221 West Olive Street • Marshalltown, IA 50158 P h o n e 6 42 12-17 5W3 e- 7s 3t 7 O 4 l i v~e S O t rne e tt h e• wMeabr sahta l wl twoww. ns ,t hI eAn r5y0c1h5 u8 r c h . c o m On the web at www.sthenrychurch.com Weekend Masses Sat Vigil Sun 5:00PM 8:00AM 10:30AM Weekday Masses Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri 7:30AM Reconciliation Sat 4:00PM and by Appointment Parish Offices Mon through Fri 8:00AM - 4:00PM Phone 641-753-7374 FAX 641-753-1499 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 1 • St. Henry Catholic Church Please contact the Parish Office If . . Pastor, Donald Czapla [email protected] Deacon, Roger Polt [email protected] Deacon, Gary Pusillo [email protected] Business Manager, Kelley Brennecke [email protected] Parish Secretary, Karen Koorsen [email protected] Director of Faith Formation, Patty Cook [email protected] Pastoral Associate, Karen Mroz [email protected] Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Jarrett Wendt [email protected] Initiation of Adults, Mark & Shelby Dolash [email protected] Religious Education Coordinator, Ana Hernandez [email protected] Facilities Manager, Randy Wagner [email protected] Financial Stewardship OCTOBER 5 2014 SACRIFICIAL GIVING Offertory (loose) $ 583.00 Adult Envelopes $ 14,365.00 Weekly Envelope Budget $ 13,500.00 Over Weekly Budget $ 865.00 MONTHLY UPDATE July 1 thru September 30, 2014 Budget YTD $144,215 Actual YTD $139,058 St. Henry Parish is running an average of $397 short of budget each week. you are new to St. Henry, have moved, had a change in the members of your family, email address, dropped your landline or have a new phone/cell phone number! 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Every four years, this country holds primary elections. Usually, two or three states vote at a time. On what is called Super Tuesday, more than twenty states hold their primary elections. And 2008 was no different; however, on this Super Tuesday there were reports in one state of voters showing up at their usual polling placing to vote only to discover that their state had already had its election a week earlier, and in another state, people showed up to vote only to learn that their primary wasn't for a few more weeks. Some were finally ready, but it was too late; others tried to get in but weren't ready. The parable of the wedding feast in today's reading from Matthew actually tells two different stories. In the first, the king prepared for his son's wedding and sent out an invitation to all he thought would attend. But no one took him seriously, and all refused to attend the wedding. The king had their city burned; one would assume they then wished they had attended the wedding, but their wishes came too late. In the second part of the parable, the king has invited just about anyone to the wedding; many come, but one who does is not dressed for a wedding; the king sees he is not ready to attend and escorts him out. We are called to the kingdom of heaven; we cannot afford to wait to answer until the time is right for us. Nor can we assume that we will be welcome just because we think we deserve it. Remember, through his parables Jesus invites people to the feast of the kingdom, but he also asks for a radical choice: to gain the kingdom, one must give everything. Words are not enough, deeds are required (CCC 546). How we use our gifts of grace in preparation for the kingdom is what matters most. St. Francis Catholic School, Dr. Matthew Herrick, Principal St. Mary Attendance Center-10 West Linn St, 641-753-7977 St. Henry Attendance Center-310 Columbus Dr., 641-753-8744 Visit us on the web at www.st-francis.net OCTOBER’S SOCIAL JUSTICE COLLECTION This weekend all loose coins and bills in the collection go to ACCESS, an agency serving Marshall County to aid victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault. FOR YOUR INFORMATION Baptism - Parents are required to attend a class held on the 4th Tuesday of January, April, July or October before the child is baptized. Call the office to pre-register. Marriage - Contact the Pastoral Associate at least nine months prior to anticipated wedding date for necessary requirements. Illness - Notify the office when someone is in the hospital, would like a visit, or has become homebound. Catholic Charities - For all types of counseling services and referral for adoption call Julie C. Porter, 515-296-2759. Bulletin Announcements - Articles must be submitted to the Parish Office in writing or emailed by noon on Monday for print the following weekend or by noon on the Friday before a holiday week. Readings for the Week of October 12, 2014 Sunday: Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Next Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 3 • St. Henry Catholic Church HARVEST BALL Invitations have been mailed for this November 8 event! Please join us for a special night out, and an important fundraiser for St. Francis at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Social hour and silent auction begin at 5:30PM followed by dinner, live auction and NEW this year Dueling Pianos! Everyone is welcome, bring a friend. Reservations are encouraged, but not mandatory. If you have not received your invitation and want to make a reservation, contact Michele Dawley 641-752-3467. “NEW” KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL There may be a wedding reception, banquet, birthday party, or possibly a funeral dinner in your future. Come and sample hors d'oeuvres and visit other vendors at an open house on Sunday, October 12, 11:00AM until 2:00PM and see what the newly remodeled Knight of Columbus Hall, 201 West High Street has to offer! You will be glad you did! UNTOLD BLESSINGS BEGINS Starting tonight, October 12, a DVD series by Fr. Robert Barron (Catholicism series creator) will be offered on Sunday & Tuesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:00PM and Friday mornings at 8:15AM. This 6 week series, “UNTOLD BLESSINGS: Three Paths to Holiness” looks at the teaching of the Catholic Church on our call in Christ Jesus, His power to heal our lives, and His command to go out to the world. The aim of this study is to help you study, reflect upon and act in obedience to the will of God in Christ. Sunday’s presentation is in St. Henry dining room. Tuesday’s presentation in St. Mary dining room. Friday’s presentation is in the multipurpose room at St. Henry church. DATE NIGHT MARRIAGE TIP Marriage is a lifetime commitment made in a covenant with God. The next date night is Sunday, October 19 at 5:30PM at St. Patrick in Tama. Then, after dinner, a conversation with a panel of experienced couples who have adopted the motto: “setbacks are inevitable, but failure is unthinkable” in their marriage. Date night is food, fellowship and shared faith for married or engaged couples of all ages. Please RSVP for free daycare by calling 641-484-3646 and leave a message or send an email to [email protected]. MAN UP - AMES Man Up - Ames is a Catholic men's group whose goals are to make better men, husbands and fathers through fellowship, catechesis, and evangelization with monthly meetings and topical presentations. Our next meeting is Monday, October 20 at St. Cecilia in Ames. The evening begins with a Rosary at 5:10PM, Mass at 5:30, followed by an Oktoberfest meal. Our speaker will be Steve Schmitz with Catholic Charities on the humanitarian crisis at our southern border. The evening concludes with group discussion and ends around 8:15. All men are welcome and please bring a friend! If you have questions, contact Todd Clancy at: [email protected]. MATTHEW KELLY LIVE! Saturday, November 22, 2014, 9:00AM-1:30PM at St. Edward Parish, in Waterloo. Living with Passion and Purpose is a four-and-a-half hour seminar guaranteed to change your life. This acclaimed Catholic author and evangelist uses insights from "the Genius of Catholicism" to help participants grow in appreciation for how the Catholic faith can shape every aspect of your daily lives, including your spirituality, relationships, parenting, work, money and personal health. Space is limited; register early. For more information and to register www.waterloocatholics.org/matthewkelly.htm Respect Life Now there are those who would patrol life, not after it becomes a harvest but while it is seed in the granary. The new kind of vigilance would not wait until the fruit Respect Life appeared on the tree, as did Hitler and others, but would stifle the blossoms and the buds. They would take up their watch at the borderline of love and life and say, "They shall not pass." ~ On Being Human, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, Ph.D., D.D. ~ Faith Formation UPCOMING R.E. CLASSES K - 6th & H.S. @ St. Henry 9:10AM Sundays October 12, 19 High School (only ) @ St Mary 6:30PM Wednesday October 22 Youth Activities WANT “S'MORE” YOUTH MINISTRY? 9th - 12th Graders are Invited to Fun Night Monday October 13 on St Henry Field - 5:30-9:00PM! YOUTH TRIPS NIGHT! Come to Sign Up for a Youth Trip next Summer/Fall Monday, October 20 in St Henry Dining Room - 7PM NEW! YOUTH MINISTRY WEBSITE! Visit our new website at catholicyouthunited.com to see what our Youth are putting together! St. Francis Guardians HOME & SCHOOL MEETING Tuesday, October 14 at 7:30PM at the St. Henry Church dining room! Remember Home & School is the organization that coordinates all the volunteer efforts. Please attend and learn how you can get involved! Checks for the Education Center addition should be made payable to: St. Henry / St. Mary School Building Fund Like us on Facebook and stay informed! St. Henry Catholic Church, Marshalltown,, Iowa 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time • 4 Upcoming Events & Activities Mass Intentions & Liturgies SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 ACCW CONVENTION IN WAVERLY 4:35PM Rosary before Mass - C SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 4:30PM Mass @ St. Mary 5:00PM Marlys Welp 6:30PM Spanish Mass @ St. Mary SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 7:35AM Rosary before Mass - C 9:10AM Religious Education Classes 10:30AM R.C.I.A. - SM 6:00PM Untold Blessings Video Series #1 - DR MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 5:30PM Youth Fun Night - PC 5:30PM St. Francis Finance Committee - SM 7:00PM St. Francis Building Committee - PC TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 8:00AM Ladies S.O.S.S. - PC 8:30AM “Momnipotent” Mom’s Group - OG 6:00PM Untold Blessings Video Series #1- SM WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 9:00AM Bible Study - M 1:00PM Holy Family Study Club - PC 5:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - C 5:00PM Women at Prayer - M 6:00PM 7th & 8th Grade R.E. Class - M 8:00PM Youth Choir Practice - C THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 8:45AM Marshalltown Deanery CCW - SM 5:00PM Team Dinner - DR 6:30PM Children’s Choir Practice - C 7:00PM St. Francis Board of Education - PC 7:00PM Harvest Ball Committee - M FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 6:30AM Men’s S.O.S.S. - M 8:00AM Coffee & Rolls - DR 8:15AM Untold Blessings Video Series #1- M SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 Boy Scouts Annual Popcorn Sales before & after Mass 4:35PM Rosary before Mass - C SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 Boy Scouts Annual Popcorn Sales before & after Masses 7:35AM Rosary before Mass - C 9:10AM Religious Education Classes 10:30AM R.C.I.A. - SM 2:00PM Secular Franciscans - C, PC 7:00PM Confirmation Practice - C, DR PC=Parish Center DR=Parish Dining Room N=Narthex C=Church M=Multipurpose Room S=School Gym SM=St Mary Parish IC =Immaculate Conception Oratory KC= KC Hall OG=Activity Off Parish Grounds MARSHALLTOWN DEANERY COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Thursday, October 16 meet at St. Mary in Marshalltown. Mass will be celebrated at 8:45AM followed by registration and the meeting. The program given by Cindy Mack will be on her trip to Israel. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 8:00AM All Parishioners 9:00AM Mass @ St. Mary 10:30AM Clete Oetker 11:30AM Spanish Mass @ St. Mary 5:00PM Spanish Mass @ St. Mary MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 8:00AM Mass @ St. Mary TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 7:30AM Matt Edel 5:15PM Mass @ St. Mary WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 7:30AM Tony Petersohn 8:45AM St. Francis School Prayer Service 2:00PM Dwight Dungy @ The Embers THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 7:30AM Evelyn Kopel 8:45PM St. Francis School Mass @ SM - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 7:30AM Clarence & Donna Miller and Family 6:00PM Spanish Mass @ St. Mary SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 4:30PM Mass @ St. Mary 5:00PM Henry Cahill 6:30PM Spanish Mass @ St. Mary SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 8:00AM Gladys Halsted 9:00AM Mass @ St. Mary 10:30AM All Parishioners 11:30AM Spanish Mass @ St. Mary 5:00PM Spanish Mass @ St. Mary Wednesday, October 15 Eucharistic Adoration 5:00PM 5:30PM 6:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:30PM Bob Cook, Aggie Zeihan Linda Ketcham, Marilyn Kidd Ruth Hurd, Peggy Lewis Ruth Yordy, Rose Freese John & Sue Fink John & Sue Fink Ralph Paone, Father of Ed (Pam) St. Henry Catholic Church Our Local Catholic Community MINISTRY SCHEDULE OCTOBER, MONTH OF THE ROSARY During the month of October, join in praying the Rosary 25 minutes before the 5:00PM and 8:00AM weekend Masses. If you could be a leader before a Mass, there is a sign up sheet in the narthex. GREETERS 5:00PM Saturday Carol Anderson, Bill & Becky Rakers 8:00AM Sunday Mike & Tana Dixon 10:30AM Sunday LeRoy & RoseAnn Jero, Joyce Sanders CHILDREN’S CHOIR All 3rd through 6th graders who would like to be a part of a Children’s Choir are invited to practice this Thursday, October 19 in the church from 6:30 -7:30PM to lead music at the 10:30AM Mass the third Sunday of each month (this month on the 19th). If you have any questions, contact Lynne Carroll at 641-752-1808. SHARE YOUR MUSICAL GIFTS IN A FUN, NEW WAY There is a new Catholic Praise and Worship team starting and we would love to have you join us! Music rehearsals begin soon and musicians of all ages are welcome to sing or play for this new group. Please mark your calendars and join us to learn the music in St. Henry Church: Sunday, October 12 at 4:00PM, Sunday, November 9 at 4:00PM and Tuesday, November 18 at 6:30PM. Interested or want more information? Contact Laura McIntosh 515-720-7882 or Pablo Ajapacaja at 712-635-1697 or Carrie Seberger at 641-752-5192. BAPTISM CLASS Tuesday, October 28 is the next class for parents who want to have a child baptized in the next several months. It will be held in the lower level of the Parish Center at 7:00PM. The next class will not be until January. Please contact the Parish Office to pre-register. CAN YOU “STUFF” OUR BULLETINS? There is a need for someone, or a group of “someones” to step forward. All we ask is that the bulletins get put in the mailboxes at church between Friday noon and Saturday noon. Should you, your family, or your group be interested in serving St. Henry in this way, contact Karen K. in the Parish Office. We are seeking enough people so it would be only one weekend every month. ACTIVITY BAGS FOR CHILDREN Something new at St. Henry; play bags for our children 3 and under for them to take into church. The bags are located above the mailboxes. Grab one to bring into church, and return after Mass. Currently we have 12 bags, and hope to get 6 more soon. As a youngster said as he was leaving Mass last week "That was really fun!" CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD We would like to encourage parents to use the Activity Bags for children, 3 years old and under, and wait until they are 4 years old to begin attending the Children's Liturgy of the Word. The Children's Liturgy program is designed for youngsters, 4 - 7 years old. We would like to invite children between the ages of 4 and 7 who attend the 10:30AM Sunday Mass to celebrate liturgy in a way that is specifically written for their age. It really is better for children under 4 to remain with their parents and use the Activity Bags in the pews. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES You will receive a new registration sheet for volunteer opportunities soon. Watch for it in the mail along with your annual Stewardship Letter. Look it over, and pray for direction on how you can best use your talents to serve at St. Henry. FOR • 2 OCTOBER 18 & 19 USHERS 5:00PM Saturday Dale Weston, Craig Jennings, James Kunch, Needed 8:00AM Sunday Needed, John Stitzer, David & Nancy Sanderson 10:30AM Sunday Mark Wieland, Marv Kuehner, David Jackley, Steve Aldrich LEADERS OF SONG & MUSICIANS 5:00PM Saturday Elaine Peiffer, Jan Kluck 8:00AM Sunday Adult Group, Mary Stubbs 10:30AM Sunday Children’s Choir, LeRoy Jero ALTAR SERVERS 5:00PM Saturday Brian and Samantha Trowbridge 8:00AM Sunday Gabby Eirikson, Erin Asche 10:30AM Sunday Jacob and Zachery Swartz, Tori Cox CHILDREN’S LITURGY 10:30AM Sunday Linda Jacobs, Jenny Fisher LECTORS 5:00PM Saturday Christine Kozmik 8:00AM Sunday Bruce Lynk 10:30AM Sunday Amy Mielak EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS (7 NEEDED WHEN NO DEACON) 5:00PM Saturday Jane Jennings, Paula Benson, Sue & John Fink, Mary Knox, Mary Schoborg 8:00AM Sunday Cindy Staron, Sheila Hannesson, Nancy Sanderson, Diane Hunt, Clarence Miller, Lisa Lynk, Shelby Dolash 10:30AM Sunday Danice Zern, Terry Brueggeman, RoseAnn Jero, Mark & Betsy Macke, Carol Paxson NURSING HOME MINISTRY Grandview Larry Lemker, Alma Freese Southridge Peggy and Kelli Stalzer Villa Del Sol Ruth & Clete Heinrichs GIFT SHOP 5:00PM Saturday Esther Nusbaum 8:00AM Sunday Carmen Kunkel 10:30AM Sunday Jean Robb SCRIP 5:00PM Saturday Phil Grommet, Jeff Heinrichs 8:00AM Sunday Needed, Gina Smith 10:30AM Sunday Doreen Smith, Amy Mielak
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