asked, “If you see your brother in need and do nothing, how does God’s love dwell in you?” (Bailey paraphrase). Example #2: Divine sovereignty and divine immanence (or the struggles between Calvinism and Arminianism). Again, the interesting truth is that both are taught/implied in Scripture and are necessary to get the full picture of “grace.” Part of the mystery of God’s grace is the unexplainable “working together” of both of the concepts. Yes, God chooses, but mankind also responds, being grafted in by “free will.” The Bible often describes polar opposites when in reality both are needed to get a complete picture of God and grace. God is merciful, but he is also just; He is the judge but also the redeemer; Grace is always free but always costly. It is just like “the horse and carriage”-“you can’t have one without the other.” Keep in mind that the “truth” is often that critical balance between two opposing sides. When listening to the harassments of politicians on TV ads, the remonstrances of adolescent “kids” who claim “It's not my fault”, or the “door-todoor evangelists” whose way is the only way and your way is all wrong! There are so many ways in which we must search for truth, not in one of two opposites, but in that critical balance between two seeming opposites. It is the issues that tie us together that are generally most important issues of life; the dividing issues are often the lesser issues of life. One side of an argument is usually not the complete story; real discernment often suggests that there is some truth on both sides. God’s Love Reaching Out and Touching Lives “Theological Symbiosis” intrigues me. Originally, “symbiosis” is a biological term describing two dissimilar organisms that live in intimate association with each other, but are not harmful to each other. It is ordinarily used in cases where the association is advantageous or often necessary to one or both, and not harmful to either (Webster). When the word “theological” is added it takes on a different character— but can still be seen as “living together” (sym + biosis). I am using the term to describe theological ideas that seem to be opposites, but both are essential for the life of the whole. It assumes that the Scriptures teach both ideas and neither concept can really stand by itself (watch the “heretic” in me coming out!). Example #1: Is faith strictly “individualistic” or is it “communal/community” oriented. It is both and it requires each of them for it to work. One is a cause…and the other is an effect. If you shift too much to one or the other, you get only part of the picture. It is this that John considered when he Pastor Bob 1 October 5 – Acts 9: Saul: You never know. World Communion Sunday October 12 – Acts 10-11: Cornelius: God’s Timing October 19 – Laity Sunday October 1 – Wednesday Praise Team – 6:30 PM October 8 – Wednesday Praise Team – 6:30 PM October 26 – Acts 12: Surprised by a “Ghost” All Saints Day October 15 – Wednesday Praise Team – 6:30 PM October 22 – Wednesday Praise Team – 6:30 PM October 29 – Wednesday Praise Team – 6:30 PM GOD’S LOVE REACHING OUT AND TOUCHING LIVES Thank you for wearing your name tag on Sunday morning. Don’t forget to leave it at the end of the service so it is here for you next week. 2 PM Start at First Methodist Questions? See Mike Austin 2 Everyone is invited to take a turn at the hospitality table, providing refreshments after church. If you don’t care to provide the food, the freezers almost always have some cookies or other food that defrost quickly, and the makings for lemonade are in the fridge. Questions? See Pam Hill (788587). Adult Study Options: Beginning Sunday, October 5, our adult/youth study groups will be in full swing. Sunday Morning Classes – after worship 1. Youth will meet in the youth room 2. Adult Bible study (led by Louise Hill) will meet in the church conference room 3. Adult study (various topics—led by Elaine Eicher) meeting place TBA Sunday Evening Groups 1. Food at 5:30 PM—Call Pam Hill for “reservation” Donation of $2 2. 6:00 PM - Youth Group meets 3. 6:00 PM Pastor’s Bible study group studying “O.T. Themes”\ This has been a difficult time for our family. We appreciate all the support from the members of Trinity, many who we don’t know personally since none of lives in Jackson. God’s love overflowed through the church to us. Thanks so much. Cris O’Brien (Christy Davis’ daughter) As you leave the Sanctuary each Sunday, if you don’t need your bulletin, please put it in the recycle box. Thank you. Meeting-7:30 PM Wednesday, October 15 All are welcome!! Topic: Preparation for November 23 Charge Conference 3 Trustees will meet October 6, 6:30…winter preparation is on the agenda. 5 – Marilyn Hill Sharon Hutchins 12 – Ray, Pam, Emily Hill Eric & Sheri Hurst 19 – Robert Howard Bruce & Becky Wood Family 26 – Eric & Sheri Hurst Steve & Connie Anderson Trustees are accepting and reviewing bids for snow removal for the 2014/2015 winter. If you know of someone who would be interested in removing our snow please see any trustee. The Trustees extend a heartfelt “thank you” to everyone who works in front or behind the scenes to keep the inside and outside of the church property in such good condition It is not without notice that the shrubs have been trimmed regularly, the lawn has been mowed, the mowers have been maintained, the windows have been washed, the weeks have been attacked, and the flowers have been nurtured. With the warm months slipping away, we hope you will continue with your efforts. Thank you all!! 1 – Connie Anderson 6 – Bruce Wood 9 – Belinda Vinton 11 – Joy Hatchett 17 – Leah Austin Smith 18 – Alan Lewis 21 – Luke Austin 22 – Becky Wood 27 – Mike Austin 30 – Jim Gauss Kathie Austin, Susan Anderson, Randy Eicher, Ray Hill, Alan Lewis; Connie Wallace (Chair) Gifts may be pledged to the Trinity Youth Fund for their mission trip for the summer of 2015. See the “Reframe 2015” board which offers the opportunity to pledge various amounts. 1 – Alan & Daphne Lewis 5 – Steve & Connie Anderson 26 – Chris & Lynne Markiewicz 4 We, as a church, have agreed to pray for one Jackson City Police officer daily through the Adopt-A-Cop program. Our officer’s name is Steven Scarpino, and he is in the K-9 unit. A sign-up sheet for August, and September is located on the front table. Prayer aids and more information are under the sign-up sheets. Each participant will pray daily for one week (or month). Those who have participated in the program find it to be easy, convenient and rewarding; you will too. Please sign up today and let’s keep Officer Scarpino covered in prayer. OCTOBER WORSHIP LEADERS 5 12 19 26 For news on the Adopt-A-Cop program, scripture references, and prayer points, log on to – – – – 5– 12 – 19 – 26 – At Brookside United Methodist Church 400 Francis St Pam Hill Mike Austin Louise Hill Belinda Vinton OCTOBER Jeff Hill; Alan Lewis Steve & Connie Anderson Carolyn Hammersley; Ruth Knight Joy Hatchett; Natalie & Julia Ketchens The entire congregation is assigned to be greeters. October 17, 2014 Time: 4:30-7:00 PM Free Will Offering to Benefit: The Friendly Home The John George Home Menu Roast Beef Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy Green Beans; Salads, Rolls Desserts: ies, Cakes, Etc. (made by Brookside Ladies) PASTOR PARISH RELATIONS COMMITTEE NEWS Looking ahead to our TUMC Charge Conference... Please save this date November 23rd at 4 PM. 5 UNITED METHODIST WOMEN WEST MICHIGAN CONFERENCE 42ND ANNUAL CELEBRATION Our Commitment to Mission Saturday, October 18, 2014 Petoskey United Methodist Church 1804 E. Mitchell Road Petoskey, MI 49770 Our day will be spirit-filled as we participate in: Singing. Spiritual Centering . More Singing.Holy Communion.Mememorial Service.Informal Time with Vikie Newkirk If anyone is interested in participating or helping with this group, please sign up on the Daytime Small Groups sheet at the entry table or…..... call Elaine Eicher at 517-7420-8338. GOD is GOOD…. ALL the TIME!!! COST: $15 Deadline: October 6 See bulletin board for registration form. PROGRAM Vickie Newkirk is blessed to serve Christ through the organizaton of United Methodist Women. She has served on local, District, Indiana Conference, and North Central Jurisdiction United Methodist Women and as the Ubuntu team leader to Sierra Leone. She currently serves as a Director, United Methodist Women Nationl organization, Director, Lucille Raines Resident; United Methodist Women Silent Retreat facilitator. She is a Lay Servant and Stephen’s Minister. The ddepth of her spiritual growth, commitment to mission and social justice has been rooted in U.M.W. Vickie is retired, JCPenny Co., Inc. 30 years, Human Resources and currently has a Senior Care Ministry. She and Bill have been married 45.5 years, have two adult children and seven glorious grandchildren!! Vicki and Bill live in New Palestine, Indiana. Our Food Pantry is open on Fridays from 10 AM to Noon. There are Shopping Lists at the sign- up table, if you’re interested in buying food for the Pantry. If you’d rather donate money to the Food Pantry Mission, put your donation in an envelope marked for the Food Pantry with your name included. You will get credit toward your giving to TUMC. Our bags are filled with enough “Food for a Day” ….. Breakfast – Pop Tarts or Instant Oatmeal or small box / bag of cereal. Lunch – Ramon Noodles & Soda Crackers Supper– Any Pasta, a can of spaghetti sauce, cans of Vegetables, a can of fruit & a box of Jell-o. Thanks to those who those who loyally donate food or money each week and to those who help on Friday. We appreciate your prayers and willingness to keep this much-needed Mission going. Praise God for the Blessings HE provides. Elaine Eicher 517-740-8338 6 IMAGINE NO MALARIA Together we can end the suffering and death from malaria. Sincerely, Tamara Williams, District Super. Molly Turner. MI Area Coordinator Our Faith In Action Dear Friends: Here in Michigan, we know the annoying sound and itch of mosquitoes. In Sub-Saharan Africa the mosquitoes carry the potential suffering and death that comes with Malaria, a disease that is preventable, treatable and beatable. Our Imagine No Malaria (INM) initiative is a statewide cooperative effort among United Methodists. We thank your congregation for leading the way for us by giving/pledging or exceeding $10 per member. Congratulations for your exemplary action. We appreciate your continuing efforts to end this disease. The impact of Imagine No Malaria is astounding…both in how it has energized our churches and how lives are being transformed in Africa. The Michigan area is over halfway toward its goal of raising $1.5 million, and saving 150,000 lives through the Imagine No Malaria initiative. We challenge you to continue raising funds. Your support will help us save the 70,000 lives represented in our remaining portion of the goal. Between now and December 31, 2014 we believe we can raise this $70,000 in gifts and pledges to save these lives. Our total includes all monies given from January 1, 2009 to December, 2013 to both Imagine No Malaria and Nothing But Nets. However, Since January 1, 2014, only gifts designated for Imagine No Malaria will be counted. Please be sure that all future gifts are designated for Imagine No Malaria, Advance Special #3021190. The Sacrificial Giving Calendar (listed below) encourages giving by counting blessings. CHURCH SOLUTIONS TO HUMAN TRAFFICKING FOR PASTORS AND CHURCH LEADERS Spring Arbor Free Methodist Church is hosting the Church Solutions on Friday, October 10, from 12:30-9 PM for pastors and church leaders who are engaged or who want to engage their congregations in the fight against human trafficking. You will meet other leaders, exchange ideas and discover new resources. To register QFpPYJVKmHFbi8W2A Or call Pastor Mark at 517-750-2400. SPRING ARBOR UNIVERSITY CONFERNCE ON HUMAN TRAFFICKING Spring Arbor University’s second annual conference on human trafficking will take place on Saturday, October 11, 2014 at the main campus in Spring Arbor. The goal is to move beyond simple awareness and to educate and foster learning amongst individuals interested in joining (or already participating n) the fight against human trafficking. The focus will be on effective models for addressing human trafficking in Michigan, the Great Lakes Region and beyond. The conference will include 3 keynote speakers, multiple workshops and times for participants to network. Go to to register or to find more information. 7 IMAGINE NO MALARIA GIVING FROM ABUNDANCE Four Week Sacrificial Giving Calendar Week 3 Day 1. $10 buys an insecticide treated net! 2. $2 for each toilet in your home 3. $1 for any object you can use to access the internet 4. 10 cents for each window with a screen 5. Pray for researchers working on malaria vaccines 6. $2 if you have a can of mosquito repellant 7. 25 cents for each soap dispenser in your home Week 4 Day 1. $10 provides malaria medication for 2 persons 2. 50 cents if your family got new toothbrushes this year 3. $1 for each family member who has been vaccinated 4. $2 if you have ice in your freezer 5. Pray for pregnant women all over the world 6. $1 for each doctor’s appointment this week 7. 10 cents for each electric outlet Count your blessings and bring them to your church to send through your Conference Treasurer Advance Special #3021190 The fall season provides an opportunity to reflect and give thanks for all we have received. This Sacrificial Giving Calendar invites gifts in recognition of the Imagine No Malaria initiative by counting our blessings for access to services that support our health in various ways. Please note that the amounts may be adjusted. Week One Day 1. $10 Saves a Life! 2. 10 cents for each medicine bottle in your house 3. $2 for every sink in your house 4. $1 for every load of laundry done this week 5. Pray for health and healing for all people 6. $5 if you traveled out of the US this year 7. 25 cents for each phone in your home or family Week Two Day 1. $10 pays for 5 Rapid Diagnostic tests for malaria 2. 25 cents for every pocket book or wallet you own 3. All the coins in your pocketbook 4. $3 if you have band-aids in your home 5. Pray for children under the age of 5 6. 10 cents for each light switch in your home 7. $2 for each time our family visited a dentist 8
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