRYLIC-MODIFIED POLYESTER (AMP) DOOR ASSEMBLIES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1743 - 2 February 12, 2014 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General Performance: Aluminum-framed systems shall withstand the effects of the following performance requirements without exceeding performance criteria or failure due to defective manufacture, fabrication, installation, or other defects in construction: 1. 2. 3. Movements of supporting structure indicated on Drawings including, but not limited to, story drift and deflection from uniformly distributed and concentrated live loads. Dimensional tolerances of building frame and other adjacent construction. Failure includes the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. B. Deflection of Framing Members: 1. 2. C. Deflection exceeding specified limits. Thermal stresses transferring to building structure. Framing members transferring stresses, including those caused by thermal and structural movements to glazing. Noise or vibration created by wind and by thermal and structural movements. Loosening or weakening of fasteners, attachments, and other components. Sealant failure. Deflection Normal to Wall Plane: Limited to 1/175 of clear span for spans up to 13 feet 6 inches and to 1/240 of clear span plus 1/4 inch for spans greater than 13 feet 6 inches or an amount that restricts edge deflection of individual glazing lites to 3/4 inch, whichever is less. Deflection Parallel to Glazing Plane: Limited to L/360 of clear span or 1/8 inch, whichever is smaller. Structural-Test Performance: ASTM E 330 as follows: 1. 2. 3. Provide aluminum-framed systems tested according to When tested at positive and negative wind-load design pressures, systems do not evidence deflection exceeding specified limits. When tested at 150 percent of positive and negative wind-load design pressures, systems, including anchorage, do not evidence material failures, structural distress, and permanent deformation of main framing members exceeding 0.2 percent of span. Test Durations: As required by design wind velocity, but not fewer than 10 seconds. D. Air Infiltration: Provide aluminum-framed systems with maximum air leakage through fixed glazing and framing areas of 1.00 cfm/sq. ft. of fixed wall area when tested according to ASTM E 283 at a minimum static-air-pressure difference of 1.57 lbf/sq. ft.. E. Water Penetration under Static Pressure: Provide aluminum-framed systems that do not evidence water penetration through fixed glazing and framing areas when tested according to ASTM E 331 at a minimum static-air-pressure difference of 20 percent of positive wind-load design pressure, but not less than 6.24 lbf/sq. ft.. F. Thermal Movements: Provide aluminum-framed systems that allow for thermal movements resulting from the following maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures. Base engineering calculation on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACRYLIC-MODIFIED POLYESTER (AMP) DOOR ASSEMBLIES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1743 - 3 February 12, 2014 1. Temperature Change (Range): 120 deg F, ambient; 180 deg F, material surfaces. G. Condensation Resistance: Provide aluminum-framed systems with fixed glazing and framing areas having condensation-resistance factor (CRF) of not less than 53 when tested according to AAMA 1503. H. AMP Doors 1. 2. Thermal Transmission (exterior doors): "U" value of not more than 0.07 (BTU/Hr. x sf x degrees F.) per AAMA 1503.01. Provide AMP doors and panels with the following performance: a. b. c. d. 2.2 MANUFACTURERS A. Basis-of-Design Product: The design for aluminum-framed systems and acrylic modified polyester doors is based on Special-Lite AMP Flush entrance system. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the named product or a comparable product by one of the following: 1. 2. 3. B. 2.3 Special-Lite, Inc., SL-18 Door. Tubelite Inc. Vistawall Architectural Products, Colonial Door. Source Limitations: Obtain all components of AMP door assembly system, including framing, door and accessories, from single manufacturer. MATERIALS A. Aluminum: indicated. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Alloy and temper recommended by manufacturer for type of use and finish Sheet and Plate: ASTM B 209. Extruded Bars, Rods, Profiles, and Tubes: ASTM B 221. Extruded Structural Pipe and Tubes: ASTM B 429. Structural Profiles: ASTM B 308/B 308M. Steel Reinforcement: Manufacturer's standard zinc-rich, corrosion-resistant primer, complying with SSPC-PS Guide No. 12.00; applied immediately after surface preparation and pretreatment. Select surface preparation methods according to recommendations in SSPCSP COM and prepare surfaces according to applicable SSPC standard. 1. 2. 3. 2.4 Impact Strength: ASTM D 256 - Nominal value of 2.6 foot-pounds per inch of notch. Water Absorption, ASTM D 570: Nominal value of .0.63 percent after 24 hours. Indentation Hardness, ASTM D 2583: 38. Abrasion Resistance, Face Sheet, Taber Abrasion Test, 25 Cycles at 1,000 Gram Weight with CS-17 Wheel: Maximum of 0.022 average weight loss percentage. Structural Shapes, Plates, and Bars: ASTM A 36/A 36M. Cold-Rolled Sheet and Strip: ASTM A 1008/A 1008M. Hot-Rolled Sheet and Strip: ASTM A 1011/A 1011M. FRAMING SYSTEMS Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACRYLIC-MODIFIED POLYESTER (AMP) DOOR ASSEMBLIES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1743 - 4 February 12, 2014 A. Framing Members: Manufacturer's standard extruded-aluminum framing members of thickness required and reinforced as required to support imposed loads. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Construction: Thermally improved. Framing members are one-piece members that are internally slotted at regular intervals. Welding of framing is not acceptable Where parallel arm (PA) type closers are to be used, framing system shall include a 5/8” solid reinforcing bar underneath the stop to accept manufacturer’s standard anchors for parallel arm plates. Snap-on, unreinforced stops shall not be acceptable where PA type closers are to be used. Caulk joints before assembling frame members. Secure joints with fasteners and provide a hairline butt joint appearance. Pre-fit doors to frame assembly at factory prior to shipment. Applied stops for side, transom and borrowed lites and panels, with fasteners exposed on interior or secure portion only. Pre-machine and reinforce frame members for hardware in accordance with manufacturer’s standards and the approved hardware schedule. Factory install hardware. Install with anchors appropriate for wall conditions to anchor framing to wall materials. A minimum of five anchors up to 7’-4” on jamb members, and one additional anchor for each foot over 7’-4”. Secure head and sill members of transom, sidelites and similar conditions. Factory preassemble sidelites to the greatest extent possible, mark frame assemblies according to location. Glazing System: Retained mechanically with gaskets on four sides. Glazing Plane: Center. B. Brackets and Reinforcements: Manufacturer's standard high-strength aluminum with nonstaining, nonferrous shims for aligning system components. C. Fasteners and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant, nonstaining, nonbleeding fasteners and accessories compatible with adjacent materials. 1. 2. Where fasteners are subject to loosening or turning out from thermal and structural movements, wind loads, or vibration, use self-locking devices. Reinforce members as required to receive fastener threads. D. Concrete and Masonry Inserts: Hot-dip galvanized cast-iron, malleable-iron, or steel inserts, complying with ASTM A 123/A 123M or ASTM A 153/A 153M. E. Concealed Flashing: Manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant, nonstaining, nonbleeding flashing compatible with adjacent materials. Form exposed flashing from sheet aluminum finished to match framing and of sufficient thickness to maintain a flat appearance without visible deflection. F. Framing System Gaskets and Sealants: manufacturer for joint type. 1. 2.5 Manufacturer's standard recommended by Sealants used inside the weatherproofing system shall have a VOC content of 250 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). GLAZING SYSTEMS A. Glass: Uncoated, clear, insulating-glass units made from two lites of 3.0-mm-thick, fully tempered glass with 1/4-inch interspace, complying with Division 08 Section "Glazing." Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACRYLIC-MODIFIED POLYESTER (AMP) DOOR ASSEMBLIES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1743 - 5 February 12, 2014 B. Glazing Gaskets: Manufacturer's standard compression types, replaceable, molded or extruded, that maintain uniform pressure and watertight seal. C. Spacers and Setting Blocks: Manufacturer's standard elastomeric types. 2.6 AMP DOORS A. Doors: Manufacturer's standard acrylic modified polyester doors, for manual swing operation. 1. Door Construction: 1-3/4-inch overall thickness, with minimum 0.120-inch- thick, acrylic modified polyester wood grain face sheets. Mechanically fasten corners with reinforcing brackets that are deep penetration and fillet welded or that incorporate concealed tie rods through an extruded spline. 2. Face Material: Fiberglass reinforced acrylic modified polyester, .120" minimum thickness, with deeply embossed, red oak, wood grained finish. Face sheets to be manufactured by the resin transfer molding process (RTM) with 30% continuous stand E glass mat and 20 mil glass surface veil. Panels to be integral part of face sheet molding. Plant-ons not acceptable. Color to be White. a. b. c. d. e. 3. Core Material: Foamed in place urethane foam (free of CFC and HCFC) of minimum 5 pounds per cubic foot of density. 4. Door Design: As indicated on drawings. a. b. c. 5. 2.7 Accessible Doors: Smooth surfaced for width of door in area within 10 inches above floor or ground plane. All trim to match color and finish of door. Finish Texture: Wood grained. Glazing Stops and Gaskets: Beveled, snap-on, extruded-aluminum stops and preformed gaskets. a. B. Impact Strength of Face Sheets: ASTM D1242, Izod Impact Strength, 9.0 foot pounds per inch of notch. Abrasion Resistance of Face Sheets: ASTM D1242, 1000 cycles of Model 503 Taber Abraser with a 1000 gram load, not to exceed 0.18% weight loss. Hardness of Face Sheets: ASTM D2583, Barcol Meter Hardness Test, not more than 50. Humidity Resistance of Face Sheets: ASTM D570, water absorption not greater than 0.40% after 24 hour immersion. Ultra-Violet Degradation: Only slight color change, and negligible change in surface gloss and other physical properties after exposure to 500,000 Langleys. Provide nonremovable glazing stops on outside of door. Door Hardware: As specified in Division 8 Section "Door Hardware." ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Joint Sealants: For installation at perimeter of aluminum-framed systems, as specified in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants." Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACRYLIC-MODIFIED POLYESTER (AMP) DOOR ASSEMBLIES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1743 - 6 February 12, 2014 1. B. 2.8 Sealants used inside the weatherproofing system shall have a VOC content of 250 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). Bituminous Paint: Cold-applied asphalt-mastic paint complying with SSPC-Paint 12 requirements except containing no asbestos, formulated for 30-mil thickness per coat. FABRICATION A. Form or extrude aluminum shapes before finishing. B. Framing Members, General: Fabricate components that, when assembled, have the following characteristics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C. Door Frames: Reinforce as required to support loads imposed by door operation and for installing hardware. 1. 2. D. 2. 3. 4. 5. Perform fabrication operations, including cutting, fitting, forming, drilling and grinding of material in manner which prevents damage to exposed finish surfaces. Sequence: Complete cutting, fitting, forming, drilling and grinding prior to cleaning, finishing and surface treatment. Remove arises from cut edges and ease edges and corners to radius of approximately 1/64". Reinforcing: Install reinforcing as necessary for high-traffic performance; separate dissimilar metals with bituminous paint or other separator which will prevent corrosion. Continuity: Maintain accurate relation of planes and angles, with hairline fit of contacting members. Fasteners: Conceal fasteners wherever possible. Door Hardware Installation: Factory install hardware to the greatest extent possible. Cut, drill, and tap for factory-installed hardware before applying finishes. 1. F. At exterior doors, provide compression weather stripping at fixed stops. Frame: Provide 2 by 5 inch tubular frame members with minimum 1/8" thick walls, fabricated with mechanical joints using heavy inserted reinforcing plates and concealed tie-rods or j-bolts. Frames to be supplied with 1/2" x 1-1/4" door stop, with heavy duty weathering pile included. Framing shall be manufactured by door mfg. AMP Doors 1. E. Profiles that are sharp, straight, and free of defects or deformations. Accurately fitted joints with ends coped or mitered. Means to drain water passing joints, condensation occurring within framing members, and moisture migrating within the system to exterior. Physical and thermal isolation of glazing from framing members. Accommodations for thermal and mechanical movements of glazing and framing to maintain required glazing edge clearances. Provisions for field replacement of glazing from interior. Fasteners, anchors, and connection devices that are concealed from view to greatest extent possible. Complete fabrication, assembly, finishing and other work before shipment to project site. Disassemble components only as necessary for shipment and installation. After fabrication, clearly mark components to identify their locations in Project according to Shop Drawings. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACRYLIC-MODIFIED POLYESTER (AMP) DOOR ASSEMBLIES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1743 - 7 February 12, 2014 2.9 ALUMINUM FINISHES A. General: Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. B. Finish designations prefixed by AA comply with the system established by the Aluminum Association for designating aluminum finishes. C. High-Performance Organic Finish: 2-coat fluoropolymer finish complying with AAMA 2605 and containing not less than 70 percent PVDF resin by weight in color coat. Prepare, pretreat, and apply coating to exposed metal surfaces to comply with coating and resin manufacturers' written instructions. 1. Color and Gloss: White to match door finish as closely as possible within manufacturer's full range. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of work. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Do not install damaged components. Fit joints to produce hairline joints free of burrs and distortion. Rigidly secure nonmovement joints. Install anchors with separators and isolators to prevent metal corrosion and electrolytic deterioration. Seal joints watertight, unless otherwise indicated. Installation of AMP doors and frames by supplier of door only. Metal Protection: 1. 2. Where aluminum will contact dissimilar metals, protect against galvanic action by painting contact surfaces with primer or by applying sealant or tape or installing nonconductive spacers as recommended by manufacturer for this purpose. Where aluminum will contact concrete or masonry, protect against corrosion by painting contact surfaces with bituminous paint. C. Install components to drain water passing joints, condensation occurring within framing members, and moisture migrating within the system to exterior. D. Install components plumb and true in alignment with established lines and grades, without warp or rack. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACRYLIC-MODIFIED POLYESTER (AMP) DOOR ASSEMBLIES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1743 - 8 February 12, 2014 E. Install door, and operating equipment complete with necessary hardware, jamb and head mold stops, anchors, inserts, and equipment supports in accordance with final shop drawings, manufacturer's instructions and as specified herein. F. Install glazing as specified in Division 8 Section "Glazing." G. Install perimeter joint sealants as specified in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants" and to produce weathertight installation. 3.3 ERECTION TOLERANCES: A. Install aluminum-framed systems to comply with the following maximum tolerances: 1. 2. Location and Plane: Limit variation from true location and plane to 1/8 inch in 12 feet; 1/4 inch over total length. Alignment: a. b. 3. 3.4 Where surfaces abut in line, limit offset from true alignment to 1/16 inch. Where surfaces meet at corners, limit offset from true alignment to 1/32 inch. Diagonal Measurements: Limit difference between diagonal measurement to 1/8 inch. ADJUSTING A. Adjust operating entrance door hardware to function smoothly as recommended by manufacturer. 1. For entrance doors accessible to people with disabilities, adjust closers to provide a 3second closer sweep period for doors to move from a 70-degree open position to 3 inches from the latch, measured to the leading door edge. END OF SECTION 08 1743 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACRYLIC-MODIFIED POLYESTER (AMP) DOOR ASSEMBLIES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1743 - 9 February 12, 2014 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACRYLIC-MODIFIED POLYESTER (AMP) DOOR ASSEMBLIES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 1743 - 10 February 12, 2014 SECTION 08 3113 - ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. B. Related Requirements: 1. 1.3 Access doors and frames for walls and ceilings. Section 092900 “Gypsum Board” for gypsum board panels for access door insert panels. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. 1. B. Include construction details, fire ratings, materials, individual components and profiles, and finishes. Shop Drawings: 1. 2. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. Detail fabrication and installation of access doors and frames for each type of substrate. C. Coordination Drawings: Indicate proposed locations of access doors on ceiling coordination drawings; coordinate with location of above-ceiling items requiring access. D. Samples: For each door face material, at least 3 by 5 inches in size, in specified finish. E. Product Schedule: Provide complete access door and frame schedule, including types, locations, sizes, latching or locking provisions, and other data pertinent to installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Fire-Rated Access Doors and Frames: Units complying with NFPA 80 that are identical to access door and frame assemblies tested for fire-test-response characteristics according to the following test method and that are listed and labeled by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction: 1. NFPA 252 or UL 10B for fire-rated access door assemblies installed vertically. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 3113 - 1 February 12, 2014 2. 2.2 NFPA 288 for fire-rated access door assemblies installed horizontally. ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS A. Manufacturers: following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the Acudor Products, Inc. Babcock-Davis. Jensen Industries; Div. of Broan-Nutone, LLC. J. L. Industries, Inc.; Div. of Activar Construction Products Group. Karp Associates, Inc. Larsen's Manufacturing Company. MIFAB, Inc. Milcor Inc. Nystrom, Inc. B. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of access door and frame from single source from single manufacturer. C. Recessed Access Doors for Gypsum Wallboard Surfaces: 1. D. 2. 3. 4. Assembly Description: Fabricate door in the form of a pan recessed 5/8 inch for gypsum board infill. Provide frame with gypsum board bead for concealed flange installation. Locations: Wall and ceiling. Door Size: As indicated or as required. Metallic-Coated Steel Sheet for Door: Nominal 0.064 inch, 16 gage. 5. 6. 7. a. Finish: Factory prime. Frame Material: Same material and thickness as door. Hinges: Concealed pivot rod. Hardware: Lock. Fire-Rated, Flush Access Doors with Concealed Flanges: 1. 2. 3. 4. Assembly Description: Fabricate door to fit flush to frame, with a core of mineral-fiber insulation enclosed in sheet metal. Provide self-latching door with automatic closer and interior latch release. Provide frame with gypsum board beads for concealed flange installation. Locations: Wall. Fire-Resistance Rating: Not less than that of adjacent construction. Metallic-Coated Steel Sheet for Door: Nominal 0.040 inch, 20 gage. a. 5. 6. 7. E. Finish: Factory prime. Frame Material: Same material, thickness, and finish as door. Hinges: Steel concealed pin. Hardware: Lock. Hardware: 1. 2. Lock: Manufacturer’s standard. Key all interior access doors identically. Lock: Mortise cylinder. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 3113 - 2 February 12, 2014 a. b. c. 2.3 Lock Preparation: Prepare door panel to accept cylinder specified in Section 087100 "Door Hardware." Key access doors identically. Furnish 2 keys per lock. MATERIALS A. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 36/A 36M. B. Metallic-Coated Steel Sheet: ASTM A 653/A 653M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B; with minimum G60 or A60 metallic coating. C. Frame Anchors: Same type as door face. D. Inserts, Bolts, and Anchor Fasteners: ASTM A 153/A 153M or ASTM F 2329. 2.4 Hot-dip galvanized steel according to FABRICATION A. General: Provide access door and frame assemblies manufactured as integral units ready for installation. B. Metal Surfaces: For metal surfaces exposed to view in the completed Work, provide materials with smooth, flat surfaces without blemishes. Do not use materials with exposed pitting, seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, or roughness. C. Doors and Frames: Grind exposed welds smooth and flush with adjacent surfaces. Furnish attachment devices and fasteners of type required to secure access doors to types of supports indicated. 1. 2. For concealed flanges with drywall bead, provide edge trim for gypsum board and gypsum base securely attached to perimeter of frames. Provide mounting holes in frames for attachment of units to metal or wood framing. D. Recessed Access Doors: Form face of panel to provide recess for application of applied finish. Reinforce panel as required to prevent buckling. E. Latching Mechanisms: Furnish number required to hold doors in flush, smooth plane when closed. 1. 2. 2.5 For cylinder locks, furnish two keys per lock and key all locks alike. For recessed panel doors, provide access sleeves for each locking device. plastic grommets and install in holes cut through finish. Furnish FINISHES A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. B. Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering before shipping. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 3113 - 3 February 12, 2014 C. Appearance of Finished Work: Noticeable variations in same piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of adjoining components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. D. Steel and Metallic-Coated-Steel Finishes: 1. Factory Prime: Apply manufacturer's standard, fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free, universal primer immediately after surface preparation and pretreatment. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for installing access doors and frames. B. Install doors flush with adjacent finish surfaces or recessed to receive finish material. 3.3 ADJUSTING A. Adjust doors and hardware, after installation, for proper operation. B. Remove and replace doors and frames that are warped, bowed, or otherwise damaged. END OF SECTION 08 3113 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES VT PC# R-2014-05 08 3113 - 4 February 12, 2014 SECTION 08 4113 - ALUMINUM-FRAMED ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. B. Related Sections: 1. 1.3 Interior storefront framing. Section 08 8000 “Glazing” for glass and glazing systems in aluminum-framed systems. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for aluminumframed systems. B. Shop Drawings: For aluminum-framed systems. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. 1. 2. C. 1.4 Include details of provisions for system expansion and contraction and for drainage of moisture in the system to the exterior. Show connection to and continuity with adjacent thermal, weather, air, and vapor barriers. Samples for Verification: For each type of exposed finish required, in manufacturer's standard sizes. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. 1.5 Sample Warranties: For special warranties. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. 1.6 Maintenance Data: For aluminum-framed systems to include in maintenance manuals. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Product Options: Information on Drawings and in Specifications establishes requirements for systems' aesthetic effects and performance characteristics. Aesthetic effects are indicated by Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ALUMINUM-FRAMED ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 4113 - 1 February 12, 2014 dimensions, arrangements, alignment, and profiles of components and assemblies as they relate to sightlines, to one another, and to adjoining construction. Performance characteristics are indicated by criteria subject to verification by one or more methods including preconstruction testing, field testing, and in-service performance. 1. B. 1.7 Do not revise intended aesthetic effects, as judged solely by Architect, except with Architect's approval. If revisions are proposed, submit comprehensive explanatory data to Architect for review. Welding Qualifications: Qualify procedures and personnel according to AWS D1.2, "Structural Welding Code - Aluminum." PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.8 Field Measurements: Verify actual locations of structural supports for aluminum-framed systems by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of aluminum-framed systems that do not comply with requirements or that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. 1. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. 2. B. Structural failures including, but not limited to, excessive deflection. Noise or vibration caused by thermal movements. Deterioration of metals, metal finishes, and other materials beyond normal weathering. Adhesive or cohesive sealant failures. Warranty Period: Five years from date of Substantial Completion. Special Finish Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components on which finishes do not comply with requirements or that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. Warranty does not include normal weathering. 1. Warranty Period for Anodic finishes: Five years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General Performance: Comply with performance requirements specified, as determined by testing of aluminum-framed entrances and storefronts representing those indicated for this Project without failure due to defective manufacture, fabrication, installation, or other defects in construction. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ALUMINUM-FRAMED ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 4113 - 2 February 12, 2014 1. 2. Aluminum-framed entrances and storefronts shall withstand movements of supporting structure including, but not limited to, story drift, twist, column shortening, long-term creep, and deflection from uniformly distributed and concentrated live loads. Failure also includes the following: a. b. c. d. 2.2 Thermal stresses transferring to building structure. Glass breakage. Noise or vibration created by wind and thermal and structural movements. Loosening or weakening of fasteners, attachments, and other components. MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: following: 1. 2. 3. B. 2.3 Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the EFCO Corporation. Kawneer North America. YKK AP America, Inc. Source Limitations: Obtain all components of aluminum-framed entrance and storefront system, including framing and accessories, from single manufacturer. FRAMING A. Framing Members: Manufacturer's extruded- or formed-aluminum framing members of thickness required and reinforced as required to support imposed loads. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Construction: Nonthermal. Glazing System: Retained mechanically with gaskets on four sides. Glazing Plane: Center. Finish: Clear anodic finish. Fabrication Method: Field-fabricated stick system. B. Backer Plates: Manufacturer's standard, continuous backer plates for framing members, if not integral, where framing abuts adjacent construction. C. Brackets and Reinforcements: Manufacturer's standard high-strength aluminum with nonstaining, nonferrous shims for aligning system components. D. Materials: 1. Aluminum: Alloy and temper recommended by manufacturer for type of use and finish indicated. a. b. c. d. 2. Sheet and Plate: ASTM B 209. Extruded Bars, Rods, Profiles, and Tubes: ASTM B 221. Extruded Structural Pipe and Tubes: ASTM B 429/B 429M. Structural Profiles: ASTM B 308/B 308M. Steel Reinforcement: Manufacturer's standard zinc-rich, corrosion-resistant primer complying with SSPC-PS Guide No. 12.00; applied immediately after surface preparation and pretreatment. Select surface preparation methods according to recommendations in SSPC-SP COM, and prepare surfaces according to applicable SSPC standard. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ALUMINUM-FRAMED ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 4113 - 3 February 12, 2014 a. b. c. 2.4 Structural Shapes, Plates, and Bars: ASTM A 36/A 36M. Cold-Rolled Sheet and Strip: ASTM A 1008/A 1008M. Hot-Rolled Sheet and Strip: ASTM A 1011/A 1011M. GLAZING SYSTEMS A. Glazing: As specified in Section 08 8000 "Glazing." B. Glazing Gaskets: Manufacturer's standard compression types; replaceable, molded or extruded, of profile and hardness required to maintain watertight seal. C. Sealants used inside the weatherproofing system shall have a VOC content of 250 g/L. D. Spacers and Setting Blocks: Manufacturer's standard elastomeric type. E. Bond-Breaker Tape: Manufacturer's standard TFE-fluorocarbon or polyethylene material to which sealants will not develop adhesion. 2.5 ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Joint Sealants: For installation at perimeter of aluminum-framed systems, as specified in Section 079200 "Joint Sealants." 1. B. Fasteners and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant, nonstaining, nonbleeding fasteners and accessories compatible with adjacent materials. 1. 2. 3. C. 2.6 Use self-locking devices where fasteners are subject to loosening or turning out from thermal and structural movements, wind loads, or vibration. Reinforce members as required to receive fastener threads. Use exposed fasteners with countersunk Phillips screw heads, finished to match framing system. Anchors: Three-way adjustable anchors with minimum adjustment of 1 inch that accommodate fabrication and installation tolerances in material and finish compatible with adjoining materials and recommended by manufacturer. 1. D. Sealants used inside the weatherproofing system shall have a VOC content of 250 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). Concrete and Masonry Inserts: Hot-dip galvanized cast-iron, malleable-iron, or steel inserts complying with ASTM A 123/A 123M or ASTM A 153/A 153M requirements. Bituminous Paint: Cold-applied asphalt-mastic paint complying with SSPC-Paint 12 requirements except containing no asbestos, formulated for 30-mil thickness per coat. FABRICATION A. Form or extrude aluminum shapes before finishing. B. Weld in concealed locations to greatest extent possible to minimize distortion or discoloration of finish. Remove weld spatter and welding oxides from exposed surfaces by descaling or grinding. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ALUMINUM-FRAMED ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 4113 - 4 February 12, 2014 C. Framing Members, General: Fabricate components that, when assembled, have the following characteristics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Profiles that are sharp, straight, and free of defects or deformations. Accurately fitted joints with ends coped or mitered. Means to drain water passing joints, condensation within framing members, and moisture migrating within the system to exterior. Physical and thermal isolation of glazing from framing members. Accommodations for thermal and mechanical movements of glazing and framing to maintain required glazing edge clearances. Provisions for field replacement of glazing from interior for vision glass and exterior for spandrel glazing or metal panels. Fasteners, anchors, and connection devices that are concealed from view to greatest extent possible. D. Mechanically Glazed Framing Members: Fabricate for flush glazing without projecting stops. E. Entrance Door Frames: Reinforce as required to support loads imposed by door operation and for installing entrance door hardware. F. After fabrication, clearly mark components to identify their locations in Project according to Shop Drawings. 2.7 ALUMINUM FINISHES A. Clear Anodic Finish: AAMA 611, AA-M12C22A31, Class II, 0.010 mm or thicker. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Do not install damaged components. Fit joints to produce hairline joints free of burrs and distortion. Rigidly secure nonmovement joints. Install anchors with separators and isolators to prevent metal corrosion and electrolytic deterioration and to prevent impeding movement of moving joints. Seal perimeter and other joints watertight unless otherwise indicated. Metal Protection: Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ALUMINUM-FRAMED ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 4113 - 5 February 12, 2014 1. 2. Where aluminum is in contact with dissimilar metals, protect against galvanic action by painting contact surfaces with materials recommended by manufacturer for this purpose or by installing nonconductive spacers. Where aluminum is in contact with concrete or masonry, protect against corrosion by painting contact surfaces with bituminous paint. C. Set continuous sill members and flashing in full sealant bed as specified in Section 079200 "Joint Sealants" to produce weathertight installation. D. Install components plumb and true in alignment with established lines and grades. E. Install glazing as specified in Section 088000 "Glazing." 3.3 ERECTION TOLERANCES A. Erection Tolerances: Install aluminum-framed entrances and storefronts to comply with the following maximum tolerances: 1. 2. 3. Plumb: 1/8 inch in 10 feet; 1/4 inch in 40 feet. Level: 1/8 inch in 20 feet; 1/4 inch in 40 feet. Alignment: a. b. c. 4. Where surfaces abut in line or are separated by reveal or protruding element up to 1/2 inch wide, limit offset from true alignment to 1/16 inch. Where surfaces are separated by reveal or protruding element from 1/2 to 1 inch wide, limit offset from true alignment to 1/8 inch. Where surfaces are separated by reveal or protruding element of 1 inch wide or more, limit offset from true alignment to 1/4 inch. Location: Limit variation from plane to 1/8 inch in 12 feet; 1/2 inch over total length. END OF SECTION 08 4113 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ALUMINUM-FRAMED ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 4113 - 6 AddendumFebruary 02: March12, 12,,2014 2014 SECTION 087100 - DOOR HARDWARE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. Finish Hardware for swinging doors: Provide all components including fasteners, brackets and accessories required for complete, properly functioning and operable openings. B. Related Sections 1. 08 11 13 Metal Doors and Frames 2. 08 14 16 Wood Doors C. References National Fire Protection Association NFPA 80 Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association ANSI/BHMA A156.1 Butts & Hinges ANSI/BHMA A156.2 Bored and Preassembled Locks and Latches ANSI/BHMA A156.3 Exit Devices ANSI/BHMA A156.4 Door Controls - Closers ANSI/BHMA A156.18 Materials and Finishes ADA Standards for Accessible Design Door and Hardware Institute (DHI) Keying Systems and Nomenclature Sequence and Format Recommended Locations for Architectural Hardware for Standard Steel Doors and Frames Recommended Locations for Architectural Hardware for Flush Wood Doors Applicable State and Local Codes 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 013300. B. Product Data: Provide 2 copies of catalog cuts indicating design, grade and function of all hardware items in the hardware sets. Highlight in some manner only those items appropriate to the hardware schedule. D. Shop Drawings - Hardware Schedule: Submit 2 copies of a detailed hardware schedule in vertical format as outlined in DHI “Sequence and Format”. Include the following: 1. 2. E. Submit with door numbers corresponding to Architects door numbers Include abbreviations list, manufacturer’s product list and Door x HW Sets Templates: Submit templates and "reviewed Hardware Schedule" to door and frame suppliers and others as applicable to ensure timely and accurate door preps and reinforcing. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DOOR HARDWARE VT PC# R-2014-05 08 7100 - 1 Addendum 02: March 12,, 2014 February 12, 2014 F. Contract Closeout Submittals: Comply with Section 017700 including specific requirements indicated. G. Operating and maintenance manuals: Submit 1 set in a three ring binder containing the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.4 Copy of final keying schedule Catalog pages for each product. Copy of final hardware schedule, edited to reflect, "As installed". One set of special tools required for maintenance and adjustment of hardware, including changing of cylinders. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with Section 0140 00. B. Statement of qualification for distributor and installers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Statement of compliance with regulatory requirements and single source responsibility. Distributor's Qualifications: Firm with experience in the distribution of commercial hardware. Distributor to employ a full time Architectural Hardware Consultants (AHC) for the purpose of scheduling and coordinating hardware and establishing keying schedule. Installer's Qualifications: Firm with experienced in installation of similar hardware to that required for this Project. Regulatory Label Requirements as Required: Provide testing agency label or stamp on hardware for labeled openings. Fire-Rated Openings: Fire-rated openings shall be provided with firerated hardware in compliance with NFPA 80. Provide only hardware tested and listed by U/L, for types and sizes of doors required and complying with requirements of door and door frame labels. Single Source Responsibility: a. Except where specified in hardware schedule, furnish products of only one manufacturer for each type of hardware. 1.5 9. Keying Schedule: Arrange for a keying meeting with Owner to determine keying requirements. 10. Pre-Installation Conference for Finish Hardware and/or Electronic Hardware: Prior to installation of the hardware, arrange a conference between the contractor, installers and related trades to review materials, procedures and coordinating related work. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Marking and Packaging: Mark each item or package separately, with identification corresponding to the hardware sets and door numbers. Delivery: B. Deliver individually packaged and properly marked finish hardware in a timely manner to avoid delays in construction or installation. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DOOR HARDWARE VT PC# R-2014-05 08 7100 - 2 Addendum 02: March 12, 12,, 2014 2014 February C. At time of delivery, inventory hardware jointly with representatives of hardware supplier and the hardware installer until each is satisfied that the count is correct. Storage: Store hardware in a clean, secured, dry area on shelving. 1.6 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Coordinate hardware with other work. Furnish hardware items of proper design for use on doors and frames of the thickness, profile, swing, security and similar requirements indicated, as necessary for the proper installation and function, regardless of omissions or conflicts in the information on the Contract Documents. Verify existing hinge and strike locations prior to submittals and ordering. B. Review Shop Drawings for doors and entrances to confirm that adequate provisions will be made for the proper installation of hardware. WARRANTY A. Refer to General Conditions of the Construction Contract B. Manufacturer’s Warranty: Closers: Ten (10) years Locksets & Cylinders: Five (5) years Exit Devices: Three (3) years All other Hardware: Two (2) years 1.8 OWNER’S INSTRUCTION: A. Instruct Owner’s personnel in operation and maintenance of hardware units. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. The following manufacturers are approved subject to compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents. Approval of manufacturers other than those listed shall be in accordance with Division 1. Manufacturers listed with asterisks are used in the Hardware Sets. Item Manufacturer Acceptable Hinges Locksets Alternate Electric Lock Cylinders Exit Devices Closers Kickplates Stops Threshold Gasketing *Stanley *Best *Arrow *Best *Von Duprin *LCN *Trimco *Trimco * National Guard * National Guard Ives, Bommer No Substitutions No Substitutions No Substitutions Sargent Sargent Ives, Rockwood Ives, Rockwood Zero, Reese Zero, Reese Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DOOR HARDWARE VT PC# R-2014-05 08 7100 - 3 Addendum 02: March 12,, 2014 February 12, 2014 2.2 MATERIALS: a. Hinges: Stanley:5 Knuckle Ball Bearing FBB series as indicated. Acceptable: Ives 5BB, Bommer 5000 series. 1. Furnish hinges with template screw hole locations. 2. Provide hinge types as listed in schedule. 3. Furnish 3 hinges per leaf to 7 foot 6 inch height. Add one for each additional 30 inches in height or fraction thereof. 4. Certified to ANSI/ BHMA A156.1. 5. Furnish hinge sizes and gauges according to manufacturers recommendations for weight, thickness and width of doors, unless otherwise indicated in the hardware sets. 6. All doors to have ball bearing hinges. 7. Outswing lockable doors to have NRP hinges. 8. Exterior out swing doors to have NRP hinges. 9. Width of hinges shall be sufficient to clear trim and wall conditions as shown on the drawings. 10. Provide heavy weight hinges at doors with exit devices. 11. Verify existing hinge locations and coordinate prior to submittals where applicable. B. Locks and Latchsets: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Best 93K Series 15D lever trim No Substitutions. Certified to ANSI/BHMA A156.2 Series 4000, Operational Grade 1, Extra-Heavy Duty. Fit ANSI A115, door preparation. Provide 4 7/8 inch strike. Functions and design as indicated in the hardware groups. Locks to have through bolted anti-rotational studs. Lever to have independent spring mechanism control. Provide 2 ¾ backset, 9/16 inch throw. Outside lever to be seamless, of one piece construction made of hardened steel alloy. Keyed lever to be removable only after core is removed, by authorized control key. All locking hardware must accept Best interchangeable cores. Provide strike box at each lock location. Provide locksets with Best 7-pin removable and interchangeable core cylinders as specified, no substitute. Provide strike of sufficient lip length to clear wall and frame trim. Verify existing strike sizes and locations and furnish compatible strikes. D. Door Closers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LCN 4110/ 4011 Series. Acceptable: Sargent 281 series. Certified to ANSI / BHMA 156.4, Grade 1. Provide forged extra-duty arms on all closers. Provide arms with built in cushioned stop at exterior doors. Conform to ADA Standards for Accessible Design. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DOOR HARDWARE VT PC# R-2014-05 08 7100 - 4 Addendum February 02: March 12, 12,, 2014 2014 6. 7. 9. 10. E. Exit Devices: 1. 2 3 4. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 2.3 Von Duprin 99 series. Acceptable: Sargent GL-19-43-80 series. Heavy duty pushbar type. Must accept a Best 7 pin cylinder and core. Certified to ANSI / BHMA A156.3. Provide rim exit devices at single doors. Exit device at fire rated doors must bear a label indicating”Fire Exit Hardware”. Trim lever handle to match lockset trim. Provide free wheeling lever trim at exterior openings. Provide extended pushbar for doors over 36 inches wide. Furnish gap filler when exit devices are to be mounted on doors with glass beads to create solid surface with no space between glass and back of exit device. G. Kickplates: Trimco K0050 Provide 10 inches high by width less 2 inches on single doors push side, 1" less door width on pairs pull side mounted. Provide .050, beveled four sides (4BE), and countersunk holes, stainless steel. Acceptable Ives 8400, Rockwood K1050.. H. Stops: Trimco 1211. Acceptable: Ives FS436, Rockwood 440. J. Gasketing: National Guard .Acceptable: Pemko, Reese. K. Threshold: National Guard 424 with ¼-230 MS & ES. Acceptable: Zero, Reese. FINISHES A. 2.4 Separate adjusting valves for closing and latching speed, backcheck and delayed action. Provide adapter plates, shim spacers and blade stop spacers as required by frame and door conditions. Mount closers on non-public side of door, unless otherwise noted in specification. Closers shall be non-sized and multi-sized adjustable to meet ADA. Hinges Locks and Latches Cylinders Exit Devices Closers Protection Plates Wall and Floor Stops Thresholds and Gasketing BHMA 626 (US26D) BHMA 626 (US26D) BHMA 626 (US26D) BHMA 626 (US26D) BHMA 689 (Alum Painted) BHMA 630 (US32D) BHMA 626 (US26D) BHMA 628 (US28) KEYS AND KEYING A. Provide brass construction cores for all locks and cylinders. B. Cylinders, removable and interchangeable core system: Best 7 Pin “PATD” keying system, no substitution. All locking hardware to accept Best interchangeable cores. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DOOR HARDWARE VT PC# R-2014-05 08 7100 - 5 Addendum 02: March 12, 12,, 2014 2014 February C. Permanent keys and cores: Stamped with the applicable key mark for identification. These visual key control marks or codes will not include the actual key cuts. Permanent keys will also be stamped "Do Not Duplicate". D. Transmit Grand Masterkeys, Masterkeys and other Security keys to Owner by Registered Mail, return receipt requested. E. Furnish keys in the following quantities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. F. Two (2) each Permanent System Control keys Ten(10) each Master-Level keys Three (3) each Change keys each keyed core Five (5) each Construction Masterkeys Two (2) each Construction Control keys Construction cores are to be returned to the Hardware Supplier. Construction cores and keys remain the property of the Hardware Supplier. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 EXAMINATION A. Verification of conditions: Examine doors, frames, labeled fire-rated door assembly construction, related items, and conditions under which Work is to be performed, and identify conditions detrimental to proper and or timely completion. . B. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. HARDWARE LOCATIONS A. Mount hardware units at heights indicated in the following publications except as specifically indicated or required to comply with the governing regulations. B. Recommended Locations for Architectural Hardware for Standard Steel Doors and Frames. Recommended Locations for Architectural Hardware for Architectural Flush Wood Doors. C. ADA Standards for Accessible Design. INSTALLATION A. Install each hardware item per manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Do not install surface mounted items until finishes have been completed on the substrate. Set units level, plumb and true to line and location. Adjust and reinforce the attachment substrate as necessary for proper installation and operation. B. Installed hardware using the manufacturer's fasteners provided. Drill and tap all screw holes located in metallic materials. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL AND FINAL ADJUSTMENT A. Field Services: After installation is complete, inspect completed door openings on site to verify installation of hardware is complete, properly adjusted and operating properly in accordance with both the Contract Documents and final shop drawings. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DOOR HARDWARE VT PC# R-2014-05 08 7100 - 6 Addendum 02: March 12,, 2014 February 12, 2014 B. 3.5 Report findings, in writing, to the Architect. Outline corrective actions and recommendations if required. HARDWARE SCHEDULE: HARDWARE SCHEDULE: HW 1 Exterior 200 3 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each Hinges Exit Device Rim Cylinder Surface Closer Kickplate Threshold Set Weatherstrip Door Bottom Electric Strike Door Contact Reader Request to Exit FBB199 4.5 x 4.5 NRP 99L-NL x 996L-NL 12E72 4110 Cush N Stop K0050 10” x 2” LDW CSK B4E 424 x ¼-20 MS & ES 700ES 200N By Owner’s Security Vendor By Owner’s Security Vendor By Owner’s Security Vendor By Owner’s Security Vendor 630 626 626 AL 630 Alum Alum Alum STA VON BES LCN TRI NAT NAT NAT Operation: Door is normally closed and locked. Entry is by reader validation or key in cylinder. Egress is always free. HW 2 Storage 201 3 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 3 each HW 3 Hinges Storeroom Lock Surface Closer Dome Stop Silencers CB168 4.5 x 4.5 NRP 9K3 7 D15D S3 4111 EDA 1211 1229A 626 626 AL 626 STA BES LCN TRI TRI CB179 4.5 x 4.5 9K37 R 15D S3 1211 5050C 626 626 626 Cha STA BES TRI STA FBB168 4.5 x 4.5 9K3 OL15D S3 4110 1211 5050C 652 626 AL 626 Cha STA BES LCN TRI NGP CB179 4.5 x 4.5 9K3 7 R 15D S3 4011 626 626 AL STA BES LCN Meet / Conference 202, 301 3 each 1 each 1 each 1 each HW 4 Hinges Classroom Lockset Dome Stop Gasketing Toilet 3 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each HW 5 204, 308 Hinges Privacy Set Surface Closer Dome Stop Gasketing Closet 203, 307 3 each 1 each 1 each Hinges Classroom Lock Surface Closer Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DOOR HARDWARE VT PC# R-2014-05 08 7100 - 7 Addendum February 02: March 12, 12,, 2014 2014 1 each 1 each HW 6 Dome Stop Gasketing 1211 5050C 626 Cha TRI NGP 626 626 626 STA BES TRI TRI 626 26D 626 626 STA ARR BES TRI TRI Office 302, 303,304, 305,306 3 each 1 each 1 each 3 each Hinges Office Lockset Dome Stop Silencers CB179 4.5 x 4.5 9K37 AB 15D S3 1211 1229A Alternate HW 6A 3 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 3 each Office 302, 303,304, 305,306 Hinges Keypad Lock Best Core Dome Stop Silencers CB179 4.5 x 4.5 V1 51 SR 15 V14 V44 Type required 1211 1229A IC (SFIC less core) END Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DOOR HARDWARE VT PC# R-2014-05 08 7100 - 8 8 Revolution Stand-Alone Touchscreen Lock Premier Product The Arrow Revolution stand-alone touchscreen lock combines the functional elements of a cylindrical lockset with the latest technology designed for electronic aesthetics. Dealers will benefit by providing an up to date technological solution that is also quick and easy to install. Users benefit from a simple interaction with the lock through a voiceguided touchscreen, making day-to-day use and programming easy. The Revolution is recommended for healthcare facilities, offices, retail environments, multi-family, hospitality, government facilities, as well as K-12 school environments. The Revolution provides a traffic control solution for areas requiring restricted access. If necessary either a single user or all users can be easily locked out by the administrator. This feature provides a quick lockout option in case of a security concern. Certification: u All Arrow Revolution Stand-alone Touchscreen Locks are UL/cUL listed for use on 3 hour, A label or lesser doors and are certified to conform to and exceed the requirements of ANSI/BHMA A156.2, Series 4000, Grade 1. • Federal Specification FF-H-106C • ANSI A117.1 Accessibility Code • California State Reference Code for levers returning to within 1/2" (12.7mm) of door surface ADA/Americans with Disabilities Act: Acceptable Door Hardware: Section 4.13.9 Handles, pulls, latches and other operating devices on accessible doors shall have a shape that is easy to grasp with one hand and does not require grasping, tight pinching or twisting of the wrist to operate. Lever operated mechanisms, push-type mechanisms and “U” shaped handles are acceptable designs. u comply with ADA accessibility requirements. Look for the universal symbol next to Arrow products that Features & Specifications: Electronic Elements: Mechanical Components: • Stand-alone touchscreen access locking device • UL listed for use on fire doors • Interactive voice-guided programming • ADA compliant levers • Tri-lingual, English/Spanish/French • Install lock and latch with only 5 screws • 4 AA batteries • Request to enter (REX) input allows remote access capability • Key Override – Uses standard Arrow cylinders available in AR and CS keyways • Volume control – High, Low – Default, Silent • Also available in Small Format Interchangeable Core Prep • Visual verification of pin code programming • Weather resistant • Feature access through keypad programming, 4-12 digit user pin codes • Field Reversible • Door Prep: Standard 161 Prep with one additional 3/4" hole – 255 users and 1 master user • Standard three (3) year warranty – Lockout Mode Finishes: – Passage Mode • Polished Brass US3, Oil Rubbed Bronze US10B, Satin Chrome US26D – Auto Re-Lock Functions: • V1-51 Key Override 9 Revolution Stand-Alone Touchscreen Lock Premier Product Features (Continued): ™ OverDrive™ will allow a locked lever to rotate freely without retracting the latch, improving the life and performance of Arrow locksets. OverDrive™ – Freewheeling lever action occurs when latch retraction mechanism disengages from lever handle when handle is locked. Built-in stops in the rose insert prevent lever from traveling beyond approximately 57 degrees. Backset – 2-3/4" (69.85mm) standard. Also available in 2-3/8" backset. Packaging – 1 per box, 3 per case. Door Thickness – 1-3/4" (44mm) door thickness standard. Designs: For use on 1-3/8" thick doors, a special thin door kit must be used. To order the 1-3/8" thin door kit, Specify Part Number: V1-Kit1. This kit includes inside and outside escutcheon spacers as well as a 2-3/8" latchbolt. Note: Using a 2-3/8" latchbolt results in Grade 2 certification on the lock. 2 13⁄16" 72 mm Note: Revolution REX Wire Harness sold separately. u 8 ⁄8" 1 Sierra SR 206 mm 4 3⁄4" u 120.65 mm Broadway BRR 3 3⁄4" 4 3⁄4" 95 mm 17⁄16" 37 mm u ⁄16" 9 120.65 mm Ventura VR 14 mm 4 5⁄8" 117.47 mm 11⁄2" 11⁄2" 38 mm 38 mm Finishes: 1 3 5⁄16" 3 5⁄16" 84 mm 84 mm U.S. BHMA Equiv. Arrow Equiv. Finish 1 605 US3 03 Bright Brass 2 613 US10B 10B Dark Oxide Bronze, Oil Rubbed 3 626 US26D 26D Satin Chromium Plated 2 3 ARROW FUNCTION DESCRIPTION V1-51 Touchscreen with Key Override • For doors that require mechanical key override. • Latchbolt retracted by outside lever with valid pincode; by use of mechanical key, or by operating inside lever. • Inside lever always active. • Deadlocking latchbolt. Inside Outside 10 Revolution Stand-Alone Touchscreen Lock Premier Product Order Example: Series: V1 Function: 51 (touchscreen w/key override) Trim: SR (lever w/angled return) Finishes: 26D (US26D), 03 (US3), 10B (US10B) Strike: Latch: V18 (t-strike) Suffix Options (V1-51 function only): V14 (ANSI strike) KD (std. cyl. keyed different) V44 (2-3/4" BS x 1-1/8" beveled front) LC (less std. cyl.) V45 (2-3/4" BS x 1-1/8" flat front) OB (0-bitted) IC (SFIC less core) Example: To order a Revolution stand-alone touchscreen lockset with a Sierra design lever, satin chrome finish, with an ASA strike and 2-3/4" backset, keyed different: Specify: V1 51 SR 26D V18 V44 KD Series Function Design Finish Strike Latch Suffix Options How to Install: (2) 8-32 x ?" Flat Head Machine Screws (2) 8-32 x ?" Flat Head Machine Screws February 12, 2014 SECTION 08 8000 – GLAZING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes glazing for the following products and applications, including those specified in other Sections where glazing requirements are specified by reference to this Section: 1. 2. 1.3 Doors. Storefront framing. DEFINITIONS A. Glass Manufacturers: Firms that produce primary glass, fabricated glass, or both, as defined in referenced glazing publications. B. Glass Thicknesses: ASTM C 1036. C. Interspace: Space between lites of an insulating-glass unit. 1.4 Indicated by thickness designations in millimeters according to PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: Installed glazing systems shall withstand normal thermal movement and wind and impact loads (where applicable) without failure, including loss or glass breakage attributable to the following: defective manufacture, fabrication, or installation; failure of sealants or gaskets to remain watertight and airtight; deterioration of glazing materials; or other defects in construction. B. Thermal Movements: Allow for thermal movements from ambient and surface temperature changes acting on glass framing members and glazing components. 1. 1.5 Temperature Change: 120 deg F, ambient; 180 deg F, material surfaces. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. 1.6 Product Data: For each glass product and glazing material indicated. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Warranties: Sample of special warranties. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GLAZING VT PC# R-2014-05 08 8000 - 1 February 12, 2014 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: A qualified installer who employs glass installers for this Project who are certified under the National Glass Association's Certified Glass Installer Program. B. Source Limitations for Glass: Obtain tinted float glass; coated float glass; laminated glass; and insulating glass from single source from single manufacturer for each glass type. C. Source Limitations for Glazing Accessories: Obtain from single source from single manufacturer for each product and installation method. D. Glazing Publications: Comply with published recommendations of glass product manufacturers and organizations below, unless more stringent requirements are indicated. Refer to these publications for glazing terms not otherwise defined in this Section or in referenced standards. 1. IGMA Publication for Insulating Glass: SIGMA TM-3000, "North American Glazing Guidelines for Sealed Insulating Glass Units for Commercial and Residential Use." E. Safety Glazing Labeling: Where safety glazing labeling is indicated, permanently mark glazing with certification label of the SGCC or another certification agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Label shall indicate manufacturer's name, type of glass, thickness, and safety glazing standard with which glass complies. F. Insulating-Glass Certification Program: Permanently marked either on spacers or on at least one component lite of units with appropriate certification label of IGCC. 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect glazing materials according to manufacturer's written instructions. Prevent damage to glass and glazing materials from condensation, temperature changes, direct exposure to sun, or other causes. B. Comply with insulating-glass manufacturer's written recommendations for venting and sealing units to avoid hermetic seal ruptures due to altitude change. 1.9 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not proceed with glazing when ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside limits permitted by glazing material manufacturers and when glazing channel substrates are wet from rain, frost, condensation, or other causes. 1. Do not install glazing sealants when ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside limits permitted by sealant manufacturer or below 40 deg F. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GLASS PRODUCTS, GENERAL A. Thickness: Where glass thickness is indicated, it is a minimum. thicknesses as needed to comply with requirements indicated. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GLAZING Provide glass lites in VT PC# R-2014-05 08 8000 - 2 February 12, 2014 1. B. 2.2 Minimum Glass Thickness for Exterior Lites: Not less than 6.0 mm. Strength: Where float glass is indicated, provide annealed float glass, Kind HS heat-treated float glass, or Kind FT heat-treated float glass as needed to comply with "Performance Requirements" Article. Where heat-strengthened glass is indicated, provide Kind HS heattreated float glass or Kind FT heat-treated float glass as needed to comply with "Performance Requirements" Article. Where fully tempered glass is indicated, provide Kind FT heat-treated float glass. GLASS PRODUCTS A. Float Glass: ASTM C 1036, Type I, Quality-Q3, Class I (clear) unless otherwise indicated. B. Heat-Treated Float Glass: ASTM C 1048; Type I; Quality-Q3; Class I (clear) unless otherwise indicated; of kind and condition indicated. 1. 2. 2.3 Fabrication Process: By horizontal (roller-hearth) process with roll-wave distortion parallel to bottom edge of glass as installed unless otherwise indicated. For uncoated glass, comply with requirements for Condition A. INSULATING GLASS A. Insulating-Glass Units: Factory-assembled units consisting of sealed lites of glass separated by a dehydrated interspace, qualified according to ASTM E 2190, and complying with other requirements specified. 1. 2. 3. 2.4 Sealing System: Dual seal, with polyisobutylene and silicone primary and secondary. Spacer: Stainless steel or thermally broken aluminum. Desiccant: Molecular sieve or silica gel, or blend of both. GLAZING GASKETS A. Dense Compression Gaskets: Molded or extruded gaskets of profile and hardness required to maintain watertight seal, made from the following: 1. B. Soft Compression Gaskets: Extruded or molded, closed-cell, integral-skinned EPDM gaskets complying with ASTM C 509, Type II, black; of profile and hardness required to maintain watertight seal. 1. 2.5 EPDM complying with ASTM C 864. Application: Use where soft compression gaskets will be compressed by inserting dense compression gaskets on opposite side of glazing or pressure applied by means of pressure-glazing stops on opposite side of glazing. GLAZING SEALANTS A. General: 1. Compatibility: Provide glazing sealants that are compatible with one another and with other materials they will contact, including glass products, seals of insulating-glass units, Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GLAZING VT PC# R-2014-05 08 8000 - 3 February 12, 2014 2. 3. 4. B. and glazing channel substrates, under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by sealant manufacturer based on testing and field experience. Suitability: Comply with sealant and glass manufacturers' written instructions for selecting glazing sealants suitable for applications indicated and for conditions existing at time of installation. Sealants used inside the weatherproofing system, shall have a VOC content of not more than 250 g/L when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). Colors of Exposed Glazing Sealants: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. Glazing Sealant: Neutral-curing silicone glazing sealant complying with ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 100/50, Use NT. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: a. b. c. d. e. 2.6 Dow Corning Corporation; 790. GE Advanced Materials - Silicones; SilPruf LM SCS2700. Pecora Corporation; 890. Sika Corporation, Construction Products Division; SikaSil-C990. Tremco Incorporated; Spectrem 1. GLAZING TAPES A. Back-Bedding Mastic Glazing Tapes: Preformed, butyl-based, 100 percent solids elastomeric tape; nonstaining and nonmigrating in contact with nonporous surfaces; with or without spacer rod as recommended in writing by tape and glass manufacturers for application indicated; and complying with ASTM C 1281 and AAMA 800 for products indicated below: 1. 2. 3. B. Expanded Cellular Glazing Tapes: Closed-cell, PVC foam tapes; factory coated with adhesive on both surfaces; and complying with AAMA 800 for the following types: 1. 2. 2.7 AAMA 804.3 tape, where indicated. AAMA 806.3 tape, for glazing applications in which tape is subject to continuous pressure. AAMA 807.3 tape, for glazing applications in which tape is not subject to continuous pressure. AAMA 810.1, Type 1, for glazing applications in which tape acts as the primary sealant. AAMA 810.1, Type 2, for glazing applications in which tape is used in combination with a full bead of liquid sealant. MISCELLANEOUS GLAZING MATERIALS A. General: Provide products of material, size, and shape complying with referenced glazing standard, requirements of manufacturers of glass and other glazing materials for application indicated, and with a proven record of compatibility with surfaces contacted in installation. B. Cleaners, Primers, and Sealers: Types recommended by sealant or gasket manufacturer. C. Setting Blocks: Elastomeric material with a Shore, Type A durometer hardness of 85, plus or minus 5. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GLAZING VT PC# R-2014-05 08 8000 - 4 February 12, 2014 D. Spacers: Elastomeric blocks or continuous extrusions of hardness required by glass manufacturer to maintain glass lites in place for installation indicated. E. Edge Blocks: Elastomeric material of hardness needed to limit glass lateral movement (side walking). F. Cylindrical Glazing Sealant Backing: ASTM C 1330, Type O (open-cell material), of size and density to control glazing sealant depth and otherwise produce optimum glazing sealant performance. 2.8 FABRICATION OF GLAZING UNITS A. Fabricate glazing units in sizes required to fit openings indicated for Project, with edge and face clearances, edge and surface conditions, and bite complying with written instructions of product manufacturer and referenced glazing publications, to comply with system performance requirements. B. Clean-cut or flat-grind vertical edges of butt-glazed monolithic lites to produce square edges with slight chamfers at junctions of edges and faces. C. Grind smooth and polish exposed glass edges and corners. 2.9 MONOLITHIC-GLASS TYPES A. Glass Type GL-01T: Clear float glass and fully tempered float glass. 1. 2. 2.10 A. Thickness: 6.0 mm. Provide safety glazing labeling. INSULATING-GLASS TYPES Glass Type GL-08T: Clear insulating glass. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Overall Unit Thickness: 1 inch. Thickness of Each Glass Lite: 6.0 mm. Both Lites: Clear float glass, fully tempered. Interspace Content: Air. Provide safety glazing labeling. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine framing, glazing channels, and stops, with Installer present, for compliance with the following: 1. 2. 3. Manufacturing and installation tolerances, including those for size, squareness, and offsets at corners. Presence and functioning of weep systems. Minimum required face and edge clearances. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GLAZING VT PC# R-2014-05 08 8000 - 5 February 12, 2014 4. B. 3.2 Effective sealing between joints of glass-framing members. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION A. Clean glazing channels and other framing members receiving glass immediately before glazing. Remove coatings not firmly bonded to substrates. B. Examine glazing units to locate exterior and interior surfaces. Label or mark units as needed so that exterior and interior surfaces are readily identifiable. Do not use materials that will leave visible marks in the completed work. 3.3 GLAZING, GENERAL A. Comply with combined written instructions of manufacturers of glass, sealants, gaskets, and other glazing materials, unless more stringent requirements are indicated, including those in referenced glazing publications. B. Adjust glazing channel dimensions as required by Project conditions during installation to provide necessary bite on glass, minimum edge and face clearances, and adequate sealant thicknesses, with reasonable tolerances. C. Protect glass edges from damage during handling and installation. Remove damaged glass from Project site and legally dispose of off Project site. Damaged glass is glass with edge damage or other imperfections that, when installed, could weaken glass and impair performance and appearance. D. Apply primers to joint surfaces where required for adhesion of sealants, as determined by preconstruction testing. E. Install setting blocks in sill rabbets, sized and located to comply with referenced glazing publications, unless otherwise required by glass manufacturer. Set blocks in thin course of compatible sealant suitable for heel bead. F. Do not exceed edge pressures stipulated by glass manufacturers for installing glass lites. G. Provide spacers for glass lites where length plus width is larger than 50 inches. 1. 2. Locate spacers directly opposite each other on both inside and outside faces of glass. Install correct size and spacing to preserve required face clearances, unless gaskets and glazing tapes are used that have demonstrated ability to maintain required face clearances and to comply with system performance requirements. Provide 1/8-inch minimum bite of spacers on glass and use thickness equal to sealant width. With glazing tape, use thickness slightly less than final compressed thickness of tape. H. Provide edge blocking where indicated or needed to prevent glass lites from moving sideways in glazing channel, as recommended in writing by glass manufacturer and according to requirements in referenced glazing publications. I. Set glass lites in each series with uniform pattern, draw, bow, and similar characteristics. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GLAZING VT PC# R-2014-05 08 8000 - 6 February 12, 2014 J. Set glass lites with proper orientation so that coatings face exterior or interior as specified. K. Where wedge-shaped gaskets are driven into one side of channel to pressurize sealant or gasket on opposite side, provide adequate anchorage so gasket cannot walk out when installation is subjected to movement. L. Square cut wedge-shaped gaskets at corners and install gaskets in a manner recommended by gasket manufacturer to prevent corners from pulling away; seal corner joints and butt joints with sealant recommended by gasket manufacturer. 3.4 TAPE GLAZING A. Position tapes on fixed stops so that, when compressed by glass, their exposed edges are flush with or protrude slightly above sightline of stops. B. Install tapes continuously, but not necessarily in one continuous length. Do not stretch tapes to make them fit opening. C. Cover vertical framing joints by applying tapes to heads and sills first and then to jambs. Cover horizontal framing joints by applying tapes to jambs and then to heads and sills. D. Place joints in tapes at corners of opening with adjoining lengths butted together, not lapped. Seal joints in tapes with compatible sealant approved by tape manufacturer. E. Do not remove release paper from tape until right before each glazing unit is installed. F. Apply heel bead of elastomeric sealant. G. Center glass lites in openings on setting blocks and press firmly against tape by inserting dense compression gaskets formed and installed to lock in place against faces of removable stops. Start gasket applications at corners and work toward centers of openings. H. Apply cap bead of elastomeric sealant over exposed edge of tape. 3.5 GASKET GLAZING (DRY) A. Cut compression gaskets to lengths recommended by gasket manufacturer to fit openings exactly, with allowance for stretch during installation. B. Insert soft compression gasket between glass and frame or fixed stop so it is securely in place with joints miter cut and bonded together at corners. C. Installation with Drive-in Wedge Gaskets: Center glass lites in openings on setting blocks and press firmly against soft compression gasket by inserting dense compression gaskets formed and installed to lock in place against faces of removable stops. Start gasket applications at corners and work toward centers of openings. Compress gaskets to produce a weathertight seal without developing bending stresses in glass. Seal gasket joints with sealant recommended by gasket manufacturer. D. Installation with Pressure-Glazing Stops: Center glass lites in openings on setting blocks and press firmly against soft compression gasket. Install dense compression gaskets and pressureglazing stops, applying pressure uniformly to compression gaskets. Compress gaskets to Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GLAZING VT PC# R-2014-05 08 8000 - 7 February 12, 2014 produce a weathertight seal without developing bending stresses in glass. Seal gasket joints with sealant recommended by gasket manufacturer. E. 3.6 Install gaskets so they protrude past face of glazing stops. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Protect exterior glass from damage immediately after installation by attaching crossed streamers to framing held away from glass. Do not apply markers to glass surface. Remove nonpermanent labels and clean surfaces. B. Protect glass from contact with contaminating substances resulting from construction operations. If, despite such protection, contaminating substances do come into contact with glass, remove substances immediately as recommended in writing by glass manufacturer. C. Examine glass surfaces adjacent to or below exterior concrete and other masonry surfaces at frequent intervals during construction, but not less than once a month, for buildup of dirt, scum, alkaline deposits, or stains; remove as recommended in writing by glass manufacturer. D. Remove and replace glass that is broken, chipped, cracked, or abraded or that is damaged from natural causes, accidents, and vandalism, during construction period. E. Wash glass on both exposed surfaces in each area of Project not more than four days before date scheduled for inspections that establish date of Substantial Completion. Wash glass as recommended in writing by glass manufacturer. END OF SECTION 08 8000 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GLAZING VT PC# R-2014-05 08 8000 - 8 February 12, 2014 SECTION 08 8300 – MIRRORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes the following types of silvered flat glass mirrors: 1. B. Related Sections: 1. 2. 1.3 Film-backed glass mirrors qualifying as safety glazing. Division 08 Section "Glazing" for glass with reflective coatings used for vision and spandrel lites. Division 10 Section "Toilet, Bath, and Laundry Accessories" for metal-framed mirrors. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. 1. B. 1.4 Mirrors. Include description of materials and process used to produce each type of silvered flat glass mirror specified that indicates sources of glass, glass coating components, edge sealer, and quality-control provisions. Shop Drawings: Include mirror elevations, edge details, mirror hardware, and attachments to other work. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. 1.5 Warranty: Sample of special warranty. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: A qualified installer who employs glass installers for this Project who are certified under the National Glass Association's Certified Glass Installer Program. B. Source Limitations for Mirrors: Obtain mirrors from single source from single manufacturer. C. Source Limitations for Mirror Accessories: source. D. Glazing Publications: Comply with the following published recommendations: Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MIRRORS Obtain mirror glazing accessories from single VT PC# R-2014-05 08 8300 - 1 February 12, 2014 1. 2. GANA's "Glazing Manual" unless more stringent requirements are indicated. Refer to this publication for definitions of glass and glazing terms not otherwise defined in this Section or in referenced standards. GANA Mirror Division's "Mirrors, Handle with Extreme Care: Tips for the Professional on the Care and Handling of Mirrors." E. Safety Glazing Products: For film-backed mirrors, provide products complying with testing requirements in 16 CFR 1201 for Category II materials. F. Preconstruction Mirror Mastic Compatibility Test: Submit mirror mastic products to mirror manufacturer for testing to determine compatibility of mastic with mirror backing film and substrates on which mirrors are installed. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect mirrors according to mirror manufacturer's written instructions and as needed to prevent damage to mirrors from moisture, condensation, temperature changes, direct exposure to sun, or other causes. B. Comply with mirror manufacturer's written instructions for shipping, storing, and handling mirrors as needed to prevent deterioration of silvering, damage to edges, and abrasion of glass surfaces and applied coatings. Store indoors. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.8 Environmental Limitations: Do not install mirrors until ambient temperature and humidity conditions are maintained at levels indicated for final occupancy. WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which mirror manufacturer agrees to replace mirrors that deteriorate within specified warranty period. Deterioration of mirrors is defined as defects developed from normal use that are not attributed to mirror breakage or to maintaining and cleaning mirrors contrary to manufacturer's written instructions. Defects include discoloration, black spots, and clouding of the silver film. 1. Warranty Period: Five years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SILVERED FLAT GLASS MIRRORS A. Glass Mirrors, General: coating process. 1. ASTM C 1503; manufactured using copper-free, low-lead mirror Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. D & W Incorporated Donisi Mirror Company. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MIRRORS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 8300 - 2 February 12, 2014 c. d. e. f. g. B. Clear Glass: Mirror Glazing Quality. 1. 2.2 Gardner Glass, Inc. Gilded Mirrors, Inc. Lenoir Mirror Company. Stroupe Mirror Co., Inc. Virginia Mirror Company, Inc. Nominal Thickness: 6.0 mm. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Setting Blocks: Elastomeric material with a Shore, Type A durometer hardness of 85, plus or minus 5. B. Edge Sealer: Coating compatible with glass coating and approved by mirror manufacturer for use in protecting against silver deterioration at mirrored glass edges. C. Mirror Mastic: An adhesive setting compound, asbestos-free, produced specifically for setting mirrors and certified by both mirror manufacturer and mastic manufacturer as compatible with glass coating and substrates on which mirrors will be installed. 1. 2. D. 2.3 Adhesive shall have a VOC content of not more than 70 g/L when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). Adhesive shall comply with the testing and product requirements of the California Department of Health Services' "Standard Practice for the Testing of Volatile Organic Emissions from Various Sources Using Small-Scale Environmental Chambers." Film Backing for Safety Mirrors: Film backing and pressure-sensitive adhesive; both compatible with mirror backing paint as certified by mirror manufacturer. MIRROR HARDWARE A. Top and Bottom Aluminum J-Channels: Aluminum extrusions with a return deep enough to produce a glazing channel to accommodate mirrors of thickness indicated and in lengths required to cover bottom and top edges of each mirror in a single piece. 1. Bottom Trim: J-channels formed with front leg and back leg not less than 3/8 and 7/8 inch in height, respectively, and a thickness of not less than 0.05 inch. a. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: 1) 2) 3) 2. Laurence, C. R. Co., Inc.; CRL Standard "J" Channel. Sommer & Maca Industries, Inc.; Aluminum Shallow Nose "J" Moulding Lower Bar. Sommer & Maca Industries, Inc.; Heavy Gauge Aluminum Shallow Nose "J" Moulding Lower Bar. Top Trim: J-channels formed with front leg and back leg not less than 5/8 and 1 inch in height, respectively, and a thickness of not less than 0.062 inch. a. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MIRRORS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 8300 - 3 February 12, 2014 1) 2) 3) 3. Laurence, C. R. Co., Inc.; CRL Deep "J" Channel. Sommer & Maca Industries, Inc.; Aluminum Deep Nose "J" Moulding Upper Bar. Sommer & Maca Industries, Inc.; Heavy Gauge Aluminum Deep Nose "J" Moulding Lower Bar. Finish: Clear bright anodized. B. Fasteners: Fabricated of same basic metal and alloy as fastened metal and matching it in finished color and texture where fasteners are exposed. C. Anchors and Inserts: Provide devices as required for mirror hardware installation. Provide toothed or lead-shield expansion-bolt devices for drilled-in-place anchors. Provide galvanized anchors and inserts for applications on inside face of exterior walls and where indicated. 2.4 FABRICATION A. Mirror Sizes: To suit Project conditions, and before tempering, cut mirrors to final sizes and shapes. B. Cutouts: Fabricate cutouts for notches and holes in mirrors without marring visible surfaces. Locate and size cutouts so they fit closely around penetrations in mirrors. C. Mirror Edge Treatment: Flat polished. 1. 2. D. Seal edges of mirrors with edge sealer after edge treatment to prevent chemical or atmospheric penetration of glass coating. Require mirror manufacturer to perform edge treatment and sealing in factory immediately after cutting to final sizes. Film-Backed Safety Mirrors: Apply film backing with adhesive coating over mirror backing paint as recommended in writing by film-backing manufacturer to produce a surface free of bubbles, blisters, and other imperfections. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, over which mirrors are to be mounted, with Installer present, for compliance with installation tolerances, substrate preparation, and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Verify compatibility with and suitability of substrates, including compatibility of mirror mastic with existing finishes or primers. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected and surfaces are dry. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MIRRORS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 8300 - 4 February 12, 2014 3.2 PREPARATION A. 3.3 Comply with mastic manufacturer's written installation instructions for preparation of substrates, including coating substrates with mastic manufacturer's special bond coating where applicable. INSTALLATION A. General: Install mirrors to comply with mirror manufacturer's written instructions and with referenced GANA publications. Mount mirrors accurately in place in a manner that avoids distorting reflected images. B. Provide a minimum air space of 1/8 inch between back of mirrors and mounting surface for air circulation between back of mirrors and face of mounting surface. C. Wall-Mounted Mirrors: Install mirrors with mastic and mirror hardware. Attach mirror hardware securely to mounting surfaces with mechanical fasteners installed with anchors or inserts as applicable. Install fasteners so heads do not impose point loads on backs of mirrors. 1. 3.4 Top and Bottom Aluminum J-Channels: Provide setting blocks 1/8 inch thick by 4 inches long at quarter points. To prevent trapping water, provide, between setting blocks, two slotted weeps not less than 1/4 inch wide by 3/8 inch long at bottom channel. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Protect mirrors from breakage and contaminating substances resulting from construction operations. B. Do not permit edges of mirrors to be exposed to standing water. C. Maintain environmental conditions that will prevent mirrors from being exposed to moisture from condensation or other sources for continuous periods of time. D. Wash exposed surface of mirrors not more than four days before date scheduled for inspections that establish date of Substantial Completion. Wash mirrors as recommended in writing by mirror manufacturer. END OF SECTION 08 8300 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MIRRORS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 8300 - 5 February 12, 2014 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices MIRRORS VT PC# R-2014-05 08 8300 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 09 2216 - NON-STRUCTURAL METAL FRAMING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. B. Related Requirements: 1. 1.3 Non-load-bearing steel framing systems for interior gypsum board assemblies. Suspension systems for interior gypsum ceilings, soffits, and grid systems. Section 092900 "Gypsum Board" for gypsum board to be attached to non-structural metal framing. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: For fire-resistance-rated assemblies that incorporate nonload-bearing steel framing, provide materials and construction identical to those tested in assembly indicated, according to ASTM E 119 by an independent testing agency. B. STC-Rated Assemblies: For STC-rated assemblies, provide materials and construction identical to those tested in assembly indicated, according to ASTM E 90 and classified according to ASTM E 413 by an independent testing agency. 2.2 FRAMING SYSTEMS A. Recycled Content of Steel Products: Postconsumer recycled content plus one-half of preconsumer recycled content not less than 30 percent. B. Framing Members, General: Comply with ASTM C 754 for conditions indicated. 1. Steel Sheet Components: otherwise indicated. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices NON-STRUCTURAL METAL FRAMING Comply with ASTM C 645 requirements for metal unless VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2216 - 1 February 12, 2014 2. C. Protective Coating: ASTM A 653/A 653M, G60, hot-dip galvanized unless otherwise indicated or having a coating that provides equivalent corrosion resistance. A40 galvannealed products are not acceptable. Studs and Runners: ASTM C 645. Use either steel studs and runners or dimpled steel studs and runners. 1. Steel Studs and Runners: a. b. 1. Equivalent Gage Steel Studs and Runners: a. b. D. Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: 0.0296 inch (20 gage nominal). Depth: As indicated on Drawings. Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: 0.019 inch (20 gage nominal). Depth: As indicated on Drawings. Where not otherwise indicated, provide 3-5/8 inch depth. Slip-Type Head Joints: Where indicated, provide one of the following: 1. 2. 3. Single Long-Leg Runner System: ASTM C 645 top runner with 2-inch- deep flanges in thickness not less than indicated for studs, installed with studs friction fit into top runner and with continuous bridging located within 12 inches of the top of studs to provide lateral bracing. Double-Runner System: ASTM C 645 top runners, inside runner with 2-inch- deep flanges in thickness not less than indicated for studs and fastened to studs, and outer runner sized to friction fit inside runner. Deflection Track: Steel sheet top runner manufactured to prevent cracking of finishes applied to interior partition framing resulting from deflection of structure above; in thickness not less than indicated for studs and in width to accommodate depth of studs. a. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: 1) 2) 3) E. Firestop Tracks: Top runner manufactured to allow partition heads to expand and contract with movement of the structure while maintaining continuity of fire-resistance-rated assembly indicated; in thickness not less than indicated for studs and in width to accommodate depth of studs. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. F. Fire Trak Corp.; Fire Trak System. Grace Construction Products; FlameSafe FlowTrak System. Metal-Lite, Inc.; The System. Flat Strap and Backing Plate: indicated. 1. G. Dietrich Metal Framing; SLP-TRK Slotted Deflection Track. Steel Network Inc. (The). Superior Metal Trim; Superior Flex Track System (SFT). Steel sheet for blocking and bracing in length and width Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: 0.033 inch. Cold-Rolled Channel Bridging: Steel, 0.053-inch minimum base-metal thickness, with minimum 1/2-inch- wide flanges. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices NON-STRUCTURAL METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2216 - 2 February 12, 2014 1. 2. H. Hat-Shaped, Rigid Furring Channels: ASTM C 645. 1. 2. I. Configuration: Asymmetrical. Cold-Rolled Furring Channels: 0.053-inch uncoated-steel thickness, with minimum 1/2-inchwide flanges. 1. 2. 3. 2.3 Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: 0.033 inch. Depth: 7/8 inch or 1-1/2 inches as required. Resilient Furring Channels: 1/2-inch- deep, steel sheet members designed to reduce sound transmission. 1. J. Depth: 1-1/2 inches. Clip Angle: Not less than 1-1/2 by 1-1/2 inches, 0.068-inch- thick, galvanized steel. Depth: 3/4 inch. Furring Brackets: Adjustable, corrugated-edge type of steel sheet with minimum uncoated-steel thickness of 0.033 inch. Tie Wire: ASTM A 641/A 641M, Class 1 zinc coating, soft temper, 0.062-inch- diameter wire, or double strand of 0.048-inch- diameter wire. SUSPENSION SYSTEMS A. Tie Wire: ASTM A 641/A 641M, Class 1 zinc coating, soft temper, 0.062-inch- diameter wire, or double strand of 0.048-inch- diameter wire. B. Hanger Attachments to Concrete: 1. Anchors: Fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials with holes or loops for attaching wire hangers and capable of sustaining, without failure, a load equal to 5 times that imposed by construction as determined by testing according to ASTM E 488 by an independent testing agency. a. 2. Type: Cast-in-place anchor, designed for attachment to concrete forms. Powder-Actuated Fasteners: Suitable for application indicated, fabricated from corrosionresistant materials with clips or other devices for attaching hangers of type indicated, and capable of sustaining, without failure, a load equal to 10 times that imposed by construction as determined by testing according to ASTM E 1190 by an independent testing agency. C. Wire Hangers: ASTM A 641/A 641M, Class 1 zinc coating, soft temper, 0.16 inch in diameter. D. Flat Hangers: Steel sheet, 1 by 3/16 inch by length indicated. E. Carrying Channels: Cold-rolled, commercial-steel sheet with a base-metal thickness of 0.053 inch and minimum 1/2-inch- wide flanges. F. Furring Channels (Furring Members): 1. Cold-Rolled Channels: 0.053-inch uncoated-steel thickness, with minimum 1/2-inchwide flanges, 3/4 inch deep. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices NON-STRUCTURAL METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2216 - 3 February 12, 2014 2. Steel Studs and Runners: ASTM C 645. a. b. 3. Dimpled Steel Studs and Runners: ASTM C 645. a. b. 4. 1/2-inch- deep members designed to reduce sound Configuration: Asymmetrical. Grid Suspension System for Gypsum Board Ceilings: ASTM C 645, direct-hung system composed of main beams and cross-furring members that interlock. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. 2.4 Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: 0.033 inch. Resilient Furring Channels: transmission. a. G. Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: 0.025 inch. Depth: As indicated or as required to achieve proper installation. Hat-Shaped, Rigid Furring Channels: ASTM C 645, 7/8 inch deep. a. 5. Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: 0.033 inch. Depth: As indicated or as required to achieve proper installation. Armstrong World Industries, Inc.; Drywall Grid Systems. Chicago Metallic Corporation; Drywall Grid System. USG Corporation; Drywall Suspension System. AUXILIARY MATERIALS A. General: Provide auxiliary materials that comply with referenced installation standards. 1. B. Fasteners for Metal Framing: Of type, material, size, corrosion resistance, holding power, and other properties required to fasten steel members to substrates. Isolation Strip at Exterior Walls: Provide the following: 1. Asphalt-Saturated nonperforated. Organic Felt: ASTM D 226, Type I (No. 15 asphalt felt), PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas and substrates, with Installer present, and including welded hollow-metal frames, cast-in anchors, and structural framing, for compliance with requirements and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices NON-STRUCTURAL METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2216 - 4 February 12, 2014 3.2 PREPARATION A. Suspended Assemblies: Coordinate installation of suspension systems with installation of overhead structure to ensure that inserts and other provisions for anchorages to building structure have been installed to receive hangers at spacing required to support the Work and that hangers will develop their full strength. 1. 3.3 Furnish concrete inserts and other devices indicated to other trades for installation in advance of time needed for coordination and construction. INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Installation Standard: ASTM C 754. 1. 2. Gypsum Plaster Assemblies: Also comply with requirements in ASTM C 841 that apply to framing installation. Gypsum Board Assemblies: Also comply with requirements in ASTM C 840 that apply to framing installation. B. Install supplementary framing, and blocking to support fixtures, equipment services, heavy trim, grab bars, toilet accessories, furnishings, or similar construction. C. Install bracing at terminations in assemblies. D. Do not bridge building control and expansion joints with non-load-bearing steel framing members. Frame both sides of joints independently. 3.4 INSTALLING FRAMED ASSEMBLIES A. Install framing system components according to spacings indicated, but not greater than spacings required by referenced installation standards for assembly types. 1. 2. 3. Single-Layer Application: 16 inches o.c. unless otherwise indicated. Multilayer Application: 16 inches o.c. unless otherwise indicated. Tile Backing Panels: 16 inches o.c. unless otherwise indicated. B. Where studs are installed directly against exterior masonry walls or dissimilar metals at exterior walls, install isolation strip between studs and exterior wall. C. Install studs so flanges within framing system point in same direction. D. Install tracks (runners) at floors and overhead supports. Extend framing full height to structural supports or substrates above suspended ceilings except where partitions are indicated to terminate at suspended ceilings. Continue framing around ducts penetrating partitions above ceiling. 1. 2. Slip-Type Head Joints: Where framing extends to overhead structural supports, install to produce joints at tops of framing systems that prevent axial loading of finished assemblies. Door Openings: Screw vertical studs at jambs to jamb anchor clips on door frames; install runner track section (for cripple studs) at head and secure to jamb studs. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices NON-STRUCTURAL METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2216 - 5 February 12, 2014 a. b. c. 3. Other Framed Openings: Frame openings other than door openings the same as required for door openings unless otherwise indicated. Install framing below sills of openings to match framing required above door heads. 4. Fire-Resistance-Rated Partitions: Install framing to comply with fire-resistance-rated assembly indicated and support closures and to make partitions continuous from floor to underside of solid structure. a. 5. E. 3.5 Firestop Track: Where indicated, install to maintain continuity of fire-resistancerated assembly indicated. Sound-Rated Partitions: Install framing to comply with sound-rated assembly indicated. Direct Furring: 1. 2. F. Install two studs at each jamb unless otherwise indicated. Install cripple studs at head adjacent to each jamb stud, with a minimum 1/2-inch clearance from jamb stud to allow for installation of control joint in finished assembly. Extend jamb studs through suspended ceilings and attach to underside of overhead structure. Screw to wood framing. Attach to concrete or masonry with stub nails, screws designed for masonry attachment, or powder-driven fasteners spaced 24 inches o.c. Installation Tolerance: Install each framing member so fastening surfaces vary not more than 1/8 inch from the plane formed by faces of adjacent framing. INSTALLING SUSPENSION SYSTEMS A. Install suspension system components according to spacings indicated, but not greater than spacings required by referenced installation standards for assembly types. 1. 2. 3. Hangers: 48 inches (1219 mm) o.c. Carrying Channels (Main Runners): 48 inches o.c. Furring Channels (Furring Members): 16 inches o.c. B. Isolate suspension systems from building structure where they abut or are penetrated by building structure to prevent transfer of loading imposed by structural movement. C. Suspend hangers from building structure as follows: 1. Install hangers plumb and free from contact with insulation or other objects within ceiling plenum that are not part of supporting structural or suspension system. a. 2. Splay hangers only where required to miss obstructions and offset resulting horizontal forces by bracing, countersplaying, or other equally effective means. Where width of ducts and other construction within ceiling plenum produces hanger spacings that interfere with locations of hangers required to support standard suspension system members, install supplemental suspension members and hangers in the form of trapezes or equivalent devices. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices NON-STRUCTURAL METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2216 - 6 February 12, 2014 a. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Size supplemental suspension members and hangers to support ceiling loads within performance limits established by referenced installation standards. Wire Hangers: Secure by looping and wire tying, either directly to structures or to inserts, eye screws, or other devices and fasteners that are secure and appropriate for substrate, and in a manner that will not cause hangers to deteriorate or otherwise fail. Flat Hangers: Secure to structure, including intermediate framing members, by attaching to inserts, eye screws, or other devices and fasteners that are secure and appropriate for structure and hanger, and in a manner that will not cause hangers to deteriorate or otherwise fail. Do not attach hangers to steel roof deck. Do not attach hangers to permanent metal forms. Furnish cast-in-place hanger inserts that extend through forms. Do not attach hangers to rolled-in hanger tabs of composite steel floor deck. Do not connect or suspend steel framing from ducts, pipes, or conduit. D. Fire-Resistance-Rated Assemblies: Wire tie furring channels to supports. E. Grid Suspension Systems: Attach perimeter wall track or angle where grid suspension systems meet vertical surfaces. Mechanically join main beam and cross-furring members to each other and butt-cut to fit into wall track. F. Installation Tolerances: Install suspension systems that are level to within 1/8 inch in 12 feet measured lengthwise on each member that will receive finishes and transversely between parallel members that will receive finishes. END OF SECTION 09 2216 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices NON-STRUCTURAL METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2216 - 7 February 12, 2014 This page intentionally blank. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices NON-STRUCTURAL METAL FRAMING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2216 - 8 February 12, 2014 SECTION 09 2900 - GYPSUM BOARD PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 1.3 Interior gypsum board. Tile backing panels. Section 083113 “Access Doors and Frames” for gypsum-board-paneled doors. Section 092216 "Non-Structural Metal Framing" for non-structural framing suspension systems that support gypsum board panels. and ACTION SUBMITTALS A. 1.4 Product Data: For each type of product. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. 1.5 Store materials inside under cover and keep them dry and protected against weather, condensation, direct sunlight, construction traffic, and other potential causes of damage. Stack panels flat and supported on risers on a flat platform to prevent sagging. FIELD CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Comply with ASTM C 840 requirements or gypsum board manufacturer's written recommendations, whichever are more stringent. B. Do not install paper-faced gypsum panels until installation areas are enclosed and conditioned. C. Do not install panels that are wet, those that are moisture damaged, and those that are mold damaged. 1. 2. Indications that panels are wet or moisture damaged include, but are not limited to, discoloration, sagging, or irregular shape. Indications that panels are mold damaged include, but are not limited to, fuzzy or splotchy surface contamination and discoloration. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GYPSUM BOARD VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2900 - 1 February 12, 2014 2.1 GYPSUM BOARD, GENERAL A. 2.2 Size: Provide maximum lengths and widths available that will minimize joints in each area and that correspond with support system indicated. INTERIOR GYPSUM BOARD A. Manufacturers: following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Thickness: 1/2 inch. Long Edges: Tapered. Abuse-Resistant Gypsum Board: ASTM C 1629/C 1629M, Level 1. 1. 2. 3. 2.3 Thickness: 5/8 inch. Long Edges: Tapered and featured (rounded or beveled) for prefilling. Gypsum Ceiling Board: ASTM C 1396/C 1396M. 1. 2. E. Thickness: 5/8 inch. Long Edges: Tapered and featured (rounded or beveled) for prefilling. Gypsum Board, Type X: ASTM C 1396/C 1396M. 1. 2. D. CertainTeed Corp. Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC. Lafarge North America Inc. National Gypsum Company. Temple Inland. USG Corporation. Gypsum Wallboard: ASTM C 1396/C 1396M. 1. 2. C. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the Core: 5/8 inch, Type X. Long Edges: Tapered. Mold Resistance: ASTM D 3273, score of 10 as rated according to ASTM D 3274. TILE BACKING PANELS A. Cementitious Backer Units: standard edges. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. 2. 3. ANSI A118.9 and ASTM C 1288 or 1325, with manufacturer's C-Cure; C-Cure Board 990. National Gypsum Company, Permabase Cement Board. USG Corporation; DUROCK Cement Board. Thickness: 1/4 inch, 1/2 inch, or 5/8 inch as required by application. Mold Resistance: ASTM D 3273, score of 10 as rated according to ASTM D 3274. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GYPSUM BOARD VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2900 - 2 February 12, 2014 2.4 TRIM ACCESSORIES A. Interior Trim: ASTM C 1047. 1. 2. Material: Galvanized or aluminum-coated steel sheet, rolled zinc, plastic, or paper-faced galvanized steel sheet. Shapes: a. b. c. d. 2.5 Cornerbead. Bullnose bead. L-Bead: L-shaped; exposed long flange receives joint compound. Expansion (control) joint. METAL EDGE MOLDINGS AND TRIM A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Roll-Formed, Sheet-Metal Edge Moldings and Trim: Type and profile indicated or, if not indicated, manufacturer's standard moldings for edges and penetrations that comply with seismic design requirements; formed from sheet metal of same material, finish, and color as that used for exposed flanges of suspension-system runners. 1. 2. C. For circular penetrations of ceiling, provide edge moldings fabricated to diameter required to fit penetration exactly. Height: As indicated on drawings. Extruded-Aluminum Edge Moldings and Trim: Where indicated, provide manufacturer's extruded-aluminum edge moldings and trim of profile indicated or referenced by manufacturer's designations, including splice plates, corner pieces, and attachment and other clips, complying with seismic design requirements and the following: 1. 2. 2.6 Armstrong World Industries, Inc. CertainTeed Corporation. Chicago Metallic Corporation. Fry Reglet Corporation. United States Gypsum Company. Aluminum Alloy: Alloy and temper recommended by aluminum producer and finisher for type of use and finish indicated, and with not less than the strength and durability properties of aluminum extrusions complying with ASTM B 221 for Alloy and Temper 6063-T5. Clear Anodic Finish: AAMA 611, AA-M12C22A31, Class II, 0.010 mm or thicker. JOINT TREATMENT MATERIALS A. General: Comply with ASTM C 475/C 475M. B. Joint Tape: 1. 2. Interior Gypsum Board: Paper. Tile Backing Panels: As recommended by panel manufacturer. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GYPSUM BOARD VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2900 - 3 February 12, 2014 C. Joint Compound for Interior Gypsum Board: For each coat use formulation that is compatible with other compounds applied on previous or for successive coats. 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Joint Compound for Tile Backing Panels: 1. 2.7 Prefilling: At open joints, rounded or beveled panel edges, and damaged surface areas, use setting-type taping compound. Embedding and First Coat: For embedding tape and first coat on joints, fasteners, and trim flanges, use setting-type taping compound. Fill Coat: For second coat, use setting-type, sandable topping compound. Finish Coat: For third coat, use setting-type, sandable topping compound. Cementitious Backer Units: As recommended by backer unit manufacturer. AUXILIARY MATERIALS A. General: Provide auxiliary materials that comply with referenced installation standards and manufacturer's written recommendations. B. Laminating Adhesive: Adhesive or joint compound recommended for directly adhering gypsum panels to continuous substrate. 1. 2. C. Steel Drill Screws: ASTM C 1002, unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. D. Use screws complying with ASTM C 954 for fastening panels to steel members from 0.033 to 0.112 inch thick. For fastening cementitious backer units, use screws of type and size recommended by panel manufacturer. Sound Attenuation Blankets: ASTM C 665, Type I (blankets without membrane facing) consisting of fibers; with maximum flame-spread and smoke-developed indexes of 25 and 50 respectively, per ASTM E 84; passing ASTM E 136 for combustion characteristics. 1. 2. 3. E. Laminating adhesive shall have a VOC content of 50 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). Laminating adhesive shall comply with the testing and product requirements of the California Department of Health Services' "Standard Practice for the Testing of Volatile Organic Emissions from Various Sources Using Small-Scale Environmental Chambers." Density: 6pcf (nominal). Thickness: 3 inches, or as indicated. Recycled Content of Blankets: Postconsumer recycled content plus one-half of preconsumer recycled content not less than 35 percent. Acoustical Joint Sealant: Manufacturer's standard nonsag, paintable, nonstaining latex sealant complying with ASTM C 834. Product effectively reduces airborne sound transmission through perimeter joints and openings in building construction as demonstrated by testing representative assemblies according to ASTM E 90. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. Accumetric LLC; BOSS 824 Acoustical Sound Sealant. Grabber Construction Products; Acoustical Sealant GSC. Pecora Corporation; AIS-919. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GYPSUM BOARD VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2900 - 4 February 12, 2014 d. e. 2. Specified Technologies, Inc.; Smoke N Sound Acoustical Sealant. USG Corporation; SHEETROCK Acoustical Sealant. Acoustical joint sealant shall have a VOC content of 250 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas and substrates including welded hollow-metal frames and framing, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements and other conditions affecting performance. B. Examine panels before installation. Reject panels that are wet, moisture damaged, and mold damaged. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 APPLYING AND FINISHING PANELS, GENERAL A. Comply with ASTM C 840. B. Install ceiling panels across framing to minimize the number of abutting end joints and to avoid abutting end joints in central area of each ceiling. Stagger abutting end joints of adjacent panels not less than one framing member. C. Install panels with face side out. Butt panels together for a light contact at edges and ends with not more than 1/16 inch of open space between panels. Do not force into place. D. Locate edge and end joints over supports, except in ceiling applications where intermediate supports or gypsum board back-blocking is provided behind end joints. Do not place tapered edges against cut edges or ends. Stagger vertical joints on opposite sides of partitions. Do not make joints other than control joints at corners of framed openings. E. Form control and expansion joints with space between edges of adjoining gypsum panels. F. Cover both faces of support framing with gypsum panels in concealed spaces (above ceilings, etc.), except in chases braced internally. 1. 2. 3. G. Unless concealed application is indicated or required for sound, fire, air, or smoke ratings, coverage may be accomplished with scraps of not less than 8 sq. ft. in area. Fit gypsum panels around ducts, pipes, and conduits. Where partitions intersect structural members projecting below underside of floor/roof slabs and decks, cut gypsum panels to fit profile formed by structural members; allow 1/4- to 3/8-inch- wide joints to install sealant. Isolate perimeter of gypsum board applied to non-load-bearing partitions at structural abutments, except floors. Provide 1/4- to 1/2-inch- wide spaces at these locations and trim edges with edge trim where edges of panels are exposed. Seal joints between edges and abutting structural surfaces with acoustical sealant. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GYPSUM BOARD VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2900 - 5 February 12, 2014 H. Attachment to Steel Framing: Attach panels so leading edge or end of each panel is attached to open (unsupported) edges of stud flanges first. I. Install sound attenuation blankets before installing gypsum panels unless blankets are readily installed after panels have been installed on one side. 3.3 APPLYING INTERIOR GYPSUM BOARD A. Install interior gypsum board in the following locations: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Wallboard Type: As indicated on Drawings. Type X: Where required for fire-resistance rated assembly. Ceiling Type: Ceiling surfaces. Abuse-Resistant Type: As indicated on Drawings, or, if not indicated on drawings, at all walls where painted gypsum board is exposed finish. Single-Layer Application: 1. 2. On ceilings, apply gypsum panels before wall/partition board application to greatest extent possible and at right angles to framing unless otherwise indicated. On partitions/walls, apply gypsum panels vertically (parallel to framing) unless otherwise indicated or required by fire-resistance-rated assembly, and minimize end joints. a. b. 3. 4. C. On Z-furring members, apply gypsum panels vertically (parallel to framing) with no end joints. Locate edge joints over furring members. Fastening Methods: Apply gypsum panels to supports with steel drill screws. Multilayer Application: 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Stagger abutting end joints not less than one framing member in alternate courses of panels. At stairwells and other high walls, install panels horizontally unless otherwise indicated or required by fire-resistance-rated assembly. On ceilings, apply gypsum board indicated for base layers before applying base layers on walls/partitions; apply face layers in same sequence. Apply base layers at right angles to framing members and offset face-layer joints one framing member, 16 inches minimum, from parallel base-layer joints, unless otherwise indicated or required by fire-resistancerated assembly. On partitions/walls, apply gypsum board indicated for base layers and face layers vertically (parallel to framing) with joints of base layers located over stud or furring member and face-layer joints offset at least one stud or furring member with base-layer joints, unless otherwise indicated or required by fire-resistance-rated assembly. Stagger joints on opposite sides of partitions. On Z-furring members, apply base layer vertically (parallel to framing) and face layer either vertically (parallel to framing) or horizontally (perpendicular to framing) with vertical joints offset at least one furring member. Locate edge joints of base layer over furring members. Fastening Methods: Fasten base layers with screws; fasten face layers with adhesive and supplementary fasteners. Laminating to Substrate: Where gypsum panels are indicated as directly adhered to a substrate (other than studs, joists, furring members, or base layer of gypsum board), comply with gypsum Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GYPSUM BOARD VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2900 - 6 February 12, 2014 board manufacturer's written recommendations and temporarily brace or fasten gypsum panels until fastening adhesive has set. 3.4 APPLYING TILE BACKING PANELS A. Cementitious Backer Units: ANSI A108.11, at locations indicated to receive tile, direct finish ceiling system, and where indicated. B. Where tile backing panels abut other types of panels in same plane, shim surfaces to produce a uniform plane across panel surfaces. 3.5 INSTALLING TRIM ACCESSORIES A. General: For trim with back flanges intended for fasteners, attach to framing with same fasteners used for panels. Otherwise, attach trim according to manufacturer's written instructions. B. Control Joints: Install control joints at locations indicated on Drawings, or if not indicated, according to ASTM C 840 and in specific locations approved by Architect for visual effect. C. Interior Trim: Install in the following locations: 1. 2. 3. D. 3.6 Cornerbead: Use at outside corners. Bullnose Bead: Use where indicated. L-Bead: Use where gypsum board abuts masonry construction and where indicated. Aluminum Trim: Install in locations indicated on Drawings. FINISHING GYPSUM BOARD A. General: Treat gypsum board joints, interior angles, edge trim, control joints, penetrations, fastener heads, surface defects, and elsewhere as required to prepare gypsum board surfaces for decoration. Promptly remove residual joint compound from adjacent surfaces. B. Prefill open joints, rounded or beveled edges, and damaged surface areas. C. Apply joint tape over gypsum board joints, except for trim products specifically indicated as not intended to receive tape. D. Gypsum Board Finish Levels: ASTM C 840: 1. 2. Level 1: Ceiling plenum areas, concealed areas, and where indicated. Level 4: At panel surfaces that will be exposed to view unless otherwise indicated. a. 3. Finish panels to levels indicated below and according to Primer and its application to surfaces are specified in other Division 09 Sections. Level 5: At abuse-resistant type; and where indicated. a. Provide primer-surfacer product indicated. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GYPSUM BOARD VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2900 - 7 February 12, 2014 3.7 PROTECTION A. Protect adjacent surfaces from drywall compound and promptly remove from floors and other non-drywall surfaces. Repair surfaces stained, marred, or otherwise damaged during drywall application. B. Protect installed products from damage from weather, condensation, direct sunlight, construction, and other causes during remainder of the construction period. C. Remove and replace panels that are wet, moisture damaged, and mold damaged. 1. 2. Indications that panels are wet or moisture damaged include, but are not limited to, discoloration, sagging, or irregular shape. Indications that panels are mold damaged include, but are not limited to, fuzzy or splotchy surface contamination and discoloration. END OF SECTION 09 2900 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices GYPSUM BOARD VT PC# R-2014-05 09 2900 - 8 February 12, 2014 SECTION 09 3013 – CERAMIC TILING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Related Sections: 1. 2. 1.3 Ceramic tile. Solid-surface-material thresholds. Waterproof and crack isolation membrane. Floor preparation where previously existing flooring has been removed. Section 079200 "Joint Sealants" for sealing of expansion, contraction, control, and isolation joints in tile surfaces. Section 092900 "Gypsum Board" for cementitious backer units. DEFINITIONS A. General: Definitions in the ANSI A108 series of tile installation standards and in ANSI A137.1 apply to Work of this Section unless otherwise specified. B. ANSI A108 Series: ANSI A108.01, ANSI A108.02, ANSI A108.1A, ANSI A108.1B, ANSI A108.1C, ANSI A108.4, ANSI A108.5, ANSI A108.6, ANSI A108.8, ANSI A108.9, ANSI A108.10, ANSI A108.11, ANSI A108.12, ANSI A108.13, ANSI A108.14, ANSI A108.15, ANSI A108.16, and ANSI A108.17, which are contained in "American National Standard Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile." C. Module Size: Actual tile size plus joint width indicated. D. Face Size: Actual tile size, excluding spacer lugs. 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Shop Drawings: Show locations of each type of tile and tile pattern. Show widths, details, and locations of expansion, contraction, control, and isolation joints in tile substrates and finished tile surfaces. C. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of tile and grout indicated. Include Samples of accessories involving color selection. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CERAMIC TILING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 3013 - 1 February 12, 2014 D. Samples for Verification: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.5 Full-size units of each type and composition of tile and for each color and finish required. Assembled samples mounted on a rigid panel, with grouted joints, for each type and composition of tile and for each color and finish required. Make samples at least 12 inches square, but not fewer than 4 tiles. Use grout of type and in color or colors approved for completed Work. Full-size units of each type of trim and accessory for each color and finish required. Stone thresholds in 6-inch lengths. Metal edge strips in 6-inch lengths. MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS A. Furnish extra materials that match and are from same production runs as products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. 1. 1.6 Tile and Trim Units: Furnish quantity of full-size units equal to 2 percent of amount installed for each type, composition, color, pattern, and size indicated. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations for Tile: Obtain tile of each type and color or finish from one source or producer. 1. Obtain tile of each type and color or finish from same production run and of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties for each contiguous area. B. Source Limitations for Setting and Grouting Materials: Obtain ingredients of a uniform quality for each mortar, adhesive, and grout component from one manufacturer and each aggregate from one source or producer. C. Source Limitations for Other Products: Obtain each of the following products specified in this Section from a single manufacturer for each product: 1. 2. 3. 1.7 Stone thresholds. Combination isolation and waterproof uncoupling membrane. Metal edge strips. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver and store packaged materials in original containers with seals unbroken and labels intact until time of use. Comply with requirements in ANSI A137.1 for labeling tile packages. B. Store tile and cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. C. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination can be avoided. D. Store liquid materials in unopened containers and protected from freezing. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CERAMIC TILING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 3013 - 2 February 12, 2014 1.8 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not install tile until construction in spaces is complete and ambient temperature and humidity conditions are maintained at the levels indicated in referenced standards and manufacturer's written instructions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PRODUCTS, GENERAL A. ANSI Ceramic Tile Standard: Provide tile that complies with ANSI A137.1 for types, compositions, and other characteristics indicated. 1. Provide tile complying with Standard grade requirements unless otherwise indicated. B. ANSI Standards for Tile Installation Materials: Provide materials complying with ANSI A108.02, ANSI standards referenced in other Part 2 articles, ANSI standards referenced by TCNA 2011 installation methods specified in tile installation schedules, and other requirements specified. C. FloorScore Compliance: Tile for floors shall comply with requirements of FloorScore Standard. D. Factory Blending: For tile exhibiting color variations within ranges, blend tile in factory and package so tile units taken from one package show same range in colors as those taken from other packages and match approved Samples. E. Mounting: For factory-mounted tile, provide back- or edge-mounted tile assemblies as standard with manufacturer unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2.2 Where tile is indicated for installation in wet areas, do not use back- or edge-mounted tile assemblies unless tile manufacturer specifies in writing that this type of mounting is suitable for installation indicated and has a record of successful in-service performance. TILE PRODUCTS A. Tile Type CT-1: Glazed wall tile. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Daltile, Division of Dal-Tile International, Inc.; “Matte.” American Olean; Division of Dal-Tile International Inc. Deutsche Steinzeug America, Inc. Module Size: 4-1/4 by 4-1/4 inches. Thickness: 5/16 inch. Face: Plain with modified square edges or cushion edges. Finish: Semi-gloss, opaque glaze. Tile Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's color Group 1. Grout Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. Mounting: Factory, back mounted. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CERAMIC TILING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 3013 - 3 February 12, 2014 1. Trim Units: Coordinated with sizes and coursing of adjoining flat tile where applicable and matching characteristics of adjoining flat tile. Provide shapes as follows, selected from manufacturer's standard shapes: a. b. c. B. Tile Type CT-2: Factory-mounted unglazed ceramic mosaic tile. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. d. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Daltile, Division of Dal-Tile International, Inc.; “Keystones.” American Olean; Division of Dal-Tile International Inc. Deutsche Steinzeug America, Inc. Seneca Tiles, Inc. Composition: Porcelain. Module Size: 2 by 2 inch. Thickness: 1/4 inch. Face: Plain with cushion edges. Surface: Smooth without abrasive admixture. Dynamic Coefficient of Friction: Not less than 0.42. Tile Color and Pattern: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's color Group 1 or 2. Grout Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. Trim Units: Coordinated with sizes and coursing of adjoining flat tile where applicable. Provide shapes as follows, selected from manufacturer's standard shapes: a. b. c. d. 2.3 Wainscot Cap for Thin-Set Mortar Installations: Surface bullnose, module size 41/4 by 4-1/4 inches. External Corners for Thinset Mortar Installations: Surface bullnose, same size as adjoining flat tile. Internal Corners: Field-butted square corners. For coved base and cap use angle pieces designed to fit with stretcher shapes. Base Cove: Cove, module size 2 by 1 inch. Base Cap for Thin-Set Mortar Installations: Surface bullnose, module size 2 by 1 inch. External Corners for Thin-Set Mortar Installations: Surface bullnose, module size 2 by 1 inch. Internal Corners: Cove, module size 2 by 1 inch. THRESHOLDS A. General: Fabricate to sizes and profiles indicated or required to provide transition between adjacent floor finishes. 1. B. Bevel edges at 1:2 slope, with lower edge of bevel aligned with or up to 1/16 inch above adjacent floor surface. Finish bevel to match top surface of threshold. Limit height of threshold to 1/2 inch or less above adjacent floor surface. Solid Surface Material: ANSI SS1. 1. Homogeneous solid sheets of filled plastic resin complying with Manufacturer and Product: following: Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CERAMIC TILING Subject to compliance with requirements, one of the VT PC# R-2014-05 09 3013 - 4 February 12, 2014 a. b. c. d. e. 2. 3. Type: Provide Standard Type unless Special Purpose Type is indicated. Colors and Patterns: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's range of standard colors in price groups 1 and 2. a. 4. 5. Quantity of colors project-wide: 1. Locations: At toilet rooms, and as indicated. Provide threshold width to match width of partition. Do not include door frame projecting away from face of partition. a. 2.4 Avonite Surfaces. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company; “Corian.” Formica Corporation; “Solid Surfacing.” LG Chemical, Ltd.; “Hi-Macs”. Wilsonart International; Wilsonart Contract; “Solid Surface.” Fabricate threshold to configuration of door frame. WATERPROOF AND CRACK ISOLATION MEMBRANE A. General: Manufacturer's standard product, selected from the following, that complies with ANSI A118.10 and A118.12 for high performance and is recommended by the manufacturer for the application indicated. Include reinforcement and accessories recommended by manufacturer. B. Fluid-Applied Membrane: Liquid-latex rubber or elastomeric polymer. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. d. C. Latex-Portland Cement Product: Flexible mortar consisting of cement-based mix and latex additive. 1. Available Products: a. b. c. d. 2.5 Bostik, Inc; GoldPlus. Custom Building Products; Red Gard. Laticrete International Inc.; LATICRETE Hydro Ban. MAPEI Corporation; Mapelastic AquaDefence. Boiardi Products; a QEP company; Elastiment 323 Cement Based Waterproofing, Anti-Fracture/Crack Suppression Membrane. MAPEI Corporation; Mapelastic L (PRP 315). Southern Grouts & Mortars, Inc.; Southcrete 1100. TEC; a subsidiary of H. B. Fuller Company; Triple Flex Waterproofing, Crack Isolation Membrane & Mortar. SETTING MATERIALS A. Portland Cement Mortar (Thickset) Installation Materials: ANSI A108.02. 1. Reinforcing Wire Fabric: Galvanized, welded wire fabric, 2 by 2 inches by 0.062-inch diameter; comply with ASTM A 185 and ASTM A 82 except for minimum wire size. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CERAMIC TILING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 3013 - 5 February 12, 2014 B. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar (Thin Set): ANSI A118.4. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. d. C. Bostik; Singleflex and Singlewall. Custom Building Products; Porcelain Thin Set Mortar and Pro Lite Tile & Stone Mortar. Laticrete International Inc.; LATICRETE 254 Platinum and LATICRETE 255 MultiMax. MAPEI Corporation; Ultraflex 3 and Ultracontact. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar (Thin Set): ANSI A118.4. a. For wall applications, provide mortar that complies with requirements for nonsagging mortar in addition to the other requirements in ANSI A118.4. D. Water-Cleanable, Tile-Setting Epoxy: ANSI A118.3, with a VOC content of 65 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). E. Medium Bed Mortar for Large Format Tiles: Latex-portland cement mortar, ANSI 118.4. 1. Custom Building Products; Marble, Granite & Travertine Premium Medium Bed Mortar; or ProLite Mortar. 2. Laticrete; 220 Marble & Granite Mortar. 3. MAPEI Corporation. 2.6 GROUT MATERIALS A. Water-Cleanable Epoxy Grout: ANSI A118.3, with a VOC content of 65 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. d. 2.7 Bostik, Inc.; Trucolor. Custom Building Products; Ceg-Lite. Laticrete International, Inc.; LATICRETE SpectraLOCK PRO Grout. MAPEI Corporation; Opticolor. ELASTOMERIC SEALANTS A. General: Provide sealants, primers, backer rods, and other sealant accessories that comply with the following requirements and with the applicable requirements in Division 07 Section "Joint Sealants." 1. 2. Use sealants that have a VOC content of 250 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). Use primers, backer rods, and sealant accessories recommended by sealant manufacturer. B. Colors: Provide colors of exposed sealants to match colors of grout in tile adjoining sealed joints unless otherwise indicated. C. One-Part, Mildew-Resistant Silicone Sealant: ASTM C 920; Type S; Grade NS; Class 25; Uses NT, G, A, and, as applicable to nonporous joint substrates indicated, O; formulated with Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CERAMIC TILING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 3013 - 6 February 12, 2014 fungicide, intended for sealing interior ceramic tile joints and other nonporous substrates that are subject to in-service exposures of high humidity and extreme temperatures. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. 2.8 Custom Building Products; 100% Silicone Caulk. Dow Corning Corporation; Dow Corning 786. GE Silicones; a division of GE Specialty Materials; Sanitary 1700. Laticrete International, Inc.; LATICRETE Latasil. Pecora Corporation; Pecora 898 Sanitary Silicone Sealant. Tremco Incorporated; Tremsil 600 White. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Trowelable Underlayments and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, portland cement-based formulation provided or approved by manufacturer of tile-setting materials for installations indicated. B. Temporary Protective Coating: Either product indicated below that is formulated to protect exposed surfaces of tile against adherence of mortar and grout; compatible with tile, mortar, and grout products; and easily removable after grouting is completed without damaging grout or tile. 1. 2. C. 2.9 Petroleum paraffin wax, fully refined and odorless, containing at least 0.5 percent oil with a melting point of 120 to 140 deg F per ASTM D 87. Grout release in form of manufacturer's standard proprietary liquid coating that is specially formulated and recommended for use as temporary protective coating for tile. Tile Cleaner: A neutral cleaner capable of removing soil and residue without harming tile and grout surfaces, specifically approved for materials and installations indicated by tile and grout manufacturers. MIXING MORTARS AND GROUT A. Mix mortars and grouts to comply with referenced standards and mortar and grout manufacturers' written instructions. B. Add materials, water, and additives in accurate proportions. C. Obtain and use type of mixing equipment, mixer speeds, mixing containers, mixing time, and other procedures to produce mortars and grouts of uniform quality with optimum performance characteristics for installations indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions where tile will be installed, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of installed tile. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CERAMIC TILING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 3013 - 7 February 12, 2014 1. 2. Verify that substrates for setting tile are firm, dry, clean, free of coatings that are incompatible with tile-setting materials including curing compounds and other substances that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone; and comply with flatness tolerances required by ANSI A108.01 for installations indicated. Verify that concrete substrates for tile floors installed with bonded mortar bed or thin-set mortar comply with surface finish requirements in ANSI A108.01 for installations indicated. a. b. 3. 4. B. 3.2 Verify that surfaces that received a steel trowel finish have been mechanically scarified. Verify that protrusions, bumps, and ridges have been removed by sanding or grinding. Verify that installation of grounds, anchors, recessed frames, electrical and mechanical units of work, and similar items located in or behind tile has been completed. Verify that joints and cracks in tile substrates are coordinated with tile joint locations; if not coordinated, adjust joint locations in consultation with Architect. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION A. Fill cracks, holes, and depressions in concrete substrates for tile floors installed with thin-set mortar with trowelable leveling and patching compound specifically recommended by tile-setting material manufacturer. 1. Grind high spots and fill low spots to achieve a level substrate for the tile standards indicated. B. At thinset installations, level substrates to evenness of ¼ inch per 10 feet in both dimensions. C. Where indicated, prepare substrates to receive waterproofing by applying a reinforced mortar bed that complies with ANSI A108.1A and is sloped 1/4 inch per foot toward drains. D. Blending: For tile exhibiting color variations, verify that tile has been factory blended and packaged so tile units taken from one package show same range of colors as those taken from other packages and match approved Samples. If not factory blended, either return to manufacturer or blend tiles at Project site before installing. E. Field-Applied Temporary Protective Coating: If indicated under tile type or needed to prevent grout from staining or adhering to exposed tile surfaces, precoat them with continuous film of temporary protective coating, taking care not to coat unexposed tile surfaces. F. Substrate Preparation: Existing surfaces have undergone demolition work, resulting in floor and wall substrates that may be unsuitable for thinset tile installations. Cut and patch as needed to achieve smooth and level substrates for tile installation types indicated. 1. Where grinding high spots is determined by Architect to not be practical, provide underlayment for satisfactory substrate for thinset installation per ANSI standards. a. Provide sloping transitions to connect substrates of differing elevations in compliance with ADA requirements of maximum 1:12 rise-to-run. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CERAMIC TILING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 3013 - 8 February 12, 2014 3.3 TILE INSTALLATION A. Comply with 2011 TCNA "Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation" for TCNA installation methods specified in tile installation schedules. Comply with parts of the ANSI A108 Series "Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile" that are referenced in TCNA installation methods, specified in tile installation schedules, and apply to types of setting and grouting materials used. 1. For the following installations, follow procedures in the ANSI A108 Series of tile installation standards for providing 95 percent mortar coverage: a. b. c. Tile floors in wet areas. Tile floors composed of rib-backed tiles. Tile floors composed of tiles 8 by 8 inches or larger. B. Extend tile work into recesses and under or behind equipment and fixtures to form complete covering without interruptions unless otherwise indicated. Terminate work neatly at obstructions, edges, and corners without disrupting pattern or joint alignments. C. Accurately form intersections and returns. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without marring visible surfaces. Carefully grind cut edges of tile abutting trim, finish, or built-in items for straight aligned joints. Fit tile closely to electrical outlets, piping, fixtures, and other penetrations so plates, collars, or covers overlap tile. D. Provide manufacturer's standard trim shapes where necessary to eliminate exposed tile edges. E. Jointing Pattern: Lay tile in grid pattern unless otherwise indicated. Lay out tile work and center tile fields in both directions in each space or on each wall area. Lay out tile work to minimize the use of pieces that are less than half of a tile. Provide uniform joint widths unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. 3. F. For tile mounted in sheets, make joints between tile sheets same width as joints within tile sheets so joints between sheets are not apparent in finished work. Where adjoining tiles on floor, base, walls, or trim are specified or indicated to be same size, align joints. Where tiles are specified or indicated to be whole integer multiples of adjoining tiles on floor, base, walls, or trim, align joints unless otherwise indicated. Joint Widths: Unless otherwise indicated, install tile with the following joint widths: 1. 2. 3. Ceramic Mosaic Tile: 1/16 inch. Paver Tile: 3/16 inch. Glazed Wall Tile: 1/16 inch. G. Lay out tile wainscots to dimensions indicated or to next full tile beyond dimensions indicated. H. Expansion Joints: Provide expansion joints and other sealant-filled joints, including control, contraction, and isolation joints, where indicated and where backing materials change or change direction including terminations at tilework where it abuts restraining or dissimilar surfaces in accordance with TCNA EJ171. Form joints during installation of setting materials, mortar beds, and tile. Do not saw-cut joints after installing tiles. 1. Where joints occur in concrete substrates, locate joints in tile surfaces directly above them. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CERAMIC TILING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 3013 - 9 February 12, 2014 2. I. Thresholds: Install thresholds in same type of setting bed as adjacent floor unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. 3. 3.4 Prepare joints and apply sealants to comply with requirements in Division 07 Section "Joint Sealants." Install thresholds at transitions from tile to adjacent flooring. At locations where mortar bed (thickset) would otherwise be exposed above adjacent floor finishes, set thresholds in latex-portland cement mortar (thin set). Do not extend waterproofing under thresholds set in latex-portland cement mortar. Fill joints between such thresholds and adjoining tile set on waterproofing with elastomeric sealant. WATERPROOFING INSTALLATION A. Install waterproofing to comply with ANSI A108.13 and manufacturer's written instructions to produce waterproof membrane of uniform thickness and bonded securely to substrate. B. Do not install tile or setting materials over waterproofing until waterproofing has cured and been tested to determine that it is watertight. C. Waterproof Membrane Flood Testing: Food-test waterproof membranes for a minimum period of 24 hours. Coordinate observation of testing with Owner’s representative. Do not proceed with tile installation until membrane has been determined to be water-tight by Owner’s representative. 3.5 CLEANING AND PROTECTING A. Cleaning: On completion of placement and grouting, clean all ceramic tile surfaces so they are free of foreign matter. 1. 2. 3. Remove epoxy and latex-portland cement grout residue from tile as soon as possible. Clean grout smears and haze from tile according to tile and grout manufacturer's written instructions but no sooner than 10 days after installation. Use only cleaners recommended by tile and grout manufacturers and only after determining that cleaners are safe to use by testing on samples of tile and other surfaces to be cleaned. Protect metal surfaces and plumbing fixtures from effects of cleaning. Flush surfaces with clean water before and after cleaning. Remove temporary protective coating by method recommended by coating manufacturer and that is acceptable to tile and grout manufacturer. Trap and remove coating to prevent drain clogging. B. Protect installed tile work with kraft paper or other heavy covering during construction period to prevent staining, damage, and wear. If recommended by tile manufacturer, apply coat of neutral protective cleaner to completed tile walls and floors. C. Prohibit foot and wheel traffic from tiled floors for at least seven days after grouting is completed. D. Before final inspection, remove protective coverings and rinse neutral protective cleaner from tile surfaces. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CERAMIC TILING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 3013 - 10 February 12, 2014 3.6 INTERIOR TILE INSTALLATION SCHEDULE A. Provide movement joints according to TCNA-12 EJ171 and as indicated above. B. Interior Floor Installations, Concrete Subfloor: 1. Tile Installation F114: Cement mortar bed (thickset) with combination waterproofing and crack isolation membrane, using epoxy grout; TCNA F114-12 and ANSI A108.1B. a. b. c. C. Interior Wall Installations, Metal Studs or Furring: 1. Tile Installation W244C: Thin-set mortar on cementitious backer units underlayment; TCNA W244C-12. a. b. c. D. Tile Type: Ceramic mosaic tile, CT-2. Thin-Set Mortar for Cured-Bed Method: Latex-portland cement mortar. Grout: Water-cleanable epoxy grout. Tile Type: Glazed wall tile; CT-1. Thin-Set Mortar: Latex-portland cement mortar. Grout: Water-cleanable epoxy grout. Interior Wall Installations, Masonry or Concrete: 1. Tile Installation W202: Thin-set mortar over waterproof membrane; TCNA W202E-12. a. b. c. Tile Type: Glazed wall tiles CT-1. Thin-Set Mortar: Latex- portland cement mortar. Grout: Water-cleanable epoxy grout. END OF SECTION 09 3013 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CERAMIC TILING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 3013 - 11 February 12, 2014 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices CERAMIC TILING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 3013 - 12 February 12, 2014 SECTION 09 5113 - ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes acoustical panels and exposed suspension systems for ceilings. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. C. 1.3 Division 09 Section "Non-Structural Metal Framing" for suspended ceiling systems with gypsum board finish. Products furnished, but not installed under this Section, include anchors, clips, and other ceiling attachment devices to be cast in concrete at ceilings. DEFINITIONS A. LR: Light Reflectance coefficient. B. NRC: Noise Reduction Coefficient. 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. B. Samples: For each exposed product and for each color and texture specified, 6 inches in size. 1. 2. 1.5 Acoustical Panel: Set of 6-inch- square Samples of each type, color, pattern, and texture. Exposed Suspension-System Members, Moldings, and Trim: Set of 6-inch- long Samples of each type, finish, and color. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. 1.6 Maintenance Data: For finishes to include in maintenance manuals. MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS A. Furnish extra materials that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. 1. Acoustical Ceiling Panels: Full-size panels equal to 5 percent of quantity installed. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5113 - 1 February 12, 2014 2. 1.7 Suspension-System Components: percent of quantity installed. Quantity of each exposed component equal to 2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.8 Source Limitations: Obtain each type of acoustical ceiling panel and supporting suspension system through one source from a single manufacturer. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver acoustical panels, suspension system components, and accessories to Project site in original, unopened packages and store them in a fully enclosed, conditioned space where they will be protected against damage from moisture, humidity, temperature extremes, direct sunlight, surface contamination, and other causes. B. Before installing acoustical panels, permit them to reach room temperature and a stabilized moisture content. C. Handle acoustical panels carefully to avoid chipping edges or damaging units in any way. 1.9 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.10 A. Environmental Limitations: Do not install acoustical panel ceilings until spaces are enclosed and weatherproof, wet work in spaces is complete and dry, work above ceilings is complete, and ambient temperature and humidity conditions are maintained at the levels indicated for Project when occupied for its intended use. COORDINATION Coordinate layout and installation of acoustical panels and suspension system with other construction that penetrates ceilings or is supported by them, including light fixtures, HVAC equipment, fire-suppression system, and partition assemblies. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Surface-Burning Characteristics: Comply with ASTM E 84; testing by a qualified testing agency. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency. 1. 2.2 Flame-Spread Index: Comply with ASTM E 1264 for Class A materials. ACOUSTICAL PANELS, GENERAL A. Low-Emitting Materials: Acoustical panel ceilings shall comply with the testing and product requirements of the California Department of Health Services' "Standard Practice for the Testing of Volatile Organic Emissions from Various Sources Using Small-Scale Environmental Chambers." Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5113 - 2 February 12, 2014 B. Source Limitations: 1. 2. C. Acoustical Panel Standard: Provide manufacturer's standard panels of configuration indicated that comply with ASTM E 1264 classifications as designated by types, patterns, acoustical ratings, and light reflectances, unless otherwise indicated. 1. D. 2.3 Acoustical Ceiling Panel: Obtain each type from single source from single manufacturer. Suspension System: Obtain each type from single source from single manufacturer. Mounting Method for Measuring NRC: Type E-400; plenum mounting in which face of test specimen is 15-3/4 inches away from test surface per ASTM E 795. Acoustical Panel Colors and Patterns: Match appearance characteristics indicated for each product type. ACOUSTICAL PANELS A. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: 1. 2. 3. B. Classification: follows: 1. 2. C. D. E. F. G. H. 2.4 Armstrong World Industries, Inc.; Ultima 1912. CertainTeed Corporation: Symphony m 1222-OVT-1. USG Interiors, Inc.; Mars 86985 HRC. Provide panels complying with ASTM E 1264 for type, form, and pattern as Type and Form: Type IV, mineral base with membrane-faced overlay; Form 2, water felted. Pattern: E (lightly textured). Color: White. LR: Not less than 0.89. NRC: Not less than 0.70. Edge/Joint Detail: Narrow beveled reveal sized to fit flange of exposed suspension-system members. Thickness: 3/4 inch. Modular Size: 24 by 24 inches. METAL SUSPENSION SYSTEMS, GENERAL A. Recycled Content: Postconsumer recycled content plus one-half of preconsumer recycled content not less than 25 percent. B. Metal Suspension System Standard: Provide manufacturer's standard direct-hung metal suspension systems of types, structural classifications, and finishes indicated that comply with applicable requirements in ASTM C 635. C. Attachment Devices: Size for five times the design load indicated in ASTM C 635, Table 1, "Direct Hung," unless otherwise indicated. Comply with seismic design requirements. 1. Anchors in Concrete: Anchors of type and material indicated below, with holes or loops for attaching hangers of type indicated and with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to five times that imposed by ceiling construction, as determined by testing per Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5113 - 3 February 12, 2014 ASTM E 488 or ASTM E 1512 as applicable, conducted by a qualified testing and inspecting agency. a. 2. D. Corrosion Protection: Carbon-steel components zinc plated to comply with ASTM B 633, Class Fe/Zn 5 (0.005 mm) for Class SC 1 service condition. Power-Actuated Fasteners in Concrete: Fastener system of type suitable for application indicated, fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials, with clips or other accessory devices for attaching hangers of type indicated, and with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to 10 times that imposed by ceiling construction, as determined by testing per ASTM E 1190, conducted by a qualified testing and inspecting agency. Wire Hangers, Braces, and Ties: Provide wires complying with the following requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. Zinc-Coated, Carbon-Steel Wire: ASTM A 641/A 641M, Class 1 zinc coating, soft temper. Stainless-Steel Wire: ASTM A 580/A 580M, Type 304, nonmagnetic. Nickel-Copper-Alloy Wire: ASTM B 164, nickel-copper-alloy UNS No. N04400. Size: Select wire diameter so its stress at 3 times hanger design load (ASTM C 635, Table 1, "Direct Hung") will be less than yield stress of wire, but provide not less than 0.135-inch- diameter wire. E. Flat Hangers: Mild steel, zinc coated or protected with rust-inhibitive paint. F. Hold-Down Clips: Where indicated, provide manufacturer's standard hold-down clips spaced 24 inches o.c. on all cross tees. 2.5 METAL SUSPENSION SYSTEM A. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Narrow-Face, Capped, Double-Web, Steel Suspension System: Main and cross runners roll formed from cold-rolled steel sheet; prepainted, electrolytically zinc coated, or hot-dip galvanized according to ASTM A 653/A 653M, not less than G30 coating designation; with prefinished 9/16-inch- wide metal caps on flanges. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.6 Armstrong World Industries, Inc.; Suprafine. CertainTeed Corp.; Elite Narrow Stab System. Chicago Metallic; Tempra 4000. USG Interiors, Inc.; Subsidiary of USG Corporation; DONN DXT FLB. Structural Classification: Intermediate-duty system. End Condition of Cross Runners: Override (stepped) or butt-edge type. Face Design: Flat, flush. Cap Material: Steel or aluminum cold-rolled sheet. Cap Finish: Painted white. ACOUSTICAL SEALANT A. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: 1. Acoustical Sealant for Exposed and Concealed Joints: Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5113 - 4 February 12, 2014 a. b. 2. Acoustical Sealant for Concealed Joints: a. b. c. B. Pecora Corporation; AC-20 FTR Acoustical and Insulation Sealant. USG Corporation; SHEETROCK Acoustical Sealant. Henkel Corporation; OSI Pro-Series SC-175 Acoustical Sound Sealant. Pecora Corporation; AIS-919. Tremco, Inc.; Tremco Acoustical Sealant. Acoustical Sealant: Manufacturer's standard sealant complying with ASTM C 834 and effective in reducing airborne sound transmission through perimeter joints and openings in building construction as demonstrated by testing representative assemblies according to ASTM E 90. 1. 2. 3. Exposed and Concealed Joints: Nonsag, paintable, nonstaining latex sealant. Concealed Joints: Nondrying, nonhardening, nonskinning, nonstaining, gunnable, synthetic-rubber sealant. Acoustical sealant shall have a VOC content of 250 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, including structural framing to which acoustical panel ceilings attach or abut, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements specified in this and other Sections that affect ceiling installation and anchorage and with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of acoustical panel ceilings. B. Examine acoustical panels before installation. Reject acoustical panels that are wet, moisture damaged, or mold damaged. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. 3.3 Measure each ceiling area and establish layout of acoustical panels to balance border widths at opposite edges of each ceiling. Avoid using less-than-half-width panels at borders, and comply with layout shown on reflected ceiling plans. INSTALLATION A. General: Install acoustical panel ceilings to comply with ASTM C 636 and seismic design requirements indicated, per manufacturer's written instructions and CISCA's "Ceiling Systems Handbook." B. Suspend ceiling hangers from building's structural members and as follows: 1. Install hangers plumb and free from contact with insulation or other objects within ceiling plenum that are not part of supporting structure or of ceiling suspension system. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5113 - 5 February 12, 2014 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Splay hangers only where required to miss obstructions; offset resulting horizontal forces by bracing, countersplaying, or other equally effective means. Where width of ducts and other construction within ceiling plenum produces hanger spacings that interfere with location of hangers at spacings required to support standard suspension system members, install supplemental suspension members and hangers in form of trapezes or equivalent devices. Secure wire hangers to ceiling suspension members and to supports above with a minimum of three tight turns. Connect hangers directly either to structures or to inserts, eye screws, or other devices that are secure and appropriate for substrate and that will not deteriorate or otherwise fail due to age, corrosion, or elevated temperatures. Secure flat, angle, channel, and rod hangers to structure, including intermediate framing members, by attaching to inserts, eye screws, or other devices that are secure and appropriate for both structure to which hangers are attached and type of hanger involved. Install hangers in a manner that will not cause them to deteriorate or fail due to age, corrosion, or elevated temperatures. Do not support ceilings directly from permanent metal forms or floor deck. Fasten hangers to cast-in-place hanger inserts, postinstalled mechanical or adhesive anchors, or power-actuated fasteners that extend through forms into concrete. When steel framing does not permit installation of hanger wires at spacing required, install carrying channels or other supplemental support for attachment of hanger wires. Do not attach hangers to steel deck tabs. Do not attach hangers to steel roof deck. Attach hangers to structural members. Space hangers not more than 48 inches o.c. along each member supported directly from hangers, unless otherwise indicated; provide hangers not more than 8 inches from ends of each member. Size supplemental suspension members and hangers to support ceiling loads within performance limits established by referenced standards and publications. C. Install suspension system runners so they are square and securely interlocked with one another. Remove and replace dented, bent, or kinked members. D. Install acoustical panels with undamaged edges and fit accurately into suspension system runners and edge moldings. Scribe and cut panels at borders and penetrations to provide a neat, precise fit. 1. Arrange directionally patterned acoustical panels as follows: a. 2. 3. 4. 5. As indicated on reflected ceiling plans. For square-edged panels, install panels with edges fully hidden from view by flanges of suspension system runners and moldings. For reveal-edged panels on suspension system runners, install panels with bottom of reveal in firm contact with top surface of runner flanges. For reveal-edged panels on suspension system members with box-shaped flanges, install panels with reveal surfaces in firm contact with suspension system surfaces and panel faces flush with bottom face of runners. Paint cut edges of panel remaining exposed after installation; match color of exposed panel surfaces using coating recommended in writing for this purpose by acoustical panel manufacturer. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5113 - 6 February 12, 2014 3.4 CLEANING A. Clean exposed surfaces of acoustical panel ceilings, including trim, edge moldings, and suspension system members. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for cleaning and touchup of minor finish damage. Remove and replace ceiling components that cannot be successfully cleaned and repaired to permanently eliminate evidence of damage. END OF SECTION 09 5113 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5113 - 7 February 12, 2014 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5113 - 8 February 12, 2014 SECTION 09 5133 - ACOUSTICAL METAL PAN CEILINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes acoustical metal pans and associated suspension system for interior ceilings. B. Related Requirements: 1. 1.3 Section 095113 "Acoustical Panel Ceilings" for ceilings consisting of mineral-base and glass-fiber-base acoustical panels and exposed suspension systems. PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS A. 1.4 Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. B. Samples: For each exposed product and for each color and texture specified, 6 inches in size. 1.5 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Coordination Drawings: Reflected ceiling plans, drawn to scale, on which the following items are shown and coordinated with each other, using input from installers of the items involved: 1. 2. 3. 4. Suspended ceiling components. Structural members to which suspension systems will be attached. Size and location of access modules for acoustical panels. Items penetrating finished ceiling including the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. 5. 1.6 Lighting fixtures. Air outlets and inlets. Speakers. Sprinklers. Access space required. Existing conditions, including structural members. Perimeter moldings. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL METAL PAN CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5133 - 1 February 12, 2014 A. 1.7 Maintenance Data: For finishes to include in maintenance manuals. MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS A. Furnish extra materials that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. 1. 2. 1.8 Acoustical Metal Pans: Full-size units equal to 2 percent of quantity installed. Suspension-System Components: Quantity of each grid, exposed molding, and trim equal to 2 percent of quantity installed. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver acoustical metal pans, suspension-system components, and accessories to Project site in original, unopened packages and store them in a fully enclosed, conditioned space where they are protected against damage from moisture, humidity, temperature extremes, direct sunlight, surface contamination, and other causes. B. Handle acoustical metal pans, suspension-system components, and accessories carefully to avoid damaging units and finishes in any way. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Surface-Burning Characteristics: Comply with ASTM E 84; testing by a qualified testing agency. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency. 1. 2. 2.2 Flame-Spread Index: Comply with ASTM E 1264 for Class B materials. Smoke-Developed Index: 450 or less. ACOUSTICAL METAL PANS, GENERAL A. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of acoustical metal ceiling pan and supporting suspension system from single source from single manufacturer. B. Glass-Fiber Insulation: Made with binder containing no urea formaldehyde. C. Acoustical Panel Standard: Provide manufacturer's standard pans of configuration indicated that comply with ASTM E 1264 classifications as designated by types, patterns, acoustical ratings, and light reflectance unless otherwise indicated. 1. D. Mounting Method for Measuring NRC: Type E-400; plenum mounting in which face of test specimen is 15-3/4 inches away from test surface according to ASTM E 795. Sheet Metal Characteristics: For metal components exposed to view in the completed Work, provide materials with smooth, flat surfaces without blemishes. Do not use materials with exposed pitting, seam marks, roller marks, roughness, stains, or discolorations. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL METAL PAN CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5133 - 2 February 12, 2014 1. E. Sound-Absorbent Pads: Provide width and length to completely fill concealed surface of pan, with surface-burning characteristics for flame-spread index of 25 or less and smoke-developed index of 50 or less, as determined by testing according to ASTM E 84, and to comply with the following requirements: 1. 2.3 Aluminum Sheet: Rolled aluminum sheet, complying with ASTM B 209; alloy and temper recommended by aluminum producer and finisher for type of use and finish indicated. Manufacture’s standard acoustic fabric backing, applied in factory. ALUMINUM PANS FOR ACOUSTICAL METAL PAN CEILING A. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide USG Interiors, Inc.; Celebration Metal Ceiling Panel System; or comparable product approved by Architect before bid date. B. Classification: Units complying with ASTM E 1264 for Type XX, other types described as perforated aluminum facing (pan) units with sound-absorbent fabric backing. 1. 2. C. Pattern: USG Pattern C250A: 1/4 inch diameter perforations at 0.65 inches on-center with 12 percent open area. Embossing: None. Pan Fabrication: Manufacturer's standard units of size, profile, and edge treatment indicated, formed from metal indicated and finished to comply with requirements indicated. 1. Snap-in Pans: Designed with dimples or continuous beads on flanges for snap-in, secure engagement with concealed suspension system. D. Pan Thickness: Manufacturer’s standard for size and pattern indicated. E. Pan Edge Detail: Manufacturer's standard edge detail. F. Pan Joint Detail: Narrow reveal, not greater than 9/16 inch wide. G. Pan Size: 30 by 30 inches. H. Pan Face Finish: Clear anodized. I. NRC: Not less than 0.60. 2.4 METAL SUSPENSION SYSTEMS, GENERAL A. Metal Suspension System Standard: Provide manufacturer's standard metal suspension systems of types, structural classifications, and finishes indicated that comply with applicable ASTM C 635/C 635M requirements. B. Suspension Systems: Provide systems complete with carriers, runners, splice sections, connector clips, alignment clips, leveling clips, hangers, molding, trim, retention clips, loadresisting struts, and other suspension components required to support ceiling units and other ceiling-supported construction. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL METAL PAN CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5133 - 3 February 12, 2014 C. Attachment Devices: Size for 5 times the design load indicated in ASTM C 635/C 635M, Table 1, Direct Hung, unless otherwise indicated. Comply with seismic design requirements. 1. Anchors in Concrete: Anchors of type and material indicated below, with holes or loops for attaching hangers of type indicated and with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to 5 times that imposed by ceiling construction, as determined by testing according to ASTM E 488 or ASTM E 1512 as applicable, conducted by a qualified testing and inspecting agency. a. b. 2. D. Type: Postinstalled expansion or Postinstalled bonded anchors. Corrosion Protection: Carbon-steel components zinc plated to comply with ASTM B 633, Class Fe/Zn 5 (0.005 mm) for Class SC 1 service condition. Power-Actuated Fasteners in Concrete: Fastener system of type suitable for application indicated, fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials, with clips or other accessory devices for attaching hangers of type indicated, and with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to 10 times that imposed by ceiling construction, as determined by testing according to ASTM E 1190, conducted by a qualified testing and inspecting agency. Wire Hangers, Braces, and Ties: Provide wires complying with the following requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. Zinc-Coated, Carbon-Steel Wire: ASTM A 641/A 641M, Class 1 zinc coating, soft temper. Stainless-Steel Wire: ASTM A 580/A 580M, Type 304, nonmagnetic. Nickel-Copper-Alloy Wire: ASTM B 164, nickel copper alloy for UNS No. N04400 alloy. Size: Select wire diameter so its stress at 3 times the hanger design load indicated in ASTM C 635/C 635M, Table 1, Direct Hung, is less than yield stress of wire, but provide not less than 0.106-inch- diameter wire. E. Hanger Rods or Flat Hangers: Mild steel, zinc coated or protected with rust-inhibitive paint. F. Angle Hangers: Angles with legs not less than 7/8 inch wide; formed with 0.04-inch- thick, galvanized-steel sheet complying with ASTM A 653/A 653M, G90 coating designation; with bolted connections and 5/16-inch- diameter bolts. G. Exposed Metal Edge Moldings and Trim: Provide exposed members as indicated or as required to comply with seismic requirements of authorities having jurisdiction, to conceal edges of and penetrations through ceiling, to conceal edges of pans and runners, for fixture trim and adapters, for fasciae at changes in ceiling height, and for other conditions; of metal and finish matching acoustical metal pan ceiling units unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2.5 For Circular Penetrations of Ceiling: Fabricate edge moldings to diameter required to fit penetration exactly. METAL SUSPENSION SYSTEM FOR ACOUSTICAL SNAP-IN METAL PAN CEILING A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by snap-in metal pan ceiling manufacturer. 1. USG Interiors, Inc.; DXF/DXLF Fineline Suspension System. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL METAL PAN CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5133 - 4 February 12, 2014 B. Indirect-Hung, Snap-Tee Bar System: Designed to support metal pans that snap into main runners, consisting of main runners connected to carrying channels that are attached by hangers to building structure, and complying with the following requirements: 1. Main Runners: Formed from the following metal: a. 2. Carrying Channels: Cold-rolled steel, not less than 0.060-inch nominal thickness of base (uncoated) metal and 7/16-inch- wide flanges, protected with rust-inhibitive paint, and as follows: a. C. Depth and Weight: 1-1/2 inches and 475 lb/1000 feet. Access Panels: For access at locations indicated, provide acoustical snap-in metal pan ceiling units, accessible by key or tool. 1. 2.6 Metal Sheet: Metal as standard with ceiling system manufacturer, with factoryapplied protective finish complying with ASTM C 635/C 635M. Access Key or Tool: Provide manufacturer's standard key or tool for opening access panels; two. GENERAL FINISH REQUIREMENTS A. Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering before shipping. B. Appearance of Finished Work: Noticeable variations in same piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of adjoining components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. C. High-Humidity Finish: Comply with ASTM C 635/C 635M requirements for "Coating Classification for Severe Environment Performance" where high-humidity finishes are indicated. 2.7 ALUMINUM FINISHES A. Clear Anodic Finish: AAMA 611, AA-M12C22A31, Class II, 0.010 mm or thicker. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, including structural framing to which acoustical metal pan ceilings attach or abut, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements specified in this and other Sections that affect ceiling installation and anchorage and with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of acoustical metal pan ceilings. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL METAL PAN CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5133 - 5 February 12, 2014 A. 3.3 Measure each ceiling area and establish layout of acoustical metal pans to balance border widths at opposite edges of each ceiling. Avoid using less-than-half-width pans at borders, and comply with layout shown on reflected ceiling plans and coordination drawings. INSTALLATION A. General: Install acoustical metal pan ceilings to comply with ASTM C 636/C 636M and seismic design requirements indicated, according to manufacturer's written instructions and CISCA's "Ceiling Systems Handbook." B. Suspend ceiling hangers from building's structural members and as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Install hangers plumb and free from contact with insulation or other objects within ceiling plenum that are not part of supporting structure or of ceiling suspension system. Splay hangers only where required to miss obstructions; offset resulting horizontal forces by bracing, counter-splaying, or other equally effective means. Where width of ducts and other construction within ceiling plenum produces hanger spacings that interfere with location of hangers at spacings required to support standard suspension-system members, install supplemental suspension members and hangers in form of trapezes or equivalent devices. Secure wire hangers to ceiling suspension members and to supports above with a minimum of three tight turns. Connect hangers directly either to structures or to inserts, eye screws, or other devices that are secure and appropriate for substrate and that do not deteriorate or otherwise fail due to age, corrosion, or elevated temperatures. Secure flat, angle, channel, and rod hangers to structure, including intermediate framing members, by attaching to inserts, eye screws, or other devices that are secure and appropriate for both structure to which hangers are attached and hanger type involved. Install hangers in a manner that does not cause them to deteriorate or fail due to age, corrosion, or elevated temperatures. Do not support ceilings directly from permanent metal forms or floor deck. Fasten hangers to cast-in-place hanger inserts, postinstalled mechanical or adhesive anchors, or power-actuated fasteners that extend through forms into concrete. When steel framing does not permit installation of hanger wires at spacing required, install carrying channels or other supplemental support for attachment of hanger wires. Do not attach hangers to steel deck tabs. Do not attach hangers to steel roof deck. Attach hangers to structural members. Space hangers not more than 48 inches o.c. along each member supported directly from hangers unless otherwise indicated; provide hangers not more than 8 inches from ends of each member. Size supplemental suspension members and hangers to support ceiling loads within performance limits established by referenced standards and publications. C. Secure bracing wires to ceiling suspension members and to supports with a minimum of four tight turns. Suspend bracing from building's structural members as required for hangers, without attaching to permanent metal forms, steel deck, or steel deck tabs. Fasten bracing wires into concrete with cast-in-place or postinstalled anchors. D. Install edge moldings and trim of type indicated at perimeter of acoustical ceiling area and where necessary to conceal edges of acoustical metal pans. 1. Apply acoustical sealant in a continuous ribbon concealed on back of vertical legs of moldings before they are installed. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL METAL PAN CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5133 - 6 February 12, 2014 2. 3. Screw attach moldings to substrate at intervals not more than 16 inches o.c. and not more than 3 inches from ends, leveling with ceiling suspension system to a tolerance of 1/8 inch in 12 feet. Miter corners accurately and connect securely. Do not use exposed fasteners, including pop rivets, on moldings and trim. E. Install suspension-system runners so they are square and securely interlocked with one another. Remove and replace dented, bent, or kinked members. F. Cut acoustical metal pan units for accurate fit at borders and at interruptions and penetrations by other work through ceilings. Stiffen edges of cut units as required to eliminate evidence of buckling or variations in flatness exceeding referenced standards for stretcher-leveled metal sheet. G. Install acoustical metal pans in coordination with suspension system and exposed moldings and trim. Comply with installation tolerances according to CISCA's "Metal Ceilings Technical Guidelines." 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H. 3.4 For snap-in pans, fit adjoining units to form flush, tight joints. Align joints in adjacent courses to form uniform, straight joints parallel to room axis in both directions unless otherwise indicated. Fit adjoining units to form flush, tight joints. Install directionally patterned or textured metal pans in directions indicated. Install sound-absorbent pads in perforated metal pans. Install sound attenuation panels in areas indicated by reflected ceiling plans or room finish schedules. Lay panels directly on ceiling system and close major openings to form complete coverage in required areas. Lay second sound-absorbent pads on sound attenuation panels. CLEANING A. Clean exposed surfaces of acoustical metal pan ceilings, including trim and edge moldings, after removing strippable, temporary protective covering, if any. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for stripping of temporary protective covering, cleaning, and touchup of minor finish damage. Remove and replace ceiling components that cannot be successfully cleaned and repaired to permanently eliminate evidence of damage, including dented and bent units. END OF SECTION 09 5133 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL METAL PAN CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5133 - 7 February 12, 2014 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ACOUSTICAL METAL PAN CEILINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 5133 - 8 February 12, 2014 SECTION 09 6513 - RESILIENT BASE AND ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. B. Related Sections: 1. 1.3 Resilient base. Resilient stair accessories. Section 096813 “Tile Carpeting” for metal transitions with resilient tile flooring. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of product indicated. C. Samples for Verification: For each type of product indicated and for each color, texture, and pattern required in manufacturer's standard-size Samples, but not less than 12 inches long. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. 1.5 Store resilient products and installation materials in dry spaces protected from the weather, with ambient temperatures maintained within range recommended by manufacturer, but not less than 50 deg F or more than 90 deg F. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain ambient temperatures within range recommended by manufacturer, but not less than 70 deg F or more than 95 deg F, in spaces to receive resilient products during the following time periods: 1. 2. 3. B. 48 hours before installation. During installation. 48 hours after installation. Until Substantial Completion, maintain ambient temperatures within range recommended by manufacturer, but not less than 55 deg F or more than 95 deg F. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices RESILIENT BASE AND ACCESSORIES VT PC# R-2014-05 09 6513 - 1 February 12, 2014 C. 1.6 Install resilient products after other finishing operations, including painting, have been completed. EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish extra materials that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. 1. Furnish not less than 10 linear feet for every 500 linear feet or fraction thereof, of each type, color, pattern, and size of resilient product installed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 THERMOSET-RUBBER BASE A. Resilient Base: 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. B. Burke Mercer Flooring Products; Division of Burke Industries, Inc. Flexco, Inc. Roppe Corporation, USA. Product Standard: ASTM F 1861, Type TS (rubber, vulcanized thermoset), Group I (solid, homogeneous). 1. Style and Location: a. b. Style A, Straight: Provide in areas with carpet. Style B, Cove: Provide in areas with resilient flooring. C. Thickness: 0.125 inch. D. Height: 4 inch. E. Lengths: Coils in manufacturer's standard length. F. Outside Corners: Job formed. G. Inside Corners: Job formed. H. Colors: As selected by Architect from full range of industry colors. 1. I. Quantity of colors project-wide: 2. Finish: Satin. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices RESILIENT BASE AND ACCESSORIES VT PC# R-2014-05 09 6513 - 2 February 12, 2014 2.2 RUBBER STAIR ACCESSORIES A. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: As determined by testing identical products according to ASTM E 648 or NFPA 253 by a qualified testing agency. 1. B. Manufacturers: following: 1. 2. 3. C. Critical Radiant Flux Classification: Class I, not less than 0.45 W/sq. cm. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the Burke Mercer Flooring Products, Division of Burke Industries Inc. Flexco. Roppe Corporation, USA; Rubber Stair Tread Style #98 Raised Circular Vantage Design Tread without riser. Stair Treads: ASTM F 2169. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type: TS (rubber, vulcanized thermoset). Class: 2 (raised design rubber stair treads). Nosing Style: Square, adjustable to cover angles between 60 and 90 degrees. Nosing Height: 1-1/2 inches. Thickness: 1/4 inch and tapered to back edge. Size: Lengths and depths to fit each stair tread in one piece. D. Landing Tile: Matching treads; produced by same manufacturer as treads and recommended by manufacturer for installation with treads. E. Locations: Provide rubber stair accessories in areas indicated. F. Colors and Patterns: 1. 2. 2.3 Raised circular profile. Color: 1 color project-wide as selected by Architect from full range of industry colors. INSTALLATION MATERIALS A. Trowelable Leveling and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, portland cement based or blended hydraulic-cement-based formulation provided or approved by manufacturer for applications indicated. B. Adhesives: Water-resistant type recommended by manufacturer to suit resilient products and substrate conditions indicated. 1. Use adhesives that comply with the following limits for VOC content when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24): a. b. C. Cove Base Adhesives: Not more than 50 g/L. Rubber Floor Adhesives: Not more than 60 g/L. Stair-Tread Nose Filler: Two-part epoxy compound recommended by resilient stair-tread manufacturer to fill nosing substrates that do not conform to tread contours. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices RESILIENT BASE AND ACCESSORIES VT PC# R-2014-05 09 6513 - 3 February 12, 2014 D. Floor Polish: Provide protective, liquid floor-polish products recommended by resilient stairtread manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for maximum moisture content and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. 1. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 1. 3.2 Verify that finishes of substrates comply with tolerances and other requirements specified in other Sections and that substrates are free of cracks, ridges, depressions, scale, and foreign deposits that might interfere with adhesion of resilient products. Installation of resilient products indicates acceptance of surfaces and conditions. PREPARATION A. Prepare substrates according to manufacturer's written instructions to ensure adhesion of resilient products. B. Concrete Substrates for Resilient Stair Accessories: Prepare horizontal surfaces according to ASTM F 710. 1. 2. 3. 4. Verify that substrates are dry and free of curing compounds, sealers, and hardeners. Remove substrate coatings and other substances that are incompatible with adhesives and that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone, using mechanical methods recommended by manufacturer. Do not use solvents. Alkalinity and Adhesion Testing: Perform tests recommended by manufacturer. Proceed with installation only after substrate alkalinity falls within range on pH scale recommended by manufacturer in writing, but not less than 5 or more than 9 pH. Moisture Testing: Proceed with installation only after substrates pass testing according to manufacturer's written recommendations, but not less stringent than the following: a. b. c. Perform anhydrous calcium chloride test according to ASTM F 1869. Proceed with installation only after substrates have maximum moisture-vapor-emission rate of 3 lb of water/1000 sq. ft. in 24 hours. Perform relative humidity test using in situ probes according to ASTM F 2170. Proceed with installation only after substrates have maximum 75 percent relative humidity level. If ongoing moisture testing indicates higher moisture-vapor-emission rates and relative humidity than listed above, use a higher performance adhesive that meets the moisture level indicated by testing, and in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. C. Fill cracks, holes, and depressions in substrates with trowelable leveling and patching compound and remove bumps and ridges to produce a uniform and smooth substrate. D. Do not install resilient products until they are the same temperature as the space where they are to be installed. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices RESILIENT BASE AND ACCESSORIES VT PC# R-2014-05 09 6513 - 4 February 12, 2014 1. E. 3.3 At least 48 hours in advance of installation, move resilient products and installation materials into spaces where they will be installed. Immediately before installation, sweep and vacuum clean substrates to be covered by resilient products. RESILIENT BASE INSTALLATION A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for installing resilient base. B. Apply resilient base to walls, columns, pilasters, casework and cabinets in toe spaces, and other permanent fixtures in rooms and areas where base is required. C. Install resilient base in lengths as long as practicable without gaps at seams and with tops of adjacent pieces aligned. D. Tightly adhere resilient base to substrate throughout length of each piece, with base in continuous contact with horizontal and vertical substrates. E. Do not stretch resilient base during installation. F. On masonry surfaces or other similar irregular substrates, fill voids along top edge of resilient base with manufacturer's recommended adhesive filler material. G. Job-Formed Corners: 1. Outside Corners: Use straight pieces of maximum lengths possible and form with returns not less than 3 inches in length. a. 2. Inside Corners: Use straight pieces of maximum lengths possible and form with returns not less than 3 inches in length. a. 3.4 Form without producing discoloration (whitening) at bends. Miter corners to minimize open joints. RESILIENT ACCESSORY INSTALLATION A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for installing resilient accessories. B. Resilient Stair Accessories: 1. 2. 3. 3.5 Use stair-tread-nose filler to fill nosing substrates that do not conform to tread contours. Tightly adhere to substrates throughout length of each piece. For treads installed as separate, equal-length units, install to produce a flush joint between units. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for cleaning and protection of resilient products. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices RESILIENT BASE AND ACCESSORIES VT PC# R-2014-05 09 6513 - 5 February 12, 2014 B. Perform the following operations immediately after completing resilient product installation: 1. 2. 3. Remove adhesive and other blemishes from exposed surfaces. Sweep and vacuum surfaces thoroughly. Damp-mop surfaces to remove marks and soil. C. Protect resilient products from mars, marks, indentations, and other damage from construction operations and placement of equipment and fixtures during remainder of construction period. D. Floor Polish: Remove soil, visible adhesive, and surface blemishes from resilient stair treads before applying liquid floor polish. 1. E. Apply two coat(s). Cover resilient products until Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 09 6513 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices RESILIENT BASE AND ACCESSORIES VT PC# R-2014-05 09 6513 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 09 6543 - LINOLEUM FLOORING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes linoleum floor tile. B. Related Sections: 1. 1.3 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. B. Samples: For each exposed product and for each color and pattern specified in manufacturer's standard size, but not less than 6-by-9-inch sections. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. 1.5 Maintenance Data: For each type of linoleum flooring to include in maintenance manuals. MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS A. Furnish extra materials that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. 1. 1.6 Floor Tile: Furnish one box for every 50 boxes or fraction thereof, of each type, color, and pattern of floor tile installed. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: A qualified installer who employs workers for this Project who are competent in techniques required by manufacturer for flooring installation. 1. 1.7 Section 096813 “Tile Carpeting” for metal transitions with linoleum flooring. Engage an installer who employs workers for this Project who are trained or certified by flooring manufacturer for installation techniques required. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices LINOLEUM FLOORING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 6543 - 1 February 12, 2014 A. Store flooring and installation materials in dry spaces protected from the weather, with ambient temperatures maintained within range recommended by manufacturer, but not less than 65 deg F or more than 90 deg F. 1. 1.8 Floor Tile: Store on flat surfaces. FIELD CONDITIONS A. Maintain ambient temperatures within range recommended by manufacturer, but not less than 70 deg F or more than 95 deg F, in spaces to receive flooring during the following time periods: 1. 2. 3. 72 hours before installation. During installation. 72 hours after installation. B. After installation and until Substantial Completion, maintain ambient temperatures within range recommended by manufacturer, but not less than 55 deg F or more than 95 deg F. C. Close spaces to traffic during flooring installation. D. Close spaces to traffic for 72 hours after flooring installation. E. Install flooring after other finishing operations, including painting, have been completed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: For linoleum flooring, as determined by testing identical products according to ASTM E 648 or NFPA 253 by a qualified testing agency. 1. 2.2 LINOLEUM FLOOR TILE A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following product system: 1. B. Forbo Industries, Inc.; MCT – Marmoleum Composition Tile. Linoleum Floor Tile: ASTM F 2195, Type II, linoleum floor tile with special backing. 1. Nominal Floor Tile Size: 13 by 13 inches. C. Thickness: 0.08 inch (2mm). D. Colors and Patterns: As selected by Architect from full range of industry colors. 1. 2.3 Critical Radiant Flux Classification: Class I, not less than 0.45 W/sq. cm. Quantity of colors project-wide: 2. INSTALLATION MATERIALS Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices LINOLEUM FLOORING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 6543 - 2 February 12, 2014 A. Trowelable Leveling and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, portland cement based or blended hydraulic-cement-based formulation provided or approved by linoleum flooring manufacturer for applications indicated. B. Adhesives: Water-resistant type recommended by flooring and adhesive manufacturers to suit products and substrate conditions indicated. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following product: a. Forbo Industries, Inc; Sustain 885m. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for maximum moisture content and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. 1. B. 3.2 Verify that finishes of substrates comply with tolerances and other requirements specified in other Sections and that substrates are free of cracks, ridges, depressions, scale, and foreign deposits that might interfere with adhesion of flooring. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION A. Prepare substrates according to linoleum flooring manufacturer's written instructions to ensure adhesion of flooring. B. Concrete Substrates: Prepare according to ASTM F 710. 1. 2. 3. 4. Verify that substrates are dry and free of curing compounds, sealers, and hardeners. Remove substrate coatings and other substances that are incompatible with flooring adhesives and that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone, using mechanical methods recommended by linoleum flooring manufacturer. Do not use solvents. Alkalinity and Adhesion Testing: Perform tests recommended by linoleum flooring manufacturer. Proceed with installation only after substrate alkalinity falls within range on pH scale recommended by manufacturer in writing, but not less than 5 or more than 9 pH. Moisture Testing: Perform tests recommended by linoleum flooring manufacturer, but not less stringent than the following: a. Perform anhydrous calcium chloride test according to ASTM F 1869. Proceed with installation only after substrates have maximum moisture-vapor-emission rate of 5 lb of water/1000 sq. ft. in 24 hours. 1) b. Note: Maximum moisture-vapor-emission rate of 8 lb of water/1000 sq. ft. in 24 hours is allowed when using Forbo Sustain 885m adhesive. Perform relative humidity test using in situ probes according to ASTM F 2170. Proceed with installation only after substrates have maximum 75 percent relative humidity level. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices LINOLEUM FLOORING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 6543 - 3 February 12, 2014 1) c. Note: Maximum relative humidity of 85 percent is allowed when using Forbo Sustain 885m adhesive. If ongoing moisture testing indicates higher moisture-vapor-emission rates and relative humidity than listed above, use a higher performance adhesive that meets the moisture level indicated by testing, and in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. C. Fill cracks, holes, and depressions in substrates with trowelable leveling and patching compound; remove bumps and ridges to produce a uniform and smooth substrate. D. Do not install flooring until it is the same temperature as space where it is to be installed. 1. E. 3.3 At least 72 hours in advance of installation, move flooring and installation materials into spaces where they will be installed. Immediately before installation, sweep and vacuum clean substrates to be covered by flooring. INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for installing flooring. B. Scribe and cut flooring to butt neatly and tightly to vertical surfaces, permanent fixtures, and built-in furniture including cabinets, pipes, outlets, edgings, thresholds, and nosings. C. Extend flooring into toe spaces, door reveals, closets, and similar openings. D. Maintain reference markers, holes, and openings that are in place or marked for future cutting by repeating on flooring as marked on substrates. Use chalk or other nonpermanent marking device. E. Install flooring on covers for telephone and electrical ducts and similar items in finished floor areas. Maintain overall continuity of color and pattern between pieces of flooring installed on covers and adjoining flooring. Tightly adhere flooring edges to substrates that abut covers and to cover perimeters. F. Adhere flooring to substrates using a full spread of adhesive applied to substrate to produce a completed installation without open cracks, voids, raising and puckering at joints, telegraphing of adhesive spreader marks, and other surface imperfections. 3.4 LINOLEUM FLOOR TILE INSTALLATION A. Lay out linoleum floor tiles from center marks established with principal walls, discounting minor offsets, so floor tiles at opposite edges of room are of equal width. Adjust as necessary to avoid using cut widths that equal less than one-half tile at perimeter. 1. B. Lay floor tiles square with room axis in checkerboard pattern with alternating colors. Match linoleum floor tiles for color and pattern by selecting tiles from cartons in same sequence as manufactured and packaged, if so numbered. Discard broken, cracked, chipped, or deformed floor tiles. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices LINOLEUM FLOORING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 6543 - 4 February 12, 2014 1. 3.5 Lay floor tiles with grain direction alternating in adjacent floor tiles (basket-weave pattern). CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for cleaning and protecting linoleum flooring. B. Perform the following operations immediately after completing linoleum flooring installation: 1. 2. 3. Remove adhesive and other blemishes from exposed surfaces. Sweep and vacuum surfaces thoroughly. Damp-mop surfaces to remove marks and soil. C. Protect linoleum flooring from mars, marks, indentations, and other damage from construction operations and placement of equipment and fixtures during remainder of construction period. D. After allowing drying room film (yellow film caused by linseed oil oxidation) to disappear, cover linoleum flooring until Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 09 6543 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices LINOLEUM FLOORING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 6543 - 5 February 12, 2014 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices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% 3URWHFWLQVWDOOHGFDUSHWWLOHWRFRPSO\ZLWK&5,6HFWLRQ3URWHFWLQJ,QGRRU,QVWDOODWLRQV & 3URWHFW FDUSHW WLOH DJDLQVW GDPDJH IURP FRQVWUXFWLRQ RSHUDWLRQV DQG SODFHPHQW RI HTXLSPHQW DQGIL[WXUHVGXULQJWKHUHPDLQGHURIFRQVWUXFWLRQSHULRG8VHSURWHFWLRQPHWKRGVLQGLFDWHGRU UHFRPPHQGHGLQZULWLQJE\FDUSHWWLOHPDQXIDFWXUHU (1'2)6(&7,21 3ULWFKDUG+DOO:HVW:LQJ±//&2IILFHV 7,/(&$53(7,1* 973&5 Addendum 02: March 12, 2014 SECTION 09 7613 - RESIN-TILE WALL SURFACING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 1.3 Composite-wood-tile wall surfacing. Shop-finishing of interior composite-wood-tiles. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product, including composite-wood-tile products, adhesives and finishing materials and processes. B. Samples for Verification: For composite-wood-tiles and for each color, pattern, texture, and finish specified, three full-size units. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. 1.5 Maintenance Data: For wall coverings to include in maintenance manuals. FIELD CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not deliver or install paneling until building is enclosed, wet work is complete, and HVAC system is operating and will maintain temperature between 60 and 90 deg F and relative humidity between 25 and 55 percent during the remainder of the construction period. B. Established Dimensions: Where wall surfacing is indicated to fit to other construction, establish dimensions for areas where wall surfacing is to fit. Provide allowance for trimming at site, and coordinate construction to ensure that actual dimensions correspond to established dimensions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: As determined by testing identical wall coverings applied with identical adhesives to substrates according to test method indicated below by a qualified testing agency. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices RESIN-TILE WALL SURFACING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 7613 - 1 Addendum 02: March 12, 2014 1. Surface-Burning Characteristics, 1 inch thickness: Comply with ASTM E 84; testing by a qualified testing agency. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency. a. b. 2.2 Flame-Spread Index: 75 or less. Smoke-Developed Index: 450 or less. WOOD-COMPOSITE-TILE WALL SURFACING A. Description: Premanufactured, composite-wood-tiles for interior application. B. Basis-of-Design Manufacturer: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide 3-Form; Profile Tiles, “Glide,” or a comparable product approved by Architect. C. Composite Wood Material: Medium-Density Fiberboard: ANSI A208.2, Grade 130, made with binder containing no urea formaldehyde. D. Composite-Tile Size: 15-1/2 by 4-5/8 inches. E. Finish from Manufacturer: Factory-primed. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Two-Face Tape: Manufacturer's standard high-bond, foam-core tape, 0.045 inch thick, with adhesive on both sides. 1. 3M VHB No. 4496 Double Coated Polyethylene Foam Tape, or as recommended by manufacturer. a. 2.4 Color: Black. SHOP FINISHING A. General: Finish composite-wood-tiles at fabrication shop as specified in this Section. Defer only final touchup, cleaning, and polishing until after installation. B. Opaque Finish for Interior Items: 1. 2. 3. 4. Grade: Custom. Finish: System - 5, conversion varnish. Colors: Match Architect's samples. Allow for 3 colors. Sheen: Semigloss, 46-60 gloss units measured on 60-degree gloss meter per ASTM D 523. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices RESIN-TILE WALL SURFACING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 7613 - 2 Addendum 02: March 12, 2014 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for levelness, wall plumbness, maximum moisture content, and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for surface preparation. B. Clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of wall covering, including dirt, oil, grease, mold, mildew, and incompatible primers. C. Prepare substrates to achieve a smooth, dry, clean, structurally sound surface free of flaking, unsound coatings, cracks, and defects. 1. 2. D. 3.3 Moisture Content: Maximum of 5 percent on new plaster, concrete, and concrete masonry units when tested with an electronic moisture meter. Gypsum Board: Prime with primer as recommended in writing by primer/sealer manufacturer and wall-covering manufacturer. Acclimatize wall-covering materials by removing them from packaging in the installation areas not less than 24 hours before installation. COMPOSITE-WOOD-TILE INSTALLATION A. General: Install wood-tiles using mounting methods indicated and according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1. 2. B. Comply with composite-wood-tile manufacturers' written installation instructions applicable to products and applications indicated. 1. 2. C. Install wood-tiles level, plumb, true to line, and at locations and heights indicated, with wood-tile surfaces free of distortion and other defects in appearance. Install wood-tiles in pattern and color-locations as indicated. Compensate for natural bow and warp of MDF with proper installation techniques as recommended by manufacturer. Allow for nominal expansion/contraction movement due to fluctuations in moisture content. Allow for possible linear expansion of plus-or-minus 0.33 percent. Two-Face Tape: Clean bond-breaking materials from substrate surface and remove loose debris. Apply tape strips symmetrically to back of wood-tile and of suitable quantity to support weight of wood-tile without slippage. Keep strips away from edges to prevent visibility at sign edges. Place wood-tile in position, and push to engage tape adhesive. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices RESIN-TILE WALL SURFACING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 7613 - 3 Addendum 02: March 12, 2014 3.4 CLEANING A. Remove and replace damaged or deformed wood-tiles and wood-tiles that do not comply with specified requirements. Replace wood-tiles with damaged or deteriorated finishes or components that cannot be successfully repaired by finish touchup or similar minor repair procedures. B. Use cleaning methods recommended in writing by composite-wood-tile manufacturer. C. Replace wood-tiles that cannot be cleaned. END OF SECTION 09 7613 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices RESIN-TILE WALL SURFACING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 7613 - 4 February 12, 2014 SECTION 09 7836 – OPEN-GRID WOOD WALL PANELS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes: 1. 2. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 1.3 Rigid open-grid wood panels for walls and railings. Factory finishing of open-grid wood panels. Section 061053 "Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry" for wood furring, blocking, shims, and hanging strips required for installing open-grid wood panels and that are concealed within other construction before paneling installation. Section 092216 "Non-Structural Metal Framing" for non-structural framing and backing that support open-grid wood panels. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Shop Drawings C. Shop Drawings: Indicate suspended decorative wood grid lengths, end conditions, placement of hangers, T-rail carriers, details of suspension system, and ceiling-mounted and wood gridmounted items. 1. D. 1.4 Included details of field modifications to accommodate openings. Samples for Verification: 12 by 12 inch suspended decorative wood grid, finished as specified. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. 1.5 Maintenance Data: For finishes to include in maintenance manuals. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Surface-Burning Characteristics: As determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84 by a qualified testing agency. Identify products with appropriate marking of applicable testing agency. 1. Flame-Spread Index: 75 or less. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices OPEN-GRID WOOD WALL PANELS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 7836 - 1 February 12, 2014 2. 1.6 Smoke-Developed Index: 450 or less. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver wood grid components to Project site in original, unopened packages and store them in a fully enclosed, conditioned space where they will be protected against damage from moisture, humidity, temperature extremes, direct sunlight, surface contamination, and other causes. B. Handle suspended decorative grids and accessories carefully to avoid damaging units and finishes in any way. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.8 Environmental Limitations: Do not install suspended decorative grids until spaces are enclosed and weathertight, wet work in spaces is complete and dry, work above ceilings is complete, and ambient temperature and humidity conditions are maintained at the levels indicated for Project when occupied for its intended use. COORDINATION A. Coordinate layout and installation of suspended decorative grids with other construction that penetrates ceilings or is supported by them, including light fixtures, HVAC equipment, firesuppression system, and partition assemblies. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Rulon Company; Panel Grille wood grid wall panel system, or a comparable product by the following: 1. 2. 2.2 9-Wood, Inc.. Norton Industries, Inc. OPEN-GRID WOOD WALL PANELS A. Wood Grid Species and Cut: American Cherry, plain sawn. 1. B. Wood Grid Pattern: Rulon profile PG 8-12-32 panel grille. 1. 2. C. Provide solid wood. Clear spacing between strips, 7/8 inches. Wood Strip Sizes: 3/4 inch width by 2 inch depth in continuous lengths. Connecting Pieces: 1. Dowels: Black flexible plastic, approximately 9/16 inch diameter. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices OPEN-GRID WOOD WALL PANELS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 7836 - 2 February 12, 2014 2. 2.3 Wood-backers where indicated: dowels. Per manufacturer’s recommendations. Align with AUXILIARY MATERIALS A. 2.4 General: Provide auxiliary materials that comply with referenced installation standards and manufacturer's written recommendations. FABRICATION A. Fabricate open-wood grids to sizes indicated. Fabricate from finished grid members of specified wood species and cut, of size indicated, with black transverse dowels, according to manufacturer’s published details and approved Shop Drawings. B. Two-Sided Wall Panel: Where wall panel is shown with two exposed panel sides, fabricate and finish wood panel grid accordingly, with all visible sides finished. 1. Fabricate for visual alignment. C. Curvilinear Wall Panel: Where wall panel is shown curving, fabricate with flexible connector dowels to accommodate indicated radius. D. Mounting: Fabricate open-grid wood panels for fastening to non-structural metal framing. 1. 2.5 Finish exposed fasteners to match wood-backers. SHOP FINISHING A. Manufacturer’s standard finish system. 1. Wood finish: Transparent. a. Stain: None. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, including structural framing and substrates to which open-grid wood panels attach or abut, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements specified in this and other Sections that affect wall installation and anchorage and with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting appearance of open-grid wood panels. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices OPEN-GRID WOOD WALL PANELS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 7836 - 3 February 12, 2014 3.2 PREPARATION A. 3.3 Measure each wall area and establish layout of open-grid wood panels as indicated in drawings. Comply with layout shown on drawings. INSTALLATION A. Use installation materials and techniques in accordance with Manufacturer’s written instructions. B. Install open-grid wood panels in patterns indicated and as follows: 1. 2. 3. C. Install two-sided open-grid wood panels with 2-sided finished panels and concealed attachment wherever possible. 1. 2. 3.4 Align joints in adjacent courses to form uniform, straight joints parallel to room axis in both directions unless otherwise indicated. Fit adjoining units to form flush, tight joints. Where grid edges are visible, install cover profiles unless other trim is indicated. Attach wood-backed panel grilles through woodbacker into wall furring. Attach non-woodbacked panel grilles through wood strips on both sides of the interconnecting male-to-female dowel connection to framing members. CLEANING A. Clean exposed surfaces of suspended decorative grids. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for cleaning, and touchup of minor finish damage. Remove and replace grid components that cannot be successfully cleaned and repaired to permanently eliminate evidence of damage, including dented and deformed grids. END OF SECTION 09 7836 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices OPEN-GRID WOOD WALL PANELS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 7836 - 4 February 12, 2014 SECTION 09 9123 - INTERIOR PAINTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.3 Steel. Galvanized metal. Wood Trim. Wood-based panel products. Gypsum board. DEFINITIONS A. Gloss Level 3: 10 to 25 units at 60 degrees and 10 to 35 units at 85 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. (a traditional ‘eggshell-like finish) B. Gloss Level 4: 20 to 35 units at 60 degrees and not less than 35 units at 85 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. (a ‘satin-like finish) C. Gloss Level 5: 35 to 70 units at 60 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. (a traditional semi-gloss finish) 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. Include preparation requirements and application instructions. B. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of topcoat product. C. Samples for Verification: For each type of paint system and in each color and gloss of topcoat. 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Submit Samples on rigid backing, 8 inches square. Step coats on Samples to show each coat required for system. Label each coat of each Sample. Label each Sample for location and application area. Product List: For each product indicated, include the following: 1. 2. 3. Cross-reference to paint system and locations of application areas. Use same designations indicated on Drawings and in schedules. Printout of current "MPI Approved Products List" for each product category specified in Part 2, with the proposed product highlighted. VOC content. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices INTERIOR PAINTING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 9123 - 1 February 12, 2014 1.5 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS A. Furnish extra materials, from the same product run, that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. 1. 1.6 Paint: 5 percent, but not less than 1 gal. of each material and color applied. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Mockups: Apply mockups of each paint system indicated and each color and finish selected to verify preliminary selections made under Sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and set quality standards for materials and execution. 1. Architect will select one surface to represent surfaces and conditions for application of each paint system specified in Part 3. a. b. 2. 3. Simulate final lighting conditions with fixtures, lamps, wattage and diffusers. Final approval of color selections will be based on mockups. a. 4. 5. 1.7 Vertical and Horizontal Surfaces: Provide samples of at least 100 sq. ft. Other Items: Architect will designate items or areas required. If preliminary color selections are not approved, apply additional mockups of additional colors selected by Architect at no added cost to Owner. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in well-ventilated areas with ambient temperatures continuously maintained at not less than 45 deg F. 1. 2. 1.8 Maintain containers in clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. Remove rags and waste from storage areas daily. FIELD CONDITIONS A. Apply paints only when temperature of surfaces to be painted and ambient air temperatures are between 50 and 95 deg F. B. Do not apply paints when relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; at temperatures less than 5 deg F above the dew point; or to damp or wet surfaces. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices INTERIOR PAINTING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 9123 - 2 February 12, 2014 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: following: 1. 2. 3. 2.2 Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the Benjamin Moore & Co. PPG Architectural Finishes, Inc. The Sherwin-Williams Company. PAINT, GENERAL A. MPI Standards: Provide products that comply with MPI standards indicated and that are listed in its "MPI Approved Products List." B. Material Compatibility: 1. 2. C. VOC Content: Products shall comply with VOC limits of authorities having jurisdiction and, for interior paints and coatings applied at Project site, the following VOC limits, exclusive of colorants added to a tint base, when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2.3 Provide materials for use within each paint system that are compatible with one another and substrates indicated, under conditions of service and application as demonstrated by manufacturer, based on testing and field experience. For each coat in a paint system, provide products recommended in writing by manufacturers of topcoat for use in paint system and on substrate indicated. Flat Paints and Coatings: 50 g/L. Nonflat Paints and Coatings: 150 g/L. Dry-Fog Coatings: 400 g/L. Primers, Sealers, and Undercoaters: 200 g/L. Anticorrosive and Antirust Paints Applied to Ferrous Metals: 250 g/L. Zinc-Rich Industrial Maintenance Primers: 340 g/L. Pretreatment Wash Primers: 420 g/L. Floor Coatings: 100 g/L. Shellacs, Clear: 730 g/L. Shellacs, Pigmented: 550 g/L. PRIMERS/SEALERS A. Primer, Latex, for Interior Wood: MPI #39. B. Primer Sealer, Latex, Interior: MPI #50. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices INTERIOR PAINTING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 9123 - 3 February 12, 2014 2.4 METAL PRIMERS A. Primer, Rust-Inhibitive, Water Based: MPI #107. B. Primer, Galvanized, Water Based: MPI #134. 2.5 WATER-BASED PAINTS A. Latex, Interior, Flat, (Gloss Level 5, Semi-gloss): MPI #54. B. Latex, Interior, High Performance Architectural, (Gloss Level 3, Eggshell): MPI #139. C. Latex, Interior, High Performance Architectural, (Gloss Level 5, Semi-gloss): MPI #141. D. Pre-Catalyzed Waterbased Epoxy, (Gloss Level 3, Eggshell): MPI #141: 1. Basis-of-Design: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide The SherwinWilliams Co.; Pro Industrial Zero VOC; Pre-Catalyzed Waterbased Epoxy; or a comparable product approved by Architect. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and conditions, with Applicator present, for compliance with requirements for maximum moisture content and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Maximum Moisture Content of Substrates: When measured with an electronic moisture meter as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Masonry (Clay and CMU): 12 percent. Gypsum Board: 12 percent. Wood: 15 percent. Plaster: 12 percent. C. Gypsum Board Substrates: Verify that finishing compound is sanded smooth. D. Plaster Substrates: Verify that plaster is fully cured. E. Verify suitability of substrates, including surface conditions and compatibility with existing finishes and primers. F. Proceed with coating application only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 1. Application of coating indicates acceptance of surfaces and conditions. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices INTERIOR PAINTING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 9123 - 4 February 12, 2014 3.2 PREPARATION A. General: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. In all spaces where work of this contract takes place and except as otherwise specifically indicated, paint all exposed new surfaces, all exposed existing previously painted surfaces and existing unpainted surfaces which are indicated to be painted. Do not paint surfaces or materials that are specifically indicated not to be painted or are to remain natural. Where an item or surface is not specifically mentioned, paint the same as similar adjacent materials or surfaces. If color or finish is not designated, the Architect will select from standard colors or finishes available. For bidding purposes, Contractor shall assume that different paint colors shall be provided and applied to each different kind of component and surface, including, but not limited to walls, ceilings, door frames, window frames, and exposed structural members; accent colors are expected to be included. Painting is not required on prefinished items, finished metal surfaces, concealed surfaces, operating parts, and labels. B. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations in "MPI Manual" applicable to substrates indicated. C. Remove hardware, covers, plates, and similar items already in place that are removable and are not to be painted. If removal is impractical or impossible because of size or weight of item, provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and painting. 1. D. After completing painting operations, use workers skilled in the trades involved to reinstall items that were removed. Remove surface-applied protection if any. Clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of paints, including dust, dirt, oil, grease, and incompatible paints and encapsulants. 1. Remove incompatible primers and reprime substrate with compatible primers or apply tie coat as required to produce paint systems indicated. E. Masonry Substrates: Remove efflorescence and chalk. Do not paint surfaces if moisture content or alkalinity of surfaces or mortar joints exceed that permitted in manufacturer's written instructions. F. Steel Substrates: Remove rust, loose mill scale, and shop primer, if any. Clean using methods recommended in writing by paint manufacturer. G. Shop-Primed Steel Substrates: Clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint, and paint exposed areas with the same material as used for shop priming to comply with SSPC-PA 1 for touching up shop-primed surfaces. H. Galvanized-Metal Substrates: Remove grease and oil residue from galvanized sheet metal fabricated from coil stock by mechanical methods to produce clean, lightly etched surfaces that promote adhesion of subsequently applied paints. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices INTERIOR PAINTING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 9123 - 5 February 12, 2014 I. Wood Substrates: 1. 2. 3. 4. J. Previously Coated Surfaces – In addition to applicable “Preparation” points above: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3.3 Scrape and clean knots, and apply coat of knot sealer before applying primer. Sand surfaces that will be exposed to view, and dust off. Prime edges, ends, faces, undersides, and backsides of wood. After priming, fill holes and imperfections in the finish surfaces with putty or plastic wood filler. Sand smooth when dried. Follow paint manufacturer’s recommendations for paint type. Wash off dirt, grease, soap and oil buildup with the appropriate cleaner. Rinse thoroughly. Remove loose paint and powdery substances. Patch holes and cracks with spackling or patching compound in accord with manufacturer’s written instructions. Allow to dry, then sand smooth. For glossy or nonporous surfaces, lightly sand to a dull finish or use an abrasive cleaner. Remove sanding dust or cleaner residue. Test for adhesion before applying intermediate and topcoats. If adhesion is questionable, follow manufacturer’s written instructions for alternate techniques such as a transition barrier coat. Prime all bare areas prior to applying intermediate and topcoat. Do not prime in isolated spots. When priming is required, apply a uniform coat on entire field. Apply intermediate and topcoats as scheduled for new materials to existing materials previously painted. APPLICATION A. Apply paints according to manufacturer's written instructions and to recommendations in "MPI Manual." 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Use applicators and techniques suited for paint and substrate indicated. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture same as similar exposed surfaces. Before final installation, paint surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or furniture with prime coat only. Paint front and backsides of access panels, removable or hinged covers, and similar hinged items to match exposed surfaces. Do not paint over labels of independent testing agencies or equipment name, identification, performance rating, or nomenclature plates. Primers specified in painting schedules may be omitted on items that are factory primed or factory finished if acceptable to topcoat manufacturers. B. Tint each undercoat a lighter shade to facilitate identification of each coat if multiple coats of same material are to be applied. Tint undercoats to match color of topcoat, but provide sufficient difference in shade of undercoats to distinguish each separate coat. C. If undercoats or other conditions show through topcoat, apply additional coats until cured film has a uniform paint finish, color, and appearance. D. Apply paints to produce surface films without cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks, roller tracking, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface imperfections. Cut in sharp lines and color breaks. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices INTERIOR PAINTING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 9123 - 6 February 12, 2014 E. Painting Fire Suppression, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical, Communication, and Electronic Safety and Security Work: 1. Paint the following work where exposed in occupied spaces: a. b. c. d. e. f. 2. 3.4 Equipment, including panelboards. Uninsulated metal and plastic piping. Pipe hangers and supports. Metal and plastic conduit. Duct, equipment, and pipe insulation having cotton or canvas insulation covering or other paintable jacket material. Other items as directed by Architect. Paint portions of internal surfaces of metal ducts, without liner, behind air inlets and outlets that are visible from occupied spaces. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. At end of each workday, remove rubbish, empty cans, rags, and other discarded materials from Project site. B. After completing paint application, clean spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paints by washing, scraping, or other methods. Do not scratch or damage adjacent finished surfaces. C. Protect work of other trades against damage from paint application. Correct damage to work of other trades by cleaning, repairing, replacing, and refinishing, as approved by Architect, and leave in an undamaged condition. D. At completion of construction activities of other trades, touch up and restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces. 3.5 INTERIOR PAINTING SCHEDULE A. For previously painted surfaces, see paragraph in “Preparation” article above. After preparing and successfully testing previously coated surfaces, proceed with intermediate and topcoats if re-priming or a transition coat is not required. B. Steel Substrates, including hollow-metal doors and frames: 1. Water-Based Light Industrial Coating System: a. b. c. Prime Coat: Primer, rust-inhibitive, water based MPI #107. Intermediate Coat: Light industrial coating, interior, water based, matching topcoat. Topcoat: Light industrial coating, interior, water based, semi-gloss (Gloss Level 5, semi-gloss), MPI #153. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices INTERIOR PAINTING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 9123 - 7 February 12, 2014 C. Galvanized-Metal Substrates: 1. Latex over Waterborne Primer System: a. b. c. D. Wood Substrates: Including wood-based panel products: 1. High-Performance Architectural Latex System: a. b. c. E. Prime Coat: Primer, galvanized, water based, MPI #134. Intermediate Coat: Latex, interior, matching topcoat. Topcoat: Latex, interior, flat, (Gloss Level 5, semi-gloss), MPI #54. Prime Coat: Primer, latex, for interior wood, MPI #39. Intermediate Coat: Latex, interior, high performance architectural, matching topcoat. Topcoat: Latex, interior, high performance architectural, (Gloss Level 5, semigloss), MPI #141. Gypsum Board: 1. High-Performance Architectural Latex System: a. b. c. d. Prime Coat: Primer sealer, latex, interior, MPI #50. Intermediate Coat: Latex, interior, high performance architectural, matching topcoat. Topcoat, unless otherwise noted: Latex, interior, high performance architectural, (Gloss Level 3, eggshell), MPI #139. Topcoat in public areas such as corridors, lobbies, laundry and toilet rooms: Latex, interior, high performance architectural, (Gloss Level 5, semigloss), MPI #141. END OF SECTION 09 9123 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices INTERIOR PAINTING VT PC# R-2014-05 09 9123 - 8 February 12, 2014 SECTION 09 9600 - HIGH-PERFORMANCE COATINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes application of high-performance coating systems on the following substrates: 1. Exterior Substrates: a. B. Related Requirements: 1. 1.3 Steel, including hollow-metal doors and frames. Division 09 Painting Sections for general field painting. DEFINITIONS A. 1.4 Gloss Level 6: 70 to 85 units at 60 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. application instructions. B. Product List: For each product indicated, include the following: 1. 1.5 Include preparation requirements and Cross-reference to paint system and locations of application areas. designations indicated on Drawings and in schedules. Use same DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in well-ventilated areas with ambient temperatures continuously maintained at not less than 45 deg F. 1. 2. 1.6 Maintain containers in clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. Remove rags and waste from storage areas daily. FIELD CONDITIONS A. Apply coatings only when temperature of surfaces to be coated and surrounding air temperatures are between 50 and 95 deg F. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices HIGH-PERFORMANCE COATINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 9600 - 1 February 12, 2014 B. Do not apply coatings when relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; at temperatures less than 5 deg F above the dew point; or to damp or wet surfaces. C. Do not apply exterior coatings in snow, rain, fog, or mist. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: following: 1. 2. 3. 2.2 Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the ICI Paints. PPG Architectural Finishes, Inc. Sherwin-Williams Company (The). HIGH-PERFORMANCE COATINGS, GENERAL A. Material Compatibility: 1. 2. 3. B. 2.3 Provide materials for use within each coating system that are compatible with one another and substrates indicated, under conditions of service and application as demonstrated by manufacturer, based on testing and field experience. For each coat in a coating system, provide products recommended in writing by manufacturers of topcoat for use in coating system and on substrate indicated. Provide products of same manufacturer for each coat in a coating system. Colors: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. METAL PRIMERS A. Primer, Zinc-Rich, Inorganic: MPI #19. 1. 2. 3. 2.4 ICI Paints, Devoe Coatings: “Catha-Cote 304,” 304. PPG, Metalhide One-Pac: “Inorganic Zinc Rich Primer,” 97-676. Sherwin-Williams, Industrial & Marine “Zinc Clad II Ethyl Silicate,” B69V3 and B69D11. EPOXY COATINGS A. Epoxy, High-Build, Low Gloss: 1. 2. 3. ICI Paints, Devoe Coatings: “Bar-Rust 235,” 235. PPG, Ameron: “Amercoat.385,” AT385-XX. Sherwin-Williams, Industrial & Marine: “Macropoxy 646 Fast Cure Epoxy,” B58-600 and B58V600. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices HIGH-PERFORMANCE COATINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 9600 - 2 February 12, 2014 2.5 POLYURETHANE COATINGS A. Polyurethane, Two-Component, Pigmented, Gloss (Gloss Level 6): 1. 2. 3. ICI Paints, Devoe Coatings: “Devthane Aliphatic Urethane Gloss Enamel,” 379UVA. PPG, Pitthane Ultra: “Gloss Urethane Enamels,” 95-812/819. Sherwin-Williams, Industrial & Marine: “Acrolon 218 HS,” B65-W651 and B65V600. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and conditions, with Applicator present, for compliance with requirements for maximum moisture content and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Verify suitability of substrates, including surface conditions and compatibility with existing finishes and primers. C. Proceed with coating application only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 1. 3.2 Beginning coating application constitutes Contractor's acceptance of substrates and conditions. PREPARATION A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations in "MPI Architectural Painting Specification Manual" applicable to substrates indicated. B. Comply with the Virginia State Fire Prevention Code regarding ventilation and fire safety. C. Remove hardware, covers, plates, and similar items already in place that are removable and are not to be painted. If removal is impractical or impossible because of size or weight of item, provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and painting. 1. D. Clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of coatings, including dust, dirt, oil, grease, and incompatible paints and encapsulants. 1. E. 3.3 After completing painting operations, use workers skilled in the trades involved to reinstall items that were removed. Remove surface-applied protection. Remove incompatible primers and reprime substrate with compatible primers or apply tie coat as required to produce coating systems indicated. Shop-Primed Steel Substrates: Clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint, and paint exposed areas with the same material as used for shop priming to comply with SSPC-PA 1 for touching up shop-primed surfaces. APPLICATION A. Apply high-performance coatings according to manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations in "MPI Architectural Painting Specification Manual." Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices HIGH-PERFORMANCE COATINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 9600 - 3 February 12, 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. Use applicators and techniques suited for coating and substrate indicated. Coat surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture same as similar exposed surfaces. Before final installation, coat surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or furniture with prime coat only. Coat back sides of access panels, removable or hinged covers, and similar hinged items to match exposed surfaces. Do not apply coatings over labels of independent testing agencies or equipment name, identification, performance rating, or nomenclature plates. B. Tint each undercoat a lighter shade to facilitate identification of each coat if multiple coats of the same material are to be applied. Tint undercoats to match color of finish coat, but provide sufficient difference in shade of undercoats to distinguish each separate coat. C. If undercoats or other conditions show through final coat, apply additional coats until cured film has a uniform coating finish, color, and appearance. D. Apply coatings to produce surface films without cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface imperfections. Produce sharp glass lines and color breaks. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Dry Film Thickness Testing: Owner may engage the services of a qualified testing and inspecting agency to inspect and test coatings for dry film thickness. 1. 2. 3.5 Contractor shall touch up and restore coated surfaces damaged by testing. If test results show that dry film thickness of applied coating does not comply with coating manufacturer's written recommendations, Contractor shall pay for testing and apply additional coats as needed to provide dry film thickness that complies with coating manufacturer's written recommendations. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. At end of each workday, remove rubbish, empty cans, rags, and other discarded materials from Project site. B. After completing coating application, clean spattered surfaces. Remove spattered coatings by washing, scraping, or other methods. Do not scratch or damage adjacent finished surfaces. C. Protect work of other trades against damage from coating operation. Correct damage by cleaning, repairing, replacing, and recoating, as approved by Architect, and leave in an undamaged condition. D. At completion of construction activities of other trades, touch up and restore damaged or defaced coated surfaces. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices HIGH-PERFORMANCE COATINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 9600 - 4 February 12, 2014 3.6 EXTERIOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE COATING SCHEDULE A. Steel Substrates: 1. Pigmented Polyurethane over Inorganic Zinc-Rich Primer and High-Build Epoxy System: a. b. c. Prime Coat: Primer, zinc-rich, inorganic. Intermediate Coat: Epoxy, high-build, low gloss. Topcoat: Polyurethane, two-component, pigmented, gloss (Gloss Level 6). END OF SECTION 09 9600 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices HIGH-PERFORMANCE COATINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 9600 - 5 February 12, 2014 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices HIGH-PERFORMANCE COATINGS VT PC# R-2014-05 09 9600 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 102800 - TOILET, BATH, AND LAUNDRY ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. B. Related Sections: 1. 1.3 Public-use washroom accessories. Section 088300 “Mirrors” for custom-sized frameless mirrors. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.4 Construction details and dimensions. Anchoring and mounting requirements, including requirements for cutouts in other work and substrate preparation. Material and finish descriptions. Features that will be included for Project. Manufacturer's warranty. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. 1.5 Maintenance Data: For toilet and bath accessories to include in maintenance manuals. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: For products listed together in the same Part 2 articles, obtain products from single source from single manufacturer. B. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, by a qualified testing agency, and marked for intended location and application. 1.6 COORDINATION A. Coordinate accessory locations with other work to prevent interference with clearances required for access by people with disabilities, and for proper installation, adjustment, operation, cleaning, and servicing of accessories. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TOILET, BATH, AND LAUNDRY ACCESSORIES VT PC# R-2014-05 10 2800 - 1 February 12, 2014 B. Deliver inserts and anchoring devices set into concrete or masonry as required to prevent delaying the Work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Stainless Steel: ASTM A 666, Type 304, 0.031-inch minimum nominal thickness unless otherwise indicated. B. Galvanized-Steel Sheet: ASTM A 653/A 653M, with G60 hot-dip zinc coating. C. Galvanized-Steel Mounting Devices: ASTM A 153/A 153M, hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. D. Fasteners: Screws, bolts, and other devices of same material as accessory unit and tamperand-theft resistant where exposed, and of galvanized steel where concealed. E. ABS Plastic: Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resin formulation. 2.2 PUBLIC-USE WASHROOM ACCESSORIES A. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc. product indicated, or comparable product by one of the following: 1. 2. B. Toilet Tissue (Jumbo-Roll) Dispenser A: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C. Basis-of-Design Product: Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc; B-2890. Description: One-roll unit. Mounting: Surface mounted. Capacity: 9- or 10-inch- diameter rolls. Material and Finish: Stainless steel, No. 4 finish (satin). Lockset: Tumbler type. Refill Indicator: Pierced slots at front. Paper Towel (Folded) Dispenser B: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. D. American Specialties, Inc. Bradley Corporation. Basis-of-Design Product: Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc; B-263. Mounting: Surface mounted. Minimum Capacity: 400 single-fold towels. Material and Finish: Stainless steel, No. 4 finish (satin). Lockset: Tumbler type. Refill Indicators: Pierced slots at sides or front. Liquid-Soap Dispenser E: 1. 2. 3. 4. Basis-of-Design Product: Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc; B-2111. Description: Designed for dispensing soap in liquid or lotion form. Mounting: Vertically oriented, surface mounted. Capacity: 40 ounce. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TOILET, BATH, AND LAUNDRY ACCESSORIES VT PC# R-2014-05 10 2800 - 2 February 12, 2014 5. 6. 7. E. Materials: Molded plastic push button and spout fir valve; stainless-steel spring. Lockset: Tumbler type. Refill Indicator: Window type. Grab Bar F1: 1. 2. 3. Basis-of-Design Product: Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc.; B-5806 Series. Mounting: Flanges with concealed fasteners. Material: Stainless steel, 0.05 inch thick. a. 4. 5. F. Basis-of-Design Product: Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc; B-270. Mounting: Surface mounted. Door or Cover: Self-closing, disposal-opening cover. Receptacle: Removable. Material and Finish: Stainless steel, No. 4 finish (satin). Robe Hook T: 1. 2. 3. 2.3 Basis-of-Design Product: Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc; B-2706-25. Type: Sanitary napkin and tampon. Mounting: Surface mounted. Capacity: 20 sanitary napkins and 30 tampons. Operation: Single coin (25 cents). Exposed Material and Finish: Stainless steel, No. 4 finish (satin). Lockset: Tumbler type with separate lock and key for coin box. Sanitary-Napkin Disposal Unit H: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H. Outside Diameter: 1-1/4 inches. Configuration and Length: As indicated on Drawings. Vendor G: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. G. Finish: Smooth, No. 4 finish (satin). Basis-of-Design Product: Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc; B-2116. Description: Single-prong unit. Material and Finish: Satin nickel-plated brass. FABRICATION A. General: Fabricate units with tight seams and joints, and exposed edges rolled. Hang doors and access panels with full-length, continuous hinges. Equip units for concealed anchorage and with corrosion-resistant backing plates. B. Keys: Provide universal keys for internal access to accessories for servicing and resupplying. Provide minimum of 2 keys to Owner's representative. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TOILET, BATH, AND LAUNDRY ACCESSORIES VT PC# R-2014-05 10 2800 - 3 February 12, 2014 A. Install accessories according to manufacturers' written instructions, using fasteners appropriate to substrate indicated and recommended by unit manufacturer. Install units level, plumb, and firmly anchored in locations and at heights indicated. B. Grab Bars: Install to withstand a downward load of at least 250 lbf, when tested according to ASTM F 446. 3.2 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Adjust accessories for unencumbered, smooth operation. Replace damaged or defective items. B. Remove temporary labels and protective coatings. C. Clean and polish exposed surfaces according to manufacturer's written recommendations. END OF SECTION 10 2800 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices TOILET, BATH, AND LAUNDRY ACCESSORIES VT PC# R-2014-05 10 2800 - 4 February 12, 2014 SECTION 10 4413 - FIRE PROTECTION CABINETS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Fire protection cabinets for the following: a. B. 1.3 Portable fire extinguishers. Owner-Furnished Material: Portable fire extinguishers. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for fire protection cabinets. 1. Fire Protection Cabinets: Include roughing-in dimensions, details showing mounting methods, relationships of box and trim to surrounding construction, door hardware, cabinet type, trim style, and panel style. B. Shop Drawings: For fire-protection cabinets. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. C. Samples: For each type of exposed finish required. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. 1.5 Maintenance Data: For fire protection cabinets to include in maintenance manuals. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.6 ADA/ABA Accessibility Guidelines: Department of Justice’s “2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design,” dated September 15, 2010. COORDINATION A. Coordinate size of fire protection cabinets to ensure that type and capacity of fire extinguishers indicated are accommodated. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FIRE PROTECTION CABINETS VT PC# R-2014-05 10 4413 - 1 February 12, 2014 B. Coordinate sizes and locations of fire protection cabinets with wall depths. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet: ASTM A 1008/A 1008M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B. B. Tempered Float Glass: ASTM C 1048, Kind FT, Condition A, Type I, Quality q3, 3 mm thick, Class 1 (clear). 2.2 FIRE PROTECTION CABINET A. Cabinet Type: Suitable for fire extinguisher of minimum 10 lb. canister size, approximately 5 inches diameter by 21 inches high. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. b. c. d. e. B. J. L. Industries, Inc., a division of Activar Construction Products Group. Kidde Residential and Commercial Division, Subsidiary of Kidde plc. Larsen's Manufacturing Company. Potter Roemer LLC. Watrous Division, American Specialties, Inc.. Cabinet Construction: Nonrated. 1. Fire-Rated Cabinets: Construct fire-rated cabinets with double walls fabricated from 0.0428-inch- thick, cold-rolled steel sheet lined with minimum 5/8-inch- thick, fire-barrier material. Provide factory-drilled mounting holes. C. Cabinet Material: Aluminum sheet. D. Semirecessed Cabinet: Cabinet box partially recessed in walls of sufficient depth to suit style of trim indicated; with one-piece combination trim and perimeter door frame overlapping surrounding wall surface with exposed trim face and wall return at outer edge (backbend). Provide where walls are of insufficient depth for recessed cabinets but are of sufficient depth to accommodate semirecessed cabinet installation. 1. 2. Rolled-Edge Trim: 2-1/2-inch backbend depth with a 3 inch rough opening depth, maximum. Cabinet Depth: Projection from wall shall be less than 4 inches. E. Cabinet Trim Material: Aluminum sheet. F. Door Material: Aluminum sheet. G. Door Style: Vertical duo panel with frame. H. Door Glazing: Tempered float glass (clear). Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FIRE PROTECTION CABINETS VT PC# R-2014-05 10 4413 - 2 February 12, 2014 I. Door Hardware: Manufacturer's standard door-operating hardware of proper type for cabinet type, trim style, and door material and style indicated. 1. 1. J. Provide recessed door pull and friction latch. Provide concealed hinge permitting door to open 180 degrees. Accessories: 1. 2. Mounting Bracket: Manufacturer's standard steel, designed to secure fire extinguisher to fire protection cabinet, of sizes required for types and capacities of fire extinguishers indicated, with plated or baked-enamel finish. Identification: Lettering complying with authorities having jurisdiction for letter style, size, spacing, and location. Locate as directed by Architect. a. Identify fire extinguisher in fire protection cabinet with the words "FIRE EXTINGUISHER." 1) 2) 3) 4) K. Materials: 1. Aluminum: ASTM B 221, with strength and durability characteristics of not less than Alloy 6063-T5 for aluminum sheet. ASTM B 221 for extruded shapes. a. 2. 2.3 Location: Applied to cabinet door. Application Process: Silk-screened. Lettering Color: Black. Orientation: Vertical. Finish: Clear anodic. Tempered Float Glass: ASTM C 1048, Kind FT, Condition A, Type I, Quality q3, 3 mm thick, Class 1 (clear). FABRICATION A. Fire Protection Cabinets: Provide manufacturer's standard box (tub) with trim, frame, door, and hardware to suit cabinet type, trim style, and door style indicated. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Cabinet Doors: Fabricate doors according to manufacturer's standards, from materials indicated and coordinated with cabinet types and trim styles selected. 1. 2. C. Weld joints and grind smooth. Provide factory-drilled mounting holes. Prepare doors and frames to receive locks. Install door locks at factory. Fabricate door frames with tubular stiles and rails and hollow-metal design, minimum 1/2 inch thick. Miter and weld perimeter door frames. Cabinet Trim: Fabricate cabinet trim in one piece with corners mitered, welded, and ground smooth. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FIRE PROTECTION CABINETS VT PC# R-2014-05 10 4413 - 3 February 12, 2014 2.4 GENERAL FINISH REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. B. Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces of fire protection cabinets from damage by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering before shipping. C. Finish fire protection cabinets after assembly. D. Appearance of Finished Work: Noticeable variations in same piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of adjoining components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine walls and partitions for suitable framing depth and blocking where semirecessed cabinets will be installed. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. 3.3 Prepare recesses for semirecessed fire protection cabinets as required by type and size of cabinet and trim style. INSTALLATION A. General: Install fire protection cabinets in locations and at mounting heights indicated or, if not indicated, at heights indicated below: 1. B. Fire Protection Cabinets: 54 inches above finished floor to top of cabinet. Fire Protection Cabinets: Fasten cabinets to structure, square and plumb. 1. Fasten mounting brackets to inside surface of fire protection cabinets, square and plumb. C. Identification: Apply vinyl lettering at locations indicated. D. Depth of installation shall be less than 4 inch projection from face of wall finish. 3.4 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Remove temporary protective coverings and strippable films, if any, as fire protection cabinets are installed unless otherwise indicated in manufacturer's written installation instructions. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FIRE PROTECTION CABINETS VT PC# R-2014-05 10 4413 - 4 February 12, 2014 B. Adjust fire protection cabinet doors to operate easily without binding. Verify that integral locking devices operate properly. C. On completion of fire protection cabinet installation, clean interior and exterior surfaces as recommended by manufacturer. D. Touch up marred finishes, or replace fire protection cabinets that cannot be restored to factoryfinished appearance. Use only materials and procedures recommended or furnished by fire protection cabinet and mounting bracket manufacturers. E. Replace fire protection cabinets that have been damaged or have deteriorated beyond successful repair by finish touchup or similar minor repair procedures. END OF SECTION 10 4413 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FIRE PROTECTION CABINETS VT PC# R-2014-05 10 4413 - 5 February 12, 2014 Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FIRE PROTECTION CABINETS VT PC# R-2014-05 10 4413 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 12 2413 - ROLLER WINDOW SHADES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. B. Related Requirements: 1. 1.3 Manual operated roller shade with single rollers Division 06 Section "Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry" for wood blocking and grounds for mounting roller shades and accessories. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. 1. Include styles, material descriptions, construction details, dimensions of individual components and profiles, features, finishes, and operating instructions for roller shades. B. Shop Drawings: Show fabrication and installation details for roller shades, including shadeband materials, their orientation to rollers, and their seam and batten locations. C. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type and color of shadeband material. 1. D. Samples for Verification: For each type of roller shade. 1. 2. 3. E. 1.4 Include Samples of accessories involving color selection. Shadeband Material: Not less than 10 inches square. Mark inside face of material if applicable. Roller Shade: Full-size operating unit, not less than 12 inches wide by 12 inches long for each type of roller shade indicated. Installation Accessories: Full-size unit, not less than 10 inches long. Roller-Shade Schedule: Use same designations indicated on Drawings. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For Installer. B. Product Certificates: For each type of shadeband material, signed by product manufacturer. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ROLLER WINDOW SHADES VT PC# R-2014-05 12 2413 - 1 February 12, 2014 C. Product Test Reports: A. 1.5 Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Passes NFPA 701-99 small and large-scale vertical burn. Materials tested shall be identical to products proposed for use. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. 1.6 Maintenance Data: For roller shades to include in maintenance manuals. MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS A. Furnish extra materials that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. 1. 1.7 Roller Shades: a. Fabric equal to 5 percent of quantity installed for each color, and shadeband material indicated. b. Brackets equal to 5 percent of quantity installed for each type on project QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.8 Installer Qualifications: Installer trained and certified by the manufacturer having at least ten years experience installing products comparable to those specified in this section. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. 1.9 Deliver roller shades in factory packages, marked with manufacturer, product name, and location of installation using same designations indicated on Drawings. FIELD CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not install roller shades until construction and finish work in spaces, including painting, is complete and dry and ambient temperature and humidity conditions are maintained at the levels indicated for Project when occupied for its intended use. B. Field Measurements: Where roller shades are indicated to fit to other construction, verify dimensions of other construction by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. Allow clearances for operating hardware of operable glazed units through entire operating range. Notify Architect of installation conditions that vary from Drawings. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. 1.10 WARRANTY A. Roller Shade Hardware and Shadecloth: Manufacturer’s standard non-depreciating twenty-five year limited warranty B. Roller Shade Installation: One year from date of substantial completion, not including scaffolding, lifts and other means of access Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ROLLER WINDOW SHADES VT PC# R-2014-05 12 2413 - 2 February 12, 2014 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Mecho 5 manual shades; MechoShade Systems, Inc. Denise Khoury 301.574.3840 Fax 301.574.9430 [email protected]; or a comparable product by one of the following: 1. B. 2.2 Levolor Window Fashions, a Newell-Rubbermaid Company. Source Limitations: Obtain roller shades from single source from single manufacturer. MANUALLY OPERATED SHADES WITH SINGLE ROLLERS A. Chain-and-Clutch Operating Mechanisms: With continuous-loop bead chain and clutch that stops shade movement when bead chain is released; permanently adjusted and lubricated. 1. Bead Chains: Stainless steel a. b. c. 2. Spring Lift-Assist Mechanisms: Manufacturer's standard for balancing roller-shade weight and lifting heavy roller shades. a. B. Loop Length: Full length of roller shade. Limit Stops: Provide upper and lower ball stops. Chain-Retainer Type: Standard Clip Provide for shadebands that weigh more than 12 lb] or for shades as recommended by manufacturer, whichever criteria are more stringent. Rollers: Corrosion-resistant extruded-aluminum tubes of diameters and wall thicknesses required for accommodating operating mechanisms and weights and widths of shadebands indicated without deflection. Provide with permanently lubricated drive-end assemblies and idle-end assemblies designed to facilitate removal of shadebands for service. 1. 2. 3. Roller Drive-End Location: As indicated on Drawings. Direction of Shadeband Roll: Regular, from back of roller. Shadeband-to-Roller Attachment: Removable spline fitting integral channel in tube C. Mounting Hardware: Brackets or endcaps, corrosion resistant and compatible with roller assembly, operating mechanism, installation accessories, and mounting location and conditions indicated. D. Shadebands: 1. 2. 3. E. Shadeband Material: Light-filtering fabric. Shadeband Bottom (Hem) Bar: Steel or extruded aluminum. Type: Enclosed in sealed pocket of shadeband material Installation Accessories (Multiple Mounting Conditions): 1. Roller Shade No Cost Pocket: Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ROLLER WINDOW SHADES VT PC# R-2014-05 12 2413 - 3 February 12, 2014 a. 2.3 Continuous overhead blocking to be provided by others in locations indicated on drawings SHADEBAND MATERIALS A. Shadeband Material Flame-Resistance Rating: Comply with NFPA 701. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency. B. Light-Filtering Fabric: Woven fabric, stain and fade resistant. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2.4 Basis of Design: MechoShade 1500 series Type: Extruded vinyl yarn comprising of 21 percent polyester and 79 percent reinforced vinyl. Weave: Basketweave. Thickness: single thickness non-raveling 0.030-inch (0.762 mm) thick vinyl fabric, woven from 0.018-inch (0.457 mm) diameter extruded vinyl yarn Roll Width: 96 inches Orientation on Shadeband: As indicated on Drawings. Openness Factor: 3 percent. Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. ROLLER-SHADE FABRICATION A. Product Safety Standard: Fabricate roller shades to comply with WCMA A 100.1, including requirements for flexible, chain-loop devices; lead content of components; and warning labels. B. Unit Sizes: Fabricate units in sizes to fill window and other openings as follows, measured at 74 deg F: 1. C. Outside of Jamb Installation: Width and length as indicated, with terminations between shades of end-to-end installations at centerlines of mullion or other defined vertical separations between openings. Shadeband Fabrication: Fabricate shadebands without battens or seams to extent possible except as follows: 1. Railroaded Materials: Railroad material where material roll width is less than the required width of shadeband and where indicated. Provide battens and seams as required by railroaded material to produce shadebands with full roll-width panel(s) plus, if required, one partial roll-width panel located at top of shadeband. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances, operational clearances, [accurate locations of connections to building electrical system, and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ROLLER WINDOW SHADES VT PC# R-2014-05 12 2413 - 4 February 12, 2014 3.2 ROLLER-SHADE INSTALLATION A. 3.3 Install roller shades level, plumb, and aligned with adjacent units according to manufacturer's written instructions. ADJUSTING A. 3.4 Adjust and balance roller shades to operate smoothly, easily, safely, and free from binding or malfunction throughout entire operational range. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Clean roller-shade surfaces after installation, according to manufacturer's written instructions. B. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to manufacturer and installer that ensure that roller shades are without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. C. Replace damaged roller shades that cannot be repaired, in a manner approved by Architect, before time of Substantial Completion. 3.5 DEMONSTRATION A. Engage a factory-authorized service representative to train Owner's maintenance personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain motor-operated roller shades. END OF SECTION 12 2413 This page intentionally blank. Pritchard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices ROLLER WINDOW SHADES VT PC# R-2014-05 12 2413 - 5 February 12, 2014 SECTION 21 1000 - FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 CONDITIONS A. The applicable provisions of Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, are hereby made a part of this section, and the Contractor is cautioned to read Section 22 0000 carefully as items of work applicable to this section are included in Section 22 0000. B. Alteration of existing system shall be accomplished by a Contractor who is duly licensed and accredited in the installation of automatic sprinkler systems and fire protection equipment for the past three years. 1.2 AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION A. The Fire Protection System shall meet all applicable rules and regulations of the Authorities Having Jurisdiction listed below: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 University Building Official Regional Office of the State Fire Marshal Project Manager CODES, STANDARDS, AND REGULATIONS A. Material, equipment, and installation shall be in compliance with, but not limited to, the following codes and standards: 1. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. b. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1.4 NFPA 10-2007 - Portable Fire Extinguishers NFPA 13-2007 - Installation Sprinkler Systems American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI) Local utility company rules and regulations Rules and regulations of the Board of Health, Commonwealth of Virginia 2009 Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code 2009 Virginia Uniform Statewide Fire Code Return Air Plenum Note: All material located in the return air plenums shall meet the requirements of the International Mechanical Code, Section 602.2.1. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The work to be performed under this section of the specifications comprises the furnishing of all labor and materials and the completion of all work of this section as shown on the drawings and/or herein specified. In general, the work included under this section consists of, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Sprinkler system layouts, hydraulic design, risers, sprinklers, standpipes, water flow switches, valves, fire department connections, all interior piping, all exterior piping, and all other components indicated and/or required. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS VT PC# R-2014-05 21 1000 - 1 February 12, 2014 2. 3. Submit for review and comments by the Architect, a sepia of the reflected ceiling plan showing the proposed locations of sprinkler heads with respect to ceiling, lights, diffusers, ceiling grid, framing members, etc. The sprinkler heads shall be centered within the ceiling grid. Prepare Working Plans: a. b. c. d. e. f. 1.5 Alteration of the existing wet pipe sprinkler system in renovated areas of the building as indicated on the plans. The sprinkler system in corridors, toilets, offices, classrooms, lobbies and similar spaces shall be Light Hazard designed to provide 0.10 GPM/Sq. Ft. over 1500 Sq. Ft. plus a 100 GPM hose allowance. The system shall be wet using 155 Deg. F. sprinkler heads and cover no more than 225 Sq. Ft. per head. The sprinkler system in mechanical rooms, storage rooms and similar spaces shall be Ordinary Hazard 1 designed to provide 0.15 GPM/Sq. Ft. over 1500 Sq. Ft. plus a 250 GPM hose allowance. The system shall be wet using 155 Deg. F. sprinkler heads and cover no more than 130 Sq. Ft. per head. Data on these working plans shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Requirements listed in NFPA 13-2007 - Sprinkler Systems, size of all piping; method of anchoring or hanging pipe lines; location and type of valves; position, type, and temperature ratings of sprinkler heads; material and equipment list indicating manufacturer's names and types; structural, mechanical, electrical, and architectural coordinating information; and the various other items pertinent to the complete installation of the systems. Where seismic bracing is required, seismically brace piping system in accordance with NFPA 13-2007. Before any piping or equipment is installed, the Contractor shall submit the required shop drawings to the Architect/Engineer (A/E) and obtain their approval. Once the A/E has approved the submittal, the A/E shall submit one (1) copy to the University Building Official (UBO) for their approval. Once the submittal has been accepted by UBO, an approved copy shall be furnished by the A/E to the regional office of the State Fire Marshal. Once all submittals have been approved, a copy of the submittals and a copy of UBO’s and the Fire Marshal’s letters of approval shall be furnished to the Owner by the A/E. All work shall be subject to installation, testing and inspection requirements of the State Fire Marshal’s Office. Coordinate the sprinkler system with other pipes, ducts, lights, conduit, structural systems, ceiling supports, and framing before installation. There shall be mutual agreement among all of the trades as to the location of each trade's materials to be installed. In the event that the Contractor should proceed to install his material without properly coordinated with the other trades, all and any conflicting work shall be removed and reinstalled at the Contractor's own expense. The reinstalled work shall be at the direction and approval of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. RELATED WORK A. 1.6 Section 22 0000 PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. SUBMITTALS A. In accordance with Section 22 0000 PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, furnish the following: (Contractor shall submit manufacturer's literature and data, drawings, hydraulic calculations and verification of water test data to the Authorities Having Jurisdiction for approval. Two copies of the approved submittal shall then be submitted to the Architect for their records.) Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS VT PC# R-2014-05 21 1000 - 2 February 12, 2014 1. Manufacturer's Literature and Data: Submit the following as one package with layout drawings and calculations: a. b. 2. 3. B. Piping and Fittings Sprinkler Heads Complete layout drawings of sprinkler system. Hydraulic calculations. Grooved joint couplings and fittings shall be shown on drawings and be specifically identified with the applicable style or series number. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPING A. Interior: Steel piping (welded and seamless) having a corrosion resistance ratio (CRR) of 1.0 or greater, or copper tube (drawn, seamless) within the building shall be of the materials listed in NFPA 13-2007 – Installation of Sprinkler System and acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Steel pipe shall be Schedule 40 for sizes 2 inches and smaller, and Schedule 10 for sizes 2-1/2 inches and larger. (Plastic piping will not be an acceptable piping material.) Changes in direction of piping shall be made with fittings. All materials and installation shall be suitable for minimum working pressure of 175 PSI or as specified hereinafter for tests. 1. Grooved mechanical piping system for ferrous piping 2-1/2” and larger shall be used with roll cut or cut grooved (ANSI/AWWA C606) carbon steel ASTM A53 or ASTM A-795 pipe. All grooved components shall be of one manufacturer and shall be UL listed and FM Global approved. a. b. Grooved end fittings shall be cast of ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12, forged steel conforming to ASTM A-234, Grade WPB 0.375” wall, or fabricated from standard weight carbon steel pipe conforming to ASTM A-53, Type F, E or S, Grade B, supplied with factory grooved ends designed to accept mechanical couplings. Grooved joint couplings shall be manufactured in two segments of cast ductile iron, conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12. Gaskets shall be pressure-responsive synthetic rubber, grade to suit the intended service, conforming to ASTM D-2000. Mechanical coupling bolts shall be zinc plated (ASTM B-633) heat treated carbon steel track head conforming to physical properties of ASTM A-183 and A-449, minimum tensile strength 110,000 psi (758450 kPa) as provided standard. (1) (2) Rigid type: Housings shall be cast with offsetting, angle-pattern bolt pads to provide system rigidity and support and hanging in accordance with NFPA 132007. Tongue and recess rigid type couplings shall be permitted if the contractor uses a torque wrench for installation and maintains the required gaps between bolt pads equally on each side of the coupling. Required torque shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Contractor shall remove and replace any improperly installed products. 1-1/4” thru 8” shall be “Installation Ready” equal to Victaulic Style 009-EZ and Style 107H rigid type designed for direct “stab” installation onto grooved end pipe without prior disassembly of the coupling. 5” and larger shall be standard rigid joint, equal to Victaulic “FireLock” Style 005. Flexible type: Use in seismic locations where required by NFPA 13-2007, equal to Victaulic Style 75 or 77. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS VT PC# R-2014-05 21 1000 - 3 February 12, 2014 c. d. 2. 3. B. Fire Protection Service Temperature Range Gasket Recommendation Water/Wet Systems Ambient Grade E EPDM, Type A Grooved Joint Flange Adapters: ASTM A-536 ductile iron casting, flat face, for incorporating flanged components with ANSI Class 125, 150 and 300 bolt hole patterns to a grooved system. Victaulic Stile 741/744. Press Piping Joints: For use with 2 inches and smaller, Schedule 10 carbon steel pipe. Precision cold drawn carbon steel housing, externally zinc electroplated, o-ring seal suitable for intended service, and pipe stops. Use the required tool for the piping system being installed with the proper sized jaw for pressing. Threaded Fittings: May be used with Schedule 40 steel pipe only. Threaded pipe and fittings shall have threads cut in accordance with ASME B1.20.1 as indicated in NFPA 13-2007. Flexible Sprinkler Hose Fittings: 1. 2. 3. 4. Description: Flexible Sprinkler Hose Fittings for use in commercial suspended ceilings and sheetrock ceilings. Regulatory Requirements: In accordance with NFPA 13-2007. Basis of Design: Victaulic VicFlex. Product Performance Criteria: a. b. c. d. e. 2.2 Coupling gaskets shall be as follows: FM Approved for its intended use pursuant to FM 1637 Approval Standard for Flexible Sprinkler Hose with Threaded End Fittings. UL Listed for its intended use pursuant to UL 2443 Standard for Flexible Sprinkler Hose with Fittings for Fire Protection Service. Seismically qualified for use pursuant to ICC-ES AC-156 Acceptance Criteria for Seismic Qualification by Shake-Table Testing of Nonstructural Components and Systems. Materials: 100% Type 304 Stainless Steel, rated pressure 175 psi, fully welded nonmechanical fittings, braided, leak-tested with minimum 1 inch true-bore internal corrugated hose diameter, ¾ inch outlets, straight assembly lengths and elbow assembly lengths from 2 feet to 6 feet, factory assembled and shipped as one unit. Ceiling Brackets: Type G90 galvanized steel bracket, direct attachment type, having integrated snap-on clip ends positively attached to the ceiling using tamper-resistant screws, removable hub type flexible hose attachment with set screw. SPRINKLERS A. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. approved, automatic, fusible link type or frangible glass bulb type, having temperature ratings suitable for installation. Sprinklers shall be upright in space with no ceilings, pendent in storage rooms with finished ceilings, recessed sidewall with threaded escutcheons in bathrooms, or recessed with threaded escutcheons in finished spaces. Pendent and sidewall shall have chrome finish, upright shall be brass. Sprinkler body shall be integrally cast with a hex-shaped wrench boss to facilitate installation and reduce the risk of damage during installation. B. Wrenches shall be provided by the sprinkler manufacturer that directly engage the hex-shaped wrench boss integrally cast in the sprinkler body. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS VT PC# R-2014-05 21 1000 - 4 February 12, 2014 C. Install guards over sprinkler heads in Storage spaces where less than 8 feet above floor, in dormitory closets, on heads where subject to mechanical injury or installed in mechanical areas, I.T., Data, Telephone, Telecommunications and A/V rooms/closets. Guards shall be listed, supplied and approved for use with the sprinkler by the sprinkler manufacturer. D. Install high temperature heads where necessary because of heaters, duct openings, etc, or where installed in attic spaces. E. Provide a non-combustible water shield beside sprinkler heads adjacent to electrical service equipment in mechanical or electrical rooms. Quick response sprinklers shall be installed in all light hazard areas, and in ordinary hazard areas where listed for such use. F. Sprinklers in tile ceilings shall be located in center of 2 ft. x 2 ft. tile, or 1 ft. from one end and each side of 2 ft. x 4 ft. tile. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 INTENT OF DRAWINGS A. It is not the intent of these drawings and specifications to provide a complete detailed description of apparatus, material, equipment, etc., which is required to install a fire protection system or to comply with local building department requirements. The sprinkler contractor shall prepare drawings showing all material, equipment, and sizes required to install the system which meets the approval of the Authorities Having Jurisdiction for the completed project, or their designated representatives. Piping layout that may be shown on drawings is a suggested pipe route for the system and is not considered as absolute. Contractor shall submit his layout to the aforementioned authorities for their approval. Contractor's layout shall fit the design of the building, and under no circumstances will the building design be modified to fit the Contractor's layout. B. All materials and methods shall be in accordance with applicable codes, regulations, and/or ordinances and shall meet the approval of the local inspection authority having jurisdiction. NFPA 13-2007 as referenced in the 2009 International Building Code shall be the minimum requirement for all work. All materials under this section of the specifications shall be listed by the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., as approved for fire protection installation. C. The sprinkler systems shall be designed in accordance with NFPA 13-2007. D. Wet pipe sprinkler systems shall not be installed in locations subject to freezing or unheated attic spaces or spaces exterior to building insulation. 3.2 INSTALLATION OF GROOVED JOINT PIPING SYSTEMS A. Grooved joint piping systems shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations. All grooved couplings, fittings, valves and specialties shall be supplied by a single manufacturer. Grooving tools shall be supplied by the same manufacturer as the grooved components. The gasket style and elastomeric material (grade) shall be verified as suitable for the intended service as specified. Gaskets shall be supplied by the grooved coupling manufacturer. Grooved end shall be clean and free from indentations, projections and roll marks in the area from pipe end to groove for proper gasket sealing. A factory-trained field representative shall provide onsite training to Contractor's field personnel in the installation of grooved piping products. Factorytrained representative shall periodically review the product installation. Contractor shall remove and replace any improperly installed products. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS VT PC# R-2014-05 21 1000 - 5 February 12, 2014 B. Press Piping Installation: Pipe shall be certified for use in the press piping system. Pipe shall be square cut, +/-0.030", properly deburred and cleaned. Pipe ends shall be marked at the required location, using a manufacturer-supplied gauge, to ensure full insertion into the coupling or fitting during assembly. Use the required tool for the piping system being installed with the proper sized jaw for pressing. C. The sprinkler bulb protector must remain in place until the sprinkler is completely installed and painting in the area around the sprinkler is complete and before the system is placed in service. Remove bulb protectors carefully by hand after installation. Do not use any tools to remove bulb protectors. D. Do not install sprinklers that have been dropped, damaged, or show a visible loss of fluid. Never install sprinklers with cracked bulbs. 3.3 TESTING AND CLEANING A. General: Contractor shall provide all instruments, materials, and labor required for the following: B. Cleaning: 1. 2. C. Testing: 1. 2. D. 3.4 Remove trash, plaster, dust, paint spots and all foreign matter from inside and outside of all equipment. The Contractor shall check each length of new pipe before it is put in place to make certain there is not foreign material (stones, sand, etc.) in the systems. All new pipes shall be thoroughly flushed with water to remove construction debris before final connections are made to equipment. General - Tests shall be made in the presence of the Owner and/or the authority having jurisdiction or as otherwise directed by the Architect and/or Authorities Having Jurisdiction, who shall be given five (5) days notice by the Contractor of his readiness to perform tests, as required by the NFPA. Any leaks that develop during the tests shall be repaired by remaking the joint or replacing pipe and fittings. No piping shall be concealed until it has been tested, with results acceptable to the Architect and/or Authorities Having Jurisdiction. All new fire protection system piping shall be hydrostatically tested at a minimum 200 PSI pressure for two (2) hours or 50 PSI above maximum static pressure when maximum static pressure is above 150 PSI. Reports: Contractor shall verify in writing before completion of the job that all specified cleaning procedures and tests have been performed, with results as specified or as required by codes. REPORT OF INSPECTION A. The Contractor's Material and Test Certificates for Aboveground Piping shall be filled out in triplicate after acceptance test and the copies sent to the Owner, insurance carrier, Fire Department or other authorities that the Owner may designate. END OF SECTION 21 1000 Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS VT PC# R-2014-05 21 1000 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 22 0000 - PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. This section of the specifications shall be applicable to all phases of plumbing work covered by specifications and drawings issued for this project. B. The "General Conditions of the Contract," "Supplementary General Conditions," and all other similar general requirements issued for this project shall apply to all plumbing work and are hereby made a part of this section. C. The Contractor and/or his representatives shall be fully acquainted with the design and operation of the systems and equipment described in these specifications and on the drawings. D. Work included under this section shall include complete systems as shown on the plans and as specified. Provide supervision, labor, material, equipment, machinery, plant, and other items necessary to complete the plumbing systems. It is the intention of these specifications and drawings to call for finished work, tested, and ready for operation. E. Definitions: 1. 2. 3. 4. "Owner" and "Contractor" shall mean the respective parties to the prime contract governing the project. Only one contractor is recognized as a party to this contract. Where the terms "Plumbing Contractor" or "Subcontractor" are used, it is for convenience only. "Architect/Engineer" shall mean the firm and authorized representatives of the firm engaged by the Owner for architectural and engineering services related to this project. "Plumbing" shall mean all work related to plumbing systems including sanitary and storm drainage, domestic water, gas, compressed air, fuel oil, and similar systems, including all related components, accessories, controls, and miscellaneous work required for a complete system. "Contract Documents" shall mean and include the agreement, the drawings and specifications and all modifications thereto authorized by the Owner in writing prior to final completion of the project. a. b. c. d. 5. 6. The term "Agreement" shall mean the completed and signed contract form. The term "Drawings" shall mean the drawings prepared by the Architect/Engineer for specific use in bidding and execution of the work. The term "Specifications" shall include the legal and procedural documents, the general conditions, special conditions, and the technical specifications. The term "Technical Specifications" shall mean that part of the specifications which describes, outlines, and stipulates the kind and quality of the materials to be furnished, the quality of workmanship required, and the methods to be used in the construction under the contract. For convenience, the plumbing portions of the technical specifications are arranged into one general section and several detailed sections related to the various trades represented in the work. Such arrangement and references shall not operate to make the Architect/Engineer an arbiter in establishing the limits of any subcontract or trade. "Work" of the Contractor shall mean labor or materials or both. "As shown," "as indicated," "as detailed," or words of similar import shall mean reference to the drawings included in the contract documents, unless stated otherwise. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 1 February 12, 2014 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1.2 "As directed," "as required," "as permitted," "approved," or words of similar import shall mean that the direction, requirement, permission, approval, or acceptance of the Architect/Engineer is intended unless stated otherwise. "As necessary" shall mean that which is necessary to achieve satisfactory completion of the work in order to provide the intended function and form of the project in compliance with the contract documents. "Provide" shall mean "provide complete and in place," that is "furnish and install," ready for beneficial occupancy by the Owner. Except where stated otherwise, description of any work in the contract documents shall mean that the work shall be provided by the Contractor, even though the words "provide" or "furnish and install" do not accompany the description. "Similar" shall be interpreted in a general sense and not as meaning identical, and all related details shall be worked out in respect to their location and their connection with other parts of the work. Exposed: Piping and equipment exposed to view in finished rooms. Option or Optional: Contractor's choice of an alternate material or method. INTENT OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. The contract documents are complementary, and what is called for in one place shall be as binding as if called for in all places. Where variances occur between drawings and specifications or within either document itself, include in the contract price the item or arrangement of better quality, greater quantity, or higher cost. Agreement shall take precedence over the specifications and drawings. Figured dimensions shall be used in preference to scaling the drawings. In case of conflict between large and small scale drawings, the large scale drawings shall govern. B. The plumbing drawings show the general arrangement of all piping, equipment, and appurtenances and shall be followed as closely as actual building construction and the work of other trades will permit. The plumbing work shall conform to the requirements shown on the plumbing drawings. Architectural and structural drawings shall take precedence over plumbing drawings. Because of the small scale of the plumbing drawings, it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings, and accessories which may be required. The Contractor shall investigate the structural and finish conditions affecting the work and shall arrange his work accordingly, providing such fittings, valves, boxes, offsets, transitions, and other accessories as may be required to meet such conditions. 1.3 CODES AND STANDARDS A. All materials and workmanship shall comply with all applicable codes, state and federal laws, local ordinances, industry standards, utility company regulations, and all other criteria which normally apply to work of this nature. B. In case of difference between building codes, state laws, federal laws, local ordinances, industry standards, utility company regulations, other criteria and the contract documents, the more stringent regulations will apply. The Contractor shall promptly notify the Architect/Engineer in writing of any such difference. C. If the Contractor performs any work that does not comply with these contract documents or the requirements of the applicable building codes, state laws, local ordinances, industry standards, utility company regulations, and other applicable criteria, he shall bear all costs arising in correcting the deficiencies. D. The standards referred to, except as modified in the specifications, shall have full force and effect as though printed in these specifications. The manufacturer and trades involved shall be familiar with the application of these standards. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 2 February 12, 2014 E. Applicable codes and standards shall include, but are not necessarily restricted to, the most recently recognized issues of the following: 1. Building Codes: a. b. 2. 1.4 Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code International Plumbing Code and accumulative supplements. Industry Standards, Codes, and Specifications: a. b. c. d. e. f. AASHO ABA ADA AGA ANSI ASHRAE g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. ASME ASPE ASSE ASTM AWS CISPI CSA AWWA FS MSS q. r. s. t. u. v. NBS NEC NSF PDI UL UFAS American Association of State Highway Officials Architectural Barriers Act Americans with Disabilities Act American Gas Association American National Standards Institute American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society of Plumbing Engineers American Society of Sanitary Engineering American Society of Testing and Materials American Welding Society Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute Canadian Standards Association American Water Works Association Federal Specification Manufacturer's Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. National Bureau of Standards National Electrical Code National Sanitation Foundation Plumbing & Drainage Institute Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (2012) GOVERNMENTAL FEES, PERMITS, AND INSPECTIONS A. 1.5 Under each applicable section of the detailed plumbing specifications, the Contractor shall obtain and pay for all required licenses, permits, charges for connections to outside services, fees and inspections. Upon completion of the work under each section of the detailed plumbing specifications, the Contractor shall furnish a certificate of final inspection to the Architect/Engineer from the governmental inspection department having jurisdiction. VISITING THE SITE A. Each Contractor shall be responsible for visiting the site before bidding the job to familiarize himself with all existing conditions to be met in the execution of the work under this contract. No additional compensation will be allowed for any changes which may be required to make because of site conditions. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 3 February 12, 2014 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Product Criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. 1.7 All materials shall be new and shall bear the manufacturer's name, trade name, and the UL label in every case where a standard has been established for this particular material. The equipment to be furnished shall be essentially the standard product of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the production of the required type of equipment, and shall be the manufacturer's latest approved design. All equipment shall bear a permanent and legible factory-applied nameplate to permit identification of manufacturer, model number and type of unit. Equipment Service: Products shall be supported by a service organization which maintains an adequate inventory of repair parts and is located, in the opinion of the Architect/Engineer, reasonably close to the site. Multiple Units: When two or more units of materials or equipment of the same type or class are required, these units shall be products of one manufacturer to provide for uniform appearance, operation, and maintenance. Assembled Units: Manufacturers of equipment assemblies, which use components made by others, assume complete responsibility for the final assembled product. Manufacturers' directions shall be followed in the delivery, storage, protection, and installation of all equipment and materials. The Contractor shall promptly notify the Architect/Engineer in writing of any conflict between any requirements of the contract documents and the written instructions before proceeding with the work. If the Contractor performs any work that does not comply with the manufacturers' directions or such written instructions from the Architect/Engineer, he shall bear all costs arising in correcting the deficiencies. BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS A. Products are generally specified by a performance specification and/or by manufacturer's name and model number or trade name. B. When specified only by a performance specification, the Contractor may use any manufacturer who meets the performance specification and applicable codes. (The Contractor shall be subject to the requirements of 1.9 - SHOP DRAWINGS.) C. When several products/manufacturers are specified together, then the Contractor has the option of using any product/manufacturer listed. The Contractor shall be subject to the requirements of 1.9 SHOP DRAWINGS. The Contractor's bid shall be compiled on the use of the listed products without exception. Substitutions will only be considered after the contract has been executed and shall be subject to the requirements of 1.8 - SUBSTITUTIONS. D. When several products/manufacturers are specified together and the system design is based on one of the listed products by specific model number(s) or catalog number(s), then the Contractor has the option of using the one specific product or any other product/manufacturer listed. In either case, the Contractor shall be subject to the requirements of 1.9 - SHOP DRAWINGS. However, when the other listed product/ manufacturer is used, the Contractor shall be responsible for determining that the product(s) will be compatible with building design, electrical design, plumbing design, and the product(s) will not necessitate design modifications by the Architect/Engineer. The Contractors bid shall be compiled on the use of the listed products without exception. Substitutions will only be considered after the Contract has been executed and shall be subject to the requirements of 1.8 SUBSTITUTIONS. If the products/manufacturer are listed to be "only," then substitutions will not be considered. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 4 February 12, 2014 E. 1.8 When only one manufacture's name is listed, this shall be the basis of the bid. The Contractor's bid shall be compiled on the use of the listed product. Substitutions will only be considered after the Contract has been executed and shall be subject to the requirements of 1.8 - SUBSTITUTIONS. SUBSTITUTIONS A. Substitutions will not be considered during the bid. B. After the Contract has been executed, the Architect/Engineer will consider a formal request for a review of substituted products in place of those specified, under the following conditions: 1. 2. C. Not later than 30 days from the Contract Date, the Contractor shall provide a list of products proposed as substitutions, including the name, manufacturer, and section of the specifications governing the product. The request shall be accompanied by accurate cost data on the proposed substitutions indicating whether or not a modification of the Contract Sum is to be considered. Substitutions are understood to mean that the installing Contractor: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Has personally investigated the proposed substitute and has determined that it is equal or superior in all respects to the item specified; Will provide the same guarantee for the substitution that he would for the item or equipment specified; Certifies that the cost data is complete and includes all related costs under this Contract, and waives all claims for additional cost related to the installation of the accepted substitute; Has coordinated the installation of the substitute, providing design modifications and changes as required for the work to be complete in all respects; Has coordinated the installation of the substitute with the General Contractor pertaining to changes required for the work to be complete with all trades and all changes shall be provided without additional cost to the Owner. D. The acceptance by the Architect/Engineer of any or all of those substitute items listed by the Contractor for review shall not constitute an approval of the substitute but shall mean that the Contractor may then submit detailed shop drawings for review. E. When a request for substitution is granted, shop drawings will be reviewed by the Architect/Engineer. Shop drawings not complete with proper review information will not be reviewed and will be returned unchecked. If after two submittals, the substitute equipment is not approved, the specified equipment shall be provided. 1.9 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Shop Drawings are required for all material and equipment that is specified by a manufacturer's name or as indicated in the technical specifications. Furnish the number of copies required by the General and Special Conditions of the Contract, but in no case less than six (6) copies. Submittal data for related equipment shall be submitted at one time. B. Substitutions will not be considered if: 1. 2. They are indicated or implied on shop drawing submissions without information specified in 1.8 - SUBSTITUTIONS. They require a substantial revision of the Contract Documents in order to accommodate their use. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 5 February 12, 2014 C. Identify submittals with PROJECT NAME and NUMBER, CONTRACTOR'S NAME, SECTION NUMBER & NAME, and PARAGRAPH NUMBER of SPECIFICATION GOVERNING, MANUFACTURER, MODEL or STYLE, and CONTRACTOR's REVIEW STAMP. Submittals shall be detailed, dimensioned drawings showing construction, size and arrangement, service clearances, performance characteristics, and capacity. Where submittals are provided that include multiple types or styles of the specified item and/or multiple options, the exact item and options being submitted shall be CLEARLY MARKED on the submittal sheet. Submittals not properly identified or containing information of a general nature will not be reviewed and will be returned unchecked. D. Acceptance of shop drawings shall not be considered as a guarantee of measurements or building conditions. Acceptance shall not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility or necessity of furnishing material or performing work required by the drawings and specifications. Submittal data on any one item shall not be reviewed more than three (3) times. If not accepted after the third review, the Contractor shall provide the equipment upon which the design was based. E. Failure to submit shop drawings in ample time for checking shall not entitle an extension of contract time, and no claim for extension by reason of such default will be allowed. F. No material or equipment, for which submittals are required, may be delivered to or installed at the job site until submittals have been accepted. G. Unless a specific finish is indicated in the contract documents, wherever a choice of finish is available for the specified item, submit accurate color chips or charts to the Architect for review and selection. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 DRIVE GUARDS A. For machinery and equipment, provide guards as shown in AMCA 410 for belts, chains, couplings, pulleys, sheaves, shafts, gears and other moving parts regardless of height above the floor. Drive guards may be excluded where motors and drives are inside factory fabricated unit casings. B. Materials: Sheet steel, cast iron, expanded metal or wire mesh rigidly secured so as to be removable without disassembling pipe, duct, or electrical connections to equipment. C. Access for Speed Measurement: One inch diameter hole at each shaft center. D. Lubrication: Guards shall not interfere with lubrication of equipment. 2.2 PAINTING A. General - Paint plumbing equipment and material in Equipment Rooms and utility type areas and located outside of the building or on the roof. Painting of equipment and material in finished rooms or areas shall be accomplished as described in PAINTING Section of the Architectural Specifications. Painting in concealed spaces shall be limited to equipment and materials not otherwise protected from rusting such as hangers and supports. Paint shall be products of SherwinWilliams, Pittsburgh, or Pratt-Lambert, and shall comply with Green Seal Standards GS-03, GS-11, and SCAQMD Rule #1113 VOC limits for paints and coatings. B. Workmanship - The work shall be accomplished by workmen skilled in the painting trade after testing is complete and systems are ready for operation. Surfaces to be painted shall be completely Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 6 February 12, 2014 dry before applying paint. Surfaces shall not be painted when the temperature is below 50 Deg. F or above 120 Deg. F, or when they are exposed to hot sun. Materials shall be evenly spread and smoothly flowed on without runs or sags. Each coat shall be thoroughly dry before application of succeeding coat. The painters shall protect adjacent surfaces with drip covers during the process of painting. Upon completion, paint spots, if any, shall be removed from adjacent surfaces. C. Preparation of surface - Metal surfaces shall be cleaned with solvent before applying materials. Rust and scale shall be removed by wire brushing or sanding. Galvanized surfaces shall be pretreated with a phosphoric acid cleaning solution and primed with Sherwin-Williams "Galvanized Iron Primer." D. Painting - After preparation as described above, each item shall be painted as follows, except color of paint for equipment and material located outside of the building or on the roof shall be as selected by the Architect. E. 1. Painting is not required of equipment, equipment supports, and hangers with a factory-finish coat. Patch painting is required of any damaged areas to match factory-finish coat. Painting is required where equipment or equipment supports do not have factory-finish paint. Equipment and associated hangers and supports shall be primed with one coat of alkyd, zinc potassium chromate metal primer, except insulated surfaces shall be primed with one coat Sherwin-Williams "Wall Primer and Sealer." Finish with two coats of Sherwin-Williams "Metalastic II-Steel Gray" Enamel. Exterior of belt guards and other protective guards shall be finished with two coats of machinery enamel in OSHA yellow color. Interior of items covered by belt guards and other protective guards shall be finished with two coats of machinery enamel in OSHA orange color. Nameplates on equipment shall not be painted. 2. Exposed pipes, conduits, and associated hangers exposed in equipment rooms and other unfinished areas such as storage areas shall have two finish coats of paint of the same color as adjacent walls or ceilings. Bare copper pipe shall not be painted. Canvas or paper jacket insulation of pipes exposed in unfinished areas shall be primed with Sherwin-Williams "Wall Primer and Sealer" before final two coats of paint. Hangers and supports in concealed areas not protected by factory-finish paint shall have one coat of Sherwin-Williams "Kromik Metal Primer." Identification of pipes and equipment: 1. Equipment - Each piece of equipment shall be identified by stenciled marking that will read the same as the identification shown on plumbing drawings. Stencil letters shall be 2 inches high upper case painted with Sherwin-Williams "Metalastic II" white enamel. 2. Pipes shall be identified using pre-printed markers sized appropriately for the pipes being identified (shop drawings required). Markers shall be Seton "Setmark" type or approved equal or equivalent stencil. Pipe identification shall meet the most current edition of ANSI Specification A13.1. Apply a minimum of two complete wraps of tape at each end of preprinted pipe markers equal to Seton Style #AR or approved equal. Markers shall be located close to valves or flanges and adjacent to changes in direction, branches and where pipes pass through walls or floors, and at intervals of 15 feet on straight runs. Provide a Color Code Chart, framed with glass front, indicating piping service and color code schedule. Post in Mechanical Room where directed by Engineer. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 7 February 12, 2014 3. Color code schedule COLOR BANDING CODE 4. Number Color Catalog Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Orange Blue Brown Red Black Yellow Green No. F65 E 36 No. F65 L 3 No. F65 N 11 No. F65 R 1 No. F65 B 1 No. F65 Y 48 No. F65 G 40 Pipe shall be identified with flow arrows as described below a. b. c. d. Arrows shall be stencil type. Arrows shall be readable from floor. Arrows shall be installed every 15'-0". Arrows shall be painted on pipes. F. Identification of Valves: Properly mark service and control valves. Valve markers shall be metal tags with designations stamped thereon or laminated engraved plastic chained with jack chains (not beaded chains) to their respective valves. Identification symbols or designations shall be the same as shown on the Contract Documents. G. Equipment locations above acoustic tile ceilings: Provide colored brass push-pins complete with a minimum 1/2" shank and 5/8" diameter head. Pin head color shall be blue or color as selected by Architect or Owner. Locate push-pins directly below all scheduled plumbing equipment. 2.3 MOTORS, CONTROL, AND ELECTRICAL WIRING A. Provide motors in accordance with NEMA Standards and suitably designed to match the starting and running characteristics of the driven equipment. Unless indicated otherwise, motors less than 1/2 horsepower shall be wound for 120 volt, single phase, 60 hertz. Motors 1/2 horsepower and above, unless indicated otherwise, shall be wound for three phase, 60 hertz, 200 volt, 230 volt, or 460 volt as required by the system voltage. Select motors coordinated with the utilization voltage and phase. Motors for equipment with VFD shall be matched to the VFD. B. All starters and safety switches, except for those specified to be furnished with the plumbing equipment, shall be furnished as part of the Electrical Work - Division 26. C. Starters and safety switches furnished with the plumbing equipment shall comply with the specifications of Division 26. Starters furnished as an integral part of the plumbing equipment shall be complete with properly sized overload heaters. Integral 3-phase motor starters and VFD's shall be provided with phase loss relay as specified in Division 26. D. All equipment that has electrical connections shall have wiring terminals/connectors rated for not less than 75 deg. C. If terminals/connectors are provided that are rated for less than 75 deg. C., the mechanical contractor shall incur all costs associated with upsizing wire and conduit as required by the National Electrical Code. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 8 February 12, 2014 2.4 FIRE-STOPPING A. 2.5 Pipe penetrations of rated walls, floors, and floor-ceiling assemblies shall be constructed in accordance with Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., Fire Resistance Directory, Volume II, Hourly Ratings for Through Firestop Penetrations. The Contractor shall provide U.L. firestop penetrations according to the particular wall, floor, or floor-ceiling assembly rating, construction type, pipe material, pipe size, insulation requirements, sleeve requirements, and the contractor's choice of firestop products as listed by U.L. Refer to the architectural drawings for the wall, floor, or floorceiling assembly construction types and ratings. PIPE AND EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS AND RESTRAINTS A. Under each applicable section of the detailed plumbing specifications, the Contractor shall furnish and install all accessories, connections, bases, guards, supports, and incidental items necessary to fully complete the work, ready for use, occupancy, and operation by the Owner. B. Type Numbers Specified: MSS SP-58; for selection and application, MSS SP-69. Refer to Section 05 5000, METAL FABRICATIONS, for miscellaneous metal support materials and prime coat painting. C. For Attachment to Concrete Construction: 1. 2. 3. D. Concrete Insert: MSS SP-69, Type 18 Self-Drilling Expansion Shields and Machine Bolt Expansion Anchors: Fed. Spec. FF-S-325, permitted in concrete not less than four inches thick. Applied load shall not exceed onefourth the proof test load listed in Fed. Spec. FF-S-235. Power-Driven Fasteners: Permitted in existing concrete or masonry not less than four inches thick when approved by the Architect/ Engineer for each job condition. Use fasteners capable of supporting a 1000 pound test load, with the actual load not exceeding 50 pounds. For Attachment to Steel Construction; MSS SP-69: 1. 2. Welded Attachment: Type 22. Beam Clamps: Types 20, 21, 28 or 29. Type 23 C-clamp may be used for individual copper tubing up to 7/8-inch outside diameter. E. Attachment to Metal Pan or Deck: As required for materials specified in Division 05 - METAL DECKING. F. For Attachment to Wood Construction: Wood screws or lag bolts. G. Hanger Rods: Hot-rolled steel, ASTM A 36 or A 575 for allowable load listed in MSS SP-58. For piping, provide adjustment means for controlling level or slope. Types 13 or 15 turnbuckles shall provide 1-1/2 inches minimum of adjustment and incorporate locknuts. All-thread rods are acceptable. H. Multiple (Trapeze) Hangers: Galvanized, cold formed, lipped steel channel horizontal member, not less than 1-1/2 inches by 1-1/2 inches, No. 12 gage, designed to accept special spring held, hardened steel nuts. Not permitted for chemical waste drain piping. 1. 2. Allowable Hanger Load: Manufacturers rating less 200 pounds. Guide individual pipes on the horizontal member of every other trapeze hanger with 1/4-inch U-bolt fabricated from steel rod. Provide Type 40 insulation shield, secured by two 2-inch galvanized steel bands, for insulated piping at each hanger. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 9 February 12, 2014 I. Pipe Hangers and Supports: Use hangers sized to encircle insulation on insulated piping. Refer to Section 22 0700 - PLUMBING INSULATION, for insulation thickness. To protect insulation, provide Type 39 saddles for roller type supports. Provide Type 40 insulation shields at all other types of supports and hangers including those for pre-insulated piping. 1. General Types (MSS SP-69): a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 2. Plumbing Piping: a. b. c. d. J. 2.6 Standard Clevis Hanger: Type 1; provide locknut Riser Clamps: Type 8 or 42 Wall Brackets: Types 31, 32, or 33 Saddle Support: Type 36, 37, or 38 Roller Support: Type 41, 43, or 46 Turnbuckle: Types 13 or 15 U-Bolt Clamp: Type 24 For Uninsulated Copper Tube: Material compatible for use with copper to prevent electrolysis Supports for Plastic or Glass Piping: As recommended by the pipe manufacturer Horizontal Piping: Types 1, 5, 7, 9, and 10 Chrome Plated Piping: Chrome plated supports Hangers and Supports in Pipe Chase: Prefabricated system ABS self-extinguishing material, not subject to electrolytic action, to hold piping, prevent vibration, and compensate for all static and operational conditions Blocking, Stays and Bracing: Angle iron or preformed metal channel shapes, 18 gage minimum Concrete Equipment Bases: Unless otherwise noted on the drawings or in the specifications, concrete pads and bases not less than 4 inches high and which project not less than 3 inches beyond the equipment on all sides shall be provided for pumps, compressors, water heaters, tank supports, and other similar floor-mounted equipment which normally requires foundations. Concrete shall conform to requirements in the concrete section of these specifications. The trade responsible for the supported equipment shall establish sizes and locations of the various concrete bases required and shall provide all necessary anchor bolts, together with templates for holding these bolts in position. Anchor bolts shall be placed in steel pipe sleeves to allow for adjustment, with a suitable plate at bottom end of sleeve to hold the bolt. When indicated in the drawings or detailed specifications, other floor-mounted items of equipment shall have a similar concrete base. Special vibration isolation foundations that are required are specified in the detailed specifications. PIPE SLEEVES A. Locate sleeves during normal course of work. Provide sleeves for piping and conduit passing through concrete floor slabs and concrete, masonry, tile, and gypsum wall construction. Sleeves shall not be provided for piping and conduit running embedded in concrete or slab on grade, except that copper piping shall require sleeves through slabs on grade. Sleeves through structural members shall be only as directed by Architect. In interior wall, provide 1/4 inch space all around between sleeve and conduit, piping, or insulation of piping. B. Sleeves placed in exterior walls below grade shall be O.Z. Gedney Type 'FSK' or equal, Thunderline 'LINK SEAL', or equal sleeve assemblies sized for the pipe or conduit encountered, except for cast iron piping. Sleeve assembly shall provide watertight seal and electrical insulation to reduce cathodic reaction. When a sleeve passes through a wall below a concrete slab on grade, the sealing assembly shall be on the outside of the wall. When a sleeve passes through a wall into a crawl space or the building interior, the sealing assembly shall be in the crawl space or interior of the Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 10 February 12, 2014 building. Provide sleeve assembly for copper piping through slab on grade, with sealing assembly located on interior side of floor slab. Where cast iron pipes pass through an exterior wall below grade, provide an iron-pipe sleeve two (2) pipe sizes greater than pipe passing through. Caulk between pipe and sleeve with a rubber-based compound. C. Where sleeves are located through fire-rated walls and floor/ceiling assemblies, provide sleeves and protect the penetration in accordance with Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., Fire Resistance Directory, Volume II, Ratings for Through Firestop Penetrations. D. Sleeves in mechanical rooms with floor drains or hose bibbs shall extend 4 inches above floor. Provide flanges or flashing rings with sleeves in floors with waterproof membrane and clamp or flash into the membrane. Provide sleeves flush with floor in other rooms. E. Sleeves shall be constructed of 20 gage galvanized sheet steel with lock seam joints for all sleeves set in concrete floor slabs terminating flush with the floor. All other sleeves shall be constructed of galvanized steel pipe unless otherwise indicated. F. Fasten sleeves securely in floors or walls so that they will not become displaced when concrete is poured or when other construction is built around them. Take precautions to prevent concrete, plaster, or other materials from being forced into the space between pipe and sleeve during construction. 2.7 WALL, FLOOR AND CEILING PLATES (ESCUTCHEONS) A. Material and Type: Chrome plated brass or chrome plated steel, one piece or split type with concealed hinge, with setscrew for fastening to pipe, or sleeve. Use plates that fit tight around pipes, cover openings around pipes, and cover the entire pipe sleeve projection. B. Thickness: Not less than 3/32-inch for floor plates. For wall and ceiling plates, not less than 0.025 for up to 3-inch pipe, 0.035 for larger pipe. C. Locations: Use where pipe penetrates floors, walls and ceilings in exposed locations, except mechanical rooms. 2.8 ACCESS PANELS A. Under each applicable section of the detailed plumbing specifications, the Contractor shall provide access panels in all locations where required for access to concealed valves, traps, air cushions, controls, and any other equipment or materials requiring inspection or maintenance. Access panels shall be of adequate size and properly located so that concealed items will be readily accessible for servicing or for removing and replacing if necessary, except as indicated or specified otherwise. Access panels are not required in ceilings formed of removable acoustical panels. B. Access panels that are not fire-rated shall be Milcor or equal. Provide modular-sized access panels in inaccessible acoustic tile ceilings sized according to the tile size. Provide Milcor metal access panels with cam lock and mounting trim to match finish encountered. Provide natural anodized aluminum finish for panels in kitchens and toilets. Provide prime finished steel for panels in other areas. Paint panels in finished areas to match finish surface. C. Where indicated and where access panels are installed in walls of shafts that are not sealed at each floor, access panels shall be Milcor or equal "Fire-Rated" and shall bear the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. Class B, 1-1/2 hour label. Openings shall be framed in accordance with the access panel manufacturer's recommendations. Frames shall be not lighter than 16-gage steel. Panels shall be not lighter than 20-gage steel and shall be insulated sandwich type. Panels shall Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 11 February 12, 2014 have a continuous hinge, self-lubricating lock, a direct action-knurled knob, and an interior latch release mechanism. 2.9 CHARTS, DIAGRAMS, AND SCHEMES A. Charts, diagrams, and schemes listed below shall be provided under each applicable section of the detailed plumbing specifications by the Contractor, framed under glass, and installed where shown on the drawings or directed in the field. All charts, diagrams, and schemes shall be complete, neat, clear, legible, and permanent. B. Electric sequence control diagrams of all plumbing system components. C. Valve identification chart with typewritten schedule of all valves giving their tag number, description, system served, and normal operation position. D. Piping schemes where required by the detailed specifications. 2.10 A. 2.11 A. CATALOG DATA FOR OWNER Furnish one (1) bound copy of Catalog Data on each manufactured item of equipment used in the plumbing work, complete with index listing the products alphabetically by name, together with the names and addresses of manufacturers, sales, and service representatives. Furnish two (2) bound copies of Operating and Maintenance Instructions of each item of equipment. Catalog Data and Operating and Maintenance Instructions shall be submitted to the Engineer for review prior to transmittal to the Owner. RECORD OF AS-BUILTS AND CONDITIONS Provide a complete set of prints of plumbing plans marked to indicate as-built conditions which are different from those shown on the original construction documents. Site as-built conditions which are different from the construction documents shall be dimensioned from building or identifiable marker. Accurate locations of all concealed utility lines, both interior and exterior shall be recorded. These drawings shall be delivered to the Architect/Engineer before being turned over to the Owner. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Coordination of Work: 1. 2. The Contractor shall compare the plumbing drawings and specifications with the drawings and specifications of other trades, and shall report any discrepancies between them to the Architect/Engineer, and shall obtain from him written instructions for changes necessary in the plumbing work. The plumbing work shall be installed in cooperation with other trades installing interrelated work. Before installation, the Contractor shall make proper provision to avoid interferences in a manner approved by the Architect/Engineer. All changes required in the work of the Contractor caused by his neglect to do so shall be made by him at his own expense. Anchor bolts, sleeves, inserts, and supports that may be required for the work shall be fully coordinated and compatible with the related equipment or materials. Locations shall be determined by the trade installing the related equipment or materials. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 12 February 12, 2014 3. 4. Slots, chases, openings, and recesses through floors, walls, ceilings, roofs, and partitions shall be located by the trades requiring them. Locations of pipes, equipment, fixtures, etc., shall be adjusted to accommodate the work to interferences anticipated and encountered. The installing Contractors shall coordinate their work to the building structure and to other trades as directed by the General Contractor. No additional compensation or extension of completion time will be granted for extra work caused by a lack of coordination. The installing Contractor shall provide dimensions and locations of all openings, shafts, and similar items to the General Contractor for his coordination and execution. Work shall be installed as required so as not to interfere with or delay the building construction. Pipes, etc., shall be concealed above ceilings, in walls, or in floors as applicable in all areas of the building except in equipment rooms, unfinished storage rooms, or other areas specifically noted to the contrary. a. b. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Right-of-Way: Lines which pitch shall have right-of-way over those which do not pitch. For example, plumbing drains shall normally have right-of-way. Lines whose elevations cannot be changed shall have the right-of-way over lines whose elevations can be changed. Offsets, transitions, and changes in direction of pipes shall be made as required to maintain proper head room and pitch of sloping lines whether or not indicated on the drawings. The Contractor shall furnish and install all traps, drains, sanitary vents, etc., as required to affect these offsets, transitions, and changes in direction. Exact locations of items in finished areas of the building and on the exterior of the building shall be coordinated with each other, the building structure, and architectural features thereof so as to be aligned with or centered on other items as applicable. Locations indicated on the drawings are approximate. Trades shall coordinate their work with door swings, block coursing, tile arrangement, and other similar features before establishing the location of any components. Before any related work has begun, the Architect/Engineer may direct reasonable minor changes in equipment locations with no increase in contract price to the Owner. Before roughing in conduit or pipe, verify the location of equipment to be connected. Installation and Arrangement: The Contractor shall install all plumbing work to permit removal of all parts requiring periodic replacement or maintenance. The Contractor shall arrange pipes and equipment to permit ready access to valves, cocks, traps, motors, control components, and to clear the openings of swinging and overhead doors and of access panels. Drawings by Contractor: When directed by the Architect/Engineer, the Contractor shall submit for review by Architect/Engineer drawings clearly showing certain portions of the plumbing work and its relation to the work of other trades before beginning shop fabrication or erection in the field. Dimensions: The Contractor shall ensure that items to be furnished fit the space available. He shall make necessary field measurements to ascertain space requirements, including those for connections, and shall furnish and install such sizes and shapes of equipment that the final installation shall suite the true intent and meaning of the drawings and specifications. If he concludes that there is insufficient space for installation or specified materials, he shall immediately notify the Architect/Engineer of the conflict and shall stop affected work until he receives instructions as to how to proceed from the Architect/Engineer. Damage to Work: The Contractor is responsible for damage caused by his work or workmen. Repairing of damaged work shall be done by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer at no additional cost. Connections to Existing Facilities, Piping Systems, Etc: All connections to existing facilities, piping systems, etc., shall be made as required or deemed necessary to insure the maintenance of continued operation of the above and provide the very minimum of interruption. This Contractor shall make such temporary connections as may be required to facilitate this work and to protect the existing building from damage. Any work which will in any way affect the continued operation of any existing facility shall be coordinated with the proper authorities as well as the Architect-Engineer before any service is interrupted. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 13 February 12, 2014 11. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for any interruptions to existing services and shall repair any damages to existing systems caused by his operations. Protection and Cleaning: 1. 2. 3. Equipment and materials shall be carefully handled, properly stored, and adequately protected to prevent damage before and during installation, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Damaged or defective items, in the opinion of the Architect/Engineer, shall be replaced. All items subject to moisture damage (such as controls and electrical equipment) shall be stored in dry, heated spaces. Protect all finished parts of equipment, such as shafts and bearings where accessible, from rust prior to operation by means of protective grease coating and wrapping. Close pipe openings with caps or plugs during installation. Tightly cover and protect fixtures and equipment against dirt, water, chemical or mechanical injury. Clean plumbing equipment to remove dust, oil, dirt, plaster, mortar, trash, or paint. Piping and conduit shall be blown out or flushed of all foreign matter before wires are pulled in or before connections are made to equipment or systems. C. Concrete and Grout: Use concrete and shrink compensating grout 3000 psi minimum. D. Install valves and other devices with due regard for ease in reading or operating and maintaining said devices. Servicing shall not require dismantling adjacent equipment or pipe work. E. Work in Existing Building: 1. 2. 3. 4. Cut required openings through existing masonry and reinforced concrete using diamond core drills. Use of pneumatic hammer type drills, impact type electric drills, and hand or manual hammer type drills will be permitted only with approval of the Architect/Engineer. Locate openings that will least effect structural slabs, columns, ribs or beams. Refer to the Architect/Engineer for determination of proper design for openings through structural sections and opening layouts approval, prior to cutting or drilling into structure. After Architect/Engineer's approval, carefully cut opening through construction not larger than is absolutely necessary for the required installation. Remove existing work as necessary to install new work. Except as otherwise shown or specified, do not cut, alter or remove any structural work or any ducts, plumbing, steam, gas or electric work without approval of Architect/Engineer. Existing work (walls, ceilings, partitions, floors, mechanical, and electrical work) disturbed or removed as a result of performing required new work shall be patched, repaired, reinstalled, replaced with new work, and refinished and left in as good condition as existed before commencing work. Existing work to be altered or extended that is found to be defective in any way shall be reported to the Architect/Engineer before it is disturbed. Materials and workmanship used in restoring work shall conform in type and quality to that of original existing construction, except as otherwise shown or specified. Continuity of service shall be maintained to all existing systems, except for designated short intervals during which connections are to be made. Interruptions shall be coordinated with the Owner as to the time and duration. Upon completion of contract, deliver work complete and undamaged. Damage that is caused by Contractor or Contractor's workmen to existing structures, grounds, or utilities or to work done by others shall be repaired by Contractor and left in as good condition as existed prior to damaging. a. At Contractor's own expense, Contractor shall immediately restore to service and repair any damage caused by Contractor's workmen to existing piping and conduits, wires, cable, etc., of utility services or of fire protection system and communications Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 14 February 12, 2014 b. 3.2 systems (except telephone) which are not scheduled for discontinuance or abandonment. Restoration work required by damage to telephone systems shall be done by telephone company at Contractor's expense. GENERAL PIPING INSTALLATION A. Under each applicable section of the detailed plumbing specifications, the Contractor shall furnish and install as shown on the drawings or as necessary to complete the working system in accordance with the intent of the drawings and specifications, a complete system of piping, valves, supports, anchors, sleeves, and all other appurtenances. The piping drawings are diagrammatic and indicate the general location and connections. The piping may have to be offset, lowered, or raised as required or as directed at the site. This does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the proper erection of systems of piping in every respect suitable for the work intended as described in the specifications and as approved by the Architect/Engineer. Wherever two dissimilar metals join in any piping system, install a dielectric fitting at their intersection. B. Erection: Piping shall be properly supported and adequate provisions shall be made for expansion, contraction, slope, and anchorage without damage to joints or hangers. All piping shall be cut accurately for fabrication to measurements established at the construction site. Pipe shall be worked into place without springing and/or forcing, properly clearing all windows, doors, and other openings and equipment. Cutting or other weakening of the building structure to facilitate piping installation will not be permitted without written approval. Pipe extending through the roof shall be properly flashed. All changes in direction shall be made with fittings. Wherever pipe hanger bears directly on the pipe being supported, the hanger shall be of the same material as the pipe. C. Arrangement: All piping shall be arranged so as not to interfere with removal of other equipment or devices nor to block access to doors, windows, manholes, or other access openings. Piping shall be arranged so as to facilitate removal of tube bundles. Flanges or unions, as applicable for the type of piping specified, shall be provided in the piping at connections to all items of equipment. Piping shall be placed and installed so that there will be no interference with the installation of the equipment, ducts, etc. All piping shall be installed to ensure noiseless circulation. All piping shall be erected and pitched to ensure proper drainage. Piping shall be installed so as to avoid liquid or air pockets throughout the work. Pipe in finished areas shall be concealed. Install piping generally parallel to walls and column centerlines, unless shown otherwise on the drawings. Space piping, including insulation, to provide one inch minimum clearance between adjacent piping or other surface. Pipe shall be installed to permit free expansion and contraction without damage to joints or hangers. Exposed piping shall be installed in practical alignment with the building. All valves and specialties shall be placed to permit easy operation and access, and all valves shall be regulated, packed, and glands adjusted at the completion of the work before final acceptance. Water pipes shall not be installed in attic spaces, crawl spaces, exterior walls or similar areas which are subject to freezing, unless indicated to be heat traced. D. Installation of Underground Pipe: Each pipe shall be laid true to line and grade and in such manner as to form a close concentric joint with adjoining pipe and to prevent sudden offsets to flow line. As work progresses, the interior of the pipe shall be cleared of dirt and superfluous materials of every description. Where cleaning after laying is difficult because of small pipe size, a suitable swag or drag shall be kept in the pipe and pulled forward past each joint immediately after jointing has been completed. Trenches shall be kept free from water until pipe jointing material has set. Pipe shall not be laid when the condition of the trench or weather is unsuitable for such work. At all times when work is not in progress, all open ends of pipe and fittings shall be securely closed so that no water, earth, or other substance will enter the pipe or fittings. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 15 February 12, 2014 3.3 PIPE AND EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS A. Supports: The Contractor shall support plumb, rigid, and true to line all work and equipment furnished under each section of these specifications. The Contractor shall study thoroughly all general, structural, and plumbing drawings, shop drawings, and catalog data to determine how equipment, fixtures, piping, ductwork, etc., are to be supported, mounted, or suspended, and shall provide extra steel bolts, inserts, pipe stands, brackets and accessories for proper support, whether or not shown on the drawings. When directed, the Contractor shall submit drawings showing supports for review by the Architect/Engineer. B. Where hanger spacing does not correspond with joist or rib spacing, use structural steel channels secured directly to joist and rib structure that will correspond to the required hanger spacing, and then suspend the equipment and piping from the channels. Drill or burn holes in structural steel only with the prior approval of the Architect/Engineer. C. Use of chain, wire or strap hangers; wood for blocking stays or bracing; or hangers suspended from piping above will not be permitted. If products are rusty, replace or thoroughly clean and coat with prime paint. D. Use hanger rods that are straight and vertical. Turnbuckles for vertical adjustments may be omitted where limited space prevents use. Provide a minimum of 2-inch clearance between pipe or pipe covering and adjacent work. Pipe hanger rods shall be attached to the top chord only on steel joists and beams by joist or beam clamps, without welding. Where clamps cannot be attached to the top chord of joists or beams, trapeze hangers shall be provided. E. Horizontal Pipe Support Spacing: 1. 2. 3. Cast Iron: Five feet on centers maximum spacing. At least one hanger on each full length of pipe, close to hub where possible and at least one within 24 inches of each fitting, and wherever else required to prevent tendency toward deflection due to load. Provide a hanger at upper angle at each drop. Locate hangers adjacent to hubs on multiple fittings not more than four feet on centers. Plastic Pipe: Support in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. For support spacing of all other horizontal piping, refer to MSS SP-69 and provide additional supports at valves, strainers, inline pumps and other heavy components. Provide a support within one foot of each elbow. F. Vertical Pipe Supports--Cast Iron Stacks: Base of stacks shall be supported on concrete, brick in cement mortar, or metal brackets permanently attached to building structure. Support stacks on each building floor structure, but not to exceed 15 feet spacing. G. Connections: All piping connecting to equipment shall be installed without strain at the piping connection. The Contractor shall be required as directed to remove the bolts in flanged connections or to disconnect piping to demonstrate that piping has been so connected. 3.4 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. The Contractor shall be responsible for all required digging, cutting, etc., incident to the work, and shall thereafter make all required repairs necessary to restore the cut structure or material to the condition existing prior to the cutting. In no case shall the Contractor cut into any major structural element, beam, or column without the written approval of the Architect/Engineer. All cutting, patching, repairing, or replacing of work required because of fault, error, tardiness, or damage by any trade shall be performed with no increase in the contract price to the Owner. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 16 February 12, 2014 B. 3.5 Patch and repair roof in accordance with requirements of existing roof warranties and manufacturer's standard approved details. LUBRICATION A. 3.6 Under each applicable section of the detailed plumbing specifications, the Contractor shall provide all oil and grease required for the operation of all equipment until acceptance by the Owner. The type and application of all lubricants shall conform to the recommendations of the manufacturer of the equipment involved. The Contractor shall be held responsible for all damage to bearings while the equipment is being operated by him up to the date of acceptance of the project. This Contractor shall be required to protect all bearings during installation and shall thoroughly grease or otherwise protect steel shafts and other bare ferrous parts to prevent corrosion. All equipment shall be provided with covers as necessary for proper protection against damage or deterioration during construction. OPERATING AND PERFORMANCE TESTS A. Prior to the final inspection, perform required tests as specified under each applicable section of the detailed plumbing specifications, and submit the test reports and records to the Architect/Engineer. B. Should evidence of malfunction in any tested system, or piece of equipment or component part thereof, occur during or as a result of tests, make proper corrections, repairs or replacements, and repeat tests at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.7 QUIET OPERATION AND VIBRATION A. 3.8 Systems shall operate under conditions of load without unusual or excessive noise or vibration. Unusual or excessive noise or vibration shall be corrected. INSTRUCTIONS TO OWNER'S PERSONNEL A. 3.9 Under each applicable section of the detailed plumbing specifications, the Contractor shall instruct the representative of the Owner in the proper operation and maintenance of all elements of the plumbing systems. A competent representative of the Contractor shall spend not less than two days in such formal instruction and shall spend such additional time as directed by the Architect/Engineer to fully prepare the Owner to operate and maintain the plumbing systems. The Contractor shall provide letter of instruction upon completion to the Architect/Engineer stating the date of instruction and the names of those in attendance. GUARANTEE A. 3.10 A. All plumbing equipment, materials, and labor required by the contract documents for this project shall be guaranteed to be free of defective materials or workmanship for a period of one year after final acceptance of the project. Defects in equipment, materials, or workmanship occurring during this period shall be corrected with new equipment and materials or additional labor at no cost to the Owner. SITE VISIT REPORT Answer in writing each item of discrepancy noted on all site visit reports. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 17 February 12, 2014 3.11 DEMOLITION A. Contractor shall visit the site before bidding to determine the extent and location of demolition to be performed. B. Contractor to remove all pipes, equipment, etc. not required, reused or needed for reconnecting to the new systems. All items not required for the new system shall be removed. C. The Owner shall select and retain such existing items indicated or required to be removed as he desires. Items selected by the Owner to be retained shall be removed and relocated to an Owner designated location by the Contractor. D. All equipment, piping, conduit, etc. to remain and be reused shall be protected from damage. Any damage to existing material shall be repaired to original condition. E. Coordinate all demolition activities with the phasing of construction. Demolition shall not affect operations of the building. 3.12 PHASING OF WORK A. The mechanical contractor is required to fully understand the phasing of work and to coordinate his work according to phasing plan drawings and related sections of the specifications. B. Sections of the existing building will continue to be occupied during renovation. The contractor shall be responsible for retaining existing plumbing systems to serve the occupied sections of the building. Otherwise, the contractor shall provide interim plumbing systems for the occupied sections of the building. C. The contractor is cautioned to fully understand the need to operate plumbing systems during construction. D. Provide temporary plumbing to protect the owner's property from freeze damage and from high humidity. For new construction, provide plumbing for proper drying and application of finishes. E. Portions of the renovated building will be reoccupied as sections of renovation become complete. The contractor shall be responsible for providing plumbing for the reoccupied sections of building. END OF SECTION 22 0000 Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0000 - 18 February 12, 2014 SECTION 22 0700 - PLUMBING INSULATION PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 CONDITIONS A. 1.2 The applicable provisions of Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, are hereby made a part of this section, and the Contractor is cautioned to read Section 22 0000 carefully as items of work applicable to this section are included in Section 22 0000. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The work to be performed under this section of the specifications comprises the furnishing of all labor and materials and the completion of all work of this section as shown on the drawings and/or herein specified. B. Insulation materials and accessories shall be installed in a workmanlike manner by skilled and experienced workers who are regularly engaged in commercial insulation work. C. In general, the work included under this section consists of, but is not limited to, the following: 1. 1.3 Field applied insulation for thermal efficiency and condensation control for plumbing piping and equipment. RELATED WORK A. Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. B. Section 22 1100, FACILITY WATER DISTRIBUTION. C. Section 22 1300, DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. In accordance with Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, furnish the following: 1. Manufacturer's Literature and Dimension Cuts: a. b. c. d. e. Insulation Materials: Each type used. State surface burning characteristics and thermal properties. Insulation Facings and Jackets: Each type used. State vapor barrier properties. State that white finish will be furnished for exposed pipe and equipment. Insulation Accessory Materials: Each type used. Manufacturer's installation and fitting fabrication instructions for elastomeric unicellular insulation. Make reference to applicable specification paragraph numbers for coordination. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING INSULATION VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0700 - 1 February 12, 2014 1.5 DEFINITIONS A. Cold: Equipment or piping handling media at design temperature of 60 Deg. F. or below. B. Hot: Equipment or piping handling media above 105 Deg. F. C. PCF: Density, pounds per cubic foot. D. Runout: Branch pipe connection up to one inch nominal size and not over 12 feet in length. E. Thermal Conductance: Heat flow rate through materials. 1. 2. Flat Surface: BTU per hour per square foot. Pipe or Cylinder: BTU per hour per linear foot. F. Thermal Conductivity (k): temperature difference). (BTU x inch thickness)/(hour x square foot x degree Fahrenheit G. Finished Spaces: Spaces used for habitation or occupancy where rough surfaces are plastered, paneled, or otherwise treated to provide a pleasing appearance. H. Unfinished Spaces: Spaces used for storage or work areas where appearance is not a factor, unexcavated spaces, crawl spaces, etc. I. Concealed Spaces: Spaces between a ceiling and floor construction above or between double walls or furred-in areas, pipe shafts, etc. J. Exposed: Open to view inside the building. For example, pipe run through a room, and not covered by other construction, is exposed. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Building characteristics of insulation materials shall comply with NFPA 90A, pertinent parts of which are noted as follows: 1. 2. Pipe insulation and coverings shall meet the requirements of NFPA 90A Sections 4-3.3.1 and 4-3.3.2 when installed in plenums or concealed spaces used as part of the air distribution system. In addition to NFPA, the insulation material shall not transform into a molten flaming liquid during combustion as characterized by some polyethlenes. B. Test Methods: ASTM E 84, UL 723, or NFPA 255. C. Insulation shall be Johns Manville, Owens Corning, Pittsburg Corning, or Armstrong. Trade names are used herein, unless indicated otherwise, to establish a standard of quality. D. Specified k factors are at 75 Deg. F. mean temperature unless stated otherwise. Where optional insulation material is used, select thickness to provide thermal conductance no greater than that for the specified material. For pipe, use insulation manufacturer's published heat flow tables. For a flat surface, thermal conductance equal thermal conductivity (k) divided by the thickness of the insulation. For runout insulation and condensation control insulation, no thickness adjustment need be made. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING INSULATION VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0700 - 2 February 12, 2014 E. All materials shall be compatible and suitable for service temperature and shall not contribute to corrosion or otherwise attack surfaces to which applied in either the wet or dry state. F. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. label or listing, or satisfactory certified test report from an approved testing laboratory will be required to show that surface burning characteristics for materials to be used do not exceed specified ratings. 2.2 INSULATION FACINGS AND JACKETS A. Fed. Spec. HH-B-100 for Vapor Barrier Types I and II: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.3 Puncture Test Method: ASTM D 781. Type I, Low Vapor Transmission (0.02 Perm Rating), Beach Puncture 50 Units: For insulating facing on exposed equipment, and for all pipe insulation jackets. Facings and jackets shall be white all service type (ASJ) suitable for painting without priming. Type II, Medium Vapor Transmission, Beach Puncture 25 Units: Foil-Scrim-Kraft (FSK) type for concealed equipment. Factory composite materials may be used provided they have been tested and certified by the manufacturer to meet Beach puncture units specified above. Fire and smoke treatment of jackets and facings shall be permanent. The use of water soluble treatments is not acceptable. Pipe insulation jackets shall have 1-1/2 inch minimum lap at longitudinal joints and not less than 3-inch butt strips at end joints. Facing on board, blanket and block insulation shall have 2-inch laps or 3-inch minimum butt strips. Butt strip material shall be the same as the jacket or facing. Laps and butt strips may be self-sealing type with factory applied pressure sensitive adhesive. MINERAL FIBER INSULATION A. Owens-Corning Fiberglass SSL II ASJ Heavy Density Sectional Pipe Insulation, Fed. Spec. HH-I558, Form D, Type III (Molded), Class 12, k = 0.24. B. Molded pipe fitting covering: Fed. Spec. HH-I-558, Form E. Class 16, k = 0.26, for temperatures up to 370 Deg. F. C. Insulation thickness and type for various piping systems shall be as indicated in the following table (Pipe Size/Insulation Thickness). Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING INSULATION VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0700 - 3 February 12, 2014 PIPE SIZE/INSULATION THICKNESS (1) System Temp. Range (oF) Runouts 1" or less 1-1/2" & less 2" to 8" 8" & above Ins. Type (3) Domestic Hot Water (Copper) 90-159 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 A Misc. 80-89 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 A Domestic Cold Water (Copper) 56-79 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 A Any --- --- 1.0 1.5 A Horizontal Soil (2) NOTES: (1) Minimum thickness for insulation listed in preceding table is based on Thermal Conductivity, 'k' not exceeding 0.27 Btu per inch/hr. x sq. ft. x Deg. F. based on Mean Temperature of 75 Deg. F. Insulation with greater Thermal Conductivity shall have increased thickness to provide same performance characteristics as specified. (2) All horizontal sanitary piping above Dining Areas only. (3) A Fiberglass type insulation. -------------------------------------------2.4 INSULATION ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Insulation inserts at pipe supports: 1. 2. B. Material: Cellular glass or calcium silicate 1/2 section of insulation, same thickness as adjacent insulation. Provide inserts for all insulated piping greater than 1-1/2 inch diameter. Install with metal insulation shields furnished with pipe supports, Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. Minimum insert length: 10 inches for up to 3 inch pipe, 12 inches for 3 to 6 inch pipe, and 16 inches for 8 to 10 inch pipe. Adhesives, Mastics, Cement: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mil. Spec. MIL-A-3316B, Class 1: Jacket and lap adhesive and protective finish coating for insulation. Mil. Spec. MIL-A-3316B, Class 2: Adhesive for laps for adhering insulation to metal surfaces. Mil. Spec. MIL-A-24179A, Type II, Class 1: Adhesive for installing flexible unicellular insulation and for laps and general use. Mil. Spec. MIL-B-19565B, Type 1 or Type II: Vapor barrier compound for indoor use. Fed. Spec. SS-C-160A, Type IIIB, (ASTM C 449): Mineral fiber hydraulic-setting thermal insulating and finishing cement. Other: Insulation manufacturer's published recommendations. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING INSULATION VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0700 - 4 February 12, 2014 C. Mechanical Fasteners: 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Reinforcement and Finishes: 1. 2. 3. 4. E. Pins, Anchors: Welded pins, or metal or nylon anchors with tin-coated or fiber washer, or clips. Pin diameter shall be as recommended by the insulation manufacturer. Staples: Outward clinching monel or stainless steel. Wire: 18 gage soft annealed galvanized, or 14 gage copper clad steel or nickel copper alloy. Bands: 3/4-inch nominal width, brass, aluminum or stainless steel. Glass Fabric, Open Weave: ASTM D 1668, Type III (resin treated) and Type 1 (asphalt treated). Glass Fiber Fitting Tape: Mil. Spec. MIL-C-20070, Type II, Class 1. Tape for Flexible Unicellular Insulation: Scotch No. 472, Nashua PE-12, or approved equal recommended by the insulation manufacturer. PVC Fitting Cover: Fed. Spec. L-P-535D, Composition A, Type II, Grade GU, with Form B mineral fiber insert, for media temperature 45 Deg. F. to 250 Deg. F. Below 45 Deg. F. and above 250 Deg. F., provide double layer insert. Provide color matching, vapor barrier, pressure sensitive tape. Firestopping Material: Refer to Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL INSULATION REQUIREMENTS A. Required pressure tests of joints and connections shall be completed before application of insulation. Surface shall be clean and dry with all foreign materials, such as dirt, oil, loose scale, and rust removed. B. Insulation materials and accessories shall be installed in a workmanlike manner by skilled and experienced workers who are regularly engaged in commercial insulation work. If any insulation material has become wet because of transit or job site exposure to moisture or water, the Contractor shall not install such material, and shall remove it from the job site. No insulation material shall be installed that has become damaged in any way. The Contractor shall also use necessary means to protect his work and materials. C. Except for specific exceptions, insulate entire specified equipment and piping systems. Insulate each pipe individually. Do not use scrap pieces of insulation where a full length section will fit. D. Insulation materials shall be installed in a first class manner with smooth and even surfaces, with jackets and facings drawn tight and smoothly cemented down at all laps. Insulation shall be continuous through all sleeves and openings. Vapor barriers shall be continuous and uninterrupted throughout systems with operating temperature 60 Deg. F. and below. Lap and seal vapor barrier over ends and exposed edges of insulation. Anchors, supports, and other metal projections through insulation on cold surfaces shall be insulated and vapor sealed for a minimum length of six inches. E. Insulation on hot piping and equipment shall be terminated square or beveled with insulating cement, covered with jacket, at items not to be insulated, access openings and nameplates. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING INSULATION VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0700 - 5 February 12, 2014 F. On cold systems, vapor barrier performance is extremely important. Particular care must be given to vapor sealing the fitting cover or finish to the insulation vapor barrier. All penetrations of the jacket and exposed ends of insulation must be sealed with vapor barrier mastic. All valve stems must be sealed with caulking which allows free movement of the stem but provides a seal against moisture incursion. G. Plumbing Work Not To Be Insulated: 1. 2. Chromium plated brass piping. Domestic Hot Water: Unions, flexible connectors, control valves. H. Apply insulation materials subject to the manufacturer's recommended temperature limits. Apply adhesives, mastics and coatings at the manufacturer's recommended minimum coverage. I. New insulation (as specified herein) shall be provided and installed for existing piping at all locations where insulation has been removed during asbestos abatement. Contractor shall obtain and examine the asbestos abatement documents to determine the extent of the work. 3.2 INSULATION INSTALLATION A. Molded Mineral Fiber Pipe and Tubing Covering: 1. 2. Fit insulation to pipe aligning longitudinal joints. Seal longitudinal joint laps and circumferential butt strips by rubbing hard with a nylon sealing tool to assure a positive seal. Staples may be used to assist in securing insulation. Seal all vapor barrier penetrations with vapor barrier mastic. Provide inserts and install with metal insulation shields at outside pipe supports. Fittings, Flange and Valve Insulation: a. b. Fiberglass Pipe insulation shall be installed with joints butted firmly together. Valves and devices requiring access shall be insulation with mitered sections of insulation equal in thermal resistance and thickness to the adjoining insulation. Fittings shall be covered with Schuller "Zeston" type, pre-molded PVC fitting covers. Jackets on pipe insulation shall be stapled using outward clinching type staples spaced 3" apart at least 1/4" from the lap edge on systems operating at 80 Deg. F. and above; below 80 Deg. F. the laps are to be vapor sealed using self-sealing lap, lap seal gun, or adhesive. All insulation joints, laps, voids, punctures, and end tapers shall be sealed with 1/32" thickness of Foster Vapor-Safe or Vapor-Fas adhesive regardless of service. Fitting tape shall extend over the adjacent pipe insulation and overlap on itself at least two inches. END OF SECTION 22 0700 Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices PLUMBING INSULATION VT PC# R-2014-05 22 0700 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 22 1100 - FACILITY WATER DISTRIBUTION PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 CONDITIONS A. 1.2 The applicable provisions of Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, are hereby made a part of this section and the Contractor is cautioned to read Section 22 0000 carefully as items of work applicable to this section are included in Section 22 0000. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The work includes providing a complete plumbing system including, but not necessarily restricted to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.3 Domestic water system to a point within building walls. Installation and connections to miscellaneous equipment furnished by Owner. Connections to fixtures and equipment provided under other sections of these specification. Miscellaneous work as described herein, as shown on drawings, and as required for a complete system. RELATED WORK A. Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. B. Pipe Insulation: Section 22 0700, INSULATION C. Plumbing Fixtures: Section 22 4000, PLUMBING FIXTURES 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's shop drawings shall indicate that piping and equipment meet specified codes. All piping, pump systems, equipment, and fittings that are connected to potable water systems, shall meet the 1996 Safe Water Drinking Act and the 2011 Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act, and where applicable, meeting NSF Standard 61, and be so labeled and be so certified. In accordance with Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, furnish the following: 1. Manufacturer's Literature and Data: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Piping Valves Backflow Preventers Shock Absorbers Access Panels Hose Bibbs Tempering Valves Pipe Supports (except hangers) Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FACILITY WATER DISTRIBUTION VT PC# R-2014-05 22 1100 - 1 February 12, 2014 PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE AND EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS, PIPE SLEEVES, AND WALL CEILING PLATES A. 2.2 Provide in accordance with specifications in Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. INTERIOR DOMESTIC WATER PIPING (DISTRIBUTION) A. Copper Tube and Fittings: 1. 2. 3. Tube (ASTM B 88) - Above ground: Type L, hard drawn. Fittings: Wrought copper, ASME B16.22 or cast copper alloy ASME B16.18. Victaulic or accepted equal full flow copper fittings with grooved ends. Grooved copper fittings shall be copper per ASTM B75 alloy C12200; bronze sand cast per ASTM B-584 copper alloy CDA 844 (81-3-7-9) per ANSI B16.18. Joints--Above ground: Soldered in accordance with ASTM B828, ASTM B32 lead free solder, ASTM B813 lead free flux. Lead free shall mean less than 0.2 percent lead. Grooved end copper piping systems as manufactured by Victaulic Company of America or accepted equal may be installed 2" – 8". For grooved end systems, couplings shall be copper tubing sized manufactured to ASTM A536 ductile iron Grade 65-45-12 painted copper color alkyd enamel. Gaskets for grooved system shall be of flush seal pressure responsive design having properties as designated in ASTM D2000. Installation-Ready, for direct stab installation without field disassembly. Victaulic Style 607H or equal. Gaskets shall be UL classified in accordance with ANSI/NSF-61 for Potable water service. B. Brass, Copper, Chromium-plated nipples - ASTM B687. C. Press Fittings: Copper press fittings by Viega, Ridge Tool Company or accepted equal, requirements of ASME B16.18 or ASME B16.22. O-rings for copper press fittings shall be EPDM. 2.3 EXPOSED WATER PIPING A. Finished Room: Use full iron pipe size chrome plated brass piping for exposed water piping connecting fixtures, including those furnished by the Owner or specified in other sections. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. 2.4 Pipe: Red brass, standard weight, chrome plated. Fittings: Screwed brass or bronze, Class A, 125 pound, drainage pattern for waste. Nipples: Brass, standard weight. Unions: Brass or bronze. Unions 2-1/2 inches and larger shall be flange type with approved gaskets. Unfinished and Mechanical Rooms: Chrome-plated brass piping is not required. Paint as specified in Section 22 0000 - PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. VALVES A. General: All valves and specialties shall be suitable for 125 psi working pressure except as otherwise indicated. Each item shall have threaded or flanged connections as applicable to match joints specified for its respective service. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FACILITY WATER DISTRIBUTION VT PC# R-2014-05 22 1100 - 2 February 12, 2014 B. Valves: 1. Hot and Cold Domestic Water Service Acceptable manufacturers subject to compliance with requirements are Nibco, Jenkins, Hammond, Milwaukee, Lunkenheimer, Watts and Victaulic. a. Ball valves: Valves 2 1/2 inch and smaller shall be rated 150 psi SWP and 600 psi non-shock WOG and shall have 2 piece cast bronze bodies, TFE seats, full port, separate packnut with adjustable stem packing, anti-blowout stems and chrome-plated brass/bronze ball. Valve ends shall have full depth ANSI threads or extended solder connections and be manufactured to comply with MSS-SP110. [NIBCO T585-70 (threaded); S585-70 (solder)] [Victaulic Company Series 722 (threaded); PL300 (pushto-connect, 200 psi)]. Note: Where piping is insulated, ball valves shall be equipped with 2” extended handles of non-thermal conductive material. Also, provide a protective sleeve that allows operation of the valve without breaking the vapor seal or disturbing the insulation. Memory stops, which are fully adjustable after insulation is applied, shall be included. [NIBCO T585/70NS (threaded); S585-0NS (solder)] C. Hose bibbs: Toilets Chicago No. 293-6 or equal, loose key, chrome plated, 1/2 inch size, with wall flange. D. Hose bibbs and hose-end drain valves: Equipment rooms and similar spaces. Watts LFSC-6 3/4 inch, Matco-Norca 646 RLF or equal rough brass, lead-free. E. Shock Absorbers: Josam "Absorbotron" 75000 Series, Smith 5000 Series “Hydrotrols”, Zurn Z1700 “Shoktrols”, Wade “Shokstop” or equal, lead-free, stainless steel. SA-A Max. 11 SFU. Provide on both hot and cold water branches. Job fabricated air chambers will not be permitted. O-ring type shock absorbers will not be accepted. (ASME/ANSI A112.26.1 OR ASSE 1010) F. Tempering Valve (Watts or equal) (Individual Fixture Tempering Valve): Provide Watts Model Series USG-B-M1 under-sink Guardian ASSE 1070 and CSA B-125 thermostatic tempering valve for single lavatory applications. Provide at all lavatory locations. Set valve for 110 Deg. F. 2.5 BACKFLOW PREVENTERS A. Provide a backflow prevention device at any point in the plumbing system where the potable water supply comes in contact with a potential source of contamination. Device shall be same size as line in which installed. Device shall be certified by recognized testing laboratory listed. Provide air gaps with drains pipe the same size as vent discharge on all backflow preventers with atmospheric vent. Listed below is a list of connection to the potable water system which shall be protected against backflow or back siphonage: 1. 2. Hose Vacuum Breaker Type (ASSE 1011; CSA CAN/CSA-B64.2): Watts No. 8A, 8AC (chrome finished) or equal, with non-removable feature. Hose bibbs and laundry tubs with threaded outlets Copper-body Dual Check: Watts CU7 or equal for bottle filler filter. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FACILITY WATER DISTRIBUTION VT PC# R-2014-05 22 1100 - 3 February 12, 2014 PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Suspended horizontal piping shall be supported by adjustable wrought steel clevis hangers. Where supports bear on copper pipe, they shall be copper plated. Chain, strap, wire or other make-shift devices will not be permitted as hangers or supports. Hangers on all insulated pipes shall go around the insulation, with galvanized sheet steel saddle of sufficient size and thickness to prevent crushing of the insulation. Risers shall be securely supported and braced in an approved manner. Hangers for metal piping shall be spaced not over 6 feet apart for pipe 1/2 inch or smaller, 8 feet apart for 3/4 inch pipes and not over 10 feet apart for pipes 1 inch or larger. Hangers shall be located at all changes in direction. Install branch piping for water from the respective piping systems and connect to all fixtures, valves, outlets, and equipment, including those furnished by the Owner or specified in other sections of these specifications. Approximate locations for roughing-in are shown on the contract drawings. No piping or roughing-in shall be started until data showing exact locations for equipment and connections required are provided by the Architect. This data shall then be used for roughing-in equipment. Individual stops and other connection components not furnished with the equipment, but required for a complete installation, shall be provided under this section of these specifications. All exposed trim and fixture supply pipe, except in laundry, shall be chrome-plated. Install trim and fittings provided with casework and cabinets but not installed at point of fabrication. Pipe shall be round and straight. Cutting shall be done with proper tools. Pipe shall be reamed to full size after cutting. All pipe runs shall be laid out and scheduled to avoid interferences with other work. Press connections: Copper press fittings shall be made in accordance with the manufacturers installation instructions. The tubing shall be fully inserted into the fitting and the tubing marked at the shoulder of the fitting. The fitting alignment shall be checked against the mark on the tubing to assure the tubing is fully engaged (inserted) in the fitting. The joints shall be pressed using the tool approved by the manufacturer. Install valves with stem in horizontal position whenever possible. All valves shall be easily accessible. Isolation gate valves shall be installed on each side of each major piece of equipment and at other points indicated or required for draining, isolation, or sectionalizing purposes. Discharge of relief valves and backflow preventers shall be piped full size of valve connection to 6 inches above nearest floor drain or to exterior concrete pad as marked on drawings. Pipe shall be supported so that weight of pipe is not on valve body. Trap primers shall be piped full size to the floor drain indicated. Unions or flanged joints shall be provided on each side of each valve 2-1/2 inch or larger and in each line immediately preceding the connection of each major piece of equipment. Unions shall be 125 psi bronze seat type. Flanges shall be ANSI standard 125 psi service with 1/16 inch thick composition or red rubber gaskets. Where grooved end piping is used, Victaulic Style 608 valves with 607H couplings will be considered unions. Joints between pipes of dissimilar metals shall have dielectric fittings such as unions, flanges or Clearflow dielectric nipples to isolate metals. Isolation shall be accomplished by nonmetallic sleeves or couplings of materials suitable to withstand temperatures and pressures encountered. Grooved joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s latest published installation instructions. Grooved ends shall be clean and free from indentations, projections, and roll marks in the area from pipe end to groove. Gaskets shall be of an elastomer grade suitable for the intended service, and shall be molded and produced by the coupling manufacturer. The grooved coupling manufacturer’s factory trained representative shall provide on-site training for contractor’s field personnel in the use of grooving tools and Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FACILITY WATER DISTRIBUTION VT PC# R-2014-05 22 1100 - 4 February 12, 2014 11. B. installation of grooved joint products. The representative shall periodically visit the jobsite and review contractor is following best recommended practices in grooved product installation. A distributor’s representative is not considered qualified to conduct the training or jobsite visits. Anchors for pipe shall be provided at all flush valves and fixtures or where required to localize pipe movement. Anchors shall consist of brass collars bolted to the pipe and rigidly connected to the building structure in an approved manner and so as not to damage the building structure. Piping shall conform to the following: 1. Domestic Water: a. b. 3.2 Grade all lines to facilitate drainage. Provide hosed-end drain valves at bottom of risers. All unnecessary traps in circulating lines shall be avoided. Connect branch lines at bottom of main serving fixtures below and pitch down so that main may be drained through fixture. Connect branch lines to top of main serving only fixtures located on floor above. TESTS A. General: Contractor shall provide all instruments, materials, and labor required. Tests shall be made in the presence of the Owner or Authority having jurisdiction or as otherwise directed by the Architect, who shall be given five (5) days notice by this Contractor of his readiness to perform such tests. Any leaks that develop during the tests shall be repaired by remaking the joint or replacing pipe and fittings. Temporary caulking will not be permitted. No piping shall be insulated or concealed until it has been tested, with results acceptable to the Architect. Air testing will be acceptable where permitted by the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. Test systems either in its entirety or in sections. B. Potable Water System: Test after installation of piping and domestic water heaters, but before piping is concealed, before covering is applied, and before plumbing fixtures are connected. Fill systems with water and maintain hydrostatic pressure of 125 psig or at 50 percent higher than actual operating pressure which ever is greater for one hour during inspection and prove tight without any loss of pressure. C. Optional tests for connections to existing systems: After installation of piping and connecting to existing systems, and where herein before specified tests are impractical, test all new piping under actual operating conditions and prove tight to the satisfaction of the Architect. 3.3 DISINFECTION A. After tests have been successfully completed and thoroughly flush, disinfect the interior domestic water distribution system in accordance with the local Health Department. In the absence of a prescribed procedure, systems shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA C651 or AWWA C652. B. Optimal Disinfection: After all tests have been satisfactorily completed, the entire water distribution system shall be thoroughly flushed and disinfected. Disinfect by tapping the main and introducing a solution of chlorine and water in such quantity as to provide a concentration of not less than 50 PPM with all water lines filled with water from the water main connection to all supply outlets. Care shall be taken not to flush the lines at this time. Air only shall be allowed to escape. This solution shall be allowed to stand in the lines for not less than twenty-four hours, after which the lines shall be flushed out until a residual reading of 0.5 PPM is obtained. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FACILITY WATER DISTRIBUTION VT PC# R-2014-05 22 1100 - 5 February 12, 2014 3.4 CLEANING A. Remove trash, plaster, dust, paint spots and all foreign matter from outside of all piping and equipment. B. The Contractor shall check each length of pipe before it is put in place to make certain there is not foreign material (stones, sand, etc.) in the systems. Provide temporary bypass around equipment if or as required. All plumbing pipes shall be thoroughly flushed with water to remove construction debris before final connections are made to equipment and fixtures. 3.5 REPORTS A. Reports of cleaning, disinfection and testing: Contractor shall verify in writing before completion of the job that all specified cleaning procedures, tests, and disinfection have been performed, with results as specified or as required by codes. END OF SECTION 22 1100 Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices FACILITY WATER DISTRIBUTION VT PC# R-2014-05 22 1100 - 6 February 12, 2014 SECTION 22 1300 - DRAINAGE SYSTEM PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 CONDITIONS A. 1.2 The applicable provisions of Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, are hereby made a part of this section and the Contractor is cautioned to read Section 22 0000 carefully as items of work applicable to this section are included in Section 22 0000. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The work includes providing a complete plumbing system including, but not necessarily restricted to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.3 Sanitary sewer system to a point within building. Installation and connections to miscellaneous equipment furnished by Owner. Connections to fixtures and equipment provided under other sections of these specification. Miscellaneous work as described herein, as shown on drawings, and as required for a complete system. RELATED WORK A. Supports: Division 05, METAL FABRICATIONS. B. Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. C. Pipe Insulation: Section 22 0700, INSULATION. D. Plumbing Fixtures: Section 22 4000, PLUMBING FIXTURES. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's shop drawings shall indicate that piping and equipment meet specified codes. In accordance with Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, furnish the following: 1. Manufacturer's Literature and Data: a. b. c. d. e. Piping Valves Cleanouts Access Panels Pipe supports Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DRAINAGE SYSTEM VT PC# R-2014-05 22 1300 - 1 February 12, 2014 PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE AND EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS, PIPE SLEEVES, AND WALL CEILING PLATES A. 2.2 Provide in accordance with specifications in Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. SOIL, WASTE AND VENT PIPING A. Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings: Used for pipe buried in or in contact with earth and for extension of pipe to a distance of approximately five feet outside of building walls. May be used for piping above ground, where space within partitions involved can accommodate greatest diameter of cast iron soil pipe without any dimension deviation from the requirements of contract drawings. Pipe shall be bell and spigot, modified hub, or plain end (no-hub) as required by selected jointing method. Pipe and fittings shall be marked with the collective trademark of the C.I.S.P.I. and listed by NSF International. Drains from urinals shall be cast iron or PVC piping. 1. 2. Soil, Waste, and Vent Piping Material (Pipe and Fittings): ASTM A74, ASTM A888, CISPI 301, service weight. Joints: Provide any one of the following types to suit pipe furnished. a. b. c. d. 3. B. Coating: Provide a heavy coat of asphalt or bitumastic paint on pipe buried in earth or installed in cinders or concrete construction. Steel Pipe and Fittings: May be used for sanitary vent. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.3 Lead and oakum and caulked by hand. Mechanical: Compression-type (ASTM C564) molded neoprene gasket. Gaskets shall suit class of pipe being jointed. Dual-service gaskets will not be accepted. Mechanical: Mechanical joint coupling (ASTM C564) (CISPI 310) (CSA CAN/CSAB602) shall consist of a stainless steel coupling and neoprene gaskets. Do not install below grade. Adapters: Where service weight pipe is connected to extra heavy pipe and extra heavy fittings of chair carriers, provide adapters or similar system to make tight, leakproof joints. Pipe Galvanized: ASTM A 53, schedule 40. Fittings--Sanitary Vent: Malleable iron, ASME B16.3, or cast iron, ASME B16.4. All to be same kind. Couplings of vent piping may be standard couplings furnished with pipe. Joints: Threads shall conform to ASME B1.20.1. Pipe-joint compound or tape shall be applied on the male threads only. Joints: ASTM F656 purple primer, solvent ASTM D2564 (Not Purple in color) complying with SCAQMD Rule #1168, joints made in accordance with ASTM D2855. EXPOSED WASTE PIPING A. Finished Room: Use full size chrome plated brass piping for exposed waste piping connecting fixtures, including those furnished by the Owner or specified in other sections. 1. 2. 3. Pipe: Red brass, standard weight, chrome plated. Fittings: Screwed brass or bronze, drainage pattern for waste. Nipples: Brass, standard weight. Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DRAINAGE SYSTEM VT PC# R-2014-05 22 1300 - 2 February 12, 2014 B. 2.4 Unfinished and Mechanical Rooms: Chrome-plated brass piping is not required. Paint as specified in Section 22 0000, PLUMBING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. CLEANOUTS A. Same size as pipe served up to 4 inches. Cleanouts shall be easily accessible. Provide a minimum of 18-inch clearance for 6 inch and smaller pipes for rodding. Cleanouts shall be provided at all points in sanitary drainage systems where direction change is more than 45 degrees, where required by code, and where indicated on the drawings. All cleanout plugs shall be bronze, set in graphite grease. All cleanout covers shall be secured with vandal resistant screws unless noted otherwise. (ASTM A74, ASME A112.3.1, ASME A112.36.2M) Covers shall be set flush with finished floor or wall unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. 2.5 Cleanouts at base of vertical stacks: Josam 58600-COT with stainless steel wall cover and tapped for center screw threaded bronze plug. Josam 58540-19 with 58600 wall cover for 8 inch size. Cleanout plug located approximately 30 inches above floor. Cleanout plugs under lavatories and sinks located approximately 10 inches above floor. In horizontal runs above grade: Cleanouts shall be iron body ferrule with bronze screw plug in fitting or tapped cast iron ferrule with bronze plug. TRAPS A. 2.6 Provide traps on all sanitary branch waste connections from fixtures or equipment not provided with traps. Exposed brass shall be polished brass chromium plated with nipple, cleanout, and setscrew escutcheons. Concealed traps may be rough cast brass. Slip joints not permitted on sewer side of trap. Traps shall correspond to fittings on cast iron soil pipe and size shall be as required by connected service or fixture. WATERPROOFING A. Provide at points where pipes pass through membrane waterproofed floors or walls in contact with earth. Waterproofing shall consist of 6-pound sheet lead mopped-in between piles of waterproofing membrane. Flange out lead at opening for pipe and caulk into a cast iron pipe hub set just below line of membrane waterproofing to form watertight joint through floors. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. 2. Suspended horizontal piping shall be supported by adjustable wrought steel clevis hangers. Chain, strap, wire or other make-shift devices will not be permitted as hangers or supports. Hangers on insulated pipes shall go around the insulation, with galvanized sheet steel saddle of sufficient size and thickness to prevent crushing of the insulation. Risers and stacks shall be securely supported and braced in an approved manner. Hangers for plastic piping shall be 4 feet apart. Hangers shall be located at all changes in direction and at each joint for suspended soil, waste or storm branches and mains. Install branch piping for waste from the respective piping systems and connect to all fixtures, outlets, casework, cabinets and equipment, including those furnished by the Owner or specified in other sections of these specifications. Approximate locations for roughing-in are shown on the contract drawings. No piping or roughing-in shall be Prichard Hall West Wing – LLC Offices DRAINAGE SYSTEM VT PC# R-2014-05 22 1300 - 3 February 12, 2014 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. B. started until data showing exact locations for equipment and connections required are provided by the Architect. This data shall then be used for roughing-in equipment. Individual traps and other connection components not furnished with the equipment, but required for a complete installation, shall be provided under this section of these specifications. Install trim and fittings provided with casework and cabinets but not installed at point of fabrication. Pipe shall be round and straight. Cutting shall be done with proper tools. Pipe, including plastic, shall be reamed to full size after cutting. All pipe runs shall be laid out and scheduled to avoid interferences with other work. Screwed joints for steel pipe shall be made with tapered threads, properly cut and all burrs removed. Pipe ends shall be reamed to full size of bore and all filings removed. Joints shall be made tight with an approved joint cement suitable for the service encountered and applied to the male threa
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