Striving to be a “Loving, Caring, Christian Community” Catholic Parish of Mary Immaculate, Bossley Park Page Striving to be “A Loving, Caring, Christian Community” Vol. 38 No.41 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME/A 12th October 2014 PARISH STAFF Rev. Sebastian Savarimuthu, Parish Priest ……………[email protected] Rev. Deacon Paul Naggar PRIESTS' HOUSE 110 Mimosa Road, Bossley Park NSW 2176 Tel: 9604 8927/9729 4005 ..............................................Fax: 9729 2128 [email protected] Web: MARY IMMACULATE PRIMARY SCHOOL Corner Mimosa & Restwell Roads, Bossley Park Tel: 9604 3877 Fax: 9609 4988 Ms Jeanne Pestana, Principal Gospel Matthew 22:1-14 This is a story that actually happened: When a groomto-be called off the wedding, the bride decided to go ahead with the wedding banquet. Instead of inviting friends and relatives, she invited some homeless people. These unlikely guests in their thrift-shop clothes had a wonderful time. And the bride who didn't become a bride had the joy of sharing her banquet with them. This story is very similar to today's gospel and the parable Jesus tells about the feast hosted by God. The invited guests do not show up, so other guests are gathered from the streets and invited to share the table and the joy. Sometimes we might ignore God's invitation. Do we recognize that God has an invitation for us every day? How can we receive and accept it? Have you ever thought that other things were more important, or that you were too busy to accept God's invitation to Eucharist, sacraments, prayer, or doing something pleasing to God and helpful to others? SUNDAY MASSES Vigil Saturday Sunday We welcome and thank Fr.Witold for celebrating the Holy Mass for us. PARISH SECRETARY & SACRAMENTS Mrs Maria Office Hours: Monday - Friday .................................................9.30am-4pm SACRAMENTS & LITURGY OFFICE Tel:9609 6087 Teresa & Nadia, Sacramental Coordinators……Fridays 10am-3pm ………………………………………[email protected] Rita Cordina, Music & Liturgy……………. [email protected] Tues 10am-3pm Wed 9am-3pm & Thurs 9am-12pm FILIPINO CHAPLAIN Rev. Nards Mercene, Filipino Chaplain……………[email protected] Resides next to the Priests' House. Tel: 9604 5512 Fax: 9604 5380 ITALIAN CHAPLAIN Scalabrini Fathers 3 Lookout Drive, Mount Pritchard P.O. Box 3100 Liverpool 2170 Tel: 9601 5841 6:00 pm 8:00 am 10 am 6:00 pm On the second Sunday of each month, at 11.00am, a Mass is celebrated in Tagalog, the Filipino language. WEEKDAY MASSES Peace be with you!!! Tuesday – Friday, 9am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays between 5pm and 5.30pm or after any weekday Mass or by appointment. HOSPITAL CALL : Fairfield Parish 0439 615659 EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Saturday, 4.30pm—5.30pm BAPTISMS: By appointment. On weekends of 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Fr Sebastian Savarimuthu Meditation on Jesus for Healing & Joyful Living Good Health through spices, herbs and Indian dishes Few books are still available, if you are interested to have a copy (book cost $10 each), pls call Parish office. MARRIAGES: By appointment at least 6 months notice. LITURGY OF THE WORD 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st Reading: Isaiah 25:6-10 Responsorial Psalm: I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. 2nd Reading: Phil 4:12-14,19-20 Gospel : Matt 22:1-14 Next Weekend: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Is 45:1,4-6, Thess1:1-5, Matt 22: 15-21 Thought for the Week “When you are down to nothing, God is up to something.” ~ Unknown In the foyer-$2.00 Catholic Parish of Mary Immaculate, Bossley Park Parish Diary RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS : Monday 13th Oct. 9.00am Communion Service Tuesday 14th Oct. 9.00am Communion Service 6.30 pm Legion Wednesday 15th Oct. 9.00am Communion Service 6.30pm Rosary 7.30pm Choir The wedding clothes mentioned in today’s parable signify the grace of our baptism – baptism is both the gateway to the Christian life and empowers us to live a life of grace. We have been invited to the wedding feast, but we must respond to the call our our vocation to live a holy life, day by day. “Many are called, few are chosen”! The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process where men and women at all stages of their faith can come to a non-threatening, non-pressured atmosphere to learn more about in the Catholic Church. The RCIA is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Christian faith and guides them to know God’s forgiveness and healing grace. If you know anyone who is interested to learn about the Catholic Church please contact the RCIA team: c/o Parish Secretary, Mary Immaculate Parish, Bossley Park On 02 9604 8927 Or by Email: [email protected] We pray for... Our sick: Corey Attard, Kruno, Ivica, Srecko, Anna Zanin, Marija, Bruno Di Leo, Elvis, Ernesto Bergamin, Paul Habbard, Valerio Collet, Tess Dinon, Flery Rael, Danny O’Connell, Eric Palmero, Tess Dinon, Maria Varkas, Mary Mahony, Robert Grzan, Bernie Bond (Names will be removed from the sick list after 3 months unless Parish Office is notified otherwise). Please keep in your prayers the soul of the recently deceased: Rosa Lanzetta, Rita Aranjo, Donna, Clair Fuller, Anne Masters, Raymond Cunningham, John Falzon, Alfred Tesoriero, Anthony G Charles, Carlito Panopio, Timothy Vijar, Lelia Giol, Albina Binella DiMarzio, David Rael, Gracy D’Silva, Ravi Rajamani, Panila Lia, Giovanna Pontello, Virgilio Atal, Palma Lia, Peter Leonello, Pasqualino Verduci, Lauren Langrell, Tino Butahan, Givanni Rosolen And those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Peter Bailey, Antonio Zappia, Domenico Marando, Saverio Laria, Olimpia De Martin, Frank Marrone, Teresa Catanzariti, Francesco Marando, Eleonora, Perfecto Sr, Carmen & Salvacion Clarete, Giuseppe, Giorgio, Frank Zadro, Vincent Galea, Phillip Attard other deceased including: Mario Fuser, Maria Pisano, Tom Anderson, Joseph Am Nontanovan, Joan of Arc Khien Nontanovan, Joseph Fenech, Toni Karabatic, Donna Zielonka, Domenico Squillacioti, Nicola Froio, Vincenzo Pacetta, Angelo Conti, Lina & Sopienza Conti, Tom Anderson, Angelo Zadro, Guido Pontello, Luigia & Giulio Baseggio, Vincenzo Bugge, Vincenzo Oliveri, Ivan Lozina, Chloe Laura Farrugia, Sanfilippo Giuseppa, Anthony Cardona, Mario Manea, Antonio Froio, Sam Xuereb and Borg family, Silvano Zadro, Antonio (Tony) Lucci and Tullio Lucci, Marcello & Angela Seraglio, all deceased Seraglio, Mario family & Beniamino Fuser family, Melosso, Marcello Soligo, Guido Pontello family & Holy souls in Purgatory. May they rest in peace. Thursday 16th Oct. 8.30am Rosary 9.00am Mass 7.30pm Italian Group Friday 17th Oct. 9.00am 7.30pm 8.00pm Saturday 18th Oct. 4.30pm Adoration 5pm Reconciliation 6pm Vigil Mass Ist Reconciliation– Pres of the Bible Sunday 19th Oct. 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass 8am, 10am, 6pm Presentation of the Bibles 11am Baptism 7pm Antioch Mass Disciples-Rosary JH Charismatic Group SACRAMENT OF 1ST RECONCILIATION 2014 There are 93 children registered for the Sacrament of 1st Reconciliation. Next weekend in all Masses (except 8am) is the Presentation of the bible and group allocation will be posted in the foyer. Attendance is a must. Unfortunately, there was a delay in the delivery of books, we will distribute the books on the first day of lesson. Communion and Confirmation photos can be collected from outside Mary Immaculate church on Sunday 26th October and Sunday 2nd November from 9.00am until 11.30am. After these dates, photos will be available from the parish office until Wednesday 26th November. All enquiries please phone Maria 0407662535. Celebrating Community : Congratulation to John and Anne Grima on their 25th Wedding Anniversary. May God continue to guide and bless them always. Striving to be a “Loving, Caring, Christian Community” Page 3 From the Liturgy Office…. Rosters for next weekend The month of October each year is known as the Month of Mary 18th/19th October 2014 Min of the word Vigil 8.00 am 10am 6:00 pm 1st E Borbe M Gaspi J Vella F Morandarte 2nd A Dileo E Gaspi V Pante R Yakob Comm Y Vitagliani R Williams M Cabiling P Redoblado Acolytes E Cardona EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER OF HOLY COMMUNION F Di Marco K Liska A Sterrey ALTAR SERVERS MUSIC Data Projector PIETY STALL WELCOMERS — General COUNTERS : Group 3 N Redoblado P Redoblado M Frijas M Dandan D & S Dileo L Rafo J&S Haddad Liturgy Team is inviting you and/or your group to lead a Rosary Prayer Session in the Church on any day or evening in the month of October . The following groups have volunteered to lead the Rosary Prayers Sessions in October as follows : Every Wednesday at 6:30pm – Mike & Eleanor Gaspi A Elizes C La Delfa G La Delfa M La Delfa A Sartoretto R Wright R Sofia R Cruz B D’Costa M Floresta A Sterrey H Vella V Zammit A Zeppierri J Currao T Yanez Z&A Floresta M Hamama J Marneros M Corbo J Trimboli J & M Nahas F Espiritu R Tan S Galera Every Thursday Morning at8:30 am—Joe Vella Every Thursday Evening at 7:30pm – Italian Charismatic R Morandarte Group (in Italian) Every Friday Evening at 7:30 pm — Oct 31st– Jesus the Healer and Oct 17 and 24th– Disciples CD Volunteer S Cruz CHOIR Espiritu Family Simone Family G & A Juan Volunteer T Balgos S Whitton C Vujanovic V Pante R Rossi M Grovenor M Beli R Zammit S Pereira E Figueroa MORNING TEA : After 8am– Baddock family 10am– M Floresta H Apps as it is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. This year, the ALTAR CHURCH LINEN : CLEANING: C Robertson Group 1 M Liska T McCallum A Fleming A Yoshipa W Liang M Lo CHILDREN’S LITURGY: Rita & Jessica Edge A Message to Young People in Year 12 and Post School Have you ever considered giving a year to the Catholic National Evangelization Team? This team helps run youth work and retreats across Australia and some also go on exchange mission to overseas countries such as the USA, England and Ireland. You will be trained in running retreats for young people , including delivering drama, skits, etc. Young people in the Church need other young people to minister to them. Check out their website at: WELCOME INTO OUR COMMUNITY OF FAITH Seth Riley Read who will be baptised this weekend. If you are willing to help lead the Rosary on Mondays or Tuesdays, please contact Rita on 96096087 or Maria on 96048927 to confirm times and Church availability. Rosary Prayer Sheets have been prepared for parishioners to take home. These can be found next to Mary’s statue in the church. Thank you. Parish Youth Group Event All students who are present members of the youth group plus any other student in years 6 or in High School is invited to attend a special youth group evening. The NET (National Evangelization Team) will visit on this evening to run games, drama & share their lives. When: 31st October Time: 5.30 to 7.30pm (come at 5.15pm) Cost: Free – just bring some food and drink to share. Spring Fair 26th October, 2014 There will be a variety of stalls once again , a garage sale and of course the ever popular rides. If you are able to contribute a prize, organise a stall , help out on the day or donate a second hand good for the garage sale; please refer to flyer for further details on drop off dates and forms to fill in etc. Otherwise, please contact the Parish Office or email [email protected] and I will forward your queries to the Spring Fair subcommittee. Also, prepaid ride bracelets are available, if you are interested please collect a form from the foyer and return it to the parish office. Mary Immaculate Fundraising Committee. Pilgrimage with Fr Sebastian to Turkey/Greece/Malta/Holy Land Departure : 13th May-4th June 2015 Tour Cost USD $8,350 Pls contact Cora on 0411 323690 ACROSS SYDNEY PLUMBING Lic No. 182208C Call Steve 0402 158 774 ● Plumber ● Drainer ● Gasfitter ● Hotwater Repairs Max Perram Funerals “Proudly Serving Parish of Mary Immaculate since 1947” Ph: 9602 6175 24 Attention 143 George St, LIVERPOOL Family Owned & Operated Susan Dinkha Solicitor 310 Prairievale Rd Prairiewood 2176 Phone: 9604 6470 Fax: 9729 0259 [email protected] We We focus on Business and Family Law, with experience in all areas. Led by principal Susan Dinkha, who has served the community for over 20 years, delivering legal advice with quality, integrity and dependability, Watson Stafford Zipkis Solicitors Attorneys Conveyancers *buying & selling prop. & businesses * Leases * loan assistance * wills and estates * police and criminal matters * debt recovery * family law property settlements Suite 1, 1st Floor, 41 Spencer Street, Fairfield, Tel 9728 7000 Fax 9728 4455 mention this ad for a 10% discount off a standard Will fee Advertising spaces available for $165 per quarter including GST. Pls call 9604 8927. The Kinder Garden At Club Marconi 121-133 Prairie Vale Road Bossley Park 02 9822 3322 [email protected] 2-5 Years CCB and CCR Approved service Extensive Preschool Program available All meals inclusive 7.30am-6pm Please come and visit the service and meet our educators SMASH REPAIRS FRANK SPAGNOLO Managing Director 20-22 Tangerine Street, Fairfield NSW 2165 Smash repairer for all major leading insurance companies. Ph : (02)9726 8866 Fax: (02) 9726 2381 Frank Mob: 0412 305 506 24 Hr Towing 9757 2666
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