Policy Manual (revised 7/20/2014) LSA POLICY MANUAL Policy 201-1 100% Registration Rule In order to protect the membership of LSA and the assets of its membership, the following policy is adopted: 1. Only clubs that register 100% of their soccer players and teams with LSA will be afforded full rights and coverages of the association including but not limited to: a. Primary General Liability on all club-sanctioned events, such as practices, games, camps and tournaments. Covered persons include: all officers, directors, coaches, employees, official team members, referees, teams, leagues and volunteers while acting on behalf of the LSA. b. Accident Medical Expense Policy for all registered team members, coaches, managers, referees, officials and volunteers of the teams of the association/club. Covered activities include: scheduled games, team practices or sponsored activities that are under the direct supervision of a team official; or sanctioned local or national tournaments. Pay per claim for injuries on excess basis after the insured has been reimbursed for medical expenses by other insurance programs and after $500 deductible has been satisfied. c. Director and Officer Liability coverage for all members of club’s Board of Directors and office staff. d. Coaching education at low membership rates for all club affiliated coaches and volunteers. Access to clinics and further education by State DOC and State Staff. e. Risk management (KidSafe Program) by LSA for all officers, directors, coaches, employees, and club volunteers. f. Participation in all LSA sanctioned events. g. Voting privileges based on 100% registration. 2. Clubs who split registration between USSF affiliates will be provided with restricted liability coverage: a. Primary General Liability for all LSA sanctioned events, such as practices, games, camps and tournaments involving LSA registered teams only. Covered persons include: LSA registered coaches and official team members while acting on behalf of LSA. b. Accident Medical Expense Policy for all registered team members and coaches of the team registered with the LSA. Covered activities include: scheduled games, team practices or sponsored activities that are under the direct supervision of a team official; or sanctioned local or national tournaments. 1 Pays per claim for injuries on excess basis after the insured has been reimbursed for medical expenses by other insurance programs and after $500 deductible has been satisfied. c. Coaching education at low membership rates for only LSA team affiliated coaches. d. Risk management (KidSafe Program) by LSA for only LSA registered coaches. e. Participation in all LSA sanctioned events for only LSA affiliated teams. f. Voting privileges based on LSA registration If a club fails to prove 100% registration with LSA and another US Soccer affiliate including failure to respond to the annual questionnaire within 30 days LSA will have the right to: 1. Declare the club not in good standing and the club would lose participation rights and privileges; and 2. Suspend voting privileges. These rights would be restored when proof of registration with LSA and another US Soccer affiliate is provided. Policy 202-1 Conflicts of Interest Statement The officers, employees and representatives of the Louisiana Soccer Association are expected to avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of impropriety. On an annual basis, each officer, employee or appointed representative shall file with the LSA Executive Director a signed copy of the following Conflicts of Interest Policy. LOUISIANA SOCCER ASSOCIATION CONFLICTS OF INTEREST STATEMENT For Officers, Directors, Staff Members, and certain Consultants: No member of the Board of Directors shall derive any personal profit or gain, directly or indirectly, by reason of his or her participation with the Louisiana Soccer Association. Each individual shall disclose to the organization any personal interest which he or she may have in any matter pending before the organization and shall refrain from participation in any decision on such matter. The Secretary shall record in the minutes of the Board Meeting the potential conflict of interest, and the use of the procedures and criteria of this policy. Any member of the Board or Staff who is an officer, board member, a committee member, or staff member of a client organization or vendor of the Louisiana Soccer Association shall identify his or her affiliation with such agency or agencies; further, in connection with any committee or board action specifically directed to that agency, s/he shall not participate in the decision affecting that agency and the decision must be made and/or ratified by the full board. 2 Any member of the Board, Staff, and certain Consultants shall refrain from obtaining any list of clients for personal or private solicitation purposes at any time during the term of their affiliation. At this time, I am a board member, committee member, or an employee of the following organizations: Now this is to certify that I, except as described below, am not now nor at any time during the past year have been: 1) A participant, directly or indirectly, in any arrangement, agreement, investment, or other activity with any vendor, supplier, or other party doing business with the Louisiana Soccer Association which has resulted or could result in personal benefit to me. 2) A recipient, directly or indirectly, of any salary payments or loans or gifts of any kind or any free service or discounts or other fees from or on behalf of any person or organization engaged in any transaction with the Louisiana Soccer Association. Any exceptions to 1 or 2 above are stated below with a full description of the transactions and of the interest, whether direct or indirect, which I have (or have had during the past year) in the persons or organizations having transactions with the Louisiana Soccer Association. Signature:________________________________ Date: ___________________ Printed:__________________________________ (Copy of this form can be downloaded from LSA Website.) Policy 202-2 Employee Protection (Whistleblower) Policy If any employee reasonably believes that some policy, practice, or activity of The Louisiana Soccer Association (“LSA”) is in violation of law, a written complaint must be filed by that employee with the Board President or Vice President - Youth. It is the intent of LSA to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to the organization and the underlying purpose of this policy is to support the organization’s goal of legal compliance. The support of all employees is necessary to achieving compliance with various laws and regulations. An employee is protected from retaliation only if the employee brings the alleged 3 unlawful activity, policy, or practice to the attention of LSA and provides the LSA with a reasonable opportunity to investigate and correct the alleged unlawful activity. The protection described below is only available to employees that comply with this requirement. LSA will not retaliate against an employee who in good faith, has made a protest or raised a complaint against some practice of LSA, or of another individual or entity with whom LSA has a business relationship, on the basis of a reasonable belief that the practice is in violation of law, or a clear mandate of public policy. LSA will not retaliate against employees who disclose or threaten to disclose to a supervisor or a public body, any activity, policy, or practice of LSA that the employee reasonably believes is in violation of a law, or a rule, or regulation mandated pursuant to law or is in violation of a clear mandate of public policy concerning the health, safety, welfare, or protection of the environment. My signature below indicates my receipt and understanding of this policy. I also verify that I have been provided with an opportunity to ask questions about the policy. ___________________________________ Employee Signature Policy 202-3 _____________ Date Document Retention/Destruction A. OVERVIEW This policy specifies how important documents (hardcopy, online or other media) should be retained, protected and eligible for destruction. The policy also ensures that documents are promptly provided to authorities in the course of legal investigations or lawsuits. B. DOCUMENT RETENTION SCHEDULE The following types of documents will be retained for the following periods of time. At least one copy of each document will be retained according to the following schedule. 1. Corporate Records Article of Incorporation to apply for corporate status IRS Form 1023 (in the USA) to file for taxexempt and/or charitable status Letter of Determination (for example, from the IRS in the USA) granting tax-exempt and/or charitable status By Laws Board policies Resolutions Board meeting minutes Sales tax exemption documents Tax or employee identification number designation Annual corporate filings Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent 4 2. Financial Records Chart of Accounts Fiscal Policies and Procedures Audits Financial statements General Ledger Check registers/books Business expenses documents Bank deposit slips Cancelled checks Invoices Investment records (deposits, earnings, withdrawals) Property/asset inventories Petty cash receipts/documents Credit card receipts 3. Tax Records Annual tax filing for the organization (IRS Form 990 in the USA) Payroll registers Filings of fees paid to professionals (IRS Form 1099 in the USA) Payroll tax withholdings Earnings records Payroll tax returns W-2 statements 4. Personnel Records Employee offer letters Confirmation of employment letters Benefits descriptions per employee Pension records Employee applications and resumes Promotions, demotions, letter of reprimand, termination Job descriptions, performance goals Workers’ Compensation records Salary ranges per job description I-9 Forms Time reports 5. Insurance Records Property Insurance policy Directors and Officers Insurance policy Workers’ Compensation Insurance policy General Liability Insurance policy Insurance claims applications Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent 7 years 7 years 7 years 7 years 7 years 7 years 7 years 3 years 3 years Permanent Permanent 7 years 7 7 7 7 years years years years Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent 7 years after termination 7 years after termination 7 5 5 5 3 years after termination years years years after termination years after termination Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent 5 Insurance dispersements / denials Permanent 6. Contracts All insurance contracts Employee contracts Construction contracts Legal correspondence Loan / mortgage contracts Leases / deeds Vendor contracts Warranties Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent 7 years 7 years 7. Donations / Funder Records Grant dispersal contract Donor lists Grant applications Donor acknowledgements Permanent 7 years 7 years 7 years 8. Management Plans and Procedures Strategic Plans Staffing, programs, marketing, finance, fundraising and evaluation plans Vendor contacts Disaster Recovery Plan 7 years 7 years 7 years 7 years C. DOCUMENT PROTECTION Documents (hardcopy, online or other media) will be stored in a protected environment for the duration of the Document Retention Schedule. Computer backup media will be included. D. DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION Hardcopy of documents will be destroyed by shredding after they have been retained until the end of the Document Retention Schedule. Online copies will be destroyed by deletion or other proven means to destroy such media after they have been retained until the end of the Document Retention Schedule. E. PROVISION OF DOCUMENTATION FOR INVESTIGATIONS OR LITIGATION Documents requested and subpoenaed by legally authorized personnel will be provided within 5 business days. The LSA President and Executive Director will authorize provision. No documents will be concealed, altered or destroyed with the intent to obstruct the investigation or litigation. Policy 202-4 Availability of Registration and Personal Information A. ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS POLICY Louisiana Soccer Association’s electronic communications systems are to be used only for business purposes. The organization has the right of access to all electronic communications and all information on organization’s provided computers. No individual should have any expectation of privacy with regard to messages sent or received. Electronic communications 6 should only be used for appropriate business purposes and not for personal business, making harassing or threatening statements, transmitting offensive messages, chain e-mails, posting to Internet message boards or expressing personal opinions on non-business related matters. 1. The term “electronic communications” includes each of LSA’s electronic communications systems, including, without limitation, telephone, electronic mail, and the Internet. 2. “Protected information” collectively refers to proprietary financial information, confidential information, organizational charts, or similar unpublished materials. Any individual who violates this policy or uses the electronic communications systems for improper purposes shall be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment, and possibly, other legal remedies. B. AVAILABILITY OF REGISTRATION AND PERSONAL INFORMATION Player and team registration information have multi-level access requirements. Access is always available to the team, the club and the state association. Ownership of the registration always remains with the club. With this in mind, it is within the domain of the club as to who other than the team from within the club may have access to registration information. At the state level there must be specific safeguards to protect the interest of the players, youth and their families in particular and well as the clubs and coaches in terms of control of registration information. These interests revolve around issues of risk management, privacy, and club domain. In addition, the same issues and concerns of privacy shall also be accorded Louisiana Soccer staff and volunteer leaders. The following methods of control for the dispersal of information are the Louisiana Soccer policy: 1. STAFF ACCESS a. State administrative staff shall have access to this information for the normal registration process in order to meet national requirements. b. The state administrative staff shall have access in order to provide certain aspects of this information for the day-to-day operations in relation to mailings and similar such activities. c. Otherwise staff will not provide information to anyone unless it meets one of the criteria below and is in writing from the appropriate authority. 2. BOARD ACCESS a. The Youth Vice President and Adult Vice President shall have full access to all registration information. b. Access should also be granted to the President for purposes of investigation of issues that requires specific player or coach information. c. Access should also be granted to the Youth Commissioners (youth programs only) and Adult Commissioners (adult programs only) in order for them to review compliance with registration and similar procedures, but only for information from within their own program and division. 7 d. Information desired by a director outside of his own program or division should only be allowed by authorization of the appropriate program director and the approval should always be in writing. C. EMAIL MARKETING 1. Single-use email address marketing rental is available on a more limited basis for LSA programs or related soccer events, sponsorship requirements and colleges/universities to reach our membership with communications, promotions and college camp advertisements. Club camps, clinics, and try-outs are not available for email marketing. 2. The cost is $250.00 per email marketing promotion for colleges/universities. For other entities, the purchase of just email addresses will cost $.10 per email address. Once an order is placed and processed there will be no refunds and full amount due if the emailing piece is cancelled. 3. All LSA members with a sanctioned club tournament will receive one free email marketing promotion per tournament as part of their sanction fee benefits. Tournament email marketing will include only adult coaches, managers and volunteers. It will be the club’s responsibility to complete an email marketing application with a desired promotion date. Members may purchase one additional emailing promotion at $500.00 or as part of an advertising package. 4. All requests will be processed through LSA’s approved email provider to insure the confidentiality of member information. No email information will be provided directly to a requesting outside source. 5. Email marketing list rentals are requested by completing an application form with the required demographic needs and confidentiality statement. An example of the emailing piece and payment is required to process the request. 6. To ensure the quality of advertising, the Louisiana Soccer Association retains the right to preview and approve or deny any emailing request to ensure appropriate content for our audience. D. MAILING LISTS 1. Single-use mailing list rental is available for members, sponsors, colleges and soccer-related businesses to reach the membership with communications, tournament promotions and appropriate product advertisements. 2. To ensure the quality of advertising, the Louisiana Soccer Association retains the right to preview and approve or deny any mailing to ensure appropriate content. 3. All requests will be processed through an approved bonded mailing to insure the confidentiality of member information. 4. Mailing list rentals are requested by completing an application form with the required demographic needs and confidentiality statement. An example of the mailing piece and payment is required to process the request. Once approved, the mailing information will be sent directly to a bonded mailing house. LSA can recommend a bonded mail house if one has not already been selected. 5. The cost is $.10 per address with a minimum order of $500.00. LSA members are not required to meet the minimum order of $500.00 and will only be charged by the quantity amount requested. Once an order is placed and addresses sent to a bonded mailing house there will be no refunds and full amount due if the mailing is cancelled. 8 Policy 202-8 Rules Committee 1. All amendments to the Bylaws proposed for consideration at a meeting of the State, Youth or Adult councils shall be submitted to the Rules Committee at least 60 days prior to the called meeting. The Rules Committee shall prepare their report and recommendations prior to 30 days before the called meeting for distribution as required by the Bylaws. 2. All applications for membership will be submitted to the Rules Committee upon receipt. The Rules Committee shall prepare their report and recommendations prior to the granting of provisional status by the Executive Committee. 3. All amendments to Policies and procedures proposed to the Executive Committee shall be submitted to the Rules Committee and the Executive Director at least 14 days prior to the meeting at which their adoption is proposed. The Executive Director shall immediately notify the presidents of member clubs of the proposed change. The Rules Committee shall prepare their report and recommendations prior to convening of the Executive Committee meeting. The Executive Director will report any response from member clubs to the Rules Committee and the Executive Committee. Policy 203 Bank Accounts All LSA Bank accounts in the LSA’s Name will have the following allowable signatures: the LSA President, the LSA Vice President of Youth, the Treasurer and the Executive Director. Policy 204 Club Affiliation LSA will affiliate as a club any properly constituted local soccer group if all requirements of affiliation are met. Membership in LSA, and its affiliate members, shall be open to all soccer players, coaches, trainers, managers, administrators, and officials not subject to suspension under USSF Bylaw 241, Section 4, and to any amateur soccer organization in LSA’s territory. LSA does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, or national origin. 204.1 A prospective club must submit a completed affiliation packet to the LSA office not later than thirty (30) days prior to the date of a scheduled meeting of the LSA State Council. 204.1.1 The complete packet will consist of: Completed affiliation application form. First year affiliation fee of $50 and application fee of $75. Fee is refunded if applicant is not accepted. Proof of registration with the state of Louisiana as a business. Registration as a non-profit corporation is strongly preferred. Documentation indicating the formation of a governing body (Board of Directors) to uphold the LSA Bylaws and rules of this organization. The Governing Body should consist of but is not limited to a President, a VicePresident, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. A complete list of the officers and certified referee assignor with addresses, 9 204.2 204.3 204.4 204.5 phone numbers, and e-mail addresses must be submitted to the LSA Office with the application for affiliation and each year thereafter by September 1. One person does not constitute a governing body. Documentation indicating the formation of a constitution or Bylaws of the organization which are within the guidelines set by LSA and USSF. These governing rules will include organization structure, membership, funding and playing guidelines. These are to be sent to the LSA Office with the affiliation application and changes to these rules each year thereafter by September 1. Provide location of fields to be used, contractual agreement with field owner(s) or written proof of field availability through at least the current seasonal year and general description of area to be serviced by the club. There must be at least two (2) full-size fields for practice or game use. Exemptions to the minimum number of fields may be requested in writing and must be submitted with affiliate application. Proof of contact with the State Referee Committee Chairman indicating Louisiana referees’ capability to serve the new club. It must also indicate applicant’s intentions for holding referee clinics in their area. All clubs must have a certified referee assignor. Proof of contact with the state Director of Coaching (DOC) indicating intent to hold coaching clinics in the area if the organization will operate a youth program. LSA will verify that the application is complete and all necessary supporting documentation is present. For any affiliation application not completed by thirty (30) days prior to the date of a scheduled LSA State Council meeting, all documentation and/or fees will be returned to the applicant or held by the LSA office for re-filing at a later date. LSA will notify all current affiliates in good standing, by means deemed appropriate, of the application and request that any objections to the application be submitted no later than seven (7) days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the LSA State Council. Any new affiliate that will sponsor a youth program must coordinate with the local referee association or the State Referee Committee to hold an entry level (Grade 8) referee course within their first 12 (twelve) months of affiliation and must submit in writing to LSA the date and the place of the course after the completion of the course. 204.4.1 If a course is already scheduled in the area by the referee association, the new affiliate must advertise and promote the course through its website/contact lists and provide proof of support to LSA. 204.4.2 Failure to do this may result in non-renewal of the club’s affiliation. A new affiliate, once approved by the LSA State Council, is immediately afforded all rights of membership in LSA. 10 204.6 Once approved for membership, the affiliate must register with LSA a minimum number of seventy (70) new players who have not been previously registered with an affiliated LSA club in the current or previous seasonal year no later than 60 days after approval if the new affiliate sponsors a youth program. A new affiliate that does not register at least seventy (70) new players as described above must re-apply for membership at the State Council meeting during the next AGM. 204.7 Once approved, new affiliates must operate at the youth level a recreational program only for the first two years if the new affiliate sponsors a youth program. 204.7.1 Beginning with the third year of affiliation, clubs may operate recreational and competitive programs and be eligible for all LSAsanctioned and sponsored activities. 204.7.2 If the State Council approves by a 2/3 vote, an exemption may be granted to this requirement. 204.8 Groups or organizations that are interested in affiliating with LSA prior to a regularly scheduled meeting of the State Council may be granted provisional status by a vote of the Executive Committee. 204.8.1 Provisional status may not be granted by the LSA Executive Committee at the January or July board meetings due to their proximity to State Council meetings. 204.8.2 While on provisional status, a group or organization may register players for the purpose of conducting a soccer program and fielding teams. 204.8.3 A group or organization on provisional status has no voting rights in LSA, is subject to all the rules and regulations of LSA and cannot participate in state tournaments or travel out of state without LSA approval. 204.8.4 A group or organization that is granted provisional status has a maximum of two (2) state council meetings from the date that it was granted provisional status to obtain regular membership in LSA through a vote of the State Council. 204.8.5 If the group or organization fails to obtain that membership status, it must reapply for membership and cannot be granted provisional status a second time. 204.9 MEMBERSHIP 204.9.1 Members are defined as: Club membership – an organization, club, or association in good standing and recognized by the LSA State Council as having met all requirements of affiliation. LSA does not recognize individual teams or players as members. LSA does not recognize a club that has a singleperson Board of Directors. Associate membership - Any municipal organization operating a youth or adult soccer program as a park and recreation department, as part of either a city or parish government operation; any organization that operates youth programs for multiple sports under the same 11 banner; any organization sponsoring indoor soccer programs and/or competitions; or any organization that operates as a part of a national non-profit organization, such as the YMCA, devoted to youth development is eligible for admission as an “associate member.” Associate members are entitled to a number of benefits that full LSA members also receive. Associate members may not participate in LCSL, state recreational cup, or state competitive cups. Associate members are entitled to register players who are also registered as players with full members. In the event of a conflict, the full member association obligation is expected to take precedence in every situation. Associate members are entitled to representation at meetings of the state council, youth council, or adult council but are not entitled to a vote without full membership. 204.10 MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING 204.10.1 In order to be in “good standing” with LSA, members must: Register 100% of all players, coaches, administrators and volunteers who will have direct interface with its players each seasonal year with LSA or a USSF affiliate. Pay all necessary fees, fines, and dues to LSA in a timely manner when invoiced. Agree to comply with all LSA Bylaws, rules, and policies as may currently be in effect or may be instituted in the future as well as the Bylaws, rules, and policies of other organizations with which LSA may be affiliated now or in the future. Agree that the rules and policies of LSA take precedence over the rules and procedures of affiliates when there is a conflict or in the absence of such rules or policies. Insure that any form of suspension, penalty or fine (whether it is club, state, regional or national in origin) ruled upon a member player coach, club officer, team, club, association or organization is honored completely to the full extent of the suspension, penalty, or fine and that fines are paid in a timely manner and in full. Inspect all fields to be used by the member club practices or games each seasonal year prior to practices or games on any fields. Submit a current copy of its Bylaws and policies to LSA to insure compliance with the USSF, US Youth Soccer and LSA Bylaws and policies. LSA has the right to require an affiliate to make appropriate corrections or changes to Bylaws or policies in a seasonal year. Failure to comply with 12 such a request may result in loss of good standing if determined by a 2/3 vote of the LSA Executive Committee. 204.11 MEMBERS NOT IN GOOD STANDING 204.11 Failure to enforce all rules of LSA, US Youth Soccer or USSF may result in the club, association or organization being declared “not in good standing” by a 2/3 vote of the LSA Executive Committee. 204.12 Should a club fail to meet the requirements, fail to adhere to all rules of LSA,US Youth Soccer or USSF, or fail to pay all monies due LSA or any LSA program or be declared not in good standing, the LSA Executive Committee is empowered to cancel affiliation, place the club on notice to conform and/or place the club in question before the State Council for a ruling. Policy 206 Fees Policy 206-1 Youth Fees REGISTRATION Youth Club/League Affiliation Fee Player Registration Fee – Recreational Player Player Registration Fee – Competitive Player Player Registration Fee (Summer of Current year, After State Cups) Player Registration Fee – Associate Member Player Registration Fee – Special Programs Player $50.00 $10.00 $30.00 $8.00 $5.50* $5.00+ *To qualify for this rate, the group must meet existing LSA requirements to be an associate member AND must carry Excess Accident Insurance with a medical limit of at least $25,000. Those who do not meet this requirement will pay the $10 recreational/academy player rate. +To qualify for this rate, which is a 50% reduction on the LSA recreational/academy player rate, the player must not be participating on a competitive team and must be classified as either a Soccer Across America player or a TOPSoccer player AND must also have received a minimum of a 50% reduction in player registration fees from the member club/association. Interscholastic League Fee Player transfer fee International Player Clearance Interstate player release Guest Player TEAM ENTRY FEES Louisiana Competitive Soccer League (LCSL) fee US Youth Soccer LSA Competitive State Cup entry fee Louisiana Recreational State Cup entry fee $25 per season $15.00 No LSA fee $5.00 No LSA fee $80.00 $600 $325 APPLICATION TO HOST U.S. TEAMS IN TOURNAMENT/GAMES LSA FEES: 13 Application to Host Tournament 180-90 days prior to event 89-60 days prior to event 30-59 days prior less than 30 days prior APPLICATION TO HOST FOREIGN TEAMS LSA Foreign team application fee Hosting Foreign team(s) in a tournament USYS application fee: less the 150, more than 90 days prior less than 90, more than 60 days prior less than 60, more than 30 days prior less than 30 days prior to event USSF application fee: 60 or more days in advance less than 60 days in advance Hosting Foreign team(s) in Friendly Games USYS application fee: less than 60, more than 30 days prior less than 30 days prior USSF application fee: 60 or more days in advance less than 60 days in advance (The above plus applicable LSA fees) No fee $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 $50.00 $100.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 YOUTH TRAVEL TO TOURNAMENT/GAMES Notice of Travel – within the U.S. No LSA fee Notice of Travel must be received in the LSA office prior to the first day of travel. (See Policy 308 TRAVEL PROCEDURES) Application for Foreign Travel LSA – fees as stated above apply USSF- 90 days prior to travel 90-60 days prior 60-30 days prior less than 30 days Policy 206-2 $25.00 $50.00 $75.00 $125.00 Adult Fees REGISTRATION Adult Club/League Affiliation Fee 1st Team LSA Player Registration Fee 1st Team LSA Liability Only Player Registration Fee 1st Team LSA Indoor Only Player Registration Fee $50.00 ($25.00 if club/league also has youth affiliation) $25.00 $15.00 $13.00 14 2nd Team LSA Player Registration Fee 2nd Team LSA Liability Only Player Registration Fee 2nd Team LSA Indoor Only Player Registration Fee Player Transfer Fee Temporary Player Pass Under-23 State Select Team Fee TEAM ENTRY FEES LSA Adult State Cup entry fee National Cup Fees $8.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3.50 $10.00 TBD TBD As Required APPLICATIONS TO HOST N. AMERICAN TEAMS Applications to Host Tournament 120-90 days prior to event 89-30 days prior to event less than 30 days prior No fee $25.00 $50.00 APPLICATIONS TO HOST FOREIGN TEAMS Hosting foreign teams in a tournament/games LSA Fees $100.00 USASA foreign team tournament fees 180 days or more in advance 90-150 days prior 60-89 days prior 30-59 days prior 29 days or less in advance No fee $25.00 $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 USASA foreign team game fees 120-60 days prior 30-59 days prior 29 days or less No fee $25.00 $50.00 NOT IN GOOD STANDING FEES: Upon receiving the initial communications regarding overdue Registration Fees (unpaid 60 days from the date of the invoice payment terms), the delinquent Club will have five (5) business days to pay all fees before they will be placed into NOT IN GOOD STANDING status at the discretion of the LSA Executive Director. Once a Club is placed into the NOT IN GOOD STANDING status, the following additional fees will be charged, and must be paid together will all outstanding fees prior to a club being released from NOT IN GOOD STANDING status. The fees are as follows:1st occurrence during a seasonal year - $50.00 2nd occurrence during a seasonal year - $100.00 3rd and subsequent occurrences during a seasonal year - $200.00 15 All player, coach & registered volunteer insurance is suspended until the club is reinstated into Good Standing. While Clubs are placed Not in Good Standing, its member teams and players cannot participate in any LSA-sanctioned activities (including but not limited to practices, State Select Program activities, state league matches, state tournaments or sanctioned invitational tournaments). Players with an outstanding balance from the previous seasonal year for participation in ODP/State Select will receive notification at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the new seasonal year detailing the outstanding fees owed and explaining the penalties associated with the delinquent balance. Any player who has an outstanding balance from the previous seasonal year for participation in ODP/State Select programs may not participate in the current seasonal year’s ODP/State Select programs until the outstanding balance is paid in full. Policy 206-3 Referee Fees GAME FEES Age Group Duration U9/U10 (6v6) 50 U9/U10 (8v8) 50 U11 60 U12 60 U13 70 U14 70 U15 80 U16 80 U17 90 U18 90 U19 90 Shoot Outs* minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes LSA State Tournament Rate & LCSL Rate CR AR 4th Stand by 25 15 N/A N/A 30 20 20 10 30 20 20 10 30 20 20 10 35 25 25 12 35 25 25 12 40 30 30 15 40 30 30 15 50 40 40 20 50 40 40 20 50 40 40 20 30 20 20 * Only for Shootouts that occur outside of a game situation (Such as for team advancement in Tournament) where additional referees are needed to be called in to conduct the shootout. Bonus Pay (State Cup Only) Grade 7 Referee $ 3.00 per Game Grade 5 & 6 Referee $ 5.00 per Game ASSIGNMENT FEES $4 per game (when assigned by the club’s local assignor) $90/per day of State Cup as on-site assignor Policy 208 Expense Reimbursement A. EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT POLICIES 16 Reimbursement of expenses incurred in the scope of LSA business can be made following the procedures below and with prior approval. 1. All eligible expenses for officers are accepted as legitimate; however, if charging the travel/expenses to a program not under your authority, approval must be received from the officer in charge of that program. Consult the Treasurer or the approved budget. 2. All eligible expenses of a committee person, State Select Team coaches, or persons other than officers must have advance approval from the LSA Officer in charge of the program being charged and reimbursement forms must be signed by that officer. Each LSA Officer is responsible for the expenses being charged to the programs they handle. 3. Director of Coaching and State Coaching Staff must have advance approval from the Vice President-Youth, Vice President-Adults or the LSA President. Expense reimbursement forms must be signed by the officer giving advanced approval. 4. The LSA Executive Director or other paid employees must have advance approval from the Treasurer or the LSA President. Expense reimbursement forms must be signed by the officer giving advance approval. 5. All expense reimbursement forms must be approved by the appropriate program person and then submitted to the LSA Office. Reimbursement will then be made within thirty (30) days. Expenses submitted to the LSA Office ninety (90) days after they are incurred will not be paid. EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT FORMS ARE NOT TO BE MAILED DIRECTLY TO THE TREASURER. 6. BE CONSERVATIVE! Do not send more people than necessary or authorize unnecessary items. Expenses shall be actual, reasonable, and proper that are necessary in the conduct of approved LSA business. 7. LSA does not pay for alcoholic beverages! LSA does not reimburse for personal expenses, such as traffic citations, cost of clothing, personal medical expenses, valet, entertainment, loss of personal property, personal grooming, or other personal expenses. 8. Be specific when coding expense account forms. If you are requesting reimbursement for more than one type of coding (i.e. boys State Select Team, girls State Select Team, youth tournament, etc.) it might be best to use a separate expense form for each program. B. ELIGIBLE EXPENSES 1. TRAVEL: Price per mile to be set using IRS guidelines for non-profit organizations for travel over 35 miles to be adjusted annually beginning each LSA fiscal year. Group travel by persons living in the same area should be considered whenever possible. The amount reimbursed for travel by private automobile will not exceed the amount of reasonable air transportation. Air travel value will be based on 21 days prior to travel using the lowest air fares and from the major airport closest to your home. If it is necessary to fly from a different city due to the availability of flights, LSA will pay mileage to and from the 17 airport. Parking will be paid only if necessary. Officers flying from the city of their residence will not be reimbursed for mileage to and from the airport. AIR TRAVEL MUST BE BOOKED TWENTY-ONE (21) DAYS OR MORE IN ADVANCE AND NO ONE-WAY TICKETS TO DESTINATION OR ONE-WAY TICKET RETURNING FROM DESTINATION ARE PERMITTED. One-way tickets might be purchased if party has another way home at no expense to LSA. LSA will not reimburse for changes made after ticket is booked or purchased except in extreme emergencies. If transportation is provided, no mileage will be reimbursed. Local mileage is not reimbursable except when circumstances dictate excessive travel is required. 2. Under our current Business Auto policy, LSA has Hired Auto Liability in the amount of $1,000,000. LSA does NOT have Hired Auto Physical Damage (comprehensive and collision). LSA Hired Auto Liability coverage extends only to official trips on behalf of LSA and not to personal use of vehicles. This coverage does NOT extend to the transportation of soccer players. When you are authorized to enter into a rental agreement, you should sign the contract as "John Doe on behalf of Louisiana Soccer Association" as this will help to clarify that the rental is for business purposes. Liability coverage should be rejected since LSA already has Hired Auto Liability in the amount of $1,000,000. However, the LSA officials should purchase the Collision Damage Waiver to protect against damage to the vehicle itself. LSA policy does not cover collision damage and the only endorsement we can obtain will not have as broad a coverage as the rental company. LSA does not cover transporting players in owned or rented vehicles. Authorization for a rental car should be obtained in advance of travel. 3. LODGING: For actual expenses. Find lodging that is reasonable. Receipts are required. No expenses paid for Pay-TV channels, movies, or games. Internet access charges will not be allowed unless pre-approved. No expenses paid on items from a personal bar in the hotel room but this could be counted in meal allowance expense except for alcohol. Tips will be paid at reasonable costs, maximum of $4.00 check-in and $4.00 check-out. 4. MEALS: When overnight travel is required, reimbursement for meals will be limited to actual expenses up to $40.00 per day maximum- itemized receipts for all meals are required. If the event attended has certain meals included such as luncheons, banquets, etc. attendance is expected at these events, thus cutting down on the cost of meals. Certain events may have different limitations. NO MEALS WILL BE REIMBURSED FOR ONE-DAY TRAVEL. LSA DOES NOT PAY FOR THE MEALS OF GUESTS UNLESS APPROVED BY LSA PRESIDENT. Tips will be counted in the per day allowance. 5. REGISTRATION FEES: LSA will pay all required registration fees for officers attending approved functions. Late fees will not be paid unless the error in submitting such items in a timely manner lies with LSA or if the late fees are approved by the Executive Committee and/or the Program Committee. LSA does not pay registration fee for family or guests. Exceptions to any of the above can be made by the appropriate officer if necessary. Exceptions should be documented. Certain events may supersede reimbursement amounts and expenses. Policy 208-1 Expense Reimbursement - Mileage 18 TRAVEL Travel over 35 miles one-way Policy 208-2 $0.50/mile State Youth Select Program Finances A. The State Youth Select Program is operated as a self-funded entity within the organization with $5,000.00 per fiscal year from the general operating funds of the organization, which amount is dedicated to program scholarships on a need basis. B. Fees to participate in the program shall be set annually in an amount to cover all program expenses. The LSA Director of Coaching shall prepare an annual budget for the upcoming fiscal year prior to June 1st. The budget is subject to approval by the LSA Executive Board and shall become an overall part of the LSA Budget presented to the membership. C. Any excess funds generated from year to year by State Youth Select Program fees shall remain within the program. The LSA Director of Coaching may budget these funds first to erase past years’ deficits, if any, and then for special projects or other non-recurring expenses. In order to have an amount certain, the amount budgeted shall be the excess funds from the previously completed fiscal year. Policy 208-3 Referee Program Finances A. The Referee Program is operated as a self-funded entity within the organization. B. Income is generated by state fees from referee registrations. The Referee Committee shall prepare an annual budget for the upcoming fiscal year prior to June 1st. The budget is subject to review and approval by the LSA Executive Board for conformance with US Soccer policy and sound fiscal practices. It shall become an overall part of the LSA Budget presented to the membership. C. Any excess funds generated from year to year by referee registration shall remain within the program and carried forward to the following year’s budget. The Referee Committee may budget these funds first to erase past year’s deficits, if any, and then for special projects or other non-recurring expenses. In order to have an amount certain, the amount budgeted shall be the excess funds from the previously completed fiscal year. (Example: the amount used to prepare the 2007-2008 budget shall be the Referee account balance at the close of 20052006 fiscal year.) Policy 210 Hosting International Games The USSF has very specific rules and regulations governing foreign team play and should we fail to properly follow their procedures to host international games we could lose our affiliation, be fined, etc. Notification of the request to host an international team must be submitted one 19 hundred eighty (180) days prior to the event and there is a $100 hosting fee for adult teams and a $25 hosting fee for youth teams payable to LSA by the league or team wanting to host. Referees are also chosen by the Chairman, LSA State Referee Committee, not by the local leagues. In some cases, the strict FIFA LAWS OF THE GAME rules will apply such as substitution. DO NOT HOST A FOREIGN TEAM WITHOUT RECEIVING THE PROPER APPROVAL. Policy 211 Misconduct, Fights, Other Match Disturbances Actions by persons affiliated directly or indirectly with this Association including but not limited to players, club officials, club officials, state officials, referees, coaches, fans of a particular club, managers, trainers, sponsors, administrators, etc. which cause disturbances at affiliated activities including but not limited to games, tournaments, camps, clinics, conventions, meetings, etc., shall be automatically suspended for a period of one (1) year, minimum. “Actions of person” is herein defined to be such things as, but not limited to, starting or participating in fights; threatening, assaulting (except for referee assaults), harassing, insulting, invading the field of play; carrying, brandishing, or using weapons of any sort; persistent use of foul and abusive language, and the like. Actions by persons not directly or indirectly affiliated with this Association (fans not associated with a particular club, spectators, and members of the general public) which cause disturbances shall be reason for referees, club and/or state officials to investigate on the spot and identify and report to security or local police departments the person or persons causing the disturbance. A written report within 48 hours of said disturbance shall be forwarded to the LSA State Office which shall contact the appropriate LSA Affiliated Club. Referees and club officials are hereby instructed to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Abandon matches at which disturbances of the type described above occur regardless of whether or not the perpetrators are affiliated with this Association; Investigate and identify the person(s) involved as far as possible under the given circumstances; Call in security or local police if necessary; Send a written report to the LSA State Office within 48 hours. The one (1) year minimum suspension cited above shall be from all soccer activities, shall not be reduced by any affiliated club rules governing similar actions, and shall be increased as necessary by the appropriate LSA Division if, upon review of the written report, the appropriate division deems it necessary to do so. NOTE: It shall be the policy of this Association that any fan of a particular club who causes a disturbance such as those referenced above shall be given a term of suspension (one year, minimum) during which time a second disturbance caused by him/her shall be grounds for automatic (without further investigation) disbanding and dissolution of the particular club. Policy 212 A. PROCEDURES TO CONDUCT A HEARING OR APPEAL PURPOSE 20 B. 1. Requires all hearings and appeals will be conducted per USSF Bylaw 701 and Policy 701-1 as minimum requirements which nothing herein shall supersede. 2. To provide guidelines and requirements for LSA and its clubs and club members, to file a complaint or grievance and how and who may convene Hearings/Disciplinary Committees or Protest/Appeals Committees to review club or LSA Constitutional By-laws or Policy violations and further, to assure that such hearings are convened under fair and equitable circumstances for all parties involved. 3. The requirement for Clubs to have written procedures for resolving internal disputes or violations of their individual club or club by-laws or rules and regulations to include established lines of protest/appeal for individuals who may wish to appeal a club ruling or imposition of a disciplinary action. 4. Individuals and their associated Clubs shall be called before a Disciplinary Committee and Hearing Boards for specific By Law or Policy violations or for conduct detrimental to the aims and objectives of LSA or its affiliated members. Requirement for a fair and impartial hearing in a timely manner. 5. Establish the line of authority for LSA protests/appeals is provided for in the LSA Constitution and these by-laws. All avenues of appeal must be exhausted at all levels below the Executive Board before LSA will consider hearing an appeal. DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEES / APPEAL COMMITTEES Responsibilities: 1. Three (3) to five (5) members to include a chairman, none of whom have a direct tie to parties in dispute, or where a direct conflict of interest is readily apparent or could be reasonably claimed. 2. One vote per member with the Chairman voting only in a tie. 3. Members of the LSA Executive Committee may serve as the LSA Appeals/Hearing Committee(s) (per the LSA constitution) depending on the level of the offense. 4. Members should be thoroughly knowledgeable of club/club and LSA rules and regulations, policies and procedures, findings of previously convened boards having heard similar cases, Laws of the Game, etc. 5. Chairperson should be an individual who can fully accept responsibility for carrying out ALL details of conducting a hearing/appeal with special emphasis on the pre-hearing and post-hearing details. No member of the LSA Board may serve as the Chairperson for the Disciplinary or Appeals Committee. 6. No member of the LSA Executive Committee shall serve on any appeal of Disciplinary Committee below the state level. Once a person serves as a member of a Disciplinary Committee on any matter, that person shall not be eligible to serve on the Appeal Committee considering the same matter. 21 C. HEARING PROCEDURES 1. PRE-HEARING a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 2. Any person, committee or club against whom a grievance is filed is entitled to a hearing. All grievances must state the full names of the complainants and must include with specificity a complete statement of the acts which constitute the grievance including the relief sought. The grievance should be addressed the Club President or LSA Executive Director and should be hand delivered or sent by mail or email. The President of the Club or the Executive Director of LSA shall promptly review the grievance and determine if it holds merit. If so, the President of the Club or LSA shall convene a Hearing Board. Hearing Board (Disciplinary Committee) must be called by the convening authority it represents: i.e. Club or LSA. For LSA, it is the Board of Directors/Executive Committee (per the LSA Constitution/By-Laws or Policies). Once the convening authority has made this call, there shall be no discussions on the matter between the Disciplinary Committee members or LSA Board members involved in any level of decision making except to provide explanation of procedures. Chairperson of the Hearing Board to be convened must notify, in writing and e-mail, all parties directly involved, advising the individual(s) of the specific grievance filed, or protest/complaint submitted, the sponsor of the complaint (individual or association), along with the proposed date/place/time for the scheduled hearing, their rights per USSF 701 and the possible consequences if the charges are found to be true. All documents sent by the complainant will be sent to the accused individual and club president. Hearings will take place within two weeks after notice given, and are scheduled at a readily accessible location, and at a time/date mutually convenient to all interested parties. A reasonable time must be given for the accused party to prepare a defense. The accused party may request up to 1 additional week and must confirm the acceptance of the proposed date, time and place within 1 week of the notice in writing or by e-mail. The Chairperson shall request a list of potential witness from both party(s) that they may bring with them who have direct knowledge of facts pertinent to the subject matter under review and provide to the other party. Furthermore, the parties have the right to confront and question the witnesses concerning these facts. Each party shall have the right to have an individual present at the hearing to assist the party in presenting the party’s case. Such individual may, but not required, to be an attorney and shall have the right to be present in the hearing room next to the person they are assisting. The Chairperson may request a more detailed report of the grievance or game incidents described in a normal Referee Report Form/Misconduct Report Form, unless the Referee/person reporting is personally appearing at the hearing. HEARING 22 Hearings shall be tape recorded by the Hearing Board ONLY. If the decision of the Disciplinary Committee is appealed, a transcribed copy of the taped hearing shall be made available, upon request, to the Appeal Committee and to the parties within 72 hrs of the notice. The Chairman of the Hearing Board shall verify the accuracy of the transcribed copy. a. Format of Hearing 1) 2) 3) 4) b. Principal Parties, Witnesses 1) 2) c. All concerned parties should understand that hearings of protest and appeals, disciplinary actions imposed, etc., are not legal proceedings and that LSA merely provides a procedure for resolving internal disputes or imposing discipline for violations of its Constitution, By-laws, and Policies. The individual(s) filing the grievance will present their oral and written evidence and arguments to the Disciplinary Committee first. If witnesses are called to corroborate facts, the accused has the right to question the witnesses. Ample time shall be allowed for questions and answers from the hearing committee. The individual(s) named in the grievance, should then present their responses to these issues and, ample time for questions and answers from the hearing committee. The Hearing Board will limit the hearing discussion to only those matters specifically identified in the grievance. If testimony is given by a minor, it is required that he/she be accompanied by a parent. Following testimony and completion of questions and answers by the Hearing Board, the witness or party may be excused and required to leave the hearing site. Deliberation and Hearing Board Report 1) The Hearing Board will deliberate and arrive at a decision of guilt or innocence and render the appropriate sanction. 2) The Hearing Board will compile the following report to be sent to all parties within 14 days of the hearing: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Names of Chairperson. Date/Place/Time hearing was conducted. Names of principal parties and witnesses. Detailed nature of charges. Decision reached and sanction given (majority decision). Rationale for decision (specific rules violation, violation of constitution, by-laws, policies and precedent form previous decisions made, etc.). 23 (g) 3) 4) 3. The right to appeal and to whom the appeal should be made to. Disciplinary sanctions should be reasonable within the concept of the “punishment fits the crime”. Excessive disciplinary actions can be expected to result in continuing appeals. Hearing Board members should receive copies of above report to verify accuracy. POST HEARING The Hearing Board Chairman will see that all parties (person filing charge and accused), the Club President and LSA are notified within fourteen (14) days of the outcome and any disciplinary decision taken. This notification shall be conveyed via mail and e-mail. D. a. Such notification shall also include the procedure and appropriate line of appeal within the LSA organizational structure and/or higher, if applicable, should either party(s) wish to appeal further. b. Written notifications should be sent Registered Certified Mail/Return Receipt Requested. c. LSA Executive Director shall post on the LSA website the outline of the grievance and the Committee decisions. APPEAL PROCEDURES TO LSA 1. APPEAL PARTY OBLIGATIONS a. The appeal must be in writing and describe in detail the grounds for the appeal. The notice of appeal shall be completed and signed by the appealing party. It shall be sent by Registered Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested or by e-mail to the Convening Authority to hear the appeal. This must be done within ten (10) days of receipt of the adverse ruling of the hearing board. The postmark date must be within the time for filing an appeal. Only the Appeal Committee Chairman can extend the time needed to submit the appeal. The appeal and all appeal documentation shall include an original and four (4) copies including: 1) 2) 3) A list of all documents placed in evidence at the original hearing/appeal level below the State level. The list will state which documents are in the hands of the appealing party and what documents are in the hands of the opposing party. Copies of all documents in the hands of the appealing party (evidence not listed in the notice of appeal may not be submitted without the advance permission of the Appeal Chairman). Arguments supporting the appealing party’s position on each of the issues. 24 2. 3. b. The appeal will be sent to the LSA Office with the applicable fee of $200.00 in the form of a money order, certified check, or cashier’s check made payable to LSA. If the appeal is upheld, the fee will be returned. c. A copy of the appeal with all documents shall be sent to the other party in the controversy by the appealing party. d. Parties filing an appeal shall have access to all pertinent information regarding their appeal. Affiliated soccer organizations shall not deny access to any information that could apply to the appeal. HEARING BOARD OF THE APPELLANT: a. Within seven (7) days after receipt of the notice of appeal, the hearing board of the appellant shall send the LSA Appeal Committee and the appealing party copies of the documents stated in the notice of appeal to be in the opposing party’s hand or an explanation of their absence. b. At the same time, arguments of the issues shall be sent to the LSA Appeal Committee and the appealing party. c. A transcript of the hearing, this shall also be sent to the LSA Appeal Committee. LSA APPEAL Committee AUTHORITY a. The Appeal Committee will either meet to discuss the appeal or accomplish this by telephone. A full hearing with parties involved need not be held unless it is felt that it would benefit the appeal board members. b. The LSA Appeals Committee shall have the right to decline a hearing if: 1) 2) 3) 4) The appeal does not pertain to the original protest or the decisions of the lower appeal/hearing authority; The appeal is filed by party other than the original party to the protest/appeal; The proper procedures have not been followed in appeal to LSA; or The information necessary to make a fair and just decision on the appeal has not been furnished. c. Only the issues of the hearing can be addressed including proper hearing procedure and prior precedents. No new evidence can be introduced that does not pertain to the appeal issues. d. A decision must be reached within ten (10) days of receipt of the notice of appeal. If a decision is not reached within ten (10) days, the party 25 filing the appeal may submit the appeal to the next higher level without determination and the appeal fee submitted will be applied at the next level. e. LSA relinquishes its appeal authority on protests or appeals related to State Tournament Competitions involving individuals/teams that would advance in those competitions to the competition committee(s) of those competitions to hear the protest or appeal and render a decision. Their decision is final. If is the responsibility of these competition committee(s) to establish the line of authority for appeals and publish it in the rules of the competition. f. In the case of decisions rendered on protests or appeals related to State Tournament Competitions where individuals/teams would not advance in those competitions, normal appeal procedures apply. g. Policy 213 A written notice to the appealing party and the hearing board of the appellant will be sent by Registered Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested detailing the outcome of the appeal and the procedures for further appeal. Procedures to Conduct a Hearing or Appeal, Disciplinary Action Committees / Hearings / Protest / Appeal Committees D & A Committees hearing matters involving a referee cannot have a majority membership of current registered referees. POLICY 214 ASSAULTS The USSF gives jurisdiction of hearing referee assaults to the responsible State Association which is directly affiliated with the USSF and in which association is vested the highest appellate jurisdiction in which the offense shall occur. Any referee assault case is referred to the Discipline and Appeals Committee that is defined in the LSA Bylaws. Assault Hearings are conducted in compliance with US Soccer Federation Policy 531-9 and 53110, and Bylaw 701. POLICY 215 REVIEW REQUIREMENTS FOR SUSPENDED MEMBER 215.1 Any LSA suspended member who requests a suspension review and reinstatement must comply with these requirements: 215.1.1 Length of Time Served and Bond Five (5) years or less suspension – a minimum of one year must be served before the suspended member may ask for a suspension review and reinstatement. The suspended member must post a $100.00 bond (certified or cashier’s check only, made payable to LSA). More than five (5) years suspension – a minimum of two years must be served before the suspended member may ask for a suspension review and reinstatement. The suspended member must post a 26 $200.00 bond (certified of cashier’s check only, made payable to LSA). 215.1.2 A letter from a current or past club or State officer requesting a suspension review and reinstatement for the suspended member, listing club affiliation and title. 215.1.3 A letter from one other LSA member requesting a suspension review and reinstatement for the suspended member, listing club affiliation. 215.1.4 A letter from the suspended member requesting a suspension review and reinstatement. The suspended member should state which club he was affiliated with at the time of suspension, the date of the suspension and the sentence imposed, and which club or sponsoring officer and other LSA member are submitting letters requesting a suspension review and reinstatement for the suspended member. The suspended member should print clearly his full name, address and telephone number. 215.1.5 All letters should be submitted in English. 215.1.6 All requirements for a suspension review and reinstatement must be submitted to the LSA Office by June 1 of that seasonal year. The LSA Executive Committee will review suspensions prior to the AGM of each seasonal year. 215.2 Upon receipt of the requirements by a suspended member for a suspension review and reinstatement, notification will be sent to LSA Executive Committee members, the clubs involved, and the suspended member. Policy 301-1 Louisiana Academy Program (LAP) The Louisiana Academy Program (LAP) seeks to improve individual player development, satisfaction, and retention, and to build a less pressured youth soccer environment for coaches, adult spectators, and match officials. Specific program guidelines for each seasonal year are posted on the LSA website. A. LOUISIANA ACADEMY PROGRAM (LAP) DESCRIPTION 1. The LAP will be offered for the true U9 - U10 player age groups (U8 players may participate at the U9 age group if approved by the Club Academy Director). 2. In addition to these LAP rules, the rules and policies of LSA and USYSA are applicable. 3. Associations must apply to implement and participate in the Louisiana Academy Program based on the rules herein. 4. A) A LAP Committee would be created for the governance of the LAP. The LAP Committee will accept associations to participate in the program upon determining compliance with these rules. The committee may recommend the application of sanctions if an association fails to meet the criteria listed in these guidelines or intentionally violates them. B) The LAP Committee would be comprised of the LSA VP for Youth, the LSA Executive Director, the LSA Director of Coaching and members selected by LSA Executive Board. B. CLUBS/ASSOCIATIONS 27 1. Clubs/associations will be accepted for participation in the LAP for a period of two (2) seasonal years. They must participate for the full year (fall and spring seasons). Associations must re-apply for acceptance every two (2) seasonal years. 2. Each club/association must appoint an LAP Club Academy Director for the club/association who holds a National Youth License. Each LAP Club Academy Director will have a period of two (2) years to obtain the National Youth License. The LAP Club Academy Director will serve as the liaison between the local academy and the LAP Committee. The LAP Club Academy Director must be in charge of all aspects of the Program, including, but not limited to, the establishment of training priorities, player admittance policy, coaching and administrative staff, selection and scheduling. He/she is subject to the jurisdiction of the club/association’s board of directors. Director must also successfully complete the LSA Risk Management process. 3. LSA will coordinate “LAP Liaisons” who are certified with the National Youth License and will provide assistance to those associations needing help in curriculum planning and development etc. There will be three (3) “LAP Liaisons” covering District 1 (Central/North Louisiana), District 2 (Southwest Louisiana) and District 3 (Southeast Louisiana) to provide assistance. 4. Staff working with LAP must hold the Youth I & II Module qualification designed for working with the true U6-U12 players. They will have a period of one (1) year to obtain the Youth I & II Module qualification. Staff must also successfully complete the LSA Risk Management process. 5. Clubs/associations must administer an LAP Parent Education Program in accordance with the LAP philosophy established by the LAP Committee. 6. Each club/association must have an established yearly curriculum for its LAP that must be submitted to the LSA Director of Coaching by a date set by LSA. Help in creating an LAP curriculum will be provided by LSA Director of coaching, the local “LAP Liaison,” and the LAP Committee. 7. Each club/association will be required to have a representative (or representatives) attend two seasonal scheduling meetings: one for the fall season and one for the spring season. C. PLAYERS 1. Players must be registered with the LSA. 2. Clubs/associations may have a LAP, a Competitive Program and a Recreational Program, but a player registered in LAP may not participate/register in Competitive or Recreational soccer. The player must choose to participate in only one of the available player options. 3. All players within an association’s LAP will be registered directly to the Academy pool with their association and will not be assigned to a specific team. 28 4. Only a true U9 and/or U10 player by current USYSA guidelines is eligible to participate in the LAP. 5. Players are registered to a club Academy pass. 6. Players may be assigned to teams on a game-to-game basis. 7. Players may participate in Non-Academy (outside) tournaments. 8. Players in match attendance are required to play a minimum of one half of each match and preferably more. 9. Each player will receive a minimum of two written evaluations per year from their club/association’s LAP that is approved by the LAP Club Academy Director; one in the second half of the fall season and one in the second half of the spring season. POLICY 302 PLAYER / TEAM REGISTRATION 302.1 Clubs must register players with LSA at least once per seasonal year. 302.1.1 If the club has multiple registration periods, only the new players, not returning players, should be registered with LSA for the new registration period. 302.1.2 Clubs should insure that there are no currently suspended persons being registered. 302.2 All LSA affiliates must register every soccer player, coach, or team that is administered by the organization through LSA or another USSF affiliate. 302.3 Once a player is entered into the LSA online registration program clubs shall have sixty (60) days to place players on teams or pools as defined by your level of play and submit payment of the player’s registration fee to the LSA Office for the player to receive insurance coverage. 302.4 If the registration process of assigning a player to a team is not completed within sixty (60) days and associated fees are not submitted within thirty (30) days of invoice, insurance coverage will not commence until the registration and associated fees are submitted and a player is not eligible to participate in any activities. 302.5 PLAYER RESIDENCY 302.5.1 A youth player must register each seasonal year with LSA if he or she resides in Louisiana with his or her parent or guardian; or, for a student in residence at a boarding school, college, or university, the player may register with LSA if the boarding school, college, university, or division of the college or university is located in Louisiana. 302.5.2 Any other questions of residency may be determined by the State Association, such as LSA if applicable, in which the player is registered to vote or holds a current driver’s license. 302.5.3 Any youth player who legally resides in Louisiana who wishes to play on a team that is a member of a state association other than LSA must receive written permission from (1) LSA, where the player resides; and (2) the state association of the team on which 29 the player wishes to play. Permission must be obtained each seasonal year. 302.6 REGISTRATION PROCEDURES 302.6.1 The club must have each player’s parent/guardian complete and sign a registration form that provides basic player data, including birthdate, and the approved waiver language. 302.6.2 Once the form is signed the player is bound to that club for the seasonal year. 302.6.3 Registration forms are not to be sent to the LSA Office. The club or parent must enter all of the registration information into LSA’s online registration program. 302.6.4 The LSA per-player fees must be sent to LSA within 30 days of invoice. These fees cover player insurance costs, in addition to affiliation fees. 302.6.5 Before participating in any LSA activity, coaches and team managers must register and successfully complete the Risk Management process including completion of a disclosure form. 302.6.6 Any registered adult who may work with players in a coaching capacity must have a laminated properly prepared pass with his or her photo and signature as issued by LSA. Electronic player passes available through GotSoccer are also permissible. 302.6.7 Registered adults are permitted to participate in LSA-sanctioned events or games as coaches or assistant coaches for their club. 302.6.8 Any club that intentionally submits false or inaccurate information to affect a player or coach will be subject to disciplinary actions. 302.6.9 After the registered players are organized onto teams, clubs must submit the team electronically to LSA for approval. 302.6.9.1 Teams should not be submitted to LSA without being assigned a coach who has successfully completed risk management. 302.6.9.2 Rosters are not frozen at this time because new players may be added as needed. 302.6.9.3 Rosters must indicate Recreational or Competitive team. 302.6.9.4 Roster size limits (if applicable) are detailed in Policy 302.10. 302.7 SOCCER ACROSS AMERICA 302.7.1 A “Soccer Across America” player is a player who has been identified as “at-risk.” “At-risk” means a child who falls under one of the following categories: low-income (meets standards for federal free or reduced-lunch program), raised by grandparents or foster parents, or from neighborhoods with a high rate of crime, gangs, or drugs. 302.7.2 For a Soccer Across America program endorsed by a member club/association to be registered, an Application for Participation in Soccer Across America, approved and signed by the member club/association President or Executive Director and club program director must be submitted annually to LSA. A completed Soccer Across America program history report must be filed with the state office at the conclusion of each playing season, with a minimum of one (1) to be filed each LSA seasonal year. 30 302.7.3 Registrations for Soccer Across America players and coaches must include correctly prepared and transmitted information for all registered players and coaches. A reconciliation report showing registrations charged per player must accompany the information. 302.7.4 There is no minimum or maximum roster size established by LSA for teams in this program. Transfer forms are not required when a player moves from one Soccer Across America team to another during a seasonal year. 302.8 The Outreach Program for Soccer (TOPSoccer) 302.8.1 TOPSoccer (The Outreach Program for Soccer) is a communitybased training and team placement program for young athletes with disabilities, organized by youth soccer association/club volunteers. The program is designed to bring the opportunity of learning and playing soccer to any boy or girl, who has a mental or physical disability. 302.8.2 For a “TOPSoccer” program endorsed/sponsored by a member club/association to be registered, an Application for Participation in TOPSoccer, approved and signed by the member club/association president or Executive Director and club program director must be submitted annually to the state office. A completed TOPSoccer program history report must be filed with the state office at the conclusion of each playing season, with a minimum of one (1) to be filed each LSA seasonal year. 302.8.3 Registrations for TOPSoccer players and coaches must include correctly prepared and transmitted information for all registered players and coaches. A reconciliation report showing registrations charged per player must accompany the information. 302.8.4 There is no minimum or maximum roster size established by LSA for teams in this program. Transfer forms are not required when a player moves from one TOPSoccer team to another during a seasonal year. 302.9 LEVELS OF PLAY 302.9.1 RECREATIONAL 302.9.1.1 The club shall accept as participants any and all eligible applicants (subject to reasonable terms of registration). 302.9.1.2 Assigning players to recreational team rosters on the basis of talent by the use of tryouts, invitations, recruiting or any like process is prohibited. 302.9.1.3 All teams registering in age groups U-10 and younger must play at the Recreational level. 302.9.1.4 LSA strongly recommends that all players on a recreational team be guaranteed at least 50% playing time in each match. 302.9.2 COMPETITIVE 302.9.2.1 Teams may be formed by tryouts or other method of selection. 302. Member clubs must be affiliated with LSA at the start of the Tryout Period in order to form Competitive teams for the following seasonal year. Provisional status does not qualify a member club 31 as being affiliated. 302. Competitive team tryouts for the following seasonal year shall be conducted by member clubs after the conclusion of the State Cup Tournaments in that age bracket during the established Tryout Period. Results from these evaluations/tryouts will be used to form Competitive teams. 302. At the conclusion of the Tryout Period, an established “Dead Period” will ensue. Teams may not conduct tryouts or directly solicit players during the Dead Period. During the Dead Period, a club representative, including but not limited to a coach, may respond directly to questions posed by a parent/guardian or player who participated in the tryouts. 302. Invitations for team membership may be extended to players no earlier than the Invitation Date. The invitations must be sent by one or more of the following methods: 302. USPS mail to players postmarked no earlier than the established Invitation Date for the given age group. 302. Posted as a roster on a website but no earlier than the established Invitation Date for the given age group. 302. Email notification no earlier than the established Invitation date for the given age group. 302. The dates of each age bracket Tryout Period, Dead Period, and Invitation Date for the following soccer year will be established and announced by LSA at the State Association Midyear Meeting. The dates will be established using the following parameters: 302. U11-U13 Teams 302. The Tryout Period shall commence the Monday after the conclusion of U11 and U12 State Tournament Championship Weekend. The Tryout Period shall end 25 days later. 32 302. 302.10 The Dead Period shall commence the 4th Friday after the Tryout Period starts. The Dead Period shall end at 12:01 a.m. on the Thursday following the invitation date. 302. The Invitation Date shall be the first Tuesday after the Dead Period starts. 302. U14-U19 Teams 302. The Tryout Period shall commence the Monday after the conclusion of U17-U19 State Tournament Championship Weekend. The Tryout Period shall end the Thursday prior to the commencement of USYS Regionals. 302. The Dead Period shall commence the day after the Tryout Period ends. The Dead Period shall end at 12:01 a.m. on the second calendar day following the invitation date. 302. The Invitation Date shall be the day after USYS Regionals ends. 302. Players shall accept in writing, by email, or by online registration to only one team. 302. Players who are not placed/selected by this procedure may contact any team with openings after the Dead Period. 302. Teams may conduct additional tryouts after the Dead Period. 302.9.2.2 Teams may participate in a league sanctioned and approved by LSA. 302.9.2.3 No player younger than the age of nine may participate on a Competitive team. ROSTERS 302.10.2 LSA roster limits are as follows: 302.10.2.1 Under 4, Under 5 and Under 6 have a minimum roster size of four (4) players with no maximum roster size. 302.10.2.2 Under 7 and Under 8 have a minimum roster size of five (5) players with no maximum roster size. 33 302.10.2.3 Under 9 through Under 19 recreational teams have a minimum roster size of seven (7) players with no maximum roster size. 302.10.2.4 Under 11 and Under 12 competitive teams have a minimum roster size of seven (7) players with a maximum roster size of eighteen (18). 302.10.2.5 Under 13 through Under 19 competitive teams have a minimum roster size of seven (7) players with a maximum roster size of twenty-two (22). 302.10.2.6 There are no exceptions to the maximum roster size. 302.10.3 All youth rosters will be set as of the “Roster Freeze Date” for each defined competition. After that date no player may be added to any roster of teams eligible for state competitions until after those competitions are completed. 302.10.4 Only rosters and player passes generated from the LSA online program are acceptable. 302.10.4.1 Teams participating as LSA-affiliated teams in LSAsanctioned invitational tournaments shall only use LSA- generated team rosters and player passes. Clubs hosting invitational tournaments are required to enforce this rule. 303 DUAL REGISTRATION 303.1 A youth player may be on the roster of one and only one team and/or registered to one and only one club during the seasonal year with the exception of the following circumstances: 303.1.1 Permission has been granted to be a guest player on a team 303.1.2 The competition the team is participating in allows the use of the club pass. The competition rules will govern how a player from within the club may be rostered on another team within their club in addition to the team they are initially rostered 303.1.3 A transfer has been approved by LSA. 303.2 This does not apply to: 303.2.1 Youth players who participate in a soccer program with an LSA associate member 303.2.2 Youth players who participate in an interscholastic league with LSA member club/association. 303.2.3 Youth players who play on an adult team(s) and a youth team 303.2.4 Youth players participating in a summer league sponsored by an LSA member club/association; 303.2.5 Players selected to the State Select Team 303.2.6 Players participating with an affiliated indoor soccer club. 303.3 INTERSCHOLASTIC (SCHOOL-BASED) TEAMS 303.3.1 LSA-affiliated clubs/associations may sponsor school-based (interscholastic) leagues in addition to the recreational, and competitive teams already included in the potential offerings. 303.3.2 An interscholastic team is not eligible for competition in recreational or competitive state cup. 34 303.3.3 303.3.4 303.3.5 303.3.6 303.3.7 303.3.8 Its roster may be comprised of all-male, all-female, or co-ed players. Players may be registered with an LSA-affiliated club/association for recreational or competitive teams in addition to their interscholastic team. At the high school level, it is important to understand the most current Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA) requirements and rules regarding players, coaches, and working together during the season outside of the high school season. There is no minimum or maximum roster size established by LSA for teams in this program. Players who are not currently members of an LSA-affiliated club/association must join the sponsoring member club/association at a rate specified by the club/association. The LSA-affiliated club/association must pay LSA the per-player registration fee as listed in Policy 206 for these players. LSA-affiliated clubs/associations that sponsor an interscholastic league must also pay a league affiliation fee as listed in Policy 206. 303.4 SUMMER PLAY 303.4.1 LSA affiliated clubs/associations may operate summer playing leagues that may be comprised of players who have registered with any LSA affiliated club/association during the current seasonal year who have completed their playing season and/or whose age group has completed its State Cup/Presidents Cup for the seasonal year. 303.4.2 Transfers are not required for summer play. 303.4.3 Any player not registered with LSA in the current seasonal year may register under the special summer registration rate as set forth in Policy 206-1. 303.5 Players who participate as a recreational player in single-season (for example, fall only) playing clubs/associations that are LSA-affiliates may register with another LSA-affiliated club/association for a subsequent playing season within the same seasonal year. Policy 304 Age Groups 304.1 For all state and national Competitions, these age groups are mandatory. Local clubs or in-house groups only for play within that club or group may vary age groups. Teams with varied age groups would be required to play at the highest age level represented if playing outside of the club. 304.2 Age groups shall be comprised of youth players who are, before the first day of August of the immediately prior seasonal year: 304.2.1 under 19 years of age 304.2.2 under 18 years of age 304.2.3 under 17 years of age 304.2.4 under 16 years of age 304.2.5 under 15 years of age 304.2.6 under 14 years of age 35 304.3 304.4 304.5 304.6 304.7 304.2.7 under 13 years of age 304.2.8 under 12 years of age 304.2.9 under 11 years of age 304.2.10 under 10 years of age 304.2.11 under 9 years of age 304.2.12 under 8 years of age 304.2.13 under 7 years of age 304.2.14 under 6 years of age 304.2.15 under 5 years of age 304.2.16 under 4 years of age A player must be at least three years of age at the time of registration. Playing down in age is prohibited at all competitive levels of play. 304.4.1 All clubs shall require proof of birth at registration and maintain a copy of this proof in their files for competitive players. It is the responsibility of the club to be accurate when registering players within their proper age groups. Any club or team that has falsely registered a player shall be subject to reprimand and incur possible fine as a part of the reprimand. 304.4.2 Proof of age shall consist of a birth certificate, or birth registration issued by an appropriate government agency; passport; alien registration card issued by the United States Government; a certificate issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age; or a Certification of an American Citizen born abroad issued by the appropriate government agency. Hospital, baptismal or religious certificates are not acceptable. Recreational players may play down in age at the discretion of the local club/association in order to remain with players of the same grade level, but are prohibited from doing so at any competition outside of the local club/association including any LSA or invitational tournaments. In the interest of all parties, under no circumstances should a player be permitted to play down more than three age groups below true age. Playing up in age is not recommended but has been allowed to accommodate special requests. U19 players who are in the 12th grade will be allowed to be rostered on a U18 team for the purposes of in-state competition, including LCSL play and appropriate invitational in-state tournaments. 304.7.1 Each team is allowed a maximum of three (3) U19 players per U18 team. 304.7.2 The team with the U19 player(s) may be able to participate in U18 invitational tournaments at the discretion of the out-of-state invitational tournament, but may be required by the tournament to play in a U19 division or participate in the tournament without the U19 player at the tournament’s discretion. 304.7.3 The U19 player is ineligible for U18 State Cup play. 304.7.4 A U18 team with a rostered true U-19 player is ineligible to participate in the Region III Premier League and National League. 304.7.5 The Louisiana Soccer Association Twelfth Grade Certificate/Waiver must be completed and submitted to the LSA Office in order for the player(s) to be eligible for competition. 36 304.8 Under 4 players should be placed in a pool of players and not on teams. Policy 305-1 Guest and Club Pass Players A. LSA GUEST AND CLUB PASS PLAYER POLICY 1. Inter-Club (not within the same club) a. Guest players are allowed for friendly games and invitational tournaments when allowed by tournament rules. Guest players are not allowed for LCSL games or State Tournaments. b. Under no condition can a player on a competitive team participate as a guest player on a recreational team unless that team is playing in an open or competitive tournament. c. Players 8 years old and younger cannot become guest player on older teams. d. Guest player release forms must be completed, signed by all appropriate parties, attached to the team roster, received and approved by LSA no later than the close of business on the day preceding the event in which the player will guest play. Guest Player forms may be faxed to the LSA office. e. During the period of time covered by the guest player release form, a guest player may play only for the team on which he/she has been approved as a guest. The guest player cannot play for his/her registered team during this period. f. Guest playing prevents a player from transferring to the host team during the current soccer season unless the player was registered with a club outside of Louisiana. a. Failure to abide by these established LSA guest player policy and procedures may result in the offending coach’s suspension. 2. Intra-Club (within the same club) a. A team may use an unlimited number of players from other teams within the same club, subject only to the applicable rules of competition (including state competitions and LCSL). b. No approval or authorization by LSA is required, unless the rules of competition require it. c. There is no limit on the number of times a player may participate as a club pass player for teams within the player’s own club, subject only to the applicable rules of competition. d. Playing as a club pass player on a team within the player’s club does not affect the ability of the player to play for his/her own team if permitted by the applicable rule of competition. 37 e. Club pass playing for another team within the same club does not affect the player’s ability to transfer to the host team during the soccer season. B. PROCEDURES TO USE GUEST PLAYERS AND TRAVEL OUT OF STATE 1. To protect player eligibility and insurance coverage of LSA members, the use of guest players shall be in accordance with the following procedures: a. Inter-Club Guest player release forms must be completed, signed by all appropriate parties, attached to the team roster, and submitted with the application to travel. Guest player must be manually added to the team roster. Please include the player’s full name and ID#. b. Intra-Club/Club Pass: Guest player must be manually added to the team roster. Please include the player’s full name and ID#. The roster must be submitted with the application to travel. c. If a guest player is added to a roster after the travel permit has been approved, the guest player form (signed by the coach and league roster and approved by LSA) and an updated roster must be submitted to the LSA Office and approved prior to the team’s departure. It is recommended that the coach bring the league approved guest player forms and roster to the event. POLICY 306 TRANSFER / RELEASE OF YOUTH PLAYERS 306.1 A player registers with an affiliated club of his/her choice for a seasonal year. 306.1.1 US Youth Soccer affirms that “any player signing a player registration form is bound to that team for the entire seasonal year unless he/she requests a transfer or is released. All requests for a transfer or release shall be submitted to the affiliated State Youth Association in writing on the form provided, stating the reason for the request for transfer or release.” 306.2 LSA acknowledges that some modifications to the US Youth Soccer statement are necessary to accommodate recreational programs that reassign players at the beginning of each playing season within a year and to allow for the normal reregistration that takes place prior to each playing season. The following statewide policies and procedures are meant to provide an orderly and reasonable player transfer/release method consistent with the guidelines and intent of the national policy. 306.3 A “transfer” shall be defined as adding a currently US Youth Soccer registered player to a roster or a player who returns to the same roster. 306.4 Transfers are required when: 306.4.1 A player has registered with an affiliated club for a seasonal year after August 1, and wishes to move to another affiliated club during that same seasonal year whether that club is in state or out-of-state. 306.4.2 A player transfers onto or from a Competitive team. A Competitive team shall be limited to a total of five (5) transferred players per seasonal year. No exceptions may be made to this maximum limit. 306.4.3 A competitive team disbands. A transfer/release form must 38 be submitted for each player moving to another team. The club releasing the player must sign off on the form; however the signature of the releasing coach is not required. 306.5 Transfers are not required when: 306.5.1 A previously unregistered player registers for the first time in a seasonal year. (Previously unregistered means a player who has not been registered to play soccer with any US Youth Soccer affiliate during the current seasonal year.) 306.5.2 A player in an affiliated club’s recreational program moves from one team to another within that club’s recreational program. All recreational teams may have unlimited transfers. 306.5.3 A player changes clubs for a new seasonal year. 306.5.4 A recreational team disbands and the club releasing the player acknowledges in writing to LSA that the team has disbanded with no other recreational playing opportunities in the same age group at that club. The player must be registering with a new recreational team at a new club for this provision to be effective. 306.5.5 A recreational player who participates with a club with a single playing season (for example, fall-only) participates with another club on a recreational team in a subsequent playing season in the same seasonal year. 306.5.6 A player’s team has completed all spring playing season games, including playoff or tournament games, in which his/her team is involved and after conclusion of their age-specific state tournament, and the player registers with a different club of his/her choice for the NEXT seasonal year. 306.6 TRANSFERS FOR PLAYERS ON COMPETITIVE TEAMS: 306.6.1 No team belonging to any club (defined in these rules as any LSA affiliated and/or sanctioned soccer organization whether designated a club, association, academy or by any other name) may receive or accept any player transfer from any other LSA club between August 1 and the last game of the State Cup for that age/gender group at the conclusion of the season except under the following exclusive circumstances: 306.6.1.1 Players who moved more than 50 miles during the calendar year from the community of their former club prior to requesting a transfer shall be exempt from rule. 306.6.1.2 Players who are on a team that is disbanded by an LSA club during the period between August 1 and the conclusion of the State Cup tournament for the age/sex of those players shall be exempt from this rule. 306.6.1.3 Any extenuating circumstances that are agreed to by both clubs as being in the best interest of the player and both clubs, with approval signatures required by both clubs. When both clubs agree to the transfer, the transfer will then be forwarded to the LSA Office for final approval. 306 After a player’s team has completed all Spring playing season games including playoff and/or tournament games in which his/her team is involved and after conclusion of their 39 age-specific state tournament, the player may register with any club of his/her choice for the NEXT seasonal year without having to submit a “Request for Transfer/Release” form. 306.7 PLAYER RELEASE 306.7.1 Any player wishing to drop from a club and not participate on any team for the remainder of the seasonal year may complete section “A” of the Player Transfer/Release form and submit it to his/her club with no payment or club approval needed. 306.7.2 Once a player has released their position on a team through a properly executed LSA Transfer/Release form, he/she has no player status with LSA until transferred to another affiliated team during that seasonal year. 306.7.3 LSA will abide by the US Youth Soccer rule for a player to be released from a team by a coach only if the player is unable to play for one of the following reasons outlined below. To affect such a release, the coach must complete and sign the LSA Youth Player Transfer/Release form and submit it to the club president or executive director for completion: 306.7.3.1 The player has violated US Youth Soccer rules or state disciplinary rules. 306.7.3.2 The player has moved beyond a reasonable travel distance. 306.7.3.3 The player is injured in such a manner that he/she will be unable to participate for the remaining playing season. 306.7.3.4 The player is deceased. 306.8 COMPLETION OF A TRANSFER OR RELEASE 306.8.1 Complete the Request for Player Transfer/Release form. 306.8.2 LSA either approves or disapproves the Transfer/Release and distributes the copies. 306.8.2.1 A player may not participate with his/her new team until the transfer is approved at the LSA level and confirmation is received by the new club/team. 306.8.3 A coach wishing to drop a player in accordance to the US Youth Soccer rule described in Policy 306.7.3 must complete the appropriate sections of “A” and “B” and forward the form to the club for completion and forwarding to LSA. Documentation of which of the four possible reasons outlined in 306.7.3.1 through 306.7.3.4 must accompany the release form in order for LSA to approve the release for this reason. 306.8.4 State approval is needed on every transfer or release except when a player is deceased. Club approval is not sufficient. POLICY 308 TRAVEL PROCEDURES 308.1 Out-of-State Travel 308.1.1 Travel permits are mandatory for team activity outside of Louisiana and permission to travel is under the control and approval of LSA through the LSA office. 308.1.2 The state associations in Region III have agreed to waive the 40 requirement for a travel permit from teams in other Region III states. 308.1.3 Invitational tournaments may still choose to require a travel permit at the discretion of the tournament. LSA provides notice of travel for teams participating in such a tournament. 308.1.4 LSA teams are prohibited from playing non-affiliated teams/clubs, in non-sanctioned tournaments, or traveling outside of Region III without permission. Sanctions or penalties could result against the coach, the team or the club as well as the potential loss of medical insurance coverage. 308.2 US Youth Soccer Travel Policy (adopted March 20, 2010) 308.2.1 LSA uses the current US Youth Soccer travel policy. An abbreviated version of the full policy is referenced below for LSAaffiliated clubs. 308.2.2 US Youth Travel Policy does not apply to: 308.2.2.1 the US Youth Soccer National Championship Series and the US Youth Soccer National Presidents Cup 308.2.2.2 ODP regional and national events and the ODP Championships 308.2.2.3 teams participating in a league, approved by one or more state associations, a region of US Youth Soccer, or US Youth Soccer, in which teams from state associations participate and travel from one state association to another for regularly scheduled league matches. 308.2.3 The following definitions apply to this policy: 308.2.3.1 Travel: travel by a team and its players and team officials to participate in a tournament or game that is not a tournament or game approved by LSA in Louisiana. 308.2.3.2 Approved Travel: travel by a team to a tournament or game approved by LSA such that the benefits of membership in US Youth Soccer and LSA apply to the tournament or game, and the use of US Youth Soccer member passes and the US Youth Soccer team roster are permitted. 308.2.3.3 International Tournament or Game: a tournament or game played in the United States that is open to one or more teams from outside the United States and the tournament or game has been approved by US Soccer. 308.2.3.4 Non-US Youth Soccer Travel: travel by a team to a tournament or game that has not been approved by US Youth Soccer or any of its State Associations. 308.2.3.5 Application to Travel Form: the standard form by a team requests LSA to approve the travel of a team and its players and team officials to a tournament or game approved by US Youth Soccer or another State Association, with the form including provisions governing the use of guest players, where allowed, to ensure that all participating players and team officials are properly registered with LSA. 41 308.2.3.6 Alternate Player Pass: a player pass that may be provided on request for a player on a team for use in traveling to an international tournament or game that has not been approved by US Youth Soccer or any of its State Associations. 308.2.3.7 Non-US Youth Soccer Team Player Form: the form that may be provided to a team for use by the team and its players and team officials to travel to a tournament or game that has not been approved by US Youth Soccer or any of its State Associations, with the form providing basic information contained on member passes for players and team rosters (e.g., the name and date of birth of players on the team). 308.2.3.8 US Soccer: the United States Soccer Federation, Inc. 308.2.3.9 US Youth Soccer: the United States Youth Soccer Association, Inc. 308.2.4 FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES 308.2.4.1 US Youth Soccer does not approve the use of its member passes and its team rosters in connection with tournaments and games conducted by soccer organizations that are not members of US Youth Soccer and its State Associations. If a team believes it needs member passes for players in connection with the team’s participation in an international tournament or game or a team roster for a tournament or game conducted by soccer organizations that are not members of US Youth Soccer or its State Associations, US Youth Soccer or the State Association shall provide an alternate player pass or a Non-US Youth Soccer Team Player Form, or both. 308.2.4.2 US Youth Soccer or a State Association may authorize the use of US Youth Soccer member passes (but not rosters) only for players traveling to participate in an international tournament or game referred to in 308.2.4.1. 308.2.5 Approval of travel and waiver of approval only applies to tournaments and games approved by US Youth Soccer or its State Associations, or both, as provided by the US Youth Soccer travel policy. 308.2.6 US YOUTH SOCCER TRAVEL 308.2.6.1 TRAVEL APPROVAL 308. An application to travel to a tournament or game is to be submitted by a team to LSA. Such an application is only required if (1) the tournament or game is approved by US Youth Soccer or a State Association of US Youth Soccer to which this policy applies, (2) the team is traveling to a tournament or game that is approved by a State Association other than LSA, and (3) the travel is outside of Region III. 308. Any application for travel that does not meet the 42 requirements of the bylaws, policies, and rules of US Youth Soccer and LSA need not be approved. Any application that is not submitted in a timely manner may be subject to late fees if it is approved. Only a team and its players and team officials who are in good standing with LSA will be approved for travel. 308.2.6.2 REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR APPROVED TRAVEL 308. In addition to any requirements LSA has with regard to travel for a team and its players and team officials, US Youth Soccer requires the following documents to be available for review by the organization hosting the tournament or game for which the team’s travel has been approved: 308. a copy of the application to travel approved by LSA if the travel requires such approval; 308. a validated roster, or copy thereof, as issued in the manner approved by LSA; 308. a member pass approved by LSA, for each player, guest player, and team official listed on the approved roster and traveling with the team. Each member pass for a player must include the team information, the valid seasonal year, the player’s name, and the player’s verified birth date; 308. an authorization properly executed with required signatures for each player to allow emergency medical treatment; 308. copies of any required permissions for a coach or player listed as a guest; and 308. emergency contact information. 308.2.7 INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL 308.2.7.1 International travel by teams of US Youth Soccer State Associations and members of State Associations shall comply with the requirements of US Youth Soccer, LSA, and US Soccer. 308.2.7.2 In addition to any form and fees required to be submitted for approved travel under this policy, US Soccer requires its approval for a team’s travel outside the United States, and it has procedures, additional document requirements, and a fee that must be submitted, by its deadline prior to that travel. Consult US Soccer for the current requirements, procedures, and fees. 308.2.7.3 Travel out of the country cannot occur without USSF approval. 308.2.8 NON-US YOUTH SOCCER TRAVEL 308.2.8.1 Participation in tournaments and games that have not been approved by US Youth Soccer and its State Associations is Non-US Youth Soccer Travel. Players, team 43 officials, and teams may participate and compete in those tournament and games and do not need approval or permission from US Youth Soccer or their State Associations to do so. 308.2.8.2 LSA may require reasonable notification, if it deems it necessary, from any team and its players and team officials seeking to participate in Non-US Youth Soccer Travel tournaments and games. LSA may only require notification that is reasonable to fulfill its needs, such as scheduling a team for participation in other programs or activities, knowing for insurance purposes in which programs and activities LSA members are participating providing accurate information to its members about programs and activities in which they are participating, providing accurate information in response to inquiries from people involved in or associated with those programs and activities, and monitoring compliance with US Youth Soccer and LSA programs, activities, policies, and bylaws. 308.2.8.3 The failure to provide proper notification as required by LSA may result in the imposition of penalties by LSA but may not prevent or prohibit a player, team official, or team from participating in any program or activity that is not a program or activity of a member of US Youth Soccer or its State Associations, except to the extent provided by US Soccer bylaws and policies. 308.2.8.4 MEMBER PASSES AND ROSTERS 308. US Youth Soccer does not approve the use of its member passes and rosters in connection with tournaments and games conducted by soccer organizations that are not members of US Youth Soccer and its State Associations. 308. If a team believes it needs to provide the information contained in member passes for players in connection with that team’s participation in an international tournament or game conducted by soccer organizations that are not members of US Youth Soccer or its State Associations, US Youth Soccer or the State Association shall provide alternate player passes at no cost or current member passes for players participating in such an international tournament or game. The alternate player pass provides the basic information found on member passes and will enable players, team officials, and teams to participate in Non-US Youth Soccer Travel without creating the misimpression that those tournaments or games are approved by US Youth Soccer or any of its State Associations. The information provided on alternate player passes will indicate that the players are currently 44 registered players in good standing with a member organization of US Youth Soccer. 308. If a team believes that it needs to provide information contained in a team roster in connection with the team’s participation in a tournament or game conducted by soccer organizations that are not members of US Youth Soccer or its State Associations, LSA shall also provide that information by means of a separate form—a Non-US Youth Soccer Team Player Form. 308.2.8.5 No person, group, or entity shall, by affirmative misrepresentation or by the failure to disclose material facts, mislead any other person, group, or entity into believing that travel to, or participating in, a tournament or game not approved by US Youth Soccer or any of its State Associations has been or is approved by US Youth Soccer or its State Associations. Policy 308-2 Friendly Matches Against Unaffiliated Teams NON-LEAGUE GAMES WITH USSF AFFILIATED MEMBERS 1. Affiliated LSA teams may play exhibition or "friendly" games with other affiliated USSF teams providing: a. The opposing team is affiliated with another USSF affiliate, such as US Club Soccer or AYSO b. All players are registered and in good standing with their home club. c. Teams have active roster and player cards. d. A certificate or proof of liability insurance including for the facility, if applicable, is provided by the non-LSA affiliated team. 2. Affiliated LSA Teams desiring to play friendly matches against colleges and/or universities must comply with the following: a. In-state: 1) Submit a Request to Play Unaffiliated Teams form at least seven business days prior to the scheduled event. 2) Submit a Certificate of Insurance from the university/college. b. Out-of-State: 1) Submit a Request to Play Unaffiliated Teams form at least seven business days prior to the scheduled event. 2) Submit a Certificate of Insurance from the university/college. 3) Submit a Travel Permit/Notice at least seven business days prior to the event. Policy 309 Playing Rules 45 Except as otherwise provided here, the FIFA “Laws of the Game” shall apply to any and all competition sponsored by this organization. A. EXCEPTIONS TO FIFA LAWS OF THE GAME: 1. Players must wear shin guards in all soccer activities, including practice. 2. Unlimited substitution is allowed at the referee’s discretion. 3. Small-Sided Games a. It is recommended that players U6, U8, and U10 play under the current US Youth Soccer recommended rules for small-sided games for those age groups. Interclub play among Recreation U11 & 12 players will play under the official US Youth Soccer 8v8 format. (1) Seven (7) field players and one (1) goalkeeper per team on the field. (2) It is recommended that each rostered player play in goal at least one half of a game per season. b. LSA Roster limits are specified in Policy 310. c. The LSA Director of Coaching may make recommendations with the approval of the Executive Committee to help the clubs implement a successful player development program. d. Team participation in the Louisiana Competitive Soccer League (LCSL) and State Tournaments shall not be required to play short-sided (smaller teams than 11v11) unless approved by a majority of the leagues participating in the LCSL by a vote taken at a meeting of the Youth Competitive Committee. 4. Some clubs have rules such as: games are played by the quarter system, goalie can only play as goalie for one half of the game time, etc. These are club rules and not LSA rules. Each club should inquire as to the rules of other clubs they wish to play and/or when inviting outside teams to play they must inform the incoming team/club of their in-house rules. 5. Tournaments and Jamborees will be played under the LSA Tournament Rules or rules governing jamborees found in Policy 310. 6. It is mandatory that players participating in recreational tournaments play at least 50% of the time in each tournament game. Written notification to opposing coach is required for all players not playing the required amount of time. 46 7. Smoking and smokeless tobacco are banned from the players’ side of the field within the State of Louisiana. 8. Five games per tournament are the maximum number of games allowed for any one team in any LSA Sanctioned Invitational Tournament. If play involves a foreign team, see “Hosting an International Game” section of the LSA Policy manual. Policy 310 YOUTH TOURNAMENTS CLUB INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENTS / JAMBOREES 310.1 Tournaments 310.1.1 If a club wishes to host any type of tournament that will include teams from outside its own club, approval/sanction must be given by LSA. 310.1.2 No tournament/jamboree will be approved the same dates as LSA state tournaments. 310.1.3 Requests to host tournaments for the following seasonal year must be submitted to LSA using the LSA-designated form. 310.1.4 Requests to host tournaments for the following seasonal year are considered at the annual winter scheduling meeting conducted prior to the LSA Midyear Meeting. 310.1.4.1 The LSA Youth Vice President or his/her designee will conduct the meeting and take into consideration the number of referees required, conflicts with other events, and other tournaments hosted by the applying club. 310.1.4.2 Approval may be denied if it is determined that these factors might prevent the host club from offering a quality tournament. 310.1.5 If a club fails to submit for tournament approval at the annual scheduling meeting, it may apply directly to LSA. Upon review of the request, LSA may approve or deny the application granting LSA sanction of the event. 310.1.6 A US Youth Soccer Application to Host Tournament or Games form and the US Youth Soccer Hosting Agreement form must be completed and sent to the LSA Office. 310.1.6.1 The request to host must be signed by the Club President or Executive Director. 310.1.6.2 The general tournament rules contained in manual will govern soccer tournaments held by LSA affiliates. 310.1.6.3 All requests for modifications to the LSA Tournament Rules must be shown on the Application to Host form and submitted at least sixty (60) days prior to the tournament dates. 310. These may include changes in field size, 47 game length, scoring, protest procedures and roster size. The proposed rule modification may be denied if it is felt that the modifications are unjustified or would be detrimental to the game. 310. Any request for modifications made after the Application to Host Form has been approved must be submitted in writing to LSA in advance of the event with an explanation of why these changes are needed and/or were not requested initially. This written request must also outline how these new modifications, if approved, will be announced to invited teams. 310.1.6.4 Clubs hosting invitational tournaments may charge fees for parking or admission provided such fees are identified on the Application to Host submitted to LSA and are clearly identified on all advertisements or web pages containing information about the tournament. 310.1.6.5 A copy of the tournament hosting agreement and the approved application to host must accompany all invitations to the event. Enough time should be allowed to fulfill this mandatory obligation as the tournament host. 310.1.6.6 A “restricted” tournament is open only to LSA member clubs or other US Youth Soccer-affiliated clubs. Restricted tournaments do not need to seek additional insurance or indemnify LSA. 310.1.6.7 An “unrestricted” tournament may have any US Soccer affiliate member or US Soccer approved team participate and include teams from outside of US Youth Soccer/LSA membership. In “unrestricted” tournaments, the following text must be added to the hosting form, rules and invitation. “All teams and tournament participants must abide by the Louisiana Soccer Association’s and US Youth Soccer’s policies, rules and regulations and are subject to their disciplinary actions.” All teams wishing to participate in an ‘unrestricted’ tournament that are not US Youth Soccer members are required to provide proof of liability insurance paperwork indemnifying LSA from harm.” 310.1.7 There is no insurance coverage of non-sanctioned events and penalties could result if teams outside of an LSAmember club participate. 310.1.8 Denial of approval to host may be appealed to the Youth Council at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 310.2 Jamborees 48 310.2.1 310.2.2 LSA uses a jamboree format for U-6 and U-8 age groups. If the jamboree is for teams within an LSA-affiliated club only, LSA approval is not required, but these guidelines still apply. 310.2.3 If teams outside an LSA-affiliated club will be invited, the jamboree must be LSA-sanctioned. 310.2.3.1 A US Youth Soccer Application to Host Tournament or Games form and the Hosting Agreement must be approved by LSA. 310.2.3.2 The procedures outlined above in 310.1.6 must be followed to secure approval. 310.2.4 The US Youth Soccer Modified Playing Rules of U-6 and U8 will govern play in these age groups. 310.2.5 Jamboree Format & Awards 310.2.5.1 If the number of teams warrants division into smaller groups, there should be no interdivisional play (i.e. semifinals and finals). 310.2.5.2 Awards should be given to all participants - no 1st or 2nd place trophies. 310.2.5.3 Team awards are acceptable if they recognize the team's total performance and not just won/loss record. 310.2.5.4 Team sportsmanship awards are encouraged. 310.3 Tournament / Jamboree Requirements 310.3.1 Responsibilities of the Tournament Host Club and Host Tournament Director 310.3.1 Set team entry fees for invitational tournaments. 310.3.2 Set up games and playing schedules. 310.3.3 Prepare fields, including the spectator boxes. 310.3.3.1 Field sizes must comply with LSA state tournament field requirements as detailed in 312.8.4 310.3.3.2 If the minimum field sizes cannot be met, the association hosting the tournament must notify the invited teams at least two weeks prior to the tournament. The invited teams shall then decide whether to participate or withdraw from the tournament and they will then notify the tournament host at least ten days prior to the tournament. The tournament host will refund the team's entry fee if the team has complied with the provisions of this rule. 310.3.4 Provide for administration, registration, publicity, awards, etc. 310.3.5 Provide a Tournament Referee who will be free at all times to observe any game in question and to take the necessary steps to solve any problems. The Tournament Referee must be a currently 49 certified USSF referee assessor or senior referee who has the approval of the LSA State Director of Referee Assessment. 310.3.6 Obtain a certified tournament referee assignor who will obtain referees for tournament games. 310.3.7 Provide at least one clearly identifiable field marshal per playing site. 310.3.7.1 Prior to each game the field marshal will inspect the field to be sure that it is free from objects or conditions that may cause injury. If such condition exists that cannot be immediately corrected it shall be brought to the attention of the referee and the Host Tournament Director. 310.3.7.2 The field marshal shall monitor the spectator sidelines and ensure that all LSA Tournament Rules are being observed. Infractions of the rules should be reported to the event Tournament Committee. 310.3.2 Tournament Committee 310.3.2.1 There shall be a tournament committee consisting of the Host Tournament Director (or his designee), the Tournament Referee and one member at large. 310.3.2.2 The Host Tournament Director (or his designee) shall be responsible for the enforcement and interpretation of the Tournament Rules as published. 310.3.2.3 The Tournament Referee shall be responsible for the enforcement and interpretation of the FIFA Laws of the Game and appropriate US Youth Soccer modifications to those laws. 310.3.2.4 No member of the Tournament Committee shall be allowed to officiate during this event. 310.3.2.5 This committee shall hear protests and resolve other problems which arise during the tournament. Decisions will be final and binding. Policy 311 Competitive League COMPETITIVE LEAGUE FORMAT 1. The purpose of the Louisiana Competitive Soccer League (LCSL) shall be to foster and advance competitive soccer in Louisiana while providing a venue for advancement to the State Tournament through participation in the Competitive League. The purpose shall also be to promote the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, and courage through organized athletic competition. This league shall be open to U11 through U18 boys and girls competitive teams as defined in Policy 302.9.2 who are in good standing with their LSA affiliated club and the Club is in good standing with the Louisiana Soccer Association. 50 Individual team standing and eligibility will be verified by the team's Club President or Executive Director at the time of declaration for league play. 2. COMPETITIVE TEAM COACHING REQUIREMENTS Beginning with the 2015-2016 seasonal year, anyone registering as a head coach or as an assistant coach with a team in the LCSL must have at least a USSF “E” License, NSCAA equivalent, or an LSA “E-Waiver”. a. To obtain a waiver an individual must complete the “E-Waiver Request form” and submit it to LSA Office along with a $25 waiver fee. b. The waiver request will be reviewed by the State Director of Coaching. c. An approved waiver is effective until the next series of courses has concluded. d. An extension may be obtained once and only once for a $50 extension fee. 3. Teams shall be admitted to the Competitive League upon receipt of: a. The signed Letter of Intent to Participate which has been endorsed by the head coach and team's Club President or Executive Director. b. The Competitive League Fee as shown in the current Fee Schedule (Policy 206-1). c. A Performance Bond in the amount of $ 250.00 per Club. This bond check will not be deposited unless a team does not complete their obligations. If a Club’s bond check is deposited, the Club must submit another $ 250.00 bond check within 10 calendar days of the date of deposit or all of its teams will not be able to participate in Competitive League or State Tournaments. The above shall be RECEIVED at the LSA Office on or before August 8th for U11 through U18. If the date falls on the weekend, the deadline will be the following Monday. If a U11 or U12 team is formed after the August 8 deadline, there will be an additional period to add a team to the Competitive league. The deadline for this Letter Intent will be November 15. If the date falls on the weekend, the deadline will be the following Monday. 4. ROSTERS AND GAME ROSTERS FOR COMPETITIVE TEAMS: a. Roster sizes for Competitive Teams will comply with Policy 302.10. b. Games roster for Competitive Teams that allow more than 18 players on their roster: 1. Competitive League Games and State Tournaments: Game rosters for U13-U19 teams shall be limited to 18. 2. Competitive 2 League Games and State Tournaments for Competitive 2 and lower Competitive levels: 51 c. All players listed on the LSA roster are eligible to play unless there is a player serving a suspension. Guest players (inter-club) and Club Pass Players (intra-club): 1. Guest Players (inter-club) are NOT allowed in LCSL games. 2. Club Pass (Intra-club) players are allowed in LCSL games. An eligible club pass player is any any youth player who is a registered youth player of the club. US Youth Soccer Rule 101 defines a club as an organization providing soccer to youth players that is a member of a state association. Soccer clubs that have operations in multiple states are considered different clubs for application of the club pass rule because the soccer club in each state is registered with a different state association. Club Pass Players may be used in LCSL games as detailed below: a. A player may NOT be a Club Pass Player on a team that is playing in lower league than the team the player is rostered to. For example: A player who is rostered on a Region III SPL or PLC team cannot be a club pass player on any team participating in LCSL. A player who is rostered on Competitive 1 team cannot be a club pass player on a Competitive 2 team. b. A player may be a Club Pass Player on a team that is playing in higher league than the team the player is rostered to. For example: A player who is rostered on a Competitive 2 team can be a club pass player on a Competitive 1 team. c. A player may be a Club Pass Player on a team that is playing in the same league as the team the player is rostered to. For example: A player who is rostered on a Competitive 2 team can be a club pass player on a Competitive 2 team. 52 5. d. Each team will be limited to three Club Pass players per weekend and the team’s game report roster maximum must still comply with the rule of the competition. e. A player cannot play for the team they are rostered to, IN ANOTHER LCSL GAME, while playing as a Club Pass Player with another team DURING THE WEEKEND. WEEKEND IS DEFINED AS FRIDAY THROUGH SUNDAY. f. There is no limit to the amount of LCSL games a team may use Club Pass Players. g. A player who is playing up in age on a team is governed by the same rules with regard to being utilized as a Club Pass Player. The player is governed by the level of the league the team they are rostered to is playing in. h. A team wanting to utilize a Club Pass player for a LCSL game will need to complete LCSL Club Pass Player Form pursuant to the instructions. The form will be signed by THE TEAM COACH TO WHICH THE PLAYER IS ROSTERED AND a club officer/director and approved by LSA and this form will be presented at the LCSL game with game report to the referee and opposing team manager. i. THE TEAM IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING COMPLIANCE WITH THE CLUB PASS RULES. IF A PLAYER PLAYS FOR THE TEAM THEY ARE ROSTERED TO WHILE THEY ARE A CLUB PASS PLAYER TO ANOTHER TEAM, THE TEAM THEY ARE ROSTERED TO WILL BE TREATED AS HAVING PLAYED AN INELIGIBLE PLAYER AND THEIR TEAM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE COMPETITION AND HENCE WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR STATE CUP. Competitive League and Competitive League Scheduling Policy: a. Competitive Scheduling: 1. Competitive League Games in Louisiana Tournaments: League games can be rescheduled to be played in Louisiana tournaments. For league games to be played in a tournament, the tournament would have to agree that the games would be full length and the game must be the first game of the day for both teams on any day of the tournament. Documentation of this must be included with the reschedule request. League games cannot be 53 played in non-Louisiana tournaments. The teams playing league games in the tournament would still be required to pay the full tournament fee however; they would not have to pay the referees for their league game, the tournament would pay the referees. After the tournament schedule is released, if two teams notice that they are playing each other and wish to count it as a league game, they can request that the tournament allow the game to count as a league game (MUST BE REGULATION LENGTH). In this case if both teams agree, teams can play two league games in a day or play a league game that is not the first game of the day at a tournament. Documentation of the tournament’s agreement and both teams agreement must be included with the reschedule request and it must be submitted and approved by LSA by Wednesday at NOON before the tournament weekend. There will be no fine for this type of reschedule. If a team is scheduled to play a league game in a tournament and the team fails to apply to the tournament, it will be treated as if the team failed to play a scheduled league game with appropriate penalties as outlined in Policy 311. If a tournament fails to schedule a league game at their tournament that they agreed to host, the LSA-affiliated club that hosted the tournament will be fined $250 for each league game that they fail to host at their tournament. The fine will be due no later than ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the notice of the fine. 2. Re-scheduling of Competitive League Games: a) Re-scheduling of games will only be done if: i) both teams agree to the reschedule, ii) it is agreed to and requested according to published reschedule procedures ten days prior to the scheduled game date and iii) the schedule change is approved by LSA. b) If the game is not able to be rescheduled within the 10 day rule, the game may be rescheduled from the current date (only removal of game from the upcoming weekend, not 54 adding a game to the upcoming weekend) if all of the following are done: i) both teams agree to the reschedule ii) the new date, time and location is determined and is requested according to the published reschedule procedures iii) the new date, time and location is approved by LSA by NOON the Wednesday before the scheduled match iv) the assignor of the current game agrees to remove the game v) the club of the team requesting the reschedule pays a fine to LSA as follows: -Within 10 days of the approved reschedule LSA must receive the fine in the amount of two times the referee fees of the game. From these funds the local assignor who assigned the game will be paid and the referee crew who was assigned to the game will be paid. -If the fine is not paid within 10 days the Club’s performance bond will be cashed. If a Club’s bond check is deposited, the Club must submit another $250 bond check within 10 calendar days after being notified by LSA that the bond check is being cashed. -If the replacement bond is not received by LSA within 10 calendar days, all teams within the club will not be able to participate in Competitive League or State Tournaments. b. Any team not playing a scheduled Louisiana Competitive League game will be denied participation in Louisiana State Cup. The head coach of the team or the Executive Director or President of the LSA-affiliated club may file an appeal with the Competitive Committee Appeal Panel as defined in Policy 311. If the team that failed to play a scheduled league game is: 1. U11-U13, the team may no longer play the remaining games as official games and all the team’s games will be removed from the league as if the team never participated. If this occurs in the Fall team can participate in the LCSL in the spring, at the Regional level, but cannot participate in State Cup. 2. U14-U18, the team may no longer play the remaining game as official games, and all the team’s games will be removed from the league as if the team never participated. d. Travel Considerations for League Games: 55 1. Competitive 1 (State Wide) League games U13-U18: Each team in a Competitive 1 league will receive generally the same number of games at their home field, away and neutral games. Neutral is defined as where neither team is playing at home but at location that is central to both teams. 2. U11 and U12 League Games: Each team will be scheduled at least 2 home games at their home field per league season, unless extenuating circumstances exist and the limitation for travel time for U11 and U12 league games will be approximately 2 ½ hours. 3. Competitive 2 (Regional League) Games U13- U18: Each team will be scheduled games at their home field equivalent to at least 1/3 of their total league games rounded down to the next whole number if it is a fraction, unless extenuating circumstances exist. The limitation for travel time for Competitive 2 league games will be 3 ½ hours. e. U11 League: There will be two seasons of league play with one in the Fall and one in the Spring. 1. 2. On the Letter of Intent, the club will designate what competitive level they anticipate the team to be so that divisions can formed. LSA will divide the teams into divisions based on their geographic location and club designated level of ability. The goal will be to have three levels of play within U11. In general 1/3 of the teams will be in Competitive, 1/3 of the teams will be in Moderate and 1/3 of the teams will be in Developmental. Each level of play will have two or more divisions. The divisions within each level of play will be balanced divisions (not an A & B). 3. The Competitive U11 League composition will be approved by the Competitive Committee at their August meeting. Fall League play will commence after Labor Day and will be completed no later than the weekend before Thanksgiving. a. Each team must be available for 4 league play weekends, 3 as primary league play weekends, one as a make-up weekend. b. Designated on the team’s Letter of Intent each team will be able to black out two weekends that they are not available to compete in league play for the Fall. 56 c. The league schedule will be posted by September 1 unless that date falls on a weekend or Labor Day. In such a situation, the schedule will be released on the first business day after the weekend. d. Where possible, it will be attempted to schedule more than one game per day on two of the league weekends to allow teams to only have games on one day on some of the weekends. It is desirable, but not required that if two games are played in one day that there is 2 hours of rest from the end of the first game and the start of the second game. On the weekends with games being played on both days, teams should hopefully have one home game each weekend and one travel game each weekend but in some cases scheduling constraints will not allow this. 4. Spring League Play will commence beginning in February and will be completed by the end of March. a. Based on the results of league play in the Fall, the divisions will be realigned as follows: The bottom two teams in Competitive will move to Moderate and the top two teams in Moderate will move to Competitive. The bottom two teams in Moderate will move to Developmental and the top two teams will move to Moderate. Each level of play will have two or more divisions. The divisions within each level of play will be balanced divisions (not an A & B). The divisions will be formed based on results from Fall league play with a consideration given to geography. Teams that do not participate in the Fall league and submit their Letter of Intent by the November 15 deadline will be placed in the Moderate or Developmental league based on the level of play their Club designates. The realignment of the league will be done by LSA. The Competitive Committee will approve the realignment at the December meeting. 57 b. Each team must be available for 4 league play weekends, 3 as primary league play weekends, one as a make-up weekend. c. Each team must submit by December 1, the two black out weekends that they are not available to compete in league play in the Spring. d. The league schedule will be posted no later than January 15. e. Where possible, it will be attempted to schedule more than one game per day on two of the league weekends to allow teams to only have games on one day on some of the weekends. It is desirable, but not required that if two games are played in one day that there is 2 hours of rest from the end of the first game and the start of the second game. On the weekends with games being played on both days, teams should hopefully have one home game each weekend and one travel game each weekend, but in some cases scheduling constraints will not allow this. 5. f. State Tournament: All U11 teams that complete their Competitive league play will be eligible to participate in the State Tournament. U12 League: There will be two seasons of league play with one in the Fall and one in the Spring. 1. The State Cup results of the U11 season (the results of league play are effectively considered as there is realignment done after the Fall and then Spring league play is considered as it is used for State Cup placement so effectively the entire year’s body of work is considered) will be used to determine the competitive level of the team. The team must return 50% plus 1 of its previous year roster to retain its body of work which is used to determine the competitive level of the team. If a team does not return 50% plus 1 of its previous year roster it will be considered a new team for league formation. Note that the 50% test is applied to players and they do not have to be at the same club where the body of work was earned. A club may petition LSA to review the make-up of a team for the placement of that team in the Very Competitive League as opposed to the Competitive League. 58 Such circumstances could result from a team that had players who played up one or more age group the previous seasonal year and the older group moves on but the core (and potentially 50%) remains but it will be playing in same age group as opposed to moving up an age group. LSA can also review the roster of a team that did not participate the previous year to insure that the team belongs in the appropriate Competitive League. 2. LSA will divide the teams into divisions based on their geographic location and competitive level of play based on U11 State Cup results with the 50% test applied. The goal will be to have two levels of play within U12. Approximately 1/3 of the teams will be in Very Competitive with two or more divisions of play and the balance of the teams will be in Competitive with two or more divisions of play. The divisions within each level of play will be balanced divisions (not an A & B). 3. The divisions will be approved by the Competitive Committee at their August meeting. Fall League play will commence after Labor Day and will be completed no later than the weekend before Thanksgiving. a. Each team must be available for 5 league play weekends, 4 as primary league play weekends, one as a make-up weekend. b. Designated on the team’s Letter of Intent each team will be able to black out two weekends that they are not available to compete in league play for the Fall. c. The league schedule will be posted by September 1 unless the date falls on a weekend or Labor Day. In such a situation, the schedule will be released on the first business day after the weekend. d. Where possible, it will be attempted to schedule more than one game per day on two of the league weekends to allow teams to only have games on one day on some of the weekends. It is desirable but not required that if two games are played in one day that there is 2 hours of rest from the end of the first game and the start of the second game. On the weekends with games being played on both days, teams should hopefully have one home game each weekend ad one travel game each weekend, but in some cases scheduling constraints will not 59 4. allow this. Spring League Play will commence beginning in February and will be completed by the end of March. a. Based on the results of league play in the Fall, the divisions will be realigned. 1. The top team in each of the Competitive leagues, based on league play in the Fall will be promoted to Very Competitive. The last place team in each of the Very Competitive leagues will have the option to remain in Very Competitive or move to Competitive. The Very Competitive leagues will be balanced leagues (not an A & B). It is possible that a team that does not play in the Fall league and completes a Letter of Intent by November 15, could be placed in a top division if they are returning 50% plus 1 of its previous year roster and its body of work from the U11 league and State Tournament would place them in the Very Competitive level. 2. The remaining teams in Competitive will be placed accordingly in divisions based on the results of league play in Fall with consideration given to geography. The Competitive leagues will be balanced leagues (not an A & B). 3. Teams that do not participate in the Fall league and submit their Letter of Intent by the November 15 deadline will be placed in appropriate division after reviewing the team makeup and the level of play designated by the Club. If the team played in the league at U11 and the team has returned 50% plus 1 of its previous year roster, its body of work will be used to determine the competitive level of the team and will be placed accordingly. If a team 60 does not return 50% plus 1 of its previous year roster it will be considered a new team for league formation and will be placed in the Competitive level. Note that the 50% test is applied to players and they do not have to be at the same club where the body of work was earned. b. Each team must be available for 4 league play weekends, 3 as primary league play weekends, one as a make-up weekend. d. Each team must submit by December 1, the two black out weekends that they are not available to compete in league play in the Spring. The league schedule will be posted no later than January 15. Where possible, it will be attempted to schedule more than one game per day on two of the league weekends to allow teams to only have games on one day on some of the weekends. It is desirable but not required that if two games are played in one day that there is 2 hours of rest from the end of the first game and the start of the second game. e. f. e. g. On the weekends with games being played on both days, teams should hopefully have one home game each weekend ad one travel game each weekend, but in some cases scheduling constraints will not allow this. State Tournament: All U12 teams that complete their Competitive league play, will be eligible to participate in the State Tournament U13 League: At U13 there will be two seasons of league play: one in the Fall and one in the Spring. There will be three levels of league play unless the number of teams does not allow for it. a. Fall League: LSA will divide the teams into the following leagues based on the results of the previous year Competitive State Tournaments and previous year Spring League play. The team must return 50% plus 1 of its previous year roster to retain their league placement. If a team does not return 50% plus 1 of its previous year roster the team will 61 participate in the league one level below the team’s placement as indicated by their State Cup and spring league results. Note that the 50% plus 1 test is applied to players and they do not have to be on the same club where the ranking was earned. A club may petition LSA to review the make-up of a team for the placement of that team in the Competitive 1 League as opposed to the Competitive 2 League. Such circumstances could result from a team that had players who played up one or more age group the previous seasonal year and the older group moves on but the core (and potentially 50%) remains but it will be playing in same age group as opposed to moving up an age group. LSA can also review the roster of a team that did not participate the previous year to insure that the team belongs in the Competitive 2 League. The levels of league play will be as follows: b. 1. Competitive 1 League: Comprised of 1/3 of the teams in the age group/gender but not to exceed eight (8) teams determined in the following order: (1) previous year State Cup Champion, (2) previous State Cup Finalist (3) previous year Spring Very Competitive League Champions, if there are more than 2, they will be chosen by their ranking at the previous year State Cup (4) previous year State Cup 3rd place team, (5) previous year State Cup 4th place team and so on. 2. C1 Determination League: Comprised of the next 1/3 of the teams in the age group/gender but not to exceed eight (8) teams. 3. Competitive 2 League: The remaining teams will be placed in this league. There will be two or three balanced divisions with a consideration given to geography. League play will commence after Labor Day and will be completed no later than the weekend before Thanksgiving. 1. Each team will commit to 4 league play weekends with a makeup weekend totaling 5 weekends. 62 c. 2. Designated on the team’s Letter of Intent each team will be able to black out two weekends that they are not available to compete in league play for the Fall season. 3. On league weekends, teams could play on Saturday and Sunday. An effort will be made to schedule the games, so that a team will have one home game each weekend. 4. Teams can play 2 league games in one day provided that both teams agree and that the starting time of the second game of the day is at least 2 hours from the ending time of the first game of the day. 5. The league schedule will be posted by September 1 unless that date falls on a weekend or Labor Day. In such a situation, the schedule will be released on the first business day after the weekend. Spring League: LSA will place the teams in the following leagues based on the results of the Fall League. 1. The leagues will be approved by the Competitive Committee at their December meeting: a. Region III Premier League West (South) – The goal is to place zero, two, or four teams in this league as mandated by Region III. LSA is authorized to recommend Louisiana teams to participate in the Region III PLWSouth by order of finish in the LCSL Fall U13 Competitive 1. Teams are not required to participate in PLW-South. LSA is also authorized to recommend a substitute team in the event that a qualified team disbands or elects not to participate in PLW-South. b. Competitive 1 League: Will be 1/3 of the teams in U13 minus the number of teams participating in PLW-South. The league must have six (6) teams and will be comprised of the teams that participated in 63 the Competitive 1 League in the Fall that are not participating in Region III PLWSouth and the highest finishing teams from the C1 Determination League based on the results of Fall league play. c. Competitive 2 League: Should have the same number of teams as the Competitive 1 League, but no more than seven (7). The league will be comprised of the teams from the C1 Determination League who were not promoted to the Competitive 1 League and the top teams from the Competitive 2 Fall league. The top teams will be determined by ranking the teams from all Competitive 2 leagues. The ranking will be done by points and LCSL tie breakers. If the leagues did not all play the same number of games a % will be calculated of Points Earned/Points Possible. d. Competitive 3 League: Will be comprised of the remaining teams from the Fall Competitive 2 League who are not playing in the Spring Competitive 2 League. There will be two or three balanced divisions with a consideration given to geography. Each league should not contain more than 6-7 teams. 2. Spring League play will commence beginning in February and will be completed by the end of March. 3. Each team must be available for 4 league play weekend, 3 as primary league play weekends, on as a makeup weekend. 4. Each team must submit by December 1 the two blackout weekends that they are not available to compete in league play in the Spring. 5. On league weekends, teams could play on Saturday and Sunday. An effort will be made to schedule the games, so that a team will have one home game each weekend. 6. Teams can play 2 league games in one day provided that both teams agree and that starting time of the second game of the day is at least 2 hours from the ending time of the first game of the day. 64 7. d. The league schedule will be posted no later than January 15. State Tournament: All U13 teams that complete their Competitive league play will be eligible to participate in the State Tournament. h. U14-U18 Leagues: At U14-U18 there will be multiple levels of league play. There will be one season of league play that will be played over the Fall and Spring season. The results of the previous year Competitive State Tournaments will determine which league the team will play in. The team must return 50% plus 1 of its previous year roster to retain their league placement. If a team does not return 50% plus 1 of its previous year roster the team will participate in the league one level below the team’s placement as indicated by their State Cup results. Note that the 50% plus 1 test is applied to players and they do not have to be on the same club where the ranking was earned. A club may petition LSA to review the make-up of a team for the placement of that team in the Competitive 1 League as opposed to the Competitive 2 League. Such circumstances could result from a team that had players who played up one or more age group the previous seasonal year and the older group moves on but the core (and potentially 50%) remains but it will be playing in same age group as opposed to moving up an age group. LSA can also review the roster of a team that did not participate the previous year to insure that the team belongs in the Competitive 2 League. The levels of league play will be as follows: -Region III Premier League (if any Louisiana teams qualify) or its successor league, Region III Premier League West – Premier. -Region III Premier League Central or its successor league, Region III Premier League West 2nd – PLW South -Competitive 1 -Competitive 2 LSA will determine the appropriate number of teams to play in the Competitive 1 League and Competitive 2 League, based on the total number of Competitive teams in the age group. The general philosophy will be that 1/3 of the total teams in the age 65 group/gender will be Competitive 1. The remainder of the teams will play in Competitive 2. The Competitive Committee will approve this at the August meeting. 1. Region III Regional Premier League or its successor league, Region III Premier League West - Premier: Qualifications for admission determined by Region III. 2. Region III Premier League Central or its successor league, Region III Premier League West 2nd – PLW South. Placement in these leagues will be determined as follows: a. LSA is authorized to recommend Louisiana teams to participate in the Region III Premier League Central and its successor league, Region III Premier League West 2nd – PLW South for the slots that are authorized to be filled by qualifications as determined by LSA in the following order from current year U13-U17 to participate during the following soccer year (at the next highest age group): 1. Current Year Competitive 1 State Champion 2. Current Year USYS Regional Champion 3. Current Year Region III Premier League Central Champion 4. Current Year Competitive 1 State Finalist 5. Additional teams in order of finish in Competitive 1 State Tournament. Any team that is removed from a Region III Premier League, hence not completing their required league participation for NCS qualification, will result in the team being required to participate in the Louisiana Competitive 1 League. If the timing of the removal from the Region III Premier League does not reasonably allow the team to be scheduled into the existing Louisiana Competitive 1 League, the team will not be able to participate in the Louisiana Competitive 1 League and hence will not be able to participate in the Louisiana Competitive State Tournament. LSA is authorized to add a substitute team in the event that a qualified team either disbands or elects not to participate in the Region III Premier League Central or Region III Premier League West 2nd – PLW South. 66 3. Competitive 1 League: Will be comprised of approximately 1/3 of the total teams in the age group/gender. The league must have at least 4 teams in it. If necessary to achieve a 4 team league, the LSA may combine two age groups. Each team will play each other once unless there are 5 or less teams and then each team will place each other twice. The league will be comprised of the following: a. Teams from the Competitive 1 State Tournament that are not participating in one of the Region III Premier Leagues b. The balance of the teams will be the highest finishing teams in the Competitive 2 State Tournament, but no more than the number of teams that are participating in the Region III Premier Leagues. c. The fall portion of league play will commence after Labor Day and will be completed by the weekend before high school practice starts (end of October) and will resume in the spring the weekend after the high school championships and continue through end of March (U14) and the first weekend in April (U15-U18). These dates may be adjusted depending on when Easter falls in a given year and if adjusted will be announced at the AGM. d. Each team will commit to 5 league play weekends with a makeup weekend totaling 6 weekends. e. Designated on the team’s Letter of Intent each team will be able to black out three weekends that they are not available to compete in league play for the soccer year (including both Fall and Spring). f. On league weekends, teams may play on Saturday and Sunday. On the weekends with two games on the weekend, teams should hopefully have one home game each weekend and one travel game each weekend. Teams can play 2 league games in one day provided that both teams agree and that the starting time of the second game of the day is at least 2 hours from the ending time of the first game of the day. 67 g. 4. COMPETITIVE 2 League: Will be comprised of the remaining teams. There will be one to three balanced divisions with a consideration given to geography. Each team will play each other once, unless there are 5 or less teams and then each team will play each other twice. The league will be comprised of the following: a. b. c. d. e. The league schedule will be posted by September 1 unless that date falls on a weekend or Labor Day. In such a situation, the schedule will be released on the first business day after the weekend. Teams from the Competitive 2 State Tournament, who are not playing in the Competitive 1 League, and Competitive 3 State Tournament. The fall portion of league play will commence after Labor Day and will be completed by the weekend before high school practice starts (end of October) and will resume in the spring the weekend after the high school championships and continue through the end of March (U14) and the first weekend in April (U15-U18). Depending on how Easter falls in a given year these dates may be adjusted. If they are adjusted it will be announced at the AGM. Each team will commit to 5 league play weekends with a makeup weekend totaling 6 weekends. Designated on the team’s Letter of Intent each team will be able to black out three weekends that they are not available to compete in league play for the soccer year (including both Fall and Spring). e. On league weekends, teams may play on Saturday and Sunday. On the weekends with two games on the weekend, teams should hopefully have one home game each weekend and one travel game each weekend. Teams can play 2 league games in one day provided that both teams agree and that the starting time of the second game of the day is at least 2 hours from the ending time of the first game of the day. f. The league schedule will be posted by September 1 unless the date falls on a weekend or Labor Day. In such a situation, the scheduled will be released on the first business day after the weekend. State Tournament: All U14-U18 teams that complete their Competitive league play will be eligible to participate 68 in the State Tournament. 6. Louisiana Competitive Soccer League Rules a. RULES OF PLAY 1. Rules of Play shall be in accordance with LSA Tournament Rules, unless hereafter noted. 2. At the referee’s discretion, if a game must be terminated due to inclement weather and/or unsafe field conditions and one half of the game has been completed prior to termination, the results of the match at the time of termination will stand. The game will not be replayed. 3. Teams will surrender Player Passes and a copy of the Game Report generated by the Software Package designated by LSA, which includes the Team Roster to the Referee prior to the beginning of the game. The referee shall check the players against the Game Report and Player Passes prior to the start of the game. If the referee does not perform the above check as he/she is required to, the coaches must perform the above verification before the start of the game. If a team does not have their USYS player passes and a copy of the Game Report at the start of the game, the game may be started but they must be present and checked by the end of the match. If the team is unable to present passes and the Game Report by the end of the match the opposing team will be awarded a 4-0 win. An electronic copy of the Game Report and an electronic copy of the USYS player passes (provided the electronic copy of player passes contains the pictures and shows the front and back of the pass) will be sufficient. If only one of the teams has a copy of the Game Report, that Game Report can also be used to check the other team’s players to their player passes but the players are limited to those shown on the Game Report. 4. Games may end in a tie (no overtimes, etc). 5. If a Louisiana Competitive League Game does not have 3 referees, the game can be played as long as both coaches agree. Every effort should be made to contact 69 the assignor to see if referees can be obtained in a reasonable time. If both coaches do not agree to play the game with less than 3 referees, then the team that had been the home team and was responsible for scheduling the referees will give up their home field advantage for the rescheduled game. If the game was originally to be played at a neutral location, then the game will be re scheduled again at a neutral location. The game that was not played due to 3 referees not being present will go through the reschedule process as shown in the LCSL Procedure document for games not having 3 referees. As a last resort if there is no common date, the game will be played on the makeup date scheduled for the applicable season when the game was originally scheduled, either Fall or Spring. Anytime a game does not have three referees at a league game, LSA needs to be notified. This notification must be done regardless if the teams agree to play the game or not. 6. A player participating in a match as part of league and/or State Cup play must display the name and/or logo of his/her LSA-affiliated club on the jersey or the shorts to be worn during the match. Goalkeepers are exempt. b. PLAYER MISCONDUCT 1. Ejections (send-off): A player who is ejected (sentoff) from a game shall leave the playing area and team sideline under the supervision of a designated adult team representative 2. If a player is sent-off during a game, the team manager shall retain possession of the player pass 3. A player who is ejected (sent-off) from a Competitive League game shall be suspended and as a minimum shall not be allowed to participate in his/her team’s next playable Competitive League game. If a suspended player participates in a Competitive league game before serving the suspension, that game will be recorded as a forfeit and the player will still have to serve the one game suspension 70 c. 4. It is the responsibility of the head coach and team manager to make sure that suspensions are served. They shall notify the referee of suspensions that are being served so that the referee can record that a specific player did not participate in that game. 5. The suspension for an ejection (sent-off) issued in the final Competitive League game will be served in the first game of the State Cup Tournament. As with Louisiana Competitive League, any ejections in the last game of the Sub Regional Premier League, the suspension will be served in the first game of the State Cup. 6. If the suspension is not served in the next Competitive League Game and/or State Cup game, the suspension will be served in the next available game (Competitive League or State Cup) and any games played in by the player will be recorded as a forfeit. TEAM MISCONDUCT A team shall forfeit a game if conduct by players, coaches or spectators causes a game to be prematurely terminated or abandoned. Any caution or send-off in the forfeited game is still subject to penalties and suspensions. d. COACH MISCONDUCT 1. A coach who is ejected (sent-off) shall leave the immediate vicinity of the playing area and is prohibited from any further contact, direct or indirect, with the team during the remainder of that game. If a credentialed team official is not present, the games is terminated and the offending team shall forfeit the game 2. If a coach is sent-off during a game, the team manager shall retain possession of the player/coach pass. 3. A coach who is ejected (sent-off) from a Competitive League game shall be suspended and as a minimum shall not be allowed to participate in his/her team’s next playable Competitive League game. The coach may not be at the soccer complex 71 while serving the suspension, unless he/she is coaching another team. If a suspended coach participates in a Competitive League before serving the suspension, that game will be recorded as a forfeit and the coach will still have to serve the one game suspension. e. 4. It is the responsibility of the head coach and team manager to make sure that suspensions are served. They shall notify the referee of suspensions that are being served so that the referee can record that a specific coach did not participate in that game. 5. The suspension for an ejection (send-off) issued in the final Competitive league game will be served in the first game of the State Cup Tournament. As with Louisiana Competitive League, any ejections in the last game of the Sub Regional Premier League, the suspension will be served in the first game of the State Cup Tournament. PROTESTS & APPEALS Protests and Appeals shall be referred to the Competitive Committee Appeal Panel “CCAP.” The “CCAP” will be chaired (non-voting unless necessary to break a tie) by the Competitive Commissioner. “CCAP” Pool: The panel for the hearing of the protest or appeal will be comprised of designated representatives from clubs that have teams that participate in the Competitive League. Each club that has Competitive teams may submit the names of 1 or 2 people who are willing and knowledgeable to serve on a hearing panel. Each hearing will have no fewer than three and no more than five representatives from the “CCAP” Pool serving on the panel. Clubs involved in the hearing will not have anyone from their club serve on the panel. Each panel hearing a protest or appeal will contain the following makeup, unless all members of the “CCAP” Pool that meet the criteria are unable to participate and then the panel will be comprised of those in the “CCAP Pool that can participate: 72 -“CCAP Pool” member from a Club from the outer extremity or less soccer populated areas of the State (Calcasieu, Crossroads, CABOSA, Natchitoches, NELSA, Sulphur or like). Note the selection of this participant can also fill one of the below membership number criteria. -“CCAP” Pool member from a Club with membership of less than 500 -“CCAP” Pool member from a Club with membership between 500 and 1000 -“CCAP” Pool member from a Club with membership of more than 1000 -Remaining participants of the panel will be from any other participant in “CCAP” pool. -A priority in selecting the panel will be given to “CCAP” Pool members from clubs who have attended the previous 2 out of 3 Competitive Meetings. 1. Protests & Appeals a. To be valid and eligible for consideration, protest or appeal must be received in writing at the LSA office within 3 business days from the scheduled game or occurrence of the event or decision being appealed and must include a certified check or money order made payable to LSA in the amount of $200. Personal checks and cash will not be accepted. The written protest or appeal must include the following before they will be considered: i. a written statement describing the specific grounds for the protest or appeal and ii. a clear and concise statement of the relief or action sought by the protesting or appealing party. b. Only the head coach, club executive director or club president may lodge the protest. c. If involving a game the referee’s game 73 report must be received in the LSA Office before the “CCAP” can take any action. 2. f. d. Any protest relating to goals, nets, or playing field conditions shall be entertained only if an objection had been lodged with the game referee prior to the start of the game. e. The fee required will not be refunded if the protest or appeal is denied; however if the protest or appeal is upheld the fee will be refunded. f. An Appeal is allowed if the appeal falls under one or more of the conditions listed in Policy 312 Appeals of Competitive Committee Appeal Panel a. Decisions of the Competitive Committee Appeal Panel may only be appealed to the LSA Executive Board. The procedures to file an appeal are the same as those detailed above. b. Decision of the LSA Executive Committee may only be appealed to the USSF if applicable. TABULATION OF RESULTS 1. Competitive League games will be scored as follows: 3 Points for a win, 1 point for a tie and 0 points for a loss. 2. Ties will be broken per Policy General Tournament Rules. 3. To apply tie breakers to age groups that have divisions that do not have the same number of teams the following will be used for the application of Most Wins, Goal Differential and Goals Allowed if they are part of the tie breakers: a. Most Wins: number of wins divided by the number of games played. b. Goal Differential (maximum of plus or minus 74 4). For example for a score of 2-1, the goal differential for the winning team would be +1. Another example is 5-0, the winning team’s goal differential would be +4. If the divisions do not have the same number of teams, and a tie exists between two teams in different divisions calculate a percentage. The percentage would be calculated as follows: Goal Differential/Maximum Possible Goal Differential (each game’s maximum would be assumed to be +4). c. Goals Allowed (no maximum). If the divisions do not have the same number of teams, and tie exists between two teams in different divisions calculate the average goals allowed per game. The average would be calculated as follows: Goals Allowed/Games Played g. REPORTING GAME RESULTS The team manager of each team is required to post the game score and Yellow and Red cards received by the Friday following completion of the game. All game reports where a red card is received or a red card suspension is being served must be sent to the LSA Office and received by the Friday following completion of the game. If the above deadlines are not complied with the offending team and club will be notified by LSA and given one week to remedy the situation. If the situation is not remedied the $250 Club Performance Bond check will be deposited. If a Club’s bond check is deposited, the Club must submit another $ 250.00 bond check within 10 calendar days of the date of deposit or all of its teams will not be able to participate in Competitive League or State Cup. h. ASSIGNORS/REFEREES 1. Assignment of referees will be the responsibility of Association hosting the Competitive League game. LSA will pay to the host Association a $4.00 per game referee assignor’s fee. Fees are to be submitted to LSA for payment NO later than December 31 for games played in the fall and no later than June 30 for games played in the spring. 2. Payment of referees will be “CASH-IN-HAND” at the field by the team managers prior to the games. Each team will contribute one-half the total referee fees for that age group. Fees are established in Policy 206-3. 75 POLICY 312 – COMPETITIVE STATE TOURNAMENTS 312.1 HOSTING STATE TOURNAMENTS 312.1.1 State tournaments are hosted by various clubs throughout the state. 312.1.2 LSA will solicit proposals from clubs wishing to host a state competition by November 1st of the current soccer year. The invitation to bid will include the LSA Tournament Responsibility Checklist, an estimate of the number of teams participating and field requirements as well as the dates of the games. 312.1.3 Bids to host must be returned to LSA by December 1st and must include: 312.1.3.1 A list and field map of available fields, including length and width of each field to be use and goal sizes. If the bid is based on multiple venues, this should be indicated with the bid to host and field maps must be provided for all sites to be used. 312.1.3.2 A list of blocked hotel/motel rooms and the number of rooms. 312.1.3.3 Prospective hosts for competitive state tournament games must obtain a statement from the LSA State Games & Cup Assignor as to the availability of referees for their location. 312.1.3.4 If a local club desires to impose fees for admission, parking, programs, etc. their request must be submitted with their bid to host. LSA has final approval of imposed fees; therefore, if a bid is contingent upon a fee this also must be noted. 312.1.3.5 The name, address, phone number(s) and email address of the Host Tournament Director. 312.1.3.6 Any financial incentive available to LSA from local organizations such as CVBs. 312.1.3.7 Any availability of complimentary hotel rooms for LSA staff and tournament referees. 312.1.3.8 Any local festivals or major sporting events on the same weekend of the state tournament. 312.1.4 If any part of the Tournament Responsibility Checklist or Policy 312 is not complied with, LSA reserves the right to reduce the amount of the hosting fee paid to the hosting club. 312.1.5 The sites for the current year will be established by the LSA Executive Committee. A subcommittee consisting of the Vice President-Youth, the Competitive Commissioner, the Recreational Commissioner, the Executive Director and the Chairman of the State Referee Committee will examine the bids and make a recommendation to the full Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will vote on the sites and announce the sites at the Winter Midyear Meeting. LSA, in consultation with the host, reserves the right to modify the dates and locations of state tournaments and reserves the right to re-schedule dates and locations due to severe inclement weather. 312.1.6 Clubs hosting state tournaments cannot impose fees without the 76 approval of LSA. 312.2 STATE TOURNAMENT EVENT COMMITTEE 312.2.1 The Youth Competitive/Recreational Commissioners shall serve as the Tournament Directors of their respective tournaments. In the absence of the respective commissioner, the LSA Executive Director shall act as Tournament Director. 312.2.2 There shall be an event tournament committee consisting of the LSA Commissioner responsible for the competition (or his/her designee), the LSA Vice President Youth (or his/her designee), the LSA Tournament Referee or the host Tournament Senior Referee. 312.2.3 The LSA Tournament Director shall be responsible for the enforcement and interpretation of the LSA Tournament Rules as published. 312.2.4 The LSA Tournament Referee or the host Tournament Senior Referee shall be responsible for the enforcement and interpretation of the modified FIFA Laws of the Game. 312.2.5 No member of this Tournament Committee shall be allowed to officiate during this event. 312.2.6 This committee shall hear protests and resolve other problems that arise during the tournament. Decision will be FINAL AND BINDING. 312.3 AWARDS FOR STATE TOURNAMENTS 312.3.1 Champion and Runner-up awards (trophies or medals) will be given to each player and coach of the first and second place teams in all age groups of State Tournaments. 312.3.2 If a team earns first place as the only entry in an age/gender division, awards will not be given. 312.4 ENTRIES 312.4.1 All entry forms and tournament fees must be submitted to LSA not later than April 1 for all U11-U19 teams. If that date falls on the weekend the due date will be the following Monday. 312. If no entries are submitted for U19 teams by the deadline, the LSA Adult Vice-President may assist the LSA Youth Vice-President in identifying players and forming a team or teams for participation in the Region III US Youth Soccer Championships. 312.4.2 Only teams that have participated in the Competitive leagues shall be admitted to the Louisiana competitive state tournaments, with the exception of U19 teams as there is not league play. 312.4.3 To be eligible to send teams to the Louisiana State tournament competition, a club must have registered with LSA a minimum total of seventy (70) players by October 1 of the current soccer year and be in good standing with LSA for the entire year. EFFECTIVE 2015-2016 SEASONAL YEAR 312.4.4 Entry and participation in the Competitive 1 State Tournament places a responsibility on the Competitive 1 State Tournament highest finishing team that is not attending Regionals as a Region III Premier League team to represent Louisiana at Regionals, and, if successful there, at Nationals. 77 312.4.4.1 The Club sponsoring the Competitive 1 State Tournament highest finishing team that is not attending Regionals as a Region III Premier League team will be responsible for fees and fines charged by Region III or US Youth Soccer for withdrawal. These fees may reach $3,000 or higher. 312.4.4.2 Failure to pay the fine within 30 days of receipt of the fine in writing from LSA shall result in that Club being deemed henceforth "not in good standing" and teams from that Club shall be denied participation in all age gender groups in LCSL and, therefore, any Louisiana State Tournament until said fee is paid. 312.4.5 Teams participating in the Presidents Cup (Competitive 2) State Tournament in age groups that advance to the Regional Presidents Cup Tournament must indicate when they check-in for Championship weekend on the designated form, if their team will attend the Regional Presidents Cup Tournament. 312.5 TEAM ELIGIBILITY AND ROSTER FREEZE DATES 312.5.1 COMPETITIVE I STATE TOURNAMENTS (US YOUTH SOCCER NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES C1 COMPETITIONS (U13 – U19) 312.5.1.1 The team may only enter the LSA competition if at least 50 percent of its players are registered in Louisiana. 312.5.1.2 The team must compete in at least a 4-team approved league during the current seasonal year in LSA, US Youth Soccer Region III League or US Youth Soccer National League, except for the U-19 age group for boys and girls. The league competition must consist of a minimum of one game against each of 3 different teams participating in the league. 312.5.1.3 The team must demonstrate continuity of rosters between the league and every level of the National Championships competitions by maintaining a minimum of 9 players common to the roster of the team at every level of the competitions. Continuity of roster shall be based on the league roster as of the team’s first league game. 312.5.1.4 A club may issue a club pass to any youth player who is a registered youth player of the club before the team to which such youth player is to be rostered for the State Association level of the National Championships competitions submits its National Championships roster for its first competition at the State Association level. 312. The player pass issued to a player by a LSA member club, in compliance with rules of LSA, which specifies the club of which the player is registered and is shown on the pass is a Club pass. 312. US Youth Soccer Rule 101 defines a club as an organization providing soccer to youth players that is a member of a state association. Soccer clubs that have operations in multiple states are considered different clubs for application of the club pass rule because the 78 soccer club in each state is registered with a different state association. 312.5.1.5 Every team in the National Championships Series competitions shall have a: 312. Team Roster - A team roster shall have a minimum of 9 registered players on its roster at all times. 312. National Championships Roster - based on its Team Roster at the State Association level of the National Championships competitions. The team roster may have up to 22 youth players on the roster at all levels of the competitions. 312. the National Championship Roster may not have more than 5 rostered youth who were previously rostered during the current seasonal year with a club other than the club of which the team is a member. 312. A team may add to its National Championship roster for that level as many registered youth players holding club passes of that club of which a team is a member as the team or its club determines so long as the roster does not exceed 22 players subject to the team being able to demonstrate continuity of rosters between the league and every level of the National Championships competitions by maintaining a minimum of 9 players common to the roster of the team at every level of the competitions. 312. A youth player may be on the National Championships roster of only one team at each level of the National Championships competitions during any seasonal year. However, a youth player who was rostered to a team of a club at a National Championship competition level that does not advance to the next level may be rostered to another team of that club at the next level of the National Championship competitions. 312. The team must provide its National Championships roster for National Championships competitions as follows: a. at the State Association level, the Monday of the week preceding the week of the start of Competitive State Tournament for the age group, unless an age group advances to Regionals by virtue of being the only 79 team in its age group; in this case the roster freeze date will be set by LSA; b. at the regional level, shall be determined by the region which shall be no later than 7 days prior to the beginning of the team’s age group competition at the regional level; c. at the national level, shall be determined by the National Championships Committee which shall be no later than 7 days prior to the beginning of that team’s age group competition at the national level. 312. Game Roster - The game roster shall have a maximum of 18 players and a minimum of 7 players. Every player listed on the game roster must be included on the team’s National Championships roster to be eligible to participate with the team in the National Championships competitions. 312. A team may have on its team roster only players of the following age groups for the seasonal year in which the team is participating in the National Championships: 312. For teams competing in the Under 13, Under 14 and Under 15 age groups, each player on the team must be: of the age of the age group competition in which the team is participating in that seasonal year, or of the age in either of the next 2 younger age groups of that age group competition in which the team is participating in that seasonal year. 312. For the teams competing in the Under 16, Under 17, Under 18, and Under 19 age groups, each player on the team must be: of the age of the age group competition in which the team is participating in that seasonal year, or of the age of any younger age group, through the Under 14 age group, of that age group competition in which the team is participating in that seasonal year. 312. A team may compete in only one age group of the National Championships competitions during the seasonal year. 312.5.1.6 Under 11 and Under 12 state competitions are not part of the National Championship series but are conducted using the same guidelines as above. 312. Since U11 and U12 state competitions are not part of NCS, players from U11 and U12 Competitive I teams may use a club pass to participate on a Competitive I team from their club at the NCS state 80 tournament if that tournament takes place after the team has been eliminated from the U11 or U12 state tournament. 312. Players utilized as above are obliged to follow NCS roster rules once they appear on an NCS roster at the U13 age groups or higher. 312.5.2 ALL OTHER COMPETITIVE COMPETITIONS, INCLUDING US YOUTH SOCCER PRESIDENTS CUP (C2 COMPETITIONS U13 - U17) 312.5.2.1 The team may only enter the LSA competition if at least 50 percent of its players are registered in Louisiana. 312. A team participating in the Presidents Cup must enter the competition in their age appropriate brackets (as defined by US Youth Soccer). If the team plays up into an older age bracket and the team wins the State competition, the team will not be eligible to advance to the Region III Presidents Cup competition. 312. A club may issue a club pass to any youth player who is a registered youth player of the club and add them to its roster for that level of competition so long as the roster does not exceed the maximum and that the youth player was never on US Youth National Championship series roster. 312. The player pass issued to a player by an LSA member club, in compliance with rules of LSA, which specifies the club of which the player is registered and is shown on the pass is a Club pass. 312. USYS Rule 101 defines a club as an organization providing soccer to youth players that is a member of a state association. Soccer clubs that have operations in multiple states are considered different clubs for application of the club pass rule because the soccer club in each state is registered with a different state association. 312. Once a player is rostered to a team’s state tournament roster and that team has passed the Roster Freeze date, the player is NOT allowed to move within his or her club until the player’s team is eliminated from the competition and then only for the next level of competition. 312. The roster freeze date for Presidents Cup teams is the Monday of the week preceding the week of the start of the Presidents Cup State Tournament for the age group, unless an age group advances to Regionals by virtue of being the only team in its age group; in this case the roster freeze date will be set by LSA. 81 312. The team roster may not contain more than five (5) rostered youth players who were previously rostered during the current seasonal year with a club other than the club of which the team is a member. 312. The team must demonstrate continuity of rosters between the league and all levels of the competitions by maintaining a minimum of 9 players common to the rosters at every level of the competition. Continuity of roster shall be based on the league roster as of the team’s first league game. 312. For teams that advance to Presidents Cup Regionals or Nationals, guest players are allowed but no player added to a team after the State Competition shall be previously rostered to a US Youth Soccer National Championship Series team (C1 U13 through U19). 312.5.2.2 Under 11, Under 12, Under 18 and Under 19 Competitive 2 State Tournaments are not part of the Presidents’ Cup but are conducted under the same guidelines as above. 312. Since U11 and U12 state competitions are not part of Presidents Cup, players from U11 and U12 Competitive 2 or below teams may use a club pass to participate on a Competitive 2 or below team from their club at the Presidents Cup state tournament if that tournament takes place after the team has been eliminated from the U11 or U12 state tournament. 312. Players utilized as above are obliged to follow Presidents’ Cup roster rules once they appear on an NCS roster at the U13 age groups or higher. 312. Since U11, U12, U18 and U19 Competitive 2 state competitions, as well as any Competitive 3 and lower levels of Competitive Play, are not part of Presidents Cup or NCS, the following allowance will be made regarding team rosters in the interest of allowing players to play. 312. If, after the roster freeze date, a player is found to be improperly rostered due to human error (i.e. a registration scan was not conducted to determine if the player was rostered with another club during the seasonal year), the player may participate in the state competition with his/her team if the club (a) pays the transfer fee and (b) pays a penalty fee equal to the transfer fee prior to the first day of the state tournament for the age group. 312. Such a player as described above may only participate in the state tournament for his/her age group if the human error has been corrected and the appropriate fees and penalties are paid. 312.6 Teams that Drop out of Competitive State Tournament after registering or fail to play all scheduled games: 312.6.2 A team that drops out of the Competitive State Tournament after 82 April 1st and before the roster freeze date will forfeit its entry fee. The brackets will be realigned for any team dropping out during this period. 312.6.3 A team that drops out of the Competitive State Tournament after the roster freeze date will forfeit its entry fee, and their club will be assessed a fine of $1,000.00 (payable to LSA). Failure to pay the fine within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the assessment in writing from LSA shall result in that club being deemed henceforth "not in good standing" and teams from that club shall be denied participation in all age/gender groups in LCSL or any Competitive State Tournament until said assessment is paid. Brackets will not be realigned for any team dropping out after the roster freeze date. All games for the team will be recorded as 4-0 forfeits. 312.6.4 A team that fails to play all scheduled games at the Competitive State Tournament will cause their club to be assessed a fine of $1,000.00 (payable to LSA). Failure to pay the fine within thirty (30) days of receipt of the assessment in writing from LSA shall result in that club being deemed henceforth "not in good standing" and shall be denied participation in all age/sex groups in LCSL or any Competitive State Tournament until said assessment is paid. All games for the team will be recorded as 4-0 forfeits. The president or executive director of the club may file an appeal to the LSA Executive Committee within 72 hours of the assessment by sending all the Facts & Circumstances surrounding their appeal accompanied by a $200 cashier check or money order made payable to LSA. 312.7 Competitive State Tournaments 312.7.1 All teams that participate and complete all games in the Competitive league are eligible to participate in one of the Louisiana State Tournaments based on their level play as determined by league play. 312.7.2 A team cannot opt to play in a different State Tournament then their league play determined. 312.7.3 To rank the teams in an age group for placement in the Louisiana State Championships, starting with the most competitive as #1 through the number of teams in an age group, all age groups will follow the procedure detailed in Policy 311(D)(4)(e). 312.7.3.1 U11 Teams: 312. There will be 8 team divisions. 312. There will be a winner crowned in each division. 312. The divisions will be formed as follows: Teams will be ranked by their order of finish in spring league play as detailed in Policy 311(D)(4)(e) and placed in a division starting with the #1-#8 teams in one division and the #9-#16 Teams in the next division and so forth until all division are placed in a division. 83 312. If there are not an even number of eight (8) team divisions LSA will decide how to allocate, but brackets will not be larger than eight (8) teams. 312. LSA may also modify the above guidelines, if it is done when the leagues are being realigned after the Fall season. 312. The format will be the standard seeded one weekend format for 8 teams per Policy 312 or if the division has less than 8 teams, the format will be used for the standard one weekend format for that number of teams. 312.7.3.2 U12 Teams: 312. There will be three to four levels of state tournaments as follows: 312. Competitive 1 State Tournament will be comprised of the 8 most competitive teams as determined by spring league play. 312. Competitive 2 State Tournament will be comprised of the next 8 most competitive teams as determined by spring league play. 312. Competitive 3 State Tournament will be comprised of the next 8-12 (depending on the remaining number of U12 teams, with the decision being governed by the number of teams that will be Competitive 4 which must be at least as determined by spring league play. 312. Competitive 4 State Tournament: the remaining U12 teams that are not participating in the Competitive 1, 2, or 3 State Tournament. 312. LSA may also modify the above guidelines, if it is done when the leagues are being realigned after the Fall season. 312. The format will be standard seeded two weekend format for the number of teams in the state tournament. 312.7.3.3 U13-U18 Teams: There will be up to four levels of state tournaments as detailed below: 312. The Competitive 1 State Tournament will have either 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 teams. 312. The Competitive 2 State Tournament will have brackets with the same number of teams (up to 12 teams in Competitive 2) in them unless there are not enough teams to have brackets with the same number of teams and for the Competitive 3 State Tournament to have at least 3 teams in Competitive 3 (2, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 12 teams). 84 312. The format will be standard seeded one or two weekend for the number of teams in the state tournament. 312. If, after applying the below policy on determining the number of teams for the Competitive 1 and 2 state tournaments, the number of teams is determined to be five, seven, nine, ten, or eleven, play-in games will be utilized as follows: 312. If five teams, fifth seed versus fourth seed with winner advancing as fourth seed and the format is standard seeded four-team format. 312. If seven teams, seventh seed versus sixth seed with winner advancing as sixth seed and the format is standard seeded six-team format. 312. If nine teams, ninth seed versus eighth seed with winner advancing as eighth seed and the format is standard seeded eightteam format. 312. If ten teams, tenth seed versus seventh seed and ninth seed versus eighth seed with winners advancing as seventh and eighth seeds (respectively) and the format is standard seeded eight-team format. 312. If eleven teams, eleventh seed versus sixth seed, tenth seed versus seventh seed, and ninth seed versus eighth seeds with winners advancing as sixth, seventh, and eighth seeds (respectively) and the format is standard seeded eight-team format. 312. Play-in games are considered part of the state tournament. Teams that do not win their play-in game will be refunded part of their state tournament fee as shown on the state tournament application. 312. If a team elects not to participate in a playin game, written notice must be provided to LSA no later than 96 hours prior to the scheduled match time. If such notice is provided, the team will be refunded all state tournament fees without penalty. 312. Play-in games will be played after all LCSL games for that age/gender group are completed for the seasonal year. 312.7.4 Competitive 1 State Tournament: The number of teams will be determined as follows: 312.7.4.1 Calculate C1 State Cup Goal Number by taking 1/3 of the total teams in the age group/gender. If this number is not a whole number round up to the next 85 number. 312.7.4.2 If C1 State Cup Goal Number calculated in a) above is an odd number other than three, round down to the next even number, now known as Final C1 State Cup Goal Number. 312.7.4.3 Calculate the total number of teams in RIII Premier League plus the teams in LCSL C1 that were prior year C1 State Cup teams. If this number if an odd number other than three, round down to the next even number, now known as RIIIPL-LCSLC1. 312.7.4.4 If Region III Premier Leagues have greater than 2 teams take the greater of Final C1 State Cup Goal Number (calculated in b) above) or RIIIPL-LCSLC1 (calculated in c) above); if not, take the lesser, now known as C1 State Cup Number of Teams. 312.7.4.5 If C1 State Cup Number of Teams (calculated in d) above) will be comprised of all Region III Premier League teams, this number will be increased to the next even number unless the number is less than four, then it will be increased to the next number, provided that: the LCSL C1 league is pure age, at least 1 team in LCSL C1 is a prior year C1 State Cup team and the Final C1 State Cup Goal Number (calculated in b) above) was achieved by rounding down. 312.7.5 Competitive 2 State Tournament: The goal will be an 8 or 12 team tournament (following the above state quality parameters) comprised of the Competitive 1 State League teams not participating in Competitive 1 State Tournament plus the top teams from the Competitive 2 and 3 league play. 312.7.5.1 Invitations to attend the Region III Presidents’ Cup will offered to state tournament winners and if unable to attend to state finalist in order of finish for U13-U17 teams. 312.7.6 Competitive 3 State Tournament: Will be the remaining teams that are not participating in the Competitive 2 State Tournament. 312.7.7 U19 Teams: U19 teams may elect to participate in either the Competitive 1 or 2 State Tournament. 312.7.7.1 Competitive 1 State Tournament: State Champions will represent Louisiana at the USYS Regional event and depending on their performance at Regionals at USYS Nationals. 312.7.7.2 As U19 Boys and Girls do not participate in a league, seeding will be determined by a random draw conducted by the LSA. The format will be a standard seeded one or two weekend format determined by the number of teams that enter the State Tournament. 312.7.7.3 Competitive 2 State Tournament: As U19 Boys and 86 Girls do not participate in a league, seeding will be determined by a random draw conducted by the LSA. The format will be a standard seeded one or two weekend format determined by the number of teams that enter the State Tournament. 312.7.8 For the Competitive State Tournaments, teams will be ranked from #1 to the number of teams in the age group for placement in the appropriate state tournament based on results of league play in Region III Southern Premier League (which includes all Region III leagues) and LCSL (U11-U13 spring league results and U14-U18 year-long league results) as follows: 312.7.8.1 The teams participating in the Region III Regional Premier League or its successor league Region III Premier League West - Premier will be seeded first, second, etc. (depending on number of LA teams in the league) based on their order of finish. 312.7.8.2 The teams participating in the Region III Premier League Central or its successor league, Region III Premier League West 2nd-PLW South will be seeded after the teams participating in the Region III Regional Premier League or its successor league Region III Premier League West - Premier based on their order of finish. 312.7.8.3 The teams participating in the Region III Premier League West South (U13 league) based on their order of finish. 312.7.8.4 The teams participating in the Competitive 1, Very Competitive (U12) or Competitive (U11) LCSL will be seeded after the team’s participating in the Region III Premier League, based on the order of the final standings in the LCSL. If there is more than one division at one of the levels the divisions will be merged together as defined below in Policy 311(D)(4)(f). 312.7.8.5 The teams participating in the Competitive 2, Competitive (U12) or Moderate (U11) LCSL will be seeded after the teams participating in the leagues defined above, based on the results of LCSL. If there is more than one division at one of the levels, the divisions will be merged together as defined below in Policy 312.7.9. 312.7.8.6 The teams participating in the Developmental (U11) LCSL will be seeded after the teams participating in the leagues defined above, based on the results of LCSL. If there is more than one division at one of the levels, the divisions will be merged together as defined below in Policy 312.7.9. 312.7.9 If there is more than one division at one of the levels of play the divisions will be merged together as defined below: 87 312.7.9.1 If all of the teams from the divisions played the same number of games, then they will be ranked as follows: a. Points, followed by Tie Breakers b. Most Wins c. Net Goal Differential (Max +/- 4) d. Goals Allowed e. Goals For (Max 4) if still tied f. Flip of a coin by LSA office 312.7.9.2 If the all of the teams from the divisions did not play the same number of games, then a percentage will be calculated as follows: a. Point percentage. Calculated as points earned/total possible points. b. Win percentage. Calculated as # of wins/# of games played). c. Goal differential percentage (maximum of plus or minus 4). Calculated as: goal differential/maximum possible goal differential with each game's maximum being +4). d. Goals allowed percentage (no maximum: goals allowed/games played). Calculated as Goals Allowed/Games Played. e. Goals For Percentage (Maximum of 4 per game). Calculated as Goals For/Games Played. f. Flip of coin by LSA office. 312.7.10 A Player or team official at the a game site to participate in game of the competitions may only have on the outer wear of the player or team official a name, logo, or other identifying mark of a YOUTH SOCCER ORGANIZATION that is US Youth Soccer, a State Association or other member of US Youth Soccer. Any other identifying mark of any other youth soccer organization must be removed, replaced, or covered before the player or team official may continue to remain at the game site for the game. 312.7.11 A player participating in a match as part of State Cup play must display the name and/or logo of his/her LSA-affiliated club on the jersey or the shorts to be worn during the match. Goalkeepers are exempt. 312.8 GENERAL TOURNAMENT RULES 312.8.1 RULES OF PLAY Except as otherwise noted, the rules and procedures set forth in 88 the FIFA "Laws of the Game" as modified by US Youth Soccer shall apply to all tournament games. 312.8.2 TEAM AND GAME ROSTERS 312.8.2.1 Violations of player or team eligibility rules will result in the forfeiture of any game in which an ineligible team or player has participated. The coach is ultimately responsible for verifying player eligibility. 312.8.2.2 The official team roster used for player verification and tournament eligibility shall be the official LSA roster as provided by LSA for the state tournaments. Team rosters must have player’s jersey number listed. Team rosters presented by coaches, managers or club officials at the tournament site are not acceptable. 312.8.2.3 Game rosters shall be governed by 311 (4). If 311 (4) limits the number of players who may participate in a game to less than those allowed to be on their roster the following procedure shall be followed: 312. The names of the players who will not be participating in the game shall be marked through on the official LSA roster and submitted to the referee no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of each game. 312. Once submitted to game referee changes will not be accepted unless approved by tournament officials. 312. All players listed on the game rosters shall have a jersey number printed on the roster. Any changes to the jersey number must be written in on the game roster prior to the start of the game. 312.8.2.4 Players serving a suspension must be identified but the game roster is not reduced accordingly. 312. The player may return to the complex for the next game but he/she must sit on the spectator side of the field as a spectator. He/she cannot use a bench pass to sit with the team. 312.8.2.5 Additional players listed on the team roster, but not playing and are not on the game roster cannot be in uniform but may be seated with the team in the technical area. 312. These non-playing persons of the team will be considered team officials. 312. Although team officials cannot commit misconduct or be shown a card, they may be dismissed from the field for irresponsible behavior. 312. Any player so ordered will not be allowed to participate in their next scheduled game and may be subject to additional penalties. 312.8.3 PLAYER AND COACH PASSES / MEDICAL RELEASE FORM 312.8.3.1 Each player shall have one and only one original 89 US Youth Soccer ID pass and each coach shall have one and only one original US Youth Soccer ID pass for the team or teams he/she coaches (list all teams on one pass). 312. This pass shall have the person's picture (of the current seasonal year), the date of birth (required for players only) and signature and be signed by a club official. 312. All passes must be individually laminated. 312.8.3.2 The coach must surrender all passes to Tournament Director or his designee for verification and processing on the first day of the tournament at least 30 minutes prior to the team's first game. 312.8.3.3 Failure to have verification prior to the first game may result in the team being deemed ineligible for the tournament and all bracket games being recorded as forfeits. 312.8.3.4 After verification has taken place, failure of a team to present passes to the game official prior to the beginning of a game may result in that bracket game being recorded as a forfeit. 312.8.3.5 No player or coach shall be allowed to enter the team sideline that does not have a pass, which has been validated by the Tournament Director (or his designee) even if it results in forfeiture of the game. 312.8.3.6 All player passes shall be surrendered to the referee prior to the beginning of each game. 312.8.3.7 The coach (es), a maximum of four (4) per team, shall maintain custody of their coach pass, and the pass shall be visually displayed while on the team sideline. 312.8.3.8 Teams must have a credentialed coach/team official from their club to participate. If a credentialed team/official from their club is not present during the entire game, the game is terminated and will be deemed a forfeit. 312.8.3.9 Invalid passes will be confiscated by the Tournament Director and sent to the LSA Office. 312.8.3.10 Coaches must have a Medical Release Form for each player participating in tournament play, which will be verified at team check-in; however, that team's coach is to maintain custody of the actual forms. 312.8.4 MINIMUM FIELD SIZES 312.8.4.1 The following minimum field sizes shall apply to tournament play. (Maximum size is set forth in FIFA "Laws of the Game"). Age Field Goal • U15 and older 110 yards by 70 yards 8 feet by 24 feet 90 • U13-14 • U11-12 312.8.4.2 110 yards by 60 yards 8 feet by 24 feet 70 yards by 50 yards 7 feet by 21 feet For U11 & U12 Competitive State Cup and League play the fields and goals must comply with the following: Length: minimum 70 yds – maximum 80 yds Width: minimum 50 yds – maximum 55 yds 312.8.4.3 The above requirement may be modified by LSA if: 312. There are no clubs that can host the Competitive State tournament due to the size requirements. 312. Severe weather, rain or other circumstances make it impossible to continue the Competitive State Cup tournament and comply with the size requirements. 312.8.4.4 For applications of small-sided games and for players with disabilities, any or all of the following may be modified: Size of the field of play Size, weight and material of the ball Width between the goalposts and height of the crossbar from the ground The duration of the periods of play Substitutions Further modifications are only allowed with the consent of LSA or duly appointed committees having jurisdiction over play 312.8.4.5 The host club shall prepare the fields, including the spectator boxes. The following diagram illustrates team and spectator placement if using adjacent fields: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Team X Team Y Team A Team B Team A Spectators Team B Spectators Team C Spectators Team D Spectators ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------312.8.4.6 Each team must bring its own game ball and furnish it for games if requested to do so by the referee. 312.8.5 REFEREES 312.8.5.1 Certified and currently registered USSF Referees must be used for all tournament games. 312.8.5.2 The referees will use the three referee system and should be neutral whenever possible. 312.8.5.3 A fourth official, if available may be used in all semifinal and final games. 312.8.6 HOME TEAM 312.8.6.1 The team listed first in each pairing shall be designated as the 91 home team. 312.8.6.2 The home team shall: 312. Wear light jersey if in the opinion of the referee there is a conflict. 312. Select its side of the field (halfway line), if there is a choice. 312.8.7 GRACE PERIODS 312.8.7.1 Teams are expected to be ready to play at the scheduled time of the match. 312.8.7.2 Teams not ready to play at the scheduled start time of any match shall be granted a ten (10) minute grace period. 312. For 11 v 11 games, a minimum of seven (7) players is needed to start a game. 312. For 8 v 8 games, a minimum of five (5) players is needed to start a game. 312.8.7.3 If either or both teams are not on the field of play within the ten minute grace period, the referee shall notify the Tournament Committee the failure of the team to arrive within the grace period. 312.8.7.4 The Tournament Committee shall review the circumstances surrounding the failure of a team to appear and may: a. Allow additional grace time b. Order the game to be played at another time and place of the Committee’s choosing c. Award a forfeit to the other team if only one has failed to appear 312.8.7.5 Only the Tournament Committee may decide that a forfeit will be awarded to a team. 312.8.7.6 All participants in the match shall remain on the field of play until dismissed by the Tournament Committee. If a team leaves before being dismissed, that departure may be considered a forfeit. 312.8.7.7 The decision of the Tournament Committee in this matter is final and not subject to appeal. 312.8.8 PLAYER'S EQUIPMENT (UNIFORMS) 312.8.8.1 All players shall wear age appropriate sized-specific manufactured shin guards. 312.8.8.2 Knee-high stockings, both of the same color, shall be worn over the shin guards and shall cover the same. 312.8.8.3 All field players on a team shall wear similar color jerseys, similar color shorts, and similar color stockings. 312.8.8.4 The color of a team's jerseys may be different from the color of the team's shorts and/or stockings. 312.8.8.5 A legible non-duplicate number (6" min. height) on the back of each jersey is required. 312.8.8.6 Teams will have jerseys that are distinguishable from each other at all scheduled games. 312.8.8.7 Players and substitutes shall not change numbers or remove their jerseys prior to the completion of the game without specific 92 permission of the referee. 312.8.8.8 All players starting each half or entering the field as substitutes shall have their jerseys fully tucked into their shorts. Jerseys that come out during the course of play will not be cause for interference by the referee. 312.8.8.9 The following items are NOT permitted: Hair control devices with any hard parts. Earrings of any kind regardless of covering. Jewelry of any sort. 312.8.8.10 The following items are CONDITIONALLY permitted: Religious medals or medical tags which are taped to the body. Splints, casts, braces or other joint support devices which, in the referee's opinion, are not inherently dangerous or are padded with pliable materials to eliminate the dangerous condition. Goalkeeper hat with soft pliable brim for shielding eyes from direct sunlight. 312.9 LENGTH OF THE GAME, OVERTIME PERIODS, AND BALL SIZES 312.9.1 State Cup matches shall use the following rules to govern the length of the match, overtime period, and appropriate ball size. Age Group Game Length Overtime Ball Size COMPETITIVE I U19(U18/U17) U16(U15) U14(U13) U12(U11) 2-45 2-40 2-35 2-30 min min min min halves halves halves halves 2-15 2-15 2-10 2-10 min min min min periods periods periods periods #5 #5 #5 #4 COMPETITIVE II AND BELOW/ RECREATIONAL U19(U18/U17) 2-45 min halves 2-10 min periods U16(U15) 2-40 min halves 2-10 min periods U14(U13) 2-35 min halves 2-10 min periods U12(U11) 2-30 min halves 2-5 min periods #5 #5 #5 #4 312.9.2 During single elimination competition (e.g., after round robin competition is completed) if a game ends in a tie, two complete overtime periods will be played at the end of normal playing time. If the game is still tied at the end of the overtime periods, FIFA kicks from the penalty mark will be used to decide the winner. 312.9.3 If the referee determines that the game must be suspended due to weather conditions, the Tournament Committee will decide when the game is to be restarted. 312.9.3.1 Bracket – Round-robin competition (tied scores can stand) 312. If the game cannot be restarted within 60 minutes from the stoppage, the game will be terminated. 312. A second stoppage of play due to weather conditions after a restart will automatically result in termination of the game. 312. If the game is terminated the following will apply: 312. If one-half of the game has been completed 93 prior to the termination, the result of the match at the time of termination will stand. The match WILL NOT be replayed. 312. If less than one-half of the match has been completed at the time of termination, the Tournament Committee will evaluate the Tournament Standings and decide if the terminated game is needed to determine final standings. If necessary a make-up game will be scheduled by the Tournament Committee at a time and place of their choosing. 312.9.3.2 Championship Games or games that cannot end in a tie 312. If the game cannot be restarted within 60 minutes from the stoppage of play, the Tournament Committee can: 312. Rule that if one-half of the game has been completed prior to the termination, the result of the match at the time of termination will stand; or 312. Waive the restart time limit and continue the game once conditions allow play to resume; or 312. Rule that if less than one-half of the match has been completed at the time of stoppage, the match will be replayed in its entirety at a time and place of the Tournament Committee’s choosing. 312.9.3.3 State Cup Games 312. If a game must be suspended for any reason, the LSA Tournament Committee will decide when and if the game will be restarted, rescheduled or terminated. 312. The LSA Tournament Committee has the discretion to rule that the game is complete only if play is stopped after completion of the first half and to shorten the duration of the games or to use other methods to establish a winner if conditions require. 312. Every effort will be made to play State Cups using the length of the matches as stated above. 312.10 SUBSTITUTIONS 312.10.1 At the state championship tournaments, substitutions shall be unlimited. 312.10.2 For Competitive 1 age groups U15 and above, a maximum of seven (7) substitutions for each team shall be allowed in each game during each half of play and during overtime play. After leaving a game during a half of play, the substituted player may not re-enter the game during that same half of play. After leaving the game during overtime play, the substituted player may not re- 94 enter the game. 312.10.3 Substitutions may be made with the consent of the referee, at the following times: Prior to a throw-in in your favor. Prior to a goal kick by either team. After a goal by either team. After an injury by either team when the referee stops play. At half time. When the referee stops play to caution a player, only the cautioned player may be substituted prior to the restart of the game. 312.11 CONDUCT OF COACHES, PLAYERS AND SPECTATORS 312.11.1 Coaches are responsible for controlling the actions of their players and team officials. 312.11.2 A referee has full authority to terminate a game if a player or a coach becomes unruly or physically menaces a referee or other player(s). If the game must be terminated, it will be considered a forfeit. 312.11.3 If a spectator(s) becomes unruly or physically menaces a referee or player(s), the referee has full authority to temporarily suspend the match, pending the removal of the spectator(s). Any person reasonably construed as being associated with a team shall be subjected to the jurisdiction and authority of Tournament Director or his designee. 312.11.4 All team's spectators must stay on the opposite side of the field from where their team's bench is located, and within the spectator boxes. The spectator boxes shall be two yards back from the touchline and twenty yards in length on either side of the halfway line. 312.11.5 Coaching staff (not to exceed four non-playing persons) and players shall stay on the opposite side of the field from the spectators and within their designated team area. No one shall be on or in close proximity to the goal lines unless seated in bleachers. 312.11.6 No coach or spectator may interfere with the opposing team in any way. The use of noise making, amplifying devices, or laser pointers is prohibited. 312.11.7 If a coach walks off the field with his/her team during tournament play, before the game is terminated by the referee, for any reason other than for the health and safety of his players in the form of undue roughness or bad weather; that game shall be forfeited and the team will not be allowed to continue play in the tournament. 312.11.7.1 If the coach feels his/her players are under unnecessary danger and the game is not under control, he should first, before leaving the field, request for the Tournament Referee to observe the game. 312.11.7.2 Decisions of the Tournament Referee are final. 312.12 MISCONDUCT 95 312.12.1 Cautions Cautions issued to players or coaches are not cumulative from game to game. 312.12.2 Send-offs 312.12.2.1 A player who is sent-off from a game shall be escorted from the team sideline to the tournament headquarters area by the field marshal. 312. The player must remain at the headquarters area for the remainder of that game and will be escorted back to the team sideline by the field marshal at the conclusion of the game. 312. A player may leave the headquarters area before the conclusion of the game only if accompanied by a parent, and only if they leave the soccer complex. 312.12.2.2 A coach who is sent-off may stay at the headquarters area until the conclusion of that game or may leave the soccer complex. 312. The sent-off coach is prohibited from any further contact, direct or indirect, with the team for the remainder of the game. 312. This includes providing any technical or tactical information in any visible or audible manner. This includes, but not necessarily limited to, the use of any form of electronic means (i.e. cell phone, 2way radio, text messages) or communicating through a third party. 312.12.3 Suspensions 312.12.3.1 A player who is sent off from a game shall be suspended and as a minimum shall not be allowed to participate in his team’s next scheduled playable tournament game of that tournament. 312. The player may return to the complex for the next game but he/she must sit on the spectator side of the field as a spectator. 312. He/she cannot use a bench pass to sit with the team. 312.12.3.2 A coach who receives a second cumulative caution (in the same match) or a send-off shall receive a minimum one game suspension. The coach is to serve the suspension at that particular team’s next playable game. 312. The suspension is not to penalize a different team, if the coach is coaching multiple teams. 312. The coach may not be at the soccer complex in capacity while serving the suspension unless coaching another team. 312. If by the time the suspension is to be served, the coach no longer coaches the team with which he/she received the suspension, he/she will the suspension at his/her next State Cup game, 96 regardless of team or club affiliation. 312.12.3.3 The Tournament Committee has the right to review all send-offs (referee assault will be dealt with by LSA) and add penalties and suspensions during the duration of the tournament. 312.12.3.4 It is a National Championship rule that a send-off received in the last game of Competition carries over to the next year of competition. 312. The suspension for any player/coach who received a send-off in the last game of last year’s competition (bracket game or championship game at State Cup at the Competitive I Level, Regional or National Competition in the National Championship Series) must serve the suspension in the first game of this year’s State Cup Competitive I only. 312. The player/coach must serve the suspension no matter which team or association he/she is playing with this year. 312. This is addition to serving any suspension due to sendoffs during this soccer year. 312.12.4 Team Misconduct 312.12.4.1 A team shall forfeit a game if its conduct causes a game to be prematurely terminated or abandoned. 312.12.4.2 Any cautions or send-offs in the forfeited game are still subject to the penalties outlined in parts a, b and c of this section. 312.12.4.3 Such team shall also be subject to a hearing with the LSA Discipline and Appeals Committee within twenty-one (21) days. 312.12.5 Procedure for Reporting Misconduct 312.12.5.1 At the completion of the match from which there was player/coach, team or spectator misconduct, the game referee shall complete a USSF Game Report and give a copy of that report to the Tournament Director or his designee. 312.12.5.2 If the player or coach was sent-off, the referee shall turn in the player's pass with the report to the Tournament Director or his designee. 312.12.5.3 All tournament game reports shall be sent to the LSA Office by the Tournament Director. 312.12.6 Any misconduct occurring after the match is over must be reported immediately to the Tournament Committee for appropriate action to be taken. 312.13 POINT AWARDS FOR GAMES 312.13.1 The following points will be awarded for games played during the round-robin competition: 3 points for a win 1 point for a tie 0 points for a loss 97 312.13.2 The following points will be awarded for forfeited round-robin games: The non-forfeiting team shall be accorded: 3 points for a win 4 goals for, 0 goals against The forfeiting team shall be accorded: 0 points for a loss 312.14 TIEBREAKERS 312.14 At the completion of round-robin competition, if two or more teams are tied in the number of points awarded, advancement will be decided in the following sequential order (Note: bracket winners are determined first before wildcards or overall best second teams): 312.14.1 Winner of head-to-head competition during round-robin competition. This applies for advancement only if teams have played one another. 312.14.2 Head-to-Head is not used if more than two teams are tied. 312.14.3 If more than two (2) teams are tied, the following sequence will be followed until a team is eliminated. The remaining teams will then restart the sequence at 312.14.3.2 below, until the tie is broken. 312.14.3.1 312.14.3.2 312.14.3.3 312.14.3.4 312.14.3.5 In all cross bracket formats, if more than two teams are tied then head to head will be used if one team has defeated all other teams with which it is tied. Most wins Team with the greatest net goal difference (NGD) which is computed as “goals for” minus “Goals against” with a maximum of 4 NGD in each game. Example: A team's 3 game scores vs. opponent are: 5 – 1 = +4 1 – 3 = -2 2–2=0 Total goal difference = +2 Team with the least goals against (there is NO limit on the number of goals that will be counted to determine this tiebreaker) Teams with most goals (maximum of 4 goals in each game). FIFA kicks from penalty mark 312.14.2.6 312.15 FORFEITS 312.15.1 A forfeit during the competition shall be considered a withdrawal from the competition. 312.15.2 Should a team in round-robin competition forfeit any match, official game scores for all of that team’s games shall be recorded as 4-0 losses. A team that forfeits a match will be considered to have withdrawn from the tournament. 312.16 PROTESTS 98 312.16.1 All protests related to a Tournament Game that has been played to a conclusion shall be referred to the Tournament Committee of the tournament being played. 312.16.1.1 To be valid and eligible for consideration, each protest must be lodged only by the head coach, club president, or club executive director within one hour of the end of the game under protest or the decision of policy being made and include: 312. A fee in the amount of $200.00. This fee shall be in cash, certified check, or money order and will be paid with the protest. Personal checks will not be accepted. A certified check or money order must be made payable to Louisiana Soccer Association. 312. A written copy of the protest giving full particulars of the grounds on which the protest is lodged. 312.16.1.2 Acceptable causes for protesting the game or decision of policy: 312. Ineligible Player - A team knowingly plays an unregistered, ineligible, or suspended player. 312. Misinterpretation of the Rules - There has been an Obvious error made in the application of the "Laws of the Game" that directly affects the outcome of the match. No protests can be entertained if they are based on decisions made by the referee during play. 312. Grounds, Goal Posts, etc. - Any protest relating the grounds, goal posts, or other appurtenances of the match shall not be entertained unless an objection has been lodged with the referee before the commencement of the match. 312. Misapplication of LSA Bylaws or Policies 312.16.1.3 Upon receipt of a properly lodged protest, the Tournament Committee shall notify: 312. The head coach of the team against whom the protest is made in order for an appropriate defense to be heard 312. The referee of the match under protest, in order to obtain a copy of the game report. 312.16.1.4 Decisions of the Tournament Committee 312. Decisions on protests shall be final and binding on all the teams involved and not appealed to LSA or higher authorities. 312. The protest fee is not refundable if the protest is denied. 312.16.2 All protests related to interpretation of LSA Policy regarding State Cup shall be referred to the LSA Executive Committee. 312.16.2.1 To be valid and eligible for consideration, such a protest may be lodged only by the head coach, club president or executive director by the close of business on the business day following 99 the interpretation being protested and include: 312. A fee in the amount of $200.00. This fee shall be in cash, certified check, or money order and will be paid with the protest. Personal checks will not be accepted. A certified check or money order must be made payable to Louisiana Soccer Association. 312. A written copy of the protest giving full particulars of the grounds on which the protest is lodged. 312.16.2.2 Upon receipt of a properly lodged protest, the LSA Executive Committee shall notify any and all appropriate parties who may be involved in the protest. 312.16.2.3 Decisions of the LSA Executive Committee 312.16.2.4 US Youth Soccer stipulates that all decisions at all levels of the appeal process shall stand and be in full force and effect until changed by a higher authority. 312.16.2.5 The protest fee is not refundable if the protest is denied. TOURNAMENT FORMATS 312.9.1 Non-seeded Single Weekend State Tournament Format TWO TEAMS – One Bracket (2) One-Weekend: Best two out of three games – Sunday game played if needed. No ties – overtime & FIFA Kicks if necessary. A 1 2 Saturday Sunday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 A1 v A2 A2 v A1 A1 v A2 This may be played as a one-match, winner-take-all event if the head coaches of both teams involves agree in writing to forgo the additional match(es). THREE TEAMS – One Bracket (3) One-Weekend: Round robin play – Each team plays 2 games. No ties – overtime & FIFA Kicks if necessary. Winner based on most points accumulated. A 1 2 3 Saturday Sunday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 A2 v A3 A3 v A1 A1 v A2 FOUR TEAMS – One Bracket (4) A 1 One-Weekend: Round robin play – Teams play 3 games. Two teams with most points advance to Finals. 2 100 3 4 Saturday Sunday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 A2 v A3 A3 v A1 A1 v A2 Final A1 v A4 A2 v A4 A3 v A4 MP1 v MP2 FIVE TEAMS – One Bracket (5) One-Weekend: Round robin play – Each team plays 4 games. Ties stand. Winner based on most points accumulated. A 1 2 3 4 5 Saturday Sunday Round Round Round Round Round Round 1 2 3 4 5 6 A5 A3 A1 A5 A4 A1 v v v v v v A2 A5 A3 A1 A5 A2 A4 v A1 A2 v A4 A2 v A3 A3 v A4 SIX TEAMS – Two Brackets (3,3) One-Weekend: Round robin play – Team play 3 games, all crossover. Two teams with most points advance to Finals. A 1 B 1 2 3 2 3 Saturday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Final Sunday A1 v B3 B2 v A1 A1 v B1 MP1 v B1 v A2 A2 v B3 A2 v B2 MP2 A3 v B2 B1 v A3 A3 v B3 SEVEN TEAMS – Two Brackets (3,4) A 1 B 1 2 3 2 3 4 One-Weekend: Round robin play – 4 team bracket plays 3 games, 3 team bracket plays 2 games. First place in each bracket advances to Semi-Finals with Best 2nd & Best 3rd; SF1 = A v Best 2nd & SF2 = B v Best 3rd, unless Best 2nd is from A, then SF1 = A v Best 3rd & SF2 = B v Best 2nd. To determine Best 2nd & Best 3rd, 2nd and 3rd place teams in 3 team bracket play another game; this is not considered a bracket round robin game that has an impact on the bracket winner. 101 Saturday Sunday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Semi-Final Final A2 v A3 B2 v B3 A3 v A1 B3 v B1 A1 v A2 2nd A v 3rd A B1 v B2 SF1 = A v Best 2nd SF2 WSF1 v WSF2 B1 v B4 B2 v B4 B4 v B3 = B v Best 3rd EIGHT TEAMS – Two Brackets (4,4) A 1 B 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 Saturday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Final Sunday One-Weekend: Round robin play – Each team plays 3 games. Bracket winners advance to Finals. A2 v A3 A3 v A1 A1 v A2 B2 v B3 A1 v A4 B3 v B1 A2 v A4 B1 v B2 A4 v A3 WA v WB B1 v B4 B2 v B4 B4 v B3 NINE TEAMS – Three Brackets (3,3,3) A 1 B 1 C 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 Saturday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Semi-Final Final Sunday One-Weekend: Round robin play – Each team plays 2 games. First place in each bracket advances to Semi-Finals with Best 2nd. SF1 = A v Best 2nd & SF2 = B v C, unless Best 2nd is from A, then SF1 = A v C & SF2 = B v Best 2nd. A2 v A3 B2 v B3 C2 v C3 A3 v A1 B3 v B1 C3 v C1 A1 v A2 B1 v B2 C1 v C2 st nd 1 A v Best 2 SF2 = B V C WSF1 v WSF2 TEN TEAMS – Three Brackets (3,3,4) A 1 B 1 C 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 One-Weekend: Round robin play – 4 team bracket plays 3 games, 3-team brackets play 3 games, all crossover. Four (4) teams with most points advance to 102 4 Saturday Sunday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Semi-Final Final Semi-Finals. A1 v B3 B2 v A1 A1 v B1 1v B1 v A2 A2 v B3 A2 v B2 4 WSF1 v A3 v B2 B1 v A3 A3 v B3 C2 v C3 C3 v C1 C1 v C2 C1 v C4 C2 v C4 C4 v C3 2v3 WSF2 ELEVEN TEAMS – Three Brackets (3,4,4) A 1 B 1 C 1 2 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 Saturday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Semi-Final Final Sunday One-Weekend: Round robin play – 4 team bracket plays 3 games, 3 team bracket plays 2 games. First place in each bracket advances to Semi-Finals with Best 2nd; SF1 = A v Best 2nd & SF2 = B v C, unless Best 2nd is from A, then SF1 = A v C & SF2 = B v Best 2nd. To determine Best 2nd & Best 3rd, 2nd and 3rd place teams in 3 team bracket play another game. B2 v B3 C2 v C3 B1 v B4 C1 v C4 B3 v B1 C3 v C1 B2 v B4 C2 v C4 A3 v A1 A2 v A3 A1 v A2 2nd A v 3rd A B1 v B2 C1 v C2 B4 v B3 SF1 = A v Best 2nd SF2 = B v C WSF1 v WSF2 C4 v C3 TWELVE TEAMS – Three Brackets (4,4,4) A 1 B 1 C 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 Saturday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Semi-Final Final Sunday One-Weekend: Round robin play – Each team plays 3 games. First place in each bracket advances to SemiFinals with Best 2nd. SF1 = A v Best 2nd & SF2 = B v C unless Best 2nd is from A, then SF1 = A v C & SF2 = B v Best 2nd. A2 v A3 A3 v A1 A1 v A2 SF1 B2 v B3 C2 v C3 A1 v A4 B1 v B4 C1 v C4 B3 v B1 C3 v C1 A2 v A4 B2 v B4 C2 v C4 B1 v B2 C1 v C2 A4 v A3 B4 v B3 C4 v C3 = A v Best 2nd SF2 = B v C WSF1 v WSF2 THIRTEEN TEAMS – Four Brackets (3,3,3,4) A 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 One-Weekend: Round robin play – 4 team bracket plays 3 games, 3 team brackets play 2 games. Bracket winners advance to Semi-Finals 103 Saturday Sunday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Semi-Final Final A2 v A3 A3 v A1 A1 v A2 SF1 = B2 B3 B1 Av 4 (SF1 = A v D, SF2 = B v C). v B3 v B1 v B2 D C2 v C3 C3 v C1 C1 v C2 D2 v D3 D1 v D4 D3 v D1 D2 v D4 D1 v D2 D4 v D3 SF2 = B v C WSF1 v WSF2 FOURTEEN TEAMS – Four Brackets (3,3,4,4) One-Weekend: Round robin play – Each team plays 3 games. Bracket winners advance to SemiFinals (SF1 = A v D, SF2 = B v C). A 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 Saturday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Semi-Final Final A1 v B3 B1 v A2 A3 v B2 C2 v C3 D2 v D3 C1 v C4 D1 v D4 B2 v A1 A1 v B1 A2 v B3 A2 v B2 B1 v A3 A3 v B3 C3 v C1 C1 v C2 D3 v D1 D1 v D2 C2 v C4 C4 v C3 D2 v D4 D4 v D3 Sunday SF1 = A v D SF2 = B v C WSF1 v WSF2 FIFTEEN TEAMS – Four Brackets (3,4,4,4) One-Weekend: Round robin play – 4 team brackets play 3 games, 3 team bracket plays 2 games. Bracket winners advance to Semi-Finals (SF1 = A v D, SF2 = B v C). A 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 2 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 Saturday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Semi-Final Final A2 v A3 B2 v B3 C2 v C3 D2 v D3 B1 v B4 C1 v C4 D1 v D4 A3 v A1 A1 v A2 B3 v B1 B1 v B2 C3 v C1 C1 v C2 D3 v D1 D1 v D2 B2 v B4 B4 v B3 C2 v C4 C4 v C3 D2 v D4 D4 v D3 Sunday SF1 = A v D SF2 = B v C WSF1 v WSF2 SIXTEEN TEAMS – Four Brackets (4,4,4,4) A 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 One-Weekend: Round robin play – Each team plays 3 games. Bracket winners advance to Semi-Finals (SF1 = A v D, SF2 = B v C). 104 Saturday Round 1 A2 v A3 B2 v B3 C2 v C3 D2 v D3 A1 v A4 B1 v B4 C1 v C4 D1 v D4 Sunday Round 2 Round 3 A3 v A1 A1 v A2 B3 v B1 B1 v B2 C3 v C1 C1 v C2 D3 v D1 D1 v D2 A2 v A4 A4 v A3 B2 v B4 B4 v B3 C2 v C4 C4 v C3 D2 v D4 D4 v D3 Semi-Final Final SF1 = A v D SF2 = B v C WSF1 v WSF2 312.9.2Seeded Standard Single & Two-Weekend State Tournament Format (Note: Number below indicates tournament seeding. For example, in the six-team grouping, team A1 is the number one seeded team, team B2 is the number two seeded team, etc. This format can be used for either single-weekend or two-weekend play.) TWO TEAMS – One Bracket (2) One-Weekend: Best two out of three games – Sunday game played if needed. No ties – overtime & FIFA Kicks if necessary. A 1 2 Saturday Sunday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 A1 v A2 A2 v A1 A1 v A2 This may be played as a one-match, winner-take-all event if the head coaches of both teams involves agree in writing to forgo the additional match(es). THREE TEAMS – One Bracket (3) One-Weekend: Round robin play – Each team plays 2 games. No ties – overtime & FIFA Kicks if necessary. Winner based on most points accumulated. A 1 2 3 Saturday Sunday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 A2 v A3 A3 v A1 A1 v A2 FOUR TEAMS – One Bracket (4) ONE WEEKEND FORMAT Round robin play Under 11 through Under 14 – Teams play 3 games. No ties – overtime & FIFA Kicks if necessary. Winner based on most points accumulated. A 1 2 3 4 Saturday Sunday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 A1 v A4 A3 v A1 A1 v A2 A2 v A3 A4 v A2 A3 v A4 FOUR TEAMS – One Bracket (4) A ONE WEEKEND FORMAT Under 15 through Under 19 – Teams play 2 games. No ties – 105 overtime & FIFA Kicks if necessary. Winners of Round 1 matches advance to championship match and losers play consolation match. 1 2 3 4 Saturday Sunday Round 1 Round 2 Final A1 v A4 A2 v A3 Loser A1/A4 v Loser A2/A3 (Consolation Game) Winner A1/A4 v Winner A2/A3 FIVE TEAMS – The fifth seed will play a play-in match at the home field of the fourth seed. Winner of this match advances to the state tournament (as the fourth seed) with the top three seeds, and a four-team seeded bracket will be used as above. Should a team elect not to participate in the play-in match, a minimum of 96 hours advance notice prior to the scheduled match is required. With such notice, there is no penalty and any state cup fees are fully refunded. SIX TEAMS – Two Brackets (3,3) A 1 B 2 4 5 Saturday 3 6 Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Final Sunday ONE WEEKEND FORMAT Bracket play – Each team plays two (2) matches that may end in a tie. Bracket winners (determined after Round 3) advance to the finals. Remaining teams play one (1) additional match on preliminary weekend. A4 A5 A1 3rd A v A5 B3 v B6 v A1 B6 v B2 v A4 B2 v B3 v 3rd B 2nd A v 2nd B 1st A v 1st B SEVEN TEAMS The seventh seed will play a play-in match at the home field of the sixth seed. Winner of this match advances to the state tournament (as the sixth seed) with the top five seeds, and a six-team seeded bracket will be used as above. Should a team elect not to participate in the play-in match, a minimum of 96 hours advance notice prior to the scheduled match is required. With such notice, there is no penalty and any state cup fees are fully refunded. EIGHT TEAMS – Two Brackets (4,4) ONE WEEKEND FORMAT A 1 4 5 8 Saturday Sunday B 2 3 6 7 Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Final Round robin play – Each team plays 3 games. Matches may end in a tie. Bracket winners advance to Finals. A4 v A5 A5 v A1 A1 v A4 B3 v B6 A1 v A8 B6 v B2 A4 v A8 B2 v B3 A8 v A5 Winner A v Winner B TWO WEEKEND FORMAT B2 v B7 B3 v B7 B7 v B6 106 Round robin play – Each team plays 3 games. Matches may end in a tie. Top two teams advance to Finals weekend. Saturday Sunday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 PRELIMINARY WEEKEND A4 v A5 B3 v B6 A1 v A8 B2 v B7 A5 v A1 B6 v B2 A4 v A8 B3 v B7 A1 v A4 B2 v B3 A8 v A5 B7 v B6 FINALS WEEKEND 1st a v 2nd B 1st B v 2nd A WSF1 v WSF2 Saturday Semi-Final Sunday Final NINE TEAMS The ninth seed will play a play-in match at the home field of the eighth seed. Winner of this match advances to the state tournament (as the eighth seed) with the top seven seeds, and an eight-team seeded bracket will be used as above. Should a team elect not to participate in the play-in match, a minimum of 96 hours advance notice prior to the scheduled match is required. With such notice, there is no penalty and any state cup fees are fully refunded. TEN TEAMS The tenth seed will play a play-in match at the home field of the seventh seed, and the ninth seed will play a playin match at the home field of the eighth seed. Winners of these matches advance to the state tournament (as the seventh and eighth seeds, respectively) with the top six seeds, and an eight-team seeded bracket will be used as above. Should a team elect not to participate in the play-in match, a minimum of 96 hours advance notice prior to the scheduled match is required. With such notice, there is no penalty and any state cup fees are fully refunded. ELEVEN TEAMS The eleventh seed will play a play-in match at the home field of the sixth seed, the tenth seed will play a play-in match at the home field of the seventh seed, and the ninth seed will play a play-in match at the home field of the eighth seed. Winners of these matches advance to the state tournament (as the sixth, seventh, and eighth seeds, respectively) with the top five seeds, and an eight-team seeded bracket will be used as above. Should a team elect not to participate in the play-in match, a minimum of 96 hours advance notice prior to the scheduled match is required. With such notice, there is no penalty and any state cup fees are fully refunded. TWELVE TEAMS – Three Brackets (4,4,4) A 1 B 2 ONE WEEKEND FORMAT Round robin play – Each team plays 3 games. Matches may end in a C tie. Bracket winners advance to Semi-Finals with Best Overall 2nd; SF1 3 6 7 5 8 4 9 12 11 10 Saturday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Semi-Final Final Sunday = A v Best 2nd & SF2 = B v C, unless Best 2nd is from A, then SF1 = A v C & SF2 = B v Best 2nd. A6 v A7 v A1 v SF1 A7 B5 v B8 C4 v C9 A1 v A12 B2 v B11 A1 B8 v B2 C9 v C3 A6 v A12 B5 v B11 A6 B2 v B5 C3 v C4 A12 v A7 B11 v B8 = A v Best 2nd SF2 = B v C Winner SF1 v Winner SF2 TWO WEEKEND FORMAT C3 v C10 C4 v C10 C10 v C9 Round robin play – Each team plays 3 games. Matches may end in a tie. Bracket winners advance to Finals Weekend with Best Overall 2nd; SF1 = A v Best 2nd & SF2 = B v C, unless Best 2nd is from A, then SF1 = A v C & SF2 = B v Best 2nd. Saturday Round 1 PRELIMINARY WEEKEND A6 v A7 B5 v B8 C4 v C9 A1 v A12 B2 v B11 C3 v C10 107 Sunday Round 2 Round 3 Saturday Sunday Semi-Final Final A7 v A1 B8 v B2 C9 v C3 A6 v A12 B5 v B11 A1 v A6 B2 v B5 C3 v C4 A12 v A7 B11 v B8 FINALS WEEKEND SF1 = A v Best 2nd SF2 = B v C Winner SF1 v Winner SF2 C4 v C10 C10 v C9 THIRTEEN TEAMS The thirteenth seed will play a play-in match at the home field of the twelfth seed. Winner of this match advances to the state tournament (as the twelfth seed) with the top eleven seeds, and a twelve-team seeded bracket will be used as above. Should a team elect not to participate in the play-in match, a minimum of 96 hours advance notice prior to the scheduled match is required. With such notice, there is no penalty and any state cup fees are fully refunded. FOURTEEN TEAMS The fourteenth seed will play a play-in match at the home field of the eleventh seed, and the thirteenth seed will play a play-in match at the home field of the twelfth seed. Winners of these matches advance to the state tournament (as the eleventh and twelfth seeds, respectively) with the top ten seeds, and a twelve-team seeded bracket will be used as above. Should a team elect not to participate in the play-in match, a minimum of 96 hours advance notice prior to the scheduled match is required. With such notice, there is no penalty and any state cup fees are fully refunded. FIFTEEN TEAMS The fifteenth seed will play a play-in match at the home field of the tenth seed, the fourteenth seed will play a play-in match at the home field of the eleventh seed, and the thirteenth seed will play a play-in match at the home field of the twelfth seed. Winners of these matches advance to the state tournament (as the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth seeds, respectively) with the top nine seeds, and a twelve-team seeded bracket will be used as above. Should a team elect not to participate in the play-in match, a minimum of 96 hours advance notice prior to the scheduled match is required. With such notice, there is no penalty and any state cup fees are fully refunded. SIXTEEN TEAMS – Four Brackets (4,4,4,4) ONE WEEKEND FORMAT One-Weekend: Round robin play – Each team plays 3 games. Bracket winners advance to Semi-Finals (SF1 = A v D, SF2 = B v C). A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 8 9 16 7 10 15 6 11 14 5 12 13 Saturday Round 1 A8 v A9 B7 v B10 C6 v C11 D5 v D12 A1 v A16 B2 v B15 C3 v C14 D4 v D13 Sunday Round 2 Round 3 A9 v A1 A1 v A8 B10 v B2 B2 v B7 C11 v C3 C3 v C6 D12 v D4 D4 v D5 A8 v A16 A16 v A9 B7 v B15 B15 v B10 C6 v C14 C14 v C11 D5 v D13 D13 v D12 Semi-Final Final SF1 = A v D SF2 = B v C WSF1 v WSF2 TWO WEEKEND FORMAT Round robin play – Each team plays 3 games. Bracket winners advance to Finals Weekend (SF1 = A v D, SF2 = B v C). PRELIMINARY WEEKEND 108 Saturday Sunday Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Saturday Sunday Semi-Final Final A8 v A9 A9 v A1 A1 v A8 B7 v B10 B10 v B2 B2 v B7 C6 v C11 D5 v D12 C11 v C3 D12 v D4 C3 v C6 D4 v D5 FINALS WEEKEND A1 v A16 A8 v A16 A16 v A9 SF1 = A v D B2 v B15 B7 v B15 B15 v B10 C3 v C14 C6 v C14 C14 v C11 D4 v D13 D5 v D13 D13 v D12 SF2 = B v C WSF1 v WSF2 Policy 313 State Youth Select Program LSA will have a State Youth Select Program in accordance with guidelines established by US Youth Soccer and the USSF. LSA’s State Youth Select Program is to provide high-level training to benefit and enhance the development of players at all levels; and, through the use of carefully selected and licensed coaches, develop a mechanism for the exchange of ideas and curriculum to improve all levels of coaching. A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. The program must conform to national and regional policy and is implemented through the State Director of Coaching. The State Youth Select Program Year follows the requirements by regional or national policy. Tryouts, training and other activities for the following year may be conducted in advance. All affiliated members of LSA (to include coaches, DOC’s, referees, and club officials) are asked to work with this program and encourage their talented players to participate. Club support is needed to allow time during the year to schedule tryouts, games, tournaments, etc. The LSA Director of Coaching shall publish a schedule of events in advance. Tryouts/training for the following year shall be scheduled and available at the summer LSA AGM. The schedule may be changed to accommodate weather, tournaments, regional requirements, etc. Regional/sub-regional and state camps are held each year, as needed based on national/international events, for certain age groups to identify players for possible selection to a national team. Sub-regional events may also be scheduled within the year. In order to further the development of Louisiana youth soccer, the State Youth Select Program has elected to emphasize the training aspects of the program. Therefore, at least 50% of each session will be devoted to training PLAYER INFORMATION 1. 2. All LSA players will be notified by LSA either by email or postings to LSA’s web site of the schedule of tryouts and training for State Youth Select Program. LSA will attempt to notify all coaches and club officials to assist in notifying their players of State Youth Select Program. All official correspondence will come from the LSA Office. The official spokesperson for the State Youth Select Program will be the State Director of Coaching. Players must reside within Louisiana but need not be an LSA member. However, players must be registered with an affiliate of USSF in a capacity whereby they 109 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C. are fully insured for all soccer related activities. Proof of affiliated registration and insurance will be required. Players will respond by application form (may be web-based process) and necessary tryout fees paid prior to participating. a. The State Youth Select Program fees are set annually and are subject to change. b. The players named to a pool or team may be assessed additional fees to cover all expenses incurred such as team entry fees to tournaments or games and to cover administrative costs of mail, telephone calls, field expenses, practice uniforms, etc. c. The players selected to attend Sub-Regional games or the Region III Camps will be assessed a final fee to cover all related expenses of camp fees, administrator and coach fees, uniforms, etc. No player will be permitted to participate in State Youth Select Program without having submitted all required, properly completed forms and fees. The State Youth Select Program is self-funded by the participants. LSA does provide a minimal amount of funds to cover some of the administrative operating expenses. Players shall assume all expenses for travel, lodging and food, unless specifically provided for by LSA. Fees collected will cover such expenses as coaches/administrator/coordinator expenses, Gatorade, field charges, etc. If funds are available, a limited partial scholarship program may be awarded to State Youth Select Program participants based on need as demonstrated by submitting documentation to include IRS forms. The LSA President and Vice President-Youth shall determine eligibility and amount of award. Any player cut for any reason shall not be considered for selection beyond that point in the current year. Exceptions to this can only be approved by the State Director of Coaching. LSA firmly expects that all persons involved in any part of the State Youth Select Program to adhere to the principles of good Fair Play and to commit no acts of misconduct. Unless recommended differently by the LSA DOC upon the recommendation of state staff coaches, all players participating in State Youth Select Program will play in their corresponding age groups. Unless recommended differently by the LSA DOC, State Youth Select Program teams will rotate coaches so that teams do not have the same coach more than 2 years in a row. STATE YOUTH SELECT COACHING STAFF 1. The State Director of Coaching will nominate coaches to be on the State Youth Select Program coaching staff. These coaches are subject to annual approval by the LSA Board. All state staff coaches must pass the LSA Risk Management program and will not participate in the training/identification sessions until both risk management and LSA Board approval is secured. At least two State Staff coaches must be in attendance at each session. A female coordinator must be present at all female events. The State Director of Coaching shall insure the attendance of an adequate number of Select Team Staff Coaches to properly conduct each session, with a minimum of two. The State Director of Coaching 110 2. 3. D. SELECTION FORMAT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E. The LSA State Youth Select Program has endorsed the emphasis of the development and training goals of the national and regional programs as the most important aspects for the Louisiana player. Therefore, the final selection will be postponed until necessary to meet regional and national deadlines. Registration shall be open to all players. Training/identification sessions will be scheduled by age group to be selected. Prior to the deadline for naming of the State Youth Select Program teams, the State Coaching Staff shall meet and choose up to 22-24 players and 6 alternates for each age group team. After the selection of the team and alternates, the State Director of Coaching shall appoint State Staff Coaches to specific teams for further training and attendance at SubRegional and Regional events. In the event a player is unable to attend, alternate players will be invited to participate based on their ranking by the State Staff Coaches. Training/identification sessions may be conducted on an area level with the areas established by the LSA Director of Coaching on the basis of geographic location and registration. At least half of the training/identification sessions will be conducted on a statewide basis. All players are expected to participate in the training/identification sessions each year. This requirement and the registration fee may be waived for any player who has been selected as a regional pool player or to a higher level. The LSA Director of Coaching may carry over a team if regional or national requirements demand it. Attendance at all State Youth Select Program sessions relative to the selection process is mandatory. Failure to attend will be grounds for dropping a player from the program. The LSA Director of Coaching, in consultation with the LSA Vice President-Youth, will serve as the final appeals board to review extenuating circumstances relative to attendance and or waiver or refund of fees. DEADLINES 1. 2. 3. F. shall provide the State Youth Select Program Staff coaches with a syllabus tailored to the appropriate age group and skill level. All payments to State Staff coaches will be made by LSA after submission of a completed LSA Expense Reimbursement form that has been reviewed and approved by the State Director of Coaching. If a Head Coach misses more than one try-out or training, he is subject to review by the LSA Director of Coaching and may be replaced. Deadline dates for paperwork and/or on-line registration and fees are set by LSA. Failure to submit applications and payments timely will be grounds for not allowing participation in State Youth Select Program. Walk-up registration and payment of fees is not encouraged. An additional fee is required for any such registration. CITIZENSHIP Citizenship shall not be a factor for selection in the LSA State Youth Select Program. 111 Determination of need for citizenship will be made by the Region III/ USYSA level. If selected to a Regional/National team, citizenship is required prior to the player’s participation in a National event. POLICY 315 – CLUB ALLIANCES 315.1 Two or more LSA-affiliated clubs may officially declare an alliance by submitting an alliance declaration form to LSA signed by the presidents or executive directors of all clubs involved in the alliance no later than August 1st. This declaration must be renewed annually prior to the beginning of a new seasonal year. 315.2 The alliance declaration must include the name of the alliance club and identify no fewer than three (3) officers or paid employees from the participating clubs who will serve as the board for the alliance. 315.3 A club may not enter into more than one alliance with another LSA club per seasonal year. 315.4 Alliance teams may participate in LCSL if a letter of intent is submitted by the annual deadline. 315.5 Alliance teams may be formed as competitive teams to participate primarily in tournaments or friendlies. 315.6 Players may use a club pass within the alliance or from any of the “home” clubs that are participating in the alliance. Existing LSA policies regarding the club pass for LCSL games still apply. 315.7 Fees for players registered only with an alliance team are the responsibility of the alliance formed between the LSA affiliated clubs and must be paid to LSA as with any other registration fee. Policy 401 – Adult Player Registration 401.1 Player Registration 401.1.1 Adult players are to be registered with LSA through their local associations/clubs using the LSA-designated registration software program. 401.1.1 All LSA affiliates must register every soccer player, coach and team that is administered by the organization. 401.1.2 Clubs should insure, at the time of registration, that there are no currently suspended persons being registered. 401.1.2 Adult players may register directly with LSA if they are a member of a club team directly affiliated with an accredited college or university. 401.1.3 Adult players may register directly with LSA as needed for State Select teams and three or five day passes from USASA. 401.1.4 The date a registration is received in the LSA office becomes the player’s official date of registration. 401.1.4.1 The LSA affiliate is responsible for maintaining a forum, whether electronic or a hard copy, with the appropriate waiver language. 401.1.4.2 Once registration is complete, the player is registered with LSA for a seasonal year of September 1 through August 31. 401.2 Dual (Multiple) Registrations 112 401.2.1 Multiple registration of an adult player is permitted, but the player must declare a “primary” team. 401.2.2 Players may register on more than one team and with more than one club/league/association. 401.2.3 A player registered on more than one adult team must complete a separate registration for each team. 401.2.4 Appropriate fees are required for each registration of a player on multiple rosters. 401.2.5 At the time of state competitions, a player must play for his/her designated primary team if there is a conflict with the dates of scheduled competitions. 401.3 Youth Players on Adult Teams 401.3.1 US Soccer permits a youth player to play an unlimited number of adult games without losing his/her youth eligibility. 401.3.2 No one younger than sixteen (16) years old will be allowed to register for adult competition. 401.3.3 Youth games are required to take precedence over any adult games. 401.3.4 Youth players registering on adult teams are required to notify the youth coach or an authorized club official of the player’s registration with an adult team or teams. 401.3.5 Youth players registered on both an adult and a youth team must pay required insurance for both levels of play. 401.4 International Clearances for Foreign-Born Players 401.4.1 Any naturalized U.S. citizens and foreign-born players are required to have an international clearance. 401.4.2 A request for an international clearance should be submitted with the player registration to the LSA office. 401.4.3 After receiving the International Clearance request from LSA, US Soccer will contact the foreign soccer association to insure that there are no outstanding professional contracts or disciplinary problems. The foreign soccer association has up to thirty (30) days to respond. 401.4.4 An international clearance is required for a player who is participating in the Region III championships for men’s amateur, men’s over-30, women’s open, men’s open, women’s Under-23, and men’s Under-23 or national championships. As such, players participating in the Adult State Cup(s) or on an Under-23 State Select team must insure that they have received a proper international clearance. 401.5 Registration of Former Professional Players 401.5.1 Any player who has signed or played for a professional team is required to have a reinstatement to amateur status to play in a Region III or national championship event. 401.5.2 As such, players who intend to participate in the Under-23 State Select program, men’s amateur, over-30 or open state cups, or women’s state cup must request a reinstatement form from the LSA Office. After receiving the completed form, LSA will contact US Soccer for the required approval. 113 401.6 Team Rosters 401.6.1 Adult teams shall not have a maximum roster size. 401.6.2 Adult teams may only designated twenty-two (22) players on a match roster. 401.6.3 Each member club/league/association is responsible for insuring the accuracy of its team rosters. 401.6.4 Each team manager is required to provide an official current team roster to the head referee at the start of each game. 401.6.4.1 Any player listed on the submitted roster who has not been properly registered with LSA by his or her club will be subject to investigation and possible reprimand. Reprimand may include a fine of $50 issued to the club that submitted the improper roster. 401.6.4.2 Any person on the player side-lines not listed on the official team roster must go to the spectator area. 401.7 Player Pass 401.7.1 A USASA Player Pass is mandatory for every adult player. 401.7.2 Passes are required for participation in any contest or competition except when approved by a local club/league/ association. 401.7.3 A passport-size photograph of the registered player (not a photocopy) and the player’s ID number must be on the player pass. 401.7.4 Passes are issued by the club/league/association registrar upon completion of the registration process and must be signed by the registrar in the appropriate place. 401.7.5 Passes must be laminated. 401.7.6 Returning players may use a pass from a previous (but recent) playing season, but it must be updated by the club registrar with a current year registration sticker. 401.8 Guest Players 401.8.1 Guest players are permitted in adult competitions by LSA but are not permitted in regional or national competitions. 401.8.2 Host tournaments or leagues/club/associations may have their own rules regarding the use of guest players. 401.8.3 The temporary player pass may be used by any player eligible for adult league player who is not otherwise registered with a USASA-associated league. 401.8.4 The pass is good for three consecutive calendar days, which will be input on the physical pass by the administrative entity at the time of issuance. 401.8.5 The cost of the pass from LSA may be found in Policy 206. Clubs may charge an additional fee at the club level for administrative requirements. 401.8.6 Individual clubs may set their own policies and limits for use of the temporary player pass and may choose to opt out of accepting the temporary pass. For example, a club may choose to allow temporary player passes for tournaments, but not league play. 401.8.7 Any club that does not wish to recognize the temporary pass of 114 players either for league play, tournaments, or both, must inform LSA of its policy to opt out. The club is responsible for making referees aware of its policy in regards to temporary passes. 401.8.8 Players receiving the pass must be registered into LSA’s online registration system per LSA established guidelines/requirements. 401.8.8.1 Clubs may choose to administer the temporary pass registration per LSA guidelines. 401.8.8.2 Each player registered directly through a club for a temporary pass will count toward that club’s total adult member count. 401.8.8.3 Clubs that do not wish to handle the administration of the temporary pass may choose to allow players to register directly through LSA. However, the registered players will not be included in a club’s total adult member count, but will be included in the overall state adult member count as unaffiliated. 401.8.9 Sanctions against players improperly using a temporary pass should be handled according to the rules of the competition for which the pass is being used. Policy 402-1 Adult Team Representation at Regional Events The teams that win their respective LSA Adult State Cup are entitled to represent Louisiana at Region III amateur competitions in the appropriate men’s amateur, men’s over-30 or women’s amateur division. It is the responsibility of the LSA Adult State Cup winner to insure that all required fees are submitted for the Region III championships. LSA will assist with fees if/when funds are available in the budget. The LSA Adult State Cup winner is also responsible for insuring that all deadlines are met and that all appropriate international clearances have been obtained. LSA will assist as necessary. If the LSA Adult State Cup winners are unable to attend the Region III championships, then the respective finalists are entitled to attend. The same responsibilities as described above apply. If LSA does not sponsor an Adult State Cup in any of the above divisions due to lack of appropriate entries, LSA may solicit interested teams from one or more of the member clubs/leagues as a representative in the age group. Any team wishing to represent LSA at regionals in a division that did not have an Adult State Cup must notify the LSA Office no later than March 15. The same responsibilities as described above apply to any team selected through this process to represent LSA at Region III Championships. A team that wishes to represent LSA in the Region III Men’s Open competition is required to notify the LSA Office of its intent no later than January 1st. The Lamar Hunt Men’s Open competition represents the highest level of competition nationwide and includes professional as well as amateur teams. Policy 403 – Travel Procedures 403.1 Travel permits are mandatory for team activity outside of Louisiana and 115 permission to travel is obtained through the LSA office. 403.1.1 LSA-affiliated teams are prohibited from playing non-affiliated teams, playing in non-sanctioned tournaments, or traveling out of the state without permission. 403.1.2 Sanctions or penalties may result against the coach, the team, or the club/league/association in addition to the loss of medical insurance coverage. 403.2 An adult team wishing to travel out-of-state must complete an Adult Application to Travel form and submit it, along with a team roster for the friendly match or tournament, and appropriate fee as defined in Policy 206 to the LSA office. 403.2.1 A separate permit is required for each tournament a team will be attending. 403.2.2 If the team will be attending a tournament, a copy of the host organization’s approved application to host or Official Letter of Invitation must be submitted to the LSA office along with the travel permit application. 403.2.3 A team may apply to travel to play friendly games with affiliated teams in other states for a seasonal year (September 1 through August 31) 403.3 The following procedures shall be followed to complete an Adult Application to Travel form: 403.3.1 Complete applicable sections of the form. 403.3.2 Attach the Application to Host/Official Letter of Invitation received from the hosting organization if applicable. 403.3.3 Enclose the current LSA roster for the team planning to participate in the event and include the fee as required in Policy 206. 403.3.3.1 Guest players must be indicated on the roster. 403.3.3.2 The roster must be signed by the team representative and stamped by the local club registrar as an official roster. 403.3.4 Requests for travel should be made at least two (2) weeks prior to travel in order to give the LSA office time to process the form. Travel forms will normally be processed, if all information is correctly submitted, on the day they are received as long as the application has been received during the regular working week. 403.3.5 After paperwork has been checked by the LSA office and the submitted information is verified, LSA will approve the permit, sign it and affix the LSA seal on it. A copy will be sent to the team representative/coach and a roster will be forwarded to the Tournament Director if applicable. Policy 404 – Playing Rules 404.1 FIFA LAWS OF THE GAME shall apply to all adult competition within LSA, except where provided for in this manual. 404.2 Exceptions to FIFA LAWS OF THE GAME 404.2.1 Players must wear shin guards in all soccer activities, including practices. 404.2.2 Unlimited substitution will be allowed, at the discretion of the referee. 116 404.2.3 Local club rules will sometimes be applied in games. Teams should provide copies of their local rules to visiting players/teams. 404.3 Adult State Championship playing rules are defined in Policy 406. 405 Team Competitions and Invitational Tournaments 405.1 LSA’s adult division team competitions are: 405.1.1 Men’s Open 405.1.2 Women’s Open 405.1.3 Men’s Over 30 – Competition for players who have reached their 30th birthday as of January 1st of the current seasonal year. 405.1.4 Women’s Over 30 – Competition for players who have reached their 30th birthday as of January 1st of the current seasonal year. 405.1.5 Coed Open - Teams consisting of equal numbers of men and women plus a goalkeeper. 405.1.6 Coed Over-30 – Teams consisting of equal numbers of men and women plus a goalkeeper and follows age requirements for Men’s and Women’s Over-30. 405.1.7 Under-20 – Competition for those players, male or female, between the ages of sixteen (16) and twenty (20) who have not reached their 20th birthday as of January 1st of the current seasonal year 405.1.8 Under-23 - Competition for those players, male or female, between the ages of sixteen (16) and twenty-three (23) who have not reached their 23rd birthday as of January 1st of the current seasonal year. 405.2 State Cup competitions may be held in any of the above divisions if there is sufficient support from the adult soccer community. 405.3 Any member club/league that wishes to host an invitational tournament must submit a completed USASA Application to Host a Tournament or Games (original is available from the LSA Office) and a completed USASA Tournament Hosting agreement, along with a copy of the tournament rules to the LSA Office no later than 120 days prior to the date(s) of the tournament. 405.3.1 Tournament applications and supporting materials received after the deadline may not be approved without a late fee as described in Policy 206. 405.3.2 Clubs hosting invitational tournaments may charge fees for parking or admission provided such fees are identified on the Application to Host submitted to LSA and are clearly identified on all advertisements or web pages containing information about the tournament. 405.4 Teams from LSA-affiliated leagues/clubs/associations desiring to play friendly matches against unaffiliated varsity and/or club teams from colleges and/or universities must comply with the following: 405.4.1 In-state: 405.4.1.1 Submit a “Request to Play Unaffiliated Teams” form at least seven days prior to the scheduled event. 405.4.1.2 Submit a current, valid Certificate of Insurance from the university/college. 405.4.2 Out-of-State: 117 405.4.2.1 Submit a “Request to Play Unaffiliated Teams” form at least seven days prior to the scheduled event. 405.4.2.2 Submit a current, valid Certificate of Insurance from the university/college. 405.4.2.3 Submit a Travel Permit request at least seven (7) days prior to the event. 405.4.2.4 A fee of $10 must accompany the request. Policy 406 LSA Adult State Tournament Rules 406.1 ELIGIBILITY 406.1.1 Competition will be open to affiliated adult teams registered with and in good standing with LSA. 406.1.2 An unaffiliated adult team that wishes to participate in the LSA state tournament(s) is required to purchase a three-day or fiveday USASA tournament pass from LSA prior to competition. Such a team must affiliate with LSA if it will be the LSA representative at the Region III tournament. 406.1.3 The following rules will apply to dual-registered players: 406.1.3.1 Players who are dual-registered must be clearly indicated on the Open roster or Over-30 roster at the time they are submitted to LSA for approval for tournament play. A primary team must be designated. 406.1.3.2 If a player plays on an Open and an Over-30 team, and both teams win their respective tournaments, the player(s) must play for the primary team only at the Regional III Tournament. 406. An exception to 406.1.3.2 may be made to allow the player(s) to play for the secondary team if the player’s(s’) primary team would release him/her. This can be done by writing to LSA, and requesting release from the primary team. The request has to be signed by the requesting player(s), the team coach/representative and the club director/ administrator/registrar. After obtaining permission to play with the secondary team, the request should be submitted to LSA for approval. approved, the player(s) is free to play on his/her (their) secondary team. 406.2 ENTRY INTO THE STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENTS 406.2.1 All teams that enter the Championship must pay a non-refundable entry fee, and complete and submit the entry no less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the tournament. 406.2.2 If a team enters the state tournament and withdraws prior to the first match being played, the team shall forfeit its entry fee but face no further penalty to the team or the club/league. 406.3 ROSTERS AND PLAYER PASSES 406.3.1 The roster on file with the LSA Office at the time of the deadline set by LSA will be the official team roster for a team entering the state championship tournament. 118 406.3.2 406.3.3 A maximum of twenty-two (22) players are allowed on the roster. On the day of the competition, a team will be allowed to use any of the registered players from its approved roster. 406.3.4 All players shall be required to carry a US Soccer Adult Divisionapproved and laminated player pass, which must bear a recognizable photograph (not a photocopy of a photograph) the participating player and show a player ID number. Teams may also utilize the electronic player passes available through GotSoccer. 406.3.5 Before each scheduled game, passes must be presented to a match official, who will check the passes against the team roster that has been submitted to LSA prior to the tournament. Each participating player will also be identified with his/her player pass. 406.4 COMPETITION ADMINISTRATION The LSA Adult Vice President and the LSA Adult Competitions Commissioner or their designated representative(s) shall be responsible for administration of the Championship. 406.5 FORMAT OF THE COMPETITION 406.5.1 The format of the competition will be determined by the total number of teams officially entered. 406.5.2 Whenever possible, teams will be divided into two or more brackets so as to be able to compete in round-robin play. Bracket winners will proceed to the semi-final (if applicable) and final rounds. 406.5.3 If the number of teams entered prohibits division into multiple brackets, there will be one bracket and all games will be fulllength. 406.5.4 Modification of the competition format can be made by LSA officers if there is lack of participation, cancellations, inclement weather conditions, etc. 406.6 DURATION OF GAMES 406.6.1 All round-robin games will consist of two (2) forty-five (45) minute halves for men’s games and two (2) thirty-five (35) minute halves for women’s games. There will no overtime in round-robin play. 406.6.2 LSA, including a designated representative(s) at the tournament or championship competition match site, may change the lengths of times of halves of State Championship games. 406.6.2.1 Halves cannot be changed to be less than two (2) thirtyfive (35) minute halves, and the duration of the halves will be determined by the number of teams participating in a bracket. 406.6.2.2 A change would only be made after consultation and agreement of the Adult Tournament Referee Committee. 406.6.3 Semi-finals (if applicable) and finals will consist of two (2) fortyfive (45) minute halves. 406.6.4 In the case of a tie game, two (2) fifteen (15) minute overtime periods will be played to determine a winner. If a tie should still exist after the conclusion of overtime play, FIFA penalty kicks will be used to break the tie. 119 406.6.5 406.7 FORFEITS 406.7.1 If a game is stopped due to circumstances beyond the control of either participating team, the game shall be considered completed as long as one entire half of the game has been completed. A team guilty of using an ineligible player shall forfeit the game or games in which that player participated. 406.7.2 A team shall forfeit a game for failure to comply with the rules of the Championship. 406.7.3 The score for any match forfeited in the LSA Adult State Championships will be recorded as 3-0 for the opposing team. 406.8 GRACE PERIOD 406.8.1 A team not ready to start play a scheduled game (i.e. a team is unable to field a team with at least seven (7) players at the scheduled game time) shall be granted a fifteen (15) minute grace period. 406.8.2 If the team will not be able to start play at the end of the granted grace period, the game will be deemed a forfeit by the team unable to field a complete team. The prepared team will be awarded a win, and the unprepared team a loss with the game scored as in Policy 406.7.3. 406.8.3. The main game official shall note the game as a forfeit on his/her tournament game report. 406.8.4 Only the LSA representative(s) at the tournament site can extend the grace period if he/she feels there are extenuating circumstances to do so. 406.9 TEAM UNIFORMS 406.9.1 Participating teams, when possible, must have two (2) sets of jerseys with each set of jerseys being of a different color, and each jersey marked with a clearly visible number on the back. 406.9.2 The home team shall wear their light jerseys and light socks. 406.9.3 Participating teams, by mutual agreement, may reverse the preferences and the home team can wear dark and the visiting team can wear light. 406.10 SUBSTITUTIONS Unlimited substitutions shall be allowed, at the discretion of the referee, by team taking a throw-in, and by either team prior to a goal kick, after a goal, after an injury, at half-time, or for a player who has just received a caution. 406.11 METHODS FOR ADVANCEMENT 406.11.1 The point system for round-robin play will be: 3 points for win 1 point for tie 0 points for loss 406.11.2 In round-robin competition, should two or more teams be tied in the number of awarded points, final standings will be determined in the following order: Winner of head-to-head competition. Highest Goal Difference (G for minus G against) 3 goal maximum per game. 120 FIFA Penalty kicks 406.12 PLAYER AND TEAM MISCONDUCT 406.12.1 A player sent-off must sit out the remainder of the game he/she was sent-off, in addition to the next tournament game. 406.12.2 If it was the player’s second tournament send-off, the player will not be allowed to participate in the remainder of the tournament. 406.12.3 No substitution will be allowed for a player who is sent-off. 406.12.4 If a player or coach has been disciplined by the game official and asked to leave the site, and the player or coach refuses to comply, this is cause for the offending player’s or coach’s team to forfeit the game. That player or coach will be ineligible for the remainder of the tournament. 406.12.5 The decision will be made by the LSA representative(s) at the tournament site. 406.12.6 When a game has been terminated because of team misconduct, the score at the time of termination will stand. 406.12.6.1 If the violating team was ahead, the score will be recorded as a 3-0 win in favor of the opposing team. 406.12.6.2 The team guilty of misconduct will be disqualified from the Championship. 406.12.6.3 Any send-offs in the terminated game will still be subject to suspensions and/or penalties. 406.12.7 Failure to participate in a scheduled state cup match or matches will result in an initial fine of $100 to be assessed to the sanctioning club/league/association. 406.12.7.1 A fine of $50 per each additional scheduled match not played will be assessed to the sanctioning club/league/ association. 406.12.7.2 If a team does not complete all of its scheduled tournament games for any reason other than an official cancellation, inclement weather, etc. that team will not be allowed to participate in the following year’s championship competition. 406.13 PROTESTS 406.13.1 The LSA representative(s) at the championship tournament site will control interpretations of the Championship Competition Rules. Their decision(s) will be final. 406.13.2 To protest a game, the following procedures will be followed: 406.13.2.1 Within one (1) hour after the termination of the game to be protested, a written report, with reason(s) for the protest, and a $200 (cash or money order) protest fee shall be submitted to LSA representative(s) at the championship tournament. 406.13.2.2 406.13.2.3 No protest will be entertained if the protest is based on a decision that was considered to be referee judgment. Any protest relating to goals, nets, or playing field conditions shall be entertained only if an objection had been lodged with the game referee prior to the start of the game. 121 406.13.2.4 The protest fee will be returned to the team if the protest is upheld, and forfeited if the protest is rejected. 406.14 AWARDS First and second place teams in each division will receive a team trophy. 406.15 ISSUES NOT PROVIDED FOR IN THE RULES Issues not provided for in these rules and regulations will be determined by the LSA representative(s) at the tournament site. Their decisions will be final. Policy 410 Hosting State Tournaments Any member club/league that wishes to host an invitational tournament must submit a completed USASA Application to Host a Tournament or Games (original is available from the LSA Office) and a completed USASA Tournament Hosting agreement, along with a copy of the tournament rules to the LSA Office no later than 120 days prior to the date(s) of the tournament. Tournament applications and supporting materials received after the deadline may not be approved without a late fee. Clubs hosting invitational tournaments may charge fees for parking or admission provided such fees are identified on the Application to Host submitted to LSA and are clearly identified on all advertisements or web pages containing information about the tournament. Clubs hosting state tournaments cannot impose fees without written approval from LSA. Policy 411 A. B. Adult State Select Program MEN'S AND WOMEN'S PROGRAMS 1. LSA shall administer an Adult Select Program for LSA players eligible to compete at the adult level with committees, staff, and programs for men and for women. 2. The Adult State Select program shall be an extension of the Youth State Select program and shall be part of the overall State Select Program for LSA players. 3. Activities and staff of the youth and adult programs shall be coordinated wherever possible. PURPOSE LSA State Select teams will be eligible to compete at the regional and national level in appropriate competitions. C. PLAYERS 1. Any player residing or attending school in Louisiana may participate in tryout sessions. 2. When an unregistered player is selected for any LSA team or player pool, he/she must immediately complete a LSA player registration form and submit it with the appropriate fee to the LSA Office. 3. Proof of US citizenship may be required prior to participation. 4. LSA may require participants to supply additional information and pay participation fees. D. COST TO PARTICIPANTS Each player shall be expected to contribute to the cost of his/her participation in this program. 122 E. SELECTION PROCESS 1. LSA may hold tryout sessions for teams or pools. 2. LSA may invite individual players to training sessions or tryouts or to participate on an Adult State Select team at a competition or competitions. 3. Final player selection is the decision of the Adult State Select Coach and Assistant Coach(es). The Adult State Select Coach and his/her Assistant Coaches are encouraged to identify eligible players and encourage their participation in the program. F. ADULT STATE SELECT COACH 1. It is recommended that the Adult State Select Coach hold a minimum of a USSF National “C” License or an NSCAA National Diploma and/or international credentials. 2. Duties and responsibilities include but are not limited to: a. Directing the state player identification and selection process b. Directing the training program for Adult State Select team or pool players c. Attending tryouts, competitions, meetings, or other activities of the Adult State Select and/or Youth State Select Program at the District, State, Regional, or National level 1. The Adult State Select Coach must obtain the approval of the LSA Vice-PresidentAdults before scheduling any event for the Adult State Select teams. Policy 500-1 A. Competitive Ethical Standards and Professional Rules of Conduct For All Club Directors of Coaching, Coaching Staff, Independent Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Team Managers Ethical Standards These ethical standards are a statement of required behavior and objectives that LSA member clubs, their Officers, Directors, Directors of Coaching (DOC), their coaches and team managers herein after referred to as “club officials” shall follow. These standards shall be used to interpret and guide the enforcement of the rules in ambiguous situations so that fair and impartial application of the rules consistently serves the mission and goals of the Louisiana Soccer Association. 1. 2. 3. 4. The primary purpose for the formation of Competitive soccer teams should be the development of the players selected, particularly at the age groups U11-15; Member clubs, their DOCs and coaches should act with courtesy and comity toward other member clubs, their DOC and coaches with the overriding understanding that all are engaged in the common goal of player development and that competition between their teams is a means to this common goal rather than the goal itself; Member clubs, their DOCs and coaches should abide by the “golden rule” and not engage in conduct toward another association, its coaches and players that it would not wish done to them under the same or similar circumstances; Recruitment of players from other established teams is conducted only within the Rules of Conduct set forth below. 123 5. 6. B. The formation of Competitive teams should not be accomplished by methods involving dishonesty, coercion, intimidation, harassment, pressure, or tactics that impugn the integrity of the game; Contacts between officials or coaches of an association and prospective players or players’ parents should be positive and provide information about the association and what it can offer to the player to develop his or her potential playing skills rather than negative, including invidious comments about other member clubs, their coaches or players. Rules of Conduct These rules of conduct provide minimum standards of behavior that LSA requires from member clubs and their club officials. The violation of these rules may result in disciplinary sanctions by LSA where warranted. 1. Member clubs shall be held responsible to LSA for any act or omission by their club officials in violation of these rules whether or not any member of the governing board of the association had advance knowledge or opportunity to prevent the club official from a violation of these rules. It is the responsibility of member clubs to ensure that their club officials are familiar with these rules and to make it part of the terms of their employment that they not violate them. Nothing herein is meant to prevent member clubs from internal discipline or correction of their club official if or when a violation should occur. 2. Club officials shall be held responsible to LSA for violations of these rules by any Competitive coach under their supervision or by any person associated with his/her club. It is the responsibility of member clubs to ensure that their club officials are familiar with these rules. 3. Club officials of member clubs must report any violation of these rules known to them to have taken place by any person in their association or by any other association to LSA. 4. A club official shall not initiate contact with registered players of another member club for the purpose of soliciting or recruiting them to join a Competitive team of the association with whom they are affiliated at any time except after the state tournament for that age group. A club official may mail a flyer or publication not directed at a specific player, but rather providing general information about an association, including tryout dates no earlier than one month before the LSA tryout dates. 5. Telephone calls or personal meetings initiated by a club official for the purpose of recruitment are prohibited during the season until the end of the age specific state tournament. Personalized written and verbal communication is limited to one invitation and may not list other invitees. Any player registered for tryouts at a member club may only be notified with changes to tryouts details. 6. A club official shall not use methods that involve false statements known by the club official to be false when made, or with reckless disregard of the veracity of any facts asserted; shall not disparage another association or its players, 124 coaches, or managers; and shall honor a player or parent’s written request not to be contacted further. C. 7. A club official shall not instruct any other person to commit conduct that would be in violation of these rules if committed by a club official. 8. A State Youth Select Program coach shall not, outside the tryout period, solicit or recruit a player he/she is coaching to join his/her club. Recruiting is never permitted within the State Youth Select Program setting. 9. During tryouts: (a) a club official shall not, in advance of the notification date set by LSA, represent to a player that they will be offered a place on a team’s roster; (b) a club official shall not ask or advise a player not to try out with another club. Hearings & Enforcement The LSA Executive Director, upon receipt of a written complaint from any DOC or member association, will promptly investigate the facts and circumstances of any reported violation. If the Executive Director finds merit with the complaint, the Director will contact the respective Club Directors within 24 hours and try to informally resolve the issue to their mutual satisfaction. If unsuccessful, the Executive Director will convene the Hearing Board and conduct a hearing within 10 business days to hear the facts and determination of any possible sanctions. All investigations and hearings shall be conducted in conformity with LSA 212, USSF 701 and/or USYSA rules where applicable. D. Potential LSA Sanctions for violation of Ethical Standards Sanctions for the violation of any of the foregoing rules may include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Written warning or probationary period; Suspension of a club official or State Youth Select Program coach; Dismissal of a club official or State Youth Select Program coach; Requiring any player recruited or solicited in violation of these rules to be removed from the roster of the offending club’s team; Forfeiture of all Louisiana Competitive Soccer League and/or State Tournament games in which the improperly recruited player participated; A possible fine of up to $1000 against any member association; A fine of between $250.00 and $1000.00 on any individual club official for any violation of these rules; Any combination of the foregoing penalties or sanctions that are warranted by the circumstances of any case in the judgment of the standing Committee. The Hearing Committee may not discipline any club, club official or parent more conspicuously than another based on prior precedent and must ensure that any sanction fits the action and is reasonable to avoid needless appeals. 125 E. Appeals If any sanction against a club official, team or player impacts their right to play or participate, the sanction shall be set aside and the LSA Executive Committee shall automatically consider an appeal of the record without further notice by the accused. Due to the serious nature of this sanction, the Executive Committee shall follow LSA Policy 212(D) but take no more than 1 week to uphold, nullify or modify the Disciplinary Committee’s sanctions. Nothing herein shall nullify the party’s right to appeal further. An appeal from any other sanction of the committee may be made according to the appeals process as provided by USSF and LSA Policy 212(D). Policy 501-1 A. Louisiana Soccer Association Coaches Licensing Program PURPOSE / SCOPE The purpose of the Louisiana Soccer Association (LSA) Coaching Education Program is to present to coaches, on all levels, a body of knowledge which will help the coach to deal more effectively with the day-to-day requirements of his or her team. The courses provide an opportunity for the education, development and certification of coaches. Further clinics, seminars, a State Symposium and AGM Workshops are conducted annually to assist the professional growth of our coaches. Contact the LSA Office if more information is needed. B. THE SOCCER COACHING EDUCATION PROGRAM The soccer license is official recognition that an individual has satisfactorily completed a particular course on coaching soccer. Presently some local associations require individuals to have a coaching license in order to coach soccer. LSA requires that all registered coaches have at least a Youth Module. Coaches have one year from when they register as a team coach to complete a coaching certification course. The state and national clinic programs offer a way to meet those requirements along with broadening a coach’s knowledge of player development. There are twenty-five categories of soccer coaching courses available in the United States. Five are on the national level only, conducted at a national camp. Four can be conducted at the national or state levels and can be taught by the LSA Technical Director. Sixteen are on the state level, taught by the LSA Technical Director and/or the State Coaching Staff. The courses are: Course Taught By Prerequisite Requirements A License National Participants must hold a “B” license 9 days of training, instruction and examination B License National Participants must hold a “C” license 9 days of training, instruction and examination C License National/ State Participants must hold a “D” license 9 days of training, instruction and examination 126 Nat’l Youth License National/ State Participants must hold an “E” cert. 5 days of training, instruction and examination D License State Participants must hold an “E” license 36 hours of instruction, training and examination E License State No previous 18 hours of instruction, training and coaching examination qualification required F Certificate State No previous 6 hours of instruction and training coaching qualification required Youth Module 2 State No previous 1-2 hours of online education and 2 coaching hours of field instruction qualification required: Beginner Coach Youth Module 1 State No previous 1-2 hours of online education coaching and 2 hours of field instruction qualification required: Beginner Coach TOPSoccer Certificate State No previous 5 hours of instruction and coaching training qualification required: Coaching Special Needs NSCAA Master’s Degree National NSCAA Master Coach 2 Years of course work and examinations NSCAA Master’s Coach National Premier Diploma 18 months of course work and examinations NSCAA Premier Diploma National Advanced National Diploma 45 hours of training, instruction and examinations NSCAA Advanced National Diploma National/ State NSCAA National Diploma or National ‘A’ License 45 hours of training, instruction and examinations 127 NSCAA National Diploma National/ State NSCAA Level 6 Diploma or National ‘B’ License 45 hours of training, instruction and examinations NSCAA High School Diploma State No pre-requisite 21 hours of instruction and training NSCAA Level 6 Diploma State No pre-requisite 18 hours of instruction and (Level 5 encouraged) training NSCAA Level 5 Diploma State No pre-requisite 12 hours of instruction and (Level 4 encouraged) training NSCAA Level 4 Diploma State No pre-requisite 12 hours of instruction and training NSCAA Level 3 Diploma State No pre-requisite 9 hours of instruction and training NSCAA Level 2 Diploma State No pre-requisite 6 hours of instruction and training NSCAA Level 1 Diploma State No pre-requisite 4 hours of instruction and training NSCAA GK Level 3 Diploma State NSCAA GK Level 2 18 hours of instruction and training NSCAA GK Level 2 Diploma State No pre-requisite (GK Level 1 encouraged) 12 hours of instruction and training NSCAA GK Level 1 Diploma State No pre-requisite 6 hours of instruction and training The national licenses are described in the USSF brochure available from the LSA Office. Except where noted, the following information applies to the State Coaching Education Program. 128 C. COURSE DESCRIPTION Youth Module 1 – U6/U8 A two (2) hour course of field sessions and one to two (1-2) hours of online education completed prior to the course. Designed for the parent/coach or novice coach with an emphasis on under 6 and under 8 players. Technique, psychology and FUN are introduced with an emphasis on player development. To receive the U6/U8 certificate a candidate must attend the course in its entirety as well as complete the online module. Youth Module 2 – U10/U12 A two (2) hour course of field sessions and one to two (1-2) hours of online education completed prior to the course. Designed for the parent/coach or novice coach with an emphasis on under 10 and under 12 players. This is a transitional age and a very important course for coaches moving from modified soccer to eleven-a-side soccer. “E” License Course Involves eighteen (18) hours of classroom and field sessions plus pre-course material. It is designed for the coach in the Junior High School age range with greater emphasis on technique, fitness and psychological areas of the player. Introduction to fundamental training, goal keeping and introduction to tactics are included. To receive the “E,” one must attend the course in its entirety, pass a written examination and complete a coaching log book over the following six (6) month period which will be assessed by a State Instructor. “D” License Course The highest state license, and combines thirty-six (36) hours of classroom and field sessions plus pre-course material. It is designed for the needs of the teenage youth player with emphasis on technical and tactical fundamental training, principles of attack and defense. Also discussed is team management, preparation and match analysis. To receive the “D”, one must attend the course in its entirety and pass written, oral and practical examinations. NSCAA Level 1 Diploma This Diploma is designed to help coaches implement developmentally appropriate training games to improve skill levels in a fun and safe environment. The Diploma has three parts, classroom with theory of coaching U6-U8, field work with coaches and field work with U6-U8 players. Coaches not working at this age group would benefit greatly from an appreciation of the developmental abilities and needs of this important age group. NSCAA Level 2 Diploma 129 This Diploma develops on the ideas in Level 1 and is designed to help coaches implement developmentally appropriate training games to improve skill levels in a fun, safe and challenging environment. The Diploma has three parts, classroom with theory of coaching U8-U10, field work with coaches and field work with U8U10 players. Coaches not working at this age group would benefit greatly from an appreciation of the developmental abilities and needs of this important age group. NSCAA Level 3 Diploma This Diploma is a valuable and necessary one for many coaches. The material in this course is designed to assist the coach who has been asked to step up for the first time to coach a team in competition. The course is, in part, conducted in the classroom covering the role of the coach, methodology and player development. The field portions of the course cover a variety of helpful training ideas primarily designed to improve technical ability. The field work also shows coaches a variety of small sided games to use and features a sample session conducted by the instructor. NSCAA Level 4 Diploma This Diploma is strongly partnered with Level 5. The primary focus of the Level 4 Diploma is to assist coaches in their teaching of technique as it is applied in the game. The course includes coaches designing a lesson plan, participating in practical field work and observing a model session. Level 4 concludes with the presentation of small side game activities that teach technique. NSCAA Level 5 Diploma This Diploma is strongly partnered with Level 4. The primary focus of the Level 5 Diploma is to assist coaches in their teaching of tactics as applied in small groups. The course discusses the principles of play and the roles of players. Coaches spend time designing a lesson plan. Coaches also see tactics taught in small games and are exposed to a series of different teaching methodologies. NSCAA Level 6 Diploma This Diploma is an excellent preparatory course for coaches going onto the National Diploma. One third of the course is dedicated to candidates presenting on assigned topics and enjoying feedback on their performance in both methods and content. Expanding upon the content of the Level 4 and 5 Diplomas this course includes a session on reading the game as well as coaching technique and tactics within 4 vs.4 and 6 vs. 6 models of play. NSCAA Goalkeeper Level 1 Diploma The NSCAA Coaching Academy launched its Goalkeeping Academy in 1998 to focus attention on the education of coaches working in the specialized area of 130 goalkeeper training and to improve the ability of all coaches to integrate goalkeeper training into total team training. Courses are offered both residentially and non-residentially. The GK Level 1 Diploma is for team coaches wanting to understand the basics of coaching the goalkeeper. NSCAA Goalkeeper Level 2 Diploma The NSCAA Coaching Academy launched its Goalkeeping Academy in 1998 to focus attention on the education of coaches working in the specialized area of goalkeeper training and to improve the ability of all coaches to integrate goalkeeper training into total team training. Courses are offered both residentially and non-residentially. The GK Level 2 Diploma is for specialized goalkeeper and team coaches looking for in-depth knowledge about training goalkeepers. NSCAA Goalkeeper Level 3 Diploma The NSCAA Coaching Academy launched its Goalkeeping Academy in 1998 to focus attention on the education of coaches working in the specialized area of goalkeeper training and to improve the ability of all coaches to integrate goalkeeper training into total team training. Courses are offered both residentially and non-residentially. The GK Level 3 Diploma is for experienced coaches working with advanced goalkeepers. NSCAA High School Diploma The High School Coaches Diploma deals with managerial issues and practice and game strategies specific to coaches of boys and girls high school teams. The course is designed to address the many issues and responsibilities unique to high school coaches in this country. The course curriculum examines the distinctive role high school coaches play in the personal development of young players. D. WAIVERS There are NO waivers into any state level course. For a candidate wishing to be waived into a national level course please visit the waiver information provided by US Soccer on their website. E. STATE FEES 1. COURSE FEES: LSA Affiliate USYS Youth Module & TOPSoccer No charge National ‘E’ License Course $115.00 Upgrade/Retest $30.00 131 F. National ‘D’ License Course $195.00 NSCAA Level 1 Diploma Set by NSCAA NSCAA Level 2 Diploma Set by NSCAA NSCAA Level 3 Diploma Set by NSCAA NSCAA Level 4 Diploma Set by NSCAA NSCAA Level 5 Diploma Set by NSCAA NSCAA Level 6 Diploma Set by NSCAA NSCAA GK Level 1 Diploma Set by NSCAA NSCAA GK Level 2 Diploma Set by NSCAA NSCAA GK Level 3 Diploma Set by NSCAA NSCAA High School Diploma Set by NSCAA $40.00 2. Fees should be in the LSA Office prior to the commencement of the course. The decision whether to proceed with the course and the number of instructors required will be based on the number of course participants. The required number of advance registered participants to conduct a course are: Youth Modules/TOPSoccer – 12; ‘E’ License – 16; ‘D’ License – 26. If these numbers have not registered and paid their fees prior to the course scheduled date, the course could be cancelled at the discretion of the State Director of Coaching. For all Diploma Courses the numbers are set by the NSCAA. 3. If a planned coaching course is cancelled prior to the scheduled date for any reason, all fees paid shall be reimbursed. If on the date of the planned coaching course there are less than the required numbers stated above, the course will be held and the “no-shows” will forfeit their money. Exceptions on the reason for not showing up on the date of the planned clinic will be handled on a case-bycase basis by the State Director of Coaching. Persons knowing that they will be unable to attend in advance of the course should notify the LSA Office immediately and in writing. 4. Should any club wish to pay the expenses of their coaches to attend these clinics, the club can request an online registration voucher from the LSA for their coaches. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. A six (6) month waiting period is required at the State level between the ‘E’ and ‘D’ Licenses. All other Licenses require a minimum of a twelve (12) month 132 waiting period. All licenses through ‘B’ are good for life. The ‘A’ License requires eight (8) CEU’s over a four (4) year period if order to maintain the ‘A’ License. G. 2. It is recommended that each association/club have a license requirement for their coaches. 3. A schedule of LSA Coaching Education Program courses will be published on the LSA website and emailed to the Louisiana Soccer Association membership. State license courses will be systematically held around the State to insure all associations an opportunity to elevate coaches in their areas. 4. Because the Youth Modules are in such demand in each club at the beginning of each soccer season, clubs are able to conduct the course themselves provided they have a coach/instructor that is approved by the State Director of Coaching. They must follow the course curriculum and communicate the list of candidates to the State Director of Coaching who will check that they have completed the online section of the course and will then email the certificate to the candidate. 5. LSA sends each coach who passes the license course a certificate showing license level obtained and license number. LSA also updates the coaching database so that each club has a record of their coaches passing each level and their license number. Each coach will also have an evaluation form on the course and instructor to be completed and returned to the LSA Office. This allows LSA an opportunity to receive input from coaches on the instructor and the course material. For NSCAA Diploma Courses, each candidate shall receive their Diploma directly from the NSCAA. 6. PRE-REGISTRATION IS MANDATORY! REQUIREMENTS OF THE COACHING INSTRUCTOR A written list of course procedures and requirements will be sent to the course instructor(s) and the course administrator. H. FACILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH CLINIC It is recommended that the facilities include: I. 1. A classroom area with access to a chalkboard/dry-erase board and television for lectures. 2. A playing area will be needed; lights will be required if sessions are held at night. 3. Access to a gym or covered playing area is needed in case of inclement weather. LSA SPONSORED COACHING CLINICS The LSA coaching education department will conduct clinics for its member associations/clubs and cater to their specific needs. Fee, if any, charged will be dependent on the clinic. 133 Policy 501-2 Coach of The Year The Coach of the Year Program is to recognize top coaches in Louisiana and throughout the United States in both the boys and girls programs for both the competitive and recreational levels of play. Our search each seasonal year will be for coaches who exemplify the following characteristics: Dedication and service to the game Longevity in the program Sportsmanship, as exemplified by coach and his/her team Success within the program (not a record of wins and losses) Success in developing players for the next level of play. Each association is responsible for establishing the method and criteria for selecting its nominee. Notification of when to submit nominations, using the LSA Coach of the Year Nomination Form, will be sent to each club in the spring. The LSA Director of Coaching will evaluate all nominations and present them to the LSA Executive Board for vote. The awards will be presented at the LSA Awards Gala held at the LSA Winter Midyear Meeting and their names will be forwarded to Region III for further consideration for the Region III Coach of the Year Award. Policy 501-3 Forms Instructor’s Expense Report Form Course Request Form and Course Voucher Request Form Course Administrator Protocol Form LSA Coach of the Year Nomination Form Clinic Request Form Course Refund Form Policy 502 LSA Risk Management Policy To promote the welfare of youth players and to protect coaches, volunteers, and program administrators and the affiliated clubs the Louisiana Soccer Association (LSA) has adopted the US Youth Soccer KidSafe program. KidSafe is designed to identify all coaches, volunteers and other persons that may have contact with players. It is the intent of US Youth Soccer and its affiliated organizations to exclude from participation in US Youth Soccer activities, at a minimum, all persons who have been convicted of crimes of violence or crimes against persons. Further, it is the intent of LSA to exclude anyone convicted of any other violation of the law that LSA deems detrimental to the health and safety of the players. LSA will not provide clinics to nor license any adult who has not successfully completed the risk management program. Any coach, assistant coach, team trainer, team manager, Club President, Club official, Club representative, Club administrator, LSA Board of Directors member, contract labor employee, referee, or any other individual over the age of 17 seeking affiliation with LSA or LSA affiliated Clubs who has direct or indirect contact or influence on a youth player shall be known 134 collectively as “Adult Applicant” for the purposes of this policy. Any LSA player registered for the current season with an affiliated LSA Club will be known as “Youth Player” or “Player” for the purposes of this Policy. A. APPLICATION PROCESS Each member organization must designate a Risk Management Director (RMD) on the annual LSA affiliation form. The RMD is responsible for insuring that every club officer, coach, assistant coach, manager, referee, assistant referee, trainer and any volunteer who have regular contact with any players complete the LSA online risk management disclosure questionnaire annually. The RMD shall develop and maintain relevant Risk Management Policy for his/her member organization and communicate risk management information to their members as appropriate. Risk management policies may include, but are not limited to, the required background checks; severe weather safety guidelines; first aid guidelines; facilities (including goals and fields); proper use of social media and electronic communications; and tournament/travel. Club registrars will assign coaches to teams; however, coaches will not appear on team rosters nor will the club be able to print coach passes until they have successfully completed the LSA risk management process. All LSA Board members and staff will file an annual risk management disclosure. B. RISK MANAGEMENT DISQUALIFICATION CRITERIA The Risk Management Committee (RMC) will make all initial decisions pertaining to an individual’s eligibility to participate with the LSA. The Risk Management Committee has the authority to immediately disqualify an individual based on the results of any criminal history background check(s). The RMC also has the authority to attain more information on questionable or serious offenses and convictions based on the results of any criminal history background check(s). C. RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (RMC) LSA LSA LSA LSA LSA Vice President Youth Vice President Adult Secretary State Referee Administrator (for officials) Legal Counsel if appointed LSA reserves the right to modify or change the makeup of the RMC with or without notice and for any reason it deems appropriate and/or sees fit. Upon reviewing the results of any background checks conducted, the convictions listed below, in whole or in part, may cause the Risk Management Applicant to be immediately disqualified from participation with the LSA, all LSA related activities and events, all LSA affiliated club activities and events, and all US Youth Soccer related activities and events. LSA reserves the right to contact the applicant regarding their criminal history in an attempt to gather 135 more information. Information provided by the applicant is taken into consideration by the RMC in determining the eligibility of the applicant to participate with LSA. D. DISQUALIFICATION CRITERIA Individual volunteers found to be guilty of the following crimes will be disqualified as a volunteer as outlined below. Guilty means the applicant was found guilty following a trial, entered a guilty plea, and entered a no contest plea accompanied by the court’s finding of guilty, regardless of whether there was an adjudication of guilt (conviction) or a withholding of guilt. This policy does not apply if criminal charges resulted in acquittal, dismissal or in an entry of “nolle prosequi”: 1. Ever Found To Be Guilty Of: a. All sex offenses including child molestation, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sodomy, prostitution, solicitation, indecent exposure, etc. b. All felony violence including murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault, kidnapping, robbery, aggravated burglary, etc. 2. Found To Be Guilty Within The Past 10 Years Of: all felony offenses other than violence or sex including drug offenses, theft, embezzlement, fraud, child endangerment, etc. 3. Found To Be Guilty Within The Past 7 Years Of: All misdemeanor violence offences including simple assault, battery, domestic violence, hit & run, etc. 4. Found To Be Guilty Within The Past 5 Years Or Multiple Offenses In The Past 10 Years Of: Misdemeanor drug offenses, including simple drug possession, etc. 5. Found To Be Guilty Within The Past 2 Years, or Found To Be Guilty of 3 or more offenses within10 Years Of: Misdemeanor alcohol offenses including driving under the influence, drunk and disorderly, public intoxication, possession of drug paraphernalia, etc. 6. Any other misdemeanor within the past 5 years that would be considered a potential danger to children or is directly related to the functions of the volunteer including contributing to the delinquency of a minor, providing alcohol to a minor, theft – if volunteer is handling monies, etc. Should any pending charges described above be uncovered, or should any of the above charges be brought against an applicant during the season, the applicant shall be suspended from serving until such time as the charges have been cleared or dropped and the Conduct Official has approved reinstatement. LSA, the LSA RMC and LSA Legal Counsel have the right at any time to add additional offenses and convictions to the list as outlined above. The RMC analyzes convictions produced from criminal history background check(s) with an incident date between the application date and ten (10) years previous from the application date. The RMC also reserves the right to review and analyze incidents that date back farther than ten (10) 136 years if it is deemed that a person’s criminal history beyond ten (10) years possesses a serious threat to the well-being and safety of children. The RMC also reserves the right to perform criminal history background check(s) at random time periods on any Adult Member who has previously applied for Risk Management and who may or may not have a criminal history. E. DISQUALIFICATION PROCEDURE LSA Legal Counsel will send written notification to every Adult Applicant who has been disqualified by the RMC with instructions on how to appeal the decision made by the RMC. The disqualified individual has seven (7) days from the receipt of the notice of disqualification to submit an appeal in writing to the LSA Executive Committee. If written notification from the disqualified Adult Member is not received by LSA State Office within seven (7) days then the disqualification will be final and the Adult Applicant will lose all rights to appeal the decision and forfeits their eligibility to participate with the LSA, LSA affiliates, and US Youth Soccer. LSA Legal Counsel will send written notification to every Adult Applicant who is asked to provide more information by the RMC pertaining to offenses and/or convictions found as a result of criminal history background check(s). If the Adult Applicant fails to respond to LSA Legal Counsel within 10 days of the receipt of the written notification for more information than the individual will be disqualified from participation with the LSA. The decision will be final and the Adult Applicant will lose all rights to appeal the decision and forfeits their eligibility to participate with the LSA, LSA affiliates, and US Youth Soccer. F. APPEAL PROCESS Any Adult Applicant who has been disqualified from participation with the LSA has the right to appeal the initial decision made by the RMC. Once the written notification of the disqualification is received by the individual, that individual must submit a written notice of appeal to the LSA Executive Committee addressed to the LSA State Office. If the written notice of appeal is not received by the LSA State Office within seven (7) days from the receipt of the disqualification letter, the individual forfeits their current ability for an appeal as well as any time in the future. The appeal will occur during the next scheduled Board of Directors Meeting at the LSA State Office. All Board Members present at the meeting may vote with the exception of those individual Board Members who serve on the RMC. A vote will be taken by the LSA Board of Directors in executive session and the decision will be relayed in written form by LSA Legal Counsel no later than 10 days from the date of the meeting. The decision made by the LSA Board of Directors is final and will take effect immediately following the notification by LSA Legal Counsel of the LSA Board of Director’s decision. Policy 701-1 A. LSA Hall Of Fame Hall of Fame Committee The Hall of Fame Committee shall be composed of not less than five (5) members. These members shall include: 1. Chairman; 2. At least two of the members of the current Executive Board of this Association; 137 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. At least one representative from an LSA-affiliated club/association in good standing; Selection must be by unanimous vote. Voting must be recorded by name and be made a part of the Hall of Fame records; When selected, nominees will be honored annually; After the first year of selection, not more than three (3) persons shall be so selected each year. Committee members shall be appointed by the President and serve two (2) year terms. B. Criteria for Selection for Hall of Fame 1. At least ten (10) years of high achievement and excellence in contributing to Louisiana Soccer Association and/or as a representative of Louisiana soccer in one or more of the following categories: a. Player b. Coach c. Referee d. Administrator 2. Contributions of individuals must be properly documented and substantiated. 3. Documents may be in the form of letters, clippings, articles and/or statistics from Internet sources, and other papers from which a legitimate selection may be made, or from which proof of accomplishments can be determined and recommendations made. C. Limit There will be no limit as to the number of active Hall of Fame Members. 138
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