01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 3 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM Svensk Redovisning THE ACCOUNTING MANUAL 2014 NORSTEDTS JURIDIK 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 7 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM Contents I. Introduction 9 New in BAS 2014 11 Organisation of the BAS activities 13 From BAS Accounting Plan to BAS Concept 15 Accounting standards 22 Link between the accounts in BAS and the items in the balance sheet and income statement 26 II. BAS Chart of Accounts 33 1 Assets 2 3 4 5–6 7 8 Equity and liabilities 39 Operating income/revenue 43 Cost of goods, materials and certain sub-contract work 44 Other external operating expenses/costs 45 Personnel costs, depreciation etc. 49 Financial and other income and expenses 53 35 III. Instructions for the account classes 57 1 2 3 4 5–6 7 8 Composition of the coding instructions 59 Assets 61 Equity and liabilities 143 Operating income/revenue 213 Cost of goods, materials and certain sub-contract work 241 Other external operating expenses/costs 255 Personnel costs, depreciation etc. 319 Financial and other income and expenses 363 IV. Areas for further study 397 Adaptation of BAS to companies and industries 399 The Swedish Accounting Standards Board K project 410 Bookkeeping – current recording of transactions, vouchers and retention of records 419 Group companies and associated companies 435 Accounting for exchange differences 436 Key word index 441 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 35 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM BAS Chart of Accounts A square ( ) in the table indicates that the account is included in a selection of accounts that for most companies are sufficient for basic accounting. 1 Assets 10 1010 Intangible fixed assets Development expenditure 1011 Capitalised expenditure for development 1012 Capitalised expenditure for software 1018 Accumulated write-downs of capitalised expenditure 1019 Accumulated amortisation of capitalised expenditure 1020 Concessions etc. 1028 Accumulated write-downs of concessions etc. 1029 Accumulated amortisation of concessions etc. 1030 Patents 1038 Accumulated write-downs of patents 1039 Accumulated amortisation of patents 1040 Licences 1048 Accumulated write-downs of licenses 1049 Accumulated amortisation of licences 11 1110 1120 1130 1140 12 1210 1220 Land and buildings Buildings 1111 Buildings on freehold land 1112 Buildings on leasehold land 1118 Accumulated write-downs of buildings 1119 Accumulated depreciation on buildings Cost of improvements to leased property 1129 Accumulated depreciation on cost of improvements to leased property Land Plots and undeveloped land areas Machinery and equipment Plant and machinery 1211 Machinery 1213 Other plant 1218 Accumulated write-downs of plant and machinery 1219 Accumulated depreciation on plant and machinery Equipment and tools 1050 1060 1070 1080 1150 1180 Trademarks 1058 Accumulated write-downs of trademarks 1059 Accumulated amortisation of trademarks Tenancy, site leasehold and similar rights 1068 Accumulated write-downs of tenancy, site leasehold and similar rights 1069 Accumulated amortisation of tenancy, site leasehold and similar rights Goodwill 1078 Accumulated write-downs of goodwill 1079 Accumulated amortisation of goodwill Projects in progress and advance payments for intangible fixed assets 1081 Projects in progress for intangible fixed assets 1088 Advance payments for intangible fixed assets Land improvements 1158 Accumulated write-downs of land improvements 1159 Accumulated depreciation on land improvements Construction in progress and advance payments for land and buildings 1181 New construction, extensions and conversions in progress 1188 Advance payments for land and buildings 1221 1222 1223 1225 1228 Equipment Building equipment Land equipment Tools Accumulated write-downs of equipment and tools 1229 Accumulated depreciation on equipment and tools 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 36 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM 36 1230 1240 1250 13 1310 1320 1330 BAS Chart of Accounts Fixtures and fittings 1231 Fixtures and fittings, own property 1232 Fixtures and fittings, leased property 1238 Accumulated write-downs of fixtures and fittings 1239 Accumulated depreciation on fixtures and fittings Cars and other transport equipment 1241 Cars 1242 Heavy goods vehicles 1243 Trucks 1244 Processing machines 1245 Tractors 1246 Motorcycles, mopeds and scooters 1247 Boats, aircraft and helicopters 1248 Accumulated write-downs of cars and other transport equipment 1249 Accumulated depreciation on cars and other transport equipment Computers Financial fixed assets Participations in group companies 1311 Shares in listed Swedish group companies 1312 Shares in unlisted Swedish group companies 1313 Shares in listed foreign group companies 1314 Shares in unlisted foreign group companies 1316 Other participations in group companies 1318 Accumulated write-downs of participations in group companies Long-term receivables from group companies 1321 Long-term receivables from parent company 1322 Long-term receivables from subsidiaries 1323 Long-term receivables from other group companies 1328 Accumulated write-downs of long-term receivables from group companies Participations in associated companies 1336 Participations in economic associations, associated companies 1260 1280 1290 1340 1350 1360 1370 1380 1251 Computers, company’s 1257 Computers, employees’ 1258 Accumulated write-downs of computers 1259 Accumulated depreciation on computers Leased assets 1269 Accumulated depreciation on leased assets Construction in progress and advance payments for machinery and equipment 1281 Construction in progress, machinery and equipment 1288 Advance payments for machinery and equipment Other tangible fixed assets 1291 Works of art and similar assets 1292 Animals classified as fixed assets 1298 Accumulated write-downs of other tangible fixed assets 1299 Accumulated depreciation on other tangible fixed assets 1338 Accumulated write-downs of participations in associated companies Long-term receivables from associated companies 1348 Accumulated write-downs of long-term receivables from associated companies Participations and securities in other companies 1351 Participations in listed companies 1352 Other participations 1353 Participations in tenantowner associations 1354 Bonds 1356 Participations in economic associations, other companies 1358 Accumulated write-downs of other participations and securities Loans to partners or related parties, long-term portion 1369 Accumulated write-downs of loans to partners or related parties, long-term portion Deferred tax asset Other long-term receivables 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 8 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 82 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM 82 1210 Laws and standards • ÅRL Chapters 2, 4, 5 • K2 Chapters 2, 4, 9–10, 19 • K3 Chapters 2, 4, 17, 24–25, 27 • RFR 2 • IFRS 5, 6 • IFRIC 4, 18 • IAS 1, 16, 17, 20, 23, 36 • SIC 10, 27 1210 Plant and machinery Contents of the account The account shows the carrying amount for machinery, large special tools and other technical plant intended for use in manufacturing or provision of services. For example an excavator in a contracting company should also be recorded in this account. The term machinery refers to generally used equipment with a power source that is normally found at a workplace. This account is also used to record expenditure for parts and accessories for a building that are intended to be used directly in operations, so-called permanent building equipment. The following are examples of permanent equipment in an industrial building: machine bases, rails and gantry tracks, lifts for transporting goods, storage tanks, containers and platforms for storage, pipes and cables for water, waste, electricity intended to directly serve industrial operations, special heating and ventilation facilities and separate chimneys for dissipation of gases etc. The cost of acquisition for acquired and self-constructed machinery must include, besides the purchase price for material, expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition. Examples of such expenditure are customs, freight, installation and consulting services. A deduction is to be made for trade discounts, bonus and other similar rebates. Under K2 rules estimated expenditure for dismantling, removal or site restoration is not to be included in the cost of acquisition of an acquired fixed asset. The same applies to legal entities under the K3 rules. The cost of acquisition for a manufactured machine should also include and may include certain other direct and indirect costs. Different rules apply under K2 and K3 for additional expenditure. Where necessary, the account can be divided into the following subaccounts 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 83 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM 83 1211–1219 1211 1213 Machinery Other plant Accumulated write-downs and depreciation on plant and machinery are recorded as an adjusting entry in the following accounts: 1218 1219 Accumulated write-downs of plant and machinery Accumulated depreciation on plant and machinery Please note Under K2 rules tangible fixed assets of minor value and short-term equipment may be expensed in the same year as they are acquired. This is in line with the provisions of the Income Tax Act on equipment of minor value. A tangible fixed asset may be expensed if the cost of acquisition is less than a half price base amount plus value added tax that is not to be deducted or refunded under the Value Added Tax Act. Under the K3 rules a legal entity may record expenditure on tangible fixed assets that are of minor value or that can be assumed to have a maximum useful life of three years as a cost on initial recognition, if the company makes a corresponding deduction under the Income Tax Act and it can be assumed that the deduction will be allowed. Not to be posted in the account Permanent building equipment, in buildings for business purposes 1220 Spare parts and machine accessories, for permanent use 1220 Spare parts and machine accessories, repairs and maintenance 5510 Contra accounts 1280 2085 3800 7730 7780 7830 Construction in progress and advance payments for machinery and equipment Revaluation reserve Own work capitalised Write-downs of machinery and equipment Reversed write-downs of machinery and equipment Depreciation of machinery and equipment Related accounts 2150 3970 5200 5400 5500 7970 8850 Accumulated excess depreciation Capital gains on sale of intangible and tangible fixed assets Hired fixed assets (control account) Consumable equipment and supplies (control account) Repairs and maintenance (control account) Losses on sale of intangible and tangible fixed assets Changes in excess depreciation 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 84 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM 84 1220–1229 1220 Equipment and tools Contents of the account This account shows the carrying amount for equipment and tools intended for use by auxiliary departments and within the administration. The term equipment refers to facilities other than machinery that are not fixed and that are necessary to conduct business operations. The term equipment also includes vehicles such as stackers, trailers, barrows and bicycles. The term tools refers to spare parts and machinery accessories for repair and maintenance. This account is also debited for permanent building equipment in buildings for business purposes such as shop fittings and escalators. See also instructions to account 1210 Plant and machinery. If equipment needs to be specified under different types of equipment (e.g. workshop equipment, office equipment, shop equipment etc.) account 1220 can be sub-divided into the following sub-accounts: 1221 1222 1223 1225 Equipment Building equipment Land equipment Tools Accumulated write-downs and depreciation on equipment and tools are reported as an adjusting entry in the following accounts: 1228 1229 Accumulated write-downs of equipment and tools Accumulated depreciation on equipment and tools Please note Equipment may be expensed if the cost of acquisition is less than a half price base amount (SEK 22,200 for 2014) plus value added tax that is not to be deducted or refunded under the Value Added Tax Act. Equipment may also be expensed if it can be assumed to have a useful life (for tax purposes it is the economic life that applies) of a maximum of three years. Not to be posted in the account Plant and machinery, for production in manufacturing companies Installations, computers, hardware 1250 Installations, for data communication Works of art and similar assets Tools, in the nature of overheads 1230 1291 5520 1210 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 85 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM 1230–1239 85 Contra accounts 1280 2085 3800 7730 7780 7830 Construction in progress and advance payments for machinery and equipment Revaluation reserve Own work capitalised Write-downs of machinery and equipment Reversed write-downs of machinery and equipment Depreciation of machinery and equipment Related accounts 2150 3970 5200 5400 5500 7970 8850 1230 Accumulated excess depreciation Capital gains on sale of intangible and tangible fixed assets Hired fixed assets (control account) Consumable equipment and supplies (control account) Repairs and maintenance (control account) Losses on sale of intangible and tangible fixed assets Changes in excess depreciation Fixtures and fittings Contents of the account This account shows the carrying amount for fixtures and fittings in the company’s premises that are of value to the company. Fixtures and fittings may for example refer to piping and wiring other than that required for the general functioning of the building, such as communication installations. Fixtures and fittings may consist of costs for both materials and labour. Fixtures and fittings may refer to installations in both own property or leased property. For further information on what should be recorded in the account, see the instructions for account 1210 Plant and machinery. Where necessary, the account can be divided into the following subaccounts: 1231 1232 Fixtures and fittings, own property Fixtures and fittings, leased property Accumulated write-downs and deprociation on fixtures and fittings are recorded as an adjusting entry in the following accounts: 1238 1239 Accumulated write-downs of fixtures and fittings Accumulated depreciation on fixtures and fittings Please note Fixtures and fittings may be expensed if the cost of acquisition is less than a half price base amount (SEK 22,200 for 2014) plus value added tax that is not to be deducted or refunded under the Value Added Tax Act. Fixtures 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 8 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 291 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM 291 5990–6000 5990 Other advertising and PR expenses Contents of the account The account is debited with other advertising expenses for which no special accounts have been created within this account group. The following expenses can be recorded here: • advertising contributions given (contributions to other companies for joint advertising and other activities) • advertising surveys • advertising administration. 60 Other selling expenses General information on the contents of the account group This account group is used to record special expenses associated with the company’s selling operations. The expense of printed matter which is not of an advertising nature, special order costs, sales commission and costs for producing the company’s own trade publications etc. are recorded here. Expenses which relate to sales promotion activities such as advertising and PR (account group 59) or salaries and remuneration to people employed by the company (account class 7) should not be recorded in this account group. Laws and standards See page 255. 6000 Other selling expenses (control account) Contents of the account This account is debited with all other selling expenses which are included in account group 60. The account is used as control account when various other selling expenses do not need to be reported separately. Not to be posted in the account Advertising and PR 59 Salaries and remuneration to employees of the company 7 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 292 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM 292 6010 6010–6050 Catalogues, price lists etc. Contents of the account This account is debited with external production and distribution expenses for technical descriptions, catalogues of a descriptive nature, price lists etc. which are not in the nature of advertising. Not to be posted in the account Printed matter of an advertising nature 6020 5930 Own trade publications Contents of the account This account is debited with any expenditure associated with production of the company’s own trade publications containing product information. The costs of articles and translations by external staff and also external printing expenses should be recorded here. Not to be posted in the account Information on the company itself Staff magazine Annual report 6030 59 7699 6440 Special order costs Contents of the account Special order costs, such as costs for advance payments and delivery guarantees, stamps and delivery inspections by external personnel, are debited to this account. 6040 Credit card charges Contents of the account This account is debited with costs for handling credit cards. 6050 Sales commissions Contents of the account Remuneration to outside agents and brokers for services associated with sale and marketing of the company’s products and goods is debited to this account. ”Delcredere commission”, which an agent receives for undertaking to guarantee customer payments, is also included in this account. If necessary, the following sub-account may be used. 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 293 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM 6055–6069 6055 293 Franchise charges etc. This account is debited with expenses that are particular to franchising business. Both the entrance fee and the day-to-day service fees are debited to this account. Also the lease charges for a whole business may be debited to this account. Related accounts Consideration may be given to recording production-dependent franchise costs in account class 4. Entry fees in connection with franchising that are capitalised – 1020 Concessions etc. Please note Commission is generally paid in arrears. Thus in the annual accounts items there may be items that need to be accrued. Under K2 rules a company does not need to accrue income and expenses that individually are less than SEK 5 000. If every financial year the same type of expense recurs, that is not a personnel expense, under K2 rules it may be recognised as an expense in the financial year the company normally receives an invoice or makes a contractual payment or similar if a) the expense can be assumed to vary no more than 20 per cent between years, and b) one year’s cost is recognised in each financial year. Under K2 rules there is also a year-end closing rule that under certain conditions means that expenditure of less than SEK 5 000 does not need to be accrued. There is no corresponding rule in K3 but instead materiality must be assessed on a case by case basis. 6060 Credit sale charges Contents of the account This account is debited with the kind of special sale charges which result from credit sales. Expenditure on credit information, credit control, collection and claim application charges at the Swedish Enforcement Authority (Kronofogdemyndigheten) is recorded here. Premiums for credit insurance and expenses for factoring are also debited to this account. If necessary, the account may be divided into the following sub-accounts: 6061 6062 6063 6064 6069 Credit information Debt collecting expenses Credit insurance premiums Factoring charges Other credit sale charges 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 8 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 419 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM Bookkeeping – current recording of transactions, vouchers and retention of records Legislation and other standards The Bookkeeping Act (1999:1078) regulates such matters as who is required to maintain accounting records, the financial year, the meaning of the requirement to maintain accounting records, current recording of transactions and vouchers, how to close the current recording of transactions and retention of accounting records. Those required to maintain accounting records must, under the Bookkeeping Act, close their accounts with an annual report, an annual closing or a simplified annual closing. The provisions on annual closing and annual reports can be found in the Annual Accounts Act, ÅRL (1995:1554). Other laws may also contain rules that affect bookkeeping. For example, the VAT Act stipulates certain conditions concerning supporting material for VAT reporting. Those required to maintain accounting records must comply with the Bookkeeping Act and generally accepted accounting principles. The Swedish Accounting Standards Board is responsible for developing generally accepted accounting principles and issues general advice and guidance, including BFNAR 2013:2 Bookkeeping. This general advice is structured in the same way as the K3 rules, i.e. each individual area starts with a piece of legislation followed by one or more items of general advice linked to the particular provision quoted. After that a comment is given on the legal text and general advice. Finally a number of examples are given that are linked to the nine chapters of general advice: 1. Application, definitions and language 2. Current recording of transactions and its presentation 3. Time of posting 4. Fixed assets register 5. Vouchers 6. Summary vouchers 7. Accounting records 8. Retention of accounting records 9. Systems documentation and description of accounting procedures applied The general advice is to be applied by natural persons required to maintain accounting records. This means that even business operators that prepare a simplified annual closing and apply the K1-rules in some parts are to apply the general advice. Legal entities, regardless of size, must also apply the general advice. However, estates in bankruptcy are not covered by the general advice. 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 420 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM 420 Areas for further study Who should maintain accounting records? Natural persons who are business operators are required to maintain accounting records of these operations. Legal entities are required on principle to keep accounting records even if they do not operate a business. Some exemptions are made, for example for small foundations or nonprofit associations. Laws and standards Chapter 2, Bookkeeping Act Point 1.2 BFNAR 2013:2 Bookkeeping BFNAR 2006:1, Sole traders who prepare a simplified annual closing BFNAR 2010:1, Non-profit associations and registered religious communities that prepare a simplified annual closing BFN R 11 Sole trader accounts BFNAR 2004:2 Cessation of requirement to maintain accounting records in sole trader businesses BFN U 88:7 Issues concerning requirement of sole traders to maintain accounting records BFN U 88:8 Annual accounts in commission agent companies BFN U 87:10 Book-keeping in insolvency Systems documentation and description of accounting procedures applied Systems documentation Systems documentation means descriptions of the organisation and structure of the accounting system necessary to provide an overview of the system. Systems documentation must include • a chart of accounts, • a description of how accounts are used and how they are combined when preparing an annual closing or annual report, if this is not clear from the chart of accounts, • a description of the accounting system and • a records retention plan. The items in question are not needed if the overview which the systems documentation is to provide is directly evident from the accounting records. This applies above all if the entity required to maintain accounting records keeps the books manually or uses standardised accounting software that is managed without automatic coding. The chart of accounts shows the bookkeeping accounts and their use. There is no stipulation as to which chart of accounts should be used; the entity required to maintain accounting records may draw up the chart. However, the majority of those required to maintain accounting records use the BAS Accounting Plan. There are great advantages, both practical and financial, to using the BAS Accounting Plan. It is set up in most standard accounting software, which means that those required to maintain 01 Accounting Manual 2014.fm Page 8 Friday, September 5, 2014 1:34 PM 02 Accounting Manual 2014 KeyWords.fm Page 441 Friday, September 5, 2014 2:02 PM Key word index Figures in bold and italics refer to pages in the book. Remaining figures refer to account number. A Accountancy services, 6530 Accounting currency, 425 Accounting period, 427 Accounting standards, 22 Accounts payable associated companies, 2470 group companies, 2460 other group companies, 2460 parent company, 2460 subsidiaries, 2460 trade, 2440 Accounts receivable associated companies, 1570 group companies, 1560 other group companies, 1560 parent company, 1560 subsidiaries, 1560 trade, 1510 Accrued contractual costs, 2980 contractual social security contributions, 2950 contributions, 2940 employees, 7210 expenses, 29, expenses and deferred income, 29 expenses and deferred income, other, 2990 holiday pay, 2920 income from agreements, 1780 income not yet invoiced, 1620 interest income, 1760 interest payable, 2960 pay and profit shares to white-collar pension costs, 2930 pension payments, 2930 rental income, 1750 statutory social security and other wages and salaries, 2910 wages and salaries, other, 2919 yield tax on pension costs, 2940 Accumulated amortisation of concessions etc., 1020 development expenditure goodwill, 1070 licences, 1040 patents, 1030 renting rights, 1060 trademarks, 1050 Accumulated depreciation on buildings, 1110 cars and other transport equipment, 1240 computers, 1250 equipment and tools, 1220 fixtures and fittings, 1230 land improvements, 1150 leased assets, 1260 machinery and equipment, 1210 other tangible fixed assets, 1290 plant and machinery, 1210 Accumulated excess depreciation on buildings and land improvements, 2150 intangible fixed assets, 2150 machinery and equipment, 2150 Accumulated write-downs of, associated companies, 1340 buildings, 1110 cars and other transport equipment, 1240 companies, 1320 computers, 1250 concessions etc., 1020 development expenditure equipment and tools, 1220 fixtures and fittings, 1230 goodwill, 1070 land improvements, 1150 licenses, 1040 long-term receivables from long-term receivables from group other long-term receivables, 1380 other tangible fixed assets, 1290 participations in associated companies, 1330 participations in group companies, 1310 plant and machinery, 1210 renting rights, 1060 trademarks, 1050 Acquisition value of securities sold, 4980 Activity support received, 4730 Actual warranty costs, 6360 Adaptation of account class 3, 214 Adaptation of account class 4, 242 Adaptation of accounts for recording VAT, 217 Adaptation of accounts to group relationship, 217 Adaptation of BAS to companies and industries, 399 Adaptation of the accounts for recording VAT, 245 Adaptation of the accounts to group circumstances, 245 02 Accounting Manual 2014 KeyWords.fm Page 442 Friday, September 5, 2014 2:02 PM 442 A–C Figures in bold and italics refer to pages in the book. Remaining figures refer to account number. Adaptation to industries, 407 Advances, 321 Additional cash remuneration, 7310 Administration charges and credit insurance premiums, 7470 Administration costs, 64xx Advance payments for goods and services, 1480 intangible fixed assets, 1088 land and buildings, 1188 machinery and equipment, 1288 Advances from customers, 2420 Advances, other, 1610 Advertising and PR, 59xx Advertising contributions received, 3990 Advertising tax, 2660 Advisory services, from auditor, 6420 Aircraft, 1240 Allocation to expansion funds, 2050 Allowance for mandatory work clothing, 7350 Amortisation of concessions, 7810, 1020 development expenditure, 7810, 1010 licences, 7810, 1040 patents, 7810, 1030 renting rights, 7810, 1060 trademarks, 7810, 1050 Animals, fixed assets, 1290 Annual and interim reports, 6440 Annual closing/report, 447, 455 Annual general meeting, 6450 Annual general meeting/Annual general meeting of an association, 6450 Annual report, 6530, 456 Anticipated bad debt losses, 6352 Apprentices, 70xx Appropriations, other, 8890 Assets, 61 Assets in the form of prepaid expenses, 1770 Associated companies, 1330, 435 Association fees, 6980 A-tax, 1630, 321 Attachment of earnings, 2750 Audit, 6420 Audit fee, estimated, 2990 B Bad debt losses, 6350 Balance sheet, 449 Bank accounts, 1920, 1930, 1940 guarantees, 6080 overdraft, 2330 Banking costs, 6570 Bankruptcy, 1510, 1520, 6350, 6380 BAS Ratios, 12 Basic principles of the BAS Accounting Plan, 15 Basic Schedules of the BAS Chart of Accounts, 17 Benefits free car, 7380 free housing, 7380 free meals, 7380 free or subsidised work clothing, 7380 free travel to and from the work place, 7380 in kind, 322 other, 7380 subsidised interest, 7380 subsidised meals, 7380 Bills payable, 2492 Bills receivable, 1520 Blocked accounts, 1970 Board and lodging, 5830 abroad, 5830 Sweden, 5830 Boats, 1240, 5670 Bond and debenture loans, 2310 Bonds, 1354, 1820 Bonus issue, 2080 Bonuses, 2820, 3730, 4730, 4780 Bonuses from insurance companies, 7410 Bonuses to managers, 7220 Bookkeeping, 419 Bookkeeping structure, 424 Books of prime entry, 423 Building equipment, 1220 Buildings and land, 11xx excess depreciation, 2150 on freehold land, 1110 on leasehold land, 1110 Buildings, replacement reserve, 2160, 8860 Business entertaining non tax-deductible, 6070 tax-deductible, 6070 allowance, 7370 Business travel, 5800, 5810, 5820, 5830, 5890 Bye-law reserve, 2060 C Cables, 6230 Capital contribution for the year, 2010 Capital gain from sale of intangible and tangible fixed assets, 3970 land and buildings, 3970 machinery and equipment, 3970 participations in associated companies, 8120
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