5th Annual Family Consumer Science Education Workshop FACS to the Max A workshop focusing on skills to maximize your FCS classroom Designed for FCS high school and middle school educators, and future educators Presented by the Department of Family Consumer Science at Minnesota State University, Mankato Friday, October 24, 2014 8:30 A.M. to 2:45 P.M. W Wiieecck kiin ng gC Ceen ntteerr 3 31 14 4E Elllliiss A Avvee.. M Maan nk kaatto o,, M MN N 4 Sessions to choose from! High school students interested in FACS Education are welcome to attend the FACS to the Max workshop with their FACS instructor! -“Excellent information. Very motivating and refreshing.” -“Everything was helpful because we teach such a wide variety of subjects.” -“The sessions plant a seed and help me brainstorm how it works in my classroom.” CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: 8:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 12:15 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. Registration and Refreshments Welcome and Introduction to the Dept. of Family Consumer Science Workshop Session 1 (each 45 minute session is followed by a 15 minute break) Workshop Session 2 Workshop Session 3 Lunch (served on site) Workshop Session 4 What is Your Best? Be ready to discuss your best educational practices. Minnesota State Mankato student led group interaction and idea sharing. 2.30 P.M. Conclusion, Evaluations, Door Prizes Including the Grand Prize – FCS Curriculum Extravaganza Feel free to tour our campus after the workshop! REGISTRATION: Advance registration is requested. Register before Oct. 15 for the early fee. Registration ends Oct. 20. Please register: Online at: https://secure.mnsu.edu/EventsConferences/?department=FCS By mail – complete the registration form and mail it with payment (checks only – no purchase orders) Please mail to: Department of Family Consumer Science, 102 Wiecking Center, Mankato, MN 56001 WORKSHOP FEE (includes lunch & materials): Individual registration fee is $50 if registering on or before October 15, 2014. Registration after Oct. 15 is $60. Registrations will not be taken after Oct. 20. The fee for full-time students is $20 (no CE hours). Payment for the workshop fee may be made by check or credit card (Visa or MasterCard). We are unable to accept purchase orders. Checks are payable to: Minnesota State University, Mankato. Credit card registrations can be completed securely online at: https://secure.mnsu.edu/EventsConferences/?department=FCS. Confirmation of your registration/payment will be sent via email. If you do not receive a confirmation of your registration/payment please contact Chris at [email protected]. CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS: Hours available (up to .5) MEALS & LODGING Lunch and refreshments during breaks are included in the registration fee. Please make your meal selection when registering including any dietary restrictions. A list of lodging convenient to the University is available at: http://www.mnsu.edu/admissions/visit/hotels.html. Visitor information can be found at: http://www.greatermankato.com/. PARKING, CONFERENCE LOCATION & DIRECTIONS: The workshop will be held in the Wiecking Center (WC) on the Minnesota State Mankato campus. Please use the entrance at 314 Ellis Ave. (watch for signs). Free parking is available in Lot 16 GREEN rows only. (Do not park in any other location or you will be ticketed.) Please see the map on pages 5 & 6. Disability accessible parking is available in Lot 18 at the south entrance to Wiecking Center (with disabled parking permit). FACS to the Max Workshop Session Options Please select five sessions and prioritize them on your registration form. You will attend four of your five choices. (45 min. each) 1. It’s All About Nutrition: Saving the Health of the Young Dr. David Bissonnette, Dietetics, Minnesota State Mankato Nutrition has become the focal point of preventative health care in the U.S. The World Health Organization estimates that in 2001 there were an estimated 10 million cases of cancer worldwide. That number is expected to grow to 20 million in the next 20 years. In the U.S. 25% of Americans will likely be stricken by some form of cancer in their lifetime. Growing numbers of our youth are now becoming chronically ill with early and moderately advanced signs of hypertension, type-2 diabetes and depression; they too are susceptible to increased risks of cancer at some point in their lives. We need to radically shift the way we feed our children before it is too late. 2. Ideas for Your Foods Classes Dr. Joye Bond, Foods & Nutrition/Dietetics, Minnesota State University, Mankato In this session you’ll get some fresh ideas for your foods classes, and have an opportunity to share your ideas with others in the session. 3. Upcycling Fashion Curriculum Dr. Jill Conlon, FCS Education, Minnesota State University, Mankato During this workshop we will explore ideas to incorporate upcycling design and sustainability topics into your sewing construction, fashion and design classes. Students love this opportunity to use their creativity and critical thinking skills to create something unique that is useable or just for fun. Classroom projects, curriculum connections, and ideas will be presented as well as a glimpse into the annual Raw Fusion Fashion Show, a fundraiser held in Mankato…perhaps inspiration for your school or community. 4. Protein: Is it Really that Important? Dr. Susan Fredstrom, Dietetics, Minnesota State University, Mankato We’ve gone through the low-carb phase and, while gluten-free is still a buzz word, protein seems to be on everyone’s mind these days. What’s the best source: Is 8 grams per serving really a lot less than 12 grams per serving? How much protein do we need? And where do we get it? These questions and more will be discussed, along with ideas for helping your students take a sensible approach to this vital nutrient and to explore protein foods. 5. Teaching Teens about Love & Connection Dr. Dan Moen, Child Development & Family Studies, Minnesota State University, Mankato This interactive presentation will cover the basics of the “5 Love Languages of Teenagers” (Chapman, 2010) as well as effective approaches towards connection. Audience members will have an opportunity to take a love languages quiz of their own and will be provided with links to applicable information for their classrooms. All information concepts are taken from research/theory-based literature. 6. A Teen's World: Growing Up Online Dr. Heather Von Bank, Child Development & Family Studies, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Katie Klosterbuer, BS, Minnesota State Mankato FCS Ed. Alumni, Lewis Central High School, Council Bluffs, IA Take a tour of teenagers' online lives. Get the statistics about time spent online, learn the myths and facts about adolescent’s use of technology, and discover ways to tap into adolescents' use of technology to engage students in the classroom. Discover ways to use social networking sites to increase communication and collaboration with students. 7. Better Eating through Mindfulness Erin Gonzalez, RD, LD, FCS Adjunct Faculty, Minnesota State University, Mankato/RD, LD at Mankato Clinic Experts agree that what we eat greatly affects our health. But what about how we eat? Do we think about our food while we eat it, or, too often, do we eat while we drive, type, read a book, watch TV, or play a computer game? The practice of mindful eating helps us to reconnect to our bodies own ability to maintain a healthy weight through internal hunger and satiety cues. Learn about how teaching mindful eating can complement your nutrition curriculum and teach students how to reconnect with their bodies, one bite at a time. Resources will include sample activities and lesson plan to implement within your classroom. 8. Educating for Future Employment: What Are the Needs of Business & Industry & What Do We Teach? Jane Christian, BS, Waterville-Elysian-Morristown Public Schools; Brenda Stevermer, BS, MA, Austin High School; Mary C. Behrens, BS, MS, FCS Adjunct Faculty, Minnesota State University, Mankato What does FACS do to help prepare the youth of today for the workforce? This information session shares viewpoints from business and industry to learn how FACS classes can best prepare the youth of today for their future employability. Connecting, with business and industry to learn of the strengths and weaknesses of applicants & employees, is the focus of this session. Topics of discussion will include: Basic Skills & Ethics; Problem Solving Skills; Technology, Work Attitudes; Social & Teamwork Skills; Attire & Hygiene; Financial Skills; and Communication. 9. STEM Session Maureen Lyons, Learning ZoneXpress, National FCS Consultant Are you incorporating STEM into your FACS classes? Help administration, parents and students to understand the correlation between Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math with Family and Consumer Sciences. Includes a free PowerPoint to promote the connections of FACS within the STEM framework. 5th Annual FACS to the Max Workshop, Friday, October 24, 2014 Register online at: https://secure.mnsu.edu/EventsConferences/?department=FCS OR Register by mail by completing the following form and mail with a check (sorry, no purchase orders) made to Minnesota State University, Mankato to: Dept. of Family Consumer Science 102 Wiecking Center Mankato, MN 56001 Name: ________________________________________________________________ Home or school address: __________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State: _________ Zip: ____________ Email address: ___________________________________________ Confirmation of registration/payment will be sent to you by email. If you do not receive a confirmation please email [email protected]. Phone number: Home: (_____) _________________________Cell: (_____) __________________________ Place of Employment: _______________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT METHOD: Fee: $50 before Oct. 15; $60 after Oct. 15; $20 full-time student (college/high school) at ________________ Check Enclosed (number) _____________________________ (No purchase orders please) LUNCH: Regular Menu Selection Vegan Menu Selection Vegetarian Menu Selection Please list any dietary restrictions: ______________________________________________________ WORKSHOP SESSIONS: List your five choices of workshop session options (list session number and title, #1 being your first choice). You are guaranteed four of your five choices. 1. _____________________________________ 2. _____________________________________ 3. _____________________________________ 4. ______________________________________ 5. ______________________________________ QUESTIONS? Please call Chris at 507-389-2421 or email [email protected] A member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System. Minnesota State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity University. Individuals with a disability who need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this event, please contact the Department of Family Consumer Science at 507-389-2421 (V), 800-627-3529 or 711 (MRS/TTY) at least five working days prior to the day of the event. This document is available in alternative format to individuals with disabilities by calling the above numbers.
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