St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church Serving the Community for 128 Years October 12, 2014—28th Sunday 251 Franklin St., Hightstown, NJ 08520 Then they laid hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit. Acts 8:17 2 MONDAY 9:00 am 7:30 pm TUESDAY 6:45 am 9:00 am WEDNESDAY 9:00 am THURSDAY 6:45 am 9:00 am FRIDAY 6:45 am 9:00 am SATURDAY 4:30 pm SUNDAY 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 noon 4:00 pm October 13 Jean Scarpa Mass in Spanish October 14 Communion Service Frank Weaver October 15 Mary Mahoney October 16 Communion Service Elizabeth Horn October 17 Gil Cyr Catherine Fajardo in Thanksgiving October 18 Peter & Kathryn Quigley October 19 Jean Scarpa Mary Dugan Pratt Karen De Luca For all Living & Deceased Parish Members Mary & Stan Griggs Rev. Patrick J. McDonnell, Pastor, ext. 18 Office Phone: 609-448-0141 ■ Fax: 609-448-8878 Assisting Priests and Deacons who are not assigned to our Parish, but who come here to help us: Msgr. Hugh Ronan, Father Lee Inverso, Father Tony Ramos, Latino Ministry: Father Miguel Valle Deacon: Tom Garvey, Asst. Deacon: Michael Scannella Asst. Deacon Andy Fatovic For emergencies only x30 Assistant to the Pastor: Sheila Conway x25 Nutritional Counseling Bulletin Editor/Admin. Assistant: Deb Napolitano x11 [email protected] Trustees: Tony Humphreys and Kathy Dey Helping Hands Coordinator: Judy Abramovitz 609 443-3573 Music Ministries Director: Quentin Marty Ph.D. 609 448-3944 Contemporary Choir: Catherine Doyle 609 448-6120 Director of Operations: Guy Conway x23 [email protected] Parish Accountant : Henry Kazin x10 [email protected] Religious Education: Aileen O’Brien x21 [email protected] Religious Ed. Admin. Assistant/Liaison Latino Community: Ximena Bustamante x29 Sacrament Secretary: Deacon Michael Scannella x28 [email protected] Building & Grounds: Eddie Dunn and Assistant Nick Sebasto x31 Youth Ministry: Liz Guzhnay x12 Parish Office Hours: Mon- Thursd day — 9AM—4PM Friday 8AM - 3PM Visit our website www.stanthony– Wheelchair Accessible SCRIPTURE READINGS — Week of October 12 Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:3741 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 October Pilgrim Cross Schedule: Sunday 7:30am Mass Banns of Marriage Nelson Asmal & Jhoana Quezada Congratulations to our Confirmandi Please join us in congratulating 99 of our Parishioners who were newly confirmed on Saturday by Monsignor Michael J. Walsh, V.F. Sanctuary Lamp… in Memory of Mary Mahoney, requested by daughter Clare O’Such Nancy Monaco, Louis Altieri, Janet M. Winthrop, Tony DiPrima, Andrea Johnsen, Susan O’Connor, Rosemary Campbell, Shirley Howell, Edina Hajdredinaj, Nancy Taylor, Maryann Insinger, Christine Divine, Christopher Prefer, Dave Kowardy, Richard Mastriano, Father Bernardino Esguerra, Henry Lloyd, Carl Rubino, Domonique DeStefano, Mary Wall, Steven Madonna, Agnes Medican, and Nancy Aiello. Names appear for four weeks. 448-0141 x11 or contact Jennie Rubino @ 609 490 –0473 for additional prayers. Liturgy of the Eucharist Saturday: 4:30 PM; Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 AM; 4:00 PM, 12:00 noon (Español) Daily Masses: Monday, 7:30 PM Spanish Monday-Friday 9:00 AM Consult Bulletin for any special 6:45 AM services Novena to St. Anthony of Padua Tuesdays following the 9 AM Mass Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Wednesdays following the 9 AM Mass Adoration of Blessed Sacrament 1st Fridays – after 9:00 AM mass to 7:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:00 PM, Reconciliation Room 3 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Religious Education Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson “RSVP.” Four little letters found at the bottom of most invitations, capturing the ever polite words of the French “Repondez s’il vous plait”, or “Please reply”. Most of us are graciously inclined to do just that, aware as we are that our host needs our response to prepare properly for the event. Not to reply is more than a breach of etiquette. It is actually uncharitable toward the host, who thought enough of you to include you. Such courtesies like an invitation reply are fading from the scene. And if the behavior of at least some among the younger generation is to be reckoned, we are becoming a rude people. Witness how a beachside music concert open to young people last August was ruined by youngsters overdosing on drugs and trashing the venue. This prompted the mayor of the town to declare afterward “Never again!” Happily I can contrast that scene with the opposite, as witness thousands of happy and polite Asian youth greeted our Holy Father at a Mass during his recent visit to South Korea. God has invited all of us to an indescribably wonderful banquet, which is one way Jesus used to describe heaven. I daresay His picture of heaven is far more exciting than that of the cartoonists who picture heaven as harp strumming on clouds! Director Mrs. Aileen Mary O’Brien 609-448-0141, ext. 21 Email:[email protected] Office hours: 9-3 PM Monday – Friday Director’s Hours: Office: Monday 10-4; 5-9 PM CCD Tuesday 10-4 PM office, 5-9 CCD, Wednesday 9-4 office, 5-6:30 PM CCD, Thursday 10-4 PM office, CCD 5-9 PM, Friday 9-4 office. We are closed Sat. and Sun. Director’s Corner: “For love of You, O Jesus, I die com- What is paramount for us is to keep our banquet ticket secure and safe inside our hearts, making certain each day that we renew for God our positive “RSVP.” Religious Education News: The Religious Education office is still in need of teachers, adult teacher’s aides, adult hall monitors, and bi-lingual office help on Monday nights. Please call ext. 21, if you are interested. Source: After 9am Mass each Friday, we perform Rosa Mystica and the Marian Movement for Priests Rosary. If anyone is interested, please join us or contact Judy (609) 4433573 for more information. For the convenience of those using Online Giving, following is the Collection Schedule. 10/12/2014 Weekly Monthly Offering 10/19/2014 Weekly Mission Sunday 10/26/2014 Weekly Catholic Schools 11/1/2014 All Saints 11/2/2014 Weekly Capital Campaign First Reading: Isaiah 25:6-10a The divine kingship is celebrated at a figurative banquet atop Mt. Zion. The scene closes with a hymn-like salute to God’s power. Second Reading: Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20 Paul acknowledges the community’s gift. But he also recounts for them how he has lived with both poverty and abundance. What enabled him was his trust and reliance on “him who strengthens me.” Gospel: Matthew 22:1-14, or 22:1-10 Jesus depicts the kingdom of God as a messianic banquet, already so described by Isaiah centuries before in today’s First Reading. The original invitees ignored their invitation, opening the doors of the banquet hall to any and all persons available. pletely to myself today and begin to live for the greater glory of Your Holy Name.” -St. Maria Faustina Kolwalska In todays’ Gospel, (Matthew 22:1-14), we see the Parable of the Wedding Banquet. The king is God preparing a banquet in heaven for his Son. The prophets of the Old Testament are represented again this week. The king sends a second wave of servants. They are representative of the apostles. Those invited to the banquet are symbolically Gentiles and Jews. The king will punish a guest on accepting or rejecting his call. As a young person, I was often confused why the one person without a wedding outfit is thrown out of the banquet. If we think of it symbolically, that guest represents someone who feels they have faith, but do not translate that faith into a life of good deeds such as almsgiving, prayer, and works of mercy. KofC 6284 Blood Drive to be held Sat. Nov.1, 2014 After all the masses please stop in the foyer on Oct 18 & 19 and signup to donate blood on Sat Nov 1, 2014. Your blood donation will actually save 3 lives! KofC 6284 since August 2004 has held 20 Blood Drives with the Red Cross has collected a total of 889 donations of blood that have saved over 2,677 lives. Help us get to 1,000 donations!! The drive will be held on Sat Nov 1st at the Hightstown First Aid Squad on Bank St. from 8 am until 1 pm. Thanks for your past blood donations. Tom McGeachen, 15 gallon donor "It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself." ― Eleanor Roosevelt Eagle Scout Award Congratulations to Etienne Cossart & his Family. Etienne, of Boy Scout Troop 59 Hightstown, was awarded the Eagle Scout Award Sunday, August 17 King's Kids The next King's Kids program will be held at the 9 and 10:30 Masses on Sunday, October 26. All young children are encouraged to participate. For more information contact John or Joanne Tyne 609-443-1069. If you and your family are interested in bringing the gifts up to the altar, please speak to an usher before Mass. 4 Social Justice Corner - October 12, 2014 If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But with you is found forgiveness, O God of Israel. Psalm 130:3-4 Who among us would be able to say, “I am without sin?” We are saved because God loves us in spite of our sins. Mercy and forgiveness are themes throughout the Old and New Testaments. Jesus advises us to forgive others if we expect to be forgiven. That applies to nations as well as to individuals. It's easier to forgive after we've taken an honest look at ourselves and confessed that the sinfulness we judge in others is often the same sinfulness we see in ourselves. Our unkind or unjust actions towards others have repercussions that last much longer than the act itself unless there is reconciliation and forgiveness. “We know from our own experience that deeds have long-term consequences. We are all affected consciously and unconsciously, by the unkindness, neglect, contempt, and violence we have endured in the past. This is also true of whole nations: persecution, chronic warfare, bad governance, exploitation, marginalization, occupation, humiliation, exile, impoverishment and defamation all leave psychic scars that persist long after the event. They affect the way the new generation is brought up and can infiltrate the religious, intellectual, ethical, and social development of a country. People who have been taught to despise themselves cannot easily respect others. Those who have been brutalized by hatred, persecution or oppression cannot readily cultivate the trust that makes it possible to reach out to others. We should ask whether or not our own nation has contributed to the problems of a particular region and realize that,in our global world, if we ignore the pain of a people, it is likely that at some point this negligence will rebound on us.” Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life by Karen Armstrong Lenore Isleib Social Justice Committee [email protected] Our Social Justice Committee will meet Sunday (Oct. 12), at 10:15 am, in the religious education building. All are welcome. Here’s to Your Health with Sheila Conway (Consult your Physician before making any changes to your exercise or diet regimen.) Trying to get over a cold? There are lots of things you can do to ease the symptoms as you get better. Here some easy ones. Turn Up the Heat When a cold strikes, chicken soup and hot tea can ease your symptoms. The reason: heat. As the warmth moves down your throat toward your stomach, it helps loosen mucus, making it easier to cough out. Steam works the same way. Sitting in the bathroom with a hot shower running can relieve your stuffy nose and head. Stay Hydrated When you have a cold, your body makes more mucus. Making mucus uses up your body's moisture. Getting extra fluids thins out mucus and makes it less sticky, which makes it easier blow or cough out. Limit drinks with caffeine and alcohol, as they can be dehydrating. Soothe Your Skin You blow your nose a lot when you have a cold. The result can be red, chapped skin on and beneath your nose. Add a dab of petroleum jelly to the raw area, or use facial tissues that contain lotion. Gargle Salt Water If you have a sore throat, make a saltwater gargle by mixing a teaspoon of salt in a small glass of warm water. The salty-warm combo provides short-term relief. Consider Supplements Some supplements have been found to shorten -- but not cure -- colds. Ask your doctor about zinc, vitamin C, and echinacea. Tell your doctor before starting any new supplement or medication. Your doctor will make sure it won't interact with any other drug you're taking. Prevent the Spread You should stay home while you're getting over your cold. If you have to go out, try to limit the number of people you come in contact with. Cover your mouth with the inside of your elbow when you cough or sneeze to keep from getting germs on your hands. A little courtesy goes a long way. Hang in there. The common cold usually goes away in about a week, so take it easy, take care of yourself, and you’ll be back to normal before you know it. Source: “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” ― E.E. Cummings NJ Right to Life Annual Car Raffle Please support the Pro-Life activities throughout New Jersey and have a chance to win: 1st Prize - 2014 Volvo XC60 AWD SUV- $39,775 2nd, 3rd and 4th Prizes are ShopRite Gift Cards of $1,000, $750 and $500 Raffle tickets will be available to purchase after all the Masses on October 18th and 19th If small children need to visit the restroom or water fountain during mass, they must be accompanied by an adult. Thank you for your cooperation! Or call Tony Humphreys at 448-8229 The drawing will be on November 16th Contribution is $10 per ticket 5 Building Fund/Capital Campaign Fund A big THANK YOU to all those who continue to support our monthly Building/Capital Campaign Fund by making their generous donations. We continue to pay our monthly mortgage payments of $8,446.86 and now have only 11 more payments to make totaling $92,915.46 and will be paid off in August of 2015. Along with these important loan payments we continue to provide the proper maintenance and repairs required to keep our buildings and grounds in pristine condition, all the while paying very close attention to costs. We are proud to say that our maintenance costs have been reduced substantially this year over the previous several. Over and above the day to day maintenance and repairs there still are plans for several projects that will require substantial investments. As noted previously, the parking lot and concrete walks are a concern and will need to be addressed, along with our sound and computer system and backup power. Once the mortgage is paid off it will free up funds that will enable us to make these necessary improvements, which is why your continued support of the Building/Capital Campaign Fund is so important. In the meantime we will continue our current maintenance program to keep the building and grounds safe and in the best condition. The Mass Offering Total for October 5: $13,485.70. Your donations are important; they help Saint Anthony of Padua continue the good work in the parish and the community. Please remember the Parish in your Wills and in your Estate Planning. Catholic Annual Appeal Each year the Bishop seeks the support of all diocese members to further the work of our ministries. We all have a vital part in what we do in Christ’s name; we can all share in what we do with a gift to the Catholic Annual Appeal. When we make a gift to the appeal, we follow the command that we are One Family, Our Family in Christ with every fiber of our lives. This year St. Anthony of Padua’s share of the goal is $63,000; pledged to date:: $62,150.00 paid to date:: $53,322.50. I am always grateful and moved by the level of support you give to our parish; thank you! May God continue to bless you and your family. ***The Annual Catholic Appeal in Action*** Why is the Annual Catholic Appeal Important? Charities As a diocese we embrace the call of the Gospel to be ever-present to the poor and vulnerable. The Annual Catholic Appeal supports social outreach programs and in so doing honors the social teaching of the Church for the benefit and welfare of those less fortunate, struggling with addiction, and facing unexpected hardships. If you have not donated or pledged to the Annual Catholic Appeal please consider doing so. Your support of the parish is very important. It is also important to support the Diocese of Trenton for programs that provide valuable ministerial resources for the parish and diocesan programs that support services for the poor, food for the hungry, and education for our children of faith. On a Diocese level we can do more than any one parish can do alone. MINISTRIES Antonian Seniors: St. Anthony of Padua Parishioners 50 years and older are welcome to join our Senior Club. Please call Angie Cruz 609–448–2511, or come to a meeting. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bereavement Ministry. Have you suffered the loss of someone you love? Are you having difficulty coping? Do you feel angry with or abandoned by God? If any of these questions apply to you, rest assured that you are not alone. We meet and talk to people in our parish who have experienced losses; we help you find peace of mind and soul. Won’t you help him find you? Please contact the parish office 609-448-0141 x25 or Deacon Mike Scannella 609-4480141, x28. Let God begin his work with and in you. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ King’s Kids is a Children's Liturgy of the Word program held monthly at the 9 and 10:30 Masses. All young children are invited to hear the Bible readings from the children's lectionary and a special children's sermon at these Masses. For information, contact Joanne and John Tyne. [email protected] _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Knights of Columbus Hightstown Council 6284. We welcome any interested men of the parish. To learn more please call Rob Walsh 609 509-1718. We are looking to provide more support to the parish in addition to our many charitable projects. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Music Ministries - Join St. Anthony’s Choir (10:30 AM Mass). Sing in the Contemporary Choir (9:00 AM Mass). Canta en el Coro Latino (12:00 Mediodia) Lend your voice and talents to the Children’s Christmas and Easter Choirs. Ring in our Handbell Choirs. Play your instrument as a soloist or in an ensemble. Become a Cantor and Leader of Song. Get involved and share your love of music! See Quentin Marty after Mass or 609-448-3944; Contemporary Choir Cathy Doyle 609-448-6120,and Spanish Choir: Nelson Rivera at 609-443-9683 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Prayer Shawl Ministry - Prayer shawls are available at no charge to ill parishioners, their families or friends. To request a prayer shawl call Rosemarie Farkas 448-6971 or Rosalie Danek 448-8431. We accept monetary donations. Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month 10:00am - 11:30am in the Church Community Room. Volunteers are very much needed! Lessons are available. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pro Life Ministry. Please help Birthright - The group meets on the 4th Thursday of each month, at 7:00PM, for an hour of prayer in the chapel, before the tabernacle. A business meeting follows. Birthright especially needs: baby wash, baby shampoo and infant diapers. Please do not donate baby formula or Desitin – these items cannot be used. For more information, please call Tony Humphreys 609-4488229. Pregnant? - Need Help? Birthright is here to help - 49 East Main Street, Freehold NJ 07728; 732-462-2888. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RCIA Ministry - If you are 16 years and over and would like to become a Catholic, or if you have been baptized but have not received the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation, please call one of the RCIA team members: Rosemarie Constable 609-448-0974, Steve Pavone 732-446-7661, or Deacon Tom Garvey 609-4435699. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Social Concerns – Clothing at Green House The Green House will receive and distribute gently used, washed and folded clothing starting Saturday, September 13th from 9:00am to 11:00am. Saturdays from 9:00am to 11:00am are the ONLY days and times we can receive clothing. As always, thank you for your donations and cooperation. Barbara McGeachen 609-448-8399 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Social Justice Committee - Our committee's mission is to work to support the rights of the most vulnerable in our society. We meet the 2nd Sunday of each month, at 10:15am, in room 4 of the religious education building. All are welcome. For information call Leigh or Lenore Isleib 609-448-6470. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spiritual Direction- If you are looking for a deeper relationship with God, or perhaps ‘just want to pray better’ perhaps spiritual direction would help. For more info or to give it a try, contact Mary Naylor 609-426-6144 or Sandra Lopez 609 506 1010 by appointment. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Father Michael Brizio will be helping us on the last Thursday of each month for confession or counsel in the Church from 7pm to 8:30pm. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GED / ESL – Victor Fernandez 609-468-0304 6 CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS CHOIR HEY KIDS! COME JOIN THE CHOIR! It’s time to start practicing for the Christmas Eve 4:30PM Mass. Boys and Girls AGE 8 AND OLDER are invited to sing. Rehearsals are on WEDNESDAY evenings from 6:30 to 7:30PM in the CHURCH. Our first rehearsal is WED, OCT 29th. Come sign up at the rehearsal. Parents are invited to attend. For more information contact: Quentin Marty 609-448-3944 Youth Ministry News Life Teen and Edge will not be meeting Oct.12th Array of Hope Concert: Saturday, Oct. 18 Time: 7:00pm Where: Notre Dame High School 601 Lawrence Road Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Admission: $7 Students & $10 Adults St. Anthony Website Take a look at the home page—scroll down to view recent news and events. St. Anthony's Prayer Shawl Ministry will be hosting a fund raiser benefiting Good Council Homes, by selling granny squares, 'a square & a prayer', made by our ladies, to parishioners for $1 each or 6 for $5, These squares are then donated back to be assembled into blankets and will be donated to Birthright Charities. Both of these charities support and help women who have decided to keep their babies. Sales will be before and after all the Masses this weekend. Coming soon! Don’t miss the Youth Ministry News BlogLiz will keep you updated with all the latest Youth Ministry News and Events. Real Estate • Corporate/LLC Criminal Defense • Name Changes Family Law • Adoptions Massar & Kurs, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW FREE CONSULTATION DWI/DUI • Traffic Violations Workers’ Comp. • Personal Injury Wills & Estates • Immigration PRINCETON WINDSOR OFFICE PARK • 379 PRINCETON HIGHTSTOWN RD., EAST WINDSOR, NJ 08512 • 609-448-2500 Professional, Quality Home Repair Susan A. 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Windsor 609-301-8334 $75 OFF 20% OFF 25% OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. Se Habla Español 10% OFF ANY SERVICE (NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY) GUTTER CLEANING 609-586-2300 GUTTER DOCTORX Lic. & Ins. NJ #13VH07195600 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 1.866.264.8444 Licensed & Insured CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. 1-800-333-3166 • 7 XXVIII DOMINGO ORDINARIO (Mateo 22:1-14) Un rechazo incomprensible ante la generosidad del banquete. Pongamos atención en la grandiosidad del banquete: es un banquete extraordinario pues se hace una gran matanza de animales; además, es especial pues es con motivo de la boda del Hijo del rey. De ahí que el desprecio del banquete de bodas sea, en el fondo, un desaire a la persona del rey. Sin embargo, la grandiosidad del banquete contrasta con el desprecio de los invitados. Unas reacciones contradictorias. La respuesta de los invitados está llena de contrastes y contradicciones: los pretextos que ponen para no asistir (ir al campo y a su negocio) son insignificantes en comparación del banquete de la boda del hijo del rey; mas aun; a la invitación del rey algunos de ellos corresponden con crueldad y hasta matando a los enviados. Por eso el evangelio insiste en que no fueron dignos porque conscientemente no fueron a la fiesta más aun, no solo no quisieron participar de la fiesta, sino que sin ningún motivo atentaron contra los enviados del rey. Recordemos que la antigüedad los súbditos del rey tenían la obligación de ir a los eventos de la familia real; por eso sorprende que no vayan y que sean invitados con insistencia en dos ocasiones. La insistencia del rey para que asistan a la fiesta que está a punto de comenzar contrasta con la ligereza de los súbditos para no asistir. Aunque algunos se nieguen a participar, de todas maneras existe el Banquete del Reino. No se suspende la fiesta por falta de invitados; la fiesta debe realizarse. Los siervos sakes a los cruces de los caminos; el evangelio insiste en que llevaron a malos y buenos y con ellos se lleno el salón de la fiesta. Pero aunque el Reino sea incluye esto no necesariamente significa irresponsabilidad de los invitados. Mateo a diferencia de Lucas presenta la entrada del rey al salón de la fiesta. Se percibe el riesgo de que, al poder entrar todos a la fiesta, se llegue a pensar que la participación en el banquete no exige absolutamente nada de parte de cada uno de los invitados. El Evangelio deja suficientemente claro, en este sentido, que el hecho de ser llamado debe provocar un comportamiento de escogido. Se indica con suficiente claridad que aquellos invitados no fueron dignos. Eran gente cercana; la costumbre corriente en aquel tiempo y en aquella cultura era invitar a las comidas a los más cercanos, a los del propio grupo. Comer con gente extraña era uno de los modos más fáciles de perder el honor y de ser avergonzado. Por eso precisamente llama aun más la atención que, mientras los cercanos y amigos, han despreciado la invitación, unos desconocidos (malos y buenos) sean recibidos en el banquete para participar la fiesta. Pero la apertura para que todos entren al nuevo banquete exige responsabilidad, llevar el traje de fiesta adecuado. Source/LTP Manual para proclamadores de la palabra EL GRUPO DE ORACION INVITA A LA COMUNIDAD AL TALLER BIBLICO “RESCATANDO FAMILIAS” el taller se llevara a cabo todos los sábados de 6:30 pm a 9:00pm. Para más información comunicarse con Patricia Sanabria 609.529.6638. LA IGLESIA DE SAN ANTONIO DE PADUA Y LA DIOCESIS DE TRENTON LOS INVITA A CONOCER MEJOR TU FE CON LOS CURSOS DE CUATRO SEMANAS EN LA FORMACION DE FE:18, 25 de Octubre; 1 y 8 de Noviembre de 10:30 am a 12:30 pm. En el salón 23. El costo es de $10.00 por clase. Durante la misa, los niños pequeños deberán estar acompañados por un adulto cuando vayan al baño, o a la fuente de agua. Gracias por su cooperación. Para más información comunicarse con Caridad Barillas al 609403-7175 CONFESIONES Y CONSEJERIA: El padre Michael Brizzio, estará ofreciendo los servicios de confesión y dirección espiritual a parejas el último jueves de cada mes de 7 pm a 8:30 pm en la Iglesia. Por favor trate de tomar ventaja de esta oportunidad. El padre habla español. ADORACION AL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO: El primer viernes de 9:30 am a 7:00 pm en la capilla de la Iglesia. MISA EN ESPANOL TODOS LOS LUNES. A las 7:30 pm, es precedida por el padre Toni, invite a sus amigos a los familiares que asistan a la Eucaristía. OFICINA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA: El nuevo año escolar de catequesis ha comenzado. La oficina está buscando voluntarios bilingües para el día lunes, Catequistas, ayudantes de catequistas, monitores en el pasillo. Si está interesado por favor comunicarse con la Sra. Aileen O’Brien ext. 21. La oficina está abierta de lunes a viernes de 9:00 AM a 4:00 PM. Aileen O’Brien, Directora de Educación Religiosa. COMO CONTACTAR AL PADRE MIGUEL: Las personas interesadas en contactar al Padre Miguel para algún servicio pueden hacerlo al 609 924 1743 ext. 119. O a su correo electrónico [email protected]. También pueden dejar la información con el Sr. Víctor Fernández al final de la misa (e-mail, o número de teléfono) para que el padre pueda contactar a los interesados.. PROBLEMAS CON ALCOHOL: Si tiene problemas con el alcohol y necesita ayuda, por favor comunicarse con el Sr. Alberto Billini al 908 670 3630. PARA LAS PERSONAS INTERESADAS, en rentar el gimnasio para cualquier evento como bodas, bautizos, quincenos, primeras comuniones, etc. Ponerse en contacto con Sheila Conway al 609 448 0141 ext. 25 PRO-VIDA: Está embarazada? Necesita ayuda? Estamos en 49 East Main Street, Freehold NJ 07728. Pastor: Rev. Patrick J. McDonnell: 609 448 0141 ext 18 Sacerdote de la misa los lunes: Fr. Toni Ramos Enlace entre la comunidad Latina y el Pastor: Ximena Bustamante 609 448 0141 ext. 29 Confesiones al mediodía los domingos: Fr. Pat Bautizos e Intensiones: Judith Cortez 609 336 7249. Matrimonios: Padre Miguel Valle 609 924 1743 ext. 119 [email protected]. Ensayos para Matrimonios Carlos Gavilanes 609 558 1079 Grupo Juvenil: Liz Guzhnay 609 448 0141 ext. 12 Quinceanos: Dinora García 609 802 9783 Grupo de Oración: Patricia Sanabria 609 529 6638 Grupo Mariano: Milton Pinos 908 770 0893 RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) Carmen Franco 609 655 2878 José Luis Varela 609 977 6558 Servidores del Altar: Jesús Abalos 609 448 7651 Ministerio de Música: Nelson Rivera 609 443 9683 Departamento de Matrimonio y Vida Familiar: Freddy y Gloria Enríquez 609 937 8026 Servicios sociales para la comunidad Latina: David Abalos 609 371 2435 GED / ESL – Victor Fernandez 609 468 0304 Dirección Espiritual para mujeres una vez al mes: Sandra López 609 506 1010 Richard Zimmer, Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 4589 J. Brent Barlow, N.J. Lic. No. 2826 Barlow and Zimmer 202 Stockton Street Hightstown FUNERAL HOME Neighbor Helping Neighbor Parish Member Christine A. Thompson, N.J. Lic. No. 3625 BOHDAN “BO” BOBJAK 609-585-8104 COLONIAL VALLEY COINS Buying & Selling Coins & Paper Money • Gold & Silver Bullion Tuesday-Friday 10am to 5pm • Saturday 10am-2pm • Sunday & Monday Appts. Only BRENNAN LAW FIRM ESTATE PLANNING • WILLS & TRUSTS • LAND USE COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE 73 N. MAIN STREET, CRANBURY, NJ 609-395-5533 • WWW.BRENNANLAW.ORG [email protected] • 4343 South Broad Street • Hamilton, NJ 08620 609-448-3456 FRANK J. BRENNAN, III • CRAIG A. COX • T.C. KINNEY Joseph Caruso, DDS 208 South Main Street Hightstown, NJ 08520 REAL ESTATE SERVICES WITH YOU EVERY STEP (609) 448-0243 Office Hours by Appointment Princeton KELLERWILLIAMS Waterproofing Mold Remediation Structural Repairs R E A LT Y 100 Canal Pointe Blvd., Ste. 120 Princeton, NJ 08540 1.888.799.3056 TRANSFER OR BRING WESTERN UNION NEW RX, RECEIVE $5 100 MAIN STREET MONEY ORDER IN FREE MERCHANDISE HIGHTSTOWN, NJ 08520 LIMIT 1 W/ COUPON ATTORNEY AT LAW Compassionate Representation of the Injured Personal Injury • Worker Compensation Wills / Power of Attorney / Estates Parishioner 609-426-8755 A.L. Duryee & Son • Monuments & Markers • Bronze Plates • Stone Lettering 385 MERCER ST., HIGHTSTOWN 609-448-0050 Fax: 609-448-3369 David J. Kosek, CPA HUMPHREYS AND KOSEK ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICES, INC. PERSONAL & SMALL BUSINESS SPECIALISTS 134 Franklin Corner Rd. Suite 107 Lawrenceville NJ 08648 Accessible via NJTransit Bus No. 603 [email protected] HIGHTSTOWN PHARMACY COPY & FAX 131 South Main Street, Hightstown • 609-448-8220 24 Hour Emergency Service Primary Care Medicine Cell: 609-529-8107 Adult & Geriatric Office: 609-987-8889 Daniel L. Cimafranca, M.D. JITESH PADH (J.P.) SE HABLA ESPAÑOL PH: 609-371-9000 JOHN J. BUBLEWICZ Located at: Realtor/Sales-Associate FREE DELIVERY TO YOUR DOOR • ACCEPT MOST INSURANCE 15% OFF Immigration • Wills & Estates Bankruptcy Jody Siano MON-FRI: 9-7:30, SAT: 9-3:30 441 US Hwy. 130 North East Windsor, NJ 08520 609-336-7518 Most Major Insurances Accepting New Patients. GARVEY PEST CONTROL, INC. An Intelligent Approach to Pest Control General Household Pest Control - Bees, Carpenter Ants Small Animal & Bird Control • Termite Baiting Moles, Voles, Mice & Rat Removal Commercial/Residential Tom Garvey, Member of Parish 448-0900 Licensed & Insured Promotional Products • Screen Printing Embroidery • Awards • Signs ...All Under One Roof!!! 177 Mercer St., Hightstown, NJ Tailoring Unlimited The Custom Tailor For Men & Women Formalwear Sales & Rental Leather Restyling & Alterations Communion Suits & Dress Alterations 208 N. Main St., Hightstown • 609-443-6886 Mention ad for 10% OFF E-mail: [email protected] 609.395.8424 Se Habla Español 1274 So. River Rd. 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