Volume 206 Rev. Dr. Russell C. Hildebrandt Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. David B. Joeckel Pastor Emeritus Dr. Serena Pace, D.C.E. Family & Children’s Ministries Micah Raebel Minister of Music SERVANTS THIS MONTH Elders on Duty: 8:30 AM - DelRay Alberts 11:00 AM - Eric Rathjen Usher Captain: 8:30 AM - Jim Schmidt 11:00 AM - Gary White Lector: 8:30 AM - Hank Jacobs Greeters: 8:30 AM - Kathy Halliburton INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 Pastor’s Message 2 Welcome/Thanks/Cottage Mtgs 3 Grow & Know 4 Sr. Pep Rally/ LSC @ UTA 5 Pastor’s Message (continued) 6 Map and Photos 7 Small Group Listing 8 Small Group/TX. Dist. CEF info 9 Book Fair/Potluck/Eyeglasses 10 FPU/Legacy Journey 11 Family and Children’s Ministry 12 Miscellaneous Ministries 13 National Night Out 14 Church Information 15 Birthdays/Anniversaries 16 October Calendar Pastor’s Monthly Message October 2014 Dear Fellow Redeemed, “Those who survived the exile2are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down” (Nehemiah 1:3). When Nehemiah heard this news he wept and prayed. It took time for the bad news to sink in and then God placed it upon Nehemiah’s heart to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and with the walls the lives of the families in Jerusalem would be rebuilt too. Today we don’t have walls around our city but we do have families whose walls are broken down all around us. Walls of poverty, walls of disgrace, walls of loneliness, walls of despair, walls of social injustice, and walls of not having access to basic necessities. I believe I have a Nehemiah project for our church that God is calling me to lead. I can see the walls of the family that are broken down and I do believe Grace Lutheran Church and School can be the Nehemiah’s to our community. You may ask how we can do such a great task of rebuilding families in Arlington. First, we are strategically located in our community to do such a task. [See map #1 on page 6]. When you look at the map of where Grace is located and how central we are to Arlington, I believe you can see that we are strategically placed for God to do some awesome miracles in the lives of our community as the walls of families are rebuilt. Second, you can see Grace Lutheran is located between the central and north YMCA and we have a ball field and the YMCA does sports. Third, you know that we have children all around our campus living in apartments and houses that do not know Jesus as their spiritual walls are broken down. We have the message of hope and redemption in Jesus. Jesus is the great wall builder that we serve. Fourth, there are 184,399 people who live in the area bounded by I-30, I-20, 360 and Bowen Road. Within this area there are 43,777 children between the ages of 4-17. Also within this area are 6,771 households with a female as head of the house with two or more children. Did you know that the 76010 is the most economically challenged zip code in Arlington? We have a calling to help these families as we bring “the hope of Christ to our community.” Continued on page 5 . . . 1 WELCOME TO THE GRACE NEWSLETTER FOR OCTOBER! Welcome visitors! If you are a first time or returning guest to our church, please take a moment to stop by the Connection Corner to fill out a Guest Card and receive your FREE gift! We hope you will come to worship with us again soon! Our church’s vision is one of bringing the hope of Christ to our community, and we are so glad that you’ve chosen to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with us! We appreciate your presence and hope you will return to celebrate the Lord’s Day with us often. Current members: We welcome your input on this newsletter format and encourage you to submit articles relevant to the ministries at Grace, our membership, or any news connected with your neighborhoods and/or community outreach services. Our newsletter deadline is the 15th of each month. This newsletter is an excellent forum to keep us connected and prayerful of each other, our friends, family and our community. God bless each of you this month and always! Debbie Hall , Publications editor [email protected]) Thank you! Thank you! Dear Members and Friends of Grace, We are so very thankful for your thoughtfulness in the naming of our new field! We were deeply honored as you made this decision in the Voters meeting on the past Sunday! We also want to commend Pastor Hildebrandt and the Board of Directors for their leadership in the ongoing development of our campus, following through on our mission...To Bring the Hope of Christ to our Community. Sports and athletics has always been a big part of our family, and we will be active with you to make the most of this unique opportunity to bring the Good New of Jesus to the children and parents of Arlington, Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Pastor Dave and Judy Joeckel YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE UPCOMING COTTAGE MEETINGS! Dates, times and all the important information is listed below! See YOU there! (Other meetings not listed to be announced.) October 8th 6:30 PM - Jim Schmidt At the Schmidt home October 15th 6:30 PM - Mike Curtis At the Curtis home October 12th 4 - 6 PM - Stan Taber At the Rosentreter home October 14th 7:00 PM - Greg Roe At the Roe home October 18th 12:30PM - Chelsea Masterson At the Masterson home October 18th 6:00PM - Hank Jacobs At the Jacobs home October 1oth 5:30PM - DelRay Alberts At the Alberts home 2 Take a van to see the movie “Jerusalem” at the Ft. Worth Omni Theater on October 2 at 1:35 PM. $6.00 tickets for seniors and we’ll even chauffeur in a van if you arrive at Grace by 12:30 PM! ► Adult Sunday Morning Bible Studies - “Joining Jesus on His Mission” “Joining Jesus on His Mission” “Joining Jesus on His Mission” Led by Jim Runzheimer - Music Room Led by Joel Peterson - Library Led by Pastor Hildebrandt - Fireside Room NEW LifeLight Bible Studies for 2014-2015 October 6 Romans, Part 1, Session 4 October 13 NO CLASS TODAY (Fall holiday) October 20 Romans, Part 1, Session 5 October 27 Romans, Part 1, Session 6 There will be two studies this season: October features Romans, Part 1, Sessions 4, 5 & 6. NO CLASS OCTOBER 13th! Romans Part 2 begins November 24. I and II CHRONICLES - A 9 week study will begin on March 2, 2015. ROMANS I & II - We will continue with 2 classes shown below: Monday Morning Class (for all ladies) -- meets 9:30 - 11:15 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Our lecturer is Cherry Coffman. We will have occasional luncheons throughout the year to enjoy each other’s company and renew friendships. Monday Evening Class (for all adults) -- meets 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in our school at Grace West. Pastor Emeritus Dr. David Joeckel is our lecturer. A light meal is served at each evening class. Child care will be available for both classes upon request. Everyone is encouraged to be in "THE WORD" and to enroll in these exciting studies. All are welcomed, members, non-members, friends, neighbors and the community. No previous bible study experience is needed! Lutheran Student Center @ UTA at 9:30—10:30 PM Monday Late Night Traditional and Thursday Late Night Contemporary Worships and BREWS AND BIBLES: Monday nights @ 7:00 PM (at VARIOUS HOMES) 3 SENIOR MINISTRY PEP RALLY IS A GREAT SUCCESS! 48 “Cheer-full Seniors” enjoyed an outstanding potluck lunch, fellowship and discussion on the 2nd Tuesday of September. Revitalizing the Senior Ministry of Grace began with the recent survey that ‘was and is still’ available in the church office for any member of our Grace Family to complete. Your input is cherished! For many years, the title “55+” served the group well, but perhaps does not fit the image of an “experienced adult” in today’s society. The results of a recent survey are being compiled and by the October meeting decisions will be made by the group as to restructure to reflect a more appropriate and appealing agenda. God is not finished with us! Seniors Adults are currently serving in numerous ministries of our church: Braille, Choir, LifeLight, Funeral Meals, Mission Trips, Piecemakers, Prayer Chain, Prayer Partners, TLC groups, Ushering, UTA Student Center, etc. We simply gather once a month for fellowship, fun, laughs, learning, faith growth, support, service and sharing HIS grace, mercy and love. Call Art Rosse, (Chairman) at 817-492-4668 for complete information or if you would accept a ride to our monthly luncheon. P.S. Not retired? Not 55, 65, 70? Come join us – “we promise we won’t tell!” NEXT MEETING: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9 PROGRAM: Retired LCMS Pastor Gerald Boerger & Wife, Claudia Old Fashion Gospel Music w/Keyboard & Singing – Accordion Polka Music INSPIRATION: The Lord brings life following death of spouses and on to blending families. UTA LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER MINISTRY BEGINS A BRAND NEW SEMESTER Monday, September 8, began a new semester of our Grace Ministry to Serve UTA Students at the Lutheran Student Center. Weekday Lunch Ministry changed from Wednesday to Monday in order that –“praise God”Sabir Bashir, our new LSC Director, may be present. With very short notice, 20 students enjoyed pizza, salad, Ice-Cream Sandwiches and loving fellowship with 10 volunteers from our Grace Family. We’re now able to divide into volunteer teams to serve for the coming weeks. The 2nd week 46 students from the Middle East, Asia, Mexico, South America, and Africa enjoyed the pizza, salad, and dessert meal; and again the seeds of the Gospel were planted in their hearts through devotions. Each Friday evening Grace shares God love through Biryani Night meals, a Middle Eastern dish, that draws 130+ students. Our Savior Lutheran Church, WELS hosts dinner and Bible Study on Tuesday night, averaging 25+ students. Each of these events is a “mission trip” waiting to happen - and guess what - you can hear the evening news, sleep in your own bed and be blessed by sharing the love of our Lord and Savior. Want to have a part in this “stay home mission field” by donating money or desserts or best of all visiting with one of the students? Call Delores Smith at (817) 469-1578 or call the church office. All donations are accepted with the “biggest smiles” that can cover the faces of all nationalities! 4 Pastor’s Monthly Message: Continued from Page 1 Now I am not saying I am Nehemiah but God has helped me amass the lumber to rebuild the walls of the families in Arlington. I am on the YMCA Board of Directors, I am involved with Kiwanis which is a civic organization that is all about children, and I have been here almost seven years to see that our city needs us to lead in this area of rebuilding. How will we rebuild the walls of the families within the boundary of I-20, I-30, 360 and Bowen? We will rebuild lives with resources from our community. The city has given us a grant of $100,000 to rebuild the walls of our church (field and perimeter of our campus) so the community can see that it can be done. We have the land, the community has the need and the YMCA has the resources to bring sports to our campus. [See the photo of the field on the next page!] Our field was sodded in late September and the new fence will be installed around field. (I think you can envision what God is doing in helping use the resource of our campus to reach people with the good news of Jesus?) How will this work? In March we will begin soccer with the YMCA on our field. AISD, apartment managers, principals of schools and churches will identify children who are in need and they will be given vouchers for children to play sports free. The money will come from money raised in our community as more and more of our community sees the need for wall building. As families come to our campus, we will hand out brochures about our school and church to invite people to be part of our family as we rebuild our community with love and servanthood. You can be part of this ministry as we march towards the future with the leadership of Joining Jesus On His Mission because he is already out in the community and bringing resources to us in contacts with many people who believe in investing in the lives of children. I invite you to attend our Elder Cottage meetings in October to hear firsthand about what God is doing at Grace as we rebuild the walls of our church and our community. In Christ, Pastor Hildebrandt MEMORIALS and HONORARIUMS Memorials: Monetary gift given to a Grace Ministry Fund in memory of a loved one or friend. Honorarium: Monetary gift given to a Grace Ministry Fund in recognition of a loved one or friend. It is with great thanksgiving that we report we have no bereavement gifts within our Grace Family this month! We would however remind you that an Honorarium is a very special way to recognize and honor a loved one or a friend who is celebrating a special event in their life at any time during the year. It is truly the gift that keeps on giving! 5 6 All are welcome to attend! B2 Small Group We are a group of young adults with children who meet one Friday a month. For more information, please contact Lindsay Ali at 817.296.6416. Blessings Group We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 PM in various homes. This group welcomes couples and singles. No child care provided. Contact Sid and Mary Jo Cook at 817-457-1198 for more information. Brews & Bibles We meet every Monday at 7:00 PM at various locations. Calling ALL young adults 21-30 (single, engaged or married)! Led by Micah Raebel, Chelsey Masterson and Jen Rukavina. For information, call Micah at 219.613.6343. Cross Training Coffee Club CALLING ALL MEN!! What: Men’s Coffee Time @ Mochalux Coffee Where: 1101 Bardin Rd., Arlington, TX. 76018 When: Every 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM Why: Bible Study, Coffee & Bond of Brothers Contact: Scott Pinnow 817.714.0936 email: [email protected] Empty Nesters We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 7:30 PM in the Fireside Room. This group is for mature singles or couples who enjoy mutual support, Bible study, prayer, fellowship and mission opportunities. For more information, call Nancy Grieser at 817.467.7212 or Susan White at 972.979.2188. Golf Group Led by Robert Matthys. For more information, please call Robert at 817.860.8641. This is a SUMMER ONLY interest group. Hankins’ Group We meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7:00 PM in various homes. This group is for retired couples and individuals who care for and support each other while enjoying Bible study, fellowship and outreach. Contact Wayne Hankins at 817.375.3922. Hertel TLC Group We meet the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM in various homes. This group meets for Bible study, prayer, fellowship and support of each other. They also serve dinner at the Arlington Life Shelter once or twice a year, provide Christmas for a family in need, and provide refreshments for SOULedOut Students the 4th Wednesday of each month. This group is for couples only. Contact Donna Hertel at 817.277.6984 for more information. Hunting & Fishing Group Led by Eric Rathjen. For more information, please call Eric at 817.860.2460. This interest group is still forming! Mama’s and Papa’s Group We meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays at 7:00 PM in the Fireside Room and Gym. This group is focused on a relationship with the Lord and each other. They study curriculums that question our struggles and point us back to God. For more information, contact Andrea Oliver at 469.371.8581. 7 Piecemakers This group welcomes everyone with willing hearts and hands to help make quilts and assemble kits benefitting those less fortunate. They meet every Saturday at 9:15 a.m. in the church basement. Please contact Cyndy Otto at 817.861.8208 if you can help! No experience needed! Schmidt/Alloy Group This group includes families of various ages and children/youth. They meet one Friday per month. Please contact the Alloy’s at 817.446.1170 or Stephanie Schmidt at 817.561.6338. Scrapbooking Group Do you love to scrapbook and have great conversations? The day and time to meet will be determined by those who sign up. For more information, call Susan Hoar at 817.299.9592. This interest group is still forming. Women of Wisdom (WOW) We meet the 1st Friday at 7:00 PM at 1501 North Watson Road in Arlington. All married or single women over 50 who would like to grow in Bible study, wisdom, summer mission opportunities, faith and friendship may contact Gwen Coy at her work number 817.640.4151. Consider an in investment that benefits you and the Lutheran Church. Invest in the Texas District Church Extension Fund and receive a return on your investment. You can find more information as well as investment applications on the Texas CEF website: www.texascef.org. You can also call the CEF at 888-951-1233 for assistance. In addition, Sandra Pecard (817-308-2061), the Grace congregation representative, can help with getting any information you may need. WHAT ARE THE CURRENT RATES? Investment Type Rate APY 0.5% 0.75% 1.25% 1.75% 0.25% 1.00% 1.75% 0.5% 0.75% 1.26% 1.76% 0.25% 1.00% 1.76% Flex Savings (deposit and withdrawal at anytime without penalty) Fixed-Rate Term Note - 1 year Fixed-Rate Term Note - 3 years Fixed-Rate Term Note - 5 years Floating-Rate Term Note - 1 year Floating-Rate Term Note - 3 years Floating-Rate Term Note - 5 years 8 We’re Having a Book Fair AND a Pot Luck Dinner!! The Grace Lutheran School book fair is coming this month! The dates are Wednesday, October 22nd through Sunday, October 27th! Our theme this year is “Sir Readalot’s Castle: Enter the Kingdom of Books!” Come browse and shop along with our potluck dinner on Sunday following the late service. Oh, we also need VOLUNTEERS for Tuesday night setup and Sunday afternoon takedown. And if you have any empty CEREAL BOXES, MILK CARTONS, SMALL CONTAINERS, OR THE LIKE, consider donating them to help our students build centerpieces for the tables! For the potluck: Families with the last name beginning with A-J bring a side dish and meat. Families with the last name beginning with K-Z bring a dessert and a meat. If you feel called to help, please contact Kristin Oxner at 817-946-9213 or email her at [email protected]. OCTOBER 26th will be REFORMATION SUNDAY, so do not forget to wear your RED shirts or blouses! Grace Used Eyeglass Ministry This year four million pairs of eyeglasses will be thrown away in the U.S. while 158 million people worldwide suffer from uncorrected vision. Each year, MOST Ministries (a recognized LCMS service organization) provides recycled eyeglasses to people living in developing nations around the world. Generous individuals, churches, and organizations across the U.S. collect and send used eyeglass to MOST Ministries where they are sorted and tested by volunteers, and repackaged for distribution through short-term mission teams. The cost of a pair of glasses in many developing nations is equivalent to a year’s salary. Without assistance from MOST Ministries, thousands of people would go without the glasses they need to work, read, or attend school. MOST Ministries often provides the only pair of eyeglasses a person will ever own. Please support MOST by putting your used eyeglasses, and those of your friends and family, in the marked basket on the round table in the narthex. Grace has sent several hundred pairs of eyeglasses to MOST over the last few years. The eyeglasses help in reaching those who have yet to hear the Good News of God’s love and saving grace. Your used eyeglasses really do matter and can make a difference in people’s lives! 9 • This isn’t your typical “money class.” Financial Peace University is practical, entertaining and fun. • More than 1.5 million families and individuals have taken FPU. • Whether you’re struggling to make ends meet or you’re a millionaire, FPU has something for you. • FPU is based on more than 800 verses of Scripture and is a proven plan that will work for you. Join other church members and those from our community Saturday to learn how to “dump debt.” If there is enough interest in a Thursday class we will add a Thursday evening class as well so we can shout - “We’re Debt FREE” together. Remember - even if you have taken the class you can come again. It is a lifetime membership. Come to refresh or start on the next baby step. Are you ready for the next step? You have disciplined your money, you tell it what to do! You are now saving money. LEGACY is next! • • Please contact Bob Bell at 817.465.8069 or [email protected] or Gary or Susan White at 972.606.8828 or [email protected] Learn: The pros and cons of stocks, bonds, mutual funds and annuities Making wise choices when investing in real estate How much is enough for you? How to live a legacy with your family Protecting relationships Basic estate planning Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 1 The keys to generational wealth Or go to the www.grace.lc homepage and click on the section link to learn more about the class. 10 FAMILY AND STUDENT MINISTRY – October SUNDAY MORNING MINISTRY, 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. • • • • KIDS’ POWER HOUR (KPH) Toddlin’ (2 and younger) meets in Room 101 (Grace Lutheran School). 3 Year Olds - Kindergarten meet in Room 110 (GLS). Grades 1-4 meet in Room 111 (GLS). PRETEENS Grades 5-6 meet in Meeting Room 3 with Lydia M. and Sherry B. LIFEGROUP Confirmation Ministry This ministry for 7th – 8th graders meets in Meeting Room 4. HIGH SCHOOL Youth (Grades 9-12) meet in the Youth Shed. WEDNESDAY NIGHT MINISTRY, SOULedOut Students 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. A (free-will donation) meal will be served in the Family Life Center Fireside Room at 6:00 PM with programming beginning at 6:30. (Meals will vary.) • Children up to 4th Grade meet in the gym. • Preteens in the 5th and 6th Grades meet in MR4 th th • Students in 7 – 8 grades meet in various locations depending on the week. • Grades 9-12 will meet in various locations depending on the week. • • • • • 1 8 15 22 29 Middle and High School Students’ SOS Schedule for OCTOBER Braille Ministry Heritage Oaks Ministry (Off Campus) Youth Shed/MR3 & MR4 Service Projects Cookie Bombarding Outreach to Youth (Preteen/MS Team & 2 HS Teams) (Off Campus) Family Pumpkin Carving/Decorating Night & Costume Contests (kids included)!!!!!!! (Parent drivers are needed for 10.22.14) SPECIAL EVENTS HIGH SCHOOL Oct. 4 7pm - Whirly Ball/Laser Tag (Details TBA) Oct. 19 pm - House Group: God’s Not Dead, 4:30pm MIDDLE SCHOOL Oct. 11-12 - RECESS Retreat Grades 6-8 at Mount Lebanon Camp in Cedar Hill, 11am -11am CHILDREN Oct. 17-19 - PINE COVE Retreat Grades 3-5, 5:30pm – 2:30pm 11 PRAYER PARTNER MINISTRY (For teens, elementary students and young adults 2 years post high school) The Prayer Partner Ministry kicked off last month. If you are a teen, child in elementary school, or a young adult, and you would like a prayer partner for the school year, please speak with Serena. If you are an adult and you are open to being a mentor to a young person through prayer, please ask Serena for more information on the prayer partner ministry at Grace! Serena Pace, DMin, DCE Family Life & Student Minister [email protected] 817-274-1626, X 114 We can always use a few good volunteers to help with the Nursery during our Sunday Worship Services! If you love the little children, don’t hesitate to sign up on the sheet on the communication board! Speaking of signing up? THE 2014 ALTAR FLOWER SIGN UP SHEET Do you have someone that you would like to honor or remember by placing flowers on the Altar? We have several blank spaces in October and the first week of November. Please note that if there are no flowers on the altar it is because no one signed up and paid to have them placed on the altar in honor or in remembrance of a loved one. We hope you’ll plan to attend the GRACIAS CHRISTMAS CANTATA 2014 US Tour this year presented by the Gracias Choir! It’s FREE** October 4th 7:00PM at UTA. Don’t miss this wonderfully exceptional performance hosted by the International Youth Fellowship! Presented by the IFUSA.org (**admission by ticket only). 12 Grace Lutheran Church proudly celebrates Arlington’s National Night Out 2014! Join us on Tuesday, October 7th 5:30 to 7:30 PM Join us as we jump in one of THREE BOUNCE HOUSES • ZUMBA Demonstrations • See Police and Fire Department personnel in various demonstrations • And welcome City Dignitaries who may appear! The Arlington Police Department invites you to participate in the 31st annual National Night Out (NNO) crime, drug, and violence prevention program sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW). The event will be held on the evening of Tuesday, October 7, 2014 and is expected to involve hundreds of Arlington residents and millions across the country. The purpose of National Night Out is to build strong partnerships between the police and communities and to promote crime awareness programs such as Neighborhood Community Watch groups. According to NATW, last year’s event was the largest ever that involved 37 million people in 15,000 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories and military bases worldwide. On October 7th, residents are encouraged to turn on their porch lights and gather with their neighbors to show unity against criminal activity. Registered communities may be visited by public service personnel such as those from police, fire, and emergency medical services. Did you know the City of Arlington has participated in National Night Out for over 20 years? This past year, the City of Arlington ranked 5th among the largest cities in the nation. Without your help, NNO would not be possible. Join us for the evening! Hot dogs!! (Chips & water too!) + Zumba!! = FUN! + Bounce houses!! Be there . . . 13 WE HAVE A NEW PHONE SYSTEM! Please note our new extensions which are available! Phone calls received between 6 PM to 7 AM will automatically go into a general mailbox where you will have the option to select a specific extension. Any calls in the general mailbox will be returned as soon as possible. Rev. Dr. Russell C. Hildebrandt, Senior Pastor 817.274.1626 X103 - office 817.475.8853 - cell [email protected] Rev. Dr. David B. Joeckel, Pastor Emeritus 817.265.6146 - home 817.688.0454 - cell [email protected] Dr. Serena Pace, DCE (Family & Student Minister) 817.274.1626 X114 [email protected] Lou Anne Hoffman (Church Office Manager) 817.274.1626 X100 [email protected] Darla Creel (Church Office Assistant) 817.274.1626 X101 [email protected] Debbie Hall (Publications Editor) 817.274.1626 X102 [email protected] Sharon Folks (Business Manager) 817.274.1626 X104 [email protected] Steve Stigler (Dir. of School Ministries) 817.274.1654 [email protected] Elizabeth Ott (School Business Manager) 817.275.5131 X106 [email protected] Sherry Burgdorf (Dir. of Preschool Ministries) 817.275.5131 X107 [email protected] Mark Oxner (Media Room) 817.274.1626 X110 [email protected] Josh Smith (Media Room) 817.274.1626 X110 [email protected] Scott Cunningham (Facilities Manager) 817.274.1626 X112 [email protected] Micah Raebel (Dir. of Music & Worship Arts) 817.274.1626 X115 [email protected] We are located at: 210 W. Park Row, Arlington, TX. 76010 Hours of operation: Monday-Thursday 9 AM to 5:00 PM Phone: 817.274.1626 Fax: 817.861.0193 Website: www.glcsonline.org or www.grace.lc Church Email: [email protected] Newsletter Publications: [email protected] GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH ELDERS AND THEIR ASSIGNED MEMBERS Eric Rathjen A-B Greg Roe I-L DelRay Alberts S Hank Jacobs C-E Mike Curtis M-O Gary Folks T-Z Jim Schmidt F-H Stan Taber P-R Head Elder Joe Masterson The Grace Newsletter is printed monthly. Articles are welcome to be published if submitted by the15th of each month no later than 5:00 PM. Articles concerning our congregation may be emailed to the publications address above or written/typed and brought to the Church Office. 14 10/4 10/5 10/7 10/8 10/10 10/15 10/16 10/17 10/19 10/27 10/27 10/28 Karl & Judy DeRooy Norman & Nancy Grieser Russell & Deborah Hildebrandt Hank & Maryann Jacobs Martin & Lucille Schlotte Kevin & Elise Morris Richard & Barrie Hill Wayne & Ginny Hankins Jorge Hernandez & Imelda Rodriguez James & Dana Huyck Mark & Carol Halverson Miguel & Dawn SepuIveda HONORING OUR HOMEBOUND! Emma Colburn 1712 Glynn Oaks Arlington, TX 76010 Terry Coomes 1115 San Juan Ct. Arlington, TX 76012 10/1 Norman Grieser 10/1 Steve Alloy 10/2 Vickie Rosentreter 10/2 Frank Vance 10/3 Kay Scarborough 10/3 Stephen Karaganis 10/3 Charles Davies 10/3 Emma Rose Woodley 10/4 Ruth Currie 10/4 Humair Inayat 10/6 Moira Meyer 10/6 Jorge A Hernandez 10/7 Janice Richmond 10/8 Donna Hertel 10/8 Patty Smith 10/8 Mike Pace 10/9 Jack Crutchfield 10/9 Anna Jessup 10/9 Bethany Whalen 10/9 Madeline Quinn 10/10 Elizabeth Ott 10/10 Samantha Roepke 10/10 Michelle Roepke 10/11 Penny Quinn 10/11 Joel Peterson 10/12 Jean Muelschen 10/13 Cheryl Westbrook 10/13 Nick Agorichas 10/14 Julie Palermo 10/14 Jonathan McIntosh 10/15 Donald Alloy 10/15 Barbara Koehn 10/16 Jeanne Crow 10/18 Zeke Ali 10/19 Austin Taylor 10/20 Paula Crossman 10/20 Karen Arrington 10/20 Nancy McCormick 10/21 Susan Jones 10/22 Steve Stigler 10/22 Brittany McPartlin 10/22 Blayne Burgess 10/23 Judy Livesay 10/23 Van Alec Nieves 10/24 Debra Rohlfing 10/24 Michael Schmidt 10/25 Kevin Hintze 10/26 John Peery 10/29 David Joeckel 10/30 David Taylor 10/31 Mildred Anderson (VISITING, PHONING OR SENDING CARDS) 817-275-3703 Marshall & Gladys Moran 1406 Montclair Arlington, TX. 76015 817-277-4047 Shirley Palmer 810 Harmon Terrace Arlington, TX. 76010 817-275-4724 Al & Joyce Schultz 2029 Woodhaven Dr. Arlington, TX. 76010 817-797-8083 817-733-6713 Marilyn Singer 2006 Iron Horse Ct. Arlington 76017 817-465-3205 817-477-9606 Joshua Smith 2609 Chatham Ct. Grand Prairie, TX. 75052 817-917-9423 817-560-3332 Nancy Turnbough Grand Prairie Healthcare Center, 820 Small St. 817-307-5904 Grand Prairie, TX. 75050 Dottie Engel 2500 Woodside Dr. Apt 1304 Arlington 76016 Sherri Sterling 2808 Claremont Drive Mansfield, TX 76063 Billie Froehlich 419 Coker Valley Kennedale, TX 76060 Arnold Petsche 704 Santo Cova Ct. Ft. Worth 76126 James & Gladys Golden Castle Rock Assisted Living, 5519 S Collins #104, Arlington, TX 76018 817-999-6618 Linda Rawe Horizon Bay, 2500 Woodside Dr, #1112 Arlington, TX. 76016 817-451-1127 Eileen Watkins 1413 Porto Bello Ct. Arlington, TX. 76012 Barbara Hibbard Waterford Apt. #209, 2650 W Park Row Dr, Arlington Park in front circle 817-275-0311 Dugan Satre 2711 Oak Cliff Ln. Arlington 76012 817-461-4940 Vivian Webb 1508 Park Ridge Terrace, Arlington 76012 817-275-6369 Sylvia Irwin 727 Brentford Place, #102 Arlington, TX. 76006 Jo & Lew Schmidt 2915 S Fielder Arlington, TX. 76015 817-375-0585 Judy Wendland Heritage Oaks, 1112 Gibbins Rd, Rm 613, Arlington, TX. 76011 817-274-2584 682-478-7670 817-469-6507 15 Sunday 10/5 8:30a & 11:00a Worship Childcare - both services 9:45a Adult Bible Studies 9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S. 9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study 9:45a Sr. High Bible Study 6:30p Alloy Small Group Circuit Forum @ Faith Lutheran Church, Grand Prairie 10/12 8:30a & 11:00a Worship Childcare - both services 9:45a Adult Bible Studies 9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S. 9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study 9:45a Sr. High Bible Study 10/19 8:30a & 11:00a Worship CHURCH & SCHOOL WORKER APPRECIATION DAY Childcare - both services 9:45a Adult Bible Studies 9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S. 9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study 9:45a Sr. High Bible Study 10/26 8:30a & 11:00a Worship REFORMATION SUNDAY Childcare - both services 9:45a Adult Bible Studies 9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S. 9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study 9:45a Sr. High Bible Study POTLUCK after 11:00 service THE BOOK FAIR ENDS TODAY Monday 10/6 9:30a Ladies LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Evening LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Brews & Bibles COLUMBUS DAY 10/13 9:30a Ladies LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Evening LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Brews & Bibles Church Office and School Closed 10/20 9:30a Ladies LifeLight Bible Study 6:30p British Club 7:00p Evening LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Brews & Bibles 10/27 9:30a Ladies LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Evening LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Brews & Bibles Tuesday 10/7 6:00p Zumba! 6:30p Grace Fellowship Ministry 7:00p PAP 7:00p Blessings Group 7:30p Men’s Basketball NATIONAL NIGHT OUT 5:30 to 7:30 PM Thursday 10/3 Church Office CLOSED 5:30p AAU Basketball 7:00p WOW Small Group 7:00p Mama’s and Papa’s 10/4 9:00a AAU Basketball 9:00a Altar Guild 9:15a Piecemakers Saturday Wednesday 10/2 9:00a Braille Alpha 6:30p Praise Team 7:00p Braille Thumbprint 10/11 9:00a AAU Basketball 9:00a Altar Guild 9:15a Piecemakers Friday 10/1 6:00p PTL 6:00p Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30p SOS Ministry 6:30p Joybells 7:00p Legacy Journey 7:30p Sanctuary Choir 10/10 Church Office CLOSED 5:30p AAU Basketball 7:00p B2 (B Square) Grp 7:30p Empty Nesters Pine Cove Retreat! Alternate date! October 17 - 19 10/24 Church Office CLOSED 5:30p AAU Basketball 7:00p B2 (B Square) Grp 7:30p Empty Nesters BOOK FAIR 10/31 Church Office CLOSED 5:30p AAU Basketball BOOK FAIR 10/25 9:00a AAU Basketball 9:15a Piecemakers 10/18 9:00a AAU Basketball 9:00a Altar Guild 9:15a Piecemakers Recess Retreat! Mt Lebanon Camp Cedar Hill, TX October 11-12 10/9 12:00p 55 + 6:30p Praise Team 7:00p Hankins Group 10/16 6:30p Praise Team 7:00p Board of Elders 10/23 6:30p Praise Team 7:00p Hankins Group BOOK FAIR 10/30 6:30p Praise Team 10/17 Church Office CLOSED 5:30p AAU Basketball 6:00p Braille WWFF 7:00p Mama’s and Papa’s 10/8 6:00p Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30p SOS Ministry 6:30p Joybells 6:30p Stephen Ministry 7:00p Legacy Journey 7:30p Sanctuary Choir 10/15 6:00p Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30p SOS Ministry 6:30p Joybells 7:00p Legacy Journey 7:30p Sanctuary Choir 10/22 6:00p Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30p SOS Ministry 6:30p Stephen Ministry 6:30p Joybells 7:00p Hertel TCL Couples 7:00p Legacy Journey 7:30p Sanctuary Choir 10/14 1:00p After Lunch Brunch 6:00p Zumba! 7:00p BOD meeting 7:30p Men’s Basketball 10/21 1:00p Young Sr Braille 6:00p Zumba! 7:00p Cross Training Coffee Club 7:00p Blessings Group 7:30p Men’s Basketball 10/29 6:00p Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30p SOS Ministry 6:30p Joybells 7:00p Hertel TCL Couples 7:00p Legacy Journey 7:30p Sanctuary Choir Newsletter Deadline Today 10/28 6:00p Zumba! 7:30p Men’s Basketball Joining Jesus On His Mission At Our Savior, Irving TX BOOK FAIR Joining Jesus On His Mission at Our Savior, Irving TX 16
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