PDQ SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL BUYERS VERSION January 2014 1 INDEX INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………3 PDQ OBJECTIVES…………………………………………………………...…..4 SUBMISSION PROCESS…………………………………………………….….5 ACTION AISLE PDQ…………………………………………………………..…6 END CAP PDQ…………………………………………………………………….11 SIDEKICK PDQ………………………………………………………………..…15 SHELF READY TRAYS………………………………………………………..…17 OUTER CARTON MARKING……………………………………………………20 LOGISTICS……………………………………………………………….……….21 CARTON SHIPPING & HANDLING SYMBOLS…………………………….22 APPROVAL FORM……………………………………………………………….24 2 INTRODUCTION The following PDQ Specifications Manual is designed to guide Buyers through the process of bringing PDQ‟s into the business. Buyers are to follow the following process for best practice when negotiating with Suppliers for approval. Our combined goal is to move merchandise through our stores in the most efficient and cost saving manner available. Definition of PDQ The term PDQ can stand for “Presentation Display Quantity”, “Pallet Display Quantity” or even “Pretty Darn Quick”. Fundamental principles of PDQ’s: The display must generate incremental sales – in the case of an Action Aisle PDQ the minimum hurdle rate is $500 per store per week The PDQ should require a minimal amount of unpacking to aid in execution at store level Residual PDQ merchandise must be easy to manage on alternative off location displays and meet all the necessary presentation standards i.e. packaging, bar-coded etc The term PDQ (Presentation Display Quantity) applies to three presentation types: Type 1 - Action Aisle Pallet Type 2 - Sidekicks Type 3 - Shelf Ready Trays All Store Ready PDQ proposed submissions are to be approved by the Events Manager and presented to the New Line Logistics Committee for final approval. Submission: Submission is to be managed by the relevant Buyer who is responsible for driving the proposal through the approval process and must include the following a digital photo or line illustration of the following: Store display unit Shipment unit (protection) Material composition specifications AAEC submission for location in store (AAEC location must be approved prior to presenting to Logistics Committee) Include total measurements of proposed PDQ (length, width and height and weight) 3 NOTE: If PDQ‟s have not gone through this submission process, they are not going onto the selling floor, No approval – NO PDQ The PDQ must meet all the current Action Aisle specifications in regards to rate of sale and stock weight in addition to footprint and specifications as outlined in this document PDQ‟s are approved on an individual basis and prior use DOES NOT qualify the PDQ for repeat purchase irrespective of National Brand status Every order of PDQ‟s MUST be re-submitted for approval 4 PDQ OBJECTIVES The ideal PDQ display is one that delivers the Five Principles of display:- 1. CUSTOMER MUST BE ABLE TO SEE THE PRODUCT It is about the product and not the cardboard – Please ensure the merchandise takes centre stage. The space in store is real estate and as such needs to return the maximum return on investment. Air space must be minimised and the supplier must support the promotion at a store level. There are 2 types of PDQ‟s Event PDQ‟s - Easter, Christmas, BTS etc Vendor Promotional PDQ‟s - Smiths Chips, Ferrero, Disney DVD‟s etc 2. CUSTOMER MUST BE ABLE TO SEE THE PRICE As leaders of Australia‟s lowest prices it is important that price is clearly communicated and easy for the customer to read and understand. Preference is that product is merchandised by price per side or by shelf to assist in this clear communication. 3. CUSTOMER MUST BE ABLE TO SEE VALUE AND VERSATILITY No minimum cardboard stock weight is provided within this document as it differs for product type however any display that is allowed on the sales floor must withstand shipment and store level wear and tear for the duration of the time the product is on display. PDQ‟s will NOT be returned to suppliers after use and will be disposed of by stores. 4. CUSTOMER MUST BE ABLE TO SELF SELECT Stock levels should be relative to rate of sale. PDQ’s should NOT be replenishable and should have a life span of NO longer than 2 - 4 weeks and will be removed once the stock has sold through to a level that the displays NO longer meets our Presentation standards. It will be at the store‟s discretion if the PDQ is removed earlier 5. CUSTOMERS MUST BE ABLE TO DO ALL OF THE ABOVE IN THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME 5 Submission Pocess It is the buyer‟s responsibility to drive the approval of the PDQ through the following process. Changes must be able to be made to the PDQ at any time until step 4 is completed (approval received from Logistics Committee). Correct planning is the key to a successful outcome. Timings have been provided as a guide only. STEP 1 (-20 weeks) Begin working on PDQ specifications with the Supplier and Events Department. STEP 2 (-18 weeks) All PDQ proposals must be approved by the Events Department STEP 3 (-16 weeks) Submissions must then be signed off and approved by the Events Department for inclusion in the Action Aisle/End Cap Program. \\ STEP 4 (-14 weeks) All PDQ submissions (whether Action Aisle, Sidekick or Shelf Ready Trays) must be presented to the Logistics Committee for Final Approval. NB: The physical PDQ is required for the Committee STEP 5 (-6 weeks) Communication to Stores will be as per the current Action Aisle End Cap Program – refer to the Events Department for specifics. STEP 6 PDQ distributed to stores NB: Manifest to be provided to the events team - [email protected]. Stores need to be notified of delivery. 6 ACTION AISLE PALLET PDQ – Type 1 FOOTPRINT The acceptable footprints for Action Aisle Pallet Displays: Full Pallet 1200mm x 1200mm Half Pallet 1200mm x 600mm It is imperative that the selected unit compliments the merchandise. The total overall height (including header cards, base and merchandise) should not exceed 1650mm from the floor to the top. Note: Merchandise should sit minimum 150mm off the floor. If the PDQ is being supplied without a pricing frame, maximum height for merchandise is 1030mm. If the PDQ is being supplied with a pre-printed ticket frame, total height (including base) is 1650mm. All Dimensions should be confirmed with the Events Team prior to PDQ development as store equipment may vary by store type. 7 SPECIFICATIONS SHOPABILITY 2 Full Sides SIGNAGE Provide a pre-printed header board on each side with plastic channelling (extrusion) in the following specifications TICKETING Top Channelling: 2mm plastic extrusion (open ended) Length: min. 200mm or max. 317mm Bottom Channelling: 1mm plastic extrusion (open ended) Length: min. 200mm or max. 317mm Gap between channelling: 150mm (for pricing numerals) Position of price on ticket: Centre or Right Hand Side corner Other: Landscape QUANTITY 2- one per side SHOPABILITY 4 Full Sides (DVD PDQ‟s) SIGNAGE Provide a pre-printed header board on each side with plastic channelling (extrusion) in the following specifications TICKETING Top Channelling: 2mm plastic extrusion (open ended) Length: min. 200mm or max. 317mm Bottom Channelling: 1mm plastic extrusion (open ended) Length: min. 200mm or max. 317mm QUANTITY Gap between channelling: 150mm (for pricing numerals) Position of price on ticket: Centre or Right Hand Side corner Other: Landscape 4- one per side 8 PALLET DISPLAY SHOPABILITY Full Base SIGNAGE Pallet Displays are to use a centre pole or appliance that will accept BIG W ticket boards. If using centre pole methodology, the supplier does not have to provide the centre pole but should allow a 10cm gap in the centre of the PDQ to allow the pole to be inserted NB: ALL Ticketing MUST be approved by the Events Team Jayne Rais – Event Manager – W2.B2.W.05 [email protected] Ashley Hams – In Store Event Specialist – W2.B2.W.04 [email protected] 9 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PDQ DESIGN When designing the display unit, it is imperative that the tray (bottom) and the shipping cover (top) are designed to minimise air space. Shipping cover and tray must be able to withstand long term stacking. The PDQ itself must be able to support the weight of the product it is intended for without buckling or sagging and must be able to withstand considerable store handling, trolley and customer wear & tear for the duration of the event. PERFORMANCE TESTING Prototype testing and evaluation is super-critical, and must be conducted by a certified facility. Most large scale corrugate manufacturers have testing capability, either in-house or by out sourcing. While static appearance is very important, it is not a viable indicator of how well merchandise will be protected or of the unit‟s ability to withstand the rigors of shipment and BIG W‟s in-store display. Design considerations must be thoroughly evaluated and tested against known forces the unit may encounter during it‟s life cycle. Foremost, among these are dynamic compression, duration of the in store usage, environmental issues, impact and vibration forces. SPACE ALLOCATION Pallet Displays must maximise the volume of space allocated, i.e. limit air space of the unit. A pallet must be filled from the base to height of the display unit with merchandise, with the entire unit (from floor to top of Ticket / Header Card) not exceeding 1650mm. Merchandise must fill the pallet footprint. For example: a 1200mm x 1200mm display pallet must fill this footprint to within 20mms around the perimeter edge of the pallet, i.e. 1180mm x 1180mm minimum fill space. NO FALSE BOTTOM DISPLAY UNITS False bottom is defined as a unit that has designed air cavity under the merchandise that supports the unit above the floor level. Generally these units are built with a 50% or larger air space at the bottom. This type of unit does not maximise the selling space available. All exceptions must be approved by the Events Team (Step 2 in the Approval Process) 10 NO PALLET SKIRTS Pallet Skirts are „NOT” to be used on Pallet Displays. History of pallet skirts has shown they become a trip hazard for our customers and associates. Instead fold down cardboard flaps that are secured to the PDQ body may be utilised (ensure flaps can be properly secured into position on all four sides, covering pallet or base) or alternatively bases can be provided. Pallet Skirts MERCHANDISE MUST BE RAISED The base of the unit must be raised so that merchandise is not displayed below a height of 150mm off the floor. PALLET HEIGHT CONSIDERATIONS During pallet design and performance testing processes consider if merchandise and pallet design will allow for double stacking for transportation. The limiting factors to double stacking are height, weight and built in performance of the display unit. Maximising shipping cube and freight savings should be considered when designing the display unit where possible. 11 SIDE KICK PDQ – Type 2 FOOTPRINT & SPECIFICATIONS BIG W‟s Sidekick programme is designed to create additional sales of the top selling items by giving those items added display space within the department, or crossmerchandising in other departments. Due to fixture restraints Sidekicks will not be approved for display in Apparel departments Pre-loaded Sidekick 800mm tall (plus ticket frame) x 345mm wide x maximum 150mm deep 1080mm tall overall including a 280mm ticket board Preloaded sidekick weight (max): 10 kg All sidekicks should contain items with a single price point. No multiple price point sidekicks will be accepted. SIGNAGE One price point only can be featured on each Sidekick, and BIG W Ticket Board is mandatory.. Suppliers can produce a Small Insert to highlight product or promotion on Sidekick. Specifications are: Size: 100mm x 317mm (Landscape) Stock: 337gsm, Single Sided 12 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PDQ DESIGN When designing the display unit, it is imperative that the tray (bottom) and the shipping cover (top) are designed to minimise air space. Shipping cover and tray must be able to withstand long term stacking. The PDQ itself must be able to support the weight of the product it is intended for without buckling or sagging and must be able to withstand considerable store handling, trolley and customer wear & tear for the duration of the event. The cardboard unit should be designed so the side can wrap around and push into the unit to provide additional support. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Avoid designs that do not securely hold the product in place or that will lose structural integrity due to rough use. The sidekick must be supplied with fixings that enable stores to securely attach the sidekick to the unit. 13 SHELF READY TRAYS – Type 3 Shelf Ready Trays can be located on an End Cap, a Four Way or on a standard shelf. In all instances the proposal must be presented to the New Line Logistics Committee for approval – Follow Steps 1 – 6 of the Approval Process FOOTPRINT & SPECIFICATIONS There are a multitude of possibilities for PDQ shelf trays in regards to width and height as well as design configuration. The buyer is responsible for working directly with the merchandise supplier to specify available area for their specific display. End Cap, Four Way or on a Shelf 420 mm deep x 755mm wide Vertical selling area is 1750mm, there is a 150mm base on all units therefore shelves and merchandise should not exceed a height of 1900mm total. SIGNAGE Shelf Strips (for shelf edge) Size: 30mm x 757mm Stock: paper, single sided 14 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SHELF READY TRAY DESIGN The Shelf Ready Tray Outer Carton must be able to support the weight of the product it is intended for without buckling or sagging and must be able to withstand considerable store handling, trolley and customer wear & tear for the duration of the event. Rolled edge display trays are preferred as they offer substantially more structural integrity than a “raw” edge displayer. CARDED PACKAGING DISPLAY TRAY DESIGNS There are many design possibilities for carded merchandise placed into display trays. Merchandise packaging should be evaluated to establish which design shown below would best support packaging with the least amount of store maintenance required. Merchandise that can shift and or nest together in the tray during transportation or customer handling is not a good shopping experience for our customers. Merchandise in this category must use partitions to keep merchandise segregated Merchandise packaging with a high centre of gravity or a small footprint and at risk of falling forward in the display tray is required to use a design that will limit the forward travel. 15 CARTON SPECIFICATIONS BIG W‟s preference is for stock to come in a Shelf Ready Tray with protective removable sleeve. Exceptions must be discussed with the Buyer but can take the form of the following: 1. PULL TAB SHELF READY TRAYS OPENING: When cartons are to use a pull-tab opening system in a Shelf Ready Tray unit it is required that the exterior of the carton be printed with identifying information clearly indicating the opening procedures. This type of PDQ is not the preferred method, but has limited uses in specific areas only. 2. CUT CASE CARTON MARKINGS: When cartons are to be cut for use as a display Shelf Ready Tray, it is required that the exterior of the carton be printed with an identifying illustration as shown below. In addition, an internal, removable cardboard sleeve should be provided to protect merchandise from being accidentally cut. This type of Shelf Ready Tray is not the preferred method, but has limited uses in specific areas only and will be scrutinized rigorously via the approval process to ensure the integrity of the product is maintained. 16 PDQ LOGISTICS It is preferable that PDQ‟s be managed through the DC with exceptions of Green Life PDQ‟s. Exceptions for any other departments must be approved by the Controller Buying Admin prior to submission through to the New Line Committee. The preferred methodology is Cross Dock. For further information on managing a PDQ through the DC please contact the Controller Supply Chain. MASTER CARTON & PDQ STACKING The best stacking arrangement for box compression strength is vertical columns. When stacking as shown below, care must be taken to ensure that boxes are properly aligned. In a three-stack arrangement as shown, if boxes are misaligned as little as 1.25cm, stacking compression performance will drop as much as 29%. Tie sheets between layers should be used if load is unstable. Columnar stacking is preferred practice for store ready displays as it aids presentation and removes the need for restacking at store. Columnar Stacking Columnar Stacking Never stack containers where the sides are overhanging the pallet, as this could result in damaged merchandise. 17 CARTON SHIPPING & HANDLING SYMBOLS The exterior of the master cartons should be marked with the appropriate symbol/s. These symbols will assist the shipper in determining proper handling necessary for the master carton and contents to arrive at the destination in good condition. 18 In addition, should the carton be heavy, the following manual handling symbols are required: 1. For weights 25 kg or above the following symbol is to be displayed…. 2. For all boxes above 10kg sign similar to the following should be displayed: Caution – Heavy 19 PDQ APPROVAL FORM Date of Request Department Buyer Merchandise Manager PDQ Type (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) Description of Unit Event or Promotion Date Product Estimated Sales Replenishment Plan Residual Plan Supplier Name Supplier Address Details Supplier Contact Name Supplier Contact Phone / Email Details 45 Series Store Quantity Required 55 Series Store 65 Series Store MKX 40 Series Store MKX 50 Series Store Rollout To Stores YES NO YES NO Signature YES Print Name NO Signature Print Name Date of Rollout Comments Presentation Department Approval Events Department Approval New Line Committee 20
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