Land Services Section 11 Historical Survey Marking Practices 11. 1 Introduction Case law precedents have established the principle that the original survey marks set by the surveyor defined the boundaries and were paramount to all other boundary evidence. Accordingly surveyors should ensure that they are aware of the types and locations of marks that have been used on early surveys. The appreciable number of survey marks on old surveys that were not noted on the survey plan or only referred to in the broadest of terms highlights the need for familiarity with early survey marking practices. The Handbooks for Government Surveyors, regulations and occasional instructions from the Surveyor-General all set the guidelines for the particular era. Then, as now, compliance with marking requirements depended on the diligence and professionalism of the individual surveyor. This Section has been prepared to: augment surveyors' knowledge of early South Australian survey practices, assist surveyors in searching, locating and identifying original marks, and draw attention to practices where survey marks were noted solely on the field notes of Government surveyors and the consequent need to cover this area of search adequately. The first attachment to this section reproduces some of the instructions and diagrams from the Survey Department of South Australia Handbook for Government Surveyors. This was the fourth edition (1914) compiled by Mr C H Harris under the direction of the SurveyorGeneral. The second of the attachments to this section summarises the marking practices used for Crown and Freehold surveys. The practices are outlined for five survey eras, as based on available procedures, handbooks and regulations. 11.2 Crown Surveys: Marking Practices a. Earliest record of MP: 1895 (zinc alloy) b. Earliest record of PM: 1923 (concrete filled bottle) c. Metal Pins were placed in trenches at both 5 and 6 link offsets from pegs. (It is thought that the 6 link offset resulted from a misprint in instructions. See clause 71, page 77, Attachment 1 where 6 links is specified while Plate XV in Attachment 1 shows 5 links.) Offset distances of metal pins in trenches were not generally shown on the Diagram Book Pages (DBPs), however it is important to check carefully for notations on DBPs. d. Metal Pins have been found on the production of boundaries (as well as the common practice of along the actual boundary lines). e. Metal Pins, used up to the mid thirties, were of zinc alloy and crystallise in corrosive soils into a bluey green mass of approximately twice the original diameter. Cadastral Survey Guidelines Document No. QMM1001 Issue 2.2 July 2014 Section 11 Page 1 of 6 Land Services f. Although referred to as Metal Pins on the DBPs, bottles and glass pins have been used in place of pins in the corrosive low-land soil of some irrigation areas; extra careful digging required. g. The positions of old marks found or Metal Pins placed are frequently indicated on DBPs by blue or red circles respectively. It may be necessary to view original ‘pages’ if the circle type is not obvious from the monotone print. h. Government Surveyor field books provide valuable and more detailed information on trenching, placement of metal pins etcetera than shown on the DBPs. i. Line pegs at the ends of trenches were not shown on the DBPs. j. Pegs, trenches and metal pins were placed on the ‘run’ sides of roads and on the production of section boundary lines across roads, but these were not necessarily shown on the DBP. k. Placement of boundary line pegs and trenches at intervals from 140 - 240 m (7-12 chains) was noted in field books but not on the DBPs. l. Mile Posts, if cut from native timber, were placed in the ground with branch stems pointing down. m. Iron pins replaced the zinc alloy pin in the 1940s; sometimes shown on the DBP as IS or IP until notation was standardised in the 1950s as MP. n. Double Permanent Marks (DPMs) were used in the 1950s and 1960s as protection against possible damage of the surface PM. o. Single PMs and MPs were sometimes placed deep (0.5m) for protection. p. Bolts, droppers and other miscellaneous metal rods have been used as metal pins. q. On rare occasions rockpiles in the shape of mini cairns rather than lines (trenches) have been found at old corners and datum pegs. 11.3 Crown Surveys: Surveying Practices a. Consistency in measurement improved with the use of the steel band in the 1880s. The scale difference in comparisons with surveys of the 1880 - 1890 period of approximately one link in ten chains reflects a carry over of chaining practices used with the Gunters chain. The routine provided for the additional measurement of one link after each tenth measurement to allow for kinks or twigs caught in the chain. b. Invar bands were first used in 1911. The 1970’s saw the transition from ‘chaining’ to EDM. In the early 1970’s there was little use of EDM on boundary surveys, however, by 1980 few surveys were measured without any EDM. GPS had been introduced on occasional rural cadastral surveys by 1990. By 2000 its use was quite common in rural and broadacre areas, with sporadic use on urban surveys. c. Early practices adopted the actual fencing as the boundary; the offsets shown on the plan are from the pegged tie line to the fence boundary and not from a pegged survey boundary to the fence; see paragraph 70 of Harris Handbook, Attachment 1 page 2. The survey tie line was generally shown as a dashed line on the DBP but on occasions as a solid line; see enlargement C on Plate IX in Attachment 1. Cadastral Survey Guidelines Document No. QMM1001 Issue 2.2 July 2014 Section 11 Page 2 of 6 Land Services Figure 1 - Example of Obscure Fence Adoption for Section Boundary on DBP Figure 2 - Field Notes for DBP in Figure 1 Cadastral Survey Guidelines Document No. QMM1001 Issue 2.2 July 2014 Section 11 Page 3 of 6 Land Services On other occasions perusal of the field book will be necessary to confirm the fence was intended to be adopted for the boundary, and for detail of the offsets; see Figures 1 and 2. In this case the only clue that there may be more information relevant to the south western boundary of section 165 is the labelling of this boundary as ‘3 Wire Fence 2 rail’. There is no enlargement on this DBP. In this case perusal of the field book (as well as confirming the intention and providing offset details) is necessary to: confirm that the angles on the DBP refer to a tie line and not the boundary, and clarify what point the chainages on the DBP refer to (see the north western corner of section 165). Note also in Figure 2 that the fenced boundary is shown dashed while the tie line is solid. In many cases now the original fences have been replaced, however from other boundary evidence it may be possible to reconstruct the tieline (show on plan) and subsequently the fence position using the offsets. Data shown in blue on DBPs for boundary angles and distances results from calculation of tieline and offset data for the issue of land grant. In some cases land grants have been issued erroneously with tieline angles and distances representing boundary data. d. Dashed lines on a DBP indicate unsurveyed boundaries. An exception may be the dashed offside of a road, surveyed but not delineated as road at the date of lodgement. The field book may reveal that it had been surveyed as road. e. Requirements for zero angle closures for all sections on DBPs after 1910 were sometimes achieved by an office adjustment, as reflected in differences between DBP and field book angle entries. f. Data shown in blue on DBPs result from adjustment of data for the issue of land grant. This may not be obvious from monotone prints. Offside distances were usually calculated by office staff from observed ‘run’ distances. As these offside distances were often rounded and sometimes in error by a couple of links their value in relaying boundaries is subordinate to the observed ‘run’ chainages. g. Chief Surveyor instructions in the 1950s required unclosed roads or section boundaries to be check chained and checked for alignment by astronomical observations. Notations (AM, PM or Mean) in reference to Sun Observations were to alert possible variance from True Bearing due to instrument or Latitude error. 11.4 Freehold Surveys: Marking Practices a. Between 1836-1861 division of freehold land may or may not have been marked on the ground. The Real Property Act No. 15 of 1857 only required the proprietor to deposit a plan at the Registry Office signed and declared as to accuracy by the proprietor. Then the Real Property Act Amendment Act of 1861 required the plan to be certified as accurate by a licensed surveyor. There was no specified form of marking. b. Various Acts relating to Local Government make the earliest reference to marking that affected freehold land: 1. Section 106 in Legislative Ordinance No.11 of 1849 for the City of Adelaide provided for the width of footways of streets to be set out and marked by posts. The width of the footways were measured from the curb-stone or exterior edge with plans prepared and signed by the Mayor. Cadastral Survey Guidelines Document No. QMM1001 Issue 2.2 July 2014 Section 11 Page 4 of 6 Land Services 2. Provision by Municipal Corporations for streets to be aligned dated from about 1861. 3. Section 115 of the Municipal Corporations Act of 1890 specified placement of permanent marks as aids in defining the alignments of streets and roads; placed on the corners and bends of parallel tie-lines. Note that some of these alignments were ‘unofficial’ (not gazetted) and the relationship between permanent mark and boundary was generally not recognised until the connection was determined on a later cadastral survey. It should also be noted that while ‘official’ alignments prevailed for road boundaries they aligned, again the relationship to side and rear boundaries requires connection to be determined on a later cadastral survey. 4. Section 18 of the Municipal Corporations Act Amendment Act 1914 extended the requirements for placement of permanent marks (of unspecified construction) to apply to any plan showing land divided into streets and allotments, either existing or proposed, and approved by the Surveyor-General. 5. At least two permanent marks (generally 1 inch galvanised iron pipes) were placed on all surveys of freehold urban land between January 1915 and August 1929 (DPs 2336 - 3832 inclusive). 6. Metal pins were often placed on old subdivisions at true road intersections despite the absence of a plan note. When these pins are connected on certified surveys, (that is, no note on the plan that placed the pin), the notation ORIGINAL MP should be shown along side the Reference Mark Schedule. c. Marking requirements were finally generalised to include freehold surveys in the 1929 regulations under the Licensed Surveyors Act. 11.5 Freehold Surveys: Surveying Practices a. The court ruling in Smith v Bews (1868 SALR 149), and followed in two subsequent cases, had a significant effect on survey definition practices on freehold parcels from the 1860’s to the 1950’s. Contrary to the present widely accepted principles based on common law precedents (see section 4.7 and 4.10a) there was often an inconsistency in thinking by some surveyors on the interpretation of evidence, and on what was needed to get the plan accepted. The attitudes of some of the Registrar-Generals reinforced this trend such that at various times during this period the principle ascribing paramountcy to the plan established itself in survey practices. This led to the preservation of original measurements over other evidence influencing the definition of the parcel boundaries. Although now disregarded, the effect of this principle can be seen in the hiatus strips of NUA remaining between ‘abutting’ titles. b. Likewise, during this period surveys for Applications to bring land under the Real Property Act rarely claimed outside the occupation even where it was short on data. On the other hand surveys would rarely claim to occupation in excess of data measurement unless the original survey marks were found. c. Information obtained from identification surveys was occasionally submitted for public use and filed unexamined in the L series of plans in the LTO. This type of plan is now lodged as a Plan for Information Purposes. d. The 1970’s saw the transition from ‘chaining’ to EDM. In the early 1970’s there was little use of EDM on boundary surveys, however, by 1980 few surveys were measured without any EDM. GPS had been introduced on occasional rural cadastral surveys by 1990. By 2000 its use was quite common in rural and broadacre areas, with sporadic use on urban surveys. Cadastral Survey Guidelines Document No. QMM1001 Issue 2.2 July 2014 Section 11 Page 5 of 6 Land Services 11.6 Mineral Tenures a. Records of surveys are filed in 17 Diagram Books covering a period from 1860 to 1970. b. Mineral surveys were regulated between 1929 and 1975 (Regulation 26 (1929) under the Licensed Surveyors Act and Regulation 32 (1939) under the Surveyors Act). In addition to the marking of the number of the claim, lease or section on each corner post, the 1929 regulation required the marking of the initials of the surveyor. Astronomical observations for azimuth and latitude were required to fix the position of the land unless there was an abuttal with a cadastral boundary or previously surveyed mineral boundary. 11.7 Preservation of Old Cadastral Marks The Surveyor-General has an ongoing program to locate and preserve all PSMs. However, in the past, little attention was given to the protection of original survey marks emplaced on surveys performed prior to the use of concrete PSMs. If they have not been tied to subsequent PSMs the loss of these marks would result in a degradation of the local cadastre. Since 1986 extensions to the tertiary network include a search and survey connection to selected original marks found other than PSMs. In network areas established prior to 1986, or outside the network, surveyors can assist by supplying information that will help identify and preserve these marks, particularly if there is a risk of destruction. Mark Maintenance will convert selected marks into PSMs (see Contact Numbers attached to section 1 for notifications). The 2.5cm diameter GIP (PM) in use on freehold land divisions from 1915 to 1929, as recorded on DPs 2336 to 3832 inclusive, are probably of immediate concern but existing corner pegs of this era or from early freehold surveys are also included. The triangular corner pegs, flat road bend pegs and white metal pins or glass pins emplaced on Crown surveys prior to 1923, or later surveys when PSMs were sparingly used, are also of concern. If any of these original marks are found in the course of certified surveys the recommended options are: tie to survey and show on plan, convert to a PSM, or preserve the mark where applicable with a dropper. If found on identification or engineering surveys: notify Mark Maintenance of the mark location (via either a plan with marks indicated in red or a telephone call), or preserve the mark where applicable with a dropper. 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