Church of Saint John 1986 Post Road Darien, Connecticut 06820 203.655.1145 OCTOBER 12, 2014 SUNDAY MASSES Vigil: 4:30 PM Sunday: 7:30, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM, 5:00 PM DAILY MASSES Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM During Lent: 8:00 AM & 12:15 PM Saturday: 8:30 AM Holy Days: See Bulletin for schedule Adoration & Benediction First Friday after the 8:00 AM Mass until 12 Noon except July and August. Miraculous Medal Novena Monday after the 8:00 AM Mass Reconciliation 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Saturdays or anytime by appointment Rosary Immediately following the daily 8:00 AM Mass CLERGY/LAY LEADERSHIP Fr. Frank Hoffmann, Pastor Fr. Frank Gomez, Resident Priest Mr. Richard Slagle [email protected] Finance Committee Chairperson Mrs. Helen O’Donnell [email protected] Parish Council Chairperson PARISH OFFICE PRESCHOOL 203.655.1145 phone 203.655.1048 fax [email protected] 203.656.0548 phone RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 203.655.8020 phone [email protected] ST. JOHN CHURCH Pastor Column OCTOBER 12, 2014 Priest Convocation—October 13-15 October 12, 2014 On October 13-15, morning masses will NOT be celebrated at St. John due to the Priest Convocation, which will be held in Newport, RI. The aim of the Convocation is to gather all priests of the diocese, together with their bishop, for a period of prayer, ongoing formation, and unity. The gathering is also intended to offer our diocesan priests an opportunity to join together in solidarity and explore their vocation of service to God's people. I was thinking that it might be helpful to you to tell you a little bit about myself and my life prior to St. John’s. I figure that since I am 59 last August, this will give me material for 59 columns. (Just kidding!) Of course, I don’t want to get that detailed, but it could take more than just one column. I was born on Long Island at Mercy Hospital in Rockville Centre, NY. My father, Ralph, had grown up nearby in Mineola; my mother, Fran, in Philadelphia. They met, of all places, at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. I am among a small number of people of my generation who can say that his parents were Marines! My paternal grandparents both came to the US from Germany prior to World War I. My maternal grandparents were more or less of Irish descent. About two and a half years after I was born, my sister, Kathleen, came along. By then, we were living in Levittown, NY. Our parish church, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, became in many ways the center of our life. We were weekly church goers, even though, in my early years, I was a bit of a pain in the neck in church. I still remember a book that my mother bought for me called “Good Manners in Church”. So, you see, those little kids that are driving you crazy at Mass could be future priests! I started at the brand spanking new school as a second grader in 1962. Only four grades that first year, with 3 classes in each grade, each class with 50(!) kids in it. Sister Dionysius, my 2nd and 4th grade teacher, told me when she came to my ordination that she always thought that I would be a priest. She has had more of an influence on me than she might ever have imagined. The reality is, my whole experience of Catholic school had a great influence on me. I think that back in the early 60s, many kids at St. Bernard’s might have told you that they wanted to be a priest or nun when they grew up. (It took me a little longer. I wasn’t ordained until I was 34.) But for me, it was something that obviously stuck with me. It made me see my faith as part of my whole life, not something just for Sundays. When I was in 8th grade, I started working at St. Bernard’s on the bingo crew. We would set up bingo, tear down bingo and set up and tear down the chairs for the Masses that would be celebrated every weekend in the gym/auditorium. St. Bernard’s had 5000 families and so there were two Masses going on almost all the time over the weekend - about 12-14 Masses. Hard to imagine, but that was the way it was then! I continued to work at the parish for the next 9 years until I finished college and got a job. I can’t even begin to count the number of weeds I pulled, lawns I mowed, rooms I painted, floors I stripped and waxed, windows I washed, carpets I vacuumed - you get the picture. As a result, I got to know some of the priests rather well. This, too, had a tremendous effect on my life. Father Bill Hanson, who was newly ordained when he came to St. Bernard’s, took me under his wing when he heard I was interested in becoming a priest after his arrival in 1971. That very summer, he invited me to come with him to help clear out the rest of his stuff at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington. It is quite an impressive place and visiting it helped fan the flames of my vocation. Fr. Bill became my spiritual director and eventually, preached at my first Mass. To be continued…. Fr. Frank Hoffmann 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Diocese of Bridgeport has arranged for Emergency Coverage for every parish, hospital and nursing home. If there is an emergency and a priest is needed, please contact the Parish Office 203.655.1145. After hours, please call Deacon Russ Rigg at 203.979.6053 or Msgr. Peter Dora at 203.348.4206. (Please Note: The office is closed Monday, October 13.) There will be daily mass celebrated at the Basilica of St. John the Evangelist on 279 Atlantic Street in Stamford at 8AM and 12:10PM. St. John Parish Annual Raffle FINAL FULL WEEKEND OF SALES Sold to date = 340 tickets (WE MUST SELL AT LEAST 390 TICKETS TO BREAK EVEN) Tickets available after every mass and in the Parish Office We take cash, checks and all major credit cards 1st Prize – 2014 BMW 320ix Sedan 2 Prize – Apple 13” MacBook Pro Computer 3rd Prize - $500 American Express Gift Card nd $100 per ticket Only 1,000 tickets to be sold Drawing Saturday, October 18, 2014 8:00 p.m. in the St. John Parish Hall Ticket holders need not be present to win For more info, please email Teresa Skroly ([email protected]) St. John Family Photo Day St. John Preschool is welcoming back Kathy Sweet of Sweet Shots Photography, with her uncanny ability to get the crankiest of children smiling. We are thrilled to invite our Parish Family to join in our Family Photo Day. This year the photos will be taken at Pear Tree Point Beach. 100% of the $45 sitting fees will be donated to our Preschool, as well as 10% of orders placed. Appointments are available in 10 minute slots on Saturday, October 18th from 12:00pm1:00pm and Saturday October 25th from 9:00am2:00pm. Please contact Meaghan Nolan at [email protected] if you would like to sign-up. 2 ST. JOHN CHURCH OCTOBER 12, 2014 Mass Intentions VIGIL 4:30 PM LifeNotes to defend and celebrate the culture of life Chris Balzano by The Ramsey Family SUNDAY 7:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM Oct 6, WASH DC - USCCB Chairmen Express Grave Disappointment toward Supreme Court’s Action not to consider current cases that strike down laws upholding marriage. “Millions of Americans had looked to the Court with hope that these unjust judicial decisions might be reversed,” Bishop Malone and Archbishop Cordileone said. “The Supreme Court’s action fails to resolve immediately the injustice of marriage redefinition, and therefore should be of grave concern to our entire nation. … All of these state laws were democratically enacted, including most by the direct vote of large majorities within just the last decade …” October 12 Anthony Guarino II by His Family Josephine Mason by Her Son Larry Lupo Jr. by Aldo & Ellen Criscuolo Cristina Paradinas Pizarro by Stephanie & Larry Flanagan Parishioners of St. John 5:00 PM On October 13-15, morning masses will NOT be celebrated at St. John due to the Priest Convocation. THURSDAY 8:00 AM October 16 Louis D’Aquila by Arline D’Aquila FRIDAY 8:00 AM October 17 Michael Labozzo by His Family SATURDAY 8:30 AM October 18 Clement & Vera Asher VIGIL 4:30 PM SUNDAY 7:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “Marriage is and can only be between a man and a woman … It is the only institution that unites a wife and a husband together for life and unites them to any children that come from their union. This truth presumes and supports the equal dignity of all people, especially of children whose right to a mother and a father deserves the utmost legal protection.” “ … This is a time when marriage needs to be strengthened, not redefined. … May all of us continue to work to strengthen and protect marriage and stand for justice for all, especially children, who are the most vulnerable.” - Bishop Malone and Archbishop Cordileone, USCCB Nora, Patrick, & Barbara Tracey and Patsy Boullé by The Marini & Tracey Families October 19 Anthony J. Domino by His Family Parishioners of St. John Mary V. & Teddy Bachman by Their Family Robert B. Stimpson by Joan & Joe Salvo Antonetta Sgritta by The Sgritta Family Memorial Sanctuary Candles The Tabernacle Candle burns for the intentions of Kimberly Anne Greene By Her Mother, Julie The Sanctuary Candle burns in memory of my dad, Uncle George By Pat Broderick Readings for the Week of October 12, 2014 Sunday: Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Next Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 The Marian Candle burns for the intentions of Joanne Amodeo “Happy Birthday” By Pat Broderick If you would like to memorialize a candle in the sanctuary, in the name of a loved one, you may do so by contacting the parish office and making a request. We will take requests for petitions for the Tabernacle, Sanctuary, and Marian candles which will burn for one week each. The suggested donation is $10. St. John Prayers for the Sick Please Remember The Following In Your Prayers: Rose for Life Grace Wohlberg, Alex Newton, Pat Rimaldi, Jack Kelly, Donald Brown, Martha Riano, Dorothy Haas, Kerry Supple Nelson, John Ulmer, Catherine Alter, John Rikert, Vincent Andrade, Kristin Hocker, Lee Sposito, Brayden Knapp, Angela Yang, Hallie Garfield, Baby Henry and to those whose suffering is known only to God, and to those who care for them. For the intentions of Jennifer Rikert Wolski “ Love and God Bless” By Mommy, Julie Rikert 3 ST. JOHN CHURCH OCTOBER 12, 2014 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME St John’s Parish Dinner To Welcome Fr. Frank Hoffmann Thank You for Sharing Your Blessings Please consider remembering St. John Church in your Will. When: Saturday, October 18th October 5 Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM 2014 $11,487 2013 $13,201 Place: St. John’s Parish Hall Monthly Offertory: $ 5,037 $ 5,201 Enjoy a freshly prepared Spaghetti Dinner & Refreshments. Weekly Offertory: The evening will culminate with the drawing of the Winning raffle ticket. There will be a second collection next week for World Mission Sunday. If you would like to make your weekly or monthly offertory donation by credit card or online banking, please call the parish. You may also visit our website for Online Giving. If you are currently using online banking, please remember to update expiration dates. The Week Ahead OCTOBER 12-18 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 No Morning Mass No Morning Mass No Morning Mass 9:30-11:00AM Prayer Shawl 9:30-12:00PM 10:00-11:30AM Columbus Day Pierre Room Craft Group Healing the Office Closed Conservatory Passages of Life 9:40-11:10AM Room 108 Bible Study 10-11:30AM Room 108 Sewing Group 4:00-5:15PM Room 108 CCD 7:00-9:00PM Parish Center Prayer Shawl 4:00-8:00PM Pierre Room CCD 6:30-9:00PM Parish Center Alpha 7:00PM Pierre Room St. John Choir Parish Center 7:30-9:00 PM 7:00-8:30PM Prayer Group Bible Study 7:30-9:00PM Room 108 RCIA Room 108 7:30-8:30PM Joyful Praise Choir Church 4 3:00-4:00PM Confessions 6:00-9:00PM Spaghetti Dinner & Raffle Drawing ST. JOHN CHURCH OCTOBER 12, 2014 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. JOHN CHRISTIAN FORMATION PROGRAM 2014-2015 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM For inquiries call 203.655.8020 We invite all youth of our parish to come and join us as we grow in our faith and have a lot of fun while doing it. We meet most Sunday nights after the 5 PM mass for dinner and then activities in the youth group room below church so come check us out. SJYG Calendar: October 12th – NO Youth Group Save the Dates: October 26th- SJYG Haunted House Event at St John Parish 6-8 PM Our Parish is currently seeking a part time Youth Director. The Youth Director will be responsible for the development and oversight of all Youth ministries for middle school and senior high school youth with the goal of our youth becoming devoted followers of Jesus Christ and faithful members of the Church. Please e-mail resume to Phil Schneidermeyer, Youth Group Parent Advisory Board, at [email protected] Healing the Passages of Life We do not need to be trapped by patterns of behavior learned in childhood nor be on guilt trips if we've hurt someone else. By bringing Jesus' love into memories, hurts can be transformed into gifts. This course in healing prayer will be offered on Wednesdays for 8 weeks from October 8th to December 3rd in Room 108 in the Center from 10:00 to 11:30 AM. (note: Wednesday, November 26th, of Thanksgiving week will be skipped). The course is presented by Marilyn Dolcetti, LCSW at (203) 655-9481. $25 fee requested to cover cost of materials. St. John Church Bible Study Group Book of Revelation Have you ever read the entire Book of Revelation, also know as The Apocalypse? Here is a unique opportunity to join with Catholic Bible Scholar, Maryann Knag, MAT MAR, and our fellow parishioners and delve into the final book of the New Testament—also its most puzzling and difficult book. Learn the historical background as well as the prophetic sources of this amazing series of visions. Schedule of Fall meetings: Wed. 7PM Group meets on the following dates: Oct. 15, 22 & 29; Nov. 5 & 19; Dec. 3, 10 & 17 Thurs. 9:40AM Group meets on the following dates: Oct. 16, 23 & 30; Nov. 6 & 20; Dec. 4, 11 & 18 More Info or questions, contact Maryann Knag, [email protected] or 203.213.4809. Elementary Program: Grades 1-5 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday classes meet 4:00-5:15PM for instruction in the Parish Center. Middle Grades Program: Grades 6, 7, 8 Sunday classes meet 8:30-10:00AM. Tuesday Evening classes meet 5:45-6:45PM and 7:00-8:00PM. Catechists/Aides - On some days, and in some classes, Catechists/Aides may be needed. Teaching and or Catechetical experience preferred. Please call the number listed above. Thank you. Diocese of Bridgeport Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Once more I come to knock at the door of the generosity of your hearts, this time for World Mission Sunday, which will be taken up on the weekend of October 18/19 this year. The Diocesan Office for the Propagation of the Faith has the task of coordinating with our parishes the funds collected during this yearly campaign. The "Propagation of the Faith" is one of four branches under the umbrella of The Pontifical Mission Societies, which also include "The Missionary Childhood", "The Society of Saint Peter the Apostle", and "The Missionary Union of Priests and Religious". The Pontifical Mission Societies were given the title "Pontifical" in 1922 and have a special responsibility in the Universal Church. They are under the direct canonical jurisdiction of the Holy Father, who together with the entire body of Bishops remind the faithful of their baptismal call to mission, as they gather basic support for more than I, 150 mission dioceses in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Pacific Islands and Latin America. In July, I requested that you give what you could to help specific Religious Congregations and Dioceses in the foreign missions when they came to speak in our Parishes during the Cooperative Mission Appeal. Now, in October, the month dedicated to the Missions, all Parishes are asked to give generously to support the Missions in general, especially in these very troubled times where spreading the Faith has become ever more difficult and practicing it even considered a crime. Please give as much as your already strained budget allows, to assist those who heroically serve Christ in foreign lands and the faithful who, in spite of the threat of martyrdom, remain true to their Baptism. If you will be writing a check: Please make the check: PAY TO THE ORDER OF: YOUR PARISH and on the MEMO LINE write "World Mission Sunday". May God bless you always, and reward your generosity. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano Bishop of Bridgeport ST. JOHN CHURCH OCTOBER 12, 2014 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Alpha An 11-week course in basic Christianity involving small group discussions and centered around a meal. Jean Benitez 203-655-5112. Church Staff Phone 203.655.1145 Baptism Prior to the Baptism of a first child, both parents must attend a Baptism Workshop. Parishioners looking to baptize a child should contact the parish office for registration information at 203.655.1145. Pastor: Fr. Frank Hoffmann ext 24 Resident Priest: Fr. Frank Gomez Book Ministry The Book Ministry maintains a variety of books, pamphlets and magazines for personal and spiritual growth. Use the envelope on the shelves to place donations for any books you take and place it in the votive candle box or drop it in the offertory. If possible, please pay the full price listed. Bookkeeper: Mrs. Michelle Leville ext 11 [email protected] Secretary: Miss Rose Lotocky ext 10 [email protected] Caring Ministry Helping homebound parishioners with rides to church, appointments, grocery shopping, respite assistance, friendly visiting and phoning, simple tasks and errands, occasional meals. If you need help or know of anyone who does, please contact the Parish Office at 203.655.1145. Would you like to help bring new life to the Homebound? If so, please contact the Parish Office. Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Mr. Richard Slagle 203.966.8928 [email protected] Celebrate Life Committee We look forward to your insights and energy. More information to follow. PARISH COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON Mrs. Helen O’Donnell 203.354.4358 [email protected] Communion Calls If you know of anyone who is homebound, in a nursing home or hospital, and would like communion from a priest or Eucharistic minister brought to them or have a visit, please call the parish secretary. Oftentimes this is the only way we know of the need. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Director: Mr. John Cunningham 203.655.8020 [email protected] PRESCHOOL Marriage Couples should contact a parish priest at least six months prior to the desired wedding date. Director: Mrs. Lisa Ioli 203.656.0548 [email protected] Moms Supporting Moms This is an informal support group for moms with children of any age, facilitated by Marilyn Dolcetti, LCSW 203.655.9481 ([email protected]) . The group meets twice a month in the Pierre Room from 9:15 to 10:15 AM during the school year. MUSIC MINISTRY Choirmaster: Mr. W. Ogden Booker 203.655.0777 JOYFUL PRAISE CHOIR Ms. Rebecca Brendli [email protected] Prayer Group A group formed in the charismatic prayer group tradition that focuses on the worship of God, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, fellowship and prayer for healing and peace facilitated by Marilyn Dolcetti – 203.655.9481 ([email protected]). TEEN MUSIC MINISTRY Mr. Dominick Wood YOUTH MINISTRY Prayer Shawl Ministry We meet every other Thursday to make shawls of comfort for those in need of prayer. If you would like to make, receive or send a shawl, please contact Anne van Geldern at [email protected] or 203.750.5313 or the Parish office. Brenner LeCompte 203.662.1217 [email protected] PARISH CENTER Manager & Sexton Mr. Kevin Donnelly Senior Citizens Chat & Chew meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesdays from May through November, beginning with Mass at 12:00 PM. They have, pizza parties, ice cream socials, with speakers/entertainment, a day of retreat, luncheon at nearby inns. WEBSITE 6
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