Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen, June 2010 Fix list Microsoft Dynamics® C5 2010 Fix list – Service pack 1 Version Contents Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3 General ................................................................................................................................ 3 General ledger .................................................................................................................... 3 Customer/Vendor .............................................................................................................. 4 Inventory ............................................................................................................................ 4 Sales / Purchase / Project ................................................................................................. 5 Payroll ................................................................................................................................. 6 Kernel .................................................................................................................................. 7 New and changed elements in ver. since ver. ....................................... 7 2 FIX LIST FOR MICROSOFT DYNAMICS C5 2010 SERVICE PACK 1 Introduction This Service pack is cumulated and contains issues fixed in hot fix 1, hot fix 2 and hot fix 3 as well. For information about fixed issues in hot fix 1, 2 and 3 we refer to fix list for those. This Service pack addresses some issues of unintended behavior observed in Microsoft Dynamics® C5 2010, extended OIOUBL functionality and improvement of print behavior. The fixed issues are listed below. General BUG id 57616 57786 57805 58370 58821 904 1641 1783 1820 1875 1965 VSA Title 9666050 Not able to change the name of attached report in email. Even though you change the name in the parameters (in the print option box) the attached file will not change name. 9674611 Labels - ToolConvertTxt2Labels.xal If the first language equals label SYS29262, the insertion of the extra language layer is disabled even though more than one language exists. 9658483 User info states error 9635233 9702982 Deleting TMP tables MAC.NotesDelete had poor performance on older SQL Versions 1100611 The SQL database calculation report only shows 18 lines (= 18 data files) 39478869 One cannot be sure, that the largest (marked) data file is among those. XAL.SQL-DbSize now sorts the datasets and displays the 15 largest on screen. Make it easier to read label contents in printed XAL elements See news letter When a template for a language does not exist the system automatically selects UK without any warning XAL.UserProfileHideCode should use new filename for each element eMail - MS word PDF - filename &RepFileName must be extended Call back functionality in COMCtrl_QuickLinks.FRM using COMAPI_CALLBACK and IPC. When a dataset needs to update User Profiles ("opdaterer adgang") the XAL.UserProfilesHideCode is now only run once instead of for each user. General ledger Bug ID 55145 55491 VSA Title 9577019 Wrong entry type on general ledger transaction - Invoice/Credit note 9589291 Offset invoice in general journal uses total invoice amount instead of remaining invoice amount 3 FIX LIST FOR MICROSOFT DYNAMICS C5 2010 SERVICE PACK 1 57710 57956 58284 1644 1815 1877 9672105 Not able to see amount in report Dimension balance. When you print out the report Dimension balance under G/L/Reports/Balance sheets with selection of department no amount is shown in the counter totals. 9678625 Possible to log on a General ledger journal twice 9695411 Cash report is showing wrong numbers in column Misc. when you have a journal line with a Customer and Vendor posting. The column Misc does not show the value from the Customer or Vendor posting Label in the reconciliation reports has been modified and cannot be used anymore Journal definition has to be changed so it is possible to use expressions – see news letter It's possible to see all existing lines in General Ledger journal when selecting a journal (console) Customer/Vendor Bug ID 57151 57928 58266 57963 58268 1532 1630 1678 1717 1903 58590 VSA Title Changes to interest calculation dialog – see news letter 9680252 Account statement shows sometimes wrong amount in SQL this 9669419 happens if the settled date is before the last posting date. 9692470 All reminders are not printed when printing reminders per code If two reminders after each other have the same reminder code, the second reminder etc. is not printed, when printing reminders per code. 9677905 Suggestion: Set up of Invoice choice on customer - see Fact sheet about Printing options 9691617 Information about VendorNumber is missing in the file overf_dk.def used for JyskeBank payments. Simple invoice - Customer daily - when changing the Customer account you get a wrong error message and the lines are deleted. Purchase Invoice standard - field Purchase order should be left aligned Purchase invoice - do not show the correct calculated vat amount if there are different vat codes used at the purchase lines When printing the CustAccountStatement to eMail using the standard windows printer you get an error message that the file cannot be found, afterwards outlook opens with the txt-file attached Vendor table menu is extended with Print and Create purchase – see news letter 9711007 Simple invoice - Even if the invoice date is changed the system date is used for posting Inventory Bug ID 55513 VSA Title SRZ09062 Recalculation of inventory deletes information in InvenItemTrack 3000070 4 FIX LIST FOR MICROSOFT DYNAMICS C5 2010 SERVICE PACK 1 58086 58192 9687975 58588 9707711 58798 9676135 58941 11006233 0167781 Error message is shown regarding price group when creating new inventory items. If there is only one price group in the data file, an error message is shown when adding new inventory items in the inventory table. Message about over 100 hits isn't shown when the quick search field is marked even if there are more than 100 hits Rep: InvenStatus - Inventory status list shows wrong values after you have created an order and delivered it and reported the item finished. Suggestion: Auto settlement of inventory transactions must be disabled if the period for an offset entry is not Open. When updating an inventory inflow, e.g. a purchase order or item returns on Sales or Project, and searching the entries that can be settled with the inflow an extra check is performed on the offset entry's date - if the offset entry (which is outflow) is posted in the closed or blocked period, the settlement is not performed and the search stops. This implementation will require an action from users: it will be necessary to manually control open inventory entries and perform the missing settlement manually Missing check on batch number when entering inflow in inventory journals. Sales / Purchase / Project Bug ID 49907 57079 57785 58605 1608 1744 1888 VSA Title 9402926 SUGGESTION: Possibility of using the Field Co.Reg.No/Vat number for generating OIOXML files (and not only the EAN number) – see news letter 9649564; Error message when auto posting of BOM 9377724 9674605 Filter on phase does not work correctly. When the filter is “Active” on the overview page and a user changes a phase to “Finished” on the General tab page the filter automatically changes to Finished on the overview page. 9710238 Capital letters in the field Txt on report ProjInProgressSpec Check for locked orders when mass-invoicing All updating Scripts (Invoice, Packing slip, quotations etc.) in Sales, Proj and Purch modules have been extended with check for user locks, if an order is locked it is skipped from the update , but an error message will be given to user All updating scripts called from Purchase, Sales order and Project must be extended with data integrity check The data integrity check is crucial when importing data e.g. from XML files which may deviate from the base data in C5 RETRY_POINT missing in 6 posting jobs (Sales,Purch,Proj*Dlv,Inv) Users are getting deadlocks 5 FIX LIST FOR MICROSOFT DYNAMICS C5 2010 SERVICE PACK 1 1890 1887 58088 58287 The transaction does not equal 0. The error is present when an invoice or packing slip update involves inventory settlements and cost currencies as well as certain combinations of amounts. A rounding of adjustment amounts in currency was missing. Payment Identification is blanked when entering a new invoice date in Purchase invoice form Fee taxable isn’t summed when updating collective project invoices. If you make a collective invoice with invoice unit = customer in the project module and you have entered taxable fees on different projects to a customer, these fees aren’t summed on the invoice. Only the fee from the first project invoiced is included on the invoice. 9696384 BUG: Change of field -Lst does not work in a project line Payroll Bug ID 55847 VSA 9599333 Title Fejl i bogføring ved sletning af lønseddel. Når man sletter en lønseddel på en medarbejder under Løn/Kartotek/Forespørgse/Journal, udskriver C5 ikke den korrekte bogføringsliste. 56003 58329 9606214 9699773 Markering i feltet eBoks medtages ikke fra standard medarbejderen. Manglende koder til felt 68. Godtgørelser for kørsel der skattefrit udbetales til selskabets lærlinge for transport fra bopælen til uddannelsesstedet skal indberettes med kode 49 under rubrik 68, når værdien af godtgørelsen indberettes under rubrik 48. Der mangler mulighed for at anføre værdien 0049(48) i eIndkomst. 58531 9709416 Optimering af lønberegning tager ikke højde for fælles kartoteker 57141 110020537899567 Efter multi eksport/import af database er setup (kontokode, tælleværk) på overførselslisten slettet (Løn / periodisk / lønberegning / lønoverførsel / liste / Overførselsliste) Manglende check af gennemløb ved check af lønmodulet Lønsedler udskrevet til PDF skal kunne gemmes et valgfrit sted– see news letter Macro PayfieldDefinition should be reviewed, as it originally was made to make C5 comply with XAL (which is no more an issue), and also because it might miss some data Wrong label used - Payroll/Employee/Groups - Shortcut F5 Cancellation of pay calculation can take a while but there's no screen activity Fields are missing after export of paydata (PayExportData) and import in another set of accounts (PayImportData) - PayTable.EBoks -PayAbsenceType.PayCtype 636 1665 1792 1793 1905 1912 6 FIX LIST FOR MICROSOFT DYNAMICS C5 2010 SERVICE PACK 1 Kernel Bug ID 1901 1896 1892 1843 1353 45543 5410 VSA Title Possibility to detect in a form's EXIT trigger how the form is closed Process parameters seem to be truncated in Console PRD.PostXAL: PARM= is not surrounded by " in process call. Possibility to check whether a printer name is valid in the current installation Forms look different depending of which language is used 9348038; Manually assigned shortcut letters did not work in C5 GUI with local 9348213; menu as buttons enabled 9346932; 9699777 Usage of Windows printer queues in CONTROL "BUILDPARM" is not sufficient Several Doctor Watson crashes fixed in kernel New and changed elements in ver. since ver. .CheckTrimFileName .COMAPI_CALLBACK .DBOpen .DocValidateFldSkip .FileSearchInclSubFolders .PrinterIsValid .SendMail .sysEReport .XML2HTML .XMLValidateXSL Address::VerifyEANNumber CustJournal::InsertLineSpecs CustJournal::MakeOIOXMLFile CustJournal::OIOXMLCheck CustJournal::OIOXMLInvAddresses CustJournal::XMLChargeGetTotalValues CustJournal::XMLGetReferenceNumber CustJournal::XMLGetTotalVatAmount CustJournal::XMLMakeAllowanceCharge CustJournal::XMLUBLGetBuyerPartyId CustJournal::XMLUBLGetEndpointId CustJournal::XMLUBLImportGetCustomer CustJournalLine::XMLMakeVatTotals DocTemplates::FindTemplate DocType::ModifyFileName DocType::ModifyFilePath Employee::XMLGetEmplName Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc 7 FIX LIST FOR MICROSOFT DYNAMICS C5 2010 SERVICE PACK 1 InvenTable::InvenFinancialMovement InvenTable::InvenPhysicalMovement Notes::XMLGetFromNotes Notes::XMLPutInNotesFromXML PayCalculate::PayImportFiles PayTableRate::FindRate SalesLineArch::XMLDefineDeliveryReq SalesLineArch::XMLGetLineValues SalesLineArch::XMLGetUnitCode SalesTableArch::XMLUBLDeliveryDate SysElement::LabelConvertXALCode TmpXMLMap::XMLLoadSchema UserProfile::Apply VendJournal::XMLGetDlvAddressLine VendJournal::XMLMakeAllowanceCharge VendJournal::XMLMakeGetVatTotals VendJournal::XMLUBLGetDlvEndPointId VendJournal::XMLUBLGetSellerPartyId VendJournal::XMLUBLImportGetVendor XmlDocValue::XMLCheckInsertValue XMLNamespace::XMLXPathDefaultNameSpace XMLSchema::ColNextNode XMLSchema::FillNSMgr XMLSchema::GetSaveNameSpaces XMLSchema::InitNSMgr XMLSchema::LoadXMLFile XMLSchema::LoadXSDFile XMLSchema::XmlDocBegin XMLSchema::XmlDocInst XMLSchema::XMLTotalAddDifference XMLSchema::XPathAddNamespace XMLSchema::XPathNodes XMLSchema::XPathSingleNode XMLSchemaMap::NADefault XMLSchemaMap::XMLCheckConvert XMLSchemaMap::XMLDefineWhichValue XMLSchemaMap::XMlGetNodeHandle XMLSchemaMap::XMLUBLGetDateAsString AccessRightsUsers ActionList CodeForm COMCtrl_QuickLinks CompanyAddress CustAddress CustEan CustJournal CustReminderList Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc Fnc fnc fnc fnc fnc fnc frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm 8 FIX LIST FOR MICROSOFT DYNAMICS C5 2010 SERVICE PACK 1 CustTable DocArchiveOption DocReference DocViewer eInvenTable Employee EUSalesList InvenTable JourImportNames JourImportSetup LedJour LedTable Notes PayEmplGroups PayEmployee PayGroups PayPrintout PayRun PayShowRates PrintSetupOpts ProjLine ProjTable ProjTableArch PurchInvoice PurchLine PurchTable PurchTableArch QT2FileName SalesLine SalesLineArch SalesTable SalesTableArch ScanApplication SimpleInvoice UtilList VendAddress VendEan VendPayment VendTable XmlDocSetup XmlDocValue XMLJournal XMLMapper XMLNameSpaces XMLParameters XMLQuerySetup XMLSchema frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm frm 9 FIX LIST FOR MICROSOFT DYNAMICS C5 2010 SERVICE PACK 1 XMLSchemaDefinition XMLShowTotalDiff DocValue.DocValue XMLJournal.XMLJournal XMLSchemaMap.SchemaMap ACTION ACTIONGROUP ApplBuild APPLVERSIONLIST CallActionGroup CHANGEKEY CHECK_DATABASE COMAPI COMAPI_APPL COMAPIUTIL CopyFieldsFromTo CUST_REMINDER CUSTVEND_FORM CUSTVEND_REPORT DeleteCascade DOCUMENT FIELDS FILE_UTIL FORMS FORMS_APPL GENERAL GlobalVariables INVEN_UTIL IPC JOURNAL_IMPORT NotesDelete PAY PAYFIELDDEFINITION ReferenceFields SALESPURCH_COLLECT SALESPURCH_FORM SALESPURCH_UTIL SERVICE_SYP SPECIFICATION SYSTEM_INFORMATION XMLDOM XMLF XMLF_APPL CustPrint CustTableSetup GenDay GenDayBatch frm frm lst lst lst mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mnu mnu mnu mnu 10 FIX LIST FOR MICROSOFT DYNAMICS C5 2010 SERVICE PACK 1 VendNewOrder VendPrint VendTableSetup XML XMLSetupAdvanced CheckCustomer CheckInventory CheckLedger CheckProject CheckPurchase CheckSales CheckVendor CustAccStatement CustInterest CustInterestNote CustReminderUBL InvenAdjustment InvenBalances InvenJourCheck InvenJourPosting LedJourCheck PayRunCancel PaySlip PaySlipSendToeBoks ProjBatchPrintout ProjCreditNoteUBL ProjDocument ProjInvoice ProjInvoiceUBL ProjPackingSlip ProjProforma PurchBatchPrintout PurchDocument PurchInvoice PurchPackingSlip PurchProforma PurchRequisitionUBL SalesBatchPrintout SalesConfirmationUBL SalesCreditNoteUBL SalesInvoice SalesInvoiceUBL SalesPackingSlip SalesProforma SalesQuotation VendAccStatement XMLJournalDelete mnu mnu mnu mnu mnu qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx qtx 11 FIX LIST FOR MICROSOFT DYNAMICS C5 2010 SERVICE PACK 1 CheckDataPay ErrorConvEnums Inven_LedgerReconcile InvenStatus JourImportSetup LedBalanceParmDim LedCashReport Notes PayEntryListDel Proj_LedgerReconcile ProjInProgressSpec PurchInvoice ShowErrorLog ShowErrorLog_API ActionList.DELETE DocValue.Delete ProjLine.Post-change-record TmpPayCalculate.Delete UserProfile.Delete XmlDocSetup.Delete XMLJournal.Delete 4302Update 4310Update 4310UpdateSys ActionGroup CheckFields ConvEnums DataImport DBDAutoMerge DocArchiveAttach DocArchiveOpen DocNew DocNewExcel DocNewWord ExcelGen ExportObjects ImportObjects PayCalculate PayCheckWorkJour PayExportBaseData PayExportCalculate PayExportData PayImportBaseData PayImportCalculate PayImportData PayUpdateDel PrintoutElement rep rep rep rep rep rep rep rep rep rep rep rep rep rep trg trg trg trg trg trg trg xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal 12 FIX LIST FOR MICROSOFT DYNAMICS C5 2010 SERVICE PACK 1 ProjInvoice ProjPackingSlip PurchInvoice PurchInvoiceTotals PurchPackingSlip PurchProjTrans SalesInvoice SalesPackingSlip SalesPurchCheckLine SalesPurchCheckOrder SERVICE_SYP SQL-DbSize UserProfileHideCode WordGen XmlCreateQtx XMLCreateXsdCache XMLEksportXmlSchema XMLImportXMLSchema XMLScanFiles XMLScanGetFiles XMLUBLImportToPurchase XMLUBLImportToSalesOrder xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal xal 13 FIX LIST FOR MICROSOFT DYNAMICS C5 2010 SERVICE PACK 1 Microsoft Dynamics is a line of integrated, adaptable business management solutions that enables you and your people to make business decisions with greater confidence. Microsoft Dynamics works like and with familiar Microsoft software, automating and streamlining financial, customer relationship and supply chain processes in a way that helps you drive business success. U.S. and Canada Toll Free 1-888-477-7989 Worldwide +1-701-281-6500 The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, this document should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This White Paper is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, the Microsoft Dynamics Logo, BizTalk, FRx, Microsoft Dynamics, ..NET Framework, SharePoint, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual SourceSafe, Visual Studio, Windows, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, FRx Software Corporation, or Microsoft Business Solutions ApS in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft Business Solutions ApS and FRx Software Corporation are subsidiaries of Microsoft Corporation. 14 FIX LIST FOR MICROSOFT DYNAMICS C5 2010 SERVICE PACK 1
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