2014 KATM CONFERENCE October 13, 2014. Raising the Standards over the Rainbow: We Are Not Just Common Folk Fort Hays State University Hays, Kansas There’s No Place Like……Your Classroom! Turning the Ordinary into Extraordinary!” KEYNOTE 9:00-10:00 Beach Schmidt– Sheridan Hall KIM SUTTON The focus of this session will be on the operation of multiplication and division. Participants will discover the important use of the Area Model for multiplication and how it can be used to help build fluency and conceptual understanding of the operations. We'll also look at how this model progresses from conceptual understanding of single digit multiplication, to the Distributive Property, to Binomial Multiplication and Factoring. Come and the power of the Area Model from whole number multiplication to algebraic expressions. Special Session 10:30 – 12:00 for K-2 with Kim Sutton in Beach Schmidt Primary Games that Light Mathematical Fires Sessions: 10:30 – 11:15 3-8 The Area Model through the Years. Mark Schmit Pioneer Room – MU The focus of this session will be on the operation of multiplication and division. Participants will discover the important use of the Area Model for multiplication and how it can be used to help build fluency and conceptual understanding of the operations. We'll also look at how this model progresses from conceptual understanding of single digit multiplication, to the Distributive Property, to Binomial Multiplication and Factoring. Come and see the power of the Area Model from whole number multiplication to algebraic expressions. General The Power of Mindset Danira Fernandez-Flores, Philip Thies Prairie Room – MU Have you ever wondered why your classroom has two kinds of students, the learner and the non-learner? Dr. Dweck has spent her professional career understanding the psychology behind motivation and success. Join us for a look into Dr. Dwecks research and the implications for the mathematics classroom. With a few simple strategies you can turn a non-learner into a learner, a non-math student into a mathematician. 3-12 Decomposition of Numbers in a K-12 Perspective Liz Peyser Trails Room -- MU Come join this session to experience how the array and "area model" are a common K-12 thread for showing multiplication and the distributive property! Participants will see how this important visual model for multiplication flows from single digit and multi-digit numbers to fractions/mixed numbers to polynomials. A follow-up session, Algebra Tiles- Beyond "FOIL", will further address polynomials. All K-8 teachers, HS algebra and HS intervention teachers will benefit from this session. General KSDE Updates Melissa Fast Stouffer – MU This session will focus on KSDE updates related to mathematics in Kansas. Testing updates will be provided as well as information on new resources available to the field. There will be a Q&A section to allow for individual needs to be met. K-8 Fostering Mathematically Proficient Students: Targeting the Eight Mathematical Practices Katie Perez Rarick Hall 206 One goal of the Kansas Career and College Ready Standards is for students to develop a mathematical mindset and to see math in the world around them. The standards include Eight Mathematical Practices that are the foundation for mathematical thinking. This breakout session will focus on how using daily relational math discussions and a CGI format allow teachers to target these practices in an authentic and engaging way. Participants will leave this session with several strategies and structures to create a discussion based math classroom to foster mathematically proficient students. 3-5 The Yellow Brick Road to Math Achievement Tricia Reiser Rarick Hall 231 “Learning Goals….Success Criteria….Grade Level progressions….Essential Questions….I Can Statements” How do all these work together as teachers plan and implement lessons on the Kansas College and Career Standards? 3rd and 4th grade teachers will share how USD 428 Elementary Schools mapped the CCR and how that has impacted classroom instruction. General "This is the First Time I've Been Good at Math!" Dennis Ortman Rarick Hall 322 This session will provide an overview of MATH 180, a comprehensive intervention program designed by Scholastic, Inc. to prepare struggling students in grades 6 and up for Algebra. Specific examples of how the Standards for Mathematical Practice are infused into the program will be presented along with how the blended model of instruction incorporates high-level teaching practices developed by Deborah Ball 6-8 Exploring Integers with the Dynamic Learning Map Angela Broaddus Rarick Hall 323 During this session, we will share a section of the Dynamic Learning Map (DLM) pertaining to the concepts and skills students need to learn and connect to develop meaningful understanding of integers. We will share highlights from the literature that explain how and why students struggle with this topic. Participants will collaborate in a discussion about designing productive instructional activities for understanding and operating with integers. 6-8 Putting the Standards for Mathematical Practice into Action Jenny Wilcox and Betsy Wiens Rarick Hall 328 Been hearing about the standards for mathematical practice but not sure what the fuss is all about? This is the session for you! We will explore the 8 practices and what they really look like in the middle school classroom, what you may already be doing that supports these practices, and other changes you can make to highlight them. We will look at several classroomready activities and how they relate to the practice standards. You will leave this session with several ready-to-use activities, excited to put these standards into your classroom every day! 3-5 Practicing the Practice Standards: You Don't Have to Have the Answers, Just the Right Questions Michelle Lewis and Shelley Banzhaf Davis Hall 103 After an overview of the Practice Standards, you'll watch and analyze a video of a math lesson - looking for how the Practice Standards are implemented. You will be guided through a discussion of the standards and practice questioning techniques that you can incorporate into your classroom tomorrow. Sessions 11:30 – 12:15 3-5 Fractions as Numbers – Beyond Part-Whole Mark Schmit Pioneer Room -MU The focus of this session will be on helping students (and teachers) to see fractions as numbers, emphasizing their magnitude, place on a number line, and equivalence. Participants will engage in hands-on activities that are designed to meet the rigor of Common Core State Standards, as well as expose them to multiple fraction models. Come and see how to make fraction operations make sense to you and your students. The Process Standards will be an important consideration for participants as they approach the content focus and discuss how they might engage students in the practices to develop fraction sense. General What Does an A Really Mean? Shari Norman & Holly Crainer Prairie Room -- MU Tired of spending countless hours grading hundreds of homework papers each year? In this session, we’ll show you how to create a classroom that focuses on standards-referenced methods (Marzano), effectively using formative assessments and rubrics based completed on the CCR standards and Eight Mathematical Practices, accommodating all types of students from Gifted to Special Education, all while keeping motivation and retention high, and best of all, never having to grade homework! 6-12 Interactive Math Notebooks! Diamond Gulick Trails Room -- MU Make your notes come alive with interactive notebooks. Interactive Notebooks are an effective way to engage all students, even during note taking! Interactive student notebooks encourage active learning through use of critical thinking skills to organize and process content. We will discuss the purpose of interactive notebooks, review examples, and explore the best methods for students to process, question, and master new concepts. The notebook (a spiral or composition book) is divided into two sides, a left side for learning and a right side for creative processing. Learn to engage your students through active learning activities as they create mind maps, make foldables, review using interactive flash cards and colorful notes to master each concept. Interactive notebooks can be used for a single lesson, unit, or for an entire curriculum. 3-8 Aiding the Struggling Mathematician through Purposeful Multiplication Games and Tasks Natasha Kelly Stouffer -- MU Do you have students struggling with basic fact fluency or are looking to reinforce basic math skills? Come join me as we venture through purposefully chosen games and tasks aimed at increasing fact fluency for the struggling mathematician. Emphasis will be on multiplication games and tasks with some games with multiple operations. 9-12 Mechanical Solutions to Three Construction Problems from Antiquity Keith Dreiling Rarick Hall 206 Even though it is impossible to trisect an angle, square a circle, and double the volume of a cube by construction methods alone, it is possible to solve these problems when mechanical means are used. Geometer's Sketchpad will be used to demonstrate solutions to these problems. K-5/ESL The Perfect Match – Math and Literacy Debbie Thompson Rarick Hall 231 How can I incorporate speaking, listening, writing, and reading in mathematics? Join this session to learn some ideas about how literacy can support mathematics. We will look at some of the latest research in this area and you will be able to walk away with some things to use right away with your students. K-5 Multiplication ROCKS! Marcia Mueller Rarick Hall 328 Multiplication ROCKS is a teacher-created rotation of centers that immerse students into multiplication. Various types of centers that help students understand and learn their multiplication facts are used. The centers cover everything from conceptual to abstract representation. You will get to see what we do, how we do it, and be able to walk away with enough ideas to create your own Multiplication ROCKS! K-5/ESL/Admin Show Me a Different Way to …Add and Subtract Marney Hay and Crystal May Davis Hall 103 "Show me a different way" is something that you should hear in every classroom in Kansas when it comes to mathematical computation. This workshop will explore the various ways students can solve addition and subtraction problems. We will show you the various strategies that you can share with students to help them become proficient in their mathematical understanding. Take your core math curriculum beyond the traditional algorithms and arm your students with a toolbox of approaches to engage and extend their math knowledge. General Not Your Common Math Stations: Number Sense For All Renee Smith & Tammy Fellers Davis Hall 204 Experience a differentiated math station structure that can be used in K-6 classrooms for any concept. The structure allows students to become independent learners by moving when ready, rather than waiting for a timer. It also allows the teacher time to work with students in a small group setting. During this session, participants will experience number sense activities from the KCCRS with a focus on developing conceptual understanding. Teachers will be encouraged to directly model the problems, using tools or pictorial representations, as would students who lack knowledge of the algorithms. LUNCH – LUNCH – LUNCH – LUNCH – LUNCH PICK UP YOUR BOX LUNCH BETWEEN 11:15—1:00 pm Black and Gold Room in the Memorial Union Special Session 1:00 – 2:30 for 3-6 with Kim Sutton in Beach Schmidt Auditorium Games for Grade 3-6 Rock Stars! Sessions 12:30 – 1:15 K-5/ESL/Admin Math Misconceptions & Rules that Expire! From Misunderstanding to Deep Understanding Melisa J. Hancock Pioneer Room --MU Nearly all of our students make mathematical mistakes---often perfectly logical mistakes based on common misunderstandings and/or rules and tricks we've had them memorize. Rules that made sense at the moment, a few years later, students find out they aren’t ALWAYS true. Such experiences can be frustrating and, in students’ minds, can further the notion that mathematics is a mysterious series of tricks and tips to memorize rather than big concepts that are related to one another. The Standards for Mathematical Practice advocate for students to become problem solvers who can reason, apply, justify, and effectively use appropriate mathematics vocabulary to demonstrate their understanding of mathematics concepts. Join me in this interactive session as we address head-on, these “rules & tricks” that develop misconceptions and the grade level in the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards in which these rules EXPIRE! You will leave with many resources that will help your students overcome these misconceptions and demonstrate their understanding by applying and justifying their thinking and reasoning!! K-8/Admin Is Problem Solving the Bane of Your (Teaching) Existence? Lee Anne Coester Prairie Room -- MU Directly from KCCRS-M – “solve problems”, “solve a wide variety of problems”, “solve real world and mathematical problems”. From LCCRS-M Practice Standard #1 – “Make sense of problems and preserve in solving them.” Need I say more? We'll discuss strategies such as: 1. Addressing all three facets of problem solving 2. Project based problem solving and real life applications 3. The power of problem posing 4.The Before/During/After strategy. Do your students ever laugh on problem solving days? Mine do and I laugh with them. You can too! 6-12 Re-thinking Acceleration Liz Peyser Trails Room -- MU With the shift to new, more rigorous standards in grades 6-8, we need to re-think "acceleration" to avoid creating learning gaps. Come learn about the research and the options, and one district's approach to this hot topic. 9-12 Practical Ideas for Strengthening the Teaching and Learning of Secondary Mathematics Steve Leinwand Stouffer -- MU This fast-paced, example-laden presentation will look at the amazing range of options for strengthening the teaching of secondary mathematics. We'll look at tasks and where to find them, instructional practices and how to implement them, and why it's such a great time to be teaching mathematics. K-5 Using Number Talks to Build Mental Math Skills Michelle Adler Rarick Hall 208W Today's students must be able to solve problems in a variety of ways and begin flexibly working with numbers at an early age. Number talks are brief lessons - for K-6 learners - that the teacher begins but are really controlled by the students. In this session members will: Recognize Sherry Parish and her book Number Talks. Identify the procedures to conducting a successful number talk. Watch a Number Talk. Conduct a number talk in small groups. Solve problems in multiple ways at the conclusion of the session. Identify the steps they need to take to successfully conduct number talks in their own classrooms. 6-12 Transformation Geometry via Wallpaper Borders and Dance Cynthia J. Huffman Rarick Hall 211 Mathematics is everywhere, including on our walls. We'll explore topics from transformational geometry (which appear in the common core standards) through wallpaper border patterns. Participants will even get a chance to dance these border/frieze groups. Also, included will be a discussion of iPad apps useful for student exploration of symmetry. K-5 Strategies and Questions to Encourage Fluency Scott Schreiner Rarick Hall 231 In this session, we will investigate how students develop fluency and flexibility with conceptual understanding. Teachers will learn strategies that encourage students to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division number facts holistically and questions to promote student reasoning before, during, and after they solve the problem. 3-5 Connecting Language Arts and Mathematics through Communication and Argumentation Chepina Rumsey Rarick Hall 323 In this session, we will look at the expectations related to communication and argumentation across the Common Core State Standards (CCSS, 2010) for English Language Arts (ELA) for Grades 3-5, and discuss ways in which teachers can use mathematics to support and complement these expectations. 6-8 Connected Mathematics Share Session Betsy Wiens and Jenny Wilcox Davis 208 Come share and discuss how the implementation of CMP3 (or 2) is working for you. What are some successes and challenges around alignment with the College and Career Ready Mathematics Standards? This is an opportunity to network and learn! Sessions 1:30 – 2:15 9-12 Algebra Tiles – Beyond Foil Sarah Stevens Pioneer Room --MU Have you used Algebra Tiles to teach multiplication and factoring of binomials and completing the square? Have you struggled with students not connecting the tiles to the procedure? Do you know how to connect Algebra Tiles and factoring to the area model students learn in elementary? And MOST IMPORTANTLY do you want a series of lessons you can use with your students? Attend this session and learn all these things and more! (This session is best paired with "Decomposition of numbers in a K-12 perspective") 6-8 Math + Literature = Great Way to Engage Middle School Student in Content and Practice Standards Sherri Martinie Prairie Room – MU This session will provide great literature-based contexts to engage students in math lesson that merge both content and practice standards. Literature (non fiction and fiction) can provide meaningful contexts for launching into the important content in middle school. If you are interested in developing a repertoire of literature; deepening your understanding of ratio, proportions, statistics, and probability; and implementing literature-launched, conceptually-based mathematics lessons attend this session! 6-12 Flipping Frogs and Math! Diamond Gulick Trails Room – MU Active learning is key in keeping students engaged in math class. With the flipping frogs activity, students will be fully engaged collecting data, interpreting the shape of the data, calculating the center, spread, absolute mean deviation, outliers, and more. No frogs were harmed in the making of this activity! K-8 Math + Games = Student Engagement Angela Knapp Stouffer -- MU This presentation is designed for teachers wanting to implement skill based math games into their math curriculum for review, re-teaching, and/or intervention with students. Bring everyday board games to the math classroom to foster number sense, strategy, and problem solving. Participants will be provided with a variety of skill based games, implementation methods to impact student achievement, and focus on the Common Core Critical Areas and fact fluency. K-2 Orpda ~ Learning to Build Place Value Understanding Debbie Thompson Rarick Hall 231 The KCCRS expect students to be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide with place value understanding using properties of operations - but what does that mean? Join this interactive session and walk away with a new understanding of what it takes to help students understand our number system and place value. Thinking and participation is required! K-2 I Can Subitize, Can You? Beckie Makowski Rarick Hall 322 With the new Common Core Standards, number sense is essential in the primary grades. Subitizing, "instantly seeing how many" is a great way to build fluency with numbers. Come and learn about this research-based practice with some handson activities, examples and ideas that you can take right back to your classroom, and a make-and-take manipulative. Come SUBITIZE with us! K-8 My Obsession With Fractions – 13 Years in the Making! Ethel A. Edwards Davis Hall 208 It began at a KATM Conference in 2001 where the math for one of the story problems was 2/3 divided by 1/4. Could I prove by using a rectangular model that the answer is 2 2/3? Or would I need to rely on "yours is not to question why, just invert and multiply?" Actually, you never need to rely on this IF you understand fractions. Join me in reviewing the big ideas of fractions and the three models for fractions! The goal should be to make sense of fractions, i.e., number sense! SESSIONS: 2:30 – 3:15 6-8 Math is Everywhere … Even in books and Movies! Jenny Wilcox Pioneer Room – MU Come to this session where you will participate in several activities based on books and movies including The Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, and Horton Hears a Who. See how these activities relate to the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Leave this session ready to present one of these engaging activities in your classroom on Monday! 3-8 Revisiting NCTM’s “Figure This” Margie Hill Prairie Room – MU "Figure This" is a powerful teaching resource originally developed by NCTM for students in grades 5th-8th. It has been in existence for quite a few years BUT still provides strong, interactive teaching opportunities, addressing both CCSS content standards AND practice standards. The purpose of this session is to introduce (or re-introduce) the audience to this valuable teaching tool. 6-12/Admin Intensifying Algebra for Struggling Learners – Wichita Public Schools Sarah Stevens and Aurelia Milam Trails Room -- MU Learn how Wichita Public Schools is reinventing the classroom learning culture and improving Algebra 1 results through Intensified Algebra I. By introducing new tools that develop students’ mindsets, attitudes, skill-building, and math content knowledge, along with a rigorous, just-in-time approach, students are becoming more motivated in Algebra. Attendees will learn about the process and implementation Wichita is currently experiencing and how intensification, versus traditional remediation, is helping students have a more powerful and successful experience in Algebra I. 6-12/Admin At the Intersection of CCSS and NGSS - Modeling Instruction Earl Legleiter Stouffer -- MU The CCSS “model with mathematics” is closely related to the NGSS science and engineering practices “develop and use of models”. In this hands-on session, participants will design an experiment, gather data, and analyze an empirical situation. A mathematical model will then be developed for the situation. Modeling instruction is a pedagogical approach that thrives on the integration between math and science. Teachers guide students in applying mathematical tools and thinking to help them make sense of the world. 3-8 Deeper Understanding of Fractions Raelynn Pfaff Rarick Hall 201 This course is designed for teachers who want to understand fractions at a deeper conceptual level and be able to use manipulatives to drive student learning and understanding. K-5/Gifted Don’t Forget the Smarties! Amy Johnston & Jenni Howard Rarick Hall 205 So many think they can't enrich because they don't have time. Let us help you! Come and learn great enrichment activities and strategies that won't keep you at school till dark. Learn from our experiences and come away with usable activities. General The Use of Open Educational Resources in Teaching Mathematics Adam Holden Rarick Hall 208W Since the earliest emergence of digital trends in education, there has been a growing call to move away from the expensive rigidity of textbooks; a call that has been magnified by a rapidly diminishing shelf life, and lack of school funding. So what's stopping districts from ditching paper textbooks for good? Bureaucracy, budget woes, copyright fears, time, and inflexible teaching methods. Learn how the use of Open Educational Resources, has the potential to transform a district’s budget, quality control, and perhaps more importantly, teaching methodology. 1-3 Fluency and Facts – Connecting Addition and Subtraction Fact Strategies to Fluency Debbie Thompson Rarick Hall 231 Join this session as we explore the connection between fluency and facts as informed by the Learning Progressions. Fact Strategies will be the focus of the presentation. Learn about current research and engage in some fun activities that will impact your instruction. 3-8 Aiding the Struggling Mathematician through Purposeful Addition Games and Tasks Natasha Kelly Rarick Hall 306 Do you have students struggling with basic fact fluency or are looking to reinforce basic math skills? Come join me as we venture through purposefully chosen games and tasks aimed at increasing fact fluency for the struggling mathematician. Emphasis will be on addition games and tasks with some games with multiple operations. General What is NGSS and Why Is It Important to Math Teachers Paul Adams Rarick Hall 328 Kansas was the third state to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards as its state science standards. What does that mean for mathematics teachers? Come find out about the history of the standards, Kansas' role in the development of the standards. We will also look at and explore how the mathematics standards are entwined in the science standards and what this means for the mathematics classroom. K-5/ESL/Admin Show Me a Different Way to…Multiplication and Division Marney Hay and Crystal May Davis Hall 103 Show me a different way is something that you should hear in every classroom in Kansas when it comes to mathematical computation. This workshop will explore the various ways students can solve multiplication and division problems. We will show you the various strategies that you can share with students to help them become proficient in their mathematical understanding. Take your core math curriculum beyond the traditional algorithms and arm your students with a toolbox of approaches to engage and extend their math knowledge. Please take time to visit the Exhibitors in the Black and Gold Room. KATM thanks them for their support. Pearson Education Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Scholastic Kansas Association of American Educators Cengage Learning LearnBop ESSDACK ETA Hand2Mind Kendall Hunt Publishing Company Kansas National Education Association Room(Max) BeachSchmidt Pioneer(49) Prairie(20) Trails(49) Stouffer(70) 10:30-11:15 11:30-12:15 Kim Sutton 10:30-12:00 (K-2) 12:30-1:15 1:30-2:15 Kim Sutton 1:00-2:30 (3-6) Mark Schmit (3-8) Mark Schmit (3-5) Melisa Hancock (K-5 Admin ESL) Sarah Stevens (9-12) Jenny Wilcox (6-8) Danira FernandezFlores & Philip Thies (General) Shari Norman & Holly Crainer (General) Lee Anne Coester (K-8 Admin) Sherri Martinie (6-8) Margie Hill (3-8) Liz Peyser (3-12) Diamond Gulick (6-12) Liz Peyser (6-12) Diamond Gulick (6-12) Sarah Stevens & Aurelia Milam (6-12 Admin) Melissa Fast (General) Natasha Kelly (3-8) Steve Leinwand (9-12) Angela Knapp (K-8) Earl Legleiter (6-12 Admin) Raelynn Pfaff (3-8) 201(90) Amy Johnston & Jenni Howard (K-5) 205(42) 206(30) Katie Perez (K-8) Keith Dreiling (9-12) Michelle Adler (K-5) 208W(30) Adam Holden (General) Cynthia Huffman (6-12) 211(29) 231(36) Tricia Reiser (3-5) Debbie Thompson (K-5 ESL) Scott Schreiner (K-5) Debbie Thompson (K-2) 323(40) Debbie Thompson (K-2) Natasha Kelly (3-8) 306(34) 322(40) 2:30-3:15 Dennis Ortman (General) Beckie Makowski (K-2) Angela Broaddus (6-8) Chepina Rumsey (3-5) 328(18) Jenny Wilcox & Betsy Wiens (6-8) Marcia Mueller (K-5) Paul Adams (General) 103(48) Michelle Lewis & Shelley Banzhaf (3-5) Marney Hay & Crystal May (K-5 Admin ESL) Marney Hay & Crystal May (K-5 Admin ESL) 204(29) 208(42) Renee Smith & Tammy Fellers (General) Betsy Wiens & Jenny Wilcox (6-8) Ethel Edwards (K-8)
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