605 Third Avenue Electronic Tenant® Portal Created on October 9, 2014 Building Admin: Documents add text Building Admin: Vendors add text Building Admin: Contacts add text Building Amenities: Retail Services Listed below are convenient retail, banking and services located in or adjacent to 605 Third Avenue: Gemini Garage - Located immediately behind 605. HSBC Bank - Located on the south side entrance of Building. J & J News Inc. - Located in rear of Lobby Building Operations: Accounting Please forward all rental remittance to: 605 Third Avenue Fee LLC c/o JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. GPO Box 29090 New York, NY 10087-9090 Wiring Instructions: JP Morgan Chase Bank ABA # 021-000-021 For Credit to Account # 507-895908 Ref: 605 Third Avenue Fee LLC Lockbox Account Building Operations: Building Management The staff of 605 Third Avenue is dedicated to making your work environment as safe and pleasant as possible. The Building Office is located on the 15th floor. Please do not hesitate to contact the management office at: Phone: 212-710-8330 Fax: 212-687-5292 Address: 605 Third Avenue New York, NY 10158 The following personnel are available to address your needs: Title Name Building Manager John Romano Assistant Building Manager Miriam Mendez Building Office Administrator Claire Noonan Phone Number 212-710-8330 212-710-8330 212-710-8330 E-Mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Building Operations: Holidays The following is the official holiday list. New Year’s Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day President’s Day Good Friday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Unless your lease stipulates otherwise, there will be no air conditioning service provided on the days these holidays are celebrated. Building Operations: Leasing The leasing company for 605 Third Avenue is Fisher Brothers and is located at 299 Park Avenue. The main phone number is 212-752-5000. Listed below is the contact information for the authorized representatives. Title Name Phone Number Marc Director of Leasing Packman 212-940-6255 Asst. Dir. of Leasing Susan Clayton 212 940-6238 E-Mail [email protected] [email protected] Building Operations: Security Fisher Brothers security staff is supervised by retired law enforcement professionals. The security staff is among the first to go through the New York State approved forty hour Homeland Security training program. Lobby attendants as well as perimeter roves protect the building. Supervisory inspections are performed several times a day, seven days a week. Digital color cameras are located in various locations in and around the building and in each elevator. All cameras are monitored through a modernized digital recording system. In addition, our major tenants maintain their own security staff and/or cameras to help protect their space. Building Security: After Hours Access After 7:00 PM and on weekends and holidays, tenant ID cards are displayed to a card reader at the Lobby Console. Security personnel verifies that the card is active and monitors a screen at the Console to verify the tenant and picture match. After 7:00 PM and on weekends and holidays, the tenant card is used to activate the turnstile on entry and departure. Building Security: Building Access Tenant Access The building is open 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year. Tenant issued ID cards that are compatible with Kastle Security System are used to activate a turnstile entry/exit security checkpoint located in the lobby. ID cards are programmed with each tenant's picture which is displayed on a screen located at a podium a few feet away from the turnstiles and monitored by security personnel to verify the tenant and picture match. Visitor Access Scheduled Visitors: Tenants enter into the Kastle Visitor Badging System the name, time of arrival and floor where the visitor is to be directed. The visitor reports to the Visitor Station at the Lobby front desk and produces a photo I.D. Once the I.D. is verified, a visitor badge is issued. The visitor is then directed to the guards who will allow access to the elevators. If desired, an e-mail can be generated at the time the visitor badge is issued notifying the tenant of the arrival of the visitor. Unscheduled Visitors: Tenants are contacted and can either enter the visitor into the Kastle System or respond to the Lobby desk and sign in the visitor. Click here to download a copy of the Kastle System - Visitor Registration Instructions Building Security: Deliveries Messengers are not permitted entry into tenant spaces. Tenants are notified that a messenger is present at the Security Booth and the reason for his/her presence. Tenants respond to the 39th Street Security Booth. All deliveries are sent to 39th Street Security Booth, Mon - Fri 8:00 AM-6:00 PM. All other times, tenants pick up messenger deliveries in the lobby. Freight is delivered Mon–Fri 8:00 AM –6:00 PM through the loading dock after inspection and sign-in by security personnel. Loading Dock: Located on 39th Street. There is a manned security booth open from 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM weekdays. Dimensions of the loading dock doors are 12’H X 11’6”W. Building Security: General Office Security Security Checklist For your own internal security and also for the security of the building, it is in your best interest to control the number of keys issued. Only people needing after hour access should be issued a key. The following is a list of general office security suggestions, which are offered to you as an aid in establishing your internal security procedures: Restrict office keys to those who actually need them. Keep complete, up-to-date records of the distribution of all office keys. Have adequate procedures for collecting keys prior to termination of employees. Establish a rule that keys must not be left unguarded on desks or cabinets. Require that filing cabinet keys be removed from locks and placed in a secure location after opening cabinets. Prevent unauthorized personnel from reporting a lost key and receiving a replacement. A responsible person is in charge of issuing all keys. Store keys systematically in a secured wall cabinet of either your own design or from a commercial key control system. Security Checklist (continued) Insist on identification from repairmen who come to work in your office. Clear all desks of important papers. When working alone in the office at night, lock the front door to prevent anyone else from entering. Keep the police, fire department, and building security telephone numbers posted. Double check to see that all doors are securely locked before you leave. Suspicious Persons If you see suspicious or offensive persons in the building, please call the Building Office immediately. If possible, make note of appearance, clothing, etc. to assist building security in locating them. Please be aware of strangers in your tenant areas and halls. Quite often a question such as “May I help you locate someone?” is enough to deter a potential thief. Suspicious encounters of this type should be reported to the Office of the Building immediately. Building Security: Key and Lock Policy AAA Hardware shall key all lockset cylinders to the building’s master key system. Building Security: Lost and Found Please contact the Building Management Office at 212-710-8330 to claim items that have been lost or found in the building. Building Security: Solicitation Solicitation is not permitted. If someone is soliciting in your suite, then please notify the Building Management Office at 212-710-8330, and we will send appropriate personnel to have them escorted off the premises. Building Services: Building Signage and Directory Please contact the building office at 212-710-8330 for information regarding building signage at 605 Third Avenue. Building Services: Cleaning If a small cleaning problem should arise during working hours, please contact the Cleaning Secretary, at 212-710-8340. Building Services: Elevators Twenty Otis/Kone gearless passenger elevators with Armor TMS 900 controllers divided into five banks servicing the Lobby to the 44th floor Crossover is available on the 7th floor and 24th floor. Two freight elevators that run from basement to 44 operate from 8:00AM to 6:00PM, business days. The dimensions of the freight cars are 108” high by 59” deep by 90” wide. The door opening is 48” wide by 89” high. Capacity is 5000 lbs. There is one elevator HSBC Bank (Lobby - Basement). Building Services: Forms For your convenience, we have included downloadable and printable PDF document forms that will expedite various building management service requests. Hard copies of all forms are available from the Property Management Office as well. To view and print PDF files, you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If not already installed on your computer, it can be obtained for free at www.adobe.com. 605 Certificate Sample With Attached Indemnity Approved Building Contractors Fire Warden Organizational Chart Sample Compliance Letter Kastle System - Visitor Registration Instructions Building Services: HVAC If the temperature in your office needs adjustment, please contact the Building Management Office. Your call will be referred immediately to engineering personnel. Special arrangements should be made for any HVAC needed outside of the hours of operation stated within your lease. Building Services: Mail Service There are mailboxes on either side of the lobby, located in alcoves adjacent to Elevator Bank “V”. Building Services: Maintenance Requests All requests should be made to the Building Office at 212-710-8330. Emergency Procedures: Active Shooter Response to Active shooter - Quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life. CONTACTING AUTHORITIES - When you are safe: Call Security or 9-1-1, and be prepared to give the following information concerning the incident: Your exact location (building, floor, room number) Specific location and direction of the assailant(s) Number of assailant(s) Sex, race and age of assailant(s) Clothing color and style Number injured, types of injuries Run - if there is an accessible escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises. Be sure to: Have an escape route and plan in mind Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow Leave your belongings behind Help others escape, if possible Prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be Keep your hands visible Follow the instructions of any police officers Do not attempt to move wounded people Call 9-1-1 when you are safe Hide - if evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you. Your hiding place should: Be out of the active shooter’s view Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (i.e., an office with a closed and locked door) Not trap you or restrict your options for movement To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place: Lock the door Blockade the door with heavy furniture If the active shooter is nearby: Lock the door Silence your cell phone and/or pager Turn off any source of noise (i.e., radios, televisions) Hide behind large items (i.e., cabinets, desks) Remain quiet If evacuation and hiding out are not possible: Remain calm Dial 9-1-1, if possible, to alert police to the active shooter’s location If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen Fight - As a last resort, and if confronted by the shooter, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by: Acting as aggressively as possible against him/her Throwing items and improvising weapons Yelling Committing to your actions Emergency Procedures: Bomb Threat Telephone Threat When a bomb threat is made over the telephone, obtain the following information from the caller: Exact location of the device. Time set for explosion. Description of the device. Reason the caller has placed the bomb. Exact words used by the caller. Keep this information as confidential as possible. Notify the Police Department. Call 911. Notify the Management Office at 212-710-8330. Once the Management Office has been notified of a bomb threat, it is our policy to advise your firm’s manager or officer and also make an ALL CALL announcement to notify the entire building. It is up to the manager or officer to decide whether it is appropriate to evacuate the office. In the event that you are asked to evacuate the Building, move away from the Building to allow for the clear passage of emergency personnel. Do not re-enter the Building until the Management Office or the Police or Fire Department has given clearance. Suspicious Packages or Mail Bombs Letter bombs are usually sent through the mail addressed to a specific individual in the company, usually disguised to look like some sort of gift or a small package. Letter bombs have the power to kill or maim anyone close to them if they go off. Letter bombs are usually a large size manila envelope ¼ to ½ thick and are fairly rigid. They have been mailed from cities or small towns in the United States, as well as from foreign countries. They are usually mailed to a person by title, such as Chairman, President, Manager, Security Officer, etc. If a letter is suspected to be a letter bomb: Call Building Security at 212-710-8330. Clear everyone out of the area for at least 25 feet around it. Notify the police at 911. DO NOT HANDLE IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DEACTIVATE IT YOURSELF Emergency Procedures: Civil Disturbance Should a riot or civil disturbance start outside the Building, the security guards and police will immediately secure the building. We will keep you informed. If a disturbance should occur in the main lobby, all elevators will be turned off at the Mezzanine Level and the police will be summoned. Emergency Procedures: Elevator Malfunction In the event that an elevator stops with passengers in it, remember to remain calm. Pressing any emergency button within the cab will alert Building Management that the cab is malfunctioning, what cab number it is, and what floor it is stuck on. The Guard will continue two-way communication with passengers until help arrives. In the event of a power outage, elevator lights will remain on, but the car will temporarily stop. Each elevator will automatically be returned to the lobby where the doors will open and they will then be out of service. IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE, ELEVATORS MUST NOT BE USED FOR EVACUATION. USE THE STAIRWELLS Emergency Procedures: Emergency Contacts Any type of emergency New York Fire Department New York Police Department Fire Safety Director Building Office 911 212-628-2900 911 212-710-8330 212-710-8330 Emergency Procedures: Evacuation Emergency The evacuation signal which you have just heard (whooping siren and strobes) occurs on only two floors the fire floor and the floor above. What Action Should You Take? Immediately proceed to and assemble at your nearest emergency exit. Listen to the directions of your Fire Warden Team. LISTEN TO THE DIRECTIONS OF YOUR FIRE WARDEN TEAM. Listen for announcements over the emergency speaker system. If instructed to evacuate, do so in a safe and orderly manner, and assemble at your company's designated areas. If you are in imminent danger, evacuate immediately! If your floor receives the notification tone (a monotone beeping sound without strobe activation) it indicates that the alarm is not on your floor or the floor below you. What Action Should You Take? Stay at your work location and listen for announcements over the emergency speaker system. Things You Should Know About Your Building/Floor There are five stairway exits - the north, Stairwell A & E, the south, Stairwell B,C & D. Stairway AS runs from the roof to 40th street exit. Stairwell E runs from the 20th floor to the 40th street exit. Stairwell B runs from the roof to the basement with an exit in the lobby. Stairwell C runs from the 12th floor to the lobby. Stairwell D runs from the 10th floor to the 40th street exit. The building is proteced with smoke detectors in areas required by code and an automatic sprinkler system. Fully sprinklered floors are 4-12, 14, 24-28, 32-34. Partially Sprinklered loors are 15 & 28. All security locked doors leading to an exit will release on the activation of the alarm. Things You Should Know About Your Building/Floor (continued) Elevators will recall to the lobby if a smoke detector (elevator lobby) is activated, or a waterflow is indicated (i.e. sprinkler activation) Fire alarm pull-stations are located adjacent to all stairway exit doors. If there is a fire on your floor, activate/pull the fire alarm box to notify the fire department, fire command station and building occupants. Know the location of the fire extinguishers on your floor. Note: Only use an extinguisher if you are confident that you can operate it properly, and only do so after you insure the alarm has been activated. Never put yourself in danger. Safety Tips Never return to your work area for something you forgot. Listen to the instructions given by your fire warden team members, and those given over the emergency speaker system. Never take an elevator in a fire emergency. Evacuate in a safe and orderly manner. Never take a fire alarm for granted. Always check your Stairway Exit door for heat (with the back of your hand) before entering. Non-Emergency Policy: When an incident or threat occurs that may impact tenant safety, Fisher Brothers Management Company is committed to open and responsible communication. When a tenant receives a threat or witnesses an incident concerning the safety of the Building or its occupants, they should notify the 911 Emergency Operator and then immediately notify Fisher Brothers Security. Following the notification, Fisher Brothers Security will make an ALL-CALL announcement. It is important to note that this announcement is generally for informational purposes unless the authorities have made a determination that certain floors, or the building should be evacuated. For safety purposes, once an ALL-CALL has been made, the building will be closed to incoming traffic with all portals used only for egress. This closure is designed to accommodate those tenants who decide to evacuate of their own accord following the ALL-CALL. The building will be re-opened only after the proper authorities have responded and an investigation has been made. Should a total building evacuation become necessary as a result of a non-fire emergency, the following procedures will be utilized: Means of Non-Fire Evacuation: Stairwells - Everyone should be familiar with the location and number of stairwells on their floor. Elevators - Can be used for any emergency evacuation for other than a fire emergency. You will receive instructions regarding the use of elevators during the ALL CALL announcements. Elevators will be assigned to previously identified floors to assist physically challenged personnel and assigned co-workers. NOTE: Be alert to any instruction issued over the Public Address System. Evacuation Coordinators (Tenant Employees): For each Tenant floor, there will be Evacuation Coordinators, Stairwell Monitors and Searchers. These individuals will: Wear distinctive caps and vests. Be fully knowledgeable of the plan for a full evacuation. Know how to communicate with the command console using the fire warden phone. Know the proper stairwell to use and alternate means of egress. Know the location of any tenant who will require assistance and the availability of evac-chairs. Assign co-workers to provide assistance. Searchers will ensure all tenants have been notified. Notify Building Lobby Console when floor is evacuated. Remind tenants to take their wallets and building I.D. Instruct people to remove and carry high heel shoes and encourage tenants to have comfortable shoes or sneakers available if possible. Instruct people to move at a steady walking pace. Instruct people to use handrails. Direct tenants to the pre-determined staging area away from the building. Facilitate a head count at the outside staging area. Communicate and coordinate with building personnel from the outside staging locations. Individual Tenant Responsibility: In order to facilitate a full evacuation, each individual tenant should be knowledgeable of the plan for a full building evacuation and: Know the location of all emergency exits. Identify the Evacuation Coordinators, Stairwell Monitors and their alternates. Know how to communicate with the command console using the fire warden phone. Carefully listen to each ALL CALL announcement made and whether it is safe to use the elevators. Follow any direction given by the Evacuation Coordinators and Stairwell Monitors. Take wallet and Building I.D. and wear comfortable shoes when evacuating the building. Know the location of and proceed to the outside staging area. Never congregate in the lobby or adjacent to the building during an evacuation. Keep a list of your personal emergency numbers including the numbers of the cell phones of Evacuation Coordinators with you. NOTE: The stairwells have back-up lighting. As an additional safety measure, Glow sticks are located on each floor landing. Opening the box activates the glow sticks. They should not be removed from the housing. Emergency Procedures: Fire and Life Safety Introduction The City of New York requires that all high-rise office buildings comply with Local Law #5 and have a detailed fire emergency plan to conduct fire drills every six months for all occupants of high-rise office buildings. Our building is equipped with a fully operational class "E" fire alarm detection and communication system for your safety. Pursuant to Local Law #5, representatives from your company are needed to act as Fire Warden, Deputy Fire Warden, and Searchers. Once a team is chosen, an outline of their fire safety plan will be explained in detail. A tour of your area should be taken so that you can become familiar with the exits and the location of the fire alarm equipment. Training, education and prevention are key factors in providing a safe environment for the work place. Know your Fire Warden, Deputy Fire Warden, and Searchers. Their names are posted on the organization chart, which is located in a conspicuous area on the floor (i.e., kitchen area, staircase area). Plan For A Fire Before It Occurs! Know the location of the fire exits. Recognize the sound of the fire alarm. Know how to activate the fire alarm. Know how to notify the Fire Department. Participate in fire drills and know the evacuation plan for your building. Know location of fire extinguishers. Use only on incipient fires. (i.e. wastepaper can) Listed below is a Fire Prevention Checklist. Report any Fire Hazards To The Fire Safety Director Do not overload electrical outlets -request another outlet if necessary. Check electrical cords. If frayed damaged or hot to the touch, do not use them until they have been repaired. Do not obstruct aisles, corridors, or exits with furniture, debris, etc. especially the freight service area Do not obstruct the air ducts by covering them with paper, books or plants. Do not empty ashtrays into wastebaskets. Do not use electric heaters. Turn off copy machines, typewriters, coffee pots, etc., when not in use. Obey all no smoking signs. Store all flammable liquids in approved containers. Report to the Building Office any exit lights that are out and any fire exit doors that are opened. The following is recommended for a Tenant Fire Safety Team: Fire Warden â Deputy Fire Warden Are selected to manage and maintain the Fire Safety Team during an alarm. Duties As soon as an alarm sounds, the Fire Warden should go immediately to the warden telephone, use the warden phone to notify the Fire Command Station if a fire or emergency situation exits on your floor. Wardens and Deputy Wardens should be familiar with the fire safety plan and the location of all fire exits on their floor and the operation of fire alarm equipment (pull stations, warden telephone, etc.) The Fire Warden shall keep the Fire Command Station informed of the means being employed for evacuation by the occupants of his/her floor. At all times during the emergency, the Fire Warden and Deputy Fire Warden should advise everyone to remain calm, quiet and orderly. Wardens should employ the aid of the Searchers should he/she require assistance in maintaining order during the emergency condition evacuation. Fire Wardens are required to check-in daily at the Fire Command Station pursuant to Local Law #5. Searchers At least one male and one female searcher are required per floor. Duties As soon as an alarm sounds, the Searchers should alert all others in the area to proceed to a fire exit. Searchers are responsible for checking restrooms in order to alert anyone who may not have heard the alarm. In route to the restrooms, Searchers should close any doors that may have been left open. Searchers should be alert to any emergency conditions such as fire and smoke, or anyone not responding to the alarm, and should report any findings to the Fire Warden as soon as possible. Once the Searchers initial duties have been completed, they should report back to the Fire Warden and should make themselves available to assist the Fire Warden and Deputy Fire Warden. What You Should Do If You Discover Fire Or Smoke: If you should discover a fire or smoke condition, the following action should be taken immediately: Leave the fire area, closing doors behind you. Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station. If possible, call the Fire Department. Use the warden telephone to notify the Fire Command Station. Stay calm and quiet and listen to the instructions being given over the public address system. Do not use the elevators or congregate in the elevator lobby area. Do not stop to collect personal property. Do not return to the building until the fire department tells you it is safe to do so. The Fire Alarm Sounds - What Do You Do? The fire alarm must be treated as a building emergency and the following action should be taken immediately: Alert others in the immediate area. Proceed to the nearest fire exit staircase in a quiet and orderly fashion. Prepare to evacuate via uncontaminated stairs. Listen carefully to the instructions of the Fire Warden and the Fire Safety Director via the public address system. Should evacuation be required, remain calm and proceed down the stairs, single file, keep to the right and hold on to the handrail. Ladies should remove high heel shoes for easier walking down the stairs. Walk down at least three or four floors below the fire floor where you can re-enter and await further instructions. If you exit the building, quickly move away from exit doors and proceed to a distant area where you will not interfere with fire fighters or be in the way of falling debris. Do not return to the building until the Fire Department tells you it is safe to do so. How The Class "E" System Works: In the event of a fire or smoke condition, the Class “E” system will automatically: Sound an alarm throughout the fire floor and the floor above. Notify the Fire Department. Sound an alarm at the Fire Command Station, and gives the location and type of alarm. Cause all elevators, passenger and freight, in the affected bank to be brought down to the lobby for Fire Department use. Shut down the air conditioning system to prevent the spread of fire and smoke. Provide automatic door release for any door leading to a fire exit which is normally locked. Also, releases locked doors at elevator lobby area and freight elevator areas. Duties Of The Fire Warden And The Deputy Warden The tenant or the tenants of each floor shall upon request of the owner or person in charge of the building make responsible and dependable employees available for the designation by the Fire Safety Director as Fire Warden and Deputy Fire Warden. Each floor of a building shall be under the direction of a designated Fire Warden evacuation of occupants in the event of a fire. He/she shall be assisted in his/her duties by the Deputy Fire Wardens. A Deputy Fire Warden shall be provided for each tenancy tenancy exceeding 7,500 square feet of occupiable space, a Deputy Warden shall be assigned for each 7,500 square feet or thereof. Each Fire Warden and Deputy Warden shall be familiar with the fire safety plan, the location of exits and the location and operation of any available fire alarm system. Duties Of The Fire Warden And Deputy Warden (Continued) In the event of fire, or a fire alarm, the Fire Warden shall ascertain location of the fire and direct the evacuation of the floor in accordance with the directions received and the following guidelines: The most critical areas for immediate evacuation are the fire floor and the floors immediately above. Evacuation from the other floors shall be instituted when instructions from the Fire Command Station or conditions indicate such action. Evacuation should be via uncontaminated stairs. He/she should try to avoid stairs being used by the Fire Department. If this is not possible, he/she shall try to attract the attention of the Fire Dept. personnel before such personnel open the door to the fire floor. Evacuation to 2 or more levels below the fire floor is generally adequate. He/she shall keep the Fire Command Station informed regarding his/her location. Fire Wardens and their deputies shall see that all occupants are notified of the fire, and that they proceed immediately to execute the fire safety plan. The Fire Warden on the fire floor shall, as soon as practicable notify the Fire Command Station of the particulars. Fire Wardens on the floor above the fire shall, after executing the fire safety plan, notify the Fire Command Station of the means being used for evacuation and any other particulars. The Fire Warden shall select the safest stairway to use for evacuation on the basis of the location of the fire and any information received from the Fire Command Station. The Fire Warden shall check the environment in the stair prior to entry for evacuation. If it is affected by smoke, an alternate stair shall be selected and the Fire Command Station notified. The Fire Warden shall keep the Fire Command Station informed of the number of employees for evacuation Elevators manned by trained building personnel or firemen may be used. A chart designating employees and their assignments shall be prepared and posted in a conspicuous place in each tenancy and each floor of tenancy that occupies more than one floor and a copy shall be in the possession of the Fire Safety Directors Have available an updated listing of all personnel with physical disabilities who cannot use stairs unaided. Make arrangements to have these occupants assisted in moving down the stairs to 2 or more levels below the fire floor. If necessary to move such occupants to still lower levels during the fire, move them down the stairs to the uppermost floor served by an uninvolved elevator bank and then remove them to the street floor by the elevator. Where assistance is required for such evacuation, notify the Fire Safety Director. Provide for Fire Warden identification during fire drills and fires, such as red caps (baseball type) Assure that all persons on the floor are notified of fire and all evacuated to safe areas. A search must be conducted in the lavatories to assure all are out. Personnel assigned as Searchers can promptly and efficiently perform this duty. Check availability of applicable personnel on organization chart and provide substitute when position on chart is not covered. After evacuation, perform head count to assure that all regular occupants known to have occupied the floor have been evacuated. When alarm is received, the Fire Warden shall remain at selected position in the vicinity of the communication with the Fire Command Station and to receive and give instructions. Emergency Procedures: Fire and Life Safety Plan Purpose and Objective Purpose To establish a method of systematic, safe and orderly evacuation of an area or building by and of its occupants in case of fire or other emergency, in the least possible time, to a safe area or by the nearest safe means of egress; also, the use of such available fire appliances (including sounding of alarms) as may have been provided for the controlling or extinguishing of fire and the safeguarding of human life. Objective To provide proper education as a part of continuing employee indoctrination and through a continuing written program for all occupants, to assure the prompt reporting of fire, the response to fire alarms as designated, and the immediate initiation of fire safety procedures to safeguard life and contain fire until the arrival of the Fire Department. Fire Safety Director Regularly assigned employment - Title Fire Safety Director Regularly assigned location - Lobby Console How is he notified when at regular location - Telephone - 212-867-3271 and 212-710-8330 and Walkie-Talkie How is he notified when not at regular location - Walkie-Talkie Duties of Fire Safety Director: Be familiar with the written Fire Safety Plan providing for fire drill and evacuation procedure in accordance with Fire Prevention Code. Select qualified building service employees for a Fire Brigade and organize, train and supervise such Fire Brigade. Be responsible for the availability and state of readiness of the Fire Brigade. Conduct fire and evacuation drills. Be responsible for the designation and training of a Fire Warden for each floor and sufficient Deputy Fire Wardens for each tenancy in accordance with Fire Department rules. Be responsible for a daily check for the availability of the Fire Warden and Deputy Fire Wardens, and see that up-to-date organization charts are posted. Duties of Fire Safety (continued): NOTE: If the number of Fire Wardens and Deputy Fire Wardens in the building is such that it is impractical to individually contact each one daily, a suggested method to satisfy the requirement is to make provisions for the Fire Warden, or a Deputy Fire Warden in the absence of the Fire Warden, to notify the Fire Safety Director when the Fire Warden or required number of Deputy Fire Warden is not available. In order to determine the compliance by the Fire Warden and Deputy Fire Wardens when this method is used, the Fire Safety Director shall make a spot check of several different floors each day. Notify the owner or other person in charge of the building when any designated individual is neglecting his responsibilities contained in the Fire Safety Plan. The owner or other person in charge of the building shall bring the matter to the attention of the firm employing the individual. If the firm fails to correct the condition, the Fire Department shall be notified by the owner or person in charge of the building. In the event of a fire, shall report to the Fire Command Station to supervise, provide for and coordinate: Insurance that the Fire Department has been notified of any fire or fire alarm. Manning of the Fire Command Station. Direction of evacuating procedures as provided in the Fire Safety Plan. Reports on conditions on fire floor for information of Fire Department on their arrival. Advise the Fire Department Chief in Charge in the operation of the Fire Command Station. Be responsible for the training and activities of the Building Evacuation Supervisor. Deputy Fire Safety Director Regularly assigned employment - Title Deputy Fire Safety Director Regularly assigned location - Lobby Console How is he notified when at regular location - Telephone - 212-867-3271 and 212-710-8330 and Walkie-Talkie How is he notified when not at regular location - Walkie-Talkie Duties of Deputy Fire Safety Director: Subordinate to the Fire Safety Director. Perform duties of Fire Safety Director in his absence. Fire Wardens and Deputy Fire Wardens Are their names on Organization Charts for each floor and/or tenancy? Names are listed on Organizational Chart. Submit typical completed Organization Chart for Fire Drill and Evacuation assignment Copy of Organizational Chart Page Duties of Fire Wardens and Deputy Fire Wardens The tenant or tenants of each floor shall, upon request of the owner or person in charge of building, make responsible and dependable employees available for designation by the Fire Safety Director as Fire Warden and Deputy Fire Wardens. Each floor of a building shall be under the direction of a designated Fire Warden for the evacuation of occupants in the event of fire. He shall be assisted in his duties by Deputy Fire Wardens. A Deputy Fire Warden shall be provided for each tenancy. When the floor area of a tenancy exceeds 7,500 square feet of occupiable space, a Deputy Warden shall be assigned for each 7,500 square feet or part thereof. Each Fire Warden and Deputy Fire Warden shall be familiar with the Fire Safety Plan, the location of exits and the location and operation of any available fire alarm system. Duties of Fire Wardens (Continued) In the event of fire or fire alarm, the Fire Warden shall ascertain location of the fire and direct the evacuation of the floor in accordance with directions received and the following guidelines: The most critical areas for immediate evacuation are the fire floor and floors immediately above. Evacuation from the other floors shall be instituted when instructions from the Fire Command Station or conditions indicates such action. Evacuation should be via uncontaminated stairs. He shall try to avoid stairs being used by the Fire Department. If this is not possible, he shall try to attract the attention of the Fire Department Personnel before such personnel open the door to the fire floor. Evacuation to two or more levels below the fire floor is generally adequate. He shall keep the Fire Command Station informed regarding his location. Fire Wardens and their Deputies shall see that all occupants are notified of the fire and that they proceed immediately to execute the Fire Safety Plan. The Fire Warden on the fire floor shall, as soon as practicable, notify the Fire Command Station of the particulars. Fire Wardens on floor above the fire shall, after executing the Fire Safety Plan, notify the Fire Command Station of the means being used for evacuation and any other particulars. In the event that stairways serving fire floor and/or floors above are unusable due to contamination or cut off by fire and/or smoke, or that several floors above fire involving large numbers of occupants must be evacuated, consideration may be given to using elevators in accordance with the following: If the elevators servicing his floor also service the fire floor, they shall not be used. However, elevators may be used if there is more than one bank of elevators, and he is informed from the Fire Command Station that one bank is unaffected by the fire. If elevators do not service the fire floor and their shafts have no openings on the fire floor, they may be used, unless otherwise directed. Elevators manned by trained building personnel or firemen may also be used. In the absence of a serviceable elevator the Fire Warden shall select the safest stairway to use for evacuation on the basis of the location of the fire and any information received from the Fire Command Station. The Fire Warden shall check the environment in the stair prior to entry for evacuation. If it is affected by smoke, an alternate stair shall be selected, and the Fire Command Station notified. The Fire Warden shall keep the Fire Command Station informed of the means being employed for evacuation by the occupants of his floor. Determine that an alarm has been transmitted. Duties of Fire Wardens (continued) Organization Chart for Fire Drill and Evacuation Assignment - A chart designating employees and their assignments shall be prepared and posted in a conspicuous place in each tenancy and on each floor of a tenancy that occupies more than one floor and a copy shall be in the possession of the Fire Safety Director. Have available an updated listing of all personnel with physical disabilities who cannot use stairs unaided. Make arrangements to have these occupants assisted in moving down the stairs to 2 or more levels below fire floor. If necessary to move such occupants to still lower levels during the fire, move them down the stairs to the uppermost floor served by an uninvolved elevator bank and then removed to street floor by elevator. Where assistance is required for such evacuation, notify Fire Safety Director. Provide for fire warden identification during fire drills and fires, such as using armband, etc. Assure that all persons on the floor are notified of fire and all are evacuated to safe areas. A search must be conducted in the lavatories to assure all are out. Personnel assigned as Searchers can promptly and efficiently perform this duty. Check availability of applicable personnel on Organization Chart and provide for substitute when position on chart is not covered. After evacuation, perform a head count to assure that all regular occupants known to have occupied the floor have been evacuated. When alarm is received, the Fire Warden shall remain at a selected position in the vicinity of the communication station on the floor in order to maintain communication with the Fire Command Station and to receive and give instructions. Building Evacuation Supervisor Name: Deputy Fire Safety Directors on duty 24 hours Regularly assigned employment - Title: Deputy Fire Safety Director Regularly assigned location: Lobby Console How is he notified when at regular location Telephone - 212-867-3271 and 212-710-8330 and Walkie-Talkie How is he notified when not at regular location - Walkie-Talkie Duties of Building Evacuation Supervisor - A Building Evacuation Supervisor is required at all times when there are occupants in the building and there is no Fire Safety Director required to be on duty in the building. Capable of directing the evacuation of the occupants as provided by the Fire Safety Plan. During fire emergencies, the primary responsibility of the Building Evacuation Supervisor shall be to man the Fire Command Station and the direction and execution of the evacuation as provided in the Fire Safety Plan. The Building Evacuation Supervisor's training and related activities shall be under the direction of the Fire Safety Director in accordance with these rules and the Fire Safety Plan. Such activities shall be subject to Fire Department control. Fire Brigade Submit a completed Organization Chart for Fire Brigade, naming person in charge and his title in the building. Indicate standards of selection from building employees based on background and availability. Knowledge of building. Length of service. Experience How are they notified? Walkie-Talkie How are they notified when not at their regular locations? Page System - Walkie-Talkie Means of responding? Fire stairs & usable elevators Duties of Fire Brigade On receipt of an alarm for fire, the Brigade shall: Report to the floor below the fire to assist in evacuation and provide information to the Fire Command Station. After evacuation of fire floor, endeavor to control spread of fire by closing doors, etc. Attempt to control the fire until arrival of the Fire Department, if the fire is small and conditions do not pose a personal threat. Leave one member on the floor below the fire to direct the Fire Department to the fire location and to inform of conditions. On arrival of the Fire Department the Fire Brigade shall report to the Fire Command Station for additional instructions. Occupants Instructions Distribution of instructions to all tenants, tenants employees and building employees. The applicable parts of the approved Fire Safety Plan shall be distributed to all tenants of the building by the Building Management when the Fire Safety Plan has been approved by the Fire Commissioner. The applicable parts of the approved Fire Safety Plan shall then be distributed by the tenants to all their employees and by the Building Management to all their building employees. All occupants of the building shall participate and cooperate in carrying out the provisions of the Fire Safety Plan. Evacuation Drills Frequency of drills: A Drill every three months for first 2 years, then semi-annually thereafter. How conducted: By simulating floor fire alarm bell and evacuating occupants to Fire Exit stairwells. Participation. Who participated? How? Fire Safety Director, Deputy Fire Safety Director, Floor Wardens. All tenants and visitors to move to designated areas or as directed by Wardens. Controls and supervision: Fire Warden and Deputy Fire Warden, Fire Safety Director and Deputy Fire Safety Director. Recording of details of drills: Records to be kept by Fire Safety Director. Fire Command Station Location: Lobby Class E System Requirements Adequate illumination: Yes - There is adequate illumination Adequate communication to mechanical equipment room elevator control room each floor Yes - Communication throughout the entire building via Class E System Copy of Fire Safety Plan: Yes - Copy of Fire Safety Plan Form at Fire Command Station Copy of Building Information Form: Yes - Copy of Building Information Form at Fire Command Station Representative floor plans showing location of signs, floor remote station, communications, etc. Yes - Copy of floor plans at Fire Command Station Signs Posting of signs and diagrams to comply with Fire Department specifications. Signs at elevator landings. Floor diagrams Posted Floor numbering Posted Stairway identification Posted - North stair A & E, South side B,C & D Elevator identification Posted - Floors 1 -7 Letter Z Bank, Floors 7-12 Letter Y Bank, Floors 14-24 Letter X Bank, Floors 24-33 Letter W Bank, Floors 34-44 Letter V Bank. Freight cars Floors Basement to 44th floor Letter F. Stair re-entry Posted - 4,8,11,15,19,22,24,28,32,36,40,43. NOTE: ALL floors on fail safe except: 15,24,28. Fire Prevention and Fire Protection Program A plan for periodic formal inspections of each floor area, including exit facilities, fire extinguishers and housekeeping shall be developed. A copy of such plan shall be submitted. Information that can be included is as follows: At the start of the day a check of each exit shall be required to determine that self-closing doors are in the closed position but are not illegally locked in any manner. No obstructions shall be permitted in corridors or aisle spaces. Necessary exit signs and lights are required; shall be lighted and in good condition. The location and operation of fire extinguishers shall be known by all personnel. The maintenance shall be controlled by the Fire Safety Director. Poor housekeeping is a fire breeder. All establishments shall avoid accumulation of combustible debris. Provision shall be made for the monthly testing of communications and alarm systems. Representative Floor Plan A floor plan, representative of the majority of the floor designs of the entire building, shall be at the Fire Command Station, in the main lobby, under the authority of the Fire Safety Director. Fire Safety Plan In planning, evaluate the individual floor layouts, the population of floors, the number and kinds of exits, the zoning of the floor by area and occupants. Determine the movement of traffic by the most expeditious route to an appropriate exit and alternative route for each zone since under fire conditions one or more exits may not be useable. Emergency Procedures: Flooding In the event of a flood that may cause damage to tenant property or affect the normal operation of the building, designated tenant representatives will be contacted by Building Management personnel, including after business hours. The first priority is to ensure that no personal injury occurs as the result of a flood. The second priority is to discover the cause and prevent or minimize additional flooding. Once the flooding has been contained, clean-up operations will be commenced. Tenants will need to contact their insurance carrier for any damage to their property. Emergency Procedures: Homeland Security Fisher Brothers recommends that each tenant have an emergency action plan in place to help their employees prepare for, and react quickly to, a regional emergency, including terrorist attacks. Click on the links below to access a variety of resources that aid in preparing for a regional emergency. City of New York http://www1.nyc.gov/ Department of Homeland Security http://www.dhs.gov/ Federal Emergency Management Association http://fema.gov/ American Red Cross http://www.redcross.org/ Center for Diseases Control and Prevention Emergency Preparedness and Response http://www.bt.cdc.gov/ Local media outlets will provide important information during an emergency situation. Emergency Procedures: Medical Emergency In the event that an accident or illness of an employee or visitor takes place in your office area: Call Emergency at 911. Give Emergency Dispatcher the following information: Your name Building name and address Floor number and location of emergency on floor Any details of accident or illness Do not move injured/ill person. Try to make them as comfortable as possible. Whenever possible, have someone meet the emergency unit in the lobby. Call the Building Management Office at 212-710-8330. Inform them you have called 911 and briefly describe the nature of the emergency. The emergency unit will be with you shortly and will administer necessary medical assistance. Determine, if possible: Name, address and age of injured/ill person Nature of problem Allergies and if currently on any medication Local doctor The Management, Engineering and Security staff will do all we can to make the person comfortable while awaiting the arrival of the medical rescue team. Although we assume no liability for our assistance, we strongly encourage Tenants and employees to become familiar with First Aid and how and when to contact emergency services. Emergency Procedures: Pandemic Preparedness What you Need to Know An influenza (flu) pandemic is a worldwide outbreak of flu disease that occurs when a new type of influenza virus appears that people have not been exposed to before (or have not been exposed to in a long time). The pandemic virus can cause serious illness because people do not have immunity to the new virus. Pandemics are different from seasonal outbreaks of influenza that we see every year. Seasonal influenza is caused by influenza virus types to which people have already been exposed. Its impact on society is less severe than a pandemic, and influenza vaccines (flu shots and nasal-spray vaccine) are available to help prevent widespread illness from seasonal flu. Influenza pandemics are different from many of the other major public health and health care threats facing our country and the world. A pandemic will last much longer than most flu outbreaks and may include "waves" of influenza activity that last 6-8 weeks separated by months. The number of health care workers and first responders able to work may be reduced. Public health officials will not know how severe a pandemic will be until it begins. Importance and Benefits of Being Prepared The effects of a pandemic can be lessened if you prepare ahead of time. Preparing for a disaster will help bring peace of mind and confidence to deal with a pandemic. When a pandemic starts, everyone around the world could be at risk. The United States has been working closely with other countries and the World Health Organization (WHO) to strengthen systems to detect outbreaks of influenza that might cause a pandemic. A pandemic would touch every aspect of society, so every part of society must begin to prepare. All have roles in the event of a pandemic. Federal, state, tribal, and local governments are developing, improving, and testing their plans for an influenza pandemic. Businesses, schools, universities, and other faith-based and community organizations are also preparing plans. As you begin your individual or family planning, you may want to review your state's planning efforts and those of your local public health and emergency preparedness officials. State plans and other planning information can be found at http://www.flu.gov/professional/checklists.html The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and other federal agencies are providing funding, advice, and other support to your state. The federal government will provide up-to-date information and guidance to the public if an influenza pandemic unfolds. Pandemic Flu Resources There are many publicly available resources in place to help communities, companies, and individuals plan for a possible pandemic flu outbreak. A few of the most useful sites are linked below: Pandemicflu.gov This is the official U.S. Government site for information on pandemic and avian influenza. The material on this site is organized by topic for easy reference. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The CDC Web site is another primary source of information on pandemic influenza. They also have a hotlineâ1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636)âthat is available in English and Spanish, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (TTY: 1-888-232-6348). Or, if you prefer, questions can be e-mailed to [email protected]. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) DHS is working on a “Business Planning Guide,” which will be posted on the DHS home page and on Pandemicflu.gov as soon as it is completed. Also, for business-specific questions, the DHS has created an [email protected]. BOMA Resources BOMA/Greater Toronto Pandemic Flu Report The report addresses the threat to commercial buildings from an avian flu pandemic. The resources above will provide a lot of information, but we also encourage you to: Listen to local and national radio Watch news reports on television Read your newspaper and other sources of printed and Web-based information Look for information on your local and state government Web sites Consider talking to your local health care providers and public health officials. Emergency Procedures: Power Failure All Office Buildings and Common areas have an emergency generator which will provide emergency power for certain basic building function in the event of power failure. The functions include: 1. Activating all stairwell lighting. 2. Activating the building’s emergency Fire, Life and Safety Systems as well as the building’s communication systems. 3. Bringing all elevators down to the ground floor lobby. (Two service elevators will remain operative for use by security to assist handicapped persons or to take service crews and equipment into the building, as needed.) If it is necessary to evacuate the building during a power failure you will be directed to do so through the emergency communication system. Emergency Procedures: Severe Weather When severe weather conditions become apparent, the U.S. Weather Bureau describes conditions by two (2) classifications, a Watch or a Warning. This applies to the reporting of severe thunderstorms, the approach of weather conditions favoring the formation of tornadoes, a hurricane condition, a winter storm condition, etc. A Watch becomes effective when atmospheric conditions are right to produce the particular weather phenomenon. A Warning means that the weather condition has been spotted and prompt action must be taken for safety. Except in very rare circumstances, the decision to evacuate the building based on the above weather reports will not be made by Building Management, but rather by each Tenant Company. However, in the event these conditions do exist, the following guidelines should be kept in mind: Move away from outside windows. If the windows in your offices are supplied with blinds, close the blinds (this will provide protection from broken glass). Do not panic. If evacuated, lock all desk drawers and take all items of value with you. If evacuated, use a route that is in the building interior and stay away from large expanses of glass and windows. Use the stairwells rather than the elevators. If evacuated, do not return to your office until advised to do so. Emergency Procedures: Toxic Hazards If there is a toxic spill or exposure, immediately get to an area where you are not exposed call 911 and notify the Building Office. Give building address, floor and phone number, and also what type of spill. Close doors behind you and always follow all safety procedures when working with toxic materials. Introduction: Welcome The tenant information provided in this Electronic Tenant® Handbook is meant to provide you with a better understanding of 605 Third Avenue and facilitate your company’s operations. There is a great deal of information contained in this handbook. Take time to familiarize yourself with this handbook and it will become a valuable resource. Please note that the Building Management Office is available to help in any way possible. Your first call for any problem or question can always be directed to the Building Management Office, and we will assist you from there. Every attempt has been made to provide current and accurate information in this handbook, but it is possible that some items will change over time. The Building Management Office will promptly notify you of any such changes. Please feel free to contact the Building Management Office with any questions you may have. We are here to serve you. Welcome to 605 Third Avenue! Introduction: About Fisher Brothers Fisher Brothers is one of America’s preeminent fully integrated real estate partnerships with increasingly successful construction and operating subsidiaries. Martin Fisher, who was joined by brothers Larry and Zachary Fisher, founded Fisher Brothers in 1915. Over the next several decades, Fisher Brothers built residential properties in Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island, Riverdale, Mount Vernon, and later Manhattan. Fisher Brothers began building commercial buildings in the mid-1950’s. Midtown tower construction and ownership came to exceed eight million square feet of Class A office space. With the decision to capitalize on the firm’s capabilities as a builder and manager, the partnership formed Plaza Construction Company in 1986 and Sandhurst Associates in 1992 to provide on-site management for other building owners. Introduction: About 605 Third Avenue Location: 605 Third Avenue between 39th and 40 Streets. Building Office located on the 15th Floor – southwest corner. Block 920 - Lot 12. Bus stop in front of Building for Routes M101, 102, and 103. Structural & Architectural: 44 story steel framed commercial tower. Curtain wall construction with duranodic aluminum finish and 1/2 inch spandrel glass. New design of travertine lobby completed in 1987. Introduction: Green Initiatives Fisher Brothers’ 605 Third Avenue Achieve LEED® Certification 605 Third Avenue is LEED-EB Gold 605 Third Avenue, a 1.1 million square-foot tower between 39th and 40th streets in Manhattan, has earned the LEED for Existing Buildings (EB) certification at the Gold level by the U.S. Green Building Council, Located in the heart of Midtown, the Fisher Brothers’ buildings are desirable locations for high-profile tenants. In 2012, 605 Third Avenue had earned an Energy Star Label from the United States Environmental Protection Agency for its energy efficiency, with 605 Third Avenue earning an Energy Star rating of 80. Kenneth Fisher, Partner, Fisher Brothers, said, “Fisher Brothers is committed to sustainable development and operations, and the LEED designation for 605 Third Avenue is an official recognition of this commitment”. The staff, led by 605 Third Avenue Building Manager John Romano and Assistant Building Manager Miriam Mendez, worked tirelessly to make it happen. Fisher Brothers implemented and achieved several sustainability measures at the buildings, prior to and throughout the LEED certification process, including: RECYCLING: A 100% durable goods recycling rate was achieved. With the help of the buildings’ tenants, an ongoing consumables recycling rate of 84% at 605 Third Avenue was achieved. WATER: Newly installed water saving devices reduced the buildings’ water and sewer consumption. 605 Third Avenue reduced its water consumption by more than 39% better than the LEED baseline (saves over 3,500 kGal of water per year). A Cooling Tower Chemical Management Program that reduces potable water consumption for cooling tower equipment through effective water management was implemented. CLEANING: A Green Cleaning Policy was imposed, reducing building occupants and maintenance personnel’s exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals and particulates. A Building Exterior and Hardscape Management Plan that uses environmentally friendly chemicals and processes for outdoor cleaning was introduced. Over 60% of all cleaning supplies at both locations now contain a sustainability attribute. PEST MANAGEMENT: An Integrated Pest Management Program was introduced to reduce the use of toxic pesticides. MATERIALS: A Sustainable Purchasing Policy that reduces the environmental impacts of materials acquired for use in the operations, maintenance and upgrades of the building, was introduced. ENERGY: ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Audits and Retro-commissioning studies were performed to identify and implement energy efficiency improvements and comply with New York City Greener Buildings Local Law 87. Introduction: Operating Instructions Navigation You move through The Electronic Tenant® Handbook just as you would a traditional internet site. After clicking anywhere on the main page, there is a Table of Contents that provides links to various Chapters. Upon entering a Chapter, links to specific information are provided in Sub-Sections. You may return to the Table of Contents or Chapter Overview by clicking the appropriate link on every page. Special Features This Electronic Tenant® Handbook has special features, such as a Forms Section. In order to be able to use these features, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. This software is free and easy to use. To obtain the software for free, click here. Updates The Electronic Tenant® Handbook is updated on a regular basis. Please be sure to continuously check back for updates and new information. If you are having trouble accessing the Electronic Tenant® Handbook or need assistance, please e-mail or call the Property Management Office. Policies and Procedures: General Rules and Regulations No tenant shall obstruct or encumber, or use for any purpose other than ingress to and egress from its premises, the sidewalks, driveways, entrances, passages, lobbies, plazas, elevators, stairways, vestibules, corridors, halls and other public portions of the Building ("Public Areas") and no tenant shall invite to, or permit to visit, its premises persons in such numbers or under such conditions as may interfere (other than to an immaterial extent) with the use and enjoyment by others of the Public Areas. No tenant shall use its premises for lodging or sleeping or for any immoral or illegal purpose. No tenant shall bring into or keep in or about its premises any vehicles, animals (except seeing-eye dogs or other type of “service” animal), fish or birds of any kind. No space in the Building shall be used for manufacturing, for the bulk storage of merchandise, or for the sale of merchandise, goods or property of any kind at auction. No signs, advertisements, graphics or notices visible from the Public Areas including the lobby and plaza may be installed. No signs, advertisements, graphics or notices may be installed on the building exterior. No tenant shall make, or permit to be made, any unseemly or disturbing noises or disturb or interfere with occupants of this or neighboring buildings or premises or those having business with them whether by the use of any musical instrument, radio, television set, talking machine, unmusical noise, or in any other way. Canvassing, soliciting and peddling in the Building are prohibited and each tenant shall cooperate to prevent the same. No showcases or other articles shall be put in front of or affixed to any part of the exterior of the Building or the elevator lobbies on any floor of the Building nor, without the prior written consent of the Building Management, placed in the halls, corridors or vestibules. Security Regulations Building Management will maintain a Rules and Regulations manual regarding security of the building. Building Management may institute, revise and discontinue such security measures, systems and requirements as Building Management shall deem reasonably appropriate. Building Management reserves the right to inspect all objects and matter to be brought into the Building and to exclude from the Building all objects and matter which violate any of these Rules and Regulations or the Lease of which these Rules and Regulations are a part. Building Management may require any person leaving the Building with any package or other object or matter to submit a pass, listing such package or object or matter, from the tenant from whose premises the package or object or matter is being removed, but the establishment and enforcement or non enforcement of such requirement shall not impose any responsibility or liability on Building Management for the protection of any tenant against the removal of property from the premises of such tenant. Building Management currently maintains a security staff to control access to elevator banks serving tenant floors. Color cameras are located in all elevators, and various locations in and around the building. Building Management may elect to install a card access and/or a building pass system for entrance and/or exit from the building, during all hours. Should Building Management elect to institute this system, Building Management reserves the right to exclude from the Building all employees of any tenant who do not present a Building access card and/or pass authorized by such tenant or by Building Management or its agent. Building Management or its agent will promptly furnish Building passes and/or access cards to persons for whom any tenant requests same in writing. Security Regulations (continued) Building Management reserves the right to require any person without a Building pass and/or access card entering the Building to sign a register, to be announced to the tenant such person is visiting, and to be accepted as a visitor by such tenant or to be otherwise properly identified (and, if not so accepted or identified, reserves the right to exclude such person from the Building) and to require any such person leaving the Building to sign a register or to surrender a pass given to such person by the tenant visited. Each tenant shall be responsible for all persons for whom it requests any Building pass and/or access card or any person who such tenant accepts, and such tenant shall be liable to Building Management for all acts or omissions of such persons. Any person whose presence in the Building at any time shall, in the judgment of Building Management, be prejudicial to the safety, character, security, reputation or interests of the Building or the tenants of the building may be denied access to the Building or may be ejected from the Building. In the event of invasion, riot, public excitement or other commotion, Building Management may prevent all access to the Building during the continuance of the same by closing the doors or otherwise, if reasonably necessary for the safety of tenants and the protection of property in the Building. Building Management shall in no way be liable to any tenant for damages or loss arising from the admission, exclusion or ejection of any person, objects or matter to or from its premises or the Building under the provisions of this Rule. All entrance doors in each tenant's premises shall be kept locked by such tenant when its premises are not in use. Entrance doors shall not be left open at any time. Any security regulation questions may be directed to our head security officer located in the building office; contact Leonard Carinci at 212-710-8330 Policies and Procedures: Moving Policy Loading Dock Access (Off Hours) The loading dock entrance is closed from 6:00 PM to 8:00 AM, Monday through Friday and all day weekends and holidays. Any requests for access during the closed periods must be made in writing to the Building Office. Any request for access from the loading dock on weekends and holidays, must be in writing to the Building Office and Building Security. All written requests must be received by the Building Management Office and Building Security 48 hours prior to delivery or removal. Policies and Procedures: Smoking 605 Third Avenue maintains a no smoking policy throughout the building including all common areas, lobby, rest rooms, stairwells and elevators. Please do not smoke at building entrances. Policies and Procedures: Tenant Improvement Work Project Coordination and Drawing Review Procedure It is required that prior to commencement of any project work, all architectural design/engineering drawings must be forwarded to building management for review and approval. All submitted drawings or materials will be reviewed and returned to the project sponsor within 72 hours after receipt. All architectural design/engineering drawings are to be transmitted to the Building Office. No contractor is authorized to shutdown, activate, modify or otherwise work on any base building mechanical, electrical, plumbing/sprinkler, Class “E": or EMS Control system(s) without the formal authorization and coordination of the Building Manager. Procedure for Burning and Torch Operations Prior to any burning or torch operation in a Fisher Brothers Building, vendor(s) involved must report to the Building Office and Fire Command Station and log in on a vendor sheet, the time, date, location, and nature of their operation. Torch operators, Fire Guards, etc. must have in their possession, or on file at the Fire Command Station, their current certificate of fitness as required by the NYC Fire Department F.P. Directive: May 24, 1972. Upon completion of their daily operation, vendors/contractors must report to the Fire Command Station, log in this time and date on the vendor sheet. All vendors involved with burning operations in the Building, should be notified of this policy/procedure before scheduling their work. Procedure for Burning and Torch Operations (continued) In addition, please note the following: Fire extinguishers must be on the job at all times. Sufficient quantities of type A, B, C, all purpose extinguisher (minimum 10 lbs.) shall be used. It is required that prior to commencement of any project work, all architectural design/engineering drawings must be forwarded to Building Management for review and approval. Specify turnaround time. Drawings should be transmitted to building management in the Building Office. No contractor is authorized to shutdown, activate, modify or otherwise work on any base building mechanical, electrical, plumbing/sprinkler, fire control system(s) without the authorization and coordination of the building manager. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Concerning Hazardous Materials No tenant shall at any time bring or keep upon its premises any inflammable, combustible or explosive fluid, chemical or substance, except that, subject to the laws and the requirements of public authorities, a tenant may bring into its premises reasonable quantities of the foregoing products incident to the use of the premises by tenant in accordance with its lease. Concerning Hazardous Materials (continued) No tenant shall (a) discharge, or permit to be discharged, acids, harmful vapors or other harmful materials into the waste lines, vents or flues of the Building; (b) use the water and wash closets and other plumbing fixtures for any purposes other than those for which they were designed and constructed, or throw or deposit therein sweepings, rubbish, rags, acids or other foreign substances; or (c) sweep or throw anything into the Public Areas or other areas of the Building, or into or upon any heating or ventilating vents or registers or plumbing apparatus in the Building, or upon adjoining buildings or land or the street. All damages resulting from any misuse of the fixtures shall be borne by the tenant who, or whose servants, employees, agents, visitors or licensee shall have caused the same. Any alteration affecting, directly or indirectly, any areas that contains hazardous material, shall be performed at tenants sole cost and expense, in compliance with the rules, regulations, procedures and guidelines, as amended or adopted from time to time, of New York City Local Law 76/85 and amended by Local Law 80/86, of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), National Institute for Occupational Safety (NIOSHA) and the New York City Board of Education, with respect to standards for work causing, effecting or involving hazardous material; repair, containment, removal, disposal and/or cleaning operations. A consultant/certified hazardous waste inspector will survey and approve the proposed abatement plan and also monitor the air quality testing and method of removal and submit to Building Management. The cost for this service will be at the tenant’s expense. Tenant shall indemnify and hold harmless parties listed in the this service will be at the tenant’s expense. Tenant shall indemnify and hold harmless parties listed in the attached indemnity agreement from any and all liability with respect to any failure to comply with any and all rules, regulations, procedures and/or guidelines, as amended or adopted from time to time. Use of Scaffolds The use of the building owned scaffolds is limited to Fisher Brothers personnel only. At no time is a building scaffold to be erected without prior Building Office approval. Scaffolds may only be erected or dismantled under the supervision of the building Engineering Department. Use of Ladders The use of building ladders is to be limited to Fisher Brothers personnel only. Ladders are not to be sent to any outside contractors. Demolition Precautions – Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain lights, barriers, weather protection and all other items as required for the proper protection of property and the workmen engaged in demolition operation, and the general public. Provide and maintain weather protection at exterior openings so as to fully protect the interior premises against all damage from the elements. Provide and maintain temporary protection of the existing structure designated to remain where demolition and removal work is being done, connections made, materials handled, or equipment moved. OSHA, EPA and common practice regulations shall apply. Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to the existing structure or contents by reason of the insufficiency of protection provided. ALL DEMOLITION TO BE PERFORMED AFTER NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. All debris shall be removed from the Building the same night. Arrangements for removal shall be made with the Building Management. No demolition, drilling (except as authorized by Building Manager) floor or wall chopping shall be performed during the hours of 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday. All electric power must be disconnected before starting demolition. Temporary lighting must be installed by the Contractor. Blind pockets are not to be removed. Fire Safety Regulations and Shutdown There presently exists an approved fire alarm system throughout the building. No tenant shall alter any portion of the existing system. Any work required to alter the system in accordance with tenant alteration shall be submitted to the Building Office for approval prior to the starting of any work. Additions to or alterations thereof shall be performed in accordance with all governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereof. Tenant will be responsible for all governmental approvals. In order to assure continuity, the building fire alarm maintenance contractor will perform all program changes. Fire exits and stairways are for emergency use only, and they shall not be used for any other purpose by any tenant, or for the employees, agents, licensees or invitees of any tenant. Fire stairs may not be used for travel between floors during times other than building emergencies. Fire stairs may not be used for storage of any tenant material or debris. Any fire safety questions may be directed to our Fire/Life Safety Manager; Leonard Carinci at 212-710-8330. Procedure Requesting Fire Safety “Class E” System Off Line The following procedure must be followed prior to placing the Fire Safety System and sub systems off line (test position): Prior to placing any fire alarm system off line all vendors/contractors etc. must report to the Building Office and Fire Command Station to log in the time, date, location and nature of business. Upon completion of their daily operation, vendors/contractors must report to the Fire Command Station, log in this time and date so the systems can be placed on line. All vendors/contractors should be notified of this policy/procedure before scheduling any work that affects the fire alarm systems. Fire Safety Director on duty, if not located at the Fire Command Station, can be contacted at 212-710-8330, or through the Engineer on duty.
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