AGENDA THE UNIVERSITY OF WEST FLORIDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING Tuesday, June 11, 2013 9:00 a.m. UWF Conference Center – B22 / Rooms A, B and C 11000 University Parkway, Pensacola, FL APPROVAL OF MINUTES BY COMMITTEES: Academic Affairs: Chair: Robert ‘Bob’ Jones Approve Minutes of May 8, 2013 – Agenda May 8, 2013 – Audit and Operations: Chair: Susan O’Connor Approve Minutes of May 8, 2013 – Agenda May 8, 2013 - Student Affairs: Chair: Jay Patel Approve Minutes of May 8, 2013 – Agenda May 8, 2013 - Finance and Facilities: Chair: Mort O’Sullivan Approve Minutes of May 8, 2013 – Agenda May 8, 2013 - Full Board 1. Call to Order and Chair’s Remarks: Lewis Bear, Jr. 2. President’s Report: Dr. Judy Bense 1 3. Recognitions: 4. Approval of Minutes: March 19, 2013 5. Committee Reports: Academic Affairs – Bob Jones, Chair Audit & Operations – Susan O’Connor, Chair Student Affairs – Jay Patel, Chair Finance & Facilities – Mort O’Sullivan, Chair 6. Consent: Trustees may pull any individual item from the consent agenda below for further review, if they so desire. However, each item was fully discussed during the committee meetings and all of the recommendations of the committees reflect the proposed action provided with the agenda backup documentation. A. Approval of UWF Regulations a. Revision to UWF/REG 5.017 Alcoholic Beverages on Campus B. Approval of Request to Amend Master Lease Agreement between Business Enterprises, Inc. and UWF Adding Acreage for East Campus C. Approval of Fiscal Year 2014/2015 – 2018/2019 Fixed Capital Outlay D. Approval of Operations Memorandum of Understanding Between Business Enterprises, Inc. and UWF E. Approval of Florida Educational Equity Act Report F. Acceptance of Audit Reports a. State of Florida Federal Funds Audit – June 30, 2012 b. UWF Internal Audits Issued: i. Departmental Audit – Vice President of Student Affairs ii. Differential Tuition c. Internal Auditing PCard Audit Reports – Quarter 3 G. Approval of Internal Auditing Work Plan for 2013/2014 H. Approval of Honorary Doctorate for Fall 2013 Commencement 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Tenure Budget Proposal PowerPoint Presentation (information only) UWF Student Overview PowerPoint Presentation (informational only) UWF REG 4.008 Tuition and Fees Estimated FY 13-14 Operating Budget Annual Work Plan Resolution in Recognition of Service 2 Informational Items 1. Final Legislative Outcome Report 2. BEI Update 3. CITF Update Other Business Concluding Remarks and Adjournment for Lunch: OTHER ACTIVITIES June 11 9:00 am 5:30 pm 6:15 pm UWF BOT Meeting @ UWF Conference Center BOT hosts Joint UWF Boards Social @ Scenic Hills Country Club BOT hosts Joint UWF Boards Dinner @ Scenic Hills Country Club June 12 8:30 am BOT hosts Joint UWF Boards Strategic Retreat @ UWF Conference Ctr. 3 Draft Minutes Academic Affairs Committee Meeting UWF Board of Trustees May 8, 2013 Chair Robert Jones called the meeting to order on May 8, 2013 at 1:02 p.m. with the following committee members present: Robert Jones, Dr. Chris Pomory and Bentina Terry*. *conference phone Other trustee attending: BOT Chair, Lewis Bear, Jr. and Jay Patel Others attending: Dr. Judy Bense, President; Dr. Martha Saunders, Provost; Dr. Susan Stephenson, VP & CFO, Business, Finance and Facilities; Dr. Kyle Marrero, VP for University Advancement; Dr. Kevin Bailey, VP for Student Affairs; Dr. George Ellenberg, Vice Provost; Janice Gilley, AVP Government and Community Relations; Jim Hurd, AVP for Students Affairs; Dr. Richard Podemski, AVP Research/Dean Graduate School; Betsy Bowers, AVP Internal Auditing; Cindy Faria, AVP Human Resources; Dr. Dottie Minear, Senior Associate VP SEPIR; Dr. Jane Halonen, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; Dr. Pam Northrup, Dean, College of Professional Studies; Robin Zimmern, Assistant Dean, SGA; Dr. Lusharon Wiley, Associate Dean of Students; Dr. Claudia Stanny, Director, CUTLA; Mr. Lee Gore, General Counsel; Ms. Anita Schonberger, Deputy General Counsel; Karen Rentz, EEO Officer; Becky Luntsford, Executive Specialist; and Faye Bowers, Assistant Corporate Secretary, BOT. Action Items: 1. Proposed new UWF Regulation 3.033 Transfer of Credit was presented by Dr. George Ellenberg. A motion was made to adopt the new UWF REG 3.033 Transfer of Credit and approval of the language of this regulation as set forth in the supporting documentation, and as previously delegated by authority to this committee by the full Board of Trustees at their March 19, 2013 meeting. Motion: Trustee Pomory Seconded: Trustee Terry Motion passed unanimously. 2. Awarding an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters was presented by Dr. Kyle Marrero. As stated in UNIVERSITY POLICY BOT-01.01 – 06/03, the UWF Board of Trustees, by majority vote, can authorize the university president to confer awards and recognitions, such as honorary degrees, naming of facilities, and such other awards as it may wish to create. 4 The criteria for an honorary degree or other personal recognition are the following: Excellent character; Extraordinary achievement or distinction in the arts and sciences, the fine arts, education, the professions, public service, or private enterprise; a connection with or a history of support of the University; or a record of distinguished contributions to the area served by the University; or distinction on a national or international level. The recommendation for an honorary award or recognition requires an affirmative vote of the Honorary Awards and Recognition Committee. On March 29, 2013 the Honorary Awards and Recognition Committee met to consider the nomination of Mr. Jerry L. Maygarden for an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters. The committee recommended the awarding of the degree. Dr. Judith Bense, President of University of West Florida, submits the recommendation on behalf of the committee to the UWF Board of Trustees. A motion was made to recommend approval by the full Board at the June 11, 2013 meeting to confer an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters to Mr. Jerry L. Maygarden at the Fall 2013 Commencement. Motion: Trustee Pomory Seconded: Trustee Jones Motion passed unanimously. Information 1. Legislatively Funded Initiatives was presented by Provost Martha Saunders who provided an overview of the status of each initiative. The Legislature has included two major funding initiatives related to academic programs for UWF in their 2013/14 Budget. We are also eligible to compete for a third award: IT Performance Funding Initiative-$3.75m for 2012-2013; $3.75m for 2013-2014 Degree Completion Initiative-$2m recurring; $2m non-recurring The Legislature has included state funding for a competitive process that will award funds for an: MSA Cloud Virtualization Initiative-$5m recurring for successful applicant 2. Active Duty Tuition Assistance was presented by Provost Martha Saunders. Each military branch has a governing instruction regarding active tuition assistance. The monetary and semester hour limits for active duty tuition assistance is the same for all branches. Recent budget reductions have caused all active duty military branches to examine more closely the costs of active duty tuition assistance (TA) and governing regulations. Recent changes have caused active duty military TA to discontinue paying the fees portion of tuition assistance (only pay what is listed specifically as tuition). Most onbase private schools charge only “tuition” which includes all of their associated costs and 5 sometimes includes books, etc., but as a private institution are not required to provide a breakdown of all costs as do state institutions. TA pays the entire charge (limit of $250) since it is all classified as tuition. UWF charges a variety of fees including financial aid, capital improvement trust fund, green fee, health fee, athletic fee, activity and service fee, and technology fee. Currently, TA does not cover these charges and the active duty undergraduate student must pay $57.75 per credit hour for an online course or $65.75 for a face to face course. An active duty student taking one three semester hour face-to-face course would pay $197.25 out of pocket expenses not covered by active duty tuition assistance. This issue only affects undergraduate students. Graduate students tuition (tuition only = $274.51) is above the $250 per hour cap. The student’s option is to either pay out of pocket costs or transfer to a private institution where all tuition costs is paid by TA. Active duty students are most likely to transfer to other schools (Private institutions) that do not have a tuition and fee breakdown so they do not have to pay out of pocket costs. As a recognized Military Friendly institution with a strong reputation of support for veterans as well as active duty service members, UWF should continue strong efforts such as this waiver in support of our active duty personnel. If we do not, then our students are put in a position of having to make a decision affecting their education based solely on economics, effectively removing their option of choice. With no further Academic Affairs business to discuss Chair Jones called for adjournment at 1:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Faye H. Bowers, recording secretary Becky Luntsford, recording secretary 6 Draft Minutes Audit and Operations Committee Meeting UWF Board of Trustees May 8, 2013 Chair Susan O’Connor called the meeting to order on May 8, 2013 at 10:50 a.m. with the following committee members present: Susan O’Connor and Garrett Walton. Trustee Pam Dana was unable to attend the meeting. Other trustees attending: BOT Chair, Lewis Bear, Jr., Robert Jones and Suzanne Lewis. Others attending: Dr. Judy Bense, President; Dr. Martha Saunders, Provost; Dr. Susan Stephenson, VP & CFO, Business, Finance and Facilities; Dr. Kim Brown, VP for President’s Division and Chief of Staff Dr. Kyle Marrero, VP for University Advancement; Dr. Kevin Bailey, VP for Student Affairs; Dr. Richard Podemski, AVP Research/Dean Graduate School; Dr. Jim Barnett, Interim CEO, UWF BEI; Dave O’Brien, Associate VP for Project Research and Development; Janice Gilley, AVP Government and Community Relations; Dr. Jim Hurd, AVP for Students Affairs; Robin Zimmern, Assistant Dean, SGA; Betsy Bowers, AVP Internal Auditing; Mr. Lee Gore, General Counsel; Ms. Pat Lott, Associate General Counsel; Cindy Faria, AVP Human Resources; Karen Rentz, EEO Officer; Becky Luntsford, Executive Specialist; and Faye Bowers, Executive Specialist. Chair’s Greeting Chair O’Connor welcomed everyone. She thanked them for being here today. She recognized Chair Bear and President Bense and Trustees Walton, Jones and Lewis. Action Items: 1. Florida Educational Equity Act Report was presented by Cindy Faria. A motion was made to recommend approval of the Florida Educational Equity Act Report by the full Board on June 11, 2013. Motion: Trustee Walton Seconded: Trustee O’Connor Motion passed unanimously. 2. State of Florida Federal Funds Audit – June 30, 2012 was presented by Betsy Bowers. A motion was made to recommend acceptance of the Auditor General’s State of Florida Compliance and Internal Controls over Financial Reporting and Federal Awards for FY 2011/12 Audit Report by the full Board on June 11, 2013. Motion: Trustee Walton Seconded: Trustee O’Connor Motion passed unanimously. 7 3. UWF Internal Audits Issued I. Departmental Audit – Vice President for Student Affairs was presented by Betsy Bowers. II. Differential Tuition was presented by Betsy Bowers. A motion was made to recommend acceptance of the Internal Auditing Reports: Vice President for Student Affairs and Differential Tuition 2012 by the full Board at the June 11, 2013 meeting. Motion: Trustee Walton Seconded: Trustee O’Connor Motion passed unanimously. 4. PCard Quarterly Report was presented by Betsy Bowers. A motion was made to recommend acceptance of the Internal Auditing PCard Quarterly Report 2012 by the full Board at the June 11, 2013 meeting. Motion: Trustee Walton Seconded: Trustee O’Connor Motion passed unanimously. 1. Internal Auditing Work Plan for 2013/14 – 2014/15 was presented by Betsy Bowers. A motion was made to recommend approval of the Internal Auditing & Management Consulting Work Plan for 2013/14 – 2014/15 by the full Board on June 11, 2013. Motion by: Trustee Walton Seconded by: Trustee O’Connor Motion passed unanimously. Information: 1. External Audit: Financial Statement Audit of Direct Support Organization - Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (FIHMC) for fiscal year ending June 30, 2012 was presented by Betsy Bowers. 2. Internal Auditing Update on Activities was presented by Betsy Bowers. With no further Audit & Operations items to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Faye H. Bowers, recording secretary Becky Luntsford, recording secretary 8 Draft Minutes Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting UWF Board of Trustees May 8, 2013 Chair Mort O’Sullivan called the meeting to order on May 8, 2013 at 9:08 a.m. with the following committee members present: Mort O’Sullivan, Dave Cleveland and Suzanne Lewis. Other trustees attending: BOT Chair, Lewis Bear, Jr., Robert Jones, and Susan O’Connor. Others attending: Dr. Judy Bense, President; Dr. Martha Saunders, Provost; Dr. Susan Stephenson, VP & CFO, Business, Finance and Facilities; Dr. Kyle Marrero, VP for University Advancement; Dr. Kevin Bailey, VP for Student Affairs; Dr. Richard Podemski, AVP Research/Dean Graduate School; Dr. Jim Barnett, Interim CEO, UWF BEI; Dave O’Brien, Associate VP for Project Research and Development; Dr. Kim Brown, VP/Chief of Staff President’s Division; Janice Gilley, AVP Government and Community Relations; Dr. Jim Hurd, AVP for Students Affairs; Robin Zimmern, Assistant Dean, SGA; Betsy Bowers, AVP Internal Auditing; Mr. Lee Gore, General Counsel; Ms. Pat Lott, Associate General Counsel; Cindy Faria, AVP Human Resources; Karen Rentz, EEO Officer; Becky Luntsford, Executive Specialist; and Faye Bowers, Executive Specialist. Chair’s Greeting Chair O’Sullivan welcomed everyone. He thanked them for being here today. He recognized Chair Bear and President Bense and Trustees Jones, O’Connor, Cleveland and Lewis. Action Items: 1. Amend Master Lease Agreement between Business Enterprises, Inc. and the University of West Florida Adding Acreage for East Campus Development Village Parking was presented by Dr. James Barnett. A motion was made to recommend and authorize the execution of an amended Schedule 2 to the Master Lease Agreement approved by the Board of Trustees, March 8, 2012. This amendment will reflect that a portion of the Schedule 2 parcel will be used for Student Housing, Hotel/Conference Center, and Restaurant purposes, and will add to the description of the property subleased pursuant to the Schedule 2 of an additional seven (7) acres, plus or minus, south of Campus Drive and across from the Hotel/Conference Center, resulting with an estimated two-hundred (200) parking spaces by the full Board on June 11, 2013. Motion: Trustee Lewis Seconded: Trustee Cleveland Motion passed unanimously. 2. Approve Fixed Capital Outlay FY 2014-15 – 2018-19 was presented by Dr. Susan Stephenson. A motion was made to recommend approval of FY2014/2015 – 2018/2019 Fixed Capital Outlay Plan by the full Board on June 11, 2013. Upon approval it will be submitted to the Chancellor’s Office in August 2013. Motion: Trustee Cleveland 9 Seconded: Trustee Lewis Motion passed unanimously. 3. Approve Operations Memorandum of Understanding between UWF and Business Enterprises, Inc. was presented by Dr. James Barnett. A motion was made to recommend approval of the form of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between UWF and Business Enterprises, Inc. and recommend approval to authorize the President and Chief Financial Officer to execute the MOU on behalf of the University following approval by Business Enterprises, Inc. and by the full Board at the June 11, 2013 meeting. Motion: Trustee Cleveland Seconded: Trustee Lewis Motion passed unanimously. Information Items: 1. FY2012-13 3rd Quarter Operating Budget Summary was presented by Dr. Susan Stephenson. The FY 2012-13 Operating Budget Summary provides a report at the end of the third quarter with budget-to-actual results for each fund group. The Life-to-Date Capital Budget is on schedule with the current capital plan implementation. The College of Business Education Center, Phase I & II (FY08/09; FY10/11) of the three-phase project, was occupied in late July. Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning equipment replacement and limited finish improvements within Building 76 is complete. 2. Student Green Fee Update PowerPoint presentation was provided by Robin Zimmern regarding purchasing of sustainable items such as LED lighting in high use facilities. Other Finance and Facilities business: 1. UWF Fees was presented by Dr. Susan Stephenson. Dr. Stephenson referenced the April 30, 2013 letter sent to State University System Budget/Finance Chairs and copied to each Trustee from the Board of Governors pertaining to fees. Dr. Stephenson explained that UWF will continue to responsibly review all proposed new and increased local and miscellaneous fees, such as lab fees, material and supply fees, and other fees as authorized in Section 1009.24, Florida Statutes, and Board of Governors’ Regulation 7.003. 2. Recent articles published in the Pensacola New Journal were discussed. With no further Finance & Facilities items to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 10:41 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Faye H. Bowers, recording secretary Becky Luntsford, recording secretary 10 Draft Minutes Student Affairs Committee Meeting UWF Board of Trustees May 8, 2013 Chair Jay Patel called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. with the following committee members participating: Jay Patel, Christopher Hill* and LuTimothy May*. *conference phone Other trustees attending: BOT Chair, Lewis Bear, Jr. and Robert Jones Others attending: Dr. Judy Bense, President; Dr. Martha Saunders, Provost; Dr. Susan Stephenson, VP & CFO, Business, Finance and Facilities; Dr. Kyle Marrero, VP for University Advancement; Dr. Kevin Bailey, VP for Student Affairs; Dr. Kim Brown, VP/Chief of Staff President’s Division; Dr. George Ellenberg, Vice Provost; Janice Gilley, AVP Government and Community Relations; Dr. Jim Hurd, AVP for Students Affairs; Cynthia Watson, Director, ERCCD; Dr. Richard Podemski, AVP Research/Dean Graduate School; Betsy Bowers, AVP Internal Auditing; Cindy Faria, AVP Human Resources; Dr. Dottie Minear, Senior Associate VP SEPIR; Dr. Jane Halonen, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; Dr. Pam Northrup, Dean, College of Professional Studies; Robin Zimmern, Assistant Dean, SGA; Brooke Mills, Student; Dr. Lusharon Wiley, Associate Dean of Students; Dr. Claudia Stanny, Director, CUTLA; Mr. Lee Gore, General Counsel; Ms. Anita Schonberger, Deputy General Counsel; Karen Rentz, EEO Officer; Becky Luntsford, Executive Specialist; and Faye Bowers, Executive Specialist. Action Item: 1. UWF REG 5.017 Alcoholic Beverages on Campus was presented by Dr. Jim Hurd and Anita Schonberger. The purpose and effect of the proposed amendment to this regulation is to add language to discourage practices which lead to excessive drinking and to add language which encourage practices which help thwart excessive drinking, to clarify that the Scenic Hills Country Club is not governed by this regulation, to add clarity to various provisions, and to remove redundant language and outdated provisions. A motion was made to recommend approval of the proposed amendment to the UWF REG 5.017 Alcoholic Beverages on Campus, by the full Board on June 11, 2013. Motion: Trustee May Seconded by: Trustee Hill Motion passed unanimously. Informational Items: 1. Summary of FY13 Retention Efforts was presented by Dr. Kevin Bailey. 2. Embracing Diversity was presented by Dr. Kevin Bailey. 11 3. Developing a Case Management Model for Student Concerns PowerPoint presentation was made by Dr. Lusharon Wiley. 4. Educational Resource Center Child Development Accreditation PowerPoint presentation was made by Dr. Jim Hurd and Cynthia Watson. 5. Student Green Fee Update PowerPoint presentation was made by Robin Zimmern and UWF student Brooke Mills. 6. 2013 Florida Educational Equity Act Report was presented by Cindy Faria. With no further Student Affairs items to discuss Chair Patel adjourned the meeting at 2:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Faye H. Bowers, recording secretary Becky Luntsford, recording secretary 12 Draft Minutes UWF Board of Trustees Meeting March 19, 2013 The meeting of the UWF Board of Trustees was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Lewis Bear, Jr., BOT Chair. Then the Chair called on each committee chair to convene his/her committee for adoption of their minutes. Bob Jones, Academic Affairs Committee chair called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. for adoption of their February 20, 2013 minutes. Motion by: Trustee Pomory Seconded by: Trustee Terry Motion passed unanimously. Susan O’Connor, Audit and Operations Committee chair called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m. for adoption of their February 20, 2013 minutes. Motion by: Trustee Walton Seconded by: Trustee Dana Motion passed unanimously. Jay Patel, Student Affairs Committee chair called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m. for adoption of their February 20, 2013 minutes. Motion by: Trustee Merritt Seconded by: Chair Patel Motion passed unanimously. Mort O’Sullivan, Finance Committee chair called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m. for adoption of their February 18 and 20, 2013 minutes. Motion by: Trustee Cleveland Seconded by: Trustee Lewis Motion passed unanimously. FULL BOT Meeting Chair Bear called the full Board meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. Collier Merrill was unable to attend due to a conflict in his schedule. Dr. Kim Brown called roll with the following trustees present as noted here. Mr. Lewis Bear, Jr.; Mr. Dave Cleveland; Dr. Pam Dana; Mr. Bob Jones; Ms. Suzanne Lewis; Ms. Cora Merritt; Ms. Susan O’Connor; Mr. Mort O’Sullivan; Mr. Jay Patel; Dr. Chris Pomory; Ms. Bentina Terry and Mr. Garrett Walton. 13 Others attending: Dr. Judy Bense, President; Dr. Martha Saunders, Provost & VP for Academic Affairs; Dr. Kevin, Bailey, VP Student Affairs; Dr. Kyle Marrero, VP University Advancement; Dr. Kim Brown, VP & Chief of Staff; Mr. Lee Gore, General Counsel; Janice Gilley*, Assistant VP for Governmental & Community Relations; Rebecca Luntsford, Executive Specialist and Faye Bowers, Executive Specialist & Assistant Corporate Secretary/BOT. *via Conference Call (during information items) Chair’s Remarks Chair Bear welcomed everyone. He asked trustees to continue service in their respective committees. The chair has appointed Suzanne Lewis to serve on the Finance & Facilities Committee. The liaisons to the Direct Support Organizations (DSOs) will also remain the same as follows: Trustee Jay Patel for Business Enterprises, Inc. (BEI) Board; Trustee Dave Cleveland for the UWF Foundation Board and Trustee Collier Merrill for West Florida Historic Preservation, Inc. (WFHPI) Board. As BOT Chair, Lewis Bear, Jr. will serve as the UWF representative for the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) Board. The Chair welcomed Trustee Suzanne Lewis, former Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park. He welcomed Dr. Martha Saunders who officially became Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs on January 2, 2013. He extended a welcome ‘to the table’ to Dr. Susan Stephenson, Vice President for the Division of Business, Finance & Facilities, formerly Administrative Services and welcomed, also Dr. Kim Brown, Vice President and Chief of Staff for the President’s Division. The Chair announced that today’s meeting was being web cast. He expressed his appreciation to everyone for participating. President Bense’s Report Welcomed Suzanne Lewis - Suzanne earned her BA in History at UWF in 1978 and completed her 32-year career with the National Park Service in 2011. During the last 9 years of her career she served as Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park where she provided leadership for more than 800 park staff, administered 2.2 million acres of park lands, and hosted more than 4.5 million people annually from all over the world. Suzanne has traveled across the globe to assist other nations with preservation and park programs and today, she continues her interest and dedication to public lands reservation programs through her work with the Sonoran Institute located in Tucson, Arizona. She also serves on the University of Florida Historic St. Augustine, Inc. Board of 14 Directors and on the UWF Business Enterprises, Inc. Board of Directors. The President expressed her appreciation to Trustee Lewis for returning home to UWF and investing her experiences, time and leadership toward our growth and future success. Welcomed Dr. Brandon Frye – UWF’s new Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students. Dr. Frye will support both the educational mission of the university and the Division of Student Affairs by providing programs, services, resources and advocacy for the needs and interests of all UWF students. His prior service was at Auburn and University of Georgia. Congratulations Dr. Kimberly Brown – Dr. Brown was promoted to Vice President and Chief of Staff for the President and President's Division in January. She has served in higher education administration for almost 20 years, having previously served under Presidents Morris Marx and John Cavanaugh. Congratulations Dr. Susan Stephenson - Dr. Susan Stephenson was selected Vice President for Business, Finance and Facilities in January. She provides leadership and oversight for the institution's budget process, auxiliary services, financial services, procurement and contracts, campus building and grounds, and the campus master plan implementation. She is also the institution's liaison to the newest direct support organization, UWF Business Enterprises, Inc. (BEI). She serves as the University's Chief Financial Officer. FEDERAL NEWS: Sequestration affects military funding. Tuition assistance via military is being cut and UWF will waive those fees. There is concern about Federal Grants at this time. STATE NEWS: Representative Clay Ford has passed away after a long battle with cancer. He was a good friend to UWF and the legislature. Janice Gilley will provide a report later in the meeting. Thank you to Trustee Bear for going to legislature visit last week. UWF is very well served with Lewis Bear, Jr. as our BOT Chair. SUS Presidents visit the legislature weekly (2 per week) during session to keep higher education at the forefront. CAMPUS NEWS: Celebrating Spring 2013 Successes UWF is ranked No. 5 in the U.S. for first-time pass rates by small accounting programs on the CPA exam, according to recent results released by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy. UWF Presidents Hall is CERTIFIED LEED GOLD! This rating was issued to the new construction project by the Green Building Certification Institute. Eligibility categories identified by the U.S. Green Building Council include: Sustainable Site, Water Efficiency; Energy & Atmosphere; Materials & Resources; Indoor Environmental Quality; Innovation in 15 Design and Regional Priority Credits. UWF shares this accomplishment with our contractor HASKELL. Florida Board of Governors approved $3.75 million in UWF STEM funding for this year and next year. Dean of College of Arts & Sciences and psychology professor, Dr. Jane Halonen, named 2013 Distinguished Professional Applications of Psychology to Education & Training Award from the American Psychological Association. College of Business’s new Executive Mentor Program welcomed the first class of 30 students and area business leader mentors. Beginning Spring 2013 semester, UWF is offering certification exams and practice exams to Information Technology (IT) students. By earning industry-related certifications before graduation, our students will be more marketable to employers in the IT industry. UWF Speech and Debate Team won the Division I State Championship at the 2013 Florida Intercollegiate Forensics Association in Tallahassee. Soccer Duo, Richard Dixon and Sean Reynolds to play professionally for Pro Team VSI Tampa Bay FC in its inaugural season. Research Funds/Projects – As of 3/19/13 UWF has submitted 93 proposals and received awards totaling $21,310,954. This is 105% of our annual goal of $20,749,190 for funded grants. Fundraising 50th Anniversary Campaign Feasibility Study - 40 interviews have been completed identifying Scholarships, STEM, Health Sciences, Business and Economic Development, Athletics and Historic Preservation, Education and Tourism and the primary initiatives. Another 15 interviews will take place focused on Historic Preservation, Education and Tourism with a final report due May 1. Gifts and Pledges to date (since January 1, 2011) -$14.6 million Recent Gifts: o Julian & Kim McQueen $250 thousand naming UWF Hospitality Program o Three new planned gifts with expectancies totaling $2.475 million o Gulf Power Western Division CORE initiative - $50,000 o Chadbourne Foundation - $38,021 (COB) o Webb Electric CORE initiative - $35,000 o McMillan Foundation - $25,000 (MSN) o Pamela Schwartz - $25,000 (scholarship endowment) o Susan O'Connor - $20,000 (Football) o Ray Harry - $20,000 (Scholarship Endowment) o Alfred DuPont Foundation - $20,000 (Scholarship Endowment) o Ann Belleau - $15,000 (COB) o Appleyard Agency - $15,000 (Athletics) o Wells Fargo - $12,500 (COB) Currently over $8 million in pending solicitations 16 Upcoming Events Festival on the Green April 5 and 6 -President Bense called on Jeff Comeau who has led the FOG events for 13 years. Link to the UWF to host its first Scholars Week April 23rd - 26th. The week-long event on campus is titled “A Celebration of Ideas”. Dr. Kelly Mack, executive director of Project Kaleidoscope, with the Association of American Colleges and Universities will offer the keynote address on April 23rd at 6pm (Bldg. 4 Auditorium) with a reception beginning at 5:30 pm. Featured events throughout the week include: Women’s Studies Conference; Women’s STEM Symposium; Student Scholars Symposium; and the UWF Faculty ADVANCE Annual Showcase will wrap up the week on Friday, April 26th from 8:45am – 12:30pm here in the Conference Center. Dr. Bense will present the final keynote address, “Unearthing Potential: A Journey from the Farmhouse to the Presidency” on Friday, April 26th from 9-10am here in the Conference Center as well. Budget Town Hall will be good news and no budget cuts. Thursday, April 25, 9-11am Spring Commencement Spring Commencement will be at the Pensacola Bay Center on Saturday, May 4 th. Due to the growing number of graduates, for the first time, we will divide the ceremonies by colleges rather than by degree type. UWF will graduate College of Business and College of Professional Studies’ undergraduate and graduate students at 10:00 a.m. and College of Arts and Sciences students at 2:00 p.m. Recognitions Provost Martha Saunders called on Dr. Ed Ranelli, Dean for College of Business who introduced Dr. Doug Waggle, Chair for Accounting & Finance Department and Ms. Velislava (Lilly) Mateeva, a Master of Accountancy student. The UWF College of Business is ranked 5th in the nation. Approval of Minutes The chair reminded all trustees that they had been given the opportunity to review the minutes of December 13, 14, 2012 and February 19, 2013 ahead of time. He asked if there were changes or corrections. If not, he asked for a motion to approve the minutes of December 13, 14, 2012 and February 19, 2013 as presented. Motion by: Trustee O’Sullivan Seconded by: Trustee Terry 17 Motion passed unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Academic Affairs Committee Chair Bob Jones reported: There were 5 action and 3 informational items at the February 20 committee meeting. ACTION ITEMS: The committee is recommending approval of the following items by the full Board. 1. Revision to UWF/REG 3.002 Admission to Graduate Programs and Post-Baccalaureate Professional Students - The revision incorporates language stipulating that degrees presented as a requirement for admission are acceptable only from institutions accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education at the time the degree was earned. 2. Revision to UWF/REG 3.032 Undergraduate Admission Standards for Transfer Students - UWF/REG-3.032 Undergraduate Admission Standards for Transfer Students has been revised to delete information pertaining to transfer of credit and clarifies nature of the accreditation status of institutions whose degrees are acceptable for purposes of meeting admission requirements. 3. Proposed New UWF Regulation – UWF/REG 3.033 Transfer of Credit - Although the committee planned to recommend this item as part of the consent agenda, it will be discussed and acted upon during the full Board Meeting. It received some comments during its posting period that required a change in the regulation. Thus, it will be considered today by the full BOT. 4. Request to Terminate Degree Program – Oceanography B.S. - The program underwent a thorough review in 2011-2012, and as a result of that review, UWF is following institutional protocols to discontinue the program, effective fall 2013. Program termination is requested to ensure program quality remains high at UWF and that resources are used efficiently. 5. Adoption of 2014-15 Academic Calendar - Board of Governors Regulation 8.001 requires that: “(4) An official copy of the annual calendar adopted by each university shall be filed with the Board.” INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Approval of REEF Facility as an Instructional Site - UWF previously requested that the SACS Commission on Colleges recognize the University of Florida (UF)-Research & Engineering Education Facility (REEF), located in Shalimar, Florida, as an instructional site at which 50% or more of the semester credit hours for UWF’s Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) and the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCE) are offered. The SACS Commission on Colleges recognized the site in a letter dated May 23, 2011. In a letter dated January 15, 2013, SACS COC officially recognized REEF as an instructional site for the UWF BSEE and BSCE programs. 2. Doctorate of Physical Therapy - The Board of Governors recently cleared the way for collaboration between USF and UWF in the delivery of dedicated seats for UWF graduates to gain access to the USF DPT program. The first year of the program takes 18 place at USF; the second two “clinical” years take place with affiliates along the Gulf Coast, notably the Andrews Institute. 3. I T Performance Funding - UWF just received $3.75 million of STEM funding from the legislature related to our preparation of IT professionals in the fields of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, IT, and Management Information Systems. The top four ranked institutions in the state shared in $15m. FIU was 1 st, UCF 2nd, UWF 3rd, and UF 4th. Audit and Operations Committee Chair Susan O’Connor reported: The Audit & Operation Committee met on February 20. There are five action items to recommend to the BOT. ACTION ITEMS: 1. UWF Financial Audit - On Feb 13, 2013 the State of FL Auditor General released the report on the audit of the financial statements of UWF for FY ending June 30, 2012. There were no material weaknesses and no instances of non-compliance. Congratulations to our Financial Services Team. 2. Financial Audit of Intercollegiate Athletics - The annual financial audit of intercollegiate athletics revealed no audit findings. Congratulations to Athletics. 3. Financial Statement Audit of WUWF-FM - The annual financial audit of WUWF-FM Radio for fiscal year ending June 30, 2012 was completed with no audit findings. Congratulations to the WUWF team. 4. Internal Auditing & Management Consulting Audit Reports - Internal Audit conducted two internal audits this quarter. a. Study Abroad. There were 7 findings relating to paperwork for international travel, faculty training for international travel, written policies for study abroad, separation of duties, and scholarship oversight. Management is working to address all issues noted. b. Postal Services. There were 3 findings relating to departmental policies being too lengthy, job descriptions need to be updated, recommendation to explore additional revenue streams (such as acceptance of credit cards). 5. Internal Auditing PCard Audit Reports –Quarter 2 Update - 10 departments were reviewed; 40 card holders were examined. 3 departments received excellent ratings, 7 received good ratings. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Betsy Bowers also provided an update on Internal Auditing activities. Student Affairs Committee Chair Jay Patel reported. There was one action item and 5 informational items at the February 20 Student Affairs Committee meeting. ACTION ITEMS: The committee recommends approval by the full Board for Revisions to UWF Regulation 3.010 the Student Code of Conduct - The Code has been updated to reflect new Title IX regulations issued by the Office of Civil Rights from the Department of Education, to provide 19 consistency with the Academic Misconduct Policy, to provide clarity and consistency to the section regarding interim measures, and to eliminate outdated language, policy references, etc. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Student Disability Resource Center Program Review was presented by Dr. Lusharon Wiley who provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding the external and internal Student Disability Resource Center Program review. 2. Housing and Residential Life Rental Rates was addressed by Dr. Ruth Davison who reported it would be an action item for Finance Committee. Average Rate Change 6%. The increased revenue will cover the increasing costs of all operations including the escalating costs in utilities, maintenance and repairs. The rental revenues will also cover the debt payments required by bond agreements including new bonds for Presidents Hall. 3. Acquisition and Financing of Additional Student Housing Facilities was addressed by Dr. Jim Hurd who reported that it was an action item for the Finance Committee with the Intent to proceed with a debt issuance by the University of West Florida Foundation, Inc., to finance the new housing facilities utilizing a publically offered tax-exempt bond issue. The University of West Florida is currently pursuing both traditional bond finance and publicprivate partnership opportunities to attain the needed additional student housing and, ultimately, will pursue the financing means that best meets institutional priorities. 4. Student Green Fee was addressed by Cora Merritt, SGA President and UWF BOT member. Trustee Merritt presented an update on how SGA is working through the process to allocate these funds. 5. Increase (CITF) Capital Improvement Trust Fund Fee was addressed by Dr. Jim Hurd as an action item at the Finance Committee as well. 1. Increase, effective Fall 2013, the Capital Improvement Trust Fund Fee by the maximum amount authorized by State Statute. 2. Add the Student Union Phase I as the number 1 priority followed by the Recreation Complex for initial funding in FY15 on the CITF priority list. Finance and Facilities Committee Chair Mort O’Sullivan reported. There were 6 action items being recommended for approval by the full Board. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Authorization to Sign Checks - The university board of trustees shall specifically designate and spread upon the minutes of the board the legal name and position title of any university employee authorized to sign checks to pay legal obligations of the university. With the departure of Matt Altier we are removing him and adding Dr. Susan Stephenson. 2. Housing & Residential Life Rental Rates - The new rates are proposed to increase on average of 6% and will be effective for Fall 2013, Spring 2014 and Summer 2014. The increased revenue will cover the increasing costs of all operations including the escalating costs in utilities, maintenance and repairs. The rental revenues will also 20 cover the debt payments required by bond agreements including new bonds for Presidents Hall. 3. Acquisition and Financing of Additional Student Housing Facilities - Intent to proceed with a debt issuance by the University of West Florida Foundation, Inc., to finance the new housing facilities utilizing a publically offered tax-exempt bond issue. It should be noted that the Board of Governors and the Governor’s office is presently requiring universities wishing to issue debt to provide evidence that they have pursued the possibility of obtaining needed facilities through public-private partnerships. The University of West Florida is currently pursuing both traditional bond finance and publicprivate partnership opportunities to attain the needed additional student housing and, ultimately, will pursue the financing means that best meets institutional priorities. 4. 2013-14 Material and Supply Fees - Suspension of Material and Supply Fees that are no longer needed, not all material and supply fees. 5. Equipment Fee SPECIFICALLY FOR THE NURSING DEPARTMENT - New equipment fees are being proposed in the Department of Nursing. Although the cost to replace equipment would require an equipment fee of over $80.00 for each course listed, the maximum allowable fee at UWF is currently $35.00 and is the amount requested for approval. 6. Real Property Policy - The proposed policy provides for approvals of the UWF BOT for real property transactions above appropriate threshold amounts. This policy will govern actions by all of our Direct Support Organizations (BEI, WFHPI, and Foundation). 7. Increase (CITF) Capital Improvement Trust Fund Fee - 2 recommendations to the BOT: (1) Increase, effective Fall 2013, the Capital Improvement Trust Fund Fee by the maximum amount authorized by State Statute. (2) Approve addition to the project list of a Student Union Phase I as the number 1 priority followed by the Recreation Complex for initial funding in FY15. INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. Student Green Fee. Trustee Cora Merritt gave an explanation of the process that SGA is using to allocate the green fee funds. 2. FY 2012-13 Operating Budget Summary – VP Susan Stephenson provided an overview of our budget and said the University is in sound financial condition. 3. University Park Update – Dr. Barnett reported the following. Nine (9) submittals were received February 1, and listed on the BEI website. Seven (7) were team submittals. Two (2) submittals were not part of a team, being consultant submittals. The qualifications will be evaluated and recommended by an Evaluation Committee comprised of BEI, BOT, private sector, and University staff. Upon conclusion of this RFQ process, a Request for Proposal (RFP) process will be used to select the Master Developer for the project. The RFP process is scheduled to conclude with an agreement in late June, 2013 FULL BOARD ACTION ITEMS: 1. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FOR APPROVAL: Chair Bear reported there were 17 items on our consent agenda today. All were fully discussed during the committee meetings, and 21 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. all of the recommendations of the committees reflect the proposed action provided with the agenda backup. He asked if any trustee desired to pull any item from the consent agenda for further discussion. UWF Regulations: a. Revision to UWF/REG 3.002 Admission to Graduate Programs and PostBaccalaureate Professional Students b. Revision to UWF/REG 3.010 Student Code of Conduct c. Revision to UWF/REG 3.032 Undergraduate Admission Standards for Transfer Students Request to Terminate Degree Program – Oceanography B.S. Approval of Proposed 2014-15 Academic Calendar Authorization to Sign Checks Approval of Housing & Residential Life Rental Rates Acquisition and Financing of Additional Student Housing Facilities Approval 2013-14 Material and Supply Fees Approval of Equipment Fee Approval of Real Property Policy Approval of UWF Financial Audit Acceptance: a. Financial Audit of Intercollegiate Athletics b. Financial Statement Audit of WUWF-FM c. Internal Auditing & Management Consulting Audit Reports i. Study Abroad Program ii. Postal Services d. Internal Auditing PCard Audit Reports for Quarter 2 The Chair called for a motion that the Board approve and adopt the recommendations of the Finance & Facilities, Audit & Operations, Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Committees made during their meetings with respect to the matters set forth on the consent agenda. Motion by: Trustee Walton Seconded by: Trustee Patel Motion passed unanimously. 2. UWF REG 3.033 Transfer of Credit was presented by Dr. George Ellenberg. The regulation was addressed during the committee meeting in February. However, the posting dates were not sufficient for comments. Thus, the reason for addressing at the full Board. A motion was made that the Board (i) approve the text of UWF REG 3.033 Transfer of Credit as set forth in the supporting documentation, and (ii) delegates to the Academic Affairs committee the authority to approve of the regulation on behalf of the Board, after the appropriate posting period has been completed. NOPA - Green NOPA - Yellow 22 Motion by: Trustee O’Sullivan Seconded by: Trustees Dana & Walton Motion passed unanimously. 3. 2013-14 Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule was presented by Chair Lewis Bear who reminded the trustees that they received this as an informational item in December. Our meetings are coordinated with all divisional vice presidents around Commencement, Foundation, Business Enterprises, Inc. Board of Governors meetings. It is difficult to accommodate everyone and there is conference call availability as needed. Committees Location BOT Meeting Location August 28 or 29 B12/R150 September 20 Emerald Coast - FWB November 18 or 19 Scenic Hills December 13 UWF Conference Center UWF Conference Center March 5 or 6 B12/R150 March 26 UWF Conference Center May 13* or 14* or B12/R150 June 5*or 12* UWF Conference Center May 20* or 21* B12/R150 June 6_* or 13* Joint Strategic Wkshop *alternate date Around Fiesta A motion was made to approve the 2013-14 meeting dates as presented. Motion by: Trustee Terry Seconded by: Trustee O’Connor Motion passed unanimously 4. Resolution in Recognition of Service – Cora Merritt, trustee representing the Student Government will exit as SGA President in April. At this time, Chair Bear asked Cora to join him as he read the resolution. Upon finishing the resolution, he presented Cora with the resolution and a small token of appreciation. R2013.1 – Cora Merritt A motion was made to adopt the Resolution 2013.1 for Cora Merritt and to be spread upon the pages of the minutes. Motion by: Trustee Lewis Seconded by: Trustee Patel Motion passed unanimously. Informational Items: 1. Fall First Time In College (FTIC) Retention Survey Results were provided through a PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Rod Lewis. Survey 23 2. UWF Preparation for Reaffirmation of Accreditation from Southern Association of Colleges and Schools – SACS/COC was presented by Dr. Dottie Minear. 3. Legislative Agenda Update was provided by Janice Gilley via conference phone. Support/Maintain reinstatement in the base budget of last year’s $300 million reduction to the SUS. The reduction this year was $11.9M. Since 2007 the budget reduction for UWF has been 47%. Support for the student led initiative Aim Higher. The student leaders are asking for an investment to ensure quality higher ed this year in which all universities have agreed not to seek tuition increases if this request is funded. The SUS presidents support this initiative and hope funding will be available. With the decline of the bonding capacity for PECO at the state level, support for alternative financial options is essential to maintain our university system’s existing facilities. Alternatives could include more flexibility in revenue management and greater public private partnership options. Repair and maintenance of infrastructure is fundamental in the provision of a quality educational experience for students. If not properly maintained, the replacement cost of the SUS capital assets is an estimated $14 Billion. Complete Florida Degree Program – UWF is a leader in online education in the state. The university has over 23% of our students fully online and 549 courses are available. UWF is interested in being a major player in online program delivery in the State of Florida. With 2.2 Million Floridians with some college credit we are poised to design a successful degree completion plan in conjunction with state universities and colleges. $5M – HB 7057 – SB 1720 Employing Floridians: UWF is collaborating with two other SUS institutions to provide high-demand and high wage Doctoral programs for students in the NW FL region. These programs will be able to function at a fraction of the cost of starting a new Doctoral program by utilizing existing partner resources and thus creating efficiencies. Support a recurring $1M appropriation for a Doctorate of Physical Therapy with our partner institution USF Health. In Florida there are currently over 4,000 job openings for DPT – prepared graduates with average annual salaries of $82,557. In the 5 county area within NW FL (Escambia, Santa Rosa, Bay, Walton and Okaloosa) there are currently 215 openings for DPT – prepared graduates with an average annual salary of $80,152. ($500K for UWF and $500K for USF.) Support a recurring $1M appropriation for a Doctorate of Nursing Practice with our partner institution the University of Florida. In Florida it is projected by OPPAGA that Advanced Professional Nurses could generate a cost savings of $339M across Florida’s entire health system. In the 12 counties in NW FL, the number of new Professional Nurses needed is between 50 and 75 per year. In Pensacola the average salary is $80,000. ($500K for UWF and $500K for UF.) 24 SB 224 – Florida Small Business Development Center (FSBDC) Legislation – codifies the SBDC program and aligns the efforts and investments of the network with state economic development and higher ed in an effort to better serve the needs of Florida’s small business community. IT Performance Funding – UWF (1 of 4 universities) received IT Performance funding through a competitive process for 2012-13 and supports the continued 2013-14 funding for the SUS. SB 1076 – HB 5075 Student Life – UWF wants to build a robust student life experience and affinity for this community. We believe that football is the key. We are currently exploring the addition of football to our National Champion Division II athletic programs. Considering - $137M – Division of Management Services – OPS Healthcare Considering Certifications – Higher ed – Completion rates 4. Business Enterprises, Inc. (BEI) Update was provided by Dr. Jim Barnett. Ground Lease Restaurants/Student Housing Scenic Hills Country Club Update University Park & NW Retirement Village University Dining renegotiating with Compass (Chartwells) 5. Summer Retention Initiative was addressed by Provost Martha Saunders. The University will implement a summer retention initiative that is designed to bring in FTIC (First time in college) students to begin their academic pursuits in the Summer. If students take six face-to-face credit hours in the summer, and remain in good academic standing, they will be granted a three credit (tuition and tuition differential only, not fees) waiver in the Fall semester. This program is designed to help students integrate into the campus culture prior to the bustle of Fall. It aids them in timely progression toward graduation, meets the state requirement to take six credit hours in the summer, and aligns with our emphasis on retention, progression, and graduation. UWF must make strides to improve our retention, time to degree, and graduation rates. This effort will aid in our endeavors. Other Business: Chair Bear recognized Dr. Kyle Marrero, VP for Advancement who has been chosen as President for the University of West Georgia. He expressed his appreciation and wished him well. Dr. Marrero thanked UWF for the opportunity to serve. Upcoming Events April 5-6 April 25 May 4 Festival on the Green President’s Budget Town Hall Meeting Spring Commencement 25 May 8 June 11 June 12 UWF BOT Committee Meetings UWF BOT Meeting Joint Boards Appreciation Reception UWF Joint Boards Strategic Planning Workshop Concluding Remarks and Adjournment: There was no further business to consider and the meeting adjourned at 3:34 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Faye H. Bowers, recording secretary 26 Action UWF Board of Trustees Meeting June 12, 2013 Issue: Tenure Proposed action: Approve grant of tenure for specified faculty ______________________________________________________________________ Background information: The University of West Florida Board of Trustees tenure approval procedure contemplates that the Board of Trustees award tenure based on the President’s recommendation. The University's current collective bargaining agreement with the faculty also requires that tenure be awarded by the Board following the specified process. The procedure reads as follows: BOT Tenure Approval Process The UWF BOT considers all nominations for tenure at its (June) meeting. Tenure nominations as a condition of employment will be considered as needed. The University President submits to the BOT a list of those faculty nominated for tenure for approval by the BOT. The President’s transmittal certifies that each nominee has met the requirements necessary to be granted tenure and will continue to contribute to the University. Any request for tenure as a condition of employment also includes a statement justifying the special circumstances including a brief summary of the nominee’s academic credentials. One individual is nominated for tenure having fulfilled all necessary requirements. This individual was nominated for approval in accordance with the requirements of the tenure approval procedure. This recommendation constitutes the Presidents certification concerning the nominee in accordance therewith. Recommendation: That the Board approves the grant of tenure for the following faculty: College of Arts & Sciences Department Joseph Herzog, Assistant Professor Social Work Implementation Plan: Tenure grant to be effective August 8, 2013. None Fiscal Implications: _______________________________________________________________________ Supporting documents: Prepared by: Brian Whitney, Business Systems Specialist, Academic Affairs, 474 3081, [email protected] Presenter: Dr. Judy Bense, President 27 Informational UWF Board of Trustees Meeting June 11, 2013 Issue: FY2013-14 Budget Proposed action: Informational ______________________________________________________________________ Background information: President Bense will explain the approach to allocating UWF’s strategic investment dollars for the Fiscal Year 2013-14 UWF budget, and how it aligns with the UWF strategic plan. Recommendation: Adopt UWF FY 2013-2014 Budget Implementation Plan: The University will make the strategic investments as presented. Fiscal Implications: University Budget for 2013-2014 _______________________________________________________________________ Supporting documents: PowerPoint to be provided at BOT meeting. Prepared by: Dr. Kim Brown, Vice President and Chief of Staff, 474-2200, [email protected] Presenter: Dr. Judy Bense, President 28 Informational UWF Board of Trustees Meeting June 11, 2013 Issue: Provide an Overview of the History and Trends in the Tuition and Fees Paid by UWF Students. Proposed action: Informational Background information: In keeping with Florida statue 1009.24 and the applicable Board of Governors regulations in Chapter 7, each year the Board of Trustees considers changes to the mandatory tuition and fees at the University of West Florida. This presentation is intended to provide an overview of the history and trends in those fees paid by students attending the University of West Florida, as well as provide a context for those fees compared to other institutions across the state and the nation. Recommendation: NA Implementation Plan: NA Fiscal Implications: NA Supporting documentation: Tuition Overview PowerPoint presentation (20 slides) (pending) Prepared by: Susan Stephenson, Vice President of Business, Finance, & Facilities, and Chief Financial Officer, 474-2210, [email protected], and Colleen Asmus, Associate Vice President for Financial Services, 474-2642, [email protected]. Presenter: Susan Stephenson, VP of Business, Finance, & Facilities/Chief Financial Officer, and Colleen Asmus, Associate VP 29 Action UWF Board of Trustees Meeting June 11, 2013 Issue: Tuition and Fees REVISED 6/6/13 Proposed action: Adopt Emergency Regulation UWF-ER-11-4.008 Tuition Rates, Fees, Fines and Penalties (Fall 2013), which incorporates the 2013-2014 increase in undergraduate tuition set by the legislature pursuant to section 1009.24(4)(b) F.S., establishes increases in graduate tuition, and increases in mandatory and other fees as set forth in the supporting documentation. ______________________________________________________ Background information: Pursuant to section 1009.24(4) (b), the Florida legislature has mandated an increase in the resident undergraduate tuition per credit hour (beginning of each fall semester) at a rate equal to inflation. According to the method for calculating inflation provided in section 1009.24(4) (b), F.S. the rate of inflation is 1.7%. Amendment to UWF/REG. 4.008 Tuition Rates, Fees, Fines and Penalties, (fall 2013), is sought to reflect the 1.7% undergraduate tuition increase, increases in the graduate tuition, increases in the financial aid and technology fees which are based on the tuition amount, an increase in the Capital Improvement Trust Fund (CITF) fee and to reflect increases in the Health, Activity & Service and Athletic fees which were approved by the BOT at the December 14, 2012 meeting. Also reflected in the regulation are increases in the Excess Hour fee and in the Third Time repeat fee, which are set by the Board of Governors. Emergency Amendment Procedure Amendments to university regulations must follow the Florida Board of Governors Regulation Development Procedure for State University Boards of Trustees. This procedure requires a regulation to be posted for 30 days to the University BOT website and for comments to be received for at least 14 days within the 30 day period before the BOT can approve of a regulation. In this instance, information related to the amount of undergraduate tuition to be charged was not solidified until May 20, 2013. There are fewer than 30 days between May 20, 2013 and the June 11, 2013 so the amendment to the tuition regulation could not be posted the required length of time prior to the June 11, 2013 BOT meeting to permit BOT approval. In order to amend the tuition regulation so that students can be charged the appropriate amount before the start of the fall semester, the tuition regulation can be amended using the emergency regulation adoption process contained within the Florida Board of Governors Regulation Development Procedure. The emergency regulation adoption process permits the university to adopt an emergency regulation in the event of danger to the public health, safety or welfare immediately as long as the procedure under which it is adopted is fair under the circumstances, based upon the nature of the emergency, the time available and other relevant concerns. In order to initiate an emergency regulation, notice 30 must be posted on the university website which contains the regulation amendment and the facts and reasons for the conclusion that the adoption procedure is fair under the circumstances. The emergency regulation text and the required notice were posted on the BOT website on June 4, 2013. We are seeking approval by the BOT of UWF-ER-11-4.008 as set forth in the supporting documentation with an effective date of June 24, 2013. An emergency regulation is valid for only 90 days and this time period may not be extended. June 24, 2013 was chosen as an effective date because it will allow for the emergency regulation to remain valid until the September 2013, BOT meeting. Regular Regulation Development Procedure Generally, universities begin the regular amendment process before or at the same time the emergency regulation is in effect so that the regular regulation is in place when the 90 day life of the emergency regulation expires. UWF/REG.4-008 will be promulgated through the regular amendment process and will be brought to the BOT for approval at the September 2013 meeting. Recommendation: Adopt Emergency Regulation UWF-ER-11-4.008 Tuition Rates, Fees, Fines and Penalties (Fall 2013), which incorporates the 2013-2014 increase of 1.7% in undergraduate tuition set by the legislature pursuant to section 1009.24(4)(b), establishes increases in graduate tuition, corresponding increases in the financial aid and technology fees, an increase in the CITF fee, sets forth previously approved increases in the Health, Activity & Service, and Athletic fees and sets forth the Third Time Repeat fee and Excess Hour Fees which are set by the BOG. Implementation Plan: If approved by the BOT, UWF-ER-11-4.008 will go into effect on June 24, 2013. Fiscal Implications: Adoption of an Emergency Amendment to the tuition regulation is proposed to ensure that the amounts charged by the University for tuition and fees are appropriately adopted in regulation form. _____________________________________________________________________ Supporting documents: Notice of Emergency Regulation UWF-ER-11-4.008 (Fall 2013) with text of emergency regulation attached (2 pages) Prepared by: Anita Schonberger, Deputy General Counsel, 474-3420, [email protected] Presented by: Susan Stephenson, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer 31 UNIVERSITY OF WEST FLORIDA UWF-ER-11-4.008 UWF/REG-4.008- Tuition and Fees, Fines and Penalties (Fall 20123) REVISED Tuition and fees for each student includes the applicable: 1) Tuition, 2) Mandatory Fees and 3) Other Fees, as set forth below. 1)TUITION Per Credit Hour Undergraduate Level Coursework Undergraduate Basic Tuition Fee $103.32105.07 Undergraduate Tuition Differential Undergraduate Alabama Differential Out of State Fee Undergraduate Out-of-State Fee $38.88* $100.00 $408.94 Graduate Level Coursework Graduate Basic Tuition Fee (except for MSN and Emerald Coast Ed.D. cohort) Graduate Basic Tuition Fee for MSN courses and Emerald Coast Ed.D. cohort courses Graduate Alabama Differential Out-of- State Fee Graduate Out-of State Fee Graduate Out-of-State Fee for students with .25 FTE or greater Graduate Assistantship appointments. $274.51 290.98 $315.68332.15 $100.00 $628.23 $0.00 2) MANDATORY FEES Financial Aid Fee- Undergraduate 5% of applicable basic tuition Financial Aid Fee- Graduate 5% of applicable basic tuition Capital Improvement Trust Fund Fee Green Fee Health Fee Athletic Fee Activity and Service Fee Technology Fee Undergraduate Resident Undergraduate Non-Resident Undergraduate Qualified Alabama Resident Graduate Resident Graduate Non-Resident Graduate Qualified Alabama Resident 5% of applicable basic tuition for undergraduate students 5% of applicable basic tuition for graduate students Per Credit Hour $5.165.25 $25.6125.70 $10.1610.25 $13.7214.54 $45.1345.95 $18.7219.54 $6.768.76 $.75 $7.237.48 $19.3920.88 $13.3013.55 $5.165.25 $9.419.97 3) OTHER FEES Admissions Deposit Fee Application Fee Collection of Overdue Accounts Fees (non-refundable) Collection Charge- 30+ days delinquent Short Term Loan Collection Charges Collection Agency Diploma Replacement Fee Distance Learning User Fee (on-line course fee) $200.00 $30.00 10.00% 6.00% initially increased to 10.00% after 30 days 25% $10.00 $15.00 per credit hour 32 Equipment and Facilities Fees and Fines Excess Hour Fee- Applicable to students who entered a postsecondary undergraduate program at any institution of higher education for the first time during the period from fall 2009 through summer 2011 Excess Hour Fee- Applicable to students who entered a postsecondary undergraduate program at any institution of higher education for the first time in fall 2011 Excess Hour Fee- Applicable to students who entered a postsecondary undergraduate program at any institution of higher education for the first time in fall 2012 Fingerprinting Identification Card (Nautilus Card) Varies $51.6652.53 per credit hour 50% of the undergraduate basic tuition fee for each credit hour in excess of 120% of the number of credit hours required to complete the baccalaureate degree 100% of the undergraduate basic tuition fee for each credit hour in excess of 115% of the number of credit hours required to complete the baccalaureate degree $103.32105.07 per credit hour 100% of the undergraduate basic tuition fee for each credit hour in excess of 110% of the number of credit hours required to complete the baccalaureate degree $103.32105.07 per credit hour Cost $10.00 Annual fee Replacement Card Intern Photo (including sales tax) International Student SEVIS Fee Late Payment Fee Late Registration or Reinstatement Fee Library Fines and Penalties Materials and Supplies Fees Non-Academic Services Provided Directly to Students $15.00 $5.00 $50.00 $100.00 Per semester fee $100.00 Varies Varies Cost Examples: credit card convenience fees, health services not covered by the Health Fee, fees for duplicating, lost keys, copyright material, breakage, standardized tests, etc. Off-Campus Fees Orientation Fee Payment of Tuition in Installments- Service Fee Registration for Zero-Hours Course Undergraduate or graduate Returned Check Fee – for unpaid checks, checks with insufficient funds $0.00-$50.00 $50.01-$300.00 $300.01 and up Testing Cost $50.00 $15.00 per installment agreement Same as fee for 1 credit hour $25.00 $30.00 Greater of 5% or $40.00 Cost Third Time Repeat Fee (in addition to basic tuition) Transcript Fee Established by BOG Transient Student Fee-for accepting student and processing admissions application pursuant to s.1004.091 Transportation Access Fee Fee is per distance learning course administered through Florida Distance Learning Consortium Virtual Campus $5.00 This fee only applies to courses on the Pensacola campus and does not apply to on-line courses. $8.00 $120.24122.00 $10.00 Authority: Sections 1009.24 and, 1009.26, 1009.285, 1009.286 F.S, BOG Regulations 7.001, 7.002, 7.003 and 7.008. History- Formerly FAC Rule 6c6-4.008 adopted 5/18/03, Amended 8/18/03, 8/10/04, 8/18/05. Converted to UWF/REG 4.008, 7/21/05. Amended 9/9/05, 8/18/06, 8/20/07, 1/9/08, 10/6/09, 10/5/10, 1/7/11, 10/10/11, 6/21/12,___________. *On June 14, 2012 the UWF Board of Trustees approved an increase in the differential fee of 15%; from $21.42 to $40.13. Tuition increases must also be approved by the Board of Governors before going into effect. On June, 21, 2012 the Board of Governors considered the UWF differential fee and approved an increase of 14% which equates to $38.88. 33 Action UWF Board of Trustees Meeting June 11, 2013 Issue: Estimated FY 2013-14 Consolidated Operating Budget Proposed action: Approve and Authorize ____________________________________________________________________________ Background information: The FY 2013-14 Consolidated Operating Budget for the University of West Florida is due to the Florida Board of Governors in August 2013. The UWF budget incorporates State budget reductions as well as local revenue growth, and overall reflects the strategic plans of the university. It contains the following fund groups: Education and General, Auxiliaries, Contracts and Grants, Athletics, Student Activity, Financial Aid, Concessions, Technology, and Board Approved Fees (Green Fee). As a member of the State University System of Florida, UWF operates within the policies and rules of the Legislature, the Florida Board of Governors, and the UWF Board of Trustees. The budget and funds allocated in the UWF FY 2013-14 Consolidated Operating Budget are within the authority provided by the 2013 General Appropriations Act and by Florida Statues. Recommendations: 1. Approve the estimated Operating Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 for both appropriated and non-appropriated funds. 2. Authorize the President to make subsequent changes to the budget as needed, including the changes between the estimated budget and the budget to be submitted to the Florida Board of Governors by August 2013, and other changes during the fiscal year. Implementation: N/A Fiscal Implications: N/A ___________________________________________________________________________ Supporting documents: Estimated FY 2013-14 Consolidated Operating Budget (1 page) Prepared by: Ms. Valerie Z. Moneyham, University Budget Director, Budget & Financial Planning, 474-2041, [email protected] Presenter: Dr. Susan Stephenson, Vice President 34 University of West Florida Estimated Consolidated Operating Budget Summary For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014 Education & General Beginning Balance Auxiliaries Contracts & Grants Athletics Student Activity Financial Aid Concessions Technology Board Approved Fees Total All Funds $23,916,324 $18,879,772 $8,821,831 $1,099,767 $2,111,942 $6,941,505 $223,250 $1,465,022 $190,307 $63,649,720 Revenues & Transfers In: 1. State Appropriated Funds 2. Enhancement Trust Fund (Lottery) 3. Student Fee Trust Fund (Tuition) 4. Federal Grants Trust Fund (Education) 5. Federal Grants Trust Fund (Discretionary) 6. Sales of Goods & Services 7. Fees 8. Miscellaneous Receipts 9. Other Grants & Donations 10. Rent 11. U.S. Grants 12. City, County & State Grants 13. Other Revenue 14. Total Additions to Fund Balance $61,650,488 $6,551,477 $45,553,439 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $ $0 $0 $0 $0 $113,755,404 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,842,959 $9,010,038 $2,924,737 $0 $3 $ 32,389 , $0 $0 $5,270,659 $19,380,782 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,656 $111,849 $1,310,870 $3,008,286 $0 $ $13,373,517 $12,200,219 $247,852 $30,254,249 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,500 $5,520,640 $1,291,040 $0 $3,500 $ , $0 $0 $0 $6,827,680 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,548,879 $0 $0 $0 $ $0 $0 $0 $3,548,879 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,000,000 $30,000,000 $0 $0 $ $55,000,000 $0 $130,000 $87,130,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $97,198 $0 $0 $ $0 $0 $0 $97,198 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,557,666 $0 $0 $0 $ $0 $0 $20,000 $1,577,666 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $193,800 $0 $0 $0 $ $0 $0 $1,200 $195,000 $61,650,488 $6,551,477 $45,553,439 $0 $0 $1,857,115 $21,942,872 $35,623,845 $3,008,286 $335,889 $ , $68,373,517 $12,200,219 $5,669,711 $262,766,858 15. Total Resources Available $137,671,728 $38,260,554 $39,076,080 $7,927,447 $5,660,821 $94,071,505 $320,448 $3,042,688 $385,307 $326,416,578 Expenditures & Transfers Out: 16. Salaries & Benefits 17. Other Personal Services (OPS) 18. Expenses 19. Other Capital Outlay (OCO) 20. Library Resources 21. Risk Management 22. Financial Aid 23. Debt Service 24. Carry Forward 25. Transfers 26. Fixed Capital Outlay (FCO) 27. Total Resources Used $69,891,162 $8,069,836 $33,339,306 $0 $1,000,100 $706,795 $748,205 $0 $10,000,000 $0 $0 $123,755,404 $4,775,390 $2,634,767 $12,938,387 $192,594 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ($400,000) $599,808 $20,740,946 $5,869,688 $2,581,201 $23,338,774 $67,134 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ($400,000) $0 $31,456,797 $2,189,729 $278,813 $2,064,738 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,294,400 $0 $6,827,680 $1,437,372 $943,347 $905,888 $6,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $255,472 $0 $3,548,879 $0 $0 $88,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ($1,000,000) $0 $87,000,000 $0 $0 $117,632 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $117,632 $0 $141,334 $1,441,996 $1,325,166 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,908,496 $0 $0 $175,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $175,000 $84,163,341 $14,649,298 $162,321,721 $1,591,694 $1,000,100 $706,795 $748,205 $0 $10,000,000 $749,872 $599,808 $276,530,834 $13,916,324 $13,916,324 $17,519,608 $17,519,608 $7,619,283 $7,619,283 $1,099,767 $1,099,767 $2,111,942 $2,111,942 $7,071,505 $7,071,505 $202,816 $202,816 $134,192 $134,192 $210,307 $210,307 $49,885,744 $49,885,744 Ending Balance 35 Action UWF Board of Trustees Meeting June 11, 2013 Issue: 2013-14 Update to the University of West Florida (UWF) Work Plan Proposed action: Approve for Submission to the Board of Governors ______________________________________________________________________________ Background information: In response to Board of Governors Regulation 2.002, the University of West Florida (UWF) Board of Trustees is required to submit annual updates to its University Work Plan for consideration by the Board of Governors. The Work Plan is designed to “outline the university’s top priorities, strategic directions, and specific actions and financial plans for achieving those priorities, as well as performance expectations and outcomes on institution and System-wide goals.” The Board of Governors has indicated that each university’s Work Plan should “reflect the institution’s distinctive mission and focus on core institutional strengths within the context of State University System goals and regional and statewide needs.” UWF submitted its original University Work Plan in 2010-11, with updates provided in 2011-12 and 2012-13. The 2013-14 update was due on May 17, 2013, prior to the Board of Trustees’ regularly scheduled meeting. Therefore, the attached draft was submitted pending Board of Trustees’ approval. Key components of the final approved plan will be presented to the Board of Governors on June 19, 2013. Similar to the last update, the 2013-14 update to the UWF Work Plan is organized around three concepts: (1) academic quality, (2) operational efficiency, and (3) return on investment. The update includes information related to strategy (mission, vision, strategy, strengths and opportunities, and key initiatives and investments), key performance indicators, and operations (fiscal information, enrollment planning, and academic program coordination). Recommendation: Approval for submission to the Board of Governors Implementation Plan: Each update to the University Work Plan focuses primarily on UWF priorities, key initiatives and investments, and targets for select metrics for the next one to three years, with statutorily required enrollment estimates for five years. Fiscal Implications: The University is expected to demonstrate that appropriate resources are directed to support the priorities outlined in the Plan. UWF has not included a request for Tuition Differential for 2013-14 in the update to the University Work Plan. ______________________________________________________________________________ 36 Supporting documents: BOG Regulation 2.002 University Work Plans and Annual Reports (2 pages) University Work Plans and Annual Reports.pdf 2013-14 Update to University of West Florida Work Plan (Pending UBOT Approval) 19 pages) nding_UBOT_Approval.pdf PowerPoint Presentation [to be added] Prepared by: Dorothy J. Minear, Sr. Associate Vice President, ASPIRE (Accreditation, Strategic Planning, and Institutional Research & Effectiveness) 474-2035, [email protected] Presenter: Dorothy J. Minear, Ph.D. 37 Action UWF Board of Trustees Meeting June 11, 2013 Issue: Resolution in recognition of distinguished service Proposed action: Adopt Background information: Dr. Chris Pomory, President of the UWF Faculty Senate has served the students, staff and faculty as a member of Academic Affairs Committee on the University of West Florida Board of Trustees since 2011. His term as Faculty Senate President will expire in August. Today is an opportunity to recognize and commend him for going above and beyond to serve at UWF. Recommendation: Adopt Implementation Plan: N/A Fiscal Implications: N/A Supporting documentation: Resolution will be read during the meeting and spread upon the pages of the minutes. Prepared by: Faye H. Bowers, Executive Specialist, 474 2009, [email protected] Presenter: Lewis Bear, Jr., BOT Chair 38 Informational UWF Board of Trustees June 11, 2013 Issue: Legislative Update Proposed Action: Informational Background Information: The Assistant Vice President will provide an update and discuss the 2013 Legislative Session. Recommendation: None Implementation Plan: None Fiscal Implications: None Supporting documents: Letter from Governor Rick Scott (58 pages) Prepared by: Janice Gilley, Assistant Vice President for Government & Community Relations, 474-2218, [email protected] Presented by: Janice Gilley, Assistant Vice President 39 Informational UWF Board of Trustees Meeting June 11, 2013 Issue: Business Enterprises, Inc. (BEI) Update Proposed action: Informational ______________________________________________________________________ Background information: UWF Business Enterprises, Inc. (BEI) is a non-profit direct support organization (DSO) created to benefit the University of West Florida. Each direct-support organization is authorized to enter into agreements to finance, design and construct, lease, lease-purchase, purchase, or operate facilities necessary and desirable to serve the needs and purposes of the University (Refer to attached 2012 Florida Statue 1004.28) University Park and Northwest Retirement Village – The Master Developer(s) selection process continues. The project schedule will be presented at this meeting. The plan will be to have the Master Developer(s) in attendance at the September 20 th Board meeting. East Gate Campus Development – Student Housing, Hotel/Conference Center, and Restaurants. o Finance Authority – undetermined as of May 31. o Three (3) consultants have provided guidance to BEI as follows: Financial – George K. Baum, Denver, CO (Lee White) Legal – McDonald Fleming and Moorhead, Pensacola, FL (Steve Moorhead) Unrelated Business Income Tax – Crowe Horwath LLP, Chicago, IL o Next Steps – Management Agreement between BEI and Developer; Hotel Mgmt. Public Solicitation. o Schedule and Groundbreaking – see support document. University Dining Services – Completed renegotiation of Chartwell’s Dining contract BEI Plans to follow the model used successfully by the Florida Gulf Coast University by executing Management and Operation Agreements resulting with the UWF Bookstore, Dining, Parking and Transportation Services consolidated within a single financial umbrella and create financial assignment schedules for each function. UWF employees will not be affected. Parking and Transportation Services (P.A.T.S.) – the April 12 BEI Board of Directors (BOD) meeting included “information” item to transfer this function to BEI. The August 23 BEI BOD meeting will include an “action” item to transfer this function to BEI 40 resulting in a future amendment of the Master Lease Agreement, and execution of a Master Operating Agreement. o Financial Strength – consolidating the P.A.T.S with the current B.E.I. holdings of Bookstore, Dining Services, and Scenic Hills Country Club secured within a single Balance Sheet will be beneficial for debt issuance. Positions UWF BEI to have a good credit rating and minimize costs associated with financing Parking and Transportation capital projects o Amend the Master Sublease Agreement between the University and BEI to add an estimated sixty-five (65) acres on on-grade parking lots to the properties leased to BEI. A total of two-hundred thirteen and five-tenths (213.5) acres will have been leased upon execution of this amended agreement. Note: University Park and Northwest Retirement Village development sites will require future additional amendments. o Management and Operation – this function will be assigned to BEI pursuant to the provisions of the Master Management Agreement executed December 9, 2011. The University will continue to be responsible for day-to-day operations under a Master Operating Agreement. A single integrated parking system comprising on-grade and structured parking garages will be created to avoid competition between the two (2) parking options. _______________________________________________________________________ Supporting documents: All items listed below are included in this single PDF. (48 pages) Excerpt from Florida Statute 1004.28 East Campus Development Consultant References – George K. Baum (financial), McDonald Fleming & Moorhead (legal), and Crowe Horwath LLP (taxes) Schedule - East Argonaut Village – As of May 31, 2013 University Park and NW Retirement Village Schedule, Campus Aerial View – 2012, Campus Master Plan Update – Illustrating the Perimeter Loop Roadway Extension; Interior Roadway Modifications; Proposed Golf Cart Bridge location across Thompson Bayou; University Park, and April 17 East Campus Development Site Plan Parking and Transportation Services – Projections of Revenue and Expenses, March 31, 2013 Master Lease Agreement, March 2012 Prepared by: Dr. Jim Barnett, Assoc. V.P. Facilities, and Interim C.E.O. of B.E.I. Presenter: Dr. Jim Barnett 41 Informational UWF Board of Trustees Board of Trustees June 11, 2013 Issue: CITF Updated Project List Proposed action: Informational only _____________________________________________________________ Background information: On Wednesday, May 8th, the University received communication from the Board of Governors staff indicating that BOG would be considering the distribution of the cash portion of the Capital Improvement Fee Trust Fund to SUS institutions and that UWF’s pro rata share is $2,217,311. The University was invited to report specific projects to fund from this allocation. On Thursday, May 16th, an ad hoc meeting of the Student Life and Services Facility committee was convened to review an update to the CITF project list proposed by senior staff that realigns UWF’s project list with the available allocation while supporting the strategic facility plan. This committee is the mechanism by which we ensure that Student Government has an active voice in the process. It was proposed that the Tennis Complex project be restructured in two phase with Phase I being site development and Phase II being court and stadium construction. The table below presents the revised project list and cost estimates. The top section is the proposed FY14 projects and the bottom section is a portion of the FY15 and beyond list. The committee, with six students representing Student Government and six staff, voted unanimously to approve this update. Priority by First Department/Project Ranking 1 East Athletic Complex Site Development 2 RSS Recreation Complex-Phase II 1 2 3 FY15 and Beyond Tennis Complex Student Union Phase 1 RSS Recreation Complex-Phase I Recommendation: Projected Cost Running Total $ $ 1,117,311.00 $ 1,100,000.00 $ 1,117,311.00 2,217,311.00 $ $ $ 4,229,154.00 $ 20,000,000.00 $ 3,203,000.00 $ 4,229,154.00 24,229,154.00 27,432,154.00 None Implementation Plan: Planning and construction of CITF funded projects will go forward according to scheduling priorities managed by Facilities Planning and Development . Fiscal Implications: The revised submittal puts UWF in position to receive the CITF in a timely fashion. ______________________________________________________________________________ Supporting documentation: Prepared by: Dr. James R. Hurd, Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, (850)474-2214, [email protected] Presented by: Dr. Kevin Bailey, Vice President for Student Affairs, (850)474-2214, [email protected] 42
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