28th Sunday of Ordinary Time October 12th, 2014 Pastor: Rev. Brad Whistle Mass Schedule Saturday 4:30pm Sunday 8am & 11am Mon., Wed., & Fri. 12:05 Tues. & Thurs. 7:00am Holy Day Mass Check bulletin for schedule Confessions: Saturday at 3:00pm Baptisms by appointment, classes are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Marriage preparation must begin 6 months in advance. Anointing is the First Friday of every month at 12:05 Mass with Confessions at 11:30 Mass Intentions for the Week: Sat: 4:30pm Jennifer Logsdon Sun: 8am Our Parish Family 11am Leonard Ranson Mon: 12:05 John Reisy Tues: 7am Joe Lewis Family Wed: 12:05 John O Wilkerson Thurs: 7am Ed Krampe 9am School Mass Fri: 12:05pm Ranson & Elder family Sat: 4:30pm Charles Higdon Sun: 8am Jason Terry 11am Our Parish Family Today's Gospel reminds us that God invites all of us to his kingdom. How do we respond to this invitation? In theological terms, God has granted us free will to accept or reject. The parable of the wedding feast reminds us that God desires our wholehearted acceptance. What does Jesus expect of those who accept his invitation of salvation? What would be the evidence of our conversion to God's salvation? Pray together as a family that you will respond wholeheartedly to God's invitation to salvation. Pray together today's psalm, Psalm 23. Matthew 22:1-14 10/12-YGroup @6pm 10/12-Mens Club @6:30pm 10/13-Arise @12:45pm 10/15-Arise @10am 10/15-Arise family night @6pm 10/15– Finance mtg. 10/16-RCIA @6:30pm 10/19-Religious Ed. Class @9am 10/19-YGroup @6pm 10/19-L2S2 @ 2pm new members always welcome New Parishioners are always welcome; Please register in the Parish Office. October 12th GODS HOUSEKEEPING MINISTRY Thanks Wanda Atherton, Stephanie Higdon, Bob, Connie & Bethany McCarthy for cleaning the church Sat. Oct. 4th. Those scheduled for Sat., Oct. 18th are: Margaret Henderson, Joni Barnett, Ann Laughley, Gayla Whitehouse, Marie Johnson & Karen Head. Please pray for the repose soul of Lisa Evans who died Wed. Oct. 1st. She was the sister of Sherri Heckel of our parish. *Daughters of Isabella Card Party/Bunco/Raffle: Tues. Oct. 21 at Our Lady of Lourdes Hall 10am-2pm. Cost is $7 and includes lunch. Questions contact Sheila Thomson 270-683-2397. Many thanks on behalf of those who may be spared through your generous support in keeping the “Billboards for Life” project going and growing. May the Lord continue to bless you for your caring and sharing. Thanks again , Donna Please pray for the repose soul of Robert “Bobby” Aud who died Sept. 30th and was buried Oct. 3rd he was the brother of Pat Dickens of our parish. Thanks to all those who gave an hour of their day to stand in silence Sunday in support of life. Hope to double the turnout next year. FULLY ALIVE MINISTRY Most people define themselves either by their problems or their possibilities. Fearful people wake up each morning ensnared by their problems. Christian stewards wake up reflecting on their possibilities with confidence and hope. FAM reflection questions for the week: What challenges do you back away from because you doubt that you are up to them? What would you attempt tomorrow if you were sure God would help you? Make plans to attend the 2nd Annual Pumpkin Patch sponsored by Lourdes Family Life Committee Wednesday, October 29th, 6-7:30pm in parish hall. Admission is a nonperishable item for food pantry. If you would like to set up a booth contact Drew Hardesty or Parish office (270) 684-5369. Family Life/Youth formation Danny May [email protected] Interested in Season 5 of Arise? Now is the time to register, forms are located in church foyers & on communion rail. Starts Oct. 13 for Mon. afternoon group @ 12:45 & Wed. Oct. 15 for morning @10am and evening groups @6pm. Contact office for more info. 684-5369. 10/12– YGroup @ 6pm in host homes. All Middle School and High School youth make plans to attend YNIGHT! Lourdes Parish Hall Sunday, Oct. 26th @6pm. Night of kickball, chili and hotdogs and lots of fun. Contact Danny May for details. November 21-22 - Youth Conference See Danny May for details Religious Education Drew Hardesty [email protected] 10/12– FALL BREAK NO CLASSES 10/16– RCIA @6:30 10/26– Whole Family Session 11/9-ACRE test for 6th grade religious ed. 11/11– First Reconciliation Parent mtg.@6:30 in parish hall. Please contact Drew if you will be bringing your children. 11/16– Parent Day for Religious Ed. Class 11/23– Whole Family Session Please continue to pray for those going through the RCIA program. Sponsors are always needed. Checkout other events happening in the area on our website: www.lourdescatholicchurch.com view current bulletin. * St. Pius X Parish in Owensboro is hosting a Mission entitled “Renewal in Christ Our Savior”. Fr. Ken Geraci will be the presenter. The date is Mon. October 13-16th. A light meal will be served at 5:15pm and talk will begin at 6:15. It would be good to see you there as we are Renewed in Christ Our Savior. * A one-day retreat, “ The Gift of Aging,” will take place Thursday, Oct. 16 from 10am-2pm at Mount St. Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. Growing older is an opportunity and a challenge. With longer life spans, improved health care and increased opportunities, we need to choose to be involved in our own aging process. The speaker will be Sister Mary Matthias Ward. The fee is $15 and includes lunch. To register, contact Kathy McCarty at 270-229-0206 or email [email protected]. * Tables are still available for Annual Right to Life Fall Banquet. Thursday, October 16 at 6pm at the Hines Center in Philpot, Kentucky. Call the office at 270-685-4922 for reservations. 2014 Fall Series “Charity and Justice” October 14, Compassion in Immigration, Patti & Chris Gutierrez Social Half Hour:7:00PM Talk:7:30PM Future Dates: 10/28,11/4 Where: Gambrinus Emporium 116A West 2nd St. O’boro, *KC’s Turkey Shoot, Sunday’s in November (2nd-23rd) @ 1pm Haynes Station Rd. Whitesville Ky * The un-Christian History Workshop Nov. 10th at Catholic Pastoral Center, Owensboro * Women’s Conference Nov. 15th 9-4 in parish hall TODAY @ 6:30pm Agenda: FALL COOK & WORK DAYS. * Please come out to support Blessed Sacrament Chapel Youth Wednesday, October 22, at McDonald’s 2730 West Parrish Ave. from 4:00pm until 7:00pm. 15% of all sales during that time will be donated to BSC Youth Group. Hope to see you there! More information contact Veronica Wilhite, BSC Parish Life Coordinator (270)926-4741. Owensboro Catholic Middle School– Grandparents Mass Thursday, October 23, 2014 @ 9am. A reception will immediately follow Mass in the parish hall. Please RSVP on or before Tuesday, 21 by calling Lily McDivitt at 270-683-0480. 10 THINGS JESUS NEVER SAID 1. You’re too far gone to be saved. 2. I’m so disappointed in you. 3.This wouldn’t be happening if you were a better Christian. 4. It’s okay not to love certain people. 5. Everyone should believe and act like you do. 6. It’s all up to you. 7. You don’t have to forgive someone who really hurt you. 8. You missed my will for your life. 9. I’ve given up on you. 10. This is a cross you must bear alone. Daycare Fabyan Bridgmon [email protected] Sometimes kids say the cutest things that just stick with you and you wonder how they know what to say at such a young age. This little guy is 3yrs old and keeps reminding me that his birthday is after Halloween, (November) and he will be 4. He was helping me sort out some videos, putting them in the right boxes, etc.. After a little while he says to me….”Ms Fabyan, I’m getting tired because I been on my feet all day.” I wanted to laugh out loud at such a remark from a 3yr od, but I nicely said.. “Oh, Ok, well lets take a little break so you can sit and rest your feet.” Ha! On Wednesday the school parking lot was being paved while it was Fall Break. They had to close the entrance to the lot in order to get it done. When I got to work my little man friend kept wanting my attention. He kept telling me that I needed to come with him to Ms. Karen’s room (which is his room also). I went with him and he went to the window facing the parking lot, pointed out there and said… “ There seems to be a problem because the men won’t let anybody come over here.” Some things are just Priceless. STEWARDS FOR THE WEEK October 18-19 4:30PM 8:00AM 11:00AM Lector Bill Glenn Debby Glenn Christina Boarman Amanda Jerome Helen Bennett Pat Marquis E.M. John Stelmach Sandy Fleming Karen Aud Amanda Nichols Martha Horton Virginia Stelmach Edward Miller Virginia Zoglman Freda O’Bryan Jim Ed Burris Sheila Hopewell Ross Boarman Will Jerome Kim Burris Mischelle Miller Shawn Grant Frances Lewis Rose Mauzy Kenneth Bennett Kara Hollis Anthony Jones Olivia Gerteisen James Craig Judy Schell Aida Montalvo Lori Gonzales Chantae Hulsey Servers Ross Fleming Joseph Dixon Andrew Edwards Jack Hamilton Tre Gonzales Evan Scott Hospitality M* Charles & Anna Ruth Thompson N* Edwin & Barbara Merimee S* Eddie & Kimberly Phillips family M* Ed & Ann Laughley N* Doug & Doris Williams S* Bill & Suzanne Blandford M* James Duncan N* Michael & Tracy Abshier family S* D.J. & Sandra Schweisthal Gifts Greg & Karen Lewis Wayne & Laura Edge Karen & Logan Early Rachel Hardesty Children’s Liturgy Van Driver Jeff Mahoney Please help keep our prayer list updated, if you would like a name kept or added to the list please contact the parish office 270-684-5369. For those in the hospital: Mary Brackin, Catherine King For those homebound & in nursing homes: Mary Arnold, Ralph & Martha Ashworth, Irene Beierlein, Mary Bogucki, Marlene Burns, Elwood & JoAnn Castlen, Sherman Chandler, Margaret Clark, Ruthie Daniel, Betty Drury, Velma Dunn, William Feldpausch, Audrey Fogle, Catherine Fulkerson, Mary Fulkerson, Wilfred & Mary Lois Hagan, Ada Hamilton, Mary Hardin, Delphine Hardesty, Helen Harrison, Helen Hein, Teresa Henderson, Eddie Hermann, Helen Howard, Edwina Hyland, Joe Janes, Marilyn Kurz, Gail Leathers, Jane Lewis, James & Jean Matthis, Grace & Wayne Mattingly, Ray McElroy, Alma Mullican, Lucille Payne, Rose Payne, Mary Riney, Francis Russell, Mary Schell, Ambrose Settles, Lucy Strehl, Martha Warren, Martine Warren. For: Virgil Barnett, Kim Bell, Theresa Bennett, Helen Boarman, James Bowlds, Connie Brown, Jeremy Brown, Betty Chapman, Dottie Clark, Edith Conkright, James & Faye Constant, Dalton Cottrell, Hettie, Crask, Kathy Daugherty, Jeanie DeVries, Samuel Hagan, Jeanie Haynes DeVries, Pat Dickens, Ann Dull, Eugene Graff, Christina Hagan, Sharon Hagan, Lloyd Hartley, Lydia Haycraft, Martha Johnson, JoAnn Kimmel, Kelly King, Peggy Kutsor, John D. Lanham, Jansen Lewis, Joe Lewis, Pat Lewis, Johanna Libber, Tammy Litherland, Randall Martin, Josie McBride, Bernard & Evelyn Mattingly, Jeanne & Bill O’Bryan, Dorothy Payne, Maggie and Tim Payne, Gary Reynolds, Debra Rogers, Lucy Rose, Paulette Snyder, Mary Terry, Don Thomas, Richard Thomas, Ron Thomas, Joe Thomson, Mike Todd, Alma Topper, Ed Watson, James & Marilyn Young, and for all the sick of our parish . Parish Office/Rectory & Hall Rental 684-5369 Office Fax 683-8008 Parish website www.lourdescatholicchurch.com Diocesan website www.rcdok.org Van Ministry– Greg Bell 729-2856 O.C.S. Board Rep- Chantae Hulsey 231-5745 Eucharistic Adoration- Marjorie Klee 684-4844 Daycare 926-6516 Lourdes Parish Staff: Kay Clark - Administration Fabyan Bridgmon– Day Care Director Drew Hardesty– RCIA, DRE Danny May– Family Life Freda O’Bryan– Parish Minister Aaron Wheatley– Maintenance Charlotte Hollis– Secretary Judy Thomas– Sacristan Heather Hayden– Music Minister (270) 684-5369 Lourdes Parish Committee Chairs: Charlotte Mischel– Pastoral Council (270) 684-5369 Mike Wurth– Finance Council Our Return on God’s Gifts: Collections for this month: World Mission Sunday 10/5/2014 24,478.45 Amount Needed September Average 20,500.00 17,757.10 Diocesan 1,260.00 Envelopes turned in 225 Single women ages 18-35, would you like to visit several religious orders in one weekend? Friday and Saturday Oct. 17-18, you can learn more about what it’s really like to be a Sister in the Church today. The trek will include visiting and sharing prayer and/or meals with the following: Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Ursuline Sisters of Mt. St. Joseph, Franciscan Sisters, Glenmary Sisters, Sisters of the Lamb of God and the Carmelite Sisters. Meals accommodations and transportation will be provided. To register, contact Sister Martha Keller, OSU, at 270-2294101 or email [email protected]. You can also register online at www.ursulinesmj.org. Please register by Oct. 10. Any members of Lourdes that would like to go contact office. Spiritual Growth Conference Presented by Fr. John Judie Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014 9am-4:30pm E.S.T,. St. Joseph’s Parish Center Jasper IN Earlier bird registration $25 per person $35 per family by Oct. 21st. At the door registration is $35 per person $45 per family. Group rates available. All religious participants are complimentary. Refreshments and Lunch will be provided. For more information call 812-630-8933 or check out our Diocesan website at www.evansvillecharasmaticrenewal.org Owensboro Diocese Youth Conference will take place on November 21-22 at the Owensboro Convention Center. Prayer: The Universal Language will be the theme this year, the conference is open to middle and high school students and their parents or chaperones. The conference will include: keynote addresses, prayer experiences including a Eucharistic Procession to St. Stephen Cathedral with Adoration and praise and worship music and an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, as well as an international Rosary, workshops on various topics relevant to youth and adults and lots of music. Fr. Joseph Espaillat and Mary Bielski will be our keynote speakers this year. For more information please contact Danny May our Youth Minister or Robin Tomes at [email protected] or call 270-683-1545. PRECIOUS BLOOD: “A NIGHT AT THE RACES”October 25, doors open at 6pm, serving at 6:30pm. Ticket cost is $20. (Price includes dinner and an evening of fun More info contact Precious Blood 3306 Fenmore St. Owensboro, KY 270-684-6888. DIOCESAN MARIAN CONGRESS PILGRIM24th Diocesan Marian Congress-Pilgrimage 2:00pm5:00pm Sunday, October 26, 2014. Diocesan Marian Shrine “Mary, Mother of the Church and Model for all Christians” St. Joseph Catholic Church 434 Church St. Bowling Green, Ky. Speaker–Rev. Louis Caporiccio, C.P.M. More info call Joann Bradford at (270) 586-5926. PRECIOUS BLOOD BUS TRIP A bus trip is being planned to go to Bardstown. We will leave on Friday, November 7th after 7am Mass and return on Saturday, November 8th. Trip includes bus transportation, one overnight stay, tour of Spalding Hall, tour & tasting at Heaven Hill Distillery, continental breakfast, lunch at Stephen Foster on Sat. tour of Abbey of Gethsemani, St. Thomas Church & St. Joseph Cathedral. (lunch & dinner on Friday on your own.) Cost is $148 per person or $138 per triple. If interested, please call Penny at 270-684-6888. Registration deadline is Oct. 24th. KC’s @ 6:30pm 14 No YGroup 12 YGroup @6 Priesthood Sunday Whole fam. session @9am Charlotte Hollis B-day roast) YNIGHT @6 (kickball,hotdog 26 L2S2 @2pm Rel. Ed. 9am 28 afternoon group @12:45 Arise session#3 evening group @6pm 27Arise session #3 afternoon group @12:45 21 OLL @St. Bens 19 YGroup @6 20 Arise session #2 Baptism class afternoon group @12:45 Mens Club @6:30 No Rel. Ed. class Stewardship mtg. Our Lady of the Rosary No Rel. Ed. Class 13 Arise session #1 8 7 FALL BREAK 6 FALL BREAK PUMPKIN PATCH in parish hall 6-7:30 morning group @10am 29 Arise session #3 Liturgy Mtg. 6pm morning group @10am evening group @6pm 22 Arise Session #2 Finance mtg morning group @10am evening group @6pm 15 Arise session #1 FALL BREAK RCIA-6:30PM Quiltng 30 Quilting RCIA- 6:30pm 23 FAM @ 6:30 Quilting Boss’s Day RCIA-6:30pm 16 Quilting RCIA-6:30pm 9 FALL BREAK Parish Council Mtg. Quilting 5 FALL BREAK 2 1 RCIA- 6:30pm Thu Wed Tue Mon Sun October 2014 FALL BREAK 31 Halloween 24 17 10 KC’s fish fry 5:30-7:30pm Anointing of the sick @ 12:05pm meal & bunco after 3 Fri 25 18 11 4 Sat "The holy Rosary is a powerful weapon. Use it with confidence and you'll be amazed at the results." --St. Josemaria Escriva
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