Volume 20 Issue 41 Bulletin Edition NEWS Holy Spirit thrills and fills once again! In the latest BLD Newark LSS, held this past weekend at Divine Mercy Parish in Rahway, New Jersey, LOVE once again filled the hearts of everyone who was there – lambs, shepherds, as well as auxies. Good feelings permeated the entire weekend. Adding to the victories claimed during the weekend was the LSS emcee’s own return from months of intensive chemotherapy. Vino Guiang , originally scheduled to be the coordinator for the LSS last April, found out last Friday afternoon, that his cancer is in remission…. Yes indeed, God is good all the time! The 49 Graduates receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit were the following: (ME) Bernardino De Guzman, Gertrudes De Guzman, John Erick Dimalanta, Rizalyn Dimalanta, George Geronimo, Catherinie Geronimo, Salvador Lopez, Teresita Lopez, Joel Manigbas, Maria Manigbas, Almario Morales, Mary Lu Morales, Danilo Parale, Nancy Parale, Elmerson Reyes, Annalyn Reyes, Leo Seno, Susan Seno, Danilo Zuniga, Irene Zuniga, Fr. Jose Saltarin, Rufino Santiago, and Josefa Santiago Continued, page 4 October 10, 2014 COUNSELS THE INVITATION OF THE KING THEME: True disciples of Jesus respond with fruitfulness when they depend on Him totally for strength. WORD: Is 25:6-10/Ps 23:1-3,3-4,5,6 Phil 4:12-14,19-20/Mt 35:1-14 Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find. REFLECTION: ORDER: This Sunday’s readings remind us that as we walk on the hard and narrow path to salvation, Jesus responds to our obedience of His directives with bountiful blessings; especially when we rely solely on Him to give us the strength to endure the persecution and trials throughout our journey. Our Heavenly Father knows all our weaknesses and concerns. He reassures us by saying, “Fear not, I am with you; be not dismayed; I am your God. I will strengthen you, and help you, and uphold you with my right hand of justice.” (Is 41:10) We are called to be His disciples to invite those who do not know Him to the feast. At the same time, as believers we respond to the invitation with varying degree of dedication and commitment to God. When we accepted the call of God the Father, we became the invitation; the bible to the people--the good news. As such we are now obliged to share the gifts, the joy and the benefits we have received from the Father because of this courageous act of acceptance. Pope John Paul II called for a New Evangelization. We are all urged to deepen our faith, to believe in the Gospel message and to go forth and proclaim the Gospel. As instructed in this Sunday’s Gospel, “Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find.” Continued, page 3 Promise of the Week “My God will supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:19) ONLY ONE THING “The Lord said to her in reply, 'Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.’” (Lk 10:41-42) It is not difficult to get lost in the daily distractions of life, the restless churning of our everyday routines: meals to cook, bills to pay, floors to mop, errands to run...the list goes on and on. If you are like me, a usual day would start with the alarm going off at around 5:00 am. From there, each minute is carefully calculated for every task and chore I have set out to do for that day. Typically, a work day consists of 16-18 hours of commuting, office and house work. Unless I intentionally set aside the one hour of prayer and meditation, the day gets away from me, and I find myself asking for forgiveness from the Lord as I collapse into my bed late at night. Like Martha, I start my day with the best of intentions, but somehow fall short. Even when I make a routine of going to mass daily, I find my mind wandering while at Mass to the list of things I have to do after I get out church. In this passage, Jesus reminds us Marthas to slow down and be mindful of what is truly important: prayer and reflection on His Word, seeking God’s guidance, and pausing to hear His answer. In the quiet of the inner recesses of our hearts, the Lord is constantly speaking to us. But, we need to slow down, and silence the noise of our busy, task-filled days to hear His soft whispers. “There is need of only one thing.” Jesus’ words reverberate in my heart. At once, I realize I am both Martha and Mary. There is something in me that compels me to serve, to be of action. Yet, my heart also longs to sit quietly at the feet of Jesus, listening, contemplating, praying. I then realize that as a disciple, I am only able to achieve a happy balance through God’s grace. St. Teresa of Avila defines contemplation simply and succinctly. Let us listen... “Contemplative prayer is nothing else than a close sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with Him who we know loves us. ...We seek Him, because to desire Him is always the beginning of love, and we seek Him in that pure faith which causes us to be born of Him and to live in Him.” May the Lord grant me the grace to hear Him in the busyness of my day, and to invest my time wisely that what I do at each moment reflects the treasure I hold in Jesus. Amen. God’s Will and Our Perseverance “I tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves because of their friendship, he will get up to give him whatever he needs because of his persistence.” (Lk 11:8) This verse reminds me of The Parable of the Unjust Judge, a story also in Luke’s Gospel about a woman who seeks a just decision against an adversary from a judge who, “neither feared God nor respected any human being.” After many times of refusing to render a just decision, the judge finally grants the woman her wish because he does not want to be bothered any longer. At the end of the parable Jesus asks, “Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him day and night?” (Lk 18:7) In the digital age, we communicate instantly with one another through text messages, email, and social media. However, it’s important to remember that prayer is not a form of instant communication. We must approach God with a pure soul because sin blocks us from developing an intimate relationship with the Lord. Once a personal relationship with Him is established, it becomes easier to communicate with God. The Word tells us that patient perseverance is critical to the effectiveness of prayer. Instant gratification diminishes the importance of faith, hope, and patience – three keys to living a healthy Christian life. In Genesis, we learn that even God needed six days to create the world. Prayer, like maintaining a balanced diet, requires sacrifice and time in order to get our desired results. While the results do not come immediately, we should feel overly satisfied in the end, knowing that our patient perseverance did not go in vain. When we pray for a specific intention for a while, it’s in our human nature to think that God is not listening. But God knows us better than we know ourselves. It’s certainly possible that our intentions are in conflict with His will or His timing. However, if you feel in your heart that your intentions align with His will, consider the possibility that God is shaping you into a patient and perseverant prayer warrior. As it says in Ecclesiastes 3:11, “He made everything appropriate in its time. He also placed eternity within them – yet, no person can fully comprehend what God is doing from beginning to end.” FR. PAUL SPEAKS ROSARY AND LECTIO DIVINA With the beginning of the month of October, the Church invites us to the devotion of the Holy Rosary. As beautiful as this devotion is, I personally find it difficult to recite the Hail Maries and keep my mind focused on the mysteries rather than battling distracting thoughts. After all, the rosary is a summary of the principal mysteries of our Christian faith. A method I use when saying the rosary privately, which can also be used in communal recitation, is to interrupt each Hail Mary with a phrase that reminds us of the mystery we should be reflecting on. For instance for the first joyful mystery after saying “Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus” add a phrase like “who was conceived by the Holy Spirit”, and finish the hail Mary as usual. Similarly during the second decade ad something like “who visited Elizabeth”, etc. We thus connect the mystery by focusing each Hail Mary on that event in the life of Jesus or Mary. I am sure you all know the importance of daily reflection and contemplation of the scriptures, called Lectio Divina, especially the readings that are used in the Mass each day. I know many of you use the “Magnificat” for that purpose, or for the technically advanced, the smart phone or iPad can be used to locate the assigned readings. Again we all face the problem of distractions when we are trying to concentrate on the meaning of a Scripture passage, or when we are trying to pray over a verse, or even trying to be quiet and listen to the still voice of the Lord. May I suggest a method I am sure many of you are familiar with, called “centering prayer”. This method, even though used by many spiritual writers in the past, has been taught extensively by Fr. Thomas Keating. His method is quite simple. When a thought comes to mind that is distracting and does not belong in prayer, or when we are trying to focus contemplatively on the presence of the Lord, and our mind wanders all over the place, he suggests using a “sacred word” like Jesus or Abba in order to interfere and derail the thought and refocus on the original subject matter. He suggests doing this very gently, because the tendency is to be annoyed with ourselves when we find ourselves wrestling with distraction. He reminds us that we are doing two things when we engage in this practice. We are refocusing and renewing our “attention”, and also renewing our “intention” to pray. No matter how many times in prayer we do this, the Lord is always pleased with our efforts, and prayer has accomplished its goal, a deeper union with the Lord. C O U N S E L S (from page 1) The kingdom of God, our inheritance, is that feast that the Father invites us to attend. Even when we refuse His invitation, He extends it again and again, revealing to us the wonders and majesty that await each of us in the heavenly home. I was invited to the feast numerous times and had various reasons for not accepting it wholeheartedly in many occasions. I humbly admit, in true retrospect, I lacked the faith of a true disciple at that time. Knowing the hardship of being a true disciple, St. Paul exhorts us, “I can do all things in him who strengthens me. My God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:13&19). Simply stated, I did not want this burden, I was selfish and materialistic. I cared more for matters of the secular world than the state of my appearance before the King. Jesus said: “Many are invited, but few are chosen.” (Mt 22:14) The king rejected the improperly dressed man because he did not regard his invitation as a great honor. Consequently, he did not bother to clothe himself with “the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph 4:24). The guest who was dressed in wedding garments recognized God’s abundant mercy and love as their only source of strength and hope, and so they “clothed” themselves with His mercy. In the distant past, I, myself, was that guest who was improperly dressed. I came to the feast not ready to really receive the fruits and graces set before me. Prior to my renewal in the Spirit, I merely went through the motions of going to church on Sundays as my Catholic duties asked me to “keep the Sabbath day holy”. However, I would stand in the back of the church. I was constantly invited by God’s disciples to come to the feast. When I had finally answered, I put on that wedding garment, and at the same time, became one of the servants instructed to invite others to the feast. I started with my family by inviting my children to join the Family Encounter to deepen their faith and understanding of Christ’s love. They, too, have dawned on their wedding attire and began to invite others to the feast. As I journey alongside you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, I am given the strength through Christ to persevere on this arduous journey. Accepting the invitation to the feast is the beginning of our journey to being prepared for the wedding, our reunion with our Father in His Kingdom. The truest test to our Faith is remembering the Promise that God is our Ultimate Provider. Continued, page 4 COUNSELS (from page 3) As we follow His order to go out and evangelize and spread the Word of God, not only through words but also by our actions, we are preparing ourselves to the Greatest feast we will ever attend. Let us embrace God’s gift of love and grace in the Eucharist. By so doing, He will enable us to accept wholeheartedly His invitation to join in the celebration of the Wedding of the Lamb. DIRECTIONS: 1. Invite more people to a renewed life in Christ. 2. Live an abundant life in Christ in your humble circumstances. NEWS (from page 1) SPE: Norbert Aminzia, Julius Bryant, Camille Nagela, Margaret De Filippo, Nicolle Elwin, Dennis James Feliciano, Rosemarie Go, Yanick Joseph, Eliza Literato, Belinda Pacaira, Dakila Romano, Leticia Vizcayno, and Saneeta Somai SE: Julia Carpio, Elaine Espejon, Olivia Felibrico, Jesraye Flores, Francis San Andres, Liz Ortiz, Mikey Pepino, and Kat Salonga NE: Charlene Irino, Letty Teopengco, Lourdes Delara, and Christeta Manigbas The pastoral team was composed of Fr. Paul Lehman (spiritual director) and sharers: Margarita Ocasio & Amanda Anderson (God’s Love), George/MaryAnn McGehrin (New Life), Sam/Rory Olaso (Healing & Reconciliation), Ollie/Annie Felibrico (Growth), and Reuben/Cherry Vibar (Transformation). Congratulations to LSS 43 Graduates! GOD never fails! To GOD be the Glory! LSS 43 Reunion will be held on Oct. 19th, from 1-6 pm. O THER A NNOUNCEMENTS PROJECT I DO/MASS WEDDING November 9, 2014 ~ St. Mary’s Church, Rahway NJ What: For couples who are civilly married but not sacramentally married in church / those who want to be married in church. Requirements & details: Contact Ray/Susie Atienza: 908-463-0449/ [email protected] MEDICAL MISSION 2015 February 16-19, 2015 Koronadal City, South Cotabato, Philippines Volunteers needed. If interested, please sign-up on or before December 15th Contacts: Mel/Remy Hernandez [email protected] L ORD ’S P ROVISION P REVIOUS W EEK ’ S Actual Collections $2,442 Tithe/Love Offering $101 Mission Collections Walk Fundraising $60 Fr. Paul’s SOH YTD $115,914 $7,302 $34,449 $5,737 Financial details are available to all members through [email protected] Thank you for your continued support! Stewardship – It’s a way of life! T EACHING C ALENDAR Oct 18*- CMP 1 Part 1 – LSS 1-40 Oct 24 – Intercessory Immersion – ME 41, SPE 15 Service Immersion – ME 42 Venue: Divine Mercy Parish School Classrooms, Rahway, NJ Time: Friday after worship, *Saturday 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM C OMMUNITY C ALENDAR “It is not enough to discover Christ, you must bring Him to others.” – Pope John Paul II SINGLES ENCOUNTER # 33 Date: November 7-9, 2014 Location: Graymoor Spiritual Life Center Garrison, NY Contacts: Jojo/Adelle Orosa ~ [email protected] Jutt Bustos ~ [email protected] MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER # 44 Date: November 14-16, 2014 Location: Hotel Executive Suites 30 Minue St. Carteret NJ Contacts: Nong/Tricia Bustos ~ [email protected] Every last Friday of the month from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm at St. Mary’s Church (DMP). Date Oct 17 Oct 24 Oct 31 Nov 7 Apostolate Pastoral Evangelization Formation Management Please notify the Word Ministry if you have not been receiving your soft copies by emailing: [email protected]
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