Membertou Governance Events Pg. 2 MEMBERTOU NEWSLETTER Youth Chief and Council Submission Forms Pg. 3 Kids and Smoking Pg. 9 Friday, October 10, 2014 . Neil Coles Receives Medal of Bravery! INDEX Governance - Pg 2 Chief & Council - Pg 3 Community - Pg 4 - 7 Membertou School - Pg 8 Parents Against Drugs - Pg 9 Health - Pg 10 - 11 Employment - Pg 12 - 14 Notices - Pg 15 Classifieds - Pg 16 ...................................................... NEWSLETTER INFORMATION The next newsletter edition is Friday, October 24, 2014. Deadline is Friday, October 17, 2014. Neil Wayne David Coles, M.B., Membertou, Nova Scotia Medal of Bravery. On Friday, October 3, 2014, Neil Wayne David Coles was awarded the Medal of Bravery by the Governor General of Canada, His Excellency the Right Honuorable David Johnston. On July 15, 2012, Neil Coles rescued a man who was in danger of drowning, at Ben Eoin Beach, Nova Scotia. Despite the distance and the choppy water, Mr. Coles swam out to the distressed victim. As he grabbed the exhausted man to prevent him from sinking, a boater reached their side and towed them to shore. (Source: The Medal of Bravery is a decoration that is the third highest award for bravery, and one of the three Canadian Bravery Decorations gifted by the Canadian monarch. The medal is presented to individuals deemed to have performed “acts of bravery in hazardous circumstances.” Congratulations, Neil! All content must be sent to: [email protected] Newsletter will be available to view online the Friday it is printed. INFORMATION ONLY Flyers cannot be published in the newsletter. .................................... MEMBERTOU BAND HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Lunch 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. REMINDER: Membertou Band Office will be closed Monday, October 13, 2014 due to Thanksgiving. GOVERNANCE. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 Page 2 Membertou Governance Governance Committee Events and Activities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frequently Asked Questions on Membertou Citizenship/Membership 1. Why does Membertou want to create a membership code? The status provisions of the Indian Act currently determine Membertou/Maupeltu’s membership; its purpose was to eliminate and assimilate Indians. Membertou can take control of its membership and put in place a system that reflects Mi’kmaw values. 2. Is there already a Code drafted? No, the Code will be drafted as Community Engagement Sessions are carried out over the year. 3. Who decides what goes into the Code? Chief and Council have created the Membertou/Maupeltu Governance Committee who will be seeking input from the community to draft a Code. 4. How can I find out what the Membertou/Maupeltu Governance Committee is working on? The committee has a website which a calendar of events, videos, background information, a list of members and lots of other information. 5. Will the code be voted on? Yes, once a code has been drafted it will be taken to the community for ratification. 6. How can my ideas be included? You can participate in the community engagement sessions or contact the governance committee. Schedule of Upcoming Committee Meetings, Workshops & Engagement Sessions Oct. 16, 2014 - Governance Committee Meeting, Entrepreneurship Centre - 10am - 12:30pm Please note the above dates are subject to change, please contact Cheryl Knockwood at [email protected] for latest schedule or if you have any questions about the updates or on the Membertou Governance Committee. Page 3 CHIEF & COUNCIL. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 Chief and Council Meeting MEMO: Chief and Council meeting updates will resume as of late October 2014. MEMBERTOU YOUTH CHIEF & COUNCIL UPDATED - The Membertou Youth Chief and Council is a council made up of youth from the community of Membertou. There is one youth chief and nine council member positions. All members must be in high school. This council was developed to be a voice for the youth by discussing and addressing issues and concerns that impact the youth in the community. Deadline for all letters to Chief and Council will be noon on the Monday prior to the council meeting. If you are a youth of high school age looking to take part in your community, the youth chief and council has seven positions available for this school year. If interested please fill out this submission form and submit it to [email protected]. The youth chief and council elections will be taking place in mid-November. We are a little behind this year due to departmental restructuring but are looking forward to another great year with the Membertou Youth Chief and Council. Please spread the work that elections will be happening soon. Thank you for your understanding. -Membertou Communications Department MEMBERTOU YOUTH CHIEF & COUNCIL SUBMISSION OF INTEREST NAME: _________________________________________ AGE: ___ (MUST BE IN HIGH SCHOOL) EMAIL: _________________________________________ PHONE:______________________ WHAT ROLE WOULD YOU LIKE TO FULFILL? YOUTH CHIEF:___ YOUTH COUNCIL MEMBER:___ WHY WOULD YOU LIKE TO PART OF MEMBERTOU’S YOUTH CHIEF & COUNCIL? Page 4 COMMUNITY. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 CHANGE IN DAY FOR RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE PICK-UP AND GREEN BIN MATERIALS Residential garbage will now be picked up on tuesdays effective October 7, 2014. This change is necessary because the dump at CBRM Waste Management will not be open on mondays. Recycling day will remain the same. Thank you very much for your cooperation on this matter. Wela’lioq Youth Advisory Council Opportunity I am looking for Mi’kmaw youth who are interested in submitting an application for appointment to the Youth Advisory Council. The Youth Advisory Council advises the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development on matters dealing with the needs and concerns of youth, the effectiveness of existing programs and the creation of new programs policies and services. The Government wants to hear from youth on a range of issues including bullying, the future of Nova Scotia, and government services to youth. Appointment to the Youth Advisory Council looks great on your resume and is a fun and rewarding opportunity to meet other youth in the province. The Council is made up of 12-15 youth between the ages of 15 and 24. Members are selected on the basis of their personal ability to contribute to the work of the Council; their ability to represent a major ethnic, cultural or other segment of the population; their ability to represent a major youth serving organization; or a combination of the above. Most importantly, members must be interested in youth issues and needs. Members are not paid for serving on the Council, but their travel to meetings and Council events is covered. There are approximately 4-6 meetings or events each year. Chaperones will accompany youth as required. Appointments are for a two year term. The Youth Advisory Council gives young Nova Scotians the opportunity to advise government on the views of youth on issues affecting them today and in the future. Interested youth may send a resume, along with a one-page letter describing their interest and why they would be an asset, to: Executive Council Office, One Government Place 5th Floor, 1700 Granville Street P.O. Box 2125, Halifax, NS B3J 3B7, Fax (902) 424-0667. Email [email protected]. Wyatt White, Director, Mi’kmaq Services Division, Public Schools Branch , (902) 424-8181. The Smudging Ceremony truthful, The burning of various medicine plants to make a smudge or cleansing smoke is used by the majority of Native North American peoples. said in a way that will empower the positive, only good things, always full of words of praise and thanksgiving for our Creator. It is a ritual cleansing. As the smoke rises, our prayers rise to the Spirit World where the Grandfathers and our Creator reside. Negative energy, feelings, and emotions are lifted away. It is also used for healing of mind, body and spirit, as well as balancing energies. We cleanse our ears, so that our ears will hear the spiritual truths given us by our Creator, listen to the truth as it is shared with us by the Creator, the Grandfathers, Four Directions, Four Kingdoms, and be open to the request for assistance from others, to hear only the good things and allow the bad to ‘bounce off ’. Our Elders teach us that all ceremonies must be entered into or begun with good intent. So many of us use the smudge as a symbolic or ritual cleansing of mind, body, spirit and emotion. We cleanse our hearts so that our hearts will feel the truth, grow with us in harmony and balance, be good and pure, be open to show compassion, gentleness and caring for others. We cleanse our feet so that our feet will seek to walk the true path, seek balance and harmony, lead us closer to our families, friends, and community, walk closer to our loved ones and help us flee our enemies, and lead us closer to our Creator. We cleanse our eyes so that they will see the truth around us, the beauty of our Mother, the Earth, the gifts given us by our Creator, the love shared with us through our families, friends and communities. We cleanse our mouth, that all we speak will be Membertou Heritage Park HOURS: Daily 9am - 4:30pm 902.567.5333 902.539.6076 Petroglyphs Gift Shop Hours at the Membertou Heritage Park are from 9am-4:30pm daily. Monday till Friday and also opened now on the weekends Sale on Sweaters! They were $65 now going for $50. Baskets are all authentic and made from local artisans of Una’maki. We have new earrings in the shop that are made from Delicas and On SALE 10% off all earrings COMMUNITY. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 Page 5 St. Ann’s Church and Religion Education Notice Mass will resume at st. Ann’s church in the near future, still waiting for repairs to be completed. Will keep you all update. Religion education classes for grades 2, first holy communion and grade 4, reconciliation will be starting on Wednesday, October 15, 2014. Classes will be held at the Senior’s Center. Grade 9 religion classes for the sacrament of confirmation will start in November, date and time to be announced. Remembrance day is fast approaching. Please call edith @ 564-6466, ext. 2350 with the names of who will be laying a wreath in memory of your loved ones. Woman’s retreat will be held on November 13, 14, and 15, 2014 at Bethany Mother House in Antigonish. There is limited rooming. We can accommodate 29 women. If interested in attending please call Edith at 564-6466 ext. 2350. Training Opportunity Want a career in the construc3on or oil and gas industry? BECOME A CRANE OPERATOR As a Crane Operator you will: Operate cranes and handle rigging move, posi3on, or place machinery and equipment And so much more Length of Program: 8 Weeks Start Date: October 27th, 2014 Loca2on of Training: Falmouth, Nova Sco3a No previous experience required. Courses offered include hydraulics, conven3onal cranes, and boom trucks. Par3cipants can expect 50% classroom training and 50% field training. The program is based on four units: Technical Knowledge , Site, Load Charts, & Opera3ons “There is a shortage of crane operators all across Canada”-‐ Joseph MacLellan, Interna3onal Union of Opera3ng Engineers For more informa3on, or to register, please contact: Tanya Collier MacDonald Melissa MacDonald Anna Marshall Memski Project Inc. Membertou Corporate Membertou Corporate (902) 565-‐8171 (902) 564-‐6466 ext.2480 (902) 565-‐6466 ext.2631 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Visit the website: *Pre-‐Requisites Required: Grade 12/GED OR School transcript, Le_er of intent, Resume, and Le_ers of reference COMMUNITY. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 Page 6 ANNUAL DONATION FORMS Annual Donation forms are at the Band Office and are also available online at on the homepage under Notices and Events. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS TO BE RETURNED IS NOVEMBER 8, 2014. If you received a half donation in May, you are not required to fill out an application to receive your other half. Please make sure that your banking information is correct by contacting the Band Office. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL SECTIONS ARE COMPLETELY FILLED OUT, SIGNED, AND UPDATED BANKING INFO (FOR DIRECT DEPOSIT) AND COPIES OF YOUR PHOTO ID (FOR MAIL-IN’S) ARE ENCLOSED WHEN YOU RETURN IT. Please return to the Band Office or mail to: Membertou Gaming Commission ATTN: Accounts Payable 111 Membertou Street Membertou, NS B1S 2M9 Canada MEMBERTOU PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Krista Devoe Mi’kmaw Physical Activity Leadership Coordinator Membertou Tel: (902)564-6466 ext. 2560 Membertou Boxing Club WHEN: Monday - Thursday TIME: 6:00pm-8:00pm We are interested in young people born in 20012003 to start a Boxing Team for the 2019 Canada Winter Games, which we have had great success. Please let us know if you are interested. Annual Donations will be done on Wednesday, November 26, 2014. If you are getting Direct Deposit, they will be deposited that same day. Any checks not picked up by the end of the day, will be mailed out to the address on your application form, so please ensure it is correct and complete. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact: Candice Paul or Johanna LaPorte at 1-800-617-6466 ext 2220 or ext 2210 during regular Band Office hours. 20-Day Pre Employment Floorman (Roughneck) For Land and Offshore Drilling Rigs We are currently recruiting for a 20-Day Pre Employment Floorman (Roughneck) for land and offshore drilling rigs program. Things to consider: •Will take place at the Maritime Drilling Schools Ltd. in North Sydney; •Accommodations are included; •Willingness to travel out west for employment; •Family support and understanding of weeks away; •Physically fit – long intense days with heavy lifting; •Must complete and pass a Medical Exam; •Drug/Alcohol Free; •Must be at least 18 years of Age; •Program will be 20 days straight (no weekends off) to prepare for long trips away from home; •Anticipated start date – October 13, 2014 – November 1, 2014 Things needed to apply: •Grade 12/GED or can apply as mature student; •High School transcripts; •Updated Resume; •Valid Driver’s License. For more information on the Pre Employment Floorman (Roughneck) training, please visit the Website: programs/roughneck If you are interested in this program and require an application and Medical form, please contact either: Tracey Johnson Amy Elliott BASE Coordinator APTEC Job Coach (902) 895-1523 ext.222 (902) 895-1523 ext.230 Toll Free: 1-800-565-4372 [email protected] Free: 1-800-565-4372 [email protected] COMMUNITY . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 Page 7 MARCH FOR MISSING & MURDERED ABORIGINAL WOMEN The Membertou Women’s Group is hosting a march to raise awareness for missing and murdered Aboriginal women. The event will be held Sunday, October 19th from 4-6 pm at the Membertou Trade and Convention Centre. We would like to begin by gathering at 4:00pm to listen to some speakers and Mi’kmaq singers and then begin our march at 5:30 around the streets surrounding the MTCC. Tea, coffee and sandwiches will be served at 4:00pm. For more information please contact Pamela Paul at [email protected] Empowering the Spirit of Aboriginal Entrepreneurship in Atlantic Canada For over 27 years! Ulnooweg is pleased to announce that James Stevens has recently joined their team as Commercial Account Manager. James can be reached at the Truro office, 835 Willow Street or give James a call at 902-893-7379 to SCOUTS Looking to see who would be interested in starting or which child would be interested in joining scouts. Of course, volunteers will be needed. Hoping to have a parent meeting up at the School once I receive a reply back. Let’s think about the children/youth and keep them active. My good friend, Scott Helle is very involved with scouts. Scouts is for boys and girls ages 5-17. They do fun activities, such as field trips, outdoor skills, camping, games, sports, survival training to name a few. There are also opportunities for parents to come on board as leaders. This is a great opportunity for both youth and adults. Please feel free to contact Scott at 902-270-8088 if you have any questions or contact myself and I’ll pass on the information or ask on your behalf. Carolyn 902 567-4028 GED PREP COURSE IN MEMBERTOU We are looking for individuals who would be interested in a possible GED preparation course in Membertou starting in January 2015. In order to move forward with this idea, there has to be enough interest and commitment. Please see Melissa MacDonald (NEO) or Anna Marshall (STAIRS Case Manager) at the Membertou Band Office by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17TH 2014. MEMBERTOU SCHOOL . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 Page 8 Maupeltuewey Kina’matno’kuom OCTOBER 2014 NEWSLETTER Staff Supervision School ground supervision starts at 8:30am till the First Bell. Staff will also supervise students during recess, lunch, and dismissal. Breakfast Program Maupeltuewey Kina’matno’kuom offers a light breakfast to our students in the cafeteria from 8:30a.m. - 8:45a.m. Food or drinks are not permitted in the classrooms. School Hours 8:45 a.m. First Bell 9:05 a.m. Morning Classes Begin Lunch Program & Prices Prices for lunch is $3.00 if you purchase daily or $2.50 if you purchase the two-week punch card for $25.00. Child/(ren) are still able to bring their lunch if not purchasing lunch from the cafeteria. Recess 10:30 – 10:45 a.m. Recess (Grades Primary, One & Two) 10:45 – 11:00 a.m. Recess (Grades Three, Four, Five & Six) Lunch 11:30 – 12:00P.M Lunch (Grades Primary, One & Two) 12:00 – 12:30P.M. (Grades Three, Four Five & Six) 12:35 – 12:50 – Silent Reading 12:55 p.m. Afternoon Classes Begin Dismissal 2:05 p.m. Dismissal (Grades Primary – Two) 2:50 p.m. Dismissal (Grades Three – Six) Homework Club Monday - Friday 2:05 – 2:45 p.m. (Grades Primary, One & Two) 2:50 – 3:15 p.m. (Grades Three, Four, Five & Six) After School Program Monday - Friday 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. (Grades Primary - Six Monday -Chicken Strips, Fries & Drink Tuesday-Pizza, Salad & Drink Wednesday-Pasta, Salad & Drink Thursday-Hamburger Sliders, Fries & Drink Friday-Fish Bites, Rice & Drink Peanut & Nut Free School We are a Peanut & Nut Free School and are reminding all students, parents & guardians to refrain from bringing any products containing peanuts or peanut substances into the school. If you have question, concerns or looking for more information please call the school at 562 2205 or check out our school website PARENTS AGAINST DRUGS. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 KIDS AND SMOKING The health risks of tobacco are well known, but kids and teens continue to smoke and use chewing tobacco. Many young people pick up these habits every year — in fact, 90% of all adult smokers started when they were kids. So it’s important to make sure kids understand the dangers of tobacco use. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States, and can cause cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. Chewing tobacco (smokeless or spit tobacco) can lead to nicotine addiction, oral cancer, gum disease, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks. Giving kids information about the risks of smoking and chewing tobacco, and establishing clear rules and your reasons for them, can help protect them from these unhealthy habits. You also should know the warning signs of tobacco use and constructive ways to help someone kick the habit. The Facts About Tobacco One of the major problems with smoking and chewing tobacco has to do with the chemical nicotine. Someone can get addicted to nicotine within days of first using it. In fact, the nicotine in tobacco can be as addictive as cocaine or heroine. Nicotine affects mood as well as the heart, lungs, stomach, and nervous system. Other health risks include short-term effects of smoking such as coughing and throat irritation. Over time, more serious conditions may develop, including increases in heart rate and blood pressure, bronchitis, and emphysema. Finally, numerous studies indicate that young smokers are more likely to experiment with marijuana, cocaine, heroin, or other illicit drugs. The Attraction for Kids Kids might be drawn to smoking and chewing tobacco for any number of reasons — to look cool, act older, lose weight, win cool merchandise, seem tough, or feel independent. But parents can combat those draws and keep kids from trying — and getting addicted to — tobacco. Establish a good foundation of communication with your kids early on to make it easier to work through tricky issues like tobacco use. Prevention Tips To help prevent your kids from using tobacco, keep these guidelines in mind: •Discuss it in a way that doesn’t make kids fear punishment or judgment. •It’s important to keep talking to kids about the dangers of tobacco use over the years. Even the youngest child can understand that smoking is bad for the body. •Ask what kids find appealing — or unappealing — about smoking. Be a patient listener. •Read, watch TV, and go to the movies with your kids. Compare media images with what happens in reality. •Encourage kids to get involved in activities that prohibit smoking, such as sports. •Show that you value your kids’ opinions and ideas. •Discuss ways to respond to peer pressure to smoke. Your child may feel confident simply saying “no.” But also offer alternative responses such as “It will make my clothes and breath smell bad” Page 9 or “I hate the way it makes me look.” •Emphasize what kids do right rather than wrong. Selfconfidence is a child’s best protection against peer pressure. •Encourage kids to walk away from friends who don’t respect their reasons for not smoking. •Explain how much smoking governs the daily life of kids who start doing it. How do they afford the cigarettes? How do they have money to pay for other things they want? How does it affect their friendships? •Establish firm rules that exclude smoking and chewing tobacco from your house and explain why: Smokers smell bad, look bad, and feel bad, and it’s bad for everyone’s health. What to Watch For If you smell smoke on your child’s clothing, try not to overreact. Ask about it first — maybe he or she has been hanging around with friends who smoke or just tried one cigarette. Many kids do try a cigarette at one time or another but don’t go on to become regular smokers. Additional signs of tobacco use include: •coughing •throat irritation •hoarseness •bad breath •decreased athletic performance •greater susceptibility to colds •stained teeth and clothing (also signs of chewing tobacco use) •shortness of breath Getting Through to Kids Sometimes even the best foundation isn’t enough to stop kids from experimenting with tobacco. It may be tempting to get angry, but it’s more productive to focus on communicating with your child. Here are some tips that may help: •Resist lecturing or turning your advice into a sermon. •Uncover what appeals to your child about smoking and talk about it honestly. •Many times, kids aren’t able to appreciate how their current behaviors can affect their future health. So talk about the immediate downsides to smoking: less money to spend on other pursuits, shortness of breath, bad breath, yellow teeth, and smelly clothes. •Stick to the smoking rules you’ve set up, and don’t let a child smoke at home just to keep the peace. •If you hear, “I can quit any time I want,” ask your child to show you by quitting cold turkey for a week. •Try not to nag. Ultimately, quitting is the smoker’s decision. •Help your son or daughter develop a quitting plan and offer information and resources, and reinforce the decision to quit with praise. •Stress the natural rewards that come with quitting: freedom from addiction, improved fitness, better athletic performance, and improved appearance. •Encourage a meeting with your doctor, who can be supportive and may have treatment plans. HEALTH . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 Membertou Wellness Home Plaza/Dynasty Only | 539-8770 For local medical trips please contact Dynasty/Plaza and allow them enough time to get you to your appointment on time. Please note that we will not accept receipts from any other taxi company. Dynasty/Plaza is the only cab company that we deal with. Important Notice: Needles And Sharps Containers Sharps containers are available at the Membertou Wellness Home free of charge. These containers are disposed of in the proper manner so not to infect anyone. If you need a sharps container, please come to the Wellness Home and pick one up. Please do not throw needles and lancets in your garbage. This is very dangerous to childen who may be playing in your area as well as our garbage collectors. Membertou Wellness Home Welcomes Dr. Jeff Power Page 10 Clinic Hours Dr. Jeff Power Dr. Power is available five days a week. Call to book an appointment and walkin service is available. Please contact Maggie, medical secretary for an appointment. She can be reached at 564-6466 ext. 2440 .................................... Vaccinations If your child requires vaccinations, please do not call Dynasty (Plaza) Taxi to bring you to the Health Center. These trips are not reimbursed by First Nations & Inuit Health. It is the parent/ guardian’s responsibility to provide their own means of transportation. ..................................... Diabetes Welcome Dr. Jeff Power to the Membertou Wellness Home. The doctor will take walk-ins, but it’s best to make an appointment with Maggie at 564-6466 ext. 2440. Diabetic foot care is done by appointment only. Please call 564-6466 Madelaine ext. 2840 Tanya ext. 2750 The First Nations Food Nutrition and Environmental Study Jenny ext. 2830 The First Nations Food and Nutrition and Environmental study is taking place within Membertou from September -December 2014. Community Research Assistants will be approaching randomly selected households to participate in a short questionnaire. Community members will also be collecting samples of traditional food. The study is on the benefits and risks of traditional food and water. Participation is completely voluntary, confidential and will help our community. For more information please contact the Wellness Home @ 564 6466 ext. 2690 or visit There is a great video explaining the study that can be viewed at gallery/videos/another-gallery. FNFNES also has a facebook page you can share.... 22941358927 Dental Floyd Prosper, Dental Therapist is at the Wellness Home every Tuesday. If you have any questions for him, please call 564-6466 ext. 2790. Carol Sylvester is the COHI Aid. She can be reached at 564-6466 ext. 2799. ............................... Blood Collection Wednesdays 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Please ensure that you have your health card with you as you cannot have blood collection without it. THERE WILL BE NO BLOOD COLLECTION ON Wednesday, October 1ST. (Treaty Day) .............................. Medical Transportation Contact Louise Paul at 564-6466 ext. 2710 if you require medical transportation. For medical trips outside of Cape Breton, please contact her ASAP in order for her to receive prior approval from Health Canada. HEALTH . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 PRENATAL INFORMATION SESSION For prenatals, mothers of newborns and toddlers. Monday, October 27, 2014 Membertou Seniors | 1:15pm For Membertou Band and community members Bingo, refreshments & door prizes! DIABETES INFORMATION SESSION For Diabetics Only Thursday, October 30, 2014 Membertou Seniors | 1:15pm For Membertou Band and community members Bingo, refreshments & door prizes! Page 11 COOKING CLASS For Membertou band and community residents Sign up sheet at the Membertou Wellness Home Dates: Nov 17, Nov 24, Dec 1, and Dec 10 Sobeys Prince Street 6:00 – 8:00 pm No transportation Provided! 15 people maximum EMPLOYMENT . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 Page 12 Employment JOB TITLE: HERITAGE INTERPRETER/TOUR GUIDE (CASUAL/PART TIME) Department: Membertou Heritage Park Location:Membertou The Membertou Heritage Park is seeking an individual to administer guided tours to the seasonal Cruise Ship passengers, delegations visiting Membertou, tourists and school groups. The position will involve the interpretation and presentation of various aspects of the Membertou community, with a strong focus on Membertou’s language, culture, and history. Duties & Responsibilities: • Conducting tour groups and introducing them to the community of Membertou • Providing specialized information to visitors in regards to the Mi’kmaq Nation, its’ culture and its’ history • Providing specialized information in regards to the community of Membertou, its’ history, its people and its accomplishments • Communicating with a large groups of people in an engaging, friendly and informative manner • Mi’kmaq dancing or drumming, when required • Working with the Elders Committee and General Manager in the customizing of the Membertou Tour and other Cultural Programming • Operating presentation equipment (e.g. audiovisual, slide shows, etc.) • Gift Shop clerk duties, when required • Other duties related to cultural interpretation, when required Qualifications: Excellent communication and public speaking skills • Willing to learn Mi’ kmaq history and culture • Knowledge and experience of Mi’kmaq culture and language would be asset • Previous interpreter experience an asset • Preference given to Aboriginal peoples in accordance with the Aboriginal Employment Preferences Policy of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Applications can be picked up at the Membertou Human Resources Department, 111 Membertou Street, Membertou, NS, or applications can be downloaded from our website at Applications can be submitted to: Membertou Human Resources Department Attention: Holly Murray 111 Membertou Street Membertou, NS B1S 2M9 Or via email to:[email protected] DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: Friday,October 17, 2014 EMPLOYMENT. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 Page 13 Employment COMPETITION Anticipatory: This process is intended to fill anticipated vacancy(ies). Business Unit – sub-unit: Various - Cape Breton Field Unit: Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada, Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site of Canada. We are currently seeking passionate and visitor-focused team members who will work with others to provide awesome opportunities to visitors at the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site or the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site. Join thousands of colleagues from across the country who do amazing things every day so that Canadians and visitors from other countries can discover the historic and natural treasures protected and presented by Parks Canada. Language Requirement Various languages requirements: English Essential, Bilingual Imperative - Level (_ _ B /_ _B_), (_ _ C /_ _C_) If you have what it takes to make a strong connection between our special place and those visitors, please seize this opportunity to apply for the job indicated in this posting. Rate of Pay (Based on full time year-round employment): From $41,110 to $46,279 per year Open to persons employed or residing in Baddeck, Nova Scotia, and within a 1000 kilometre radius of Baddeck, Nova Scotia. Parks Canada Agency considers applications from all individuals who have legal status to work in Canada. Please indicate in your application the reason for which you are entitled to work in Canada: Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status, or work permit Selection Process Number: 2014-CAP-CBFU-FOL/AGB-I-RMOC-042 Your application must include • your résumé; • your cover letter demonstrating clearly how you meet the requirements of the position; • indicating your preferred official language for correspondence and assessment; • proof of education Applicants must clearly demonstrate in their cover letter how they meet the Education and Experience criteria listed in the Statement of Qualifications (see below). Applicants must list both of these factors in their cover letter, and then write one or two paragraphs for each demonstrating how they meet these factors by providing concrete examples. Please note that it is not sufficient to only state that these factors are met or to provide a listing of current or past responsibilities. Resumes will be used as a secondary source to validate the experience described in the cover letter. Failure to clearly demonstrate in your cover letter how you meet the Education and Experience factors found on the Statement of Qualifications (see below), may result in the rejection of your application. Normally, applicants will not be solicited for incomplete or possible missing information. Position Title Heritage Presenter 1 Generic Work Description Title Heritage Presenter 1 Classification GT -01 Location(s) Various locations; Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, Baddeck, Nova Scotia Type of Employment Seasonal / Term Duration OR Length of Season range of FTE’s from .31 to .27 Various lengths of season: Work Profile: Delivers interpretive presentations, programs and activities to provide visitors of the park, historic site or marine conservation area with opportunities to discover, appreciate, learn about and enjoy the place and its natural and/or cultural resources and understand their significance to Canada. Applications should be sent to Terri Dunphy, CHRP, Human Resources Advisor II Fortress of Louisbourg, National Historic Site of Canada, 259 Park Service Road, Louisbourg, NS B1C 2L2 OR By email at: [email protected] DEADLINE: March 31, 2015. For more information visit Parks Canada website. EMPLOYMENT. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 Page 14 Employment JOB TITLE: LUNCH, BUS & GROUND SUPERVISOR (LBG) Department: Education Reports To: Principal Role: To supervise students before and after school, at lunch and on and off school buses. Duties and Responsibilities • Provide outdoor supervision for students: 45 minutes prior to the start of school during recess, after mealtime and for such times as are required and indicated by the Principal • Provide indoor supervision for students in the event of outdoor activities being cancelled during such times as are required and indicated by the Principal • Provide lunch room supervision for students during lunch in the cafeteria and for such times as are required and indicated by the Principal • Familiarize themselves with any medical or other problems the children under their supervision • Provide supervision of students getting on or off the bus before commencement of school and after school is dismissed • Provide assistance to young student s requiring seatbelt assistance; the LBG will be responsible to provide this assistance Report to the principal or designate any problem that might occur during the time of supervision Other related duties as assigned. Qualifications High School Diploma or Equivalent • Preference given to Aboriginal peoples in accordance with the Aboriginal Employment Preferences Policy of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Applications can be picked up at the Membertou Human Resources Department, 111 Membertou Street, Membertou, or applications can be downloaded from our website at Applications can be submitted to: Membertou Human Resources Department Attention: Holly Murray 111 Membertou Street Membertou, NS B1S 2M9 Or via email to: [email protected] DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: October 10, 2014 JOB LINE Currently Human Resources advertises job opportunities in Membertou through the Membertou website, Facebook, newsletter, board at the band office, HRDC and Career Beacon (Management Positions). It has been brought to our attention that our current methods of communicating job postings are still not reaching everyone in the community. Therefore, we have come up with another means of communicating job postings. Recently, we have added a job line. The job line will provide a recording of any current job opportunities and how an applicant can apply for a position with Membertou. If you are currently seeking employment opportunities, please call 902 563-4501 or view the Membertou website, Facebook, newsletter, band office or HRDC. Thank you, Human Resources NOTICES . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 Mi’kmaq Family and Children Services All Family & Children’s Services in NS are currently experiencing a shortage of foster homes. To help please contact: Indian Brook - 1-800-263-8686 Eskasoni - 1-800-263-8300 Federation of Foster Families 1-800-565-1884 .......................................................................... The Mi’kmaq Crisis Line Available to First Nation communities across Nova Scotia, 24 hours a day, in their own language, by calling 1-855-379-2099 ............................................................................ Page 15 Garbage & Recycling Collection Notice To Membertou RESIDENTS Re: Change in day for residential garbage pick-up and green bin materials. Residential garbage will now be picked up on Tuesdays effective October 7, 2014. This change is necessary because the dump at CBRM Waste Management will not be open on Mondays. Thank you very much for your cooperation on this matter. Wela’lioq **Recycling day will remain the same. Notice to Clients of Oil Delivery Garbage & Green Bin Social clients who run out of fuel can contact Tuesday, October 14, 2014 - 12PM Joan Denny at 578-6040 cell or 567-3071 Recycling Collection home. ........................................................................... Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 12PM Safety Training Certificates All employees and contractors for the Membertou Band will have to bring in their certificates on any safety training needed for the job. To be put on file at the OH&S office. If these training certificates are not on file your jobs will be held off until they are brought in. If you have any questions please drop in or give Connie Osborne a call. ........................................................................... Housing Applications Housing applications are now available at the Band Office. If you would like to request new housing or temporary housing please see the Tenant Relations Officer, Deanna Joe. ........................................................................... ......................................................................... Time of Day Rate Houses built in Membertou in 2009 to current date qualify for the Time of Day Rate offered by Nova Scotia Power. If you are not set up for this rate, please see Deanna Joe, Tenant Relations Officer for an application. This will save you money on your N.S power bill. ........................................................................... Important Notice Unfortunately the numbers for Cape Breton Transition House’s Sydney Shelter for Women & Children including their 24/7 Crisis Line were left out of this year’s Telephone Directory White Pages. This Monthly Housing Payments could cause great difficulty for callers who To ensure there are no missed housing may be frightened, confused or in a panic payments, we are asking home owners/ state. renters with a monthly housing payment to ensure that their rent/mortgage is up to The main number is 902.539.2945 or if date and being paid either by payroll, social, necessary call TOLL FREE @ 1.800.563.2945. or by coming in to the band office to make payments. If you have any questions regarding your Please spread this news. For more account please feel free to contact the Tenant information re their services & other Relations Officer, Deanna Joe at 564-6466 ext numbers www.transitionhousefoundation. 2310 or by email [email protected] com. ........................................................................ Membertou Services Garbage & Recycling Collection ......................................... Garbage & Green Bin Tuesday, October 14, 2014 - 12PM ......................................... Recycling Collection Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 12PM ........................................ Alcoholics Anonymous AA meetings in Membertou: Sunday 8 p.m. (HOW Group) Wednesday 8 p.m. (HOW Group) Thursday 8:30 p.m.(Membertou Group) ......................................... Austin Christmas Plumbing and Heating 24 hour plumbing and heating emergency service. New construction, renovation, service work. Mechanical ventilation installation. Call for a second opinion at 902-304-1090 ......................................... Bereaved Parents Support Group 10 Bradley St. (Germaine’s House) Meetings will be held on the first Sunday of every month | 6 - 8 p.m. .......................... Cape Breton Regional Police Services Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 563-5151 (24 hrs) ......................................... E&R Plumbing and Heating Emergency response to all your plumbing and heating needs. 24 Hour emergency service, 7 days a week. Edwin LaPorte: 549-5244 Rodney Christmas: 561-5345 ......................................... Gamblers Anonymous GA meeting in Membertou: 3 Kateri Street Mondays 7:00-8:30 p.m. ......................................... Sir Jarrod Jig Paul Construction - 24 Hour Emergency Service- Heating, Plumbing, Roofing, Siding, Electrical and Drywall. Call 322-8307 (C) or 564-2266 today! CLASSIFIEDS . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 Page 16 Masquerade disco Gala Dress your best! Sat. November 1st 2014, Doors open at 8 pm - 12:30am Membertou Trade and Convention Centre (MTCC) $5000 in cash prizes to be won Tickets: $50 per person Tickets can be purchased at MTCC box office or call 902-539-2360 Cash Prizes for Best Costume Box office hours 10 am - 6 pm Mon. to Fri. 19+ Cash Bar Contact info Deborah Ginnish | 902.565.8176 | [email protected] or George Paul | 902.565.0024 A l l p r o c e e d s t o T r e at y D ay f e s t i v i t i e s Serving the financing needs of Aboriginal businesses for over 25 years Variable and fixed interest rates starting at prime plus 3% (6% and up) Non-repayable contributions available on eligible projects *rates and non-repayable contributions are based on project eligibility and certain criteria To find out more about our products & services call: 1-888-766-2376 or visit our website:
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