Classes for Teens: SAT Prep & NEW THIS TERM - College Essay Coaching, Yoga & Glee COMMUNITY EDUCATION SAT/PSAT TEST PREPARATION Coordinators: Dan Hudder and Katie Swegan Instructors (with subjects taught): Shakur Abdal-Khallaq (Math), Bill Goldman (Math), Mike Higashi (Math), Max Hekler (Critical Reading, and Writing), Dan Hudder (Math, Critical Reading, and Writing), Doug Kopcso (Critical Reading and Writing), Nicole Mason (Critical Reading and Writing), John Shea (Math), and Katie Swegan (Writing) SAT REFRESHER COURSE* For the student who needs that little warm up before the test, this course allows students to choose what they need to focus on most, and to work with a small number of other students to hone their skills for the test. Highly recommended for those students who have taken an SAT prep class in the past and want that little extra help to improve their scores. Course includes two class sessions, one full practice exam, course materials, and a complete home study plan for the week of the test. The following Refresher classes are in preparation for the October 11, 2014 SAT: 11602.1 $199/$229 non-residents 3 Saturdays @ NHS Room 730 September 13 & 20, from 10am-12:30pm & September 27*, from 8:30am-12:45pm (for practice exam*) 11602.2 $199/$229 non-residents 3 Tuesdays @ NHS Room 730 September 23 & 30, from 6-8:30pm & October 7*, from 6-10:15pm (for practice exam*) *Note: Students who took one of the summer SAT classes are automatically entitled to attend one of the fall refresher classes (with no registration required). PSAT CRASH COURSE Ideal for the first time test-take looking for an edge, this course offers an introduction to the PSAT (the PSAT exam is scheduled for October 18). Students come away with an understanding of the different kinds of questions, strategies on how to answer them, test materials to practice for the week before the test, and the confidence that they will know exactly what to expect when walking into the exam. Great for those students who expect to compete for the National Merit Scholarships. Includes course materials and complete home study plan for the week of the test. 11604 $139/$169 non-residents 2 Saturdays @ NHS Room 730 September 27, from 10am-3:30pm & October 11*, from 10am-1pm (for practice exam*) Needham Community Education | 1330 Highland Avenue | 781-455-0400 x235 PRACTICE SAT TEST Needham Community Education and the NHS Guidance Department will once again offer an opportunity for juniors to take a full-length practice SAT exam. Students can gain a familiarity with the exam and get a sense of their strengths and weaknesses as they begin to prep for the real test. Students will leave the practice test with their scores for the critical reading, math, and multiple-choice writing portions of the exam, as well as a copy of the test for review purposes. Use the attached registration form to register for the SAT practice test and note the class code below. Please note on the registration form any special considerations we should be aware of for this practice exam, including behavioral, learning, or physical. 11605 $10 (Needham residents; juniors only) 1 Saturday @ NHS Media Center and nearby rooms November 22 from 8:30am – 1pm FULL SAT PREP COURSE Needham Community Education is pleased to continue the SAT Prep classes developed by NHS teacher Mr. Hudder. Mr. Hudder and his colleagues are all experienced with SAT prep and are known for their engaging, dynamic, and effective classes. All students will engage in a variety of learning experiences, with differentiated instruction tailored to meet the needs of students with a wide range of learning styles and abilities. In the second half of the course, instruction and assignments are individualized, providing maximum success for every student. Classes are limited in size to allow for small group work and individual attention from the teachers. Fee includes materials. Note: students should bring a pencil and calculator to the first class session, which is the first of the three practice tests included in the course. Note: The full schedule of classes for the school year is included for planning purposes only. It is not necessary to register months ahead (e.g., students can wait until the winter to register for the classes in prep for the May and June exams). The following sections are in preparation for the January 24, 2015 SAT: 11601.4 $549/$649 non-residents 11 Saturdays @ NHS Room 730 10am-12:30pm (till 2:15pm on first two test days*; 8:30am-12:45pm on final test day**) October 11*, 25 & November 1, 8, 15, 22* & December 6, 13, 20 & January 10, 17** 11601.5 $549/$649 non-residents 11 Tuesdays @ NHS Room 730 6-8:30pm (till 10:15pm on test nights*) October 21*, 28 & November 4, 18, 25 & December 2*, 9, 16 & January 6, 13, 20* 11601.6 $549/$649 non-residents 11 Wednesdays @ NHS Room 730 6-8:30pm (till 10:15pm on test nights*) October 22*, 29 & November 5, 12, 19 & December 3*, 10, 17 & January 7, 14, 21* Needham Community Education | 1330 Highland Avenue | 781-455-0400 x235 The following sections are in preparation for the March 14, 2015 SAT: 11601.7 $549/$649 non-residents 11 Mondays @ NHS Room 730 6-8:30pm (till 10:15pm on test nights*) December 8*, 15, 22 & January 5, 12, 26* & February 2, 9, 23 & March 2, 9* 11601.8 $549/$649 non-residents 11 Tuesdays @ NHS Room 730 6-8:30pm (till 10:15pm on test nights*) December 9*, 16 & January 6, 13, 20, 27* & February 3, 10, 24 & March 3, 10* 11601.9 $549/$649 non-residents 11 Wednesdays @ NHS Room 730 6-8:30pm (till 10:15pm on test nights*) December 10*, 17 & January 7, 14, 21, 28* & February 4, 11, 25 & March 4, 11* Note: The following sections are included in this catalog so that students and parents know the options that are available in preparation for the Spring Sat exams. It is not necessary to register in the fall for the prep classes beginning in the winter. These classes will also be included in the winter/spring adult education catalog due out in late January. The following sections are in preparation for the May 2, 2015 SAT: 11601.10 $549/$649 non-residents 11 Saturdays @ NHS Room 730 10am-12:30pm (till 2:15pm on first two test days*; 8:30am-12:45pm on final test day**) January 24*, 31 & February 7, 14, 28 & March 7*, 14, 21, 28 & April 11, 18** 11601.11 $549/$649 non-residents 11 Mondays @ NHS Room 730 6-8:30pm (till 10:15pm on test nights*) February 2*, 9, 23 & March 2, 9, 16*, 23, 30 & April 6, 13, 27* 11601.12 $549/$649 non-residents 11 Tuesdays @ NHS Room 730 6-8:30pm (till 10:15pm on test nights*) February 3*, 10, 24 & March 3, 10, 17*, 24, 31 & April 7, 14, 28* The following section is in preparation for the June 6, 2015 SAT: 11601.13 $549/$649 non-residents 11 Wednesdays @ NHS Room 730 6-8:30pm (till 10:15pm on test nights*) March 18*, 25 & April 1, 8, 15, 29* & May 6, 13, 20, 27 & June 3* Needham Community Education | 1330 Highland Avenue | 781-455-0400 x235 COLLEGE ESSAY WRITING WORKSHOP NEW Jane Hirschhorn, Instructor The essay is a key component of the college application because it allows admissions officers to learn about who you are beyond your grades, activities and recommendations. In this supportive and interactive three-hour workshop, you will have the opportunity to begin or continue working on your college essays, using prompts from the Common Application or the school(s) of your choice. The course provides time for brainstorming in small groups, writing, and a 10 to15-minute individual writing conference with feedback from the instructor, a professional writing tutor. Bring your own laptop or tablet to class; plan on also bringing any notes or rough drafts of an essay to class, if you have these. The instructor will provide the essay prompts from the Common Application. Limited to 7. 11622 $79 1 Saturday @ NHS Room 204 & 206 9:30am-12:30pm October 18 GLEE FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS NEW Lisa Yves, Instructor Pop singer/pianist Lisa Yves will direct this “Glee” style class for high school students who love to sing. All types of voices are welcome! Students will practice singing several current pop songs, and then learn to create vocal “mash-ups” that will be sung in groups. Grab a friend or come on your own, and join us – to sing, be part of a group, and learn great new songs and creative “mash-ups” of these! There may even be an opportunity for the group to perform together for the school community. Limited to 30. 11214 $109 8 Mondays @ NHS Chorus Room (612) 4-5:30pm October 6 – December 1 (no class October 13) SLOW FLOW VINYASA YOGA FOR TEENS NEW Rachael Flaherty, Instructor This class will focus on linking breath and movement in a Vinyasa style flow – a great opportunity for athletes to complement their training, and for all students to release stress and tension at the end of the school day. We will listen to a mix of Top 40, Hip Hop and Alternative music to get the class pumped up and excited to move. Attend a free demonstration class on Thursday, September 18! Call Needham Community Education at 781-455-0400 x235 to register for this free demo class. Please wear loose, comfortable clothes, and bring a yoga mat and full-size towel to class. Limited to 12. 10703 $109 8 Thursdays @ NHS Faculty Lounge (off cafeteria) 3-4:30pm October 2 – November 20 9/11/1 Needham Community Education | 1330 Highland Avenue | 781-455-0400 x235 NCE: High School Programs 2014-2015 First Name_____________________________ Last Name_____________________________________ Year student will graduate HS: ________ School: NHS _____ OR Other School: ______________________ Home Phone_____________________________ Email _________________________________________ Address _______________________________________ Town/Zip_______________________________ Parent Name ____________________________ Day Tel.________________ Eve Tel. ________________ Parent Name ____________________________ Day Tel.________________ Eve Tel. ________________ Emergency Contact ______________________________Tel____________________________________ Are there special considerations we should know about so that your student will have a positive experience in the course they register for? Please list below or attach a note describing any special needs (academic, medical, emotional, behavioral) and/or allergies that we should know about. Thank you. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Code Title of Class Start Date Amt Enclosed I/We, the parents/guardians of ______________________, a minor, hereby consent to his/her participation in one the Needham Community Education’s courses for high school students, the taking of photos of my/our child and /or promotion of the program, and to his/her use of the Needham Public Schools facilities and equipment. I/We further agree to release and hold harmless the Town of Needham, Needham Public Schools and their employees, agents and assigns from any and all liability of expenses arising out of any incident involving, or any account of any injury to the above named minor in connection with such program. I/We further consent to emergency treatment by a physician in the event of injury to, or illness of, our child during his/her participation in this program. I/We accept full responsibility for all costs for any such emergency treatment. I/We agree to abide by NCE policies. Parent/Guardian signature (required)_____________________________________ Date______________ TO REGISTER: 1. Pay by Check – Payable to Needham Community Education, 1 check per class if possible 2. Pay by Charge - by Mail or Phone 3. Pay by Charge – by FAX: 781-455-0417 Mail to: Needham Community Education 1330 Highland Ave., Needham MA 02492 CHARGE TO: MC, VISA or DISC. # __________/__________/__________/________ EXP.DATE ______/______ SIGNATURE ___________________________________________________ Needham Community Education | 1330 Highland Avenue | 781-455-0400 x235
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